Up Sails! - Faith and Light
Up Sails! - Faith and Light
Faith and Light international Special edition October 2013 “Up Sails!” International meeting, Leeds 2013 “Called to bear fruit” Contents Editorial Let’s continue the adventure! , Ghislain du Chéné 4 Messages… From Pope Francis From Archbishop of Canterbury 8 9 International meeting Times of fiesta and of sharing Opening ceremony Amongst the delegates who came from all over the world A few words from the founders Celebration with the English communities In small sharing groups Sharing coffee and solidarity Formation time Talking time Workshops Time for prayer and celebrations Experiencing ecumenism 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 18 23 24 25 General Assembly 26 26 27 Priorities Elections …Sending off ceremony… 28 Leeds Trinity University Thanks a thousand times! 29 30 Faith and Light international 3 rue du Laos 75015 Paris, France - T + 33 1 53 69 44 30 foi.lumiere@wanadoo.fr - www.faithandlight.org 2 “The apple of prayer” Throughout the international meeting and celebrations, this apple remained on the table in the conference room and on the altar to remind us of our absent friends from Syria, Egypt, East and Capricorn Africa, who were not able to obtain a visa. This way they were continually present in our hearts and in our prayers. A great love In Leeds, I experienced a feeling of great love, a great love for God and for others. All of these people had come from all over the world; from New Zealand to Peru, from South Africa to Norway. When I met Elaine who is about 70 years old, she told me that she’d travelled for 26 hours to be here. I was full of admiration for her and for her love for Faith and Light. AGNIESZKA, Poland 3 Editorial Let’s continue the adventure ! F ollowing our wonderful international meeting in Leeds, for many the month of August was a time of rest and much needed recuperation! The meeting was a very intense time of making acquaintances, of sharing, of communion, work celebraGhislain du Chéné tions, parties, training and sometimes of tensions… And its success was even greater given the need for along and thorough preparation, particularly on the part of the international secretariat and the local team! We received a very warm welcome from UK North province at Leeds Trinity University and the name of this university reminded me of the Lourdes meeting, when Father Jim Corkery had compared Faith and Light – and its relationships based on reciprocity and equality – to the Holy Trinity. So there was a certain logic in being here, five years after Lourdes, to meet again, to take stock of the last five years and to return to our provinces with our arms full of wonderful fruits to share in our communities. This “Leeds” special edition will allow those who were there to revisit what we experienced during that superb week, and those who were not there to better understand what took place in Leeds. This is not intended to be a souvenir album, but rather a booklet to refer to as we move forward, continuing our adventures, so that we continue to bear fruit. I will revisit five concrete elements that I have retained from our meeting: Laudation, Enthusiasm, Energy, Discernment, Suffering (LEEDS). 4 Bishop Patrick Rooke in Leeds First, the laudation or the thanksgiving for everything wonderful that has happened. However if I could only recall one thing, it would be the presence of BISHOP PATRICK ROOKE amongst us: newly appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury as representative of the Anglican Community in Faith and Light, he spent four days with us in Leeds. He is the father of Susanna, a young woman with Downs of about the same age as Julie, and he was at ease amongst us straightaway: his openness, his friendliness and his smile ensured that he met many people and, I hope, also helped progress our ecumenist aims. I was very touched by everyone’s enthusiasm: In particular there were some very lively evenings which helped deepen our friendships, aided by a few glasses of beer and some good music! However I was most struck by the team in green t-shirts: especially the young people from local teams who sometimes had thankless tasks – such as running in search of headphones that had gone missing after sessions in the auditorium – but they always had a big smile on their faces. I fervently hope for more young people like them to animate our communities which are all too quiet. POPE FRANCIS called upon young people to make a mess in our dioceses. I call on young people to create a joyful havoc in our communities! Energy is what we bring back to our communities ; this momentum is largely due to the presence amongst us of MARIE-HÉLÈNE MATHIEU. 