RUTLAND DIRECTORY 1878 - 1879 RUTLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Rutland Directory 1878-1879 Rutland Directory 1878-1879 -r--· -,_r-::-.·--... ··---. . . ·-,t Ct,::, :....t: ~ -~ ,. · . ST r\ IE I ... ~ C...OLLt:: '· ... _ J.LlBWY . N. P. Sili10 N~. A•s't Supt. THE :\~~~ D MARBLE ~~ PRODUCERS . Cq MARBLE CO., And Wholesale Dealera ill Hntlann ann Contin~ntal Mar~I~~ (ESTABLISHED 1836.) ·Quarries and Mills (36 Gan[s,) at SUTHERLAND FALLS, First·Station North-of Genter Rutland. Second to no concern in this country, in the EXTENT and VARIETY of its marble product, and its EXTENSIVE FACILITIES for supplying the trade with all the grades from the finest to the lowest, on th e shortest notice, at prices corresponding with the times. Quarries: " Mills: " " Oftlees: DUB KA!ILE I S_WI LL KIOW!t . of Rutland Marble, at West Rutland, Vt. _ of Continental Marble, 2 rirlles north of Center Rutland, Vt. at West Rutland, Vt., 24: Gangs. at Center ·Rutland, Vt., 28 Gangs. at Salem, N. Y., 8 Gangs. at West Rutland, Vt.; at Center Rutland, Vt.; at Salem, N.Y. AND WE KEEP THE ·Largest an~ Bart ~t~~k ln the t~untry ..~1~~: ' TO SELECT FROM. OBDP8 ADDRESSED TO EITHER PLACE WILL RECErVE ATTENTI ON. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 . JOHN J. MYER, Pru't. \ ..,,, R. PROCTOR, 7'tw8. Vtve r ,,,. 01L\f.\ (\ . -:-...}/ ' ~\ '-{ ::. ,,J I I g7J- 77 ALBERT W. HIGGINS, CHAS. P. HARRIS & CO. GEO. E. CLARJ{, Sutlerintendent. I I i FURNACE STREET, RUTLAND, VT. AND DEALER IN RmH, FAN~Y AND T~ILET Gm~, LUMBER. Shingles.:., Cla.pboa.rds, Ceda.r Posts, .dooring, Hemlock, Ash, Walnut, Spruce, Pine, &c. ALSO, WATER PROOF BUILDING PAPER. 4~ ::tY.:I:EROHANTS' RO'JV, PLANING MILL. !'LANING, l!L"''l'CIIINO, SHAPING, SAWlNG, JOINING, S'l'ICKING, MOit'l'IS- FLINTS, JOHNSON & CO., DOORS, Sash, Blinds, Cornice a.n<l Fence 'Vorl<, Counters, Shelving, Pe,vs, Pulpits, Cabinet and Veneered "\York, &c., &c. N"AILS. RUTLAND NAIL WORKS. CHAS. P. HARRIS & CO. ING, BRACKET WORK, IIAND L. W. COLLIN3, Supt. MADE OF SA "W PLATE. CARVING, &e., &c. CASH l!'OR SCRAP STEEL AND IRON. RUTLAND FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP CO. JOEL B. HARRIS. CHAS. P. HARRIS. Producers of and Wholesale Dealers in CAR WHEELS, RAIL ROAD, Rutland Italian Marble, MACHINERY, MILL AND BUILDING CASTINGS. FROM THE EUREKA QUARRY, JAPANESE PAPER CARPETING. :Mills and Quarries on the R. & B. R. R., midway between Ten years' test, one hundred tl_wusand _yards used, fifty cents per yard, varwus designs. (Machine TV01·Tc [1•om D. Shortsleeve & Co.) HANDSOMEST, CHEAPEST, BEST. Center Rutland and Sutherland Falls. P REMIUMS ·· Centennial, Philadelphia, 1876. New England Fnlr,_Portland, 18n. { Rutland County Fmr, 1877. Mnssnchnsetts, th ree Fairs, 1877. J APAN"ESE PAPER CARPETIN"G, CENTER RUTLAND, VT. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 RETAILED BY (). A. PARKHURST & CO., RUTLAND, VT. T. S. GILSON Practical Upholsterer, Manufacturer and Dealer in THOMAS ROSS, ' FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY GOODS, FEAT HERS , Foundry and Machine Shop, MATTRESSeS AND . LIGHT AND HEAVY CASTINGS, SPRING BEDS, Crockery) Glassware and House Furnishing Goods1 ALSO, FURNISHING UNDERTAKER, Stone Sawing Machinery, COFFINS. GASKETS. And Burial Clothes. [l':v.1::EI:&Ril':v.1:AN'S PATENT_ J No. 21 Me1·chauts• now, ~~~~J~~~~ RUTLAND, VT, VERDl~ll'~ ~TEAll ESTABLIS:I-IED ALSO, :BAKERY, HAN~ AN~ ~TtAM ~tRRI~K~ AN~ TRAVtLLtR~ 1853. H. L. VERDER & CO., VERDER'S EXCELS'iOR"JiiiTLAND CRAGKERS,. A SPECIALTY. SODA BISCUIT, &C. 46 CENTER STREET, RUTLAND VT H. L. VERDER • • 'l'. J. LYON. C. W. NICHOLS, I Ph~t~~r~~~ ~®)r ~ t'~=~ ~ · Wrought Iron Pipe and Fittings, 211-2 CENTER S'l'REE'r, R UTL.A.ND, VER:::t'Y.I:ONT. Franles, StereosCOJl iC Vi c ·w s of nuuand JUarble Q u arries an(l ot h ,H· VorI IHI!tf •;,• ,,1' 1"'1''' '''"l f• lH ' I , Rutland Directory 1878-1879 , 1, , . , , I At M anufacturers' Prices. CHAS. E. ROSS, DEALER IN RUTLAND MiliTARY IN~TITUH, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC . I l IOJry 1 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. ;@eJ~~~ Clie;~k~~ Sh~ wli;~ Capt. SAMUEL H. KELLEY, Principal. FANCY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, &c. .& lJa•Dy lobool for llo)'s. No. 3 MERCHANTS' ROW . for"s Celebrated. Patterns. ..i'-lso Se-w-l..:n.g J>.< J:'Teed.les of a.ll kl..:n.d.s. The Course of Study is Preparatory for College. RUTLAND, VT. COLUMBIAN MARBLE CO., SOLE PRODUCERS OF BOARD, WASHING AND FURNISHED ROOM, $400 per Year. Cor. Church and William Streets, lllanufactm·ers of RUTLAND, VT. URNS, PEDESTAL~ AND ALL VARIETIES ~F TURNED MARBLE W~RK, .A. • 'VV" ::E3: I T E d:) C C> • , ALSO, 33 CENTER ST., RUTLAND, FINISHED COTTAGE MOXUMENTS, HEADSTONES, &c. Office and Mill, 120 West Street, DEALERS IN RUTLAND. R. BARRETT, Treasurer. D. l.\1.1:. "VV'::E3:ITE ~ CO., I . UhoicB Family Grocorios, Provisions, Uann8d Goods, l MANUFACTURERS OF DIMENSION TIMBER, SPRUCE AND HARD WOOD, Clapboa rds , Finished and Unfinished, Ce. dar Sh in gles and Lath. STEAM MILLS. ALSO, l DEALEHS. Rutland, Vt. J D. M. WmTK, 1 Fn~::n . CrU.l'.i'lUC. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 I GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. 2 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. 3 RUT1A~D M~NUM~NTA1 W~RK~, WHITE & HAVEN, Proprietors. Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Monuments, Tablets, STATUARY, Tombs, Vanits, Headstones, 31 CENTER STREET, CENOTAPHS, GOOD FIT GUARANTEED 'OR NO SALE. RUTLAND, VT. I: WEST RUTLAND, VT. II ,,tl ,, f F. ~ORSE A. DBU'GG.XSTe ORIENTAL TEA CO., I TEAS ~ ~ ~ I [I ! ' VERI\IONT, RHODE ISLAND, NEW HAMPSHIRE, MASSACHUSETTS, AND SCOTCH Please Examine REDUCED Price List or ~ ,, ~ MARBLE; ALSO AGENT FOR THE I 'I r And all the most desirable forms of Cemetery improvements wrought in American al'l.d Foreign Marble and Granite, of which I have the largest assortment to be found in New England, complete and erected, now on sale in our yard and warerooms, over 400 in number, which we cordially invite the inspection of all in want of first class work, manufactured from the choicest grades of Vermont and Italian AND COFFEES. GRANITE. I ALSO HAVE A FULL LINE OF Drugs, Patent 1\Iedicines, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Window Glass, all sizes, Putty, . '\Vall Paper, Window Shades and Fixtures, Pure Spices, Cream Tartar, Soda, Sugars, Confectionery, Stationery, Base Balls, COLD SODA 'W'ATER, MINERAL vVATERS, TOILET ARTICLES, &c. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF TOYS. P erfected Extract of ANN OTTO for coloring Butter and Ch eese. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 "Paris STATUARY AND RUSTIC MONUMENTS AND TABLETS A SPECIALTY. All work will be sold at prices that defy competition. An assortment of STONE CUTTER'S SUPPLIES constantly on hand, Address WHITE & RAVEN, 86 and 88 West Street. Rutland, Vt. .;:;:. -'"-~---. - ·==============:::::::=:====::=--------~ ==---_...---~----------·~ 4 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. THEBOSTON~~~ENTST~RE. L. G. KINGSLEY, RIPLEY'S MARBLE BLOCK, Everybody says that the Dlace to obtain the best Bar[aius is at DEALER IN Til !OSTOI99 CIIT STOBiv HABDWABEJ) Opposite the Depot, RUTLAND, y rr. New Goods received daily, and we invite the public to examine our Stock, as money can · b e saved by so doing. EEJ:l..I.CEJ:l..I.CEEE T::S:E J. B. :lv:TACO:lv:TEER, El•e;tp~ Silllv~~ PlllatteP~ AND REPAIRER OF AND DE.U.EB IN CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, OVER WHITE & CO.'S STORE, 33 Center Street, RUTLAND, V~. MISS ·M. K. THORNTO N , Milli~~ry NO. ~3 eJ£17bd FeJ£~cy {;i(()(()ds~ VT AS:::S:INGTON ST., RUTLAND, Fuse, Pow«1:er, Nails, Manilla Cordage, Tools, Cumberland Coal, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Howe's Standard Scales at Manufacturers' Prices. ' I ! IRON, STEEL, GLASS, PAINTS, LEAD, OILS, VARNISHES, J?L..e....CE, RUTLAND, VT. Opposite the Depot, I' 5 VT. F. W. & C. D. SHEDD, ~IJBHJJTITBI~ RICH P .A.RLOR FURNITURE, Centre Ta"bles~ Extension Ta"bles~ JY.I:atresses~ Spring Beds~ Cham."ber Sets~ Carpets~ Oil Cloths. ~irrors~ MANUFA C TURERS OF RICH Ghamllflr, llininR Room, Library anu OIDGB Fnrnituro, @@l~I(1JICOO~f) @&~Kl11l~~f) DEALERS IN lQ)Il' "! ;QOJEJS~ ;!OJ~EllUISY !OJDJ'fS AND SHOJElSv Hata and Caps, Crockery, Glassware and Yankee Notions of all Kinds. CENTER RUTLANl), VT, Rutland Directory 1878-1879 AND METALLIC BURIAL CASES, &c., R U1..~.A.ND, VT. 6 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. F _ H. "W"HEELER, SAJY-[UEL TERRILL, Successor to B. K. Chase, dealer In ~ABRIA&B 7 DANV·A~T8RY FINE GOLD AND SILVER, STEM AND KEY WINDING 'VV .A..TC::EIE::S, DIAMONDS, RICH JEWELRY, CHAINS, SILVER GOODS, PLATED WARE, AND BLACKSMITH SHOP, And a Very Large Variety of , . II I CAlllllAGE Tlii!.U.!ING AND PAINTING A SPECIALTY• Pa1•t·icular Care Taken in Fitt·in(J. ' t ,,' Repairing Done In the Best Style, nt Short Notice. ALL CRADES OF SPECTACLES, Particular attention .paid to Horse-Shoeing. No Fancy Names or Prices, but a Good Article at a Reasonable Price. Also~ Sign of Bee Hive, 25 Merchants' Row, Rutland, Vt. Cor. of West and Wales Streets, FINE WA'l'CH REPAIRING A SPECIAL'l'Y. ., ' W ~ E~ BQJ-~ ~ 1) 5 MERCHANTS' RO'\V, Keeps constantly on baud a full stock of MEN'S, WOMEN'S, MISSES AND CHILDREN'S BOOT~, ~HOE~ &RUBBER~, 'I .i ~; j ' !if ,i/ ,I ., I, ~ i, I i LI ' .! I At the LOWEST possible prices for Cash. Please give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. N. B. Also, Sole Agent for Luby, I'wichardson &. Co.'s Ladies' Fine Shoes. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 Manufacturer of the Self-Acting Brake, RUTLAND, VT. R JOHN MciNTYRE, LANll 11RI~K Y · Manufacturer of Pressed Bricks. A FULL SUPPLY OF BRICKS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Located East of L. Chaffee's Dwelling House, B V 9LAN D I!l Vli)Fl@ H. H. BROWN & 00., Dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ::S::::.A.TS .AND C..AFS, BOOTS, SHOES, READY MADE CLOTHING, :S:a.:rd'W" Crookery. l?Gi.te:n. t J).< Ce.r;pets. Floor a.:o.d. 'l:'a.'ble Oil Cloths, Fish., Flour,, &c. WEST RUTLAND, VT. 8 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. -CLUETT & SONS, !{JQJBJ)I' @Jti lll 1l~~~~ .. j I I I f j_{.-,s- ~ &QS ' IIARBWDLL . n•uso)!J By J. W. CRAMTON, BUTL..A.ND. "V"E:BJ::..I.I:ONT- i?HIB:&STREET, TROY, N.Y. This old, reliable house have the United States. A large and complete stock of larg~st ware rooms in the Good Stabling and Livery Connected with the House, 1 •I II ·t '• I' 'I 9 Constantly on hand, at prices that defy competition. Instruments sold on the most accommodating terms. Send for illustrated catalogue. GEO. TOBEY, General .Agt., BARDWELL HOUSE, RUTLAND, VT. SPAULDING & CO., :Book;1ll1r1 and . st~t!~~~r;v ALBUMS, PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, Brackets, Wall Pockets, Glass Shades, Portemonnaies, Fancy Goods, AND NEWS DEALERS. Agents for James HELIOTYPE n. Osgood I; No. 1 MERCHANTS' ROW, Rutland Directory 1878-1879 DEALER IN H~R~E RAKE~, M~WING MA~HINE~, Hay Tedders, and White Flint Sand, Co.'s ENGRAVINGS, Cor. West Street, J. H. CHATTERTON, RUTLAND, VT. Charter Oak Swivel Plo~., and Randall's Pnlverizin[ Harrow, 3 ~ WASHINGTON STREET, RUTLAND, VT. ; 10 11 RU TLAND DIHECTORY. HUTLAND DIHECTORY. 'I CA~:?EN, J. & T. Wholcsal o ancl Hrtnil Ocnlors in lf:IW KACI!lf:l SiDPv Canned l•~rnitl"<, Picklcl'i, &c., G lass, Earthenw are a ncl l'ancy Goods; also, Dealers in Da·y Goods, Sha.wls, Dress Hood~, Ho!-Oi e l'y, G lo,·es, &c., &c. An Assort1nent of Gent's :Furnislain g- Goo(l s con sta.utly on hand . Also, Boots, Shoes and Rubb e r~; .· Ag·c nt s for 1\Iail Steamers to and fron1 Europe. Drafts to Engl a.utl, .I l'Cht hd, Scotlan<l an<l 'Vales. ,.. DAVID SHORTSLEEVE. Corr , Freight and Evelyn Strr eets, ~-~~~3llmll~ v~. FURNACE srrREE'l', RUTLAND, V~. All kind s of Machine 'i'V ork don e at short notice, and repairs made upm• rdl kinds of Machinery in a first-Class mann e r. Steam a nd H on;e P owe r Derrick;;, Ma rble Turnin g and Polishin g Lathes , Gritting and Poli shin g- Machines of different kinds, Gearin g and Pulleys, Boxes, &c., finish ed promptly. Ca s tings of all descripti ons finished to order. Steam a nd W a te r Pipe, and Fittin g·s for t l1 c ~:;a m e . A numbe r of my Marble Lathes in n Re. Poli shin g· MachineR for poli;;hing s qua re m o num e nt~. ' I II WM. METZGER, 't III ha,Citioa.1 U'p hOJ!SJte~at'. !' '. ' · I' ,,, ,· JO BB INC Iii IIJ I 1. AND II'' ,,·H,., '•t I :i· i I,. REPA IRING. Orders left at L. G. Kin[sleY's Store will receive PromiJt Attention. Shop on Evelyn St., Residence, 25 Elm St., RUTLAND, VT. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOT~, ~HOE~ &RUBBER~, LEATHER AND FINDINGS. E. F. SADLER, Proprietor, 1\IUTUAL EXCHANGE BLOCK, Cor. West and Grove Sts., Rutland, Vt. •' ··r· RUTLAND BOOT AND SHOE CO., RUTLAND BOILER SHOP. J. W. & J. H. HOLMES, l\Ianufactw·ers of ~t' o e ~ - ~~~r.lrn~~h ;;'"'::':~ ~~~ . SHEE1., IRON WORK O:F ALL R INDS, REPAIRING PROMPTLY'.ATTE ND ED TO. West Street, Opposite Catholic Cemetery, Rutland, Vt. ALL WORK WAlUtAN'J.'ED AND ~ATIS.f:o'AC1'IO N OU.•.fRANTEE:U. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 FRANK M. MELLOW, HAIR DRESSING ROOMS, 21 CENTER STREET (2d Floor ). I will be pleased to wait upon all my old customers, and as many new ones as will favor m e with their patronage. Nothing but first-class work. Clean t.owels, cups and brush es for every one. l prepare and have on sale tL ~ famou s SEA FOAM, for keeping the scalp clean. Everybody, particularly ladies with lon g h air, should have a bottle. Only 50 cents. PLEASE 'fRY IT. 1~ RUTLAND DIRECTORY. E. D. KEYES & 00., STOP·.:f"HAT GOUGH, CURE THAT GOLD. Whole•nle Jlealers in Xe:o.d.a.ll' s Pector ... l ::s.._lsa.r:o.. vv1ll doo 1 t. ~~~-"'e~ . t.• x~~~~l, VJV) - ~ =~~--1!1! S:~~~s -' ~~~ -" ~ P~/1\'\flSl~'FlS ~ -!!J~ '=-~-J\,11 __ ~' Tes. ~ .\~ !!!_, FLOUR, GRAIN AND KEROSENE OIL Agents for the Celebrated "CHARM OF THE WEST" AND "CREAM CITY" fRANCIS FENN, WHOLESALE AND RE'l'AIL D _B.UGGXST~ PROPRIETOR OE;, ' CHE'"W"ING TOBACCO. KENDALL'S Cor. Evelyn Street, and Depot Square, Rutland, Vt. E. n. N. R. BAll.DY. KY.YY. S. NOVELTIES) VTF.rOLESALE AN"'D RETAIL. All the · latest, ·. fast selling· Novelties constantly on hand. Call on us for anything· you 'vant. vVe are GENERAL PURCHASING AGENTS F'or all Kinds of Goods- AGENTS "W" A NTED. UNION NOVELTY CO., C. l'Ait~n:NTim , 13 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. :lfunuger. 58 WEST. STREE:J', 1' U:J'L.-lNJ>, 1'7'. ALSO, INSURANCE AGENCY. JOHN SLATTERY, 1\Iauufactm·er of TIN SYRUP, The Great Throat and Lung Remedy. TRY IT_ ALSO, DR. ALLEN'S DYSENTERY SYRUP, And Compound Extract of Barks and Roots for making Beer. No. 13 CENTER STREET, RU'fLAND, V'J'. C.A.LL .A.J::'l"D SEE :W.:CE. THE RUTLAND HERALD AND GLOBE. jCONSOLIDATION OF THE DAILY AND WEEKLYl HERALD AND DAILY AND WEEKLY GLOBE. f 1 THE LEADING VERMONT NEWSPAPER. DAILY HERALD AND GLOBE. The Daily is published every morning (Sundays excepted), in seaso n for early morning trains and mails, and gives as much reading matter as any Daily in New England north of Boston, publishing news simulta neously with th e city papers, and r eaching subscribers by mail or throu gh local ' newsmen eight to twelve hours al! ead of them . T erms.- One year in advance, $6.00; six months $3.00; 50 cents per month. THE WEEKLY HERALD AND GLOBE COPPER, ' AND SHEET IRON WARE, Plumbing, Roofing and Jobbing· PROMPTl.Y DONE. 37 CEN'l'ER S'l'REE'l\ RU'l'LAND, VT. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 PECTOR~L Is printed on a large and hand some qua rto sh eet, of eig ht pages [64 columns], making it one of the largest weekli es, and at th e price, consid ering size, quality and amount of reading matter, th e cheapest weekly Newspaper of New Eng land . It is publish ed every Thursday in season for th e mails of that day. T erms. - Ono year, .invariably in advan ce, $2.00 ; si x month s $l.OO; three month s 50 cents. The ~erald and Globe is the best advertising m.e .: ium. in the state of Verm.ont. Prices reasonable. HERALD AND GLOBE ASSOCIATION t:f·p'1~~~E<h~'L~~~·i~~-nnngcr. r Publishers, RUTLAND, VT. 14 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. 15 WOODWARD & HILL, • ?\fannfnctnrcrs and Import e r~ or AND TRIMMINGS, And Dealers in ., II 'I "i , .. Corner Center and Wales Streets, RUTLAND, VT. . !' . C. F. RICHARDSON, Proprietor. I 'I This house is situated one block from the depot and contains 116 rooms with all modern improvements, and having just been Refitted and Refur: nished throughout, making it one of th e best hou ses in the State. Parties visiting Rutland will find it to th eir advantage to try the "BERWICK," as our accommodations are of the Best, and prices to suit the times, Drill and Duck, Enameled Uubber Drill and Duck, Ena1ueled and Patent Leather, BROADCLOTH AND CORDUROY, Valentine's Varnish, :Masury's Coach Colors, ,,I ' ~ .,1• 'i i'' ·i ! TRANSFER ORNAMENTS. Tug-ethe r with <L larg·c and complete nsSilt'lln c nt of Materials 324 Broadway, cor. Hamilton Street, ALBANY, N. Y. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 ONLY $2 .00 PER DAY. A FIRST CLASS LIVERY • In connection with the house, where fine turnouts ca n be had on short notice and at HEASONABLE PJUCES . C. F. & G. RICHARDSON, .. .J~~~~..J!l LIVERY, BOARDING AND SALE STABLE, AND CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. 24 CEN'l'ER S'l'REF.T, RUTLAND, V'l' . 16 RUTLAND RUTLAND DIRECTORY. .-- -·- - - --- --- ------·- -- - ::S::OUSE_ RUTLAND, VERJ'I'I:ONT. OPEN JULY 1 , DIRECT.O RY 1877_ T he traveling public, who so li bcrnll y patronized _the Bntcs H01m·, previ?_ns to its d,cstrnction by fire in 1876, will be pl eased to Jearn that lt has been ! el1111l t. and\\ 111 lie opc n ~cl on the l ,t dny of July :!877. The new hotel s tands on the s1te of the old o_nc, b1 ~t ' " )urge r a nd mOre con ve nientl y nnnngcd. No cxpcns~ hn~ been ~llarcd 1~1 fi~tmg 1t up tn u fir l'$ t-c1nfls tnan ner, uud it stand f:. se.cond to n o h otel 111 tlu ~ o r any oti H.: I Stt~te f?r c01.1~C ~li ic:n cc of nrrnJwc m c n L and acl aptn tto n to the com.fort of Jts g u est~ . H hn1S been fi m 1Sh ct t hr01whout in °8H pcri or Htyle, with all t he modern 1mprove n~ c nts; IS l ~t'll!.Nl hy s tc~n, nnLl furni Shed with enti rely new nnd c !CO'Uut black-walnut fu rmt ure. It 1;-: lighted b_y '='as_, hus hot nnd cold water, bath room s, etC. In short, every t hing that t~ :-; t.c could snggcH~ o•: nenius inve nt for th e comfort of t.ruve lers has been placed ut the dt:-:posal of t he_pntt OIIJ ~ f the Dntcs Home. Commercial men will find t be new ho tel even mor~ convcment an desirable as a resort for drum mers, th un the old one. All t h ~ room s a rc llght nud pl ensnnt nnd can be used singly or en suite. .Families cnu make spec18l arran ge men ts for con ven· ient and comfortable suites of rooms . FOR ~-878-9. EMBRAClNG TilE RESIDENTS OF THE Village of Rutland, Center Rutland and West Rutland, A. C. BATES & SON, Proprieto1·s , "V"EEJMI:ONT- I ,: I II '\ PETER.. F.A.~.A..N; . ALSO A ·I I BUSINESS DIRECTORY , Has a fin e asso rtmeut of im ported a nd domest ic goods, which will be mad e into g;nrm?nt,; in tl1e latest styles, at low pn ..:es. Clot llln !_),· , Shirt Pattern s and Ladies' S:1cq nes, cut 111 the latest styles and w a rranted to fit. A STREET DIRECTORY, AND AN A. NOVAK, Cu tter. 25 ~ APPENDIX OF INTERESTING LOCAL INFORMATION. Merchants' Row, RUTLAND, VT. Up Stairs . E. F DUNKLEE, .. COMPILED BY R. S. DILLON & CO. I, ftl PRICE $1.50. 0 H RUTLAND: 5 MAIN STREET, RUTLAND , VT. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 TUTTLE & CO., PUBLISHERS . AND STATIONERS, AND OFFICIAL PRINTERS TO THE STATE OF VERMONT. WASSON ~ MARTIN, ALBANY ROO~ING &GAlVANllED IRON WORK~, Manufacturers of Ornamental Galvanized Iron Work, SPECIAL ATTENTION IB CALLED TO THE FOLLOWING INDEX TO ADVERTISEME,NTS OF RELIABLE MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS AND PROFESSIONAI, MEN. Builders of _Iron Roofs & Corrugated Iron Buildings, · DEALERS IN Roofin~ MatBrials, CanB FibrB, TarrBd and En[lish FBlt. ROOFS COVERED WITH SLATI, TIN, · IRON & WAE~EN~s ROD!·ING. Nos. 7 and 9 James Stre et, J. D. WASSO_~J l aT. M.A.RTll'l. l .ALBANY, N. Y. Roofs Painted with their celebrated Iron Paint. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 Pag5 Ballance J . 13. Mrs. , hair work and hair j ll welry ,.. . ..... ... .... . Bardwell House, J. N. Cramton, proprietor, ..... ..-.. ..... .. .... ... 9 Bates. House , A. C. Bates & Son, propri etors, .. .. ,........... .. . .. 16 B~r~Vlck House , C. F . Richa1:dson, proprietor, ....... ... .. .... ... 15 Bilhngs B. & D. 0., fino fam1ly groceries,.. . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. 38 4 Boston 99 Cept Store, Wardwell & Benner,........ .. ... .. ....... . Bowruan & Leach , Bowman Monumental works. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. ... 40 Brown H. H. & Co., country store, West Rutland ,.... .. .. . .. .. .. 7 Butler J . C. , furniture , etc., Albany, .. ............ ... ......... ... .. Caden J . & T., groceries, dry goods, etc.,. ... .... ... .. . . .. ... .... .. 10 Chatterton S. H., horse rakes, mowing machines, etc.,. . . .. .. . .. 9 Cluett Fred. H ., pianos, organs, etc. , 269 River street, Troy, sec bottom lines and page... ... .. ... ... .... . .. .... .. . .... .. .. .... 47 Cluett & Son~, pianos, organs, etc., 268 River street Troy see ' .. .. .. '... .. 8 top rmes an d page .. .. .... .. ...... ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Columbian Marble Cp., ... -.. ... ... .. .. .. .. .... .. ..... . front colored leaf Cross 0. T . Mrs., chromos, paintin11;s, frames. etc ., ... ....... . .... 49 Day Geo. Q., pianos and organs.. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. . .. . .. .. 51 Delaware & Hu~son Canal Uo.,.. ....... ...... . .. .... .. .... .... .. .. 135 Dunklee B. F., JCe dealer , ... ... .. ... . ..... .. .. .. ... ...... ..... ..... . 16 Dunt. 'L Cramton, stoves, furn aces, etc. ,... .. ..... . .. .. . ... ..... . : 54 Ellis the tailor,.......... .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 2 Fagan Peter, merchant tailor, .. ...... ..... . :. .. .... ......... ...... . .. 16 Fairhaven Marble & Marbleized Slate Co., .. .. : .. ... .. ...... .... 136 Fenn Francis, druggist, .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 13 Flints Johnson & Co.,'marble producers,.,.C. Rutland , .. colored page • 21 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Flynn B. J ., merchant tailor,... .. ........... ...... .... .... 58 110 Forbes C. H ., insurance agent,.......... .. ................. Francisco Insurance Agency, ..... ...... ...... .. .... .... .. .... ... ... 