Early SaaS Adoption for Your Existing Applications


Early SaaS Adoption for Your Existing Applications
Early SaaS Adoption
for Your Existing
Runaware White Paper, Volume Three, November, 2010 - Copyright © 2010 Runaware Inc. All rights reserved | www.runaware.com | info@runaware.com
June, 2010 2010
How to choose Your SaaS from Runaware Cloud Experiences
Today, while majority of the IT
experts recognize the promise of
SaaS, surveys show that a sizeable
number of even IT professionals
do not fully appreciate the benefits,
costs, challenges and technologies
associated with SaaS. Understanding
the suitability of SaaS model for
your existing business apps and
workflows is critical to a successful
adoption of SaaS. This whitepaper
is intended to help you assess the
engineering suitability of SaaS for
your specific usage scenarios, and
evaluate how suitable your apps
and use cases are for a transition to
the cloud using the Runaware cloud
platform. How suitable are your
apps for offering via a SaaS model,
from an architectural, scalability,
usability, security and performance
points of view? Should you go for
a public cloud, placing your apps
and user experience on the external
vendor’s platform, or run it yourself
as your own ‘private cloud’, or go
for a hybrid cloud? Will the SaaS
applications integrate well with
the rest of your IT infrastructure,
without requiring you to throw away
the earlier investments in software,
hardware and training?
If there are gaps to be filled, what
would be quicker and cheaper ways
to bridge them and effectively go
to market with SaaS versions? A
review of the 8 distinct Runaware
SaaS session types (Runaware
Virtual Sessions or RVS) against an
inventory of your existing apps will
be helpful to address such questions.
Runaware RVS sessions’ key value
is to help you quickly move your
existing apps to SaaS, without
any new coding or repurposing of
existing software on your part.
Inventory of Your Existing
Apps and Infrastructure
If your IT infrastructure is like today’s
typical Enterprise and SMBs, it
probably comprises of legacy
systems and platforms, and legacy
applications of significant complexity.
This represents a major financial and
engineering investment from your IT
budgets over the years. Will you
be able to bridge your existing apps
and infrastructure seamlessly into
the new Cloud model, without losing
the Return on Existing Investment
Incompatibility of legacy systems
and applications (App Compat
problem) typically is a major
blocker to the adoption of any new
technology, and cloud computing
is no exception. Runaware’s Cloud
offerings are designed and built to
help you decide a cloud strategy that
preserves your ROEI and move to
the clouds.
Every interface between the existing
IT infrastructure, which typically is
already heterogeneous, and the new
Cloud solution, represents a ‘stitch’
– an interface which needs to be
seamlessly integrated. For example,
an HR Management application or
a Corporate Learning portal, which
are migrated to the Cloud as SaaS
apps, will still need to be integrated
with the Active Directory and
Identity Management Server of the
Enterprise, which run as on premise
solutions, as well as with mobile
applications running on end user
devices. An automotive engineering
modeling application maintained as
a SaaS portal at several customer
sites may need to be integrated
and synchronized with a central,
on-premise simulation engine and
master database.
An inventory
of your existing applications and
workflows is the necessary first step
towards SaaS adoption.
Runaware White Paper, Volume Three, November, 2010 - Copyright © 2010 Runaware Inc. All rights reserved | www.runaware.com | info@runaware.com
Further, you will also need to inventory your existing IT infrastructure for different OS and software solutions
in use. For example, your organization may be using OS of different flavors (Windows, IBM z/OS, Linux, Mac,
Solaris Sun and Mainframes), Virtualization solutions from different vendors including Xen, VMware and
Microsoft, Database solutions such as SQL, Oracle, MySQL, and systems management solutions such as
Microsoft’s SCCM, SCVMM, IBM’s TiVoli and Web Sphere, and other SMB management solutions. What this
legacy of investment, heterogeneity and complexity means is that, you may need to look for ways to embrace the
attractive Cloud IT model, while continuing to protect the ‘ROEI’ (Return on Existing Investment) represented
by the legacy apps, desktops and systems. As such, a paradigm that can support the entire application delivery
spectrum - desktop, client/server, Web apps and SaaS, with the same application trunk - is ideal for the cloud. At
Runaware, our SaaS platform is built keeping this reality in mind.
