BRIC countries be the new world power?
BRIC countries be the new world power?
July 2010 edition Interview with Mathijs Bouman QUESTION PIECE A new playing field for Banking and Corporate Finance BACKGROUND STORY Academio IN BUSINESS 11 A NEW DECADE © 2010 KPMG N.V., alle rechten voorbehouden. D e av o n D v o o r h e t a f r o n D e n va n het fUsier apport voor een i n t e r n at i o n a l e b i e r b r o U w e r a u d i t J ta x J a dv i s o r y w w w.g a a a n . n U colophon preface L.S. This magazine is published by: Asset | FIRST International Tilburg University Room E114 Warandelaan 2 P.O. Box 90153 5000 LE Tilburg Asset | FIRST International t. +31 (0)13 466 3115 e. Editor-in-chief Denisse Halm Coordinator Paul Koeweiden Lay-out Paul Koeweiden Editors Marjolein Buiter Noven Chan Lotte Diepenmaat Anton Kupava Benjamin Menn Braulio Rissi Contributions J.R.G. (Roger) Bougie Dr. Mathijs Bouman Dr. H.G (Henk) van Gemert Dr. H.J.F.M. (Hans) Gremmen Tamar Janssens, BSc Nathalie Knobloch , BSc Dr. Constantin Mavrocordatos Sebastian Mennes, Msc Prof. P.C.M. van Seters Johanna Slot, MPhil Laurens Tijdhof, LLM Erik Verheijden, MSc Mark Vitullo Daan Wesselman Advertisements Duisenberg School of Finance KPMG PwC Tilburg University, TiSEM, Accountancy Department Reactions concerning this edition or future editions can be sent to: The FIRST Quarterly is published under responsibility of the Board and Editors. The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to make linguistic changes in the articles, or to shorten the articles. Interested in advertising in our magazine? Contact Niels Nooijens via So many topics can fall under the theme of ‘A New Decade’. It can thus be easy or difficult to focus on one single topic. After all, nobody possesses a crystal ball. However, even without it, I can say that (in my opinion) this decade is going to be a rough one. Looking back at the past decade’s events, we are left with many issues to deal with during this new decade. Starting with one of the most recent events; the global financial crisis is far from over yet. Its aftermath is still present in plenty of things that we do and decisions we take. Another issue still open to be resolved is the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. The conference might be over, however the problem and the lack of solutions and commitment is still present in this time. Considering the more positive events of the past decade, there are still issues to be worked on as well. One of these issues is the definition of the Millennium Development Goals by the UN in 2000. They target poverty reduction within a time constraint which ends in 2015. There is still plenty to be done before the due date in order to achieve its targets. Another thing to consider this decade is the Euro’s standpoint. After a very successful start during the past decade, this decade has put some strains on it. After the debt-crisis in Greece in the first quarter of this year, governments are considering what to do about the now weaker currency. The past decade might have some consequences on our present times, however, it is the present times themselves that have already brought a lot with them. Only six months have passed, but this new decade already brought about thirty earthquakes with it, the strongest ones, in terms of damage, being the one in Haiti in January and the one in Chile in February. Also, new environmental challenges came with the oil spill off the coast of Louisiana in the US. In this decade we already had over 4 airplane accidents, the longest annular solar eclipse of the third millennium, the Winter Olympic Games in Canada, the soccer World Cup in South Africa, a volcano eruption in Iceland that disrupted many flights, and the successful attempt at creating the first synthetic genome, a man-made living organism. And there are so many more events to come. As for the FIRST Quarterly Committee, the new decade also brought a new project for it. The committee has carried out a survey among all of the magazine’s readers. The aim of it is to update the magazine to its readers’ interests and likes. From the result of the survey, we will redesign the magazine in terms of the articles it contains and the length of these, among other things. But I do not want to spoil the surprise. All the transformations will be implemented in the FIRST Quarterly’s next edition in October. However, what I will give away here are the names of the winners of the draw that followed from the survey. The winner of the first prize is Ricardo Uijen who will receive a DELL Netbook. The winners of the second to fifth prizes are ...................................................... who will be given each a semester of free guidelines from Asset | FIRST international. In name of the entire FIRST Quarterly committee, I would like to thank all of you who filled out the survey last month and so contributed to the FQ committee’s New Decade project. I wish you all a great decade! Denisse Halm Editor-in-chief Enjoy the reading! Denisse Halm Editor-in-chief FIRST Quarterly July 2010 edition 3 table of contents contact articles Background Story: The next decade: A new playing field for Bank07 ing and Corporate Finance 18 Professor: Financial architecture in a rebalancing world 25 PhD: High-tech innovation crosses firm boundaries by involving suppliers question pieces 11 Interview: Mathijs Bouman 21 Interview: European Space Agency columns 06 Bougie: Relationship marketing: A new decade? 10 Wesselman: Giant robots with lasers 15 Vitullo: A red rose by any other name Board Asset | FIRST International Inge Wijnakker Chairman Lisanne van Beek Vice-Chairman Ruud Sanders Secretary Paul Koeweiden Treasurer Nydia van der Geest Education Coordinator Niels Nooijens Public Relations Officer Committees Activities Committee Business Studies Committee China Symposium Committee Consultancy Day Committee Design Committee one-2-one 16 Proposition: The BRIC countries will be the new world power regular features 14 Study Abroad: Seoul, Soul of Asia 28 Internship: Beiersdorf AG 29 Alumni: Erik Verheijden 30 InBusiness: Academio European Travel Committee Finance Expedition Committee FIRST Response Committee FIRST Quarterly Committee First-Year Committee Intercontinental Travel Committee International Committee International Business Committee Recruitment Event Committee Symposium Committee Yearbook Committee 4 FIRST Quarterly upcoming activities 6 July Monthly Drink On the 6th of July we will have our traditional monthly drink. This is the perfect opportunity to meet up with your fellow students for a nice beer! 16-21 October European Travel This year the European travel will go to Moscow, Russia. During the trip we will visit branches of several companies, explore the city and its sparkling nightlife. It goes without saying that this activity is a load of fun! 17 August General Members meeting On the 31st of August the General Members Meeting of Asset | FIRST International will take place. The board of Asset | FIRST International will discuss the association as a whole as well as evaluate all the activities and the events that have taken place over the past semester and every board member will give an update of his or her function. Furthermore, the board of 2009-2010 will be discharged and the new board of 2010-2011 will be installed. Afterwards, there will be a drink at Cafe Babbus. 17-19 November Finance eXpedition In cooperation with Asset | Accounting & Finance and Asset | Econometrics, Asset | FIRST International organises the Finance Expedition 2010. During this threeday programme, five different kinds of financial institutions will be visited: banks, trading houses and financial service providers. At these companies, presentations and interactive sessions will be given. Moreover, company representatives will participate in various lunches, drinks and dinners. All in all, the Finance Expedition is the perfect way to find out if a job in the financial world is something for you! Invitations will be handed out to applicants on the basis of a Curriculum Vitae selection. 14 October Symposium on China On the 14th of October Asset | FIRST International organises a symposium about China. This symposium is organised in cooperation with Studium Generale and the Association for Chinese Students and Scholars in the Netherlands. 23 November Consultancy Day Do you like to solve problems for companies and work on challenging cases? Are you considering the prospect of becoming a consultant in the future or are you simply interested in the consultancy field? Then the Consultancy Day is an interesting event for you. In the afternoon you have the possibility to attend workshops, which includes a presentation and a case that will be given by different companies. July 2010 edition 5 alternative energy “We all know what anger is, and we have all felt it, whether as fleeting annoyance or as full-fledged rage.”2 Indeed, we have all experienced anger, in all probability very recently. And therefore most of us have a rather clear view on what anger is. Interestingly, a brief review of the metaphors and metonyms for anger, the literature and the internet suggest that our viewpoints on anger are many and varied, as delineated next. Kövecses, who explored emotion concepts used by English-speaking people, assumed that the conventionalised language we use to talk about emotions can be an important tool in discovering the structure and contents of our concepts of emotion. He also suggested that the concept of emotion we have, reveals a great deal about our experiences of emotions. Based on his findings, he determined that the model of anger contained in the metaphors and metonyms, we used to talk about anger in English, relates to physiological features of body heat as in the expression “You make my blood boil”, internal pressure (“I felt as if I would explode”), redness in the face and neck (“He got red with anger”), agitation (“She was shaking with anger”), and interference with accurate perception (“She was blind with rage”). Finally, anger is occasionally experienced as insanity (“You are driving me nuts”), as a dangerous animal (“She has a ferocious temper”), as an opponent (“He was battling his anger”), and as a burden (“Get it off your chest”). These latter depictions show that anger is sometimes perceived as a negative emotion, not only in terms of subjective experience, but also in terms of social judgement. Anger was certainly perceived as a negative emotion by Evagrius Ponticus, a fourth-century Egyptian monk. Ponticus defined anger as one of the eight deadly sins. The current heptads (pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, anger, and sloth) were formulated by Gregory the Great in the sixth century. From his perspective, anger is a sin of the devil, and one of immense importance and fiery power. This sin es6 FIRST Quarterly calates to rage, obliterating all but negativity within body, mind and soul and results in murder and war. The message is clear: anger presents a danger to others and to the self and should therefore be suppressed and/or avoided. This representation of anger is a rather pessimistic one, which is in contrast to the (informed) views of others, such as for instance Aristotle, who conceptualises anger as a constructive emotion that requires rather complex thought processes and moral judgments. For Aristotle a Do you like to solve problems for companies and work on challenging cases? Are you considering the prospect of becoming a consultant in the future or are you simply interested in the consultancy field? Then the Consultancy Day is an interesting event for you. In the afternoon you have the possibility to attend workshops, which includes a presentation and a case that will be given by different companies. nd many others, anger is a highly sophisticated, socially constituted, emotional syndrome that serves to regulate human interpersonal behaviour. For instance, because the typical instigation of anger involves the violation of social norms, every episode of anger involves a moral judgment. In this way, anger eventually helps to maintain particular systems of values. bougie Emotion talk (that is, how we talk about our emotions) suggests that anger produces heat (“You make my blood boil”), pressure (“He was bursting with anger”), and steam (“She is just blowing off steam”); and when it becomes too intense it makes people explode. These expressions partially constitute and embody our experience of anger as energy.1 But what is anger? And: How can this emotion help us in the struggle for survival? A brief overview about an alternative source of energy. From a Darwinian point of view, anger provides us with the motivation and the means to remove whatever it is that is restraining us. Anger mobilizes our energy and makes us capable of defending ourselves with great vigour and strength. Along these lines, a certain amount of anger is necessary to our survival. In sum, this short overview of diverging perspectives on anger shows how the viewpoints on this emotion vary. Whereas some people take a rather pessimistic stance, others are much more positive about this emotion. Let us conclude this overview with the words of Averill: It is easy to condemn anger because of its excesses. It is also easy to praise anger, to let it all hang out in the name of some self-righteous adventure. It is much more difficult to maintain a balanced perspective, to understand anger in both its positive and negative aspects. At this moment (6 November) Germany is furious at General Motors, Dick Scheringa (DSB Bank) is angry at De Nederlandsche Bank, and Geert Wilders (a Dutch politician) is angry at three scientists who have labelled his political party “extreme right”, just like he is angry at Aruba, ‘Kinderen voor Kin- background story: The next decade: A new playing field for Banking and Corporate Finance By Laurens Tijdhof, MA MSc LLM1 Introduction The next decade will bring major changes for banking and corporate finance. In this background article I will analyse this situation from two different angles. First from a banking perspective. A changing global banking environment will result in an increasing focus on emerging markets, especially Asia. Furthermore the shadow banking system, one of the major causes of the global financial crisis, will be more regulated. The other side of the coin is the corporate perspective. As a result of the credit crisis, many companies are still not able to raise sufficient funding. For this reason I expect the introduction of innovative supply chain financing solutions and the corporate industry will increase to fund its own members through working capital. Furthermore corporates will have a stronger focus on cash as a scarce corporate asset. This increased relevance of cash management, combined with a high priority for managing financial risks, will lead to a greater importance of the CFO role within the board of a company. CFOs will manage banking relations in a more strategic way, linking the banking business wallet to credit commitment. Changing banking landscape In 2008, as the global financial crisis broke loose, banks underwent near-death experiences on a massive scale. Last year, many banks enjoyed a recovery that was nearly as dramatic. In the intense uncertainty that ensued, bankers around the world have shifted their focus away from growth toward survival. Currently, they are confronted with ambiguity about financial markets, risk, regulation and demand. In the next decade long-term structural changes will fundamentally affect the global banking landscape. Currently, about 25 global banks represent together about 40 to 45 percent of global industry assets. These banks can be classified in one of the following types: 1. Universal banks, with global or regional focus, predominantly located in one of the following developed markets: Western Europe, North America or Japan. 