DEVELOPMENT OF A TRANSBOUNDARY MONITORING SYSTEM FOR THE PRESPA PARK AREA Expert Study Aghios Germanos, Prespa, November 2009 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park This study was funded by WWF-Greece/ MAVA Foundation Suggested bibliographical reference: Perennou, C., Gletsos, M., Chauvelon, P., Crivelli, A., DeCoursey, M., Dokulil, M., Grillas, P., Grovel, R. and Sandoz, A. (2009). Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Area, Aghios Germanos, Greece, November 2009, 381pp. Final editing: Miltos Gletsos (SPP), Yannis Kazoglou (SPP), Christian Perennou (TdV) Cover photo: SPP Archive/ M. Gletsos Page I SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Study Team Project Leader: Dr. Christian Perennou, Tour du Valat Project Coordinator: Miltos Gletsos, Society for the Protection of Prespa International Lead Experts: Dr. Philippe Chauvelon (Water resources) Dr. Alain Crivelli (Fish and fisheries) Maureen DeCoursey (Socio-economic issues) Prof. Martin Dokulil (Water resources) Dr. Patrick Grillas (Aquatic vegetation and habitats) Rémi Grovel (Forests and terrestrial habitats) Dr. Christian Perennou (Birds and other biodiversity) Dr. Alain Sandoz (Land-use) National Consultants: Albania: Dr. Spase Shumka Greece: Society for the Protection of Prespa (Dr. Giorgos Catsadorakis, Miltos Gletsos, Dr. Yannis Kazoglou, Irene Koutseri) Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Dr. Svetozar Petkovski Page II SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Acknowledgments SPP Scientific Advisors: Expert scientific advice was kindly provided to the SPP by EKBY, Thessaloniki (Dr. Eleni Fitoka on Land-use, Dr. Petros Kakouros on Forests and Terrestrial Habitats, and Dr. Vassiliki Tsiaoussi on Water Resources), by WWF-Greece (Dr. Panagiota Maragou on Biodiversity and on Water Resources), by Dr. George Parisopoulos (NAGREF, Athens) on the Water Resources theme, and by Dr. Michalis Vrahnakis (TEI Larissa) on the Forests and Terrestrial Habitats theme. TdV acknowledgements: TdV would like to thank Anthony Olivier, Virginie Mauclert and Nicole Yavercovski (TdV), Dr. Yorgos Mertzanis (NGO Callisto, Greece), and Dr. Vassiliki Tsiaoussi (EKBY, Greece), for providing valuable information for the expert study. National Thematic Experts: The present work would not have been the same without the invaluable contribution of the national thematic experts from the three countries, who actively participated in the transboundary thematic workshops between February and May 2009, and provided scientific and technical input to the 7 monitoring themes in this study. The full list of the participants, and the conclusions of the workshops, are found in Annexes 5.2-5.4. Transboundary Thematic Workshops: Last but not least, the transboundary thematic workshops were organized and fully supported by the GEF/UNDP Prespa Park project, and we particularly thank the UNDP teams for their contribution and support. Page III SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Abbreviations ASPBM: Albanian Society for the Protection of Birds and Mammals, Albania CBD: Convention on Biological Diversity CITES: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora CLC: CORINE Land-cover CMS: Convention on Migratory Species (also called Bonn Convention) CORINE: COordinated INformation on the Environment CPUE: Catch Per Unit Effort CR: Critically Endangered (IUCN Red List category) CWS: Central Water Service from the Ministry of Environment, Greece DEM: Digital Elevation Model EEA: European Environment Agency EKBY: Greek Wetlands and Biotope centre, Greece EN: Endangered (IUCN Red List category) ESNR: Ezerani Strict Nature Reserve, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia EU: European Union EUNIS: European Nature Information System FTH: Forests and Terrestrial Habitats FYROM: the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia GEF: Global Environment Facility GIS: Geographical Information System GNP: Galicica National Park, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia GPS: Global Positioning System GTZ: Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit, Germany HCMR: Hellenic Center for Marine Research, Greece HIO: Hydrobiological Institute of Ohrid, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia HIP: Institute for Health Protection, Bitola, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia HMA: Hydro-Meteorological Administration, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia IEWE: Institute of Energy, Water & Environment, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania IUCN: International Union for the Conservation of Nature LEAC: Land and Ecosystem Accounting LR/ NT: Lower Risk/ Near-threatened (IUCN Red List category) ΜΑΡ: Macedonian Alliance for Prespa, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia MBPNF: Management Body of the Prespa National Forest (now PNP-GR), Greece MCWG: Monitoring and Conservation Working Group MDGs: Millennium Development Goals MES: Macedonian Ecological Society, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia MNS: Museum of Natural Sciences, Tirana, Albania MoAFW: Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Water, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia MoEFWA: Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration (Albania) MoEPP: Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia NDVI: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index NPP: Pelister National Park, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia PNF: (former) Prespa National Forest, Greece PNP-AL: Prespa National Park, Albania PNP-GR: Prespa National Park, Greece PPC: Public Power Corporation, Greece Page IV SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park ΡΡΝΕΑ: Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania QE: Quality Element (in the context of the Water Framework Directive) REC: Regional Environmental Centre SAC: Special Areas of Conservation - designated under the Habitats Directive SAP: Strategic Action Plan (for the Sustainable Development of the Prespa Park) SPP: Society for the Protection of Prespa, Greece TB: Transboundary TdV: Tour du Valat, France TEI: Technological Education Institute (of Larissa), Greece TMS: Transboundary Monitoring System UNDP: United Nations Programme for the Environment VU: Vulnerable (IUCN Red List category) WFD: Water Framework directive WWF: Worldwide Fund for Nature Page V SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table of Contents 0. Preface 1 1. Introduction 5 2. Aim and Objectives of the Study 7 3. Short Description of the Study area 9 4. Framing the Monitoring System/Principles, Assumptions, Guidelines 18 5. System Elements and Design 26 6. Water Resources Monitoring 30 7. Biodiversity: Habitats and Species 82 8. Aquatic Vegetation and Habitats 86 9. Forests and Terrestrial Habitats 134 10. Fish and Fisheries 181 11. Birds and Other Biodiversity (Species and Habitats) 233 12. Socio-Economic and Cultural Values 290 13. Land-use 320 14. Evaluation of the Prespa Monitoring System 351 15. Integration of the Monitoring Components-Overview 356 16. Design of the Pilot Application System 367 References 375 Page VI SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park List of Annexes Note: Numbering of the Annexes corresponds to the Chapters of the present study (e.g. Annexes 6.1 -6.5 refer to Chapter 6); therefore, some apparent gaps in numbering simply reflect that some Chapters have no Annexes. Annex 4.1: Preparatory Stage (phase A) Report: 1. Aim of the monitoring system Annex 4.2: Preparatory Stage (phase A) Report: 2. Geographical scale at which the monitoring system should operate Annex 4.3: Preparatory Stage (phase A) Report: 3. Significant elements/ values/ issues of concern to a transboundary monitoring system in the Prespa Park, relevant criteria and scope Annex 4.4: Preparatory Stage (phase B) Report Annex 4.5: Preparatory Stage (phase C) Report: Guidelines Annex 5.1: ToRs of international lead experts Annex 5.2: Composition of thematic working groups Annex 5.3: ToRs of thematic working groups Annex 5.4: Conclusions and summary minutes of the Transboundary Thematic Workshops Annex 6.1: A summary of requirements from the Water Framework Directive, and where to find relevant information on state of the art methodologies Annex 6.2: Standard references and normatives for water monitoring Annex 6.3: List of main pesticides currently used on apples in the northern watershed of Macro Prespa Annex 6.4: Indicative list of agrochemicals used in bean cultivation around Prespa Annex 6.5: Sluice gates at Koula, Greece (plan and cross view sections; discharge calculations) Annex 8.1: Protocols for the location and surface area of patches for aquatic vegetation monitoring Annex 8.2.: Protocol for the monitoring of the species composition of wet meadows and reed beds (Braun Blanquet method) Annex 8.3.: Protocol for monitoring the hydrophyte beds Annex 8.4: Homemade Acrylic Secchi Disks Annex 8.5: How to Make a Viewscope Page VII SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Annex 9.1: Proposed land-use and habitats typology from CORINE Land Cover and from EUNIS classification Annex 9.2: Specific method and protocol related to each indicator Annex 10.1: Monitoring indicator P1, P4, P5, P8 and P10: Fish endemic to Prespa lakes trend Annex 10.2: Indicator P1, P4, P5, P8 and P10: Fish endemic to Prespa lakes trend Annex 10.3: Monitoring indicators P2, P3, P5 and P10: Prespa trout trend and Prespa barbel and nase trend Annex 10.4: Monitoring indicator P9: Quality and quantity of fish eaten by cormorant Annex 11.1: Questionnaire for large carnivores Annex 11.2: Waterbird counting sectors in the Albanian and Greek sectors of Prespa Lakes Annex 11.3: Protocol for the preliminary study and long-term surveillance of Pond terrapin Annex 11.4: Protocol for the preliminary study and long-term surveillance of Balkan stream frog Rana graeca Annex 12.1: Summary of non-nature values Annex 12.2: Integrated Monitoring System for Sustainable Rangelands, Core Indicators Annex 12.3: Millennium Development Goals and Indicators Annex 12.4: List of proposed socio-economic indicators for the Prespa Lakes basin Annex 12.5: Rationale for conserving/ rejecting/ modifying the initially proposed socioeconomic indicators Annex 12.6: Comments on the Revised List of Socioeconomic Indicators for the Full TMS (from the first workshop) Annex 12.7: List of Potential Organizations to be Involved in Socioeconomic Monitoring Annex 13: Data/images for land-use monitoring Photo Annex: Photo Documentation Page VIII SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 0. Preface The Prespa lakes, Micro Prespa and Macro Prespa, are among the oldest and highest tectonic lakes in Europe. Situated in the Balkans in Southeast Europe, they are shared by three countries, Albania, Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The two lakes are well-known for their globally significant biodiversity, rich cultural heritage and unique landscapes. Significant developments have shaped the Prespa lakes since the year 2000. They have led, through different pathways, to the present expert study for the development of a transboundary monitoring system (TMS) for the Prespa Park. A brief overview of those developments, and the main stakeholders and actors involved in Prespa, is given below. 0.1. Establishment of the Prespa Park and main actors On 2 February 2000, the Prime Ministers of the three littoral countries gathered in the village of Aghios Germanos, in Greek Prespa, and through a joint Declaration established the “Prespa Park”, the first transboundary protected area in Southeast Europe. Their initiative, which was under the auspices of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, was awarded with the “Gift to the Earth” award by WWF-International. According to the Declaration, the Prespa Park, which spans the whole catchment area of the two lakes, would aim at the protection of the ecological values of the basin, the prevention and/or reversal of the causes of habitat degradation, the sustainable use of the water resources and the adoption of a model approach that could be applied in other transboundary regions. The “adoption of a joint and effective monitoring system” for the lakes and their surrounding catchment is also one of the more specific objectives of the Prespa Park. Two environmental NGOs which have played a significant role in the Prespa Park Declaration are the Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP) and WWF-Greece. The SPP is based locally in Greek Prespa and has worked for many years in the Greek part of the basin, focusing on conservation research activities, including monitoring of endangered birds, endemic fish and certain rare species of fauna and flora. Both SPP and WWFGreece had lobbied for the establishment of a transboundary protected area that would Page 1/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park cover the whole catchment of the two lakes. Following the Prespa Park declaration, they actively participated in the transboundary Prespa Park process and its institutions. The main institutional body for transboundary cooperation in Prespa is the Prespa Park Coordination Committee (PPCC). It is made up of representatives of the Ministries of Environment, the local Municipalities and the local environmental NGOs from the three countries, as well as a Ramsar/ MedWet permanent observer. The 10-member PPCC, meeting semiannually, is reinforced by a Secretariat consisting of the NGO representatives from the three countries. 0.2. Development of the TMS project One of the first joint enterprises of the PPCC has been the development of a Prespa Park Strategic Action Plan in 2001 (SPP et al, 2005). The necessity of a transboundary environmental monitoring system for the whole Prespa basin, a prerequisite for sound and informed decision-making for the protection, management or development of the basin, was enshrined in the Strategic Action Plan. Consequently, the multi-annual GEF/UNDP Prespa Park Project, which started in 2007, included in its activities the development of a transboundary monitoring system (TMS) for the Prespa Park (Output 3.1: Monitoring of ecosystem health (biotic and abiotic) parameters strengthens information baseline for adaptive management in all three littoral states). The GEF/UNDP Project is implemented by UNDP1 and with main funding by GEF2 and co-funding by other donors. Co-funding for the development of the Prespa TMS, according to a pledge by the Greek Government, would come from the Greek side. When the GEF/UNDP Project commenced in 2007, the SPP secured funds from WWF-Greece. The TMS project is hence funded and implemented by the SPP, in full coordination and integration with the GEF/ UNDP Project. A Monitoring and Conservation Working Group (MCWG), composed of representatives of the primary relevant stakeholder institutions of the three countries was established in October 2007, and has been chaired by the International Transboundary 1 2 United Nations Development Programme Global Environment Facility Page 2/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Adviser (ITA) of the GEF/UNDP Project. Among its other activities and responsibilities, the trilateral MCWG acts as a steering body for the TMS project, by guiding the process and ensuring consensus at all stages of development of the transboundary monitoring system. The MCWG convenes one to two times a year with funding and support by the GEF/ UNDP Project. 0.3. Main stages of the TMS project The TMS project started in late 2007 and is expected to be completed in mid 2011. According to the planning, which has been agreed and coordinated between SPP and GEF/UNDP Project and validated by the MCWG, the TMS project is structured in six distinct stages. 1. Preparatory Stage (Phases A, B and C) 2. Expert Study on the transboundary monitoring system 3. Purchase and Installation of Equipment 4. Pilot application of the transboundary monitoring system 5. Adjustment of the transboundary monitoring system 6. Final approval of the system Stage 1 (Preparatory Stage) was implemented between October 2007 and June 2008 by Tour du Valat and SPP. It culminated in five papers (see Annexes 4.1 to 4.5), which were reviewed and validated by the MCWG: A1. Aim of the monitoring system; A2. Geographical Scale of the monitoring system; A3. Significant Elements, Values and Issues of concern to the monitoring system B. Appraisal of the existing situation; C. Guidelines for the expert study for the development of the transboundary monitoring system. Stage 2 involves the development of the present study, an expert study on the development of the transboundary monitoring system for the Prespa Park. Stages 3-6 will be implemented based on the conclusions of the present expert study and the guidance provided by the MCWG and the stakeholders of the project, starting in January 2010. Page 3/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Tour du Valat (France), a research centre for the conservation of Mediterranean wetlands, is the leading Scientific/Technical Consultant for the development of the present expert study, working together with the SPP and national consultants from the three littoral countries. Page 4/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 1. Introduction During the development of the expert study, the Scientific/Technical Consultant established thematic working groups, working on: 1. Water (quantity/ quality) 2. Aquatic vegetation and habitats 3. Forests and terrestrial habitats 4. Fish and Fisheries 5. Birds and other biodiversity (species) 6. Socio-economy 7. Land-use The thematic working groups consist of national thematic experts from the three littoral countries proposed by MCWG, and were led by international lead thematic experts selected and coordinated by the Scientific/Technical Consultant. The thematic working groups met in two rounds of two Transboundary Thematic Workshops (see Paragraph 5.2). The expert study largely follows the division into the 7 themes. An outline of the expert study is given below: In Chapter 2, the aims and objectives of the expert study and the TMS are presented. Chapter 3 provides a general description of the study area. The main conclusions of the Preparatory Stage (Stage 1) of the TMS, developed in the period October 2007 and June 2008, are given in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 presents the main three monitoring sectors: water, biodiversity and non-nature values, as well as the criteria used for the selection of monitoring elements. In the Chapters 6-13 that follow, the seven themes are presented in detail. For each theme, monitoring indicators, methods, equipment, proposals for organizations responsible for monitoring, and budgeting are examined. Page 5/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Chapter 14 proposes a detailed evaluation scheme comprising annual and five-year reviews. Although the seven themes can be seen as stand-alone monitoring sub-programmes, communication and coordination between the seven international lead experts, and osmosis with the national thematic experts during the Transboundary Thematic Workshops, has resulted in a much more integrated system. Chapter 15 deals more specifically with this issue. Finally, an expert recommendation for the pilot application of the TMS, part of which will be implemented during Stage 4 of the TMS project, is presented in Chapter 16. Page 6/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 2. Aim and Objectives of the Study The goal of this Full study is to organize a transboundary monitoring system, with “Routine surveillance” 3 as its key aim for the short / mid-term, at the whole Prespa watershed level. It focuses on all key elements proposed in Phase A (Paper A3 “Key elements in the Prespa Park”: see Annex. 4.3): Biodiversity (Habitats and Species), Water (Quantity/ Quality linked to WFD), Non-nature values (Socioeconomic). However, because of traditional dividing lines between experts specialities, the study is organized around 7 themes, covering collectively all those aspects: Fish and Fisheries; Aquatic vegetation and habitats; Forests & other terrestrial habitats; Birds and other Biodiversity; Water resources; Socio-economy; Land-use. More specifically, the current study: - specifies the parameters/indicators of the future TMS; and where applicable 4 provides or summarizes the baseline information at TB level for the elements selected; - proposes methodologies, type of samples, sampling locations, protocols and frequency common to all 3 countries, so as to ensure TB compatibility of data; - proposes the field equipment and laboratory facilities that are required; - proposes which stakeholders are capable of undertaking the recommended monitoring activities, and highlights training needs, where information exists on actual institutional capacity; - designs a pilot application system, to be implemented in the next stage (“Pilot application”). Following the recommendations made by the stakeholders from the 3 countries during the 2 sets of thematic workshops held in 2009 (Feb/March and May), it short-lists a smaller sub-set of indicators/ parameters, to be tested/ monitored during this pilot implementation; - estimates the budget for operating the monitoring system in the three countries, and precisely specifies the costs of equipment, manpower/ personnel, operation and maintenance needs. The budget estimate will help the TMS coordinators5 to 3 as agreed in Phase A of the Preparatory Stage – see Paper A1 “Aim of the monitoring system”, Annex 1.1. In the long-term the goal of a monitoring system for “Adaptive management” at the watershed level will be pursued, as agreed by the MCWG. See also § 4.1. 4 e.g. for some water parameters, according to the 2000/60 EU WFD. 5 Not designated yet. Page 7/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park develop proposals for funding the implementation of the system. The budget is specified per year, per 5-year monitoring cycle, and for the special case of the Pilot application year. - proposes a system for evaluating the performance of the TMS, i.e. it describes the evaluation principles, system, criteria and implementers, under which the TMS Coordinators6 will evaluate the monitoring system and its implementation in the future. 6 Not designated yet. Page 8/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 3. Short Description of the Study Area 3.1. General description of the Prespa catchment The Prespa basin is situated in the Balkan peninsula in SE Europe, and shared between three countries: Albania, Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The total area, comprising the drainage basin and the two lakes, is 1,519 km2 (figure adapted from Hollis and Stevenson 1997). The basin consists of two inter-linked lakes, Lake Micro Prespa and Lake Macro Prespa, separated by a narrow isthmus. The smaller lake, Micro Prespa, has an area of 47.4 km2, out of which 43.5 km2 belong to Greece and 3.9 km2 to Albania. Macro Prespa has a surface area of 259.4 km2 and is divided between the three littoral countries, the largest share belonging to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Table 3.1). Macro Prespa has a maximum depth of 55 m, while the much shallower Micro Prespa is no deeper than 8.4 m. However, multi-annual and seasonal fluctuation of the water level (including a severe drop in water level of Macro Prespa in the 1980s-90s), results in varying figures of depth and lake surface area, for both lakes, in different years or seasons. Prespa is a high altitude basin, the lakes being situated at approximately 850 m a.s.l. and surrounded by high mountains exceeding 2,000 m (Table 1.1). The main mountains are: Plakenska (1,998 m) to the North; Galicica (2,265 m) and Mali Thate (2,284 m) to the West; Mt. Ivan (1,770 m) and Mt. Triklario/ Sfika (1,750 m) to the South/ Southeast; and Mt. Varnountas (2,330 m) and Mt. Pelister/ Baba (2,601 m)7 to the East. Mt. Devas (1,372 m) is found on the rocky peninsula separating Lake Micro Prespa from the southernmost part of Lake Macro Prespa. Four islands are found in the lakes, two in Micro Prespa and two in Macro Prespa. The Aghios Achillios island in the Greek part of Micro Prespa is inhabited. 7 The summit of Mt. Pelister (2,601m) lies outside the Prespa catchment area. According to topographic maps it is estimated that the highest point of the water divide and the whole basin is Veternica summit (2,420 m) on the ridge of Mt. Pelister/ Baba. Page 9/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 3.1. Main morphometric features of Lakes Micro and Macro Prespa (adapted from Hollis and Stevenson 1997). Lake surface area and depth vary according to lake level fluctuation. Lake Micro Prespa Lake Macro Catchment Basin Prespa Lake Surface (total) 47.4 km2 259.4 km2 306.8 km2 2 2 Lake Surface in 3.9 km 45.5 km Albania Lake Surface in Greece Lake Surface in the FYR of Macedonia Maximum Depth Mean Depth Altitude Catchment (terrestrial) – all three countries Catchment in Albania Catchment in Greece Catchment in the FYR of Macedonia 43.5 km2 - 37.6 km2 176.3 km2 8.4 m 4.1 m 853 m asl 189 km2 55 m 18 m 843 m asl 1,029.1 km2 843-2,4208 m asl 1,218.1 km2 51 km2 138 km2 0 162 km2 71.6 km2 795.5 km2 213 km2 209.6 km2 795.5 km2 3.2. Situating Prespa Park Prespa catchment, to the east, borders the valley of Pelagonija/ Pelagonia, which stretches between the town of Bitola in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the Prefecture of Florina in Greece (main towns: Florina and Amyntaio). To the west, the Devoll river and the valley of Bilisht separate Prespa from the Korcha (Korçë) plain in Albania. To the north and northwest Prespa is adjacent to the catchment basin of Lake Ohrid. In Albania, the Macro Prespa area belongs to the Korcha (Korçë) District and all villages in this part belong to the Liqenas Commune. It communicates with the town of Korcha (Korçë) through the Zvezda Pass. A border crossing at Gorica/Stenje connects Albanian Macro Prespa with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The Micro Prespa area in Albania is part of the Devoll District and two of the villages of this area belong to Progër Commune and one to the Bilisht Qendër Commune. It communicates with the town of Bilisht through Treni. The population of Albanian Prespa is 5,325 inhabitants in 12 settlements. 8 Ibid Page 10/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Fig. 3.1. Prespa Park in the Balkan Peninsula In Greece, the basin of the two lakes is situated in the Prefecture of Florina, in the Region of Western Macedonia. The villages in Greek Prespa fall under the jurisdiction of the Prespa Municipality (which extends outside the basin too). Through Pervali Pass, Greek Prespa communicates with the towns of Florina to the East (seat of the Prefecture) and Kastoria to the South. Regarding communication with Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, there is no border crossing within the Greek Prespa area. The only way to enter Albania is through the Krystallopigi/ Kapshtice border crossing. To enter the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia there is a border crossing in Niki / Medzitlija, accessed via Florina. The Municipality of Prespa includes 13 settlements within the catchment basin, with a population of 1,537 inhabitants. In the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the so-called Prespa Valley has an urban centre called Resen (ca. 8,750 inhabitants), which is the seat of the Municipality of Resen covering the whole area. The main road connecting Prespa with the town of Bitola passes through the Gjavato Pass. The main road to Ohrid valley goes through the Bukovo Pass. Lipona Livada, a high altitude pass on Mt. Galichica, also connects Prespa to the Ohrid catchment. There are 43 settlements in the area, with a population of 16,825 inhabitants. Page 11/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Fig. 3.2. Relief map of the Prespa Park catchment area Page 12/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 3.3. Designated Protected Areas The Macro and Micro Prespa lakes and their catchment basin are regulated and protected under a series of national, EU and international legal instruments. In Albania and Greece, more or less the whole Prespa catchment is covered by a single protected area in the form of National Park. In the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, on the other hand, the Prespa catchment is much larger and includes at least three separate protected areas, two of them partly extending outside the catchment (Fig. 3.1). In Albania, the Prespa National Park (PNP-AL), with a total surface of 277.50 km2 covering the whole catchment within Albania, was established in 1999 by the Council of Ministers’ Decree 80/1999. The surface of the PNP-AL includes agricultural land, forests, pastures and meadows, and the whole aquatic area of the two Prespa Lakes on the Albanian side and unproductive surfaces. It is composed by three zones: Protected zone I (strictly protected area), Protected zone II (managed zone) and Protected zone III (development zone). In Greece, the "Prespa National Forest" (PNF) with a surface area of 194.70 km2 was instituted by Presidential Decree 46/1974. The limits of the PNF covered the whole catchment area with the exception of the peaks of Mt. Varnountas and the upper part of the river valley of Aghios Germanos. Both the PNF and the Varnountas Mountains are Special Protection Areas (SPA) and Special Areas of Conservation (SAC), parts of the NATURA 2000 Network, according to EU law (Directives 79/409/EEC and 92/43/EEC). A Management Body of the Prespa National Forest (MBPNF) was created in 2002. The 9member Council of the MBPNF 9 was appointed in 2003, and 13 staff (scientific and technical) were recruited in 2008. The seat of the MBPNF is at the village of Aghios Germanos. In July 2009, a relevant Joint Ministerial Decision was gazetted, resulting in the creation of the Prespa National Park (PNP-GR) and regulating the measures, land uses and zoning for the protection, conservation and management of the area. The four main 9 Comprising (September 2009) representatives of the Ministries of Environment, Agriculture, Development, Foreign Affairs, the Prefecture of Florina, the Municipality of Prespa, the agricultural and fishermen’s cooperatives, the environmental NGOs, and a special scientist. Page 13/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Fig. 3.3. Designated National Parks in the Prespa Park catchment area Page 14/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park protection zones include: 1. Zones of Absolute Protection of Nature; 2. Zones of Protection of Nature; 3. Zones of Eco-development; 4. Sites of Protected Natural formations and Landscapes. The MBPNF has the same composition at the time of writing and a mandate over PNP-GR. From an international law perspective, Greek Prespa falls under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (ratified by Law 191/1974). The Ramsar site covers the surface of Micro Prespa (Greek part) and the reedbeds on its banks, with a total area of 50,78 km2. In the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia the main areas under a precise protection status are the following: 1. Strict Nature Reserve "Ezerani" (ESNR) The Reserve occupies 20.80 km2 of the coastal area of Macro Prespa. The reserve together with the whole part of the lake belonging to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is a designated Ramsar site, with a total area of 189.20 km2. 2. National Park "Pelister" (NPP) The oldest National Park in the area (and in the Former Yugoslav Federation), NPP was designated in 1948 covering an area of 125.00 km2. The largest part of NPP lies outside the basin; however, in 2008 its jurisdiction was extended to cover the river valley of Brajcinska River, within the Prespa catchment. NPP has a very diverse flora, and significant fauna. 3. National Park "Galicica" (GNP) In 1958, 227.50 km2 on Mt. Galicica, because of its distinguished natural beauties and characteristic flora and fauna of woods, was designated a National Park. Part of the National Park extends outside the Prespa basin to the shore of Lake Ohrid. 3.4. Abiotic environment The Prespa Lakes are among the most ancient lakes in Europe. They used to be part of the former Dassaretic Basin during the Jurassic period, and they were formed during a karstic collapse during the Tertiary period, together with lake Ohrid and former lake Maliq (drained in the 1950s). Page 15/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park The basin is divided geologically in two distinct parts: the West and South part of the basin is dominated by limestones and dolomites, and the North and East part by granites and gneiss, which also determinates the distinctive vegetation types in each part. The central part of the depression is filled with alluvial sediments. The basin has no surface outflow, but the presence of limestone on its western part results in underground karstic outflow to lake Ohrid (which lies ca. 150 m lower than Macro Prespa). The climate of the Prespa Lake area is characterized as mild continental–central European with Mediterranean features. Meteorological time-series in the three counties are limited and do not cover high-altitude parts of the basin. The average annual precipitation is in the 600-900mm range, at lake level, and the average annual temperature lies between 9.5°-11°C. Snowfall is common from October until April. Wind velocities are generally low. The fluctuation of the water level of Micro Prespa is largely correlated with the diversion (now defunct) of the Devoll River and the withdrawal of water for irrigation purposes. The water level of Macro Prespa has decreased during recent years by approximately 8m, however the causes of this phenomenon have never been fully investigated. It is assumed that successive dry years, in combination with the uncontrolled underground outflow to Ohrid Lake, have resulted in this phenomenon. The main water management interventions in the area are the following: In 1936, the Aghios Germanos stream in Greece, which flew into lake Micro Prespa through a deltaic formation, was regulated and diverted to Macro Prespa. The Maliq Lake, near Korcha in Albania, was drained in the 1950s. In the 1970s, the Devolli River in Albania was linked to Lake Micro Prespa through 2 artificial channels. Other interventions are low scale, mostly connected to irrigation purposes, and mainly took place during the 1960s. In 1986, a sluice gate was placed in Koula, i.e. at the end of the channel that connects the Micro and Macro Prespa on Greek territory, and was refurbished in 2004. Water quality in the two lakes is generally good. Micro Prespa is generally classified as mesotrophic to eutrophic, or close to the eutrophic stage. Macro Prespa is classified as mesotrophic. (SPP et al 2005). Page 16/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 3.5. Biotic Environment The biodiversity of Prespa is very rich and diverse compared to its size, and includes many endemic taxa, as well as species and habitats of conservation concern. From a phytogeographical perspective, Prespa Park can be classified in the Balkan subzone of the Sub-Mediterranean vegetation zone. The areas with aquatic vegetation have special conservation importance. The successive zones from the lakeshore to the watershed line on the mountains are forest formations (lowland woodland vegetation, deciduous oak forests, deciduous beech forests, and mixed beech-fir forests), sub-alpine vegetation of dwarf shrubs and alpine meadows. There is no complete inventory of the flora of all the Prespa area, however many endemic species of the Balkan Peninsula have been detected (SPP et al 2005, Petkovski et al 2008). Concerning the fauna, dozens of spp. of endemic invertebrates have been registered. The fish fauna is very rich including 23 species recorded, out of which 9 are taxa (species or sub-species) endemic to Prespa. The avifauna of Prespa has both national and international importance, due to its richness but also due to the presence of significant populations of rare species of international importance, such as such as the Dalmatian Pelican, the Great White Pelican, and the Pygmy Cormorant. Among the 60 mammals encountered in Prespa, species of conservation concerns include the Wolf, the Brown Bear, the Otter and the Chamois. (SPP et al 2005, Petkovski et al 2008) Additionally, a July 2009 survey identified 25 species of bats (Chiroptera), 15 of which breeding in the area (Grémillet and Kazoglou 2009). Page 17/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 4. Framing the Monitoring System / Principles, Assumptions and Guidelines A summary of the conclusions of Stage 1 (Preparatory Stage: Assumptions, Scientific basis, Principles for the definition of indicators etc.) is presented here with the purpose to introducing the main study and guiding the reader. The full texts of the outputs of Stage 1 are included in Annexes 4.1 to 4.5. By definition, a trans-boundary (“TB” later in the text) monitoring system should focus on those issues that cannot be properly monitored at national scale only, since species cross borders, and some problems arise in one country while affecting the others too. It will have to consider things from a different angle, and should: (1) concentrate on issues that are not only important from a local/ national point of view, and (2) bring an added value to existing national programs. In particular, the TB system will not replace the national monitoring systems that are needed in each country, e.g. for reporting as per the EU requirements10 : it can help the national systems (e.g. by bringing in a broader perspective, or extra-territorial data which help interpretation), but it cannot substitute for them. Furthermore, one reiterated request is for the TB monitoring system to be low cost, which implies that in its early years at least, it cannot focus on more than a few, key aspects. This implies that severe choices had to be made at its inception. However, in a second stage (mid-term), and once the 3 countries have learnt how to monitor together a few elements, the scope can be expanded, depending on the resources available. 4.1. Aim of the monitoring system The specific aims of any monitoring system for a natural area should be, in the long-term, to serve an ever-lasting spiral of improving management, i.e. “adaptive management”. In the case of the Prespa basin, this was reiterated e.g. as part of the GEF/UNDP Prespa 10 or similar requirements resulting to the approximation to EU legislation, e.g. the Water Law in FYRO Macedonia Page 18/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park transboundary project 11 . However, one of the pre-requisites for this is an effective management body/ mechanism, able to translate rapidly into field action any conclusion resulting from a monitoring programme. As this was considered by the MCWG as still under development during Stage 1, alternative goals for the shorter-term were proposed. Therefore, Routine surveillance (Option 1 in Annex 4.1) was chosen as the core goal of the TB monitoring system (“TMS” later in the text) for the short / mid-term at least. It consists in obtaining over a few years reliable data on the “normal” range of variation of important parameters, whether environmental or socio-economic. After a certain time, which may vary depending on the issues/ parameters, the range of “normal” or acceptable variations can be established, and the monitoring upgraded so as, for example, ring an “alarm bell” to the manager or decision-maker when the indicator steps out of this range. The ultimate aim is to enable her/him make informed decisions. Such a basic surveillance is crucially missing from the Prespa Park area, at least at TB level. Some routine surveillance exists for some countries and some issues (e.g. Pelicans in GR-Prespa, human demography in AL-Prespa, water quality in GR-Prespa and the part of Prespa in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia etc.), but only at national level. There is currently no jointly agreed and shared TB baseline in Prespa on any of the key environmental values and issues – let alone socio-economic parameters. The TB monitoring system will therefore play a crucial role in helping establish this common ground between all three countries. However the MCWG recommended that if for some specific aspects the possibility for adaptive management appears already in the short-term, the system should be flexible enough to accommodate this. Furthermore, the 3 remaining options that were proposed initially, i.e. 3. “Knowledge-oriented”, 4. “Crisis management” and 5. “Policy-evaluation”, should not be discarded totally, but instead be retained as possibilities, in case (i) the needs arise, (ii) the prerequisites listed in Annex 4.1 are met and (iii) the necessary budget is available. 4.2. Geographical Scale As adopted by the MCWG, the TMS will focus on the watershed exclusively for most issues (Fig. 4.1). For instance streams within Galicica NP but flowing to Ohrid rather than Prespa 11 UNDP-GEF project Outcome n°3, Output n° 3.1 Page 19/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park lakes, should normally be excluded from TB monitoring. However, the TB system will leave open the option to extend the geographical scope outside the existing known surface catchment - but within the National Parks. This will only be the case for some selected themes/ parameters that need to be monitored beyond watershed borders in order to be meaningful, especially those linked to terrestrial ecosystems (e.g. alpine meadows, large carnivores, forests…). It was also noted that as for other Observatories/ Monitoring systems (e.g. the Camargue), monitoring data may already exist, but not necessarily at the “ideal” geographical scale. For instance some monitoring is already done at the level of administrative units, which may encompass a broader area than the one needed for the TMS. As it is not always possible, or cost-effective, to extract from it what is related to the ideal area to be considered for a given theme, the TMS may have to use this data as a proxy. 4.3. Significant elements, values, issues for monitoring A number of elements have already been monitored in each of the 3 countries, for a varying length of time. They cover a number of themes such as human demography, socio-economical statistics, climatic conditions, water quality and quantity, biodiversity... However, they address national or local priorities, and usually pay no specific importance to, or are not in a position to deal with, transboundary issues. So, simply “continuing with what has already been monitored” was not considered an option. Instead, the Strategic Action Plan (SAP) for the Sustainable Development of the Prespa Park (2002) was used as the primary inspiration for selecting key elements to monitor as part of the Prespa TMS. This document analyses in detail all the elements that give value to the area and the main pressures and threats. It also recommends broad policies/ strategies and specific management actions to conserve all the values (see in particular Section C.1.1.). The key elements/ values/ issues derived from the SAP were further completed / amended through visits paid to the stakeholders of the 3 countries between December 2007 and February 2008, and contributions made by MCWG at its meetings. Table 4.1 below synthesizes the final proposal. Page 20/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Figure 4.1. the geographical scope of the Prespa TB monitoring system, i.e. the Prespa watershed and the limits of protected areas in the three littoral countries Page 21/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park It should be stressed that the above was considered as the maximum, realistic contents for a first phase of the TB programme. The risk otherwise would be to start with an overambitious programme, which would not fit with the “low-cost”, “applicable” requests as formulated by various members of the MCWG. Table 4.1. Key elements to be considered by the Prespa TMS VALUES Biodiversity: 1. Habitats 2. Species Water Non-nature Values - surface area, as per Habitats Directive typology - habitat quality for a few key habitats 1-2 species (or groups of related species) per taxonomic group Water quantity & hydromorphology (lakes & rivers) Water quality focusing on (i) obligations linked to the WFD and (ii) the requirements of key species that depend on water quality (e.g. endemic fish…). Possibly a few values (for aspects on which good baseline info already exists) - KEY ISSUES Specific cross-cutting A few key issues Land-use 4.4. Existing situation As part of the preliminary stage, a meta-database of ongoing or past monitoring programs in each of the 3 national sections of the Prespa watershed was compiled. It is provided in Appendix 1 of Annex 4.3, and its contents, theme-wise, is summarized in Table 4.2 below. The metadatabase only includes parameters that have been monitored repeatedly over time, but not those that were measured for a short period for a one-off study, so Table 4.2 cannot be taken as being exactly representative of the amount of knowledge that exists per topic. The contents are only indicative, as in a number of cases the data provided does not allow a precise calculation of the n° of parameters monitored (e.g. waterbird monitoring programmes or demographic data). Page 22/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 4.2. Summary statistics of the existing meta-databases for Prespa ALBANIA GREECE the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia General (climate, population…) Water (Hydrology, pollution…) Natural habitats 15 27 0 107, incl. an approximation of ca. 100 parameters for demographic data 102 14 Fauna - Flora Agriculture 31 26, plus an unspecified n° of Waterbird species 6 50 0 8, plus an unspecified n° of Butterfly species/ Waterbird spp. 5 7 4 2 65 4 260 0 62 Socio-economy (others) Total 4.5. Approved guidelines for the study During the Preparatory Stage (Stage 1) of the TMS project, guidelines for the future TMS, were developed by the study team and approved by the MCWG. The study team following the recommendations of the MCWG divided them into strategic, implementation, and coordination guidelines: A- STRATEGIC GUIDELINES Guidelines for the definition of indicators, through which the selected values will be monitored; for the determination of joint indicators and special (national or local) indicators and relevant criteria. Guidelines for the methods for recording indicators B- IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES Guidelines for the definition of institutions to implement monitoring system in each country (one or more?); definition of national resources available or planned to implement the transboundary monitoring system Guidelines for existing and required equipment Guidelines and options for a low cost, user-friendly, transboundary GIS for monitoring Prespa basin Page 23/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Guidelines for training to implement the monitoring system; who will provide the training and how. C- COORDINATION GUIDELINES Guidelines for the coordinator in each country; Guidelines for trilateral coordination and administration of central transboundary database; required procedure The full set of guidelines for the future TMS is available in Annex 4.5. A brief outline of the guidelines relevant to the present study is given below: The guidelines for the definition of indicators include six families of criteria (Validity; Understandability; Interpretability; Data Availability; Cost Considerations & Feasibility; Transboundary character) breaking down into 20 questions that the selected indicators must satisfy. The criteria and associated questions are also proposed to be used for an ex-post evaluation of the system, and are reproduced accordingly in Table 14.2. The methods for recording the indicators should have been already tested, evaluated and validated, preferably in Prespa or elsewhere in comparable situations, according to the guidelines. For indicators linked to reporting requirements on EU directives, the methods should be fully conforming. They should be identical, or fully compatible, between the 3 states, and be applicable in Prespa by at least one relevant institution in each of the 3 countries. They must be essentially low-cost, as this is a legitimate expectation for the TMS from all relevant stakeholders. Finally, the methods should be easily taught and implemented by the local institutions, without resorting permanently to expert scientists or high tech laboratories to implement them. On the selection of the monitoring institutions, the Preparatory Stage of the TMS recommended the following general guidelines: technical capacity; commitment for longterm contribution to the TMS; support/ endorsement by the National Authorities; if possible commitment by the State for funding; possibility (from their statutes or regulations) to cooperate with institutions from other countries; capacity and goodwill to share data; links with management or decision-making bodies; acquaintance with EU Page 24/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park legislation. More on the institutions to implement the TMS can be found under Paragraph 15.2. A series of recommendations were developed for existing and future equipment of the TMS. Indicatively, equipment should be compatible with international norms, regularly maintained, visible, used by qualified staff, regularly submitted to inter-calibration, lowcost, environmentally friendly, and proven that it can work in the Prespa conditions. Concerning the coordination needs of the TMS, according to the recommendations the coordinating agency should show commitment to the TMS, be preferably one of the national monitoring institutions, have trust and recognition from the other institutions, exhibit coordination skills, have experience in international work, and have secured funding in the medium- or long-term. An adaptation of the above criteria is presented in Paragraph 15.3 of the present study. Page 25/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 5. System Elements and Design 5.1. Selecting the specific elements of the future TMS Following the definition of the key themes and issues to be considered by the Prespa TMS (see § 4.3 above), a set of general criteria was designed (Annex 4.3, § 3.) in order to “filter”, amongst the unlimited possibilities, the specific components that would be central to the TMS, given its specific goal, constraints (cf. “low cost”), links required with e.g. the EU legislation and international conventions, etc. In short, to be relevant to the Prespa TMS, an element should be: (a) of relevance to at least 2 of the 3 countries; AND (b) crucial for at least one of these 2/3 countries; AND (c) susceptible to transboundary decision-making and management (d) either (d1) a key « baseline » factor 12 for a territorial study (e.g. human demography, climatic data…); or (d.2) a key element that gives value to the area: e.g. Biodiversity, (Cultural heritage ?); or (d.3) a key threat affecting these values: e.g. pollution, water level dropping, unsustainable uses of natural resources; or (d.4) a driving force of these threats: e.g. pesticide use, lack of a legal framework, non-implementation of existing ones…; or d.5 a response by society to these threats: e.g. change in legislation, reduction in water abstraction, habitat protection measures… (e) practical for monitoring within the predictable conditions that will likely prevail in the mid-term in the Prespa watershed. In some thematic fields, these general principles could be translated into more specific ones. For instance, specific biodiversity criteria were developed using (1) international lists (IUCN Red Lists, EU Habitat and Bird Directives Lists…) of species/ habitats of international concern (EU or global) which occur in the Prespa watershed, and (2) additional expert advice from experts from the 3 countries, on what are the priorities for a 12 i.e. a general determinant with a potential influence on many aspects of the territory Page 26/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park TB programme13, as perceived nationally. Such expert advice was deemed most useful for including bottom-up information that global/ EU, list-based approaches may miss. For Habitats, the MCWG agreed that the TB monitoring system should cover both the quantitative (surface-oriented) aspects where currently baseline data apparently exists only for the Greek and Albanian parts; and the habitat quality on a few habitats, to be selected if possible from those that complied with the general criteria, and at the same time were listed as a “Top priority” by the experts of at least two countries. For species, it was suggested that those to be included should be of high TB conservation concern, i.e. as far as possible, either Globally threatened/ Nearly threatened (IUCN categories CR, EN, VU or LR/ NT), and/ or listed on the Annexes II or IV of the Habitats directive / Annex I of the Birds Directive, and proposed by at least a country expert as a “Priority for a TB system”. Eventually, it was recognized that the potential number of species and habitats meeting all the criteria above might still be too high to prove practical for the first years of a “Routine Surveillance” TMS, hence requiring a final selection process based upon non-technical choices. These were made through initial proposals of international experts, reviewed and amended at thematic expert meetings gathering experts from the 3 countries, in a later (2nd) stage of the project. For water, it was accepted that the TMS should cover: - key aspects linked to the quantity of water, - water quality, focusing on 2 aspects: (i) obligations linked to the WFD or its approximations, and (ii) the quality required by key species that depend on water quality (e.g. endemic fish…). - hydromorphology, as a crucial component for the WFD and for the good ecological status of the water bodies For socio-economic (including cultural) issues, the number of potential topics identified for the TMS was very high; however they bore a quite variable relation to the integrity of the Prespa ecosystem. In addition, some of them could not be monitored reliably in practice, e.g. because they are illegal (and thus, hidden) or because reliable statistics are notoriously difficult to obtain as everywhere in the world (e.g. real fisheries statistics). It 13 Important note: the question was formulated in this specific way, to avoid confusion with “What are the national priorities in your country ?”, which would not be within the scope of a TB project Page 27/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park was therefore decided that the TB monitoring system should skip at least in a first stage all issues that are recorded only for specific protected areas (not TB by nature), and those that are unpractical to monitor properly, e.g. illegal activities. It should instead focus on only a limited number of the problems relevant at transboundary scale, for the sake of realism. Finally, land-use was put forward as a key, necessary cross-cutting issue which - beyond providing baseline knowledge on % area under agriculture, forest, etc.- can also help assess e.g. changes in surface areas of habitat (at least for broad habitat classes) or in some aspects of habitat quality (e.g. forest density); changes in water quantity aspects (e.g. lake shoreline, directly related to water levels); or the impact of some human activities (e.g. development of new infrastructures). For these reasons, land-use/ satellite imagery is to have a special place in the TMS. 5.2. The system put in place for designing the Prespa TMS In practice, following the definition of the key themes and issues to be considered by the Prespa TMS, the task of setting up the next stages had to take into account the natural divide between expert specialties that exist within a given theme, e.g. “Biodiversity”, “Water” etc. Work covering all the elements previously identified (Table 4.1 above) was therefore split up between 7 thematic areas, lead by 7 thematic international (lead) experts14 : - Water resources (quantity/ quality) - Aquatic vegetation and habitats - Forests and terrestrial habitats - Fish and fisheries - Birds and other biodiversity (species) - Socio-economy - Land-use. The ToRs of these experts are provided in Annex 5.1. The thematic international experts were Dr. Philippe CHAUVELON and Dr. Martin DOKULIL (Water quality/ quantity); Dr. Patrick GRILLAS (Aquatic vegetation); Rémi GROVEL (Forests15 and terrestrial habitats); 14 15 a duet of experts in the case of water: Hydrology & Limnology/ Pollution From both the ecological and forestry exploitation perspectives Page 28/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Dr. Alain CRIVELLI (Fish and Fisheries); Dr. Christian PERENNOU (Birds and other biodiversity; also the Project coordinator); Maureen DECOURSEY (Socio-economy); Dr. Alain SANDOZ (Land-use). They received further assistance from 3 national experts, Dr. Spase Shumka (PPNEA, Albania) Dr. Svetozar Petkovski (Macedonian Museum of Natural History, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) and a team from the Society for the Protection of Prespa (Greece) comprising Dr. Giorgos Catsadorakis, Miltos Gletsos, Dr. Yannis Kazoglou and Dr. Vivi Roumeliotou. Altogether these constituted the project team. In order to assist the team, small working groups comprising, for each theme, 2-4 national experts from each of the 3 countries were set up (See composition in Annex 5.2 and ToRs in Annex 5.3). Their task was to review the initial proposals (on indicators, methods, protocols…) drafted by the lead experts, comment on them during thematic workshops held in the first half of 2009 (2 per theme; conclusions in Annex 5.4), and validate the final, revised texts. These validated proposals make up exactly the text Chapters 6 and 8 to 13 below; they also provided the vital material for Chapter 16 (Pilot study). Coordination was ensured so that each expert was permanently aware of what was going on in the other groups that were potentially relevant to him, especially for the Land-use group which had obvious links with at least 3 other groups through the common tool of satellite imagery. In order to keep the TMS relatively small and manageable, an initial target of no more than 10-15 indicators per group was suggested to all the theme leaders, with a possibility to go beyond only if well justified. Finally, the overall results comprising this integral study were validated by the Monitoring Conservation and Working Group (MCWG), at its November 2009 meeting held in… Page 29/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 6. Water Resources Monitoring Dr. Philippe Chauvelon, Tour du Valat Prof. Martin Dokulil, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Limnology 6.1. Introduction 6.1.1. Analysis of existing monitoring programs Hydrology and climatology There is a monitoring program (staff gauges read each day, or up to 2 or 3 days interval) of lake water levels in both lakes (since 1951 in Albania), but currently no continuous water level measurements are conducted, although basic support devices to receive limnigraphs still exist in both lakes on Greek side (Koula on Micro Prespa, and Psarades on Macro Prespa, now out of water following lake level draw down). The downstream Prespa catchment is covered with a dense network of mostly simple rainfall stations and further climatic data have been regularly observed in the past at the Resen station that has been closed in the past. Evaporation measurements have only been carried out on the Greek shore of the Micro Prespa Lake. So there is a sufficient number of rain gauges with long term series around the lakes, even if their current situation is not always following standards to avoid bias (distance to high obstacles); as it is also the case for the evaporation pan in Aghios Achillios Island (Micro Prespa), not enough isolated in an open space). The main problem is the lack of measurements of precipitation above the altitude of 1100 m a.s.l., that is to say that in 40% of the catchment area (considering the hypsometric curve given in GFA - 2005), we have no information on precipitations or on temperatures. The multi-parameter meteorological station in Koula (Greece) and in Pretor (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) can be used to calculate evaporation using for example the Penman method. Regular and continuous hydrometric river gauging has only been carried out for two approx. similar sized 60 km² catchment areas on the shores of the Lakes in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Brajcinska river) and in Greece (Aghios Germanos river). The river gauge on Brajcinska River has been in ongoing operation since 1961, the Aghios Germanos river station observing from the late seventies to the early eighties. These stations are rather situated on upstream locations before main water abstraction for agriculture. Public Power Corporation (Greece) installed one on Aghios Germanos river (Greece), because they were planning a micro power station, in Golema and Leva river Page 30/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) the main objective for their setting at the beginning was probably we think, to estimate water availability for agriculture downstream. As a consequence, even for gauged rivers, discharge data do not provide the total inflow from the considered river catchments to the lake. Until recently (GFA 2005, Parisopoulos et al. 2009), there were no precise information on the management of the Koula sluices on the channel between Micro and Macro Prespa lakes. The inflow/outflow between Micro Prespa and Devolli river in Albania was documented (GFA, 2005), but the diversion stopped in 2001. Regular monitoring and proper documentation of water extractions from the lakes and rivers practically did not exist in the past for none of the three countries. Only for a few years indirect data could be documented. Other water demand data had to be based on verbal information (GFA 2005). Water quality and ecological status of water bodies In order to have more detailed information on past monitoring, the reader should refer to GFA (2005), TRABOREMA (2007) and Perennou and Gletsos (2008). The water quality evaluation for the Macro Prespa Lake and of three surface water sources in the catchment area of the Lake (Golema, Kranska and Otesevo) is based on data, mainly acquired by the institutes from the 3 countries: Hydrometeorological Institute Tirana, (now renamed “Water Monitoring, Energy, Water & Environment department, Polytechnic University of Tirana”), Albania; Hydrobiological Institute, Ohrid, (HBO) Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Hydrometeorological Administration, (HMA) Skopje, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Society for Protection of Prespa, Florina Chemistry Service (FCS) in Florina and Central Water Agency (CWA) from the Ministry of Environment, Greece. Some of the water quality data on Lake Macro Prespa are available since the 1970‟s, but only in a few stations in FYR of Macedonia and Albania. Apart from hydrometrics, HMA is monitoring some physic-chemical parameters on the rivers and lake shores. During the 1990‟s, finance problems caused institutes from Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to reduce their implication on field measurements. As a consequence during the last decade, in the 3 countries, periods of more intense monitoring, in terms of frequency, number of parameters and stations were mainly Page 31/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park “project based”, at the national of international levels, but consequently not secured on the mid term. The last important research project focusing on water quality and ecological status of Prespa water bodies was TRABOREMA (2007). The TRABOREMA project proposed at its end a reduced monitoring system, which included a total of 7 stations along the lake shores and near the deepest part of both lakes (2 in Greece, 2 in Albania, and 3 in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). Apart from basic physico-chemical parameters and nutrients (N,P) the derived indicators are mainly based on biological indices using phytoplankton and phytobenthos composition and biomass. Another internationally funded project dealing with water quality in the Prespa area, currently on going is the DRIMON project (Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro and Norway). There is an agreement on the fact that a sufficient number of physico-chemical parameters should be used and that biotic indices based on phytoplankton composition and relative biomass are the most relevant and convenient indicator of the lakes ecological conditions and eutrophication process; standardized methods were developed by regional inter-calibrations working groups, to be applied in the WFD context. As issues appear more complex and less unanimous as far as phytobenthos is concerned, this compartment should probably not be retained within the TB monitoring scheme in its pilot phase. Finally, since the sanitary conditions related to bacterial load (e.g. coliforms) are not directly related to the WFD (i.e. they are not an official water “Quality element” to describe the ecological status of lakes, it is proposed to not retain them in the TB monitoring scheme, although their importance e.g. for beach tourism justifies that they should continue to be monitored at the national level. However, the main objective of the TB monitoring scheme, is to derive indicators for providing a simple, “technical dashboard” for regularly reporting on the trend of the lake ecosystem to stakeholders and decision makers at the TB level, whatever the national monitoring strategies on the long term are. The main concern is not related to the number of parameters, since adding the measurement (analysis) of any particular basic chemical element does not increase much the costs, once the sample is taken. Concerns lie instead with (1) the number of stations and (2) the sampling frequency, and the associated, increased logistical costs. Page 32/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 6.1.2. Baseline information and research gaps In order to consider what should be a comprehensive and useful set of indicators for water resources monitoring in the Prespa TB Park, we needed to have a better understanding of what is known on the main hydrological functioning of the area. For this purpose we made bibliographic analysis (see references). The most important reference was the Hydrology Report of the “Feasibility Study, Project Preparation & Development of the Transboundary Prespa Park Project” (GFA 2005), synthesizing all available data provided by partners from the 3 countries, and trying to model the water balance at a monthly time step on the long term (1951-2004). Some key results of the water balance study are (GFA 2005): 1) The dramatic drop of the Lake Macro Prespa water level is not necessarily caused by significant changes in the karstic system; 2) Human interferences on the Lake Macro Prespa and Lake Micro Prespa probably do not contribute as main factors to the steep water level declines of the Lake Macro Prespa; 3) With its relatively small storage capacity the Lake Micro Prespa Lake rapidly reacts to overexploitation; 4) The water level decrease of the Lake Macro Prespa is probably caused by natural variations in rainfall, rather than being attributed to human extractions and variations in the “karstic outflow” regime; 5) In the past the outflows of the Lake Ohrid dropped even steeper, as compared to the inflows into the Macro Prespa Lake; and 6) Regional and urban planning should take the possibility of significant water level fluctuations into account; certain uses should be restricted in the water level fluctuations zone. As lakes‟ water level drawdown was identified as one of the major threat, a water balance as accurate as possible on the long term is necessary (Kolaneci 2004, GFA 2005, Popov et al. 2007), based on a reliable data base which can be further used for modelling. The model to develop will be therefore useful to explore climatic and water management scenarios for the future. The proposed trans-boundary hydro-climatic monitoring scheme will mainly rely on existing or already scheduled/proposed monitoring schemes at the national levels for rivers, because this TB has rather to gather data or partly finance Page 33/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park functioning than finance heavy investments on the field related to river gauging stations for example. Another essential point is that in order to assess what are the main sources of pollution and eutrophication conditioning the current and potential ecological status of the lake ecosystem (Naumoski et al. 1997, Patceva et al. 2006, TRABOREMA 2007), there is a need to quantify as much as possible fluxes (nutrients, pollutants), as a consequence, concentrations in the water of tributaries are not enough, we need the discharges of the corresponding tributaries, even if hydrological modelling was not a priority task. Hydrological balance and water quality issues on the lakes are not independent. In fact, Macro Prespa is a very vulnerable system (Matzinger et al. 2006) because any additional consumption of water has a direct effect on its water level, which in turn affects not only the lake hydraulics but the entire lake ecosystem. A level decrease alone can cause an increase in the trophic state of Lake Prespa. If the external P loads increase simultaneously, the two combined processes can amplify. Such amplification is a realistic scenario in the case of further intensification of agriculture, where water consumption and fertilization increase in parallel. Already observed anoxia in the deeper layers of the lake will most probably have a significant effect on its biodiversity. Research made during TRABOREMA (2007) project reported average content of phosphorous in lake waters of 17.79 mg·m-3, which clearly emphasize that the limits for water oligotrophy are exceeded. But, the fact that phosphorous content in Prespa Lake waters has doubled in the past 70 years and that measured phosphorous content in the sediment is as high as 65 mg·m-3 with temporal depletion of dissolved oxygen in the water column below 18 meters depth, underlines even more the intensive (possibly dramatic) eutrophication processes that are ongoing. The same references state that the total quantification of phosphorous input in the lake is app. 84 tonnes per year, of which 41 tonnes per year are coming from natural processes and 43 tonnes per year are due to anthropogenic activities. 6.1.3. Connection to EU legislation and the WFD Reporting as per EU requirements will involve different issues, for the key component of water. For water, the requirements of the WFD are straightforward. They still require Page 34/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park that the list of parameters (quality elements, reference conditions…) is fine-tuned for the water district (i.e. the hydro-biogeographic region) to which Prespa pertains, and validated. This work is currently being done for Greece by EKBY and the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, and is expected to be over by late 2008. Because it has to consider the scale of a whole water district, presumably its results for GR-Prespa can be proposed as a basis for discussion for the whole Prespa basin. For EU reporting, data will have to be collected by the states at site level (i.e. X stations within the GR-Prespa basin, Y within AL-Prespa, etc.), even if it is later amalgamated at the water district level by the State. It can be expected that only a sub-set of this data will be required by the TB monitoring system, the key issue being to select which one. Extracts of the WFD relevant to transboundary aspects or to monitoring are presented in Annex 6.1. Although some provisions are mandatory for Greece only (e.g. § 5. of Art. 3), it should be highlighted that the Prespa TB project could provide an opportunity, if goodwill exists in all 3 states, to be a real TB model by going beyond the minimum WFD requirements as far as monitoring is concerned, and implement “as if” the 3 countries were already EU members. For this current text, we also took into consideration the deliverables of the project "Network development and monitoring of the quality of surface inland, transitional and coastal waters of Greece / Assessment and classification of their ecological status" of the Central Water Agency which was carried out by the Greek Biotope / Wetland Centre and the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research. 6.1.4. Rationale for monitoring According to the 2000/60 EC Water Framework Directive (WFD) (see Annex 6.1) “the monitoring programmes which must be defined are to: provide a coherent and comprehensive overview of ecological and chemical status of lakes and other standing waters; permit classification of standing waters into five classes of ecological status: high, good, moderate, poor and bad; be based on characterisation and impact assessment carried out for each river basin district; cover parameters which are indicative of the status of each relevant quality element”. According to the requirements of the WFD, data will have to be collected by the States at site level. Thus, they will have to develop their national water monitoring systems for Page 35/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Prespa as part of their WFD (or WFD-like) obligations, at their own pace, presumably differing between the three countries. It can be expected that only a parsimonious subset of this data will be required by the Prespa TB Monitoring System, the key issue being to select which one. The Prespa TB Monitoring System on waters developed under this project will follow the spirit of the WFD. It will ultimately give information on the ecological status of waters and not merely measure physico-chemical parameters. It will have to pinpoint the minimum, but needed and critical, number of parameters required in order to have a simple, basic and workable monitoring system, as the basis of discussion on water issues at transboundary level. Hence, the Prespa TB monitoring system on waters will focus on the “least common denominator” set of parameters, irrespective of whether the three States have implemented their individual monitoring systems or not, however with the view that in the longer-term the full WFD systems of the three littoral States will be eventually coordinated. From the above, and considering outcomes from the preparatory stage (phase A.1) of the Development of a transboundary monitoring system in the Prespa Park area, it is acknowledged that the monitoring of water resources in the Prespa TB Park will be to consider as a surveillance monitoring in the sense of WFD (see Annex 6.1), but without the obligation to include all monitoring elements according to WFD. 6.2. Development of indicators to monitor water resources 6.2.1. Introductive remarks The initial presentation of indicators related to hydrology followed an input-output-stocks logic. After the 1st workshop (Korcha, February 20th, 2009), and in order to make the ranking of priorities more apparent in the TB monitoring process, the participants decided to state first that the lakes water levels were to be the first and essential hydrologic indicators. A number of indicators are designed to describe the dynamics of each lake; instead of having two “twin” indicators in these cases (one for each lake), a single indicator will be retained, itself being split in two sub-indicators corresponding to each lake. Page 36/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Concerning the coding of indicators, instead of using “W” for the overall set of water indicators, the list will be split in 4 sub-categories as: WH for hydrology/hydrometrics WM for meteorology WQPC for water quality in terms of physico-chemical parameters (WQPR-C for catchment, WQPR-L for lakes) WQEB for water quality in terms of ecological and biotic parameters (WQEB-C for catchment, WQEB-L for lakes) Hydro-morphological parameters (WH) Morphological parameters Considering the gaps on water balance related issues and the need for a monitoring of physico chemical parameters and dangerous substance, we do not think that the assessment of morphological parameters of rivers is a priority task at the moment. On the other side, a basic and essential up to date morphological description (bathymetry, topography of coastlines) of the two lakes is still lacking. As a prerequisite, concerning hydro-mophological issues, it is agreed that there is still a need for an up-to-date description of lakes bathymetry (particularly for lake Macro Prespa), and to decide which absolute elevation reference should be chosen for dealing with lakes water levels monitoring and related stage/area/volume relationships to be used for hydrological balance purposes. Untill this is done, the relations established in the study of GFA (2005) can be provisionally used. Hydrology and hydrometrics Evident indicators of the lakes system hydrology are the water levels variations. We consider that the water levels should be recorded continuously in one station on each lake: The mean daily water level of Lake Micro Prespa should be calculated from water level gauge using the same reference for altitude (Koula, Tren). The mean daily water level of Lake Macro Prespa should be calculated from water level gauge using the same reference for altitude (Stenje, Koula, Liqenas). Indicator: WH1 “Lake_water_level” Sub-indicators: Page 37/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park WH11: Lake Micro Prespa water level WH12: Lake Macro Prespa water level Surface Water discharges We understood that not all main tributaries are gauged continuously. We are not sure that it will be possible in the short term to install water level gauges and establish rating curve (stage/discharge relationships) on all of them. In order to optimize monitoring, it is important to choose stations where both discharge could be obtained and water quality parameters measured, in order to be able to calculate fluxes to the lakes. The stations retained for calculation of the indicator should also take into account the representativeness of the considered sub catchment (from land use and geological point of view): the subdivision of catchment areas made by GFA (2005) could be a basis for this (Figure 6.1). At least, we think that the indicator WH2 “inflow_catchment_ Macro_Prespa”, should be calculated from gauging stations on Golema (also Istocka if possible), Brajcinska, and Aghios Germanos rivers, considering that the gauging stations should be as downstream as possible. As runoff of Micro Prespa Lake is very diffuse we will not include an indicator of surface discharge for it. Other indicators concerning the water balance of the system must be used: The surface flow from Micro to Lake Macro Prespa, that is to say the discharge at the Koula channel (incl. flow at the sluices) that should be calculated using adequate hydraulic formula, if necessary calibrated on field measurements, using data from a continuous measurement of water level upstream the sluices, and a precise monitoring of the sluice‟s operation. The outflow from Micro to Macro Prespa is to be retained, but to the surface discharge from Koula channel, calculated from water level and sluice status, a rough estimate of underground discharge through the isthmus should be added, together with springs flow and seepage under sluice works, collected by Koula stream downstream the sluices. Indicator WH3 “Koula_Micro_to_Macro_flow” Page 38/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park FYR OF Figure 6.1. Location Map of Catchments for Rainfall-Runoff Simulation (from GFA 2005) Page 39/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park The monitoring of lake water abstraction for irrigation appears feasible for Lake Micro Prespa (identified pumping stations). For Lake Macro Prespa, it will not be possible because of multiple, mobile and unregulated abstractions (both directly in the lake or from groundwater), so an indicator in this case will be possibly related to the irrigated land use in the catchment derived from remote sensing monitoring (cf. related indicator LS4 “Area of irrigated and non-irrigated crops” under the Land-Use monitoring section). Indicator WH4 “pumping_from_Micro Prespa” Indicator WH5 “Catchment_irrigated_area” (with sub indicators for each lake.) It appears that groundwater outflow from Lake Macro Prespa to Lake Ohrid, is a significant process for the water balance. We understand the difficulties of quantifying flows in a karstic environment, and there are research gaps within this field (GFA 2005, Popov et al. 2007, Popovska and Bonacci 2007). As it is an important process in the overall Prespa-Ohrid hydro system functioning, and an outflow from Lake Macro Prespa, at least an indicator must take into account the groundwater exchange trough the Galicica mountains. Quantifying precisely the flow from Lake Prespa to Lake Ohrid is not possible, considering current scientific knowledge on the area. The monitoring of selected spring area discharges into Lake Ohrid (St Naum, Drilon and Tushemish) will only be indicative of the trend of karstic flow between the two hydrosystems (lake and catchment part of Galicica). On the basis that it should be possible to have the discharge continuously from water level gauge and rating curve, we propose to use as an indicator the estimated flow from at least St Naum (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) and Drilon (Albania) springs outlet to Lake Ohrid. Indicator WH6 “karstic_spring_flow_to_Ohrid” As an important part of catchment runoff is diverted, mainly for agriculture, and then infiltrated to groundwater and/or returned by multiple ditch drainage (with subsequent seepage) to the lake, monitoring the trends of groundwater in alluvial plains appears relevant. One or two piezometers by major catchments (with dedicated sub indicators) should have their levels measured on a regular basis. This indicator is related to the nonkarstic part of the catchment area: Indicator WH7 “Groundwater_level” Page 40/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Climatology/meteorology (WM) Precipitations An important issue, considering climate change, is to assess precipitations on the catchment area above 1000 m ASL altitude, including snow fall (at the moment not measured in elevation higher than Aghios Germanos). To use at least a station based on the high altitudes between 1500 m asl and 2000 m asl, using settlements of the Pelister or Galicica parks for example, should be a good opportunity. Of course it would be better to place more rain/snow gauges in such a way to derive an elevation/rain-depth relation (in order to calculate accurately mean precipitation depth on the catchment). Indicator WM1 “Precip_Catchment”. (sub indicators for each lake catchment area) More easily, we will have to consider precipitation depths on the lake itself (tits at the altitude around 850-900 m): Indicator WM2 “Precip-lake”, calculated as the spatial average of all existing and reliable rain gauges around the lakes shores (sub indicator for each lake). Temperature and parameters to calculate evaporation Of course temperature is a basic parameter, indicator of climatic change and variability, the mean temperature at the altitude of the lakes should be retained. Indicator WM3 “air_temperature _Lake” As an indicator of the evaporation outflow from the lakes, we need at least the calculated evaporation from parameters measured at the altitude of the lakes, or measured pan evaporation. Preference being given to an estimate of evaporation using the Penman method (calculated using air temperature, humidity, solar radiation, wind speed, all available at Koula meteorological station, and sunshine duration measured in Pretor, whose station is scheduled to be updated). Indicator WM4 “lake_evaporation” Water Quality Elements for the tributaries (rivers), groundwater and the lake(s) (WQPC) In order to get an estimate of the direct and diffuse load (fluxes) of nutrients to the lakes and in compliance with the WFD, major rivers, springs and sub-surface flow Page 41/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park (groundwater) need to be monitored. Essentially, the Water Framework Directive requires that water quality in lakes is classified by biological quality elements, with the support of physicochemical and hydromorphological quality elements. However, not all QE might be necessary in a particular case. The essential minimum variables are indicated in bold. It must be emphasised that more variables, parameters and measurements are needed during the initial phase of the development of a transboundary net-work and at a higher frequency than later on. For the initial phase the minimum frequency is monthly (fortnightly would be even better) for at least three years. Later on, during the monitoring phase, a reduction in variables and frequency is possible. The reduction in variables will depend on the results obtained. The frequency of observations should not be less than six times per year although the minimum requirements given in the WFD is four times. Water quality on the catchment and fluxes to the lakes For the same reason as stated above (difficulty to measure inflow from lake Micro Prespa catchment), river indicators are only related to Lake Macro Prespa. These indicators should be calculated in priority on rivers with a gauging station, with the purpose to estimate fluxes to the lake. We will consider separately some basic physico-chemical parameters and nutrients gathered in one indicator (WQPC-C1) and those related to toxic pollutants (WQPC-C2) for tributaries. Indicator WQPC-C1 “River_Macro_Prespa_physico_chemical” (sub indicator for each selected river) Measured parameters (in bold: Prioritized) Temperature Dissolved oxygen Electrical conductivity pH-value Alkalinity Total phosphorus Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) Total nitrogen Nitrate and nitrite Ammonia Page 42/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Optional parameters: Total suspended solids OR turbidity Indicator WQPC-C2 “River_Macro_Prespa_toxic_pollution” The list of pollutants is not fixed yet, apart Cu and Zn for heavy metals. For organic pesticides it should be relevant to consider the most commonly used molecules in the area for bean (Micro Prespa) and apple (Macro Prespa) cultivation (list not yet available). Indicator WQPC-C3 “Groundwater_ physico_chemical” Sub indicators for each selected catchment downstream alluvial plain. For groundwater, we retained a reduced set of parameters: Total phosphorus Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) Total nitrogen Indicator WQPC-C4 “Groundwater_ toxic_pollution” As stated for rivers, the list of pollutants is not fixed yet, apart Cu and Zn for heavy metals. For organic