5 Marie-Hélène with Louise and Henri Major (former President) Always surrounded and always being photographed, these kind of events are rejuvenating for her! It does her just as much good as her presence does good for each and every one of us. Sometimes it is said that the future is made up of our knowledge of the past. That means that the origins of our movement, in Lourdes in 1971, must always remain alive in our collective memory, even though, as MARIE-HÉLÈNE reminded us in her talk, we are not called upon to imitate our founders, but rather to return to the source of their inspiration. It was in Leeds that we received the necessary momentum for us to continue the wonderful adventure of Faith and Light! Discernment is something we experienced several times: after listening to the words of JOHN SARGENT, when preparing to vote for all of the members of the Board of Directors, when we decided on the priorities for the coming five years, we made strong gestures which committed us, but also all of the members of the 1500 Faith and Light communities throughout the world. All of these people who we were repre- Nomination Committee: François Bal, Elaine Swain, Father Isaac Martinez and Maureen O’Reilly 6 senting are different, there are those who struggle to understand the path which we are going to follow, and yet nobody should be left behind. One I realised this myself, personally I found this time of discernment quite a difficult experience. Ellen (Norway) and Ann Suffering was in not having all the people around me who I expected to be there. ANN EMMOTT told me just how happy she was to see so many people there from her province on the day of the party in the communities: “I feel like a mother hen with all my chicks”, she said! I really envied her, because I was saddened to see that so many provinces were not represented (Syria, South Lebanon and Jordan, Egypt North and Sudan, Egypt Centre, Egypt South and Kuwait, East Africa) and that four international vice-coordinators hadn’t been able to come. And now we need to move forward; let us tell everyone about all the wonderful things we have experienced, let us share these as much as we can. And now, with our new roadmap, let’s continue the adventure! A beautiful, large family I became aware of just how international Faith and Light is. All of the continents were represented and we were able to share with each other our individual experiences within our communities. Once again I realised that, despite or thanks to our different languages and cultures, we are part of a beautiful, large family. My experience was one of sharing, of reflection and of celebration that I will never forget. I think that everyone of us can and must in their own way share with those around us what we experience within our communities, and try and make the world more beautiful. We must continue the beautiful adventure of Faith and Light together! JOSÉ, Belgium 7 Messages from Pope Francis H is Holiness POPE FRANCIS was pleased to be informed of the International meeting and General Assembly of Faith and Light that is taking place in Leeds from 20 to 27 July 2013, and he sends warm greetings to all who are taking part. Stefano and Franco (Italy) welcomed by Pope Francis, Pentecost 2013 The Holy Father gives thanks to God for the beautiful witness of Faith and Light. Through faith, you know that by holding out the hand of friendship to a suffering or handicapped person, you are befriending Christ himself. And the moment you recognize the face of Christ, even in the least of his brothers and sisters, your eyes are opened to see the glorious light that streams from his face, changing all who gaze upon him into his own likeness, from one degree of glory to another (cf. 2 Co 3, 18). His Holiness prays that the joy you bring to one another through the friendship that you share may shine brightly for all to see, so that they too may come to recognize the beauty of Christ’s face and learn to place all their trust in him. With these sentiments, the Holy Father invokes upon all the participants in the General Assembly the peace and joy of our Lord Jesus Christ and he cordially imparts his Apostolic Blessing. Your sincerely in Christ. ANGELO BECCIU Substitute 8 from Archbishop of Canterbury I t is my great joy to send greetings to you all as you are gathered in Leeds for your 16th International Meeting. I am delighted that this country has the blessing of hosting you for your gathering. Faith and Light communities offer a sign of God’s kingdom. Your coming together