2. Commercial banks, with regional or local focus, located in one of the following emerging markets: Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) or Eastern Europe. 3. Investment banks, with global or regional focus, predominantly located in the major developed markets. In the coming years the returns of these banks will particularly be influenced by inflation and the shape of the yield curve. Furthermore uncertainties will be created by government intervention, including new Basel capital requirements, consumer protection measures, new rules on risk management and compensation caps. Recent research from McKinsey indicates that capital shortage triggered by the global financial crisis, and last two years addressed through several rounds of massive capital raising, will endure and get worse. Further capital needs will range from low to high. Low capital needs for investment banks, which have already raised significant amounts and are holding substantial buffers, because they are anticipating regu- latory change. High capital needs for commercial banks in emerging markets, because they will need to finance their future growth. In-between are the capital needs for universal banks, which will have modest needs in a midpoint scenario. The global financial crisis has affected emerging markets, especially Asia, less severely than developed markets. Parts of Asia were the last areas to enter into recession and the first to emerge from it. China’s economy never stopped growing. Asian banks had less trouble with toxic assets and excess leverage than banks in Western Europe and North America. It is highly expected that for the next several years Asian economies will continue to grow. In my view this will be combined with an increasing influence and power for large Asian banks. Asian markets will offer the highest “return on banking”, because banking is likely to grow much faster than even the economy, since a large part of the population is still “unbanked”. One of the largest universal banks, HSBC, is confirming this view, by strategically moving its Chief Excecutive Officer from London to Hong Kong to optimally benefit from this July 2010 edition 7 background story More stringent liquidity and capital requirements are set to be imposed on banks worldwide, and in addition weaker credit ratings of their corporate clients cause additional pressure to comply with these requirements. changing banking environment in the next decade. Regulated shadow banking system The “shadow” banking system has significantly contributed to the global financial crisis and was one of the major causes of the problems at commercial banks. In a June 2008 speech, US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, then President of the NY Federal Reserve Bank, placed significant blame for the freezing of credit markets on a “run” on the entities in the shadow banking system by their counterparties. The rapid increase of the dependency of bank and non-bank financial institutions on the use of these off-balance sheet entities to fund investment strategies has made them critical to the credit markets. These entities were underpinning the financial system as a whole, despite their existence in the shadows, outside of the regulatory controls governing commercial banking activity. Furthermore, these entities were vulnerable because they borrowed from “short-term, in liquid” markets to purchase “long-term, illiquid” risky assets. This meant that disruptions in credit markets would make them subject to rapid deleveraging, selling their long-term assets at 8 FIRST Quarterly depressed prices. Nobel prize winner Paul Krugman described the run on the shadow banking system as the “core of what happened” to cause the crisis: “As the shadow banking system expanded to rival or even surpass conventional banking in importance, politicians and government officials should have realised that they were re-creating the kind of financial vulnerability that made the Great Depression possible. […] Influential figures should have proclaimed a simple rule: anything that does what a bank does, anything that has to be rescued in crises the way banks are, should be regulated like a bank.” I strongly support this view and expect a more regulated shadow banking system in the next decade. Corporate industry financing its own members. The commercial banking industry is currently showing somewhat improved performances and the corporate industry is also starting to show signs of recovery. However, the effects of the crisis on both the financial economy and the real economy are still significant. Just one of these effects is a structural change in funding of the corporate industry. This is partly triggered by the combination of a weakened banking industry and increased regulation of banks. While there are some signs of economic recovery and growth, it will take several years before the banking industry regains the strength required to be able to accommodate the real economy in the way it did before the crisis. At any rate, I do not think we will be returning to the situation we had before the crisis. If bank lending to corporates remains insufficient, alternative sources will need to be used to facilitate corporate growth. This includes alternative debt, equity or mezzanine financing instruments, but also innovative financial supply chain financing solutions. On the other hand, it is important to realise that the corporate industry also finances its own members through working capital in the form of accounts receivable and accounts payable balances. In my view this financing solution will be used more extensively in the coming years. Managing credit risk on debtors will then be essential. This may include linking limits and maturities to internal credit ratings and debtor’s equity. At the portfolio level concentration risks should be examined as well. For that reason I expect that in the next decade a broader group of corporates will implement more advanced credit risk models, which are currently mainly used by banks, utility- and commodity trading companies. Managing bank relations At this moment an increasing number of companies are quantifying and measuring their bank relationships based on wallet distribution methodology. Many CFOs manage their bank relations in a more strategic way, linking the banking business wallet to credit commitment from banks. In the last decade we observed a trend towards bank rationalisation, with some large multinationals only having two or three background story bank relationships globally. Since the credit crisis this situation is now changing. Borrowing and other banking services have become more diversified over a broader group of core relationship banks. This strategy should mitigate the risk in case one of the banking partners will collapse. In my view this scenario may become more realistic in the future. Not many large banks will remain “too big to fail”, because governments cannot continue to act as “lender of last resort”. This is especially true today when governments themselves face increased default risk, as is currently the case for the socalled PIGS countries (Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain) that have recently been downgraded by some rating agencies. Besides diversification of corporate-tobank relationships, I also observe a trend in the corporate industry to become more bank independent based on disintermedia- tion. Commercial banks usually act as financial intermediaries for debt, which they typically borrow from depositors and lend to borrowers. By issuing corporate bonds, instead of raising bank debt, a corporate can borrow directly from investors, by-passing the commercial banks. Today this is mainly done by large multinationals but in the next decade I also expect an increased disintermediation by smaller companies. Administration (MA), Fiscal Economics (MSc) and Corporate Tax Law (LLM). Footnotes: 1. Laurens Tijdhof is a Partner at Zanders, Treasury & Finance Solutions. He is responsible for the Brussels office, and together with his team he is advising CFOs, Corporate Treasurers and Risk Managers in the field of treasury, risk management and corporate finance. Laurens has a study 4. Emotional Quotient or EQ is one of the ways to measure a person’s ability to be successful in life. According to theories of brain function, a high emotional quotient means someone is self-confident, self-aware, and able to navigate through trying emotional times. EQ is often tied directly to the degree of success one may have in the workplace and in personal relationships. background at Tilburg University, where he completed Masters in the areas of Business 2. The shadow banking system consists of non-bank financial institutions that play an increasingly critical role in lending businesses the money necessary to operate. 3. Krugman, Paul (2009), The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008. July 2010 edition 9 Giant Robots with lasers Today, over 20 years later, the future of my youth has turned out to be an utter disappointment. Even as a six-year-old I would have granted that deep space colonies and instant teleporters might be a bit much to ask, but why are people not whizzing by with jet packs or in flying cars? Why do I not have a voice operated refrigerator or vacuum cleaner? Why is there no machine to make the perfect sandwich yet? Sure, we all have mobile phones and ubiquitous access to the internet, but if you look around you, by and large the world today looks pretty much like it did 30 or 50 years ago: people live in regular houses, drive cars with 4 wheels and bicycles with 2, eat their vegetables reluctantly and work in boring office buildings. Yet perhaps the greatest disappointment today is that the very notion of “the future” seems old-fashioned. The future has become a thing of the past. The new technologies that we do have all seem geared towards cultivating the “now”: you can call or IM chat with anyone anytime on your phone, find out where they are through Google, share your digital pictures, and even know what is on every tedious idiot’s boring excuse for a mind through Twitter. Nothing propels us into the future anymore – everything is aimed at making the now as instantaneous, exciting and “shared” as possible. The cause of this disillusion is the victory of the capitalist system. Fifty years ago, with WWII’s millions of casualties and the Cold War’s millions of kilotons worth of destructive power present in everybody’s mind, the end of our civilisation was actually not impossible or even entirely improbable. Hence, ideology -the idea of what you want your future to look like- actually played a prominent role. Here is the West, the fear of and fight against the Communist Bloc bundled ideology, economy, and technology together, for example in the space race - all because the Americans simply had to beat the Soviets to the moon. After the demise of communism, space exploration without a Russian enemy became of interest only to sci-fi nerds. 10 FIRST Quarterly The victory of capitalism in the battle of ideologies also killed off the idea of the future as a driving force. Instead, the present became its own engine, because that is how capitalism works best: it is not aimed at creating a better future, or even at making the world a better place, and without an enemy it is not even supposed to look like an ideology at all – it simply advances the idea that profit matters most. And since time is money, profit now is better than profit later. No surprise, then, that in our system far more money can be made in the short term (for example through risk-seeking hedge funds or day-trading on the stock markets) than with long-term investments (or investments which might benefit everybody, which is always a long-term project). Our system values the now infinitely higher than the future. wesselman When I was just a wee lad, anything to do with the future was just plain awesome. Whether in school projects, science museums, or Saturday morning cartoons, anything that involved robots, lasers or spaceships would immediately capture the imagination of any young boy. The future would bring advances in technology that would make the world a wonderful place, and that future would be right around the corner. This becomes painfully obvious in the debates on sustainability. Until oil really starts running out, there is more profit in an oil-based economy, so all alternatives will remain marginal – with the knowledge that this will seriously mess up our world in the actually foreseeable future. The question of sustainability is not Al Gore and the activists’ melodramatic “how can we save the planet?” but rather the cold, hard “how long can we keep the current system profitable?” There is still enough oil for now – expect no change anytime soon. The coming decade will look remarkably like the previous ones: we will eat, sleep, work, and move around in the same ways, and while some new devices may keep us chatting in an ever-more extended now, the world is not going to change that much. I will not be able to buy a flying car or a voice-operated sandwichmaking robot butler anytime soon – not because they would not be awesome, but because the first question is always the tedious “but where is the profit in that?” Those machines would point to the future (and therein would lie their awesomeness), but that is just not interesting if profit is at the top of your mind. Unless this changes, futuristic giant robots with lasers will remain a distant childhood memory. dfs Daan Wesselman is a teacher at the Language Centre at Tilburg University and a regular columnist in the FIRST Quarterly. interview: mATHIJS bOUMAN Economist and journalist interviewers: Lotte Diepenmaat AND pAUL kOEWEIDEN Could you briefly tell us something about yourself and about your career? I studied economics and did my PhD at the University of Amsterdam. After that I was a post-doctoral fellow for a brief time and then became a journalist. In between jobs as a journalist, I also worked at the Dutch Central Bank for two years in early 2000s. I also taught economics at the University of Amsterdam, at the Free University and at the University of Leiden. Why did you decide to become a journalist? If you consider economics or academic research, there is only room for the most brilliant. Many people do economic research but their work is never recognised. This is because you have to be within the top ten, or even the top five per cent, if you want to be cited. When I decided I was not part of that group, I looked for an alternative career path. From another perspective, journalism is much more exciting than research. In 2003, you started working at the Dutch Central Bank. What position did you have and how would you describe working there? I was mostly involved in policy making. I was the advisor of Nout Wellink, the president of the Dutch Central Bank, in his preparation for the European Central Bank’s meetings in Frankfurt. I prepared his input for the meetings on all sort of issues, from the colour of a new banknote to the economic developments in Eastern Europe. All in all, it was interesting work there, but it was not the right place for me. themselves. Nonetheless, I think it is time for a new president. It is nice for the organisation to have a new person at the top every once in a while. Right now there is not enough internal criticism at the Central Bank. In 2006, you wrote a book called, in English, “Dutch overconfidence; how the best economy in the world derailed”. What pushed you to do that? One reason was the excuse to leave the Central Bank. The other was that I wanted to become a