59 Gibson John, building mover, etc, .................................. 131 Gi lm ore C. J ., stationery, periodicals, West Rutland,.... .. ...... 134 Gi lson Thomas S ., furniture and undertaker, ............. colored page Harris Chas. P. & Co., lumber dealers, nail works, planing mill,. etc .. see.... . ..... . ................................ 2d colored leaf Herald & Globe Association, ...... .. ........ ....... .. .. ... ... .. .. .. 13 Hickey F. 0 ., first class res taurant, ......... ...... ....... .. .. ...... 66 1-1 iggins A !bert W ., pharmacist, .......... .. fr ont colored pa~e Hoadley L. J .~ baker, West Rutland,...... .... ............ .. ... ... 13 L Hollister Tyrel & Co, marble producers, East Dorset,.... ..... ,. 68 Holmes J. W. & J. H., boilermaker~, etc.,. ...... .. .. ............. 10 Howe Scale Co., ................................. .see outside front cover Keyes E. D. & Co ., wholesale and retail grocers, ........... ,...... 12 Kilburn A.. dentist,........ .. .. .... ..... ....... . .. ... 72 Kingsley H. W., merchant tailor,.......................... ......... 73 Kin g,;ley J... (j ., hardware, furniture, etc.,....... .. ..... .... ... .. .. 5 i\·l clntyre Johu, proprietor Rutland brick yard, .... .... ...... .. . 7 Macomber J . B ., electro silver plater,....... .................. .... .. 4 Mansfield & Stimson, props. of Eagle Foundery, see in side back cover Marshall A. S., watches, j ewelry. guns, etc.,...................... 80 Mason Charles S., clothing, furnishing goods, etc.,........ . ...... 81 ,\l ead & Parker; country store, ........ ......... ...... .. .... .. ...... 82 Mellow Frank M., hairdressing rooms,.............. ............... 11 Merriam E. N., pianos, shirt manufacturer, etc.,........ ....... .. 83 Metzger Wrn., practical upholsterer,................. . ..... ........ .. 10 Micbacl A. M.. rubber stamps, stencil cutter, &c., }.. lbany, 134 Morse F A., druggist, teas, etc.,................................... .. . 2 Mullin D. F. & Bro. ; drugt: ists, family groceries, etc. ,...... ..... . 85 ;\l ussey \\'. B. & Sou, choice family groceries, "............. ... .. 86 Nichols C. W., photographer , .... .. ................. fr on t colored page Remington J . H., auctioneer, etc., .............................. .. .. 110 Ripley Sons, marble producers, Centre Hutland, .. .. ... ... back cover Ross Chas. E ., dry and fancy goods, ............ ... .. front colored page · Ross Thomas, machinist and founder, ............. .. fr ont colored page 6 Ross W . E., boots, shoes, etc., .. ............ .. . :.. .. ........ .. ... .. .. Rowell Sidney W ., European steamship agent, .. ........ ... . .. .. 95 Rutland Boot & Shoe Co., E. D . Sadler, proprietor, ....... . ...... 112 Rutland Foundry Co., ...... ........... ..... . ........ seco nd colored leaf Rutland Marble Co., J. N . Baxter, supt.,... in side front cover Rutland Military Institute, S. H. Kelley, principal,........... . .. 1 Selkirk Alex., solicitor ·of patents, Albany, ....... .... .. . see top lin es 4 Shedd F . W. & C. D., country store, Centre 1'tutland , .. .... .... Sheldons & Slason, marble producers, W. Rutland ,........ back cover l1 Shortsleeve David, machinist, etc., .... ,.,, .. ... ,.................. Slattery ·John, tin, copper & sheet iron ware, .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 8 Spaulding & Co., books, stationery, fancy goods, etc.,............ 9 · Stewart Robert, choice groceries, provisions, etc.,.......... .. .. .. Sutherland Falls Marble Co., marble producers, ..... 1st colored page Terrill Samuel, carriage manufacturer,...... ... ... .................. 7 Tuttle & Co., books, stationery, printing, etc., opposite page 104 .Union Novelty Works, C. Parmenter , ............... ... .... . 12 and 21 • Verder H . L. & Co., steam bakery, .. ...... .......... front colored page Wheeler F. H ., watche8, jewelry, etc., .. .. ..... .. ..... .... .. .. .. .. 6 White A. & Co., groceries, provisions, etc., .... .. . .. .. .... . .. .... 1 White D. M. & Co., lumber, timber, etc., ... ........ front colored pago White Elwin H., watchmaker, jeweler, etc., W. Rutland, ...... 108 White & Haven, Rutland Monumental Works,.. ......... 3 Woodward & Hill, carriage and saddlery, hardware , Albany, 14 20 Rutland Directory 1878-1879 NAMES TOO LATE FOR ALPHABETICAL INSERTION IN DIRECTORY. Stewart Robert, dealer in choice family groceries, provisions, &c., 14 Wales. house do . (See adv. page 9.) Wallace W. V. & Co., manufacturers of the celebrated ''Shaker" soap. (See adv . below) Wallace W. V. (W. V. Wallace & Co.), bds . Bates House. W. V. WALLACE & CO., Mnnufucturers of tho Celebrated RUTLAND, VT. ~~~~l !H\E~ ~10\~ :m J!...,-~~ ") ~ ~) ~~~ -;,Jni~"DJ ~ ~iMlllmll~d!\.~ -~~-~~~ INSURANCE AGEN·T, ~Mutual Exchange Block, 58 "W"EST STREET, RUTLAND, VT. STREETS AND AVENUES. STREETS AND A VENUES. ALLEN STREET.-Running east from Main. street ncar fair ground. BAXTER STREET.-RunR north from Lincoln lrou \V orks. BROWN STREET.-West of Granger street, and runnin g from Franklin due south to the village limits. · CENTRE STREET.-Runs from R. R. depot to Main street. CHERRY STREET.-Runs from Franklin street northwest to Forest. CHESTNUT A VENUE.-Situated at the extreme north end of the village, extending north from Williams street nearly opposite to and nearly continuing Cottage street. CHURCH STREET.-Commencing near the centre of West street at the Episcopal church, and running north to village limits. CoTTAGE STREET.-Runs from West street and runs north to Williams street. CoURT STREET.-Commencing at West street, and running south by the Post Office to Washington street. EAST STREET -Situated at the extreme east part of tho village, commencin~ at Green street and running north to Terrill street. EDSON STREET.-Commencing at West sLreet on th e south, nearly npposite Cottage street, and running south to Willow street. ELM STREET.-Commencing at West. .street on the north, and running north to Williams street. EVELYN STREET.-Commcncing at West street on th e south, nearly opposite to the Methodist church, and runnin g south to the rlepot park. FoREST S·rREET.-Commencing at West Rtreet on the south, opposi:te to the village cemetery, and running south to the limits of the village. . FRANKLIN STREET.-Cotnmencing at the termina tion of Furnace street, and running southwest to Forest street. FuRNACE STREET.-Commencing at Union street, oppo~it e to the furnace of _Mansfield & Stimson, and running south to Franklin street. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 23 GARDEN STRE:I!:T.-Runs east from Grove. GIBSON A-VENUE.-East from south end of Forest. GRANGER STREET.-Situated in rear of depot "'rounds commencin" "' ' at F ran kl.lD street, and running south to village bounds. • o GRANT A VENUE.-Runs from Elm street to Lincoln avenue. GREEN STREET.-Runs east from Main street to the village limits. GR?V~ STREET.-Commencing at West street, opposite to, and conuumug, Merchants' row, due north to the village limits. HIGH STREET.--Running easterly from No. 29 Main street. Ho~KINS STREE.T.-Commencing at Main street at the foot of the hill, and runmng west to Strong's avenue. HowE STREET.-Commencing at Forest street and running south' east to Franklin street. LINCOLN A VE~UE.-Commencing at West street on the north, nearly opposite t~ Court street, a little east of the house of M. G. Evarts, and runnmg north to Grunt avenue. MADISON S'J.'REF.T.-Commencing at the south end of Main street on the brow of the hill, and running west to Strong's avenue: · ' MA:N STREET.-Commencing at the extreme north end of the VIllage, and running south to the extreme south limits- bein" the old stage road from Boston to Burlinotonand comprisin~ 0 mostly the original village. o MAPLE STREET.-A short street at the northwest part of the village running from near the centre of Grove street to Summer street. ' MEADOW STREET.-The extreme west street of the village running f~o~ West street south to the extreme south line of the villaooe · hmits. . o MECHA_NIC STREET.-Commencing at the centre of Forest street and runmng west to the village limits. MERCHA~Ts' Row.-Commencing at West street, opposite to and extendmg to Grove street, and running south to Washidgton street. MINERAL ,.. THEET.-Running westerly from Pine to East Creek. MoULTHROP A VENUE.-Runs east from south end of Forest. NICKWACK~TT STREET.-Situated in the rear of the High Sehoul and runnmg from Centre street south to Washington street. ' NoRTH STREET.-Running easterly from Grove street to Main . PARK AVENUE.-Runs from Gen. Baxter's residence on Grove street to Baxter street. P.ARK ST&EET.-Runs west from Main [near fair ground.] 24 ., STREETS AND AVENUES • ~. 1 PEARL STREET.-Running southerly from Perkins ave . to North. A VENUE -Running easterly from Grove street to Main. P1N1<: S'l'REET.-Uommeucing at West street on th e norLh, a little east of the village cemetery, and runnin g north to the village limits. PLEASANT STREET. -Commencing at W ashingtou street (between Main and Prospect), south to Madison street . PROSPECT STREET ..:_H.uns from Washington (between Wales and Pleasant) to Madison street. RIVER STREET.-Commeneing at Granger street, iu the rear of the depot grounds, and -running west to the village li mits. ScaooL STREET.-Runs from Forest street west to .\Ieadow. SoUTH STREET.-Commeneing at Forest street, and running west to the village limits, east to west. SPRING STREET.-Runs from Grove to Pine street. STRONG AVENUE.-Commenccs at the termination of Merchants' row, and runs diagonally southeast to the southern limits. SuMMER STREET.-At the northwest part of the village, parallel with Grove street, from :'11aple to Spring street. TEMPLE STREET.-Runs east from north part of Maio. TERRILL STREET.-Ruos east from Cheney's store on Main. UNION STREET.-An angular street, unitin g Evelyn and Freight streets, and runnin g to Forest street. WALES 8TREET.-Corumencing at \Vest street, and running south across Centre and Washington streets to Strong's aven ue. WASHINGTON STREET.-Commences at Merchants' row (opposite Town Hall) and runs east to East street. WEsT STREET.-Commencing at i\Iain street at Court House square, and running west to the village limits. WILLIAMS STREET.-Commencing near the centre of Grove street, and running east to Elm street. WILLOW STREET.-Commencing at Wales street, between Centre and West streets, and running west to Edson street. WOODSTOCK A VENUE.-Runs from east side of Main street and runs east to the village limits -being the old Rutland and Stockbridge turnpike. P~<:rtKINS •. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. ~878-9. A Abar Joshua, mechanic, house Centre Rutland Abar Louis, marble worker, house 86 West A braham A. H. (A braham Bros.), boards 10 Prospect Abraham Bros., manufacturers of fine Havana and domestic cigars, dealers in all kinds of smo kers articles 3 Centre Abraham Hart, cigar maker, boards I 0 Prospect ' Abraham Lewis (Abraham Bros.), boards 10 Prospect Adams Charles F., physician and surgeon, 32 Grove Adams Frances Miss, teacher, boards 109 Main Adams Frank K, practical watchmaker, boards 1 William Adams H. E., watches, j ewelry, guns, pistols, etc., 15 M<>rchants' row, house 1 vVilliai!JS. Adams Roland, sewing -machine al:!'cn t, boards 2 ·woodstock ave. Aiken Silas Mrs, .widow., house 71 Main Alexander Bdward, marl:ilecuttl'r. house 1 School Alexander Samuel, barber . boards 15 Willow Aikey H~-,ry. house near l:ead of All en Allaire Alfred, painter, house 8 Howe Allard ,Joseph, mason, house Woodstock avenue Allard William J .. harnessmak er, house \>Vest Butland Allbee Gardner, carpenter, house Centre Rutland Allbee Ellis, gardener. house Centre Rutland Allen Ambrose, emp. Rutland M. Co .. West Rutland Allen Charles, blacksmith, house 22 Elm Allen Charles H .. hnrnessmaker, house Union block, 4th story Allen Chas. L., phy~ician and surgeon, office over E . D Keyes & Co's store, house 76 Main "KING OF PIANOS" Sold Excl usively by Fred. II. Cluett. STEINWAY Rutland Directory 1878-1879 5 ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. 34 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. Henry G., teamster, house 27 Merchants' row Jane Mrs., canvasser, house 27 Merchants' row J ehial D ., machinist, house 50 Forest John ~1., farmer, house Main above tannery Peter, carpenter, house 22 Elm Roswell K, cabinetmaker, house 3 Nickwackct.t Amory T. T. & Co., wholesale tobacconists, 69 Merchants' row, Bardwell House block Amory '1'. T . ('1'. T . Amory & Co.), boards 109 Main Alvord George B., engineer, house 5 Williams Alvord Lucy C. Mrs ., widow, house 5 Williams Ames Chauncey, shoema ker, house 100 l\lain Anderson & Doran, dealers in ready made clothing, gents' furnishing goo ds, hats, caps, etc., 29 Centre Anderson George (Anderson & Doran), boards Berwi ck House Anderson ~ohn and Nelson P ., quarrymen, S heldons & Slason Anderson Sarah K., dressmak er , boards 12 EasL Andrewsberry A., yardman for Shcldons & 8lason Angier Luther, 'mechanic, house 6 Cottage Appell Morris, cigar manufacturer, house 3 Union Armstrong E . A. Miss, dressmaker, 32~ Merchants' row Arnold Greene, carpenter, house !\lain below R. R. crossing Ashmun's Temi>le of .Fashion, 9 Centre Ashinun S. R._, dealer in fancy and millinery goous, 9 Centre, ho use 2 Williams Aslin Tuffield, employed R. M. Co., West Rutland Atwell James , carpenter, boards 39 Center Atwood Loring, house 26 West Aubertin Fran . R ., laborer, house 34 Forest Auld Joseph, book-keeper and reporter " Herald and Globe," bds. Bates House Austin Anthony, shoemaker, house 11 Green Austin Henry, shoemaker, house 57 West Austin John Mrs., ho use rear 79 Main Austin Joseph, blacksmith, house Maple near Spring Austin & McMahon, b lacksmiths, 67 West Averill Isaiah L., sawyer, West below Columbian Marble Co. Averin Pat'k and Wm., sawyers, Sheldons & Slason Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen ,.•. ) i' I r . li ·I . I •I . I ,:; ' . t:' ,, I ( ., ·.· I ,I ! r f·;:;: r : .1• ~ !J'·· 1!'!:~1 ·'r ., ' I I· ' ·f II' I ; I j I', .f .., il If· I ~ '! I· · ., B Babcock C. L., I' d general manager of Metropolitan Life Ins . C.o. for Vermont, N.H., and Northern N . Y., office and residence Berwick House RE!!t H. TROY N y ' FCLU.I!lTT, 1 1 Rutland Directory 1878-1879 Is selling the World's Best Pianos and Organs at prices that defy com petition. WEBER PIANOS Cluett and Sos~'e t~~':,~~.ror Vermont. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. 35 Babbitt George D., clerk A. 0. Cunningham, boards 19 Cottage Babbitt Frank, clerk, l\1. Jerkowski Bagley C. H., bridge builder, boards 40 Grove Bagley James E. Mrs., house 40 Grove Bagley Leon G., manager Western Union Telegraph Co., office in Union depot, boards 3 Nickwackett Bailey A lvin C., mason, house Main near tannery Bailey B. M., jeweler, 17 Merchants' row, house 10 Grove Bailey Fred R., clerk, boards 32 West Bailey H. G., clerk rai lroad restaurant, boards 26 Grove Bailey Henry l\1., bookkeeper Rutland Co. Nat. Bank, boards 32 West Bailey Nathan A., house 26 Grove Bailey Thomas R., bookkeeper R ipley Sons, house 32 West Baile,y Wayne, register of probate, house 2 Grove Bailey Caroline, Mrs., widow, Main ncar tannery Bailey Leonard, polisher for Suth. Falls Marble Co . Bailey Margaret Mrs., widow, house Green above East Baird Nettie Miss, clerk, boards 11 P leasant Baker A. C., painter, house Main near s·trongs avenue Baker & Butler, attorneys and counsellors at law, office West corner Grove Mutual Exchange B lock Baker Joel C. (Baker & Butler), h ouse 5 Chestnut avenue Baker John, laborer, house A llen near R. R. crossing Baker G. M., photographer, pictures copied and en larged 1n India ink or o.therwise, 7 i Centre, house 69 Grove Baker Stephen, laborer, Suth. Falls Marble Co . Baldwin Joh n , employed Marble Valley hotel · Ba ldwin J . E., engineer, Sherman, Williams & Co . Ballance J. B., Mrs., hair work, house 62 West. (See adv.) Bullard John, stonecutter, ho use 38 Meadow MRS. J. B. BALLANCE, MANUFACTURER OF SwitcA~s.~ CYJr!s~ F'ri&&~s~ ANB lFIN'E RAID ~EWELBY@ Combings Straightened and the Roots laid one way if desired. No. 62 WEST ST., RUTLAND, VT. American Name" has been a household word for over half century, 53,000Dltbese matchless Pianos have been made & sold. CHICKERJNGa"Agood T.?'NABE PIANOS ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. .U. - -.... IIU1'/, AND DlREGTOll Y . ; 'I I ·I II .... ,. . •I 1 I ; ...··.: · 11i' .. •' ,, ' I I I I ' \ ' Bauks 1-'atr ick, lai.Jorc r , h o u ~e 9 Ch erry Ha ns haw .\u5tin , lab ore r , S uth . Falls Mari.Jle Co, Harber Abrah a w , janit or of jail, Uti Main B a rb er David l:l ., farm e r, house 57 ~lain ihrb e r .\lilt on G. , fanne r, house 57 }laiu , aged 76 years Ba,r(lwell House, ,J . \\' Cramton, proprietor, .l l c rchaut~ ' ruw Banly ll e ury 1 ~ .. cle rk , E. D . K eyes & Cu ., house OI'Cr sto re Bardy N . U. ( K D. K eyes & Cu.), boards Uatcti House , rut>IJIS .l:'utnan1 & Saw yer'ti b iuck , Merc hants' row opp. th e depo t . (See adv) Burker Barn ey , clerk exp ress office , house 4 ,\le cha ni c Bark e r H.ale ig h, blacksmith, house 2 Mec hanic Bark e r Saumel, boo truaker, house 2 i\lechauic B a rk e r S usa n :\Irs., wid ow, house 13 Green B arn es Aaron ~Ir s . , widow, house ~lill Vill age Barn es J ohn, farm e r , house Wes t Hutland Barn ey ll urace ~Ir s . , widow , house Maio co rner Purk Baru uy J ohn A., c ug in ce r, house 46 Grove Barrett ,Jam es i\lrs., house 116 Main Barrett James. H.. ,\J Cu ., Ce ntr e Rutl a nd Barrett James C., attoruey an d co un sellor at law, Office No. 1 ov er Natioua l Bank uf H.utland, boa rds 109 Dlain B arre tt Johu, at H.. "1. Cu., Uentre Rutland Barrett J ohn , h e lpo.!r, h ouse opp. ~7 Gree n B " rrctt J ohn, team ster for Suth. Falls Marble Co. Barrett Patrick, sa wy er , R . ,\1. Co., Centre Hutlan d Ba.rrett Rockwood, treasurer and supcrinte ntlc ut Colutubiau .\Iarbl c Uo., offi ce l~U West, house 116 ,\Iaiu Barringer IJc unis, marble polishe r, house Forest cor ucr So uth Harron William , tea ms te r, h ouse W est H.utlaud Barrows Ma ry J\lrs., house 9 Church, ag ed 82 years Barrows Emerson, at car shop, b ous e 10 E lm Bartell George, laborer , house W est Rutland Batema n Charles L, e ng in eer, hous e 6 T er rill Bat.cman H urace G ., e ngin ee r, house 6 T errill Bate man S mi th B ., fir e mau, hou se 6 Terrill Bates A. C. ( A. C. Bates & Son), house 35 Grove Bates Betsy Mrs ., h ouse 5 Church H ates Charles K, conductor, house opposite 24 Howe Bates Harry M . (A . C. Bates & Son), h ouse 27 Grove Bates A. C. & Son, builders' a nd saddlery hardware, truuk s, blankets, wagou woods and wh eels, etc., 35 Merchants' row Bates House, Bates & Son, propr 1ctors, oppos ite the depot. (See adv. ) Th e be@t pos•ible bargains inP innos may be obtained o r FR E0 H CLUETT the who is exclu sive age nt fo r Chi cke rin g& Steiuway . 1 Rutland Directory 1878-1879 1 Clu ett ancl Son• Sole Agen ts. Sec page 8. RUTLAND DIRE CTOR Y. Battles Bryan , labore r, house 3 Franklin Battles James, g roc ery, opp . depot, \V est Battles Patrie!.:, eu1 ployed Gi Iso n, Clement §1. Woodfin Bates A. C. & Son, prop ri etors of Bates H onse oppos ite th e dep ot. (See adv .) Bates G. i\1. , polish er Rutl a nd Laundry , 57 \\' Cti t Baxt er Frank. clerk Francis Fenn's, house 12 P rospect Baxter H. Henry, president Ba xter N ati oual Bank , h ouse Gro ve corner Gard en B ax ter H orace, tell er Baxter National Bank , house 17 Cottage Baxter J. N., s up erin te nd ent Hutland ·M ar b le Co. , h ouse 17 Cotta~e Baxter National Bank, 65 Merchants' row. Beach Moses ,J., for eman , h ouse Moulthr op avenue. Beals Henry , ca rp e nter, bouse r ea r 147 Main B eam Edward, blacksmith , h o use 28 Forest B eaman G eo rge H ., house Ce ntr e Rutland Beard Alfred, clerk , Suth. Falls Marble Cll. Bear ~o n I saac, ma chinist, h ouse Mineral Lelow Sprin g B eatti e Jau1 cs trimm e r, H.iplcy Sons, Ce ntre Rutla nd Beauchamp .Joseph. blacksmith for 8 u th. Falls i\ larblc Co. Beaver Edward, e mployed R. l\1. Co., \\'est H.utlaud Beebe Fred A ., clerk J. A. Gou ld's, 2-l Merchants' row B ell Miles B , coll ec tor , house 29 G rove Belland Geo ., quarryman for Sheld on & Slason Bellmore Mack, em ployed R. 1\1. Co. , West Rutla nd Bellny Ja111 es, carpenter, h ouse l\l oulthr op avenue Benjamin Be nn ett (l{utlaod Clothing Co.), h ouse 10 Pros pect Beujamin J ..\ . Mrs ., house 127 Main Benner Edw in ( Wardwell & Benn er), boa rd s 22 Watihington Bennett Charl es H ., lab orer , house 45 Woodstock ave nu e B e nn e tt Chas . C., porte r at Bates H ouse B enn e tt Chas . H. , gu rden er Geo. A. Merrill 's , h ouse Woodstock ave. Bennett H orace W. , carpenter, house 20 Frank lin Bennett Diantha ~lrs ., wid ow, ·house 43 Forest Bennett Edward R , engineer . house 43 Forest Bergs tine Carl, employed B.. M . Co, West Rutland Berwick Hotel, C. F . Ri chardson proprietor , Ce ntre corner Wales . (See ndv.) B e~scy' W. A ., mail agent, board s Bardwell House Billdo Joseph , employed , R. M. Co .. West Rutland Billings B. & D. C., g: roce rs , 67 Merchants'' row. (See pa ge 38) B illin gs Benjamin (B. & 0 . C. Billin gs) , house 18 Cottage B illin gs , Chas. A., butch er at 47 Market., h ouse 115 ~ lain 269 RIVE H STREET TRQY , N y 1 1 I s t he number of Fred. H . Cluett's Piano ware room. Be•t goods nt lowes t prices. 1 ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. ·.I 38 11U7'LAND DIRECTORY. Billings D. C. (B. & D. C. Billings), house 14 Park Billings Jesse, farmer, house below Baxter's farm Birdsall Ned'£., clerk, house 6 Elm Birdsall Sarah Mrs., h ouse 6 Elm Bishop Eben W., farmer, house 29 Main Bishop Frank, quarryman for Sheldons & Slason Bishop Jesse, farmer, house 1 Edson Bishop Sarah Mrs., widow, house 1 Spring Bisnet John, carpenter , house 17 South Bixby Chas. F., cler~ B. 'N . l\larshnll, boards 16 Cotta ge Blackmer Solomon, farmer, house West Rutland Blackmer Burt, labo rer , house West Rutland Blaisdell A. J ., laborer, Suth. Falls Marble Co. Blaisdell Alonzo C., grocer, 33 Centre, house 13 Grant avenue Blakely Chas . F., clerk Chas. S. Mason's, boards 61 Centre Blanchard Charity R., widow, house West Rutland Blanchard Chalon. farmer, house West Rutland Blanchard Henry L ., carpenter, house Main near R. R. crossing Blanchard Geo. W., master mechanic B. & R. railway, office in shop, bouse :Main opposite the fair ground Blanchard Harry C., machinist, boards Main near R. R. crossing Bliss Thos., quarryman fo~Sbeldons & Slason Boanes Timothy, sawyer for Sutb Falls Marble Co. Bolduc Henry, carriage maker for L. Premo, Mill Villnge Bolin Martin, tailor, house 33 Green Boner Hugh, laborer, house 19 Meadow It w!IJ_pay yo n to examine the World Renowned CHICKERING Piano , if you wnu t the besl instrumcnt manufactured. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 and Sons Agents. page 8. MASON AND HAMLIN ORGANS CluettSee RU1'LAND DIRECTORY. 39 Bonvilte N-apoleon, sawyer for Suth. Falls Marble Co. Bonville Victor, laborer, house Main near tannery Boston 99 cent store, Wardwell & Benner proprietors, Merchants' row opposite the depo t. (See adv.) Bosworth C.'A ., marble dealer, house North near Main Bottum G. R. cashier, Baxter National Bank, house 36 Grove Bouche Louis, quarryman for Sheldons & Slason Bouselay Michael, laborer, house 43 Green Boutid' Frank, blacksmith, house 73 West Bourne Chas. E., clerk B. & R. railway, office in depot, boards Bardwell House Bourne M.A., coal dealer, office in railroad depot, house 17 Washington Boutin Peter, quarryman for Sheldons and Slason Bowen Daniel, marble cutter, house 25 Forest Bowen Milo, employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Bowman Edward (Bo~vrnan & Leach), house 1 Maple Bowman & Leach, dealers in foreign and domestic marble and granite, 5 and 7 Grove. (See adv . on next page) Bowtell Charles, telegraph operator, boards 4 William s Bowtell Edward, painter, house 38 Washington Bowtell Josiah, conductor, boards Bardwell House Bowtell Sam uel, conductor, house 4 Williams Boylan Charles J, Rev., pastor of St. Peters R. C. Church, house 6 Mechanic Boynton David, printer, Herald & Globe, house 76 West Boynton Fred . W., printer, Herald & Globe, boards 12 East Boynton William D. , blacksmith for C. L. Long Brady John, clerk, M. J. Francisco, house 39 Grove Bradley Miranda Mrs , bouse 27 Grove, aged 75 years Bradshaw Patrick, marble sawyer, house 111 West Bradley Charles P., bookk eeper , boards 109 Main Bradshaw Albert, machinist, house 5 Union Bradshaw Henry, carpenter, house 20 Elm Bragg William, machinist, house 45 Forest Bree "lartin, clerk for H. L. Verder & Co. Brecne Edward, empl oyed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Breene Wrn., employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Brennan J obn, employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Brennan Patrick, employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Brennan Philip, employed R. M. Co., West Rutland Bresnehan Patrick, stonecutter , Suth. Falls Marble Co. Brewer Oalvin jr., chairmaker. house 8 Perkin s avenue Brewster Eunice P. l\1 rs. , house 24 Grove, aged 75 "WORLD'S BEST PIANOS" Cnn be Cluproc~~ed ett, lroy,only N.Y.of Fred. H. DO YOU WANT A PIANO CHEAP. R UT LAND DIRE C'J'OR Y . J~W'MAI & EIACJI i£-QJF.~~atQr~y' NO.7 GROVE STREET, RUTLAND, VT. WE WOULD RESPEC'I'FULLY ANNOUNCE 'I'O 'I'HE PUBLIC, 'I'HA'I' WE ARE FULLY PREPARED AND EQUIPPED 'I'O DO FIRS'I' CLASS WORK IN F~REIGN AND AMERI~AN MAR~~E, BROWN STONE A.ND GR.A.Nlr:t'E, AND EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO CEMETERY IMPROVEMENTS. RUSTIC MONUMENTS AND TABLETS OF MODERN DESIGNS, JUST RECEIVED FR.OM NEW YORK AND BOSTON. All desiring work in our line we respectfully invito to call ou BOWMAN & LEACH. E, BOWMAN. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 C. B. LEAOH , Sec page 8. 41 Brewster H enry, ba nkman for S heldoo s & S lason Brewster John, at R. M. Co ., Centre l'tutland Briggs E. N. Mrs., house 107 Main Briggs Levi Mrs., widow, house 90 Main Brislin J ohn;1 laborer, house extension of South Brislin Michael, laborer, house Cherry corn er Forest Bristol C. W ., employed A. S . Marshall's, 1 Merchants' row Brislin John, laborer, house 7 Cheny Brodeur Cleophas, bootmuker, house West l'tutland Brohan Patri ck, shoemak er, D. L . .!Horgan, house 161 Main Bromley L avin e, law student with W. G. Veazey Bronson, l\1. V. B ., employed Flints, Johnson & Co Bronx Edward, quarryman for Sheldon s & Slasou Br6nx Napoleon & Peter, qua.rrym en at Sh eldous & Slason Brown Chas . H ., eng in eer, house 5 Summer Brown Da.lton, laborer, house J\lain near tann ery Brown Frank W ., farm er, house Main above tannery Brown Fred. G., cl erk E. C. Lewis, boards 8 Cottage Brown II. H. & Co., country store, W. Rutland . (Sec adv.) Brown H. H . (H. H . Brown & Co .), house West Rutl and Brown H e nry, sawy er Ripley Sons, Centre Rutla nd Brown I sabella M. , assistant town clerk, boards 16 vV est Brown James, civil engin eer, house 16 W est Brown James, quarryman for Sh eldons & Slason Brown John, laborer, house 8 Cherry Brown John, laborer, bouse W oodstock avenue Brown Margaret Mrs ., widow, house 19 Gree n Brown Marcia P. Miss, teacher hig h school, boards 32 Washin g ton Bronson Martin V. B., at R. M. Co., Centre Hutland Brown M. R., clerk Suth. Falls Marble Co. Brown Nelson, meat market, 62 W est, house 60 do. Brown Oscar, machinist, bouse 28 W es t Brown Patrick, at R. 1\'I. Co., Centre Hutland Brown 1'homas, employed Ripley S ons, Centre Rutland Brown Walter I., classical teacher , Uutland Military Institute, boards 12 Church Bruce Mary J. Mrs ., house 64 Centre Bruno Luke, employed R. M. Co ., West Rutland Bruten Edward, gardener at 91 Main Bruten Jam es, laborer, house west of scale works Bryant Wm. H., secretary of H owe Scale Co. Buckley John, quarryman for Sheld ons & Slason Buckman Gilbert D., carpenter, house 21 Grove Buffum Caleb P ., butch er, board s Main near R. R. crossin g Don'tbe dcceived,Ifyou want the very best the ST£INWAY 6 I 'iano is now wi thout ri val. E xnminc th em. 3 ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. 42 FOR THE BEST PIANOS AND ORGANS ..secpagcs. RU'l'LAND DIRECTORY. Ji Ul'LANIJ IJJIING'l'ORY. I ! ' fI ·' ! Buffum Caleb, butcher, house Main near railroad crossin'"' Bukeland Chas, employed R M. Co., West H.utland b .Uunker Charles H ., yardmaster, house 28 l'ark 'Bunker Edward A., switchman, house l\loulthrop avenue Burdett Jesse, supt. Rutland Division of C. V. R R, boards Bardwell Hou~e Burdick, 'v\'. W., trimmer, ~ ulh. Falls lllarl..>le Co. Buresaw Moses, employed lt. M. Co., W e~ t H.udand Burgess K, fireman for Sheldons & ~Jason .Burke Arthur, watchJmtker B. i\1. Bailey's Burke James, carpenter, house 7 Franklin BurlingauJe Cyrus, carriage trimmer, house 15 Perkiu ~ avenue Hurnha1u S. I!:. (.Burnham & Temple), hou ~c 4U Wa~ hi11 g ton Bm·nham & Temple, general insurance ageulti, l\ipley's l\larble bloCk, :n ,\J erchants' row Burns Bernard, employed G ilson, Clement & Woodfin Burns Bridget, widow, house Woodstock av enue Burns ~dward, laborer, hou tie 18 Meadow Burns Edward, emp loyed G ilson, Clement & Woodfin Burns James, sawyer for S uth . Falls l\larble Co. Burns i\lrs., widow, house 8 Cherry Burns 1Peter, hats I caps I f' . ,merchant tailor, ready made clothin<> O l gent s urmsh111 g goods, foreign and Jomestic woo lens, ct.e. , Post Office Building, residence Marble ~t. West Hutland Burns 'l'hos., employed Gilson, Clements & \V oodfin Burns William, laborer, swam p west of scale works Burt B. H., dry goods, 3 1 i\lerchants' row , house West corucr Grove Burt Nellie i\1rs., widow, house 33 Strong's aven ue Burton Samuel, car repairer above Columbia i\larblc Co. Bushee L. l\:l., head porter at Berwick Rouse Butler Fred l\1. (Baker & Butler), boards Bardwell House Butterfly Char les, laborer, house Cherry cor. Forest Butterfly James, engineer, house Strong's ave . near MaLlison 'c ,. Caden, John, laboreJ', house 4 Frei,.ht Caden ,John jr. (J. & '1'. Caden), b~ards 4 Freight Caden J, & T., groceries, dry goods, boots, shoes, et.c., 4 Freight. (See adv.) Caden Thomas (J. & '1'. Caden), house 4 Freig ht Cady Gay I., carpenter, house Woodstock ave nu e Cahill Pat., at R M. Co., Centre B.utland PROVE IT. If in douht. and you ~es ire tl~ e best., nn cxumiJ JH I ion of the S tein way and Ctuckcnug Pmuoa will auti•f.Y you of th uir s uperiority. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 43 Cain Jewett P. cle rk, house Grove above North Cain Jan e Miss, house 5 Pine Cain John, in surance agent, office in Town Hall block, house Grove above N ort.h Cain .John A., farmer, house (Jrove above North Cain John, labo rer for Suth. Falls Marble Co. Cain Oliver J. , restaurant 3 Centr e, boards 5 Pine Cain Patrick, choice family groce ri es, provision~, crockery and glassware; goods delivered to any part of the village free of charge ; 24 Wales Callaghan James, laborer, house West 1\utland Callaghan John, section foreman , house Centre Hutland Campo'ell A. B., brid ge builder, house 5 Sp rin g Campbell Alonzo, laborer , house 13 Green Cam pbell Chas. E., bridge builder, house 2 Summe r Campbell Chas. H., Proprietor Marble Valley Hotel, West 1\utland Campbell James, employed R M. Co., Centre B.utland Cannon J ames, fireman, boards 4 1 B.iver Cannon Stephen, teamster for S heldons & S lason Can non Thomas, lab orer , h ouse 41 B.iver Capeless John, laborer on railroad near scale works Capress Michael, engineer, Bardwell House Capron Benjn.min, farmer, house :Vlain nen.r tannery Capron George, for eman, bon.rds 79 i.\'fain Carbine Jn.mes, laborer, house 7 Cherry Carm ody John, clerk G. W. Hilliard, boards 14 Cottage Carder Thomas, tinsmith, house 4 Freight Carey Michael, cooper for Sheldons & Slason Carlin Owe11, black smith , house 10 Green Carmody Patrick , sawyer, house West Hutland Carmody B.oger Mrs., house West 1\utlan d Carmody John, Pat. and Thos , quarrymen Sheldons & Slason Carpenter Cyrel, clerk E. Pierpont, h ouse 115 Main Carpenter David . cn.rpenter, h ouse 98 Main Carpenter Henry 0., clerk , Bardwell House Carpenter Josep h, carpenter , house 138 Main Carpenter Lemon, farmer, h ouse Main above tann ery Carpenter 'l'homas N., clerk, boards Bardwell House Carrigan Ed ward C., printer Tuttle & Co., boards B erwi ck House Carrigan P atrick , quarrym an for Sheldons & Slason Carroll Bernard, laborer, swamp rear of round h ouse Carroll Cabray, laborer, house 4 9 Meadow Carroll Timothy, laborer , house 14 Forest CK E R I N G HI CHERI N G CHI When merit nnd price nrc con sidered, is the best Piano now obtainable.- E xamine them. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Allmny, N. Y. 44 RUTLAND JJlllEC'J'ORY. RU1'LAND DIRECTORY. Carruth .Jerusha, wi Llow , house 3 Woodstock avenue Carter James, employed R. l\J. Co., West Rutland Carter Oliver, laborer Suth. Falls Marble Co. Cary W . W., turner for Suth. Falls Marble Co. Casey Daniel, machinist for Sut.h. Falls l\'Iarule Co. Casey John, teamster for Sheld ons & Slason Casey Patrick, at :Rutland l\Iarble Co., Centre llutlaoJ Casey 'fhos. , employed Flints, J ohnson & Co. Casey Wm., laborer for Sutb . Falls Marble Co. Caslin Peter, laborer, house 18 Franklin Cassidy, P. W., manufacturer of and dealer in IHO Hum cnts headstones, tablets, etc., Marble street, West Hutland Caswell Edward , laborer , house !\Jain above tannery Caten Daniel. laborer , swamp west of Scale ·works Cavanagh John, clerk, J. & T . Caden, 4 Freight Cawley Dennis, laborer, bouse 25 South Cawley Patrick , black smith, house 27 River Center Edmunrl, employed R. l\I. Co., West Hutland Center Edward, at H.. 1\1. Co., Centre Rut land Cbafl'ee Fred ( D. M. White & Co.), house l\lain ncar fitir g rouuJ Chaffee Gco. T., propr ietor of 47 Mark et, 47 l\I crc;k,.nt's row, house Main near the f.1 ir ground Cbalin ge r John , employed J1 1\I. Co., WeRt Rutland Chalm ers Goo. K , clerk Spauldin g & Co ., boards 9 P lcasan t Chandler S . l\1. l\Iiss, boards Fred Chaffee's, Main street Chaplin George W., farmer, h ouse 144 Main Chapman Calvin H., carpenter, boards 2 Spring Chapman Clark J., carpenter, house 2 Sprjn g Chapman William J., boiler maker, house 10 East Charon Alfred, wheelwright, house 4 Freight Chase Benjamin K ., 10 Perkin s aven ue Chatterton, J. H. dealer in horse rakes, mowing lll ac hiucs ttlld hay tedders, and white flint sand, 32 Washington. (Sec adv ., page 4.) Chatterton S. Howard, Mrs ., music teacher, 3~ Washin g to11 Cheney Gershom, fiLI'mer , house 146 l\Iain Cheney G. H. & H. W., dealers in dry good.;; , g roceries, crockery, boots, shoes, provisions, etc.; sole age n ts tor Lhc celebrated brand of honey-comb flour, Old Uuion Sture, Maiu street Cheney G. H . (G. H . & H . W. Cheney), house 78 1\Iain Cheney H. W. (G. H. & H. W. Cheney,) house 6 Pleasant Cheney Hiram L., mason, house 129 Main Cheney James, fa rm er, house l\'Iill Village U in search of the very best now produced 0 R G _A Rutland Directory 1878-1879 N S· $2 50 BUYS A GOOD PIANO. You will lind them at Prell. 11. Cluett' s. See page 8. 45 Che ney Spencer C. , painter , house 27 Main Childs Daniel, labor er, Suth. Falls l\larble Co. Chingrass Jon as, teamster for S heldons & Slaso n Chittenden Daniel, cabinet maker, house 12 Cottage Chitteudeu Edward E, employed H.ipley Sons, Centre ltutland Christie Wm ., la borer, for Suth. Fall s Marhlc Uo. Clark Charl es, laborer, house near 37 Green Clark Chas., bookkeeper J1. l\1. Co ., house 4 Prospect Clark FrankL., switchman, h ouse below Baxter's farm Clark Ezra , farmer, house below Baxter's farm Clark Goo . E., supt. Chas . P. Harris & Co., house 58 Main Clark Harmon , farmer, house Centre Rutland · Cla1:,k Henry, news edito r '' G lobe," house 4 Prospect Clark Hugh, laborer, Suth. Falls i\larble Co. Clark Jonas, bookkeeper H. M. Co., West Rutland Clark Justus, teamster, house 25 G reen Clark H.ansom, carpenter, house W est Rutland Clark 'fimothy, laborer, house 13 H opkins Clark W. A., house 16 Washington Cleaveland Chas., conductor , boards Farmer' s Hotel Cleavela"ud John, farmer , house Woodstock aven ue Cleaveland Joseph N., engin eer , house West Rutland Cleavehlnd Stella Mrs., house 7 Cottage Cletu e11t Asa, fireman, house l\Ioultbrop avenue Clement Chas., house Cen tre Rutland Clement Percy W ., house Centre llutland Clement W. C., house 35 Washington Clement W. P. (Gilson, Clement & Woodfin), house Ceutre ltutland Clemons Stephen, flori st and market gardener , house Allen opposite fair ground Clifford Edward, employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Clifford ,John, blacksmith, house 124 West Clifl'ord L., milk dealer, Main near railroad crossi ng Clifford Michael J., marble polisher, boards 124 West Clifford P., dealer in beef, pork, lamb , mntt.on, veal, hams, sausages, butter , lard , fish, etc., 8 Merchants' row , bonsc 113 West Clifford Patri ck, stone cutter, bmtrd s 25 Forest Clifford William, blacksmith , house 5 School Clifford William, brakeman, h ouse 12.1- West Closs Holsten , employed R. 1\'l . Co., W est J1uthnd Clune James, confectioner in depo t, house West J1utland Clune Patrick , sawyer for Sheldo ns aud Slason Cobb A. H., foreman, ~ruttl c & Co's job office, house 11 Perkins ave. With Fred. H. Cluett or hi s represen tativ e, if you 0 0 N S ULT desire to procure one of the best Pianos or Organs. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. 4() RUJ'LAND DJREUTORY. Cluett Fred II., pianos, organs, music etc., 269 ltiver street Troy, N . Y. (Seo page 47 and bottom lines.) Cochrane T . H., physician and surgeou' house wCtit n.utlaiH.I Cocklin Cornelius, helper, boards 23 East Cocklin Daniel, gardener, house 23 East Cole Chas. W ., foundryman, boards 11 Su111mer Cole Isaac, laborer for Suth. Falls Marble Uo. Colligan Anne Miss, house West Rutland Colligan John, peddler, house 39 South Collins Bartholomew, farmer, house 167 Main Colligan Patrick, blacksmith, house West Hutland Collins D, employed F lints, .Johnson & Co . Collins Jas. and John, sawyers for Sheldons & Sla~on Collins Joseph, team ster, house 127 West Collins John P., clerk, J. & T. Caden's, house 11 Fmnklin Colli ns L. W., supt. Rut. Nail Works, boarJ s 15 How e Collins Laura Mrs., 33 ~'lain , aged 71 years Collins l\lichael, teamster, house 24 Furnace Collins Thomas, yardman for Sheldons & Slason Conbell Chas., employed R. M. Co., West Rutland Condon Wm., laborer for Sut.h. Falls Marble Co. Coneen Cornelius . lab orer, house Moulthrop Conners John , laborer , house Strong's avenue near l\Iain Conlan James, employed R. M. Co., Centre Rutland Connell Michael, laborer, house 5 Mechanic Connelly Bryan, laborer, house 47 Meadow Connolly James, peddler, house 22 South Connor Daniel, laborer, house 52 Meadow Connor see also O'Connor Connorton Michael Mrs .. house 24 South Conniff Frank, carpenter~ house 78 Forest Conniff John and Patrick. quarrymen at Sheldons & S. Conniff Luke, baggage master in depot W . Rutl and Conroy i\lichael, laborer , house 3 Granger Considine Catherine Mrs., house 24 Woodstock avenue Convent of our Lady of Vermont, house 52 West Cook E. M., grocer, Main street West Rutland Cook Frances Mrs., house 1 ~ Park Cook F. W., printer Herald & Globe, house 65 West Cook E. Foster , house 28 Washington Cook John, g roceries, 36 Centre, house 4 Chestnut avenue Cook Ore!, physician , 96 Main Cooley Eugene A., teamster, house 1\-Iain near tannery Cooney Edward, ~ awyer for S heldon s & Slaso n STEINWAY "KING OF PIANOS" Sold Exclu•ivcly by Fred. II . Cluett. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 FRED. H. - ~. CLUETT, TROY, N.Y. RIVER %69 STREET, I TROY, N.Y. "EXCLUSIVE AGENT" FOR CHICKERING~ STEINWAY Would invite attention to the finest a.nd'most complete stock of l-.ianos antl Org-ans, at prices that (lefy COllll)etition. '.rcrms ma.t.h\ to satisfy pm·chasers. $100 BUYS A GOOD PIANO. 48 Sec page 8. PIANOS FROM $50 Ul?. Cluett & Sons, 'l'emplc of Music. Sec page 8. RU7'LAND DIRECTORY. 49 RU'l'LAND DIRECTORY. Cooney Elizabeth and Kate, 3 Woodstock avenue Cooney Thomas, foreman for Sheldous & Slason Cooney John, laborer, house 105 West Coppins Benjamin, carpenter, house Union corner Howe Coppins Mary l\Irs., house 21 Pine Coppins ,Julius A. , carpenter, boards 21 Pine Coppins Phillip H., carpenter house 20 Pine Corbett John, tailor, swamp near scale works Corcoran Dominick, labore r, house 25 East Corcoran J awes, laborer. boards 25 East Corcoran Peter, laborer ,' house 27 East Corey John, employed R i\1. Co., West llutland Costello Bartley, watchman, swamp rear round hous e Costello Michael, machinist, house 17 Green Costello Walter, laborer, house 15 Green Courcelle 'l'homas, gardener, house ·woodstock avenue Cowdin Fred A., clerk, A. W. I-Iiggins, boards 13 Cottage Cox George, laborer, house 3 North Cox George, teamster, house Grove above North Coyle Bartley, employed R. l\1. Co., West Hutland Crafts David .M., printer Herald & Globe, boards GG West Crafts E., book-binder, boards 65 West · Cramton J. W. (Dunn & Crarnton), and propri eto r Banlwell House, opposite depot. (See adv.) Cramton A. S., farmer, house Main below railroad crossing Crandall Chas. L. , wood agent, house 23 Franklin Crandall Lyman J., trainmaster, house 18 Howe Crane Edgar W ., engineer, house 1 S ummer Crawford Ernest K, clerk with J . .A. Edso n, bo:n·us 136 i'lhin Crawford Geo. "\V., deputy sheriJf aud jailer, 136 ~Jain Crawford Geo. W. jr., fancy marble turner , 126 i\Iain Crocker L. G., granite worker, house 77 We~t Cronan Jeremiah, laborer, West llutlant Crooks llerbert D., druggist 7 l\lcrchants' row, boards '13 Grove Cross~· T. Mrs., pictures, picture fram es, cords, knobs, winuow cormces and screens, etc., 26 Centre. (Sec aclv. next p:l"e. ) "' Cross 0. '1'., mechanic, house 2G Centre Crouch James W., mason, house 133 Main Crow Michael, blacksm ith , house 126 West Crow Patrick, laborer, house Centre Uutland Crowe Michael, laborer, swamp west of' scal e works Crowley Florence, plasterer, house 23 Franklin Crowley John P., foreman, house Moulthrop street F RED. H. CLUETT, TRQY ' N y 1 1, Rutland Directory 1878-1879 Is selling tile World's !lest Pinno• and Organs at prices tllnt defy compcLiLiou. Crowley Patrick, at R M. Co., Centre Rutland Crowley Timothy, employed Gilson, C. & Woodfin Cumrnings Frederick, mason, house 24 Forest Cummings J-oseph, shoemake r, house Mineral near Spring Cunningham A. 0., clothing, hats, caps, tru11ks, gent's furnishing goods, etc., 5 Ce11tre, boarJs 19 Cottage Cunningham Orlando Rev., agent for the .lEtna Life Insurance Co. of Hartford; also soli.citH for fire insurance companies; office and residence, 19 Cottage Cunningham Stephen, laborer, house :\.lien above H.. R crossing Curnine Cornelius, laborer, house Moulthrop avenue Curnau Michael, stonecutter, boards 25 Forest Currier Joseph, carpenter, boards 4 Sprin g Currier 0. W., boots and shoes, 27 Merchants' row, house 2 lmm Curry Ww., at Rut. M . Co., Centre H.utland Curtin Patrick, laborer, house 22 South CurtisS. P. (Davis & Curtis), house 6 Grove Curtis Sydney, farmer, house Mill Village Cusack James, laborer, house rear of scale works Cushman C. F., oyster house and general refreshment room choice fr uits, nuts, cigars, tobacco always on hand , 5 t Centre: house 6 Willow Cushman Willis C., with C. F. Cushman, boards 6 Willow Cutting Sarah A. Mrs., widow, house 132 Main Cutting William, watchman, house 132 Main Cyr Auguste, carriage maker, West Rutland D Dacey Anthony, sawyer for Sheldoos & Slason Dains Geo M., carpenter, house Centre Rutland Daly James, laborer, house 3 Franklin DEALER IN CHROMOS, OIL PAINTINGS, !JECJ~Jijl']lEj~v CJ~IDv IiNf~!Sv &t~,v !OJ, lllANUFACTURER OF Picture Frames, Window Cornices & Window Screens. No, 26 CENTER STREET, RUTLAND, VT. Ameri can Nmne,, has been n household word for over half century, 53,000 of these matchless Pianos have been mnde & so ld. CHICK ERIN GaHAgood 7 ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. 50 ~ l 'I Daly John, laborer, house 158 l\lain, aged 8 7 years Daly John, gardener for Levi G. Kingsley Daly Michael E, laborer, house 21 River Daly Patrick, employed R. l\1. Co., West Rutland Dana Edward, law student, boards 131 !\lain Dana E. F., bookkeeper S uth. Falls Marble Co., house 13 Summer Dana Judah, principal graded school, house 131 Main Danforth Alonzo H ., horse dealer, house 2 Willow · Danforth George, teamster, house 2 Willow Daniels Charles, baker for H . L . Verder & Co. Daniels Charles A. , bartender Bardwell H ouse , boarJ s 1 Pleasant Daniels George W., baker Verdcr & Co., house 15 \Vas hington Daniels Joseph, hostler, boards 13 Grove Daniels Luther, pres. Rutland Savings Bank, house 74 !\lain Daniels Thomas L., boards 1 Pleasant Daniels Warren, house 1 Pleasant Daniels, William, fir eman , boards 4 Green Darby 1\Iichael, sawyer, Ripley Sons, Centre Rutland David Joseph, at R. M. Co, Centre Rutland Davin Bridget, domestic at Chas. Sheldon s Davin James, employed Ripley Sons , Centre Rutland Davin Michael, quarryman for Sheldons & S lason Davin James, eruployed S heldons & S., West Rutland Davin John, employed at Sheldons, bouse West Rutl and Davin Patrick, laborer Sheldons & S., house West Rutland Davis Andrew, farmer, house Main, near tannery Davis Achsah, boarding house, house 2 Pine Davis A. F. (Davis & Curtis), house 2 Prospect Davis & Curtis, flour~ grain, meal, feed , Lehigh and Lackawanna coal, lime, cement, etc. , 8, 10 , and 12 F reight street Davis Eber H., traveling agent, house 7 Surumer Davis Edgar, farmer , house Mill Village Davis Edwin D., fireman, house 15 Elm Davis Emeline Mrs., widow, house 15 Eh;n Davis Frank M., bookkeeper, Baxter National Bank , boa rds Bnrdwell House Davis Geo. E., farmer for J . l\L Haveri Davis Henry W., bridge builder, house 2 High Davis Joseph A., machinist, house 9 Elm Davis Joseph M., employed at V. C. H. R. , house 12 JDlm Davis N. L., master mechanic of the rolling stock and machinery of C. V. R. R. (Rutland Division), office in mach ine shop, house 10 West Davis W. A. D., clerk, boards 10 West 269 RUTLAN D DIRECTORY. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. RIVER STREE'I TRQY 1 N, y , Isware room. numb er of Fred. II. Cluett's Piano Be•t goods ut lowes t pri ces . Rutland Directory 1878-1879 th~ 51 Davis W . F. N., machinist , boards 10 West Dawley Lawson Mrs, house Pearl corner Perkins avenue Day George Q., pianos and organs, 19 Merchants' row , boards 1 Sprin g. (See adv.) Deagan Francis, employed at Rutland l\1 . Co ., West Itutlund Deis Alexander, cooper for S heldons & Slason Delisle Toussa int, shoemaker for L. Valignette Demarais Michael, truckman, house 72 Forest De ;\!ott Edward , house Main cor. Park Dempsey John, quarryman for Sheldons & Slason Denny John, tailor H. W. Kin gsley, boards 27 Wales Deragon Marshall , mason, house Mineral near S~ing Derby' Hattie N., dressmak er, boards R. W . Smith's S ummer Dempsey Patrick, laborer, house West Rutland Dervin Jam es, employed R. M. Co., Centre Rutland Dcrvcn John, grocer, house 99 Main Desilets J oseph, employed R. i.\'I. Co. , West Rutland Devers Th omas, emp loyed Flints, Johnson & Co. Devers Wm., at R. i\'1. Co., Center Rutland Devers Willillm , helper, house River ncar Granger PIANOS AND ORGANS AT. LOW PRICES. E.STEY COTTAGE ORGANS, THE BEST, THE CHEAPEST. Call and examine the wonderful new styles and you will be satisfied with no other. McPHAIL GOLD1MEDAL PIANOS, First Premium and Medals wherever exhibited. Thoroughly first class, fully wlrranted and CHEAP • • Instruments on trial, or to rent. Old instruments taken at full value. Every instrument fully warranted. PRICES VJilRY LO'W'. TERJ\L'i.-Casll, goo<l notes, Installments, or almost a ny way so that I get the pay. CATALOGUES FREE. GEORGE Q. DAY, No.19 MERCHANTS' ROW. It will pay yon to examine the World Reo owned CHICKERING Piano, If you want the beslinstrument manufnctnred. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St. Albany, N. Y. I 52 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. Dewey Charles C., fireman , h ouse 16 Pine Dewey Charles C. [11 rs .. house 73 ;\lain Dewey Frank, farmer, house Centre Rutland Dewey Julia 1\lrs., widow, house-! l\Ierehants' row Dewey Milton, farmer, house West Rutland Dew ey Zebadial:, farmer, house Centre Rutland Dickerman \\" arren, farmer , house [11 ill VillaO'e Dickinson William H ., laborer, house 2 Cher ry Dillon .Jam es, principal purter at Bardwell House Dillon R. S. & Co., compilers of Rutland directory, bead quarters at Tuttle & Co' .s bookstore, 11 Centre Dodge Edward B.,~ngineer, boards 5 Pine Dolan P. H., foreillan, house rear 70 ·west Dolan Wm . J.,clerk E. A. Morse, boards 36 West Dolan Thomas, laborer, house 18 South Dolton Patrick, laborer, house 57 West Donahue Patrick, laborer, house River near railroad Donavan Daniel, quarryman for Sheldons & Slason Donavan John , laborer , house 1 Hop kim:! Donavan Michael, laborer, house Meadow Donelan Thomas P. , peddler, house 10 i\Ieadow Donnelly John, blacksmith, for Geo. D. Spencer Donnelly Patrick, blackswitb, boards 79 W est Donnelly Henry, machinist for Suth. Falls ~Iarble Co. Dooney Antoine, employed R. l\1. Co., West Rutland Doran James E. (Anderson & Doran), boards Berwick .H ouse Dorr S. 1\'l. & Co., negotiators of loans and dealers in municipal bonds and county warrants, office in Putnam a nd Sawyer's block Dorr S. M. (S. M. Dorr & Co., resides Centre Rutlant.l Doughao Catherine Mrs., house 15 Fraokliu Dougherty Daniel, laborer, boards 171 Main Dougherty Daniel, laborer, house Strong's avenue Dougherty Joseph , laborer, house 171 l\laiu Douglass George W. and ~Iilo, at R. M. Co., W est llutla nt.l Douglass Henry B., machinist, house 9 Howe Douglass Joseph, mason, house {4ntre opposite Berwick Hotel Douglass l\lilo 11nd Geo. W., West Rutland Douglass William A., tiusmith, house HJ Pine Dower Edmund, shoemaker D. L. Morgan's, boards 35 G raen Downs E liza G. l\lrs., 95 Main, aged 73 years Downs George, engineer, house 11 Prospect Downs Hubert, employed Flints, Johnson & Co. Downs John, cook, 95 i\Iain corner Terrill "WORLD'S BEST PIANOS" Rutland Directory 1878-1879 Can be procured, only of Fred. H .. Cluett, Troj , N. Y. SAVE EVERY CENT YOU CAN. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. Sec page 8. 53 Downs ~liriam K. Mrs., widow, boards 8 J East Downs ·wm., umrble work er , 95 ,\lain corner Terrill Doyle Rosa, widow, house 43 South Drew John H., moulder, house 159 Maio Driowater Eliza Mrs., widow, house 5 Cherry Dubee Frank, carpenter , house West Hutlaud Ducatt Louis, employed R M. Co., West Rutland Due han Frank, cooper, Gilson, Clement & \V oodfin Ducharme John, laborer, 86 West Ducharme !Haglory , chairmaker, house 38 Forest Ducharme l\I., employed at Ripley 8on8 Rutland Ducharme Nelson, harnessmaker, boards 39 Centre Duffy John, gardener, house 6 East Dugan John H., clerk Suth. Falls :Vlarble Co. Dugan Patrick, quarryman for Sheldons & Slasoo Dunham Ephraim, cl erk Rutland Marble Co's store Dunklee B. F., ice dealer , 5 ~lain . (See adv.) Dunklee :Frankie, ice houRe above tannery . Dunklee Jane ;\liss, housekeeper , house 16 Ma1a Dunkl ee Lucia Miss, housekee per, house 16 !\lain . Dunlap J, H. T., prnpr1eto.r novelty works, all k111ds of pnl.ntin{T attended to and repmrer of clocks, watches nnd sewwg "' ' r . machines, and mu:;ical instruments, and manuwcturer o f p!C· turc frames, 26 \Val e~ Dunn & Cramton, stoves, furnaces , tin, glass and wooden ware, plumbing, etc., 12 & 14 Merchants' ro1; . ,(See adv. .next page.) Dunn James C. (Dunn & Cramton), hou~e 3 Cottage Dunton, A. J., foreman Columbian Marb le Company, house 7 )Summer Dunton George W., foreman , house 25 North Dunton & Hayward, proprietors Fulton Market, meat, provisious, fish and oysters always on hand, 31 M erchaots' row Dunton Silas G., mason, house 25 North Dunton Walter C., house ·washington co1:ncr N ickwaekett Dunton William H . (D unton & Hayward) . house 18 Grove . Dunton Walter C., judge of Supreme Court, office and residence Washington cor. Nickwackett Dunton Wm. R., house 14 Meadow Durham George, sawyer for Sheldous & Slason Durrick Patrick, employed Gilson , Clement & Woodfin Dussault Lewin, pressmau Herald & G., bouse 17 Merchants' row Dwyer Charles, sawyer Ripley Sons, Uentre Rutland Dwyer James, teamster Ripley So us, Centre Rutland Dwyer Patrick, employed Gilson , Clement & Woodfin The best pos•ible. bargnins inPianos may be obtained or FRE0 H CLUETT the wbo is. cxcl?sive ag~nt for Cblckenng & Stem way. I 0 DUNN & CRAMTON, CLUETT &. SONS, TEMPLE OF MUSIC. see pages. J OBBERS AND DE.A.LERS IN Sterw~;~ H~t Alfl lwlD ~e~sv TIN, GLASS AND WOODEN WARE, PLUMBING, Bath Tubs, Water Closets, H~U~t rURNI~HIN~ ~~~~~' GAS AND. WATER PIPING, AND . GAS FI XTU HES, Tin Ro@fing~ J\~bbing~ &o. Agents for the celebmtcd STE"'W""ART STOVES, And many other first class self-feeding :E3:E.A..TI~G- STC>VES, And a great variety oJ WOOD STOVES, Also, a great variety of first-class COOK STOVES FOR WOOD OR COAL. Agents for the celebrated CLINTON, AND MANY OTHER FIRST CLASS RANGES. PAINTS. Prepared for immediate nse. White for inside or outside work, nnd in a ny sbar! e or color. Put up in I gallon cans, 5, 10 and 20 gnllon kegs and 40 gaiJon harrcls. 'fhese paints will cover 224 square feet of board surface, two coats, and-we g narautcc to the consumer th e following advantages in the nse of our pnints. It will cover more s urface than other puint• now in the marke t. It works easily, and Wlth a smooth, glossy fimsh . It possesses greater durability and we wnrrn nt it more economical than best English or American white lead. AGENTS FOR HAZARD'S POWDER. Dunn's Block, No. 12 & 14 Merchants' Row. RUTLAND, VT. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 55 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. Dwyer Th ~m·as, sawyer, house West Rutland Dye Nathaniel C., superintendent gas works, office at gas works, h ouse 5 Summer Dyer E. A. Mrs. , house 10 W est._ Dyer, H. H ., farm er , house Main below R. R. crossing Dyer Jane A.: widow, house 22 West, aged 71 years. Dyer James H ., clerk L. G. Kingsley, ~ouse 139 Mam Dyer William, plumber, house 130 Mam Dygert Val G. , salesman Sheldons & Slason E. Earle Charles L., carpenter, house 13 Willow Earle Lou L . Miss, dressmaker, boards Evelyn Eastman C. D., clerk R. A. Phillips, 1 Perkins avenue Eastman Thomas, laborer, house 24 Wales Eayrs J. H ., bookkeeper Sheldons & Slason, West Rutland Edgerton C. S.; architect, house 70 West Edgerton Dani~l, laborer for Suth. Falls Marble Co. Edaerton Edwitt;)lawyer, house 32 Woodstock avenue Edgerton Edward M. , watchmaker and jeweler,·house 22 West Edgerton Jacol:r,house 72 Main ~.A~ Edgerton J. M., pastor M. E. Ch., h~u se 70 West Edgerton William, gardener, house 9 Terrill Edgerton Mary A. Mrs ., widow, house 20 West, aged 73 years Eddy Sarah Mrs., widow, house 20 ~adi son . Eddy Wm. F., clerk D. L . Morgans, boards 20 Madison Edson Alondo B., carpenter, house 17 Summer Edson A. H . Mrs., house 17 Summer Edson Henry 0. (M. & H. 0 . Edson), house Church cor. P~rkins Edson J. A., agent cooperative association, house 1 Madison Edson Melzar (M . and H . 0. Edson), hous_e 51 Wes_t. Edson M. & H. 0., wholesale and retml dea lers Ill lumber, sash, doors, blinds, etc., 49 West Edwards John C., painter , house Perkins ave. E ggleston Truman C., foreman Suth. Falls Marble Co. Elliott Robert, quarryman tor Sheldons & S lason Ellis A. D., merchant tailor, 3 1 Centre, house 11 Church. (See adv . page 2) Ellis Charles W. , painter , house 5 Muple Ellis Joel, gardener , boards Fred Chaffee's Ellis Joseph D., carpenter, house 29 Main Elmore William, laborer, swamp west of scale works Ellsworth J.D., wood dealer, h o u se~ Grove Don'tbedeceived. Ifyou ST£1 N WAY want the very best the .._ Piuuo is now without a nvul. Exunune them. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. 56 F Faen Edward , sawyer, Suth. Falls M. Co . Faen John, sawyer, Ripley sons, Centre Rutland Fagan Michael, laborer, house 40 Woodstock avenu e Fagan Patrick, laborer , house 29 Granger Fagan Peter, merchant tailor, 25 1:r l\l crchants' row, h ousc 20 G reen. (See adv.) Fagan Thomas, billiard room, house 20 Madison Fales George B., clerk at W. C. Landons Farmer A. H., carpenter, house 6 Williams Farmer B. F., farmer, house l\I ill Village Farmer Charles G., eugineer, house 5 Cotta"'e Farmer Joseph W ., hairdresser, house Grand avenue Farmer Mary Mrs ., house 5 Cotta"'e aged 79 years 0 Farmer Oliver, car builder, house Cottage Farr Henry L., patternmaker, house 14 Chestnut avenue Farrar Ezra R., carpenter, house 23 Perkin s avenue Farrell Ellen, widow, house Main near ta~n ery Farrell Patrick, employed Flints Johnson & Co Farrell Thomas, sawyer, house 102 West . Faulkner Eli J, engineer, house Moulthrop avenue Faulkn er John, tailor, house 4 Howe Faulkner M. L ., traveling agent, 90 Main Fay Peter, farmer, house Woodstock avenue Fay James J., book-binder Tuttle & Co., boards Berwick House Fee John, employed R . ~I. Co., West Rutland Feely Thamas, cook Bardwell House, boards 28 \-Vales Feehaly John, employed Gilson Clement& Woodfin Felt William W., carpenter, ho~se \-Vest Rutland Fenn Edward , clerk, house Main corn-er Tenell. Fenn F~·ancis, druggist and dealer in fancy goods , sp o rtin~ matenals etc., 13 Centre, house 15 West, (See ad 1·.) 5 If in doubt an d yon desire the bes t. au cxamir J>rlio n of th e St · way and Chick enng Pianos will suLi~fy you of their s uperioritye m - Rutland Directory 1878-1879 Cluett and Sono, Agents for Vermont. See page 8. RUTLAND DiRECTORY. RUTLAND DiRECTORY. Emla Elick, employed R. l\1. Co, West Rutland En;ond Closs, em ployed R. l\1. Co., West Rutland Enckson Amar, employed R. i\1. Co ., West Rutland Estelle Ed ward, farmer, house 6i Main Ernst H. , architect at White & Havens Eustice Edward, laborer, house 7 River Eustis, J ohn , at gas house, house rear gas house Everson Alfred, em ployed at B.ipley Sons, Centre Rutland Everson James, employed at Ripley Sons, Centre Hutland Everts M.G., lawyer, 8 l\Iorse's block, house 24 W c~t PROVE IT. WEBER PIANOS 57 Ferdetto F., employed R. l\1 . Co, West H.utland Ferg uson W. L., freight agent., house 12 Cottage Fernand ~z H ., machinist S uth . Falls Marble Co., house 9 Green Ferry Dennis, laborer, house 21 Granger Ferry ,John , marble work er, house 11 Granger Field Fred. A., ass ista nt postmaster, house 86 Main Field Henry F., cashier Rutland Co .· Nat. Bank, house 82 Main Field Isaac and J oseph, employed R . i\'l. Co., We~t Rutland Field W1n. M., high sher iff. offi ce 91 Centre, house 83 Main Field \Vm . H ., carpenter , h ouse 7 Chestnut avenue Fillmore L., boardin g Nichol's block Fillmore \V. I-I., tin smith, boards Nichol's block Finton Jerem iah , sawyer for Sheldons & Slason Fish W. G., insura:nce agent, house Main near Perkins avenue Fish Enos. C., deputy sheriff Main street West Rut land Fish L. G., farmer, house rear 147 Main Fish Miner, employed R M. Co., West Rutland Francis A., house 66 West FisherJ. W., dining hall , 8 Merchants' row Fisher Lucy Mrs., widow, house 23 W est, aged 73 years Fisher W_ H. H ., drugg ist, house 23 West Fisk Benjamin J., farm er, h ouse l\lain below R. R. crossing Fisk Thomas L , carpenter, house 7 Elm Fitzgerald James B., mason, house Centre corner Wal es Fitzgerald John, laborer , house 114. Green Fitzpatrick Mich ael, employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Flack Laura P ., boards 24 Grove Flack Martin P ., clerk, boards 24 Grove Fhiherty J a me~, laborer , house 21 l\leadow Flanders G . T ., homrepathist, 36 Washington F lannery Ann .\Irs., h ouse 13 Granger Flannigan Hugh, employed Gilson, C. & W ood fin Flannigan J ohn, shoemaker, house 41 South Flannigan Peter, employed Gilson C. & Woodfin Flints, Johnson & Co., producers of Italian Marble, Centre Rutland . (See adv . co lored page.) Flowers J ames, house West H.utland Flynn B. J., merchan t tailor, Quinn's block opposite depot. (See adv . next page.) Flynn Bernard J ., marbl e cutter, boards rear 70 West Flynn Bernard , blacks mith , house 48 l\leadow Flynn Bryan, ma ~o n, house 30 River Flynn Michael , mason, house 56 Meadow CK E R I N G HI CHERI N G CHI When me rit and price nrc considered, is the best P inno now obtainable.- Examine t hem . 8 ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. 58 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. RUTLAND DJREOTORY. Flynn Patrick, laborer, boards 30 River Foley Mary Mrs., house 15 Franklin Foley John, mechanic, house Mineral near Spring • Foley John H., machinist, house 16 Meadow Foley Richard, employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Foot ,Mary A. Mrs , house 8 \Vest Forbes C. H., agent for life, fire and accident insurance, office in Bates House. (See adv.) Force Robt., employed R. l\I. Co., West Rutland Fosburgh Daniel, physician, house West Rutland Fosburg Merritt, engineer, Suth. Falls Marble Co. Foster Walter H ., civil engineer, house 13 l\leadow Foss Edwin M., conductor, house 23 Grove Foster Edwin L ., carpenter, house 13 Meadow Foster L. C., overseer R M. Co., Vi' est Rutland Foster Mary Mrs ., widow, house 1~ Granger Foster Patrick, laborer. house 20 River . Fox George H., physician and surgeon, office and residence 2 · Cottage, office hours 9 r_o 8 A. 111. 12 to 2 ttud 7 to 9 P. 111 . Fox Thomas, employed Ripley Sons, Centre Rutland 59 Foy Thomas, labore r, boards 25 East Francis Chas., sawyer for S uth. Falls Marble Co. . Francis Henry, hairdresser F. M. Mello~s, boards Berw1ck House Francisco A. D., general agent for farm msurance, 11 ~hu'\-ch . Francisco M. J., general insurance agent and adJuster, Umon block, house 23 Washin gton . (See adv.) Franklin Leonard N., painter, house 49 Grove Freeman Frederick Mrs., house West Rutland Freeman George W ., house West Rutland Freeman Herbert, painter, house West Rutland Free1,nan Isaac, laborer, house near head of Allen Freeman Lois Miss, house 3 Willow French Benjamin F.';' gentleman, bouse 12 East Frink A. E., cabinet maker, house 2 Nickwackett Frost Charles B., forem an D. & H . R. R., house 21 Washington Frost Rufus, baggage master, C. V . R. R. , house 12 Grove Fuller Alfred B., marble worker, house 7 Church Fuller Alden L ., machinist. house 7 f>erkins avenue Fuller Duane, carpenter, employed Sheldons & S lason Fuller J eduthan, carpenter, employed Sheldons & Slason Fuller Nat han J. , hostler, em ployed Sheldons & S lason Furman Waldo , clerk G. A. & H. W . Cheney's FRANCISCO'S ,. THEY ALL DO IT! DO WHAT? G-0 TO FLYII~S IUFOIIUH Oij iJASIIOlf, FOR THEIR NOBBY SUITS. Now· Is the thne to your selection, a s everyth.iug- is u e 'v anti t h o prices have been reduced to compete with th.e lllLl'<l times . ~Aa:cs~@ ~AC®Q'ifi:E$! CUT AND MADE I!( THE MOST FASHlOliA.IlLE ~!ANNEtt AT FLYNN'S EMPORIUM OF FASHION, Quinn's Block, opposite the Depot, RUTLAND, VT. lrln oearch ottbe very beet now produced 0 R G A N S Rutland Directory 1878-1879 Yo u will find them at F re<l. II . Cluett's . AGENCYWith Fred. H. Cluett or hie representative, If yon C 0 N S U LT desire to procure one of the beet Pianos or Organa. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Allmny, N. Y. GO RUTLANJJ DIRECTORY. G Gaffney ~eter, quarryman for Sheldons & Slaso n Gaffney William, laborer, house West Rutland Gallagher James, laborer, house 175 l\lain · Gallagher JaH. and Pat., quarrymen Sheldons & l:llason Gallagher Patrick. laborer for Suth . Falls Marble Co. Gallipo Alfred , team ster for Sheldons & Slason Gallip,) Henry and Jos., teamslers, Suth. Falls Marble Co Gallipo H.amie. teamster for Suth. Falls l\Iarble Co . Gando Joseph , em ployed R. M. Co., Centre ltutland Gando Louis , employed R M. Co., Centre Rutland Ganeaux Stephen, quarryman for Sheldons & S lason Garrett James J., foreman Herald & Globe, house 9 Park avenue Garry Frank W. , telegraph operator, house 12 Grove Gaskill Joseph i\Irs., house 4 Merchants' row Gates Mary C. Mrs., widow, h~se Centre Rutland Gaughan Patrick, laborer, house 20 Meadow Gauthier ,John, shoemaker, house Main corner West Gearson Cail, quarryman for Sheldons & Slason Gear Joseph, blacksmith, house Mineral near Spring Gebo Joseph, house above Columbian Marble works Gee Frederick, painter, house 37 Green Gelot Jerome Rev., pastor of French Catho lic church, residence 6 Lincoln avenue Gennett Ado lph , sawyer for Suth. Falls Marble Co. Gennett Dennis, employed R. ~1. Co., West Rutland Gennett Edward, trimmer, Suth. Falls Marble Co. Geoghan Catherine Mrs., house 24 Granger, aged 75 years George Thomas, machinist, house 23 Pine Gerrity Daniel , laborer, house Strong's avenue corner H op kins Gibson Isaac, buildin g mover and mason, and practical highway builder, 8 Pine, house do. (See adv.) Gibson Joseph E., carriage, sleigh and wagon manufacturer, horseshoeing. blacksmithing and general jobbing, 8 1 West, house 136 Main Gibson Timothy 0 ., farmer, house Mill Village Giddings Martha Mrs., widow, house 45 West Gilbert W. 0 ., foreman, Suth. Falls Marble Co. Gile Julius, machinist. house 91 West Gilfeather, James, l ab~rer, swamp rear of round house Gi lil and John, gardener for Ripley Sons, Centre Rutland Gilliac Calico, sawyer for Sheldons & Slason STEINWAY "KING OF PIANOS" Sold Exclusively by Fred. ll. Cluett. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 MASON AND HAMLIN ORGANS RUTLAND DIRECTORY. Cluett and Sons J.gents. Sec page 8. 61 G illik en Jas. and Pat., quarrymen Sheldons & Slason Gi llikcn Peter 1st and Peter 2d, at Sheldons & Slason Gillooly Owen, laborer, house Centre Rutland Gilman Francis, farmer , house 21 East Gi lman George, carpenter, house 15 Willow . Gilman John, clerk E. D. Keyes & Co., boards 79 Maw Gilman Mitchell, laborer, house 7 North Gilmu Jeremiah, at R. M. Co., Centre llutland . Gihnore C. J., ass1stant postmast er aud statiOner, Post office buildin a West Rutland. (See adv.) Gilmore Dagforth B., stone cutter, house 3 Maple Gilmore James L., postmaster, house West. llutland Gilmore l\iary Mrs., widow, house West H.utland Gilmore William, farmer, house West Rutland Gilmore William R. , farmer, house West Rutland Gilrain Bartholomew, farmer, house 162 Main Gilrain James, moulder, house 8 Green Gilrain James, employed R M. Co., West Rutland Gilrain Patrick, mason . house 45 South Gilson E. P. (Gilson. Clement & Woodfin), house 62 Centre Gilson, Clement & Woodfin, producers of H.utland marble, West H.utland Gilson Thomas S., house furnishing goods, china ware and undertaker. 21 Merchants' row, house Court near West. (See adv.) . Gilson Wilbur J., clerk T. S. Gilson's, house l Mad1son Giniac Oliver, quarryman for Sheld ons &: Sla son Gipson, Geo. M., watchman, house oppos1te 24 Howe Giroux A lexander, quarryman, for Sheldons &. S lason Gleason Chas · harness maker, boards 33 Perkm ~ Gleason Dani~l M., harness maker , house 33 Perkins avenue Gleaso n Daniel W., agent, hous e rear 37 G-ree~ . Gleason Henry L., agent for Howe's sewmg machines, Center corner Wales G leason John, laborer, hou~e 13 Terrill . Gleason John, laborer, house Allen near R. R crossmg Gleason Martin L., farmer, house 94 Main G leason Mary Mrs., widow, house 3 Howe G leason 'l'ino, employed R M. Co., West Rutland Glen nan Joseph for Sheldons & Slason Globe Pap.;r Company, printers , bookbinders and blank book manufacturers 57 to 61 Merchants' row Glynn James E., t~as. coffees, spices and a full line of groceries, provisions, etc ., 23 Merchants' row RED H TROY J N y -------------------Is selling the World's Best Pianos and FCLUETT; Organs at prices that defy competition. 1 1, ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. ,.,• I! 