Inventory of Your Existing Apps and Infrastructure
For each application in your organization being considered for SaaS, you need inventory the following
information, to determine which of the 8 RVS types it would map to.
1) Is it a locally installed app (LIA running on Windows or Linux) or a Web app (RIA)?
2) Is it a Client App or a Server App, or will run on both?
3) How does the installation work? Is the installable an .exe, MSI or MSU?
4) What is the application’s intended functionality and key features.
5) Application’s specifications (h/w, s/w and resource specifications sheet), including OS versions,
CPU, RAM, disk and network requirements.
6) Will the app run in Microsoft RDP session (Terminal Services)? Will it run in a VM? Will it run
in a Citrix ICA (Xen App) session?
7) Does it require special provisions such as
a. integration with other local apps and folders
b. network file access
c. works in elevated mode (Run as Administrator) only
d. graphics intensive app with GPU acceleration needed
e. multimedia, audio support
f. printing
g. smartcard support; special authentication/access requirements
8) Any known restrictions on application’s installation and functioning? Will it require:
- Integration with Outlook, Excel, Word etc.
- SQL DB or other DB integration.
- Web (url) invoking from within the app.
- Is it an I/O intensive Application? What are the storage and IOPS requirements?
9) How many licenses are currently in use annually, by global org location.
10) How many users are likely to use the deployed app concurrently from each geographical
location (NA, EU, Asia) – estimated Concurrent User (CCU) count expected.
Using this data, you can map the app to one of the 8 Runaware SaaS RVS types below.
Runaware White Paper, Volume Three, November, 2010 - Copyright © 2010 Runaware Inc. All rights reserved | www.runaware.com | info@runaware.com
Runaware SaaS: 8 Distinct Sessions to Choose From
Runaware SaaS experience is designed to combine the richness of desktop apps with the convenience of Web
apps: an end user of your SaaS apps hosted on Runaware cloud platform can access and use very rich, desktop
apps via he click of a Web browser. Enterprise applications broadly map to two types: Rich Internet Apps (RIA)
and Locally Installable Apps (LIA), such as Windows applications for example. There are more than a million
software applications built for Microsoft Windows alone, the primary OS used by the Enterprise and home users
alike. There are a large number of applications running on Linux and Solaris as well, especially from the research
and academic communities, which are of vital importance to the economy. Applications on the Macintosh OS
have gained popularity due the great UX they offer. In all these cases, apps must be installed on the OS, integrating
their components such as the linked libraries and settings with the OS. It is estimated that the apps following this
traditional software installation model, known as the Locally Installable Apps (LIA), require up to 5 times their
initial cost for their maintenance. The SaaS model offers to cut down these costs significantly.
Locally Installable Apps have one unique usability and performance advantage: they have quick and easy access
to the key system resources such as memory, CPU and storage. They do have their own share of pain as well,
such as the familiar app crashes and the blue screens of death. In contrast, applications which are installed on
remote servers, such as Web apps and Rich Internet Applications (RIA), depend on the remote machine resources
for the most part. There are an estimated 1 trillion unique URLs on the Web, which implies that there are at least
several tens of millions of unique Web apps. Today’s Enterprise comprises of both types of applications, which
might be suitable for SaaS. Recognizing this need, Runaware’s SaaS platform is built to provide 8 distinct cloud
app experiences. These 8 Runaware Cloud Sessions, are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Types of Existing Applications Enabled as SaaS on Runaware Cloud Platform
1. Application Session to Productivity Applications
Adobe Photoshop; Quicken; Corel Word
2. Application Session to Graphics Intensive Applications
Maya Animation Studio; Visualization Tool Kit
3. Virtual Desktop Session (single VM)
A client OS desktop presented in a Web
4. Virtual Session to Network of VMs
Office Communications Server: a 7 VM network
accessed in a browser
5. Greenfields RIA Applications built for the Cloud
A social networking portal supporting
collaboration across orgs.
