How to be a Natural Mama
How to be a Natural Mama
How To Be A Natural Mama By Genevieve Mama Natural Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 3 Change your diet, change your life ..................................................................................... 5 Shoot for a natural childbirth............................................................................................... 8 Breastfeed ................................................................................................................................ 11 Think twice about circumcision ........................................................................................ 15 Wear your baby ..................................................................................................................... 17 Consider cloth diapering ..................................................................................................... 19 Use natural products ........................................................................................................... 22 Nourish your kids ................................................................................................................. 25 Be intentional about vaccines ............................................................................................29 Stay informed and spread the word.................................................................................. 31 Version 1.2 © 2013 Mama Natural 2 Introduction definitely much more fun when you have fellow natural mamas walking alongside you. Hence Please know that I’m here for you, and so are thousands of other people in the Mama Natural community. Welcome! W A little background… hat exactly is a natural mama? I’ll start by telling you what she’s not. She’s not part of an elite group of women who do everything perfectly, from pushing out their babies in serene silence, to only eating organic foods grown from biodynamic gardens, to making cloth diapers from odds and ends around the house. Now, don’t get me wrong, if you do any or all of these things, you go girl! But, I don’t want natural living to appear intimidating or unachievable. Natural living is a roomy place that can be as simple as avoiding MSG or kicking your daily Big Gulp. The word natural means, “existing in or caused by nature; not by humankind.” And that’s what natural mamas do. We avoid as many artificial things as possible such as drugs, processed foods, and toxic cleaning products. In my experience, natural living is a lifelong journey that has its joys, discouragements and revelations… and it’s I wasn’t always a natural mama. I used to smoke. I drank excessively. I had a half a dozen Diet Cokes and a plenty pack of gum a day. I ate your standard American diet. Even worse, I used to binge on sugar. A lot. So much so that I was 60 pounds overweight and my health was deteriorating. I was miserable, depressed, and felt hopeless. By God’s grace, I finally realized that I was slowly killing myself and made a soul decision to be well. In my experience, it takes a deep place of commitment to break unhealthy habits and embrace life-giving ones. My natural journey began on January 1, 1999 and I haven’t looked back. By eating whole foods and cutting out nicotine, alcohol, nutrasweet, and white sugar, I lost 60 pounds and have kept that weight off for well over a decade with a healthy 3 pregnancy included. More importantly, I rely on God and others to continue my health journey, which includes physical nourishment but also mental, emotional and spiritual. Moral of this story: It’s never too late to change your life for the better! (And God will help you if you ask Him.) How to use this guide I used a list format because everybody loves lists, right? This will also help you find the sections you’re interested in and skip the ones you’re not. Along the way, you’ll discover plenty of links to articles and videos, so you can dive deep if you’re so inclined. Questions? Comments? Reach out to me at with feedback, or connect with me on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or Pinterest. I wish you all the best! Genevieve Chicago, IL 4 1.Change your diet, change your life O ne of the simplest ways you can be a natural mama is by consuming luscious, life-giving foods and beverages. Did you know that processed and fake foods like white sugar, white flour, and diet soda actually strip your body of minerals? Yep, they’re called “antinutrients” because your body has to burn stored minerals in order to digest these foods and beverages. Even worse, processed foods leave you feeling hungry and depleted and, as a result, you want MORE. It’s a vicious cycle, and one that I lived in for many years. But changing your diet doesn’t doom you to a menu of celery sticks and boiled broccoli. No, consuming real, lifegiving foods can be delicious, nutritious, and even decadent. By making the