as persons with intellectual disability and with your families and friends to share friendship and fellowship shows the power of Christ’s love in action. The theme chosen for your meeting “Called to bear fruit” reminds us that this love is to be taken out and shared with whoever we meet, so that the blessings we receive may also bear fruit in the lives of others. I thank you as movement for all you do towards building up the unity of God’s Church. My prayers and best wishes to you all. The Most Reverend and Right Honourable JUSTIN WELBY from 10 Downing Street David Cameron I t gives me pleasure to send a message of greetings to all those attending the Faith and Light international General Assembly. Faith and Light commitment to supporting people with learning difficulties or disabilities is a wonderful example of Christian faith being put into practice. It shows those with learning difficulties and their families and friends, that the matter in our society and that they are valued. DAVID CAMERON, Prime Minister 9 Times of fiesta and of sharing “Green” team welcomes delegates Hetty (Netherlands) and Piotr (Poland) The joy of meeting again! Angelo and Roberto (Italy) On Saturday 20 July, 200 delegates from 36 countries were welcomed to Leeds by the young and dynamic “green team”. 47 provinces out of the 52 were represented. There was a joyful din, laughter, hugging and kissing, different languages, songs….. And for some, the tiredness of journey that had lasted several days was swiftly effaced in the joy of reunion. Despite the empty spaces left by our friends from the Middle East and some African countries, our family reunion could begin… Roberto (Spain) With my heart overwhelming with gratefulness I would like to send you my heartfelt thanks for wanting me here, for organising and structuring my trip. Who would have thought it? Starting with myself ?Like a dream, thanks to your tenacity and the Lord’s support, that which seemed impossible really happened. How great is my joy for the wonders of God and his great love which I have seen and experienced. SR MARIE-ANTOINETTE Benin Sr Marie-Antoinette and Marie-Hélène Marijus and Rimas (Lithuania) 10 Opening ceremony L ed by Ghislain du Chéné (international coordinator) and Henri Major (President), the evening began with a superb powerpoint projected on a giant screen, which recounted the major joyful or dramatic events that have marked the world and the life of Faith and Light since the last international meeting in Lourdes in 2008! Then every international vice coordinator was invited to introduce the delegates of the provinces that he or she accompanies… Everyone was dressed in their national costume. The musicians accompanied the songs and dances… Henri Major Ghislain du Chéné To represent the international, Ghislain wore a Ukrainian cap, a Brazilian T shirt, an Australian scarf, an Indonesian shirt,…. And flip flops which are commonly worn throughout the Southern Hemisphere… It was certainly an eye-catching costume! The international music team Overview of the international organisation Currently Faith and Light has more than 1500 communities spread across 52 provinces over the 5 continents, covering 80 countries and 38 different languages. Along with the international coordinator, 12 viceinternational coordinators each accompany between three and five provinces to guarantee unity and allow life to grow… 11 Map of the Faith and Light provinces See details on www.faithandlight.org Amongst the deledates who came from all over the world Delegates from Poland Marcela (Brazil) Josipa and Zvonco (Croatia) Hubert (Germany) et Hetty (Netherlands) Father Ludo (Japan) Maggie (United States) 12 A few words from the founders I am both happy and overwhelmed to be like a grandmother amongst all of you who represent the 1500 communities from all over the world, here for this 16th international meeting. We are sad that the delegates from 17 countries from the Middle East and Africa were not able to join us. They are there in our hearts, along with Jean Vanier. Along with him, I can attest that we are not the founders of Faith and Light but rather astounded craftsmen. Faith and Light is truly God’s work, who saw the distress of people with an intellectual disability and their families. It is Him who inspired us, as well as Camille and Gérard, the day of their pilgrimage to Lourdes, the town where the Virgin Mary chose Bernadette, who was most despised, to remind the world of Jesus’ message “God chose that which is weak to confuse the wise”. Hallelujah! Let us sing Jesus, God of Light! MARIE-HÉLÈNE MATHIEU Faith and Light must