'I •I 0 Gobir Michael , carpenter, house West Hutland Gokey Moses, machinist, house 30 Centre Goldsmith M., surgeon, office 13 Washington, boards Berwick House Golfin Michael, employed R. M. Co., West Rutland Goodnow William A., carpenter, house 35 Main Goodsell A lbert i\1., clerk F. H. Wheeler, boards 6 Prospect Goodspeed James, employed Sheldons & Slason Gooley Michael, sawyer Ripley Sons, Centre Rutland Gooley Philip, laborer, house Strong's avenue Gordon Moses, horseshoer, 17 Wales, house 15 Wales Gordon William J ., curri~r, house Woodstock avenue Gorham Albert H., clerk Chas. E. l~oss, house 5 Union Gorham H enry D , meat market, house W es t Rutland Goslaw Charles, bridge builder, house 8 Willow Gosselin Edward, boards Verder's block Gosselin Ferdinand, sashmaker, house 22 Spring Gould J. Azro, dry goods (Gould& Pollard), 2-! i\I crchant's row, boards 2 Prospect row • Gould & Pollai:d, gent's furnishing goods, clothing, hats, caps, etc., 26 Merchants' row Gould Wm. H., carpenter, house 11 Merchants' row Gould Nancy R. i\'Irs ., dressma ker, house 79 i\lain Goulding J os. H., secretary B.utland Railroad and Hollister, Tyrel & Co., E. Dorset, house Washington corner 1\lain Goulding J. l\1., house Washington corner Maio Goostrom Chas., employed R. M. Co., Wes t Rutland Gove Freeman R., carpenter, house 1 Church Goyette Adolphus, carpenter, house Woodstock avenue Graham Dan. and Wm., employed R. l\1. Co., West Lt utland Graham William W., machinist., house West Hutland Grandey Charles A., engineer, house 1 Garden Gravel Joseph, wheelwright, house 83 W est Grandey Edson D., engineer, house 11 Union Grandey, JohnS., choice family groceries, provisious, canned fruits, confectionery, cigars, etc., goods delivered to any part of the village, 25 Forest, house 11 Union Granger .C. H., agent Mutual Life Insuran ce Co. of N. Y., office ~ Morse's block, house 10 Prospect Graves George (Geo. Graves & Son), house 6 Court Sf[Uare Graves Geo. E. (Geo. Graves & Son), and druggist, 95 Main, house W ashiogtoo, 2d house above Main Graves J. E . Miss, millinery, 43 Centre, house do. Graves Jerome S., machinist, house 15 Howe RIVER TROY N y 269 STREET ! 1 Rutland Directory 1878-1879 1 Is the number of Fre.d. II. Cluett's Piano ware room. _ Best goo us nt lowest prices, DO YOU WANT A PIANO CHEAP. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. See page 8. 63 Graves Royal, miller, house 14 Perkins avenue Graves Geo. & Son, tanners, and leather and hide dealer, office 4 Court square Green Cyrel W ., laborer, house West B.utland Green Daniel W ., farmer, house W est Rutland Green Daniel, fireman for Sheldons & Slason Green Michael, laborer, Suth. Falls Marble Co. Green Edward R., conductor, house 15 Pine Green Henry C., clerk Tuttle & Co., boards 128 Main Green Hiland E., farmer, house Main below R. R. crossin~ , ~ ~reen N.J., superintendent, house 128 Main c)Q_,., tA-. Greeno Austin, farm er, house Mill Village Greeno Benjamin, farmer, house Mill Village Grenier John, bootmaker for C. Brodeur, West Rutland Griffin Alice Mrs.. , widow, house 25 Granger Griffin J as., employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Griffin John , laborer, house 21 Granger Griffin Michael, printer, Tuttle & Co., boards 12 Forest · Griffin M. H., pressman, Tuttle & Co's, boards Union corner Howe Griffin Thomas, marble polisher, boards 39 Center Griswold H . Miss, house 35 West Griswold George A., engineer, house 52 Forest Griswold S. H., physician, office and residence 35 West Grixton John, house 2 Elm, aged 71 years Groux Alexander, quarryman for Sheldons & Slason Guard Geo ., stonecutter, Suth. F alls Marble Co. Guertin Carlos, laborer, house ·woodstock avenue Guertin 'l'homas, wheelwright, house 7 North Guilford Warren 8., bookkeeper Dunn & Cramton's, house 127 Main Gurry John, quarryman for Sheldons & Slason H Hadaway Henry H., mechanic, house Perkins avenue Hager K C., teamster , fur Suth. Falls Marb le Co. gager W . ...T., employed Hipley Sons, Ce ntre H.utland Hahar Micha el, laborer, house Centre Rutland Hale Abner B., miller, house 29 Washington Haley Frank, sawyer, house Centre Hutland Haley James, teamster for Suth. Falls l\larble Co. Hall C. l\J rs., house 24 Howe Hall Chas. S., sawyer for Sheldons & Slason Hall Edward, employed Flints, Johnso n & Co. Hall H . A . (McClure & Hall) , also music teacher, house 11 Summer ''WORLD'S BEST PIANOS" Can be procured only of Fred . H. Cluett, rrroy, N.Y. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. 64 FOR THE BEST :PIANOS AND ORGANS. seepages. RUTLAND DiRECTORY. RU1'LAND DIRl!:CTORY. Hall Henry, lawyer, house 33 Washington Hall John M., grocer, house 80 Main Hall Wrp. and T. W., employed Flints J ohnson & Co Halpin John, laborer, swamp west of s~ale works . Halpi~ Michael and Timothy, sawyers Suth . Falls l\Iarble Co. Hamhn Edward, .sawyer for Sheldons & Slason Hamilton John, quarryman for Sheldons & Slason Hance Michael , laborer, house 7 Green Haney James, laborer .for Suth. Falls Marble Co. Haney Michael B., laborer, house Strono-'s avenue Hanley James, employed Rutland Marbl~ Co., Centre llntland Hanley John, stonecutter, boards 25 Forest Hanly Jas. & John, quarrymen Sheldons & Slason Hannan James, employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Hannan John, employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Hannan Thomas, sawyer for Suth. Falls ,)l arble no. Hanrahan James, house 12 Prospect Hanrahan John D., physician and surgeon , officcl and residence, 12 Prospect, office hours 8 to 10 .A..M., 1 to 2, and 6 to 8 ~.;rtney , P.M. Hapgood Chas. B., cashier B. H. Burts Hardy Emelin e Mrs., house 33 Forest .t:J " ,, ' ( / '7--Harger L. H., clerk A. White & Co. house Court corner Uentre ~ " ' - Harlow Lewis W ., painter, house 20 'chestnut avenue Harmon Henry, livery stable, house W est 1\ utland Harmon James E. , mail agent, house West ltutland Harris .Alfred l\1 ., clerk at J. E. Glynn's Harris Charles P. (Charles P. Harris & Co. and Rutland Foundry Co.), house 75 Main Harris Charles P. & Co., manufacturers and dealers in lumber, doors, sash , blinds, etc. and New "E n,.,.land a"'e nts for Irving's building papers. Fur~ace street. (See 2l' colored leaf.) Harris Joel B. (Rutland Foundry and Machine shop C~. ) h ouse 7f> Main · · Harr~son George F., moulder, house 27 Elm Harnson Frank 0 ., bookk eeper Gilson Clemen t & Woo dfin Harrison Christopher , house 3 Green ' Harrison Henry 'f., file-maker, house 6 W oods tock ave. Harrison James, mason, house River near railroad Harmon Wm. H., clerk, boards 23 West Harts Geo., farm er , house Cold River road Hart Frank 0 ., clerk , 99 cent store boards 2 Summer Hart Sabrie Mrs., house 2 S um~ er' J,ti:l; It will pay you to examine the World Renowned CHICKERING atrume r inno, if you \\"Hil t Lbc best innt manu factured. '6-c:-~ · J ohn , quarryman Sheldons & Slason p.arwood E. V. N., dentist, 1 ,)1erchants' row corn er West, house30Washin gton -A-.. • ,.1 .• ! .... Haskell Emily S., widow, house 17 Pine Haskell Charles R., firem an , boards 4 Pine Haskins Sadie Miss, house Cherry corner Forest Hathaway John B., music teacher, house 127 Main Haven J. M., treasurer of Rutland H.. R. Co., office in th e railroad depot, house 85 .M ain Haven Franklin A . (White & Have n), house 85 Jlain Hawkes Moses E , clerk, house Main corner W est Hawley Wm., teams ter for Suth. F alls M. Co. Hayes, Michael, polisher for Suth . Falls Marble Co . Hayes Alfred F., stonecutter, 'Vest below Columbian Marble Co. Hayes Nuthan E., teamster, Ce ntre Rutland Haynes B. H., phyRician nod surgeon, office 3 Grove, and residence 134 West, offi ce hours 9! to 11 A .M ., and H to 3 and 8 to 9 P .l\1. Hanes Hiram Mrs., house 28 W ales Haynes Lorenzo W., bra keman, house 7 Union Hayward A . C. ( Dunton & Hayward). house 21 Prospect Hayward Edward, clerk , hoards 5 Maple Hayward Ele azer , miller, Baxter, rear Lincoln Iron works Hayward Henry, farm er. house Main below R. H.. crossin g Hayward Ira M. , slater, house Main near R . R crossing Hayward Henry jr., farmer, house Main below H. B.. crossinu Hayward M. D., marker , 22 Merchants' row, house !) Howe "' Hayward Sam uel, house 5 Maple Hazelton J. H .; proprietor Barnes House , West Rutland Hazelton .Tason, carpenter for Sheldons & Slaso n Healy Jacob, tobacconist, 33 Merchants' row Healy John , laborer, house 4 Meadow Hehr Leo, melter, house 24 Furn ace Henry Sylvester, shoemaker. house 10 Pin e Henrichon Alfred, pressman Tuttle & Co., house 15 South Henrichon Benjamin, laborer, house 12 South Henrich on Benjamin jr., carpenter, boards 15 South Henry Dan iel, laborer, house Woodstock aven ue Henry Norm an S., engineer, house Pin e cor. Maple Herald & Globe A ssociation, publishers aud prop's of the Daily and W cekly Herald & Globe , offi ce 13 Ce ntre . (See adv.) ' Herbert Michael, laborer, house 9 Franklin H errick James F. , local editor " H erald and Globe," boards 24 West Hessleton Alhert .J ., co nduc tor , house 10 H owe a HI C K E R I N G When merit nnd price are considered, is the best Piano now HI C HE RING Rutland Directory 1878-1879 65 obtainable .- Examine them . 9 ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. 66 $250 BUYS A GOOD PIANO. See page 8. RUTLAND ])JREUT0/1 Y. 67 JI UTLAN]) ])JliEC7.'0RY. Hevey David, carp enter, house Cen tre Rutland Hewitt Ed ., clerk Rutland Marbl e Co's store Hewitt John, labor er for S uth . Falls Marb le Co. Hewitt Nathan, truckman , h ouse 10 Chestnut avenue Hewitt Robt., for eman blacksmith Howe Scale 'vVorhs Heyman Henry (Rutlan<.I Clothin g Co.), uuurds B erwick H ouse Hickey F. 0., first class r estaurant, 53 Merchants' m w opposite depot. (See adv.) Hickey Mary W ., dressmaker, boards 53 Merch ants' row Hickey Wi lliam, fireman, house S trong's a\'enue Higgins Albert W., pharmacist, 41 Merchants' row, house 13 Cottage . (See adv. , front colored leaf.) Higgins Elihu, bartender , boards 8 1 West Higgins John, laborer, house 23 South Higgins Joseph, h ostler, house 3 Ch erry Higgins Thomas, laborer, h ouse r ear 70 Forest Higgins 'rhos., quarryman for Sheldons and Slasun ·Hiland George, laborer, h ouse 19 W oodst ock ave nue Hill Charles, engineer, boards 70 West Hill Jason C., gunsmith, etc., r ear 20 West, house 5 No rth Hill Lewis, quarryman, house West Rutlan d Hill Oscar E., traveling agent for H. L. Verder & Co., Berwick H ouse Hill Orlando 1 ., eng inee r, h ouse l\Ioultbrop avenue Hill Thomas, sawyer for S h eldons & Slason Hilliard Albert, farmer, h ouse west end of Park Hilliard Uharles B., clerk G. W . Hilliards, house 45 G rove Hilliard Daniel, laborer, house 4 Terrill Hilliard Geo. W., dry aud fancy goods and fur s, dress goods a specialty, 37 Merchants' row, house 14 Co ttage Hilliard Minor, farmer , house 91 .Main Hilton Harry H., machinist, boards 37 Centre F. 0. HICKEY FIRST CLASS Oppos·i te the DeJJot. '!'able Boarders taken at the lowest living prices. CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, NUTS, CIGARS, TOBACCOS, &c., ALWAYS ON HAND. Irln searchoftbevery best now produced 0 R G AN s Rutland Directory 1878-1879 You will find them at F red . H . Cluett's. ------------------- Himes Amos, shoe maker, house 1 ~ Chestnu t avenue Hinchey ,James, machinist, house 12 Park Hinch ey J ames, employed R. i\1 . Co. , Centre llutland Hin es Martin, quarryman Sh eldons & ~Jason Hines Mary A., clerk at F. 0. H1 c key s Hines Patrick, employed R iVl. Co., West Rutland Hinks James, employed R . M. Co., West Rutland Hinkley Aaron, laborer, h ouse 14 G ran~ e r Hinkley William , watchman. h o u ~e. I O lio rest Hirschfield S., clerk , b oard s ~ Williams Hoaa; H. L ., bookkeeper E. D. Keyes & Cu. . Hoadley Leonar(l J., baker , house Mam st ., West Rutland Ho:ffnagle Wm., proprietor Hutland Custom Laundry , 57 West H oga n Anthony & Pat. , quarrymen at Sheldons & Slason H o..,.an Andrew t eamster for S heldous & Slason b ) d Hoga n Andrew Mrs., house W est Hutlan Ho..,.an James 'I'. clerk H. H. Brown & Co., West Ru tland Ho~an Malachi , 'employed Rutland i\Iarble Co ., Ce ntre Rutl and H ogan Malachi 2d , employed Rutland Marble Co., Ce ntre Rutland Hogan Michael, employed Rutla nd Ma rbl~ Co . Holcomb Silas 'f., engineer, bouse 10 ,Unwn Holden Emmett, dentist, boards 6 .Mam Holden R. C., farmer, house 6 Mam Holihan Patrick & John, laborers, house Ce ntre Rutland Holden John A. , painter, board s 6 Main Holland Hiram H ., conductor, house 15 Meadow Holley M. K. , fr eight clerk, house 21 Pine Hollister, Ty1~el & Co., East Dorset. (See adv . . n ~xt page.) Holmes J. W. & J. H., boiler makers and machuusts , West street opposite Catholic cemetery. (See adv.) . Holmes John W . (J. W. & J . H . Holm es), h ouse 3 Spnn g Holmes Jose ph (J . W . & J. H . H olmes), h ouse 45 West. Holston Clos, laborer , h ouse opposite depot West Rutland Holt Daniel H ., engin eer , house West Rutland Holt 1 . P., bookk eeper H . H . Brown & Co., West Rutland Holt Paul, house West i{utland . Hopkins Anne E. M!s., b oardin g ~? ~sc , house 109 Mam . Hopkins Wm . F., pnnter , "Globe JOb room, boards 106 Mam Horn er Eri W., , Rutland R. R., h ouse 8 Prospect Hou..,.hton A. R., painter , honse 12t Cottage . Ho~ard A. R., proprietor of railroad restaurant m depot, house 26 G rove Howard JnJson N., painter, house 6 Court Howard 'Mary A ., widow, house West Rutland With Fred. H. Cluett orhisrepresentatlve.l. you 0 0 N S ULT desire to procureoneofth e b estPlanosorurgans. if J. B. HOI,LISTEII.. W. A. TYII.EL. .J. II. GOULDINtl. $1 0 0 BUYS A GOOD :PIANO . See page 8. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. PBODUCEBS OF AND W!!OLESALE DEALEBS IN Ea~t llor~~t Italian Mar~l~. QUARRIES AND MILLS AT EAST DORSET~ VT. ~ On the Bennington and Ru tla.nd R. R. Quality of Stock Unsurp~ssed FOR MONUMENTAl OR OTHER PURPO~E~. SAWING AN·D TURNING TO SUIT THE TRADE., Rutland Directory 1878-1879 69 Howard i\athan G., painter, house 16 Elm Howard Patrick , laborer, house Allen above R. R crossin g Howe Henry S., confectioner, ~1 Centre, house 15 Prospect Howe Machine Co., H. L . G leason manager, Centre, corner Wales (See adv. ) Howe Scale Co., located at junction of Rutland and Harlem Extension Railroads. (See adv't on outside front cover.) Howland Jlm·shall 'f .. wheelwright, house \Vest ltutland Howley John, truckman, 16 Frauklin Howley Nicholas, foreman , house Strong's avenue Hoy Cornelius, laborer, house 19 Granger Hubbard Pat. and Wm., quarrymen S held ons & Slason Hubbard Rodney , truckman , boards 37 West Hubbard Sam uel T., foreman, house 2~ Howe Hubbard Sarah H. Mrs. house 37 West Hubbard William H ., moulder, house 20 Howe Hummel Nelson M. , printer, '· Globe" job room . house 10 Wales Hunt John, marble cutter, boards B erwick House Hunt Lucius F., chairmaker, house 15~ Centre Hunter Peter, clerk E. D. Keyes & Co. , house 5 Howe Huntoon Charles F., house 120 Main Huntoon Sarah E. Mrs., house 115 Main Huot Edward, employed R. M. Co., West Rutland Hurley .John, peddler, liouse 105 West Hurley 'fill\othy, engineer, house Baxter corner Maple Hussey Matthew, engineer, house 43 Forest. Hutchins t;. D ., carpenter, house 10 Church Hutchinson Albert F, carpenter, house 6 Maple Hutchinson Frank , assistant llleat cook at Bates House Hutchinson .J ohn. carpenter, house 1 Chestnut. av enu e Hyde (1 pn rge D .. farmer, house Allen near R. R. crossin g Hyde William H .. moulder, house 7 Union Hynes John R., real estate agent, bouse 3 Grant avenue .Jackson Frank, laborer, boards 4 East Jardiue John, machinist , house 20 Gibson avenue Jasmin Mascime, peddler, house Woodstock avenue Jasmin Timothy, peddler , house Woo dstock avenue J avery Ezra, employed R. i\1 . Co., Centre Rutland Jenness S. D ., coppersmith, house 122 J1ain Jerkowski B., manager Rutland Co. clot.h in g house, boards Bardwell House · STEINWAY "KING OF PIANOS" Sold Exclusively by Fred. IT. Cluett. WEBER I'IANQS Cluett and SoS~eAp~~':,t~.ror Vermont. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. 70 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. RUTLAND DIREG7'0RY. Jerkowski Marcus, dealer in ready made clothing and gent's ..., . furnishing goods, hats, caps, etc ., 7 Centre ' Jewell .\lerritt, watchman, house Mineral near Spring Jewett Solomon W., Shepherd home 2 East Johnsorl Alvin, farmer, Mill Village Johnson A . B., employed Flints, Johnson & Co. ,Johnson Edward, laborer, house rear of scale works Johnson Henry, lab orer, house 163 J'l'lain Johnson Jas. Gibson, pastor Cougrega.tional church, residence 87 Main Johnson John E., proprietor Farm ers' Hotel, 6 Freight Johnson Sidney E., express messenger, 15 Grove Johnson \Villiam· H ., sewing machine agent, house 13 Elm Johnson William H ., Flints, Johnson & Co., house Centre Rutland Johnson Wm. I., laborer, swamp west of scale works Johnston James, truckman, house 24 Woodstock avenue Johnston Mendrick, at R. ;H . Co., Centre Rutland Joy Harley, tinsmith, · house West Rutland Joyce Charles H. (Joyce & Lawrence), house 10 Cottage Joyce & Lawrence, attorneys and counsellors at law, office 27 Merchants' row K Kavanaugh Patrick, employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Kearney John, employed Gilson, Cle~ent & Woodfin Kearsarge Marble Co., West Rutland Keefe Alexander, laborer, house 5 Franklin Keenan John C., physician and surgeon, office and residence 19 River Keenan John, laborer, house 90 Forest Kellehar Dennis , laborer, bouse on railroad rear fair g round Kelley I. D. Mrs., hair work, house 30 Centre Kelley Sa1nuel H., principal of Rutland l\1 ilitary Institute, house 12 Church. (See adv.) Kellogg Harley R, farmer, house 29 i\1ain Kellogg John N., clerk P. 0., boards Court cor. Centre Kellogg Newton, assistant treasurer Rutland Savings Bank, house Court corner Centre Kellogg 0 . T. , blind maker, house 33 Main Kellogg Rebecca Mrs., house 33 Main Kellogg Samuel H., student, boards Court corner Center Kelly Benton, house West Rutland Kelly Dennis, clerk, house Fores't corner South RED. H. TROY N y J FCLUETT, 1 1, Rutland Directory 1878-1879 Is selling the World 's Dest Pianos and Organs at prices thnt dcl'y competition. I 71 Kelly Ed;ard, at depot, house 114 West Kelly Francis, laborer, house 10 Evelyn Kelly Hugh, laborer, house near Chas . P. Harris & Co's works Kelly J ~mes, mail carrier, boards 93 West Kelly James, John and Pat., at H. J\1. Co., West Rutland Kelly John, farmer, house West Rutland Kelly Luke, laborer, house 18 Meadow Kelly Patrick, laborer, house .Forest corner South Kelly Patrick, quarryman for Sheldons & Slason Kelly Smith F., farmer, south of Baxter's farm Kelly W. C. Mrs., millinery, 1 Merchants' row Kelsey Ansel, laborer, Suth. Falls l'llarble Co. Kemmer Charles, cabinet maker, house 53 West Kemp F. A., express messenger, boards Bardwell House Kendall P. Redfield, attorney and counsellor at law, office 21 Merchants' row, house 70 Main Kennedy James, laborer, house 5 Green Kennedy Michael, at Rutland Marble Co., Centre Rutland Kenneson Asa R., laborer, house head of Woodstock avenue Kenny George W., engineer, house 6 Pine Kenny Lorenzo, butcher, house 7 Mechanic Kenny S. T. Mrs., house 4 Summer Kent 'James, polisher for Suth. Falls Marble Co. Kent Warren, at Rutland Marble Co., Centre Rutland Kenyon James, quarryman for Sheldous & S lason Kenyon Wesley, brakeman, house 10 Elm Kershaw Thomas, machinist, house 9 Summer Keyes E. D. (E. D. Keyes & Co.), house 30 West Keyes E. D. & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in groceries, flour, etc., Evelyn opposite depot. (See adv .) Keyes Julia A., widow, house 26 Uenter Keyes Roxana W. Mrs., postmistress, bouse Centre Rutland Kidder Frank B., merchant tailor, 3H Merchants' row, house 13 Summer Kidder J. M., salesman, house 13 Summer Kilburn A., dentist, 6 Morse's block, boards Berwick House. (See adv . on page 72.) . Kilburn J. B., dry goods, cloaks and millinery goods. agerit F. Leslie's paper patterns 17 Center, house l13 J\laiu Killa .Michael, laborer for Suth. Falls Marble Co. Kimball Elizabeth Mrs., widow , house 44 Forest Kimball F. H ., clerk W. B. Mussey & Sou, board~ 19 Woodstock avenue Kimball JoReph W., carpenter, house 44 Fores t 269 RIVER STREET TROY ' N y 1 1 Is the number or Fred. H. Cluett's Piano wue room. Best goods at !oweot prices . · KNABE J?IANOS ALEX. SELKIRK, Soli£itor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. 72 RUTLAND DIRE'CTORY. RU'l'LA.ND DiRECTORY. Kimball Lorenzo \V., machinist, house 19 Woodstock avenue Kimberly Curtis, foreman, house West Hutland King C. H., shoe store, house West Rutland King Fred. & J os., machinists, Sheldons & Slason Kingsley Dennis , laborer, house 9 Green Kingsley Harvey, water commissioner, house 13 Cottage Kingsley H. W., merchant tailor, 1 3~ Merchants' row house 84 ~lain. (See adv. on page 73.) ' Kingsley Michael, at Ripley Sons, Centre Rutlanrl Kingsley l\loses, painter and paper hanger, house 15 Grove Kingsley Lawrence, machinist, house 9 Green . Kingsley Levi G., hardware, furniture , carpets, etc., 18 ~lerchants' row, house 51 Pine. (See adv.) Kingsley N . P., real estate agent, house 38 Grove Kinnclly Patrick, Rutland l\larble Co., Centric) Rutlund Kinseller l\lichael, sawyer for Ripley Sons, Center H.utland Kinseller 'l'hornas, employed B.ipley Sons, Center H.utland K!nsman Chas. H ., for eman H.ipley Sons, house 6 Spring Kmsman R. R., freight checker, house 8 Chestnut avenue Kinsman William, machinist, house 17 River Kinsman Chas. C., clerk Chas. E. Ross, house 14 Grove Kivelin Martin, at R. l\1. Co., Centre Rutland Kivelin Wm ., machinist for Suth. Falls i\larble Co . Kline Daniel, employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Kline 'l'hos., employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Knight M. L., clerk M. D. Hayward's boards Verder's block Knight Silas, clerk, boards Farmirs' Hotel L Labelle John , quarryman for Sheldons & Slason La Boeuf Cyril, baker for H. L. Verder & Co. La Cla ir Edga r, painter, house West hanger, 86 West, house do. La Clair Stephen, quarryman for 8heldons & Slason La Dame Louis, moulder, boards 70 West La Flam George W., employed R.. l\1. Co., West Rutland La Fortune Joe., employed B.. l\1. Co., West Rutland I.Jajoice Paul, laborer, Suth. Fulls Marble Co. Lalor Edward, Mrs., widow, house 7 Oreen Lamb Edward, labor('lr, Bipley Sons, Centre Rutland Lamb James, employed Ripley Sons, Centre Rutland Lamb J awes, brakeman, house 118 West Lamb Jane Mrs., widow, house 118 \\est Lamb Patrick, teamster, Ripley Sons, Centre Rutland Lawbert John C., laborer, house 1 Edson Lambert Sarah i\lrs., house 1 Edson Lammercaux Eugene, quarryman for Sheldons & Slason I.Jamson Truman, house Centre Rutland La nan John, at depot, house 129 West Landon Albert, clerk, house 15 Grove Landphere Alba, painter, house 66 Forest Landon W. C., hardware, F reight corner Evelyn house 13 Grove Lane Richard, marble mantels, house West Rutl~nd Langlois Eugene, sw itchman, Mineral near Sprina Lapoint Noel quarryman for Sheldons & Slason ° La Port Peter, employed R M. Co ., West Rutland Lardner George, laborer, house 8 Granger · La Roe Jerry, carpenter, house West Rutland La Roe Joshua, blacksmith, house rear 86 West Lareau Joshua, blacksmith, house 21 Forest Larner Wm., sawyer for Suth. Falls Marble Co. Larson Nurze, quarryman for Sbeldon s & Slason TAILOR. D B M T :ES Dental Work Carefully and Artistically Performed. 