December 2011 - Kleinburg and Area Ratepayers Association


December 2011 - Kleinburg and Area Ratepayers Association
K L E I N B U R G A N D A R E A R A T E P AY E R S ’ A S S O C I A T I O N
KARA® — community volunteers working on behalf of Kleinburg, Nashville, Purpleville and area residents
December 2011
On Saturday, November 26th , KARA’s 5th Annual
Holiday Community Food Drive within Kleinburg
& Nashville was held. A host of 75 volunteers
were out and about
throughout this caring
community collecting
items in the area for
the Vaughan Food
It was estimated that
7,000 Lbs. (3.5 tons) of
food was collected!
“We can’t thank local
residents enough for
their kindness and their
time and willingness to help others” shared Food
Drive Coordinator and KARA Director, Betty Silver. “It was particularly impressive to see 45
young teens be so eager to help others by picking
up non-perishable items from local doorsteps.”
The food drive was carried out in conjunction
with the Vaughan Food Bank, whose Director
Peter Wixson’s hard work, dedication, and talent
is much appreciated
by the community.
Following the food
drive all the volunteers returned to the
Kline House for refreshments generously
donated by Tim Horton’s on Islington Ave.
KARA would like to
thank Kleinburg and
Nashville residents for
their participation and generosity, our dedicated
volunteers, Aurora Signs Limited for the large
mobile sign, food sponsor Tim Horton’s, and the
organizing committee of KARA directors; Betty
Silver, Joe Nigro and Beverly McNabb.
In this issue:
Construction to service Molise Kleinburg Estates, formerly the Kleinburg Golf Course, is proceeding. Grading work on the portion north of
the ravine is essentially complete. Several storm
water management ponds have been implemented, two frog ponds have been constructed in
the western and central areas of the valley, and
the watercourse has been restored to its natural
Over many years, severe erosion has occurred in
the forest at the end of Coldspring as a result of
storm water runoff from Coldspring. The developer has repaired the ravine and implemented measures to prevent or minimize future
Construction of the sewage pump station on
Stevenson Avenue, which will service the 69
estate properties on the northern portion, has
started and is planned to be finished in the Fall
of 2012. Pipes under Stevenson Ave from the
pump station to the top to the hill are in
place. The pipes to Nashville and across High-
Development Update—Former Kleinburg Golf Course
WALK ( part 2 )
Saturday Dec. 10th
9:30 a.m.
( 2 hour hike)
Explore the Heart of
Ontario’s Greenbelt with
Hike Leaders
David and Ann Love
Meet @ End of 7th
Concession Rd, just north
of 16th Sideroad in King
For More Info:
Future Pierre Berton Discovery Centre to
be located adjoining and behind the Kleinburg United Church is at Project Request
for Proposal Stage
way 27 are still to be completed and will be
placed using directional drilling (trenchless)
technology. The pump station is sized to eventually accommodate the existing unserviced
residential areas around Stevenson, Coldspring,
and Nashville Road. A sidewalk on Stevenson
will be built in the summer of 2012.
homes to begin in the fall of 2012. Strict architectural controls will apply to the whole area
including the portion of Molise Kleinburg Estates south of the ravine, and Lake Rivers Estates south of that (to Major Mackenzie). LED
Lighting with Trafalgar poles is included in the
architectural plans.
The current plan is for construction of deep
services (storm sewers, sanitary sewers, and
water) in the north section to begin after Christmas with utilities and roads to follow in mid2012. The developers expect construction of
Lake Rivers estates has recently been sold to
another developer and grading work for all of
the lands south of the ravine is expected to
begin in 2012 followed by servicing.
Pierre Berton Discovery Centre Moving Forward
As Spirit readers are aware, the City of Vaughan
purchased the Kleinburg United Church property in 2010 with the purpose for its use by
community groups and as the future site for the
Pierre Berton Discovery Centre (PBDC). The
PBDC will be built behind and adjoining the existing United Church building.
Terms of Reference have been established for
the PBDC project and a request for proposals is
going out this month, with submissions expected by the end of January 2012. The successful bidder is to be awarded in February,
with detailed plans being provided to City
Council by September 2012.