be fertile so that others can also know about it. I wish you a truly wonderful assembly. I am there with you in prayer so that each of you receives what you need, so that you can return to your countries full of enthusiasm, driven by a mission, because we are all the founders of Faith and Light. I wish you a good assembly and I am praying along side you. I t is wonderful to meet you through this video. I just wanted to say what a gift from God Faith and Light is! It is Jesus that wanted this at Lourdes. Why do I say that? There are so many people with a disability who are unaware that they have been chosen by God. Faith and Light sends out a sign to the world that fragile people are important, that they have a gift to offer our world and a special mission within the church. Let us be aware that all of us are founders. Our communities need to flourish and have deep roots, but there are still so many people who are not aware of Faith and Light, so many people with a disability, so many parents. Faith and Light must be a ray of life that reveals the beauty of people with a disability. JEAN VANIER Photo from the video 13 Fiesta with the English communities A whole afternoon of meeting people, dancing from all countries and games with the two hundred members of the English communities who had come to join us at the university! 14 15 In small sharing groups Anne (France) “anawim” of the group “Strenght” W onderfully organised by LOUISE SAURIOL MAJOR, the 25 small sharing groups, each made up of 5 to 6 people, met every day, under the guidance of their “anawim”. It was certainly a headache ensuring that every group was sufficiently international but also that everyone could understand one another…. Each Louise (Canada) group had a name referring to the fruits and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In the small sharing groups we learnt to listen to one another, to get to know one another. They are a haven of peace for a heart to heart, where you discover all the joys, the troubles and the hopes…. A place where you discover all the richness of other cultures, of other faiths…. A place to share the lives of our communities and to learn from one another. The bonds of friendship developed in small groups last a long time! We all came from very different cultures and I certainly learned a lot. All the ideas and initiatives that were shared will help me very much, and I will try to put them into practice. A sharing group is also a place that sheds light on many different situations. ANN (UK North) The sharing groups were led well and with kindness, in a spirit of communion. It was very good to have two of our friends with a disability there with us. EDDY AND GABRIELLE (Switzerland) 16 Sharing coffee and solidarity Valerie (Malaysia) and Anne (Philippines) “Fun, fun, fun”… I loved the relaxing evenings and yet normally I’m a very shy person ! Glen (England) Raúl (Spain) A fter such full days, the delegates could meet for a “sharing coffee”, or fruit juice or beer together. All of the money collected has been donated to international solidarity. Some small groups sang, danced, while others chatted and some fell asleep after such a busy day! Xavier, interpreter (Belgium) and Helena (Spain) 17 Angelo (Italy) Formation times Called to bear fruit Word of MARIE-HÉLÈNE MATHIEU B y returning to the conception and birth of the movement, MARIEHÉLÈNE touched all of our hearts and particularly those of our parents and guardians, the newer and older ones alike. She told us the story of MARIANGELA, the mother of CHICCA, who was severely disabled. She ended up inadvertently founding Faith and Light in Italy and as far afield as Eastern Europe…. Finding herself in Red Square in Moscow, she said to her daughter who had already rejoined the Father: “Look where you’ve brought me, Chicca!”… And then there was FRANÇOIS, the wisdom of François. The day of his first communion, his godfather came up to his mother and said to her: “What a beautiful ceremony! What a shame that FRANÇOIS didn’t understand anything”. Yet FRANÇOIS had heard and went to find his mother: “Do not cry, mummy, God loves me just as I am”… Magnificat, let us give thanks for Faith and Light ! 