Boney James Fans Newsletter


Boney James Fans Newsletter
Boney James Fans
Boney James Fans Newsletter
A Note From Boney
What a ―Ride‖ this year has been ! We’ve had
such a blast playing all the shows. Thanks so
much for coming out to see us! What has been
really memorable for me is that I had the
opportunity to meet some of you after the
shows. It’s so nice to be able to put a face with
a name.
Been working on my new record and I think
you’re gonna love it! I sure do. :)
I have some guest artists on the record that I’ve
never worked with before, Raheem DeVaughan,
Natalie ―The Floacist‖ Stewart , as well as my
old friend Rick Braun and it’s sounding awesome! We’re shooting for an April 2013 release.
I’m really excited about it, so stay tuned!
I also did my very first film score for Lily’s film Model Minority. Shoutout to those of
you that were able to catch one of the screenings. We thank you for supporting her
To all of you, I hope your holiday season is filled with love, peace and happiness and
as always, I thank you so much for supporting me and embracing my band members
as we strive to ―bring it‖ to you each and every time.
You guys are an awesome group of fans and I appreciate the love !!
~ Boney ~
November 2012
Inside this issue:
Note from Boney
The Fanz Speak
Model Minority
Mark Stephens
Can you feel this
Granada Theatre
Closing Remarks
Special points of interest:
We will feature Boney’s
current band members in
upcoming newsletters.
This edition features
Mr. Mark E. Stephens,
Keyboardist, currently
touring with Boney.
Boney James Fans Newsletter
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― The Fanz Speak ―
My Boney experience was a dream come true. Seeing Boney on stage
interacting with audience was great but actually talking & taking a picture
with him took me to a whole other high.
Boney is my all time favorite entertainer.
There is only one !
I luv me some Boney!
~ Tiffany ~
Boney is amazing and I love him so much! I could listen to him all day long! The
way he looks at the crowd after knowingly showing out is always a priceless look
to me! :))
Proud fan 4 life!
~ Khalilah ~
What can I say other than, BONEY IS THE MAN!!!
There is absolutely nothing like that LIVE GROOVE @ a Boney show, it is so
awesome and you instantly get caught up in it. From the band being on point to
Boney moving across the stage jamming, it’s definitely an experience that everyone
should have in my opinion. If I could go to every show, I would be there in a
heartbeat, front and center… If you’re a fan and you haven’t made it to a show yet,
get to one ASAP, you will have one HELLUVA GOOD TIME!! NUFF SAID!!!
~ Wanda ~
Its still quite funny when you try to describe to friends & co-workers why you travel
to far away places to see a Boney James show. And after 17 plus years of being a
Bone-ette, the answer is easy, because as a special friend, Carole says..."it never
gets old" and its cheaper than therapy! One show is never enough. Having incredible
friends that have a similar mindset makes each show a new experience. And isn't life
about seizing the moments when you can. This past year's life experiences has
instilled in me that if seeing Boney & his incredible band play show after show, then
don't question the magic just enjoy the ― Ride ―! I continue to have opportunities to
visit cities I've never been to and meet new people with the same love for Boney
James music. Rarely does a person come into someone's life through their music and
is able to translate your own thoughts into music notes and that is what Boney is about. Here’s to 2013 and
more experiences to live & cherish with a Boney James sound track!
~ Rosa ~
Boney James Fans Newsletter
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― The Fanz Speak (cont’d)―
Boney in Seattle
I discovered Boney James and smooth Jazz back in 2000 when someone gave me the ―Trust‖ CD to listen to. Holy
smokes do we love it, we always go to see Boney at Scullers, when they come to Boston to play. Boney is dear to
us , he plays the sax like no other human being. I especially like how he always goes out and dances with a pretty
lady in the crowd during the show, He came over and took a fine lady out with him during one show at Scullers
and her hubby was pissed, I said ―dude ,chill its Boney James!! ― Anyways he has not been back for a couple of
years and I heard he was playing in Seattle at Jazz Alley. I called my wife Patti and I said how do you feel about
flying out to Seattle to see Boney? She said fine , so we got tickets on Jet Blue and a hotel room across the street
at the 6th Street Inn , clean and ok( not great). We always wanted to see Seattle so here we were. We flew out,
toured the city for two days had dinner at the Space Needle and had a great time. The show was at 9:30 pm
Saturday and we went over to the ―Alley.‖ Nice venue…. we were about 50 feet from the stage, our good friend
Carole Bo was down at front and center. Carole took me over to meet fellow ―groupie‖
Ms. Lori Maxwell. My wife was a little surprised that I knew such lovely ladies so far from home!! LOL. !! What a
show, I recorded a few songs , its always like a dream hearing Boney play live for 90 minutes, his band was cooking,
the crowd was hot and we had a blast. I bought a copy of ―Contact‖ for him to sign. I mentioned Carole and the
fan club, he does warm right up. Here is the picture taken of Boney and me. We chatted about Scullers and other
things. What a great night!!! Go see him when you can…...It was worth the trip!!