The vision for this significant cultural facility to
bring Canadian history to life through the life
and works of Pierre Berton has been in the conceptual and planning stages for the past number of years. The Centre will create another
anchor in revitalizing our Kleinburg village and
provide an interactive space for visitors to explore our rich Canadian history and to celebrate
the life and significant contribution of writer,
journalist, and broadcaster Pierre Berton.
A fundraising committee has been established
with Berton Committee Members Peter Berton, Regional Councillor Michael DiBiase and
local Councillor Marilyn Iafrate. If you have an
interest assisting with fundraising for this fantastic local project, please contact and we’ll pass your name onto this committee. The project will also be seeking funds
from both Provincial and Federal governments
as well as other potential funding sources.
Recently City staff have evaluated the feasibility Stay tuned for more information on this excitof using the church in the short-term as a local ing Kleinburg project!
community centre. Unfortunately, the cost implications of the lack of wheelchair accessibility
and mold/mildew/moisture found in the church
basement have made the church building prohibitive to repair in the short-term, before the
construction of the Pierre Berton Discovery
Centre begins. This means the church will remain un-used for 2-3 years.
But work on the project continues, and the City
of Vaughan and the PBDC Committee have been
moving forward steadily to lift the Centre “off
the ground.”
Email your Association —
kara@kara-inc .ca
Volume 15, No. 12
A Summary of Meetings Attended and Activities of your
KARA Directors in November—
Nov 1—Kleinburg Golf Course Development Meeting on
Molise Kleinburg Estates with Castlepoint
Nov 5— “Speak Up, Speak-Out on Your Health Care
Needs” Vaughan Community Forum
Nov 16—Pierre Berton Discovery Centre Meeting
Nov 17—KARA Board of Directors Meeting
Nov 24—Committee of Adjustment Meeting
Nov 26—KARA 5th Annual Holiday Food Drive
Nov 28—Letter sent to City regarding new signage
for Heritage District
Nov 28— City of Vaughan Council Meeting—
Finance Report including Islington Avenue Streetscape
Dec 1—KARA Publishes “The Spirit”
A special feature on businesses in
Kleinburg and Nashville
Celebrating Christmas
in Our Villages
Christmas In Kleinburg
Experience the Holiday Magic and Charm
in Kleinburg
Sunday December 4, 2011
11am - 4pm
Throughout the village visitors will enjoy
Christmas Carols, Crafts for kids,
Face Painting, Cookie Decorating,
Candy canes, Roasted Chestnuts,
Music & more.
Santa Clause is coming to town.
Have your photo taken outdoors with
Santa at Oggettini.
Brought to you by the
Kleinburg Business Association.
As we look forward to the Christmas Season
with anticipation and joy, we also feel the
stress to purchase the perfect gift, decorate
our homes with wonderful lights and decorations and serve the most scrumptious holiday
dinner parties!
And as Christmas fast approaches, our lists of
things to do gets longer and we ask ourselves
“where do we begin”? The answer is right
here – in Kleinburg and Nashville! The villages offer a wide variety of shops and services, as well as fabulous cafes and restaurants, that will meet all your seasonal needs.
Why fight the crowds in the big malls when
you can leisurely stroll through our beautifully
decorated towns, reminiscent of historical
days gone by!
Make this holiday season
more enjoyable by shopping and dining in
your own community. Supporting our local
merchants is a dual benefit – also giving you
the extra time to truly enjoy your community!
Kleinburg’s Annual Christmas
Tree Lighting Friday Nov. 25th
Photos: Michael McClymont
It is also fitting during this Christmas Season
to wish our friends, family and neighbours a
very Merry Christmas and a Joyous Holiday!
Many thanks to all of our volunteers within
the communities of Kleinburg and Nashville
who have worked so hard over this past year
to make our villages the wonderful places
that they are. “Volunteers are not paid because they are worthless, they are not paid
because they are priceless-Anonymous”
Page 3
Kleinburg and Area
Ratepayers’ Association Inc.
PO Box 202
Kleinburg, ON, L0J 1C0
KARA® is a Registered
Email KARA at:
Get this newsletter via email
on request:
The KARA Board generally
meets on the third Thursday
of each month in Kline
House, 8 Nashville Road, at
7:00 p.m. If you would like to
attend, or make a
presentation, this can be
arranged with the courtesy
of a request in advance.
Local organizations are
invited to submit material for
publication in the
Community Events and
Community Clubs sections.