small changes outlined here, you’ll make a big impact on your health and well-being. Get rid of the white stuff To begin, you’ve gotta significantly reduce or, better yet, eliminate white sugar. Stick with me here. I’m not saying you’ll be deprived of all sweetness in your life. In fact, there are many healthy sweeteners that taste even better than refined sugar: 1. Raw honey 2. Real maple syrup 3. Coconut nectar (coconut palm sugar) 4. Date sugar 5. Stevia (in moderation) Not to mention all of the delicious natural sugars found in fruits. Nature provides us with all sorts of sweetness – you just gotta know where to look. Click to discover Healthy & Natural Sugar Substitutes 5 Change up that other white stuff Embrace fats (healthy fats, that is) What I’m talking about is something that was so precious that at one time it was considered a currency. It’s where we get the word “salary.” Salt is essential for life, not to mention a great food seasoning and preserver. Popcorn would suffer terribly without it. Thing is, modern day table salt is usually a bleached and chemically altered substance that is harmful to the body. But, a natural mama like you has options, such as: 1. Moist Celtic sea salt with naturally occurring trace minerals from the sea 2. Himalayan pink salt that is loaded with trace minerals from the earth 3. Kosher salt – for it’s clean flavor and simple profile Remember the fat phobia we had in the nineties? Everything was “light” and “fat free,” which gave birth to Snackwell’s and fat-free salad dressing (how is that even possible?). Thankfully, even the USDA understands that there is such a thing as healthy fats. Fat is an essential part of a balanced diet. In fact, it helps us absorb and assimilate important minerals the body needs. And, fat is our friend if we like shiny hair, soft skin, and regular bowel movements (that’s right, I said it). Here are some healthy fats to enjoy: 1. Raw butter, ghee and cream 2. Organic coconut oil 3. Raw olive oil and olives 4. Avocados Click to hear more about the right kinds of salt 6 Click for more info on the right kinds of fats Prepare whole grains properly Whole grains have gotten a bad rap in recent years from the low carb and the paleo circles, but people have been flourishing on properly prepared whole grains for thousands of years. In fact, we can thank whole grains for creating stable communities and enabling civilization as we know it. Harvard researchers followed over 20,000 participants in the Physicians Health Study over a period of nearly 20 years. They found that men who enjoyed a daily bowl of real whole grain cereal had a 29% lower risk of heart failure than those who didn’t. Pretty incredible! But whole grains can be hard to digest. Many ancient cultures knew this instinctively, so they took time preparing their grains by soaking, sprouting, and sour-leavening. If you want to make your grains as digestible and nutritionally dense as possible, you’ll want to do something similar. A simple way to begin is, before cooking your grains, soak them in lukewarm water overnight with a squeeze of lemon or dash of vinegar. This acidic medium helps to break down the grain so that it’s easier to digest and better for you. Reap the rewards: healthy body, healthy pregnancy, healthy child By eating luscious, life-giving foods, you can literally change your physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual nature. Life becomes easier. You won’t feel as stressed. Your body will be humming as nature intended. When you’re in your childbearing years – either preparing to get pregnant, pregnant, or actively nursing – you’ll want to add special foods and beverages that will nourish your body for the monumental task of conceiving and caring for a little one. See the top foods I recommend if you want to conceive naturally and have a healthy pregnancy 7 2. Shoot for a natural childbirth gnarly scar is burned into my memory. Of course, epidurals are seductive – who wants to experience pain? But epidurals can also begin the domino effect that leads to a caesarean section. Epidurals are a relaxant. For some mamas, this doesn’t pose a problem. But for others, epidurals slow labor down. Which means that doctors need to speed it back up. How do they do that? Pitocin! S peaking of babies, once the news sinks in that you’re pregnant, your whole world changes in a blink of an eye. Martinis, fast food, or other indiscretions become a thing of the past as you nurture this new life growing inside of you. As a natural mama, we want to go to great lengths to have a natural childbirth. In fact, once we learn about all the benefits, it’s really a no brainer (unless of course, you aren’t physically able.) But still, it can be scary Honestly, it was more fear than a noble cause that made me want a natural childbirth. I was into clean living for many years before I became pregnant, so the idea of hospitals and