~ Mike ~
I've been a fan for about seventeen years. In middle school I was made fun of
because I listen to jazz and Boney was my absolute favorite. With every new release I
had to beg my parents to get it, that's until I got a job... It is a delight to see Boney in
concert every chance I get. This might be wishful thinking but I told all my friends and
family, please have Boney perform on my 30th B-day. Thanks Boney for all the
wonderful years of smooth and soulful music !
Fan forever!!!"
~ Lashawn ~
Boney James Fans Newsletter
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― The Fanz Speak (cont’d)―
I am dealing with an illness that I am receiving
treatment for and Boney’s music is soothing
and a comfort to me through these difficult
times. One day, I jokingly posted in the group
that I’d love an autographed CD. Well,
Carole saw my post and set out to make sure
I had one…..I was so happy when it arrived in
my mailbox. I can’t thank you enough for
taking the time to do that….it literally made
my day and then some ! I’ve been a fan of
yours since you began your career, and the
fact that you took the time to autograph the
CD for me is amazing ! You are an amazing
musician and I am so proud to be one of your
die-hard fans ! Thank you so much…’re
kindness has given me a new hope. Keep up
the great music ! I am patiently waiting for
your next CD….I’m sure it will be as
awesome as the previous ones !!
Oh my goodness!
My anniversary was coming up and I got the
most amazing gift....TICKETS TO SEE BONEY
JAMES in Seattle !!!! I'd been waiting forever for
this!!!! I thought I would only be able to go to
one of the shows, the first show on Saturday
night which meant I would not be able to get to
talk to Boney…..time didn’t permit him to come
out to the signing table because the second set
started shortly after the first one ( it was 2
shows per night) so my girl Carole made sure I
got the chance to say hello to Boney afterwards
and get a pic with him. Surprisingly, my husband
was able to get me a tic to the second
show….How awesome was that ! Got a chance
to meet my jazzy Boney fan friends, Anita R. ,
Mike W. , Sharon B. and Carole ! Boney and his
band rocked Jazz Alley and I was sooo happy to
be there ! Awesome shows, fun, fun, fun!
Thanks Boney, I’m looking forward to the next
time !
~ Lori ~
Boney James Fans Newsletter
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― The Fanz Speak (cont’d)―
June was a Boneyized month for me. Boney played two shows one in Napa, CA at the
Napa Valley Opera House on June 14th and at Woodlake Hotel Grove in Sacramento,
on June 15th.
June 14th at the Napa Valley Opera House was exciting and Boney delivered an outstanding performance. He took the stage and you could feel the
electricity in the air.
The acoustics in the Opera House were excellent. Was surprised by Carole Bo, Patsy
McKinney attending from New Jersey. Anita Ross and her two nephews, and
Lisa Taylor we were all front row center grooving with our Boney. When ―Contact ―
was played, we all giggled a bit because it took four attempts to get a lady to dance with him. Can you imagine
someone really waving Boney off or shaking their heads NO??? the 4th lady was more than willing, she took
Boney to the floor….when we looked around Boney was standing on Anita’s nephews’ seat hitting that note and
the end of ―Contact‖ I don’t think Napa was prepared for the ―Boneyizm‖ that comes with a Boney Show…..they
will be prepared next time. After the show we all gathered for pictures, and Boney was so adorable and sweet to
Anita’s nephews, gotta love a man who is good with kids. Two women from Napa caught me outside and asked
who they needed to talk to, to make sure he came back – I told them to speak to the venue management.
Maybe we will gather again next year.
June 15th at Woodlake Hotel Grove in Sacramento was another great Boney experience. The gang from the night
before was there, minus the nephews. He rocked Sacramento ―In the manner in which we have become accustom
to‖ he and the fellas, nailed it. This was also the first time my youngest brother Victor and his wife Tammie had
seen Boney live…..they are hooked now. All my brother could say was ―dayum, if I’d known he was like this live,
I’d have been following you and Cotton around a long time ago‖ I tried to tell him, now he knows. My sister in law
has not removed the ―Contact‖ CD from the Explorer since the concert, she has been officially ―Boneyized‖ and
the chance of her pulling up next to someone listening to the same music is low….they live in Salinas. She may
convert some folks though. All in all my summer was BONEYTASTIC!!!!! Love that Saxxy Man!