pesticides it should be relevant to consider the most commonly used molecules in the area, for bean (Micro Prespa) and apple (Macro Prespa) cultivation (list not yet available). Only one indicator was chosen to characterize biological quality of rivers, using Fish as a bio-indicator; it is the same as already included in the “Fish & Fisheries” theme, and is repeated here for the sake of completeness: Fish_Trout_rivers (identical to Fish Indicator n° P2 “ Prespa trout trend” ) Water quality and ecological status of the lakes We will consider separately some basic physico-chemical parameters gathered in one indicator (WQPC-L1) and nutrients (WQPC-L2) separately, due to their importance in eutrophication processes, and those related to toxic pollutants (WQPC-L3) for lakes. Of course, each lake is to be considered separately with sub indicators. Indicator WQPC-L1 “Lake_physico_chemical” Temperature, pH Page 43/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Oxygen (dissolved, saturation, deficit) Conductivity/Salinity/mineral content Transparency Indicator WQPC-L2 “Lake_ nutrients” Total Phosphorus (TP) Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (SRP) Total N NO2, NO3 and NH4 Indicator WQPC-L3 “Lake_ toxic_pollution” The list of pollutants is not fixed yet, apart Cu and Zn for heavy metals. For organic pesticides it should be relevant to consider the most commonly used molecules in the area, for bean (Micro Prespa) and apple (Macro Prespa) cultivation (list not yet available). The monitoring stations (or a sub set of them) proposed by the FP6 EU project TRABOREMA (2007) and mentioned in the workshop document can be retained. The list of analysed parameters given in this study must certainly be modified since it includes unnecessary variables but is devoid of very important ones such as total phytoplankton. The Trophic State Index (TSI) proposed by Carlson (1977) used in this study must to recalculated with quantitative chl-a data according to ISO 10260 (1992). For standard references and normatives, see Annex 6.2. Loading models, trophic delineation, WFD indices and metrics Among other alternatives, the Vollenweider model (OECD 1982) is proposed for initial loading calculations. This model must later on perhaps be modified for the specific conditions to include sub-surface input. Trophic characterization may follow the criteria of Forsberg & Ryding (1980), OECD (1982) or Nürnberg (1996). In addition, the TSI by Carlson (1977) can be used. Several biological indices, particularly for phytoplankton have been developed for the WFD. According to Illies (1976) the Prespa/Ohrid system belongs to the Hellenic Western Balkan Ecoregion 6. The logic first choice therefore seems to be the index for deep Mediterranean reservoirs developed by Marchetto et al. (2009). Considering that the lakes Page 44/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park are not reservoirs, and further considering their unique status with a large number of endemic and relict species he main question is what the „reference conditions‟ are for such lakes. If only TP and Chl-a are used, reference conditions are spread all over Europe (comp. Fig. 7 in TRABOREMA 2007). Against this background, other WFD indices must at least be tested. In fact, it might be necessary to develop a specific index for „relict lakes‟ or at least to modify an already existing index which is based on the trophic preferences of each species (see the review in Marchetto at al. 2009). Several of these indices are a combination of different metrics. The modified Brettum Index (BI) has the advantage to be very flexible (Dokulil and Teubner 2006). It can be calibrated for almost any variable (N, P, pH, etc.) for which enough information exists. Moreover, no indicator species must be defined „a priori‟. Detailed information for the BI can be extracted from Wolfram and Dokulil (2008). An example for the adaptation of the BI to another region can be found in Anneville and Kaiblinger (2008). A similar index including chl-a is the PSI by Mischke and Nixdorf (2008) for which a calculation software was developed by Mischke and Böhmer (2008). Buzzi et al. (2007) described a similar index for Italian alpine lakes. The Phytoplankton Assemblage Index developed by Padisák et al. (2006) uses a different strategy based on functional groups. Finally, the health of an ecosystem might be evaluated using the EHI of Xu (2005). Relevant information for Macrophyte and Fish indices can e.g. be retrieved from Pall and Mayerhofer (2008) and Gassner et al. (2007). Indicator WQEB-L1 “Lake_ Phytoplankton” Phytoplankton - composition, dynamics, biomass, frequency of blooms, relative abundance (% ) of blue-green algae Indicator WQEB-L2 “Lake_ Chlorophyll-A” Chlorophyll-a (Chl a) – as an additional parameter, NOT mentioned in the WFD Indicator WQEB-L3 “Lake_Macrophytes (identical to Indicator n° WV2 proposed in the Aquatic vegetation theme “Species composition of vegetation in habitat Beds of hydrophytes)” Page 45/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Macrophytes - composition, biomass, area of encroachment extent in both lakes The above-mentioned indicators on water quality and ecological status of the lakes are summarized in Table 6.1. Table 6.1. Proposed indicators on water quality and ecological status of the lakes N° Indicator code name Nature: WQPC-L1: Lake_physico_chemical R WQPC-L2: Lake_nutrients R WQPC-L3: Lake_toxic_pollution R WQEB-L1: Lake_Phytoplankton R WQEB-L2: Lake_Chlorophyll-A R WQEB-L3: Lake_Macrophytes (id Wetland veg. n° WV2) R WQEB-L4: Fish endemic to Prespa lakes trend (id n° P2) R Other biological components relative to ecological status of water bodies Some of the elements monitored under the Aquatic vegetation and Fish & Fisheries cover biological elements that are relevant to the assessment of the ecological status of Prespa. However, for instance, the “Fish & fisheries” report component clearly states (§ 10.2) that it does NOT propose fish indicators in order to assess the health of the lake ecosystem (cf WFD). Instead, they are indicators of the fish community per se, considering its very high value for the preservation of the Prespa biodiversity. However, the data collected might be very useful in the future for establishing a fish index. We therefore propose to retain the indicators P1 and P2 as having potentially a dual role, i.e. for the assessment of the ecological status of the lakes/rivers too (Table 6.2). Table 6.2. Proposed biological components/ indicators relative to ecological status of water bodies Proposed indicator N° Nature Fish endemic to Prespa lakes trend P1 S Prespa trout trend P2 S A summary of all currently proposed indicators for water resources monitoring is shown in Table 6.3. Page 46/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 6.3. Summary of proposed indicators on water quality and ecological status of the lakes N° Indicator Nature* WH1: Lake_water_level R WH2: inflow_catchment_Macro_Prespa P WH3: Koula_Micro_to_Macro_Prespa_flow I WH4: pumping_from_Micro_Prespa P WH5: Catchment_irrigated_area (covered under Land-use indicator N° LS4 ) P WH6: karstic_spring_flow_to_Ohrid R WH7: Groundwater_level P WM1: Precip_Catchment I WM2: Precip_lake I WM3: air_temperature _Lake I WM4: lake_evaporation I WQPC-C1: River_Macro_Prespa_physico_chemical P WQPC-C2: River_Macro_Prespa_toxic_pollution P WQPC-C3: Groundwater_ physico_chemical P WQPC-C4: Groundwater_ toxic_pollution P WQEB-C1: Fish_Trout_rivers (identical to Fish n° P2 ) R WQPC-L1: Lake_ physico_chemical R WQPC-L2: Lake_ nutrients R WQPC-L3: Lake_ toxic_pollution R WQEB-L1: Lake_ Phytoplankton R WQEB-L2: Lake_ Chlorophyll-A R WQEB-L3: Lake_Macrophytes (identical to Aquatic vegetation WV2) S WQEB-L4: Fish endemic to Prespa lakes trend (Ident. to Fish n° P1) S * P: Anthropogenic Pressure; S: State; I: Impact, changes (natural ones); R: Response In italics: indicators also included de facto in the indicator list of another theme (WH5, WQEB-C1, WQEBL3, WQEB-L4) Each indicator is reviewed in more detail in the set of 22 text-boxes listed below; the abbreviations for the institutions supposed to be involved are as follows: Page 47/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Albania - Water Monitoring, Energy, Water & Environment department Polytechnic University of Tirana; used acronym in the tables: WMEWE (former Institute of Hydrometeorology of Albania) - MoEFWA/Agency of Water and Energy Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - The Hydro meteorological Administration (HMA) - Hydrobiological Institute (HIO), Ohrid - Laboratory for Algae Taxonomy and Hydrobiology (LAH), Institute of Biology, Faculty for Natural Sciences, Skopje, Macedonia. - Institute for Health Protection (IHP) Greece - Central Water Service (CWS) from the Ministry of Environment - Public Power Corporation (PPC), Department of Hydrology - Florina Chemistry Service (FCS) in Florina - Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP) - Institute of geological and mineral research (IGME) - Greek Biotope-Wetland Centre (EKBY) - Hellenic Centre For Marine Research (HCMR) WH1: Lake_water_level Nature: R Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: Water level variations of the lake are essential to calculate lake water volume and water balance. Sub-indicators: Lake Micro Prespa _water_level Lake Macro Prespa _water_level Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Evident Method / sources of information: Water level data from continuous (or at least daily) water level (Koula for Micro, Pustec or Stenje for Macro) WMEWE, HMA, SPP Institutions supposed to be involved: Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: There is a need for an agreement on a common altitude reference for water level Page 48/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park WH2: inflow_catchment_Macro_Prespa Nature: P Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: To estimate the surface water input to the lake from its major tributaries, essential component of the lake system water balance Sub-indicators: - Relevance for a Transboundary MS: This indicator will be calculated from discharge data coming from 3 states. Method / sources of information: Computed monthly runoff volume from discharge data from Golema, Brajcinska, and Aghios Germanos rivers. Institutions supposed to be involved: SPP, HMA, WMEWE Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: An effort should be made to establish gauging stations and rating curves on all main rivers WH3: Koula_Micro_to_Macro_Prespa_flow Nature: I Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: To estimate the major part of water volume transferred from Micro to Macro Prespa lake via the Koula channel and through isthmus, key parameter for both lakes water balance. Sub-indicators: Relevance for a Transboundary MS: This indicator characterise a transboundary and a trans-lake flow, it is accessible with limited field investment. Method / sources of information: Computed from water level and sluice position at Koula using adequate hydraulic formula. Institutions supposed to be involved: SPP, PPC Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: The water flow through sediments of the isthmus between the 2 lakes is also to be estimated WH4: pumping_from_Micro_Prespa Nature: P Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: To estimate the water abstraction from Micro Prespa lake. Sub-indicators Pumped volume from each pumping stations on the lake Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Method / sources of information: Computed from daily/ monthly pumping duration and pumping stations characteristics SPP, WMEWE Institutions supposed to be involved: Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - Page 49/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park WH5: Catchment_irrigated_area (cf Land Use ind.) Nature: P Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: To give an information on irrigation, and therefore on potential water abstraction from Prespa lakes. Sub-indicators: Irrigated area on each lake catchment area Relevance for a Transboundary MS: because it is not possible to calculate water abstraction directly from hydrometric variable monitoring Method / sources of information: cf land use indicator Institutions supposed to be involved: SPP, WMEWE, HMA Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - WH6: karstic_spring_flow_to_Ohrid Nature: R Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: To have a simple indicator on the trend of the complex and diffuse underground flow between Macro Prespa and Ohrid lake. Sub-indicators: Discharge of outlet from the St Naum and Drilon springs to Lake Ohrid Relevance for a Transboundary MS: This indicator characterise a transboundary and a trans-lake flow. Method / sources of information: Discharge data from continuous (or at least daily) water level measurements Institutions supposed to be involved: WMEWE, HMA Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: Few data, impossible to monitor continuously the sub aquatic karstic outflow arriving to Ohrid. Experimental data from scientific surveys (geochemistry to increase knowledge) WH7: Groundwater_level Nature: P Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: groundwater level trend in major catchment alluvial plains Sub-indicators: groundwater level trend in each selected downstream alluvial plains Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Mainly to have a trend on impact of irrigated agriculture on groundwater level and flow to lake Method / sources of information: Piezometric level in a selection of wells Institutions supposed to be involved: HMA, IGME, SPP Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - Page 50/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park WM1: Precip_Catchment Nature: I Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: To estimate the precipitations on the higher altitudes of the catchments and detect trends. Sub-indicators: Precipitations and snow water equivalent on various rain/snow gauge Relevance for a Transboundary MS: A key issue for water resources in the catchments, should decrease with climate change Method / sources of information: Precipitations/snow measurements at a selection of sites between 1300 and 2000 m asl Institutions supposed to be involved: SPP, PPC, HMA, WMEWE Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: At the moment no monitoring of rain/snow is made at altitude higher then 1200 m asl. WM2: Precip_lake Nature: I Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: To estimate the direct precipitation depth on the lakes. Sub-indicators: Precipitations on rain gauge around the lakes Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Evident Method / sources of information: Spatial average of Precipitations measurements Institutions supposed to be involved: SPP, PPC, HMA, WMEWE Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - WM3: air_temperature_Lake Nature: I Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: To monitor an important climatic parameter useful for all hydro-ecological issues Sub-indicators: - Relevance for a Transboundary MS: A key issue for water resources and ecological processes, should increase with climate change Method / sources of information: Daily temperature records of several sites around the lake shores Institutions supposed to be involved: SPP, PPC, HMA, WMEWE Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - Page 51/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park WM4: lake_evaporation Nature: I Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: Essential component of the lake system water balance Sub-indicators: Relevance for a Transboundary MS: A key issue for water resources and ecological processes, should increase with climate change Method / sources of information: Calculated by the Penman method, compared to pan evaporation (data of Koula). Institutions supposed to be involved: SPP, PPC, HMA, WMEWE Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - WQPC-C1: River_Macro_Prespa_physico_chemical Nature: P Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: Sub-indicators: concentrations/parameter values from sampling sites (Golema, Istocka, Brajcinska, and Aghios Germanos rivers) Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Method / sources of information: Calculation of discrete fluxes from water sampling (at least monthly), extrapolation from discharge data and empirical relationships. WMEWE, SPP, HMA, IHP, CWS, FCS Institutions supposed to be involved: Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - WQPC-C2: River_Macro_Prespa_toxic_pollution Nature: P Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: Threat to river ecosystems, input to the lakes Sub-indicators: Concentrations (CU, Zn, selected pesticides) values from sampling sites (Golema, Istocka, Brajcinska, and Aghios Germanos rivers) Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Method / sources of information: Calculation of discrete fluxes from water sampling (at least monthly), extrapolation from discharge data and empirical relationships. WMEWE, SPP, HMA, IHP, CWS, FCS Institutions supposed to be involved: Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - Page 52/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park WQPC-C3: Groundwater_ physico_chemical Nature: P Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: Impact of human activities on groundwater quality, contributing to input to lakes Sub-indicators: Concentrations values from sampling sites in selected alluvial plains Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Method / sources of information: Sampling of water in piezometers Institutions supposed to be involved: WMEWE, SPP, HMA, IHP, CWS, FCS Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - WQPC-C4: Groundwater_toxic_pollution Nature: P Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: Threat to river ecosystems, input to the lakes Sub-indicators: Concentrations (CU, Zn, selected pesticides) values from sampling sites in downstream alluvial plains Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Method / sources of information: Sampling of water in piezometers Institutions supposed to be involved: WMEWE, SPP, HMA, IHP, CWS, FCS Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - WQPC-L1: Lake_ physico_chemical Nature: R Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: Basic parameters on lake physical and chemical quality trends Sub-indicators: One for each lake Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Method / sources of information: Multi-parameter probe on the field, and/or laboratory based measurements WMEWE, SPP, HMA, IHP, CWS, FCS Institutions supposed to be involved: Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - WQPC-L2: Lake_ nutrients Nature: R Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: Conditioning primary production and eutrophication processes Sub-indicators: Nutrient (N, P) indicator for each lake Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Risk of dystrophic crisis in lake waters Method / sources of information: Laboratory measurements of different forms of N and P. WMEWE, SPP, HMA, IHP, CWS, FCS Institutions supposed to be involved: Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - Page 53/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park WQPC-L3: Lake_ toxic_pollution Nature: R Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: Impact of human activities, toxicity for man and ecosystems Sub-indicators: For each lake Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Method / sources of information: Concentrations from adequate spectrometric methods WMEWE, SPP, HMA, IHP, CWS, FCS Institutions supposed to be involved: Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - WQEB-L1: Lake_ Phytoplankton Nature: R Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: Monitoring composition, biomass, frequency of blooms, relative abundance (% )of bluegreen algae Sub-indicators: Monthly monitoring of phytoplankton along a depth profile for both lakes Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Delineation of Eutrophication. Development of a Biological Index Method / sources of information: At least monthly sampling, along a depth profile, at the same site as for N and P sampling. Institutions supposed to be involved: IHM, SPP, HBA, LEAH Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - WQEB-L2: Lake_ Chlorophyll-A Nature: R Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: Monitoring concentrations of chlorophyll A (and pheopigments) as an indicator of plankton biomass. Annual maximum value reflects peak algal biomass. Annual average reflects the trophic status of the lake. Sub-indicators: Monthly monitoring of chlorophyll A along a depth profile Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Risk of excessive Eutrophication. Boundary setting for trophic levels Method / sources of information: At least monthly sampling, along a depth profile, at the same site as for N and P sampling. Institutions supposed to be involved: IHM, SPP, HBA, LEAH Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - Page 54/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park WQEB-L3: Lake_Macrophytes (identical to Aquatic vegetation theme) Nature: R Objective / Significance to Water resources monitoring: Monitoring composition, encroachment area, biomass. Sub-indicators: Monitoring of macrophytes along the littoral for both lakes Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Evaluation of littoral Pollution and Eutrophication. Development of an Index Method / sources of information: Sampling, along the littoral during peak season (maximum of standing crop). Institutions supposed to be involved: IHM, SPP, HBA, LEAH Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - WQEB-L4: Fish endemic to Prespa lakes trend (Fish n° P1) Nature: S Thus, a number of indicators were designed to describe the dynamics of each lake; instead of having two “twin” indicators in these cases (one for each Prespa Lake), a single indicator will be retained, itself being split into two sub-indicators corresponding to each lake. When talking about “the lake”, this is meant to cover both Micro and the Macro Prespa, since both have to be monitored in the same way. The coding of indicators splits them into 4 sub-categories (see also paragraph 6.2.1. and Table 6.3): - WH for hydrology/hydrometrics - WM for meteorology - WQPC for water quality in terms of physico-chemical parameters (WQPR-C for catchment, WQPR-L for lakes) - WQEB for water quality in terms of ecological and biotic parameters (WQEB-C for catchment, WQEB-L for lakes) 6.3. Methods 6.3.1. Description and justification Page 55/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park The level of description of methods is to remain low enough as the authors are not expected to append annexes of encyclopaedic sizes, nor to provide detailed handbooks or manuals, copyrights are to be respected, that is why reference are given to literature and relevant published ISO standards (Annex 6.2). Hydrometeorology and water quality elements in the catchment NB: coordinates of given points are approximations which were acquired using Google Earth mark coordinate tool (WGS 84 reference system). Methods For water level recorder in rivers and lakes, we think that a floater system with shaft encoder (data storage for several months, avoids problems of paper, less fragile than pressure sensors) should be used (see example with OTT Hydrometry, or SEBA Hydrometry trade marks). Discharge measurements should be made using state of the art methods (Boiten, 2000; Herschy, 2008; ISO, 2007; see all ISO standard references in Annex 6.2) according to flow conditions, either using velocity-area method (velocity measurements with propeller based or electromagnetic current meter), or dilution gauging method. For water quality methods see below (Lake water quality). The Koula flow through open sluices should be calculated using adequate hydraulic formula considering geometry and management of the sluices (Parisopoulos et al., 2009). More detailed information on the equations that are used (Parisopoulos, com. pers) are found in Annexes 6.5A and 6.5.B. We do not think that a permanent gauging station should be placed on the Koula stream discharging into the lake. Instead, regular gauging should be made during the pilot phase in closed gates situation, in order to estimate the seepage and spring collected flow, which are estimated to be of ca. 100-150 l/s at the date of our field visit (3rd April 2009). Using the mean hydraulic gradient (i.e. difference between the 2 lakes water levels /distance between them), together with an estimate of the isthmus sand hydraulic conductivity (K), an application of a simple Darcy law (V=K.i) should be used to calculate Page 56/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park roughly the seepage flow between the two lakes, at a monthly time step. For K estimates, borehole tests (Sarsby, 2000) should be difficult to operate with the coarse sand of the isthmus without installing before stand pipes. Another more simple even if considered less relevant method should be to make infiltration tests using single or double ring infiltrometer, to derive infiltration capacity on saturated conditions of the surface sand layer , extrapolated as being K with the hypothesis of isotropic conditions within the isthmus. For infiltration tests see: Gauging and water quality stations on rivers These stations are to be chosen in the most downstream position in order to approximate the discharge entering the lake from the relevant sub-catchment and the final water quality resulting from natural processes and human activities. For all of them a rating curve will have to be established. Discharge measurements are to be made by relevant institutes already equipped and implied in such kind of monitoring in each 3 countries. Piezometric water levels have to be measured with an electric tape water level gauge. Water sampling made after emptying the piezometer tube with an electric of manual pump, and waiting for water level recovery. For meteorological issues, the most important thing is to decide if high altitude stations for precipitation should be installed in the catchment, and if yes in what site (One in Baba/ Pelister mountain and another one in Galicica mountain will be preferable), with the technical issue to know if it will be or without electricity supply. Adequate precipitation gauge with low energy consumption and adapted for severe conditions are available with VAISALA TM (Vaisala All Weather Precipitation Gauge VRG101, with heater and wind shield). For gauging of rivers A team of technicians coming from Skopje would take 2-(3 with flood conditions) full days (including travel) for the selected discharge measurements. Page 57/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park In period of low flows, 2 operators may be sufficient to gauge the rivers, whereas during floods at least 3 or 4 technicians will be required. (Not applicable in Albania) - Low flows (2 operators possible) - floods (at least 3 or 4 technicians) for secured field measurements Springs - 2 persons enough for gauging springs outlet in Lake Ohrid. A daily reading of staff gauge by local observer (St Naum, Drilon, Tushemisht) Aghios Germanos river downstream and Koula stream (sluices closed) (can be gauged in one day including trip from Thessaloniki or Florina/Kozani). Brajcinska, upstream (only control discharge measurements); curve calibration necessary for downstream station (or if no continuous water level recorder, double gauging must be done, in order to correlate discharge between 2 stations). Golema Resen gauging station is interesting to characterise hydrological functioning of upper natural catchment, but certainly not representing water inflow to the lake, that is why we propose Golema and if possible Istocka downstream gauging stations, even if they are not easily accessible on high discharge conditions). Kranska downstream (optional, priority given first to Golema and Istocka downstream station) Greece: - Aghios Germanos river downstream and Koula stream (sluices closed); can be possibly gauged in one day including trip from Thessaloniki or Florina. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: - Brajcinska, upstream (only control discharge measurements); curve calibration necessary for downstream station (or if no continuous water level recorder, double gauging must be done, in order to correlate discharge between the 2 stations). - Kranska downstream - Golema Resen (hydrological functioning) of natural catchment Page 58/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park - Golema downstream - Istocka downstream (Note: the accessibility of these latter 2 stations in case of strong floods should be verified first) A bridge from which to make the gauging using sinker should be identified first for each river (preferably use dilution method for gauging). A team of technicians coming from Skopje would take 2 full days (including travel) for the selected discharge measurements. The other gauging stations proposed in HMA (2008) are important per se, but not absolutely vital for the TMS. Piezometric water level will be measured with an electric tape water level. Water sampling made after emptying the piezometer tube with an electric or manual vacuum pump, and waiting for water level recovery. Lake water quality and biological elements Sampling Procedures There are three commonly-used sampling strategies: random, stratified random, and sequential (Table 6.4). In the case of sequential sampling, which in limnological sampling it is often the easiest, a starting point is chosen randomly, and samples are then taken at set intervals (distance, depth, or time) from that point. Sequential sampling may or may not produce more accurate estimates than do random sampling. However, samples drawn in sequence may be autocorrelated; the next sample in the series may be predicted to some extent by the preceding sample. Autocorrelation poses a problem because samples are not be drawn independently and randomly from a pool of possible variable, and therefore, the statistical number of samples being taken is less than the actual number of samples. Autocorrelation may affect random and stratified sampling procedures as well. Page 59/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 6.4. Possible sampling strategies for lakes and reservoirs. (the "Typical Sampling" scheme is not necessarily recommended) "Typical" Random Stratified Sequential Limnological Sampling Strategy Lake Randomly chosen Sample every lake Chosen Randomly from within a along a transect, from geographic geographic region using a randomly area (ecoregion) or some chosen transect other classification starting point Choose lake based on convenience, access, proximity, or interest Sample down pre- Site Randomly chosen from lake grid Randomly selected from within regions of lake chosen, equidistant sites along transect of lake, starting with a randomly chosen Sample at the dam or over the deepest part of the lake point Randomly chosen within depth regions Depth Randomly chosen (epilimnion, hypolimnion, photic zone, etc. Date Time Randomly chosen Randomly Chosen Sample at preset Sample at the intervals, starting surface or at preset with a randomly intervals surface to chosen depth bottom Randomly chosen Sample every two within season, weeks, starting with Sample the same month, or a randomly chosen day every week limnological period date Randomly chosen Sample every two within period such hours starting with a Sample when you as daylight or some randomly chosen get there. other division of day. time Limnologists use one of several methods when sampling with depth: they may sample only at the surface or they may take a series of samples at pre-set intervals from the surface to the bottom of the lake (0 m, 1 m, 2 m, etc.). A “surface” sample can be taken just below the surface (0.5 meters or 1 foot) to avoid surface scums. Another approach is Page 60/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park to take a single integrated sample with a tube or hose sampler from the surface to some pre-determined depth (euphotic depth or thermocline). All of these techniques have advantages and drawbacks. Sampling at intervals through the entire water column is the standard alternative to the single surface sample. If sampled at sufficiently close intervals, the technique detects gradients within the water column. The technique is also used when constructing a nutrient budget to estimate the total content of a nutrient, such as phosphorus, in the water column. Further details and references can be found at: Depth samples have to be volume-weighted because each sample contributes differently (Figure 6.2.). This is especially important when estimating concentrations in the water column. Figure 6.2. Calculating the volume of a layer of water in a lake The volume of a lake or reservoir can be estimated from the morphometric map by measuring the area of each depth interval with a planimeter or image analysis software. The volume of each interval can then be calculated for horizontal slice between depths n and m using the formula given in Hutchinson (1957) and Lind (1979). V(m-n) = 1/3(Am + An + sqrt(AmAn)(n-m) where A is the area at depth m or n. The total volume of the reservoir is then equal to the sum of the volumes of each vertical segment. It is a good idea to estimate the volume at very close intervals in the range of the normal fluctuation of the water height to allow the calculation of the volume at any given reservoir elevation. The accuracy of such volume estimates is dependent on the accuracy of the morphometric map From: Transparency (Secchi Disk-depth) Transparency is an indicator of the impact of human activity on the land surrounding the lake. If transparency is measured through the season and from year to year, trends in Page 61/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park transparency may be observed. Transparency can serve as an early-warning that activities are having an effect on a lake. A Secchi disk is a 20 cm disk which is either white (European standard) or has alternating black and white quadrants (US standard). It is lowered into the water of a lake until it can be no longer seen by the observer. The average depth of disappearance and reapparence, called the Secchi depth, is a measure of the transparency of the water. Transparency can be affected by the colour of the water, algae, and suspended sediments. Transparency decreases as colour, suspended sediments, or algal abundance increases. It is proposed to use the following Secchi disk method, modified from Davies-Colley and others (1993): 1. Use a disk of 20 cm diameter painted matte white or in black and white quadrants. Use a graduated line, and attach a weight to hold the line vertical. 2. Lower the disk on the sunny side of the boat. An underwater viewer (viewscope) might be desirable. 3. Allow sufficient time (preferably 2 min) when looking at the disk near its extinction point for the eyes to adapt completely to the prevailing luminance level. 4. Record the depth at which the disk disappears. Slowly raise the disk and record it depth of reappearance. The Secchi depth is the average of the depth of disappearance and reappearance. 5. The readings should be made as near to mid-day as possible. 6. The water depth should be at least 50% greater than the Secchi depth so that the disk is viewed against the water background, not the light reflected from the bottom. Estimating Trophic State from Secchi depth The Secchi disk is a cornerstone of lake monitoring programs : it is inexpensive and provides useful data. However, it does have a number of technical problems which can be minimized by standardizing the equipment (as above) and carefully training. Problems of interpretation generally arise when Secchi disk measurement are subject to interferences from non-algal or non-chlorophyll materials in the water. Although empirical relationships can be established in some lakes and regions relating Secchi depth to algal chlorophyll, these relationships can change seasonally and between lakes. Therefore, these Page 62/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park relationships will have to be specifically established for Prespa, then used with caution and often re-calibrated. To use the Secchi depths as surrogate measure of algal chlorophyll or algal biomass, and subsequently, as an indicator of the trophic state of a lake, a number of other potential interferences become very important. The definition of trophic state may vary, but plant chlorophyll pigments are often assumed to be a major indicator of trophic state. In theory, algal chlorophyll should be able to be estimated from Secchi depth because it is a substance that attenuates light in the water column. But in practise, the relationship between the Secchi disk transparency and trophic state variables such as chlorophyll are highly variable for a number of reasons. These varying factors may be related to the method of measurement of Secchi depth or chlorophyll, to variation in the amount of other attenuating substances such as non-algal turbidity or dissolved coloured substances such as humic acids, or to the nature of the algae themselves such as the size or species of the algae or the amount of chlorophyll packaged in the algal cells. Packaged in algal cells chlorophyll absorbs and scatters light. Secchi depth, therefore, should be able to be used as a surrogate estimator of algal abundance by producing empirical relationships between Secchi depth and chlorophyll. Such an empirical relationship between Chl and 1/SD is derived by plotting and then regressing the logarithm of Chlorophyll against Secchi depth. Empirical chlorophyll-Secchi Disk relationships work best in situations where chlorophyll is the dominant attenuating substance. Temperature and Oxygen Temperature and oxygen are common and important parameters to characterize lakes for which several methods are in use. Temperature is most commonly measured with a thermometer embedded into the water sampler or by thermistor chains. Oxygen will be quantified by either chemical, electro-chemical or optical methods. Both parameters can be most easily measured together with other variables using multi-probes. The drawback is that these instruments are expensive and need a lot of maintenance including careful calibration. Temperature is the basis of thermal classification and of a lake while oxygen concentration is a important indicator of eutrophication, especially the concentration in Page 63/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park the hypolimnion. Further explanatory and methodological details as well as references can be extracted and evaluated from^ Phosphorus Phosphorus is the most widely studied nutrient in fresh waters. It is often found to be (and more often inferred as) the nutrient that limits the growth and biomass of algae in lakes and reservoirs. Whether this nutrient is as universally limiting as once believed is debatable, but certainly there is substantial evidence of its importance in many lakes. Phosphorus in natural waters is divided into three component parts: soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), soluble unreactive or soluble organic phosphorus (SUP) and particulate phosphorus (PP). The sum of SRP and SUP is called soluble phosphorus (SP), and the sum of all phosphorus components is termed total phosphorus (TP). Soluble and particulate phosphorus are differentiated by whether or not they pass through a 0.45 micron membrane filter. Analysis and limits of detection of phosphorus: Although a number of analytical tests exist for the measurement of phosphorus, the ascorbic acid method described in Standard Methods (EN ISO 6878 2004, EN ISO 15681-1 2004, EN ISO 15681-2 2004, see also Clesceri et al. 1998) is probably the most commonly used test. In this test, the molybdate reagent reacts with orthophosphate producing phosphomolybdic acid, which forms the colored molybdenum blue upon reduction with ascorbic acid. While the compound appears blue, the peak absorbance at 885 nm is in the infrared region. Absorbance is linearly related to concentrations by Beers Law, and this test detects phosphate concentrations of 5 to 1300 µg/L with a cuvette path length of l cm. It is important to have an appropriately defined phosphorus detection limit. For example, a TP detection limit of 50 ug/L will not be adequate for a great deal of limnological efforts Chlorophyll Analysis Chlorophyll is the green molecule in plant cells that carries out the bulk of energy fixation in the process of photosynthesis. Besides its importance in photosynthesis, chlorophyll is the most-often used estimator of algal biomass in lakes because it is a measure of algal biomass that is relatively unaffected by non-algal substances, it is a fairly accurate measure of algal weight and volume Page 64/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park it acts as an empirical link between nutrient concentration and a number of important biological phenomena in lakes and reservoirs it is characteristic of all plant cells Chlorophyll, at least chlorophyll-a, is also relatively easy to measure. This facility of measurement contributes to its popularity, but the resulting values are far more ambiguous than most are willing to admit. The relative concentration of chlorophyll-a within the cell varies with the algal group and/or species, but chlorophyll-a is dominant in all the eukaryotic algae and the prokaryotic blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria). Collection and Preservation of Chlorophyll Samples: To gather a sample either use a hose sampler for integrated sampling, some sort of water sampling bottle (sampling at discrete depths), or simply lower the sample container over the side of the boat (surface sample). Once the sample is taken, it is either immediately filtered and the filter preserved at 4°C in the dark until delivered to the laboratory for analysis. Alternatively deliver the whole water sample immediately to the laboratory or store the water samples at 4oC in the dark during transport and process them as soon as possible. For processing and analysing chlorophyll samples use standardized procedures. For Europe the standard is now the ISO 10260 (1992). Refer also to the description, procedures and recommendations given at and the references therein. Chlorophyll-a can be used as a QE for the WFD to define the trophic status using the Carlson Index as described in Carlson (1977). Phytoplankton The Water Framework Directive requires that water quality in lakes is classified by biological quality elements (phytoplankton, fish, zoobenthos, macrophytes and phytobenthos), with the support of physicochemical and hydromorphological quality elements. In this framework, phytoplankton is one of the key quality elements (QE) for the ecological status of lakes indicating especially the trophic level of the pelagic (open water) zone. According to the WFD the parameters of the biological qualitative element of phytoplankton are composition, abundance and biomass. In Annex V of the Directive, the Page 65/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park taxonomic composition, the phytoplankton abundance and their biomass and the frequency, duration and intensity of phytoplankton blooms are defined as parameters for the QE phytoplankton. Several member states already have developed and implemented monitoring systems and metrics for the assessment and classification of lakes (e.g. Anneville and Kaiblinger 2008, Marchetto et al. 2009, Mischke and Nixdorf 2008, Padisák et al. 2006, Wolfram and Dokulil 2008). Evaluation of phytoplankton abundance and biomass is usually based on the „classical‟ Utermöhl technique (Utermöhl 1958) as defined now in the “Guidance standard on the enumeration of phytoplankton using inverted microscopy” (EN 15204 2006). Against this background, other WFD indices must at least be tested. In fact, it might be necessary to develop a specific index for „relict lakes‟ or at least to modify an already existing index which is based on the trophic preferences of each species (see the review in Marchetto at al. 2009). Several of these indices are a combination of different metrics. The modified Brettum Index (BI) has the advantage to be very flexible (Dokulil and Teubner 2006). It can be calibrated for almost any variable (N, P, pH, etc.) for which enough information exists. Moreover, no indicator species must be defined „a priori‟. Detailed information for the BI can be extracted from Wolfram and Dokulil (2008). An example for the adaptation of the BI to another region can be found in Anneville and Kaiblinger (2008). A similar index including chl-a is the PSI by Mischke and Nixdorf (2008) for which a calculation software was developed by Mischke and Böhmer (2008). Buzzi et al. (2007) described a similar index for Italian alpine lakes. The Phytoplankton Assemblage Index developed by Padisák et al. (2006) uses a different strategy based on functional groups. Finally, the health of an ecosystem might be evaluated using the EHI of Xu (2005). 6.3.2. Periodicity Hydrometeorology In the first year for new gauging stations, one discharge measurement should be made per month. In the 2nd and 3rd year, 6 discharge measurements, i.e. 1 during low flows and the other to be distributed on flood events, e.g. 1-2 in April-May for snow melting and 3-4 from October to December for rain event floods (Table 6.5). Accordingly, the corresponding water sampling for analysis should be made. Page 66/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 6.5. Periodicity of hydrometeorological monitoring N° WH1: WH2: Proposed indicator Lake_water _level inflow_catc hment_Mac ro_Prespa METHOD YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 Data logger, staff gauge Continuous (at least daily readings, hourly data) Continuous (at least daily readings, hourly data) Continuous (at least daily readings, hourly data) Continuous (at least daily readings, hourly data) Continuous (at least daily readings, hourly data) Continuous water level Continuous water level Continuous water level Continuous water level Continuous water level on selected gauging stations, 12 discharge measureme nts on selected gauging sites, 6 discharge measurem ents on selected gauging sites, 6 discharge measurem ents on selected gauging sites, 4 discharge measurem ents on selected gauging sites, 4 discharge measurem ents Continuous water level Continuous water level Continuous water level Continuous water level on both lakes, 6 discharge measureme nts of Koula stream on both lakes, 6 discharge measurem ents of Koula stream on both lakes, 4 discharge measurem ents of Koula stream on both lakes, 2 discharge measurem ents of Koula stream on both lakes, 2 discharge measurem ents of Koula stream Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Volume during irrigation period Volume during irrigation period Volume during irrigation period Volume during irrigation period Volume during irrigation period 1 time per year during irrigation season 1 time per year during irrigation season 1 time per year during irrigation season 1 time per year during irrigation season 1 time per year during irrigation season Continuous water level Continuous water level Continuous water level Continuous water level Continuous water level on selected gauging stations, 12 discharge measureme nts) on selected gauging sites, 6 discharge measurem ents) on selected gauging sites, 2 discharge measurem ents) on selected gauging sites, 2 discharge measurem ents) on selected gauging sites, 2 discharge measurem ents) 12 times per year 12 times per year 12 times per year 12 times per year 12 times per year Discharge from water level, after calibration of rating curve Koula_Micr o_to_Macro _Prespa_flo w Discharge from hydraulic formula, gauging for stream WH4: pumping_fr om_Micro_ Prespa Pumping duration or energy consum. from pumping station WH5: Catchment_ irrigated_ar ea (covered under Land Use indic. N° LS4 ) Remote sensing and GIS WH3: WH6: karstic_spri ng_flow_to _Ohrid Discharge from water level, after calibration of rating curve WH7: Groundwat er_level Piezometric level in selected wells Continuous water level Page 67/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park WM1: WM2: WM3: WM4: WQPCC1: WQPCC2: WQPCC3: WQPCC4: Precip_Catc hment Average of values for selected stations Data collected at TB level each 2 months Data collected at TB level each 2 months Data collected at TB level each 2 months Data collected at TB level each 2 months Data collected at TB level each 2 months Precip_lake Average of values for selected stations Data collected at TB level each 2 months Data collected at TB level each 2 months Data collected at TB level each 2 months Data collected at TB level each 2 months Data collected at TB level each 2 months air_temper ature _Lake Average of values for selected stations Data collected at TB level each 2 months Data collected at TB level each 2 months Data collected at TB level each 2 months Data collected at TB level each 2 months Data collected at TB level each 2 months lake_evapo ration Average of Penman values for selected stations Data collected at TB level each 2 months Data collected at TB level each 2 months Data collected at TB level each 2 months Data collected at TB level each 2 months Data collected at TB level each 2 months On field and lab. analysis of selected param. Sampling at same frequency and dates as 12 discharge measureme nts Sampling at same frequency and dates as 6 discharge measurem ents Sampling at same frequency and dates as 6 discharge measurem ents Sampling at same frequency and dates as 4 discharge measurem ents Sampling at same frequency and dates as 4 discharge measurem ents Lab. analysis Sampling at same frequency and dates as 12 discharge measureme nts Sampling at same frequency and dates as 6 discharge measurem ents Sampling at same frequency and dates as 6 discharge measurem ents Sampling at same frequency and dates as 4 discharge measurem ents Sampling at same frequency and dates as 4 discharge measurem ents On field and lab. analysis of selected param. Sampling at same frequency and dates as 12 discharge measureme nts Sampling at same frequency and dates as 6 discharge measurem ents Sampling at same frequency and dates as 6 discharge measurem ents Sampling at same frequency and dates as 4 discharge measurem ents Sampling at same frequency and dates as 4 discharge measurem ents Lab. analysis Sampling at same frequency and dates as 12 discharge measureme nts Sampling at same frequency and dates as 6 discharge measurem ents Sampling at same frequency and dates as 6 discharge measurem ents Sampling at same frequency and dates as 4 discharge measurem ents Sampling at same frequency and dates as 4 discharge measurem ents River_Macr o_Prespa_p hysico_che mical River_Macr o_Prespa_t oxic_polluti on Groundwat er_ physico_ch emical Groundwat er_ toxic_polluti on Page 68/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Limnology The assessment of the biological and physico-chemical quality is based on annual averages. The minimum requirements, as stated in the WFD, are four assessment periods. A higher number of observations is possible for better interpretation and feasible to avoid the influence of outliers. The over-all assessment of the lake may be achieved by a three year running average. The standard minimum for the sampling frequency are the four limnological key periods at which sampling has to be done (Table 6.6): - Spring circulation - Begin of summer stagnation (stratification) - Maximum of stagnation (stratification) - End of stagnation (stratification), often at the end of fall, or autumn circulation which might occur in winter Table 6.6. Periodicity of limnological monitoring N° WQPC -L1 WQPC -L2 WQPC -L3 WQEB -L1, WQEB -L2 WQEB -L3 Proposed indicator Physicochemical quality Toxicity Eutrophication Littoral WQ METHOD YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 6 time 6 times 4 times 4 times See 6.3 12 times (15th of each month) (every 2 month) (every 2 month) (see above) (see above) 1 time 1 time 1 time 1 time 1 time End of August End of August End of August End of August End of August 12 times (15th of each month) 6 time 6 times 4 times 4 times (every 2 month) (every 2 month) (see above) (see above) 1 time 1 time 1 time 1 time 1 time End of growing season End of growing season End of growing season End of growing season End of growing season ? See 6.3 See 6.3 nd nd nd nd 6.4. Equipment Field equipment - Suitable sized boat with engine and winch - Sampling bottle with inbuilt thermometer (2 L minimum) Page 69/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park - White Secchi disk (20 cm Ø) on marked line with weight - Field instruments for pH, Conductivity, oxygen - Alternatively for oxygen: Winkler-bottles plus Winkler reagents and automatic pipettes - Optional: Multi probe with sensors for temperature, pH, Conductivity and oxygen a.o. - Sample bottles / cool boxes / ice etc. - Waterproof markers / Protocol book / Pencil Laboratory analysis Chemical species: Standard chemical equipment according to the normatives and Clesceri et al. (1998) Chlorophyll-a: - Filtration tower (glass or stainless steel) - Glass-fibre filters (GF/C) - Measuring cylinders (100, 500 and 1000 ml) - 10 ml tubes and 10 ml measuring flasks - Deep freezer - Ethanol (a.g.) / Water baths - Spectrophotometer Phytoplankton: - Plankton net, mesh size 10 µm for the estimation of algal composition - Brown screw cap bottles, 100 ml for quantitative samples - Lugol solution prepared according to Utermöhl (1958) as fixative for phytoplankton - Neutralized Formaldehyde for phytoplankton preservation - Inverted microscope - Sedimentation chambers according to Utermöhl - Pipettes and small lab accessories 6.5. Monitoring stations Water level of the lakes These water levels are to be expressed in each of the 3 altitude reference systems. Whatever the national monitoring using staff gauge reading on a (sub) daily frequency, which anyway, in the case of Micro Prespa water level management with potential sluices opening is to maintain, for “real time management”, we think that a water level recorder should be (re)installed in both lakes, in a place where lake shores have hard structures or steep slope. In Micro Prespa, this level recorder should be installed in the site of Koula Page 70/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park (40°48'38.40"N, 21° 4'14.65"E) were a supporting device already exists and could be adapted. For Macro Prespa (Figure 6.3) such a recorder should be installed in sites to be chosen amongst: - Golem Grad island (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) (40°52'15.25"N, 20°59'15.65"E) - The nearby rocky coast (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) (station referred as “proposed hydrological station n°17”, in HMA, 2008; (approx: 40°54'14.84"N, 20°59'8.80"E) - The former measuring site in Psarades bay (40°49'52.99"N, 21° 1'42.82"E) in Greece, using existing supporting device with some further works to maintain connection with the lake for low levels. - The actual site for staff gauge in Liqenas/ Pustec, Albania (40°47'22.49"N, 20°54'31.75"E) or on the coast of the nearby small island Mali Grad NW of Liqenas/ Pustec (40°47'29.66"N, 20°55'53.26"E). Figure 6.3. Proposed possible monitoring stations for water level on the lakes and river gauging stations (WH1). Page 71/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Gauging and water quality stations on rivers - On the Aghios Germanos stream, this station should be placed on the drowned concrete weir constituted by the overflowed road (40°49'47.16"N, 21° 7'15.94"E), since further downstream the shores are too sandy and unstable. If this option is retained, some civil works ought to be done in order to have a hydraulic control station where a stage-discharge relationship (rating curve) could be derived. - Downstream gauging station on Brajcinska river (proposed hydrological station n°1.1 in HMA (2008); 40°53'50.61"N, 21° 6'47.18"E). With a rating curve to establish. - A gauging station on the Golema Reka river, as far downstream as possible would be useful (e.g. see Fig. 1 below : proposed hydrological station n°10.2 in HMA, 2008), for completing data already provided by the updated Resen gauging station (hydrological station n°10 in HMA (2008) - If possible also one in Istocka river in Carev Dvor or downstream (proposed hydrological station n°10.5 in HMA (2008). (See Figure 6.4 below). Page 72/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park - Figure 6.4. Location of proposed/ existing monitoring stations (WH2) (extracted from HMA (2008); legend translation S. Petkovski). Lake stations Page 73/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Given the complexity of the transboundary situation at Prespa lake, the best solution for a start might be that all three states maintain one or more monitoring stations within their respective lake area. At least one of these stations has to be located at the deepest point of the lake. 6.6. Organizations potentially responsible for monitoring Albania: - IEWE : Institute of Energy, Water & Environment, Polytechnic University of Tirana (former Institute of Hydrometeorology of Albania) - MoEFWA/Agency of Water and Energy Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: - The Hydro meteorological Administration (HMA) - Hydrobiological Institute (HIO), Ohrid - Laboratory for Algae Taxonomy and Hydrobiology (LAH), Institute of Biology, Faculty for Natural Sciences, Skopje, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. - Institute for Health Protection (IHP) Greece: - Central Water Service (CWS) from the Ministry of Environment - Public Power Corporation (PPC), Department of Hydrology - Florina Chemistry Service (FCS) in Florina - Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP) - IGME - EKBY - Hellenic Center For Marine Research (HCMR) 6.7. Budget for the pilot application phase Following discussion with project coordinators, the participants of 2nd workshop (Bitola, May 2009) agreed that although a full list of indicators is proposed for water overall, this report shall only consider the estimation of costs for implementing the pilot phase , i.e. a reduced set of indicators (and within each indicator, of parameters) to be Page 74/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park monitored/ tested during the pilot application phase (1st year of Prespa TBMS). During the 2nd workshop sessions, a reduced set of indicators was discussed and selected (see Table 6.7). Basically, most of the indicators are retained except those dealing with ground-water (more complex and costly). Table 6.7. Proposed reduced set of water quality and hydrometric parameters for pilot phase application study N° Indicator WH1: Lake_water_level WH2: inflow_catchment_Macro_Prespa WH3: Koula_Micro_to_Macro_Prespa_flow WH4: pumping_from_Micro_Prespa WM1: Precip_Catchment WM2: Precip_lake WM3: air_temperature _Lake WM4: lake_evaporation WQPC-C1: River_Macro_Prespa_physico_chemical WQPC-C2: River_Macro_Prespa_toxic_pollution WQPC-L1: Lake_ physico_chemical WQPC-L2: Lake_ nutrients WQPC-L3: Lake_ toxic_pollution WQEB-L1: Lake_ Phytoplankton WQEB-L2: Lake_ Chlorophyll-A Furthermore, during the Pilot application phase, not all the parameters proposed under each indicator should be monitored, or not all indicators tested in all 3 countries. Below is a description of which ones should be tested in the Pilot phase, for the indicators retained. WQPC-L1: Lake_physico_chemical (every meter down to at least 20m) Secchi depth Secchi-disk (20 cm diameter) each meter Temperature Thermometer inside sampler each meter pH-value portable pH-Meter each meter Page 75/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Conductivity portable conductivity meter each meter Oxygen concentration Winkler bottles + reagents (lab analysis) each meter WQPC-L2: Lake_nutrients (at 0.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, (30) meter) Total phosphorus (TP), report as P Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), report as P Total nitrogen (TN), report as N Nitrate (NO3-N) Ammonia (NH4-N) Silica (Si) WQEB-L1: Lake_Phytoplankton (composite sample from 0.5, 5, 10, 15, (20) meters) – Do not sample deoxygenated depths during summer!! Counting and sizing using Utermöhl technique During the pilot phase application (until proper training will be conducted for an Albanian team) the quantitative analysis will be made only by teams from The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Greece. WQEB-L2: Lake_Chlorophyll-a (depth and remark as above) Extractive technique using ethanol (ISO-method) Frequency for all the above indicators: Monthly from May – September, October – April every 2nd month (bi-monthly) Sampling station for all: minimum one (1) station in each of the three countries involved WQPC-C1: River_Macro_Prespa_physico_chemical: Temperature pH-Value Conductivity Oxygen concentration Total phosphorus (TP) Total nitrogen (TN) Nitrate (NO3-N) Suspended solids (SS) Page 76/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 1 sampling and gauging (to implement WH2 and WH3) by month for 3 rivers: - Aghios Germanos (and Koula channel for gauging) in Greece - Brajcinska river (downstream) and Golema river (downstream), in The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Apart for high altitude precipitation stations and water level recorders for lakes, for which we propose to acquire equipment within the TBMS, other parameters will be derived from existing or already scheduled stations at the national levels. (This was decided particularly when thinking about river gauging stations, for which initial investment may reach high costs because of possible hydraulic design and needed civil works). Within TBMS, the group decided to propose the acquisition of 2 pluviometers (totalisator, heated, with data logger) to be installed on high altitudes (1500-1800 m) in the eastern catchment (Baba/Pelister mountain) and in the Galicica mountain (western catchment), for which precise locations remain to be chosen. The new meteorological and hydrometric station (acquired on UNDP funds) on Golema river in Resen will be on operation in the coming weeks. The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, through its Hydrobiological Institute of Ohrid, (financed at the National level during pilot application phase) proposed to establish a permanent field station on the shores of Lake Prespa using an existing house, where equipment could be stored and 2 to 3 persons located when necessary, this in order to reduce logistic costs. A proposal was made by the Albanian Institute for Energy, Water and Environment (IEWE) expert to take advantage of water sampling during the pilot application phase to conduct an Oxygen 18 isotope tracer study (update of the experiment made in 2004), in order to validate (or not) the hypothesis on the origin of underground water flow arriving to lake Ohrid from its eastern catchment (proportion coming from catchment runoff/infiltration and from Prespa lake waters) (the estimate analysis cost for this monitoring during one year is 5 k€). Page 77/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park As hydrometric measurements on streams require specific and rather costly equipment, together with operator experience, especially for flood conditions, we consider that this monitoring should be implemented by organizations already involved in such activities, the operator has still to be designed for the Greek part; for cost estimation, we made the assumption that team for hydrometric measurement will come from Thessaloniki. Standard unit costs for water parameters As a first step, indicative rates for each measurement of individual parameters are given in Table 6.8, for Austria (Prices are based on single samples, include sampling, transport and storage; reduction of up to 20% possible depending on the number and frequency of samples per year). Estimated costs (in euros) for the pilot application of the reduced set of parameters per sample analysis are given in Table 6.9. Table 6.8. Indicative rates for each measurement of individual parameters Method Parameter Unit (Normative) used Water Temperature °C pH-Value -log [H*] Oxygen Concentration mg L" Oxygen saturation % Conductivity (25°C) µS cm-1 Secchi depth m Soluble reactive Phosphorus (as P) µgL-1 Total soluble Phosphorus (as P) µgL" Total Phosphorus (as P) µgL-1 Nitrite (as N) µgL-1 Nitrate (as N) µgL-1 Ammonia (as N) µgL-1 Total Nitrogen (as N) µgL-1 Total suspended solids mgL-1 Chl-a extractive, spectrophotometrical Phytoplankton composition Phytoplankton quantitative (Utermöhl) DIN 38404 Part 4 (modified) DIN 38404 Part 5 (modified) EN 25814 (ISO 5814) (modified) DIN 38408 Part 23 (modified) DIN EN 27888 (ISO 7888) (modified) EN ISO 7027 (modified) DIN EN ISO 6878 Abs. 4 (modified) DIN EN ISO 6878 (modified) DIN EN ISO 6878 Abs. 7 (modified) DIN EN 26777 (modified) As EN ISO 10304-1 und -2 (modified) DIN 38 406 Part 5 (modified) DIN 38 409 Part 2 (modified) EURO 5.60 12.50 15.20 7.40 5.60 14.10 39.10 39.10 12.20 12.20 15.20 50.10 16.50 µgL-1 44.7 1h 1.5 h 67.3 101.0 Page 78/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 6.9. Estimated costs (in €) for the pilot application of the reduced set of parameters per sample analysis lake river physico chemical and biology Secchi 5.6 temp 5.6 5.6 pH 12.5 12.5 conductivity 7.4 7.4 Oxygen 15.2 15.2 TP 39.1 39.1 SRP 39.1 TN 50.1 50.1 NO3-N 12.2 12.2 NH4-N 15.2 15.2 Si 12.2 TSS 16.5 Chl A 44.7 Phytoplankton analysis 167.4 Total 442.8 € 16.5 173.8 € Toxic pollution To implement during the pilot phase: WQPC-C2: River_Macro_Prespa_toxic_pollution WQPC-L3: Lake_ toxic_pollution Each country has at least a laboratory with adequate chromatographic equipment to detect and measure organic pollutants. Only a subset of used molecules (for bean and apple cultivation) will be monitored during the pilot phase, to be selected from the lists provided in Annexes 6.3 and 6.4, depending on the budget available. Based upon the costs provided by a French private laboratory, toxic analysis will cost ca. 800 euros/sample, including screening of all main organo-chloride pesticides (Presence/ Absence) and measurement of concentrations for only 5 pesticides and 2 heavy metals (Cu, Zn) per sample. If costs prove lower in some of the countries, rather than decreasing Page 79/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park the Unit cost per sample in the overall budget, it is suggested instead to increase the number of measured molecules. It should be highlighted that in order to implement the hydrometric and meteorological indicators below, logistic costs were considered as already included in gauging and river sampling costs, so the specific costs in the tables below (Tables 6.10 and 6.11) only include data handling and database updating, on the basis of 1 day technician + 1 day engineer per month, for each institute involved1. WH1: Lake_water_level WH2: inflow_catchment_Macro_Prespa WH3: Koula_Micro_to_Macro_Prespa_flow WH4: pumping_from_Micro_Prespa WM1: Precip_Catchment WM2: Precip_lake WM3: air_temperature _Lake WM4: lake_evaporation Table 6.10. Summary of budget for the 1st year pilot phase study Greece Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Albania High altitude pluviometers Investment (heated pluviometer+logger) (2) 16,000 Installation of altitude pluviometers (2) 1,260 Water level recorders 1 Investment water level recorder 2,700 2,700 2,700 Installation of water level recorder 1,285 630 576 Hydrometeo data updating 5,340 1,320 1,320 Lake water quality field monitoring 13,815 6,210 5,634 Lake water physico chemical and biol 7,974 3,987 3,987 Lake toxic pollution analysis 14,400 7,200 7,200 River flow and sampling 19,500 12,120 6,912 River physico-chemical analysis 2,088 4,176 0 Spreadsheets used for detailed calculation of costs available upon request Page 80/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park River toxic pollution 9,600 19,200 0 Isotope analysis for groundwater flow Total 1st year pilot phase 5,000 76,702 € 74,803 € 33,329 € The costs above translate into the following budget for the first 5 years of the TMS for the water resources, only for the Indicators that will be monitored during the Pilot phase (replicating them every year). The cost for monitoring all the other indicators has not been estimated, and should be added on top of the budget shown in Table 6.11. Table 6.11. Summary of budget for 5 years of the TMS theme “Water resources” (only Indicator of the pilot phase budgeted in the present table) Greece Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Albania Total A- Total investment costs 3,985 20,590 3,276 27,851 B- Running costs per year 72,717 54,213 30,053 156,983 Total 1st year Pilot phase 76,702 74,803 33,329 184,834 367,570 € 291,655 € 153,541 € 812,766 € Total 1st 5 years of TMS (A + 5xB) Page 81/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 7. Biodiversity Monitoring: Habitats and Species – Introduction 7.1. The context The Prespa lakes and surroundings are a key biodiversity area in the Balkans. This wealth was summarized within the Prespa Strategic Action Plan (SPP et al., 2002), and further updated during the 1st Stage of preparation of the Prespa TMS (Petkovski et al. 2008). The area hosts e.g. 8 endemic fish species, the largest colony of Dalmatian Pelicans in the world, at least 27 species of local1 endemic aquatic invertebrates (plus 23 others, endemic of the Balkans), at least 18 species of local2 endemic terrestrial invertebrates (plus 14 others, endemic of the Balkans), many Balkan endemic plants etc. Biodiversity will therefore be a key component of the Prespa TMS. Focal topics for monitoring Biodiversity include the status and trends of biological diversity, threats, ecosystem integrity and ecosystem goods and services. Proposed indicators should ideally, and eventually in the long-term, be related to trends in the abundance and distribution of selected species, especially threatened and/or protected species, livestock genetic diversity, trends in invasive alien species, ecosystem coverage, connectivity and fragmentation of ecosystems, impacts of climate change on biodiversity. 7.2. The legal framework The key overarching framework for all work to be carried out on Biodiversity in Prespa is made up by the twin Directives EU 79/409 (“Birds”) and 92/43 (“Habitats”3), completed by the EU Communication “Halting the loss of Biodiversity by 2010”. National legislations in the three countries provide additional, vital guidance in all three countries, as do a number of other conventions or initiatives (see below). Even though only Greece is so far an EU member, the other two countries are candidates and have already initiated an approximation towards EU legislation - a prerequisite for EU accession. Moreover, Albania has already joined the European Environment Agency4 (EEA), and as such is committed to regularly report on a number of issues, including 1 of the 2 lakes and rivers of the watershed of the watershed 3 which in reality covers not only habitats, but also all plant and animal species except birds, which have their own, specific directive (79/409) 4 Although set up under the aegis of the EU, the EEA is open to non-EU members; e.g. Turkey and Switzerland are currently members 2 Page 82/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Biodiversity. Similarly, the Macedonian Information Centre in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is already officially reporting to the EU (EEA) as per the required monitoring standards, and the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning permanently highlights the need to focus on biodiversity elements of particular EU relevance, i.e. species and habitats included in the Annexes of the Birds and Habitats Directives. Article 11 of the Habitats Directive states that “Member States shall undertake surveillance of the conservation status of the natural habitats and species referred to in Article 2 with particular regard to priority natural habitat types and priority species”. A proper interpretation of the Habitats Directive implies an obligation to monitor habitats and species in designated SACs5, such as Prespa in Greece: once they have established their SACs, member states have to manage them for conservation, which implicitly includes management-oriented monitoring. Reporting to the Commission is not identical to monitoring: thus, even for reporting at national level the member states may have to implement some site-specific monitoring. The Birds Directive is less specific on monitoring, and simply provides that “1. Member States shall encourage research and any work required as a basis for the protection, management and use of the population of all species of bird referred to in Article 1. 2. Particular attention shall be paid to research and work on the subjects listed in Annex V. …”, with Annex V suggesting as some of the key subjects “(a) National lists of species in danger of extinction or particularly endangered species, taking into account their geographical distribution. (b) Listing and ecological description of areas particularly important to migratory species on their migratory routes and as wintering and nesting grounds. (c) Listing of data on the population levels of migratory species as shown by ringing.” Monitoring key bird species in Prespa is therefore implicit under § (b) of Annex 5. In addition to EU directives, especially for the 2 non-EU candidate countries, the Bern Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats6 is highly relevant, through the Emerald Network set up by the Council of Europe as part of its work under this Convention. This ecological network was launched in 1998, to conserve wild flora and fauna and their natural habitats in Europe. It is to be set up in 5 6 Special Areas of Conservation – designated under the Habitats Directive came into force on June 1, 1982 Page 83/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park each Contracting Party or observer state to the Convention. For the EU members, the Emerald Network is identical to Natura 2000 (there is no difference in typology but only in codification). For the candidate countries to EU accession, they are bound to implement and communicate the Natura 2000 results to the European Union by the day of the EU accession. For these countries, the Emerald Network project represents a preparation for, and a direct contribution to, implementation of the Natura 2000 programme. Besides EU-related obligations (and its Emerald network counterpart in non-EU countries), four main other conventions related to Biodiversity are in theory relevant to the Prespa TMS too. However in practice, monitoring/ reporting is promoted at national level only, without going into site-scale (like Prespa), and so the development of the Prespa TMS could not benefit much, in practice, from their recommendations. They are: The Ramsar Convention is the key convention relevant to Prespa. All 3 countries are parties7. The key obligation is to maintain the ecological character of the designated wetlands, and implicitly to monitor this ecological character. Wetland monitoring, incl. of biodiversity components, has attracted considerable attention in the Ramsar framework. The Convention on Biological Diversity (see implies Contracting Parties have to report on a national – not site – basis on the condition of their biodiversity. The Convention on Migratory Species (CMS, also called Bonn Convention) ( does not specifically mention monitoring the species it covers, but only monitoring the effectiveness of the specific Agreements set up under the Convention. Monitoring of specific species may therefore be required under the CMS, but at a population/ species level and not at site level. The CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is an international agreement between governments. Its 7 So far, Greece has designated Micro Prespa as a Ramsar site, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has designated its share of Macro Prespa, while in Albania designation of the whole Prespa watershed is under way for several years now but has not been completed yet. Page 84/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park aim is to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. 7.3. Dividing the Biodiversity work Because of its importance in Prespa and of the traditional dividing lines between fields of expertise, biodiversity monitoring has been split up into 4 specific chapters (Chapters 8 to 11 below), each developed by 4 different lead experts : - Aquatic Vegetation and habitats - Forests, forestry and other Terrestrial habitats - Fish and Fisheries - Birds and other biodiversity (species). Among them, the “Fish and Fisheries” and “Forests, forestry, terrestrial habitats” also had an explicit mandate to cover the related socio-economic aspects, i.e. the use of these natural resources, thus interacting potentially with the socio-economic theme. Contacts between the leaders of these groups therefore helped ensure that the results were not overlapping, but complementary. Page 85/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 8. Aquatic Vegetation and Habitats Dr. Patrick Grillas, Tour du Valat 8.1. Introduction 8.1.1. Analysis of existing monitoring programmes There is very little monitoring focused on aquatic habitats or aquatic plant (sensu lato) species. The most relevant programmes identified in Shumka et al. (2008) are the following (Table 8.1): Inventory of wet meadows in the Albanian part of Micro-Prespa (2006 only) as part of the inventory of Albanian wetlands Monitoring (2002-2011) of the structure and species composition of wet meadows on 4 (10) sites in the Greek part of the shore of Micro-Prespa Monitoring of tall helophyte growth in spring (Typha angustifolia and Phragmites australis) on 9 littoral sites In addition, an inventory and mapping of wetland plant associations in on-going in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The photo monitoring of habitats (SPP) and the survey of medicinal plants in Albania were not considered here as no information were provided on them. Beside these three habitat programmes, other monitoring are relevant to wetlands as they provide information on the lakes (water chemistry, algae, fishes etc.) or on the pressures they receive (land use, agriculture, population, sewage treatment plants, etc.). Page 86/381 Main sources (e.g. Reports, web pages, published articles) 2002-present Annually (in summer) Organisation in charge of monitoring 1991-present Monthly (5-7 times/year) Remarks Annual Availability of data Periodicity Year 2005 Geographic scale Period of monitoring (Wet meadows in Micro Prespa) N° of parameters monitored Parameter(s) regularly measured Ref. N° THEME Table 8.1. Existing monitoring programmes for wetland habitats and plant species (extracted from Shumka et al. 2008) Micro Prespa Published ECAT and EKBY Inventory of Albanian wet meadows Marjeta Mima/ECAT Tirana Natural Habitats ALBANIA Fauna/Flora Natural Habitats GREECE 11 Photo-monitoring 12 Wet meadows - functional group cover: high emergent helophytes (density, height and basal diameter), wet meadow species, hydrophytes, prairie species, litter, bare soil 15 High Emergent Helophyte growth in spring (Typha angustifolia and Phragmites australis density and height, water depth) 2004-present (will continue another 3-4 years) Twice/month in spring (April-June) Not available until published Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP) >4 Micro Prespa Not available until published SPP 5 9 managed littoral sites (Lake Micro Prespa) Not available until published SPP 1 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Priorities for monitoring wetland habitats and plant species The priorities for monitoring habitats and species (Table 8.2) have been identified during the preliminary phase of the project. Table 8.2. Priorities identified for monitoring wetland habitats and species (from Petkovski et al. 2008) HABITAT HD Code Name Rationale Cover in Prespa catchments (%) Former Yugoslav Albania Greece Republic of Macedonia 3170 * Mediterranean temporary ponds DH-P 0.1 0.1 91 E0 * Alluvial forests (Alnion-glutinosoincanae) DH-P <1 0 3150 + Natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition type vegetation DH 1 6420 + Mediterranean tall humid grasslands of the Molinio-Holoschoenion DH <1 6430 + Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels DH <1 0.2 0.1 0.6 1.8 0.5 3190 - Open water - pelagic zone of lakes IMP 17 16.8 21.6 72A0 - Reed beds IMP 2 17 3.1 72B0 - Large sedge communities IMP <1 0 DH-Annex II, Bern ConventionAnnex I rare ? SPECIES Aldrovanda vesiculosa Habitat (HD) Code: code of the habitats in the EU Habitat Directive (92/43) or, if absent, in CORINEBiotope; Rationale: DH-P = listed as priority species in the Habitat Directive, DH= listed in the Habitat Directive, IMP= habitat considered as important but not listed in the HD, DH-Annex II= listed in annex II of the Habitat Directive; Cover in Prespa catchments (%): in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Albania it was produced using experts’ knowledge so the % values are approximate; in Greece, the % area of Prespa basin under each habitat was calculated by SPP from GIS data of the Ministry of the Environment on Natura 2000 habitats. The rationale identifies Priority Habitats (DH-P) and non-priority Habitats (DH) in 92/43/EEC Directive, and other habitats important for the wildlife they harbour and their functional role in the landscape (IMP). Page 88/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Only one wetland species, Aldrovandra vesiculosa, has been listed as a conservation issue as “Rare” under the IUCN criteria (Table 8.2). However, this species is not considered as globally threatened in the IUCN Red List (, November 2008). It is nevertheless listed as priority species in the Habitat Directive (Annex II, of EC interest and requires the designation of special areas of protection), and as strictly protected in the Bern Convention (Annex 1). This species is in decline in most of its European range and is clearly the most important plant conservation issue in Prespa wetlands. Most of the other species are widespread and the importance of wetlands can be found mostly in their use by fauna and to a lower extent in the habitats. Eight wetlands habitats were considered for monitoring including two Priority Habitats (Mediterranean temporary pools and Alluvial forests of the Alnion-glutinoso-incanae). There were also three Non-Priority habitats (Natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition type vegetation, Mediterranean tall humid grasslands of the MolinioHoloschoenion, and Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the mountain to alpine levels) listed in the 92/43/EEC Habitat Directive. In addition, three habitats are considered for their great value in the conservation of wildlife (habitat of fauna of major interest) in the Prespa lakes. Some habitats needed further clarification related to the identification and location of some habitats. The presence of Mediterranean temporary ponds in Prespa catchments was questioned at this altitude in the preliminary phase of the project (see Petkovski et al. 2008). A control was performed during a field visit in March 2009 on two of these pools although a complete vegetation assessment could not be made at this early date. The ponds, located among the wet meadows of Micro Prespa should not be considered as Mediterranean temporary ponds. As their vegetation was eutrophic, not vernal and exhibited similarities with that of the reedbed and of the wet meadows vegetation. Therefore this habitat was not retained per se in the monitoring scheme but was lumped with a wet meadow type of vegetation that was considered for monitoring. Page 89/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park The correct identification and location of some of the habitats in the temporarily flooded area of the lake is questionable (HD codes 6420 and 6430). Three types of herbaceous vegetation (habitats in the sense of the HD) have been identified around the lakes: “large sedge communities” (HD code 72B0), “Mediterranean tall humid grasslands of the Molinio-Holoschoenion” (HD code 6420) and “Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and the montane to alpine level” (HD code 6430). On the map of the HD habitats for the Greek part, there is some confusion on the habitat “Open water” (3190). The code corresponds to another type of habitats in the Habitat Directive (HD: “Lakes of gypsum karst”). 8.1.2. Connection to EU and national legislation Among the eight (8) habitats pre-selected for possible monitoring (Table 8.2), 5 are listed in the Habitat Directive of the EU, and therefore in Greece, of which 2 as Priority Habitats and 3 as Non-Priority habitats. However the priority habitat “Mediterranean temporary ponds” has been mistakenly listed and is not present in the project area. National legislations in Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia do not afford protection to the habitats per se and to the aquatic plants found in Prespa area. The species Aldrovanda vesiculosa is strictly protected in the three countries by the Bern Convention (Annex I: strictly protected flora species) and in Greece by the Habitat Directive (Annex II). 8.1.3. Baseline information Data on aquatic (hydrophilous) vegetation and wetland habitats found in the Prespa Park exist only for the Albanian and Greek part of the catchment basin. There are no data available for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia part of the area but an inventory is on-going. According to Pavlides (1997) and Mersinllari (2000), the aquatic vegetation at the Albanian and the Greek parts of the lakes can be classified into three main types of communities): Free-floating hydrophytes (Lemnetea), b) Rooted submerged hydrophytes (Potametea) and c) Helophytic vegetation. A national inventory of wetlands in Albania covers Prespa area. However, no vegetation map is available for Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. A habitat map exists Page 90/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park for the Greek part of Prespa covered by the PSIC (code) but this map includes many mistakes for wetlands and cannot be used as a management/monitoring tool. In the catchment, the presence of Mediterranean Temporary ponds is questioned and requires further investigation. 