freelance journalist. I have worked with a lot of freelance journalists and writers and I saw that they get lousy salaries. So I thought that, to become a freelance journalist, I had to accomplish something more. I thought I should start with a What do you think of Nout Wellink and his role in book, and it worked quite well. the economic crisis? Personally, I think he is a brilliant man who Could you briefly tell us about the main ideas of really tries his best. Regarding what has been the book and the reason why you chose to name the said about the bad role of the Central Bank Netherlands as the best economy in the world? in dealing with the crisis, I think it is really an I would translate it as Dutch courage, rather exaggeration. People like to judge without do- than Dutch overconfidence. It was sort of a ing any research, which I think is wrong since delirium of the nineties, when we thought we central bankers do not get a chance to defend would grow indefinitely. The Dutch policy makers and politicians thought they had nailed the economic problems and the Dutch people July 2010 edition 11 thought we had the best economy in the world. “Right now there is not enough internal criticism at the Central Bank” interview low, and wage moderation was in place. It appeared to be just a happy incident that lasted for a few years. This is where the book is about. The Dutch economy used to have a very smooth business cycle. Since the end of the nineties that pattern has reversed. How does the Dutch economy perform after the Credit Crisis? If you look at the labour market, we are doing quite well, mainly because we have more flexible labour markets. There is a lot of pain hidden in the production and profit figures of small enterprises. Normally, those workers would be “The crisis would be ten times worse for Europe if we would not have had the Euro” the stock exchange for RTL. I write a few articles a week for Z-24, a modern site with a fun way of looking at economics. I also write a weekly column in De Groene Amsterdammer. In the beginning of April, a new book with short articles about economics, called De Elektrische Spijkerbroek (in English: The Electric Jeans), will be published. In the book, I try to convince the audience that economics is not a different science after the crisis, that you can still have fun with it. Could you explain the title of the book? In the book I talk about the patents of Philips, one of which was for an electrical fabric. This is a fabric through which electricity was run which makes it change shape. So in my imagination, you would try a pair of jeans on and plug it in, making it fit you the right away. That is how I came up with the ‘electric jeans’ title. In the book I also talk about patents in general and that patents no longer work the way we want them to. Nowadays patents are a way for firms to blackmail other firms. It makes no economic sense anymore. “China is an average country that is perceived to be big because of its population” unemployed if they had been working for a company, but now they are not unemployed, yet poor in a way. In the end, the crisis had unfair impacts on the Dutch economy: some people experienced no difficulties while a few people experienced a lot. In the financial sector, we are one of the worst off. No bank in the Netherlands, except Rabobank, came out well and as a result we do not have international banks anymore. We are doing relatively well when looking at the budget deficit and sovereign debt. In sum, we are an average performer. What do you do at the moment and what does your ordinary day look like? It depends on the day. Today I am working at 12 FIRST Quarterly Do you think the crisis is over or will there be a second one? If you look at history, it does not happen that often that a big financial crisis has a double-dip as a result. The turmoil of the thirties had one wave and then after a few years an even bigger one came. Policy makers’ and central bankers’ big mistakes were the main reasons for those crises. I think they have learnt a lesson from that episode and are dealing with it much better now, so I do not expect another economic crisis like the one in 2008. Having said that, they did have to scale back all their policies and quit the strategies of the past 18 months. Thus the transition will not be easy. In the future, they will have to know in advance when to switch policies. But I do not see how this will be accomplished. I think that there will still be a couple of big hiccups, like Dubai, Greece or China in the future. What about the bubble that is developing in China? Is it a problem that China has a lot of US dol- lar reserves? Bubbles are something we always miss. The moment the bubble develops the majority of the experts say: this time it is different as we have a completely different horizon. If you look at China objectively, you discover that strange things are going on. Property prices are rising by up to 40 per cent on an annual basis, money supply is increasing by 25 to 30 per cent and credit growth is enormous. These are all ingredients you need for a bubble. Thus, China is the most likely candidate for having collapsing bubbles in the future. With an artificially cheap currency as a result of constantly mimicking the Federal Reserve’s Monetary Policy for the past two years, it is very hard to imagine that it will work out for China. Yet there are a lot of analysts who believe that China is the perfect future. Fears of China’s instability tend to come from the economists at the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund. Usually people who do not have money riding on the bubble are the ones who are right. So those are not the analysts at the moment but the economists. On top of that the Chinese have been terrible investors in the last couple of years. They will probably end up paying for their artificially low exchange rate. But that is only the prediction. What kind of impact would the burst of the bubble in China have? It would be very bad for Asia. China is an average country that is perceived to be big because of its population. If you look at China’s GDP, 4.3 trillion dollars, it is comparable to the GDP of Germany which is also quite a big country. Yet China is not that big compared to Europe and the US. The reason that it was able to generate growth over the last year is because growth had stopped in the rest of the world and, of course, they are growing insanely fast. This issue is about the New Decade. In general terms, how do you see the world economy in the future? From a historical perspective the recession is not over yet. The Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) calculated that an average banking crisis followed by a recession led to a 9 per cent decrease in national income. Right now, in the US and in Europe we do not see even half of that. It would be unusual to go back to 2 or 2.5 per cent growth rates after the worst banking crisis ever. The CPB predicted a 2 per cent growth rate and in order to accom- interview plish that, accounting for a 4 per cent negative growth rate in 2009, we need dramatic cutbacks in government expenses or a structural rise in taxes. This crisis will stay with us for decades because it is impossible to cut back so drastically in just a few years. I think the effects on the financial sector will be with us for decades too, but I hope that the crisis fundamentally changed the way banks work. Surprisingly, there is hardly any new regulation in place now. “From a historical perspective the recession is not over yet” try gets into trouble. But the saving of a country should come with a big humiliating clause and a loan, of course. In the end, I am still a big proponent of the Euro. The crisis would be ten times worse for Europe would not have had it. Do you have any advice for our student readers? My advice is: do not graduate this year. If you wait another year, you will have a much better chance of getting a job. If you know where you can work you should graduate otherwise do a second Master programme and learn Chinese. And, of course, study economics because it is a fantastic topic! You think regulation will change somehow? I think we missed the deadline already. Banks are back in profit and do not need governments to oversee them anymore. I do not believe in perfect regulation but under-regulating clearly did not work, so let us try over-regulation. Right now we are still in the same situation. Everybody is talking about new rules but nothing has changed so far. The only thing that has changed is the banks’ perception of the future. However, once the competition starts again, there is nothing that guarantees that we will not end up in the same situation as in 2008. So, lack of regulation can possibly lead to similar crises later on? The real reason for the crisis is low interest rates and Chinese hoarding dollars to finance their imbalances. That is still the same. The only positive outcome of the crisis is that people are aware of the possible dangers at the moment. The next generation will not be aware of that and everything might go terribly wrong again. That is why I think we need to experiment with over-regulation in the sector. It is not going too well with Greece at the moment. What do you think will be the impact of Greece’s situation on the EU and the Euro? Most of the problems with Greece are over, now that the European countries are prepared to step in. There is a lot of speculation on whether the EU should save Greece, but we know that Greece is too big to fail, so it is in our own interest to help the country out. The German Ministry of Finance wants a new Eurozone Exit Clause for the future, but if Greece were to use one, it would be bankrupt the next day due to the introduction of a new Drachmas. Practically the best solution would be to have some sort of automatic saving mechanism next time a counJuly 2010 edition 13 study abroad Seoul, Soul of Asia By Laurens valk Until the start of my exchange in South Korea in the Fall semester of 2009, I had been editor of the FIRST Quarterly myself, and I am glad to contribute once more upon my return to the Netherlands. My journey started at the Red Square in Moscow, where I got on the Trans Siberian Railway train heading east towards Vladivostok. Hardly any passenger on board was able to communicate in English, resulting in many hilarious moments. Despite the language barrier they gave me loads of souvenirs, we shared the food, and we spent the evenings playing cards and drinking vodka. From Vladivostok, it took me a full day to cross the border with China. A reasonable time you think? Not if you consider that I was the only person crossing the border at that particular office. Somewhat delayed I moved on to the Great Wall. After a few weeks of travelling, I reached the Tiananmen Square in Beijing and all that remained was a 2-hour flight to Seoul. From the beginning, Korean students took their international buddies anywhere and soon I got used to the overwhelming size of the city, the habits of its citizens, and life on campus. Sungkyunkwan University was founded no later than 1398, which makes it one of the oldest universities in the world. Therefore, my accommodation was located in the heart of Seoul and so our rooftop offered a magnificent view of the metropolis. All the city’s highlights could easily be reached via the enormous metro network or by taking one of countless cheap taxis. Sungkyunkwan University has a shopping mall, a theatre, and high quality sports facilities. The library is opened around the clock, and you will find students in the reading room at any time (I checked this once once on Sunday night, when I could no longer resist my curiosity). A fairly strict hierarchy exists among professors and students, even though – and this seems contradictory – it is very common to be taken out for dinner by your professor. On one occasion, a professor took us to a bar and introduced the “Koreans drink while doing business” culture. Perhaps I should name this “Koreans do business while drinking” instead, because drinking 14 FIRST Quarterly obviously has priority over business and I have been truly astonished by the amount of soju, a strong alcoholic drink, taken in by some. Nevertheless, when the Dutch organised a beer cantus, Korean students were so impressed that they immediately turned it into a semi-annual event. Besides drinks, South Korea’s kitchen is known for its spicy food. On the menu you can find living squid, dog meat, and kimchi, always combined with rice and rice wine or tea. Really healthy and tasteful too! South Korea has a tremendously rich culture and so there are plenty of things to do. Seoul alone has many ancient style royal palaces, museums, and temples. For instance, take the city’s nightlife: massive clubs, comfy karaoke bars, and there is always a Starbucks around the corner if you would like to have breakfast at 5 o’clock in the morning. I was lucky not to have too many early starts. My schedule also allowed me to travel extensively, so at one point in time I was flying to the volcanic island Jeju, and the next week I was invited to a traditional wedding in Busan. One day, I climbed mountains in one of the beautiful national parks; the other day I found myself in a high-speed train on my way to Tokyo. And cheering for the Red Devils in the 2002 FIFA World Cup Stadium was being alternated with chilling on top of the iconic Namsan Seoul Tower. These are just a few of my many unforgettable moments, but I would like to end with a unique situation: the division of the Korean peninsula. After visiting the Demilitarized Zone – the most heavily militarized border area in the world, between North and South Korea – I was ready to explore the communist state from the inside. Since there are no direct flights to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, I was forced to transfer in Beijing. Upon arrival in Pyongyang, I had to sign a contract were it stated that I would not publish anything about the tour. However, we were accompanied by an undercover journalist working for The Guardian so I gladly refer to her story of our trip recently published in The Observer (Cadwalladr, 2010). My one semester in South Korea has been an extremely valuable experience. I have learned amazing things that you will only discover when you stay long enough. I got in touch with so many people, that I can count on a real extensive network of friends. Some of my Korean friends are now studying in the Netherlands and so it is my turn to show them around. Laurens Valk follows the BSc International Business and BSc Economics programmes at Tilburg University. References Cadwalladr, C. (2010, February 14). Inside North Korea: the ultimate package tour. The Observer, p. 2. Retrieved from http://www. A red rose by any other name not be able to afford. No, this is simply part of an economic stimulus package aimed at reviving the flagging real estate market. And, of course, the financial bailout can in no way be construed as government interference with the market; it was simply a defensive move on the part of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve to return stability to the internal credit market needed to provide the free-market economy with the faith to seek out credit and likewise provide the means to the banks for providing credit. The irony is that the United States is much more socialist than any of its prominent citizens appear to be willing to admit and has been for a good many years. This is, after all, the nation that set up one of the first comprehensive systems of national parks and implemented sweeping food and drug legislation. Moreover, it has at various times tried to ban alcohol and gambling from public life, and recently pumped some 14 billion