~ Jimmie ~
Boney James Fans Newsletter
― The Fanz Speak (cont’d)‖
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Boney James Fans Newsletter
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Model Minority
This is Lily’s first feature film which continues to be seen at film festivals
across North America. The film was shot in Los Angeles and the music is
produced by her husband and our favorite saxophonist,
Boney James. Model Minority is about L.A. teenagers living in a treacherous
world of peer pressure, drug dealers, juvenile hall and dysfunctional families.
Kayla (Nichole Bloom) an underprivileged Japanese American 16 year old,
who endangers her promising future as an aspiring artist when she becomes
involved with a drug dealer.
Lily has garnered numerous awards for her film. Bravo, Lily !!
This was Boney’s very first film score and the music fit perfectly…
Bravo, Boney !!
From all of us Boney Fans to you Lily, Boney, and your entire cast and
Congratulations and we wish you continued success !!
(photo credit—Julia Ransom)
Photo credit: WilkiImage
Photo credit: Niko Vilaivongs
Photo credit: Rock Chang
Photo credit: Lia Chang
Boney James Fans Newsletter
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Introducing Mark Stephens Keyboardist/Composer
Mark Stephens started playing piano in church and then in school he played many other instruments. He said he was lured into jazz by the music of progressive rockers
Steely Dan. When Marked moved to Los Angeles he became a part of the most
sought after musicians and has been fortunate to have toured with such artists as Alanis Morissette, Diana Ross, Chaka Khan, Take 6, Kirk Whalum, George Duke, Josh
Groban, Stanley Clarke and currently toured with Boney. Mark’s songwriting work
includes songs on Boney’s CD’s such as ―All Night Long‖, ―Butter,‖ ―Cry,‖ and ―There
and Back‖ from Boney’s current CD Contact.
Most recently, Mark has released his own CD titled ―The Dream of the Peaceful Warrior‖ ….. He says ― I see it as
a contemporary jazz album with gospel influences. I took my time, developing this concept and working with
some of the finest artists, musicians and engineers in the business…...artists such as Boney, Chaka, Take 6, Quinn,
and many other great musicians. My desire to create an altruistic, spiritual concept record comes from my
upbringing and the influence of my parents.‖ In every conceivable way, this project has been a labor of love.‖
Mark’s major keyboard influences are Andre Crouch, Bill Evans, Keith Jarrett, Herbie Hancock and George Duke.
Mark has his CD’s with him after the shows and is usually seen at the signing table along side of Boney……
.stop by, pick one up and say hello to him…..
Mark and his lovely wife Mignon recently welcomed baby Zohreh Lyrique (Zoe) to the Stephens family.
Congratulations Mark and Mignon!
Marks music can be found on iTunes and CD Baby (
Mark’s social networking sites:
Facebook (
Reverbnation: (
Twitter ( )
Boney James Fans Newsletter
“Can you feel this groove “
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Boney James Fans Newsletter
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“ Boney’s last show of 2012 @ Granada Theatre “
Santa Barbara, CA
Boney’s last show at the Granada Theatre in Santa Barbara, CA was absolutely ridiculous (in a good way) ! We
had heard that although the theatre was a beautiful venue, with awesome acoustics, it was a ―stuffy‖ kinda place,
meaning there was no dancing, screaming, getting up out of your seats or picture taking allowed. Well, we were
not quite sure how that was going to work out for us since we do all of that when we go to the shows…Uh-oh
Granada, we were in the house and it was gonna go down. Much to our surprise, it wasn’t stuffy at all….Once
Boney came out everybody was giving standing O’s, dancing, and getting their groove on and we had no bother
from the security folk. We had soooooo much fun, Boney and the guys were on fire that night ! Boney said
―It felt good‖ ….. Thanks Boney, Rob, Mark, Omari and Smitty……. You guys always ―bring it‖ and we love you !
Boney James Fans Newsletter
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It’s been a incredible Boney show year for me ! Such a joy to travel to places that I’d
never been, spend time with old friends, meeting new friends and of course going to
Boney’s shows ! I also had the opportunity to see Lily’s film Model Minority and hear
Boney’s first film score and it was awesome. Go see and hear for yourself if you get
the chance !
We had our very first private meet with Boney at the Berks Jazz Festival in
Reading, PA in March. That was sooo much fun !
Thanks to everyone who had input into this newsletter and to each and everyone of you that are in the group
for your undying dedication to Boney, his music and his FB Fan Group…… guys are incredible !
I’m hoping to get together with those I have not yet met, at a Boney show..…..somewhere :)
We have some ideas in mind for the group in 2013, so stay tuned !!
I’m wishing you all a happy, safe, fun-filled holiday season and a new year filled with love, peace and prosperity!
Suggestions for the newsletter? Send here:
Boney’s 2013 tour schedule is being developed and some of his dates are already posted. You can find the
schedule at:
Huge thanks to Boney, Smitty, Mark, Omari and Rob for giving us 110 % at each show ! Luv U Guys ! !

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