8.1.4. Rationale for monitoring The habitats and the species that were selected for monitoring during the first phase of the project could possibly lead to a high number of indicators and were considered as beyond feasibility. It was thus proposed to make a further selection considering the information available, the potential of the habitat and species for assessing ecological change at the scale of the Transboundary Park and the functional role of the habitats for the conservation of species. On this basis, three types of wetlands have been retained with a priority 1 (see Table 8.3), and two types of wetlands considered as important for the EU (DH) were assigned with a priority 2 (to be considered in a further stage if resources allow). The inclusion of Aldrovanda vesiculosa would require a preliminary assessment of the status of the species, and is not considered for the time-being. Two types of habitats have been rejected as not relevant for this monitoring scheme because one habitat is not present (Mediterranean temporary ponds) and the other one (open water) is better addressed in another monitoring themes (“Water resources”). The beds of submerged and floating hydrophytes include, but should not be restricted to, the habitat “Natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition type vegetation” (HD code 3150). More diverse types of beds of hydrophytes could possibly be found (e.g. Chara beds) contributing to the functional roles of this type of vegetation. The beds of submerged and floating hydrophytes are important for storing nutrients, as spawning habitats for fish and invertebrates, refuge for invertebrates and young fish, feeding habitats of many species such as fish, terns, pelicans, etc. Furthermore, the priority species Aldrovanda vesiculosa is included in this vegetation type which contributes to the assessment of the status of water bodies (Water Directive). The “wet meadow” type of vegetation type has been created by lumping 3 habitats supposed to be present at the margins of the lakes “Large sedge communities” (HD code 72B0), Page 91/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park “Mediterranean tall humid grasslands of the Molinio-Holoschoenion” (HD code 6420) and “Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and the montane to alpine level” (HD code 6430). The correct identification and location of some of the habitats in the temporarily flooded area of the lake is questionable (HD codes 6420 and 6430). However, beyond the exact phytosociological identification of the vegetation of the wet meadows and their potential EU importance, the wet meadows in a functional sense (grassland temporarily flooded by the seasonal rise of lake water) are very important for the wildlife especially as spawning grounds for fish and as feeding habitats for priority bird species. They were therefore considered for monitoring as a general type of vegetation without consideration of their exact identity in the phytosociological and CORINE classifications. The reedbeds are a key habitat for the wildlife, especially for birds but also for amphibians, and invertebrates. It is the nesting habitat of threatened species of birds for which Prespa Transboundary Park is important (e.g. Pelicans, Pygmy cormorant, etc.). Furthermore the reed beds play an important functional role in storing carbon and trapping nutrients from the catchments, thus contribute to reduce the influx of nutrients into the lakes and eutrophication. Aldrovanda vesiculosa is included in Annex II of the Habitat Directive (of EU interest and requires special areas of protection) and in Annex I of the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats (1979). The species is known only from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia where it was not found in 2008 as a result of the decrease of the lake level. That species could possibly be at present threatened by extinction in the study area. It was considered that in this situation the monitoring of A. vesiculosa cannot be implemented before an assessment of the status of the species at Prespa is made. It is therefore recommended that during the preliminary stage of the implementation of the monitoring of Prespa Transboundary Park, an active search of the species will be organised in the three countries. The inclusion of Aldrovanda vesiculosa in the monitoring scheme will be considered during this assessment. Page 92/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 8.3. Priorities and rationale for monitoring the wetlands habitats and Aldrovanda vesiculosa HABITAT Wetland type Beds of submerged and floating hydrophytes Wet meadows Reed-beds Aldrovanda vesiculosa Habitat name (+ HD Code) Natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition type vegetation Mediterranean tall humid grasslands of the MolinioHoloschoenion (6420) Large Sedge communities (72B0) Reed beds (72A0) Aldrovanda vesiculosa Rationale for monitoring Legal protection Functional role Present knowledge DH High for water quality and fauna Good baseline information on Micro, less information on Macro Prespa DH High for fish and birds Insufficient in exact location Priority for monitoring Priority 1 Priority 1 none High for fish and birds none High for water quality and fauna DH-Annex II, Bern Convention Annex I Location known, insufficient knowledge on changes and management Priority 1 Small Possibly extinct, data insufficient Preliminary assessment needed before including into the monitoring scheme Priority 2 Alluvial forest Alluvial forests: Alnion-glutinosoincanae (91E0) DH-Priority Small for Prespa Largest patch in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia where threatened; scattered in fragmented patches in the other countries Eutrophic herbaceous wet prairies Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels (6430) DH Small for Prespa Fragmented in mountainous areas Priority 2 none Important but directly addressed by water quality Insufficient Not relevant: addressed in the "Water" theme DH-Priority Small Not present not relevant Open water Mediterranean temporary pond Open water pelagic zone of lakes Mediterranean temporary ponds (3170) Page 93/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park The Alluvial forest Habitat is an important habitat currently threatened by the lowering of the water level in the Macro Prespa Lake. However, it does not cover significant surface areas and is significantly present only in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. It is present only in small patches along streams in the other two countries and was given a lower priority for monitoring. The monitoring and conservation of the remaining patch of this habitat should rather be considered at national scale in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The rationale for including this habitat in the list was supposed to be for addressing water quality issue (covered in another dedicated theme). This habitat was therefore not considered for monitoring. Assessment of these habitats and species has to be made at the transboundary level as they refer to international conservation issues. On a functional basis, the sound management scale is the wetland complex made by the two lakes because water quality issues cannot be addressed properly at the sub-catchment level and because the quality of habitats for wildlife should be considered at the whole wetland scale especially for mobile species (e.g. fishes, birds). The recent changes in the management of water levels in Micro Prespa (i.e. construction of the new sluice between the two lakes in the Greek part) is likely to have impacts on the distribution of vegetation along the shores and consequently on wildlife in case the water level of Micro Prespa does not fluctuate seasonally following the “natural” course. In perennial vegetation and especially in reed beds, long-delayed impacts of management practices (after 10-20 years or more) are well known. Monitoring of these key wetland habitats can allow for early detection of changes and support management decisions. 8.1.5. Research gaps There are gaps in the available information. These gaps concern primarily (1) the extent and location of the wet meadows, the priority habitats and species, (2) the relationships between management practices, ecosystem dynamics and the conservation status of priority habitats and species, and (3) some lack of clarity/questions on certain habitats: Distribution/location, number and condition of priority species Page 94/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park The monitoring of habitats and species requires a preliminary assessment of their abundance and distribution. This information is not available yet for most habitats. Management The distribution and abundance (cover) of habitats is the result of the interaction between local ecological characteristics and of both direct and indirect impacts of human activities on the lakes and wetlands and their catchments. The knowledge on the relationships between habitats and management is limited. Management experiments using grazing have been conducted on the wet meadows and their value for water birds (feeding habitats). More research would be needed on: The management of wet meadows The long term consequences of the management of water levels in Micro Prespa (in case stabilisation is selected instead of seasonally fluctuating levels)8 are not known both on the wet meadows and on the reed beds The causes of the replacement of Phragmites australis by Typha angustifolia are not known although high water levels and wild fires are supposed to play an important role; this is of importance as the value of Phragmites communities for wildlife seems much higher than that of Typha stands. The ecological requirements for Aldrovanda vesiculosa Prescriptions for alternative (sustainable) management of land including catchment and natural resources of wetlands Baseline information on aquatic and wetland vegetation: identification and mapping of communities During the preliminary phase of the implementation of the monitoring programme some preliminary baseline information should be collected: A comprehensive map of the different types of wetland vegetation (e.g. hydrophyte beds, wet meadows, reedbeds, forested wetlands, etc.) should be made at the scale of the Transboundary Park. Beside its own interest, it will allow the final identification of the monitoring sites for reedbeds and wet meadows. 8 However, the management plan for Lake Micro Prespa (implemented for 2007-2012 by the SPP and the MBPNF) foresees that the water level does fluctuate between seasons aiming at attaining high levels for the flooding of wet meadows in spring-early summer and lowering of the levels by mid-summer to allow for the management of littoral vegetation at specific wet meadow sites by means of cutting and grazing (Malakou et al. 2007). Thus, minimum water levels are recorded in late autumn following the natural cycle of such lakes. Page 95/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park The location of populations of Aldrovanda vesiculosa should be a prerequisite to the monitoring of that species. The species should be actively searched in its potential sites in the two lakes. 8.2. Development of indicators 8.2.1. Baseline and general indicators The monitoring of the habitats and species aimed at identifying (1) changes over time in their location, extension and cover (abundance), and (2) the likely root causes for the changes eventually measured. The selection of indicators has been made at two levels, firstly general indicators of the vegetation at the global scale (Prespa) and secondly of individual habitats and species. The selection of indicators has been developed considering the most important factors that control the plants communities and species, the possible trends resulting from ecological change (natural processes) and the most likely threats. Attention was also given to possible causes for ecological changes and possible indicators for these causes (pressures). Indicator 1: Map of vegetation The evaluation of changes in the extent, location and cover of habitats and species requires the establishment of a reference. Considering that no assessment of these characteristics exists at the moment, a coordinated TB map of (wetland) vegetation of the lake area and the wetlands of the Prespa catchment in the three countries is necessary. This preliminary map does not need to be very detailed and should characterise the physiognomy of vegetation. A scale of 1/25,000 to 1/50,000 should be sufficient. The map will be needed for the location of sampling site for monitoring wetlands. Furthermore, a number of indicators can be extracted from the map such as the number, extent and location of patches of wetland types and landscape parameters (distance, neighbouring habitats, etc.). The vegetation map should include land use in the catchments which is one the most important driver for ecological change in the wetlands. The map should be updated every 5-10 years with possible more frequent updating on priority habitats. Page 96/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 8.2.2. Selection of indicators for species and habitats Beds of submerged and floating hydrophytes (priority 1) Description of the habitat The beds of submerged and floating hydrophytes include the habitat which corresponds to lakes and ponds with mostly dirty grey to blue-green, more or less turbid, waters, particularly rich in dissolved bases (pH usually > 7), with free-floating surface communities of the Hydrocharition or, in deep, open waters, with associations of large pondweeds (Magnopotamion) (EUR-27, July 2007). All types of submerged and floating vegetation have been added. Different types of plant communities can be identified among this type of vegetation according to light availability, substrate transparency and depth of water, pH and nutrient levels. One mesotrophic type dominated by floating macrophytes (Utricularia spp, Ceratophyllum spp) is the habitat of the priority species Aldrovanda vesiculosa. The depth limit of this type of vegetation is around 6-7 meters in Micro Prespa (K. Stefanidis, unpublished data) and is not known in Macro Prespa. Main threats Eutophication of water is the main threat for this habitat. It usually results from intensification of agriculture in the catchments and/or the inflow of sewage waters into the lake. It leads to successional changes towards more competitive plant communities. However hyper-eutrophication can lead to the total loss of submerged macrophytes which are replaced by planktonic algae. Submitted to moderate eutrophication changes in the mesotrophic type can be little noticed with a slow reduction of the characteristic species and progressive replacement by various competitive species (e.g. Potamogeton spp). Changes in the water level should result in the shift of the plan communities; however rapid changes could be assimilated to a disturbance and lead to temporary loss of submerged vegetation. Drawdown will lead to the temporary disappearance of the habitat. Locally invasive plant species (e.g. Lagarosiphon, Ludwigia, Myriophyllum) can out-compete the characteristic species of the habitat. Page 97/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicators The main potential indicators for this habitat could be (Table 8.4): Extent and location of the habitat Measuring the extent and location of this habitat can be difficult and costly requiring long time devoted to field work. The distribution of the plants is controlled primarily by the depth and transparency of water and by the substrate. A feasibility study for the use of remote sensing for assessing the distribution of the habitat should be explored. Species composition of the vegetation The species composition at given sites constitute a suitable indicator of ecological change, especially those related to depth, transparency and nutrient. Table 8.4. Indicators for the beds of submerged and floating hydrophytes Name Hypotheses for ecological change Indicators (state) Change in water level Beds of submerged and floating hydrophytes Change in water quality Encroachment of exotic invasive species (e.g. Lagarosiphon, Ludwigia) Surface area of the habitat; Species composition of vegetation Indicators (pressure) Remarks Eutrophication (domestic or agricultural pollution); Drawdown; Siltation Wet meadows (priority 1) Description of the habitat The wet meadows are loosely defined as temporarily flooded herbaceous riparian vegetation located at the edges of permanent lakes or rivers; they are located between the reed beds in deeper conditions and usually by terrestrial vegetation including agricultural fields. Wet meadows are usually species-rich communities resulting from the suppression of the dominance of tall helophytes, often by grazing or cutting. The wet meadows include the HD habitat “Mediterranean tall humid grasslands of the Molinio-Holoschoenion” (6420) and “Large sedge communities” (72B0). Other plant communities can probably be found into this type of vegetation. Wet meadows are important spawning habitats for fish (especially Carp), feeding habitat for bird species such as the two species of pelicans, Ibis, herons, geese, migrating waders, etc. Page 98/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Main threats The wet meadows can be destroyed by the intensification of agriculture which implies drainage of the wetlands in winter. When unmanaged or when grazing is stopped, reedbeds rapidly develop, often followed in the driest areas by shrub encroachment which can lead to the replacement of the wet meadows by wet forest dominated by Salix, Fraxinus, etc. (see Alluvial forests). These habitats can be different stages of post disturbance succession (flood, cut of forest, abandonment of grazing, etc.). Indicators The main indicator for this habitat should be (Table 8.5) the: Extent and location of the habitat Species composition of the vegetation and the abundance of nitrophilous, tall helophytes or shrub/tree species indicating a shift towards different plant communities. In addition, monitoring of land use and groundwater level can allow assessing the pressure from human activities. Grazing, when moderate, contributes to maintaining the habitat. Reed beds (priority 1) Description of the habitat Reedbeds are species-poor plant communities dominated by tall helophytes (rooted plants emerging from the water with erect shoots) such as the Common reed, Phragmites australis, Cattail (Typha spp) or Scirpus spp. Most often only one species heavily dominates the vegetation. These species differ in their tolerance to flooding and anoxia and to grazing. Reedbeds occur in a wide range of ecological situations at the margins of all kinds of water bodies including areas of open water, ditches, and wet grasslands. They can stand permanent or transient flooding but the soil should remain wet during the warm season. In shallow temporary flooding, reedbeds can be transient habitat which tends to be colonised by alluvial forests. Page 99/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 8.5. Indicators for wet meadows Name Wet meadows Hypotheses for ecological change Indicators (state) Indicators (pressure) Transformation into intensive agricultural areas (annual crops) Location and surface area of the habitat land use (e.g. grazing pressure), agriculture, drainage (level of the groundwater table) Intensification of the management of pastures (N addition, overgrazing) Species composition, abundance of nitrophilous species land use, agriculture, N input, grazing pressure, drainage (level of the groundwater table) Extensification of the management or abandonment of pasture resulting in reedbed encroachment Species composition, abundance of tall helophytes (e.g. Phragmites, Typha spp, Salix spp) land use, grazing pressure, harvest of reedbeds Shrub / forest encroachment Location and surface area of the habitat, cover of shrubs water management, drainage (level of the groundwater table) Remarks Habitat created by opening in riverine or humid forests by floods or wood cut Reedbeds are important habitats for their role in aquatic ecosystems with a large production, and important functions such as water treatment and stabilization of shores. They are key habitats for the wildlife hosting a large variety of invertebrates and being preferred or unique breeding habitat for many species of birds including priority species in the EU and the key species at Prespa (e.g. Pelicans, Herons, passerine species, etc.). The value of reedbeds for wildlife and especially bird populations depends on the dominant plant species, Phragmites australis being the most favourable species. Main threats Reedbeds can be destroyed by the combination of eutrophication and stabilization of the water level through slow long-term (decades) processes that remain often unnoticed. The fluctuation of water levels seems to be very important for the aeration of rhizomes. Destruction can be done by mowing below water level or mowing followed by increased Page 100/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park water level. Flooding of the aerial shoots of Phragmites is also detrimental to that species. Similarly wild fires in autumn followed by increased water level have potentially a strong impact on Phragmites and probably less on other dominant species. In low oxygen availability Phragmites australis is often replaced by Typha spp or Scirpus spp. Grazing leads to a fast transformation of reedbeds into wet meadows. Indicators The main indicator for this habitat should be (Table 8.6) the Extent and location of the habitat Species composition (dominant species) (mapping of patches of different dominant species) In addition, monitoring the water level is essential to understand long term dynamics. Monitoring the land use is useful to understand anthropogenic pressure. Monitoring wild fires would be useful to understand patch dynamics. Table 8.6. Indicators for the reedbeds (72A0) Name Hypotheses for ecological change Indicators (state) Indicators (pressure) Remarks Cover of the habitat Grazing pressure, land use Remote sensing and/or reference points along transects Reed die-back Cover of the habitat Water level of the lake, water quality Transects Encroachment on the lake edges Location on transects Water level of the lake Transects Changes in dominant species (Typha, Phragmites, Scirpus, etc.) Species composition, dominant species Wild fires, water levels, etc. Remote sensing Replacement by wet meadows Reed beds Page 101/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Aldrovanda vesiculosa (preliminary assessment) Description of the habitat Aldrovanda vesiculosa is an aquatic species often non-rooted, with slender shoots found in non polluted dystrophic waters (rich in dissolved organic matter), with a slightly acidic pH (around 6), reaching high temperatures (20-30°C) during summer (shallow water bodies). The species is known for its irregular presence in time. It is floating near the water surface often mixed with helophyte populations (e.g. Phragmites, Typha, Carex spp) where these plants could play a role in decreasing the energy of water (waves, current) and/or in decreasing the amount of incident light. A. vesiculosa is known only from one site in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia where it was not recorded in 2008, possibly negatively affected by the decrease of the water level. The species was not found in the Greek part of Micro Prespa either. The distribution of A. vesiculosa is insufficiently known and its presence should be carefully assessed especially in Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Main threats The main hypotheses for ecological change are the following: change in the distribution (increasing or decreasing) change in the abundance (taking into account inter-annual natural variability) decrease of the strength of the plants The main potential drivers for ecological changes could be: changes in the abundance of the helophyte stands where A. vesiculosa is found (see reed bed monitoring) decrease of water quality especially increasing nutrients (N & P), increasing pH (eutrophication from agriculture and urban areas) changes in the water levels of the lakes increase of summer temperature (climate change?). This is probably of minor importance for A. vesiculosa but this could be checked with water temperature in stands of A. vesiculosa which should rarely exceed 30°C. Page 102/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicators The indicators for monitoring populations of A. vesiculosa should be the location and the extent of the populations (Table 8.7). However, before a monitoring programme for this species could be set up, an assessment of the extent and location of its populations should be made in both lakes during the pilot phase of the implementation of the project. Table 8.7. Indicators for Aldrovanda vesiculosa SPECIES Aldrovanda vesiculosa Hypotheses for ecological change Changes in the distribution (increasing or decreasing) Indicators (state) Indicators (pressure) Location and extent of populations Vegetation map; Helophytes at the location of A. vesiculosa populations; Decrease of water quality (increase N, P & pH) or water levels; Increase of summer temperatures (?) Remarks Requires preliminary assessment of the location of populations Alluvial forests (91E0) (priority 2) Description of the habitat Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) comprises woods dominated by alder Alnus glutinosa and willow Salix spp. on flood plains. The habitat typically occurs on moderately base-rich, eutrophic soils subject to periodic inundation. The habitat can also be found at the edges of rivulets, springs and in areas regularly flooded by the rise of the groundwater. The habitat is diversified according to hydrology (speed of flow, size of the river, etc.), soils (granulometry), etc. Such woods are dynamic with openings often created by catastrophic floods; they should thus be considered at large scale being part of a successional series of habitats that includes open communities, mainly fen and swamp, of earlier successional stages. On the drier margins of these areas other tree species, notably ash Fraxinus excelsior and elm Ulmus spp., may become abundant. In other situations the alder woods occur as a stable component within transitions to surrounding dry-ground forest, sometimes including other Annex I woodland types. These transitions from wet to drier woodland and from open to Page 103/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park more closed communities provide an important facet of ecological variation. The ground flora is correspondingly varied. Some stands are dominated by tall herbs, reeds and sedges, for example Urtica dioica, Phragmites australis, Carex paniculata, and Filipendula ulmaria, while others have lower-growing communities with Ranunculus repens, Galium palustre, Chrysosplenium oppositifolium and Caltha palustris. Main threats The main threats that the alluvial forests face are usually: hydraulic works changing the natural flow regime plantations (usually of poplars) transformation of the forest into pastures These threats may result from changes in the hydrological regime of the river (possibly driven by embankment, drainage, dams, etc.) and the destruction of the habitat for different uses (mostly grazing or poplar plantations). Indicators The main indicator for this habitat should be the surface area of the habitat and of the different patches of other successional stages (Table 8.8). It would require a preliminary assessment and mapping of the present situation. Different indicators can be extracted from these maps including the surface area of the target habitat, the % of loss, the % of the different successionnal stages, etc. Detailed measurements of the species composition of the forest (including herbaceous vegetation) would allow identifying the dynamics and possible negative trends (e.g. encroachment of other types of trees, such as hardwood species). Page 104/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 8.8. Indicators for Alluvial forests (Alnion-glutinoso-incanae) Name Alluvial forests (Alnionglutinosoincanae) Hypotheses for ecological change Indicators (state) Indicators (pressure) Succession towards hard wood (drier) Surface area of the habitat and other successional stages; Species composition of the forest Flow regime (number of dams, embankment, channelization, etc.) Plantation of poplars Species composition of the forest Land use Destruction for pastures Surface area of the habitat and other successional stages; Species composition of the forest Land use Remarks Requires preliminary mapping of the habitat and of patches of the different successional stages Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels (6430) (priority 2) Description of the habitat Wet and nitrophilous tall herb edge communities, along water courses and woodland borders belonging to the Glechometalia hederaceae and the Convolvuletalia sepium orders (Senecion fluviatilis, Aegopodion podagrariae, Convolvulion sepium, Filipendulion). Hygrophilous perennial tall herb communities of montane to alpine levels of the Betulo-Adenostyletea class (EUR-27, July 2007). These grasslands are exposed to temporary floods and characterised by the absence of direct anthropogenic impact (nutrient input, grazing, mowing). They can encroach on abandoned pastures. They are dynamic and progressively shift towards alluvial and riverine forests. Therefore these grasslands, being a transient stage among a patch dynamics, should be considered at a wider scale. They can also be found at the edges of forests and along forest roads. Main threats These grasslands are threatened by anthropogenic activities such as grazing, mowing, nutrient addition, drainage or other changes in the hydrological regime. Page 105/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicators The main indicator for this habitat should be (Table 8.9) the: Extent and location of the habitat. Species composition of the vegetation and the abundance of nitrophilous or shrub/tree species indicating a shift towards different plant communities. In addition, monitoring of land use and groundwater level can allow assessing the pressure from human activities. Table 8.9. Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels (6430) Name Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels Hypotheses for ecological change Indicators (state) Transformation into intensive agricultural areas (annual crops) Location and surface area of the habitat Land use (e.g. grazing pressure), agriculture, drainage (level of the groundwater table) Intensification of the management of pastures (N addition, overgrazing) Species composition; abundance of nitrophilous species Land use, agriculture, N input, grazing pressure, drainage (level of the groundwater table) Shrub / forest encroachment Location and surface area of the habitat; cover of shrubs Indicators (pressure) Water management, drainage (level of the groundwater table) Remarks Habitat created by openings in riverine or humid forests by floods or wood cut 8.2.3. Synthesis of proposed indicators A synthetic table of indicators for monitoring wetland habitats and species is summarized below including the ranking of priorities (Table 8.10). This table includes indicators selected for wetlands habitats and species and establishes the links with other indicators selected in other groups that could be used as “Pressure” indicators. Page 106/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 8.10. Synthetic table of indicators proposed for monitoring wetlands habitats and species at Prespa Transboundary Park (priority 1 only) Link with Indic AQUATIC VEGETATION INDICATORS (code name WV/ Wetland Vegetation) Nature* No (Pressure indicators)** WV1 Location and surface area of patches of the habitat “Beds of hydrophytes” S LS1, LS2, W11, W12, W16-21 WV2 Species composition of vegetation in habitat “Beds of hydrophytes” (many possible variables: cover of characteristic/opportunistic species, of annuals/perennials, of exotic species, etc.) S W11, W12, W1621 WV3 Location and surface area of patches of the wet meadows S LS1, LS2, W11, W12 WV4 Species composition and structure of the vegetation of the habitat “Wet meadows”; several possible variables: height of vegetation, cover of nitrophilous species, cover of characteristic/non characteristic species, cover of shrub species, etc. S LS1, LS2, W11, W12, WV7 WV5 Location and surface area of patches of the habitat “Reedbeds” S LS1, LS2, W11, W12, WV7 WV6 Species composition and structure of the vegetation of “Reedbeds”; several possible variables: cover of shrubs, cover of characteristic/non characteristic species S LS1, LS2, W11, W12, WV7 WV7 Direct management of “Reedbeds” (wildfires, harvest, etc). P WV8 Location and surface area of populations of Aldrovanda vesiculosa S W11, W12, W1621 * Nature refers to State (S) or Pressure (P) indicators ** Links refer to potential pressure indicators that are included in the other monitoring themes (LS = Land-use theme; W = Water Resources) Page 107/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 8.3. Methods 8.3.1. Description and justification The indicators are focused on the dynamics of three types of plant communities that are considered of importance of the conservation of the wetlands of the site and their biodiversity: Beds of hydrophytes are defined as plant communities dominated by hydrophytes rooted or non-rooted in the sediment with submerged and/or floating leaves. Reedbeds are defined as plant communities dominated by tall emergent helophytes such as Phragmites australis, Typha spp, Schoenoplectus lacustris. Wet meadows are defined as plant communities dominated by grasses, rushes or sedges that are located at the edge of water bodies and that are normally flooded during part of the year-cycle by the rise of the water level of these water bodies. The indicators selected (Table 8.10) are of three different types: (1) the distribution over space (location and surface area) of vegetation types, (2) the species composition of vegetation and (3) the survey of management/land use. Correspondingly, three types of methods will be deployed for monitoring these three types of indicators. The methods proposed for monitoring the vegetation follow Jensen’s (1977) protocol based on “Observation units” which are made of sectors of the margin of the lakes and three (3) transects vertical to the shore. The number of “Observation units” is calculated by a formula using the surface area and the perimeter of the lakes; the location of the sampling units is identified by a systematic approach (Figure 8.1). When the number of “observation units” is too high, a random stratified sub-sampling is made based on the morphology and the land use of the shores which are two important factors that can influence the distribution and species composition of the hydrophyte beds. Thus, the final identification of the “Observation units” requires a preliminary study of the banks of the lakes. Each transect extends from the interface land/water until the maximum depth of colonization of submerged rooted vegetation; the transect is 2m wide along which Page 108/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park vegetation is collected using a rake or a grapnel depending on depth. The use of a “viewscope” (see Annex 8.5) can help in clear waters to estimate the abundance and to locate patches of submerged hydrophytes at shallow depth. Diving allows for a more detailed study of the submerged vegetation but this method is considered as too demanding and costly for the monitoring of Prespa hydrophytes. This approach is recommended by the European Committee for Standardization, project of norm prEN15460 (version January 2006), by the CEMAGREF, France (Dutartre & Bertin 2007) and by the Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (Handlungsanweisung für die ökologische Bewertung von Seen zur Umsetzung der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie: Makrophyten und Phytobenthos, version February 2007). It should apply for the hydrophytes beds but needs some amendments for the reed beds and wet meadows which are specific targets of the monitoring. Distribution and location of patches of vegetation The distribution of vegetation types (plant communities) and their species composition are good indicators of the status and dynamics of ecosystems. Plant communities in a given region are distributed as mosaics (Whittaker & Levin 1977) which are usually the result of the combination of natural processes and human activities. Changes in the distribution and location of the different patches provide information on the underlying forces that control the vegetation. These changes have consequences on the wildlife, for the species using the different patches as habitats for feeding, reproduction etc. The changes in the distribution of the vegetation can be progressive following directional change in the environmental conditions (e.g. climate, water level of the lake) or can be massive as a result of dramatic change in environmental conditions e.g. (major natural disturbance such as land slide) of more often inland use (e.g. management activities with direct impact on the vegetation such as clear cut of forest, conversion of natural habitats in agricultural fields, fires, extension or grazing). In the former case changes are usually predictable and affect all patches of vegetation. The monitoring of the changes in the spatial distribution of the vegetation can thus be achieved implementing a monitoring along a gradient (transect) parallel to the direction of expected ecological change (e.g. along topographic gradients). In the latter case, Page 109/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park changes are far less predictable in time and space and must be assessed through a wide survey of vegetation. This is usually done through remote sensing. The topography and the resulting hydromorphy is usually the first environmental factor that affects the abundance and distribution of species in wetlands. The location of the habitat should thus be evaluated primarily with respect to the topography and flood conditions (e.g. Odum 1988, Grace & Pugesek 1997). The indicator “Distribution and location of habitats” is thus defined in two distinct indicators: (1) the location and surface area of the patches of vegetation on a GIS (2) the depth distribution of the plant communities along depth gradients (expected to move along with water levels of the lakes). Species composition and structure of plant communities The species composition and the structure of a plant community refer respectively to the list of species and to the relative abundance of each species within a multispecies assemblage of plants. For wetlands habitats (reed beds and wet meadows) the species composition is measured on precise surface areas which are considered as sufficient for a representative collection of species (e.g. Whittaker & Levin 1977). Abundance of plant species in herbaceous plant communities is usually measured by its cover. The number and size of individual plants (or ramets, shoots) are also used for research purposes in herbaceous communities and commonly used in forests. The cover of individual species in herbaceous communities can be measured by different methods ranging from a global estimate “by eye” until using a cover pin frame. In submerged plant communities, the abundance of the species can be measured by direct access to the vegetation in shallow water. In deep water scuba diving is needed for direct observation; often alternative methods are used such as sampling by rakes and grapnels that provide an indirect access to the vegetation and allow estimating the relative abundance of the species. The different methods differ in their costs (time and training requirements) for implementation and in the unavoidable biases associated; the selection of method is therefore made considering the objectives of the project, the resources available and bias Page 110/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park that can be accepted. In multi-observer projects the variance between observers is an important potential bias to consider. However, in trend analysis, bias can be minimized by the implementation of standardized methods. Considering the need for cost-effective methods, the multi-site character of transboundary Prespa and the multi-observer context of the TMS, the use of cover estimate with large cover classes such as in the Braun-Blanquet method is recommended for herbaceous communities and the Jensen method for hydrophyte communities. 8.3.2. Sampling methods Location and surface area of patches (see remote sensing) For the calibration of the remote sensing classification, 30 points in patches of at least 20x20m (preferably 60x60m) will be identified in each type of vegetation (Annex 8.1.A). When vegetation is distributed in narrow (<20m) belts, the protocol needs to be modified: for each point 3 samples (20m distance between samples) will be selected in the middle of the belt making sure that the vegetation type remains the same in the 3 samples. For validation and test of the rate of errors, 30 additional points (similar than for calibration) will be randomly selected in each type of vegetation (hydrophytes, reed beds and wet meadows) and the coordinates extracted for field control. In June or July, each point will be visited and the type of vegetation will be identified on the field along with water depth measurement. Among reed beds the feasibility of the separation of Typha and Phragmites dominated patches should be tested and thus a subset of points should be taken in each type of vegetation. A map of the vegetation types that will be monitored is needed for finalizing the protocol and the distribution of the sampling units (Jensen 1977 protocol). Depth distribution of plant communities In each type of plant communities the sampling of the plant communities should be implemented along topographic gradient (= water depth and duration of flooding). The limits of the extension of each type should be measured along this transect. For reed beds and wet meadows, several reference points (at least 2) must be carefully installed in a way that will allow replacing them if they disappear (e.g. combining GPS location and distance and compass angle from 2-3 permanent Page 111/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park structures of the landscape (Annex 8.1.B). The limits of each type of vegetation will be measured as the distance along this gradient. Ten (10) transects should be made per lake. For hydrophytes, the depth distribution will be studied along with the study of the species composition along transects distributed in Observation units. Three transects (minimum distance between transects 50m) will be made in each Observation unit (Figure 8.1). Transects will be identified from the inner side of the reed bed (or any vegetation type at the edge of the lake) orthogonal/vertical to the shore. The vegetation will be collected by boats along these transects using rake and/or grapnel (see method and data sheets in Annex 8.2). The coordinate of the ends of each quadrat should be extracted from the GIS and points located with a GPS. The Figure 8.1. Systematic protocol for the selection of “Observation units” (OU) for the monitoring of hydrophytes; each red cross is the centre of a potential Observation unit; a sub-sampling is implemented among these OUs [from Dutartre & Bertin (2007) in application of Jensen (1977)]. Page 112/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park transparency of the water should be measured (Secchi disk depth) at the end of each transect. Sediment should be characterized along he transects following a very coarse classification (gravel, sand, silt, clay, peat, etc.). During the preliminary phase the maximum depth of colonization of submerged hydrophytes should be assessed in both lakes in order to finalize the details of the protocol. Species composition of plant communities In wetlands (wet meadows and reed beds) the species composition of the vegetation will be measured on quadrats (at least 5 per type of vegetation and transect) evenly distributed along the transects defined above (see Annexes 8.3 and 8.4). The same transects should be used for both reed beds and wet meadows. At least 10 transects should be installed per lake (total = 20 transects). For each patch of vegetation on each transect, 5 permanent quadrats should be installed at regular distance along the transect; the distance between quadrats and their exact location should thus be defined after a preliminary assessment of the distribution and extension of the patches of vegetation. The surface area of the quadrats must be over the minimal area which is defined from a species-area curve (e.g. Kent & Coker 1992). The following surface areas are proposed for each type of vegetation: Reed beds: 16m² (4x4m) Wet meadows: 1m² (1x1m) In each quadrat the cover of the total vegetation will be estimated by eye (including that of bare ground and litter) per strata when several strata can be easily identified (e.g. reed beds with short species below tall helophytes or hydrophytes with submerged and floating species). For wet meadows the height of the vegetation will be measured in addition using a graduate stick and a polystyrene frame (Approx. 20 x 30cm, 0.5-1cm thick) with a hole in the centre. The height of the vegetation is measured as the level where the frame is stopped when placed on the vegetation. The height of the vegetation is measured at the centre of the quadrat fitting the frame to the stick. The cover of each species will be estimated “by eye” in each quadrat using Braun-Blanquet scale (Table 8.11). Page 113/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 8.11. Abundance index for species in herbaceous communities (from Braun-Blanquet method) Value Cover (%) + <1 1 1-5 2 6-25 3 26-50 4 51-75 5 76-100 For hydrophytes, the vegetation is measured in each Observation unit along 3 transects orthogonal to the shore with 50m between the transects (Figure 8.2). The number of transects per Observation unit could be reduced to 1 but the number of 3 is preferred for enhancing the statistical strength of the protocol. Figure 8.2. Implementation of transects in each Observation unit [from Dutartre & Bertin (2007) in application of Jensen (1977)]. Page 114/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Vegetation of the littoral zone The vegetation of the littoral zone will be measured at the central point of the Observation unit which will be located using GPS. The vegetation will be sampled in a littoral strip of 110m depending on the slope of the shore. The width of the census area and the substrate will be measured. Indices of abundance will be given following Table 8.12. Table 8.12. Abundance index for the species in the vegetation of the littoral zone Index Description 1 Few individuals 2 Few small patches 3 Frequent small patches 4 Large discontinuous patches 5 Large continuous patches Vegetation of the profile orthogonal to the shore Along each transect the vegetation will be sampled from the edge until the end of the presence of the hydrophytes on about 30 points regularly distributed. The GPS location, the water depth and the substrate will be noted for each sampling point. On each point the vegetation will be sampled using a rake or a grapnel depending on water depth on about 2m width. A “Viewscope” can be used instead of a rake at shallow depth if water transparency allows. The abundance of each species will be noted on each sampling point according to a 0-5 scale (Table 8.13). The estimated time for an Observation unit is about 2 hours (from 0.5 to 4 hours) with two persons depending on the size of the transects and the diversity of the vegetation. Page 115/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 8.13. Abundance index for the vegetation harvested on each sample point along transects Index Description 0 Absent 1 Few pieces of shoots 2 Frequent pieces of shoots or rare complete plants 3 Very frequent pieces of shoots 4 Abundant 5 Present on most of the apparatus 8.3.3. Periodicity Once the protocols are finalized and tested, a measure every 2 years could be used for the monitoring of vegetation (WV2-WV6). After a preliminary assessment of the inter-annual variance, the frequency of the assessment of the hydrophytes could probably be reduced to every 5-10 years (Table 8.14). 8.3.4. Parameters Indicators and parameters for wetland vegetation are summarized in Table 8.15. Page 116/381 Table 8.14. Periodicity of monitoring wetland indicators N° Proposed indicator Method WV1 Location and surface area of hydrophytes Remote sensing + field validation WV2 Abundance and depth distribution of hydrophyte species Jensen protocol (Observation units) WV3, WV5 Location and surface area of patches of vegetation (wet meadows and reedbeds) Remote sensing + field validation (2 satellite images)+ field validation 2 satellite images + field validation WV7 Direct management of reed beds (fire, harvest, etc.) Remote sensing + field validation Pilot study (June or July) 1 satellite image + field validation WV3, WV5 Depth distribution of vegetation types Distance to reference points along transects Pilot study (June or July) June or July June or July June or July WV4, WV6 Species composition of communities Cover of species (Braun-Blanquet) Pilot study (June or July June or July June or July June or July WV8 Location and surface area of populations of Depending on preliminary assessment Depending on preliminary assessment Depending on preliminary assessment Aldrovanda vesiculosa Preliminary assessment before defining monitoring Pilot phase 2 satellite images + field validation (June-July) YEAR 1 June or July June-July YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 2 satellite images + field validation (June-July) June or July June-July Note: Once the protocols are finalized and tested, a measure every 2 years (years 1, 3 & 5) could be used for the monitoring of vegetation (WV2WV6). After a preliminary assessment of the inter-annual variance the frequency of the assessment of the hydrophytes could probably be reduced to every 5-10 years. The periodicity of the remote sensing analysis (every 5 years) was given as the most likely compromise with resources available. It is a correct periodicity for land use although more frequent measures would improve the assessment of direct management of reed beds. Table 8.15. Summary of indicators and parameters for wetland vegetation N° WV1, WV3, WV5, WV7 Proposed indicator Location and surface area of patches of hydrophytes, of reed beds, of wet meadows, of management types WV1 Depth distribution of hydrophytes WV3, WV5 Depth distribution of reed beds and wet meadows WV2 Species composition of vegetation in beds of hydrophytes WV4 Species composition of vegetation in wet meadows Parameters that need to be measured Date + remote sensing information: number of patches and surface area, geographic coordinates, Calibration and field validation: date, coordinates of test points, identification of the patch, dominant species, water depth, type of management/impact on the vegetation See Annex 8.1 Date, n° of Observation unit, n° of transect, coordinates of the ends of the transects, depth profile of the transect, substrate, dominant species, (Secchi depth) See Annex 8.2 Date, n° of transect, position along the transect of the beginning and the end of each patch of vegetation (separating for dominant species) See Annexes 8.3 & 8.4 Date, n° transect, n° quadrat, water depth, Secchi depth, cover per species and per stratum, total cover of vegetation per stratum, bare ground (%), height of vegetation Notice any information that could be useful for interpretation of date (comments/remarks) See Annex 8.2 Date, n° transect, n° quadrat, cover per species, total cover of vegetation per stratum, bare ground (%),height of vegetation Notice additional species that could be present at close vicinity in the same type of habitat and not found in the quadrat, notice any information that could be useful for interpretation of date (comments/remarks) See Annex 8.3 WV6 Species composition of vegetation in reed beds Date, N° transect, n° quadrat, water depth, cover per species and per stratum, total cover of vegetation per stratum, bare ground (%),height of vegetation Notice additional species that could be present at close vicinity in the same type of habitat and not found in the quadrat, notice any information that could be useful for interpretation of date (comments/remarks) See Annex 8.4 WV7 Direct management of reedbeds (wildfires, harvest, etc.) Date, + remote sensing information: number of patches and surface area, geographic coordinates, type of management/impact on vegetation Field validation: date, coordinates of test points, validation of the identification (Y/N, dominant species, water depth, type of management/impact on the vegetation) See Annex 8.1 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 8.3.5. Field survey protocols Protocols are given in the Annexes 8.1-8.3. 8.3.6. Five year timetable /workplan (See table 8.14 in chapter 8.3.3. “Periodicity”) The Pilot phase should be devoted to preparatory assessments and the field test of protocols on a limited number of stations. The preparatory assessments are the selection of the monitoring stations and the preliminary assessment of the presence and location of populations of Aldrovanda vesiculosa. The selection of the monitoring stations would ideally be based on the results of the remote sensing analysis: a land use and vegetation map. If this map is not available after the end of the pilot phase the selection of monitoring stations will be made on the basis of the existing knowledge of the distribution of the different types of vegetation. The field test of protocols will be made on 1-2 monitoring stations for each type of vegetation. These stations will be selected at the centre of the largest patch known for each vegetation type. It is proposed that the field test of the methods will be made in a joint field working session with all themes involved simultaneously and organized by the aquatic vegetation expert. This joint session will favor a more intensive test and standardization. The protocols will be finalized (selection of monitoring stations) and fully implemented the following year (Year 1). In the following years, a measure every 2 years could be used for the monitoring of vegetation (WV2-WV6). After a preliminary assessment of the inter-annual variance, the frequency of the assessment of the hydrophytes could be reduced to every 510 years. 8.4. Equipment 8.4.1. Description of the monitoring equipment required Specifications of equipment to be purchased are presented in Table 8.16. Page 119/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 8.16. Equipment for monitoring wetland vegetation Number Cost for one item (€) Total cost (€) All 1 per country/team 150€ 450€ Satellite images WV1, WV3, WV5, WV7 2 every 5 years, probably the same than for Remote sensing 0 Computer + GIS software WV1, WV3, WV5, WV7 See “Remote sensing” indicators Purchase to be done through “Remote sensing” indicators Equipment GPS Indicators 0 Transversal to all indicators for this theme (and other themes): A GPS for each team/country: 150€ each A portable computer with Microsoft Office in each country: ca 800€ each A car for field work, same needs probably for other themes. 8.4.2. Hardware, software, applications, local and wide area networks, internet connection requirements Standard packages with spreadsheets will be sufficient. 8.5. Monitoring stations 8.5.1. Justification The monitoring stations for hydrophytes will be selected using an adaptation of Jensen’s approach (Jensen 1977) which is a systematic sampling of the vegetation of the shores of the lakes. Following strictly Jensen’s approach a high number of profiles should be implemented, 14 (28 transects) for Micro Prespa and 24 (48 transects) for Macro Prespa (Figure 8.3). The starting point on the shore of a transect in Jensen’s method is the center of an Observation unit (Table 8.17). In order to decrease the importance of the survey it is proposed that a stratified sampling of the transects (Observation units) will be made taking into account the Page 120/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park characteristic of the shore (slope, land use, etc.) and the spatial distribution of the points. A total of 8 and 12 Observation units should be made respectively in Micro and Macro Prespa. The selection of monitoring stations (transects) for wet meadows and reed beds will be made following a stratified random procedure distributing transects between patches of vegetation taking into account the surface area of the patches (representative samples), the lakes and the 3 countries. The selection will be made independently for reed beds and wet meadows; however when transects will be in neighboring patches they could be lumped into one single integrative transect for both reed bed and wet meadows. Transects will be designated by a random selection of its upper end, i.e. the outer border of the patch of habitat; transects will then be installed from that point towards the deeper parts of the lake along the main slope of the terrain. 8.5.2. Maps The location of the monitoring stations will be finalized after a preliminary map of the reed beds and wet meadows will have been made (for hydrophyte beds see Figures 8.1 and 8.2). During the random selection procedure, random points could be suppressed and replaced by others when they would lead to unrepresentative situation (e.g. edge of patch, uncommon disturbance type, etc.). A new point could be randomly selected or the station just move by e.g. 50 or 100m. Page 121/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Figure 8.3. Distribution of the Observation units applying Jensen’s protocol. A stratified random selection of 12 and 8 Observation units needs to be made respectively in Macro and Micro Prespa (see text). Page 122/381 Table 8.17. Coordinates of the Observation units identified by Jensen’s method ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Macro Prespa Longitude Latitude 20.95891 41.00678 20.96729 41.00651 20.97367 41.00472 20.98090 41.00357 20.98527 41.00026 20.99273 40.99928 21.00010 40.99825 21.00602 40.99610 21.01317 40.99489 21.02116 40.99433 21.02800 40.99288 21.03484 40.99144 21.04098 40.98947 21.04544 40.98597 21.04842 40.98160 21.04963 40.97589 21.05369 40.97235 21.05867 40.96950 21.06436 40.96693 21.06703 40.96233 21.06854 40.95686 21.07052 40.95173 21.07450 40.94813 21.07647 40.94300 21.07737 40.93706 21.07757 40.93059 21.07885 40.92494 21.08236 40.92099 21.08780 40.91849 21.09249 40.91516 21.09670 40.91173 21.09905 40.90689 21.09285 40.89558 21.09490 40.89052 21.09827 40.88620 21.10101 40.88166 21.10476 40.87788 21.10781 40.87357 21.11101 40.86937 21.11506 40.86583 21.11733 40.86093 21.11776 40.85464 20.89903 40.95470 20.90048 40.94917 20.91354 40.97236 20.90377 40.94504 20.90791 40.94156 20.91334 40.93904 20.91888 40.93662 20.92465 40.93438 ID 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Macro Prespa Longitude Latitude 20.93217 40.93346 20.94261 40.93476 20.94803 40.93225 20.95147 40.92823 20.95700 40.92580 20.96096 40.92192 20.96813 40.92074 20.97215 40.91716 20.97897 40.91571 20.98520 40.91382 20.99265 40.91259 20.98651 40.90131 20.94174 40.88744 20.93031 40.87875 20.92885 40.87101 20.94692 40.88475 20.94819 40.87883 20.93781 40.87094 20.94241 40.86781 20.95349 40.87623 20.94200 40.86086 20.96369 40.87735 20.98680 40.89489 20.94508 40.85658 20.95574 40.85806 20.96139 40.85572 20.96610 40.85267 20.96592 40.84591 20.93974 40.81938 20.91096 40.77731 20.90798 40.76842 20.91083 40.76396 20.91729 40.76224 20.94470 40.77649 20.93817 40.81154 20.93950 40.80593 20.92843 40.79751 20.90899 40.78270 21.06542 40.81497 21.06168 40.81876 21.05758 40.82226 21.05378 40.82600 21.05036 40.83002 21.04725 40.83428 21.04307 40.83774 21.03878 40.84110 ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Micro Prespa Longitude Latitude 21.10356 40.80396 21.11189 40.79269 21.11627 40.78142 21.12271 40.77016 21.09852 40.72434 21.08516 40.71584 21.05372 40.69483 21.04253 40.69025 21.03005 40.68239 20.99477 40.68240 21.10499 40.73580 21.07526 40.71158 21.06492 40.70596 21.05119 40.77938 21.05248 40.76623 21.07014 40.75836 21.08262 40.74951 21.08304 40.74459 21.07958 40.73281 21.06235 40.72398 21.05288 40.71776 21.03114 40.69974 21.01833 40.69097 21.07337 40.72677 21.04056 40.70814 21.00552 40.67257 21.00423 40.68895 21.01886 40.67355 Page 123/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 8.6. Organizations responsible for monitoring aquatic vegetation 8.6.1. Justification Potential organizations for the implementation the monitoring are presented in Table 8.18. Table 8.18. Potential organizations able to implement the monitoring Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Indicator Albania Greece WV1 Remote sensing: See “Land use” Field validation: MNS, University of Tirana Remote sensing: See “Land use” Field validation: BI-FS Skopje, HIO Remote sensing: See “Land use” Field validation: SPP, Universities & Technological Education Institutes WV2 MNS, University of Tirana BI-FS Skopje, HIO SPP, Universities & Technological Education Institutes WV3 Remote sensing: See “Land use” Field validation: MNS, University of Tirana Remote sensing: See “Land use” Field validation: BI-FS Skopje, HIO Remote sensing: See “Land use” Field validation: SPP, Universities & Technological Education Institutes WV4 MNS, University of Tirana BI-FS Skopje, HIO SPP, Universities & Technological Education Institutes WV5 Remote sensing: See “Land use” Field validation: MNS, University of Tirana Remote sensing: See “Land use” Field validation: BI-FS Skopje, HIO Remote sensing: See “Land use” Field validation: SPP, Universities & Technological Education Institutes WV6 MNS, University of Tirana BI-FS Skopje, HIO SPP, Universities & Technological Education Institutes WV7 Remote sensing: See “Land use” Field validation: MNS, University of Tirana Remote sensing: See “Land use” Field validation: BI-FS Skopje, HIO Remote sensing: See “Land use” Field validation: SPP, Universities & Technological Education Institutes WV8 MNS, University of Tirana BI-FS Skopje, HIO SPP, Universities & Technological Education Institutes Notes: BI-FS = Biological Institute of the Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics of Skopje, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia HIO = Hydrobiological Institute of Ohrid, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia MNS = Museum of Natural Sciences, Tirana, Albania SPP = Society for the Protection of Prespa, Greece Page 124/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 8.6.2. Staff (technical, scientific) and organizational requirements In each team, there must be at least one person able of performing field identification of plants, including aquatic, and wetland habitats. Most of the field tasks should be implemented by a team of at least 2 persons. There must be some coordination with remote sensing group for the: collection of reference points and the test of classification establishment of initial map(s) allowing the finalization of the protocols for monitoring vegetation. 8.6.3. Existing sources of funding 8.7. Budget All budget components are presented in Tables 8.19 – 8.25. Table 8.26 includes the estimated staff costs per country, and 8.27 includes the total costs (equipment, staff, consumables/ running costs) per country. Table 8.19. Estimated budget for monitoring wetland vegetation (consumables/ running costs) Number Cost for one item (€) Total cost (€) 1 of each type per country 150 450 Secchi disk (home made) 1 per country 20 60 GPS 1 per country 150 450 2 per country (6) 20 60 20-30 metal tube (to avoid burning) cemented in soil + wood pole 2-3m fitted in the tube 2 + man power (1 days/country) 50-100 16m (synthetic?) rope + 4 tent sticks (delineation of the quadrats) 1 per country 5 15 Grapnel 1 day in each country/team 25 75 1 per country per year 5 15/year Consumables/ running costs Decametres (50m) and 10m + weight (measuring water depth and Secchi depth) Double meters, plastic tubes (for marking sites, etc.) Reference poles Board for measuring height of vegetation Page 125/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 8.20. Estimated costs for the field validation of remote sensing for wetland vegetation Number Cost for one item (€) Total cost (€) Staff time ( Albania 3 100 300 Staff time ( Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 3 100 300 Staff time ( Greece 3 300 900 Field validation of remote sensing (WV 1, WV3, WV5, WV7) Staff Total Staff 1500 Consumables Lodging & per diem Greece 1 trip of 3 days including 2 nights in hotel 1 persons /country= 3 per diem 45*2 (hotel) 55*3 (per diem) 255 Lodging & per diem Albania 1 trip of 3 days including 2 nights in hotel 1 persons /country= 3 per diem 12 *2 (hotel) 30*3 (per diem) 138 Lodging & per diem Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1 trip of 3 days including 2 nights in hotel 1 persons /country= 3 per diem 30*2 (hotel) 30*3 (per diem) 150 Km 500Km/Greece 1100Km/Albania 1100Km/The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 0.4 0.4 0.4 200 440 440 Boat rental (€/day) Albania 1 day/ country 50 50 Boat rental (€/day) The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1 day/ country 60 60 Boat rental (€/day) Greece 1 day/ country 200 200 Total consumables 1933 TOTAL Field Validation 3433 Equipment needed: GPS, meter, decameter Page 126/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 8.21. Estimated costs for the monitoring of hydrophyte beds Hydrophyte beds (WV 1 & WV 2) Number Cost for one item (€) Total cost (€) 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 10 300 3000 5000 Lodging & per diem Greece 1 trip of 5 days including 4 nights in hotel 2 persons /country= 2x4.5 per diem 45*4 (hotel) *2 55*4.5(per diem)*2 Lodging & per diem Albania 1 trip of 5 days including 4 nights in hotel 2 persons /country= 2x4.5 per diem 12*4 (hotel) *2 30*4.5(per diem)*2 366 Lodging & per diem The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1 trip of 5 days including 4 nights in hotel 2 persons /country= 2x4.5 per diem 30*4 (hotel)*2 30*4.5(per diem)*2 510 Km 500Km/Greece 1100Km/Albania 1100Km/ The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 0.4 0.4 0.4 200 440 440 Boat rental (€/day) Albania 4 day/ country 50 200 Boat rental (€/day) The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 4 day/ country 60 240 Boat rental (€/day) Greece 4 day/ country 200 800 Staff Staff time ( Albania Staff time ( The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Staff time ( Greece Total Staff Consumables 945 Total consumables 4141 TOTAL Hydrophyte beds 9141 Equipment needed: GPS, meter, decameter, Secchi-disk, Grapnel, rake, plastic bags for plant samples Page 127/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 8.22. Estimated costs for the monitoring of the species composition of wet meadows Species composition of wet meadows (WV 4) Staff Staff installation of permanent reference points (1/2 day technician in each country) Staff time ( Albania (2persons for 4 days) Staff time ( The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Staff time ( Greece (more transects in Micro/Greece) Number Cost for one item (€) Total cost (€) 3 x 0.5 145 (Greece) 50 (Albania) 50 (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) 122.5 8 100 800 6 100 600 10 300 3000 Total Staff 4522.5 Consumables Lodging & per diem Greece 1 trip of 5 days including 4 nights in hotel 2 persons /country= 2x4.5 per diem 45*4 (hotel) *2 30*4.5(per diem)*2 Lodging & per diem Albania 1 trip of 3 days including 2 nights in hotel 2 persons /country= 2x2.5 per diem 12*2 (hotel) *2 60*2.5(per diem)*2 Lodging & per diem The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1 trip of 3 days including 2 nights in hotel 2 persons /country= 2x2.5 per diem 30*2 (hotel)*2 30*2.5(per diem)*2 270 0.4 0.4 0.4 200 440 440 Km 500Km/Greece 1100Km/Albania 1100Km/ The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 855 198 Total consumables 2403 TOTAL Wet meadows 6925.5 Equipment needed: GPS, meter, decameter, plastic bags for plant samples, board for measuring height of vegetation Page 128/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 8.23. Estimated costs for the monitoring of the species composition of reed beds Species composition of reed beds (WV 6) Number Cost for one item (€) Total cost (€) 3 x 0.5 145 (Greece) 50 (Albania) 50 (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) 122.5 Staff time ( Albania (2 persons for 5 days) 10 100 1000 Staff time ( The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 10 100 1000 Staff time ( Greece 10 300 3000 Staff Staff installation of permanent reference points (1/2 day technician in each country) Total Staff Consumables 5122.5 Lodging & per diem Greece 1 trip of 5 days including 4 nights in hotel 2 persons /country= 2x4.5 per diem 45*4 (hotel) *2 55*4.5(per diem)*2 Lodging & per diem Albania 1 trip of 5 days including 4 nights in hotel 2 persons /country= 2x4.5 per diem 12*4 (hotel) *2 30*4.5(per diem)*2 366 Lodging & per diem The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1 trip of 5 days including 4 nights in hotel 2 persons /country= 2x4.5 per diem 30*4 (hotel)*2 30*4.5(per diem)*2 510 0.4 0.4 0.4 200 440 440 Km Total consumables TOTAL Reed beds 500Km/Greece 1100Km/Albania 1100Km/ The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 855 2811 7933.5 Equipment needed: GPS, meter, decameter, plastic bags for plant samples, and board for measuring height of vegetation Page 129/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 8.24. Estimated costs for the survey of Aldrovanda vesiculosa Number Cost for one item (€) Total cost (€) Staff time ( Albania 1 100 100 Staff time ( The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1 100 100 Staff time ( Greece 1 300 300 Aldrovanda vesiculosa (WV 8) Staff Total Staff 500 Consumables Lodging & per diem Greece Lodging & per diem Albania 1 per diem 1 per diem 55 30 55 30 Lodging & per diem The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1 per diem 30 30 100Km/Greece 700Km/Albania 700Km/ The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 0.4 0.4 0.4 40 280 280 Boat rental (€/day) Albania 1 day/ country 50 50 Boat rental (€/day) The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1 day/ country 60 60 Boat rental (€/day) Greece 1 day/ country 200 200 Km Total consumables 1025 TOTAL Hydrophyte beds 1525 Equipment needed: GPS, Secchi-disk, Grapnel, plastic bags for plant samples Page 130/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 8.25. Estimated costs for the pilot phase Species composition of reed beds (WV 6) Number Cost for one item (€) Total cost (€) Staff time (vegetation expert) (days) 5 700 3500 Staff time ( Albania (2persons for 4 days) 8 100 800 Staff time ( The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 8 100 800 Staff time ( Greece 8 300 2400 Staff Total Staff 7500 Consumables Boat rental (€/day) Greece 1 day 200 200 Lodging & per diem Greece 1 trip of 4 days with 6 persons (2/country) with 4 nights in hotel = 6x4 per diem 45*4 (hotel) *6= 1080 55*4(per diem)*6= 1320 2400 Lodging & per diem expert 1 trip of 5 days including 5 nights in hotel Transport (expert) Plane ticket + car rental 5 days+ 1 night hotel in Thessaloniki Km 500Km/Greece 1500Km/Albania 1500Km/ The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 45*5 (hotel)= 225 30*5(per diem)= 150 375 1000 1000 0.4 0.4 0.4 200 600 600 Total consumables 5375 TOTAL Pilot study 12875 Note: The pilot phase includes a 3-days joint field working session gathering teams of 2 persons in each country. The representatives of the Ministry of the Environment in each country will be invited to participate but their costs should be covered on another budget. The aim of this session will be to test methods, share questions and enhance standardization between teams. Page 131/381 Table 8.26. Estimated staff costs per country GREECE No Proposed indicator Method ALBANIA No of people involved No of days / year Cost per day per person Total cost (per year) No of people involved No of days / year Cost per day per person Total cost (per year) FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Cost Total o N of No of per day cost people days / per (per involved year person year) WV1, WV3, WV5, WV7 Location and surface area of habitats Visit of sites (for field validation) 1 3 300 900 1 3 100 300 1 3 100 300 WV1, WV2 Hydrophyte beds Jensen 2 5 300 3000 2 5 100 1000 2 5 100 1000 Wet meadows Transects + Quadrats 2 5 300 3000 2 4 100 800 2 3 100 600 WV4 1 0.5 145 72.5 1 0.5 50 25 1 0.5 50 25 5 300 3000 2 5 100 1000 2 5 100 1000 Reed beds Transects + Quadrats 2 WV6 1 0.5 145 72.5 1 0.5 50 25 1 0.5 50 25 1 1 300 300 1 1 100 100 1 1 100 100 WV8 Aldrovanda vesiculosa Field survey Table 8.27. Total costs (equipment, staff, consumables/ running costs) per country FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Staff cost (per year) Consumables/ running costs (per year) Total cost (per year) Staff cost (per year) Consumables/ running costs (per year) 900 655 1555 300 628 928 300 650 950 WV1, WV2 Hydrophyte beds 135 3000 1945 4945 1000 1006 2006 1000 1190 2190 WV4 Wet meadows 315 3072.5 1055 4127.5 82.5 638 1463 625 710 1335 WV6 Reed beds 315 3072.5 1055 4127.5 1025 806 1831 1025 950 1975 WV8 Aldrovanda vesiculosa 300 295 595 100 360 460 100 370 470 10345 5005 15350 3250 3438 6688 3050 3870 6920 TOTAL 1215 Note: This budget does not take into consideration the costs of the pilot study (see Table 8.25) which reaches the amount of 12,875€ Total cost (per year) Total cost (per year) 450 Maintenance/ Updating (per year) Consumables/ running costs (per year) WV1, WV3, WV5, WV7 Location and surface area of habitats (field validation) Maintenance/ Updating (per year) Proposed indicator Maintenance/ Updating (per year) No Staff cost (per year) ALBANIA Equipment costs (€) GREECE SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 9. Forests and Terrestrial Habitats Rémi Grovel, Forêt Energie Ressources (FER), Vieille Brioude, France 9.1. Introduction 9.1.1. Analysis of existing monitoring programmes The “Catalogue of existing monitoring programmes in the Prespa watershed” (compiled by PPNEA in Albania, BioEco in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, SPP in Greece and Christian Perennou for Tour du Valat), in February 2008 did not recover many monitoring programmes and databases in existing forest monitoring sector in the three countries. No specific monitoring programmes related to forest and terrestrial habitats have been identified except for Pinus peuce forest stands in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. In Albania: Annual data on agriculture and livestock at commune level, by the Institute of Statistics (INSTAT). Based on the monitoring program of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Water Administration (MEFWA), Prespa National Park is included in the scheme of monitoring and the database is provided by the Agency of Environment (Albanian institution in charge of the monitoring process of environment). Data of wood volume, annual increment etc. from sampling points for the communal forest management are conducted by the Forest Service. In Greece, only data from SPP monitoring are included in the above-mentioned document: Photo-monitoring (remote sensing) from 1991 up to now by SPP. Wet meadows - functional group cover from 2002 to present (annually), by SPP. Monitoring of illegal activities, from 1992 to present, weekly in the whole watershed by SPP. Mapping of habitat types during 1999-2001 by the Greek Ministry of Environment. Data of wood volume in the forest, annual increment etc. from sampling points for the forest management plans every 10 years supervised or conducted by the Forest Service. Page 134/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Data for fuelwood that is sold to specific groups of the local population. Prices of wood and data for the quality, probably raw but still valuable. These data should be available at least since 1960. Other data from Forest Service of Florina that must be held regarding threats (e.g. illegal logging). A research programme for Pinus peuce by the School of Forestry & Natural Environment of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. In the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Specific Pinus peuce monitoring programme, 2007-2008: monthly monitoring started in 2007 (?), by the Faculty of Forestry in Skopje (University of “St. Cyril and Methodius”), through 10 precise research areas (plots). Soil physical & chemical properties, land management, land use: on the Watershed of the river Golema Reka (from 2005 to 2008), not regularly, by the Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Institute of Agriculture Skopje (IAS), University ”St. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje. 9.1.2. Connection to EU and national legislation The guiding principles of forestry use in the European Union are sustainability and multifunctionality. Forests play an important role in terms of environmental protection and conservation. Although there is no common European forest policy, Member States have entered into a number of commitments at the EU level. These take the form of EU legislation, such as the Rural Development Regulation and environmental directives, and shared international commitments. In order to bring some order to the variety of activities related to forestry in the EU, a Resolution on a Forestry Strategy was agreed in December 1998. At the heart of the Strategy, there is a commitment to promote sustainable forest management through co-operative action between Member States and the institutions of the EU. The Strategy was reviewed in 2005, and the Commission adopted Conclusions on an EU Forest Action Plan in mid 2006. Forest monitoring has a long tradition in most Member States of the EU and through Council Regulations (EEC) 3528/86 and 2158/92, monitoring schemes were established for the protection of Community‟s forests against air pollution. Forest monitoring aims at providing information on relevant decision-making and policy formulation at regional, national or European level. In addition, forest monitoring can provide data and Page 135/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park information for the forestry sector, and forms the base of one of the principles of forest certification systems. The monitoring systems in place have a different history in different countries and were established in order to meet specific information needs. Over time, information needs have changed and the concepts of the existing monitoring programmes were either adapted or completed by new monitoring programmes. In order to allow for transnational use of the data collected at regional or national level, the harmonisation of monitoring is required. Any harmonisation approach has to address monitoring design (stratified sampling, systematic sampling, etc.), methodologies for data collection and standards for the data quality and data storage. The Community supports the harmonisation of forest monitoring through legislation (Forest Focus) and research-related instruments (e.g. Research Framework Programme, COST actions). The purpose of this Focus Forest Regulation (EC2152/2003) is the establishment of a Community scheme for harmonised, broad-based, comprehensive and long-term monitoring of European forest ecosystems to protect the Community‟s forests. The scheme is built on the achievements of two Council regulations for monitoring the impacts of atmospheric pollution (Council Regulation (EEC) 3528/86) and of fires [Council Regulation (EEC) 2158/92] on forest ecosystems. Since Regulation (EC) 2152/2003 concerning monitoring of forests and environmental interactions in the Community (Forest Focus) expired in 2006, the followup is given by the Regulation (EC) No 614/2007 concerning the Financial Instrument for the Environment (the so-called “LIFE+”, which runs from 2007 to 2013). One of the conditions for an applicant country to become EU member is to set up “Natura 2000” networks of protected sites as required under EU law. The applicant countries are at different stages in the identification and designation of sites for inclusion in the networks. Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are currently with EMERALD network which is the precondition for the Natura 2000 network. Once the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia gets the EU applicant status it should start designating Natura 2000 sites. Taking environmental and multi-functional considerations into account in forestry is not problem-free in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. A major difficulty is the lack of resources, but know-how also needs to be improved in certain respects. Attitudes are Page 136/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park also an obstacle in some cases. The applicant countries must nevertheless be aware that an effective environmental policy helps to preserve forests. The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia will be expected to respect the same international commitments and processes relating to forests and the environment as the European Union. National programs targeting forestry are necessary in connection with EU financial aid for forestry. 9.1.3. Baseline information1 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia There are two Ministries primarily responsible for resource management in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MoEPP) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Resources Management (MoAFW/ MoA). Much like in Albania, the mandates of the MoEPP and the MoAFW exceed their organizations‟ capacity to implement at the local level. The MoAFW is responsible for all aspects relating to forest management outside of private lands and protected areas. The public enterprise “Makedonski Forests”, which reports to the MoAFW, is responsible for the management of Prespa‟s 23,744 hectares of productive (unprotected) forest. The local branch “Prespadrvo” is located in Resen and employs 70 people. Nine of them are considered forest engineers and have a university degree or higher level in forestry or agriculture. The remainders are rangers or are involved in forest harvesting or administration. Under the new Nature Protection Act (2004), the MoA retains management authority over wildlife (flora/fauna), forestry and fishing. Management planning for these resources outside of protected areas is the responsibility of the MoA. The MoEPP determines species status (i.e. protected species designations) and controls the introduction of exotic species for non-agricultural purposes. However, both the MoEPP and MoA must approve all hunting, forestry, and fishing licenses. In the case of listed plant and fungi species, the MoEPP has full licensing authority. Inside the Prespa watershed the main areas under a precise protection status are the following: Strictly Protected Ornithological Reserve "Ezerani” (2080ha of the coastal area of Macro Prespa) 1 The leading expert on Forests and other terrestrial habitats (R. Grovel) collected valuable information during his short field mission in the Prespa area from the 24th to the 28th of November 2008. Additional information was provided by the national consultants and representatives of national institutions that participated in the project workshop. Page 137/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park National Park "Pelister" (12,500 ha of wood and forest areas) National Park of "Galicica” (22,750 ha) Monument of Nature "Lake Prespa” Reserve of Fir (Abies alba, 7.6 ha), Reserve of Birch (Betula verrucosa2, 8.7 ha), and Reserve of Beech (Fagus moesiaca3, 5 ha). Located on the southwestern slopes of Pelister Mountain the Reserves are managed by the Forest Industry Company "Prespa" from Resen. An active forest management sector is present in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia part of Prespa. The MoA Directorate of Forests is the primary management authority for forestry on state lands. The MoA exercises this authority through the development of general/national and special forest management plans, on-site inspections, and issuance of licenses. Actual forest management and commercial harvest of the trees is done by Forest Enterprises. There are approximately 24,000 hectares of non-protected forest all managed by the Makedonski Forest Enterprise, with a branch in the municipality of Resen (Prespadrvo), which harvests, markets, and conducts reforestation activity. To collect fuelwood on state land, a license must be acquired from the MoA and forest officials must accompany the collector. The forest is divided into four management units, for which management plans are developed every 10 years. Currently, new management plans for these units are scheduled for development during the next two years. Forest management in the area has, on the whole been successful in maintaining forest cover. Indeed, forest cover has actually increased significantly in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia part of Prespa during the past 70 years despite the fact that nearly all the people in the area rely upon firewood for heating and cooking during the winter months. From an ecosystem management perspective, forest management in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia part of Prespa is deficient in several respects. First, forest management is focused primarily upon producing a sustainable supply of timber and firewood for the region; habitat values, watershed management values, and biodiversity enhancement values are not management objectives. There is an emerging awareness of ecosystem-oriented forest management and the importance of adopting related practices, 2 According to botanists Betula verrucosa is replaced by Betula pendula. According to the recent knowledge provided by botanists, the species Fagus moesiaca does not exist. Systematically, it coincides with Fagus sylvatica ssp sylvatica. Generally, botanists say that there are only 2 subspecies: Fagus sylvatica sylvatica and Fagus sylvatica orientalis. 