hardcore drugs didn’t excite me. But the fear of surgery was a bigger motivator. My mom had two C-sections, and her Pitocin is a medication that contains oxytocin, a naturally occurring hormone that triggers the body to create contractions. But being put on a Pitocin drip can be extremely painful for mamas since the quantity of oxytocin being released into the bloodstream is anything but natural. Our bodies start fighting between the downer of the epidural and the upper of Pitocin, and this awkward dance can complicate things, cause “failure to progress,” or stress the baby – direct tickets to an emergency C-section. C-sections are no walk in the park – we’re talking major abdominal surgery. My physical therapist sees many mamas struggle with balance and core strength after C-sections. Recovery can take weeks, even months. 8 Recovery from a natural birth is a different story A few hours after I delivered, I was eating Mexican food and relaxing with my husband. The next day I was up, walking around, and felt relatively normal. It was amazing! Don’t get me wrong Labor was HARD and PAINFUL! Yes, there are some enlightened souls out there who experience very little discomfort – even bliss – while laboring. But not me. Maybe next time? (From my lips to God’s ears!) But I wouldn’t change a thing I was able to give birth without pain mediation and deliver vaginally. I did have 2 drops of Pitocin at the end, since my uterus was exhausted after 27 hours of laboring. My delivery wasn’t “perfect,” but it was transformational and life changing and utterly empowering. Click to see scenes from my natural childbirth It helps to have a plan With the intensity of the delivery process, it helps to have a birth plan to keep you on course. It’s also a great tool to give to your medical team, reminding them of your desires for the childbirth and after care. This helps prevent things like the premature cutting of the cord or undue pressure to have an epidural. Click here to download a Microsoft Word copy of my birth plan as an example. Or click here to download it as a PDF. 9 Forgive yourself if natural childbirth doesn’t work out for you This is important. If you’ve had a caesarean, epidural, or any other intervention, and if you’re feeling bad about it, you need to forgive yourself right now. I know it can be hard to do This might sound silly, but I had a terrible time forgiving myself for getting two drops of Pitocin during the last 30 minutes of my pushing. Here I am, “Mama Natural,” and my birth wasn’t 100% perfect. Sigh. We can have the best intentions, but things don’t always work out the way we want them to. This is life. To accept this truth with grace is a sign of emotional maturity and spiritual strength (two traits I lack at times). So, allow yourself a few days to throw a pity party and then move on… because you have a beautiful new baby to fall in love with. A natural birth does not equal a natural mama (and vice versa) you’re among them. But there’s SO much more to being a natural mama than childbirth! From preparing healthy food, to limiting screen time, to practicing love and patience over strict punishment – there are plenty of ways you can raise your kids naturally and outside the processed world we live in. Thank God for C-sections According to the World Health Organization, a 10% Csection rate is normal, even healthy. When they see developing nations with C-section rates below 10%, they worry. Because it means that women and babies are dying due to lack of medical care. Fact: Childbirth used to be the #1 killer of women and babies prior to 1940. As soon as the standard of maternal care improved, maternal mortality rates plummeted. Your birth was a success At the end of the day, if mama and baby are both healthy and ALIVE, the birth was a success. At times, it can seem like there’s a cliquey club of natural mamas. You’re either one of them or you’re not. And a Csection or epidural can feel like a mark of shame when 10 3. Breastfeed L ike natural childbirth, I thought that breastfeeding would be a relatively intuitive and empowering experience. Yes, wiser mamas told me it can be difficult, but, frankly, I didn’t believe it would be for me. How wrong I was. The reality for most women is that breastfeeding takes a lot of work and patience. Mama Natural used a nipple shield the way, I’ve talked with other moms, consulted with two lactation consultants (who should get extra angel wings for their amazing service to motherhood), and leaned on my ever-wonderful husband. I understand the temptation to switch to formula Breastfeeding is not for the faint of heart. I wanted to breastfeed Griffin for at least a year, but after getting through the first week I was convinced I couldn’t make it! At 6 weeks in, I saw a turning point. It started to get easier. By now, baby “gets” how to eat this way and you “get” that your baby won’t starve to death. Your nipples