6. Legacy Web Applications not built for the Cloud
A supply chain management portal, refactored
as a SaaS portal
7. Distributed Web App with Storage
A globally distributed Travel Reservations and
Management Portal
8. Apps built on a Platform as a Service (PaaS)
A hosted software development platform to
create and host new apps.
Runaware White Paper, Volume Three, November, 2010 - Copyright © 2010 Runaware Inc. All rights reserved | www.runaware.com | info@runaware.com
All such SaaS apps are packaged on Runaware’s cloud platform ‘as is’ without requiring any significant additional
development. ISVs can choose session types and size of the sessions as well, using specifications are based on
the amount of memory, CPU, attached storage and data transfer rates. Runaware’s flagship SaaS solutions like
TestDriveTM are built on a cloud platform combining system virtualization, presentation virtualization,
autonomic management and Web technologies in an innovative way.
Specification of RVS Type for Your Applications
Using the inventory data from your existing apps, the locally installable apps (like Windows desktop
apps) would usually map to RVS Types 1 or 2. If it needs an entire virtual desktop, RVS Type 3 would
be appropriate, whereas a network of VMs in a networked server roles scenario requires RVS Type 4.
Web applications typically map to RVS Types 5, 6 or 7. Software development and testing scenarios
map to RVS Type 8. Each of these uses a specific type of Runaware SaaS technology components. For
example, Presentation Virtualization (Citrix ICA and TS) is used to support sessions of Type 1 and 2;
Virtual Desktops Infrastructure (VDI via Citrix Xen Desktop or VMWare View) is used to support Type
3, 4 and 8; and Web 2.0 (Java and .Net apps; HTTP over TCP/IP) are used to support Type 5, 6 and 7. It
should also be noted here that, Runaware platform is particularly suitable for the locally installed apps
or OS, such as existing Windows apps, represented by RVS Types 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 above.
Each of the above sessions comes under 3 categories: Small, Medium and Large. Our aim is to provision RVS
images based on Small, Medium and large VM specifications you can select from:
• Type of session used
• Type of machine (small, medium and large) and other resources used
• Number of Concurrent Users (CCU) likely to use the app simultaneously
Specifications are based on the amount of memory, CPU, Attached Storage and Data transfer. In the following
Tables, these requirements are specified for different types of RVS sessions. These are xample specifications you
need to consider, depending on the actual resource requirement for the app from your inventory above. Small
RVS session would cost less to provision on the Runaware platform, whereas the Large RVS session would cost more.
Runaware White Paper, Volume Three, November, 2010 - Copyright © 2010 Runaware Inc. All rights reserved | www.runaware.com | info@runaware.com
Small RVS Sessions Memory CPU
Attached VPN
Database Comments
Application Session to
Productivity Apps
(1-4) GB
1-2 GHz
500 MB
30 GB
The data transfer is free
up to 500 MB
Graphics Intensive Apps
(2-4) GB
1-2 GHz
2 GB
75 GB
Graphic card resource
can also be provided on
Virtual Desktop Session
(single VM)
(2-4) GB
1-2 GHz
2 GB
80 GB
Requested OS image is
provide and storage is
Virtual Session to Network of VMs
(2-4) GB
/ VM
1-2 GHz
2 GB /
80 GB /
Network configuration is
Web Application
(1-4) GB
1-2 GHz
500 MB
20 GB
Database usage in
terms of number of
selects, attributes etc.
Distributed Web App
with Storage
(1-4) GB
1-2 GHz
500 MB
60 GB
Database usage in
terms of number of
selects, attributes etc.