dollars into the dying automobile industry, hundreds of billions into the failing banking industry, and has launched such plans as the “Cash for Clunkers” programme, an automobile-purchase subsidy, as well as a subsidy program for first-time homebuyers. As best as I can figure it out, Americans are pretty much willing to accept any and all socialist hobbyhorses as their own, and comfortably fit it into their supposedly free-market individualist worldview, as long as it does not appear that specific individuals are being either coddled by the government or being bullied into activities that would be in their best interests by the same. Thus, there are subsidies for car buyers not because any specific individual is supposed to be getting government largesse, but because the automobile industry is in trouble and needs a jump start. Similarly, it is not that Americans have signed off on providing less-solvent residents with a cash bonus that makes it possible to buy a home they might otherwise Perhaps, therein lies the solution for Obama: Avoid calling it health care benefits, but instead refer to the programme as the Omnibus Workforce Reliability Initiative. And do not ask for improvements to welfare, but instead propose a Temporary Employment Realignment Stipend. This would give it the ring of a general programme benefitting all taxpayers, and more importantly, it would make it sound like good leadership towards the business community in the face of economic adversity, as opposed to soft-hearted subsidies to the economically less-fortunate among the American populace. For the United States is, to many intents and purposes, already a socialist nation, even if it is not itself willing to come out of the political closet. The problem is getting voters and policymakers to see that if it can spend huge subsidies on anonymous institutional socialism, it is not much of a step to providing the same succour and support to individuals in need without compromising the “American Way.” After all, socialism by another name already is the American way, if one is only willing to look hard enough to see it. vitullo Having parents with a second home in the United States has distinct advantages, particularly if that home happens to be located in Central Florida. In addition to access to the national parks and amusement centers for which the region has become famous, their part-time residency in the state entails that they are far more embedded in the community than any tourist ever could be. As such, as their son, I have been privileged to meet a broad cross-section of Kissimmee (Florida) society. Years of conversations with these denizens have led me to conclude that Americans, at least in Florida, are willing to march under a number of different banners, but the red banner of socialism is far-and-away the least likely one to gather a following. As Barack Obama, President and Nobel Laureate, attempts to implement the various programmes which he argues are absolute necessities for renewed prosperity and improved welfare in the United States, such as universal health insurance coverage, improvement of the American infrastructure, and a radical overhaul of the financial sector, he would do well to heed the warning that he can afford to be defined as many things, but not all things. As soon as he is perceived as even being a closet socialist, all of his plans will be seen as suspect and will crumble in the dust. In like fashion, the United States maintains the world’s largest navy not because it provides jobs to the good folks in the shipbuilding industry, the navy ports, and the half-million servicemen currently serving in its ranks. No, it is a much-needed thin blue line of security in an unsafe world. The fact that the next thirteen largest navies combined cannot equal its firepower is conveniently rarely mentioned in appropriations debates, except, ironically, by the Secretary of Defence. Thus, the U.S is likely to invest 100 billion dollars in ten new nuclear aircraft carriers in the coming years, even as forty million Americans remain uninsured, and hundreds of thousands of Americans face destitution as their meagre unemployment benefits run out. Mark Vitullo is a lecturer at the Tilburg University Language Centre. He is a regular contributor to FIRST Quarterly. July 2010 edition 15 2 Will the BRIC countr pow pro The question in the title is rather broad. Dominant when? And in what sense? Economically, politically or maybe militarily? Moreover, BRIC is a rather heterogeneous set of countries: China and India are major suppliers of manufactures and services and Brazil and Russia are major suppliers of raw materials and energy. It follows that the interests of its member states differ and that the BRIC countries are unlikely to become dominant as a group. Hence, especially for a short contribution like this, I would like to narrow the question down to a possible economic dominance of just one BRIC member, and, since China is the biggest member, to a possible economic dominance (goods markets) of China. A dominant player is a player who can exert substantial influence on the wellbeing of other countries. In goods markets, such a position could be supply based and/or demand based1. How does China perform in these two respects? China may well develop a supply based dominance: although it mainly exports not so vital manufactures, such as textiles, with alternative sources such as Pakistan and Mexico at hand, China has a near monopoly position in the production of rare metals that play a crucial role in cutting edge technology - from hybrid cars and catalytic converters, to superconductors and precision-guided weapons. There are indications that, now already, China draws up plans to restrict its exports of these metals.2 But China may also develop a demand based dominance. Such a position requires that its import demand on world markets will be big. If so, through a restrictive trade policy, China could improve its terms of trade and/or its employment position at the expense of the exporting states. Shall China’s import demand indeed become that big? The basis for a country’s import demand is its GDP. In the past two decades, China’s real GDP went up with 10.4% per year between 1991 and 2000 and with 9.9% per 16 FIRST Quarterly year between 2001 and 2010 (to be compared to 2.8% and 1.5% in advanced economies).4 Currently, China ranks third in terms of GDP at PPP rates: it has 11.4% of world GDP, behind US (20%) and the Euro area (15.7%).5 For the near future (2014), IMF expects the growth differential to remain.But more crucial here is the question if this growth differential will remain in the longer term. Looking into the future is difficult; nevertheless theory may help us here. mands, disrupting political changes or social tensions. And fourthly, Chinese growth can only continue if its “institutions” are appropriate, which requires a correct approach of property rights, corruption and competition. Standard growth theory tells us that GDP grows if the availability of relevant production factors as labour and capital grows, and if available technology improves. As to the former, although China’s labour force is predicted to roughly equal today’s level in 2030 , its capital stock is likely to grow fast: over the past decades, the savings ratio and the investment ratio in “Developing Asia” were well above their counterparts in the “Advanced Economies”, and this difference is expected to remain in the near future.6 References 1. Russia could serve as a nice example of a supply based dominant player. Just remember how, early 2009, Europe panicked when Russia reduced its supplies of natural gas. See id/28515983/ 2. See finance/comment/ambroseevans_ pritchard/6082464/World-faces-hi-techcrunch-as-China-eyes-ban-on-rare-metal-exports.html#comments, 24 August 2009. 3. See Statistical Annex, Tables A, weo/2009/02/pdf/tables.pdf, pages 175 and 169, own calculations. 4. See IMF, World Economic Outlook, October 2009, page 162. 5. Jaeger, M., Demographic outlook for BRIC countries differs sharply, Talking point , Deutsche Bank Research, February 26, 2010. 6. Estimations by IMF for 2011-2014 are 46.8% and 41.3% for Developing Asia, to be compared to 19.1% and 19.5%, respectively, for Advanced Economies. Source: IMF, World Economic Outlook, October 2009, Table A16, page 196-200. Note, that it may well take some time before Asia will reach its “steady state”. And as to the latter, also available technology favours growth in China over growth in an advanced countries. In conclusion, based on standard growth theory, it is not unlikely that China’s GDP growth will remain relatively high in the coming decades, and that, as a result, it may develop a demand based dominance, as well. But this conclusion needs several qualifications. First, till now, China’s growth was especially export based and will be hampered if the Yuan will appreciate to help correct the global imbalances that resulted, or if the demand in other economies recovers just slowly. Second, China’s likely GDP growth itself will ultimately lower the high Chinese savings rate, since, gradually, it will render the main reasons for Chinese households to save less pressing. Third, solid Chinese growth requires that its economy is neither distorted by unsound economic or trade policies at home or abroad, nor by environmental de- In sum, if the question in the title is narrowed down to the question if China will be dominant in goods markets, we may conclude that this is well possible, but only if the necessary conditions are fulfilled. ries be the new world wer? con Will the emerging economies really save the world? Another typical example of the irony of history. Goldman Sachs, recently accused of fraud by the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission—regulator of the American financial sector) and subject of a criminal investigation by the American ministry of Justice, was still one of the most renowned investment banks in the world, when it published a paper in October 2003 about the rise of four new economic powers: Brazil, Russia, India, and China, together known as BRIC. The title of the paper: “Dreaming with BRICs: The Path to 2050”. The content: in less than forty years (compared to 2003) the BRIC economies will have grown larger than the current G6 (United States of America, Great-Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Japan); in 2050, out of these 6 countries only the USA and Japan will still be among the top 6 global economic powers. Of course, the international economic literature has paid much attention to “emerging economies” for some time, but since the paper by Goldman Sachs was published a new dimension was added: the emerging economies, but in particular the BRIC-countries, have not only encountered relatively few problems as a result of the global credit crisis in 2008, they are also increasingly being recognised as the most important boosters of the world economy. The traditional role play between the established and emerging economies seems to be changing: in fact, many people attribute the fact that the world is starting to recover from the credit crisis to the new economic power of the BRIC countries. If the above suggests that we are dealing with the relentless emergence of a new world order, then some additional information must be given. To start with, it is important to emphasise that the idea of a conglomerate of BRIC economies originated from the writers of the Goldman Sachs-paper. There was, nor is, something like an original or natural com- mon interest that bound or binds these countries together. Not until June 2009, almost six years after the paper was published, did the BRIC countries engage in a formal gathering for the first time. This BRIC summit —which was held in Jekatarinenburg—ended with a summon for a “multipolar world power,” which in diplomatic circles is code for rejecting America’s role as dominant global superpower. That is a small basis for working together. The four BRIC countries seem to have more differences than similarities that bind them. According to many observers, the second BRIC summit — which was held in Brasilia and took place in April 2010 — confirmed this view. In addition to the four BRIC countries, there are other prominent emerging economies, which are nevertheless often associated with BRIC: Mexico (BRICM), South Africa (BRICS), and Eastern Europe and Turkey (BRICET). If these countries and regions are included in the discussion about the role of the emerging economies, the statement about the new economic world power will become even more complex and confusing. The most important shortcoming of the idea of emerging economies functioning as pioneers of such a new world order lies in the denial of underlying differences. This does not just refer to differences between BRIC countries or the differences between BRIC countries on the one hand and the second echelon (Mexico, South Africa, Turkey, and Eastern Europe) on the other hand. But this is especially important regarding the differences between the more or less established emerging economies compared to the multitude of smaller economies in the world. This last source of contradictions can be illustrated with the recent development of the G20 — the twenty most important economies in the world. The G20 has been sped up by the global financial crisis in 2008; as a result the significance of the G20 has increased tremendously. All of the above mentioned 2 economies are —unlike the Netherlands! — formal members of the G20. The question that remains is what these upcoming economies will actually do with the increased recognition of their interest in and influence on running the world economy. Will they use their influence to serve the general interest of the entire world economy or will they act in their own best interest? The answer to this question should become clear during the coming G20 gatherings, in June in Toronto and in November in Seoul. In Toronto and Seoul influential decisions have been put on the agenda, especially regarding the “global financial architecture” (Worldbank, International Monetary Fund, Financial Stability Board etc.). Recently, 23 of the world’s smaller economies are united in an informal coalition named the “Global Governance Group” or “3G”. This group consists of countries such as Botswana, Chili, Costa Rica, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, and Switzerland. In a recent letter — dated March 2010 — to Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, the 3G expressed her concern that the increasing weight of the G20 would interfere with the UN’s role, which she described as “the only global party with universal participation en unassailable legitimacy.” Will the emerging economies really save the world? The 3G, the remarkable coalition of smaller countries, is certainly not assured that will be the case. In Toronto and Seoul it will become clear whether the established and emerging economies are only acting in their own best interest, or whether the interests of smaller (and poorer) countries that do not belong to the G20 will seriously be taken into account. Pay close attention, because here too history could present its irony once more. Paul van Seters is Professor globalisation and sustainable development July 2010 edition 17 18 FIRST Quarterly July 2010 edition 19 professor article: Financial architecture in a rebalancing world by Henk van Gemert 1. The Great Financial Crash The Great Financial Crash of 2008, which led to a global loss of confidence among savers, investors and citizens, the near collapse of the entire financial system and a severe decline in output and wealth all over the world, will undoubtedly continue to be analysed and debated over the next decade. Questions like How could this happen? and What went wrong? illustrate the fundamental nature of the crisis (BIS, 79th Annual report is excellent in this respect). From a policy perspective, the main challenge was first to rescue the World on the Edge and next to start considering and discussing the consequences of the Crash in terms of repairs and structural reformations. Meanwhile the economics profession is getting ready to start the rewriting of textbooks in Macroeconomics and Finance (and perhaps integrating the two a bit in the process). By now, thanks to a remarkable combination of market resilience and courageous policymaking, the recovery from the crisis appears to be surprisingly quick and strong, especially in the emerging market economies. Initial feelings that the Great Crash would mark the end of the globalised capitalist system seem exaggerated. However, the damages to the system are deep and fundamental. They are connected with market imperfections and governance failures both at the macro and the micro level. They also touch upon the nature of human behaviour in terms of rationality and ‘animal spirits’ like greed and selfishness. For the same reasons, solutions are complex and comprehensive. The corporate, the national and the international dimensions of the damage must be taken into account and country-specific factors need to be considered as well. Particularly in Europe, governments are facing tremendous difficulties to get control over the inherited debt. Three aspects are becoming obvious as the crisis evolves. First, apart from financial repairs in the short run, structural system reforms are indispensable to restore trust and regain long-term growth and stability. Secondly, most of the measures require international cooperation and joint action. Thirdly, in order to meet the realities of the 21st century, developing countries should be given a greater say in the new architecture. 