are used to it by now, and you have something like a routine down. But, you can still have ups and downs. When Griffin was born after a grueling 27-hour labor, he came out of the womb crying (I’d be too if I were stuck in the birth canal for three hours). It took us nearly an hour before my doula, midwife and I could get him to latch, and to do so we had to use a nipple shield. Talk about a wake up call. This wasn’t the vision I had of providing my baby nourishment and comfort. I got Griffin to latch the next day without the nipple shield, and we’ve been getting better at it ever since. Along 11 10 breastfeeding benefits you may not have heard of 10 tips that made breastfeeding easier for me As natural mamas, you and I know that breast milk is a superior form of nourishment for babies. But every day, it seems like we discover more breastfeeding benefits for both mother and child. From the props I used, to video resourcess on getting the right latch, here are 10 tips that helped me get through those first few months of breastfeeding. Click to see these 10 surprising benefits Click to see these 10 tips 12 Consider hiring a lactation consultant Breastfeeding will get easier for you Think of lactation consultants as your personal trainer in all things breastfeeding. As health care providers, they specialize in nursing assistance and education for families. Now at nearly 2 years in, breastfeeding is easy peasy. I’m so grateful I hung in there. But don’t just take it from me. Click here to see how they work Click here to hear how it got easier for dozens of fellow mamas 13 Forgive yourself if breastfeeding doesn’t work out for you Just like natural childbirth, breastfeeding doesn’t work out for everyone. One of the most common reasons is that mama isn’t producing enough milk. But don’t despair! This problem can be resolved in many cases with these helpful tips. Also, I cannot recommend enough meeting with a lactation consultant. She will help you solve 99% of your problems and establish a successful nursing relationship with your baby whether you have inverted nipples, your baby is tongue tied, or you simply can’t get that latch to work. To find one in your area, click here. But some mamas simply can’t make it work no matter how hard they try. If that’s the case with you, FORGIVE YOURSELF! You are no less of a mother or a natural mama because your anatomy isn’t cooperating at the moment. And know you have OPTIONS. 1. Pump and bottle feed. 2. Use donor milk. Or better yet, get in with a network of new local moms who will help. 3. If all else fails, talk to your doctor and use this formula. Remember, thousands of us grew up on formula, without one drop of breast milk (my husband included), and we’re still alive and kicking! So breathe deep and know that you can foster healthy kids as you feed them nourishing foods for the rest of their lives. 14 4. Think twice about circumcision f you have a baby boy, you’ll want to question the need to circumcise him. Instead of blindly going with the status quo, be sure to take a hard look at some circumcision myths and facts. I Myth: Almost all men are circumcised. Fact: Not so much. Globally, fewer than 1/3 of all men are circumcised [World Health Organization, 2008]. And in the USA, recent studies show that fewer than half of all boys born in conventional hospitals from 2006-2009 were circumcised. Myth: Circumcision is recommended by doctors and medical associations. Fact: The American Medical Association and the American Academy of Family Physicians agree that circumcision is not recommended as a routine procedure. Myth: It’s just a bit of skin; he won’t miss it. Fact: The prepuce (foreskin) contains about 10,000 superspecialized nerve endings and a few feet of blood vessels. It’s important for sex, but it also protects the penis. Sounds like he’ll miss it to me! Myth: It’s easier to take care of a circumcised penis. Fact: All you have to do with a child’s intact penis is pretty much leave it alone. Yes, let water rinse the outside of the penis but do not force the foreskin to retract from the penis. This can cause pain, blood and injury! The foreskin will retract at its own pace. Usually, by puberty, the boy can clean his penis freely. Myth: Circumcision prevents urinary tract infections. Fact: Urinary tract infections just aren’t that common in men, nor are they life threatening. Circumcision does help prevent UTIs, but, statistically, it’s very insignificant. Here’s a detailed report on the subject. 