Medium RVS
Memory CPU
Attached VPN
Database Comments
Application Session to
Productivity Apps
(4-8) GB
2-4 Ghz
2 GB
60 GB
The data transfer is free
up to 2GB
Graphics Intensive Apps
(4-8) GB
2-4 Ghz
4 GB
125 GB
Graphic card resource
can also be provided on
Virtual Desktop Session
(single VM)
(4-8) GB
2-4 Ghz
4 GB
160 GB
Requested OS image is
provide and storage is
Virtual Session to Network of VMs
(4-8) GB
/ VM
2-4 Ghz
4 GB /
160 GB /
Network configuration is
Web Application
(4-8) GB
2-4 Ghz
2 GB
30 GB
Database usage in
terms of number of
selects, attributes etc.
Distributed Web App
with Storage
(4-8) GB
2-4 Ghz
2 GB
80 GB
Database usage in
terms of number of
selects, attributes etc.
Runaware White Paper, Volume Three, November, 2010 - Copyright © 2010 Runaware Inc. All rights reserved | www.runaware.com | info@runaware.com
Large RVS Sessions Memory CPU
Attached VPN
Database Comments
Application Session to
Productivity Apps
>4 GHz
4 GB
100 GB
The data transfer is free
up to 4GB
Graphics Intensive Apps
>4 GHz
8 GB
200 GB
Graphic card resource
can also be provided on
Virtual Desktop Session
(single VM)
>4 GHz
8 GB
500 GB
Requested OS image is
provide and storage is
Virtual Session to Network of VMs
>4 GHz
8 GB /
500 GB /
Network configuration is
Web Application
>4 GHz
5 GB
50 GB
Database usage in
terms of number of
selects, attributes etc.
Distributed Web App
with Storage
>4 GHz
5 GB
100 GB
Database usage in
terms of number of
selects, attributes etc.
Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) are considered a cross between the desktop apps and web apps. Unlike plain
Web apps, the RIA paradigm can be used to build rich, interactive business apps (productivity apps). Just like
Web apps, RIA also are installed on app servers in a data center, and can be accessed by multiple clients using
a web browser. They combine the advantages of LIA and Web apps to some extent. For example, they can
summon the end-user client’s computing power for client-side computing, without requiring an actual
installation on the client machine. Unlike LIA, they can be accessed via mobile devices and netbooks. They can
support some of the rich features of LIA, such as ‘Drag and Drop’ and ‘Copy-Paste’, even within a browser and
across browser-based apps and local apps.
Specification of RVS Type for Your Applications
Runaware’s 8 RVS sessions are built to enable end-users access a variety of applications, virtual desktops as well
as web applications, with a rich user experience, by clicking a url, without installing the applications or
desktops locally on the client. Because of our unique, componentized architecture that supports Virtual Desktops,
Runaware platform currently is the only Cloud platform which is able to support multiple concurrent sessions
running virtual desktops (VMs) as well as Win32 applications, integrated with the modern SaaS apps on the same,
single Cloud platform. Owing to a rich systems virtualization and presentation virtualization layers coupled with
an autonomous management layer for elastic, on-demand provisioning, it is possible to SaaSify even highly
complex workflows on the Runaware cloud platform. Runaware’s cloud platform was designed and built keeping
in mind the heterogeneous nature of IT infrastructures in the Enterprise, which include, for example, OS of
different flavors (Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris Sun and Mainframes), Virtualization solutions from different
vendors including Xen, VMware and Microsoft, Database solutions such as SQL, Oracle, MySQL, and systems
management solutions such as Microsoft’s SCCM, SCVMM, IBM’s TiVoli and Web Sphere, and other SMAB
management solutions. Runaware’s Autonomic Deployment and Management Framework (AMDF) integrates
well with such heterogeneous infrastructures, as well as other cloud vendor solutions such as Azure and Amazon
Runaware White Paper, Volume Three, November, 2010 - Copyright © 2010 Runaware Inc. All rights reserved | www.runaware.com | info@runaware.com
Runaware’s Cloud platform is built to meet the following architectural goals. These goals represent strengths
Runaware uniquely offers due to the past 11 years work on our SaaS platform, when compared to the other cloud
offerings such as Amazon EC2.