'WORLD'S BEST PIANOS" Rutland Directory 1878-1879 13! MERCHANTS' ROW, RU'l'LAND, V'l'. RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS YOun PATRONAGE. ~All H. W. KINGSLEY, JY-CORSE'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE DEPOT, Can be procured only of Fred. H . Cluett, Troy, N. Y. 73 La Clair Edgar, house and sign painter, grainer an d paper DR. A. KILBURN, 6 Cluett and Sons Sole Ageuts . Sec page 8. RUTLAND, VT. STRICTLY FINE CUSTOM TAILORING. will pay you to examine CHICKERING Piano, if yon want the best inWorld Renowned strument manufactured. It the 10 ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Allmny, N.Y. MASON AND HAMLIN ORGANS RUTLAND DiRECTORY. La.vallie Adolphus, painter, bouse 24 lfo rest Lavery Owen, telegraph repairer, boards 8 Merch an ts' row Lavery .Joseph, telegraph repairer, boards 8 Merchants' row Lavine Peter, hackman, house 55 West Law Edward, fireman at Berwick House Lawrence Geo. E . (.Joyce & Lawrence,( house 28 West Lawton Le~vis T., deutist, office 4 l\icr c h an~s' row, house Grove street opposite the grove Lazo John, at R. ~1. Co., Centre Rutland Leach C. B. (Bowman & Leach), boards Bates House Leamy James, station agent, house West B.utland Learned John, farmer, house WoodRtock avenue Leary Timothy, laborer, house 1 Granger L ease \V. H., harness, 4 1 Centre, house 17 Perkin s avenue Lebare Felix, quarryman for Sheldoos & Slason Lee Alma, dress mak er, boards 10 Park Lee Charles , boilermaker, boards 45 West Lee Geo. A., carpenter, builder and contractor, 43 Maio, bouse do . Lee Henry B., carpenter, house 88 Main L e Fay Edward , labore r , house 3-l: Forest Lefever John , employed Ripley Sons, Centre Rutland Legnard Solomon, quarryman for S held ous & Slaso n Lemieu P et 0r, shoemaker, boards Farmer's Hotel Leonard Joseph E., teacher, h ouse West Rutland L eo nard J. H., employed Ripley Sons, Ce nter Hutl and Leonard i\lichacl, tcamster·for Suth. Falls lllarLie Co . J~eonard !II ichael, baggage master, house 25 Riv er Leonard Napoleon and Sam ., quarrymen for Sheldoos and Slason L eonard Thos., labore r , Suth: Falls .Marble Co. Leonard Rebecca J\liss, dressmaker, hou se vYest Rutland Leonard, marble worke~, house 8 Chestnut avenue Lepine Dennis, teamster, house 76 Forest Lester AnDa, widow, house lllill Village Lester Cha rl es C., clerk, E. F. Sad ler, boards 27 Grove Lester Gilbert, fanner, house l\1 ill Village Lester Henry, farmer, house lllill.Village Lethbrid~e .Joh n, laborer, house Main ncar tannery Letrimore Solomon, carpenter, house 9 No rth Levin s Alonzo, painter, house Baxter rear Lincoln iron works Levins James, for eman "Herald & Globe" press room, house 12 Howe Lewis E. C., druggist, 2 Merchants' row, bouse 8 Cottage Lewis N. B. Mrs., carpenter, house 30 Centre good American Name" hns been n houee hold word for over half CHICK ERIN Ga"Acentury, 53,000 oftbese matcllless l'ia!losllu ve been made & sold. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 RUTL1l N D DIRECTORY. Cluett and Sons Agents. Sec pugc 8. 75 Lewis William F., fir eman at Howe Scale Co. Lheureux Flave 1 blncksn1ith, rear of gas house Libby P., blacks mith for L. Premo, Mill Village Liberty Francis, laborer, h ouse 43 Gre.en Liberty Louis T ., blacksmith, h ouse L111coln ave . cor. Grant Lillie Walter H., blacksmith, h ouse rear 70 West Lincoln Iron Worli.:s, Thos. Ross, proprietor, 92, 94, and 96 West. (See adv. front colored _pagc.) Lincoln Paris P., farmer, h ou se 13 Church Lincoln William, farmer, house Main below railroad crossing Lindsey John, butcher, h ouse 7 Pine Linehan D., employed Flints, Johnson & Co. Liscomb William H., bookkeeper R. M. Co., West Rutland Litchfield Fred G. , clerk A. W . Higgins, boards 13 Church Litchfield Frank B., clerk Dunn & Cramton , boards 13 Church Litchfield Helen A . Mrs., h ouse 13 Church Littlefield Andrew J ., lab orer, h ouse 6 Summer ·Littlefield Levi, farmer, house Main opp. fair grou nd , aged 82 Littlefield Mary l\1 iss, house Main opp fair grounds Littlefield Miranda Miss, Main opp. fair grouDd, aged 73 Livermore R. F., clerk a t Bates House Loftus Patrick, clerk, J. & T. CadeDs, h ouse 5 llfechanic Lo"'an Lorenzo J. laborer Main near R. R. crossing Logan Samuel, fo;eman, l~ ouse 53 Merchants' row Lloyd John, mason, house 19 South C • L ., carria"'e and sleiO'h manufacturer, also general blackLoll .... b t""' smithing and horsehoeing, 26 Wales, house 21 W est Long Patrick, labore r, h ouse Moulthrop aven u e Long Jared, farmer, Mill Village Lon "' Marietta ll\iss dressmaker , h ouse 11 Merchants' row Long Sarah Mrs., h~use 11 Merchants, row, 7~ years old Londri"an John quarryman for S held ons & Slason Loonie"'Christy, ~mploycd Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Loop George T ., hairdresser, house ll Ple~saDt Loop S .•J., liquors, teas, etc., boards Berw1ck House Lorette Peter, carpenter, house 12 Terrill Loisal Philip, sh oema ker, D. L. Morgan's, house East Looney Th o!~ . , employed R. l\1. Co., West Rutland Loselle Philip, shoemaker, b ouse 16~ East Lyman Daniel F. S., brid ge t ender , house 38 West Lyman I saac, carpenter, house West Rutland Lyman l\'lilo, carpenter, house 16 Chest.nut avenue Lyman William H., carpenter, 124 Mam Lynch James, laborer, Suth. Falls Marble Co. ~ RIVER TROY N y 26 9 STREET • 1 1 1 I s the number of Freel. IT. Cluett'• Piano ware room. Be st goods at low es t prices. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. 76 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. Lynch John, laborer, house S tron g 's avenue Lynch li-Iichael, boilr.rmaker, house 29 Meadow Lynch Patrick, employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Lynch Peter, employed Flints, Johnson & Co. Lynch Thomas, employed Flints, Johnson & Co. Lynch Patrick, laborer, house 27 llleadow Lynch 'l.'h omas, engineer, house 28 Wales Lyon Phi lip, sawyer, Ripley Sons, Centre Rutland Lyon T . J . (H. L. Verder & Co.), house 13 Prospect Lyon William H., laborer, house 3 Cherry Lyons Dennis, employed R. i\I. Co., \\'est Rutland Lyston Edward, butcher, 47 Market, house 42 Forest Lyston John D ., clerk E. D. Keyes, house 42 Forest M !!'lay Charles S., teamster, house West Rutland McArthur Clarence H., carpenter, house West Rutland McBride Patrick, sawyer for Suth . Falls Marble Co. McHride Wm., employed R . M. Co., West llutland McCabe Michael, at R. M. Co., Centre Rutland McCail Mary, Jennie & Kate, house 5 Grove . o(_J 'fMcCarty Charles, carpenter, house 77 Forest (jS>..........,oMcCarty Owen, employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin McCawley Terrence, sawyer for Sheldons & Slason l\IcCavat John, laborer, house 6 Green MeClcllan J. A. Mrs., dressmaker, house 21! Centre McCluer A. M., clerk, West Rutland McCluer Milo, carpenter for Sheldons & Slason McClure D. G., book canva8ser, house 20 Washington McClure E . C. (McClure & Hall), also piano tune~, boards 34 West 1\'IcClure & Hall, dealer in pianos, organs, sheet music and all kinds of musical merchandise, 25 Merchants' row McClure M. A., clerk McClure & Hall , boards 34 West McCormick Edward, employed Gilson, Clement. & Woodfin McCormick Frank, employed Gilson, Clem ent & Woodfin McCormick John, employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin McCormick ·John, machinist, house 13 Granger McCormick Martin, moulder, house 13 Granger McCormick Owen, employed Gilson, Clement & Wo odfin McCormick Patrick, employed Gilson, Clement & 'Woodfin McCormick Thos., employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin McCrea James, quarryman for Sheldons & Slason McCue John, over Shedd's store, Centre Rutland It willpay yon to examine the World ReQowued CHICKERING strument Piano, you wnnt th e best in· manufactured. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 DO YOU WANT A I'IA'NO CHEAl?. It See page 8. 77 McCue Michael, employed Hipley Sons, Centre Rutland McCurney Arthur, teamster, house West Hntland M cDeed Bernard, employed Gilson, Clement & rW oodfin McDeed James, employed Gilson, Cleme?t & \\ oodfin McDeed Ma rgaret, domestic at 22 Wash10gton McDeed Matthew, employed Gilson, Ciemcnt & Woodfin McDeed Patrick, house West Rutland McDermott Francis sawyer for Sheldons & Slason , ' McDermott John, house Stron~ s avenue McDermott Thos, laborer, for Sutb. Falls Marble Co. McDevitt Bernard, laborer, house West Rutland McDevitt John laborer, house West Rutland McDonald And~ew, laborer, house h ead of Green McDonald Patrick, sawyer for Suth. Falls Marble Co . McDonnell Patrick, laborer, house 26 Granger McDonnell Patrick, melter, house 104 West McDonnell Thomas, marble polisher, house 78 Forest McDono.ugh Bridget, widow, house 41 Me~dow McDonough Bryan, laborer, house 173 Maw McDonough Darby, truckman, house 35 South McDonough James, laborer, house Hopkins street McDonouO'h James at R. M. Co., Center Rutland McDonough Patrick; laborer, house Strong's avenue McDonough Mary M., widow, house 169 Main McDowell Robt., employed Flints, Johnson & Co. McDowell Thomas, blacksmith R. M. Co., house West Rutland McGann John, cooper, Sheldons & Slason McGarry Bernard, sawyer for Suth. Falls Marble Co. , McGarry Hugh and Pat, laborers Suth. Falls Marble Co . McGarry Michael, sawyer for Sheldons & Slason McGarry Michael, sawyer Sheldon s & Slason McGarry Thos , grocer in depot, house West Rutland McGetrick Thomas, laborer, house Woodstock avenue McGinley Chas. and Pat., quarrymen Sheldons & Slason McGinn James, laborer, house 110 Green McGinness Charles, hostler, house 10 Granger McGinness Edward, machinist, house 3 Wales ::.\'lcGinness James, carpenter, house 3 Wales McGinness John, laborer, house 131 West McGinness Mathew and Mat jr., sawyers Suth. Falls Marble Co. McGinness William, employed Flints, Johnson & Co. McGowan Edward, teamster for Suth . Falls Marble Co. McGowan James, laborer for Suth. Falls Marble Co. McGowan ·John, laborer, house 5 Hopkins "WORLD'S BEST PIANOS" Can be procured only of Fred. H. Cluett, Troy, N.Y. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. 78 FRED , H, CLUETT the who is exclu sive agent for ' Chickering & Stein way. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 Cluett & Sons, T empl e of Mu sic. Sec pngc 8. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. RUTLAND DIREC'l'ORY. McGowan .\1ichael, emp loyed R. i\1. Co., W es t Rutland McGuire Bartholomew , labo rer , house 156 i.\Iaiu McGuire Jas., employed Gilson . Clement & Woodfin McGuire Tib., dressmaker, house 3H Merchants' row McGuire Patrick, house Hopkins near Stron"'s avenue McGuire Terrence, teamster, R. !H. Co, Centre Rutland McGurk France, employed Ripley Sons, Centre Hutlaud McGurk E llen l\Irs., widow, house 49 Green McGurk James, brakeman, house 49'Green McGurk J obn, blacksmith, .Ripley Sons, W es t opp. boiler shop McGurk John, employed Rtpley Sons, Centcr .Rutland :\Ic.John John, emp loyed Uilson, Clemen t & Woodfin Mcintyre John, brick manufacturer, east of F. Chaffee's on Main street, house 2 and 4 Green . (See adv.) Mcintyre John H ., foreman ca r sh op . house 4 Spring McKean Bryan, clerk B. & D. C. Billinoos house 7 Franklin . Mrs., widow, 12 Forest "' McKeogh Cathanne McKcogh Wm . J., bookbinder, boards 12 Forest McKeon James, quarryman for S heldons & S lason McKeon Peter, sawyer for S uth Falls Marble Co . McLaughlin And rew, quarryman for Sheldous & S lason McLaughlin Bernard and Pat, quarrymen Sheldons & S lason McLaughlin Bridget Mrs., widow, house 20 East McLaughlin James, carpenter R. l\1. Co., Ce ntre Rutland McLau!!;hlin John, blacksn1ith, house Wood stock avenue · McLaughlin Robert, watc hm an, boards ~0 East l\lcL•lUghlin John 1st, employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin McLaughlin Michael, farm er, house h ead of Green McLaughlin Patrick, mason, h ouse 12 Walas McLaughlin Patrick, laborer, house opposite 37 Green Mc-'lahon ,J obn, blacksmith, house 3 1 Forest Mc~Iahon John, machinist, house 106 West McMahon John, blacksmith, house 3 1 Forest McMahon Martin, fireman, rear Putnam & Sawye r's block McMahon Patrick, laborer, Suth. Falls Marble Co. McMahon Thos., tailor, house 21 Green M ci\lan us Peter, g rocer, 93 West, h ouse do. McNamara Daniel, laborer, house Allen near railroad crossin"' McNamara James E., marble cutter, boards rear 70 West "' McNamara John, foreman R. M. Co., Centre Rutland McNamara Michael, sawyer for Sheldons & S lason McNe!ll Jas. and Wm., quarrymen t' heldnns & Sla~on McNCtll Hu!!h, marble mantels. house West Rutland l\lcNoah William, foreman, ho~3e 2 Maple The best pos•ihle ba,rgains lnPtanos may be obtamed of J?IANOS FROM $50 UJ?. 79 l\lcQuain Ellen L. Mrs., house rear 147 Main 1\'lcTierney Bryan, em ployed Gi ltion , Clement & Woodfin McTierncy Patrick, sawyer for Sheldons & Slason Mabry Geo. H., machinis t. house Main below R. R crossing Maccabee Loraine Mrs., widow, house 39 Forest Macomber J. B., electro silv er plater, 33 Center, house do. (See adv.) Madigan Thomas Mrs., widow, hou se Allen near H. R. crossing Magan John I house vVest H.utland .Maher John, laborer, h ouse 111 W est Maher Patrick, laborer , house Centre Rutland Maher Stephen, tinsmith, boards, 28 Forest Maher William, moulder, boards 111 West Mahoney Daniel, h ouse Allen near R. R. crossing l\1ailbiot Joseph, shoemaker, D. L. i\'l organ's. bouse 35 Green l\lalady Michael, employed G ilson, Clement & Woodfin Maloney Bryan, emp loyed R. M. Co., \\' es t Rutland Maloney Martin, employed S held ons & Sla~o n Mandigo Michael, laborer, house Centre Rutland l\langan Andrew, labor er, house Strong's aven ue opposite Hopkins Mau gan Francis, laborer, h ouse 27 Granger . Manga n John·, laborer, house A !leu above R . R. crossing Mangan Owen, laborer, house 115 ·w est Mangan Patrick, laborer, house 1 2 H opkins l\'laugan Thomas, sawyer, h ouse Ceutre Rutland l\ianley J. E., attorney at law an d notary public, office and residence West Rutland Manley Madison 8., groce r house 9 Wales :Manley Thomas D ., marble agent, house l Cottage Manley William W., marble turner, boards 1 Cottage Manley Wil}jer P., bookkeeper National Bank of Rutland, boards 109 Main Manley Wm ., employed Flints, Johnson & Co. Mannay John, laborer, house 20 River Manning J as. and Pat, quarrymen S b eldon s. & Slason Manning Nathan, teamster H. H. Brown & Co., West Rutland Mansfield George R. (Mansfield & Stimson), house 46 W est . Mansfield & Stimson, proprietorR Eagle foundry and machine works, Union opposite R. R. car shop. (See ad v. on inside back cover.) · Mara Timothy, laborer , swamp west of scale works Maranville Galusha, carpenter, house 16 'Elm Marble Valley Hotel, C. H. Campbell, opp. depot West Hutland Don't be deceived. If you want the very best tho ST£ IN WAY Pinno is now without a rivul. Examine tl.wm. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. 80 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. '1"'1 • ,I;" rlC8S. Cluett & Sons, Tcmple·o r :Music. Sec pugc 8. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. l\Iarcean George, employed K l\1. Co., West Rutla.nd l\larchand Eph. and Geo ., qua.rrymeo Sheldous & S lasoo Marchand Peter, quarryman for Sheldons & Slasoo l\larion Hawley, employed at Bardwell House Marks J oho, car builder, hous~ 15 l\Ieadow Maroney John, laborer, house Centre Rutl and Marooney J ohn, employed Gi lson, Clement & Woodfin Maroooey John, employed R. i\I. Co., West Rutland Marooney Michael, Patrick, Thomas, at R. i\1. Co. Centre Rutland Marshall B. W., choice family groceries, provisions, crockery etc., 1 Grove, house 16 Cottage Marshall AlbertS., watches, clocks, jewelry, silver and plated ware, spectacles, guns, revolvers, cartridges, fine watch repairing a specia lty elc., 1 i\Ierchants' Row Marshall Louis A., clerk B. W. i\larsball, boards 16 Cottage Marshall Nathan S., watchmaker at A. 8. Marshall's Marshall W m., tailor for Peter Fagan, boards 20 Green Martell Joseph, painter, bouse 26 Center 1\lartell Louis, painter, bouse 29 Wales Mason Charles S., clothing, hats, caps, traveling bags, 43 Merchants' r ow , h ouse 28 West (See adv. page 81.) ALBERT S. MARSHALL, Successor to h!archall NQHQUS8 can mak 8 b8tt er /1: Cady, WAT~HE~, ~~~~K~,. JEWELRY, 81 Mason Charl es L., painter, bouse 10 Park aven ue Mason Cynth ia S i\lrs., widow, house 6 Prospect Mason E. G., gene ral agen t Aetna Life Ins. Co. , also agent Equitable Life Assurance society and N. Y. Life los. Co. Putnam & Sawyer's block, h ouse 6 Maple Mason Geor("fe A., clerk G. W. Hilliard, boards 14 Cottage l\'hsoo Jap1e~, teamster, West below Columbian Marble Co . Mason Wm. C., bookk eeper, house 9 S ummer Massey Francis X . , printer, house 18 East Massey S. W., printer Herald & Globe, boards 10 Park ave. Matamorse Bartly, employed Gilson, Cleme nt & Woodfin Matthews Byron . corpenter, bouse 14 Gibson avenue l\Iatthews Charles H., carpenter, h ouse 37 Forest Matthews John, laborer for S uth. Falls Marble Co . Mead Andrew J., farmer, house W es t Rutland Mead George V., carpen ter, house 6 Chestnut aven ue Mead Horatio, farmer house Centre Rut land Mead Joel M., fanne r, h ouse Centre Rutland Mead John A., physician and surgeon, offi ce an d residence 22 W ashin gton corner Prospect, office h ours, 7 to 9 A. M ., 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 P. M . Mead J ohn H., farmer h ouse , West Rutland Mead Moses A., carpenter, house Centre Rutland Mead Rowlie Mrs., widow house W est Rutland Mead & Parker, country store, i\laio st., \V. Rutland. (See adv. next page.) Mead Rollin C ., farmer, house Centre Rutland Mead H.. R. (Mead & Parker), h ouse Main near West Rutland Mead S tephen W., farmer, h ouse Center Rutland Mead Zebulon Mrs ., farmer, house Centre R utland Meegan Owen, moulder, house 41 Forest Meeker Su;~an i\lrs., dressmaker, h ouse 95 Main corner Terrill CHAS. S. MASON DEALER IN Jfine Jjteadu ~de ~;lothing, WARE, SPECTACLES, GUNS, REVOLVERS, CARTRIDGES, &c. HATS, CAPS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, AND LADIES' AND GENT'S TRAVELING BAGS, No. 1 Merchants' Row, Rutlmul, Vt. Bates Honse Block, Corner Merchants' Row &Center St.: Rutland, Vt. PROVE IT If in douht and yo n des ire the bes t, an examilwtion of the Stein , way and Chickenng Pianos will sutisfy you of their superiority. 4 E RING When merit nnd _price nrc considered, is the best Piano now HI CHERI N G obtaiuublc.-,Exnmiue them. 0 HICK 11 Rutland Directory 1878-1879 ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. 'Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. 82 RUTLAND DlREUTOR Y. MAKES TEIE !~st TRY T:S:E]Y.(. E. N. Merriam's Perfect Filling Shirt Patterns Cut to measure. arranged for open front n~d open back s hirt~. Sent anywhere by m111l. Prtee ~ne doll.rr.1•. Directions for meusnremcnts for shuts or patterns sent on application . Stamping for Braid and Embroidery F HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE, FARMING 'I'OOLS, Crockery, Patent lUedicines, Carpets, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Fish, Flour, Salt, &c. VTEST RUTLAND, VT_ R. R. MEAD . You wilt 1\ud them nt Fred. H. Cluett's. JittiDg Shbts! So his customers affirm, to be obtained anywhere. p DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Rutland Directory 1878-1879 E. N. MERRIAM ERFECT DEALERS IN ORGANS Miller i.\Iadame R. E., dressma ker, house 26 Center l\liner A. L., hairdresser at J. W. Farmers, house 1 Garden Miner Breno. painter, house 1 High . Miner & Son, carr i a~e makers, blacksm1ths, horseshoers and general jobbing, Terrill corner Main Miner Levi (Miner & Son), house 22 East Miner Levi F. (Miner & Sou), boards 22 East Mitchell John D., dea le r in millinery and fancy goods, notions , and a full line of ladies' furnishing goods, 29 lHerchants' row , hous e 29 Grove. · . 1\'Iitchell Walter, rector 'l'rinity church, house Perkms ave. l\1 off'at Garvin, marblcworker , b oa rds Bard well HouBe l\Ionalnn John, employed Ripley Sons, Centre Rutland 1\louahan Owe n, brassmoulder, house 1 Granger Monahan Patrick laborer house Centre Rutland, 80 years old l\lauahau H(lbt., ~mpl oyed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Monahan Thos., employed G ilson, Cle ment & Woodfin Mongleson Peter, carpenter for Suth. Falls Marble Co. Moore Herbert, fireman, boards 33 Forest Monvi ll e Jos., employed R. l\1. Co ., West Rutland REMIUM MEAD & PARKER, C. A. PARKER. 83 JIUTL.A ND DiRECTORY. Meilliur C., employed Flints, Johnson & Co. Meilleur J ., blacksmith, house Centre Rutland Meldon Mary Mrs ., house 100 West Mellow Frank M., hairdressing rooms, also manufacturer and prop rietor of'' Mellows' Celebrated Sea Foam," the betit hair tonic in the market; 50 cents a bottle; first premium over all other kinds; 31 Centre (second floor), house 37 \Vcs.t Mercier Achille and Paul, quarrymen Sheldons & Slason ]}'[erJ·iam E. N., music store. and age nt for Grover & Baker's and Domestic sewing machines, shi'rt manufacturer, etc,; also depository of the V erwout Bible Society; 19 Merchants' row, boards 1 Chestnut avenue. (See adv. next page.) Merrill Chas. A., photographer, boards 33 Grove Merrill J. 0., photographer, complete sati~factiou guaranteed in all cases, studio 1 Merchants' row corner \Vest, hous e 33 Grove Merrill Geo. A., pres ident of Howe Sca le Co ., house 69 Main Merritt Benjamin G., contract.or, house 1 Elm Mero C. lllrs., widow, house 8 Green Mero Charles, shoemaker, house 8 Green Mero Sylvester, employed Ripley Sans, Center Rutland Metzger Wm., upholsterer, shop on Evelyn street, house 25 Eltll, (See adv.) Meyerhoffer Viuccnt C., granite agent, house 8~ East ]}'Iietzke George A., professor of music and organist of Cong regational Church, house 28 Grove Milan John, plumber, boards rear 70 W es t Miller L . T., painter, house 26 Center Millington Gilbert D., boards 83 Main Miller John, employed Rutland :'II. Co., Centre Rutland lf iu search of tile very best now produced See pngc 8. SAVE EVERY CENT YOU CAN. neatly and tast.efnlt y done. Articles to he stamped can be sen t by mail at smnll cost. ITTI~G The GroYer & Eaker, mHl Domestic s SEWING MACHINES. The best in th e world for fa mil y usc. cash nt g1·catly reduced prices. Sold for ~lflf/Jlll!JflfiJCJlf!Nlt.ll!l!lRS" PI~H~$. Tbe finest in t he world. Other pinnas nt the lowest li ving prices. PIANOS AND ORGANS TUNED AND REPAIRED. !.111310, !.11131CAL !~STllU!.IEN·l'S, PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, &c., &c., &c. ::C:E:POS:CTO:R.Y OF '-'T- S:C:SLE SOC:IE:TY~ E - N' 19 Merchants' Row, :lV.I: E Ayent fo-r Dotn.estic Paper Fa.Yhions. 