18 Hommage « Marie-Hélène’s word is like a gospel. » ELVIRA (Peru) Discernment Word of JOHN SARGENT Director of l’Arche, United Kingdom T o help us to get in the right mood of reflection and discernment that is so crucial for the five-year elections of the International Coordinator, the President and the other members of the Board of Directors, JOHN SARGENT gave a talk about his own experience of discernment at l’Arche. This was an experience based on the thinking of IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA. There are four stages to remember in order to allow yourself to be guided by the Holy Spirit: digging deep, letting yourself go, allowing life to surge forth…. In order to bear fruit. “All of the teachings were instructive, deep and nourishing. All of these words ‘tasted’ so good!” NORMAND, Canada Then we all prayed together. It was John’s prayer, similar to the one that we all know well at Faith and Light. Allowing yourself to sink into silence and repeat words of love to Jesus; it is the poor man’s prayer that FATHER JOSEPH LARSEN taught us. Our hearts and our spirits are preparing themselves for times of discernment and elections.... 19 Formation times Accompaniment Word of MAUREEN O’REILLY Former international coordinator M AUREEN’s talks always surprise you with their depth and hu- mour! In seriousness, MAUREEN reminded us what accompaniment is: walking side by side, feeding and being fed, encouraging, helping others overcome challenges. It is difficult to imagine how you can achieve this at an individual level, but the humorous, imaginative sketches were there to tell us that, yes, ultimately if we are armed with humility and trust, anything is possible. God has a sense of humour, otherwise… He wouldn’t have created us! MAUREEN 20 Spirituality of Faith and Light Word of MGR DONAL LUCEY Chaplain for UK North province F ather DONAL LUCEY led us through the paths of spirituality. Not spirituality as a way of living, as we often hear about, but rather the meaning of spirituality. We are called upon to discover our own gifts. The creation of the world is incomplete, and we are called upon to contribute to its final completion. By doing so, as our lives draw to a close, we will have made this world a better place. Then, FATHER DONAL introduced three topics for further reflection: It has something to do with the divine. It has something to do with what it means to be human. How do the divine and the human meet ? His reflections were full of quotations from poets and references to musicians and painters … FATHER DONAL has an artist’s soul: “I like paintings where there are clouds and fog… I would so like to know what is hidden behind them...” People with a disability are geniuses of communion. FATHER DONAL 21 Formation times Commitment and mission Word of GHISLAIN DU CHÉNÉ International coordinator I t was already the final day! GHISLAIN asked us to return to the sources of our engagement and try to deepen our sense of mission in the world. Our first commitment is the friendship we are called upon to offer our friends with a disability. Otherwise we would be like a kakapo, a very beautiful parrot from New Zealand, which has magnificent feathers but cannot fly. Our second commitment is to belong to a community, and the third is our belonging to a community of Christians. Our mission is bear witness to the fact that every person with a disability is a source of love once they are accepted as fully a person, that they are a source of joy once they are accorded their legitimate place amongst us, that they are sources of peace once we recognise their gift in building friendships. GHISLAIN ended his talk by strongly encouraging us to: “Go and make disciples of all nations”. 22 Workshops T here were many workshops in French, English, Spanish that were organised to offer delegates training on topics as varied as: “the identity and mission of Faith and Light”, “ the dignity of the individual”, “the role of parents in the community”, “Accompaniment”, “the role of the provincial team”, “ecumenical celebrations”, “finances”… There was also a workshop in Polish and Portuguese. Throughout the week, on her side Midge and her small team organised an “artists workshop” for those people with a disability who preferred not to participate in the more ”serious” activities. They produced some very attractive pieces which were added to the conference room and chapel decorations daily. Midge’s workshop (standing) and her team 23 Time for prayer, and celebrations E very day began with the Eucharist… After breakfast, delegates regrouped in the conference room. After the announcements there was a mimed prayer on the day’s topic organised by one of the different provinces. With the delegates of the province “Between the Seas” The first mimed prayers of the morning were very inspiring. It was such an incredible experience seeing all these people of different cultures and ethnic backgrounds praying and worshipping together for a common goal… GAYE (USA) The Sunday Catholic Eucharist