3 Page 138/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park but there is no institutional capacity to develop and apply ecosystem-oriented forest management. Albania (AL) The approximately 3,400 hectares of forest in AL-Prespa is comprised of 2,900ha stateowned forests and 500ha of community-owned forests. During the turmoil of the 1990s, extensive illegal felling by commercial interests from outside the area left the once extensive oak and beech forests seriously degraded. With the designation of the Prespa National Park (PNP) the state-owned forest is no longer exploited commercially for timber and active forest management has basically ceased in the Albanian part of Prespa until the PNP determines how to proceed. Local communities are allowed to obtain firewood and fodder from these protected forests. This is difficult to control because firewood is the main fuel source for heating and cooking for all 5,200 people living in AL-Prespa. There are no other sources as readily available or as cheap as wood. Electricity is erratic and expensive. Solar energy is too expensive and impractical. Household-level biogas may be viable, but requires pilot testing in Prespa‟s climate. No replacement for wood fuel is envisioned to be economically feasible in the near future. A reasonable estimate is that local people in AL-Prespa will rely largely upon wood for their heating and cooking needs for another 10 years. Traditionally, local population use fresh firewood of good quality (Φ>10cm), without any efficiency in heating system. Annual growth rates of forests in Prespa range from 1.6 m3/ha to 5.4 m3/ha. It can be assumed that the growth rate/ha in AL-Prespa is at the lower end of the range, or approximately 8,500 m3/year (2.5 m3/ha per year x 3,400ha = 8,500 m3/year). A household of five persons needs approximately 10 m3 of fuel wood/year. Apply this figure to the approximately 1,000 families in AL-Prespa and one can see that about 10,000 m3 of fuel wood/year are needed per year. This approximate figure illustrates the difficulty with which existing forest cover meets current wood demand. In addition, not only people from inside the Prespa basin demand fuel wood and there can be high pressure at certain locations. Clearly, the challenge facing forest management in AL-Prespa is how to meet fuel wood and fodder needs and restore forest health. Finally, the high demand for fuelwood in AL-Prespa has caused Page 139/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park important degradation to part of the forests of GR-Prespa found on the borders with Albania (illegal logging has and is still taking place within the Greek territory). Greece (GR) The majority of forest lands are state-owned (80%) and the remaining are municipal forests belonging to the communities of Vrondero, Aghios Germanos and Karies. The Prespa forests are managed by the Forest Directorate of Florina (which belongs to the Regional Forest Service of West Macedonia, Ministry of Agriculture/ MoA4). Within the Forest Directorate of Florina, there are 5 municipality forest (8,345ha), 3 state-owned forests in the Prespa basin (10,900ha), 2 mixed state-municipality forest (3,280ha) and 1 church forest (8ha). Wood production in the three state-owned forests is based on 10years management plans for each one of them (to be revised in 2009, 2014 and 2015). As there is no forestry cadastre and because villages and farm plots are included in the state-owned forest area, some conflicts often occur with local farmers on the boundaries. A forest management plan exists in GR-Prespa; in the context of the operation of the Prespa National Forest Management Body (PNFMB) and the future establishment of a National Park in GR-Prespa, forest management is expected to be modified to comply with the guidelines of the Special Environmental Study (Argyropoulos & Giannakis 2001) and to integrate more biodiversity conservation objectives and/or practices into forest operations in GR-Prespa, while maintaining a balance with the social and economic dimension of forestry. The Ministry of Agriculture is working on establishing new terms of reference of the Forest Management plans while is in line to adapt these rules to the climate change. Extract from KfW report in 2005: “The original natural forest ecosystems in the Prespa region consisted of multi-species, multi-age stands. In the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia part of Prespa, monoculture afforestation has led to the simplification of forest species composition and age structure, reduced forest ecosystem complexity and degraded forest habitats, and disrupted ecological interactions. Nesting trees have nearly disappeared for globally threatened species such as the Imperial Eagle and with them the feeding and nesting areas for various types of birds and insects. Monoculture forest stands also lead to a sharp reduction in insect populations, which means a lower density and variety of predatory vertebrates, especially birds. 4 Recently named Ministry of Rural Development and Food (MoRDF) Page 140/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park This kind of forest management gives no priority to restoring native forest species diversity, to maximizing age structure within the forest, and to improving forest ecosystem health. Allowable harvest levels are determined without regard to maintaining or rehabilitating natural forest species composition and without regard to impacts on other species. These “production-oriented” forest management practices reflect a management bias towards forest engineering and timber production and are the main source of stress on forest ecosystem function in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia part of Prespa and GR-Prespa. In AL-Prespa, the main source of stress on forest ecosystem function is much more practical and immediate - at least 5,000 peoples‟ dependence on fuelwood and fodder from an already degraded forest. Management capacity within the new PNP is low. The resource base has not been accurately inventoried or monitored, and there are few financial and technical resources, especially for biodiversity and integrated ecosystem management. The underlying issues include: destructive firewood and fodder harvesting; poor grazing practices; low capacity of forest and Park staff to work with local people to develop joint solutions to meeting fuel and fodder needs while restoring forest health. Management Plans for the Prespa region‟s protected areas are at various stages of preparation and show different approaches and standards. None of the protected areas described above has an approved integrated Management Plan. The existing drafts are merely a description of zones and do not provide benchmarks and indicators for operational management. There is no monitoring program in place or even developed for any of the Protected Areas”. 9.1.4. Rationale for monitoring A relevant forest and terrestrial habitats monitoring system for Prespa trans-boundary area has to take into consideration the main following principles: all natural habitats of the EU Habitats Directive interest that are existing in the 2 or 3 countries are to be included in the TMS; to be in accordance with the international and national policy instruments for sustainable forest management, that are the UNCED forest principles, with the guidelines for detailed thematic reports on forest ecosystems from the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the National Strategy for Sustainable Forestry Development in each country as well; Page 141/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park to comply with the forest sustainable management principles and criteria (see below) and with the lines of Ecosystem Management Approach; to provide reliable information to decision-makers for a sustainable development of the forestry sector, i.e. related to forest ownership, forest types and forest management plan; to be able to assess the trends in both quantity and quality of forest resources and terrestrial habitats; ecological integrity of forest management should be guaranteed, i.e. appropriate silvicultural and pastoral practices have to be monitored as well as economic, environmental and social impacts of commercial forestry; to monitor all socio-economic activities that (may) affect natural resources and habitats (firewood, grazing, tourism, hunting, non-wood products collection, etc.). Forest sustainable management criteria The TMS should also be in accordance with the forest sustainable management criteria for forest habitats. The 6 criteria from the Helsinki Conference (1993) on Forest Sustainable Management are: 1. Maintenance and appropriate enhancement of forest resources and their contribution to global carbon cycles. 2. Maintenance of forest ecosystem health and vitality. 3. Maintenance and encouragement of productive functions of forests (wood and non-wood). 4. Maintenance, conservation and appropriate enhancement of biological diversity in forest ecosystems. 5. Maintenance and appropriate enhancement of protective functions in forest management (notably soil and water). 6. Maintenance of other socio-economic functions and conditions. Sustainable Forest Management Guidelines (criteria and indicators) should be applicable in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia forestry as well as in the Albanian forestry whatever the certification system is or could be (PEFC, FSC or none). Page 142/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Vegetation zones / stratification of forest lands In the Prespa basin, the vegetation zones from the lakeshore to the watershed line on the mountains that could be easily identified and shared on database for monitoring are the following [based on Horvat et al. (1974) system of classification]: 1) Riparian vegetation / wet grasslands (meadows): This riparian vegetation is not an identified zone of natural distribution. Riparian vegetation is very limited to some aquatic tree stands/galleries (Salix spp, Populus spp) and alluvial forests (Alnus sp) in addition to reed beds and natural eutrophic vegetation around the lakes. Wet meadow vegetation, on fertile and deep soils of the littoral zone of the lakes and running waters, includes several pastoral, quick growing herbs forming compact and grassy mats. They could be met everywhere according to specific conditions (moisture, salt, persistent water, etc.) but often found at the same level as lowland woodland vegetation. 2) Lowland vegetation (woodland & dry grassland): The lower expansion of the forest does not follow the rules of theoretical succession as the psychrophile forest stands and the thermophyllous forests stands as well, that are included in the deciduous oak forest stands come close to the lake shore. According to Pavlides (1997), it is a set of mixed forests of low altitude not equally distributed in the three countries located mainly in the western part of the coastal area: mixed deciduous-evergreen forests of Ostryo- Carpinion orientalis Ht. 1958 (small coastal area at the south-west edge of the Greek Prespa Park) and Ostryo–Carpinion adriaticum (Juniper-Hornbeam-Macedonian oak), evergreen Box-Juniper shrublands (Buxus sempervirens and Juniperus oxycedrus of the sub-mountainous zone west of Vrondero) and grasslands (pastures), and evergreen conifer forests of Aghios Georghios of Psarades (the only absolute protection forest nucleus of the Greek Prespa NP on the northeast slopes of mountain Devas at 10001100m.a.s.l. consisting of tall and straight trees of Juniperus foetidissima and J. excelsa). These thermophyllous mixed deciduous broadleaved forests, including hornbean mixed forests and Buxo-Juniperetum as degraded stages of oak forests, are based at the lowest forest zone of the lake periphery, which stretch usually close to the settlements and as a consequence, often degraded forest due to intense timber felling and irrational livestock grazing. Lowland vegetation also encompasses the vegetation zones of dry-grasslands and farmland (e.g. beans in Greece, apple and vine cultivations in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as well as rangelands (pastures), both representing terrestrial Page 143/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park habitats (artificial and semi-natural respectively). These “dry” grasslands occupy a small proportion of land at low altitudes, are not flooded by the lake and exist at locations that were not converted to agricultural land in the recent past (e.g. in the 1960-70s‟ for GRPrespa). 3) Deciduous oak forests: The deciduous oak forests of Prespa can be classified in the Balkan thermophile zone (Quercion frainetto) and some portions in the Balkan psychrophile zone (Quercion petraea-cerris). The oak zone at the Albanian part ranges from 600m to ca. 1,300m.a.s.l. and is dominated by deciduous oak (Querco – Carpinetum Wrb 54) with Quercus petraea, Q. frainetto, Q. pubescens and Q. Cerris (Quercetum frainetto-cerris Oberd.48 et Horvat. 1959; sin. Quercetum frainetto Dafis 1966). Oak woods with Ostrya carpinifolia and Carpinus orientalis, and Ostryo-Carpinion orientalis of the lower elevations, are also included in this zone. On dry and stony sites Quercus trojana (Quercetum trojanae macedonicum Horv. 1946) dominates. Also confined to dry and stony sites are the juniper woods (Excelsio–Prunetum webbi Fuk et fab 1962 Juniperus excelsa) of the Kallamas peninsula. The woods and forests of the oak zone at the Albanian part are, unfortunately, rarely in good condition. Woodcutting and severe grazing have left mostly heavily degraded woods and a predominant shrubland in large parts of the area. The shrublands are enriched with Crataegus monogyna, Cornus mas, Corylus avellana or Rosa canina. At a severe degradation stage, Buxus sempervirens shrublands occur. Deciduous oak forests (Ass. Querco frainetto-cerris Oberd.48 Ht.59 and Ass. Quercetum petraea) also constitute the dominant vegetation type in the Greek Prespa National Forest. They form a zone extending up to an elevation of 900-1,200m on the slopes of the hills and mountains surrounding the lakes. Finally, in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, oak forests (Ass. Quercetum frainetto Cerris and ass. Orno-Quercetum Cerris) are widespread at Baba, Bigla, Plakenska and Petrino Mountain. Large number of forest phytocenoses such as: Ass. Quercetum troianae, Juniperitosum excelse-foetodissimae, Ass. Ostryo-Quercetum Cerris, Ass. Querco-Ostrietum carpinifolae, Ass. Aceri obtusatiFagetum, and Ass. Abieti-Fagetum forest, are found on the slopes of the Galicica Mountain. 4) Deciduous beech forests of Fagetum moesiacum: The beech zone at the Albanian part of Prespa (Fagion moesiacum) extends to elevations from 1,200 to 1,900m. Page 144/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Beech woods and their degradation stage are restricted to the eastern slopes of Mali i Thate. Additionally, the beech trees (Fagus sylvatica), Acer obtusatum, A. pseudoplatanus and Corylus colurna are also present. In Greece, the beech forests are classified in the Ass. Fagion moesiacum, except the regions of the northeastern side of the study area, where the floristic composition of the forests coincides with the Association Fagion illyricum with the participation of Abies alba. On Pelister Mountain, in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Ass. Calamintho grandiflorae-Fagetum can be found, while on the coldest places Fago-Abietetum meredionale might be found. At an altitude of 1,7002,000m, some remnants of Fagetum subalpinum are found. 5) Mixed beech – fir tree forests: The mixed beech and fir tree forests are restricted at the NE part of the study area and they cover regions at an altitude of 1,500-1,800m. The species Abies alba (relict forest stands?), Abies Borisii-regis (also on the northern slope of the Stara Galicica), Fagus sylvatica and Fagus moesiaca dominate the upper part of these forests with the fir trees surpassing the beech trees that reach 25m in height. These forests belong to the Ass. Abieti-Fagetum moesiacum. 6) Sub-alpine vegetation of dwarf shrubs: the subalpine vegetation extends higher than the upper boundaries of beech in altitude of 1,800 to 2,000 m.a.s.l. It consists of cold resisting shrubs, chamaephytes and perennial herbs forming a dense and compact layer just 0.30 to 0.50m high. The most frequent elements are the dwarfish semi-shrubs Vaccinium myrtillus, Chamaecytisus polytrichus, Ch. eriocarpus, Juniperus communis ssp nana, Bruckenthalia spiculifera, Genista spp, etc. 7) Alpine pastures and meadows / heaths: This zone is considered to be important for the presence of endemic Balkan plants, such as the species Asyneuma limonifolium, Alyssum corymbosum, Astragalus depressus, Anthemis pindicola, Dianthus minutifolius, Carlina acaulis, Arabis caucasica. The following plant species Carex curvula, Juncus trifidus, Carex foetida, Plygonum bistorta, Elyna Bellardii, Gnaphalium supinum, Vaccinium uligunosum, and Trolius europaeus, have on Pelister Mountain the southernmost limit of their distribution. In Albania, the alpine meadows extend over the beech belt, along the Mali i Thate crests, steeper and narrower in eastern slopes, and broader and milder in western ones (Mersinllari 1997, Buzo 2000). Depending on the exposure, water content and soil properties of the plant communities of the meadows vary from Arrhenatheretea types to communities of Festuco-Brometea. Page 145/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Within the region, transgressions between Sub-Mediterranean types (Meso- or Xerobrometum) and Continental types, with dominating Stipa species (Festucetum), occur. These transgressions at the border of the European beech zone seem to be most interesting from a phytogeographical point of view and for the conservation of the region‟s biodiversity as a whole. Natural habitats of EU Directive Habitats From the 22 EU habitats that should be monitored in the Prespa basin, the following are dealing with forests and terrestrial habitats (Table 9.1): a) 4 priority terrestrial habitats (EU Directive Habitats): Semi-natural dry grasslands on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometea Br. Bl et Tx 1943) Pseudo-steppe with grasses and annuals (Thero-Brachypodietea) Species-rich Nardus grasslands, on siliceous substrates in mountain areas Grecian juniper woods Table 9.1. Priority habitat types (according to the EEC Directive 92/43) found in Transboundary Prespa, and their interest for Transboundary Monitoring (TBM) Priority Habitats, Former Yugoslav EU Habitat Republic of Macedonia Directive % cover in Priority Name Prespa for TBM catchment5 Semi-natural dry grasslands on calcareous 5 P substrates (FestucoBrometaliae) Pseudo-steppe with grasses and annuals 1 (TheroBrachypodietea) Species-rich Nardus grasslands, on 1 siliceous substrates in mountain areas Grecian juniper <1 P woods ALBANIA % cover in Prespa catchment GREECE Priority for TBM % cover in Priority Prespa for TBM catchment 6.03 2.1 2 2.9 0.55 7.8 P 10.2 P 11 P P P 5 in Greece the % area of Prespa basin under each habitat was derived from formal Ministry of Environment GIS-based information; in Albania from an ECAT-based GIS, and in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia it was produced using experts‟ knowledge, so the % values are approximate. Page 146/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park b) 14 important terrestrial habitats (EU Directive Habitats) identified for TB Monitoring as habitats or biotopes: Alpine and subalpine heaths Stable Buxus sempervirens formations on calcareous rock slopes (Berberis) Mediterranean tall-herb and rush meadows (Molinio-Holoschoenion) Subalpine and alpine tall herb communities Calcareous rocky slopes with hasmophytic vegetation Vegetated silicicolous inland cliffs with hasmophytic vegetation Acidophilous (Luzulo-Fagetum) beech forests Neutrophilous (Asperulo-Fagetum) beech forests Subalpine beech woods with Acer and Rumex arifolius Calcareous beech forests (Cephalanthero-Fagion) Quercus trojana woods (Quercetum trojanae macedonicum Horv. 1946) Hellenic beech forests with Abies borisii-regis Quercus frainetto woods Salix alba and Populus alba galleries From the 14 important terrestrial habitats, according to the knowledge of national experts, 6 to 8 of them could be relevant for the Transboundary Monitoring System (even though they are not priority ones according to the EU Habitats Directive) (Table 9.2). 9.1.5. Research gaps (The following items may not really be research gaps, but merely special issues for which the consultant did not find any consistent information) Existing maps of priority terrestrial habitats in Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Forest health network; Forest stands for genetic conservation (seed production area, selected stands); Forest national inventory (survey); Precise and legal content of forest management plans (from each country) in terms of forest stands ecological description to be compared. The Forest Service of Florina (Greece) gets data for wood since at least 1960, which can give important information on the development of wood stock, annual increment and production. Page 147/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 9.2. Non-priority habitat types (EEC Directive 92/43) found in Transboundary Prespa, and their interest for Transboundary Monitoring (TBM) Important Habitats, EU Habitats Directive Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Name % cover in Prespa catchment + Alpine and subalpine heaths ALBANIA GREECE Priority % cover in Priority % cover in Priority for Prespa for Prespa for TBM TBM catchment TBM catchment 5 0.84 P 9.3 + Acidophilous (Luzulo-Fagetum) beech forests 10 6.7 P 2.6 biotope + Neutrophilous (AsperuloFagetum) beech forests 10 6.4 P 3.0 biotope <1 3 P 0.3 biotope 3 5.5 P 1.0 biotope 3.6 P 0.4 biotope + Subalpine beech woods with Acer and Rumex arifolius + Quercus trojana woods (Italy and Greece) + Quercus frainetto woods 8 P + Subalpine and alpine tall herb communities <1 0.2 0.1 + Mediterranean tall-herb and rush meadows (Molinio-Holoschoenion) <1 ? 0.5 P 7 9.3 12.7 biotope Other habitats - Eastern white oak woods and balkanic thermophilous oak woods 9.2. Development of indicators Following the workshop held on the 20th of February 2009 in Korcha/ Korçë (Albania, see Annex 5.4), the first drafted list (which comprised 18 indicators) was reviewed taking into consideration that grasslands have to be included but human activities that are part of pressure indicator for natural habitats have to be placed in the socio-economic theme of the monitoring system (TMS). The rationale was to reduce and to select a few indicators with a great significance inside which sub-indicators and/or parameters to be prioritized could be identified (Table 9.3, including the first attempt on the proposal of indicators). The selection and the comprehensive framework within which the indicators are designed should be the one to start (kick off) with operational implementation and experimentation on the TMS. General indicators will be recorded in the first step and, on the second step (medium term), when Page 148/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park the TMS will be well running, other sub-indicators could be added as well as new indicators if needed, and if relevant & cost-effective. From the list of indicators presented in Table 9.3, the following points should be taken into account with caution: Two indicators (F1 and F2) are closely linked to the “Land-use” theme of the monitoring system. Others indicators might be designed but are not relevant for all three countries or not a priority (i.e. certification process, carbon storage). “Grasslands” is a general term which has to be preferred to rangelands (grasslands include meadows, pastures, heaths, and even grazed shrub lands). Indicators more related to human and economic activities than to natural habitats monitoring have been removed/proposed for inclusion to the “Socio-economic” theme (e.g. firewood consumption, livestock and grazing pressure). Table 9.3. Original proposal of indicators for the “Forests and other terrestrial habitats” theme Proposed indicators (original attempt) N° Nature* Vegetation cover change F1 S/I Priority terrestrial habitats conservation distribution and quality F2 S Terrestrial habitats and forested areas under protection F3 S Forest and grasslands under a comprehensive and implemented management plan F4 S Structure and dynamics within forest stands and other terrestrial habitats F5 S Distribution and quality of alpine & subalpine meadows F6 S Silvicultural practices for sustainable forest management (SFM) F7 R (F8) S Natural damages and diseases *Nature of the Indicator/parameter: P = Pressure (relevant to the socio-economic theme); S = State; I = Impact/ changes; R = Response Details on the development of indicators and its rationale are presented in the following pages in eight non-numbered text-boxes. The following acronyms were used: PNP: Prespa National Park (Albania) GNP: Galicica National Park (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) PeNP: Pelister National Park (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) Page 149/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park PNFMB: Prespa National Forest Management Body (Greece) MoEFWA: Ministry of Environment, Forests, Water and Agriculture (Albania) MoAF: Ministry of Agriculture and Food (Albania) MoAFW: Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Water Management (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) MoEPP: Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) MoADF: Ministry of Rural Development and Food (Greece) PSCWM: Planning Service of Central and Western Macedonia (Greece) Page 150/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicator F1: Vegetation cover change Nature: S Objective / Significance to Forest & other Terrestrial habitats monitoring: To monitor forest/vegetation cover extension or depletion and to assess the changes in terrestrial forest stands quality: changes in land use, encroachment by cultivation, shrub encroachment, land demand for infrastructure, illegal cutting or overgrazing may identify gaps in forest cover (clear cutting). Extension or depletion of the timberline (upper boundaries of forest) and subalpine vegetation is strongly linked to the climate change and to the grazing pressure (increasing or decreasing) on subalpine grasslands. The above limit of forest stands or higher lying forest belt (at an average of 1,900m altitude n the study area) is a very riche biotope/ecotone and so needs to be well known and monitored. Climate changes and forest management (or non-management) may also affect forest habitats in terms of alteration, transformation or conversion. That should be the case for the mix Beech-Fir forests or mix deciduous oak forests. Parameters: Parameters to be measured are very simple because they deal with monitoring of vegetation cover change not habitats monitoring: - high forest (beech/fir, beech) / low forest (oak forests) / bushes / pastures/meadows cover - pure forest stands / mixed forest stands (coniferous/broadleaves) - forest degradation, encroachment (trees/shrubs) and depletion (illegal clear cutting areas, tree lopping areas), forest gaps and bare land, eroded soils, patchiness diversity, etc. - wild fire (mean annual burnt area) - fluctuation on the upper limit of forest stands (beech, junipers) - length of forest roads Relevance for a Transboundary Monitoring System: Such basic indicator is easily verifiable at the transboundary scale as well as at national level through satellite images or recent ortho-rectified aerial photos. Indicator on forest degradation/encroachment is rather relevant for oak forest and lowland forest more than for Beech forest at any site in the Greek part (e.g. western part near Albania), in the Albanian part or even in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonian part (Galicica NP). Even through grazing pressures on subalpine grasslands and dwarf shrubs are quite different from the Greek part to the Albanian one, this sensitive ecotope/habitat does exist in each side of the three countries. (Extension of the Abies area (A. alba, A. borisii-regis) within the beech forest stands could be relevant specifically where beech regeneration is missing because of silvicultural past practices whereas fir regeneration is expanding). Method / sources of information: Institutions supposed to be involved: Remote sensing (Corine Landcover, satellite images Landsat, Spot, etc.): programme relevance to be defined, forest inventory, vegetation mapping Ministries in charge of forest and land use planning. MoEFWA/Forest Service Directorate and PNP (AL), MoAFW, MoEPP (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), MoRDF/Forestry Service, PSCWM (GR) and National Parks Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - Forest inventory at national or regional level (not scheduled for Greece for the next few years). Cooperation between local agencies of each country should be facilitated. Ecological research programme is needed. Page 151/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicator F2 Priority terrestrial habitats (EU 92/43 Directive) conservation, distribution and quality Nature: S Objective / Significance to Forest & other Terrestrial habitats monitoring: This indicator deals with the 4 priority terrestrial habitats (EU Habitats Directive) that are present in each part of the Prespa basin but should also address the issues on the other important habitats according to the EU Directive. Sub-indicators: - Grecian juniper woods (GJW) spatial distribution and tree cover (ages classes of GJW and regeneration, floristic composition of GJW habitats) - 3 priority grasslands habitats: Semi-natural dry grasslands on calcareous substrates (Festuco Brometaliae) Pseudo-steppe with grasses and annuals (Thero-Brachypodietea) Species-rich Nardus grasslands, on siliceous substrates in mountain areas - other important natural habitats distribution (mixed oak forests, fir, beech, alluvial/riparian vegetation/forest, grasslands, heathlands, meadows) Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Grecian juniper woods exist in each of the three countries with significant distribution and defined as priority habitats by national consultants. Important natural grassland habitats also have a significant distribution in three countries. Method / source of information: Mapping of such areas, GIS, Cadastre Local forest surveys Institution supposed to be involved: National Parks; MoE Agency of Envt and Forest, Prespa NP, University/Fac. of Forest Sciences & Nat. Sc. (AL), MinoE, GNP & PNP (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), MoEnv/PNFMB, University (GR), Forestry services/department Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: Note: Pinus peuce (as a relict species) exists in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (and not proved in Greece and Albania) but mainly outside the Prespa basin, thus, as a subject to monitor, it remains is out of the TMS purposes. Page 152/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicator F3 Terrestrial Habitats and Forest areas under protection Nature: S Objective / Significance to Forest & other Terrestrial habitats monitoring: This indicator is needed to assess the (whatever the protection status is) and policy through the percentage of these Habitats Directive for which specific implemented. Subindicators: total forested area /vegetation cover under protection to monitor the level of effort of biodiversity protection high priority natural habitats sites classified by the EU protection & management plans are designed and - % of protected forests (compared to productive forests) - area of High priority & important natural habitats sites (EU Habitats Directive) under legal protection or with appropriate management plans Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Despite existing protected areas (National Parks and reserves) that are located all around the Prespa basin, some specific zoning should be highlighted in order to strengthen the forest and terrestrial habitats protection (e.g. the fir, beech and birch reserves located in Pelister). Even though the EU Habitats Directive deals only with the Greek part, this indicator remains relevant to monitor biodiversity protection efforts of each country related to important natural habitats at national and European level. Method / source of information: Mapping of such areas, GIS (remote sensing) Forest management plans, National Parks zones Institution supposed to be involved: National Parks; MoE/ Forestry Departments Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - Identify (future) protection zoning within the National Parks Management plans. Habitat mapping in Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Indicator F4 Forest lands and grasslands under a comprehensive and implemented management plan Nature: S Objective / Significance to Forest & other Terrestrial habitats monitoring: % of forest stands and grasslands under a sustainable management plan (FMP/MP) which may secure long term forest and grasslands objectives management and ecosystem oriented practices Parameters: % of forestlands (state-owned / private) and grasslands under MP Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Whereas Greek and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia forests do have FMP, State-owned forests in Albania do not have (only communal forests have FMP). This indicator might measure progress in designing common sustainable forest management plan standards and heathlands/grasslands management practices as well. Method / sources of information: FMP contents, other (?) Institutions supposed to be involved: Forest Services and NP, MoE/Dir. of Protected area (AL), Forestry services and NP, MoE, Forest Public enterprises (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), Forestry Services and PNFMB (GR) Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - New terms of reference for Forest Management Plan are to be defined by the Greek MoRDF In a second step (priority 2) others parameters will be added: - forest areas certified under one SFM certification process - forest enterprises and logging enterprises to be certified This should be a very efficient indicator for the forests of the Prespa area in the near future because it is supposed to include all criteria from sustainable forest management principles (from the Helsinki conference). Such forest certification processes might be launched in the three countries at the same span of time of the GEF/UNDP project Page 153/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicator F5 Structure and dynamics within forestlands and other terrestrial habitats Nature: S Objective / Significance to Forest & other Terrestrial habitats monitoring: This indicator intends to assess structural and functional characteristics of vegetation to obtain a reliable indication of forest ecosystems quality and the ecological dynamic of terrestrial habitats as well and to challenge the compliance with the criteria for sustainable forest/vegetation management. Parameters: - forest vertical profile: number of layers (understorey) age classes distribution in forest stands (from monolayer coppice vegetation to multilayered high forest) floristic composition (emphasis on endemic species, Pteridium spp., but also leguminous herbs, etc.) and floristic diversity regeneration rate in the forest stands and bush lands mature wood and deadwood identification of the bio-indicators of degradation or erosion (plant species with significance values) Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Due to the past forest management and the high logging pressure (for fuelwood and hardwood supply) that were implemented before, many forest stands (mainly beech forest) are pure (monospecific) forest without any understorey layer. Many forests lack regeneration because of high remaining pressure and degradation (overgrazing, cutting) or inappropriate silviculture. Undergrazing has also led to significant habitat quality reduction (e.g. biodiversity loss, alterations in structure) and increase of wild fire risk. This indicator will allow monitoring the improvement of forest management and practices. Finally the occurrence of deadwood in forest stands and several age classes with mature wood is a relevant indicator of an ecosystem-oriented forest management (and biodiversity improvement), for both oak and beech (& fir) forests. Method / sources of information: Institutions supposed to be involved: Forest management plan and forest inventories, forest/vegetation permanent plots National parks, Forestry services & research, Fac. of Sciences, Faculty of Forestry science (Skopje), Public Forestry Enterprises, authorities for grasslands (?) Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - Local forest inventory and mapping (from FMP). Some forest areas do not have FMP Could regeneration rate data be found inside all FMP? Could data on deadwood be found from FMP and forest inventories in the three countries? Page 154/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicator F6 Distribution and quality of alpine & subalpine grasslands/meadows Nature: R Objective / Significance to Forest & other Terrestrial habitats monitoring: Above the timberline, various types of alpine meadows, dwarf shrub formations and communities of rocky sites can be found. Part of theses meadows consist of rich dry meadow plant associations including many endangered plant species and many other plant species that are important habitats for endangered fauna (e.g. reptiles, birds). In addition, the alpine meadow zone is known to be an important habitat for the bear and the chamois. Sub-indicators: - stocking rate / grazing capacity (livestock units / ha according to their floristic composition) meadows distribution and quality Vaccinium myrtillus & Juniperus communis spp. nana area extension Relevance for a Transboundary MS: These areas have been subject to intensification of pasturing to improve the quality of the meadows for livestock grazing. The decrease of grazing activities, or the restart of utilizing alpine meadows for grazing during the summer months will have impact on meadows composition and biodiversity. Method / sources of information: - Institutions supposed to be involved: grasslands areas mapping and surveys grazing management plans grasslands quality analysis and carrying capacity assessments permanent plots stocking density changes according to pastures types (permanent, improved, native pastures, etc.) MoA, University / Faculty of Forests & Faculty of Natural Sciences, AoE, NP (AL), MeO, NP (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), For. Serv., PNFMB, Faculty/Forest Research Institution (GR) Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - Survey and mapping of alpine and sub-alpine grasslands/meadows. Ecological research programs or pastoral unit description and mapping. Page 155/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicator F7 Silvicultural practices for sustainable forest management (FM) Nature: R Objective / Significance to Forest & other Terrestrial habitats monitoring: Assessing exploitation & logging system in forest stands where a forest management plan is running: logging rate, selective cutting, group selection felling, equipment for felling, extraction, etc. (all activities to target ecological-oriented forest management). The forest management of each forest ecosystem and biotope has to be carried out in accordance with the basal area and volume regulation of the forest. This means that harvesting rates should not exceed the annual increment / yield of the forest stands. Sub-indicators: - Harvesting rate: allowed harvest and annual harvested timber volume related to mean annual increment Technical parameters: age class, basal area, annual yield (mean annual increment), cutting rate, regeneration Invasive/ introduced forest species by plantation ( Abies alba, Castanea sativa, Pinus nigra, Pinus sylvestris, Robinia pseudoacacia, etc.) Relevance for a Transboundary MS: To promote sustainable forest management practices in productive and protected forest stands. This indicator will assess part of the quality of forest management practices where logging is allowed Method / sources of information: Forest management plans, Annual programmes, Annual wood sales, Forest inventories, Annual cutting programmes Institutions supposed to be involved: Forestry Services, Forestry Public enterprises, Private forestry enterprises Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - - In GR-Prespa, detailed information on silvicultural activities and practices could be drawn by the Forestry Service (from the foresters in charge of controlling such activities and the contracts signed between the Service and the contractors) and by the contractors themselves (private individuals or local forest cooperatives' members) Complementary sources of information needed Indicator F8 Natural disasters and diseases Nature: P Objective / Significance to Forest & other Terrestrial habitats monitoring: External factors to vegetation cover changes (drought, wind/storm, fire) have to be monitored as well as internal ones like diseases (fungal infection, timber-boring insect) Sub-indicators: - wild fires (already monitored in F1) and fire damaged areas natural tree felling diseases (desiccation, dieback process on specific forest species, etc.) Relevance for a Transboundary MS: This indicator is linked to meteorological and climatic data. Is it relevant for the TMS? Method / sources of information: Forest management plans, National statistical surveys MoE (?) Institutions supposed to be involved: Civil Emergency Directorate of Korcha Prefecture, PNP (AL), Forestry services or Fire Services, Departments in charge of Forest/ vegetation health network/ monitoring Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: Annual forest burnt area in each part of the basin, location and origin of forest fires. Page 156/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 9.3. Methods Following necessary amendments and adjustment of indicators with the other six themes of the TMS, the final list of proposed indicators was slightly altered compared to the original proposal (see Table 9.4 in comparison with Table 9.3.). Table 9.4. Final list of proposed indicators for the “Forests and other terrestrial habitats” theme N° Proposed indicator Nature * F1 Vegetation cover change S/I F2 Priority terrestrial habitats conservation and distribution S F3 Terrestrial habitats and forested areas under protection R F4 Forest and grasslands under a comprehensive and implemented management plan R F5 Structure and dynamics within forest stands and other terrestrial habitats S F6 Distribution and quality of alpine & subalpine meadows S F7 Silvicultural practices for Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) R F8 Natural disasters and diseases S/I *Nature of the Indicator/parameter: P = Pressure (relevant to the socio-economic theme); S = State; I = Impact/ changes; R = Response 9.3.1. Description and justification Data to be monitored have to be classified according to the objective and to the nature of each indicator (nature of parameters) as below: Spatialized data: area and distribution can be monitored through remote sensing (satellite images, aerial surveys) and vegetation mapping for indicators F1, F2, F6, F8. Several database and programmes could be relevant for habitats mapping forest/vegetation surveys as: Corine Landcover, Corine biotope, satellite images (e.g. Landsat, Spot, Ikonos), Emerald network database, IPA network, etc. Biomass and composition of habitats need on-field surveys for F2, F5, F6, F8. Forest vegetation and grasslands quality and trends should be assessed through both temporary (floristic and ecological relevés) and permanents plots (dynamic, structure, etc.). Technical and legal certification (guarantee) for areas under protection and sustainable management plans for indicators F3, F4: this needs only Page 157/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park documentation from relevant institutions that could be verified (forest management plans, grazing management guidelines or grazing areas under contracts, National Parks zoning and planning) according to sustainable management criteria. Structure and dynamics within forests and terrestrial habitats (FTH) and silvicultural practices have to be assessed for F5, F7, F8 and monitored through field surveys: permanent plots (in forest stands and grasslands) will be used and additional information could be provided by forest inventories, as well as forest and grazing management plan (including technical parameters as annual cutting, overgrazing, carrying capacity, etc.). Prerequisites As already mentioned in the relevant Land-use report, setting up a common database requires defining a typology of vegetation zones harmonized through the three countries and identifying of ecological habitats relevant and consistent with the methodology followed by satellite imagery (Directive Habitat, Corine land cover). Three (3) main considerations have to be taken into account: • Priority terrestrial habitats types (according to EU Directive 92/43) have to be identified and mapped in the same way in each country. In Greece the % area under each habitat comes from the formal mapping done by Ministry of Environment (GIS-based information6), while Albania and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are currently with EMERALD Network. For these EU candidates countries, the Emerald work may be considered as a preparation for joining Natura 2000 or the work of the identification of Emerald sites may be done in parallel or/and in co-ordination with the work already started for joining the Natura 2000 network. Information gathered in the framework of the CORINE biotopes project forms an excellent basis for work on Emerald. With the support of the Council of Europe and the EEA7, the complete identification of the Emerald Network in the two countries was supposed to be achieved by the end of 2008 as well as the delivery of the scientific data relating to all the sites (pilot database, sites and boundaries with habitat list per biogeographical region and agreed designation codes). However, according to PNP information, there is not yet status on Emerald sites mapping with habitats list for 6 7 But with a lot of inaccurate information for specific habitat types European Environmental Agency Page 158/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Albania. In the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 3 Emerald sites are included in the Prespa basin (or Prespa Park) which are the two National Parks (Pelister NP and Galicica NP), and the Nature Reserve Erzani. Database is located in the Ministry of Environment (MoEPP) and management plans are on the way. Forest communities and grass phytocoenoses are identified and mapped for both NP so that they can be linked to Natura 2000 habitats. The Emerald Network is an ecological network to conserve wild flora and fauna and their natural habitats of Europe, which was launched in 1998 by the Council of Europe as part of its work under the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention) that came into force on June 1, 1982. It is to be set up in each Contracting Party or observer state to the Convention. For the European Union countries the Emerald Network is identical to Natura 2000 (there is no difference in typology but only in codification). The candidate countries for the EU accession are bound to implement and communicate the Natura 2000 results to the European Union by the day of the EU accession. For these countries the Emerald Network project represents a preparation for and a direct contribution to the implementation of the Natura 2000 programme. • Stratification of vegetation zones and forest stands has to be harmonized around the Prespa basin. Even though some of the vegetation zones are missing in one country (because of edaphic conditions or exposure, eastern or western slope), the classification has to be the same. Otherwise, the sampling methods and results might not be compared from one plot to another. To be more practical, it is suggested starting with a simplified classification of forest and vegetation types related to land use and dynamics, easier to identify and to monitor than the whole terrestrial habitats and biotopes. Basically, the Land-use Group will use classification based on CORINE Land Cover categories including sub-categories from forest and vegetation typology suggested by the FTH group. However, as sub categories (the fourth level) have not been defined in the CORINE system, it is suggested to analyze whether the EUNIS (European Nature Information System) classification & database (promoted by the EEA and developed and Page 159/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park managed by the ETC/NPB8 in Paris), which is a more detailed one, could be used within CORINE Land Cover classification. See in Annex 9.1 the simplified classification under CORINE system and the more detailed one with EUNIS habitats types. NB: these vegetation classifications have to be compared to forest typology used in forest management plans (and grazing management plans as well9) within the 3 countries so as the TMS will benefit from the forestry data in one hand and will be an oriented management system in another hand. • Natural resource monitoring is “the collection and analysis of repeated observations or measurements to evaluate changes in condition and progress toward meeting a management objective” (Elzinga et al 1998). The field of biodiversity assessment and monitoring has entered a challenging period. It has become practical to evaluate large ecological data sets in a common geospatial and temporal framework. With appropriate protocol standardization and information management, it has become possible to layer virtually infinite numbers of data sets permitting place-based integrative analysis, providing new insights into how ecosystems work and change. While it is important that plot monitoring be developed based on careful scientific thought and sound, standardized procedures, it must also be recognized that multi-disciplinary teamwork is essential for project planning, sampling and data storage and evaluation. 9.3.2. Sampling methods overview To monitor long-term changes in plant diversity in different ecosystems, permanently marked sample areas are essential. Long term monitoring using study plots can provide important information on the structure and diversity of the forest including species occurrence and distribution, condition, mortality, recruitment, growth rates, longevity of plant species and associated ecosystem processes. Linked with the measurement of other variables including soil processes, microclimate, and biodiversity using standardized 8 European Topic Centre for Nature Protection and Biodiversity In Greece, grasslands/pastures in management plans are often mentioned as “grazinglands” or even “drylands” or other terms with negative meaning. The present work might be a good start to determine which habitat types correspond to what kind of management units and propose a relevant typology for all 3 countries. 9 Page 160/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park protocols, monitoring can provide site specific information on relationships and stressors in the natural ecosystem, and across the landscape as well. Generally, the methodology for establishing terrestrial vegetation monitoring system (when including different ecosystems) has to discriminate forest and non-forest ecosystem in their protocol (laying out permanent plots or permanents transects, plot sizes, etc.), as for example: one hundred-by-one hundred metre (100mx100m = 1 ha) for permanent canopy tree biodiversity monitoring plot; twenty-by-twenty metre (20mx20m) for permanent stand-alone canopy tree biodiversity monitoring plot; five-by-five metre for permanent small tree and shrub biodiversity monitoring plot. A 5 m x 5 m quadrat is recommended for most situations but, for densely packed shrubs, 2 m x 2 m quadrats may be more suitable; one-by-one metre for permanent ground vegetation biodiversity monitoring plot; finally, permanent transects could be added as contiguous five-by-five metre plots or one-by-one metre plots. Generally, recommended 20mx20m plot serves as an elemental monitoring unit which can be applied in various multiples and grid configurations to address specific sampling needs. From a data analysis perspective the unit is scalable, and can be used in context with smaller or larger metric plots formats. However, to achieve optimal effectiveness, this measuring method must be applied with a sound understanding of project objectives, statistically valid sampling designs, logistics, costs and practicality. Field data control (ground-truthing sites) for remote sensing mapping on FTH and permanent plots As mentioned in the Land Use report, “typologies of ecological habitats that will allow monitoring through satellite imagery are: Corine Land Cover for the overall land-use/ broad habitat categories, completed locally by Natura 2000 for specific, natural habitats of high value”. But, as it is planned to use both satellite images from SPOT type 5 with a resolution of 10 m and Landsat TM 30m resolution, the size corresponding to a square of 2 pixels x 2 pixels is required that is 70 m x 70 m. According to the Land use protocol the following are needed: Page 161/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 60 representative samples of each habitat: 20 for each country and 30 by class - for calibration and 30 for validation; - Plot or sample square = min 70m x 70 m; - 2 images per year: June and November (Spot images or Landsat images) for correlation; Fragmentation of habitats assessment by landscape ecology indicators, using - ArcGis software. Remote sensing based on aerial photos and satellite images needs field verification (ground truthing sites). Remote sensing is also used for forest management and inventory (survey): in such case, terrestrial sampling inventory is set up on a stratification protocol with a fixed raster (1 x 1 km to 4 x 4 km) and permanent plots (that could be concentric circles). Whatever the chosen method will be, field tools and parameters have to be comparable to forest inventory (surveys) and grasslands quality assessing (to be used for sustainable forest management and grasslands management). In order to fulfil such requirements it is recommended to set up a combination of fixed/permanent and temporary plots as follows: - Permanent plots for vegetation dynamic assessment & distribution, and silvicultural practices in forest stands as well: these plots will require 100m x100m plots but it will be relevant to fit with the land use sampling size (that is 70 m x 70 m). Inside which smaller quadrats could be fixed for vegetation control (herbaceaous/grass plants and woody plants < 1m) Indicators: F1, F2, F5, F6, F7, F8 Periodicity will be every 5 years NB: - Temporary plots and transects for vegetation cover change / land use verification, as well as for priority terrestrial habitats and alpine/subalpine meadows monitoring. The same applies as for permanent plots that means such plots could encompass 2 or 3 different sizes of quadrats/plots according the objective, composition and protocol as below: indicator monitored on a yearly basis: burnt area, forest depletion, encroachment, clear cutting, deseases, dessication, defoliation. Indicators: F1, F2, F6, F8 Page 162/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park The detailed protocols for each of the proposed indicators (or type of indicators) are provided in Annex 9.2. About permanent plots: There is no permanent plot installed in Greek forests. Only temporary plots are used for forest management plan revision each 10 years (not marked, not georeferenced). In the Albanian Prespa basin, it is possible to find some permanents plots in communal forests (i.e. Liquenas communal forest: 1 permanent plot for 4,600 ha) and a few others used for National Forest Inventory. They are marked with metal stakes and referenced with GPS. No information available for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonian side. Permanents plots network will be the same for F5, F7, F8 and part of F1. For indicator F6, permanent plots will be few (included in the network defined according the typology classification) but they will be completed after grasslands mapping with permanents transects that could be located within the permanent plots when relevant. The setting up of a network of permanent plots will be designed during the pilot phase. 9.3.3. Periodicity – Five year timetable/ work plan Vegetation cover change (as land use change) will be annually monitored through satellite images with field control (ground-truthing sites) for disturbed areas (burnt areas, clear cutting, roads, etc.). May/June and October will be the best seasons for remote sensing and for field control. Part of other parameters from vegetation cover indicator will be measured every 5 years (see Land Use part). Page 163/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park In forest stands, periodicity for monitoring has no sense to be set up each year, even every 2 or 3 years. Basically, forest monitoring has to be established at a 10-years scale since Land use / vegetation cover change will be measured through remote sensing and GIS system. However, in order to fit with the whole TMS periodicity and workplan, permanent plots for forest stands and grasslands monitoring could be designed for sampling every 5 years (Table 9.5). All indicators have to be fulfilled during the first year so as to get the baseline information needed for the starting point of a transboundary monitoring process (initial mapping). The first year will be a “testing year” in order to experiment whether some habitats could or not be discriminated through satellite image identifying a specific spectral signature for each of them. It is assumed that the major part of all the terrestrial habitats could be discriminated owing to the use of two images – spring and autumn season (see Land use report). For many parameters from F1, F2, F6 and F8, remote sensing will be picked up from Land use monitoring activities case by case, because most of them do not need 2 reviews per year. For indicator F1, periodicity will be 5 years except for: - fire damages - encroachment, forest depletion - diseases (defoliation), natural tree felling - any significant change in vegetation discovered by Land use (LS1 and LS2 indicators) For indicator F2, considering that European countries have an obligation to report (review) each 6 years to the EU on Natura 2000 sites with an intermediate report (each 3 years), it is suggested to fix up a 2 or 3 years basis monitoring. Page 164/381 Table 9.5. Five years timetable and periodicity of indicator (by quarters / year) N° General indicator METHOD Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 F1 F2 Vegetation cover change annual: forest degradation, encroachment, fires, fluctuation,… each 5 year: vegetation types fluctuation, forest stands Priority terrestrial habitats conservation & distribution Remote sensing, mapping each year with field control in spring/summer and october Remote sensing, mapping distribution trends temporary plots for quality for x x x x x x x x x x X x x x X x x X x X Terrestrial Habitats and Forest areas Checking official document each 2 under protection years in september © © © F4 Forest lands and grasslands under a Checking official comprehensive and implemented document each management plan september © © © F5 Structure and dynamics within Permanents plots every 5 years forestlands and other terrestrial in August/ september habitats Distribution and quality of alpine & Permanent and temporary plots (each 2 years) subalpine grasslands/meadows F7 Sylvicultural sustainable FM practices and technical 2 years in X Natural disasters and diseases remote sensing with field control / observation Permanents plots every 5 years in August/ september X X and economical statistics (Nov or December) Permanent plots for silvicultural parameters every 5 years) F8 X X for Harvesting X X X X X X X x x X F3 F6 x X x x x x X X monitoring on field plots x remote sensing (image interpretation) © control on document x x x x x x x X SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 9.3.4. Parameters to be measured and field survey protocols Parameters to be measured are presented in Table 9.6. Proposed protocols for monitoring are included in Annex 9.2. Table 9.6. Parameters to be measured for the Forest & Terrestrial Habitats theme of the TMS N° F1 Proposed indicator Vegetation cover change (to fit with Land use) mapping for initial statement and Then 5 years monitoring Annual changes to monitor Parameters • dominant vegetation cover: high forest (beech/fir, beech) / low forest (oak forests) / shrub lands / pastures-meadows cover (area in ha) • EUNIS habitats classification (area in ha and mapping) • patchiness (fragmentation perimeter of each patch), forest gaps & bare land, eroded soils • fluctuation on the upper limit of forest stands (beech, junipers) • length and density of forest roads (km/100 ha) • forest degradation, encroachment (trees/shrubs) and depletion (illegal clear cutting areas,…) • wild fire (mean annual burnt area in ha) Priority terrestrial habitats (EU Directive 92/43) conservation & distribution Identifying (mapping) priority terrestrial habitats cover and distribution (4 habitats): • Greek juniper woods spatial distribution and tree cover (ages classes of Greek juniper woods and regeneration, floristic composition of GJW habitats) • 3 other priority grasslands habitats: o Semi-natural dry grasslands on calcareous substrates (Festuco Brometaliae) o Pseudo-steppe with grasses and annuals (Thero-Brachypodietea) o Species-rich Nardus grasslands, on siliceous substrates in mountain areas • other important natural habitats area and distribution (mixed oaks forest, fir, beech, alluvial/riparian vegetation/forest, grasslands, heathlands, meadows) F3 Terrestrial Habitats and Forest areas under protection • area and % of protection forest (compared to the total of forest lands and Prespa basin) • area of High priority & important natural habitats sites (EU Directive Habitats) under legal protection and/or with appropriate management plan (that ensure protection) F4 Forest lands and grasslands under a comprehensive and implemented management plan F2 • ha and % of state-owned forestlands under MP • ha and % of private forestlands under MP • ha and % of grasslands under MP MP should be implemented with annual planning Page 166/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park F5 F6 F7 Structure and dynamics within forestlands and other terrestrial habitats • forest vertical profile: number of layers (understorey) • age classes distribution in forest stands (from monolayer coppice vegetation to multilayered high forest) • floristic composition (endemic species, Pteridium sp. but also leguminous herbs, etc.) and floristic diversity: abundance, density, dominance, frequency. • regeneration rate in the forest stands and bush lands • mature wood and deadwood (nbr stem/ha; volume(m3)/ha, volume of oldest even-aged class) • identification of the bio-indicators of degradation or erosion (area of forestland and shrubland on steep slope > 30%; plant species with significance values) Distribution and quality of (alpine &) subalpine grasslands/meadows • stocking rate/grazing capacity: Unit/ha according to their floristic composition • meadows distribution and quality (abundance, density, dominance, frequency) • Vaccinium myrtillus & Juniperus communis spp. nana area of expansion Sylvicultural practices for sustainable FM • Harvesting rate: allowed harvest and annual harvested timber volume related to mean annual increment • Technical parameters: age class, basal area, annual yield (mean annual increment), cutting rate, regeneration • Invasive/introduced forest species by plantation (Abies alba, Castanea sativa, Pinus nigra, Pinus sylvestris, Robinia pseudoacacia, etc.): ha of artificial reforestation or regeneration. Natural disasters and diseases F8 Annual monitoring through remote sensing 5 years monitoring • wild fires (already monitored in F1): fire damaged areas (locations), number of starting fires/year • natural tree felling (average volume or stem/ha) • other diseases: desiccation and defoliation rate (>25%), dieback process on specific forest species (i.e. Abies, Quercus trojana, Carpinus sp, Alnus sp) Notes: • F3 and F4 parameters will be fulfilled through official document as National Park Management plan (zoning) and forest management plans. • As generally rangelands/grasslands management plans do not exist, it has been suggested to assess sustainable management of such grasslands on the basis of the guidelines for rangelands management in protected areas that have been established by the Hellenic Pasture and Range Society. Page 167/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 9.4. Equipment Equipment and equipment costs for remote sensing, mapping and field control is presented in Table 9.7. Table 9.8 includes the equipment for permanent monitoring plots. Table 9.7. Equipment and costs for remote sensing, mapping and field control Equipment Unit Cost (in €) Number Aerial photos / orthofotos / Satellite images See Land use Software See Land use Total cost (in €) Incl. in Land use Incl. in Land use Table 9.8. Equipment and costs for permanent monitoring plots Number Unit Cost (in €) Total cost (in €) GPS (e.g. Garmin, Magellan) for navigation with external antenna 6 400 € 2 400 € Hypsometer and dendrometer (i.e. Vertex III GS with monopod staff, 360° transponder, 360° transponder adapter) for height, diameter & distance measurement 3 1 200 3 600 € Metal detector 3 900 2 700 Altimeter 6 50 350 Diameter tapes (5m), measuring steel tape (50m), flagging tape 6 120 720 Set of surveying poles (6 per unit, length 2m, triangular, white/red) 6 90 540 (to be defined more precisely) 10 3000 Equipment For forest stands permanents plots Metal stakes (for permanent plots marking) and mallets Compass 6 Distance measurer (e.g. Walktax) with replacement lines (3000m) 6 250 1 500 Tool for electronic field data collection (pocket PC or electronic calliper) Field-Computer 3 2000 6000 Constructed 1 m x 1 m frame - Tree tags and tree paint (set) 6 70 420 TOTAL 21 230 € Page 168/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Equipment is planned for 2 national monitoring teams per country considering that National Parks and forestry services will be the field institution involved in sampling plot monitoring and data collecting: - in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, apart from forestry services (Forest Public Enterprise), 2 National Parks are deeply involved in this monitoring system, each one dealing with one side of the Prespa basin (so that is 3 specific teams) - in Albania and in Greece: even though the national area of Prespa basin is entirely covered by National Parks, forestry services are also the relevant field institution to operate the monitoring sampling plots (monitoring stations): One mixed-team of 2 or 3 people. For Greece it is expected that a research institute should also be involved in forest monitoring. 9.5. Monitoring stations The location of the monitoring stations cannot be determined yet, as three knowledge prerequisites are not yet fulfilled. To determine plot-based spatial sampling and to locate monitoring stations, the following information will be needed first: - a comprehensive mapping of all vegetation types and natural habitats in each country (the only map currently available, for GR-Prespa, is acknowledged by SPP as being inadequate due to various errors); - a common vegetation and forest development transboundary typology agreed by all the partners (see the 9 proposed forest and vegetation development types in Annex 9.1); - an overview of the existing monitoring and natural inventory systems and protocols in the 3 countries (both in open lands and forest lands). More precisely, methodologies and protocols used by forestry services to carry out forest surveys and inventories (because the permanent sampling plots system could be also very useful for forest inventory when the time for updating will come). However, the number of field monitoring stations and principles for their location are presented in Table 9.9. Page 169/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 9.9. Number of field monitoring stations and principles for their location Proposed indicator N° of field monitoring stations & principles for choosing their location • Vegetation cover change • Priority Terrestrial Habitat conservation, distribution and quality • Natural disasters and diseases No special (permanent) monitoring station is needed for F1, F2 and F8 indicators, except for some parameters that will be measured in the forest permanent plots network (F5, F7). In-field evidence plots (groundtruthing sites) will be identified for unit verification from remote sensing. F5 Structure and dynamics within FTH For each of the 8 or 9 vegetation classification, it is expected that 4 to 10 permanents plots will be enough depending on extension, occurrence and stress factors to natural habitats in each country, with a minimum of 2 (or 3) station per vegetation type in each country. F7 Sylvicultural practices for sustainable FM To be practical the same set of forest permanent plots as for F5 will be used for F7 indicators in forest stands. Distribution and quality of alpine & subalpine grasslands 8 grassland permanent plots will be established (2 GR, 2 AL, 4 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: 2 in each National Park), to be located on different substrates. Each one will be part of the F5 permanent monitoring plots dealing with grassland types (small quadrats). N° F1, F2 and F8 F6 According to PNP information, in Albania there is no scientific monitoring protocol running in subalpine and alpine meadows (grasslands). NPs have not specific programmes for that, at the moment. While dealing with forest monitoring, there is an existing forest monitoring plot in which the communal forest NGO monitors the annual increment at the parcel nr 126 at the “Gorica e Mbareshtruar economi”. A Dutch NGO (SNV) sponsors this monitoring (it is the third year of monitoring). 9.6. Organizations responsible for monitoring forest and terrestrial habitats 9.6.1. Justification It is suggested that monitoring will be carried out by the Institutions already in charge of natural habitats, forestlands, grasslands and land use planning for each country (Tables 9.10 / for all three countries and Tables 9.11-9.13 / breakdown by country and institutions). Page 170/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 9.10. Organizations proposed for monitoring forest and terrestrial habitats N° F1 MoE / Agency of Environment and Forestry (EFA) Ministry of Environment Physical Planning and Public Works (MEPPPW) - - Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MoEPP) - Prespa NP SPP & PNFMB GNP & PNP Ministry of Environment Physical Planning and Public Works (MEPPPW) Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Proposed operators Coordination Scientific support Local partner/field operator Albania Coordination MoEFWA: Directorate of Protected Areas Scientific support Faculty of Natural Sciences TEI & EKBY Faculty of Sciences (Skopje) Local partner/field operator Prespa NP PNFMB GNP & PNP MoEFWA: Directorate of Protected Areas - Forest Directorate of Florina - - PNP PNFMB PNP & GNP MoEFWA / Forest Service Directorate Forest Directorate of Florina MoAFW/ Directorate of Forests Technical support Directorate of Protected areas SPP Forestry Public Enterprises (Makedonski Forests) Local partner/field operator PNP PNFMB PNP & GNP Faculty of Forestry Sciences (Tirana) Forest Directorate of Florina Scientific & technical support Albanian Forestry Expert Association Forest Research Institution: EKBY - TEI Faculty of Sciences Forestry Public Enterprises (Makedonski Forests) Local partner/field operator PNP SPP & PNFMB PNP & GNP Faculty of Natural Sciences - PNFMB University (?) EKBY (?) Faculty of Sciences (Skopje) - PNP PNFMB / TEI PNP & GNP F2 F3 Coordination Scientific support Local partner/field operator Coordination F4 Coordination F5 F6 Greece Coordination Scientific support Local partner/field operator MoAFW / Directorate of Forests Faculty of Forestry (Skopje) Page 171/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Coordination MoEFWA: Forest Service Directorate F7 Scientific support Local partner/field operator Forestry Public Enterprises (Makedonski Forests) Faculty of Forestry (Skopje) PNFMB / Forest Directorate of Florina PNP & GNP MoE / Agency of Environment and Forestry (EFA) Ministry of Environment Physical Planning and Public Works (MEPPPW) Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MoEPP) Scientific support Faculty of Forestry Sciences (Tirana) TEI Faculty of Forestry (Skopje) Local partner/field operator PNP SPP & PNFMB PNP & GNP Coordination F8 Faculty of Forestry Sciences (Tirana) PNP / Albanian Forestry Expert Association Forest Directorate of Florina Forest Research Institution Forest Research Institution: EKBY - TEI Table 9.11. Organizations proposed for monitoring forests and terrestrial habitats in Albania Institutions In charge of MoEFWA: Directorate of Protected Areas Emerald sites MoEFWA: Forest Service Directorate Relevant involvement for indicator monitoring F2 F3 Forest management planning F4 F7 Agency of Environment and Forestry (EFA) Forest plots monitoring (?) monitoring endangered species F1 F5 Prespa National Park (PNP) Starting with a monitoring system (?) All indicators in field + F5, F6, F7 Faculty of Forestry Sciences / University of Agriculture (Tirana) Forestry research F5, F7, F8 Faculty of Natural Sciences (?) Ecological studies F2, F5, F6 MoEFWA = Ministry of Environment, Forest and Water Administration Note: “Relevant involvement for indicator monitoring” means that the designated institution might be involved in the indicator monitoring regarding its field of expertise and ability (issue clarified and amended before and during the workshops). Page 172/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 9.12. Organizations proposed for monitoring forests and terrestrial habitats in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Institutions In charge of Relevant involvement for indicator monitoring Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Emerald sites F1, F2 Forest management planning, forest statistics F3, F4 Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Water Resources (MoAFW) Directorate of Forests Galicica National Park (GNP) & Pelister National Park(PNP) Forestry Public Enterprises (Makedonski Forests) Existing monitoring protocol for natural habitats (?) Forest management and inventory outside NP All indicators in field + F5, F6, F7 F4, F5, F7 Faculty of Forestry (Skopje) F5, F7, F8 Faculty of Sciences (Skopje) F2, F5, F6 Table 9.13. Organizations proposed for monitoring forests and terrestrial habitats in Greece In charge of Relevant involvement for indicator monitoring Ministry of Environment Physical Planning and Public Works (MEPPPW) Land use and Natura 2000 sites F1, F2, F8 Ministry of Agriculture Development and Food / PSCWM Grasslands management, diseases, pests F6, F8 (?) Prespa monitoring F1, F2 Prespa National Forest Management Body (PNFMB) Biodiversity monitoring All indicators in field + F2, F3, F6, F8 Forest Directorate of Florina Forest management F3, F4, F5, F7 Natural habitats & grasslands monitoring F2, F5, F6, F7, F8 (?) Institutions SPP University / EKBY - TEI Faculty / Forest Research Institution F5, F7 PSCWM = Planning Service of Central and Western Macedonia Page 173/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 9.6.2. Staff (technical, scientific) and organizational requirements All the FTH monitoring system could be run by the national scientific institutional as well as the National Parks. However, it is highly recommended to identify one coordinating institution at national level for each country and for each thematic task. Then several national teams could be established to be involved in the different monitoring protocols and indicators. The proposed scheme is the following: Coordinating institution: Ministry of Environment (or Agency) Institutions in charge of land use and vegetation cover change (for F1, F2, part of F6 and F8): Ministry of Environment (or Agriculture) + other partners as NP (and see Land use proposal). Institutions in charge of the FTH permanents plots network around the Prespa basin (for F5, F6, F7): the National Parks representatives and forestry services that will form a joint-team comprising representative from each relevant institution of the 3 countries. Institutions in charge quality/composition of measurement the (for FTH F2, temporary F6): research plots for institutions, faculty/university; Ministry of Agriculture, etc. In-field training will be the best way of strengthening capacity for each operating institution at the same level of knowledge and understanding. It is proposed that the “Forest and Terrestrial Habitats monitoring team” (for permanent sampling plots monitoring) will be a joint-team comprising representatives from each relevant institution of the 3 countries (including staff from scientific institution and staff from operating institution as NP). That means all field missions (for in-field data recording), wherever the field control will be, will be done by the transboundary FTH team each five years. This FTH Transboundary monitoring Team might encompass: - for Albania: Prespa National Park forest service + a representative of Forest Expert Association + Forest Service of Korça; - for Greece: PNFMB + Forest Directorate of Florina; - for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: GNP + PNP + Public Forest Enterprise representative. 9.6.3. Existing sources of funding Some forest indicators are supposed to be monitored on a regular basis by the Forest Services through forest inventories/surveys needed for forest management plans, while Page 174/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park vegetation cover change is also a significant indicator supposed to be monitored by each Ministry of Environment. The KfW projects (Transboundary Prespa Park project, and Forestry sector support project) might be a complementary source of funding for Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, especially for the purchase of all forest inventory equipment (that might be not purchased under the GEF/UNDP project). 9.7. Budget Investments for purchase and installation of equipment have been covered in Chapter “9.4. Equipment”. The KfW projects (Transboundary Prespa Park project, and Forestry sector support project), seem to be still in the process (have not started yet). This means that part of the “forestry” equipment that could have been expected from this project in Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is still pending. Running costs are presented in Table 9.14. Maintenance and updating No real maintenance and updating is needed except on software (storage of image data), and permanents plots control in the field (very limited if plots are marked by hidden metal poles) Consumables Consumables are restricted to light equipment such as: tags, paint, replacement lines for measurer, string, flagging tape, record book, pencils etc. A lump sum of about 1000 €/year will be enough. Page 175/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 9.14. Consumables and running costs for the monitoring of FTH indicators Consumables/ Number Cost for one item running costs INDICATORS F1, F2, F8: Albania, Greece, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Transportation: 0,4 €/Km x 800Km One annual trip of 2 Per diem: days for each 12 to 18 days x 30 Travelling, lodging, national team to 60 €/day per diem including 1 night in Hotel hotel for 2-3 6 to 9 rooms x 15 persons to 45 €/night (1 night) Total per year, indicators F1, F2, F8: Total cost (€; per year) 320 € + 1080 € +405 € 1805 €/year INDICATORS F5, F7 & F6: Travelling, lodging, per diem 1 trip every 2 or 5 years of 6 days including 5 nights in hotel for 6 to 9 persons (transboundary team) 1 field trip for each national team for temporary plots Transportation: 0,4 €/km x 1500 km Perdiem: 55 man-days x 30 to 60 €/day Hotel 6 to 9 rooms x 15 to 45 €/night x 5 night Total per year, indicators F5, F6, F7: 600 € + 3300 € + 2025 € 5925 € every 5 years No running cost for F3, F4 and part of F7 (economical and forest statistics) Personnel fees (manpower) (Tables 9.15-9.16) For F1, F2 and F8: Human resources are needed for remote sensing (working desk) and then for field control (to visit ground-truthing sites and validate interpretation of mapping). As satellite images will be purchased for each year, field validation will also be needed each year (once or twice) but probably on a few ground truthing sites. By this way, about 12 to 18 man-days a year will be enough for the annual updating of the vegetation cover change. For F3 and F4: No real personnel is required because it is mainly documentation with official and technical document on protection sites and management plans with comparison with international standards. Page 176/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park For F5, F6 and F7: Field staff is required for monitoring permanents plots and temporary plots as well. It is assumed that for each country, 3 or 4 persons will be involved in field data collection (depending on existing monitoring programmes, surveys and inventories that are already carried out on regular basis). For permanents plots, 4 persons x 35/40 days, every 5 years For temporary plots (F2, F6): 3 persons x 20 days, every 2 years Page 177/381 Running costs (manpower/ personnel needs) Table 9.15. Costs per year when the monitoring is actually done Proposed indicator F1, F2 F1,F2 F3 F4 F5, F7 F6 F7 F8 Total METHOD remote sens field verif. doc. doc. p. plots p. plots temp plots doc. remote sens TIME PERIOD spring-summer spring-summer Sept-Oct Sept-Oct june-August june-August june-August Nov-Dec spring-summer GREECE Number of people involved 1 2 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 N days of fieldwork/ year 15 3 1 1 30 / 5years 15 / 5years 6 1 5 ALBANIA Cost per day Total cost Number per person of people involved 145 2175 1 145 870 2 300 300 1 300 300 1 145 2610 3 145 1305 3 145 1740 2 145 145 1 145 725 1 10170 N days of fieldwork / year 15 3 1 1 30 / 5years 15 / 5years 6 1 5 FYR of MACEDONIA Cost per day per person Total cost 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 750 300 60 60 1080 540 720 60 300 3870 Number of N days of people fieldwork / involved year 1 15 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 30/ 5years 3 15 / 5years 2 6 1 1 1 5 Cost per day Total cost per person 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 750 300 60 60 1080 540 720 60 300 3870 Table 9.16. Summary Budget Table N° Proposed indicators Equipment costs (€) GREECE ALBANIA FYR of MACEDONIA Staff cost Consumables/ Maintenance/ Total cost Staff cost Consumables/ Maintenance/ Total Staff cost Consumables Maintenance/ Total cost (per year) recurrent Updating (per (per year) (per year) recurrent Updating (per cost (per (per year) / recurrent Updating (per (per costs (per year) (G) costs (per year) year) costs (per year) year) year) year) (A) year) (M) F1, F2 F1,F2 F3 F4 F5, F7 F6 F7 F8 Total remote sens see land use field verif. see land use doc. 0 doc. 0 p. plots 21230 p. plots temp plots doc. 0 remote sens see land use 21230 2175 870 300 300 2610 1305 1740 145 725 10170 1200 see land use see land use 620 300 see land use 1820 3375 870 300 300 3530 1305 1740 145 725 12290 750 300 60 60 1080 540 720 60 300 3870 610 see land use see land use 355 300 see land use 965 1360 300 60 60 1735 540 720 60 300 5135 750 300 60 60 1080 540 720 60 300 3870 610 see land use see land use 355 300 see land use 965 1360 300 60 60 1735 540 720 60 300 5135 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 9.8. Proposal for Pilot application The following indicators will be testable from late 2009 until 2010 (that is during the first implementing year): - F1: vegetation cover change: if satellite images are available (see Land use group) - F2: identification / mapping of all natural habitats from Natura 2000 and Emerald network - F3/F4: to harmonize rationale on which technical document for FTH areas are to be considered as officially protected and managed in a sustainable way With the aim of preparing F5 to F7 indicator to be documented, it will need to start with defining typology (transboundary vegetation development types), making stratification for sampling and identifying monitoring stations network (permanents plots). First Equipment required for 2010: - Satellites images and software for interpretation: F1, F2, F8 (See Land use proposition) - GPS, distance measurers and metal stakes could be purchased during the first year so as to select vegetation stands for monitoring, to set up / determine plotbased spatial sampling and to locate monitoring stations (for F5 to F7). Training topics (if relevant for institutions‟ staff): - Remote sensing for F1, F2, F8 (See Land use proposition). - GPS utilization and setting up of permanent plots monitoring network with data management system (for F5 to F7). Data management (F1, F2, F8) Data collection from satellite image will be focused on setting up the starting status of Prespa basin for each indicator and parameters that could be monitored through remote sensing. All these information will come to a baseline databank as the starting point. Networking It is suggested to start networking with “FTH monitoring national teams” through one regional workshop including a round field trip in the three countries to share experiences of habitats monitoring and to develop a mutual understanding of a transboundary vegetation typology and protocol monitoring. This workshop might focus on methodological and technical aspects that are: Page 179/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park - The different protection status of natural habitats and landscape that could be compared from one country to another. - Status and content of forest management plans (according to international standard) and forest surveys (inventory) techniques and methodology. - Grazing areas (grasslands) management plans and monitoring system: management system and carrying capacity surveys. - Designing of permanent plots network and implementing it on the field. Other basic elements of the FTH monitoring system should also be discussed during this Transboundary workshop/tour as the following (for all 3 countries): • Identification of stress sources on the ground (map to be provided by Land-Use thematic group – ground verification to be done by this group) during the Pilot phase or in Year 1 (?). • Presentation of stress factors on the ground (and map) according to their degree of importance (e.g. causing degradation) in Year 1 or 2 (?). • Establishment of permanent plots on sites considered worth to be monitored (including degraded sites, sites in good/favourable condition, sites of special interest etc.) in Year 2 (?). On a basis of 10 persons for the FTH monitoring Transboundary team, and 4-5 days duration for this regional workshop (allowing to spend the minimum of span in each country), the total cost of this networking first step will be around 5,000€. Page 180/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 10. Fish and Fisheries Dr. Alain Crivelli, Tour du Valat 10.1. Introduction After the Lakes Skadar and Ohrid, the Lakes Macro Prespa and Lake Micro Prespa, actually forming one wetland, are the largest waterbodies of the Balkans. They belong to three countries; Albania, Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. They are of Tertiary origin and have only underground outlets. The lakes are at 850 metres above sea level amidst mountains rising to over 2500 m a.s.l. (Crivelli & Catsadorakis 1997). The region is internationally recognized as one of Europe‟s most ecologically important areas or biodiversity “hot spots” (Albrecht et al. 2008, Schultheiss et al. 2008), as well as an ecosystem of global significance on account of the concentration of many rare and important ecological values. The region hosts populations of numerous rare, relict, endemic, endangered or threatened species. The rate of endemism and subendemism among species in the region, which is partly due to the great habitat diversity concentrated in a small area, makes it unique and extremely important from a biodiversity conservation perspective at any scale, be that European or global. Prespa Lakes belong to the “Southeast Adriatic Drainages” freshwater ecoregion (Abell 2008). (For a brief description of the Prespa area, see also Chapter 3 in this study). Crivelli et al. (1997) published an overview on the fish and fisheries of Prespa lakes. Within this review most of the references dealing with fish and fisheries, easily available, have been mentioned in this publication. Since then, few work on fish and fisheries occurred: on the ecology of some species (Sinis & Petridis 1995, Crivelli et al. 1997, Crivelli & Lee 2000), on the taxonomy and phylogeny of two species (Cobitis meridionalis: Perdices & Doadrio 2001, Salmo peristericus: Apostolidis et al. 2008, Snoj et al. in press), on fish parasites (Stojanovski et al. 2006), on fisheries (Kokkinakis & Andreopoulou 2006) and on introduced species (Shumka et al. 2008). A species action plan on Salmo peristericus has just been published (Crivelli et al. 2008). Probably other unpublished data on fish and fisheries of Lake Macro Prespa do exist or are published in obscure journal not easy to get, and are therefore missing. In Table 10.1, we have listed all the fish species, both introduced and native, described as present in Prespa lakes catchment and their conservation status according to IUCN Red Page 181/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park list 2007 (, to Kottelat & Freyhof (2007) and to Crivelli & Nikolaou (2008). Eight species of fish are endemic to Lakes Prespa catchment and one is endemic to the Balkans. Seven of them are considered as vulnerable or threatened (endangered or critically endangered). Those nine endemic fish species should be the target of our fish monitoring scheme with the carp, the main commercial fish species. Page 182/381 Table 10.1. List of the fish species found in Prespa lakes and their conservation status (Crivelli & Nikolaou 2008). In bold letters, the fish species endemic to Lakes Prespa. No Species Origin Date of introduction IUCN Red List (with year of assessment) Kottelat & Freyhof (2007) Crivelli & Nikolaou (2008) 1 Alburnoides prespensis native not in the list VU D2 VU D2 2 Alburnus belvica native VU D2 (2006) VU D2 LC 3 Anguilla anguilla native CR A2bd+4bd (2008) CR A2bd +4bd CR A2bd +4bd 4 Barbus prespensis native VU D2 (2006) VU D2 LC* not in the list LC LC 5 Carassius gibelio Introduced 1970s 6 Chondrostoma prespense native VU D2 (2006) VU D2 VU D2 7 Cobitis meridionalis native VU D2 (2006) VU D2 VU D2 DD (1996) VU A2ce LC 8 Cyprinus carpio Introduced Roman time (?) 9 Ctenopharyngodon idella Introduced 1980s not in the list Alien no specimen caught anymore 10 Gambusia holbrooki Introduced 1995-1996 not in the list Alien no specimen caught anymore 11 Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Introduced 1980s not in the list Alien no specimen caught anymore 12 Lepomis gibbosus Introduced 1995-1996 not in the list Alien LC 13 Pelasgus prespensis native EN EN B1ab(iii,iv,v)+2ab(iii,iv,v) VU D2 B1ab(iii,iv,v)+2ab(iii,iv,v) (2006) 14 Pseudorasbora parva Introduced 1970s not in the list LC LC 15 Oncorhynchus mykiss Introduced 1970s not in the list Alien Few accidental specimen caught 16 Parabramis pekinensis Introduced 1970s not in the list Alien no specimen caught anymore 17 Rhodeus amarus Introduced (?) LC(2001) LC LC VU D2 (2006) VU D2 VU D2 DD (2001) DD no specimen caught anymore 18 Rutilus prespensis 19 Salmo letnica native Introduced 1950s 20 Salmo peristericus native EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii) EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii) EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii) 21 Squalius prespensis native LC (2006) VU D2 VU D2 22 Silurus glanis Introduced (?) LC (1996) LC LC 23 Tinca tinca Introduced 1980s LC (1996) LC LC * According to unpublished data (Markova et al. 2007). SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park For each species we will describe what we know about them and their trends (Crivelli & Nikolaou 2008). Alburnoides prespensis (Spirlin) This species is generally a riverine species, and is found rarely in lakes. It is endemic to Prespa lakes. It is a non-commercial species. In the long-term monitoring at Lake Micro Prespa, it showed strong decline in one station and stability in another station. In Lake Macro Prespa, in 2007 it showed the lowest figure since 1996. Consequently, it is a species of concern, a hypothesis about its “decline” is negative impact of introduced species such as Pseudorasbora parva and Lepomis gibbosus. Alburnus belvica (Prespa bleak) This species is the most abundant fish species with Rutilus prespensis in both Prespa lakes. It is endemic to Prespa lakes. It is a commercial species. It shows an increasing significant trend in Lake Micro Prespa and stability in Lake Macro Prespa. This results is amazing considering this species is one of the major prey of piscivorous water birds (Pelicans and cormorants; SPP and Crivelli, unpublished data) and is a also a target species of fishermen and local people. Thanks to its life-history strategy it can cope with such a high predation mortality. Anguilla anguilla (eel) This is a migratory species, reproducing in the Sargasse Sea in the Atlantic ocean. It migrated in the past from the sea to Drin River, then to Ohrid lake and Prespa lakes through underground connections between Ohrid lake and Macro Prespa. It is mentioned for the first time in Macro Prespa lake in the 1920s (Stankovitch, 1929). After the sixties, and the building of dams on Drin River, this migration was stopped. However, stocking of small eel occurred annually in Ohrid lake. Another connection for eel to reach Prespa lakes is through Devolli River in Albania thanks to the building of a canal between Devolli River and Lake Micro Prespa. It is still present in both lakes, and very large specimen for the species (up to 1.5 meter) can be found. However, this species is strongly declining in the whole Europe for many reasons, not all well understood. Barbus prespensis (Prespa barbel) This species is generally a riverine species, and is found rarely in lakes. It is endemic to Prespa lakes. It is a commercial species. In both Prespa lakes it showed recently a slight Page 185/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park decrease which led to the publication of an Action plan for the species in the Greek part of Macro Prespa (Catsadorakis et al., 1996). SPP has successfully implemented these last years a wardening of the Aghios Germanos river to avoid poaching of Prespa barbel when they enter the river for spawning (Crivelli et al., 1996), and then reducing the mortality of adult and enhancing the reproduction. Recent work (Markova et al., 2007) has showed that this species is not restricted to Prespa lakes, but it is also widely spread in the southern part of Albania, explaining the change of its status in the Red list. Carassius gibelio (Goldfish) It is an introduced species from Asia introduced in the 1970s. It is common in both Prespa lakes, more numerous in Micro Prespa than Macro Prespa. It is a commercial species, however, it is much less appreciated by locals than carp. This species is peculiar, it is composes mainly of females (< 10% males) and it reproduces by gynogenesis, an asexual reproduction mode, stimulated by sperm from related species. It is an important prey of piscivorous water birds, especially in April. Chondrostoma prespense (Prespa nase) This species is generally a riverine species, and is found very rarely in lakes. It is endemic to Prespa lakes. It is a commercial species. Its trend in Micro Prespa is stable, and possibly declining in Macro Prespa (fishermen pers. comm). It reproduces on gravel along the coast of Micro Prespa. In Macro Prespa, it spawns on the coast, but it also enters at night the permanent rivers for spawning, starting late April to late May when the water temperature in the stream is 6 to 12° C (Crivelli et al., 1997). Consequently, it is a species of concern, a hypothesis about its “decline” is an overexploitation by fishermen and by poaching during the spawning migration in rivers. Cobitis meridionalis (Prespa loach) It is endemic to Prespa lakes. It is a small species (max 130 mm) non commercial. In both Prespa lakes, it seems to do well, maintaining its number. Its life span is no longer than one year, dying shortly after the reproduction (Crivelli & Lee, 2000). Cyprinus carpio (Carp) It is an introduced species, probably introduced at Roman times. It is the most important commercial species. It is a long-lived species, however due to overexploitation, the very large specimen caught formerly have disappeared. The fishing pressure on this species is Page 186/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park very high, threatening it. Poaching during the reproduction is also very high. Males can be mature at 3 years old with a length > 220 mm and the females at 4 years old with a length > 280 mm. Its threatened status given by Kottelat & Freyhof (2007) does not concern the Prespa population, because this population has been genetically polluted by numerous stocking of carp fry (the latest, in 2008) since a long time. Ctenopharyngodon idella (Grass carp) The grass carp is an introduced species from Asia with a commercial value. Since it was introduced in the 1980s, and because it does not reproduce in Prespa lakes, today it is not caught anymore. Gambusia holbrooki (Mosquito fish) The mosquitofish, an introduced species from North America has been mentioned by E. de Vries and F. Willems in 1995-1996 during their work on Pygmy cormorants (Willems and de Vries, 1998), however it has not been seen since then. Probably it did not tolerate the very cold water temperature in winter in Prespa lakes, and disappear. Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Silver carp) The silver carp is an introduced species from Asia with a commercial value. Since it was introduced in the 1980s, and because it does not reproduce in Prespa lakes, today it is not caught anymore. Lepomis gibbosus (Pumpkinseed) It is an introduced species from North America, introduced recently in the mid-1990s. Since then it has increased in both Prespa lakes. It is not a commercial species. It is quite likely that this species will increase a lot in the future years. Pelasgus prespensis (Prespa minnow) It is endemic to Prespa lakes. It is not a commercial species. This small species (<7-8 cm) is considered as endangered, however, it is quite numerous and we believe it should be considered as vulnerable, because there is no serious, reliable evidence of any decline. Pseudorasbora parva (False Harlequin) It is an introduced species from Asia, with no commercial value. This species is annual, living rarely two years (Rosecchi et al., 1993). It suspected to have a negative impact on Page 187/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park native species (e.g. Alburnoides prespensis), however this remains a hypothesis which need to be tested. It is much more numerous in Micro Prespa than in Macro Prespa. In the years 2000s it has increased significantly in Micro Prespa. Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout) An introduced salmonid from North America. It does not reproduce in the area of Prespa. All the individuals found in Prespa lakes are escaped from a fish farm located north of Resen. Parabramis pekinensis (Amur carp) The Amur carp is an introduced species from the Amur River in Asia. Since it was introduced in the 1970s, and because it does not reproduce in Prespa lakes, today it is not caught anymore. Rhodeus amarus (Bitterling) It is an introduced species from Europe. It is not a commercial species. It is present only in Lake Macro Prespa, and absent in Micro Prespa. It is not very abundant for the moment. Rutilus prespensis (Prespa roach) This species is the most abundant fish species with Alburnus belvica in both Prespa lakes. It is an endemic species to Prespa lakes. It is not a commercial species. It is more numerous in Micro Prespa than in Macro Prespa. Its trend is increasing in both Prespa lakes. It reproduces only in the lake, along the coast with submerged vegetation. It is a prey of water birds, especially in April. Salmo letnica (Ohrid trout) It is an introduced salmonid species from Lake Ohrid. More than 700,000 fry of this species have been introduced between 1951-1954 into Lake Macro Prespa (Hadzisce, 1985). However, because those fish did not reproduce, they have disappeared and no specimen is caught anymore. Salmo peristericus (Prespa trout) It is endemic species to the Lake Macro Prespa basin. It is found today only rarely within Macro Prespa as well as in the past (Stankovitch, 1929). This salmonid leaves exclusively Page 188/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park in four streams: Aghios Germanos, Brajcisnka, Ranska and Leva Reka. An Action plan has just been published on this species in order to ensure its long term viability (Crivelli et al., 2008). Its present trend is stable, however in some streams the population are small and then potentially in danger of extinction, explaining why its status is endangered. Poaching is also a regular problem. Water extraction has also diminished its geographic distribution area. Recently, the Pelister National Park (FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC of Macedonia) has been extended in order to cover part of the distribution of this species. Squalius prespensis (Prespa chub) It is a riverine species, living rarely in lakes. It is an endemic species to Prespa lakes. It is a commercial species. It is not common in Macro Prespa, but it is common in Micro Prespa. In the latter its trend is stable. Silurus glanis (wels catfish) It is an introduced species from the Danubian basin in Europe. It is in Macro Prespa at least since the early 20th century (Athanassopoulos, 1922, Vafiadis, 1940), and seems to be rare today. It is absent from Micro Prespa. Stankovitch (1929) does not mention this species as present in Macro Prespa. Kapedani & Gambeta (1997) considered that this species was introduced since 1986, however, Shumka et al. (2008) believed that it was introduced since 1991. Curiously, a fisherman from Psarades caught in autumn 1992 two small Silurus at Macro Prespa (G. Catsadorakis, pers. comm.). Further study needs to be undertaken to confirm if it has really be introduced by man. It is a long-lived species which can reach more than 2 meters and a weight more of 100 kg. According to a fisherman, two years ago a specimen of 37 kg was caught in deep waters of Macro Prespa. Tinca tinca (Tench) It is an introduced species from Europe. It has been introduced probably from Lake Kastoria illegally. It is rare in Macro Prespa and rare in Micro Prespa. Its trend in Micro Prespa up to now is stable. In summary, today we can find in Prespa lakes catchment 18 species, among them 8 endemic to Lakes Prespa catchment, one endemic to the Adriatic basin, one European species and 8 introduced species. Page 189/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 10.1.1. Analysis of existing monitoring programmes Lake Micro Prespa The fish monitoring done up to now in Micro Prespa (Crivelli et al. 1997, SPP and A.J. Crivelli unpublished data) is not following the rules of the Swedish protocol simply because the lack of funds, time and even more important the lack of manpower, which is explaining that some years no data are available. However, this fish monitoring gives nevertheless reliable rough estimates of relative abundance for the main fish species of the Micro Prespa lake fish community, of overall species richness (Table 10.2) and of the structure of fish populations. But it has some limitations: the relative abundance of smallest fish species (Pseudorasbora, Cobitis meridionalis, Pelasgus prespensis), and of the eel, Anguilla anguilla are not correctly sampled within the frame of this fish monitoring. Adding fyke nets (or 4 to 8 minnow traps) to the protocol will solve the problem of the smallest fish species. We have decided to sample during the spawning season in the littoral zone at two fixed stations in Micro Prespa, because all the fish spawn in the littoral zone at different time of the spring in Micro Prespa Lake. It is important to sample from late April to late June (Table 10.3), because the timing of spawning is different between species, for example sampling only in June, you will have few chance to have a reliable estimates of Chondrostoma prespense which spawns during six weeks from late March to early May within the lake (Crivelli et al. 1997). In addition, we have put one pelagic net in order to sample this part of the lake and assess abundance there in relation with water birds foraging. Page 190/381 Table 10.2. Fish diversity using multi-mesh size gillnet (10 to 60 mm mesh sizes) and sampling three months (April-May-June) at two different stations in Micro Prespa (SPP and Crivelli, unpublished data). In bold letters the endemic fish species. Fish species 1984 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1996 1997 1998 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Alburnoides prespensis + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Alburnus belvica + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Barbus prespensis + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + - Carassius gibelio - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Cobitis meridionalis + + + + - - - - - - - - - + - - - - Cyprinus carpio - + + - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Lepomis gibbosus - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + Pelasgus prespensis + + + - - + - + + + - + + - - - - - Pseudorasbora parva + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Rutilus prespensis + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Squalius prespensis + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Tinca tinca - - + + + + + + + + + + - + + + + + 9 11 12 10 10 11 10 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 10 11 11 10 Chondrostoma prespense Total Out of 18 years sampled, five endemic species (yellow: chub, bleak, spirlin, nase and roach) have been present in our catches at 100%. One endemic (Barbel) was caught at 88.9%. The remaining two endemic, Prespa loach and Prespa minnow, that are small species were caught at 27.8% and 50% respectively. This is showing well that fyke nets should be added to gillnets in order to have a correct picture of those two small species. SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 10.3. Fish diversity (presence-absence) using multi-mesh size gillnet (10 to 60 mm mesh sizes) only one month in comparison with using them three months (AprilMay-June in blue). In bold letters the endemic fish species. 1999Fish species 1996* 1997* 1998* 2007* 2008** 2008* 2006 Alburnoides prespensis Alburnus belvica Barbus prespensis + + + No sampling + + + + + + No sampling + + + + + + - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - + + + - Cyprinus carpio + - - + + + Lepomis gibbosus + - + + - + - - - + - - + - + - - - Rhodeus amarus - - + - - - Rutilus prespensis + + + + + + Carassius gibelio Chondrostoma prespense Cobitis meridionalis Pelasgus prespensis Pseudorasbora parva No sampling No sampling No sampling No sampling No sampling No sampling No sampling No sampling No sampling No sampling mean CV (%) Total 8 (11) 4 (8) 8 (10) 7 (10) 5 5 (12) * Sampling in the Greek part of Macro Prespa last day of May (28-31) (Unpublished data: SPP & A.J. Crivelli) ** Sampling in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia part of Macro Prespa early June for the Ezerani Nature Project (UNEP; Crivelli & Nikolaou, 2008) y = -29,898Ln(x) + 36,999 R2 = 0,7082 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 P<0,01 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 Mean Log (CPUE+1) Figure 10.1. Relationship between CPUE of the different fish species and their coefficient of variation. Pink square are data for Macro Prespa and blue circles are data for Micro Prespa. Page 192/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park The results obtained up to now in the Micro Prespa Lake are showing that: 1/ This methodology allows reliable relative abundance of the main fish species with a mean annual coefficient of variation less than 50% (Figure 10.1) which is acceptable for detecting shifts in population abundance over time (Bohlin et al. 1990, Cowx et al. 2009). Only four species, Pseudorasbora, Prespa barbel, tench and Goldfish show a mean annual coefficient of variation > 50%, probably because they are very rare or because it is a too small species (Pseudorasbora). Even, when we pool both fishing station, it does not improve the values of the coefficient, in the contrary for the three species concerned it increased! Consequently, for the latter any trend will have to be taken cautiously. 2/ Species richness is correctly assessed for all species using this methodology with the exception of two small species as shown by Table 10.2. 3/ Population structure, thanks to fish size distribution is correctly assessed for the majority of the species. Only for rare species, we might have not enough individuals caught in order to assess their population structure. Those length distribution could be changes in age structure distribution using age estimation already done (Rosecchi et al. 1993, Sinis & Petrides 1995, Crivelli et al. 1997, Crivelli & Lee 2000, and Crivelli unpublished data). In conclusion, by adding fyke nets (or minnow traps) to this protocol, we will be able to monitor correctly all the fish species endemic to the Micro Prespa lake catchment and the carp, the main fish target of the fishery. The case of Macro Prespa The Macro Prespa is larger and less productive than Micro Prespa with the results in general of lower densities of fish. Our scattered sampling (only two periods, Table 10.3: 1996-1998 and 2007-2008) with gillnet in one fixed station in the Greek part of Macro Prespa, using the same procedure as in Micro Prespa gave results confirming that fish are more rare in Macro than in Micro Prespa with the consequence of much higher annual coefficient of variation than required for detecting shifts in population abundance over time (Figure 10.1). Only the two most abundant species, Prespa bleak and Prespa roach show mean coefficient of variation lower than 50%. As observed for Micro Prespa, it is doubtful by multiplying fishing stations we reach a coefficient of variation less than 50%. Page 193/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park We will therefore propose that the gillnet and fyke net sampling is done like in Micro Prespa, in three stations located on the coast from end April to end of June: one in Albania, one in Greece and one in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. This will allow correct assessment of abundance for small species and Prespa bleak and roach. In order to get a reliable assessment of two important endemic species: Prespa barbel and Prespa nase, we will suggest to undertake a every two weeks monitoring using electrofishing in May and June in the four rivers of Macro Prespa (Aghios Germanos river, Brajcinska, Kranska, and Goluma rivers). This will give us good abundance estimations and this activity will also be a positive point against poaching taken place in those rivers. For carp, we can use gillnet sampling, but we will calculate the abundance of it using only data from May and June, April being too cold and always without carp. Doing so, we will reduce the coefficient of variation around 50% and have a reliable abundance estimate. For the other species such as Prespa chub, goldfish, Tench, Pumpkinseed, Silurus glanis and eels that are too rare, any trend will have to be taken cautiously. The Prespa trout All information on Prespa Trout are available in the Prespa trout Action Plan (Crivelli et al. 2008). Since four years, SPP is funding a five years trout study in collaboration with BIOECO in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. One of the goals of this study is to set a monitoring protocol for the Prespa trout. In Table 10.4 can be found the results of this monitoring from 2005 to 2008. The methodology used is a standard one for trout in small stream: we determined numbers and densities of trout in several fixed sites of the stream by applying the two-catch removal Zippin method (Zippin 1958, Van Deventer and Platts 1989) with electrofishing techniques. Each site is ca 100 m long. We presently assess densities of Prespa trout in 12 stations in Aghios Germanos stream (Greece), and in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in 11 stations in Brajcinska basin, 6 stations in Kranska basin and 3 stations in Leva Reka basin. The number of sites investigated will be reduced in the future for a proposal of a long-term monitoring Prespa trout. Page 194/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 10.4. Densities of Prespa trout in the Macro Prespa catchment (SPP, BIOECO and A.J. Crivelli unpublished data) Years (number of stations) Surface Sampled (m2) Length sampled (m) Mean N trout >1+/ha Mean N trout > 1+/100m of stream 2006 (2) 2007 (4) 2008 (4) 858 1468 1468 205 405 405 664 660 858 28 24 31 Baltanska 2006 (1) 2007 (2) 2008 (2) 220 474 474 100 210 210 136 42 675 3 1 15 Rzanska 2007 (2) 2008 (2) 455 455 200 200 1121 1297 26 30 Drmisar 2007 (2) 2008 (2) 490 490 210 210 878 694 20 16 Kriva Kobila 2007 (1) 2008 (2) 263 565 105 217 1709 1007 43 26 2006 (1) 2007 (4) 289 1298 98 408 519 593 15 19 2008 (4) 1298 408 778 25 Upper Kranska 2007 (1) 287 100 174 5 Srbino 2007 (1) 268 113 485 12 2007 (2) 431 200 186 4 2008 (2) 431 200 162 3 1998 (2) 680 200 530 18 2000 (2) 538 200 167 5 2005 (2) 538 200 130 4 2006 (2) 538 200 205 6 2007 (2) 538 200 74 2 2008 (2) 538 200 576 16 1998 (8) 2920 813 1009 36 2000 (8) 2476 813 343 10 2005 (8) 2476 813 391 12 2006 (8) 2476 813 966 29 2007 (8) 2476 813 452 14 2008 (8) 2476 813 929 28 Site and stations Brajcinska basin Main river Kranska basin Main river Leva Reka Sredna Aghios Germanos basin Left arm Right arm Page 195/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park All these observed densities are low in comparison with Brown trout ones (>5000 ind./ha), but they are similar than those observed in Slovenia for Marble trout. However, observed densities lower than 200 ind./ha are quite low, and viability of those populations remains an issue. For some streams (e.g. Baltanska, Sredna) the habitat can explain those low densities, among the factors involved the low flow in summer and the absence of large pools. For other streams poaching and/or angling could be the responsible factor. More years are needed before we can draw definite conclusions, considering that trout populations fluctuate widely from a year to another. The data obtained on Aghios Germanos stream are showing well why it is needed to sample on a long term basis before drawing any conclusion on the conservation status of a species. The methodology applied here has no bias, is relevant and only the number of sites investigated for the long term monitoring needs to be chosen. In conclusion, gillnet and fyke net monitoring, and electrofishing in the four rivers, we will be able to monitor correctly all the fish species endemic to the Macro Prespa lake catchment and the carp, the main fish target of the fishery. The fishery statistics Today, there is no fishery statistics in Greece since 1990, there are fishery statistics in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia from 1946 to 2007 and in Albania (data still not available), but data are not complete and an assessment of those for their reliability has never been undertaken. Albania Kapedani & Gambetta (1997) give fishery statistics for Macro Prespa (Table 10.5). After 1970, they used light for fishing explaining the increase of catches of bleak. The drop of the total catch is attributed to the decline of water level of Macro Prespa reducing spawning areas. Another reason of the drop of catches is a diminished demand for bleak after the political change that occurred early 1990s. Curiously, those authors mentioned since 1986 Silurus glanis and Red Piranha, Serrasalmus nattereri (Cypriniformes, Serrasalmidae, from South America) as predator introduced species. Shumka et al. (2008) do not mention the second species as introduced in Albania, and consider that Silurus glanis has been introduced in 1991. Page 196/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 10.5. Fishery statistics for the Albanian part of Macro Prespa (Kapedani & Gambetta 1997). Carp (%) Nase (%) Bleak (%) Total catch (Kv) Yield (Kg/ha)** 1954-1960 20 13 67 1500 3 1960-1970 13 5 82 3700 9 1971-1975 3 6 91 18072 90 1976-1980 0.5 4 95.5 25989 129 1981-1985 0.5 3 96.5 22415 112 1986-1990 4 5 91 12177 60 1991-1995 5 8 87 6933 34 Years * In the original paper the data are given as kv, (*100= kg). ** for the yield, we have concerns about the data. For Micro Prespa, they give a figure of the total catches (Figure 10.2), and argue that the decline observed is due to Devolli diversion filling up with sediment the Albanian part of the Micro Prespa. Figure 10.2. Total fish catches (kv * 100 = kg) in the Albanian part of Micro Prespa for the time period between 1948 and 1995 (Kapedani & Gambetta 1997). Some years ago, we got fishing data for the Albanian part of Micro and Macro Prespa for years 1987, 1989 and 1990; they are compiled in Table 10.6. Page 197/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 10.6. Fish catches for the Albanian part of Micro and Macro Prespa in kg per year, for three years. Species 1987 1989 1990 Cyprinus carpio 1700 8065 1568 Squalius prespensis and Chondrostoma prespense 7800 15411 7351 Alburnus belvica 237200 210314 13 Carassius auratus 0 702 26 246700 234518 8958 63.6 60.4 2.3 Cyprinus carpio 1000 7200 6028 Anguilla anguilla 0 600 315 Squalius prespensis and Chondrostoma prespense 6700 5300 1854 Alburnus belvica 4100 19200 1434 Total 11800 32300 9631 23.6 64.6 19.3 Macro Prespa Total Yield (Kg/ha) Micro Prespa Yield (kg/ha) Laçi & Panariti (2004) mentioned 35 licensed fishermen for Macro Prespa and many other fishing without license. The target fish species are carp, Prespa bleak, nase and chub, they wrote also that no fishing data are recorded, however they believe that there is general decline of fish since 1986. Grazhdani (2008) calculated the income from the fishery of the Albanian part of both lakes together. She considered that there were ca 50 licensed fishermen and 50 not licensed. Fishing contributes to 140,000€ per years (50* 2800€), which is much less than firewood production and livestock breeding, but more than tourism and honey production. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Below is a summary on the organization of fishing by BIOECO (2007): “The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy (MoAFWE), manages fishing according to the Law on Fisheries (1993). The MoAFWE granted a five-year concession for Macro Prespa Lake to the Fishing Company "Ribomak" from Resen, in October 2003 through a public biding process. The concession covers Macro Prespa Lake and the three Page 198/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park rivers: Brajcinska Reka River, Golema Reka River and Kranska Reka River. This concession provides limited parameters for fishing restrictions (i.e., quantity, species, and seasons). No authority monitors the fishery for purposes of establishing these parameters and no management planning occurs. The concession gives to "Ribomak" exclusive rights and responsibilities to issue fishing licenses and to enforce fishing regulations and fishing bans as required. The concession also gives to "Ribomak" (which does not actually catch fish itself) a dominant position to purchase fish from individual fishermen. "Ribomak" buys fish in each village and re-sells the fish as quickly as possible to buyers. This concession creates a conflict of interest between the responsibility for scientific-based fishery management on one hand and the need to make a profit from the fishery on the other hand. In addition, "Ribomak" does not control fish harvest in terms of numbers or volume of fish extracted from the Lake and the rivers. Their main concern is how to re-stock the lake in order to maintain the volume of fish taken from the lake. There are no water quality monitoring or fish population surveys or even accurate record keeping of actual fish catch by species. The first impression of the rough analysis concerning the former and the current annual yield shows that, the current exploitation of fish is over the principles of sustainable development (see Table 12). Furthermore, the yield of certain species is not in accordance of the productivity of the plankton and benthic community. The local office of the MoAFWE in Resen is responsible for oversight of Ribomak. However, there are several constraints concerning this issue: Capacity limitations and conflict of interest. The MoAFWE local office in Resen is understaffed and under-equipped, with only two employees responsible for agriculture, forestry and water management and no vehicle. The MoAFWE office does not have capacity to enforce effectively the Law on Fishery, and fishermen are not involved in a proactive way to manage what is essentially their fishery on a sustainable basis. Absence of reliable information. It is a barrier preventing effective management and oversight. For example: 1) there is no clear information on the number of fishermen harvesting fish from the lake. The number of fishing licenses sold represents only a small proportion of the actual number of fishermen that are operating in the Lake. For example, in 2004, "Ribomak" have sold 60 six-month fishing licenses, indicating that 60 fishermen purchased licenses for Macro Prespa; 2) MoAFWE staff do not have capacity to monitor the catch themselves and do not have independently verified catch figures. Page 199/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Inappropriate delegation of enforcement authority. Under the current fishery management policy, it is not the job of MoAFWE staff to enforce the Law on Fisheries. That is obligation of "Ribomak", whose concession encompasses the Lake itself and the rivers which flows into the Lake. As Ribomak‟s main interest is the lake fishery, enforcement of fishing laws on the rivers, does not exist. Currently, unmanaged, unmonitored fishing is present on the Brajcinska, Kranska and Leva Reka Rivers where the endemic trout (Salmo peristericus) is present. Disincentive to report fish yield accurately. The fee that "Ribomak" pays to the government is based on the quantities of fish caught during a certain period of time (10% of the price paid to Ribomak for its catch). So it is in the interest of the concessionaire to under-report the fish catch. For example, if certain fishermen catch 100 kg of carp and the price is 250 denars/kg (= 4 Euros), than the concessionaire will have to pay 10% = 2,500 denars. But if they report only 10 kg of carp they will have to pay only 250 denars.” These last years, Ribomak had issued 60 licenses for fishing, however many other people also fish. In 2008, fishing was totally banned, because the decision to allocate a new concession for fishing was postponed. During our work on fish of the Ezerani Nature Reserve (Crivelli & Nikolaou 2008) we have observed a lot of illegal fishing within the lake 13 11 9 7 5 3 yield (kg/ha) 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 -1 19 46 19 50 19 55 19 61 19 65 19 69 19 73 19 77 19 81 19 85 19 92 19 96 20 00 20 05 Total fish catches/year (tonnes) and also in rivers, for example, Golema River. Figure 10.3. Productivity in tonnes (blue) and yield (pink, kg/ha) of Lake Macro Prespa in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Source: Z. Djurovski, pers. comm.). Stankovich (1929) mentioned a mean productivity for Macro Prespa of 48.947 tons of fish in the early twenties (1922-1925). The decline of the catches is significant (r2 = 0.6545; P <0.01). However, not knowing the fishing effort, such data remain difficult to interpret. Page 200/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park The yield observed (Figure 10.3) is more or less in accordance with what you can expect from an oligotrophic lake. The relative abundance of the species in the catches is presented in Figure 10.4. 100% other Rutilus 80% Alburnus 60% 40% Chondrostoma 20% Cyprinus 2006 2002 1999 1996 1993 1990 1984 1981 1978 1975 1972 1969 1966 1963 1960 1955 1951 1948 0% Figure 10.4. Percentage composition of commercial catches from the Former Yugoslav Republic of part of Macro Prespa (Source: Z. Djurovski, pers. comm.). Greece All the available data for the fishery statistics of the Greek part of Macro and Micro Prespa are presented in Figures 10.5 to 10.7. The observed fishery decline is believed to be mainly the result of overfishing (Crivelli 1990), increased eutrophication, the introduction of exotic fish species, the introduction of nylon nets and outboard engines, to an increased fishing effort, to a change in the socio-economic demand of some fish species and also to the lack of fishing regulations implementations (Crivelli 1992). Overfishing and destruction of reproduction areas are considered to be the main factors explaining the decline of the fisheries of the Macro and Micro Prespa Lake in Greece (Kokkinakis & Andreopoulou 2006). To be noted, short-lived fish (2-4 years) species (e.g. Alburnus) can tolerate to be predated by man and others (birds, etc.) at a high level, however fish species that are long-lived ( >6-7 years) cannot tolerate high rate of predation by man and/or other (birds, otters, etc.) (see Crivelli 1992). Page 201/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Product ivit y ( t onnes) 600 Nat ional Park Nylon St at us net s (19701975) 500 400 300 Mikri Megali 200 100 88 19 85 19 82 76 79 19 19 19 73 19 70 19 67 19 19 64 0 Figure 10.5. Productivity (tonnes) of the Greek part of Macro (Megali) and Micro (Mikri) Prespa (from Crivelli et al. 1997. 120 100 Kg/ha 80 60 40 20 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Figure 10.6. Annual yield (Kg/ha) of the Greek part of Macro (Megali) and Micro (Mikri) Prespa. Fotis et al. (1992), in a study on fishery potential of lakes in Greece, using morphometrical features and water quality, considered the yield of the Greek part of Macro et Micro Prespa as low and high respectively. Page 202/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Mikri Prespa Carassius 100% 80% Alburnus 60% 40% Cyprinid 20% 0% 89 19 87 19 85 19 83 19 81 19 79 19 77 19 75 19 19 73 Cyprinus Megali Prespa 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 89 19 87 19 85 19 83 19 81 19 79 19 77 19 75 19 19 73 0% Figure 10.7. Percentage composition of commercial catches from the Greek part of Macro Prespa and Micro Prespa. Conclusions Fishery statistics are a useful tool to monitor fishery activity and in a certain extent some fish species abundance (e.g. the targeted fish species in Prespa: carp). However, the fishery statistics can be useful and efficient, only if the following conditions are fulfilled: (a) clear fishing regulations common to the three countries should exist; (b) the statistics should be as much as possible reliable and poaching (illegal fishing) should be reduced at strict minimum; (c) the fishing effort is documented: the minimum data needed being the Page 203/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park number of licensed fishermen, but better an estimation of the number of nets set per month; (d) a strong implementation of fishing regulations (the existing ones or new ones) with fines and confiscated fishing material including boat if needed. Considering that it might be difficult to fulfill all those requirements immediately, a light transboundary monitoring of fishery activities should therefore start by collecting data for indicators 6 and 7. However, in the future, a trilateral body for fishery in Prespa Lakes should be created being responsible for the transboundary management of the fishery. It will be responsible to issue the fishing licenses, to write new fishing regulations and to implement those new fishing regulations thanks to special fishing wardens. The objectives of this trilateral body for fishery in Prespa Lakes will be responsible to negotiate with the three states in order to get a permanent transboundary management of the fishery (evaluated every five years) implying: 1/ a common legal status for professional fishermen (part time fishermen or inhabitants fishing with nets should be banned); 2/ a common license should be issued with regulations and duties for the fishermen. A maximum number of licenses (to be determined) will be set; 3/ all fishermen will fish with the same fishing devices (length and mesh size and type of nets and maximum number nets used determined). Each fisherman will set nets with boys numbered (those will belong to the Trilateral body); 4/ a close fishing season will be set from 15th of April to 15th of June; 5/ some parts of the lakes should be banned for fishing, for example in Macro Prespa, the zone close to the delta of the four rivers should be a no fishing zone; 6/ boat used by licensed fishermen should be registered and only those boats will be allowed on the lakes; 7/ to organize and set a transboundary wardening system with fines in case fishing regulations are not implemented by a fisherman; 8/ to organize a system to collect fishery statistics including fishing effort and fish caught by species; 9/ the issue of stocking will be discussed with the appropriate persons and decision will be taken to undertake or not such a stocking. If the decision is positive, stocking rules (no new introduction of fish species) should be set and stocking efficiency assessed; 10/ a total ban of stocking new introduced species. Page 204/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 10.1.2. Connection to EU and national legislation The Freshwater Fish Directive – 78/659/EEC of 18 July 1978 on the quality of fresh waters needing protection or improvement in order to support fish life; it has been significantly amended on several occasions, the last time on the 6 September 2006 (Directive 2006/44/EC). This directive concerns mainly the quality of waters and mandates minimal water levels for riverine biodiversity, it distinguishes salmonid waters and cyprinid waters. By the end of 2013, the Water Framework Directive (WFD; 2000/60/EC) will replace Freshwater Fish Directive – 78/659/EEC. The WFD means continued improvement in fish stocks through improved habitats and improved water quality and quantity. The emphasis is on achieving good overall ecological status, not just on complying with water quality standards. The WFD lists fish amongst the biological elements (Annex V) which should be used for classification of ecological status of surface waters (rivers, lakes and transitional waters (estuaries). “Ecological status” (Article 2 (21)) is an expression of the quality of the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems associated with surface waters, classified in accordance with Annex V. Water management is on the basis of River Basin Districts (RBDs). The Directive specifies that fish shall be monitored at all sites selected for Surveillance Monitoring (SM). Fish are an indicator of water quality. Healthy fish stocks indicate good water quality. The variables to be used in any fish index are composition, abundance and age class structure. Our fish monitoring will not be directly concerned by any of those Directives, however the results of our fish monitoring might be useful in the future to any study dealing with a lake fish index for south-eastern Europe, because it will give relative fish abundance, species composition, but age structure of fish present as required by the Directive. For the latter, the fish length distribution will be transformed in age structure by applying length-age matrix already published in various scientific papers (Rosecchi et al. 1993, Sinis & Petridis 1995, Crivelli et al. 1996, 1997) or using unpublished data. 10.1.3. Rationale for monitoring The state of the art for whole lake estimate of the relative fish abundance in lakes of size between 20 and 5000 ha is the Swedish standard methods for sampling freshwater fish with multi-mesh gillnets (Appelberg 2000). In case the lake investigated is larger than 5000 ha, i.e. our case study, it is recommended that the lake is divided in separate basins, and that each basin is treated as a separate lake. However, in large lakes (>5000ha), Page 205/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park where whole lake estimates of the fish fauna are not of main priority, sampling can be performed at specific (fixed) stations. The summary of this methodology is summarized here: “The sampling procedure should be based in stratified random sampling. The sampled lake is divided in depth strata and random sampling is performed within each stratum. Sampling of benthic fish is performed with NORDIC multi-mesh gillnets which are 30 m long and 1.5 m deep. The gillnets are composed of 12 different mesh-sizes ranging between 5 to 55 mm knot to knot following a geometric series. Gillnets used for sampling pelagic fish are 27.5 m long and 6 m deep, with the smallest mesh-size being 6.25mm. the number of efforts needed to allow detection of 50% change in relative abundance between sampling occasions, range between 8 gilllnets per night (efforts) for small, shallow lakes, up to 64 efforts for lakes of about 5000 ha. When less accurate estimates of abundance is needed, an inventory sampling procedure may be used, thereby reducing the number of efforts needed”. This method provides a whole-lake estimate for species occurrence, quantitative relative abundance and biomass expressed as catch per unit effort (CPUE), and size structure of fish assemblages in temperate lakes. It also provides estimates comparable over time within a lake, and estimates comparable between lakes. The CPUE is considered to be directly proportional to the actual abundance of a species, and to a constant called catchability. Because the catchability constant varies between species and between seasons, it is not possible to provide a general transformation of the obtained relative abundance values to absolute abundance values (e.g. fish per ha or biomass per ha). However, for time series analyses, this is usually not a major problem if a strictly standardized sampling method is used. It is important to realize that fish densities in Sweden are very low (oligotrophic cold lakes) and that the fish species concerned are only few cyprinid, but mainly salmonids and Percidae explaining the huge sampling effort required, totally unrealistic in our case. For streams such those found in the Macro Prespa catchment, the methodology to monitor the trend of the fish populations is quite standard: electro fishing is used in a chosen number of fixed stations, and the sampling is repeated at a chosen frequency. Topography of the stretch sampled is made. The data are expressed in numbers and/or biomass of fish per hectare de stream, or numbers and/or biomass of fish per 100 m of stream. Page 206/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 10.1.4. Research gaps A/ Bird impact: Prespa lakes catchment is particularly well-known for its community of fish-eating birds (cormorants, pelicans, herons, grebes, mergansers). All these nesting birds must catch a huge amount of fish every year, especially in spring when they breed and have to feed chicks. No qualitative (which fish species are eaten) and quantitative (how many tons of fish eaten) estimations of bird predation on the fish community is available. B/ Is wels in Prespa a native or introduced species? A genetic study of Silurus glanis living in Macro Prespa should be undertaken in order to help to clarify whether it is native or introduced (Triantafyllidis et al. 1999, 2002). C/ Eel in the Prespa lakes: Eels have always been caught in the Prespa lakes, far before the Devolli connection. The question now is: do we have still recruitment of eel in Prespa lakes or does it stop and eel will vanish in some years? This question to be solved will need special sampling in Mikri and Macro Prespa. D/ Prespa nase in the Macro Prespa lakes: This species was a main fish target for fishermen in the past in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and in Albania. In both countries fishermen complained that this species has declined very much. Such a decline has been observed also in Ohrid Lake for the Ohrid nase, and the hypothesis was made that it declined because changes in tributaries of the lakes where this species spawns. It is likely that the reason of the decline of Prespa nase, if true, is due either to overfishing of this species when it visits tributaries of Macro Prespa or/and to environmental changes in those tributaries. This hypothesis could be tested by a study in the four main tributaries of Macro Prespa during spawning time (late-April-May): Golema, Ranzska, Brajcinska and Aghios Germanos. 10.2. Development of indicators to monitor fish Warning: our fish indicators are not indicators using fish to assess the health of the lake ecosystem (cf WFD). They are indicators that will assess the health of the fish community per se, considering its very high value for the preservation of the biodiversity of the Prespa lakes catchment. However, the data collected might be very useful in the future for establishing a fish index. Page 207/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park We suggest therefore applying the fish sampling scheme we have used in the past with SPP in Micro Prespa with the addition of fyke nets (or minnow traps) to obtain CPUE of the nine endemic fish species and the carp as a fish indicator. It will allow us to follow the trend of those nine endemic species having a high biodiversity value and the carp, the major fish species for the fishermen. We suggest therefore applying the fish sampling scheme we have used in the past with SPP in Macro Prespa with the addition of fyke nets (or minnow traps) to obtain CPUE of most of endemic fish species and the carp as a fish indicator. We will add two electrofishing monitoring in the four rivers of Macro Prespa to get reliable abundance of Prespa trout, Prespa barbel and Prespa nase. This proposed monitoring scheme takes into account the needs and capacities of all three sides in the basin. In Greece, the only EU member, the monitoring scheme for fish assessment of the WFD will be probably be implemented in 2009 using a standard European protocol for fish community assessment in lakes. Consequently, for five years we suggest to apply both protocols and to compare the results. If both sampling scheme give similar results, only the WFD sampling scheme will continue. In the contrary, if the results are different, a meeting with the different parties will decide at that time how to continue this fish monitoring. In Albania and in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, only the sampling scheme suggested by this study will be applied. When those two countries will enter EU, this decision will be reconsidered. In addition, we suggest to monitor the fishery impact and to monitor the piscivorous bird impact by estimating the fish eaten by cormorant as a proxy of all fish-eating birds impact present in the region, two major factors that could explain changes in CPUE of the lake fish species. Linked with the latter point, we recommend that the number of breeding pairs of cormorant (P. carbo) and of pelicans (P. crispus & P. onocrotalus), the three species of fish-eating birds, numerous, that are eating quite a lot of fish are annually estimated in the three countries. The trend of fish introduced species should also be investigated considering that they might have a negative impact on Prespa fish endemics. Of course, a monitoring of the water level of the lakes and of the phosphorus and nitrogen content, plus Secchi disk monitoring (trophic status) will also be needed as potential factor Page 208/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park explaining changes in the fish community, however those will be probably done anyway within the hydrological monitoring. At the end of the five year plan and its implementation we should be able to set threshold or values below which the trend of the indicator should not go. These threshold or values will play the role of warning light of changes in the fish community of the Prespa lakes catchment. Thirteen (13) indicators for fish and fisheries are proposed in Table 10.7. Details on the development of indicators and its rationale are presented in the following pages in 13 nonnumbered text-boxes. Table 10.7. Proposed indicators for fish and fisheries for the TMS N° Proposed indicator Nature P1 Fish endemic to Prespa lakes trend S P2 Prespa trout trend S P3 Prespa barbel and Prespa nase in Macro Prespa S P4 Carp trend S P5 Fish size distribution for each species S P6 Number of licensed fishermen in the three country P P7 Annual Fishing effort and fish catches P P8 Introduced fish species trend I B5 Number of breeding pelican and cormorant in the area I P9 Quality and quantity of fish eaten by cormorant I W16, W17 W18, W19 Phosphorus and Nitrogen water concentrations in Macro and Micro Prespa, monthly water transparency I W11, W12 Water level trend I IUCN Red list criteria changes R P10 Nature of the Indicator/parameter: P: Anthropogenic Pressure S: State I: Impact, changes (natural ones) R: Response Page 209/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicator P1: Fish endemic to Prespa lakes trend Nature: S Objective / Significance to Fish & Fisheries monitoring: To monitor the relative abundance the fish species endemic to the Prespa lakes and to the Balkans. Sub-indicators: Catch per Unit of Effort (CPUE) Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Fish do not consider borders and are spread out in the whole lake Method / sources of information: Gillnet and fyke nets experimental fishing Institutions supposed to be involved: Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Management Body of Prespa Park and /or NGOs Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: Except the monitoring made by SPP, no such data do exist Indicator P2: Prespa trout trend Nature: S Objective / Significance to Fish & Fisheries monitoring: To monitor the abundance of Prespa trout Sub-indicators: Number of trout and biomass of trout per ha per stream Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Trout is found only in one stream in Greece and in three streams in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. No trout found in Albanian catchment of the Prespa lakes. Method / sources of information: Electro-fishing, depletion methodology Institutions supposed to be involved: Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Management Body of Prespa Park and /or NGOs Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: Only recent data available (see Crivelli et al. 2008) Indicator P3: Prespa barbel and Prespa nase trend Nature: S Objective / Significance to Fish & Fisheries monitoring: To monitor the abundance of Prespa barbel and Prespa nase Sub-indicators: Number of barbel and nase and biomass of trout per ha per stream Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Prespa barbel and Prespa nase spawn preferentially in streams in Macro Prespa from May to June. This will concern only Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Albanian part having no permanent river. Method / sources of information: Electro-fishing, depletion methodology Institutions supposed to be involved: Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Management Body of Prespa Park and /or NGOs Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: No data available Page 210/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicator P4: Carp trend Nature: S Objective / Significance to Fish & Fisheries monitoring: To monitor the relative abundance of the carp, Cyprinus carpio, the main targeted fish species by professionals Sub-indicators: Catch per Unit of Effort (CPUE) Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Fish do not consider borders and are spread out in the whole lake Method / sources of information: Gillnet: experimental fishing Institutions supposed to be involved: Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Management Body of Prespa Park and /or NGOs Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: Except the monitoring made by SPP, no such data do exist Indicator P5: Fish size distribution for each species Nature: S Objective / Significance to Fish & Fisheries monitoring: This indicator will assess the “health” of the fish population of each species Sub-indicators: Length distributions Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Fish do not consider borders and are spread out in the whole Method / sources of information: Gillnet and fyke nets experimental fishing Institutions supposed to be involved: Ministries and /or NGOs Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: None Indicator P6: Number of licensed fishermen in the three country Nature: P Objective / Significance to Fish & Fisheries monitoring: To monitor annually the number of professional fishermen registered in the three countries. Sub-indicators: Number of licenses per country Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Fish resource can be managed only at the whole lake level Method / sources of information: Registration by governmental agencies Institutions supposed to be involved: Ministries Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: Such data do not exist in the three countries, existing past data should be collected Page 211/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicator P7: Annual fishing effort and fish catches Nature: P Objective / Significance to Fish & Fisheries monitoring: To monitor the effort and the catches of the fishery of Prespa lakes. Sub-indicators Number of nets set per year with characteristics (mesh size) Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Fish do not consider borders and are spread out in the whole lake Method / sources of information: To collect monthly the fishermen note book with effort and catches Institutions supposed to be involved: Ministries Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: Such data do not exist presently Indicator P8: Introduced fish species trend Nature: I Objective / Significance to Fish & Fisheries monitoring: To monitor the relative abundance the fish introduced species into Micro and Macro Prespa Sub-indicators Catch per Unit of Effort (CPUE) Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Fish do not consider borders and are spread out in the whole lake Method / sources of information: Gillnet and fyke nets experimental fishing Institutions supposed to be involved: Ministry of Environment, Ministry of agriculture, Management Body of Prespa Park and /or NGOs Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: Except the monitoring made by SPP, no such data do exist Indicator B5: Number of breeding pairs of pelicans and cormorants Nature: I Objective / Significance to Fish & Fisheries monitoring: To monitor the number of breeding pairs of the two most important fish-eating birds nesting in the catchment of Prespa lakes: pelicans and cormorants. Sub-indicators: Number of breeding pairs of Pelecanus crispus, Pelecanus onocrotalus and Phalacrocorax carbo. Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Predation on fish by fish-eating birds could be an important factor explaining the abundance of the lake fish resource. Method / sources of information: Counting breeding pairs where those birds Page 212/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park do nest Institutions supposed to be involved: NGOs Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues An important data set still do exist for the Greek part of the lakes, but apparently such data do not exist in Albania and in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Indicator P9: Quality and quantity of fish eaten by cormorants Nature: I Objective / Significance to Fish & Fisheries monitoring: To monitor the quality and the quantity of fish eaten by the main fish-eating birds, using cormorant as a proxy. Sub-indicators: Percentage of each fish species eaten and length of fish eaten Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Predation on fish by fish-eating birds could be an important factor explaining the abundance of the lake fish resource. Method / sources of information: Collection of regurgitates late May early June ++ Indicators W16, W17, W18, W19: Phosphorus and Nitrogen water concentrations, monthly water transparency in Macro and Micro Prespa Lakes Nature: I Objective / Significance to Fish & Fisheries monitoring: To monitor the phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations in the water of Macro and Micro Prespa Lakes. Sub-indicators: Concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen in water Monthly Secchi disk measurements Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Eutrophication processes would be bad for the whole lake. Method / sources of information: Secchi disk monthly measurements Phosphorus and nitrogen analysis in a skilled laboratory Institutions supposed to be involved: Ministries and /or NGOs Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: For phosphorus and nitrogen, some scattered data do exist, as well as for Secchi disk measurements. After ten years of data of phosphorus and nitrogen, correlations might be done between the concentrations of nutrient and Secchi disk measurements. Page 213/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicators W11,W12: Water level trend of Macro and Micro Prespa lakes Nature: I Objective / Significance to Fish & Fisheries monitoring: To monitor the water level of both Prespa lakes in sites with standardized points above sea level. Sub-indicators: Monthly water level measurements Relevance for a Transboundary MS: The water level of the lakes is an important ecological parameters with also strong socioeconomic impact (tourisms) Method / sources of information: Fixed point standardized above sea level. Institutions supposed to be involved: Ministries and /or NGOs Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: Those data do exist in all three countries, but agreement and standardized point above sea level should be checked Indicator P10: IUCN Red list criteria changes Nature: R Objective / Significance to Fish & Fisheries monitoring: This indicator will assess officially any changes in the conservation status of all fish species endemic to Prespa lake catchment. Sub-indicators: Any change will be an indicator either of better or worse status Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Fish do not consider borders and are spread out in the whole lake Method / sources of information: IUCN Red list criteria Institutions supposed to be involved: IUCN Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: None 10.3. Methods 10.3.1. Description and justification Fish community structure in lakes refers to the relative abundance of fish of each species within a multispecies assemblage of fishes. Relative abundance is traditionally measured Page 214/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park by catch in numbers per unit of sampling effort, but measures based on weight are also commonly used. A “Lake fish community” theoretically includes all of the fish that use a defined area over a given period of time. The best overall method for measuring fish community structure is one that is most effective (samples the largest number of specimens) and least selective (capture species in proportion to their occurrence in the sampled area). Given commonly available levels of time and personnel, no single method routinely satisfies both criteria. For this reason, the trend analysis procedure for fish community structure in a given aquatic area includes use of several sampling gears (Prchalova et al. 2009). Relative abundance is one of the most common variables used by biologists to assess community structure in lakes. It is called relative abundance to stress the fact that virtually every sampling method is somewhat selective and therefore produces a biased view of true abundance. In trend analysis, this bias is minimized by the development of standardized methods and reliance on multiple sampling gears. It is commonly expressed as Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE), either in numbers of fish per hour of fishing per m2 of net or in biomass per hour of fishing per m2 of net. Estimations of true abundance of fish can only be obtained in small and medium size streams using electro fishing devices and sampling stretches of 100 to 200 m long. It is commonly expressed as numbers or biomass of fish per hectare or per 100m2. But data based on numbers per 100 m of stream is also commonly used. Species richness refers to the total number of species taken in a collection or during a defined unit of effort. Species richness is a component of the overall diversity of the fish community. Because the sample species richness increases with increasing sampling effort, comparison of species richness estimates requires either constant sampling effort or formal estimation methods. Population structure refers to the distribution of individuals of a single species among size or age groups. Data on population structure are obtained from routine long term fish monitoring sampling efforts. The size distribution for a given species is the vector of numbers of specimens taken in a collection or a unit of effort that fall into selected size categories. The size distribution of a Page 215/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park species is a valuable index to a variety of population characteristics, including growth, recruitment and mortality rates. 10.3.2. Sampling methods Prespa lakes (P1, P4, P5, P8 and P10) In both lakes Prespa, gillnetting and fyke netting will be used to get relative abundances of fish species present. Gillnets are 50 m long each and consist of five 10 m panels of monofilament mesh. The panels are 1.80 m deep. Each net consists of a different size mesh. Mesh sizes are for one net: 10, 14, 18, 23 and 27 mm stretch measure and for the second: 33, 38, 45, 55 and 60 mm stretch. The mesh panels have not been randomly distributed over the gillnet as recommended by the Swedish protocol. Gillnets are set perpendicular to the shore line (Figure 10.8), the smallest mesh size (10mm and 33mm in each net) being in the shallowest water and the largest in the deepest (27mm and 60 mm). Nets are apart at 20-30 m in each fishing site. Figure 10.8. Setting of the gillnets and fyke nets on the littoral zone of the lake. Counts and lengths of captured fishes are recorded separately for each panel in Fish Measurement Sheet (see Annexes 10.1 and 10.2). For each panel (mesh) of the first net (mesh: 10 to 27mm) all fish are counted and weighted globally. At least 50 fish of each Page 216/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park fish species are measured (Fork length) each fishing day. For the second net (mesh: 33 to 60mm) each fish is measured and individually weighted, and maturity (sperm ♂♂ or eggs ♀♀or already spawned) is recorded. The sampling design is three nets, set once every month, one 10 to 27mm set and two 33 to 60 mm set at the end of afternoon and visited early morning at each sampling sites. The sampling sites is chosen subjectively after discussion with local fishermen and is fixed from a year to another. We should have a sampling site in Albania, Greece, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for Macro Prespa and two sampling sites in Greece for Micro Prespa. The nets should be set during the spawning time of the majority of the fish species present, three times per year: last week of April, last week of May and last week of June. For each site, the annual result for gillnet for all the species (to the exception of the four smaller ones) will be the mean CPUE (mean Log10 CPUE+1) of the three fishing events. Fyke nets with 3 mm mesh sizes are deployed with leads fully extended in shallow waters in order to catch the four smaller fish species (Cobitis meridionalis, Rhodeus amarus, Pelasgus prespensis and Pseudorasbora parva) present in the Prespa lakes fish community. The sampling design is four fyke nets with 3 mm mesh size are set at each sites next to the gillnet and between with the same procedure as for gillnet. For each site, the annual result for fyke nets for four species will be the mean CPUE (mean Log10 CPUE+1) of the three fishing events. If fyke nets with 3 mm mesh size cannot be bought, fyke nets (5mm mesh size) or minnow trap (5 mm) could be used instead. Using this procedure, we will get CPUE of the endemic fish species as well as of the introduced fish species. The streams of the catchment (P2, P3, P5 and P10) Standardized electrofishing is conducted mainly is streams where depth ranges from approximately 0.5 to 3.0 m. Each stretch of stream is electrofished two times (three if needed) to produce a multi-pass removal estimates of fish abundance using Microfish 3.0 (Van Deventer and Platts 1989). After the first pass, the fish caught are kept in plastic buckets and released immediately after the completion of the second electro fishing pass (see Annex 10.3). This methodology will be applied in Aghios Germanos stream in Greece Page 217/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park and in Brajcinska, Kranska, Leva Reka streams and Golema River in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for Prespa trout, Prespa barbel and Prespa nase monitoring. For Prespa barbel and nase, from the river delta, three fixed sampling stations of 100 long each will be set on 1km of stream going upstream (see Figure 10.9). Those stations will be marked with paint on rocks or trees, and GPS data will be taken. Topography of the stream will be done by measuring every 10 meters, the wetted width, so we will have a surface area sampled (see Annex 10.3). In addition pools are registered with their maximum depth. The sampling will take place every two weeks, starting the first week of May and finishing the third week of June, in total the stations will be sampled four times. Figure 10.9. Sketch showing how to locate the sampling station for monitoring of the Prespa barbel, Prespa nase and Prespa trout. Along the river the numbers mean meters. We start from the lake and measure 100 m upstream and we have the first station which is itself 100 m etc. For the electro fishing for Prespa trout, it will be done in 2009 end of August for the fifth year within the frame of the Prespa trout project funded by SPP. After this last sampling, a number of fishing stations will be chosen for each stream to be sampled in the future. However, the sampling will take one day per streams for 4 people (with the exception of two days for Brajcinska and Aghios Germanos streams) each year end of August – beginning of September. Using this procedure, we will get absolute densities (N/ha or Page 218/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park biomass/ha; N per 100m of stream) of fish visiting those stream or living within those streams. Fishery statistics (P6 and P7) For fishery statistics, we suggest that the three States try as much as possible to issue annually fishing licenses and collect data on the fishing effort and fishing catches. Fish diet composition of cormorant (P9) For bird impact, 60 regurgitates of Phalacrocorax carbo should be collected end of Mayearly June at Vidronisi colony in Greece, at Golem Grad colony in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and possibly in Albania if a breeding colony of cormorant do exist. The persons collect regurgitates on the ground, under the trees where cormorant nest, and put each one in a plastic bag. The analysis of them will be done on the lake shore after coming back by boat. For each regurgitates, the fish species is identified and the fish length is measured in mm (see Annex 10.4). IUCN Red list criteria changes (P10) After five years of collecting data on the relative abundance or abundance of the fish species, a new assessment of the status of the nine fish species endemic to Prespa catchment will take place according to the guidelines and criteria of IUCN Red List. If any change in the status of a species occurs, the new result will be sent to IUCN Red list headquarters. The latter will be the only body who will be able analyze the proposal of a new status and to modify the status officially 10.3.3. Periodicity – Five year timetable/ work plan See Table 10.8. Page 219/381 Table 10.8. Periodicity of sampling methods for monitoring the “Fish & Fisheries” indicators N° P1, P4, P5, P8 and P10 Proposed indicator METHOD Fish endemic to Prespa lakes trend Gillnet and fyke nets P2, P5 and P10 Prespa Trout trend Electrofishing P3 , P5 and P10 Prespa barbel and nase trend Electrofishing P6 Number of licensed fishermen in the three country Issued by the three States P7 Annual Fishing effort and fish catches B5 W16, W17, W18, W19 W11, W12 Number of breeding pelican and cormorant in the area Phosphorus and Nitrogen water concentrations in Macro and Micro Prespa Water level trend P10 IUCN Red list criteria changes P9 Fish diet composition of cormorant Managed by the three States Cf biodiversity theme YEAR 1 3 times (last weeks of April, May and June) 1 time (end of August-beginning of September) 4 times (1st and 3rd week of May and June) YEAR 2 3 times (last weeks of April, May and June) 1 time (end of August-beginning of September) 4 times (1st and 3rd week of May and June) YEAR 3 3 times (last weeks of April, May and June) 1 time (end of August-beginning of September) 4 times (1st and 3rd week of May and June) YEAR 4 3 times (last weeks of April, May and June) 1 time (end of August-beginning of September) 4 times (1st and 3rd week of May and June) YEAR 5 3 times (last weeks of April, May and June) 1 time (end of August-beginning of September) 4 times (1st and 3rd week of May and June) Once yearly Once yearly Once yearly Once yearly Once yearly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Cf hydrology theme Cf hydrology theme Applying guidelines and criteria of IUCN Red List Collection of regurgitates Once every 5 years Once or twice (last week of May, first week of June) Once or twice (last week of May, first week of June) Once or twice (last week of May, first week of June) Once or twice (last week of May, first week of June) Once or twice (last week of May, first week of June) SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 10.3.4. Parameters See Table 10.9. Table 10.9. Parameters to be measured for the monitoring of the “Fish & Fisheries” indicators N° Proposed indicator Parameters that need to be measured Date, Mesh size, site N°, fishing effort, depth, Secchi disk P1, measurements, water temperature, total number of fish P4, and total biomass of fish caught, total number by species P5, Fish endemic to Prespa and biomass by species, measurements of fork length of P8, lakes trend 50 fish of each species, for the mesh 33 to 60mm all fish and measured and weighted individually. P10 Example in Annexes 10.1 and 10.2 P2, P5 and P10 P3, P5 and P10 Prespa trout trend Electrofishing in streams: Section No, Distance (m), Width (cm), Depth (cm), No. of pools, Pool 1 max. depth (cm), Pool 2 max. depth (cm). Number of fish caught in the first run , in the second run, measurements (TL and weight) of all trout Example in Annex 10.3 Prespa barbel and Prespa nase in Macro Prespa Electrofishing in streams: Section No, Distance (m), Width (cm), Depth (cm), No. of pools, Pool 1 max. depth (cm), Pool 2 max. depth (cm). Number of barbel and nase caught in the first run , in the second run, measurements (TL and weight) of all barbel and nase and other fish if present Example in Annex 10.3 Number of licensed fishermen in the three country Annual Fishing effort P7 and fish catches Number of breeding B5 pelicans and cormorants in the area W16, Phosphorus and W17, Nitrogen water W18, concentrations in Macro W19 and Micro Prespa W11, Water level trend W12 IUCN Red list criteria P10 changes P6 P9 Fish diet composition of cormorants Number of licenses per year Number of days of fishing per fisherman and number of nets set. Number of fish and weight of fish caught Cf Biodiversity theme Cf hydrology theme Cf hydrology theme Trend of abundance of the nine species endemic to Prespa lakes in CPUE or in absolute abundance At least 50 regurgitates, detailed data for each regurgitate including fish measurements Example in Annex 10.4 Page 221/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 10.4. Equipment For indicators P1, P4, P5, P8, and P10: Gillnet monitoring in Albania, Greece and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Table 10.10). Table 10.10. Equipment needed for indicators P1, P4, P5, P8 and P10 Equipment Number Cost for one item Total cost Gillnet 50 m multimesh 10, 14, 18, 23, 27 mm, 10 m of each 2 every two years 140€* 280€ Gillnet 50 m multimesh 33, 38, 45, 55, 60 mm, 10 m of each 4 every two years 140€ 560€ Fyke nets 3 or 5 mm mesh size 5 500€ 2500€ A portable balance up to 3000g accuracy 0.1 1 500€ 500€ A ruler 40-50 cm long 2 20€ 40€ * bought to Nippon Verkko oy, Finland ( For indicators P2, P3, P5 and P10: Electrofishing in streams in Greece and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Table 10.11). Table 10.11. Equipment needed for indicators P2, P3, P5 and P10 Equipment Number Cost for one item Total cost Apparatus for electrofishing with gasoline, complete 1 6000-8000€ 6000-8000€ Handnets mesh 3-4 mm 6 102€ 612€ A portable balance up to 1500g accuracy 0.1 g 1 400€ 400€ A ruler 40-50 cm long 2 20€ 40€ 3 closed buckets and 3 large plastic tanks 500€ 500€ 4 100€ 400€ Closed bucket** to keep fish alive and plastic tanks Waders ** Closed buckets are devices to keep the fish in water alive during the electrofishing work. For indicator P9 (collecting regurgitates of P. carbo) in Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Table 10.12). Page 222/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 10.12. Equipment needed for indicator P9 Equipment Number Cost for one item Total cost 50€ 50€ A ruler and plastic bags Transversal to all indicators for this theme: A portable computer with Microsoft Office: ca. 800€ The equipment needed for indicators treated by the groups on Biodiversity (B5) and by Water resources (W16, W17, W18, W19, W11, W12) are developed in the respective chapters. 10.5. Monitoring stations (The stations indicated on maps are only indicative) Gill net monitoring (P1, P4, P5, P8 and P10) In Greece: two stations representing two different habitat types for spawning have been already chosen and used for many years. In the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: One station will be chosen by the organization responsible to undertake the gillnet monitoring. They will have also to justify their choice. In Albania: One station will be chosen by the organization responsible to undertake the gillnet monitoring. They will also have to justify their choice. Electrofishing monitoring (P2, P3, P5 and P10) In Greece: It will take place in Aghios Germanos stream. For Prespa barbel and Prespa nase, see Figure 10.11. For the Prespa trout see map below (Figure 10.10). In the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: It will take place in Golema river, in Kranska and Brajcinska streams (see Figures 10.11 and 10.10 below). For Prespa trout it will take place in Brajcinska, Kranska and Leva Reka streams (see Figure 10.10 below). Collection of regurgitates (P9) In Greece: it will take place in Vidronisi island in Micro Prespa (see map below/ Figure 10.11) In the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: it will take place in Golem Grad island (see map below/ Figure 10.11). Page 223/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Figure 10.10. Prespa trout monitoring stations (from Crivelli et al. 2008) Figure 10.11. Locations of sampling sites for gill netting, electrofishing for Prespa nase and barbel and for collection of cormorants‟ regurgitates 10.6. Organizations responsible for monitoring fish and fisheries Page 224/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Gillnet monitoring (P1, P4, P5, P8, P10) Greece: Management Body of Prespa Park National Forest (MBPNF) and SPP Albania: PPNEA or University of Agriculture (Dr Spase Shumka) Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Hydrobiological Institute (HBA), Ohrid Electrofishing (P2, P3, P5 and P10) Greece: MBPNF and SPP Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Hydrobiological Institute (HBA), Ohrid Collection of regurgitates (P9) Greece: MBPNF and SPP Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Galicica National Park and/or Hydrobiological Institute (HBA), Ohrid Staff (technical, scientific) and organizational requirements, e.g. training. For all monitoring involved in Fish and Fisheries the need is always to have a leader knowing well the fish and the different fish species and 3 technicians. For the electrofishing, the need is to have a leader skilled in electrofishing with 3 technicians. The leader is the person who will put the data in the computer. Albania From the exercises that we already organized in the last years we see that there is a need for training. Up to now we have one fisherman that has some knowledge on Nordic nets use. To my view and looking to the future we will need to provide training for three local people: two fishermen and one National Park employee. That will provide a future sustainability in the monitoring of this type. The training can be provided by SPP due to the fact of experiences they have. There also can be foreseen a training for one scientific person in charge with this monitoring. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia None of the proposed monitoring are currently done in this country, and therefore no resources have been allocated so far to these indicators. Page 225/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Greece SPP is already trained to undertake those monitoring Existing sources of funding None of the proposed monitoring activities are currently done in Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and therefore no resources have been allocated so far to these indicators. Albania According to Dr Spase Shumka, “in 2005-2008 an EU project (STEMA) intended to design a modern system of monitoring that to some extent was looking to an integrated one. One integrated monitoring station (including biological parameters and fishery) is foreseen for Lake Macro Prespa. This proposal was not translated into funding and up to now it remains only a plan. In PPNEA, there are some funds from FZS (Frankfurt Zoological Society) for repeating the exercises in 2009. PPNEA also has two nets bought with funds of this grant (through SPP last year).” Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia None of the proposed monitoring are currently done in this country, and therefore no resources have been allocated so far to these indicators. Greece The SPP intends to continue fish monitoring in the short-medium term. Budget is secured until 2012. 10.7. Budget Cost of purchase and installation of equipment See paragraph 10.4 (Tables 10.10-10.12). Running costs, including manpower/ personnel needs For indicators P1, P4, P5, P8, and P10: Gillnet monitoring in Albania, Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, see Tables 10.13-10.15. Page 226/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 10.13. Running costs (including manpower/ personnel) for gillnet monitoring in Albania Consumables/ running costs Number Cost for one item Total cost Travelling, lodging, per diem in each country 3 annual trip of two days including one night in hotel for 4 persons Price per km (0.40€), price for 1 rooms one night: 12€ 744€ Renting a boat with engine to a fisherman 6 days of a fisherman with boat/year 70€ 420€ Table 10.14. Running costs (including manpower/ personnel) for gillnet monitoring in Greece Consumables/ running costs Number Cost for one item Total cost Travelling, lodging, per diem in each country 3 annual trip of two days including one night in hotel for 4 persons Price per km (0.40€), price for rooms for one night (45€) 980€ Renting a boat with engine to a fisherman 6 days of a fisherman with boat/year 200€ per day 1200€ Table 10.15. Running costs (including manpower/ personnel) for gillnet monitoring in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Consumables/ running costs Number Cost for one item Total cost Travelling, lodging, per diem in each country 3 annual trip of two days including one night in hotel for 4 persons Price per km (0.40€), price for one room for one night 30€ 400€ Renting a boat with engine to a fisherman 6 days of a fisherman with boat/year 60€ per day 360€ For indicators P2, P3, P5 and P10: Electrofishing in streams in Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, see Tables 10.16 and 10.17. Table 10.16. Running costs (including manpower/ personnel) for electrofishing monitoring in Greece Consumables/ running costs Number Cost for one item Total cost Travelling, lodging, per diem for trout, Prespa barbel and nase 5 annual trip (100km each) and 4 night in hotel Price per km (0.40€), price for one room for one night (45€) 380€ (220€ for trout and 160€ for barbel and nase) Page 227/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 10.17. Running costs (including manpower/ personnel) for electrofishing monitoring in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Consumables/ running costs Travelling, lodging, per diem for trout, Prespa barbel and nase Number Cost for one item Total cost 5 annual trip of one days (500km each), and 44 nights in hotel Price per km (0.40€), price for 1 room for one night 30€ 2120€ (560€ for trout and 1760€ for barbel and nase) For indicator P9: Collecting regurgitates of P. carbo in Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, see Tables 10.18 and 10.19. Table 10.18. Running costs (including manpower/ personnel) for collecting regurgitates of P. carbo in Greece Consumables/ running costs Number Cost for one item Total cost Renting a boat to a fisherman 2 day of a fisherman with boat per year in each country 200€ per day 400€ Travelling, per diem 2 annual trip (100 km each) of one day for 2 persons in each country Price per km (0.40€) 80€ Table 10.19. Running costs (including manpower/ personnel) for collecting regurgitates of P. carbo in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Consumables/ running costs Number Cost for one item Total cost Renting a boat to a fisherman 2 day of a fisherman with boat per year in each country 60€ per day 120€ Travelling, per diem 2 annual trip (100km each) of one day for 2 persons in each country Price per km (0.40€) 80€ Transversal to all indicators: Internet connection: Albania: (price not known); Greece: 16.5€ per month; Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: 10€ per month. Budgets for the indicators treated by the Biodiversity (B5) and Water resources themes (W16, W17, W18, W19, W11, W12) are developed in the respective chapters. No costs are budgeted for maintenance of equipment and updating (e.g. software, etc.). Staff costs per country and total/ overall budget are presented in Tables 10.20 and 10.21 respectively. Page 228/381 Prespa barbel and Prespa nase in Macro Prespa Fish diet composition of cormorant 150 2550 145 2465 4 49 150 7350 145 435 2 3 150 450 Gillnet and Fyke nets 4 25 145 3480 Electrofishing 4 9 145 Electrofishing 4 17 Collection of regurgitates 2 3 4 25 60 1440 Number of people involved 17 3480 Total cost (per year) 4 145 Cost per day/person 1305 25 N days of fieldwork/ year 3400 4 Number of people involved 25 Total cost (per year) 4 100€ (leader) and 50€ (technical staff) Cost per day/person Total cost (per year) P9 Prespa trout trend Cost per day/person P3 P5 P10 Fish endemic to Prespa lakes trend Macro Prespa, FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC of MACEDONIA N days of fieldwork/ year P1, P4, P5, P8 and P10 P2 P5 P10 Gillnet and Fyke nets N days of fieldwork/ year Fish endemic to Prespa lakes trend Micro Prespa, ALBANIA Number of people involved P1, P4, P5, P8 and P10 GREECE METHOD N° Proposed indicator Table 10. 