15 Myth: Circumcision prevents penile cancer. Fact: In a letter to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Cancer Society stated that it “does not consider routine circumcision to be a valid or effective measure to prevent [penile or cervical] cancers… Penile cancer rates in countries which do not practice circumcision are lower than those found in the U.S.” Myth: Intact kids will get teased in the locker room. Click to see my video about circumcision myths & facts Fact: These days nearly 50% of boys nationwide are left intact – so the circumcised boys may be just as likely to get teased. One last fact: Mama Natural is not here to judge. Circumcision is a personal and sometimes religious decision. Thing is, it’s an irreversible decision. So do you homework, get the facts, and do what’s right for you and your baby boy. 16 5. Wear your baby A s a natural mama, you’ll want “skin-to-skin” time with your baby immediately after birth. Not only is it a terrific comfort, it also regulates baby’s heart rate, breathing, and body temperature. For mama, skinto-skin contact floods our system with bonding endorphins that support breastfeeding and a strong parental relationship. Daddy can participate too! And the closeness doesn’t have to end! Babywearing is a natural transition for child from womb to world. If you think about it, baby was all snug and warm inside you for 9 months. Babywearing simulates this safe environment on the outside. Strollers ain’t the norm While in the West we’re accustomed to seeing strollers and car seats, in most cultures, these items are the exception. Instead, babies are held or worn by their caregivers throughout the day. Anthropologists and psychologists report that when mothers and babies are together in this way, they positively shaping each other’s behavior. For example, if baby starts to whimper or giggle, mama responds appropriately. If baby is hungry, mama can easily offer her breast. Confident baby By being worn close to mama, baby sees the world with a witness, which can lead to a more secure and confident child that understands human interaction at a young age. For example, we’ve all see a baby shy away from new people or experience but if mama or papa is wearing the child close, they can help baby overcome the fears and learn more about the world. Multitasking Mama Another great benefit of baby wearing is that mama or papa can multitask while still being close to baby! Mom can clean, run errands, make phone calls and accomplish the daily tasks of running a home, all while wearing baby. Babywearing establishes a closeness even when parents cannot give baby 100% of their attention. And it’s a lot safer than leaving a baby unattended for a few moments in a room. 17 Finally, it’s much easier to leave the house without a bulky stroller or other outdoor equipment. Babywearing even helps mama burn a few extra calories due to her carrying the extra body weight. There are some wonderful slings and carriers out there but my favorite is the ERGObaby Carrier. Click here to see my ERGObaby Carrier review Sources: 18 6. Consider cloth diapering super absorbent, easy to use, and simple to clean in your own washer and dryer. (No safety pins!) And you can feel good about using cloth diapers… here’s why: 1. Cloth Diapers are cheaper I ’ll be honest here. At first I wasn’t that psyched about the prospect of scraping poop off of a diaper… and then reusing it. But my husband convinced me to give it a go, and I’m SO glad I did. Before we even get to the environmental benefits of cloth diapering, let’s talk about how it’s safer for your baby. Of all products, we want our diapers to be the least toxic since they cover our baby’s most private parts. Most disposable diapers contain dioxin, a chemical that can cause cancer, birth defects, liver damage, skin diseases, and genetic damage. They also contain tributyl-tin (TBT) and sodium polyacrylate, toxic pollutants that can cause hormonal disruption and respiratory problems in children. YIKES! So, if you haven’t already committed to the cloth, I hope you’ll reconsider. The truth is, the new school of cloth diapers are great: Disposable diapers will set you back at least $2,000 before your child is potty trained. And if you buy premium, safer or biodegradable options, that number will look more like $3,000. Whereas twenty of the most expensive cloth diapers will set you back less than $400. Factor in detergent and water bills, and you’re still looking at half the cost of disposables. 2. Cloth diapers are way better for the environment An average child will go through anywhere from four to eight thousand diapers in his or her life. Nationwide, parents in the USA use an estimated 27.4 billion disposable diapers each year. That’s around 3.4 million tons of diapers that end up in landfills each year. Now think about all the trees that are used to make the diapers. And all the plastic, which is made from petroleum, 19 and all the chemicals used in the process. And the water. Then all that water and chemicals returning to the environment as waste. Then the plastic packaging, the transportation – airplanes and trucks carting those diapers around the world – not to mention the energy you use driving to the store and back. And then the energy used to produce your garbage bags, the trucks to haul that trash to the landfills, the equipment used to manage the landfill. The environmental footprint of disposable diapers is staggering. Compare that to using the same twenty cloth diapers over and over, cleaning them with safe detergent in a high efficiency washer. There’s just no contest. 