was presided by JOHN RAWSTHORNE, Bishop of Hallam, supported by seven chaplains. The mass was accompanied by RAÚL, with the orchestra and choir made up of delegates: it was truly international. Then we were delighted to listen to the Father Donal and Bishop Rawsthorne message from POPE FRANCIS, which he had sent especially for our meeting… RÉVÉREND PATRICK ROOKE read the message from the Archbishop of Canterbury, JUSTIN WALBY, to all delegates during Holy Communion on 24 July. The morning mimed prayers taught me how to pray in a different way! JEANNE (France) This week will be great! FATHER JOHN RAWSTHORNE 24 Experiencing ecumenism O n Wednesday evening, we gathered in the chapel for an ecumenical prayer vigil like the Taizé prayer. The following day, when we were preparing for a time of discernment, and were seeking enlightenment for both heart and mind, the theme of the day’s prayer was: “Come, Holy Spirit”. There were meditative songs, a reading from the Gospel (John 14, 15-20), moments of silence, an intercession prayer… We were invited to venerate the cross. Everyone could leave their feelings of joy, suffering and hope at the foot of the cross… I wish to thank your movement for all that you do to build unity in God’s church. Most reverend JUSTIN WELBY Archbishop of Canterbury The washing of the feet celebration took place within the small sharing groups. Each person washed the feet of their neighbour and received their blessing. The connections that had been forged in the meetings in the small sharing groups were now firmly sealed… We are all there to serve each other…. 25 The General Assembly T he President, International Coordinator and Treasurer’s reports described, as far as possible, what had happened over the last five years both at a provincial and at a community level, as well as the five years of work of the Board of Directors and International coordinating team… There were international formation sessions, 20th anniversary celebrations for Faith and Light throughout the world… The publication of “Up Sails!”, which started out with only 4 pages and has now grown to 24… Life… And then we were overcome with emotion when HENRI MAJOR said his goodbye.. Priorities 2013-2018 ALAIN SAINT MACARY, the former international vice coordinator for L’Arche, spent a year working with a small international team to define the movement’s priorities for the five years to come. After consulting the provinces on their needs and the difficulties they are facing, Alain presented the new priorities to the assembly: Renewal Openness Community support Leadership Flagship events Every part of the Assembly was great and sent out a strong message. It was an act of Thanksgiving that leaves my heart brimming over. After discussions at a provincial level, the document was adopted by the Assembly. SR MARIE-ANTOINETTE, Benin 26 The elections T Ghislain Anne-Marie Gérard hank you to GHISLAIN DU CHÉNÉ (France) who accepted a second mandate as international coordinator for the next five years… supported by the INTERNATIONAL COORDINATING TEAM made up of 12 vice international coordinators: FRED SEAGREN (USA), MARIA-SILVIA DE JESUS TAVAREZ (Brazil), LUCIA CASELLA (Italy), AMGAD EDWARD (Egypt), ANN EMMOTT (United Kingdom), JUDEX VIOLETTE (Mauritius), KRISTINA JANINAUSKAITE (Lithuania), JOANNA KOCZOT (Poland), AGATHE DESFOSSÉS (France), LUDOVIC DE LA QUINTINIE (France) and RAÚL IZQUIERDO (Spain). A process of discernment is underway for the remaining one vicecoordinator. …And welcome to the new members of the Board of Directors: ANNE-MARIE PIKE (New Zealand) President, HODA ELTURK (Lebanon) Vice-president, GÉRARD CHAURAND (France International Treasurer, ARTKIN MUVISHI (Zimbabwe), TIM (USA) and MARIA-CECILIA BUCKLEY (Brazil), Qualified members. Hoda Artkin Maria-Cecilia Tim A huge thank you to all the members of the previous Board of Directors for all that they have achieved, from 2008 in Lourdes up until 2013, and all done extremely competently and enthusiastically! HENRI MAJOR, President, ROLAND TAMRAZ, Vice-president, LOUIS DE VOGÜÉ, International Treasurer, YVES-BERTIN HIRWA and CLAUDE AND DENISE GRAVEL, Qualified members. THE NOMINATION COMMITTEE HAS BEEN RENEWED. AMALIA JIMENEZ (Spain) and MARY GRIMES (Ireland) join the existing team with MAUREEN O’REILLY (USA) and FATHER ISAAC MARTINEZ (Peru). 