• Legacy Content and App Compatibility: Enterprise and SMBs today comprise of legacy systems and platforms,
and legacy applications of significant complexity. This represents a major financial and engineering investment in
the industry. Incompatibility of legacy systems and applications (App Compat problem) typically is a major blocker
to the adoption of new technology. Runaware’s cloud platform is built on a mature systems and presentation
virtualization platform, to address this need in a rich way. All customer workflows based on Win32/64 or Linux
systems can be packaged on the new platform ‘as is’ without requiring any additional development.
• Seamless, Quick Integration of Heterogeneous IT Systems with Modern Clouds: We enable customers to
move part or all of their IT to a Cloud today, which enables an end-to-end experience for LORGs and SMBs to run
your virtual desktops, Dev tools, Linux/Win32 apps, LOB and legacy apps which may be even incompatible with
some operating systems and the modern (.Net/java) web-apps as well, with seamless interoperability. No other
available cloud platform provides this today. (FIGURE 1).
• End-to-End User Experience is completely designed, built, tested, hosted and maintained with 24x7 support by
us, without any engineering work required by the customers. No cloud vendor provides this except Runaware for
this type of complex work flows.
FIGURE 1. Runaware Platform seamlessly integrates legacy and complex apps into SaaS.
Runaware White Paper, Volume Three, November, 2010 - Copyright © 2010 Runaware Inc. All rights reserved | www.runaware.com | info@runaware.com
• Complex Workflows Possible Due to a rich systems virtualization and presentation virtualization layers coupled
with an autonomous management layer for elastic, on-demand provisioning, even highly complex learning
sessions (e.g. Office Communications Server with an 8 VM network in a single session) are feasible on our
platform, with good, fast connect and UX.
• Highly Personalized Presentation will have the look and feel of an authentic customer GUI Environment without
any Runaware branding.
• An Autonomic Deployment/Management framework with rich, easy to use UI for the IT Admin, including SLA
and workflow monitoring and dynamic configuration/deployment capabilities.
• Integration and Compatibility: The platform will seamlessly integrate with other on-premise management
solutions such as SCCM, and cloud solutions such as Azure and can be ported to an Azure platform in future
without any throw away components or repurposing. It can use VM images such as AMI, Hyper-V 9VHD), Xen
and VMware (VMDK) images interoperably.
• Self Servicing Management: A management portal for end-users IT to sign up, check their costs and session
status, and metadata on their sessions and workloads will be provided.
• Content Management A management portal for end-users IT to upload, retrieve, manage and retire their session
content in a secure, confidential will be provided.
• Analytics and Insight on the platform usage as well as Usability testing and feedback provided to the customers.
Shadowing, Chat, Multimedia display and Video con are add-on features.
Runaware White Paper, Volume Three, November, 2010 - Copyright © 2010 Runaware Inc. All rights reserved | www.runaware.com | info@runaware.com
Deploying Your Existing Apps as SaaS on Runaware Platform
Runaware’s proprietary Cloud services, deployment and management framework and middleware to enhance the
user experience via enterprise class scalability, performance and security are fundamental to enable a complete,
end-to-end interactive SaaS Dev experiences as presented above. Test Drive platform’s configuration manager
is designed to support the initial configuration of a large number of concurrent user sessions, support for loading
and arbitrating the various services in the service layer above the platform layer, logging and instrumentation
support. Its service layer provides a number of services specific to SaaS workflows. For example, the
authentication service, module navigation, metadata management, mail support and session tracking services,
payment support, content uploading and retrieval, virtual machine management are some examples of the several
services necessary to support the scenarios of SaaS. Runaware Cloud platform’s modular, componentized
architecture allows easy extensibility for future scenarios on your SaaS offerings, including your own private
cloud deployment.