3. Disposable diapers contain nasty chemicals As I stated earlier, most disposables are bleached with dioxin, which, in animal studies, caused nerve damage, birth defects, increased rates of miscarriages and changes to the immune system. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has classified dioxins as a probable human carcinogen. Next up is sodium polyacrylate, the super absorbent gelling material, or AGM, that allows your baby to go long periods in one diaper. Sodium polyacrylate has been linked in the past to toxic shock syndrome, as well as allergic reactions, and it is potentially lethal to pets. Now, big diaper manufacturers point out that these chemicals exist in very small doses in the diapers, and so don’t post a risk. And, sure, more studies need to be done. But Mama Natural says, why risk it? 5. Cloth diapers help protect your baby boy’s jewels German scientists found that the skin temperature around baby boy’s genitals was significantly higher when they wore disposable diapers as opposed to cloth. While the scientists called for more research, they suggested that prolonged use of disposable diapers in infants could be an important factor contributing to the decline of sperm production in adult males. 6. Cloth diapers are cuter than disposables Colors, patterns, textures. Let’s face it, cloth is WAY cuter… especially when your baby is dressed in a diaper only. In fact, there is even a Cloth Diapers Anonymous for mamas that can’t stop buying all of the adorable designs! 20 So, are you with me on the cloth diapers? Your baby will be safer, cuter and covered… and you’ll feel good inside, strengthen your gross factor and be more in tune with baby’s digestion… for better or worse. Click here to see Mama Natural’s cloth diaper set-up Cloth diapering sources: 1. Consumer Reports (July 8, 2009). “Cloth vs. disposable diapers: Getting started” 2. 3. 4.,9171,1702357,00.html 5. The number of diapers a child uses comes from the conservative estimate of six per day x 365 x 2 years 6. Click here for 6 reasons why cloth diapers are better than disposables (and 1 reason why they ain’t) 21 7. Use natural products Luckily, there are some good products out there that have minimal toxins. And here’s a good watchdog site that you can use to see how your beauty products stack up: Y ou wouldn’t rub methylisothiazoline onto your liver, would you? Or lather up your heart with formaldehyde? But many of us unknowingly do this with another precious organ, our biggest, our skin. As natural mamas, we want to find products with clean and gentle ingredients. Usually, a good rule of thumb is: the fewer the ingredients, the better. It’s one thing to occasionally squirt some perfume on for a night out, or use hairspray once in a while, but we want to avoid consistent use of these types of products. Our bodies like to maintain homeostasis at all costs… it’s survival. Like a plant, we can endure the winds and rains or occasional drought because of our deep roots, but if we stress ourselves too much, we will start seeing damage and decay. Bombarding our bodies with heavy perfumes, chemicals and toxic ingredients on a daily basis can overburden our systems and cause problems. Click here to see my favorite beauty products Now, just cause we’re natural mamas doesn’t mean we can’t get gussied up every once and awhile… 22 Home Cleaning Click here to see what’s in Mama’s makeup bag Baby Body Once we’ve cleaned up what we put on our bodies and babies, let’s start thinking about our homes. Get rid off the chemical cleaners and replace them with non-toxic products made by Meyers, Seventh Generation, or Simple Green. If you want to save money, distilled white vinegar, baking soda and lemon make great natural cleaners. Also, add PLANTS! Plant life not only boosts oxygen levels in the home but also cleans and improves the overall air quality. Not to mention, the beauty and earthy touch that makes a house a home. According to NASA and Wiki, here are some great breeds that will keep your home clean and green: Of course, we want to be extra careful when we think about what we use on baby. Their immature systems aren’t prepared to handle most of the products you’ll find in the beauty supply shop or hair salon. My favorite baby skin care brand is Sweet Knee. You could literally eat their products. We’re devoted users of their diaper ointment, soap and body oil. Griffin’s skin is clear and soft as a result. You can even make your own. Mix organic unrefined coconut oil and olive oil with a few drops of a mild essential oil and you’ve got a great lotion. Add some non-GMO cornstarch and you’ve got a diaper salve. 