20 FIRST Quarterly 2. The emergence of the G20 and the rebirth of the IMF The meeting of the G-20 Leaders in Washington on Nov 15, 2008 (two months after the collapse of Lehman Brothers) was an event of tremendous importance. A new institution emerged, a cross-section of the world, a political forum which represents 90 percent of world income, 80 percent of world trade and two-thirds of the world’s population1. The G-20, while replacing the G-8, took the lead in dealing with the crisis and looking for appropriate responses. Four working groups were installed to come up with concrete proposals to restore global growth and financial market stability as well as to investigate and prepare the needed reforms in the world’s financial system. Their reports served as input for the next meeting of the G-20 Leaders in London on April 2, 2009. A new order was born. Developed and developing countries joined forces. Or, as World Bank President Robert Zoellick put it recently: If 1989 saw the end of the ‘Second World’ with Communism’s demise, then 2009 saw the end of what was known as the ‘Third World’. Indeed, with the share of the developing countries in global GDP, global trade and global finance rapidly rising, and the developing world being the prominent engine of the recovery from a crisis which originated in the west, the world is rebalancing, and it is time to modernise and strengthen the multilateral institutions accordingly. During the London Summit, thanks to the excellent performance of Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the IMF regained its position and authority at the centre stage of the new architecture. First, the IMF was given a leading role in the macroeconomic policy coordination (fiscal stimulus, monetary easing). Secondly, the IMF was asked (together with the Financial Stability Board) to start preparing structural financial reforms (strengthening transparency and accountability; enhancing regulation and macro-prudential supervision; promoting integrity in financial markets). Thirdly, in order to reassert its role as the ultimate provider of liquidity for countries with balance of payments problems, the resources of the IMF were increased from $250 to $750bln and an issue of $250bln SDR was also permitted. The expansion of resources was financed not only by the familiar rich countries, but this time also the BRIC-countries agreed to contribute. In a way, the crisis marks the revival of the IMF. Its key functions (governance, lending, technical assistance) were redefined. The notorious conditionality clause was changed. It still remains critical to ensure that necessary policy adjustments are made, but conditions have become more focused, and less pressing or burdensome with respect to measures which are not directly crucial to the success of the program. Apart from the existing stand-by arrangements a new precautionary facility was introduced for countries with strong economic policies and a proven track record. This new credit line allows countries to insure for a crisis while avoiding the political and market shame of borrowing from the Fund. Meanwhile the IMF has provided loans to several countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (but not to countries in Latin America and South East Asia as these regions had been building up their own rainy day funds through the accumulation of foreign reserves in the period preceding the crisis). The next step of the governance reform is to ensure a decision-making structure that reflects current global realities. Even after the quota change of October 2009, current voting shares are still a legacy of the distribution of economic power at the end of the Second World War. For instance, European countries hold more than 30% of the votes and the United States almost 17%, while the four BRIC countries only hold 10%. The G-20 has instructed the IMF to schedule a new, more ambitious round of reforms in January 2011 (two years earlier than scheduled). Various suggestions have been made to bring about larger shares for the emerging countries (and smaller ones for the rich…), as well as to redefine the voting rules (qualified majority, veto threshold). One interesting proposal (made by Eswar Prasad) is to reduce all existing shares by 20% and set up an auction to allocate them. Last but not least, modalities are being sought to give non-Europeans a chance to run for the post of Managing Director. Undoubtedly, negotiations on all these topics professor article will be tough, but in the end a significant shift is necessary to enhance the IMF’s legitimacy and effectiveness. 3. Dealing with the Damage The list of policy issues that will shape the next decade in the aftermath of the Great Crash of 2008 is long and overwhelming. Below I will briefly introduce some key concerns. • Exit policies In response to the crisis, governments have provided substantial resources to support aggregate demand and to save the banking sector. These unconventional and bold actions have resulted in major increases of fiscal deficits and public debts, particularly in the advanced economies. According to IMFprojections the central government’s debtto-GDP ratio of the advanced economies will rise from 73% at the end of 2007 to 109% at end of 2014. For emerging economies, the fiscal outlook is stronger, which reflects the more favourable structural conditions and smaller output losses in comparison to the rich economies. Also, central banks have employed a wide range of measures to rescue the financial system and to mitigate economic contraction. Policy interest rates were cut to historically low levels. Moreover, monetary authorities immediately began to inject large amounts of liquidity and, at a later stage, to purchase long-term securities to lower long-term interest rates and boost credit. Emerging market economies also eased monetary conditions but not as much and as broadly. In general, whilst central banks have mostly rolled back the large liquidity and other ‘balance sheets operations’ by now, monetary policy is still accommodating as interest rates have been maintained at low levels until today. On February 17, 2010, the IMF’s Executive Board discussed the principles for exiting from the extraordinary and unprecedented crisis intervention policies and ways to gradually return to normal and sustainable conditions. From their assessments, it is clear that the key challenge is to find a balance between unwinding exit policies too early, which could jeopardise progress in securing economic recovery on the one hand, and maintaining intervention too long, which would distort private incentives and create macroeconomic risks on the other. Indeed, fiscal consolidation and monetary normalisation need a medium-term strategy. Especially in the advanced economies, where evidence of a self-sustaining recovery is still weak, caution is called for and the adjustment process should be monitored carefully. Yet, in order to anchor expectations and to avoid market uncertainties, policy makers need to formulate coherent and credible exit strategies now, and begin to implement these when feasible. A serious complication in the macroeconomic policy choices is the existence of international linkages and spillover effects. Domestic adjustment policies will affect international trade, capital flows and exchange rates, which in turn influence the individual countries’ performance. Also, a consistent and credible communication with the market is important. Obviously, policy coordination and information exchange across countries is necessary to ensure better outcomes and to prevent destabilising processes. It is a delicate balancing act. • Global imbalances A connected concern in the attempts to coordinate macroeconomic policy internationally is the necessity to reduce global imbalances. Since the end of the Asian crisis current account deficits and surpluses have resulted in large and persistent capital flows from capital-poor emerging market countries, especially in Asia, to capital-rich industrial countries, the United States in particular. The main component of these “uphill” capital flows includes the accumulation of foreign reserves. As imbalances cause the stock of cross-country claims to increase year by year, this situation is critical and cannot be allowed to continue for another decade. At a certain point in time, the appeal of investing abroad and accumulating more foreign assets will drop. Even worse, central banks and other investors might try to repatriate their wealth, which would set in motion a chain reaction of falling asset prices, a collapse of the US dollar and severe balance sheet deteriorations. It may be a dooms-day scenario but it is not unrealistic. According to the BIS team, it is difficult to know what to do about the dependency that developed between the export-led growth in much of the emerging world and the leverage-led growth in a large part of the industrial world. Some observers argue global imbalances would disappear once the Chinese authorities would allow their currency to appreciate against the US Dollar. It might help, but in its essence the problem is much more complicated. It is connected to spending propensities, growth opportunities and development priorities on two sides of the Pacific. For that reason, unwinding the dependency will take time, probably more than one decade. • Regulation and supervision Not surprisingly, the Great Crash immediately sparked off a violent debate about the effectiveness and scope of financial regulation and prudential supervision. Although the financial sector already belongs to the most heavily regulated sectors of the economy, the crisis triggered a strong desire for more or rather for better regulation. Many experts, national regulatory bodies but notably also the various sector-specific standard setters (such as the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, the International Organisation of Securities Commissions, the International Association of Insurance Supervisors and the International Accounting Standard Board) came up with recommendations and decisions. As to content, a kind of reform consensus seems to be growing about how the regulatory framework should be strengthened: raising banks’ capital and liquidity ratios, increasing collateral requirements, abolishing misaligned incentives like compensation schemes, improving risk measurement and risk attitude, and enhancing the transparency of traded products. Additionally, when implementing reforms in the regulatory framework, content, coverage and structure are all relevant. First, in the new architecture it will be necessary to provide adequate oversight of a much wider range of players than those belonging to the traditional three pillars of the financial system (banking, insurance and securities markets). Secondly, where responJuly 2010 edition 21 professor article sibilities are divided there will have to be stronger mechanisms for cooperation among different regulators as well as with the monetary authority. Altogether, the main overall challenge is to find a right balance between achieving prudence and stability on the one hand and preserving efficiency and innovation on the other. Also macro-financial stability is an urgent worry for the next decade. The Financial Stability Board, together with the IMF, has (re) formulated a number of tools and practices. One non-spectacular but important initiative is to enhance information exchange. This would allow authorities to better capture the build-up of risk in the financial sector and to better monitor the vulnerability of domestic economies to shocks like sudden stops in capital flows. The idea is to establish an early warning system (or rather continue previous work which began after the Asian Financial Crisis), as an important source of input for the bilateral, multilateral and global surveillance activities of the IMF. Several other initiatives emphasise the development of a macro-prudential framework which would address the so-called systemic risk. Systemic risk emerges when a shock simultaneously affects all financial institutions or when the responses to a shock destabilise market dynamics. One aspect of the new framework would be to detect this type of risk at an early stage and identify the relevant underlying linkages. Potential indicators include asset prices, credit growth, liquidity and debt-ratios. Another aspect, of course, is to find tools and procedures of pre-emptive action. An innovative model in this respect is to develop anti-cyclical regulatory tools and incorporate them in the monetary policy framework. It is a promising but still highly controversial debate. 