0 0 N S ULT :::Sl:ELE:S .A.T COST- ~ ~ :I: .A. :lV.I: , Rutland, Vt, Ccttrtlooues sent fr ee. With Frccl. H. Cluett or his represe ntative, if you desire to procure oue of tbe bc•t Ptanos or Organs, •'. ·" ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. ,, \ [ ! t; it i, 84 CLUETT &. SONS, TEMPLE OF MUSIC. seepages. R U1'LAN]) D I RECTORY. l\l ooty Charles :::l., teamster, house 7 T err ill Moody John , plumber, house l\l ain street West Rutland Moreau D avid , for eman, hou se 6 Pine Moreau Thomas, laborer, bouse W est Hutland Moran C., emp loyed Flint's, John so n & Co . Moran Patrick, employed Flints, John so n & Co. Moran Thos., quarryman for Sheldons & Slason Moran Thos., employed Gilson, Clement & 'Woodfi n Morgan D. L., dealer in lad ies and ge ntlema n's boots a nd sh oes , of the best. quality , custom work a specia lty , r epairin g done at short notice , 15 Centre, house 3 Pa rk ave nue Morga n Fay, lab or er, h ouse W est Rutl a nd Morga n Hiram, trackmaster, b ouse 49 Forest Morgan Frank, clerk l\l ead & Parker, West Rutland Morgan Esther W ., widow, house W est Rutland Morris H. C., bookk ee per, boards 68 W est l\1 orrison A. J ., mail agen t, boards Bard well House Morrison Patrick, laborer, bouse 9 Granger Morse E. A., dru ~~i s t and apoth ecary, l\Iorsc's Neroli colog ne a specialty, 45 Merchants' row, oppos ite dep ot, house 110 l\lain Morse F. A., dru ggist an d apoth ecary, and agent for th e Oriental Tea Co., a lso dealer in p aints, oi ls, glass, etc., l\lain corner Marble. West Rutland . (See adv.) Morse Geo. W ., machinist , house 7 Union Morse Lucius A., drugg ist, 13 Grant avenue Morse Willis, small beer, 6 West, house 3 lll adison Morrison David and John. sawyers She! dons & Slason Morton L eander, engineer, boards 5 Pine Mortrom J ohn, for eman, house Centre R utland l\1 oses U., employed R. l\'1. Co., W est Rutland Moulthrop Hob ert, farm er, bouse Maio ncar Park Mound Thomas, den tist , gold fillings a specialty, office 2 1 ~ Centre ( up stairs), boards 19 Wales Moynihan .John, blacksmith, house 1 G reen Mulcahe J ohn, harn ess mak cr , h ouse 133 l\laiu M ulb ern l\1 arlin, employed R. l\1. Co., Centre Rutland Mulh ern Thos., employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfi n Mullaney Thos ., employed Gi lson, Clement & 'V ood fin Mullin Daniel with D . F. Mullin & Bro. Mullin Dennis F. ( D. F. Mullin & Bro.) , Marble street, Rutland Mullin D. F. & Bro., dealers in drugs, medicines, groce ri es and provisions, toil et and fancy articles, a fu ll lin e o f cigars, Marbl e street, W est Rutland. (See adv. next page.) STEINWAY "KING OF PIANOS" Sold E:.:clu sively by l•'red. ll. Cluett. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 85 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. Mull in Jam es (D. F . Mullin & Bro.), Marble street. 'vV est Rutland Mullin Micha el, employed Gi lson, Clement & Woodfin Mullin Patrick, qu arryman for Sheldons & Slason Mulvey Jolln, employed R. M. Co., Centre Rutland Mumford G eo rge, sawyer for Shcld ons & Sluson Mumford Thos , coper for Sheldons & Slason M untez Adam, machinist for Suth . Marble Co .. Murdock William, carpenter, house Mmcral near Spnn g Murphy Jam es, employed Gilson, Cleme nt & Woodfin Murphy Jam es , laborer , house 45 Green Murphy J eremi ah J., tai lor. bouse 73 West Murphy J obn, medi cal stuC!..e nt, boards 27 Wales Murphy John 2d , sawyer fcrr Sheldons & Slason Murphy John, blacksmith Sheld ons & Slason Murphy M icbael, mechanic, boards 27 Wales Murphy Michael, laborer, swamp west, of Scale works Murphy Timothy, labo rer, house 20 Granger Murray Chas., clerk at B ates Hou se Murray John, carpenter, h ouse 21 E lm Murray Wm. at B. . M. Co., Centre Rutland Mussey Charles W . (W. B . Mussey & Son) , bourdA 32 Grove Mussey Evelyn P ., farme r , h ouse.Ma in below R. R. c.rossing Mussey Henry, farm er, h ouse Ma1n b elow R. R . crossmg . Mussey J ames B. , farm er, house Ma~n below R . R . cross~n g Mussey Robert E., farm er , house i\'lam below R . R. cross!llg .. Mussey W. B. & Son, choice fami ly groce ri es an~ prov isions, etc., 11 Merchants' row , house 32 Grove . (~ee adv . next page.) Mutly P~trick, sawyer for Sutb. Fall s Marble Co. D. F. MULLIN & BRO., DRUGGISTS, APOTHECARIES, AND DEALERS I N ALL KINDS OF ALSO · CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Fine Erancls of Tobacco & Cigars a Specialty. MARBLE ST., WEST RUTLAND, VT. D. r. !.!ULLIN. JA!.!ES !.!ULLIN. RED H TRQ ' y J N, y , , IsOrgans selling the World's Best Pianos and at prices tha t defy competition. FCLUETT; .I II' l ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. 86 RUTLAND ])/RECTORY. RUTLAND DJREC:t'ORY. Mutual Exchang-e Block, corn er W es t .and Grove Myers J. J ., Sutherlaud Falls !llarblc Co. , boards Bates House Myron Frank, sawyer for Suth. Falls Marble Co. N '• ' "· Nary Mary l\Irs., house Main near tanucry Nash James, machinist for Sheld ons & Slason Nason Chnrles K, employed Gilson, Clcw ent & Woodfin Nason H. E., foreman S uth . Falls Marble Co. National Bank of Rutland. 49 Merchants' row Naylon Michael , bridge builder, house ~4 Forest Naylor George, firemau, h ouse 3 P erkins avenue Needham Joseph B.1 carpente r, h ouse 10 Park Needham Lewis C., freight clerk, boards depot restauran t Nelson Edgar, butcher , house ~lain below R. R crostiin g Nelson Thomas, gran ite cutte1·, house 3 Sch ool Nevin Dan'!, employed R. ,\].Co ., West Rutland Newman 'l'h os ., employed Flints , John so n & Co . Newton Aruold, salesman, huuse )Jain above· tannery Newton Cu lver, laborer, house W est Rutland Newton Chas. G .. sasbma ker , h ouse 3 Union Newton l\1., stoves, tinware, g lassware , etc. , l\Iain street, 'Vest Rutland Newton Nelson, laborer, bouse \Vest B.utland W. B. MUSSEY & SON, W . B. MUSSEY. 269 RTI.RVEEERT S CIIAS. W. MUSSEY. TROY, N, Y, Is the number of Fred. H. Cluett's Piano ware room. Best goods at lowest prices. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 FOR THE BEST PIANOS AND ORGANS. see page s. 87 Nichols Carlos W., photog rapher, ~H Centre, house 6 High. (Sec adv. front colored pag e.) Nichols Charles V., boardH 6 High Nichols Joel T ., engin eer, house 9 Church Nichols S. C . ~Irs., widow, boards 6 High Nicholso n Anson A. Mrs .. widow, h ouse 7 Cuttage Nicholson Davicl E., attorney and counsellor at law and solicitor an d master in chau cery, 4 Murse's Block, house 8 Grove. Ni c holson Marcus D., boards 7 Cottage Nims B.ufus D., farm er, h ouse 13 Woodstock avenue Noe Joseph, teamster for S uth . Falls Marble Co . Nolan John, teamster fur S he ldons & S lason ·Nomaudau John, wheelwright, house 4 School Normandin Oli1•er, sho emak e r D. L. l\Iorga n , boards 8 Willow Non·i:; Joseph, file manufacturer, 26 Wales, h ouse 6 Perkins ave . North Aarou K, machinist for Sheld ons & S lason Norton Hubert, marble worker, house 1 Franklin Novak Albert, cutter with P. Fagan, 25~ Merchants' r ow, house 2 East Nyc Harry W ., house 74 West 0 Oatey John, meat cook at Bates House Oats Jam es , employed Flints, .Juhns!ln & Co. O'Brien Corneli us, laborer, hou se 20 Meadow O'Brien Daniel, laborer , h ouse G Granger O'Brien Jlartin & Wm ., quarrym e n Si1eluons .& S lason O'Brien Thos., emp loyed G-ilson, Clement. & \V oodfin O'Brien Timothy, p o li ~ h cr, house 12~ West 0' Cmlllell see a lso Connell Odell M., e mployed H. :\1. Co., W es t Rutland O'Donnell John, laborer , house 13 South 0' lJ earn Jam es, laborer, h ouse 130 South 0'£-lcarnc Patrick, laborer, swamp west of scale works O'Keefe James, fanner, hou ·e Mineral near Spring Oliver Gra nite Work s, 77 West Ohnstead Charles, tick et agent, h ous e 135 Maio O'Lou)£ hlio Bryan, laborer, house l Frauklin g 0'1-lollerhau John , yardman fur Sheldons & S lason Olin W . S, boards l-!7 Maio 0':\Teil John, granite. cutte r, boards Berwick House O 'Nei l John & Edward, opposite depot, West Rutland 'WORLD'S BEST PIANOS" Can be procured onl y of Fred. H . Cluett, Troy, N. Y. . ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. 88 See page 8. 89 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. RU7'LAND DIRECTORY. O'Neil l\liohael, 1st and 2d, quarrym en S heldons & Slason 0' Neil Patrick, employed l\larble Vall ey hotel Oney David jr., hairdresse r Berwick Ilouse, house 10 Willow Oney David, tailor 15z Ceutre, house Edson Onion A lbert, clerk N. Weeks & Son, boards Grove corner Perkins avenue Onion Carlos L., car repairer, house Grove corner Perkins avenue Onion Eliza A. l\lrs., widow, house Grove corner Perkins avenue Orcutt A. A., carriage painter -! Wales, house 6 Summer O'Reilly Charles Rev ., pastor St. Bridget's church West llutland O'Rourke Patrick, employed Gilson , Clement & Woodfin Ormsbee E. H., student Prout & W., boards 140 !\lain Ormsbee George L., pressman "Herald & Globe," house 7 Willow Ormsbee E. L . .l\lrs., h o u~e 140 Main Osborne Chas., polisher for Suth. Falls l\larble Co. Osgood Abbie L ., teacher Rutland l\lilitary Institute Osgood DavidS. chairmaker, house 18 Chestnut avenue Osgood Lee, farmer, house l\lill Village Osgood l\1. L., clerk, boa rds 18 Chestnut avenue Otis Fred. W ., clerk express office, boards Bard well House Otis John 1\'L, agent United States and Canada and National .Express, office in depot building, house 10 Pros pect Owen James H ., clerk, boards 8 Court square Owen W. H. B., dealer in choice family g roceries, dry goods, crockery, hardware, agricultura l implements, etc., 73 Center, house 8 Court square Palmer Wm. H., clerk, house 11 North Parker Augelia S. Mrs., widow, house 143 Main Parker, Chas. A. (Mead & Parker), Pleasant st., W. Rutland Parker C. J., sawyer for Sheldons & Slason Parker J. A., telegraph operator, h ouse 15~ Center Parker George, laborer, house 40 Forest Parker John F., laborer, house 40 Forest Parker Susan Mrs .. widow, b ouse 143 Main Parker Matthew, e~ployed R M. Co., W est Rutland Parkhurst C. A. & Co., dry and fancy goods, notions etc., agent for " Hatlinger's champion carpet sweeper" Mutual Exch . Block West corner Grove, house 22 Cottage Parmenter C., manager of Union Novelty Co., 2H Merchants' row, house 15 Grove. (See adv.) Parris J. J., conductor, boards Bardwell House Parso Alex., employed R M. Co., West H.utland Patch Fred. R., foreman Suth. Falls l\Jarble Co. Patch Henry R ., fireman , boards 37 Grove Patch H.oswell N., street commissioner, house 37 Grove Patch W. E, employed Gi lson, Clement & Woodfin • Patnod Charles, carpenter, house 29 H.iver Patterson, Robert, farmer , house l\lill Village Patton Andrew, fireman , house opposite 24 Howe Patton Patrick, employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Patton Wm. employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Paul George W., machinist, lUpley Sons, Centre H.utland Pearson L. L., machinist, house 3 Terrill P~ase Aaron G. Mrs., widow, house 119 Main Pease George F ., clerk P . 0., boards 119 Maiu Pease John C., teller Nat. Bank of Rutlaud, boards 119 Maio Peck Elias, pawn office and dealer in new and second hand clothing 2 Uenter, bouse 11 Elm Peck George W ., wago nmaker, house West H.utland Pecor Frank, mason, house 14 Green . ·~· u?~ ~~<r---/'l.- 1 Pelkey Joseph , blacksmith for Suth . Falls Ma1'ble Co. Pelrah Eugene and Frank, quarrymen, Sheldons & Slaso n Pelrah Mitchell, quarryman for Sheldonh & Slason Pendergrast Michael, employed, Gilson, Clement & Woodfiu Penders Henry, laborer for Suth . Falls Marble Co. Penders John , quarryman for Sheldons & Slaso n Penfield Sarah Miss, house 24 Grove, aged 73 years Pennin gto n Thomas, machinist, house 5 Elm People's Gas Light Co., office 2 Union street Perkins Arthur, clerk J. A. Gould, boards 31 West p 'I $250 BUYS A GOOD PIANO. Page Edward D., clerk. Howe Scale Co., boards Ill Main Page Nathaniel F., blacksmith, house 16 Church Page John B., presi dent National Bank of Rutland and Rutland R H. Co., and Treasurer H owe Scale Co., house 111 Main Page ·william R., shipping clerk Howe Scale Co., boards 111 l\lain Paige Bcoj. F., clerk W. B. l\Iussey & Son, boards 50 Washin gto n Paige Jacob, machinist, house 50 Washington Paige Norman A., livery, house 8 Prospect . Paige Sy lv es ter F . i\lrs., widow, house 4 Cottage Pajcau Joseph, trav. agt. Sheldons & Slason's Pa lm er Charles E., clerk, house 24 W est Palmer Geo. H., dry and fancy goods, and agt. Domestic paper 1ashions, 27 J\lerchauts' row, house :W Pcrl::ius avenue Don't he deceived. It you wa u L the very best the ST £IN WAY Rutland Directory 1878-1879 Piano is now without a r1vul, Exumlue them. It will pay you to examine the World Renowned CHICKERING Piano, if you want the best instrument manufactured. 12 ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. 90 ... li; ... RUTLAND DIRECTORY. Perkins Clarence 0. , clerk E. D. Keyes & Co., boards 31 W est Perkins Henry K, carpenter, house 11 Gibsons avenue Perkins Henry 0., house 31 West Perkins Moses J ., real estate, house 18 l\Iain Perkins R. L., Rutland Paint Works, 13 Wales Perry Chas. W., clerk Gould & Pollard , boards 10 Perkins avenue Perry P. W., clerk F . A. Mor~e's, West Rutland Perry Parkhill W., clerk, house West Hutland Peters ,Joseph, tailor, boards Farmers' Hotel • Peterson John P., jaqitor, Baxter National Bank, house 4 Edson Pettenl!il l Samuel B ., editor '' Herald & Globe," boards 24 West Peverly Horace L., marble turner, house 125 l\lain Peverly Sumner D ., baker, house 23 Elm Phe lps, J. B., lawyer. boards Bardwell House Phelps Lydia A. ~lrs., 23 Center Phibbs George D., wheelwright, house Maple near Pine Phillips Alanson, shoemaker, house 58 ~laiu Phillips Albert S., brakeman, 14 Church Phillips Charles i\1 , car repairer, house 3 Park Phillips Clarkson, car repairer, house 3 l\lechauic Philli ps Oscar, laborer, boards 58 l\Iain Philli})S R. A., bridge builder, carpenter and mason, house 1 Perkins avenue corner Grove Pierce Darwin C., mail clerk, house 26 Howe Pierce Nathan, uJarble and lumb er dealer, house.5D Centre Pierpoint Evelyn, house 19 West Pierpont E., dealer in choice family groceries, flour, provisions, etc., 25 Center, house 19 \Vest. (See adv.) Pierpont Susan Miss, house 18 West Pillin Michael, laborer, house 6 Moulthrop avenue Pitts Benjamin F., turner, house Baxter, rear Lineoln Iron vVorks Pistole Francis, blacksmith, house 8 Ll owe Pitts Rollin, employed Hipl ey Sons, Centre Rntlaud Pitts John, boards rear 70 West Plaisted Charles B., salesman, house 15 Church Plaisted l£lisha, machinist, house 16 Pine P laisted Samantha F. Mrs., widow, house 15 Church P lummer Charles, carpenter, house 10 Pearl Plummer Daniel , carpenter, boards 2 Pine Plumley Esther Mrs., house 17 Merchants' row Poland Joseph, bridge builJcr, house 5 Grant Poland Joseph, carpenter, house 19 Elm Pollard Benjamin F., clerk Gould & Pollard, boards Bardwell House PROVE IT. $1 0 0 BUYS A GOOD PIANO. If in doubt and you desire the best, nn exa mination of the Stein· way and Chlckermg Pianos will sati sfy you of their superiority. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 RU'l'LAND DIRECTORY. Sec page 8. 91 Pollard Wm., clerk Gould & Pol lard, boards 2 Prospect Pond Abbott, house 114 Main Pond B. W. , farmer , house 3 Williams Pond E. A., physician, office 7 Centre, house 114 Main, office hours from 8 to 9 A. ill 11 to 12~ noon and 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 P.M. Pooler Amasa, house 18 Washington • Poronto Rdward D., sawyer for Sheldons & Slason Porter Caroline Miss, house 8 Church, aged 73 years Porter Cyrus, physician, office 6 West, house 8 do. Porter Henry W., ge neral insurance agent, offico 7 Centre, house 83 Main Porter J. Edward, merchant, house 81 Main Porter James B., physician and surgeon, office and residence on 81 Main Porter vV m. E. I mason) house Grove above North Post James E., speculator, house 30 West Potter Charles W., conductor D & H. R. B.. (H.. & W. Division), house 1 Spring Potter George W., carpenter, house 27 E lm Powers Chas. J., dealer in choice fami ly groceries, teas, coffees , spices, canned goods, nuts, fruits, confectionery, tobacco , cigars, · etc., 37 Centre, house as Washin gton Powers David & Edward, quarrymen Sheldons & Slason Powers Ira, engineer, · house '1 Pine Powers Michael, sawyer for Sheldons & Slason Powers William, laborer, swam p rear of round house Pratt Albert, engineer, house 10 Summer Pratt Alexander, engineer, house 20 Howe Pratt Bradley, carpenter , house 33 Perkins avenue Pratt Charles H., house 10 Pine Pratt Chas. H ., mail clerk "Herald & Globe," boards 1 Grove Pratt Frederick N. Mrs., house 8 Forest Pratt Henry carpenter, Rip ley Sons, Centre Rutland Pratt John, flreman, house Ce ntre opposite Berwick Hotel Pratt Moses, engineer, house 10 Howe Pratt Wright, teamster , house 8 ]Turest Predum Charles, blacksm ith , house 8 Terrill · Premo Levi carria()'e and slei()'h manufacturer, horseshoer and blacksmith ,'Wales ~orner Wil~w, house Mill Village Preston William, bagga~?;e master, room Putnam & Sawyer's block Prevost Frank, laborer, house 88 West Price Emery, employed R. M. Co., West H.utland Prior Charles, laborer, house 39 Main Don'~ be deceived. It you want the very best tl)o ST £I N WAY Piano is now without a rival. Examine them. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. 92 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. 1/UTLAND DIRECTORY. Prior Henry, farm er, house 39 Main Prior H ir::tm, blacksmith for Suth. Falls i\la.rble Co . Pritchard Harvey F ., farmer, house Mill Village Pritchard Hugh, marble mantels, house West Rutland ProctorS. W ., clerk W . H . Woodward, West B.utlaud Proctor Redfield, treasurer of Sutherland Falls ~larble Co., office and residence , Sutherland Falls Prout John (Prout & Walkr.r), house 9 Cottage Prout & Walker, lawyers, office over National Bank of Hutland Provost Desire, shoemaker, boards Farmers Hotel Provost Joseph, sawyer for Sheldons & Slason Puryea Henry , labo rer, house head of Woodstock avenu e Puryea Peter, teamster, house head of Woodstock avenue Puryea William, house head of Woodstock avenue Putnam J. H., physician and surgeGn, office and residence 15 Washington Putnam James ;\1., chief of police, house 16 Washington Putnam S. G., freight agent, U. V. and B. & B.. B.. R, office new freight house, residence 42 Grove Q Quilty Edward, house 21 Wales Quilty John Mrs., widow, house 21 Wales Quilty Michael, painter, boards 21 Wales Quinlan Charles, quarryman for Sheldons & Slason Quinn Edward, employed R M. Co., West B.utland Quinn John, quarryman for Sheldons & Slason Quinn Michael, livery, boarding and sale stables, and carriage repository, 22 Centre, house 27 Washington R Race Andrew, carpenter, house 18 Howe· B.ain ville Paul l\1 rs., house 12 Forest Raleigh John, laborer, house West B.utland B.aleigh Patrick, employed R. i\1. Co., West B.utland . B.and John, conductor, boards 2 Freight Randall Charles, mail agent, house 40 .W ashington Randall J, J. R., architect and civi l engineer, office 7 Center, boards B<trdwell House Ready Patrick,.Jaborer, house Strong's avenue corner Madison Reardon William laborer, house 8 River "A good American Name" has been a household word for overbalf CHICK ERIN Gaceutury, 53,000ofthcse matchless Pianos have been made & sold. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 93 Reardon Owen, enginee r, house 18 River B.edden Patrick, lab orer for Suth . Falls Marble Co. Redington Lyman W., attorney and counselor at law, office Putnam & Sawyer's block, house Park ave nue corner Grove Reed Cha~., truckman, house Main near rai lroad crossing Reed Daniel, farmer, house West R.ntland .R eed H. D., . machinist for Suth. Falls Marble Co. Reed J. Eugene, carpenter, house 17 ]iJim B.eed Augustus, farmer, house West B.utland, aged 87 years B.eed Enos, teamster, house 9 Pearl Reed George, laborer, house West B.utland Reed Gideon, fireman house 94 Main Reed Heman B., clerk, house i\lain near tannery Reed James, laborer, house West Rutland B.eed Wm. H ., truckman , house Main near railroad crossing B.eiforich A., peddler, house \Vest Rutland Remington John H., auctioneer and real estate agent, house ' 16 Grove. (See adv .) Reshoe Joseph, quarryman for Sheldons & Slason Resseguie Alexander, carpenter, house 19 Pine Reynolds Edward, laborer, house 14 Meadow Reynolds Ellen Mrs., house 39 Center Reynolds Fred l\'1., freight clerk, boards 25 Howe Reynolds Harvey F ., milkman , house 1 Spring Reynolds Wm. W., supl'rintendent of Howe Scale Co. Rhodda James, laborer, Suth. Falls Marble Co . Rice !~Iizabeth E. Miss, tailoress, boards 35 Forest Rice Christopher E ., baggage master, house 40 Forest Rice John, gardener, house 35 Forest Rice John, sawyer for Sheldons & Slason Rice Joseph, gardener, boards 38 Forest Rice Margaret Miss, house 38 Forest Rice Margaret, pastry cook at Bates House Rice Moses S., mechanic, house 16 Howe Rice \,Yilliam, gardener, house rear 40 Forest Richards. Eugene, fir eman, boards V erder's block Richardson C. F. & G., liv ery , boarding and sale stable, and carriage repository, 24 Ceu trc Richardson C. F., prop. Berwick Hotel (See adv .) Hicha rdson George (C. F . & G. Rich:udsou), house 43 Centre Richardson J enness, taxiderwist, house 37 Washin gton Richardson Justin 1{., pastor Baptist church, house 25 Washin gto n 269 TRQY N, y , Iswaretheroom. number of Freel. H . Cluett' s Piano · nest goods at low est prices. RIVER STREET • 1 ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. 94 .PIANOS F:ROM $50 UP. The best posoible bargains inPianos may be obtained of FRED H CLUETT who is exclu sive agent for the Chickering & Stein way. 1 1 Rutland Directory 1878-1879 & Sons, Temple of Music. See pageS. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. RUTLAND DIREC1'0R Y. Richardson :Mark F., clerk Columbian 1\larblc Co., boards 37 Washington Richardson Mark S., coppersmith and veterinary surgeon, house 37 Washington Rick er Duxbury , fireman, boards 57 Forest R id geway John R., gardener, bouse 67 Grove Ridlon E. F., dry goods, 43 Centre , h ouse 11 Pine Ri ley James, at Rutland Marble Co., Centre Rutlan d Ri ley Patrick , laborer, house 31 Greeu Riley Rodger, employed at R. M. Co ., Ce ntre Rutland R iley Thomas, employed at R. l\1 . Co., Cen tre Rutland Rinn Patrick, quarrywan for Sheldons & S lason R ipley Charles H ., house Centre Rutla nd R ipley Edward H . (Ripley So ns) , house Centre Ru tland Ripley Sons, flour and feed dealers, drain tile manufacturers and marble deale rs, Centre R utland. (See adv. back cover.) Ripley W . Y. W. (Ripley Sons), house 48 West Rip ley ~I r s. Wm . Y., widow, house Centre Rutland • Rix Kate Mrs ., swamp rear of round house Rielle Alexander, marble cutter, house 4 Union Robb in s Frank C., clerk, boards 137 l\lain Robbins George E., mechanic, house Union corner Howe Robbins Orrick L ., town clerk, boards Bardwell Ho use Robbins Thomas C., dep. col. int. rev., house 137 l\lain Robbins Warren C., labore r, house F ores t street Robe r ts Lyman A., printer Herald & Globe, 12 East Robinson Ebenezer, house 4 Cottage, aged 86 years Ro binson Frank P., student with J . J. R. Randa ll , boards 26 Howe Robinson Hen ryS., clerk at Fulton ~ l arket Rob inson Jacob E., station agent, Ce ntre Rutland Robinson Peter, machinist, house L.incoln ave. near Grant Roday John, employed, R. M. Co., West Rutland Rodda Patrick, employed, Flints, Johnson & Co. Rogers Chas., employed R. ;\1. Co., West Rutland Rogers Myron C., clerk , C. A. Parkhurst & Co. , boards 22 Cottage Rogers S. Frank, painter, house Spring street Rooney John , sawyer for Sheldons & Slason Rooney J ohu, employed R. M. Co., West Rutland Rooney John , marble cutter, house Centre Rutland Root Isaac, employed R. M. Co., West Rutland Root John, butcher, rear of gas house Root John R., carpenter, house 54 Forest Root Mary Jane Mrs., widow, house 16 Forest Rose Frank H., confectioner, house 5 Grunt Cluett 95 Ross Aug ustus, engin eer, house 11 Huwe dry and fancy goods and agent Butterick's patterns, 3 Merchant's row, boards 107 Main. (See adv. front colored leaf.) Ross James, physician, house 107 Main Ross Thomas, machini st and founder, 92, 94 and 96 W est, house 22 Grove. (See adv. front colored page.) Ross Warren E., bootM and shoes , 5 Me rchants' row, house so uthwest corner Cottage. (See adv.) Rounds E Jecta Miss, house 15 ~ Center Rounds James P., W est Rutland Rounds Joseph, marble polish er , boards 27 Wales Ro unds Martha Mrs., house 3 Park Rounds Sarah Mrs., house 5 Cottage Rounds William P. , teamste r, house 14 Pine Rourke John, laborer, house 14 South Rowell Alfred, laborer for Suth. Falls Marble Co. Rowell C. A., ice dealer , Cold River road, P. 0. Box 59 Rowell JohnS., mason and ice dealer , Cold River road, P . 