Electric Masterbuilt Smoke Conversion
Electric Masterbuilt Smoke Conversion
Converting an Electric Masterbuilt Smoker for External Smoke Generation (and also Improving Temperature Controller Response) I use an A-Mazin’ tubular smoke generator. I am very pleased with it- - eight hours of smoke! Wow!. The only problem is that it doesn’t fit very well inside my MasterBuilt electric smoker. I’ve posted earlier of my problems with the MasterBuilt- - poor smoke distribution and a wide temperature swing. Here’s a quick half-hour pair of modifications that should help by giving better smoke/heat distribution, and by reducing the amount of heated metal inside the smoke box enclosure. Wood Chip Box Removal: First, remove the wood chip portion of the smoker. It comes in two parts. One is a cylindrical chip addition scoop that goes through the side of the smoker. The other part is a tray assembly and box built to surround the heating element. In normal use, chips are added to the scoop portion, which is inserted through the side, then turn 180 degrees to dump the chips onto the heated metal tray. The result is half an hour or so of smoke. …not good enough. To start, remove the cylindrical scoop and set it aside. Inside the smoker, remove the metal chip tray. It slides out. Then, remove the four sheet metal screws holding the pair of bars below the box assembly and the two screws holding the assembly to the wall. Here’s a photo of the box as installed (chip tray removed). And following that is a photo of the cabinet with the smoker box removed. Note the bare heating element, center, and the round hole in the wall at right. Here’s the chip box which was just removed. Distributor Installation: Next task is to install a heat and smoke distributor to improve heat and smoke contact with the meats. The items used are two “Char Broil” brand 11.5” Expandable Porcelain Steel Grids. Each one is 6 inches wide and expands from 11.5 to 195/8 inches long, more than enough to span the width of the smoker. The result is shown below, with two racks in place above the new distributor. Note that the heating element is now bare, no longer surrounded by metal. This should reduce the “thermal inertia” of the system, resulting in a narrower temperature swing as the heater control cycles. External Smoke Generation It is possible to prop up the A-Maze-In’ smoke generator in the space below the new distributor. However, in the past, the smoke went up the side or corner rather than mixing well. There is now room to position the smoke generator better, but smoke may still not completely mix. Further experiments are needed. There is still a gaping hole in the side of the smoker cabinet where chips used to be added, that needs to either be plugged or used. I plugged it before with a contraption made of tin cans. Here it is: If you choose the can and lid carefully, you get a nice, snug-fitting plug. Beware of sharp edges. You can stop at this point, or continue with the modification. There are advantages to having the A-Maze-In’ smoke generator outside, so that cold smoking experiments are possible. This portion of the modification has a short section of aluminum gutter downspout which can be changed out if there is insufficient heat loss between the smoldering wood pellets and the smoker cabinet. The downspout attaches to the smoker box with an aluminum part (near top of picture) which was designed to be inserted into an existing gutter where you might need an extra downspout. It’s easier to show the picture than to describe it. Be sure to use an aluminum version, not the plastic version, for heat resistance. The idea is to bolt it onto the side of the smoker box, fitting it over the hole where the wood chip scoop used to go. Then, use a ninety degree elbow to allow you to use the smoker in a confined space. Insert the pieces in upside-down order, so that the slight velocity of air and smoke goes upward and stays in the gutter at the joint, perhaps drawing a little air, rather than leaking precious smoke outward. Here’s a shot with the whole thing bolted on. Notice the base of the AMaze-In’ visible at the downspout (now up-spout?) entrance. I can run my smoker equipment with it all still inside the plastic storage enclosure, which means that rainy day smoking is now possible. Note that the long section of downspout has been left loose, rather than attached with screws. This way, a longer piece can be used if it is necessary in order to cold-smoke. …but that’s another experiment. One warning: if you want to pull out the A-Maze-In’ be sure to check the end cap and. if it’s hot, do not grab it with your fingers! Performance: With all that metal removed and with the distributor plates installed, the MasterBuilt hopefully hope performs better.. To check performance, I hung a thermocouple temperature gauge (electronic meat thermometer) in the stack outlet and ran a series of experiments as follows: ---Take Take a reading as the controller clicks from on to off. Record both the Ma MasterBuilt’s sterBuilt’s indicated temperature and the meat thermometer’s temperature. Note the time. ---Take Take a series of readings every minute or so (it doesn’t matter if the timing is exact or not) as the temperatures coast upward, stabilize, then fall. Keep taking rreadings eadings as the temperatures fall low enough that the controller turns the heater on again. Note the time. ---Keep Keep recording until the temperatures have gone downward, stopped falling, and moved back upward again. ---When When the controller clicks off again (f (finished inished the complete cycle) record the readings and time. You now have enough information to determine cycle time, size of the cycle (degrees), and an offset between what the controller thinks the temperature is and what it ACTUALLY is. If you are a numbers numbe geek like me, you can type the readings into a spreadsheet, take averages, and see what the offset is between smoker and reality. If you repeat this experiment at several temperature settings (may I suggest 130, 160, and 2500 degrees F?) you can fit a liline ne through all the data to give a performance equation for your smoker. You can use that equation to generate a table of “Indicated” versus “Actual” temperature, which saves time when you are ready to warm up your equipment for smoking sausages or meats. Results: Ideally, one line would do. However, the line is curved, suggesting that it would be better to fit one line over the range of temperatures required for smoking sausages and another for roasting meats. Here are two equations for my smoker, one for setpoints of 120 to 170 degrees Fahrenheit and the other for setpoints 170 to 270. (The actual relationship is a curve.) The lower scale is useful for sausages. The upper is used for meats such as brisket and turkey. Cycle time 9 minutes at 120 degrees set point (139.1 +/ +/- 5 degrees measured) Actual degF = 11.03 + 1.064 * (measured temperature) Cycle time 6 minutes at 160 degrees set point (181.6 +/ +/- 3 degrees measured) Actual degF = 34.16 + 0.920 * (measured tempe temperature) Cycle time 5 minutes at 250 degrees (262.4 +/ +/- 3 degrees measured) One reason for variability: cycle ycle time is influenced by ambient temperature. (The colder it is outside, the faster heat is lost through the walls.) Ideally, for this type of off/on n controller, there would be a long cycle time: a short heat-up up followed by a long decline. Although I haven’t checked it, I suspect that the controller’s thermocouple is too short and poorly placed, leading to it reading erroneously low. I’ll replace it in a future study. There is a two-degree “dead band” built into the controller, meaning that the heating coil is energized at two degrees below set point and is de-energized at set point. Decreasing this dead band would improve control somewhat, but would not approach the level of quality that a PID controller could provide. I have another home-built controller that I use with a hot plate in another MasterBuilt unit (originally propane-fired), but it still exhibits plus or minus two or three degrees cycling, even with a half-degree dead band. Future Work: The objective remains: control temnperature as close as possible to a limiting condition of 170 degrees F, destroying trichinae but not breaking the fat. The present setup is not capable of approaching 170 degrees without severely overshooting. The problem with “Bang-Bang” (off/on) controllers like the one in the MasterBuilt is that heat input is either at maximum rate or zero. One modification which might help involves using a heating element with rheostat running at constant rate to “base load” the smoker’s heat input, using the controller to turn off/on the built-in heating element (with its output reduced by a second rheostat). The controller would be manipulating a trim heater, not the full heat load. If this is cost effective, it may be the next modification to try. A PID controller would be preferable, but is expensive. The amount of expertise required to install one may also be prohibitive. However, quality of temperature control would be considerably higher than the current set-up. Best regards, “el Ducko” Electric Smoker with external smoke supply modification in stored position