When your application, in the form of a Windows installable for example, is in place to be packaged as a Test
Drive SaaS, all of its contents will go through a Digital Test Drive Lifecycle Workflow. This workflow captures
the SaaS session details in terms of both content and timeline provided by the Content Admin team. The
Content Admin uploads the SaaS session content and instructions, which routes the same to a staging portal.
Session Packaging, Web Designing, QA staff will act upon the work items assigned to them using the system.
The work items will be identified and assigned by the Project Management Team to the appropriate platform
management staff. Once the SaaS session content is packaged and tested, the Production staff will deploy the
application into Staging area and send the test links to the QA team. Suggestions from the QA team will go
through the same workflow until the QA team and the Content Admin agree to publish the SaaS session content
to MDL. Production staff rolls out the SaaS session from Staging to the Production Cloud platform before the
SaaS session links are published to the world. The SaaS session goes through the stages or packaging, staging,
production (beta/main) and disabled (non-live). The system will make use of fault-tolerant virtual infrastructures
replicated across our Data Centers worldwide, to assure the necessary high availability, backup and scalability
while maintaining consistency.
10 Runaware White Paper, Volume Three, November, 2010 - Copyright © 2010 Runaware Inc. All rights reserved | www.runaware.com | info@runaware.com
Runaware SaaS RVS Session Usability Advantages
Hosting your existing applications on the Runaware SaaS platform come with the following usability advantages:
• End-to-End User Experience: When you deploy your existing applications on the Runaware Cloud platform,
its SaaS version is completely designed, built, hosted and maintained with 24x7 support by Runaware, without
any engineering or IT administration work required by our customers. After packaging the application, it is
thoroughly tested for Functionality, Performance and Usability on the cloud platform, and support staff will be
monitoring the deployment for any user issues and will respond to address the same quickly. This means that you
will not have to start with barebones VMS and then design, build, package, test and deploy the SaaS versions of
your apps, and troubleshoot any issues from their customers. Runaware will take care of packaging, enabling and
maintaining all of your app’s workflows on the cloud, from end to end.
• Complex Workflows SaaS-ify Easily: Due to a rich systems virtualization and presentation virtualization layers
coupled with an autonomous management layer for elastic, on-demand provisioning, it is possible to SaaS-ify
even highly complex workflows on the Runaware cloud platform. This can include graphics intensive
applications requiring GPU acceleration, highly memory intensive workloads, distributed systems requiring
networks of VMs or desktop sessions. For example, it is possible to present a workflow to demonstrate
Microsoft’s Office Communications Server using an 8 VM network in a single session, which the end-user can
access via the click of a web browser. Apps requiring frequent I/O access are enabled using data store
virtualization with a combination of local and cloud-based data stores. Productivity applications which require
access to devices such as smartcards and printers can be easily enabled to run on the cloud, using our platform.
• Highly Personalized Experience: When ISVs enable their applications on Runaware’s cloud platform, they
are presented to the end-users as a highly personalized app experience, with the initial web environment and all of
the application interfaces representing the ISV brand and message in a rich way. In addition, the session can also
be enriched by presenting rich, multimedia based tutorials about the application. The ISV cloud application will
have the look and feel of an authentic presentation environment they prescribe, without any Runaware branding.
• Self Servicing Portal: Although Runaware takes care of the cloud app user experience end to end, we also
provide a self servicing management portal for the ISVs and end-user orgs based on a an easy to use Web Interface
(WI). The Self Servicing Portal can be used to upload, download and retrieve data in a completely confidential
and secure manner, which will be visible only to the users and IT staff designated by the ISV. Encryption and
secure data transfer are used to ensure that data integrity remains intact throughout the workflow cycle. Using
this portal, our customers and end users can sign up for service, check their costs and session status, obtain rich
metadata on their sessions and workloads running on the cloud platform, upload and retrieve content such as files
in a confidential, secure way and log in tickets for servicing and troubleshooting issues.