4. Globalisation needs governance The Great Crash has reinforced the debate about the pains and gains of financial globalisation. We have seen this before, especially in the wake of the Asian Financial Crisis, when the mantra of the Washington Consensus (‘stabilise, privatise and liberalise’) lost its relevance and appeal, and economists started to emphasise the role of strong institutions 22 FIRST Quarterly in creating sound financial systems and economic growth (see Dani Rodrik for a great review of the road from ‘market fundamentalism’ to ‘institutions fundamentalism’). As we know now, these two views are complementary. The experiences of the emerging market economies in Central Europe, South East Asia and Latin America show that a strategy of opening-up along with comprehensive domestic reform, can release a great growth potential and enable countries to improve living standards, alleviate poverty and reduce inequality, provided the process is carefully managed in terms of institutional design as well as in terms of speed and sequence. It is a challenge and policy mistakes can easily cause a lot of harm. Yet, in the end I agree with Mishkin that globalisation is one of the most powerful weapons for stimulating institutional development and that wealth is not something that can be attained by remaining closed off to the rest of the world. In addition, Africa needs to embark on this route in order to catch up. So at this point the only conclusion can be to learn from the mistakes and be bold in accepting the consequences. This time the consequence is a stronger and more representative global governance framework. Henk van Gemert is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Economics. His research and teaching focuses on Development Finance. He is also the Academic Director of the BSc Economics. Footnotes 1. The G-20 includes eight advanced economies (US, Canada, Australia, Japan, Germany, UK, France and Italy), the four BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China), seven other emerging market economies (Argentina, Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Turkey), and one extra seat for the EU. Sources BIS, 79th Annual Report, 29 June 2009, Chapter 1: Rescue, recovery, reform. Andrew Crocket, Rebuilding the Financial Architecture, Finance & Development, Sept. 2009. The Economist, IMF Briefing, Mission: Possible, April 11th 2009. IMF, Exiting from Crisis Intervention Policies, Public Information Note 10/27, Febr. 23, 2010. John Lipsky, Preparing for a Postcrisis World, Finance & Development, June 2009. Frederic Mishkin, Globalization and Financial Development, Journal of Development Economics 89 (2009). Dani Rodrik, Goodbye Washington Consensus, Hello Washington Confusion?, Journal of Economic Literature Vol XLIV (Dec. 2006). Robert Zoellick, The End of the Third World?, Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, April 14, 2010. Aximaio maximagnam idestes sincitas numquiduciis resenimus. Ga. Volumqui nulliquo ma sunt ideliatqui ipsumquo minimust, sequo tem ut hilitae sim ipsam, ut aut eos ipsam, ius, sequi sunt vel ipicipsa dolorep udandae eic te sam voluptatus et esequis aut facepra conseque de et, sant voloreh endelitiores dolore et hicitas erunt est, necum harum quaernat. Nam is aut aut et es aligniasitis coribusandi quam harum nulparum fugitium dolupta tenimus apidis magnam quo od quatur adi ipis seque volupta di quunt autendignis ditatur arumet quiduntio cum alia acitate praes eum fuga. Nihiliq uodiaecumet molorum ra volut acernam nam, cuptat deritendunt miliquunt. Omnisquam et as consedi rem aut laboris mossunt et mi, consequis aut quam, niminissi iduci cum ipic tore volessimus solupidit acium eum represequid etur maio doluptas exces etusti sus. Rio esto iditiatio erias maxim fugiatur aut eum es doloreicto exceatus repe eos se simus alitis a autatiaectem quatum digenditem alique dolor ad ma sit ullab ide quis soloremperum de pedigent aute pera eos autam evendig entiatio. Nam faceariae cus, tem quiamus incius. Undanih icipsam labo. Nequass inuscime lab idem aliquo od modis ea dolupta tiaerovid molessequam as exernate lam, sam volorro eos debis dolo dit, et aut ese iderio. Ti doluptas quid eni doluptae delenia estrum sam, ut quas quaerit ut quundandis ad es sequod quatias pediati od utem et aute at utem sandam et volorendae doluptaturit fugiam, cum voluptaturem non eles modi optas magnat. Tia audam lande nobis pore nossunt oditat. Interview: Constantin Mavrocordatos Payload manager at the European Space agency interviewers: Marjolein Buiter and Noven Chan Source: ESA Could you briefly tell us something about the European Space Agency (ESA) and its site here in Noordwijk? ESTEC is the biggest site of the ESA. About 1200 out of the 2000 people working here are staff of the ESA and the rest are people who are working here temporarily as contractors. ESTEC is a technical centre dealing with spacecraft projects. The ESA is headquartered in Paris, but has other centres as well: for instance, the control centre in Germany, and the processing centre in Italy. Moreover, there are also offices in Washington, Moscow, Toulouse and there is a new centre in the UK. But all these centres are much smaller than ESTEC. We also have an astronaut centre, located in Cologne, where we select a pool of future astronauts for training every two years and send them a few years later to the Space Station. Is ESTEC a testing site of the ESA? It is not only a testing site but it is also a design centre. We have engineers who design satellites, who understand what the users need and who are able to respond to the needs of these people. When we need to build a satellite for a specific mission we write down the technical specifications and then assign it to an industry to build it for us. During the development we closely follow the building of the satellite and when it is ready we add an ESA rocket to launch it. Sometimes we also buy services of other launching companies. We are not only designing satellites, but we also have a research branch which develops technologies that will be needed for future missions. We have to anticipate to make sure we have the technology that will be needed in five or ten years from now. One third of the staff is working in this research directorate, which belongs to the technical director- ate of ESTEC. In this directorate there are three branches, one is electrical engineering, another is mechanical engineering, and the third is quality control. We have a full group of engineers dealing only with quality and probability analysis. You have a technical background: what did you study and why did you choose to work at the ESA? Have you always been interested in space or was it a coincidence? When I was a child, my dream was to become an astronaut, but I actually did not manage to become one. Nonetheless, I still loved planes and flying altogether and therefore I decided to work in the field of space engineering. I am not really an astronaut but I am quite close to one. I studied electronic engineering in France. After which I got a PhD, and worked for six July 2010 edition 23 Interview to meteorologists, and also help different countries to manage risks. For example, in case of a tsunami they need to know which areas are prone to floods and move those areas’ populations. If the flood has occurred you need to help in reorganising the security process, the moving of the population out of the affected areas and help people with the reimbursement by their insurers, by estimating the damage that has occurred. Source: ESA years in Toulouse, France for a private space company called Thales. After those six years I changed sides, hence I switched to an organisation that hires companies like Thales. This is how I joined the ESA fifteen years ago. You just mentioned that you worked for Thales, which is a defence contractor. How is it related to your current line of work? Thales is a very big company, which has many branches. It goes from nuclear power plants to missiles, from aircraft electronics to space. Actually, while I was working at Thales, the branch I was working at was also dealing with military projects, excluding weapons, projects such as observation satellites for military purposes. Here in ESTEC we have no military activities, it is even forbidden by our convention to deal with military activities. You are the Payload Manager of the GMES/ Sentinel 3 project. Could you tell us what this project is about? GMES stands for Global Monitoring of the Environment and Security, and is a programme that comprises a series of satellites. In particular, there are three projects which are part of GMES. They are called Sentinel 1, Sentinel 2 and Sentinel 3. Each of these three projects has two satellites in development. Sentinel 3 is dedicated to the observation of the Earth with special instruments that will help predicting climate, give information Let me talk more specifically about the Sentinel 3 project which consists of a set instruments. First of all, it has a big infra telescope, that is able to measure the temperature of the sea with a very high accuracy of 0.1 degrees Celsius. Furthermore, it can take pictures of the entire earth in one day. It has another instrument, which is also a telescope and is designed to detect the colour of the sea. It analyses the movement of the currents, detects the presence of plankton and chlorophyll in the sea and pollution. The third instrument, which consists of a group of instruments, is designed to measure the sea level with a very high precision. The first one measures the distance between the satellite and the surface. The other determines with the precision of a centimetre where the satellite is located. So, if you know where you are, and what the distance to the surface is, you are able to determine the sea level. All these different instruments are on a big satellite, which weighs about 1.2 tons. It will be launched in 2013 probably from Kourou, Guyana, close to the Equator. Whenever we design a satellite mission we also have to be prepared to launch from an alternative site. In cases of a failure, our back-up site is Plesetsk, a Russian site located to the north of Moscow. As a Payload Manager, I am in charge of all the instruments on the Sentinel 3. I have a team of six engineers and each of them is responsible for one of the instruments. I supervise this team. Do you think the Sentinel 3 project could help prevent natural disasters? The main objective is to deal with these natural disasters, but a secondary objective is to give the means to predict and to anticipate, even though you cannot stop any natural disaster with a satellite. However, the earlier we give a warning, the better one can anticipate and organise the necessary actions to deal with the consequences. How does a regular work week look like for you? Every week, all the engineers in my team get together and we prepare the work for the next days of the week. We all travel quite a lot and we need to plan a little bit what the objectives are, what might be important and what the priorities are. We do this in the beginning of the week, including the review of the previous week. I give advice to the engineers. First, I collect information and afterwards we exchange and decide together how to deal with problems that already appeared or still might come up. Every day there is a new problem that we have to detect and solve. The theme of this edition is ‘A New Decade’. What does the new decade at the ESA look like? There are many aspects to answer in this question. One of these is the economic aspect. Up till now I would say that we did not really feel the economic crisis. This does not mean we will not feel its effects in a few years. July 2010 edition 24 Interview When you plan a mission, you plan it now, but you develop it in a period of ten years. The decisions that are taken now may not show immediate consequences but it is possible that these are just delayed. When this happens there will be, of course, some budget restrictions, as for example some recruitment policy being a little stricter or some sort of constraints on new projects. You mentioned autonomy. Do you cooperate a lot with Russia, or with other space nations? Is there collaboration between the ESA and the NASA in certain aspects? Yes, absolutely. We cooperate especially regarding big missions which cannot be handled by a single country alone. For example the ISS (International Space Station): it is such a costly programme that not a single nation can afford it. We cooperate a lot with the NASA but also with the Russians, especially in manned missions. Since we are not so ad- vanced in this field we send our astronauts for training there. Recently the US Space Programme was temporarily stopped, because of problems with a shuttle. Did this have any consequences for the ESA in general? That is a good question. In these days only Russians and Americans are able to send people into space and they were always used as a back-up for each other. Obviously, now we need to rethink our policy and we have also started to develop some projects for servicing the ISS in Europe. One is a project called ATV (Automated Transport Vehicle), which is not manned. It is able to dock at the ISS, fuel the station and recover all the rubbish to return it to Earth. It actually does not return in the obvious sense of the word since it is being burned in the atmosphere. This programme is under study even though nothing real is under development to date. Another study is about return vehicles which are able to fly to the station, dock there and bring the astronauts back to Earth in case of an emergency. ESA-A. Van der Geest Source: ESA - A. van der Geest July 2010 edition 25 DSF rd Awa t i r e M [ .%d ldg i] ^i^dc i]Zij Do you have what it takes? Duisenberg school of finance stands for top education and research in finance. A premier private finance school located in the heart of Europe with world class faculty and direct links to industry leaders in the world of finance. 4 Merit Scholarship Awards worth 90% of the tuition each will be awarded to selected candidates applying for any one of the DSF Master’s programmes. The application deadline is Monday 2 August 2010. Visit our website for more detailed information on our specific Degree programmes and Financial Aid opportunities. for leaders in finance DSF Degree programmes • MSc in Risk Management • MSc in Corporate Finance and Banking • MSc in Finance and Law • LLM in Finance and Law • MPhil/PhD in Finance Eligible candidates must • be a graduate from a DSF partner University - University of Amsterdam - VU University - Erasmus University or - Tilburg University • graduate before September 2010 • be accepted to DSF before August 2010 PHD Article High-tech innovation crosses firm boundaries by involving suppliers By Johanna Slot Traditionally, high-tech innovation was an internal activity. However, the task has become increasingly complex due to fast-pace developments in technology. Now, high-tech firms resort to outside knowledge sources, thereby crossing firm boundaries. Next to cooperation with competitors and customers, firms involve their suppliers in new product development. How should these firms organise this type of open innovation? 1. Introduction Innovation is the lifeblood of modern economies; innovation has a major impact on the daily lives of consumers. Innovation brings forward new products which satisfy changing customer needs; innovation improves the quality and lowers the prices of products (Hauser, Tellis & Griffin 2006). Innovation has a great impact on business: innovation creates new markets and destroys old ones (Abernathy & Clark 1985). For firms, the development of innovative new products is an important activity in gaining competitive advantage (Wind & Mahajan 1997). Innovation is critical: it can cause incumbent firms to lose and new entrants to win (Chandy & Tellis 2000). Thanks to rapid scientific technological developments, technology is at the core of many newly developed products ( John, Weiss & Dutta 1999). High-tech innovation is different from non-tech innovation. Two aspects are relevant in this respect. First, scientific knowledge has a substantial role in enabling technological improvements leading to new products. Second, the development of new high-tech products is costly. The development processes may involve research and development on new technologies requiring basic research, prototyping and testing, extending developing time and increasing development costs. Material and labor cost of reproduction and distribution of hightech products are typically only a fraction of the knowledge development costs ( John, Weiss & Dutta 1999). Traditionally, high-tech new product development was an activity kept within firm boundaries. A firm would develop a new product on the basis of the marketers’ perception of customer needs, and would develop necessary components themselves or order off-the shelf with suppliers. However, high-tech innovation is becoming increasingly complicated due to fastpace developments in technology which makes stand-alone innovation extremely costly (Wind & Mahajan 1997). In addition, suppliers increasingly need to do development work themselves before they can deliver components. As a result, high-tech firms increasingly resort to outside sources to find the expertise needed. This changed the scope of high-tech new product development. Today, high-tech new product development is characterised by extensive cooperation with customers, suppliers and even competitors. This practice is coined ‘open innovation’ (Chesbrough 2003; Rigby & Zook 2002). In today’s world, we find examples of such open innovation collaborations all around us. For example, in the car industry, the competitors Toyota, Peugeot and Citroën have joined forces to develop the ‘triplet’ cars Toyota Aygo, Peugeot 107 and Citroën C1. In the semiconductor industry, manufacturers frequently involve their suppliers for achieving production of even smaller computer chips. In the development of medical equipment, hospitals are typically involved to ensure the tools meet user requirements. 