1. English Ivy 2. Spider plant 3. Golden pothos 4. Peace lily 5. Chinese evergreen 6. Snake plant 7. Heartleaf philodendron 8. Red-edged dracaena 9. Cornstalk dracaena 10. Rubber Plant 23 Baby Toys How about baby? What is she putting into her mouth? Plastic toys with harmful chemicals like BPAs? Plastic bottles? Food stored in cheap tupperwear? As natural mamas, we want to find wood toys, glass bottles (if needed) and stainless steel or glass for food storage. There are a few forms of “safe” plastic out there so be sure to read labels. Avoid plastics labeled number 3, 6, or 7, while 1 and 5 are considered safe for occasional use. Baby Gear Speaking of gadgets for babies, when you’re pregnant for the first time and need to transform your home to prepare for baby’s arrival, the process can be… well… overwhelming. Have you walked the aisles in Babies R Us? Yeah, I was flabbergasted the first time too. As natural mamas, we want to have all that we need for baby’s comfort and happiness and nothing we don’t. Through trial and error, and lots of help from friends, I came up with my ideal: a Natural Baby Registry Checklist that’s pretty minimal without skimping on baby’s comfort. Download my free Baby Registry Checklist 24 8. Nourish your kids Baby (0-6 months) Okay, reality was a little different. I knew six months was around the time to start thinking about solids, but I wanted him to tell me when he was ready. Some doctors believe (and I couldn’t agree more) that you can actually cause harm by forcing a child to eat solids. It can lead to premature allergies, digestional distress, and bowel complications. Trust their urges, since they know their body best. Without a doubt, the best first food for baby is breast milk. God designed it with just the right balance of fats, carbohydrates, and protein, as well as nutrients and protective antibodies needed for baby to grow and flourish. Of course, there are some exceptions, but you’ll want to go to great lengths to develop a successful breastfeeding relationship. In fact, the longer you breastfeed, the greater the health benefits for baby and mama. See Chapter 3 of this book for more breastfeeding benefits. Click to see the top 5 signs your baby is ready for solid food Baby (6-12 months) I loved breastfeeding, but I was also excited to start my son on solid foods. I had visions of him squealing in delight over homemade pears and clambering for more roasted squash. Now that you know your baby is ready to try some foods, the question is, what do you feed them? Most pediatricians recommend iron fortified rice cereal for baby’s first food, but as natural mamas, we ain’t buying 25 it. First, it’s a processed food, which isn’t good for anyone. Secondly, the iron found in breast milk is usually adequate and much easier for baby to digest and assimilate. Click to see how to prepare and store your own baby food Click for the top 5 foods I recommend to start your baby on So you know your baby is ready for solid foods. You know the best first foods for baby. Now it’s time to start preparing and storing your own baby food. Click to see Griffin’s baby food taste test :) 26 Toddler (1-3 years) Right around 12 months, most babies will be getting more calories from food as opposed to breast milk. But, don’t freak out if it isn’t the case with your little one! Some babies take longer. As long as their weight and height is continuing to grow and they are meeting developmental milestones, relax. My son wasn’t much interested in food till his 1st birthday, when it finally “clicked.” It’s been a wild ride ever since. As soon as you can, encourage baby to eat on his/her own. Cut up small pieces of food and let them eat, play, spit out and experiment with food. As she reaches 18 months (or even earlier), introduce small silverware for her to practice piercing soft foods. You can even experiment with small cups of water in which they sip without a lid or straw. In terms of types of foods, I would practice the same principles that I spelled out in Chapter 1 of this book. But, with babies, focus on a few other fundamentals: 1. Variety: Can you imagine tasting citrus for the first time? Or yogurt? Or a navy bean? Rotate foods often so baby is exposed to as many different nutrient profiles as possible. Shoot for a different fruit, vegetable, and grain or protein at each meal. Some great choices are: Green peas, cut up grapes, sautéed carrot coins, frozen blueberries, cubes of soft cheese, bite size pieces of sprouted toast, avocado slices, and soaked oatmeal. 2. Balance: If it were up to most babies, every meal would be fruit and starches. It’s our job to balance their diets with all food groups throughout the day. If you are going to serve your baby meat, be sure to use the organic, free range, hormone-free varieties. Also, be sure you use high quality eggs, dairy products (preferably farmer fresh and raw), and organic fruits and vegetables. 