20. Estimated staff costs per country Table 10. 21. Total costs (equipment, staff, consumables/ running costs) per country 5660 1305 220 - 1525 Total cost (per year) - Maintenance/ Updating (per year) 2180 Consumables/ running costs (per year) 3480 Staff cost (per year) Prespa trout trend 5660 Total cost (per year) P2 P5 P10 3880€ per country = 11640€ - Maintenance/ Updating (per year) Fish endemic to Prespa lakes trend Macro Prespa 2180 Consumables/ running costs (per year) P1, P4, P5, P8 and P10 3480 Staff cost (per year) Fish endemic to Prespa lakes trend Micro Prespa Total cost (per year) P1, P4, P5, P8 and P10 Equipment costs (€) Maintenance/ Updating (per year) Proposed indicators Consumables/ running costs (per year) N° FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC of MACEDONIA ALBANIA Staff cost (per year) GREECE - 1440 1164 2604 3400 760 - 4160 2550 560 - 3110 P3 P5 P10 P9 Prespa barbel and Prespa nase in Macro Prespa 10,000€ for Greece and 10,000€ Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Fish diet compositio n of cormorant 50€ for Greece and 50€ for Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Costs transversal to all indicators 800€ for each country = 2400 TOTAL 36019 2465 160 - 2625 7350 1760 - 9110 435 480 - 915 450 200 - 650 11165 5220 0 16385 13750 3280 0 17030 1440 1164 0 2604 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 10.8. Proposal for Pilot application In 2009-2010, all the proposed monitoring for fish and fisheries could be undertaken. Page 232/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 11. Birds and Other Biodiversity (Species and Habitats) Dr. Christian Perennou, Tour du Valat 11.1. Introduction As defined in Phase A of the development of the TB monitoring system, the aim of the system is for the current stages "Surveillance monitoring" and may be, in the longer term, expanded to more specific goals such as adaptive management, or emergency crisis, or knowledge-oriented in terms of cause-effects relationships. Further, it must be recalled that in preliminary discussions on this 2nd stage of the development of the TB system, it was agreed that for the sake of realism, a target of 1015 indicators at most, per theme, was deemed desirable. In the specific theme of Biodiversity, this will drive a constant effort to reduce the list of potential indicators to the essentials. 11.1.1. Analysis of existing monitoring programmes Excluding the fish and the aquatic/ forest plants and habitats (that are covered in Chapters 10 and 9 respectively), few biodiversity monitoring programs exist in Prespa (Annex 4.3, Appendix 1): 3 in Albania, 4 in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and 5 in Greece – all on species except for one program on habitats in Greece. Most of these monitoring programs are dedicated to waterbirds. These programs are not coordinated between countries; the closest to it would be the wintering waterfowl counts undertaken regularly in the Albanian (Shumka et al. 2008) and Greek sections of Prespa, and sometimes in parts of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonian side as well (Ezerani NR): although not coordinated within Prespa, these are intended as national contributions to an international effort. 11.1.2. Connection to EU and national legislation Biodiversity is the target of national legislation in all 3 countries, which all have lists of protected species. In addition, the EU legislation covers these through the Habitats and Birds directives. Typically, species lists are more restricted/ selective at EU than national level. The numbers of species from Prespa that are included in the relevant Directives are as follows (Table 11.1): Page 233/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 11.1. Numbers of species from Prespa that are included in relevant EU Directives Habitat Directive, Annexes: Categories II/ IV IV Amphibians 1 7 Reptiles 4 14 Mammals 10 15 Plants III/ IV II/ IV/ V V Bird Directive, Annexes: I II II/ III 1 3 1 (Not analysed along this line in Petkovski et al. 2008) Birds 46 10 4 These numbers clearly imply that, even when taking into consideration only the highest levels of protection afforded (Annexes II & IV only in the Habitat directive10, and Annex I only in the Birds Directive11), the number of species would be too high for a TB monitoring to target them all. The implication is therefore that, further to EU criteria, other criteria will be needed so as to choose which indicators to retain for the present Biodiversity monitoring theme. 10 Annex IV affords full protection to all the species included, as per the text of Articles 12 & 13 (see below); and being placed on Annex II further reinforces protection, by obliging Member states to designate special areas of conservation for them, as part of the Natura 2000 network (as per Art. 3, below). Extract from the habitats Directive ( Article 3. A coherent European ecological network of special areas of conservation shall be set up under the title Natura 2000. This network, composed of sites hosting the natural habitat types listed in Annex I and habitats of the species listed in Annex II, shall enable the natural habitat types and the species' habitats concerned to be maintained or, where appropriate, restored at a favourable conservation status in their natural range. The Natura 2000 network shall include the special protection areas classified by the Member States pursuant to Directive 79/409/EEC. Article 12: 1. Member States shall take the requisite measures to establish a system of strict protection for the animal species listed in Annex IV in their natural range, prohibiting: (a) all forms of deliberate capture or killing of specimens of these species in the wild; (b) deliberate disturbance of these species, particularly during the period of breeding, rearing, hibernation and migration; (c) deliberate destruction or taking of eggs from the wild; (d) deterioration or destruction of breeding sites or resting places. Article 13: 1. Member States shall take the requisite measures to establish a system of strict protection for the plant species listed in Annex IV, prohibiting: (a) the deliberate picking, collecting, cutting, uprooting or destruction of such plants in their natural range in the wild; (b) the keeping, transport and sale or exchange and offering for sale or exchange of specimens of such species taken in the wild, except for those taken legally before this Directive is implemented. 11 The Directive affords an overall protection to virtually all wild birds in the EU, but in addition Article 4 states that “The species mentioned in Annex I shall be the subject of special conservation measures concerning their habitat in order to ensure their survival and reproduction in their area of distribution. » Page 234/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Similarly, the 33 habitats (habitat types) present in Prespa can be classified according to their inclusion or not in Annex I of the Habitats directive12. Full data are presented in Annex 4.3 Appendix 2, and can be summarized as follows (Table 11.2): Table 11.2. Numbers of habitats present in Prespa classified according to their inclusion or not in Annex I of the Habitats Directive Annex I EU interest (priority) EU interest (nonpriority) Non Annex I Total habitats 6 18 9 Excluding Forest & Wetland habitats 3 8 3 As for the species, the remaining number of habitats of EU interest (8 + 3) is probably too high for a detailed monitoring to be carried out in each one, and a further selection might be needed. Connection to EU legislation in terms of Biodiversity monitoring/ assessment has been summarized in the report of Phase B of the preparatory Stage (Perennou & Gletsos 2008a, pp. 18-22). Article 11 of the Habitats Directive states that “Member States shall undertake surveillance of the conservation status of the natural habitats and species referred to in Article 2 with particular regard to priority natural habitat types and priority species”. Reporting to the Commission is not identical to monitoring: thus, even for reporting at national level the member states may have to implement some site-specific monitoring. When they have established SACs under art.6, member states have to manage them for conservation, which implicitly includes management-oriented monitoring: each protected area should set up an appropriate, site-specific monitoring programme, according to its management objectives. In the case of Prespa, many values/species/habitats are shared and therefore could be the object of TB monitoring. The Bird Directive is less specific on monitoring, and simply provides in its Article 10 that “1. Member States shall encourage research and any work required as a basis for the protection, management and use of the population of all species of bird referred to in 12 Extract from the habitats Directive ( Article 3. A coherent European ecological network of special areas of conservation shall be set up under the title Natura 2000. This network, composed of sites hosting the natural habitat types listed in Annex I… Page 235/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Article 1. 2.” Monitoring key bird species in Prespa is therefore implicit under this provision. 11.1.3. Baseline information Species The baseline information is to a large extent restricted to species/ habitat lists present in each country, as summarized by Petkovski et al. (2008). For some groups, especially waterbirds, quantitative information over a number of years exist, both for wintering waterfowl and some key breeding species (e.g. pelicans, herons, cormorants, etc.). Habitats A first all-encompassing description of the habitats present in the Prespa area was given by Pavlides (1997), from a phyto-sociological point of view. The main habitats identified were summarized in the Strategic Action Plan (SAP) document (SPP et al. 2002). More recently, using the Habitats Directive/ CORINE-Biotope typologies, a detailed GIS mapping of habitats was produced at least for the Greek part of the Prespa lakes and watershed, which consists of 2 Natura 2000 sites: - GR1340001 - PRESPA NATIONAL FOREST - GR1340003 - MT. VARNOUNTAS The same apparently exists for the Albanian part, but maps were not made available to us. In both countries, these GIS maps allow a calculation of the % cover under each habitat type. Furthermore, as part of the AlWet project, a map of the habitats present in the Micro Prespa watershed (Albanian side) was also produced; however it is restricted to wetland habitats only, it uses a MedWet typology and not the habitats Directive (or corresponding CORINE Biotope) classification. The rest of the territory, outside wetlands, is simply described under the broad CORINE Land Cover categories. It is presumed that no similar mapping exists for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; however an estimation for the % cover under each habitat type in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia part of the Prespa watershed was derived based upon expert knowledge (in Petkovski et al. 2008). Page 236/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 11.1.4. Rationale for monitoring Biodiversity is THE key issue that lead to the initial interest in conserving the Prespa lakes and their surroundings. The presence of many endemic species (fish, plants etc.), and of species which occur in some of their highest concentrations known in Europe or even in the world (pelicans), all make this site unique. However, this natural wealth is facing a number of threats, actual or potential/future (eutrophication, decreasing lakes water level, unsustainable use of some resources, introduction of exotic species etc.), and therefore key elements of the local Biodiversity, especially those for which Prespa has an international/ global responsibility, should be continuously assessed so as to ring the alarm bell, should the populations significantly fall. As the key aim of the TB programme is, so far, “Routine Surveillance” of the lakes ecosystem and their watershed (see Doc. A-1 Aims of Stage 1), the key focus will be on the “State” component (i.e. the state of the various key habitats/ species), rather than on explanatory factors (i.e. “pressures”) as demonstrating their impact on a given component of Biodiversity would require comprehensive research, and would fit the (rejected) potential goal of “Knowledge-oriented (n°3)” rather than the retained one of surveillance. 11.1.5. Research gaps In document A3 of the Preparatory Stage, Phase A, “Significant elements/ values/ issues of concern to a transboundary monitoring system in the Prespa Park, relevant criteria and scope”, Chapter 4 deals with the key gaps in terms of Research. As these had already been pre-identified in the SAP (SPP 2002), mainly in the Biodiversity field, they were therefore reviewed and completed by expert advice from the three countries. Key gaps relevant for Biodiversity are listed in Annex 4.3. Basically, gaps affect virtually all components of biodiversity: as the 1st section above highlights, few components are regularly monitored. But gaps also affect the transboundary character of whichever monitoring of biodiversity is indeed carried out, as no effective TB monitoring currently exists – only national programmes are in place. Page 237/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 11.2. Development of indicators For practical reasons (availability of experts), it has been agreed to cover terrestrial habitats jointly with Forests, and to restrict therefore the current work to species/ communities only. In the document from Phase C of the 1st Stage (Perennou & Gletsos 2008b), guidelines and criteria for the development of indicators for the Prespa TB monitoring system were developed. In particular, Table 1, pp.4-5 summarized the desired characteristics that such indicators should fulfil, and which fall within the following categories (and sub-categories): Validity (Relevance, Appropriate Scale, Accurate, Sensitive); Understandability (Understandable, Simplicity, Presentation, Documented); Interpretability (Interpretable, allowing Trend Evaluations); Data Availability (Currently existing, Easily Available, Long term record); Cost Considerations & Feasibility (Technicity, Data collection, Calculation and Interpretation, GIS-compatibility); Trans-boundary character (Acceptability, TB feasibility, EU legal conformity). These apply to all themes, beyond biodiversity. Hundreds of “elementary” biodiversity indicators would be potentially relevant for Prespa, given the high number of species/ habitats of conservation interest (see synthesis in Petkovski et al. 2008). As detailed above (§ “Connection to EU and national legislation”), just considering the species with the highest level of conservation concern and protection in the EU would still lead to a total of 112+ potential “indicator species” for Biodiversity (Table 11.3): Table 11.3. Numbers of species present in Prespa classified according to their inclusion in Annexes II/IV of the Habitats Directive and Annex I of the Birds Directive Categories Habitats Directive, Annexes II/ IV Amphibians 8 Reptiles 18 Mammals 29 Plants/ Invertebrates (Not analysed along this line in Petkovski et al. 2008) Birds Directive, Annex 1 Birds 46 Page 238/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Therefore, in order to come down to a realistic number, the approach suggested to the MCWG in February 2008 was to use 2 complementary approaches: a) Use international lists (IUCN Red Lists and EU Habitat and Bird Directives Lists), in order to identify species of international concern (EU or global) which occur in the Prespa watershed; b) pool separate expert advice from experts from the 3 countries, on “what are the priorities for a TB programme13, as perceived nationally”. Such expert advice helps bring in bottom-up information that global/ EU, list-based approaches may miss. Thus, for species in particular, the indicator species retained should: a) be of high TB conservation concern, i.e. either Globally14 threatened/ Nearly threatened (IUCN categories CR, EN, VU or NT), and/ or listed on the Annexes II or IV of the Habitats directive / Annex I of the Birds Directive; and b) be proposed by at least 2 countries as a “Priority for a TB system”. These national proposals were made in 2007-08 by national consultants, after consulting various national experts. This approach was endorsed by the MCWG at its meeting of April 2008, with preliminary lists of species and habitats proposed in Document A3 (Perennou 2008) – see Annex 4.3, Appendices 2 and 3. For species, the reduced list of potential indicator species meeting all the MCWG-validated criteria runs as shown in Table 11.4. 13 Important note: the question was formulated in this specific way, to avoid confusion with “What are the national priorities in your country?”, which would not be within the scope of a TB project 14 Note that threats at other levels (National, European) were not considered here, due to the already high number with a global criteria: the MCWG validated an approach using Global threats level as far as the Red List is concerned; the European level is taken into account not through Red listing but through EU Directives Page 239/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 11.4. List of potential indicator species groups meeting all the MCWG-validated criteria (MCWG meeting of April 2008) Category N° OF SPECIES SPECIES NAMES Amphibians 4 Triturus carnifex macedonicus (ex T. cristatus), Bombina variegata scarba, Rana graeca, Pelobates syriacus balcanicus Reptiles 4 Elaphe longissima, Algyroides nigropunctatus, Testudo hermanni (boettgeri), Emys orbicularis (hellenica) Mammals 4 Rhinolophus hipposideros, Rhinolophus euryale, Ursus arctos, Lutra lutra Invertebrates 6 Lucanus cervus, Calosoma sycophanta, Parnassius mnemosyne, Parnassius apollo, Lycaena (Thersamolycaena) dispar, Maculinea arion Plants 5 Phelypaea boissieri, Sedum serpentini, Centaurea prespana, Dianthus myrtinervius, Viola eximia Birds 3 Phalacrocorax pygmeus, Pelecanus onocrotalus, Pelecanus crispus The potential number of species has therefore been further reduced, although it is still high: excluding Fish, 26 “Biodiversity Indicator species” still meet all the criteria retained; however the list has to be smaller, at least in the first years of the TB monitoring system. Furthermore, indicators need not be restricted to a “single-species” approach, and amalgamated indexes have also been produced, like the Living Planet Index (LPI) on both global scale (Loh et al. 2005), or at sub-scales such as the Mediterranean wetlands or single sites, e.g. the Camargue (Galewski 2008): in theory one single indicator could thus encompass all species. However, it would still require many individual monitoring programmes for each biodiversity component, i.e. for hundreds of “sub-indicators”, and would thus be unrealistic in the current Prespa context. An intermediate, realistic approach would be for indicators covering not single species, but communities of species with a similar ecology and requiring the same (or similar) monitoring protocols. Two such approaches are proposed: the mid-winter international waterfowl census (IWC), and colonial breeding waterbirds. The international waterfowl census (IWC) Although encompassing species that are not all Endangered / not on the Annex I of the Bird Directive, it is considered highly relevant since: Page 240/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park - waterfowl are an important resource, both for hunters and for ecotourism/ interpretation (large, visible flocks; long-distance migrations, etc.); - it has so far been the only attempt in Prespa to participate in a long-term TB monitoring effort (although one not specific to Prespa); - it is a well-established, standardised monitoring programme that has been ongoing throughout the world, for several decades in some continents (e.g. Gilissen et al. 2002; Perennou 1993; Perennou et al. 1994, etc.), yielding unique results for the conservation of waterfowl and wetlands; - one single protocol allows covering many species (e.g. 27 for the Albanian part only of Prespa in 2008; Shumka et al. 2008); - other “simple” data on e.g. key threats, developments in the field, etc., can easily be monitored at the same time, if needed. Colonial breeding waterbirds A single-species approach would lead to selecting only Pelicans (2 species) as the key elements to monitor. However, it is proposed to enlarge it as “Population of colonial breeding waterbirds”, so as to take into account the requirements of the “Fish & Fisheries” Indicators15 n° P8, P9, P15 (which also require data on Cormorants P. carbo) and because for the Greek and Albanian Prespa IBAs at least, the trigger16 species are mainly colonial breeding waterbirds (the 2 Cormorant species, the 2 Pelican species, Ardeola ralloides, etc.). The indicator was thus redefined taking into account that different species/ groups will require different protocols – the indicator will thus be made up of a number of sub-indicators. Furthermore, to avoid disturbance to the colonies, only the breeding pairs n° should be monitored routinely. Finally, as: - the total n° of indicator species/groups is still too high; - in most groups the life histories of the different species are different enough so as to require totally different monitoring protocols, i.e. they cannot be monitored as part of the same scheme (e.g. snake/ lizard/ terrapin/ tortoise amongst reptiles would each require a specific protocol); - no more technical/ scientific criteria can be applied to further reduce the above list of indicator species/ groups to be monitored; 15 16 the aim is to integrate the proposals by all 7 thematic groups as far as possible “trigger” species are species that helped define that a given area is an IBA Page 241/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park - in order to reduce arbitrariness in the required further selection, the principle of reality can be applied: o The institutions likely to be able to monitor different taxonomic groups will often be different ones (NGOs, Universities, National Parks, etc.), and the task of coordinating a multi-faceted Biodiversity covering all groups, spread between numerous institutes, is likely to prove too heavy – at least for the first years of the TB system; o for some groups no monitoring has been attempted even at national scale (see Annex 4.3 Appendix 1); o Birds are the group where so far the most competences (and monitoring programmes: Annex 4.3 Appendix 1) are to be found, in the 3 countries: this group can therefore offer the foundations upon which to test a TB monitoring work in the best possible conditions, so as to draw lessons before expanding it to less well-covered groups; o Some groups/ species (e.g. bats) can be more easily monitored in a lowcost way than others; o Some species can be monitored in an indirect way; e.g. through questionnaires rather than through expensive ecological or genetic techniques. With this in mind, it is proposed to: - skip some taxonomic groups completely (Invertebrates) or largely (e.g. Reptiles, Amphibians) in this initial stage; - give birds pre-eminence overall, whilst still including a few other, key species, reckoning that this is only for the initial phase of the TB monitoring, and - avoid a systematic “one species - one indicator” approach, by proposing several composite indicators, taking into account several species (e.g. rare plants, wintering waterbirds). As a result, the following indicators are proposed, with specific rationale provided in and after Table 11.5. Page 242/381 Table 11.5. Preliminary list of proposed species/ groups for the indicators of the “Birds & other Biodiversity” monitoring theme Taxonomic Group & Indicator Species IUCN Red List/ EU Directives17 Priority for: Rationale MAMMALS Rhinolophus hipposideros Albania LC, HD Ann. II/ IV Rhinolophus euryale VU, HD Ann. II/ IV Myotis capaccinii VU, HD Ann. II/ IV All species can be monitored through one single, low-cost scheme in nursery caves Ursus arctos LC, HD Ann. II/ IV Man-bear interactions can be monitored (and bear population indirectly, too) through simple questionnaires Lutra lutra NT, HD II/ IV The most wetland-restricted of the mammals present Wintering waterbirds - (see text above) Mergus merganser LC A (relict) population of the Balkan, isolated from other breeding grounds Greece Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia X X X X X X X X X X X X X BIRDS 17 For each species, 1st line = IUCN status, 2nd line = European directives. IUCN: VU = Vulnerable, NT = Near-Threatened, LC = Least Concern (the "Least Concern" category is not a threat category as it refers to widespread and abundant species.). European Directives: BD= Bird Directive, HD = Habitat Directive; and e.g. BD I = “included in Annex I of Bird Directive” Pelecanus onocrotalus LC BD Ann. I One of the very few colonies in Europe X X X Pelecanus crispus VU BD Ann. I Largest colony in the world X X X Breeding cormorants, ibises, herons Several on BD Ann. I (see text above) LC, HD Ann. IV Species endemic to the Balkans (AL-GR-MK) X X X NT HD II, IV Balkans endemic Most wetland-dependent of the Prespa reptiles X X X AMPHIBIANS Rana graeca REPTILES Emys orbicularis (hellenica) PLANTS Trends of threatened and endemic terrestrial plants of the Prespa basin (composite indicator using all 5 species) One of the key values of Prespa basin; however doubts remain on the exact level of threats to these species in Prespa basin SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Additional rationale for some of the above groups/ species was agreed at the 1st meeting of Thematic TB experts from the 3 countries (Korcha, 20/02/2009): - The relict, breeding population of Mergus merganser is widely isolated from any other population in Europe, and is thus of a high genetic/ conservation value although not included in a global Red List or Annex I of the Birds Directive. It should be monitored too. - Several bat species are of TB conservation value (see Annex 4.3 Appendix 3). Monitoring their populations in a few, key caves that are already largely identified, is a low-effort/cost exercise. They should be monitored too. - The Brown bear as well is of high TB value (Annex 4.3 Appendix 3). Although monitoring its population can be relatively expensive (e.g. with photo traps allowing individual identification, or genetic analysis of scats/ hair), indirect and cheaper ways do exist, focusing on Bear-Man interactions rather than on the bear per se. Questionnaires to village/ community heads, with simple and replicable questions, could be easily administered by NGOs already working in the area on the species. The possibility to add the Wolf (no extra cost in a questionnaire survey) was contemplated. - Rana graeca is an endemic frog of the Balkans which is especially found along Prespa watershed streams. After a minimal training in its identification, a replicable monitoring along sample stations of some of these streams would appear as a low-cost, but very useful exercise. The species should then be monitored. - Invertebrates were considered too, but the n° of Biodiversity indicators was deemed to be sufficiently high already for the 1st years of the TB monitoring system – key Invertebrates of TB concern should be kept for a 2nd phase. The same was agreed for the Balkan Chamois Rupicapra rupicapra balcanica (an endemic subspecies restricted to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia part of Prespa and Albanian Prespa), although national schemes could be tested/set up in the short term, to be later extended at the TB level. - Plants were judged to be of a lesser priority, unless one of the listed species would be considered as particularly threatened, i.e. because it is an alpine specialist at risk from global (climate) change. Further information on the exact habitat/ threat level on this should be sought before deciding to retain or skip this indicator. - The wintering waterbirds monitoring scheme should pay a particular attention to the local breeding population of Anser anser rubrirostris, which also winters Page 245/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park locally, and which cannot easily be monitored while breeding without excessive disturbance. Therefore, a monthly winter census of Greylags (Nov-Dec-Jan) is required, taking into account its movements across the borders in winter, and a revised formulation of the Indicator is proposed (“Population of wintering waterbirds, especially Anser anser rubrirostris”). Synthesis The following indicators18 (Table 11.6 below) are proposed for the theme “Biodiversity” (Forest & terrestrial habitats, Aquatic vegetation & Fish excluded). Some preliminary, potential parameters to be measured for each indicator are proposed too. However, in the next stage of this work, it will be necessary to assess them carefully, as for a given indicator species/ habitat, different parameters/ variables will have different meanings (see following chapters). For instance, for breeding birds, the reproductive success would depend much more on Prespa conditions (pressures, threats, habitat suitability, etc.) than the mere n° of pairs or individuals would; however, national experts‟ advice is that it may not be obtained without causing unacceptable disturbance to the colonies in most cases. Furthermore, some parameters are more or less cost-efficient to measure. For some species (e.g. mammals), the number of individuals could be very demanding to assess, and different indicators such as scat, kills of domestic animals, sightings, other indicators of presence, quality of its habitat etc. may be envisaged. So the appropriate balance will have to be found in each case. The specification and evolution of each indicator (synthetically presented in Table 11.6), can be found in the nine non-numbered text-boxes following Table 11.6. 18 An indicator is a synthetic and meaningful description of a (e.g.) biological reality, which can be either simple (e.g. “N° of species in a given area”) or composite (e.g. “trend of forest-linked species”, which amalgamates into one composite indicator various, more simple variables/ parameters, i.e. the trends of each individual forest-related species). This distinction between “Indicators” and the more basic “Variable/ parameter” will be followed throughout. Page 246/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park B1 B2 Populations of bats in selected nursery caves Interactions between Brown bear Ursus arctos and Man (note: wolves may be added too) B3 Populations of Otter Lutra lutra B4 Populations of wintering waterbirds, especially Anser anser B5 B6 rubrirostris Populations of breeding colonial waterbirds S S/P S S S Breeding population of Mergus merganser P8-9-15 Through remote sensing? No Link with Indicator N° Birds & other Biodiversity Indicators Nature19 Table 11.6. List of proposed indicators for the “Birds & other Biodiversity” theme Preliminary list of potential specific parameters (refined later on) NO N° of individuals in nursery caves NO N° of reported interactions (sightings, damages, etc.) NO Counts of spraints/ marks along sample stretches of lake/ river shore NO N° of individuals per species, distribution by lake section NO N° of breeding pairs NO N° of breeding pairs or families B7 Population of Emys orbicularis S NO Estimates of X local populations in 3 countries using capture-recapture methods B8 Population of Rana graeca along streams of Prespa catchment S NO Abundance index along sample stretches of streams NO Depending on species ecology: distribution area (in GIS), or n° of stations, density or n° of individuals per station (B9 ?) 19 TO BE CONFIRMED: Trends of some threatened and endemic terrestrial plants of the Prespa basin (potentially 1-2 species amongst Phelypaea boissieri, Sedum serpentini, Centaurea prespana, Dianthus myrtinervius, Viola eximia) S Pressure (P), State (S), Impacts (I), Response (R) Page 247/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicator B1: Trends in Bat populations Nature: S Objective / Significance to Biodiversity monitoring: To monitor one key element of biodiversity of high EU value in Prespa, especially Rhinolophus hipposideros, Rhinolophus euryale, Myotis capaccinii Sub-indicators: - Relevance for a Transboundary MS: All three species above are of high TB interest: all are on Habitats Directive Annexes II & IV; and the latter two are also “Vulnerable” on the Global red List. Method / sources of information: All species can presumably be monitored through one single, low-cost scheme in caves (except in case of yet undetected migrations out of the area in winter, for some of the species) Institutions supposed to be involved: Initially: AL: Museum of Natural History – Tirana (and PPNEA?); GR: SPP & Groupe Mammalogique Breton (Brittanny Mammal NGO); Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: BIOECO/ Macedonian Ecological Society Longer term: staff of the national parks in all 3 countries for “routine” monitoring after training Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: Initial surveys (= Year 1 of TB monitoring) will help assess which of the species winter in the area Indicator B2: Trends in Man-bear interactions Nature: S (P) Objective / Significance to Biodiversity monitoring: To monitor the frequency of various man-bear interactions (sightings, damages, etc.), and bear population indirectly too Sub-indicators: - N° of sightings per year per area N° of damage to livestock, bee-hives, etc. Relevance for a Transboundary MS: A large mammal, present in all 3 countries, of high EU value (Hab. Directive Annexes II & IV); proposed by experts in all 3 countries as of key significance in a TB system Method / sources of information: simple questionnaires to village heads Institutions supposed to be involved: Callisto NGO (GR) for proposing standard questionnaire; possibly PPNEA or Natural History Museum-Tirana (AL) and BIOECO/ Macedonian Ecological Society (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) for administering it Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: None Note: There is a possibility to add the Wolf population as an extra indicator (no extra cost in a questionnaire survey) Page 248/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicator B3: Otter population trends Nature: S Objective / Significance to Biodiversity monitoring: To monitor the relative abundance of the Otter, which is the most aquatic of all the Prespa mammals, present in all 3 countries Sub-indicators: - Relevance for a Transboundary MS: High international value (Hab. Directive Annexes II & IV; and Globally Near-Threatened); proposed by experts in all 3 countries as of key significance in a TB system Method / sources of information: Field monitoring (sampling stretches of lake shoreline/ rivers) Institutions supposed to be involved: SPP (?) (GR); possibly PPNEA or Natural History Museum-Tirana (AL) and BIOECO/ Macedonian Ecological Society (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: Exact sectors where absent/ present in the 3 countries not precisely known need for a higher number of sample stretches Indicator B4: Population of wintering waterbirds, especially Anser anser rubrirostris Nature: S Objective / Significance to Biodiversity monitoring: To monitor the n° of waterbirds of each species wintering in Prespa, with special emphasis on the isolated, local, resident population of greylag geese (westernmost subpopulation of the subspecies A. a. rubrirostris) Sub-indicators: - Annual wintering population of each waterbird species that is present (ca. 30 species 30 sub-indicators) Monthly wintering n° of greylag geese (Nov – Dec – Jan) Relevance for a Transboundary MS: The overall populations are spread over the 3 national sections of the lakes, so any monitoring of lake populations requires a TB effort Method / sources of information: Field counts (yearly for all WB, 3 times per winter for A. anser) Institutions supposed to be involved: SPP (GR); possibly PPNEA (AL) and BIOECO/ Macedonian Ecological Society (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: None Page 249/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicator B5: Population of breeding colonial waterbirds Nature: S Objective / Significance to Biodiversity monitoring: To monitor the n° of colonial waterbirds of each species breeding in Prespa (Pelicans, Cormorants, Herons, Ibises), with special emphasis on pelicans (largest colony of Dalmatian pelican in the world) Sub-indicators: Annual breeding population of each colonial waterbird species that is present (ca. 12 species 12 sub-indicators) Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Overall, the breeding populations are spread over the 3 national sections of the lakes (although a few species may be restricted to 1-2 countries only), so any appreciation of the importance and trends of Prespa for colonial waterbird populations requires a TB effort. Method / sources of information: Field monitoring SPP (GR); possibly PPNEA (AL) and BIOECO/ Institutions supposed to be involved: Macedonian Ecological Society (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: None Indicator B6: Breeding population of Goosander Mergus merganser Nature: S Objective / Significance to Biodiversity monitoring: To monitor the isolated breeding population (Europe‟s southernmost population) of Goosander Sub-indicators: - N° of breeding pairs N° of families (after hatching) Relevance for a Transboundary MS: The breeding population is spread over the 3 national sections of the lakes, so any appreciation of the importance and trends of the Prespa population requires a TB effort. Method / sources of information: Field monitoring SPP (GR); possibly PPNEA (AL) and BIOECO/ Institutions supposed to be involved: Macedonian Ecological Society (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: Preliminary surveys needed to check whether breeding pairs and/or families (after hatching) is the most practical indicator, depending on breeding habitat (2 different habitats used , with likely differences in detectability) Page 250/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicator B7: Population of Emys orbicularis Nature: S Objective / Significance to Biodiversity monitoring: To monitor the population or density of the most aquatic of all the Prespa reptiles, present in all 3 countries Sub-indicators: - Relevance for a Transboundary MS: High international value (Hab. Directive Annexes II & IV; and Globally Near-Threatened); proposed by experts in all 3 countries as of key significance in a TB system Method / sources of information: Field monitoring (sampling stretches of lake shoreline/ rivers using live traps) Institutions supposed to be involved: SPP (?) (GR); possibly PPNEA or Natural History Museum-Tirana (AL) and BIOECO/ Macedonian Ecological Society (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: Exact sectors where absent / present in the 3 countries not precisely known Indicator B8: Population of Rana graeca along streams of Prespa catchment Nature: S Objective / Significance to Biodiversity monitoring: To monitor the abundance and trends of R. graeca, an endemic frog species of the Balkans Sub-indicators: - Relevance for a Transboundary MS: High international value (Hab. Directive Annex IV); proposed by experts in all 3 countries as of key significance in a TB system Method / sources of information: Field monitoring (sampling along selected stretches of Prespa watershed streams) Institutions supposed to be involved: SPP (?) (GR); possibly PPNEA or Natural History Museum-Tirana (AL) and BIOECO/ Macedonian Ecological Society (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: None Page 251/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicator B9: Trends of some threatened and endemic terrestrial plants of the Prespa basin (TO BE CONFIRMED) Nature: S Objective / Significance to Biodiversity monitoring: To monitor the abundance and trends of threatened and endemic terrestrial plants of the Prespa basin, one of the key biodiversity values of Prespa basin (potentially 1-2 species amongst Phelypaea boissieri, Sedum serpentini, Centaurea prespana, Dianthus myrtinervius, Viola eximia) Sub-indicators: - Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Endemic Balkan plants, mentioned as a priority for a TB system by experts from 2 or 3 of the countries Method / sources of information: Field monitoring Institutions supposed to be involved: SPP (?) (GR); possibly PPNEA or Natural History Museum-Tirana (AL) and BIOECO/ Macedonian Ecological Society (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: Doubts remain on the exact level of threats to these species in Prespa basin, and this Indicator may be skipped unless one of the listed species would be considered as particularly threatened, i.e. because it is an alpine specialist at risk from global (climate) change. Further information on the exact habitat/ threat level on this should be sought before deciding to retain or skip this indicator. After consultation and discussion on the above among the member of the respective group, the final list of indicators for the “Birds and other Biodiversity” is presented in Table 11.7. Page 252/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 11.7. Final list of indicators for the “Birds & other Biodiversity” theme N° BIRDS & OTHER BIODIVERSITY B1 Populations of bats in selected nursery caves B2 Interactions between Brown Bear Ursus arctos and Man (note: Wolves Canis lupus may be added too) B3 Population of Otter Lutra lutra B4 Populations of wintering waterbirds, with special emphasis on Anser anser rubrirostris Nature20 S S/P S S B5 Populations of breeding colonial waterbirds B6 Breeding population of Mergus merganser B7 Populations of Emys orbicularis S B8 Population of Rana graeca along streams of Prespa catchment S B9 Trends of some threatened and endemic terrestrial plants of the Prespa basin (Crocus pelistericus, Dianthus myrtinervius, Viola S eximia) S 11.3. Methods As a preamble, it must be stressed that virtually each biodiversity element covered in the proposal above requires a different method, due to the broad taxonomic range encompassed and, even within the same group, to different life histories, habitats, etc. 11.3.1. Description and justification B1) Population of bats in selected nursery caves Some bat species are very gregarious and faithful to traditional sites whilst nursing their young. A large part of the population is then concentrated at a few sites, where they are usually relatively easy to count (by experts). Nursery roost counts are also more likely to provide meaningful year-to-year comparisons than e.g. winter or migration roost counts, when (1) large inter-annual variations often remain unexplained, and (2) bats are better hidden in small crevices (in winter). Roost counts during migration would also be a theoretical possibility, but are considered less reliable in terms of population trends assessment, although very useful from the conservation point of view. Moreover, visits should not be multiplied at all seasons, so as to strictly limit disturbance. This is especially important for some wintering sites at GR-Prespa, at which minimal disturbance (e.g. by 20 Pressure (P), State (S), Impacts (I), Response (R) Page 253/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park light or increase of temperature) might be destructive due to the possible awakening of bats (X. Grémillet pers. comm.). So, in conclusion, monitoring key nursery caves should be considered as the essential component of a TB monitoring programme for bats in Prespa. Additional counts (wintering sites, migration, etc.) could of course be performed too, for increasing conservation knowledge, but could not be considered as being part of the TMS, which has to remain focused. More sophisticated methods using e.g. bat call detectors are more demanding and expensive (> 1000€/ box), and could be envisaged in a future, 2nd stage of the TMS. B2) Interactions between Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) and Man (note: wolves may be added too) Large carnivores are notoriously difficult to see, and reliable population censuses rely on expensive (e.g. photographic traps, genetic analysis of hair/ scats) or staff-intensive methods. So, various indirect methods, measuring “proxies” of the actual population size, may be used. For instance, compensation schemes for damages exist in some of the countries (e.g. 89 attacks on sheep registered in GR-Prespa in 2008; Callisto comm. pers. 20/02/2009) but their statistics are not comparable across countries due to different incentives for reporting, leading to different reporting rates. Another indirect way to measure their trends, and which will be retained, relies on simple, “participatory science”, i.e. involving local village heads/ mayors in assessing through semi-quantitative questionnaires administered every few years the trend in the frequency of encounters of people in their villages, and actual damage (livestock, beehives, etc.). The challenge will then lie in administering the questionnaire regularly to ca. 100 villages in the watershed, with questions robust enough so that answers do not depend too much on personal appreciations. Although initially suggested, the possibility to review Wolf presence as part of the same survey is not retained, as it usually raises negative reactions (and answers), which could potentially impact the quality of data collected on Bears. B3) Population of Otter (Lutra lutra) The otter is not a gregarious species, and is notoriously difficult to see. However its tracks and, mainly, spraints, are the easier way to detect its presence. Page 254/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park “…surveys of spraints, using standard methodology, give a reliable picture of the distribution of otters. Furthermore, spraint density can be used as a broad indication of the status of populations, provided sample sizes are large enough for statistical comparisons” (Mason & McDonald 1987). In Europe the most frequently used technique for detecting the presence of otters, and in some cases estimating their abundance or relative abundance, is to search for spraints. Over the past 25 years a „standard‟ survey method has evolved…” (Chanin 2003). Therefore a number of sampling stretches of both rivers and lake shores, along which its presence/ absence will be regularly searched, is an effective way to monitor it through a relative, indirect index. Due to the fact that outside Albania, its overall areas of presence or absence are currently not known in Prespa, a fairly high n° of sampling stretches will be required at first (participants in Korcha Workshop, 20/02/09). In Albania, baseline data already exists on the main areas inhabited by the species (F. Bego pers. comm.), providing hints on where to locate sampling areas. Similar preliminary work has been done in the Greek part of Lake Micro Prespa (X. Grémillet unpublished data), while the seasonal feeding habits and presence of the species have been studied by Delaki et al. (1988). B4) Population of wintering waterbirds, especially Anser anser rubrirostris Unlike for mammals, comprehensive counts of all wintering waterbirds can be performed. Standard procedures are well established as part of the IWC, and will be employed so as to guarantee compatibility with a pan-European, 40 years-old scheme. Since Greylag Goose is of a particular concern in Prespa, and is assumed to move around the lakes throughout the winter, total monthly counts at the peak of winter (November to January) will be performed too, exclusively for this species. B5) Population of breeding colonial waterbirds Comprehensive counts are the usual procedure for these species too, which are concentrated on only a few, traditional breeding sites. The methods involved so far give the highest priority to minimizing the disturbance to birds, i.e. they ensure that the colonies are not visited by observers during the breeding season. The methods already used in recent years will be continued. Page 255/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park B6) Breeding population of Mergus merganser This species is clearly known to be expanding in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, e.g. Ohrid (which was colonized from 2007 onwards) and Prespa (M. Velevski pers. comm.), but no baseline data exists in the other 2 countries. Comprehensive counts will be used for this species too, since although it is widespread along lakeshores, its population is relatively small and would not be effectively assessed through sampling methods. Furthermore, as in Prespa it nests in 2 quite different ways/ habitats, 2 distinct methods will need to be used in parallel, which will both require a preliminary study so as to choose between the different options debated by the experts at the 1st Workshop (Korcha, 20/02/2009), depending on the bird‟s ecology and the comparative results of both methods. B7) Population of Emys orbicularis Population sizes and their trends of the Pond terrapins are usually best assessed using Capture-Marking-Recapture Methods (CMR) (Olivier 2002). However this needs to be done on a population-by-population basis, given that for a large site like Prespa, with large tracks of unsuitable habitats (i.e. long stretches of cliffs falling into the lake) separating suitable ones, and given the usually limited home range of individuals, several populations with minimal connections are likely to occur, especially at: (a) Micro Prespa (GR/ AL), (b) Ezerani NR and surroundings (the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), (c) Stenje Marsh (Marsh nearby the village of Stenje) (the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), (d) Kallamasi bay (AL). Sampling each site separately by CMR every few years will provide estimates (and ranges) for each population size. B8) Population of Rana graeca along streams of Prespa catchment This species is in Prespa largely restricted to a linear habitat, i.e. along streams of the watershed, and is relatively easy to distinguish from other species at a glance, after a minimal training in identification. Therefore a low-cost but effective method for monitoring trends will be by sampling relevant streams, i.e. counting individuals along a number of sample stretches of key rivers of the Prespa watershed. B9) Trends of some threatened and endemic terrestrial plants of the Prespa basin (Dianthus myrtinervius, Crocus pelistericus, Viola eximia) These 3 species of sub-alpine meadows, and endemic to the Balkans, are potentially at risk from climate change – risk Medium for the former, High for the last two (BIOECO Page 256/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park comm. pers., March 2009). Monitoring their abundance along vertical transects encompassing their full altitudinal range in Prespa (i.e. Dianthus myrtinervius 1200 – 2600 m but main population concentrated between 1800-2000 m; Crocus pelistericus 1600-2600 m; Viola eximia 1500-2200 m) will be the best way to assess whether any decline or altitudinal shift occurs as a result. 11.3.2. Sampling methods B1) Population of bats in selected nursery caves The major nursery caves in each country will be visited each year in mid-late July. They are: - in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: the cave at Leskoec, near Stenje village and Galicica NP, - in AL: Treni cave near Micro Prespa Lake area, by far the most important site in the AL-Prespa, with the additional interest of being easy to reach (F. Bego pers. comm.); - in GR Prespa, nursery sites of bats are not as much concentrated in just one key site per country as in the two other countries (Grémillet & Boireau 2004, Grémillet & Dubos 2008). Therefore, caves and crevices networks found along the shores of Macro Prespa Lake and Mikrolimni (Micro Prespa), as well as in the karstic hills nearby these shores will be included. The method proposed is based upon Wilson et al. (1996). Cave roofs and crags will be inspected systematically using night-vision and / or ordinary, binoculars, rapidly so as to minimize the risk of disturbance, and the total number of each species will be recorded. For each species, the total number obtained by summing the nursing population of the 56 caves will be taken as an index representative of the overall Prespa population trends. Counts should be performed by very experienced people, able to distinguish species that look alike and identify them with certainty, as well as to count/estimate well populations of species of which females with their young concentrate in “layers” on the same spot making their counting extremely difficult. B2) Interactions between Brown Bear Ursus arctos and Man (note: wolves may be added too) Semi-quantitative questionnaires (Annex 11.1) will be administered every five years to all the local village heads/ mayors in the watershed. They will record, for each village: - whether there is Bear presence in their area; Page 257/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park - whether there are attacks (on sheep…) in the village territory; - the frequency of Bear-Man encounters in their villages, using broad classes (e.g. <10/year; 10-50/year > 50/year); - actual damage to livestock (n° of heads killed/ injured) and, separately, to beehives (using the same broad classes). For the first two parameters, a mere frequency will be calculated by bringing the results from all villages from all 3 countries together, e.g. “In 2010, 26% of all the responding villages declared damage to sheep/ beehives on their territory”. Separate statistics for each country may be computed too, to assess whether trends vary across borders. For each of the last two parameters (semi-quantitative classes), a summed index of all villages21 will be used as an overall indicator of the specific interaction, to be repeated in time. Note: a more ambitious option could be to repeat the questionnaire that was designed and administered in 1996-99 in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece by the NGO Arcturos (Annex 11.1) B3) Population of Otter Lutra lutra In line with Mason & McDonald (1987) and Chanin (2003), 60 sampling stretches of 600 m each will be defined in each country for long-term monitoring, ensuring that a weighted distribution of sampling sites between countries allows directly comparable results: 30 samples in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and 15 each in Albania and Greece. In order to select these 60 permanent stretches, a preliminary quick survey is required using local knowledge: it is proposed that in Year 1, 100 stretches should be checked (50, 25, 25 per country, as above). They will be located both along streams and lake shores. Forty of them, selected amongst negative ones (i.e. where no Otter presence was recorded in Year1), will be discarded afterwards. Each stretch will be covered on foot by an experienced observer twice a year (in order to accommodate for seasonal variations in behaviour), in April and September, in ca. 30 min. per stretch, looking for signs of presence: tracks, spraints… Only definitive presence or absence in each stretch22 will be 21 e.g. add “1” for each village answering “<10/year”; “2” for each answering “10-50/year” and “3” for “> 50/year” 22 a stretch will be considered as occupied it at least a definite sign of presence was noted in at least one of the 2 visits in a given year Page 258/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park recorded. For each stretch, the survey stops when a sign of presence (spraint) is detected. Periods of heavy rains, or immediately following them, should be avoided as they dissolve spraints. Data will be recorded using the form provided by Chanin (2003) in his Appendices C (for the preliminary survey, Year 1) and D (for later surveys). (downloadable from: The overall abundance index for Prespa will be computed, each year in which monitoring occurs, as being the % of occupied stretches (out of 60). Repeating this protocol every year will allow tendencies to be detected. Alternatively in case of limited resources/ staff, the surveys could be repeated only every 2, 3, or 5 years: the more often the better for an early detection of trends. B4) Population of wintering waterbirds, especially Anser anser rubrirostris Standard IWC methods will be used. They involve: - Coordinating at TB level so that the counts occur on the same week- end in all 3 countries, so as to minimize the risk of double-counting for this highly mobile group of species. - Defining a set of standard vantage points and other observation / count points which must be used each year, as has been done e.g. in Albania and Greece (see Annex 11.2). - Covering in a systematic way all the stretches of the lake shores by car, boat or on foot (depending on accessibility), as well as other wet habitats (e.g. wet meadows) in order to identify and count all individuals of all species. These will be recorded separately. - To assist with a proper, TB setting of counting sectors, an anchored (fixed) floating buoy will be positioned at the meeting point of the 3 borders. - Greylag Goose counts in November and December, outside the IWC scope, will concentrate on meadows/ fields where they are known to winter traditionally (no need to survey each stretch of lake shore). Permanent, informal enquiries with local farmers may help locate whether new wintering grounds emerge in the future. - During the pilot application stage, organising a training course for staff from the 3 countries, for the organisations that will commit themselves to long-term monitoring based upon the methods taught. The training course includes a 3-days joint field working session gathering teams of 2 persons from each country. In Page 259/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park addition, representatives of the Ministry of the Environment from each country will be invited to participate, but their costs should be covered on another budget. The aim of this session will be to test methods, share questions and enhance transboundary standardization between teams. B5) Population of breeding colonial waterbirds Pelicans sitting on nests (Micro Prespa-GR) will be counted from vantage points on nearby hills using a telescope, twice a week throughout the breeding season (February – early May). An additional visit will be paid in mid-September to the colonies, to count pelican nests and see hidden nests/ pelican colonies as well as to count cormorant and pygmy cormorant nests. The highest count will be taken to represent the breeding population. For herons/ egrets/ ibis/ pygmy cormorants nesting in reedbeds (Micro Prespa23), birds flying in/out of the colony at dusk, i.e. close to roosting time, will be counted 3 times per season and per colony: twice in May (beginning + middle of month) and once in the beginning of June., This Arrival – Departure method, that SPP has been using for years, produces a rough estimate, derived from rough calculation. The relationship between the estimate and the real population is unknown, however since data has been collected in this standard way for years, numbers are assumed to be comparable. For some species of herons (Egretta alba) direct counts of nests in the reedbeds from a vantage point are possible some years, depending on the position of the colony. Cormorant colonies on islands, especially in Golem Grad in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Vidronisi island in Greece and Mali Grad Island in Albania, will be counted by recording the n° of occupied nests from a boat staying at a sufficient distance not to cause disturbance. Due to the fact that many nests may remain unused in a given year, only direct counts during the period when birds sit on nests (April-May) and/or care for young must be used. In Golem Grad however, counting from a boat is not appropriate since numerous juniper trees, occupied by nests, are situated more inland. These would not be noticed from a boat, therefore direct counting on the island, despite small disturbances is recommended for this site only. The herons and gulls nesting on the island, outside of reedbeds, will be counted in the same way. 23 no detected reedbed colony up to now in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Page 260/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park B6) Breeding population of Mergus merganser Gilbert et al. (1998) have described in detail methods to monitor Mergus merganser, to be used in UK. However the main breeding habitat is different (i.e. rivers), and the recommended techniques (i.e. on foot) not practical for most of the Prespa lakeshore breeding habitat, which consists of cliffs. The methods proposed are therefore derived, but adapted from Gilbert et al. (1998), as well as recommendations from Bibby et al. (2000) for secretive waterfowl species. Timings are proposed based on these references, but may need to be adapted in case the phenology differs, e.g. with earlier breeding in Prespa than in UK. Mergus merganser in Prespa nests in two quite different ways, which require 2 distinct methods. A) Birds breeding along the limestone stretches of Macro Prespa are fairly spread apart, and presumably occupy crevices in rocks/ cliffs by the water edge. For these, the method will need to be chosen after the 1st year, by comparing the results of 2 possible options: so both methods should be applied in Year 1, and only the selected one afterwards. Both methods consist in slowly checking the whole lakeshore from a small boat, so as to perform comprehensive counts of: - Method 1: n° of territorial breeding pairs in the early season (Mid-March / April) - Method 2: n° of families after ducklings have hatched. (late June/ July) In both methods disturbance should be avoided by staying far enough from the birds (flushing distance to be learnt from on-the-spot experience), so as to avoid movements of birds and the associated risk of double-counting. Both methods are likely to result in underestimations: a few pairs whose females are already sitting on nests will be missed by the 1st one; failed breeding pairs will be easily missed with the 2nd one, which will however provide additional information on the breeding success. Overall, the first option is likely to provide the most reliable results in terms of population size, and could be used alone from the onset in case of limited resources. In Year 1, each of these 2 methods will be repeated 3 times, at 2-weeks interval, so as to (1) get an estimate of how detection rates vary between boat trips, for each of the methods, and (2) assess the relative comprehensiveness of one method vs. the other. The final method will be selected based upon the results, and repeated every other year. Page 261/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park B) In the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia the species also nests in a totally different habitat, wetlands, e.g. at the Ezerani NR. No nest has been recorded so far, and the birds do not concentrate in any special area after hatching chicks: birds appear in various sites along the entire shore zone, maybe depending of wind direction. The Serbian experts working there have been counting families after ducklings hatch, along the gravel beaches of Ezerani NR at the end of May and early June. It is therefore proposed that 3 counts per year be performed at this time, by walking the lake gravel shore and screening the water, and the highest count retained as a proxy to the n° of breeding pairs. The method should be repeated every other year. In addition however, a further expertise of the Goosander‟s local breeding habits should be performed, to identify the breeding phenology (esp. synchronicity between pairs), as well as key behaviours, e.g. bird movements after hatching, gathering areas if any, % of breeding population using each one, etc. B7) Population of Emys orbicularis In the Balkans, monitoring terrapins (2 species, incl. E. orbicularis) has been initiated at least on one site, i.e. Strymonas river - Kerkini lake in northern Greece (Crivelli et al. 2005; Chelazzi et al. 2006). The detailed protocol proposed in Annex 11.3 derives both from this project and for a similar one in the Camargue for E.orbicularis (Olivier 2002), adapted to a new situation. In Prespa, a preliminary study should be first conducted in Year 1, so as to identify the key sectors in which future surveillance monitoring should be carried out. The specifics of this study, and the way to derive the longer-term surveillance depending on its results, are also detailed in Annex 11.3. B8) Population of Rana graeca along streams of Prespa catchment The method proposed follows the broad principles of Heyer (1994). One stream of the Prespa watershed will be selected in each country, i.e. Aghios Germanos river in Greece, Zaroshka temporary stream in Albania, Brajchinska Reka River in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, along which, for each one, 1 permanent stretch of 500 m length and (2 x 5m) width (on both sides of the stream) will be selected, based upon the known occurrence of the species. For this, a preliminary study should be first conducted in Year 1 Page 262/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park (see Annex 11.4) so as to identify the altitudes with most abundant populations, in which future surveillance monitoring should be carried out. The specifics of this study, and the way to derive the longer-term surveillance depending on its results, are also detailed in the protocol in Annex 11.4. All individuals will be counted by slowly walking along the stretch. Repeating this protocol every 3 years will allow tendencies to be detected: the more often the better for early detection of trends; however this will depend on resources. B9) Trends of some threatened and endemic terrestrial plants of the Prespa basin (Crocus pelistericus, Dianthus myrtinervius, Viola eximia) Vertical transects encompassing each species‟ full altitudinal range in Prespa will be selected (i.e. Dianthus myrtinervius 1200-2600 m; Crocus pelistericus 1600-2600 m.; Viola eximia 1500-2200 m). For each species, a maximum of 4 such transects will be selected during year 1: one in Greece, 1 in Albania and 2 in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia due to different geological substrates (1 in Pelister Mountain , 1 in Galicica Mountain) (Table 11.8). They will be positioned in areas known to host the densest populations of these species, so consultations with e.g. specialists of the National Parks or from research institutes will be required. Table 11.8. Locations for transect sampling of three threatened and endemic terrestrial plant species of the Prespa basin Species Greece Albania Pelister Mountain Galicica Mountain Dianthus myrtinervius X - - X (on shallow silicate soils) Crocus pelistericus X - X (on silicate soils) - X X (on limestone soils) X (on silicate soils) X (on limestone soils) Viola eximia So, in total 8 transects will be selected for the three species. Along each transect, one quadrat will be selected every 100m of altitude, e.g. for a plant growing between 1600-2600m: 11 quadrats, at 1600, 1700, 1800 m ... 2600m elevation. The quadrats will be positioned within 200m on either side of the transect line, in areas chosen once for all by the observer as being particularly rich in the monitored species Page 263/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park (example in Figure 11.1). The quadrats will be 1 x 1 m , and subdivided in 16 subquadrats of 0.25 x 0.25 m. The n° of individuals of the species in each sub-quadrat will be recorded. The precise location of the transect starting/ ending points should be recorded very precisely (GPS coordinates + visible sign-posts left in the field), as well as the position of each quadrat, as exactly the same ones should be re-used every time the monitoring occurs. Highest point of transect (2600 m) 2600m 2500m ... ... 1700m 1600m Lowest point of transect (1600m) ---------200 m -----------maximum -------- 200 m ---------- maximum Figure 11.1. Positioning the quadrats ( ) on the transects to monitor threatened mountain flora Page 264/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park For each transect the data will thus be in the following format (using the previous example): Presence-Absence option N° of Semi quantitative option sum over 0.25 x 0.25 m² sub-quadrats where the whole quadrat of the 16 marks species is present (0 to 16) per sub-quadrat 2600m 1 5 2500m 3 12 .... 0 0 9 20 8 18 13 21 2 5 7 9 1 3 1 2 0 0 1600 m Similar tables repeated over time will allow trends to be assessed. This monitoring will be performed every 3 years for any given species, alternating the 3 species, e.g. Year 1 = Dianthus myrtinervius, Year 2 = Crocus pelistericus, Year 3 = Viola eximia, Year 4 = Dianthus myrtinervius, etc. As a final remark, it should be added that the protocol may need to be adapted on a species-per-species basis based on a number of biological traits that should be precisely identified for each species in a Preliminary Study, so as to facilitate interpretation (see following Box). Biological traits of mountain plants and their potential influence on monitoring methods/ protocols. - Annual plants are much more sensitive than perennial ones to inter-annual fluctuations in climatic variables, i.e. long-term trends may take much more time to assess due to the masking effect of these fluctuations; Page 265/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park - Species with a very short annual life cycle (e.g. blooming completed in just a few weeks) may require extra efforts, e.g. because they may go undetected in some years during the “usual peak” due to, e.g., a late spring; - Species with rhizomes can move faster (e.g. upwards as an adaptation to climate change) than bulb plants; the size of the seeds (which makes them able or unable to be wind-borne) may also play a big role; - Clonal species will require a precise definition of what is going to be counted as “a separate individual”; - The more or less aggregated distribution of the individuals of a given species in a given mountain range may drive the needs for quadrats of a different size than the standard one suggested here. 11.3.3. Periodicity – Five year timetable/ work plan For each indicator, the periodicity and (if available) the ideal timing, is proposed in the following table. It was assumed that all monitoring programmes will start in Year 1; however if needed, and for better spreading the overall effort/ budget over years, Indicators B2, B3, B6, B7, B8 could be rearranged in terms of timing, so that only 2-3 of them are monitored in any given year (Table 11.9). Table 11.9. Periodicity of monitoring methods for “Birds & other Biodiversity” N° B1 B2 Proposed indicator Population of bats in selected nursery caves Interactions between Brown bear Ursus arctos and Man METHOD YEAR 1 Direct counts Questionnaires to village mayors/ heads YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 Yearly (once in mid-late July) X (any time of year) NO (only every 5 years) NO (only every 5 years) NO (only every 5 years) NO (only every 5 years) NO (every other year)24 X (Twice, April and September) NO (every other year) X (Twice, April and September) X (Twice, April and September) B3 24 Population of Otter Lutra lutra Samples; counts of signs of presence (plus preliminary quick survey to identify most suitable areas) This monitoring could be performed at any frequency , depending on resources: every 1, 2, 3, 5… years Page 266/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park B4 Populations of wintering waterbirds, especially Anser anser rubrirostris B5 B6 Populations of breeding colonial waterbirds Breeding population of Mergus merganser B7 Population of Emys orbicularis Population of Rana B8 B9 graeca along streams of Prespa catchment Trends of threatened plants Total counts Total counts Yearly (Once in mid-January for all waterbirds, plus once in midNovember and mid-December for Greylag Goose) Yearly. Pelicans: February-May, twice a week; Herons/Ibises in reedbeds 3 times (twice in May and once June); Cormorants on islands (+ herons & gulls in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) in late April/early May X (3 times in 1st Year; ideal timing ideal timing = May/June Total counts (+ Preliminary study to choose between 2 options/ methods) Capturemarkrecapture X, Ideal months = May-June Total, direct counts on samples of habitat Transect + quadrats NO X (3 times in 1st Year; ideal timing ideal timing = May/June NO25 X, Ideal months = May-June (+ Preliminary quick survey to identify most suitable altitude) X (once for Once per sampled stream (Ideal months March - April Dianthus myrtinervius, June-July) X (3 times in 1st Year; ideal timing ideal timing = May/June NO NO X, Ideal months = May-June NO26 Once per sampled stream (Ideal months March April NO Once per sampled stream (Ideal months March April X (once for X (once for X (once for X (once for June- July) May-June Crocus pelistericus, Viola eximia: Dianthus myrtinervius, June-July) Crocus pelistericus, June- July) 11.3.4. Parameters For each indicator, the measurement of several parameters (or variables, Table 11.10) is usually necessary, either because they are an integral part of the composite/overall indicator, or because they provide vital information without which the indicator value 25 26 This monitoring could be performed at any frequency, depending on resources: every 1, 2, 3, 5… years This monitoring could be performed at any frequency, depending on resources: every 1, 2, 3, 5… years Page 267/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park cannot be properly interpreted (e.g. weather conditions may influence the detection rate of distant waterbirds, and therefore the counts). Table 11.10. Parameters to be measured in monitoring “Birds & other Biodiversity” Proposed N° Parameters that need to be measured indicator B1 B2 B3 B4 Population of bats in selected nursery caves Date, temperature of the caves at various locations inside the caves, total number by species, number (or %) of adults nursing a young, exact location (GPS point) Interactions between Brown bear Ursus arctos and Man Bear presence/ absence in each area27; presence/ absence of attacks (on cattle, beehives…) in this territory; frequency of Bear-Man encounters in the area; actual damage to livestock (n° of heads killed/ injured) and to beehives. For the latter 2, broad classes (e.g. <10/year; 10-50/year; > 50/year) will be used. Population of Otter Date, temperature, presence of fresh tracks, presence of fresh spraints, presence of old spraints Population of wintering waterbirds, especially Anser Date, air temperature, weather (in broad categories e.g. “sunny & windy”, “cloudy”), lake water condition (e.g. quiet, or big waves), N° of individuals of each species of waterbird on each counting sector (e.g. for one country: see Annex 11.2) Lutra lutra anser rubrirostris B5 Population of breeding colonial waterbirds Herons/ibises, cormorants: date, weather (in broad categories e.g. “sunny & windy”, “cloudy”), lake water condition (e.g. quiet, or big waves), time, N° of individuals or nests of each species of waterbird on each colony site Pelicans: date, weather, time, No of nests on each colony site, location B6 Breeding population of Mergus merganser Date, air temperature, weather (in broad categories e.g. “sunny & windy”, “cloudy”), lake water condition (e.g. “quiet”, or “big waves”), N° of individuals / nests / families (depending on the option chosen for Method), location (GPS points) B7 Population of Emys orbicularis Date, location of net (GPS recording), time elapsed since last net checking (in hours), code of each recaptured individual (notch per scale on shell), code of each newly captured animal, any unusual fact (e.g. broken/ injured shell) B8 Population of Rana graeca along streams of Prespa catchment Weather conditions (sky and wind code: see Annex 11.4), air temperature, water temperature, time begin survey, time end survey, habitat description, number of individuals, nature of contact (seen, egg/spawn clumps, breeding calls), comments (difficulties, activity of individuals, habitat changes since previous run of previous year) B9 Trends of threatened plants Date, location monitoring quadrat (GPS point), N° of individuals per sub-quadrat for each of the quadrats laid every 100m altitude 27 the territory which depends administratively on the village Page 268/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 11.4. Equipment Indicators B2, B3, B8 do not require any specific equipment. For the remaining indicators, the necessary equipment is presented in Table 11.11. Table 11.11. Equipment to be purchased for the monitoring of indicators B1, B4, B5, B6, B7 and B9 Equipment Number Cost for one item Total cost One pair of nightvision binoculars for each country 3 2000€ 6000€ One pair of normal binoculars for each country 3 500€ 1500€ One telescope with tripod for each country 3 2000€ 6000€ One pair of good field binoculars per country 3 1200 3600€ Anchored (fixed) floating buoy 1 300 300 105 100€ 10,500€ Precise Altimeter 3 50€ 150€ Portable wood quadrats * 3 10€ 30€ 300€ 1800€ Indicator B1 Indicators B4, B5, B6 Indicator B7 Fyke-nets for terrapins Indicator B9 Transversal (to be used for any indicator): 2 GPS per country 6 * will likely have to be made on measure, in a way that they can be easily and repeatedly dismantled/ mounted (to carry in the field/ mountains) Page 269/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 11.5 Monitoring stations See Table 11.12. Table 11.12. Monitoring stations for indicators B1-B9 Albania Greece Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia B1. Populations of bats in selected nursery caves Treni cave (by Micro Prespa Lake) Caves and crevices networks found along the shores of Macro Prespa Lake and Mikrolimni (Micro Prespa), as well as in the karstic hills nearby these shores 1 cave at Leskoec near Stenje, Galicica NP B2. Interactions between Brown bear Ursus arctos and Man All villages/ communes All villages/ communes All villages/ communes Proposed indicator B3. Population of Otter Lutra lutra B4. Populations of wintering waterbirds, especially Anser Liqenas Bay between Liqenas and Djellas (Macro P.); northern shore (to be set up after short, informal enquiries on areas of of Micro Prespa. presence from the former Devolli connecting channel to the Greek border All wetlands and shallow shorelines of lakes used by waterfowl; for A. anser all agricultural fields/ meadows too anser rubrirostris B5. Populations of breeding colonial waterbirds B6. Breeding population of Mergus merganser B7. Populations of Emys orbicularis B8. Populations of Rana graeca along streams of Prespa catchment B9. Trends of threatened plants Mali Grad island (cormorants) Vromolimni + Krina reedbed (Pelicans) + Mikrolimni, Aghios Achillios & Krina reedbed (colonies shift btw years) (herons/ Ibis); Vidronisi Isl. For P.carbo Golem Grad island (cormorants) + Ezerani NR All rocky shores All rocky shores All rocky shores + Ezerani NR Year 1: 35 sites (x 3 nets) Year 1: 15 sites (x 3 nets), to be selected within Stenje marsh + Ezerani NR Year 1: 55 sites (x 3 nets) Yr2 onwards: 1? Site (x 20 nets) Zaroshka stream Yr2 onwards: 2? Sites (x 20 nets) Aghios Germanos stream Yr2 onwards: 2? Sites (x 20 nets) Brajchinska Reka River (to be set up after enquiries on areas of higher density for each of the 3 species) Page 270/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 11.6. Organizations responsible for monitoring 11.6.1. Justification The proposed organizations are those which already have, in each country, some experience in themes related to the proposed indicators, and which fulfill to a large extent the proposed criteria defined in the Preliminary Stage (Phase C report: “Guidelines”). In addition, it is proposed to give, for Biodiversity issues, a large part in the mid/ long term to the staff of National Parks, who could potentially do a large part of the routine monitoring, after proper training has been delivered to them in the 1st years by the initial institutions in charge. In some cases, the organizations officially in charge may not have the technical capacity to actually do the field monitoring, and may wish to subcontract another organization. In that case, we have indicated first the name of the “official” body in charge, and then (with a *) potential, technical implementers (Table 11.13). Table 11.13. Organizations proposed to be responsible for monitoring indicators B1-B9 N° Proposed indicator B1 Population of bats in selected nursery caves B2 Interactions between Brown bear Ursus arctos and Man B3 Population of Otter Lutra lutra B4 Population of wintering waterbirds, 28 Albania Greece Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Museum of Natural Sciences SPP (assisting specialists) with permission by Management Body and Ministry of Agric. BIOECO in Year 1, then staff of Nat. Parks after training Management Body of the Prespa National Park; NGO Callisto* MES (Macedonian Ecological Society)28, then staff of Nat. Parks after training Museum of Nat. Sciences, Albanian Society for the Protection of Birds and Mammals (ASPBM) Museum of Nat. Sciences in Year 1, then staff of Prespa Nat. Park after training Museum of Nat. Sciences, staff of Prespa Nat. Park, SPP and Management Body of the Prespa National Park in Year 1, then staff of Prespa Nat. Park after training SPP/HOS in cooperation with Management Body BIOECO in Year 1, then staff of Nat. Parks after training BIOECO with its Serbian Expert in Ornithology; or contact person: Prof. Dr. Ljupco Melovski, president; E-mail:, Page 271/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park especially Anser PPNEA, ASPBM Population of breeding colonial waterbirds Museum of Nat. Sciences, staff of Prespa Nat. Park, PPNEA, ASPBM SPP Museum of Nat. Sciences, PPNEA, ASPBM, staff of Prespa Nat. Park, SPP/HOS in Year 1, then MBPNF after training anser rubrirostris B5 B6 B7 Breeding population of Mergus merganser Population of Emys orbicularis Population of B8 B9 Rana graeca along streams of Prespa catchment Trends of threatened plants Museum of Nat. Sciences, then staff of Prespa Nat. Park after training Museum of Nat. Sciences, then staff of Prespa Nat. Park after training Museum of Nat. Sciences in Year 1, then staff of Prespa Nat. Park after training of the Prespa National Park (MBPNF) SPP in Year 1, then MBPNF after training SPP in Year 1, then MBPNF after training SPP in Year 1, then MBPNF after training MES with National Expert in Ornithology (Metodija Velevski) in Year 1, then staff of Galicica and Pelister Nat. Parks after training, + staff of the Ministry of Environment + Skopje University (?) BIOECO in Year 1, then staff of Nat. Parks after training BIOECO in Year 1, then staff of Nat. Parks after training BIOECO in Year 1, then staff of Nat. Parks after training 11.6.2. Staff (technical, scientific) and organizational requirements For each of the 9 monitoring programmes, a knowledgeable field technician/ expert who is familiar with the specific terrain is required. This will be sufficient for Indicators B1, B2, B3, B7, B8, whereas the other 4 indicators will also require a 2nd person: an assistant technician. Depending on the long-term strategy on the institutions to be involved, especially for those indicators that will ultimately rely on staff from National Parks (see Table 11.13 above), training will have to be provided to a few motivated individuals from each Park. Training can be dispensed either during the actual monitoring (“On-the-job training”), e.g. for Indicators B3, B6 to B9, or may require extra training days where technical experience takes more time to build up (e.g. B1, B4, B5). In the latter case training costs will have to be planned. 11.6.3. Existing sources of funding The only indicators proposed herewith whose monitoring is already implemented on a regular basis, consist of indicators B4 and B5 in Greece, where they have been implemented through the commitment of the SPP for a number of years. For these Page 272/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park indicators in Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and for the other 7 indicators in all three countries, no resources have been allocated so far, and only some one-off monitoring occurs whenever funds are available (e.g. indicator B4 in Albania in 2008, but not in 2007 or 2009). 