2. Literature review In recent years, the value of outside sources of knowledge to the innovation process has been increasingly acknowledged in academic research (e.g. Cohen & Levinthal 1990; Narasimhan, Rajiv & Dutta 2006; Wuyts, Dutta & Stremersch 2004; Sivadas & Dwyer 2000). A lot of research has focused on innovation together with competitors in R&D alliances and joint ventures (e.g. Rindfleisch & Moorman 2001; Rowley, Behrens & Krackhardt 2000; Powell, Koput & Smith-Doerr 1996). In such (temporary) collaborative agreements, the parties agree to jointly develop and share knowledge. This way, a firm increases its access to expertise. Especially in high-tech industries, in which R&D is pervasive and technological developments are rapid, collaboration with competitors may help a firm to survive. In addition, research attention has been spent on involving customers in the innovation process. One stream of literature reports on the benefits and costs of co-development with customers (e.g. Fang 2008). Some critics have argued that customers are unable to conceive truly novel product concepts, which is an important ingredient for innovation (Bonner & Walker 2004). Another stream of literature focuses on involving lead-users, which are those customers experiencing leading edge needs and are treated as exemplars for the bulk of the customers (Von Hippel 1986). In high-tech new product development, the involvement of customers is an important phenomenon. Customers increasingly formulate their own needs and may already start thinking of solutions (Appleyard 2002), thereby initiating new product development projects themselves. Next to competitors and customers, a firm can also cooperate with suppliers for developing new products. However, this type of cooperative effort has received far less academic attention. For high-tech firms, cooperation with suppliers is of the utmost importance. Characterised by an ongoing stream of radical July 2010 edition 27 PHD Article and incremental innovations, these markets frequently face changes in terms of products made, technologies and knowledge studied and processes followed (Abernathy & Clark 1985), making existing structures obsolete. Involving suppliers helps firms to stay abreast of the latest technological developments (Wuyts, Dutta & Stremersch 2004). In terms of NPD success, involving suppliers in new product development is reported to result in better product designs, which are marketed faster and ultimately translate into higher customer value. Although the necessity to include suppliers in new product development to access new knowledge is apparent, involving suppliers is easier said than done. This article will discuss some of the issues associated with involving suppliers in high-tech new product development. 3. A portfolio approach to involving suppliers in high-tech new product development As mentioned earlier, firms active in high-tech industries need to involve suppliers in order to access outside knowledge. Working with suppliers may take many forms. On the one end of the spectrum, a firm can tap into external knowledge pools by licensing know-how from supplier parties, or simply buying components from supplier parties. In such a situation, market governing mechanisms apply. On the other extreme, a firm could decide to set up a contractual joint venture with its supplier(s), thereby applying hierarchical governing mechanisms. In between these forms, we find hybrid designs (Williamson 1991), in which the focal firm and supplier(s) cooperate intensively. For the focal, developing firm employing such cooperative designs with suppliers, the key questions to planning supplier involvement are: WHICH suppliers should be involved, WHEN should these suppliers be involved, and HOW should they be involved? 3.1 Knowledge-based view The knowledge-based view is well-suited to solve questions related to planning supplier involvement in high-tech new product development. The knowledge-based view focuses on knowledge as the most strategically important resource of the firm (Grant 1996), having distinct characteristics leading to particular challenges. First, the transfer of knowledge within the firm as well as between firms can be slow, costly and uncertain due to its tacit nature and its complexity (Kogut & Zander 1992). 28 FIRST Quarterly Second, the ability to transfer knowledge is highly related to the capacity for aggregation of knowledge, which, in turn, depends on the absorptive capacity of the recipient (Cohen & Levinthal 1990). Third, knowledge as a resource represents unique appropriability problems in the sense that reselling knowledge is possible without losing it, and that marketing knowledge makes it available to buyers concurrently (Grant 1996). Given these knowledge characteristics, markets are deemed unsuitable for coordinating the exchange of knowledge as a resource. The knowledge-based view sets forward this very argument to defend the existence of the firm, as firms can create the conditions in which knowledge can be exchanged for the benefit of production without opportunism problems (Grant 1996). The same rationale can be followed to explain the existence of supplier involvement in internal firm processes too. As has been pointed out earlier, one of the very goals for supplier involvement is to gain access to new knowledge, an asset very valuable for high-technology industries (Narasimhan, Rajiv & Dutta 2006). Transfer of tacit and complex knowledge requires proximity between two parties (Grant 1996). Close cooperation including frequent interaction between two firms could be a successful way to coordinate external knowledge transfer. Supplier involvement designs in which parties work together intensively shape the conditions necessary for external knowledge transfer. In addition, suppliers involved in an NPD project tend to have intensive relationships with the firm, which reduces opportunism problems (Rowley, Behrens & Krackhardt 2000; Stump & Heide 1996). In summary, supplier involvement proposes an alternative to the firm as an organisational form for external knowledge transfer. 3.2 Supplier portfolio characteristics In high-tech innovation, the managerial decision to involve a certain supplier in new product development is not independent of the decision to involve another supplier. Frequently, high-tech products are highly interdependent, meaning that changes in one process affect the other. Similarly, involving one supplier affects the choice of involving another supplier. In addition, as the total group of suppliers involved determines the knowledge pool the developing firm can source from, the only correct way to handle the problem is a portfolio approach analysing all suppliers simultaneously, involving analysis of both the ‘average level’ as well as the ‘variation’ of characteristics in the portfolio. The first aspect dictated by theory pertains to the size of the supplier portfolio. Ceteris paribus, the larger the supplier portfolio, the more knowledge can be sourced. However, as the supplier portfolio becomes larger, the coordination costs of the interactions between all parties increase. These costs can be substantial, as inter-organisational transfer of technological knowledge is especially difficult (Kotabe, Martin & Domoto 2003). Hence, an excessively large portfolio of involved suppliers lowers the knowledge sourcing benefits. Second, the knowledge heterogeneity of the supplier portfolio deserves attention. Knowledge heterogeneity refers to the differences in technological knowledge among the suppliers (Bonner & Walker 2004). Theory dictates that two parties can only learn from each other if they have different knowledge, such that there is a learning potential. However, the cognitive distance between the two parties must not be too wide, otherwise the two parties will face too many challenges in the learning process (Kogut & Zander 1992). A supplier portfolio with high knowledge heterogeneity indicates knowledge differences between the suppliers, which offers many opportunities to learn, although the costs associated with the knowledge transfer are expected to be high. Third, the duration of supplier involvement is necessary to plan. A technological development process typically comprises the following phases: concept generation stage, feasibility study stage, specification stage, design and building stage, prototype testing stage, pilot testing stage, followed by volume ramping and product introduction. Suppliers can be involved for only one phase of the new product development process or they can be involved for multiple phases. Involving a supplier for multiple phases means that the developing firm is exposed to external knowledge longer, which will benefit new product development. In addition, if the supplier is involved for multiple phases, synergy effects arise in coordination. On the portfolio level, variation in the duration in which the suppliers are involved decrease cost efficiencies, as synchronising activities and process concurrency facilitate scheduling (Brown & Eisenhardt 1997; Tatikonda & Montoya-Weiss 2002). Fourth, the tie strength with the supplier portfolio needs to be taken into account, which con- PHD Article sists of both the interaction frequency and the closeness (cf. Marsden & Campbell 1984) between the focal firm and the suppliers. Frequent interaction is necessary for transferring technological knowledge due to its tacit and complex nature (Kogut & Zander 1992), but frequent interaction increases costs. Interaction with close suppliers, however, will not contribute much to the resource pool of new knowledge. Close partners are likely to have similar ties and knowledge sources (Granovetter 1973), and the firms have probably exchanged their knowledge already (Uzzi 1996). The development of redundant knowledge is a result. Closeness, however, does facilitate cooperation, as close ties serve as control mechanisms (Rowley, Behrens & Krackhardt 2000) generating cooperative norms and trust (Uzzi 1996). On the portfolio level, variation in both interaction frequency and closeness increase costs, thereby reducing the benefits of supplier involvement. 4. Concluding remarks In summary, involving suppliers in new product development can improve new product development dramatically by increasing access to external knowledge sources, which are critical ingredients in fast-paced high-tech innovation processes. However, composing a supplier portfolio for involvement is not straightforward and deserves thorough analysis. Next to the number of suppliers to be involved, a firm must select its suppliers based on their knowledge background and must plan the duration of the involvement and the interaction with the suppliers closely. Trade-offs exist between knowledge transfer on the one hand and the costs associated with coordinating supplier involvement on the other hand. In addition, these benefits and costs stem from both the choice of the individual suppliers as well as the resulting supplier portfolio composition. Drs. J.H. Slot is a PhD student at the Department of Marketing, Tilburg School of Management and Economics. References: Abernathy, W. & Clark, K. (1985). Innovation: Mapping the winds of creative destruction. Research Policy, 14 (1): 3-22. Appleyard, M. (2002). Cooperative knowledge creation: The case of buyer-supplier co-development in the semiconductor industry. In: Cooperative Strategies and Alliances, Contrac- tor, F. J. & Lorange, P. eds. Oxford: Elsevier Science: 381-417. Bonner, J. & Walker Jr. O. (2004). Selecting influential business-to-business customers in new product development: Relational embeddedness and knowledge heterogeneity considerations. The Journal of Product Innovation Management, 21 (3): 155-169. Brown, S. & Eisenhardt, K. (1997). The art of continuous change: Linking complexity theory and time-paced evolution in relentlessly shifting organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 42 (1): 1-34. Chandy, R. K. & Tellis, G. J. (2000). The incumbent’s curse? Incumbency, size, and radical product innovation. Journal of Marketing, 64 (3): 1-17. Chesbrough, H. (2003). Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. Cohen, W. & Levinthal, D. (1990). Absorptive capacity: A new perspective on learning and innovation. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35 (1): 128-152. Fang, E. (2008). Customer participation and the trade-off between new product innovativeness and speed to market. Journal of Marketing, 72 (4): 90-104. Grant, R. (1996). Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm. Strategic Management Journal, 17 (Special issue): 109-122. Hauser, J., Tellis, G. J. & Griffin, A. (2006). Research on innovation: A review and agenda for Marketing Science. Marketing Science, 25 (6): 687-717. Hippel, von, E. (1986). Lead users: A source of novel product concepts. Management Science, 32 (7): 791-805. John, G., Weiss, A. & Dutta, S. (1999). Marketing in technology-intensive markets: Toward a conceptual framework. Journal of Marketing, 63 (Special Issue): 78-91. Kogut, B. & Zander, U. (1992). Knowledge of the firm, combinative capabilities, and the replication of technology. Organization Science, 3 (3): 383-397. Kotabe, M., Martin, X. & Domoto, H. (2003). Gaining from vertical partnerships: Knowledge transfer, relationship duration, and supplier performance in the U.S. and Japanese automotive industries. Strategic Management Journal, 24 (4): 293-316. Marsden, P. & Campbell, K. (1984). Measuring tie strength. Social Forces, 63 (2): 482-501. Narasimhan, O., Rajiv, S. & Dutta, S. (2006). Absorptive capacity in high-technology markets: The competitive advantage of the haves. Marketing Science, 25 (5): 510-524. Powell, W. Koput, K. & Smith-Doerr, L. (1996). Interorganizational collaboration and the locus of innovation: Networks of learning in biotechnology. Administrative Science Quarterly, 41 (1): 116-145. Rigby, D. & Zook, C. (2002). Open-market innnovation. Harvard Business Review, 10: 80-91. Rindfleisch, A., & Moorman, C. (2001). Interfirm cooperation and customer orientation. Journal of Marketing Research, 40 (4), 421-435. Rowley, T., Behrens, D., & Krackhardt, D. (2000). Redundant governance structures: An analysis of structural and relational embeddedness in the steel and semiconductor industries. Strategic Management Journal, 21 (3), 369386. Sivadas, E. & Dwyer, F. (2000). An examination of organizational factors influencing new product success in internal and alliance-based processes. Journal of Marketing, 64 (1): 31-49. Stump, R. & Heide, J. (1996). Controlling supplier opportunism in industrial relationships. Journal of Marketing Research, 33 (4): 431-441. Tatikonda, M. & Montoya-Weiss, M. (2001). Integrating operations and marketing perspectives of product innovation: The influence of organizational process factors and capabilities on development performance. Management Science, 47 (1): 151-172. Williamson, O. (1991). Comparative economic organization: The analysis of discrete structural alternatives. Administrative Science Quarterly, 36 (2): 269-296. Wind, J. & Mahajan, V. (1997). Issues and opportunities in new product development: An introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Marketing, 34 (1): 1-12. Wuyts, S., Dutta, S. & Stremersch, S. (2004). Portfolios of interfirm agreements in technology-intensive markets: Consequences for innovation and profitability. Journal of Marketing, 68: 88-100. July 2010 edition 29 Internship At Beiersdorf AG By Nathalie Knobloch In April 2009 after passing all my exams in the master’s programme of Strategic Management I decided to take half a year off in order to do an internship at the department of International Sales at the headquarters of Beiersdorf AG (BDF) in Hamburg, Germany. BDF is one of the top international health & beauty companies, listed at the German stock index offering leading international brands such as Nivea, Labello and Hansaplast. The company also manufactures adhesive applications under its brand Tesa. BDF has more than 125 years of experience, more than 150 affiliates and 20,000 employees worldwide and generated record sales of €5.97 billion in 2008. No wonder that even before my first day at work I was highly motivated to start working in such a challenging and fast-paced environment – and I would not be disappointed throughout the upcoming six months. Within the international sales department, I was working in the field of global customer management or in other words ‘international key account management (IKAM)’. IKAM was a field of business that did not cross my way in any course at university. My assignments Basically, my main tasks were threefold. First and most importantly, I was supporting a key account manager who was responsible for one of BDF’s biggest customers: A global player with affiliates in Europe and Asia. Typical assignments for me as an intern were to do research on the customer by e.g. collecting data on sales forecasts, latest developments etc and to conduct benchmark-and market analyses. This information have been used by my boss as a starting point for his international annual planning with the customer. From an internal perspective I was in close communication with the key account and country managers of the respective BDF affiliates in Europe and Asia. As an example I had to ask them on a regular basis to send me customer specific data, such as the development of new product launches. From an 30 FIRST Quarterly external point of view, I was in direct contact with the customer by sending them for instance sales data. Second, I was supporting the internal International KAM coordination between the different key account managers in the HQ and abroad and I was for instance in charge of the preparation and organisation of international meetings. Third, I had other totally different assignments, such as the creation and maintenance of virtual rooms at the BDF intranet in order to improve efficiency in communication with all respective affiliates. What I liked the most I felt highly integrated in the team and I had my own projects and responsibilities. Once, during an international workshop I was presenting my own project in front of senior key account managers. This was a big change compared to presentations given at university, but a challenge that was actually fun to comply. I also liked the fact that I could join official business dinners, where I enjoyed meeting and having a chat with colleagues from other affiliates. The great network for the several hundreds of interns at BDF was another great experience. Weekly activities such as dinners, drinks, sports and cultural events have been organised, during which it was very easy to meet other fellow interns in an informal setting. Another benefit was the project overlapping with other departments such as the International Sales Controlling and Supply chain management departments, which helped me a lot in understanding the full scope of complex projects. What are the main take-aways? The knowledge I gained in the area of IKAM is of course one of the main takeaways. However, probably more important are certain soft skills that I acquired. I learnt that it is not always pure theoretical knowledge that counts. Especially in the domain of sales no manager appreciates a mindset, which is said to be too ‘mainstream’. In contrast, it is often more important to make use of common sense and to think in a prag matic manner when analysing real-world business problems. Besides, an independent way of working as well as pro-activity is highly appreciated, too. While communicating with national key account managers from the respective affiliates worldwide, I could notice some interesting cultural differences in terms of business formalities between Europe and Asia. When asking for data from let’s say a Dutch or English colleague it is normal to approach the person by only using the first name, something which is in most cases strongly inappropriate in the majority of Asian countries. To conclude, I encourage every student to do an internship, because no matter how high your average is, working experience gained through an internship is definitely highly appreciated or even strongly recommended by most Human Resource recruiters. alumni: Erik verheijden As a student, I did not really think about the future. Of course studying is actually preparing for the future, but at least I did not spend a lot of time thinking about what would happen in the world, the coming few years. That all changed when I started my internship at ASML in Veldhoven. Working 40 hours a week is definitely a sudden change from student life! However, it certainly was worth the effort. Now, after roughly 1,5 years being a flex-worker, I got my fixed contract for an undefined period at ASML. ASML is the world’s leading provider of lithography systems for the semiconductor industry, with offices in more than 15 countries and supplying systems throughout Asia, the United States and Europe. Lithography systems are used to reduce the size and at the same time increase the functionality of microchips, and consumer electronic equipment. From this explanation, it probably has become clear that ASML is a high-tech innovative company, which at first sight would not fit a ‘marketing guy’ from Tilburg University. However, the semiconductor industry is a very interesting one, characterized by very cyclical behaviour. A small change in for example consumer electronics demand can have an amplified impact on demand for lithography systems. Therefore it is very important for ASML to understand the market dynamics and foresee (macroeconomic) threats and opportunities. For example, due to the credit crisis the revenue dropped to 184 million euro in the first quarter of 2009, which is 80% lower than the first quarter of 2008! This indicates the volatility of the market and the importance of a good forecast, which is the task of my department within ASML. We closely follow macroeconomic trends as well as new electronic applications which can influence electronics demand. We have to answer questions like: What is the impact of a new Windows version on PC sales? What will be the impact of cloud computing on the electronics market during the next 5 years? What is the impact of the increased use of social network sites like Hyves and Facebook on technology spending? After we have answered these questions, we are able to simulate the possible future of ASML. Increasing worldwide demand does, however, not necessarily mean that our customers can actually afford new ASML systems, which in 2009 had an average selling price of € 21.1 million. Therefore it is also important to analyse if our customers have enough cash available to finance new purchases. This has certainly become a lot more difficult over the past year. Luckily, we do not have to do all this research ourselves. We have contact with external analysts all over the world, who keep us up to date about changes in the market, new to-be-released electronic products and potential future technologies and hypes. Using this information we create simulation scenarios. Creating these scenarios and making a forecast is, however, only one part of the job. The other part is communicating this message throughout the company, which involves giving presentations and discussing the future planned capacity for ASML. What I really like about working at ASML is that in this high-tech company, the marketing department is relatively small. This means that the work I do is directly used by the top management for making decisions and formulating the companies’ strategic vision, which at least gives me the feeling that I really add value to the organisation. Furthermore, I have lots of contact with people from all over the world, due to the multicultural environment within ASML and the geographically wide spread activities of ASML. Also, we have a very central position within the company, because our view on the market has to be communicated to lots of different departments. Investor Relations, Product Marketing, Central Planning and naturally the board of management, everyone has to understand the market and should be aware of the latest forecast. Even though I am a Marketing Management MSc, I am now mainly analysing the market, which is actually market research. I think this is a good addition to my knowledge, because in the end we should all understand market dynamics and there is no way to learn this better then at a company at the very end of a supply chain, like ASML. I am learning about the worldwide market, the semiconductor industry and at the same time developing my communication, presentation and analytical skills at a high professional level. What will happen in the next decade? No one will know for sure, there are definitely lots of opportunities, but still also economic threats. The only thing we can conclude is that it will definitely be a very interesting one, career-wise as well as technology-wise! Erik Verheijden is working as market analyst at ASML Netherlands B.V. in Veldhoven. Erik has a MSc in Marketing Management and was active for Pro-M / First International in several committees from 2006 to 2008. July 2010 edition 31 In Business: Academio A NEW DECADE in the academic world starts with Academio – Social Science; Knowledge Connected! Academio Academio is an initiative by two students from Tilburg University with expertise in Strategic Management and IT. Tamar Janssens (CEO) and Sebastian Mennes (CIO) both have successfully set up IT companies whose main activities are web-design and application development ( and Despite the fact that the site was not launched at the time, Academio was nominated for the Philips Innovation Award in March, 2010. Recently, Academio launched its first beta version. Academio: what about it? Academio is an internationally orientated social science network which is particularly aimed at knowledge sharing between students, academics and professionals. Throughout recent years a wide variety of social networks has popped up, yet none of them is focused on knowledge sharing. Do you find academic articles, notes, student documents, research drafts and similar scientific content on Facebook? Can you easily find people with similar knowledge and professional interests within your first degree network? Would you even consider bothering them with your scientific questions? If you have a question to which your classmates might know the answer, would it not be great to go beyond the scope of BlackBoard or other electronic learning environments to reach similar students from other institutions? With Academio we provide our members with such a solution! Knowledge Domains By dividing knowledge in so called ‘domains’ we bring likeminded students, academics, professionals and organisations in the scientific world together. Our main knowledge domains concern Economics & Business Administration, Healthcare, ICT, Nature & Technology, Behaviour and Social Sciences, Law, and Language & Culture. Within these main domains we categorised approximately another 110 sub domains. Each (sub) domain has itsown portal, on which various 32 FIRST Quarterly types of knowledge can be found. Academio brings people, science and organisations together, revolving around the theme to which their professional interest is devoted to: they are connected through science. By supplying a diverse set of digital media and innovative tools we aim at improving the communication and information processes of our members in their daily studies and work. We use state-of-the-art design in combination with the most recent online technologies to create a worldwide platform for sharing scientific knowledge. Not just another social network We strongly differentiate from other social media since none of them is truly focused on knowledge sharing. On the Academio platform it is not important to know what you and your friends did last summer. It is important what happens within your field (domain) of interest. Neither is it our focus to show you who is linked to who; our focus is to show you what scientific knowledge can be found where. In addition to that, we provide complementary functions that assist members in their daily search for scientific knowledge and we also enable one to sign in with minimal efforts using LinkedIn, Facebook, Hyves or Gmail accounts. In that sense, Academio is supplementary to other social networks, and on top of that adds a critical component: knowledge! A new decade in the academic world When Academio reaches a large user base, new ways for teaching could emerge that would enhance the quality of education. By using Academio, students can build on work from peers and scientists can easily find equally minded colleagues in conjoint paradigms from other countries and universities. Morover, knowledge will be verbalised and widely disseminated. Taking these examples into consideration, it is obvious that Academio stimulates knowledge sharing, valorisation and even innovation - as a result of which the science economy will be stimulated. Ambassadors requested! For both scientists and students we aim at providing a diverse set of scientific tools. Additionally, we aim at maintaining quality standards of the (user-generated) content on our platform. We also have a lot of ideas and we aim at continuously improving our concept. Logically, we need the inputs and help of our visitors! On you can leave your feedback on our platform. We are also setting up a network of ambassadors who are willing to manage knowledge of the domains and guard the scientific degree of the content. If you are interested to participate in our ambassador´s programme, please contact us via for more information. From left to right: Tamar Janssens and Sebastian Mennes of weet jij* een beter moment om in actie te komen? Assurance • Tax • Advisory *connectedthinking © 2010 PricewaterhouseCoopers B.V. Alle rechten voorbehouden. FACULTEIT ECONOMIE EN BEDRIJFSWETENSCHAPPEN Al eens aan Accountancy gedacht? Opleiding tot registeraccountant Inlichtingen Drs. R.C.W. Eken RA (coördinator en studieadviseur van de opleiding) tel.: 013-466 3404 e-mail: Studiegids aanvraag Secretariaat Opleiding tot Registeraccountant tel.: 013-466 34 22 Start 1 september Toelatingseisen fax.: 013-466 26 11 e-mail: internet: zie website Universiteit van Tilburg, Postbus 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg,