BULLetin 2016.02.11 - Oswego School District 308


BULLetin 2016.02.11 - Oswego School District 308
Murphy Junior High School is an open-minded community which encourages discovery and critical thinking, preparing students to
be well-rounded, productive members of society.
February 11, 2016
“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” Carl Rogers
Principal’s Message
If I was more artistic, or thoughtful or had maybe had more time, I would love to take a picture of a group of students every day during the
school year and maybe stretch that process over the course of the three years that they bless us with their presence. I think it would be
really interesting to time-lapse those photos into a video so you could see the change that happens. I know this is not an original idea.
I’ve read articles or seen videos of parents who’ve done the same thing. There was a gentleman in England who took a picture of his son
every day from birth to age 21. It’s a 6+ minute time lapse video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-4i2ZlqLsI that put’s a lump in the
back of this dad’s throat.
But the most amazing thing about it is that if you stop the video at anyone of the 7500+ images that are in the video you see a moment in
time. You see an infant smile, a toddler laugh, a boy on the first day of school, a surly teen who’s sick of getting his picture taken, a day of
loss. In essence, you see the full gamut of a young person’s life and what struck me is that the one constant is change. Change and
growth are constants and not quick.
As watched that video, I tried to estimate when he was junior high-aged. The physical transformation that happens during this time is
notable. But there are also glimpses of the emotional rollercoaster that happens during this time. There are flashes of the wide smile of
making the team, a school dance, being goofy with friends and laughs. But there are also moments where the boy’s eyes hold sadness,
confusion and angst, too.
I imagine that if I were to complete my own Murphy JH photo project, we’d see many of the same things. Change is subtle and constant
and adolescence is a time of significant change. Kids are trying on many personas during this time. As much as John Hughes captured
the essence of American high school student stereotypes in The Breakfast Club, I think junior high-aged kids can flip through the guides of
the brain, beauty, jock, rebel and recluse in the course of a single day (hour?), week or month.
Searching for where one “fits in” is particularly notable in adolescence but I’m not certain that it ever really stops. As I look at my high
school-aged son, I’m aware that interests, social groups and the like morphed throughout middle school and in high school there are times
that those things continue to change. The happy-go-lucky young man disappears from time-to-time and the self-doubting worrier appears;
the extrovert with an active social life becomes the introvert and possibly manages to become physically connected to the couch. The
young man that wants nothing to do with his parents transforms into the boy who wants to sit right next to his mom and dad.
Then I start to think about myself, as an adult… Am I ever really content with who I am? Certainly, the self-doubt of adolescence has
waned to a marked degree. But… is it ever gone?
As parents and the school we need to work to support our kids in finding themselves and being ok with who they are at any specific
moment in time. I’d love to be a fly on the wall to hear the conversation between father and son in 5 or 10 years as they look back over
that video and share their thoughts and memories.
Don’t forget to “follow” @murphy308 on Twitter
Or “Like” us on Facebook
The 3rd Annual Murphy Junior High St. Baldrick’s event will be held on Friday, March 18, 2016. For
information about the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, please click on the Link.
How can you help to support your school and/or community?
*Compete in the Dodgeball Tournament! If you would like to test your dodgeball skills with friends, family and your
community this is the event for you! All proceeds will go to supporting St. Baldrick’s. The tournament has been
scheduled for Saturday, March 12, 2016 from 9:00am-12:00pm. Teams must register by March 7, 2016. For more
information please see the Registration website. While registration is FREE all teams must make a $50 donation to St.
Baldricks to participate.
*Donate a Raffle Item! If you would like to donate an item of value to be raffled off at the Dodgeball Tournament,
please contact Matt Epperley at 630-608-5115 or mepperley@sd308.org
*Become a Shavee! If you are interested in shaving your head to raise money for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation please
fill out the Participant Agreement Form and return to Karen Whited no later than March 11, 2016. Karen Whited can
be reached at 630-608-5114 or kwhited@sd308.org
We will offer a “Side Shave” to any female who is interested
in participating but does not want to shave their entire
head. An example of a “Side Shave” is pictured on the right.
*Become a Volunteer Barber! If you are a licensed beautician/barber and would like to donate your time and skills by
shaving heads, please contact Mrs. Liskunas at 630-608-5108 or sliskunas@sd308.org
*Become a Volunteer! If you are interested in volunteering your time at the Dodgeball Tournament or the Official St.
Baldrick’s Head Shaving Event, please contact Matt Epperley at 630-608-5115 or mepperley@sd.org
*Make a Monetary Donation! If you would to make a monetary donation to support the St. Baldrick’s Foundation
please go to our Official webpage Murphy St. Baldrick's Homepage . If you would like to make a cash donation, please
contact Shelley Shrum at 630-608-5109 or sshrum@sd308.org
*Spread the Word! We would gladly appreciate you support by spreading the word to help us reach our goal. Invite
others to our Dodgeball Tournament, to become a Shavee, share our webpage on Facebook, Twitter or any other
social media site. Link: https://www.stbaldricks.org/events/mypage/10993/2016
Mavericks Making News
Murphy 7th grade student Julianna Romero is a competitive figure skater. Recently, Julianna's team won Sectionals which qualifies them
to go to USFSA Synchronized Skating National Championships. Of the 14 teams in the Midwest division (IL, MO, MN, OH, WI), Julianna’s
team, Dazzlers Juvenile Skating Team out of the DuPage Figure Skating Club in Downers Grove, placed in the top 4 and will compete
against the Sectional winners from Eastern and Pacific division at nationals in Kalamzaoo, Michigan at the end of February. Julianna
manages to juggle both school and sports. She's been consistently in High Honors and has excelled in her sport as well. Way to go,
DC Trip Mandatory Meeting
Attention all 8th graders attending the Washington DC trip this March:
There is a MANDATORY MEETING for students/and or parents on Monday, March 7th at 6:30PM. The meeting will be held in the
cafeteria at Murphy Junior High. At this meeting you will find out who your roommates are as well as your traveling group and chaperone.
You will be given hotel and flight information. You will also be advised on what to bring on the trip. Please contact Ms. Miller if you have
Math Competition
Registration is closing soon!!! And where are our Maverick Mathletes? We’ve come SO CLOSE to winning the district math competition
each of the past couple of years. We need our Mathletes to sign up! Registration information is below but the pertinent details are:
When: Thursday March 3, 2015
Where: Oswego High School
Time: 6:00 – 8:00ish (plan to arrive at least 15 minutes early)
Who: open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students
Cost: None
What to Bring: #2 pencils and Calculator (QWERTY keyboards and TI-89 not allowed)
Each grade level will have its own division with 2 competitions. You can choose to compete in either one or both!
Individual competition
Each student will compete in the individual challenge which consists of a timed math test. Fill out attached form.
Group Competition
Students form teams of 4 and compete against other teams in a timed group math test. Fill out attached form and turn in with all 4
students’ names. (all students on a team must be in the same grade).
Family Literacy Night
Save the Date for Family Literacy Night on Wednesday, February 17th.
Our night of family fun and literacy is a joint collaboration between all Oswego CUSD #308 Junior High Schools and Literacy
Specialists. Family Literacy Night will take place at Traughber from 6:30 to 8 p.m. and is open to all Oswego Junior High students
and their parents.
This event will support student success through reading
and writing activities and increase family
engagement. Activities for Family Literacy Night will
include a junior high writing contest, used book
exchange, poetry “slam”, book talks from Anderson’s
Books, a local author visit or Skype, reader’s theatre
performance, literacy game room, literacy related
literature and strategy sessions for parents, booths from
Huntington Learning Center, Kumon Math and Reading
Services, and Oswego Public Library services, snacks &
refreshments, and raffle prizes!
2017 OE Trip to Greece/Italy
Students attending OE in the fall are invited to an
informational meeting for a school trip to Greece and Italy
in 2017. The meeting is 2/17 at 6:00pm in the Oswego
East Community Room. Additional information can be
found in the letter included at the end of The BULLetin
When: Thursday March 3, 2015
Where: Oswego High School
Time: 6:00 – 8:00ish  (plan to arrive at least 15 minutes early)
Who: open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students
Cost: None
What to Bring: #2 pencils and Calculator (QWERTY keyboards and TI-89 not allowed)
Each grade level will have its own division with 2 competitions. You can
choose to compete in either one or both!
Individual competition
Each student will compete in the individual challenge which consists of a timed
math test. Fill out attached form.
Group Competition
Students form teams of 4 and compete against other teams in a timed group math
test. Fill out attached form and turn in with all 4 students’ names. (all students
on a team must be in the same grade).
Top Teams and Top individuals will be rewarded during a ceremony
immediately following the competition.
Parents: You will not be allowed to be in the actual competition room. You are welcome to check
your student in and leave or the auditorium will be open for you to stay in. Please plan to return for
the award ceremony around 7:30pm.
Please contact your math teacher with any questions regarding the competition.
Please wear a
Murphy shirt to
the competition!
Fill out the attached sheet and return it to your Math teacher by Friday Feb. 19th
The competition has two parts, individual and group. You can choose to enter
one or both. Please fill out the following and return it to your math teacher by
Feb. 19th
Individual Competition:
Student Name _______________________________________________
Math Teacher _______________________________________________
Group Competition:
Grade (all members must be from the same grade): _________
Team Name (try to make it Murphy or Maverick or at least MATH  related)
Group Members Names: (must all be same grade)
(should have 4, if you need another member, leave a line blank and we will try to find you an additional member)
______ I would like to compete in the group round but do not have a team. We will do our
best to find one for you.
I give ___________________________________ permission to participate in the Junior High Math
Competition at OHS on March 3, 2016.
Parent/Guardian signature
Date _________
Group Participants: I understand that I am part of a team and my team is counting on me to be at the
competition on time. If I am unable to make it to the competition I will let my team know in advance so they
can find another member to fill my spot.
Student signature
Date ____________
Counselor’s Corner
Zain Ayaz, Will Awounzeu, Carly Englehardt, Siddarth Nair, Liam Fitzpatrick, Cameron Andrea, Tyler Steiber, Presley Borvan, Galilea
Cortes, Alina Hussain, Elizabeth Brown, Emily West, Aly Sotelo, Rushil Sambangi, Anthony Taylor, (Not in picture order)
Faculty Winner: Mrs. Sanborn who distributed 100 Bullseyes!
It’s about 8° F outside today. It must be warm upstairs, Mrs. Sanborn looks like she’s ready for Spring!
Great job, Mrs. Sanborn!
College and Career Shout Out
The link below is a valuable resource to gain more information about the SAT test. Please
explore the website for more information.
We hope you enjoy!
SAT Information
SAT/ACT Problem of the Week
The answer to the problem last week was: A.) starving to death.
Many home-owners buy the cheapest carpeting on the market and become distressed when it begins to fray, stain, and discolor. In many
instances, a home that’s carpeted with inferior carpet will need to be re-carpeted in a third of the time that same job with a better carpet
would have lasted. From this, cheap carpeting is often
A.) a good investment.
B.) a waste of money.
C.) impossible to use.
D.) a work saver.
Bring your written answer, with your name, and grade to Mrs. Whited or Mr. Epperley to be entered into a raffle.
Upcoming Events
February 11
February 15
February 16
February 18
February 23
February 25
February 29
March 1
March 2
March 3
March 4
March 5
March 7
March 10
March 11
March 12
March 18
March 21-28
7th Girls’ Basketball v Plank (4:30pm)
8th Girls’ Basketball @ Plank (4:30pm)
NO SCHOOL—President’s Day
7th Girls’ Basketball v Heritage Grove (4:30pm)
8th Girls’ Basketball @ Heritage Grove (4:30pm)
7th Girls’ Basketball v Thompson (4:30pm)
8th Girls’ Basketball @ Thompson (4:30pm)
Murphy Music Meet & Greet (7pm)
7th Girls’ Basketball v Jefferson (4:30pm)
8th Girls’ Basketball @ Jefferson (4:30pm)
Practice ACT Score Analysis Presentation (7pm)
7th Girls’ Basketball Tournament @ Herget (TBD)
8th Girls’ Basketball Tournament @ Bednarcik (TBD)
Festival Preview Concert (7pm)
Leap Day!
7th Girls’ Basketball Tournament @ Herget (TBD)
8th Girls’ Basketball Tournament @ Bednarcik (TBD)
7th Girls’ Basketball Tournament @ Herget (TBD)
8th Girls’ Basketball Tournament @ Bednarcik (TBD)
Science Fair (6pm)
Junior High Math Competition @ OHS
End of Quarter 3
SIP Day (4 Hour Student Attendance)
SD 308 Junior High Fine Arts Festival @ Bednarcik
Washington DC Trip Parent Meeting (6:30pm)
Annie, Jr (7pm)
Annie, Jr (7pm)
3rd Annual Murphy/St. Baldrick’s Dodgeball Tournament (9am)
St. Baldrick’s Head Shaving Assembly
Spring Break
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Your child has been recommended by me or one of his or her teachers and is personally invited to participate in a global education
experience to Greece and Italy during the Summer of 2017.
As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, it is critical for our students to become more culturally aware and globally-minded. To be
able to experience the global classroom first-hand and see what they have been studying in their classes come to life is life-changing and
gives them new perspectives not only of themselves but also the world around them.
Students who participate will grow their social skills, make connections to their studies, and take part in an experience that will set them
apart when applying to college and their future careers. Students can also earn credit on tour, and are encouraged to partake in our online
research project.
We have chosen to travel with EF because they are the world leader in international education with a global presence in 53 countries. In
addition, EF has 50 years of experience and is accredited, just like our school, meaning students can earn high school or college credit
while on tour. Finally, EF offers incredible travel experiences at the guaranteed lowest price.
We will be hosting an informational meeting on Wednesday, February 17th at 6:00pm in the Oswego East Community Room. Space on
this trip is limited, and enrollment will open at the meeting on a first-come, first-serve basis. Plan to attend if at all interested to hear all the
details and see the benefits for your son or daughter. I hope you will attend to learn more about this opportunity!
Warm regards,
Ms. Tammy Lilly, NBCT
English Teacher
NEHS Sponsor