11.7. Budget The cost of purchase and installation of equipment has been presented in paragraph 11.4 (Table 11.11). Tables 11.14 to 11.23 present the running costs (other than manpower/ personnel) per indicator (B1-B9), with the exception of Table 11.18 that presents costs for a training session that may be needed for the monitoring of wintering waterbirds. Manpower/ personnel costs and total costs are presented in Tables 11.24 and 11.25 respectively. Page 273/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 11.14. Running costs (other than manpower/ personnel) for indicator B1 (Population of bats in selected nursery caves, Direct counts, Yearly) Consumables/ running costs Number Cost for one item (€) Total cost (€ per year) Albania: 1 annual trip of one day to the selected cave - Hotel 1 room for 1 night (Year 1) 12€ 12€ - Travel by field vehicle 600 km (expert has to come from the capital) 0.40 240€ - Per diem 2 days 30 60€ Subtotal Albania: 312€ Greece: 1 annual trip of one day to the selected cave Return trip from Athens by specialist 1100 km 0.40 440€ - Hotel 2 rooms for 2 nights 45€ 180€ - Per diem 6 55 330€ - Local Travel by field vehicle 100 km 0.40 40€ Subtotal Greece: 990€ Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: 1 annual trip of one day to the selected cave - Hotel 1 room for 1 night (Yr 1) 30€ 30€ (Yr 1) - Travel by field vehicle 500 km in Year1 (when the expert has to come from the Capital) 0.40 200€ (Yr 1) - Travel by field vehicle 100 km / yr afterwards (when staff from Nat Park has been trained and can do it) 0.40 40€ (Yr 2+) - Per diem 2 30 Subtotal the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: B1 - TB TOTAL PER YEAR WHEN MONITORING IS DONE: 60€ 290€ (Yr 1); 100 € (Yr 2+) 1592€ (Yr1); 1402€ (Yr 2+) Page 274/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 11.15. Running costs (other than manpower/ personnel) for indicator B2 (Interactions between Brown bear Ursus arctos and Man; Questionnaires to village mayors/ heads; Every 5 years) Consumables/ running costs Number Cost for one item Total cost (€ per year) Albania: 1 trip of 5 days to all villages/ communes (to interview all leaders) - Hotel 1 room for 5 nights 12€ 60€ - Travel by field vehicle 600 km (when the expert has to come from the capital) 0.40 240€ - Per diem 5 30 150€ Subtotal Albania: 450 € Greece: trips by Management Body to all villages/ communes (to interview all leaders) - Travel by field vehicle 100 - Per diem 5 0.40€ per km 40€ 55€ 275€ Subtotal Greece: 315 € Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: 1 trip of 5 days to all villages/ communes (to interview all leaders) - Hotel 1 room for 5 night (Yr 1) 30€ 150€ (Yr 1) - Travel by field vehicle 500 km in Year1 (when the expert has to come from the Capital) 0.40 200€ (Yr 1) - Travel by field vehicle 100 km / yr afterwards (when staff from Nat Park has been trained and can do it) 0.40 40€ (Yr 2+) - Per diem 5 30 150€ Subtotal Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: 500€ (Yr 1); 190€ (Yr 2+) B2 - TB TOTAL PER YEAR WHEN MONITORING IS DONE: 1265 € (Yr1); 955 € (Yr2+) Page 275/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 11.16. Running costs (other than manpower/ personnel) for indicator B3 (Population of Otter Lutra lutra; Samples; counts of signs of presence; Every 2 years) Consumables/ running costs Number Cost for one item Total cost (€ per year) Albania: 2 annual trip of two days to the selected stretches of lakeshore/ stream - Hotel 1 room for 4 night (Year 1 only) one night: 12€ 48€ (Yr 1) - Travel by field vehicle 2 X 600 km in Year1 (when the expert has to come from the capital) 0.40 480€ (Yr 1) - Travel by field vehicle 2 x 100 km afterwards (when staff from Nat Park has been trained and can do it) 0.40 80€ (Yr 2+) - Per diem 4 days 30 120€ 648 € (Yr 1); 200€ (Yr 2+) Subtotal Albania: Greece: 2 annual trip of two days to the selected stretches of lakeshore/ stream - Travel by field vehicle 2 x 100 km / Year - Per diem 4 days 0.40€ per km 80€ 55€ 220€ Subtotal Greece: 300 € Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: 2 annual trip of four days to the selected stretches of lakeshore/ stream one night: 30€ 240€ 2 x 500 km in Year1 (when the expert has to come from the Capital) 0.40 400€ (Yr 1) - Travel by field vehicle 2 x 100 km / yr afterwards (when staff from Nat Park has been trained and can do it) 0.40 80€ (Yr 2+) - Per diem 8 days 30 240€ - Hotel 1 room for 8 nights - Travel by field vehicle Subtotal Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: B3 - TB TOTAL PER YEAR WHEN MONITORING IS DONE: 880 € (Yr 1); 560€ (Yr 2+) 1828 € (Yr 1); 1060€ (Yr 2+) Page 276/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 11.17. Running costs (other than manpower/ personnel) for indicator B4 Population of wintering waterbirds especially Anser a. rubrirostris; Total counts; Every year (all waterbirds) + 2 more times/year (A. anser only) Consumables/ running costs Number Cost for one item Total cost (€ per year) 12€ 72€ 0.40€ 720€ 30€ 180€ Albania 3 annual trips to Prespa: - Hotel 2 rooms for 1 night, 3 times - Travel by field vehicle 3 x 600 km (the experts have to come from the Capital) - Per diem 6 Subtotal Albania: 972€ Greece - Travel by field vehicle to all parts of GR-Prespa 3 x 100 km per Year - Per diem 6 0.40€ per km 120€ 55€ 330€ Subtotal Greece: 450€ Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 3 annual trips to Prespa, including: - Hotel 2 rooms for 1 night, 3 times - Travel by field vehicle one night: 30€ 180€ 3 x 500 km in Year1 (when the expert has to come from the Capital) 0.40€ 600€ (Yr 1) - Travel by field vehicle 3 x 100 km / yr afterwards (when staff from Nat Park has been trained and can do it) 0.40 120€ (Yr 2+) - Per diem 6 30 180€ Renting a boat with engine to a fisherman 1 60 60€ Subtotal Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: 1010€ (Yr1); 540€ (Yr 2+) B4 - TB TOTAL PER YEAR WHEN MONITORING IS DONE: 2432€ (Yr1); 1962€ (Yr2) Page 277/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 11.18. Specific costs of the training session on monitoring wintering waterbirds (Pilot Application in 2010, assuming training expert comes from Athens) Number Cost for one item (€) Total cost (€) Staff time (waterbird expert) (days) 5 500 2500 Staff time ( Albania (2persons for 4 days) 8 100 800 Staff time ( Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 8 100 800 Staff time ( Greece 8 300 2400 Total Staff Boat rental (€/day) Greece 6500 1 day 200 200 Lodging & per diem Greece 1 trip of 4 days with 6 persons (2/country) with 4 nights in hotel = 6x4 per diem 45*4 (hotel) *6= 1080 55*4 (per diem)*6= 1320 2400 Lodging & per diem expert 1 trip of 5 days including 5 nights in hotel 45*5 (hotel)= 225 30*5 (per diem)= 150 375 Transport (expert) 1 Return trip from Athens Km 500km/Greece 1500km/Albania 1500m/Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Total other expenses TOTAL Training course 200 0.4 0.4 0.4 200 600 600 4575 11075 Page 278/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 11.19. Running costs (other than manpower/ personnel) for indicator B5 (Population of breeding colonial waterbirds; Total counts; Every year) Consumables/ running costs Number Cost for one item Total cost (€ per year) Albania: 1 annual trip to Prespa (Cormorants colony) Hotel 1 room for 1 night, 2 persons 12€ 24€ Travel by field vehicle 600 km (the experts have to come from the capital) 0.40€ 240€ Per diem 2 30 60€ Renting a boat 1 day, boat with engine to a fisherman 50 50€ Subtotal Albania: 374 € Greece: 64 (4 months x 4 weeks x twice a week x 2 points ) annual trips to vantage points for pelican counting + 3 trips to the herons/ ibis colony - Travel by field vehicle Pelicans: 80 km x 64 = 5120 km/ Year Cormorants 50km x 1 trip Herons: 50 x3 trips Per diem Pelicans: 64 Cormorants 1 Herons 4people, 3 times 0.40 2128€ 55 4235€ Subtotal Greece: 6363 € Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: 1 annual trip to Prespa (Cormorants colony) - Hotel 1 room for 1 night, 2 persons 30€ 60 € - Travel by field vehicle 500 km in Year1 (when the expert has to come from the capital) 0.40€ 200€ (Yr 1) - Travel by field vehicle 100 km / yr afterwards (when staff from Nat Park has been trained and can do it) 0.40 40€ (Yr 2+) - Per diem 1 30 30 € Renting a boat with engine to a fisherman 1 60 60 Subtotal Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: 350€ (Yr1); 190 € (Yr2+) TB TOTAL PER YEAR WHEN MONITORING IS DONE: 7087 € (Yr1); 6927 € (Yr2+) Page 279/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 11.20. Running costs (other than manpower/ personnel) for indicator B6 (Breeding population of Mergus merganser; Total counts; Every 2 years) Consumables/ running costs Albania Renting a boat with engine to a fisherman Number Cost for one item 6 in Year 1; 3 in Yr 2+ 50€ Per diem 12 in Year 1; 6 in Yr 2+ 30€ Hotel nights 12 in Year 1; 6 in Yr 2+ 12€ Travel by field vehicle 6 x 600 km in Yr 1 (the experts have to come from the capital); 3 x 600 km from Yr2 onwards 0.40€ Greece Renting a boat with engine to a fisherman 6 in Year 1 (SPP boat); 3 in Yr 2+ (MBPNF boats) Per diem 12 in Year 1; 6 in Yr 2+ 55€ 1100 km (Yr 1) 0.40 2 in Year 1 45€ 20€ in Yr1 Subtotal Greece: Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Renting a boat with 12 in Year 1; 6 in Yr 2+ engine to a fisherman 300€ in Year 1; 150€ in Yr 2+ 360€ in Year 1; 180€ in Yr 2+ 144€ in Year 1; 72€ in Yr 2+ 1440€ in Yr 1; 720€ from Yr2+ 2244€ in Year 1; 1122€ in Yr 2+ Subtotal Albania: Return trip from Athens by HOS specialist Hotel nights Total cost (€ per year) 120€ in Year 1; 60€ in Yr 2+ 660€ in Year 1; 330€ in Yr 2+ 440€ (Yr 1) 90€ (Year 1) 1310€ in Year 1; 390€ in Yr 2+ Per diem 24 in Year 1; 12 in Yr 2+ 30€ Hotel nights 24 in Year 1 6 x 500 km in Year1 (when the expert has to come from the capital) 3 x 100 km / yr afterwards (when staff from Nat Park has been trained and can do it) 30€ 720€ in Year 1; 360€ in Yr 2+ 720€ in Year 1; 360€ in Yr 2+ 720€ (Yr 1) 0.40€ 1200€ (Yr 1) 0.40 120€ (Yr 2+) 500€ 500€ (Yr 1) - Travel by field vehicle - Travel by field vehicle Preliminary study on breeding ecology in Ezerani NR, for defining best practises for following years 1 Subtotal Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: B6 - TB TOTAL PER YEAR WHEN MONITORING IS DONE: 60€ 3860€ in Year 1; 840€ in Yr 2+ 7414€ in Year 1; 2352€ in Yr 2+ Page 280/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 11.21. Running costs (other than manpower/ personnel) for indicator B7 (Population of Emys orbicularis; Capture-Mark-recapture; Every 2 years) Consumables/ running costs Albania Hotel 1 room for 7 nights, 1 person (Yr 1) Renting a boat with engine to a fisherman 7 days in Yr1; 15 days/ Yr from Yr 2 onwards - Travel by field vehicle - Travel by field vehicle - Per diem Number 600 in Year1 (when the expert has to come from the Capital) 100 km afterwards (when staff from Nat Park has been trained and can do it) 7 days in Yr1; 15 days/ Yr from Yr 2 onwards Cost for one item 12€ 50€ per day 0.40 0.40 Total cost (€ per year) 84€ (Yr 1) 350€ in Yr1; 750€ from Yr 2 onwards 240€ (Yr 1) 40€ (Yr 2+) 30 210€ Yr1; 450€ Yr 2+ 884€ Yr1; 1240€ Yr 2+ Subtotal Albania: Greece Fuel for a boat - Travel by field vehicle 1 consultant mission from France, 5 days - Per diem 25 days in Yr1; 30 days/ Yr from Yr 2 onwards 200 km / Yr– vehicle from SPP (Yr 1) then Nat. Park. Trip + consultancy fee (training to staff from 3 countries who will implement) 25 days in Yr1; 30 days/ Yr from Yr 2 onwards 20€ (SPP boat in Yr 1, then boat of management body) 500€ in Yr 1 (SPP boat); 600€* from Yr2 0.40€ per km 80€ 4000€ 4000€ (Yr1) 55 1375€ Yr1; 1650€ Yr 2+ Subtotal Greece: 5955 € Yr1; 2330 € Yr2+ Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Hotel 1 room for 15 nights, 1 person (Yr 1) 30€ 450€ (Yr 1) Renting a boat with engine to a fisherman 15 days in Yr1; 30 days/ Yr from Yr 2 onwards 60€ per day 900€ in Yr1; 1800€ from Yr 2 onwards 0.40€ 400€ (Yr 1) 0.40 200€ (Yr 2+) - Travel by field vehicle - Travel by field vehicle - Per diem 1000 km in Year1 (when the expert has to come from the Capital) 500 km / yr afterwards (when staff from Nat Park has been trained and can do it) 15 days in Yr1; 30 days/ Yr from Yr 2 onwards Subtotal Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: B7 - TB TOTAL PER YEAR WHEN MONITORING IS DONE: 30 450€ in Yr1; 900€ from Yr 2 onwards 2200 € Yr1; 2900 € Yr2+ 9039 € Yr1; 6470 € Yr2+ * this cost may depend heavily on e.g. whether the N. Park will have its own boat or will have to rent one Page 281/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 11.22. Running costs (other than manpower/ personnel) for indicator B8 (Population of Rana graeca; Total, direct counts on samples of habitat; Every 2 years) Consumables/ Cost for one Total cost (€ Number running costs item per year) Albania 1 room for 1 nights, 1 person (Yr 12€ 12€ (Yr 1) Hotel 1) - Travel by field 600 in Year1 (when the expert 0.40 240€ (Yr 1) vehicle has to come from the Capital) 100 km afterwards (when staff - Travel by field from Nat Park has been trained 0.40 40€ (Yr 2+) vehicle and can do it) 2 days in Yr1; 1 days/ Yr from Yr 60€ Yr1; 30€ - Per diem 30 2 onwards Yr 2+ 312 € Yr1; 70 € Yr 2+ Subtotal Albania: Greece - Travel by field vehicle 1 consultant mission from Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (BIOECO), 5 days - Per diem 100 km / Yr; vehicle from SPP (Yr 1) then Nat. Park. Trip + consultancy fee (training to staff from 3 countries who will implement) 0.40€ per km 40€ 1000€ 1000€ (Yr1) 55 55€ 1 day Subtotal Greece: Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1 room for 1 night, 1 person (Yr Hotel 1) 500 km in Year1 (when the - Travel by field expert has to come from the vehicle Capital) 100 km / yr afterwards (when - Travel by field staff from Nat Park has been vehicle trained and can do it) 2 days in Yr1; 1 days/ Yr from Yr - Per diem 2 onwards 1095 € Yr1; 95 € Yr 2+ 30€ 30€ (Yr 1) 0.40€ 200€ (Yr 1) 0.40 40€ (Yr 2+) 30 60€ Yr1; 30€ Yr 2+ Subtotal Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: B8 - TB TOTAL PER YEAR WHEN MONITORING IS DONE: 290 € Yr1; 70 € Yr2+ 1697 € Yr1; 235 € Yr 2+ Page 282/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 11.23. Running costs (other than manpower/ personnel) for indicator B9 (Trends of threatened plants; Transect + quadrats; Every 3 yrs for each sp, every yr overall) Consumables/ running costs Number Cost for one item Total cost (€ per year) Hotel 1 room for 1 night, 2 person (Yr 1) 12€ 24€ - Travel by field vehicle 600 in Year1 (when the expert has to come from the Capital) 0.40 240€ (Yr 1) - Travel by field vehicle 100 km afterwards (when staff from Nat Park has been trained and can do it) 0.40 40€ (Yr 2+) - Per diem 2 days 30 60€ Albania 324 € Yr1; 124 € Yr 2+ Subtotal Albania: Greece - Travel by field vehicle 100 km / Yr; vehicle from SPP (Yr 1) then Nat. Park. - Per diem 2 days 0.40€ per km 40€ 55 110€ Subtotal Greece: 150 € Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Hotel 1 room for 1 night, 2 person (Yr 1) - Travel by field vehicle 30€ 60€ (Yr 1) 500 km in Year1 (when the expert has to come from the Capital) 0.40€ 200€ (Yr 1) - Travel by field vehicle 100 km / yr afterwards (when staff from Nat Park has been trained and can do it) 0.40 40€ (Yr 2+) - Per diem 2 days 30 60€ Subtotal Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: 320 € Yr1; 100 € Yr2+ B9 - TB TOTAL PER YEAR WHEN MONITORING IS DONE: 794 € Yr1; 374 € Yr 2+ Running costs for manpower/ personnel needs are listed in Table 11.24 (indicating costs per year when the monitoring is actually done). The total budget is presented in Table 11.25. No costs for maintenance and software updating were estimated (considered insignificant). Page 283/381 Anser a. rubrirostris 29 Cost per day per person29 Total cost Number of people involved N days of fieldwork/ year Cost per day per person Total cost 2 Total counts N days of fieldwork/ year 1 Number of people involved Samples; counts of signs of presence Direct counts FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA ALBANIA Total cost 1 METHOD N days of fieldwork/ year Cost per day per person Number of people involved Populations of wintering waterbirds especially FREQUENCY B4 lutra Yearly B3 Population of Otter Lutra Questionnaires to village mayors/ heads Every 5 years B2 1 expert +1 assistant Every 2 years B1 Populations of bats in selected nursery caves Interactions between Brown bear Ursus arctos and Man GREECE Every year N° PROPOSED INDICATORS Table 11.24. Running costs for manpower/ personnel needs for the monitoring of indicators B1-B9 1 145€ 290€ 1 1 75€ 75€ 1 1 75€ 75€ 5 145€ 725€ 1 5 75€ 375€ 1 5 75€ 375€ 4 145€ 580€ 1 4 75€ 300€ 1 8 75€ 600€ 8 145€ 1160€ 2 6 75€ 450€ 2 8 75€ 600€ a standard rate of 75€ was applied throughout, as an average between the daily cost of a technician (50€) and a scientist (100€) since fieldwork will usually involve a combination of these two (the balance of which may change with time) B8 B9 Population of Emys orbicularis Population of Rana graeca Trends of threatened plants Every year Every 2 years Total counts 6 145€ 870€ 1740€ in Year 1; 870€ from Yr2 4375€ in Yr1, 5250€ from Yr2 2 6 75€ 450€ 2 6 (12 in Year 1) 2 6 75€ 900€ in Yr1, 450€ from Yr2 1 17 in Yr1, 30 from Yr2 75€ 450€ 2 12 (24 in Year 1) 75€ 1800€ in Yr1, 900€ from Yr2 75€ 1275€ in Yr1, 2250€ from Yr2 1 7 in Yr1, 15 from Yr2 75€ 525€ in Yr1, 1125€ from Yr2 2 6 (12 in Year 1) 25 in Yr1, 30 from Yr2 145€ 1 145€ 145€ 1 1 75€ 75€ 1 1 75€ 75€ 2 145€ 290€ 2 2 75€ 150€ 2 2 75€ 150€ CaptureMarkrecapture Every 2 years B7 Mergus merganser 2 1 Total, direct counts on samples of habitat Every 2 years B6 Breeding population of Total counts 1 Transect + quadrats Every 3 yrs for each sp every yr overall B5 Populations of breeding colonial waterbirds 2 145€ Total cost (Yr 1) Total cost per year thereafter Staff cost (per year) Consumables/ recurrent costs (per year) Total cost (Yr 1) Total cost per year there after Staff cost (per year) Consumables/ recurrent costs (per year) Total cost (Yr 1) Total cost per year there after Equipment costs Consumables/ recurrent costs (per year) B2 FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA ALBANIA Staff cost (per year) B1 Populations of bats in selected nursery caves Interactions between Brown bear GREECE 290 990 1280 1280 75 312 387 387 75 290 (Yr 1); 100 (Yr 2+) 365 175 725 315 1040 1040 375 450 825 825 375 500 (Yr 1); 190 (Yr 2+) 875 565 580 300 880 880 300 648 (Yr 1); 200 (Yr 2+) 948 500 600 880 (Yr 1); 560 (Yr 2+) 1480 1160 1160 450 1610 1610 450 972 1422 1422 600 1010(Yr 1); 540 (Yr 2+) 1610 1140 6000 N° PROPOSED INDICATORS Table 11.25. Summary of budget (in €) for the monitoring of indicators B1-B9 Ursus arctos and Man B4 Population of Otter Lutra lutra Populations of wintering waterbirds, especially 990030 B3 Anser a. rubrirostris 30 to be used for indicators B4-5-6 B5 B6 Populations of breeding colonial waterbirds Breeding population of Mergus B7 Population of Emys B8 Population of Rana Trends of threatened plants Costs transversal to all indicators TOTAL (€) * 180 graeca 28380 1800 B9 orbicularis 10500 merganser 870 6363 1740 in Year 1; 870 from Yr2 1310 in Year 1; 390 in Yr 2+ 4375 in Yr1, 5250 from Yr2 5955 Yr1; 2330 Yr2+ 7233 824 450 350€(Yr 1; 190 (Yr2+) 800 640 1572 1800 in Yr1, 900 from Yr2 3860 in Year 1; 840 in Yr 2+ 5660 1740 2159 3490 525 in Yr1, 1125 from Yr2 2200 Yr1; 2900 Yr2+ 2725 4025 312 Yr1; 70 Yr 2+ 387 145 75 290 Yr1; 70 Yr2+ 365 145 324 Yr1; 124 Yr 2+ 474 274 150 320 Yr1; 100 Yr2+ 470 250 10570 9439 14350 9840 7233 450 374 1260 900 in Yr1, 450 from Yr2 2244 in Year 1; 1122 in Yr 2+ 10330 7580 1275 in Yr1, 2250 from Yr2 884 Yr1; 1240 Yr 2+ 145 1095 Yr1; 95 Yr 2+ 1240 240 75 290 150 440 440 150 27103 21563 3050 824 3144 In order to visualize the approximate cost of monitoring biodiversity, and taking into account the frequency of measuring each parameter as described earlier, the annual and 5-years-cycle budgets can be modelled as follows (Table 11.26). Note that no total per year is provided as, depending on resources, it may be deemed desirable to spread more evenly over the years the monitoring of indicators that are done only every other year. Table 11.26. Annual and 5-years-cycle budgets (in €) for the monitoring of indicators B1-B9 N° INDICATOR EQUIPMENT YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 TOTAL 5YEARS CYCLE B1 Populations of bats in selected nursery caves (to be amended by adding assistant) 7500 € 2032 € 1842 € 1842 € 1842 € 1842 € 16900 € B2 Interactions between Brown Bear Ursus arctos and Man 2740 € B3 Population of Otter Lutra lutra 3308 € B4 Populations of wintering waterbirds, especially Anser a. B5 B6 rubrirostris 9900 € Populations of breeding colonial waterbirds Breeding population of Mergus merganser B7 Population of Emys orbicularis B8 Population of Rana graeca B9 Trends of threatened plants 10500 € 180 € 2740 € 2540 € 2540 € 8388 € 4642 € 4172 € 4172 € 4172 € 4172 € 31230 € 8857 € 8697 € 8697 € 8697 € 8697 € 43645 € 11854 € 4572 € 4572 € 20998 € 15214 € 15095 € 15095 € 55904 € 1992 € 530 € 530 € 3052 € 964 € 5420 € 1384 € TOTAL 964 € 964 € 964 € 188,277.00 € SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park It must be highlighted that the costs are only indicative, and should allow for additional, unforeseen expenses (e.g. plan a total of 200,000€ for the theme over 5 years). Costs are usually sensitive to one major key component, which may vary across indicators and across countries. For instance, the cost of Indicator B5 is largely due to a high n° of km to be travelled by car in Greece and a high n° of per-diems, which have been so far taken care of by the SPP; the cost of Indicator B7 is due to the fact that it is very labour-intensive, but part of it could be possibly covered by an in-kind contribution of National Parks (in the form of providing their staff time). The same is true with all staff time considered here, part of which may be provided by organizations as a way to show a real commitment towards a TB monitoring system for Prespa; it is nevertheless budgeted for, as a way to evaluate this commitment. 11.8. Pilot application For the Pilot application (late 2009 – 2010), the following 5 indicators will be tested: B1 Populations of bats in selected nursery caves B2 Interactions between Brown bear Ursus arctos and Man B4 Populations of wintering water-birds, especially Anser a. rubrirostris B5 Populations of breeding colonial waterbirds B9 Trends of threatened plants (1 species only for Pilot phase) It should be stressed that not retaining indicators B3, B6, B7, B8 for the Pilot test phase does not imply at all leaving them forever out of the TMS. Eventually, each of these extra four indicators will need its own “Pilot test year”, so as to test the protocols and adapt them, if needed. Page 289/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 12. Socio-Economics Maureen DeCoursey, Forest, Environment and Enterprise Specialist, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA is the interface between the natural and the non-natural values (the Man and Nature interaction, which includes considerations of landscape, cultural values etc.) that gives Prespa its unique and distinctive character. --Preparatory Stage, Phase A, 3.2.2 Sustainability means winning hearts and minds. --Gary Snyder, American literary figure and ecologist 12.1. Introduction and Background This report is an initial attempt to develop a set of meaningful socio-economic1, or ―nonnature‖ indicators to be included in the pilot Prespa Transboundary Integrated Monitoring System (TMS). This is a challenging task: natural resource monitoring systems typically do not include the human dimension2 in their efforts, and while experts in the field acknowledge that it is necessary, the means to integrate socio-economics and notions of community sustainability are in the early stages of development (McCollum 2008; Vlachos E. pers. comm.; Valentin A. and Spangenberg J. 2000; Pinter L. 2005; Cottrell S. 2008 pers. comm.) Working models are rare, and to complicate matters, relevant field data from the Prespa region itself is in short supply. In spite of the obstacles, the Prespa integrated Transboundary Monitoring System (TMS) represents a rare opportunity to develop an appropriate system from the ground-up, one that meets the unique needs and constraints of this spectacular region, and creates a model for other transboundary parks, protected areas and conservation landscapes. As noted in the Strategic Action Plan, ―every aspect of human life in Prespa is ultimately related to the environment.‖ The converse is also true – every aspect of the environment 1 The term socio-economic indicator, as it is used in this report, describes the range of potential nonbiophysical, or non-nature, indicators relevant for the Prespa Watershed. This includes (but is not limited to) demographic features, natural resource use practices, anthropogenic threats, cultural values, economic wellbeing, and community sustainability. 2 For example, the Great Lakes and Camargue systems used as a models for this effort. Page 290/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park (e.g. environmental quality) is ultimately related to humans. People will drive (or not) the conservation of biodiversity and water in the region, and socio-economy will play a key role in this process. Monitoring strategic elements of socio-economy, and involving strategic stakeholders, are therefore a crucial component of the overall monitoring effort. It is a well-known fact that a historical weakness of many integrated conservation and development programmes has been the lack of meaningful involvement by local communities. They did not participate in planning or implementation, nor did they receive incentives or concrete benefits for their cooperation or the hardships they incurred as a result of protection measures. Lasting socio-economic development, if it occurred at all, was typically carried out as an incidental or adjunct activity – local communities often did not make the connection between their ―development‖ and the conservation of a rare or threatened species/resource in their midst. Moreover, project implementers neglected to make clear to local communities, in a direct and concrete manner, what behaviours/conditions were desired and what would be gains as a result of their cooperation in conservation activities. To overcome this ambiguity and apathy, practitioners now employ tools such as quid pro quo agreements so conservation and development are forever linked in the hearts and minds of local residents. Understanding this history and the lessons learned has value for the proposed TMS in Prespa. The linkages between socio-economic activities and desired conservation outcomes need to be clear in the hearts and minds of local stakeholders. These linkages should be reflected in the monitoring system as well: for maximum utility, socio-economic elements/indicators need to be strategically linked to specific conservation outcomes, e.g. protection of high priority plants and animals, water sources, and habitats. Local involvement – not just as research subjects to be ―monitored‖ but as project partners, implementers, and data users—should be a key aspect of the monitoring program as a whole. A close review of background documents indicates several potential monitoring objectives, target issues and kinds of indicators (Annex 12.1). These can be summarized in the following broad categories: population and demographics socio-economic well-being and community sustainability Page 291/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park anthropogenic threats to key species/habitat and water quality/quantity cultural aspects such as traditional architecture, land use practices and ecological knowledge landscape aesthetics. Overall, they represent valid monitoring themes and objectives, however it is not feasible to address them all at one time, especially in the pilot phase. Each requires a tailored research and deployment strategy that is somewhat exclusive of the other, in addition to considerable start-up time/resources given the paucity of existing and relevant local-level information: much data exists on biophysical monitoring, but less so for the socioeconomic aspects. Figure 12.1 shows an attempt to address some of the complexity inherent in integrating socio-economics into natural resource monitoring. This conceptual model, developed by the US Forest Service in conjunction with a number of project partners, is an attempt to link the condition of local socioeconomy with the condition of, in this case, rangeland resources. A similar conceptual model might be useful for the Prespa TMS to better articulate the linkages between the difference components, and to strategize the desired role of socio-economic monitoring in all. The diagram shows that integrated monitoring programs can be quite complicated and from an operational view, potentially unwieldy. Measures must be taken up front to keep it simple, strategic, specific and results-oriented. It is also important to remember that – from a technical standpoint – it is relatively simple to monitor biophysical elements such as water quality/quantity, but monitoring human behaviour that affects water quality/quantity (or that is affected by water quality/quantity) is a different kind of undertaking altogether. Annex 12.2 includes the set of core indicators for the sustainable rangelands program, for reference. Page 292/381 STATE T0 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Current Biophysical Conditions Natural Resource Capital Social Capacity & Economic Capital Current Human Condition Air, Water, Soils, Plants/Animals, Rocks Total Biomass and Biodiversity* Economic Assets & Liabilities Social Opportunities & Constraints Values & Norms Income Health Security STATE T1 TIME *Reproduction, Growth, Death, Decomposition Succession Migration Adaptation Competition ----Disturbance ----Soil Erosion/Genesis ----Nutrient Cycle ----Water Cycle ----Carbon Cycle Air, Water, Soils, Plants/Animals, Rocks Current Biophysical Conditions Mgmt & Social Regulation Extraction Demand Production of Goods/Services Ecosystem Services Trade Use of Ecosystem Services Investment Use of Goods Waste Discharge Total Biomass and Biodiversity * *Indicates both Plant & Animal Natural Resource Capital Economic Assets & Liabilities Social Opportunities & Constraints Social Capacity & Economic Capital Social Processes -------Population -------Cultural --------Education --------Governance --------Markets --------Legal System ---------Social Interaction ---------Family Values & Norms Income Health Security Current Human Condition Figure 3. Tier 3 Framework – Rangeland Example Figure 12.1. Sustainable Rangelands Monitoring Model (From McCollum 2008) The socio-economic indicators for the first phase of the pilot system should be simple, low cost and to the extent possible, utilize existing data. The whole task is challenging, since collecting and analyzing local economy and resource use data from 62 villages/3 countries (or a stratified selection thereof) and/or across user groups is a time consuming and costly process which is not be practical at this early stage of system development. Proposed Strategy The wide variety of potential socio-economic monitoring topics/indicators, the limited number of relevant and readily available datasets common to all three countries, the overall time/budget constraints, and the need to simply ―get going‖ with pilot monitoring program deployment necessitate a simple yet strategic approach. In summary, a two stage strategy is advocated. 1. During the Pilot Phase, the Prespa TMS should utilize the existing datasets for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), disaggregated to include villages in the Prespa Watershed only. Page 293/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park What are the Millennium Development Goals? In September 2000, 147 Heads of State and Government and 191 nations adopted the Millennium Declaration, committing themselves to a series of targets, to be achieved by 2015. The declaration outlines peace, security and development concerns including environment, human rights and governance. By committing to the Declaration, world leaders agreed to a set of eight time bound and measurable Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Numerical targets have been set for each goal, to be achieved over a 25-year period between 1990 and 2015. Indicators have been selected to monitor progress on each of the targets. The MDG program is being carried out in both Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and includes 8 sustainability/socio-economic goals and 55 indicators to measure progress towards achieving these goals. These indicators meet the majority of criteria listed in the Phase C report of the Preparatory Stage, and offer a potentially expedient way forward. Goals include: poverty/hunger eradication, universal primary education, gender equality, child mortality reduction, maternal health improvement, HIV/AIDs and other disease reduction, environmental sustainability, global partnerships for development. Annex 12.3 contains a complete list of goals and indicators. As an alternative, if the MDG datasets were not readily available for use in the Prespa Region, a simple set of common demographic statistics (regularly collected in all three countries by government agencies, ideally at the village level) can be used. Other elements that can be easily monitored by direct observation, aerial photography or remote sensing might also be considered, for example, roads and physical infrastructure construction. 2. Assuming that one (or a combination) of these approaches will be sufficient for the pilot phase, the second phase can be dedicated to developing the village-level database and/or addressing the other areas of monitoring as desired. This will allow enough Page 294/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park time/resources to be mobilized to better elaborate and prioritize monitoring objectives, develop the research methodology, and collect/input the requisite data. Stage 2 can introduce indicators into the system that monitor more complicated issues including: specific conservation threats, especially to water quality/quantity and priority species and habitats; village livelihood and resource use patterns; measures of community well-being and sustainability; tourism (to avoid over-development and additional pressures); cultural aspects. This two stage approach allows monitoring system development to move forward with (potentially) low additional cost. By using the MDGs, the system is employing an existing set of indicators used in two of three countries that meet most (if not all) of the selection criteria, thus creating a considerable degree of efficiency and practicality. MDGs are also advocated by experts as a starting place to develop more site specific and comprehensive ―sustainability indices‖ in the future (Pinter et al. 2005). Other strategic considerations are outlined below. Note that in order to move forward with this strategy, background research will be required, as summarized in the Section ―Research Gaps‖. Primary Users Beyond ―managers‖, current thinking in sustainable development monitoring emphasizes the involvement of local communities from the beginning, and the need to design systems that meet their needs as well. This is especially true for resource-dependent communities like those in Prespa. Community Participation and Vetting To facilitate greater local participation, both in resource management and civil society function (overarching goals for the region), vetting the chosen monitoring topics and indicators with the local communities to receive their input might be considered. While this may take longer, it can create a greater sense of local ownership and greatly expand the utility and relevance of the monitoring effort as a whole. Community vetting can also help foster the development of a transboundary ―bioregional‖ culture, ethics and values, another one of the overarching goals for Prespa region. Page 295/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Interfacing with Other Monitoring Components/Indicators The integration of socio-economic with biophysical indicators was taken into account, by incorporating in the proposed list indicators closely linked to e.g. Fisheries or Forestry, that were considered by the relevant thematic experts group as more relevant to the socio-economic field. Scale One of the challenges is that socio-economic issues – especially as they relate to livelihood viability and resource use in general, or more specifically to species, habitat and water conservation – are best monitored at the community, not transboundary, scale. Thus, the scale at which socio-economic monitoring will occur may need to be different than for the other components. Definition of ―communities‖ It is also useful to note that the term community can take on different meanings depending on the specific research (or development) objective. In the Prespa region (and for monitoring purposes) ―community‖ can be understood in two ways: geographical or user. Geographical community refers to an actual village/district in the Prespa watershed that is near a priority habitat or species population, or adjacent to a key water source (for example.) User community is a group of people that use a particular natural resource, for example, firewood collectors, hunters, fishers, herders, and tourists/tourist businesses. User communities (or user groups) may exist both within the watershed and outside it. Having a better sense of the kinds of communities to be engaged in monitoring—as data subjects and potential data users—will help to focus socio-economic monitoring efforts. The extent to which relevant local and/or user issues are currently being addressed nationally (and by whom) is not readily known. This kind of data often exists outside mainstream government and educational institutes, and is more likely to be found through local/regional NGOs and development assistance programs. A survey of these organizations should be considered to determine if, and what kinds, of data they have on local communities. Simply amalgamating this data into a watershed level database would be a very useful exercise, helping to identify gaps and determine where the transboundary system can best add value. Page 296/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 12.1.1. Link with EU Legislation Using the MDGs as a basis for socio-economic indicators is consistent with EU and international standards, and offers a common methodology already being employed in two of the countries involved (Albania and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.) The extent to which Greek statistics can be used to meet MDG indicators has yet to be determined. Support from the national project expert assistants in all three countries is needed to better understand the utility of the MDGs for the TMS and make a final determination on its usage. As a member of the EU, Greece currently employs the EUROSTAT system for collecting national socioeconomic data. It is assumed that once the other countries gain admittance into the EU, they will adopt this methodology as well. Therefore, EUROSTAT might also be considered as a potential methodology/source of data for the Prespa Basin as well, presuming both Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are planning to use this system eventually, that their current system can be easily adapted to EUROSTAT, and the data can be disaggregated to include Prespa communities alone. 12.1.2. Analysis of Existing Monitoring Programmes Information from the metadatabase, concerning potential socioeconomic data available for use in the TMS, has been presented in the meta-database, produced during the Preparatory Stage. Note that while Albania and Greece have some promising sources of data, nothing at all is listed for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The majority of databases listed provide little beyond basic demographic information; however three potentially deal with elements of conservation concern: medicinal plants (AL), tourism (GR) and illegal activities (GR). Six potential data partners are also listed: INSTAT (AL), PPNEA (AL), Euronatur, ECAT (AL), SPP (GR), NSSG (GR). More information is needed to accurately assess and potentially make use of the existing databases listed. This includes: 1) a detailed summary of information fields contained in the databases; 2) basic research in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia detailing potential sources of relevant socio-economic data, summarized along the same lines as above. Page 297/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 12.1.3. Baseline Information As noted above, the metadatabase contains potential socio-economic data sources for Greece and Albania, but none are listed for Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. It is assumed that this data is available, and simply needs to be located. It should be kept in mind that while population and related statistics offer a starting point for conservation programs, they yield little useful data in terms of resource use practices, dependency, environmental threats, and potential solutions to problems. In addition, these kinds of statistics without context can obfuscate sources of real environmental and community concern and lead to erroneous assumptions. For example, while low population levels are typically more compatible with biodiversity and water conservation, the intensity in which people utilize the landscape and/or their use of impact-mitigating technologies is a better indicator of environmental impact. A single industrial-scale fishery, for example, can have a much greater impact than a number of small-scale artisanal fishing enterprises. Likewise, a populous city can have less impact on water quality than a small village, if it has a sound sewer and water treatment system. Thus, simple demographic statistics often belie key issues and impacts. For reference, Table 12.1 below summarises some sample statistics compiled for the 2004 UNDP/GEF project development effort. A map of the basin (in which all settlements are found) is included in Figure 12.2. Simple statistics such as these can be used as a starting point for developing more relevant socio-economic indicators (if the MDGs are not found to be useful); however they must be accompanied by more contextual and theme-specific indicators to paint an accurate picture of the location situation. Table 12.2 summarizes some potential sources of village-level data in the Prespa basin. Page 298/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 12.1. Sample Population Statistics for the Prespa Basin Category Unit Basin-wide Population 24,000 people (approx.) 69 communities (towns and villages) Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 17,500 persons (75% of total), all in Municipality of Resen w/ 7000 inhabitants (44 communities total) Albania 5,300 persons (17%), divided between Liqenas Commune, Progër Commune and Bilisht Qendër Commune (12 communities total) Greece Trend Statistic 1,500 persons (8%), all in Municipality of Prespa (13 communities total) Basin-wide Decreasing Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Decreasing (20% over the past thirty years); Albania Stable or slightly decreasing Greece Stable Table 12.2. Potential Community/User Data Sources in the Prespa Basin (from DeCoursey 2004) Country Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Foreign Projects and Assistance Organizations UNDP KfW (German) USAID SOROS Center GTZ World Food Program SNV Albania ECAT Euronatur Dorkas Aid SIPUC (?) MADA Local NGOs, CBOs, User Associations Apple Producers Association Hotel/Tourism Association Other? Diello (CBO, Liqenas) AMPEP (CBO) REC Prespa Forest Users Association Prespa Fisheries Association Womens Association Other? SPP Greece Unknown Farmer, Livestock Association? Other? Page 299/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Figure 12.2. Settlements in the Prespa area Page 300/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park One potentially useful exercise to conduct at the onset would be a simple spatial analysis to determine the location of villages (geographical communities) vis-à-vis areas of high conservation value, such as parks and protected areas, priority/sensitive habitats, areas of known population occurrences for priority species, and important riparian and lake recharge areas. Nearby communities typically (but not always) have the most impact (good and bad) on local resources and are in the best geographical position to help monitor and protect them. A similar exercise could be conducted to map (and rank) specific towns/villages with a high population of a particular kind of resource user (user community), such as medicinal plant harvesters, hunters or firewood collectors, or where there is a known high level of environmental or water impact. These kinds of simple spatial analyses help to stratify the basin and prioritize areas for baseline data collection and conservation action, allowing the project to focus on key sites from the beginning. 12.1.4. Rationale for Socio-Economic Monitoring and Indicators Routine surveillance, the overall goal of the transboundary monitoring system as a first step toward adaptive management, can take on a wide variety of themes. As noted previously, these can be lumped into several general categories including: population and demographics socio-economic well-being and community sustainability anthropogenic threats to priority species/habitats and water quality/quantity cultural aspects such as traditional architecture, land use practices, ecological knowledge, and issues closely related to biodiversity (?) landscape aesthetics baseline data on local communities including structure of local economies and livelihoods, natural resource use patterns, attitudes and motivations, potential resource conflicts and/or changes in resource pressure, economic valuation information. While these socio-economic monitoring categories are all important, it would be virtually impossible to address them all given the time/resource constraints and the need for a fairly in-depth research program to obtain the necessary baseline data. The alternative strategy proposed allows further elaboration and prioritization of these categories for potential use later as time/resources are available, and once the pilot monitoring system Page 301/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park is up and running. The rationale for specific indicators is included in Annex 12.4 ―Recommended Indicators‖. 12.1.5. Research Gaps Specific research needs for each proposed indicator are included in Annex 12.4 (second table), whilst general research questions are listed below: Conceptual/operational framework for the monitoring system as a whole, showing how threats/impacts are integrated with biophysical indicators. Thresholds and benchmarks—needed to provide a measure of condition/state over time. Using population as an example, what threshold will be considered sustainable (good condition—no action needed), somewhat sustainable (fair condition – monitor closely and/or take proactive steps to mitigate), and unsustainable (poor condition requiring immediate action)? This kind of analysis should be based on some mutually agreed upon notion of carrying capacity and/or ―ideal‖ condition for the each indicator. Spatial analyses to identify/rank key threats vis-à-vis specific human settlements, to better prioritize research and monitoring efforts. Village-level database development – if resources are available, the project should consider conducting a survey of NGOs, development assistance agencies, protected areas support programs, and other organizations working in the watershed to gather existing village-level data and compiling it into a database. This would the help the transboundary monitoring effort to determine what is currently known (and what already been done), what needs to be done, who is in the best position to do it, and how the monitoring program can bring added value to existing local and national community research and monitoring efforts. developing a socio-economic database of village-level research, and determine priority areas for socio-economic monitoring — anthropogenic threats to specific critical elements of biodiversity and water, natural resource use and dependency, community socio-economic health, attitudes toward conservation, etc. 12.2. Development of Indicators A set of 18 socio-economic indicators is proposed below (Table 12.3); details are found in Annex 12.4. Out of these 18, 11 are considered feasible as part of an initial Pilot phase. Page 302/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park The key is to keep primary efforts focused, strategic, cost-effective and feasible, focusing on a few key topics only. More monitoring topics can be added once the basic methodology is operationalized and funding is secured. Table 12.3. Set of originally proposed socio-economic indicators N° Indicator SE 1 Population (number of inhabitants) SE 2 Population Composition SE 3 SE 4 SE 5 Annual Net/Disposable Income Omitted for pilot phase Poverty Omitted for pilot phase Employment Omitted for pilot phase Nature D, P D D, P D, P (I?) D, P, I Resource Dependency: SE 6 Income vs Personal Use/Subsistence D, P, I Omitted for pilot phase Governance and Policy Issues: SE 8 Public Spending on Environmental Management and Protection in the Prespa Basin SE 9 Enforcement of environmental protections laws SE 11 SE 13 SE 14 Water Use, Demand and Threats Firewood consumption/pressure Omitted for pilot phase Grazing pressure Omitted for pilot phase SE 17 Incidence of Forest Fire SE 19 Fishing Pressure SE 20 Annual fishing effort and catch Omitted for pilot phase SE 21 Physical Infrastructure/Urbanization SE 22 Agriculture (by country) SE 23 Waste Management SE 25 Tourism D D, R P, I, R P P P,R P P, I D, P, I D, P R P, I Page 303/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Note that to be relevant for the Prespa Basin, this data will need to be collected at the village level and not as part of larger administrative units that include areas outside the Basin, as this would skew the results. Following the workshops in Korcha/ Korçë (March 2009) and Bitola (May 2009), a total of 19 socio-economic indicators were finally chosen divided as follows: Two indicators for pilot phase testing 2009-2010, based on data from the previous census (2001-2002); Eleven indicators (including the two above) for the implementation phase in 2011 and beyond, to coincide with the upcoming censuses in all three countries; Eight additional indicators (for a total of 19) that are strongly recommended for the full TMS but will require additional funding for needed research and data collection. The indicators are a blend of basic demographics, specific socio-economic issues related to biodiversity and water conservation, and themes that reflect shared goals for the region—improved environmental governance, aspects of sustainable development such as poverty reduction, resource dependency, access to potable water, environmentally sound sewage treatment and rubbish disposal, tourism development, and attitudes toward lake conservation and the Prespa Transboundary Park. While the 11 indicators recommended for the implementation phase will provide a snapshot of life in the Prespa Basin, it should be noted that only the full set of indicators (19) will present an accurate representation of the socio-economic status of local communities vis-à-vis the local environment and the prospects for sustainable development. Table 12.4 presents indicators to be used for the initial configuration and testing for the Pilot Phase TMS. These were chosen mainly because the data is readily available from each country’s census and will not require substantial time or funding to obtain, allowing design of the full system to move forward in a timely manner. Due to the upcoming round of census taking stated to begin in 2011 for Albania and Greece, and 2012 for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, pilot indicators will rely on data collected in the last census, e.g. 2001 for the first two countries and 2002 for the latter. Additional indicators will be added in 2010-2011, when the next round of census taking is implemented (Table 12.5). Page 304/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 12.4. Initial Pilot Phase Socio-Economic Indicators and Parameters N° Indicator SE 1 Population Size and Growth SE 2 Nature D, P Population Composition D Parameters Number of inhabitants Growth rate Birth rate Age structure: % under age 15; % 65 and older Gender: % males, % females Average household size Distribution: % rural, % urban Density: inhabitants/area Table 12.5 presents the full suite of indicators to be included in 2010 and beyond. This includes new census data and other data for which research from cooperating institutions and/or a small amount of funding to support contract research will be needed. Workshop participants from all three countries confirmed that the relevant data currently exists, but needs to be tabulated and formatted for use in the TMS. As such some additional time and a small amount of funding will be needed to obtain this data. Table 12.5. Implementation Phase Socio-Economic Indicators and Parameters N° SE 3 SE 4 Indicator Public Spending and Investment for Environmental and Natural Resource Management in the Prespa Basin Enforcement of environmental laws Nature D D, R SE 5 Water Use, Demand and Threats P, I, R SE 6 Incidence of Wildland Fire P,R Parameters % agriculture % forestry % water % biodiversity % other Incidences of illegal activity x resource Citations issued x resource Financial penalties collected x resource Population (%) with access to quality inhouse drinking water via public utility Population (%) with environmentally sound sewage and water treatment Number/location/extent of forest/grassland fires per year Page 305/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park SE 7 SE 8 SE 9 SE 10 SE 11 Fishing Pressure P Physical Infrastructure and Urbanization D, P, I Agriculture Number of fishing licenses x country Number of fishing boats x country Annual catch x country Roads (km) Surface area covered/converted (km2) Sand excavation (km2) Main crops x hectares under production (location) Annual value of production (per crop) Villages with environmentally sound rubbish disposal (% total, location) Number/location of disposal sites (formal and informal) Number of visitors x location Number of sites open to public x type (religious, historical, archaeological, environmental, recreational, etc.) Tourism investment x source (public or private) Number of beds Number of hotels D, P Waste Management R Tourism P, I Table 12.6 lists additional indicators that are strongly recommended, but for which additional funding will be required for elaboration and field research. Table 12.6. Socio-Economic Indicators that Require Additional Funding* No. Indicator Nature SE 12 Annual Net/Disposable Income D, P SE 13 Poverty Rate D, P, I SE 14 Employment D, P, I SE 15 Resource Dependency D, P, I SE 16 Firewood consumption/pressure P SE 17 Grazing pressure P SE 18 Annual fishing effort and catch SE 19 Attitudes and knowledge regarding conservation P, I R * Parameters that require further research and elaboration Page 306/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 12.3. Methods 12.3.1. Description and justification One of the main constraints to monitoring socio-economic and cultural conditions in the Prespa Basin is the lack of existing data at the appropriate scale, and the cost/time needed to obtain it. Existing statistical data generated by official entities do not accurately reflect the ―real situation‖ in the Prespa Basin for several reasons: 1) data on several key issues specific to natural resource conservation, livelihoods, and sustainable development do not exist; 2) data is collected/analyzed/reported at varying scales in each country (municipality, prefecture, region, district, etc.); 3) the most relevant data scale for the Prespa Basin is village/household level, which does not exist for some indicators at present; 4) data is collected/analyzed/reported at too large a scale in each country—village and household level data is often subsumed by the larger administrative unit which skews the results and does not reflect the local situation within the basin alone; 5) the three countries collect/analyze data using different methodologies and timeframes. To overcome these constraints, the socioeconomic working group divided the indicators into 3 sets based on the comparative ease/cost of obtaining the relevant data at appropriate and comparable scales. Data for the initial set of pilot indicators (2) can be readily retrieved from the last census in each country, data for the full set of pilot indicators (9 additional) will require a small amount of funding because of the additional time required to compile it into a useful format; indicators recommended for the full TMS (8 additional) will need to be addressed in a detailed village-level research project that will require more substantive additional funding. This will entail a separate and sustained trilateral program that employs a common methodology. Ideally this would be mainstreamed into national-level planning and budgeting as part of each country’s support and commitment to the Prespa Basin. Given the comparatively small size of the region and number of communities involved (69 total, with 12 in Albania, 44 in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and 13 in Greece), this research should be able to be accomplished in an economical and efficient manner. The resulting database would create a transboundary management framework to guide sustainable development of the region as whole. Page 307/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 12.3.2. Methods to be used According to the members of the socio-economic working group, supporting data for indicators to be used in the pilot phase already exists; however, the majority is not readily available in the format needed for the TMS. While census data (for SE 1-2) will be relatively easy to obtain, data for the full set of indicators (SE 3-11), will require a more detailed search to locate the data and compile it into a useable format. A standardized set of worksheets and protocols will be needed to ensure that the data is collected and tabulated in a way that is compatible between the three countries. EUROSTAT-based statistics should be selected whenever possible. Workshop participants confirmed that the appropriate scales for data to be used in the TMS in each country (e.g. covering the Prespa watershed only) are: Albania—village and commune Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia—village and municipality Greece—village and municipal district. A composite map showing villages and settlements in the Prespa Basin can be found in Figure 12.2. It is not within the scope of this consultancy to develop the village-level research methods, however some guidelines are provided below. REC Macedonia recently concluded a socio-economic analysis of the communities inside and around Ezerani Nature Reserve which could serve as a model for a future transboundary research program (see box below). Socio-Economic Analysis of Ezerani Nature Reserve, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Over the course of 5 days, a team of 4 from REC Macedonia interviewed 63 households from 10 villages in and around Ezerani Nature Reserve (ENR). Funded by UNDP, the overall goal of the study was to collect and analyse village-level socio-economic data to better understand local communities and their use/abuse of ENR. Specific objectives were to: 1) quantify risks and costs associated with proposed protection measures; 2) recommend the best institutional arrangement for protection; 3) identify suitable compensation measures for local participation in protection, including investments in the sustainable use of natural resources, solving existing conflicts over land and property, preventing pollution, and improving the general well-being of the local population. The entire budget for this effort was approximately 10,000 €. (For more details contact REC Macedonia for a full copy of the report.) Village-Level Socio-Economic Research Guidelines: Page 308/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 1. Create a tripartite research development team to devise a common methodology that country-specific teams will execute. 2. Employ participatory methodologies such as PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal or Livelihood Analysis. This may include a variety of methods such as semistructured interviews with focus groups (such as resource user groups) and key informants, conventional household surveys, village mapping, etc. 3. Stratify the communities in the basin focusing on those adjacent to or near priority sites for biodiversity and water conservation (e.g. national parks and other protected areas, priority habitats, streams, lakes, and other important water bodies.) 4. Coordinate with other thematic groups to include resource-specific issues of pressure, threats, impact and dependency. 5. Include other related issues such as resource tenure/access rights, attitudes toward the Prespa environment and conservation, cultural values, official versus unofficial income, temporary versus seasonal residence, employment in the formal versus informal sector, access to public services and others. (For a more complete list of indicators, parameters and related issues see Annex 12.6). Table 12.7 summarizes the methods recommended for each implementation phase socioeconomic indicator (excluding those requiring additional funding for research). Potential sources of data are also listed. Since the indicators cover a wide ranging set of themes, the needed data is collected by various diverse organizations and agencies. Cooperative agreements or MOUs to share data may be required. Some indicators may also require further refinement as noted. Page 309/381 Table 12.7. Implementation Phase Socio-Economic Indicators: Methods, Data Sources, and Comments No. Indicator Method Data Sources (selected) Comments Official statistics may be significantly higher or lower than actual residents esp. in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and GR SE 1 Population Size and Growth Desktop analysis National census Field interviews Statistical survey agencies SE 2 Population Composition Desktop analysis National census Density parameter: Field interviews Statistical survey agencies # inhabitants/area (incl. lake) National level – annual operating budget and direct government investment Public Spending and SE 3 SE 4 Investment on Environmental and Natural Resource Management in the Prespa Basin Enforcement of environmental laws Desktop analysis/ records search Field interviews Direct foreign investment (loans, grants, etc.) Municipal budgets National park budgets Ministry of Environment budgets Secretary for European Affairs (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) Desktop analysis/ records search Field interviews Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – Environmental Inspectorate, Communal Inspectorate AL – Forestry Enterprise, Regional Environmental Agency GR – Local and border police, forest wardens, hunting wardens, park wardens Issue: which metric is best? % national budget, % per capita, % per hectare, Euro per hectare? This indicator is a measure of each county’s commitment to the Prespa Basin. Issue: environmental crimes are rarely reported. Penalties are only loosely enforced GR – Municipality SE 5 Water Use, Demand and Threats Records search Field interviews Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – Public Health Institute, Public Utility HARMONIZE WITH WATER GROUP AL – Public Health Institute SE 6 Incidence of Wildland Fire Desktop analysis/ records search Field interviews Forest Service HARMONIZE WITH FORESTRY GROUP May not be in an issue – tbd Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – Fisheries Concessionaire SE 7 Fishing Pressure Desktop analysis/ records search Field interviews AL – Fisheries Inspectorate (MOE/FWA), local fisheries associations HARMONIZE WITH FISHERIES GROUP GR – (?) UNDP Fisheries Project SE 8 Physical Infrastructure and Urbanization Remote sensing Aerial photos HARMONIZE WITH LAND USE GROUP AL – commune SE 9 Agriculture Desktop analysis/ records search Field interviews Remote sensing GR – Agricultural survey (updated every 2 years) Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – Agricultural Census (2007—future schedule n/a), Ministry of Agriculture, Forest and Water Economy HARMONIZE WITH LAND USE GROUP Aerial photos? Statistical yearbooks? SE 10 Waste Management Desktop analysis/ records search Field interviews SE 11 Tourism Desktop analysis/ records search Field interviews AL – municipality, commune GR – municipality Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – municipality, public utility AL – Regional Council of Korcha, tour operators, communes, Zagradec Tourist Info Center, National Park Administration (Gorice) GR – Statistical Service (Athens), Aghios Germanos Tourist Info Center Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – Ministry of Economy, Municipality (neither have mandate to collect data at present) UNDP Prespa Transboundary Tourism Project HARMONIZE WITH WATER AND LAND USE GROUPS SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 12.3.3. Periodicity/timetable It is recommended that socio-economic indicator data be collected and analyzed roughly every 5 years, staggered with national census to the extent possible (Table 12.8). Workshop participants confirmed that needed data appears to be available on an annual or biannual basis, so this should not pose too much of a difficulty given efficient data collection protocols (use of standardized worksheets, cooperative agreements with agencies that collect the raw data, etc.). Monitoring at 5 year intervals will allow enough time to track changes and trends, as well as provide a reasonable management timeframe to address potential problems. The analysis should ideally include all years up to and including the 5th year to better assess the direction and intensity of change. Table 12.8. National Census Schedule and Proposed TMS Socio-Economic Data Collection Country Last Census Next Census Periodicity Albania 2001 2011 10 years Greece 2001 2011 10 years Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2002 2012 10 years Given the timing for the pilot phase (2009-10), and the approaching start of a new round of data collection for each country’s census (starting with Greece and Albania in 2011), the following schedule/strategy is recommended: 1) Use SE 1 and SE 2 for immediate application in development of the pilot system (2009-2010). While this may not be an accurate representation of the existing demographic situation in the basin given the age of the data (2001-2002) it allows development and testing of the TMS to move forward with a simple, compatible dataset without unnecessary delays and complications from the additional research needed to obtain data for the other pilot phase indicators (SE3-SE11). 2) In 2011-2012, initiate another round of TMS data collection for SE1-SE11. This will utilize the results of the most recent census for SE1 and SE2 and allow enough time to coordinate the additional financial and logistical resources needed to obtain the remaining data for SE3-SE11, and if possible SE12-SE19. Following this strategy, the proposed schedule is as follows (Table 12.9): Page 312/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 12.9. Proposed schedule for the monitoring of the proposed TMS Socio-Economic Indicators Full TMS: Country Pilot Phase Albania Based on 2001 Census 2011/2012 Greece Based on 2001 Census 2011/2012 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Based on 2002 Census Time 1 (census) (census) 2012/2013 Time 2 2016/2017 2016/2017 2017/2018 Time 3 2021/2022 (census) 2021/2022 (census) 2022/2023 Time 4 2026/2027 2026/2027 2027/2028 12.4. Equipment For most of the socioeconomic indicators, no specialized equipment will be needed beyond a computer and basic communications technology. A simple statistical program might also be considered to determine if a trend is ―significant.‖ These are often included as part of a common spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel. 12.5. Institutional Involvement All workshop participants agreed that a lead institution in each country is needed to collect monitoring data. As noted earlier, some additional funding will be needed to obtain and compile the raw data into useful formats, less for SE 3-11, more for SE 12-19. MOUs or other official agreements with a number of diverse organizations may be required to obtain the necessary raw data. In addition, a trinational working group should be established to compile the data into a transboundary framework, analyze it, and present results to decision makers and interest groups. Tasks to be performed by lead institutions include: 1) Provide census data for SE1-2 for pilot phase testing; 2) Participate in a trinational working group to create a standardized set of worksheets and protocols to collect data for SE3-11; 3) For SE3-11, establish cooperative agreements with agencies that have the needed data, conduct data collection and analysis as indicated in Table 4; Page 313/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 4) Compile the data using standardized format for sharing with the TMS. This may also include a preliminary trend analysis to determine the status of the different indicators in their own country; 5) Develop a joint proposal to fund a trinational village-level research program. The following organizations are proposed as lead institutions (Table 12.10). Other information on partner organizations and administration can be found in Annex 12.7. Table 12.10. Proposed organizations to act as lead institutions for the monitoring of the TMS Socio-Economic Indicators Country Albania Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Lead Institution Justification INSTAT INSTAT is the main government agency conducting the national census and collecting a wide variety of country statistics. They have offices in every district and have indicated a willingness to work with the TMS. Resen Municipality and Regional Environmental Center (REC) Given the wide variety of socio-economic programs it oversees, Resen Municipality is well-suited to act as lead institution for the TMS. At present, however, they lack capacity and mandate to carry this out effectively. REC has the needed experience, but the TMS ideally should be mainstreamed into the public sector. These two organizations working in tandem would present a strong in-country team. Greece Prespa National Forest Management Body (PNFMB) and the Florina Statistical Office PNFMB is the main agency overseeing management of Greek Prespa, however they lack the capacity and mandate to carry out resource-based socio-economic monitoring. The Statistical Office in Florina is well-experienced with socioeconomic data collection and could provide the necessary support to the PNFMB. Both organizations have expressed a willingness to work with the TMS, and furthermore, the majority of the parameters are publicly available through the National Statistical Service of Greece website. 12.6. Budget The draft budget for socioeconomic monitoring is included in Table 12.11. Costs are assumed to be negligible for pilot phase testing that includes only SE1-SE2, for which Page 314/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park data is readily available from the previous census. The cost for the full set of pilot phase indicators (SE1-SR11) is estimated at € 9,012 for all three countries combined (excluding computers) per monitoring effort (once every 5 years). For the full TMS (including the village level research program), a rough estimate of the needed funding for all three countries combined is € 30,400. This amount is based on the figures provided by REC Macedonia for the socioeconomic analysis of the Ezerani Nature Reserve. The following assumptions were made: Cost of one village survey—€ 950 (including field work and data analysis) Number of villages to be surveyed—32 (this assumes a stratified sample of the whole basin, including only those that are inside or near areas of high biodiversity or watershed value; estimated as half the total number of villages in each country.) It is strongly recommended that a concerted effort be made to secure funding for a village-level research program to support the full TMS. All working group members agree that this is absolutely necessary in order to construct a realistic picture of the communities in the Prespa ecoregion, and is a fundamental cornerstone of transboundary conservation and sustainable development for the future. If community and resource-user information is not included, the TMS runs the risk of being inaccurate in its findings and conclusions for routine surveillance, and ultimately not very useful for resource managers and other decision-makers. Given the relatively small size of the basin and the number of communities involved, there is a unique opportunity to create an integrated monitoring system that truly addresses the needs and constraints of the resident population, and sets the stage for their involvement as partners in the protection of the environmental and cultural heritage of the Prespa Basin for years to come. Page 315/381 Table 12.11. Budget Based on proposed schedule of once every five years and the full set of pilot phase indicators (SE1-SE11) All costs in Euros (€) GRAND TOTAL Minus computers 11,412 2,400 9,012 ALBANIA Fixed Costs Item Computer(s) with Microsoft Office Unit Cost 800 Number 1 Total 800 Internet and Communications Remote sensing images for SE 8-9 100 0 0 0 100 0 Comment TBD as per total TMS budget. Note most organizations to be involved in the TMS probably have their own computer systems, but some may need updating. Running Costs Travel Per diem To be included in land use/remote sensing budget 3 trips a year to Tirana or other locations to obtain data and/or meet with TMS coordinators 30 6 180 Hotel ( 1 person) Mileage 12 0.4 6 1,800 72 720 Lead researcher/coordinator 100 10 1,000 Assistant Remote Sensing Analysis 50 0 4 0 200 0 Tirana to Prespa = 600 km (return) Personnel (days) TOTAL Data collection and analysis; TMS coordination. Could be less based on ease of obtaining data. To be included in land use/remote sensing budget 3,072 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Fixed Costs Item Computer(s) with Microsoft Office Unit Cost 800 Number 1 Total 800 Internet and Communications Remote sensing images for SE 8-9 100 0 0 0 100 0 Comment TBD as per total TMS budget. Note most organizations to be involved in the TMS probably have their own computer systems, but some may need updating. Running Costs Travel Per diem To be included in land use/remote sensing budget 3 trips a year to Skopje or other locations to obtain data and/or meet with TMS coordinators 30 6 180 Hotel ( 1 person) Mileage 30 0.4 6 1,500 180 600 Lead researcher/coordinator 100 10 1,000 Assistant Remote Sensing Analysis 50 0 4 0 200 0 Skopje to Prespa = 500 km (return) Personnel (days) TOTAL Data collection and analysis; TMS coordination. Could be less based on ease of obtaining data. To be included in land use/remote sensing budget 3,060 Greece Fixed Costs Item Computer(s) with Microsoft Office Unit Cost 800 Number 1 Total 800 Internet and Communications Remote sensing images for SE 8-9 100 0 0 0 100 0 Comment TBD as per total TMS budget. Note most organizations to be involved in the TMS probably have their own computer systems, but some may need updating. Running Costs Travel To be included in land use/remote sensing budget 3 trips a year from Prespa to Florina or other locations to obtain data and/or meet with TMS coordinators Per diem Hotel ( 1 person) Mileage 55 45 0.4 6 6 500 330 270 200 Lead researcher/coordinator 300 10 3,000 Assistant Remote Sensing Analysis 145 0 4 0 580 0 Personnel (days) TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Minus computers 5,280 11,412 2,400 9,012 Data collection and analysis; TMS coordination. Could be less based on ease of obtaining data. To be included in land use/remote sensing budget SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 13. Land-use Dr. Alain Sandoz, Tour du Valat 13.1. Introduction The general objectives of this present work are to contribute: - to propose and to feed a monitoring system, real observatory of the region, present and future (by simulation of prospective models), to anticipate disturbances on the ecology of these environments, and - to produce indicators, which will allow to assess the impact of developments and implement actions. In the context of Prespa region, the transboundary element is crucial. Prespa region represents a complex ecosystems panel whose ecological state depends on the functioning of natural (climatic, hydrology, etc.) and anthropic (agriculture, urbanisation, etc.) components, but also of the contributions of its catchment areas. Objectives at short term At first, the terms of anthropogenic and natural pressures on catchment areas must be identified. To do this, an analysis of changes in land use must be made. To achieve this, it will be a broad appeal to technologies related to space observation (remote sensing), as regards to the production of maps of land use and monitoring hydrological conditions. These spatial data will be implemented in a GIS to facilitate a cross with other data sources. The diachronic studies needed to develop models operating space will thus be possible. Objectives at medium term The next objective of this work is to improve our knowledge on natural considered vulnerable and anthropic environments. At medium term, predictive models of functioning of catchment areas subject to anthropogenic and natural pressures (such as forest-fires, drought, climate change, etc.) could be developed from the introduction of this system. These models would anticipate the deterioration of the status of protected areas and their watersheds. The development of tools to help the decision should, in addition, be very useful to optimize future development and ensure the maintenance of a major biodiversity. Page 320/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park These models would link the evolution of natural vulnerable environments with other variables (measured comments on the ground and from historical databases). Thereafter, it will be possible to considerate the construction of predictive models incorporating evolution in land use, climate changes [temperature variations, precipitation changes (total and distribution), hydrology, anthropic impacts, to be developed in partnership with the rest of the team. By the mass of knowledge currently available and accumulated during this study, this work will yield statistically reliable results on the influence of different anthropic factors over the habitat (agricultural practices, urbanization)and natural factors (forest-fires, drought, climate change) that if act in a real impact, or to a non-impact (compensation of so-called aggravating factors on the dynamics of ecosystems, for example). 13.1.1. Analysis of existing land-use monitoring programmes, land-use data Actual monitoring programmes exist but use different methodologies. Therefore, it is difficult to compare and to integrate these disparate data in the same spatialized or no spatialized database. Monitoring at the transboundary scale have no meaning in this context. Results will not be comparable. Years of inventory are not the same. Therefore interpretation of data and results would be extremely complicated. 13.1.2. Analysis of existing GIS and other mapping activities Each country has its own methodology and data. A background map with identical reference does not exist. It is necessary to define a common standard protocol and to compare data. The data acquired by different partners will be able to feed the common database and GIS. These sources of information, also partial, could contribute with satellite images to calibrate and validate retrospective and exhaustive map of the region. These data will be profitable to the whole transboundary region. Satellite classification maps ask a minimum of field data. These field data will be use to calibrate and validate satellite images to produce land-use maps. 13.1.3. Rationale for monitoring land uses It is therefore essential to establish a monitoring system adapted to the cross-border dimension. This should be able to benefit of synchronous and comparable data for all three countries concerned. It will be necessary to discuss during the workshop of what Page 321/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park satellites images we will use. These data should be acquired at the same date on a regular basis (e.g. annually) with the possibility of retrospective studies over several decades. They will have to be compatible with biological, hydrological and socio-economic data in the aim to analyse and understand the past and present dynamics, and to anticipate future changes. To meet these objectives, it is necessary to develop efficient tools that will enable, each partner in the project, a synoptic view of the state of the environment and to anticipate changes. A panel of tools, and of inter-active methods, multi-users, perennial, adapted must be defined. We will propose to develop a knowledge base of the environment, integrated into a Geographic Information System (GIS) fed by satellite imagery related to a multi-sources database (biological, hydrological and socio-economic) in a monitoring system with an environmental observatory logic. The satellite data, Landsat, Spot, IKONOS will allow to acquire a synoptic and crossborder view based on a common reference. This fund should have the same characteristics in terms of spatial and spectral resolution. This particularity will permit to work from the same thematic typology for identical dates of acquisition. Whatever the country or area, the information generated will be comparable since obtained at the same date, with identical technical specifications. The purchase price of these images will be limited. These data, once treated by method of so called supervised classification, to obtain thematic maps of land use will be used to calculate quantity (e.g. surface areas of habitats) and quality indices of environments (biomass, fragmentation, etc.). It would be useful at this stage to elaborate more on a comparison between quantity and quality oriented indices, relative advantages and disadvantages and maybe an initial proposal should be made. Tour du Valat has historical satellite data that could be given to the programme. It will however need to acquire a number of images, particularly with the aim of achieving an annual follow-up. Some images could be acquired. The price of these images can range from 160 € to 5000 € each, depending on number and grant we could have (possibility to ask financial help of different organisations). Maybe the different budget scenarios could Page 322/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park be briefly presented here, unless this will be done at a later stage, so that we can see the magnitude of expenses necessary. Also the expert should propose which scenario (or what type of data) could be more relevant to the scope of a monitoring project. This monitoring system should be based on system of GIS type. Software, like ArcGis or Grass type, will have to be used for the matter to compile all the images data, satellite images classifications, topographic maps, thematics maps, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and alpha-numeric biological, hydrological or socio-economic data. It would be preferable that a centralized system could contain all the data updates and that all partners could be able to connect to the system to update their own GIS. The central system should also be able to be updated by all partners via the Internet. There is need for coordination with experts/ themes on habitats (aquatic or terrestrial). Concerning forest thematic, it will be necessary to integrated forest-fires. Coordination with these experts will be needed, in next step. 13.1.4. Research gaps The land use gaps will be completed with utilisation of satellite data and historical data as indicated above in paragraph ―13.1.2. Analysis of existing GIS and other mapping activities‖. 13.2. Development of land-use indicators Prerequisites 1: Data needed for the monitoring system construction The bases data concern those who normally should not be changed on the medium or long term: - Perennial data: Topography, geology, perennial anthropic structures (roads, buildings, etc.) - Non perennial data: Land use: natural habitats/ land use category surface area (such as forest, brush, bare soil, reedbeds) and anthropic habitat surface areas (cultivations, agricultural land, etc.). The perennial data will be obtained from cartographic documents and / or satellite images at very high spatial resolution (Spot, Ikonos, QuickBird, etc.). Page 323/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park The construction of a DEM will calculate for drops, slopes, directions ... indispensables variables especially for hydrology. The DEM, may be extrapolated from the curves levels issued from topographic maps or recover. Maps of ecological habitats historical and current will be made from satellite images. The typology will be validated with partners in relation with images discriminative limits. The final objective will be to achieve a state of land use (surface and quality) and knowledge on the dynamics of the past three decades at minimum scale of each five years. Prerequisites 2: This work needs to answer a number of issues to be discussed during the February 2009 workshop: 1) Identifying a common background (responsible authority: satellite images ...). 2) Identify common data perennial (DEM, ...) (identify or define? If perennial data are not consistent currently among the 3 states, then a new definition of data collection methods should be considered). 3) Define a typology of ecological habitats relevant and consistent with the methodology followed by satellite imagery (Habitats Directive, Corine land cover ...). 4) Define temporal step for monitoring (temporal precision: annual multi-year ...). 5) Define the work scales (spatial precision monitoring). 6) Define scale space monitoring (country, catchment area ...). 7) Preferably, try to find a common GIS software in order to facilitate standardization of data, pooling in a central database and data exchange. 8) It will be necessary to discuss of the thematic typology together with thematic experts and with satellite images discrimination possibilities. Developing the indicators Each indicator will be computed for each theme. Other spatial indicators could be added after discussions with thematic experts during the February 2009 workshop (for hydrology, aquatic habitats, forest, etc.). The preliminary list of proposed indicators for the Land-use theme is shown in Table 13.1, which is followed by 10 non-numbered textboxes describing the development of the five Land-use indicators as well of five indicators that stemmed from the themes on ―Forests and other terrestrial habitats‖ of the TMS. Page 324/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 13.1. Proposed indicators for the ―Land-use‖ theme Proposed indicators N° Nature LS1 S LS2 S 3. Plant biomass of each natural habitats LS3 S 4. Area of irrigated and non-irrigated crops LS4 S 5 Area and dynamic of snowpack LS7 S Nature: S 1. Area of each land use category (natural and anthropic habitats) 1.1 1.2 ... 