Runaware White Paper, Volume Three, November, 2010 - Copyright © 2010 Runaware Inc. All rights reserved | www.runaware.com | info@runaware.com
• Well tested Architecture and Platform: Runaware’s experience of more than 10 years in the SaaS space
resulted in a closed platform which would scale and perform in and out as per dynamic needs, as we have served
a number of high end clients including Microsoft, Adobe and Oracle.
Feature Rich Training Platform with
Feedback, Test, Tutorial, Video and
Multi-media etc capabilities which are
useful to delivering very effective user
An Autonomic Deployment/Management
framework with rich, easy to use UI for
the IT Admin, including SLA and
workflow monitoring and dynamic
configuration/deployment capabilities;
Analytics and Insight on the platform
usage as well as Usability testing and
feedback provided to your Engineering
and Marketing teams.
Very cost effective: when compared to
comparable solutions, our solution is
extremely cost-effective.
Figure 2. Complex apps and workflows you
can SaaS-ify on Runaware Cloud platform
• Phased Deployment: We have a 3 stage cloud deployment model which helps you get started with a SaaS version
of your apps easily and quickly. As a quick, low cost first step for your SaaS strategy, Runaware Test Drive is a
great first step towards your SaaS and PaaS offerings, and it is incredibly low cost. It helps grow Sales of your
current software products and seamlessly leads your offerings into the cloud model. This can be followed with
a limited scale Live Deployment as your own private cloud or a hybrid cloud integrated with your existing IT
infrastructure. Third phase would be full, global scale cloud deployment when your customers and stakeholders
are fully ready for the switch, based on the experience from the earlier phases. Test Drive SaaS version can be
gracefully converted into a full, live SaaS deployment for the same apps globally, when you and your customers
decide that you are ready for SaaS. As such, Test Drive is a solid investment for building your Cloud, with no
effort, investment or learning wasted.
12 Runaware White Paper, Volume Three, November, 2010 - Copyright © 2010 Runaware Inc. All rights reserved | www.runaware.com | info@runaware.com
Figure 3. Phased Adoption of Cloud model for your existing apps
Try a SaaS Version of Your Apps Today
Runaware’s 11 year old SaaS platform provides a complete, end-to-end interactive SaaS experience for any of
your existing and legacy applications, running on any OS. It does not require additional engineering work on your
team’s part. We do not simply provide you barebones VMs and ask you to build your own SaaS apps. Instead,
we take your existing apps and build SaaS versions for them, package them and host them on our Cloud platform,
with complete usability, scalability and performance testing, and 24 x 7 support. You can choose a quick and low
cost, stepwise deployment model to experiment and evaluate SaaS step by step for your own needs, starting with
Runaware’s Test Drive.
Please fill in the information at this link today or call our pre-sales engineering team to get a detailed assessment
of suitability and approaches to developing cloud solutions for your business and IT needs.
Runaware White Paper, Volume Three, November, 2010 - Copyright © 2010 Runaware Inc. All rights reserved | www.runaware.com | info@runaware.com
Founded in 1999, Runaware is the global leader in online
demos and software marketing. Runaware’s TestDrive
suite of services include hosted online demos, customer
profiling and lead capture and additional software marketing
services that provide the technology, expertise and resources
to build an effective marketing program. Runaware produces
measurable results like higher sales and conversion rates
and shorter sales cycles. TestDrive is revolutionizing online
sales and marketing for Independent Software Vendors in
areas such as finance & accounting, graphic design, office
productivity, contact management, IT systems, real estate
and medical. Runaware is positioned to provide marketing
professionals in the software industry with all of their demo
and software marketing needs.
White Paper,| Volume
One, June, 2010
| www.runaware.com
14 Runaware White Paper, Volume Three, November, 2010 - Copyright © 2010 Runaware Inc. All rights reserved
Copyright © 2010 Runaware Inc. All rights reserved.
www.runaware.com | info@runaware.com