Please include the name and
phone number of a contact
for follow up. Material will be
edited to suit the newsletter
and cannot be returned.
Do you have community
news? Let us know and, if
space permits, we will
include it.
Next Issue: January 2012
Submission deadline:
December 15, 2011
Email to:
Published by: KARA®
Kleinburg and Area
Ratepayers’ Association Inc.
McMichael Canadian Art Collection
Community Events and Clubs
Gallery Open 10-4 p.m. Daily. Call 905-893-1121 x 2209 to
register for programs or visit for complete details.
*Jack Chambers: the light from the darkness, silver paintings and film work—Until Jan 15, 2012 *Arctic Life: Lomen
Brothers Photography—Until Jan 8, 2012 *In Focus: Photographing the Alberta and Montana Frontier—Until Jan 8,
2012*Legends: Norval Morrisseau and Woodland Artists—
Ongoing *Inuit Traditions—Ongoing *Modernity in Canada:
The Group of Seven and Their Times—Ongoing
Sunday Concert Series
December 4, Lorraine Wu, pianist/classical
December 18, Coyotes, country/blues/folk
Family Bonus Days, New Year’s Celebration!
Thursday and Friday, December 29 and 30, 11:00 a.m. to
4:00 p.m. Let’s celebrate the holidays of the global village.
Join us for a musical performance by popular children’s
performer, Chris McKhool, celebrating various customs and
festivals. Create art to complement this magical time of
year. To book reservations for a family brunch in SEVEN
Restaurant, please call 905.893.1121, ext. 2363.
Saturdays At McMichael—Jan 14-Mar3 10a.m—noon, 8
classes, Ages 5-12 in age groups, $165, $132 members .
Register by Dec 30.
The ladies of Take 5 would like to wish our community a warm and festive Christmas Season and a
Happy and Healthy New Year. We look forward to
sharing coffee with you Wednesday mornings at
the Kline House from 9:30-11:00 a.m. A reminder
to all that we are accepting pyjama donations as
we are hosting a pyjama drive for our local shelter
–Empowerment Through Achievement. Please
contact us for more information : Pina Gentile 416580-6540 or Tracy Prce 416-602-5178.
CLUB LESSONS- Starting Wednesday, January 11th, 2012 - Kleinburg Nashville Tennis Club will
be offering winter tennis program for children ages
5-11. The lessons will take place in Kleinburg Public
School gym every Wednesday for ten consecutive
weeks. Kids 5-7 years old will start at 18:00 and 811 years old at 19:00. Similar programs will be also
available during other days of the week. For more
information please email our contact Chris Kedrzycki at, Tel. 905 893-0772 or
visit KNTC Web Site: http://
Congratulations KNSC U14 boys!
The Kleinburg Nobleton 1997 Red Lions (KNSC) won the
U-14 Cup at the 2011 Canadian Soccer Association National Championships in Mount Pearl and St. John's, NL.
A huge congratulations goes out to the boys on winning
the Canadian National Club Championship and being
recognized from a national representative for displaying
amazing poise and respect on and off the field to win all
5 games in 6 days scoring 40 goals for and only allowing 1
goal against. In addition, the KNSC boys had a fantastic
all round season of soccer, wining the Ontario Cup, the
Nike Team Ohio Challenge and finishing at the top of the
division in the Ontario Youth Soccer League. Ontario's
KNSC Red Lions defeated Alberta's Edmonton
Inter 4:0 in the final.
Coach Rob Lombardi has been the head coach of
this Kleinburg-Nobleton team since houseleague
days, entering the competitive side at U8. The
club is proud of the boys, the coaching staff and
acknowledges the community support they have
received in over the year. The KNSC club is growing rapidly in order to service the young athletes
and soccer families in our area.
Thank you to the 2011 Sponsors of The Spirit:
KARA®, Kleinburg and Area Binder Twine Festival Committee, Avenue Market Café, Chartreuse Restaurant,
Dr. Marsha Lomis-Psychologist, Hawthorne House, Jeff Wright Insurance Agency, Kalthoff Decorators,
Kleinburg Barber Shop, Kleinburg BIA, Kleinburg Nursery, Kleinburg Pharmacy,
McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Royal Bank Financial Group, The Doctor’s House.
KARA Wishes You and Yours All the Best for the Holiday Season and in 2012!

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