2. Fragmentation of each land use (natural and anthropic habitats) 2.1 2.2 ... Indicator LS1: Area of each land use (natural and anthropic habitats) Objective / Significance Land use monitoring: Area of the different natural and anthropic habitats identified as with high ecological value (measurements of land from classified satellite images integrated into the GIS). Sub-indicators: - Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Such basic indicator is easily verifiable at the transboundary scale as well as at national level through satellite images Method / sources of information: Institutions supposed to be involved: Remote sensing Field monitoring Ministry in charge of land use and present partners Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - Page 325/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicator LS2: Fragmentation of each land use category (natural and anthropic habitats) Nature: S Objective / Significance Land use monitoring: Fragmentation of the different natural habitats identified as with high ecological value (measures calculated from the landscape analysis tools integrated into the GIS software) Sub-indicators: - Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Such basic indicator is easily verifiable at the transboundary scale as well as at national level through satellite images Remote sensing, Method / sources of information: Field monitoring, GIS and landscape ecology tools Institutions supposed to be involved: Ministry in charge of land use and present partners Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - Indicator LS3: Plant biomass Nature: S Objective / Significance Land use monitoring: - Plant biomass of different natural habitats identified as with high ecological value (a measure derived from the vegetation indices calculated from satellite images and GIS). - Plant biomass by catchment areas (allowing the calculation of evapotranspiration in relation to meteorological measurements), (comparing classified and integrated images in the GIS). Sub-indicators: - Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Such basic indicator is easily verifiable at the transboundary scale as well as at national level through satellite images Method / sources of information: Institutions supposed to be involved: Remote sensing, Field monitoring Ministry in charge of land use and present partners Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - Page 326/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicator LS4: Area of non-irrigated and irrigated crops Nature: S Objective / Significance Land use monitoring: Area of irrigated crops (comparing classified and integrated images in the GIS). Sub-indicators: - Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Such basic indicator is easily verifiable at the transboundary scale as well as at national level through satellite images Method / sources of information: Institutions supposed to be involved: Remote sensing, Field monitoring Ministry in charge of land use and present partners Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - Indicator LS5: Area and dynamic of snowpack Nature: S Objective / Significance Land use monitoring: In relation with hydrology, it would be appropriate to know the developments in the snowpack at intra-annual scale. This could require the acquisition of a number of images during the winter season. Sub-indicators: - Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Such basic indicator is easily verifiable at the transboundary scale as well as at national level through satellite images Method / sources of information: Institutions supposed to be involved: Remote sensing, Field monitoring Ministry in charge of land use and present partners Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - Page 327/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Other thematic indicators that could be monitored through satellite images For Forest & Terrestrial Habitats: Indicator F1: Forest cover and land use Nature: S Objective / Significance to Forest & Terrestrial habitats monitoring: To monitor forest/vegetation cover extension or depletion and to assess the changes in terrestrial habitats and forest stands quality: Changes in land use, encroachment by cultivation, illegal cutting or overgrazing, may identify gaps in forest cover (clear cutting) Sub-indicators: - High forest / low forest / bushes / pastures cover - pure (monospecific) forest stands / mixed forest stands Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Such basic indicator is easily verifiable at the transboundary scale as well as at national level through satellite images Method / sources of information: Institutions supposed to be involved: Remote sensing (Corine Land Cover) Forest inventory Ministry in charge of forest and land use planning: MoE or MoA Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: Forest inventory at national or regional level (?) Indicator F2: Priority terrestrial habitats conservation Nature: S Objective / Significance to Forest & Terrestrial habitats monitoring: This indicator deals with the 4 priority terrestrial habitats (EU Directive Habitats) that are present in each part of the Prespa basin. Only Grecian Juniperus woods habitat has been considered here (as the other priority habitats deal with biodiversity report). Sub-indicators: - Grecian juniper woods spatial distribution and tree cover - ages classes of Grecian juniperus woods and regeneration - floristic composition of GJW habitats Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Grecian juniper woods exist in each of the three countries with significant distribution and defined as priority habitats by national consultants. Method / source of information: Institution supposed to be involved: Mapping of such areas, GIS, Cadastre Local forest surveys National Parks; MoE Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - Page 328/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicator F10: Forest degradation, encroachment & depletion Nature: I Objective / Significance to Forest & Terrestrial habitats monitoring: Indicator for illegal cutting inside forest areas (for firewood, hard wood or fodder uses) Sub-indicators: - fines / penalties delivered for illegal cutting and encroachment - clear cutting areas, tree lopping areas Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Such indicator is rather relevant for oak forest and lowland forest than for Beech forest wherever you are in the Greek part (western part near Albania), in the Albanian part or even in the Macedonian part (Galichica NP). Satellite images (remote sensing) Method / sources of information: Forest inventories and mapping MoA and/or MoE Institutions supposed to be involved: Forestry services; Forest enterprises Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - Indicator F11: Fluctuation on the above limit of forest stands Nature: I Objective / Significance to Forest & Terrestrial habitats monitoring: Extension or depletion of the timberline (upper boundaries of forest) and subalpine vegetation is strongly linked to the grazing pressure (increasing or decreasing) on (sub)alpine meadows. The above limit of forest stands or higher lying forest belt (at an average of 1.900 m altitude) is a very riche biotope/ecotone and so needs to be well known and monitored Sub-indicators: - Vaccinium myrtillus & Juniperus communis nana area extension - upper boundary of forest stands (beech) Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Even through grazing pressures on subalpine meadows and dwarf shrubs are quite different from the Greek part to the Albanian one, this sensitive ecotone does exist in each side of the three countries. - remote sensing & satellite image Method / sources of information: - forest and dwarf shrubby vegetation mapping - ecological research programmes Institutions supposed to be involved: National Parks MoE, Forestry services and Public enterprises Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: - Page 329/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Indicator F18: Forest fires: mean annual burnt area Nature: P Objective / Significance to Forest & Terrestrial habitats monitoring: Sub-indicators: - Relevance for a Transboundary MS: Is this indicator relevant for the TMS? Method / sources of information: MoE (?) Institutions supposed to be involved: Forestry services or Fire services Lack of data, research needs, institutional issues: Annual forest burnt area in each part of the basin, location and origin of forest fires. The list initially included 5 indicators (Table 13.2. below, including same information as Table 13.1), to which 4 indicators were added proposed under the theme ―Forests & other terrestrial habitats‖ (Table 13.3.) and 4/5 more from the ―Aquatic vegetation‖ theme (Table 13.4). The general monitoring protocols we propose below will additionally help develop the relevant indicators for these two themes, in complement to data and fieldwork already planned under these themes. Table 13.2. Proposed indicators for the ―Land-use‖ theme N° Proposed indicators Nature 1. Change in area of each land cover category (natural and anthropogenic habitats) LS1 1.1 S 1.2 ... 2. Fragmentation of each land cover (natural and anthropogenic habitats) LS2 2.1 S 2.2 ... LS3 3. Plant biomass of each natural habitats S LS4 4. Change in area of irrigated and non-irrigated crops S LS7 5. Change in area and dynamic of snowpack S Page 330/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 13.3. Proposed indicators for the ―Land-use‖ theme added by the ―Forests & other terrestrial habitats‖ theme N° Proposed indicator Nature F1 Vegetation cover change S/I F2 Priority terrestrial habitats conservation distribution and quality S F6 Distribution and quality of alpine & subalpine meadows S F8 Natural disasters and diseases S/I Table 13.4. Proposed indicators for the ―Land-use‖ theme added by the ―Aquatic vegetation‖ theme N° AQUATIC VEGETATION Nature WV1 Location and surface area of patches of the habitat ―Beds of hydrophytes‖ S WV3 Location and surface area of patches of the habitat ―Wet meadows‖ S Species composition and structure of the vegetation of the habitat ―Wet meadows‖ with several possible variables: height of vegetation, cover of nitrophilous species, cover of characteristic/non characteristic species, cover of shrub species, etc. S WV5 Location and surface area of patches of the habitat ―Reedbeds‖ S WV7 Direct management of reedbeds (wildfires, harvest, etc.) (WV4) Land use & land cover terms The distinction between land use and land cover is fundamental, but, in practice, this distinction is all too often ignored, leading to confusion and ambiguity of many classifications, and incommensurability between them. Land cover is the observed physical cover at a given location and time, as might be seen on the ground or from remote sensing. This includes the vegetation (natural or planted) and human constructions (buildings, etc.) which cover the earth's surface. It follows that land cover may be determined by direct observation, whereas information on land use Page 331/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park requires a statement of purpose from the person who controls or carries out the land use. Remotely sensed data, e.g. from aerial photographs or satellite images, can often be used to map land cover, for example, by identifying multi-spectral signatures characteristic of land cover types. Land use, in turn, sometimes may be correlated with actual land cover, so that land cover may be employed as a means of inferring land use. Land use is, in part, a description of function, the purpose for which the land is being used‖ (Source: McConnel et al. 2000. This Report is also recommended for further reading in regard to classification systems, typologies and legends and for getting some advice for the issues of temporal and spatial scales. Such an approach has been undertaken by the EEA based on the CLC classes. This approach, namely the Land and Ecosystem Accounting (LEAC), follows that recommended in the SEEA2003 handbook (SEEA, 2003). It sought to describe the relationship between the stock of land and the associated uses as a set of linked tables. It represents the transformation of land cover over time as a transition matrix which describes the transfers into and out of the different cover categories between two time periods. LEAC shows how the flow accounts for cover can be extended to cope with the complex relationship that exists between land cover and use. The flows of cover are associated with a set of land use functions in the form of a matrix which can then be linked to information about the activity sectors in the economy that give rise to particular types of land use (Source: EEA Report. No 11/2006. Land accounts for Europe 1990-2000. 13.3. Methods 13.3.1. Description and justification The first Transboundary workshop (Korcha, Albania, 20/02/09) made a number of choices to assist the standardization of methods/ protocols across the borders: 1. Using Landsat and Spot satellite images. 2. The standard projection UTM WGS 84 will facilitate exchanges between partners. 3. Exchanges of files will be done in shapefile format, to facilitate standardization of data, pooling in a central database and data exchange. Page 332/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 4. Typologies of ecological habitats which will allow monitoring through satellite imagery are : Corine Land Cover for the overall land-use/ broad habitat categories, completed locally by Natura 2000 for specific, natural habitats of high value (in that case, more images might be needed to discriminate between Natura 2000 habitats). 5. Data should be retrieved easily from a server by involved parties. To identify and monitor the dynamics of habitats, a methodology based on the processing of satellite images will be used. For image processing, the method of supervised classification will be used with satellite data (Spot and Landsat). The supervised approach is a thorough recognition of the land and the selection of a representative sample, discounted day pass. It identifies a number of themes you want to recognise, with both typologies accepted (Corine Land Cover adapted and completed locally by Natura 2000 if necessary and if desired locally but will not be detailed in terms of typology here, plus classes proposed by the Forest & Terrestrial Habitats and Aquatic vegetation groups.) 13.3.2. Proposed land-use and habitats typology The CORINE Land Cover classification was adapted based on the requests of the ―Forests/ Terrestrial Habitats‖ and ―Aquatic Vegetation‖. The 3-digits classes correspond to CORINE Land Cover classes, whilst the 4 digits-codes correspond to sub-categories requested by these 2 groups. Some of the classes below are possibly not present in Prespa, and will be later removed from the list. Class 1: Built up area – 111 Continuous urban fabric – 112 Discontinuous urban fabric (includes large building developments into natural/ – – – – – – – – – agricultural areas) 121 122 123 124 131 132 133 141 142 Industrial or commercial units Road and rail networks and associated land Port areas Airports Mineral extraction sites Dump sites Construction sites Green urban areas Sport and leisure facilities Page 333/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Class 2: Agricultural area – – – – – – – – – – 211 Non-irrigated arable land 212 Permanently irrigated land 213 Rice fields 221 Vineyards 222 Fruit trees and berry plantations 223 Olive groves 231 Pastures 241 Annual crops associated with permanent crops 242 Complex cultivation patterns 243 Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation – 244 Agro-forestry areas Class 3: Forest and natural area – 311 Broad-leaved forest: - 3111 Deciduous oak forest - 3112 Deciduous beech forests - 3113 Riparian vegetation (galleries, …) – 312 Coniferous forest - 3121 Grecian juniper woods – 313 Mixed forest : - 3131 Lowland Mixed deciduous-evergreen forests (Juniper, Hornbeam, Macedonian oak) Mixed beech-fir forests – 321 Natural grassland – 322 Moors and heathland – 323 Sclerophyllous vegetation – – – – 324 331 332 333 - 3211(sub)alpine grasslands / heaths - 3212 Semi-natural dry grasslands on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometea) - 3213 Species-rich Nardus grasslands, on siliceous substrates in mountain areas - 3221 Subalpine vegetation of dwarf shrubs - 3231 Lowland evergreen Box-juniper shrublands Transitional woodland-shrub Beaches, dunes, and sand plains Bare rock Sparsely vegetated areas Page 334/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park - 3331 Pseudo-steppe with grasses and annuals (Thero-Brachypodietea) – 334 Burnt areas – 335 Glaciers and perpetual snow Class 4: Wetland, salt – 411 Inland marshes – – – – 412 421 422 423 - 4111 4112 4113 4114 Habitat beds of hydrophytes Nitrophilous species Shrub species Reedbeds Peatbogs Salt marshes Salines Intertidal flats Class 5: Water – 511 Water courses 13.3.3. Sampling method Each land-use class (or habitat type) is first to be identified through a specific ―spectral signature‖, which corresponds to its specific set of values for each channel of the satellite. Each satellite channel corresponds to a precise spectral frequency. When linking these values, a graph is obtained: the ―spectral signature‖. To identify the spectral signatures of each habitat, field sampling must –and will – be performed, as far as possible on up to 30 samples by theme for calibration and 30 more for validation (see below). By default, e.g. for lack of time or of suitable areas for sampling, sample areas of several pixels can be used. The advantage is to reduce the time of fieldwork, but it can harm the quality of work. Part of the samples (30) used to define spectral signatures are needed to classify all pixels of the image. The other part of the samples (30) will be used to verify the resulting image and give an estimation on the accuracy of results. The mapping of each habitat may therefore be statistically known. For each class in the land-use/ habitat typology, a specific selection of samples as above Page 335/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park will be made. Samples will be drawn randomly from the territory, which is appropriate because of difficulties in access to land. Indeed, sampling should be sufficiently representative for habitats whose spectral signature can be modified by various factors such as density, location, direction of slope. Some of the indicators are to be monitored every year, and some every 5 years. The specific methods to be used at each of these paces are different and will be described in succession. Sampling method to be used every five years Step 1 It will be necessary to identify for each area (by country, the broad habitats/ land-use types that are present, using a typology based upon Corine Land Cover adapted completed locally by Natura 2000 for specific habitats required by some of the Indicators of ―Forest & Terrestrial Habitats‖ and ―Aquatic vegetation‖. This step will therefore end with the production of the typology of land-use and habitats that can actually be monitored through satellite images in Prespa. Step 2 For each type (i.e. each class in the typology), 60 representative samples of each habitat (20 per country where the class is present) will be selected. Sample squares will be at least 70 m by 70 m (size can be larger). Each square must be representative of the habitat class as per the typology used. To establish a correspondence between a pixel on the ground and a pixel on the image, it is necessary to know the geographical coordinates of the sample. In the field, we propose to register the geographical position of the centre and of each corner of the square, using a global positioning system (GPS) enabling us to position our sites with an accuracy of 0 to 10 m. When deciding the size of the samples, the important point to take into account is the variability of field and image resolution (equivalent to the pixel size). We had initially planned to use satellite images from SPOT 5 with a resolution of 10 m and Landsat TM 30m resolution (see Annex 13). Considering the possible error in the location of points sampled on a pixel, we will take, for a site, the size corresponding to a square of 2 pixels by 2 pixels plus a potential error of localisation, hence the 70 x 70 m. Page 336/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Step 3: Calibration Part of the samples (30 by theme) will be used with Spot 5 satellite images, to develop the initial habitat map, using the supervised classification methodology and software. This step is the ―calibration phase‖. Step 4: Validation Once the classification is done, the second half of the samples (30 by theme), not used for calibration, will be used to validate it. The map developed through the supervised classification will be evaluated by using the correlation matrix, resulting from the crossing of the resulting image with the samples used in the validation phase. The correlation matrix is used to evaluate the accuracy of the result. The correlation matrix also helps identify problems such as possible confusions between different classes in the typology, and also to compute two coefficients to be used later: - a statistical coefficient, giving the precision of surface areas per habitat ; - a cartographic coefficient, giving the precision of geographical locations for each habitat. Best results will be obtained with 2 images per year obtained at different dates: June and November. For this, we will use Spot 5 images. If this proves impossible (e.g. technical problems, cloud cover, etc.), we will use other possibilities like Landsat images. Computation of indicators to be used every five years Indicators concerning change of area To compute change of area, it will be necessary to integrated maps issue of image processing in GIS. GIS will permit to give localisation and area of each thematic habitat for year one. With the results of year two, it will be possible to compare spatial dynamics and changes of area for each thematic habitat. Fragmentation indicators The fragmentation of habitats will be evaluated by landscape ecology indicators, using ArcGis software. These indicators summarize habitats morphology (perimeters, fragmentation....). It will be possible to compare the evolution of the fragmentation status of each habitat, by comparing these indicators in any given year with their value in the Page 337/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park reference year (Year 1). For steps 1, 2, 3, 4 and the computation of indicators, preliminary training in satellite image treatment will be necessary. Sampling methods to be used each year Special themes We will use a light protocol to monitor fires (i.e. annually burnt area) and irrigated agricultural land. For these 2 themes, the protocol will be the same as above: 2 images in June and November. For snowpack, one image per month will be obtained between October and June. The protocol will be very light: for each image, a binary picture (with snow / without snow, per pixel) will be computed. For these 3 themes, Landsat images are sufficient in terms of spatial resolution (they are also free). It will be necessary to take same protocol that for other themes (monitoring every five years) step 1 to 4. Indicators to be used every year Indicators concerning change of area To compute change of area, it will be necessary to integrated maps issue of image processing in GIS. GIS will permit to give localisation and area of each thematic habitat for year one. With the results of year two, it will be possible to compare spatial dynamics and changes of area for each thematic habitat. Biomass dynamics indicators In order to know the inter-annual evolution of vegetation biomass, we will compute the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) – a standard, well-recognized index - from image data. The index is defined as: NDVI = NIR - R NIR + R where NIR = near-infrared, R = red Page 338/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park To estimate precisely the inter-annual evolution of the biomass, a calibration on a reference year (Year 1) will be necessary. The biomass evolution will be calculated for the past and future in relation with this reference year. 13.3.4. Periodicity – Five year timetable/ work plan The frequency for monitoring will be, depending on the indicator, either every five years, annual or several per year (Table 13.5); the date of the images will be June (if not possible, end of May) and November. The determination of the land-use and habitats surface areas, as well as habitat structure parameters, should be conducted every 5 years. Monitoring of biomass and disturbed habitats (e.g. burnt areas) and irrigated agriculture will be on a yearly basis. The snow cover will be evaluated every month during the winter season (October to June) in relation with hydrological needs. Periodicity, as described in Table 13.5 covers the timetable of the first five years. It is proposed that Land-use is submitted to 5-years cycles, i.e. every five years it will be necessary to restart at Year 1. Page 339/381 Table 13.5. Frequency of monitoring activities for the Land-use theme N° Proposed indicator METHOD YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 1 time only for perturbated area (fire...) 1 time only for perturbated area (fire...) 1 time only for perturbated area (fire...) 1 time only for perturbated area (fire...) Area of each land use category (natural and anthropic habitats)Remote sensing Remote sensing and Geographical Information Systematics 1 time for each habitat/ landuse class and perturbated area (fire...) LS2 Fragmentation of each land use (natural and anthropic habitats) Remote sensing, Geographical Information Systematics and Landscape Ecology indicators 1 time every 5 year LS3 Plant biomass of each natural habitats Remote sensing and Geographical Information Systematics 1 time 1 time 1 times 1 time 1 time LS4 Area of irrigated and non-irrigated crops Remote sensing and Geographical Information Systematics 1 time 1 time 1 times 1 time 1 time LS7 Area and dynamic of snowpack Remote sensing and Geographical Information System 1 time 1 time 1 times 1 time 1 time LS1 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 13.3.5. Parameters See Table 13.6 Table 13.6. Parameters to be measured for the monitoring of Land-use indicators N° Proposed indicator Parameters that need to be measured Area of each land use category (natural and anthropogenic habitats) Area (in ha) for each country under each type of land-use LS2 Fragmentation of each land use (natural and anthropogenic habitats) Landscape ecology indicators for each type of habitat: fragmentation, perimeter of each patch... LS3 Plant biomass of each natural habitats NDVI computed for each habitat LS4 Area of irrigated and nonirrigated crops Total area under irrigated and nonirrigated crops LS7 Area and dynamic of snowpack Snow depth at different altitudes between October and June LS1 Selected Natura 2000 habitat. 13.4. Equipment 13.4.1. Description of the equipment required (provision of specifications for purchase of equipment) It will be necessary to acquire one powerful computer per country and a more powerful one, to act as a server. For fieldwork, two GPS devices by country are recommended. 13.4.2. GIS or other software; applications; local and wide area networks; Internet connection requirements To facilitate treatment and compilation of data and satellite data, a GIS software will be acquire for each country. ArcGIS with extensions must complete hardware equipment. The extensions necessary are 3D Analyst, Spatial Analyst and Image Analysis. Internet connection will be necessary. For each country, equipment and data needed are presented in Tables 13.7 and 13.8. Page 341/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 13.7. Costs for equipment and data needed for the monitoring of Land-use indicators Equipment and data Number Cost for one item (in €) Total cost (in €) 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 4 every 5 years 4,000.00 16,000.00 12 every year 0 0 Computer Satellite data Spot Satellite data Landsat Table 13.8. Costs for equipment for the monitoring of the Land-use indicators in each country (Albania, Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) Equipment and data Number Cost for one item (in €) Total cost (in €) Computer 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 GIS and Remote Sensing Software 1 20,000.00 20,000.00 GPS 2 400.00 800.00 13.5. Organisations responsible for monitoring land-use See Table 13.9 (including possible contact persons when available). Table 13.9. Proposed organisations responsible for monitoring land-use in each country (Albania, Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) ALBANIA GREECE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC of MACEDONIA Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Skopje Tel: + 389 70 328 863; Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration (Sokol Bezhani, E-Mail: Society for the Protection of Prespa Tel: 0030-2385051233 (Ms. Irene Koutseri, Biologist, E-mail: (Dr. Ordan Cukaliev, E-mail: & Institute of agriculture, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Skopje (Dr. Dusko Mukaetov, E-mail: Agency for Spatial Planning (Lidija Trpenovska, E-mail: Page 342/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 13.6. Budget Important note: Since Land-use lies at the cross-road between several themes, for the few indicators such as LS1 that partly overlap themes covered in other themes (e.g. ―Forests or Aquatic vegetation‖), the budget (including staff time) for the whole image treatment/ analysis work is being incorporated into the Land-use component, whilst the specific field calibration/ validation work is incorporated into the relevant thematic field. Running costs including manpower/ personnel needs (Tables 13.10 and 13.11): for satellite data treatment : 2 weeks for two persons per country (20,000 € for 6 people + travel and compensation: 13,000 €). For GIS : 2 weeks for two persons per country (20,000 € for 6 people + travel and compensation: 13,000 €). Maintenance & Updating (software, etc.): for software, each year, 2,000 €. Table 13.12 provides a summary of all costs for Year 1, while Table 13.13 presents all yearly costs for Year 2 to Year 5. Precise budgets for each country for all years (Year 1; Years 2-5) are shown in Tables 13.14-13.21. Page 343/381 Table 13.10. Running/ manpower costs (in €) for the monitoring of the ―Land-use‖ theme in each country 120 10 60 600 Total cost 60 Cost per day per person 2 N days of work/ year 3,000 Number of people involved 3,000 60 2 technicians 300 50 50 50 2,500 1 engineer 10 2,500 50 50 2,500 1 engineer 600 50 2 50 100 1 engineer 300 Total cost 2 Cost per day per person 15,000 N days of work/ year 300 50 Number of people involved 50 2 technicians 7,250 1 engineer 145 1 engineer Remote sensing treatment, Geographical Information 50 1 engineer June LS7 Area and dynamic of snowpack Total cost Remote sensing treatment, Geographical Information Cost per day per person July LS4 Area of irrigated and non-irrigated crops N days of work/ year Remote sensing treatment Geographical Information and morphological compute analyse Number of people involved June LS1, LS2, LS3 Landscape area and morphological structure Remote sensing fieldwork 2 technicians Landscape area and morphological structure 1 engineer LS1, LS2, LS3 METHOD 1 engineer Proposed indicator FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA ALBANIA 1 engineer N° Between October and June TIME GREECE 10 50 500 Table 13.11. Additional costs (in €, every year) for the monitoring of the ―Land-use‖ theme in each country Number of people involved N days of work/ year Cost per day per person Total cost Number of people involved N days of work/ year Cost per day per person Total cost 1 technician 50 250 1 technician 5 50 250 LS1, LS2, LS3 Landscape area and morphologi cal structure 5 1 engineer 5 1 engineer 5 LS4 Area of irrigated and nonirrigated crops Remote sensing treatment, Geographical Information June 2 LS7 Area and dynamic of snowpack Remote sensing treatment, Geographical Information Between October and June 10 Landscape area perturbated (fire...) Remote sensing fieldwork Remote sensing treatment, Geographical Information and morphological compute analyse with NDVI TIME PERIOD October or November July 300 1,500 300 600 300 3,000 60 300 2 60 120 10 50 500 50 250 1 engineer Total cost 5 LS1, LS2, LS3 METHOD 2 50 100 1 engineer Cost per day per person 725 Proposed indicator 1 engineer N days of work/ year 145 N° 1 engineer Number of people involved 1 technician 5 1 engineer FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA 1 engineer ALBANIA 1 engineer GREECE 10 60 600 75000 + 16000 (satellite images) + 5000 (common engineer) 22225 2000 + 13000 (travel and compensation) 22000 3850 2000 + 13000 (travel and compensation) 22000 Maintenance / Training / Updating (per year) Total cost (per year) 40850 Consumables/ recurrent costs and travel (per year) ALBANIA Staff cost (per year) Total cost (per year) GREECE Maintenance / Training / Updating (per year) Consumables/ recurrent costs and travel (per year) 59225 Staff cost (per year) Total cost (per year) Maintenance / Training / Updating (per year) Consumables/ recurrent costs and travel (per year) Equipment costs LS1 LS2 LS3 LS4 LS7 and for wetland Habitats and Forest Staff cost (per year) N°/ Proposed indicators Table 13.12. Budget summary (all costs for Year 1, in €) for the monitoring of the ―Land-use‖ theme in each country FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA 4470 2000 + 13000 (travel and compensation) 22000 41470 LS1 LS2 LS3 LS4 LS7 and for wetland habitats and Forests & other TH Consumables/ recurrent costs / and travel (per year) Maintenance / Training / Updating (per year) Total cost (per year) Staff cost (per year) Consumables/ recurrent costs / and travel (per year) Maintenance / Training / Updating (per year) Total cost (per year) Staff cost (per year) Consumables/ recurrent costs / and travel (per year) Maintenance / Training / Updating (per year) Total cost (per year) 5000 (common engineer) Staff cost (per year) Equipment costs N°/ Proposed indicators Table 13.13. Budget summary (all costs per year for Year 2-5, in €) for the monitoring of the ―Land-use‖ theme in each country GREECE ALBANIA FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA 5825 400 2000 8225 1170 400 2000 3670 1200 400 2000 3500 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 13.14. Annual common budget for Year 1 (applicable to all 3 countries) Budget lines (for Year 1) Budget Satellite images 16,000.00 € Training 66,000.00 € Common Computer 3,000.00 € Days of engineer: 10 5,000.00 € Total 90,000.00 € Table 13.15. Annual budget for Albania (Year 1) Budget lines (for Year 1) Budget Computer 2,000.00 € Software 20,000.00 € GPS 2,000.00 € Travel 800.00 € Personnel time Days of technician: 25 750.00 € Days of engineer: 62 3,100.00 € Total 28,650.00 € Table 13.16. Annual budget for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Year 1) Budget lines (for Year 1) Budget Compute 2,000.00 € software 20,000.00 € GPS 2,000.00 € Travel 800.00 € Personnel time Days of technician: 25 750.00 € Days of engineer: 62 3,720.00 € Total 29,270.00 € Page 348/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 13.17. Annual budget for Greece (Year 1) Budget lines (for Year 1) Budget Compute 2,000.00 € software 20,000.00 € GPS 2,000.00 € Travel 800.00 € Personnel time Days of technician: 25 3,625.00 € Days of engineer: 62 18,600.00 € Total 47,025.00 € Table 13.18. Annual common budget for Years 2-5 (applicable to all 3 countries) Budget lines (for Years 2-5) Satellite images Budget 0.00 € Personnel time Days of engineer: 10 Total 5,000.00 € 5,000.00 € Table 13.19. Annual budget for Albania (Years 2-5) Budget lines (for Years 2-5) Updating Software Travel Budget 2,000.00 € 400.00 € Personnel time Days of technician 250.00 € Days of engineer 920,00 € Page 349/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 13.20. Annual budget for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Years 2-5) Budget lines (for Years 2-5) Updating Software Travel Budget 2,000.00 € 400.00 € Personnel time Days of technician 250.00 € Days of engineer 950.00 € Table 13.21. Annual budget for Greece (Years 2-5) Budget lines (for Years 2-5) Updating Software Travel Budget 2,000.00 € 400.00 € Personnel time Days of technician Days of engineer 725.00 € 5,100.00 € 13.7. Proposal for a Pilot application (Oct. 2009 – Dec. 2010) All indicators require knowledge of GIS and remote sensing. The calculation of these indicators needs qualified persons. If data are available, fieldwork done and those persons trained, then, the calculation of indicators is possible. Otherwise, priority must be placed on training as soon as practicable. Page 350/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 14. Evaluation of the Prespa Monitoring System Dr. Christian Perennou, Tour du Valat This chapter proposes a system for the evaluation of the Prespa transboundary monitoring system as a whole, i.e. describes the evaluation system and specific evaluation criteria under which the evaluation committee (not designated yet) will evaluate the monitoring system and its implementation in the future. 14.1. Aims of the evaluation The Prespa TMS needs regular evaluation in order to (1) verify that it fulfills its aims in an efficient way, (2) adapt it to new realities if needed, and (3) improve it permanently within cycles of ―adaptive management‖1. Inspired by ―classic‖ approaches to evaluation of Site Management Plans (e.g. Réserves Naturelles de France 1998), a two-tier system for evaluation is therefore proposed for the Prespa TMS, consisting of: - annual reviews (―light‖); plus: - full 5-year evaluation Note that the evaluation of the 1st Pilot (test) year of the TMS will be special, and more akin to a full 5-year evaluation, as far as will be possible with the limited data available after one year. These 2 different timeframes will serve different goals: - the annual review mainly involves precise recording, for future reference, of which parts of the TMS have been implemented or not, and why. It should also allow immediate, obvious reorientations if needed; - the full 5-year evaluation, based upon the 5 previous annual reviews, attempts an interpretation of the data and trends, assesses cost effectiveness of the TMS, and based upon actual results, assesses whether each indicator fulfills what it is meant to. 14.2. Specific points to be evaluated For each of these 2 timeframes, the following questions should be specifically addressed (adapted from the evaluation framework for management plans, in Réserves Naturelles de France 1998): 1 In this case, it is adaptive management of the TMS itself, not of the lakes Page 351/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Questions to be answered by evaluation Annual review A- Which of the planned indicators have been monitored in year (Y-1), compared to plans? (For each country: Fully/ Partially / Not at all) B- Record budget and manpower invested in each indicator, for each country. Note: field+lab manpower (i.e. for actual measuring of indicators) should clearly be separated from office manpower (storing and analyzing data) C- What were the specific reasons for not monitoring some of them – if any - in some countries? D- How can it be corrected for year Y / Y+1? E- If it can’t: is there a point in continuing monitoring in the other country/ies (interpretability of incomplete data?), or should time/ funds rather be invested elsewhere? F- For the indicators that have been monitored in at least 2 countries: are the data from those countries coherent between them? Is there a need for (re)calibration of data collection? G- Is the trend of any measured indicator hinting at a potential problem?2 (e.g. non-compliance with EU norms; drastic fall of an important species; inefficiency of some management measures taken…) Full 5-years evaluation H- Was trans-boundary data storage effective? (e.g. no problem in storing data from the 3 countries? in visualizing data from the other 2 countries for any stakeholder?) I- 5-years synthesis of the extent to which indicators have been monitored, according to Table 14.1 below (Fully/ Partially / Not at all), J- 5-years synthesis of costs (manpower + budget). Note: field+ lab manpower (to actually measure the indicators) should clearly be separated from office manpower (storing and analyzing data) K- Brief analysis of the trends of each indicator monitored, against any relevant benchmark/ threshold, highlighting possible incoherencies/ problems (between countries, etc.) L- Efficiency (―value for money‖), by comparing the aspects J- and K- above: actual, interpretable results vs. costs. M- Is there any new issue which appeared in the 5-years period, that would require additional indicators? N- Proposals for improvement: needs for training? for dropping some indicators? for better intercalibration? O- Plus verification of initial criteria for selection (see below, and Table 14.2) 2 it should be noted that at such an early stage interpretation of the values of indicators may not be possible yet for most indicators, but only hints suggested Page 352/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 14.1. Recording the extent of implementation of indicators measurements Codes: ++ (Fully monitored), + (Partly), (+) monitored but not with the TMS protocole, 0 (not at all) Indicator n° Year 1 Albania Greece … * Year 5 Albania Greece * B1 B2 … LU5 *: the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Furthermore, the indicators selected during the 2nd Phase of the TMS in 2009 passed most of the criteria proposed during the Pilot Phase (Table 14.2, 2nd column). Their effective compliance with these criteria should be verified after they have been monitored: it is therefore proposed that once the key points I – N (above) of the first 5-years evaluation have been assessed, each indicator is screened against the criteria once again – so filling up the columns 3-73 of Table 14.2. Table 14.2. Ex-post evaluation of the indicators of the Prespa TB monitoring system against the initial criteria (in Red: killing assumptions) (in each of column 3-73 please fill either 0 (―Not at all‖), + (―Yes, partly‖) or ++ (―Yes, fully or almost‖) Criteria (by type) “Test questions” that an indicator should pass for it to be retained for the Prespa TB system: Indic. n°1 … Indic n° 70 Validity Relevance Appropriate Scale - Is the indicator relevant to the Prespa TB central aim? (i.e. routine surveillance of the Prespa lakes basin)3 - Is it focussed on ecosystem-related issues, in the broad sense 2? - Is it highly relevant to at least one of the issues to be encompassed by the TB system, as listed in Phase A report? (Section 3, § 4)2,4 - Is the indicator appropriate at the agreed Prespa TB monitoring scale, as defined in Phase A report (Section 2)2? ( Note: the scale may vary depending on 3 As endorsed by MCWG2, Korcha, April 2008 Note that some of the issues (e.g. cultural values linked to the ecosystem) were not precisely defined yet, but left for selection during the 2nd stage, i.e. the definition of the pilot TB system (July 2008-June 2009). 4 Page 353/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Criteria (by type) “Test questions” that an indicator should pass for it to be retained for the Prespa TB system: the issue) Accurate Sensitive Indic. n°1 … Indic n° 70 Does the indicator accurately reflect the ecosystem component it is intended to represent? Is the indicator appropriately sensitive, i.e., are changes in the indicator highly correlated with changing trends in the information it is selected to represent? Understandability Understandable Simplicity Presentation Documented Is the indicator appropriate for decision-makers and the general public? Is the level of information from the indicator appropriate for environmental managers to use in decision making? Is the indicator simple and direct? Can the indicator be presented in a format tailored to environmental managers? Is the methodology used to create the indicator welldocumented and understandable so that it can be easily communicated and reproduced? Interpretability Interpretable Trend Evaluation Is there a reference condition or benchmark for the indicator against which current status and trends can be compared? Will data that have been collected over a sufficient period of time allow analysis of trends? Data Availability Currently existing Are adequate data available for immediate indicator use? Easily Available Are data easily available? Can they be retrieved with a minimum of fuss / cost? Long term record Do data currently exist to allow for analysis of environmental trends? Cost Considerations & Feasibility Technicity Can data be collected easily and reliably, from a technical point of view, even by the least experienced/ equipped of the relevant institutes in the 3 countries, at least in the medium—term and following training if needed? Data collection Can data supporting the indicator be obtained with reasonable cost and effort by the relevant Prespa organizations in all 3 countries? Calculation and Can calculations and interpretations for the indicator Interpretation be obtained with reasonable cost and effort? GIS-compatibility If the indicator is spatial in nature, can it be fed into / used by a GIS system? Transboundary character Acceptability Is the indicator accepted by the relevant stakeholders from the 3 countries? Page 354/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Criteria (by type) TB feasibility EU legal conformity “Test questions” that an indicator should pass for it to be retained for the Prespa TB system: Can data for the indicator be collected/ analysed in an identical/ compatible way in all 3 countries, so as to allow for a reliable TB picture? Are the indicators compatible/ conforming with legal requirements, e.g. WFD? Indic. n°1 … Indic n° 70 Once filled up, Table 14.2 will help make an informed decision on whether or not to retain each indicator for the longer term. Any indicator that would have a combined majority of (0 / +), over the ―++‖, should be seriously questioned, especially if it is costly to measure. 14.3. The evaluation: by whom? In order to be fully independent, evaluations should be in theory carried out by independent, external experts not associated with the practical implementation of the TMS. On the other hand, factual recording is best done by those in charge of this monitoring. As a compromise, the following is therefore proposed: - Annual reviews will be done/ coordinated by the team in charge of coordinating the implementation of the TMS. However for questions E, F, G the help of external, independent specialists may be requested for some themes, depending on the expertise of the Coordination team; - The 5-year evaluation will be carried out by an external, independent expert (or team), based upon a preliminary (partial) report by the Coordination unit covering Questions I, J, K, M. Whereas I & J are merely factual and will not be modified, K and M may trigger further comments / elaboration afterwards, from the independent experts. 14.4. After the evaluation It must be highlighted that in order to be of any use, the 2-tier evaluation system must be accompanied by the capacity to make relevant decisions based upon the evaluation conclusions, and to take actions to correct problems, follow-up on the issues identified etc. This can be either in the field of management of the ecosystem or human activities, or in terms of modifying the TMS. Page 355/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 15. Integration of the monitoring componentsoverview This Chapter presents, in text and tabular form, the overall monitoring components in an integrated manner: monitoring themes and indicators; stakeholders-institutions capable of transboundary monitoring in Prespa, coordination, budget on an annual basis and per monitoring cycle (specifying total equipment costs and total staff and operational requirements), and a cost estimate for the first five years of operation, whenever this may start. 15.1. Themes and indicators In total, 70 indicators are proposed for the long term, to cover the 7 thematic fields: Table 15.1. Number of indicators per theme for the long-term Prespa TMS THEME N° indicators proposed State Pressure Response Water resources Wetland plants & Habitats Fish & fisheries Forest & Forestry Birds & Other Biodiversity Land-use Socio-economy 19* 8 10 8 9 5 11 8 7 5 6 8/9 4 0 10 1 4 1 (1) 1 8 1 0 1 1 0 0 3 Total 70 38-39 25-26 6 * plus four other indicators that are covered by other groups, but whose results are required for this theme too Note that the same indicator suggested by 2 different thematic groups may have a different position on the State-pressure-Response scale, as e.g. the ―Number of breeding pelican and cormorant in the area‖ (n° P8b/ B5), seen as a State indicator from the ―Birds‖ point of view, and as a Pressure indicator from the Fish & Fisheries side. The uneven distribution of indicators per categories is not unexpected, given the key aim of the TMS, i.e. Routine Surveillance: for establishing the baseline, state indicators of the environment should normally be prominent. The total list of the indicators retained per theme is as follows: Page 356/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 15.2. List of indicators per theme for the long-term Prespa TMS Legend: - Nature = Pressure (P), State (S), Impacts (I), Response (R) - In Bold, italics: indicators retained for testing during the 3rd Phase/ Pilot implementation (2010); See Chapter 16 below N° WH1: WH2: WH3: WH4: WH5: WH6: WH7: WATER RESOURCES Nature Lake_water_level inflow_catchment_Macro_Prespa Koula_Micro_to_Macro_Prespa_flow pumping_from_Micro_Prespa Catchment_irrigated_area (covered under Land Use indic. N° LS4 ) S P R P karstic_spring_flow_to_Ohrid Groundwater_level P S S WM1: WM2: WM3: WM4: WQPC-C1: WQPC-C2: Precip_Catchment Precip_lake air_temperature _Lake lake_evaporation River_Macro_Prespa_physico_chemical River_Macro_Prespa_toxic_pollution S S S S P P WQPC-C3: WQPC-C4: WQEB-C1: Groundwater_ physico_chemical Groundwater_ toxic_pollution Fish_Trout_rivers (ident. to Fish n°P2 ) P P S WQPC-L1: WQPC-L2: WQPC-L3: WQEB-L1: WQEB-L2: WQEB-L3: WQEB-L4: Lake_ physico_chemical Lake_ nutrients Lake_ toxic_pollution Lake_ Phytoplankton Lake_ Chlorophyll-A Lake_Macrophytes (ident. to Wetland veg. WV2) Fish endemic to Prespa lakes trend (Ident. to Fish n° P1) S P P P P S S AQUATIC VEGETATION WV1 WV2 WV3 WV4 WV5 WV6 WV7 WV8 Nature Location and surface area of patches of the habitat beds of hydrophytes Species composition of vegetation in habitat Beds of hydrophytes (many possible variables: cover of characteristic/opportunistic species, of annuals/perennials, of exotic species, …) Location and surface area of patches of the wet meadows Species composition and structure of the vegetation of the habitat wet meadows Location and surface area of patches of the habitat Reedbeds Species composition and structure of the vegetation of reedbeds Direct management of reedbeds (wildfires, harvest, …) Location and surface area of populations of Aldrovanda vesiculosa S S S S S S P S Page 357/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park N° P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P8b P9 P10 FISH & FISHERIES Nature Fish endemic to Prespa lakes trend Prespa trout trend Prespa barbel and Prespa nase in Macro Prespa Carp trend Fish size distribution for each species Number of licensed fishermen in the three country Annual Fishing effort and fish catches Introduced fish species trend Number of breeding pelican and cormorant in the area (incl. in B5) Quality and quantity of fish eaten by cormorant IUCN Red list criteria changes N° FORESTS & TERRESTRIAL HABITATS F1 F2 Vegetation cover change Priority terrestrial habitats conservation (EU directive) distribution and quality Terrestrial Habitats & forest areas under protection Forest and grasslands under a comprehensive and implemented management plan (% of forest and grasslands under running MP) F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 P R Nature Structure and dynamics within forest and other terrestrial habitats Distribution and quality of alpine & subalpine meadows Sylvicultural practices for Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Natural damages and diseases S (I) S S S S S R P BIRDS & OTHER BIODIVERSITY B1 B2 S S S S S P P P P Nature Population of bats in selected nursery caves Interactions between Brown bear Ursus arctos and Man Population of Otter Lutra lutra Population of wintering waterbirds, with special emphasis on Anser anser rubrirostris Populations of breeding colonial waterbirds Breeding population of Mergus merganser Populations of Emys orbicularis Population of Rana graeca along streams of Prespa catchment Trends of some threatened and endemic terrestrial plants of the Prespa basin (Crocus pelistericus, Dianthus myrtinervius, Viola eximia) S S/P S S S S S S S Page 358/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park SOCIO-ECONOMY Nature SE 1 SE 2 Population (number of inhabitants) Population Composition P P SE 3 Public Spending on Environmental Management and Protection in the Prespa Basin Enforcement of environmental protections laws Water Use, Demand and Threats Incidence of Forest Fire Fishing Pressure Physical Infrastructure/ Urbanization Agriculture (by country) Waste Management Tourism R SE 4 SE 5 SE 6 SE 7 SE 8 SE 9 SE 10 SE 11 R P P P P P R P LAND-USE LS1 LS2 LS3 LS4 LS5 Area of each land use category (natural and anthropic habitats) Fragmentation of each land use (natural and anthropic habitats) Plant biomass of each natural habitats Area of irrigated and non-irrigated crops Area and dynamic of snowpack S S S P S 15.2. Implementing the TMS For each theme, potential organisations to implement the future TMS were identified. It should be stressed that the mandate of the international experts was merely to identify those that can potentially implement it, rather than those who should implement it. This latter assessment will be required in the near future, but it will have to take many non-technical aspects into consideration, i.e. costs, real commitments by the institutes, etc. This will be especially true in sectors (e.g. Water) where in a given country, several capable organisations co-exist: the final choice will have to be on grounds other than capacities. The organisations that can potentially monitor the planned indicators are listed in Table 15.3 below: overall they comprise 50 organisations, i.e. 17 in Albania, 18 in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and 15 in Greece (where several Institutes/ Faculties coexist under a same University, or several Agencies/ Directorates under the same Ministry, they were still counted as separate, as coordination will imply liaising with each team separately, for all practical aspects). Page 359/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Such a high number of stakeholders is unavoidable, given the breadth (7 themes) of the planned TMS, and the fact that it encompasses 3 countries. Many institutions are not restricted to one specific field, but appear in a number of themes. Page 360/381 Table 15.3. Potential organizations able to implement the Prespa TMS Themes Albania Water resources (quantity, quality) - MoEFWA/Agency of Water and Energy - IEWE: Institute of Energy, Water & Environment, Polytechnic University of Tirana (former Institute of Hydrometeorology of Albania) Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - The Hydro meteorological Administration (HMA) - Hydrobiological Institute of Ohrid - Laboratory for Algae Taxonomy and Hydrobiology (LAH), Institute of Biology, Faculty for Natural Sciences, Skopje - Institute for Health Protection (IHP) Aquatic Vegetation and habitats Fish and Fisheries - Museum of natural Sciences, Tirana (MNS) - University of Tirana - University of Agriculture - PPNEA - Biological Institute of the faculty of Sciences and mathematics of Skopje - Hydrobiological Institute of Ohrid Galicica National Park; Hydrobiological Institute Ohrid (HIO) Forests and Terrestrial habitats - MoEFWA / Agency of Environment and Forestry (EFA) - MoEFWA: Directorate of Protected Areas - MoEFWA / Forest Service Directorate - Prespa National Park - Faculty of Natural Sciences - Faculty of Forestry Sciences (Tirana) -Albanian Forestry Expert - Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MoEPP) - MoAFW / Directorate of Forests - Galicica National Park - Pelister National Park - Faculty of Sciences (Skopje) - Faculty of Forestry (Skopje) - Forestry Public Enterprises (Makedonski Forests) Greece - Ministry of Environment Physical Planning and Public Works (MEPPPW)/ Central Water Service (CWS) - Public Power Corporation (PPC), Department of Hydrology - Florina Chemistry Service (FCS) , Florina - Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP) - IGME (Institute of Geological and Mineral Exploration) - EKBY (Greek Wetland Biotope Centre) - Hellenic Center For Marine Research (HCMR) - Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP) - Universities & Tech. Education Institutes - Management Body of Prespa Park National Forest - SPP - Ministry of Environment Physical Planning and Public Works (MEPPPW) - SPP - PNFMB - TKI - Forest Directorate of Florina - Forest Research Institution: EKBY. TEI Larissa Association Birds & other Biodiversity - Museum of natural Sciences, Tirana (MNS) - Albanian Society for the Protection of Birds and Mammals (ASPBM) - Prespa National Park - PPNEA - Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MoEPP) - Galicica National Park - Pelister National Park - BIOECO - Macedonian Ecological Society (MES) - Skopje University - Management Body of the Prespa National Park (MBPNF) - Callisto (NGO) - SPP - Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS) Socio-economy - INSTAT - Institute of Public Health (district office). - UNDP national office (Tirana) - REC Albania - Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration - Resen Municipality - Regional Environmental Center (REC) - UNDP National Office - Management Body of the Prespa National Park (MBPNF) - Florina Statistical Office - SPP - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food. Skopje - Institute of agriculture, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Skopje - Agency for spatial planning - SPP Land-use Bold = lead institution proposed (in some themes) SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 15.3. Coordination The high number of stakeholders that will be involved (see above) highlights the need for an efficient and intensive coordination, by an organisation regarded as legitimate by all the stakeholders. The MCWG will have to nominate this coordinating body or institution, or to decide to take this task upon itself whilst still nominating an institution to carry out the daily, extensive coordinating tasks under its responsibility. Whatever the choice that will be made, the organization should: - show a long-term commitment to the TB system; - preferably be one of the 50 monitoring institutes identified above; - have the necessary recognition and trust from all these institutes, because they would have to regularly submit data to it; - have excellent capacities and proven experience in database management, including GIS; an experience in TB databases would be a ―bonus‖; - have coordination and diplomatic skills, with the ability to stimulate other institutions to provide data in a timely way; - have experience in working internationally, as the task will involve regular data exchange with the other 2 countries; - have a secured medium- to long-term funding, i.e. the organization should not shut down after one or two years; - be capable of, and committed to, investing a minimum of its own resources into the TMS, e.g. between funded projects. 15.4. Overall budget A synthesis of the budgetary estimates made for each theme is consolidated in Table 15.4 below, which also helps assess total equipment costs and total staff and operational requirements. Page 363/381 Table 15.4. Overall budget per theme N° of indicators covered Water 15 (partly or resources totally) (quantity, quality) Aquatic All 8 vegetation and habitats Fish and All 10 Fisheries Forests and All 8 Terrestrial habitats Birds & All 9 other Biodiversity ** SocioAll 11 economy Land-use All 5 *** 66 out of Total 70 EQUIPMENT Pilot study/ initial PILOT YEAR training/ net-working 27 851 € YEAR 1 RUNNING COSTS YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 TOTAL PILOT YEAR (columns 35) **** TOTAL 5-YR CYCLE (columns 610) 156 953 € 156 953 € 156 953 € 156 953 € 156 953 € 156 953 € 184 804 € 784 765 € 1 215 € 12 875 € 28 958 € 28 958 € 28 958 € 28 958 € 28 958 € 28 958 € 43 048 € 144 790 € 36 019 € 12 875 € 36 019 € 36 019 € 36 019 € 36 019 € 36 019 € 36 019 € 84 913 € 180 095 € 21 230 € 12 875 € 22 560 € 22 560 € 22 560 € 22 560 € 22 560 € 22 560 € 56 665 € 112 800 € 28 080 € * 52 023 € 15 675 € 38 412 € 15 675 € 38 412 € 15 675 € 80 103 € 123 849 € 9 012 € 11 412 € 9 012 € 20 395 € 184 770 € 101 975 € 289 572 € 645 715 € 2 400 € 87 400 € 204 195 € 9 012 € * 38 625 € 97 370 € 20 395 € 20 395 € 402 895 € 280 560 € 303 297 € 20 395 € 280 560 € *: in addition to costs for Year 1, the cost for the initial Training was incorporated into the overall cost of Year 1 20 395 € 303 297 € 1 457 286 € **: For Biodiversity, the budget could be spread more evenly between Years 1 to 5 if needed, by partly redistributing activities that take place only every 2-3 years ***: the budget also includes the office/ lab work needed for teh remote-sensing components of ca. 10 indicators under the themes Aquatic vegetation, Forests & terrestrial habitats, and Water resources; whereas the field work required by those (i.e. for calibration and validation of satellite images) is covered under their respective headings ****: total cost of the Pilot year is here calculated for the sake of simplicity as incorporating from the beginning all the equipment required by all 7 themes (i.e. one year to test the protocols on pilot subset of indicators plus get ready to start monitoring the others in subsequent years). However depending on funds, this could be organized differently. SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park It should be highlighted that the budget for each theme (see Paragraphs 6.7, 8.7, 9.7… to 13.7 above) could not always be presented with exactly the same level of detail, because: - in some themes (e.g. Birds & biodiversity), indicators usually bear no link with each other (bats vs. bears vs. waterfowl etc.), so monitoring protocols do not overlap at all, and the budget for each one can thus be calculated independently. For others however (e.g. water resources, land-use), various indicators will typically be measured (or data analysis performed) at the same time, as part of a same field trip, so calculating a ―cost per indicator‖ would not be meaningful; - for the Water resources, which have the largest number of thematic indicators proposed (i.e. 19), it was agreed that budgeting would be restricted to the 15 indicators5 proposed for the Pilot application phase. - in some cases, the cost for pre-requisites (e.g. Training for remote-sensing analysis, under Land-use) was authoritatively incorporated into the cost of the 1st (Pilot) year, whilst other groups kept these costs separate. The costs summarised in Table 15.4 are only indicative, and real plans should allow for additional, unforeseen expenses (e.g. 10-12%). TB monitoring costs vary a lot across themes, with socio-economy being by far the ―cheapest‖ theme to monitor, both per bout of monitoring effort (no specific equipment needed) and overall, for the 5 years cycle, due to its frequency (all indicators to be measured every 5 years only). On the other hand, water resources prove to be by far the most expensive component, partly because more indicators are involved (15 budgeted for, out of 19 in total) than for any other theme, but mainly because of the high level of technicity (equipment, staff…) and the high frequency of field visits required (usually monthly). The other themes all fall within the same range of ca. 100 to 180,000€ per 5-years (excluding equipment). The overall cost of the implementation of the proposed TMS is therefore estimated at ca. 1.6 million Euros6 for a monitoring cycle of 5 years, for 667 indicators – but without taking into account the equipment, which will have been bought before that, during the pilot year. The additional budget for this pilot year is of ca. 0.65 million Euros. To put things into perspective, and keeping in 5 and for some of these indeed, only to a restricted sub-set of the specific parameters that make up the indicator 6 allowing for some unforeseen expenses 7 since out of a total of 70, costs were not estimated for 4 of the Water indicators Page 365/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park mind that no average can of course reflect the high variability in costs depending on themes, this represents an order of magnitude of ca. 1,800€ per country, per year and per indicator, overall. Page 366/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 16. Design of the pilot application system This Chapter deals with the design of a ―full‖ pilot application system, as an expert recommendation made by the panel of international and national experts during their two meetings in 2009. However, it should be noted that this recommendation is by no means identical to the actual pilot testing that will really happen in 2010, because it is unlikely that the full budget for the pilot year as calculated in Table 15.4 (above) will be available in 2010. For this expert recommendation, initial proposals were made by the international lead experts to the thematic working groups, which reviewed, commented and finally validated them. For two themes (Fish & fisheries and Land-use), it was decided that monitoring all the proposed indicators was feasible during the pilot application, subject however to funds availability. For the 5 other themes a shorter sub-set of indicators/ parameters was selected, to be monitored during pilot implementation (Table 16.1 below for a summary; see Table 15.2 above for the detailed sub-set). The justification for a full vs. reduced set was based upon a balance between urgency (which data are most crucially needed now?), feasibility within a short time-frame, and costs (avoid at first the most expensive indicators, unless deemed absolutely vital). This does not imply that the other indicators will be de facto left out from the TMS forever, but each of them will eventually need its own ―Pilot test year‖, so as to test the protocols and adapt them before routine implementation, if needed. Table 16.1. Number of indicators per theme for the pilot application of the Prespa TMS THEME Total N° indicators proposed N° retained for Pilot application Hydrology Wetland plants & Habitats Fish Forest & Forestry Birds & Other Biodiversity Land-use Socio-economy 19 8 10 8 9 5 11 15 7 10 4 5 5 2 Total 70 48 Page 367/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Ideally, the pilot application should mimic as far as possible the 1st year of a ―real‖ monitoring, for the (sub)set of selected parameters. However, the availability of funds will bring a critical limitation to this, as even a full pilot testing of the 48 indicators can prove quite expensive (see Table 15.4), especially in terms of initial investment. Furthermore for some themes or issues, and compared to a mere application of the proposed protocols, specific considerations apply: Pre-requisites before monitoring In some cases, vital pre-requisites would need to be met for the protocols to be precisely tested. For instance, the Aquatic vegetation theme would require a vegetation and landuse map for selecting its permanent sampling stations. Since it is probable that such a map will not be available for the pilot year, a ―reduced pilot application‖ is promoted instead, whereby the specific techniques are tested integrally, but on only one sample station per country – the protocol for choosing/ locating the stations cannot itself be tested. Water resources Monitoring in the pilot application year will be restricted to 15 of the 19 indicators proposed, and some of them only partly (only some of the parameters) (see Table 15.2 above). The specific budget for this pilot is detailed in Paragraph 6.7 above. Aquatic vegetation Testing the full protocols, as proposed in Chapter 8 above, is considered impossible for the pilot year, because vital pre-requisites are not met: the stratified-random process for the selection of stations for monitoring would imply using a vegetation and land use map. As this will not be available for the pilot study, alternative options had to be sought. It was agreed that one station would be selected in each country, in each habitat type, for the pilot study, by randomly selecting 1 station in the largest patch of each vegetation type in each country. Further identification of sites for the long-term monitoring will be made during the pilot study, either by using the remote sensing analysis or by an alternative method. On the selected test stations, a test of each and every method will be implemented during the pilot phase. The field implementation of these methods will gather all the relevant organizations from the 3 countries at the same sites, under the training supervision of the Page 368/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park lead expert. The budget above (Paragraph 15.4) incorporates this suggestion as a separate cost for the Pilot year: it allows for a 3-day joint field working-cum-training session gathering teams of 2 persons in each country (details in Table 8.15 in Chapter 8, above). In addition, one or two representatives of the Ministry of the Environment from each country could be invited if particularly motivated, but their costs have not been budgeted for. The aim of this session will be to test methods, raise capacity, share questions and enhance standardization between teams. Only one of the proposed 8 indicators cannot be tested during the pilot year (the populations of Aldrovandra vesiculosa) since monitoring them would require a preliminary assessment of the present status of the species in Macro Prespa. Forests and terrestrial habitats According to the proposal, the first year will be a ―testing year‖ in order to experiment whether all habitats can be –or not -discriminated through satellite image, by identifying a specific spectral signature for each of them. It is assumed that most of the terrestrial habitats – if not all - will effectively be discriminated, by using two separate images per year, in spring and autumn (see Land-use Chapter 13, above). In case funding and institutional set-up does not allow for the purchase and processing of satellite imagery, testing of the indicators involving remote-sensing will have to be deferred. The pilot application will consist of 5 components: 1- Testing the following indicators from late 2009 until 2010 (pilot application): - F1: vegetation cover change, provided satellite images are available - F2: identification / mapping of all natural habitats from Natura 2000 and Emerald network - F3 & F4: to harmonize the TB rationale under which FTH are to be considered as officially protected and/or managed in a sustainable way 2- Simultaneously, and with the aim of preparing the future documenting of indicators F5, F6 and F7, it will be necessary to define a typology (TB vegetation development types), to make a stratification for sampling and to select the location of the monitoring stations (permanents plots). Page 369/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park 3- Buying the first equipment required for 2010: - Satellites images and software for interpretation, subject to availability of funds and progress of institutional set-up/ national institutions: F1, F2, F8 (See Land use proposal) - GPS, distance measurers and metal stakes could be purchased during the first year so as to select vegetation stands for monitoring, to set up / determine plot-based spatial sampling and to locate monitoring stations. (for F5 to F7) 4- Specific training will be required for F1, F2, F8, subject to availability of funds and progress of institutional set-up (included under Land use proposal) in remote sensing, in GPS utilization and setting up of permanent plots monitoring network with data management system (for F5 to F7) 5- In order to develop a real TB spirit, networking in the field - beyond meeting rooms - is considered vital. It is therefore suggested - subject to availability of funds - to start networking the 3 national FTH monitoring teams through a regional workshop, including a round field trip in the three countries, to share experiences of habitats monitoring and to develop a mutual understanding of a transboundary vegetation typology and protocol monitoring. This TB FTH monitoring team might encompass: - for Albania: Prespa National Park forest service + a representative of Forest Expert Association + Forest Service of Korcha - for Greece: PNFMB + Forest Directorate of Florina - for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Galicica and Pelister NP + Public Forest Enterprise representative. This workshop will focus on methodological and technical aspects: - The different protection status of natural habitats and landscape that could be compared from one country to another (―intercalibration‖ of protected areas denomination)… - Status and content of forest management plans (according to international standard) and forest surveys (inventory) techniques and methodology - grazing areas (grasslands) management plans and monitoring system: management system and carrying capacity surveys - design of permanent plots network and field monitoring. Page 370/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Other basic elements of the FTH monitoring system should also be discussed during this TB workshop/tour (for all 3 countries): • Identification of stress sources on the ground (map to be provided by Land-Use thematic group – ground verification to be done by this group) during the Pilot phase or in Year 1 (?) • Presentation of stress factors on the ground (and map) according to their degree of importance (e.g. causing degradation) in Year 1 or 2 (?) • Establishment of permanent plots on sites considered worth to be monitored (including degraded sites, sites in good/favourable condition, sites of special interest etc) in Year 2 (?) On a basis of 10 persons for the FTH monitoring Transboundary team, an international expert to foster the process, and a 4-5 days duration, the total cost of this networking first step will be similar to the cost estimated for a similar training for Aquatic vegetation, i.e. 12,875 €, and is included in the budget (Paragraph 15.4 above). Socio-economy The 2 pilot phase indicators will use existing census data from 2001 (AL and GR) and 2002 (the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), and will thus be very easy to monitor. For the other 9 indicators to be included in the full TMS, data should be collected only in 2011-2012 to coincide with the next round of census taking (and taking new data for Indicators 1-2 used in the pilot phase.) This data should be collected at 5 year intervals and to the extent possibly include each year with that time period in order to show real trends. Land-use All the 5 proposed indicators could be monitored during the pilot phase - subject to availability of funding. If funds prove available, it will be necessary to acquire all the required equipment (computers and software) from the start, as well as images. Initial training courses are a prerequisite too, and should gather all the relevant implementers from the 3 countries so as to allow: - to define habitat typology on field, Page 371/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park - to learn GIS utilisation and tools regarding landscape ecology indicators, - to learn how to use satellite remote sensing software and methods of image treatment. Data collection from satellite image will be focused on defining the ―initial‖8 state of the Prespa basin, i.e. initial values for each indicator and parameter that will be monitored through remote sensing (from Land-use and other themes too, i.e. Indicators n° F1-2-6-8 and WV1-2-4-5-7). All this information will be stored into a database, as representing the baseline data (―starting point‖) against which all future trends can be computed. 16.1. Budget An overall budget was calculated, based upon Table 15.4 above, but omitting the cost of monitoring the indicators that are not retained for the pilot application. The full equipment costs were taken unchanged from the overall budget, since the Pilot application year also involves proactive preparations for being in a position to measure all indicators from the start of the following year onwards: it is therefore suggested that equipment should be procured as much in advance as possible – and in any case before actual monitoring starts, so during the Pilot application. The overall total budget for the pilot year of implementation is. ca. 646,000€. It was calculated for the sake of simplicity as incorporating from the beginning all the equipment required by all 7 themes (i.e. one year to test the protocols for the pilot subset of indicators, plus getting ready to start monitoring the others in subsequent years by procuring all equipment in advance). However depending on funds, this will likely have to be phased differently, probably over many years. Despite covering only 69% of all indicators proposed, the budget still accounts for over one-fifth of the cost of a five-years cycle (Table 15.4), mainly because it incorporates the one-off purchase of all the needed equipment for the TMS. 8 i.e. at inception of the TMS Page 372/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 16.2. Budget for the pilot application of the Prespa TMS Indicators for Pilot application Water resources (quantity, quality) Aquatic vegetation and habitats Fish and fisheries Forests and terrestrial habitats Birds & other biodiversity Socio-economy Land-use 15 (some partly) out of 19 (WH1-2-3-4; WM12-3-4; WQPC-C1 & C2; WQPC-L1, L2 & L3; WQEB-L1 & L2) 7 out of 8 (WV1-23-4-5-6-7) All 10 4 out of 8 (F1-2-3-4) 5 out of 9 (B1-2-4-5-9) 2 out of 11 (SE1-2) All 5 Total 48 out of 70 GRAND TOTAL (excluding costs for coordination and for central storage of collected data) Equipment Initial training or networking Running costs - Pilot Year 156 953 € (9) 27 851 € 1 215 € 36 019 € 12 875 € 12 875 € 28 958 € 36 019 € 21 230 € 12 875 € 22 560 € 52 023 € (10 ) 9 012 € 97 370 € (11) 38 625 € 402 895 € 28 080 € 2 400 € 87 400 € 204 195 € 645,715 € It should be noted that these costs include neither the TB coordination costs, nor the costs for central storage of the collected data (since the TB database would then be, at best, under development during the Pilot year). Coordination costs could vary a lot depending on the process chosen by the MCWG for it, and on the location chosen for its staff. It is estimated to represent the equivalent of a full-time position, plus significant running costs especially for extensive travel to the 3 countries during the pilot year. 16.2. Timeframe The following, simplified timetable for the pilot study and its aftermath is proposed: 9 all Institutes listed are assumed to have already sufficient expertise costs for the initial Training are already integrated into the overall cost for each relevant indicator 11 costs for the initial Training are already integrated into the overall cost for each relevant indicator 10 Page 373/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Table 16.3. Tentative timetable for the pilot application of the Prespa TMS Dates Who? What? NovemberDecember 2009 UNDP Skopje, UNDP Tirana National stakeholders/ institutions from the 3 countries MCWG Financial planning ahead, for procuring the required equipment as per Paragraphs 6.4, 8.4, 9.4, 10.4, 11.4; 12.4 & 13.4 above Relevant stakeholders Coordinating body + 1-3 ―hosting stakeholders‖14 All monitoring stakeholders (+ Coordinating body) Not specified Procurement of equipment – Priority = equipment needed for the Pilot application Organisation of training sessions required in Aquatic vegetation, Forests & terrestrial habitats, Land-use (remote-sensing) & Fish & fisheries. Not specified Analysis of results in terms of: a- Interpretation of evolutions of the Prespa ecosystem b- Quality and TB compatibility of data collected in all 3 countries Revisions of the proposed TMS based on the results above: Proposed modifications to the list of indicators and to the methods/ protocols, so as to make the whole TMS more likely to be implemented well in a coordinated/ coherent way. Lobbying + seeking commitments from the 3 States for funding/ stabilizing the TMS beyond the GEF project November 2009 December 200912 Jan-March13 2010 Jan-Dec 2010 Jan-Dec 2010 Jan-June 2011 AprilSeptember 2011 Not specified Jan-Dec 2011 MCWG, UNDP - Final approval of the TMS full study, incl. expert proposal for Pilot application phase - Proposal on TMS coordinating mechanism & a body in charge of coordinating day-to-day, stimulating stakeholders etc. - Decision on list of stakeholders to actually carry out the pilot application of the 48 test indicators (and associated budget/ commitment issues) - Pilot field monitoring of the 48 indicators - Data storing in ―home-made‖ databases/ spreadsheets while expecting the TMS database/ GIS to be designed Development of TMS database/ GIS 12 Or later, according to availability or later if required by seasonality, e.g. vegetation growing seasons 14 Depending on themes, the group of trainees may be based in one country only (e.g. for aquatic vegetation) or visit one place at least per country (e.g. forests). In both cases the training sessions will be hosted by one of the local, committed stakeholding institutions in charge of monitoring. 13 Page 374/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park References Notes: - References are presented classified by theme covered or chapter of the full study - Additionally, very detailed references on Biodiversity (4 of the 7 themes) have been compiled for each country separately, and can be found at the end of Annex n° 4.3 (pp. 92-106 in Volume II ―Annexes‖ of this Full Study). General sources Crivelli, A.J. and Catsadorakis, G. (Eds) 1997. Lake Prespa, Northwestern Greece, A Unique Balkan Wetland, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers GFA Terra Systems GmbH. 2005. KfW Feasibility Study, Project Preparation & Development of the Transboundary Prespa Park Project, Progress Report, KfW Entwicklungsbank, Frankfurt, January 2005 Petkovski S., S. Shumka, I. Koutseri, A. Logotheti, M. Gletsos, G. Catsadorakis & C. Perennou, 2008. Species and Habitats of conservation concern in the Prespa watershed: an update. Internal report, February 2008, 73 p. Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP), WWF-Greece, Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (ΡΡΝΕΑ), Macedonian Alliance for Prespa (ΜΑΡ) (2002). Development of a Strategic Action Plan for the Sustainable Development of the Prespa Park, Final Report, Volume III, Ag.Germanos. (Unpublished report) Water resources Anneville, O. and Kaiblinger, C. 2008. Proposal for a phytoplankton lake index applicable to lakes of the Rhône-Alpes basin for the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive. INRA, France. Buzzi, F., Dalmiglio A., Garibaldi L., Legnani E., Marchetto A., Morabito G., Salmaso N., Tartari G. & Thaler B., 2007. Indici fitoplanctonici per la valutazione della qualià ecologica dei laghi della regione alpina. Documento presentato al Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare. Carlson, R. E., 1977. A trophic state index for lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 22: 361-369. Clesceri, L.S., Greenberg, A.E. and Eaton, A.E. 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. Washington, D.C., American Public Health Association, 20. p.v. Davies-Colley, R.J, W.N. Vant, and D.G. Smith. 1993. Colour and Clarity of Natural Waters. Dokulil, M. & K. Teubner. 2006. Bewertung der Phytoplanktonstruktur stehender Gewässer gemäß der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie: Der modifizierte Brettum Index. In: DGLTagungsbericht 2005 (29.9.-2.10.2005) Karlsruhe: 356-360. Hollis, G.E. and A. C. Stevenson, A.C. 1997. The physical basis of the Lake Mikri Prespa systems: geology, climate, hydrology and water quality. Hydrobiologia, vol 351, 1-19. Page 375/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park Marchetto, A., Padedda, B.M., Mariani, M.A., Lugliè, A. and Sechi, N., 2009. A numerical index for evaluating phytoplankton response to changes in nutrient levels in deep mediterranean reservoirs. J. Limnol. 68: 106-121. Mischke, U. & Nixdorf, B., Eds., 2008. Bewertung von Seen mittels Phytoplankton zur Umsetzung der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie, BTUC-AR 2/2008, 266 Seiten. ISBN 978-3940471-06-2. Mischke U. & Böhmer J., 2008. Software PhytoSee Version 3.0. Auswertungssoftware zur Berechnung des Phyto-See-Index (PSI) nach Mischke et al. 2008 für die Bewertung von natürlichen Seen gemäß der EG- Wasserrahmenrichtlinie mit Anleitung zur Verwendung und Vorgaben für die Eingangsdaten „Formatvorlage_PhytoSee_ Auswertungsprogramm _4_08.xls―. Kostenloser Internet Download ( http://igbberlin. de/abt2/mitarbeiter/mischke. Padisák, J., Borics, G., Grigorszky, I., and Soróczki-Pintér, E., 2006. Use of Phytoplankton Assemblages for Monitoring Ecological Status of Lakes within the Water Framework Directive: The Assemblage Index. Hydrobiologia, 553: 1-14. Utermöhl, H., 1958: Zur Vervollkommnung der quantitativen Phytoplankton - Methodik. Mitteil. Int. Ver. Limnologie, 1-38. Wolfram, G. & Dokulil, M.T., 2008. Leitfaden zur Erhebung der biologischen Qualitätselemente. Teil B2 – Phytoplankton. 51 S., BMLFUW, Wien Xu, F-L., Zhao, Z-Y., Zhan, W., Zhao, S-S., Dawson, R.W., and Tao, S., 2005. An ecosystem health index methodology (EHIM) for lake ecosystem health assessment. Ecological Modelling 188: 327-339. Aquatic vegetation and habitats Dutartre A. & V. Bertin, 2007. Méthodologie d’étude des communautés de macrophytes en plans d’eau. CEMAGREF Bordeaux, version 3, Novembre 2007. Grace J.B. & B.H. Pugesek, 1997. A structural equation of plant species richness and its application to a coastal wetland. American Naturalist 149(3): 436-460. Jensen S., 1977. An objective method for sampling the macrophytes vegetation in lakes. Vegetation, 33:107-118 Kent M. & P. Coker, 1994. Vegetation description and analysis. A practical approach. J. Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK. Odum W.E., 1988. Comparative ecology of tidal freshwater and salt marshes. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 19: 147-176. Forests and terrestrial habitats Anonymous, 2006. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on an EU Forest Action Plan. Brussels, 15.6.2006. CEC/EN Davies, C.E., Moss, D., Hill, M.O., 2004. EUNIS Habitat classification revised. European Environment Agency, European Topic Centre On Nature Protection And Biodiversity, October 2004 Page 376/381 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESPA – TOUR DU VALAT Development of a Transboundary Monitoring System for the Prespa Park European Forest Monitoring Programme (EFMP), 2006. A vision for MS-activities under LIFE+. 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