27 Sending off ceremony I t wasn’t a closing ceremony, after which everyone returns to his or her country feeling nostalgic…No, it was a sending off ceremony! We were all invited to return to our countries and to our provinces bearing many fruits. Our evening began joyfully with a surprise performance from the “green” team, who had choreographed a magnificent routine during their free time (what free time ?!)In clear voices, Catherine, Lucy and Mandy performed the gospel “All Good Gifts around us” and “Your song”, a song which ends Catherine Lucy et LucyMandy Catherine with the words: “How wonderful life is now that you’re in the world”. Next to the altar, there was a tree lit up brightly. One after the other, each international vice-coordinator called up the provincial coordinators who he or she accompanied. On a card depicting a fruit, everyone read the engagement prayer for their province and then attached it to the tree. They then received a candle which they placed on the altar. All this was interspersed with songs from each country… We were so involved in our meditations that nobody thought of taking any photos! Soon afterwards the altar was all lit up and the tree was bedecked with fruits. The chaplains gathered around the altar to bless the assembly, the candles were lit and a joyful song rang out! The night was already well advanced, some had already left and others would be leaving a few hours later… We lingered a long time, chatting, embracing each other, saying goodbye…“Go and make disciples of all nations!” 28 Leeds Trinity University N estled in the middle of the charming English countryside, the Catholic Leeds Trinity University welcomed us with open arms. It was a real pleasure organising the meeting with DEBBIE and DAMON. Even our most challenging and fanciful requests were always met with kindThank you Debbie and Damon! ness, and everything was done to find solutions. Every delegate awarded a score of 10 out of 10 for the reception, the meals, the bedrooms, the auditorium, the chapel… for everything! And… as a gift, the university offered its polo shirts and sweatshirts for sale, with its logo and colours… There was a rush…. And the €720 raised were donated to International Solidarity. It has been great to welcome the Faith and Light Conference here… One morning at breakfast, I was sitting at a table by myself and I began to worry about a couple of issues.. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and it was a man with Down’s Syndrome. He was staring gently into my eyes. He repeated a phrase in an Eastern European language, all the time gazing at me and smiling. Then, slowly he twice traced the cross on my forehead with his thumb before heading off. It was a very blessed moment : my day was transformed. FATHER PAUL GROGAN, University chaplain 29 Many thanks ...to the “green” team There were 34 of them! 34 of them running around all over the place to respond to the needs of the delegates or International Secretariat, however small.….They were always inseparable from their walkie-talkies. There were there throughout the house, and could even be found serving the wine at the evening meal. It is thanks to you, our friends, that our meeting was a perfect success! Thank you to EUAN, the reporter for the daily newsletter “Hello Leeds”, and to LUKE, our photographer. These “green” heads certainly knew how to manage everything effectively! ANN MARIE FATHER DONAL SHARON MIDGE ...to the International Secretariat team Once again, GUÉNAËL, CÉLINE and CORINNE showed their care and professionalism in adapting to any situation that came their way. Accomplices, indefatigable, and there everywhere you looked, the delegates christened them “the three Musketeers”. 30 PETER ...to the interpreters AUSTIN interpreted into Japanese, LISA and REBECCA into English, ANTONIO and VERENA into Spanish, XAVIER and BRIDGET into French, ZBIEGNIEW and EWA into Polish. It was tiring work, particularly as the interpreting booths were not actually in the conference room. You can see them here behind their screens… There was not one mistake! Bravo for your very professional performance! ...to the musical team RAUL (Spain) led an international team of musicians and singers brilliantly! There wasn’t one wrong note! We know just how much music and songs make the success of a meeting. So much of the credit must go to you. And for our precious supporters Thank you to our French friends “FABER FAMILY” and more than 80 other families… MADAME TABBAGH who donated the monies collected at the funeral of her husband, MICHEL (Provincial Coordinator) for Faith and Light International. SECOURS CATHOLIQUE, Caritas France BICE (International Catholic Child Bureau) and to all the Faith and Light communities in the world who contributed to solidarity for the other delegates. 31 Thank you, dear friends. See you soon! Go ! And make disciples of all nations. Mt 28, 19 32