3. Flavor: Have you ever tried jarred baby food? The fruits and grain varieties are passable in a pinch but I’m talking about the “dinner” meals like chicken with wild rice or lasagna with meat sauce? *Shudder* Not only are they soft and mushy, they have no flavor! Just because babies’ systems are more delicate doesn’t mean we can’t enhance the flavor of foods with fresh and dried herbs, spices, sauces and creative combinations. My son’s favorites include: Roasted vegetables with sage and olive oil, rice parmesan (tomato sauce and brown rice topped with melted cheese), and sprouted corn blueberry waffles with real maple syrup 27 Nourished Baby – the ebook If you’re looking for a one-stop-shop on what to feed your baby or toddler, I recommend Nourished Baby by Heather Dessinger. This comprehensive ebook provides the rationale and recipes for an amazing, healthy diet. Some of my favorite recipes include Sweet Marrow Custard With Vanilla Bean and a Piña Colada Smoothie. She even includes tips on how to reverse food sensitivities Click here to check out Nourished Baby 28 9. Be intentional about vaccines I also need to stress… I AM NOT A DOCTOR. Nor am I a medical professional. I’m just one natural mama sharing her perspectives. Take what you like and leave the rest. As you think about vaccinating or not vaccinating your child, consider: 1. Is your child in daycare? 2. Does your child have siblings who are in school or daycare? 3. Does either parent or caretaker work in a school or hospital, where they are exposed to many germs? 4. Has the child shown any signs of a weakened immunity such as eczema, thrush, asthma, allergies, hives, and so forth? 5. Do you plan on traveling internationally with child? I often get asked “what’s your take on vaccines?” And “are you going to vaccinate your son?” Initially, I avoided doing a vaccine video series because it’s such a controversial issue, and there isn’t one “right” course of action for everyone. However, after much thought, I decided to do it as a way to provide food for thought for mamas and papas making choices regarding vaccination. I say choices because there are so many ways to address this issue. You can chose not to vaccinate at all. You can choose to vaccinate your child according the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) schedule. Or you can pick and choose which vaccines you want to give your child. And there are many choices inbetween. As I did my homework researching the different diseases and vaccines, my views on a few vaccines actually changed. Bottom line: there are no easy answers. These considerations can either lead you to choose not to get vaccines due to your child’s more delicate immunity or to choose to get vaccines to protect him/her from various diseases (see, the choices!). At a minimum, you may want to give your child vaccines at a slower rate than the current AAP schedule. What am I doing about vaccines? Well, turn the page. 29 My Vaccine video series Jump to a specific vaccine video I made a series of nine videos on all the common childhood vaccines, looking at several key questions for each vaccine: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. • What is the vaccine? • When is it administered? • What is the disease? • Is it serious? • Is it common? • And then my take on the vaccine Series Intro DTaP Hep B Hib MMR PCV Polio (IPV) Rotavirus Varicella (Chickenpox) Sources: 1. The Vaccine Book by Dr. Sears 2. 3. Deadly Choices by Paul A. Offit M.D. Click here to see all my vaccine videos 30 10. Stay informed and spread the word Y ou’ve taken the first step toward natural mamahood by subscribing to my blog! Now keep that mojo going. Like anything, we need each other to stay inspired and keep growing in the natural life. Watch the Mama Natural Show! Spread the Mama Natural love Mama Natural is a little site with a big mission: to bring whole living to a processed world. And you can help! If you like what you see, please share the love. Send this ebook to a friend. Or post our show on your Facebook wall. I hope you know that you’re not alone in your quest for natural living. There’s a whole community of support here at Mama Natural. And you can always reach me at Your role as mama is incredibly important and your influence is everlasting. May God bless you with all of the love and light you need along the way. Here’s to healthy, happy families everywhere! Every Thursday, I publish a show for natural mamas just like YOU! The goal is to raise awareness about natural living – everything from breastfeeding to childbirth to nutrition and beyond. Each week, yours truly: 1. Recaps hot natural news 2. Share stories from moms in our community 3. Feature a thought-provoking Question of the Week, which garners rich discussion 4. And host a great giveaway with natural-friendly brands You can watch the show on my blog, my YouTube channel, or on Facebook. 31