0 . Box 59 Howell Sidney W., cashier National Bank of Rutland and E uropean steamship agent, house 64 Centre. (See adv .) Royce Geo. E., trcas. Stea m Stone Cutter Co., house 9 Grove Roys ~vid R., machinist, house West R utland Roys L. E ., civi l engineer and bridge master . C. V . R. R. (Rutland Division) , office in depot, house 123 Main Ruane John , emp loyed Rutland Manufacturing Co., Centre Rutland Ruggles Belle, teacher High School, boards 32 Washington Ruggles Gershom C. . (Rutland Manufacturing Co.) , house 3 Evelyn Ruggles John L., book binder , house 2 Freight Ruggles Henry , boards Berwick House Ruso Alfred, painte r , rear of gas House Ross Charles E., SIDNEY W. ROWELL, .A.T T:S:E NATION .A.L B.A.NK OJi' RUTLAND, FURNISHES ON THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF EUUOPE . Passage Tickets and Passports, to and from Europ ean Ports, on the most favorable terms. Parties having mon ey whi ch they wish to have placed, and the loan well secured, will be assisted on application. "WORLD'S BEST PIANOS'' Cnn be procured Troy,onl N .yY.of Fred. H Cluett, ll!!tl :~ r 'I I l i. l 1, I ' 96 i. . ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. ' RU'l'LAND DlRE'OTORY. Russell George, carpenter, house Centre Rutland Russell George P., painter, boards 61 Centre Russell James, blacksmith, house 19 Wales Russell James, jobber, hou~e West Rutland Ruth Mrs. , house 6 Cherry Rutland Co. 01>erative Association, J. A. Edson agent, Mutual Exchange block, West street Rutland Boot and Shoe Co., Mutual Exchange block, Edwin F. Sadler prop . (See adv.) Rutland Co. National Bank, 22 Merchants' row Rutland Clothing Co., H enry H eyman and Bennett Benjamin managers , 21 Merchants' row Rutland Custom Laundry, Wm. I:loffnagle prop ., 57 West Rutland ~oundry & Machine shop Co., Furnace street. (See 2d co lored page ) Rutland H~rald & Globe Association, office 13 Centre. (See adv .) Rutland lllanufacturing Co., 89 West · Rutland ]Ua.rble Co., J . N. Baxter sup't, Centre and West Rutland . (See adv. inside fro.nt cover .) Rutland 1\'lilitary Institute, Samuel H. K elley, principal , Church corner Williams. (See adv. page 1.) Rutland Monumental Works, 86 and 88 West, White & Haven proprietors. (See adv. page 3.) Rutlan(l Nail ~orks, C. P. Harris & Co., proprietors, Furnace street. (See 2d colored page.) Rutland Saving·s Bank,, Bank block, Merchants' row Ryan Denms, employed R. M. Co . West Rutland Ryan Dennis & John, employed R. ;\L Co ., Centre Rutland Ryan Ellen Mrs., house 165 Main Ryan J. Q., stoves, tinware, house furnishing goods, opposite Berwick House, house 19 Washing ton Ryan Lawrence, stonecutter Suth. Falls Marble Co. Ryan Matthew, tinsmith, house 10 B.iver Ryan l\lary Mrs ., widow, house 19 South Ryan Patrick S ., house 4 Grove Ryan Patrick, sawyer for Suth. Falls 1\Iarbl(:: Co . Ryan William, grocer, 1 \Vales It will pay you to examine the World Renowned CHICKERING strument Piano, if yon wnnt the best inmanufactured. I J RUTLA ND DIRECTORY. 97 s Saburn John Mrs., house 38 Meadow Sadler Edwin F. (Rutland Boot & Shoe Co.), house 27 Grove Sadler Frank J ., clerk E. F. Sadler, boards 27 Grove Sad ler George, boards 27 Grove Safford Charles W., machinist, house 8 Spring Sage James, teamster, house Centre Rutland Salmon Barbara Mrs , house 16 ~ie adow Salmon Timothy, laborer, bouse 108 West Salmon \Villiam, laborer, house 112 West Sanborn Nathaniel, blacksmith, house 14 Howe Sanders Benjamin, laborer, house 14 Terrill Sanders Frank lin, teamster, house 16 Terrill Sanderson A. E., boards 58 Forest Sanderson Geo. A., office in new freight house, boards Bates House SaJ'derson Henry, at R. M. Co., Centre Rutland Sanderson Thatcher, house 3 Cherry Savery Aaron, employed R. l\1. Co., West Rutland Sawyer 1\dex., employed R. M. Co ., West Rutland Sawyer Henry A. & Co., jobbers in stationery, blank books, s·chool books, wrapping papers, etc., 63 Merchants' row, opposit.e depot Sawyer Henry A. (H. ·A. Sawyer & Co.), house 16 Washiu gton Sawyer Palmer S. (H. A. Sawyer & Co.), house 13 Pine Sayre E. l\'l., clerk Suth. Falls Marb le Co Scanlon Patrick, laborer, house 20 South Schryver William H ., boilermaker , house 54 Washingtou Scott Seth B., mail deliverer, house 19 E lm Scott Wm . F ., printer "Herald & Globe," house Perkin s avenue near Main Scovill Geo. , fireman for Shcldons & Slason Scovill Gilbert, employed Ripley Sons, Centre Rutland Searles W. C., druggist, house 21 Grove Seaver Anna M. Mrs., house 65 .Main Seger Alonzo, mar~le dealer and manufacturer of monuments, headstones, etc., MalO street West Rutland Seymour B~njamin W., foreman, house West Rutland Shambo Lizzie Mrs., house Church corner Forest Shanahan John and Michael, quarrymen Sheldons & Slason Shapeery Samuel, pedd ler, house 2 Meadow Shattuck, John, engineer at F lints, Johnson & Co. When merit nod price nre considered, is the best Pinna now HI CHERI N G obtainablc.-Exnmine them. . CHICKERING . 13 Rutland Directory 1878-1879 ..•,, ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. 98 ']:)<..<?- 17L RUTLAND DlREC:J'OR Y. Se" pugc 8. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. Shaw Frederick, farmer, house 20 North Shea Daniel, laborer, boards 37 South Shea Dennis, mason, house 74 Forest Shea Dennis, mason, house 37 South Shedd Charles, farmer, house Centre llutland Shedd F. W. & C. D., country store, Centre Rutland. (See · adv.) Sheehan John, polisher for Suth . Falls Marble Co . Sheldon Harley G., firmer, house West lhtland Sheldon i'l'la"'O'ie Miss, clerk J. D . Mhchell's, boards 61 Center Sheldon;& Slason, wholesale marble dealers, West Rutland. (See adv. on back cover.) Sheldon Charles (Sheldons & Slason), house 54 Centre Sheldon Charles H . (Sheldons & Slason ), house West Rutland Sheldon John A. (Sheldons & Slason), house 89 Main Sheldon Henry A., house West H.utJand Sheldon Lorenzo Dr., phy?i~ian, house West B.utlaud Shepard Edmund and John, machm1sts, S~eldons & Slason • Sheridan James, employed R. M. ()o ., \Vest Rutland Sheridan John, marble polisher, house 120 \Vest Sheridan Michael, laborer, house 116 West Sheridan Stephen, sawyer, house 120 West Sheridan 'rhos , employed Gi lson, Clement & Woodfin Sherman Matilda Mrs., house 2 Terrill Sherman, Williams & Co., marble producers, West Rutland Sherman William D., carpenter, house 10 Union Sherwin C. S., cutter F. B. Kidder's, boards 60 Center Shields Edward, carpenter, house 21 Green Shorette Frank, employed H.. M. Co ., West Rutland Short Louis, employed R. M. Co., West Rutland Shortie ,James J., printer, Herald & G., boards 10 Park ave. Shortsleeve David, machinist, Furnace st., house 26 Forest (See ad v.) Shortsleeve John, teamster, house Allen street Shortsleeve Joseph, laborer Suth. Falls Marble Co. Shortsleeve Louis, laborer, hou5e Allen above R. R. crossing Shortsleeve Peter, laborer, house A llen above R. R. crossing Shoto Edward, cook, Bardwell House, 7 Chestnut avenue Shouldice D., employed Flints, Johnson & Co. Shouldice Wm., at R. M. Co., Centre Rutland Silloway Charles, engineer, house 54 Forest Simonds Chas. H ., engineer, house 33 Wales Simons N. P., asst. supt. of Rutland l\Iarble Co ., office Centre Rutland, house 11 Cottage With Fred. H. Cluett or his representative, you toproctLrc one oft he best Pianos or Organs. 0 0 N SULT desire if Rutland Directory 1878-1879 DO YOU WANT A :PIANO CHEAP. 99 Simons Andrew, laborer, house Allen above R. R. crossing \ Simpson Miles, peddler, house 70 Forest Simpson James , baggage master, house 86 West Simpson Wm., prop'r of Rutland Dye Works, 5 Wales Singer James, laborer, house Centre Rutland Skiffington Joseph, blacksmith, house 17 Elm Slack Augustus D., merchant, house 47 Pine Slason Charles H. (Sheldons & Slason), house West B.utland Slason Francis, house West Rutland Slattery John, tin and coppersmith, 37 Centre, house 46 Forest. (See adv.) Slattery John, laborer, house 25 Franklin Slattery Timothy, carpenter, house 46 Forest Small Alex., employed R. i\1. Co., West Rutland Smith Mjan M., clerk E. D. Keyes & Co., boards 125 Ma in Smith Chas. E., clerk, boards Chestnut avenue Smith Daniel , boarding house, house 27 Wales Smith De Witt C. (Smith & Smith), boards Marble Valley Hotel 1'r. f( Smith Ed., tinsmith ·Dunn & Cramton, boards J. C. Smith's Smith Frank H., clerk L. G. Kingsley's, house 7 Spring Smith Fred H ., clerk Dunn & Cramton, boards 2 Summer Smith George W ., clerk W. E. Ross, 5 Merchants' row Smith Hiram A., foreman for Sheldons & Slason Smith Henry H., county clerk, house 37 Main Smith James E ., hairdresser, 4 Centre, house 92 Main Smith ,James C., mechanic, house 12 Chestnut avenue Smith James H., carmaker, house 18 Howe Smith John, employed R. M. Co., West Rutland Smith L. B. , supt. Sherman, Williams ·& Co., West Rutland Smith Patrick, grocer opposite depot, West Rutland Smith R. W., foreman R. l\1. Co., house 2 Summer Smith Warren G ., farmer, house West Rutland Smith Ralph H ., teamster L. G. Kingsley, house 7 Spring Smith Sylvester E . (Smith & Smith), house West Rutland Smith & Smith, livery and feed stable, Marble street, WeRt Rutland . Smith 'l'imothy, teamster, house 87 West Smith Warren H., lawyer, house 5 Pleasant Smith Washington '1'., horse trainer, house H Park i.)'""~J.ot.·7ft5Smith William, laborer, house 68 Forest ·· Snyder Julius, laborer, house 47 Meadow Southard Frank B., freight clerk, boards 34 Grove Southard Lent F., foreman, house 34 Grove Southard Theodore , blacksmith , house 2~ Centre .STEINWAY "KING OF PIANOS" Sold Exclusively by Fred. II. Cluett. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. 100 ,, 1! .,, ,,, .,, • •II •• 0 :::::· .. MASON AND HAMLIN ORGANS RUTLAND DIRECTORY. R UTLA.ND DIRECTORY. Sout.hwick Edward S., carpenter, houtie 11 Terrill Southwick Susan ;\I., dress maker, boards 'i\1. Edson's Spaulding· & Co., books, stationery, picture frames, fan cy l!oods, newspapers, periodicals, etc., l\lerchants' row . (See adv.) Spaulding John B . Mrs ., house 33 Forest Spaulding John P . (Spaulding & Co.), house 9 Pleasant Spaulding John, truckman, boards 79 i\Jain Spaulding John R, peddler, house 79 i\Iain Spaulding ~lartiu, currier, house 9 Pleasant Spaulding Richard l\1., teamster, house 121 Main Spencer Alice aud Lizzie, house 15 Meadow Spencer A. F. Mrs., house 17 Grove Spencer C. B., clerk B. H. Bunts, boards 17 Grove Spencer George D., blacksmith, house West Rutland Spencer H. E., storekeeper Suth. Falls l\larble Co. Sp iller Lucy A. Mrs., milliner, 4 Merchants' row Spooner Geu. A., blacksmith, boards 5 Terrill Spooner lieorgc D., farmer, house 28 Grove Sproul James , sawyer for Suth. Falls l\larble Co. Squire E. H ., house 12 Woodstock avcuuc Squire William , mason, house 12 Wales Squire •..T oseph B. , night clerk at Bates house Staley Barbara A., Mrs ., widow, house R7 Center Stanley Id a i\liss, shirtmaker, house 1 Willow Stanley J . D.; conductor, house 3 Pearl Staples Minnie A. Mrs., house 9 Wales Starr Timothy , laborer, house 22 Granger Steam Stone Cutter Co., 90 West Stearns Artemas R, upholsterer, house 70 Grove cor. Perkins ave. Stearns, J, W., furniture, carpets, oilcloth, upholstery goods, · etc., 9 Merchants' row, house 43 Grove Stearns Mary D. Mrs., widow, boards 37 l\lain Stearns i\lyers , clerk, boards 21 Prospect Stearns Nathaniel S., deputy sheriff, house 60 Centre Stebbins Charles, house W oodstoek ave. aged 85 years Steele Wm. W., dealer in fresh meats, 12 Gibson's avenue Stevens Charles, fancy goods, boards Bates House Stevens H. D., fancy goods, 19 Merchants' row, boards Bates House Stevens Henry, employed R. M. Co., West Rutland Stevens J ames A., overseer, house 1 Summer Stevens L . A. l\1rs., boarding house 1 Edson Stevenson Michael, laborer, house 17 Granger Stevens Newell, teamster for Sheldons & Slason Stewart George W., watchman, house 8 Elm RED. H. TRQY N • y ,, IsOrgans selling the World'• Best Pianos and FCLUETT, ' at prices that defy competition. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 Clncttnnd Sons .A. gents Sec pngc 8. 101 Stewart i\larks B., mail agent, house 38 Washington Stewart Walter H., at Rut. ll larble Co., Centre H.utland Stiles Forman F. , shoemaker for E. F. Sadler Stiles James 'l'., clerk at A. W. Higgins Stiles L. l\'1., salesman E. D . Keyes & Co. , house 71 Grove Stilson Frank, newsboy, boards 27 Wal et~ Stimson Chas. L. (Mansfield & Stimson), house 33 West Stitt Robert, blacksmith, house Mineral near Spring St. George Alexis, clerk Fulton Market, boards 18 Grove St. Lawrence Jeff, employed R. M. Co., West Rutland St. Lawrence Joseph, carpenter, hou~e 16 :mast St. Lawrence Wm., boards B erwick House St. Peters Adolf, employed R. M. Co., West Rutland Stockw~l Clarence, tinsmith , house 62 Forest Stone Albert, laborer Suth . Falls Marble Co. Stone C. E., house 13 Washin gton , . Stone Charles H ., painter, house 12 Perkins avenue Ston.e Clemen, employed R. M. Co., West Rutland Stone H. H .. hotel 147 Main Stone Louis M., cooper at Sheldons & Slasons . Stone Peter , laborer, house 7 4 Forest Story Chas. E., clerk, h ouse over E. D. K eyes & Co. Story P . P., sup. Sullivan l\Iachine Co., house West R utland Story William B., clerk H. H. Brown & Co., West Rutland Stratton Calvin, mason, house Woodstock avenue Stratton Hiram, laborer, house W oodstock avenue Stratton Marcellus, mason, house Woodstock ave nue Stratton Myron, mason, ·house Woodstock avenue Streeter Geo. A. Rev., house Verder's block , Ce nter st. Strong G. W. Mrs., house 120 Main Strong John, in surance and real estate age nt, 2 Morse's blo ck, house 140 Main Strong Wm. D., farmer for Rip ley Sons, Center 1\utland Strong Wm . E., farmer, Ripley Sons, Centre Rutland Strong W. K., employed Gi lson,·Clement & Woodfin Stuart James, laborer, house River near railroad Stuart Patrick, laborer , house 12 Green Sturtevant Foster E., clerk Gould & Poilard, boards Bardwell house Sullivan J. B ., salesman B. H. Burt, boards Berwick House Sullivan James, engineer, boards Farmers' Hotel Sullivan James, clerk, boards 27 Wales Sullivan John and Michael , quarrymen Sheldons & S lason Sullivan John, laborer, house Allen above R. R. cross ing Sullivan Margaret Mrs., widow, h ouse 29 South It wlll pay yon to examine the World Renowned CHICKERING strument Pinuo, if you wnnt the best in· manufuctured. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. 102 RUTLAND DiRECTORY. Patrick, laborer, boards 119 West Patrick, at R. !\I. Co., Center l~utlaud Timothy, laborer, house 20 Woodstock avenue Timothy, laborer, house 119 West Sutherland Falls Marble Co., Redfield Proctor, treas., Sutherland Falls. (See adv . on front colored leaf.) Swain Helen M:. Mrs., house 6 Forest Sweeney Patrick, employed R. M. Co., W. Rutland Sweeney Timothy, carpenter, house 9 Elrn Swinington Fred. G., law student, boards Bates House Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan T Talbot John D., cook at Berwick House, house 98 Main Talbot William, janitor, house 8 Merchants' row Tarbell Charles, ~n railroad, house 14 Franklin Tatro John, blacksmith for Sutherland Falls .Marb le Co. Taylor B . F ., salesman Sutherland Falls l\larble Co. Taylor C. M., machinist house 98 West Taylor Charity Mrs., widow, house 102 !\lain Taylor Charles E., musician, house 15 Willow Taylor James l\L, hairdresser, house 11 River Taylor John D ., carpenter, house 4 Howe . 'l'easdale Charles, architectural sculptor, house 75 W est Temple Charlotte E. Mrs., house 61 !\lain, aged 8 1 years Temple E. L. (Burnham & Temple), house 61 Main Temple J. C., foreman at Ripley Sons, Centre Rutland Tenny William , machinist for Sheldons and Slason Terrill Samuel, carriage maker, blacksmith and horseshoer, West corner Wales, house 5 Terrill. (See adv.) Terrill W m. S., boards Terrill street Thibault Felix, barber at Marble Valley hotel Thibault Modiste A., hostler, house 8 Evelyn Thomas Alexander, printer, house 1 Spring Thomas Irwin, brakema,n, house 7 Wa,les Thomas Jay, canvasser, house 9 Pine Thomas Nathan C., salesman, house 129 West Thomas Orren, farmer, house Mill Village 'fhompson Chas. A., foreman Sheldons & Slaso n Thompson Curtis E., telegraph repairer, house 20 West Thompson .James Dr., house Morse's block Thompson J. F., foundryman, house !\lain street Thompson John H., laborer , bouse 55 Main 269 • NQHQUSe Can ffia k e bett er PrlCeS. RIVER STREET TRQY ! N y 1 ----------------------- 1 Is the number of Fred. H. Cluett's Piano wAre room. Best goods at lowest prices . Rutland Directory 1878-1879 R UTLAND1JIREGTOR Y. Clu ett & Sons, Temple of )1usic. See page 8. 103 Thompson""Mary Mrs., house 27 Forest Thornton Jeremia,h C., house 4 Ea,st Thornton, M. K. Miss, millinerj a,nd fancy goods, 13 Washi.ngton, house do. (See adv .) Thrall Caroline Mrs., widow, house W est Rutland Thrall George C., farmer, house 19 l\hin Thrall Mary Mrs., widow, boards 19 Main, aged 76 years • Thrall :Reuben R., attorney and counsellor at law, office Morse's Block, boards Fred. Chaffee's Thrall Rollin C., farmer, house West Rutland Thrall Wm. B., engineer, house 15 Woodstock avenue Thrall W. Walter, clerk, 47 Market, house Woodstock avenue Tiffault Joseph, quarryman for Sheldons & Slason Tiffany Patrick, quarryman for Sheldons & Slason Tiffany W. F ., expressman, boards Bard~ell House Tigue James, teamster for Sheldons & Slason Tigue Patrick, erpployed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Tigue Thomas, employed, Ripley Sons, Center Rutland Titus Abbie A., teacher Rut. l\1. Institute, boards 12 Church Titus Alice C. Mrs., house 12 Wales Titus Edw'd M., teamster, house 12 Wa,Jes Tobey George, general agent Cluett & Sons' Temple of Music, Troy, beadq uarters Ba,rdwell House. (See top lines and page 8.) Todd John F., huckster, house 10 Terrill Todd Rue!, farmer, bouse Main below R. R. crossing Todriff Solomon, laborer for Suth. Falls Marble Co. Tolles Lizzie Miss, boards 61 Center Toohey Thomas, laborer, house Strong's avenue corner Hopkins Toohy Patrick, laborer, bouse rear of gas bouse Tossing Matthias, gardener, bouse 26 Wales Tower Emmet M., milk dealer, house Main opposite fair ground Tower W. W., monumental works stone cutting a11d flagging , engine and boiler rooms and job work in general, 13 Willow Townsend Chas. G., dea ler in fmniture, feathers, mattresses, 1 curtains and fixtur es, upholsterin g, etc., 28 Center nearly opposite Berwick House, bouse 6 Church Tracy Edwin, pianos and organs, with Fred . H. Cluett, Troy N.Y., headquarters Bates House, residence Albany, N. Y. (See bottom lin es.) Travers Bernard, baker, house 99 West Travers ·John, laborer, house 6 Meadow Travers Patrick, laborer, house 107 West Tree James, teamster for Suth. Falls, Marble Co. Don't be deceived. Ir you want the very best the ST £I N WAY ~iuno i ~ no'y without a nval. Exam me them. SAVE EVERY CENT YOU CAN. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. 104 Trombley Frank repairer of boots and shoes, repairing done Valiquette Valiquette Valiquette Valiquette • Benjam in , hotel 61 West Edward, plumber, Dunn & Cramton, boards 25 Pine G., boots and shoes, 35 Centre, house Pros pect John, shoemaker, bouse 85 West . Valiquette Louis, boots, <!hoes, etc. Custom work a specialty. 13 Merchants' row, house 25 P,ine Valiquette Louis, jr., clerk, L. Valiquette, boards 25 Pine Valiquette Wm. H., clerk, house 25 Pine Vandette Exela, at R. l\1. Co., Centre Rutland Vandette Zeb, employed R. M. Co., W . H.utland Van Dyke Lizzie Miss, house 3 Willow Vandette A!doss, stonecutter, house West Rutland Vaughan Fayette, dealer in choice family groceries, provisions, meal, feed, ar:d the finest brands of St. Louis flour, Main cor . West, house 14 West Vaughan Herbert C., house Centre opposite Post Office Vaughan Loraine, Miss, house Centre opposite Post Office Vaugn Herman W., clerk A. C. Bates & Son, boards35 Grove Veazey Lloyd, clerk, G. II and H. W. Cheney Veazey W. G., attorney and counselor at law. office 9 Merchants' row, boards Berwick House, residence 5 Pleasant Verder Daniel, honse Grove street near village limits Verder George H., baker, H. L. Verder & Co., house 11 Grove Vm;der H. L. & Co., manufact.urers of Verdel"s llutland crackers and soda biscuit, 46 Centre. (See adv. ) Verder H. L. (H. L. Verder & Co.), boards Berwick House Verder Walter D., house Grove near village limits Vincent Joseph, laborer, house 16 South Vincent Joseph 0., printer, Tuttle & Co., house '10 Forest Vinhack Chas., quarryman for Sheldons & Slason u Underhill Charles, brakeman, house 4 Pine Union Novelty Co., C. Parmenter, 2H l\Ierchants1·ow. (SecI adv.) . Uno Joseph, laborer, Suth. Falls Marble Co. v Vail Chas. B., dry goods, 9 Merchants' row, house 5 Williams Valiquette Alexander, carpenter, house 65 \-Vest Valiquette A., dealer in and manufacturer of boots, shoes and rubbers. First class custom work. All work warranted to fit. 35 Centre, house Prospect w Wait Abner D., agent, house 6 Williams Waite C. F., marble worker, boards 14 Franklin Walker Aldace Rev., boards Court cor. Center Walker Aldace F. (Prout & Walker), house 21 Cottage Walker John F., hairdresser, 13 Merchants' row Walker Lewis M., farmer, house Cold River road Walker William C., carpenter, house 11 East Wallace ¥ichael, employed Gi lson, Clement & Woodfin Wallace Robert, baggage master, boards Verder's block Walsh John H., chair maker, house 91 West If in search of the very best now produced Q R G A N S 14 Rutland Directory 1878-1879 105 RUT LAN D DIRE CTORY. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. at short notice a~d in the most workmanlike manner, Merchants' row, corner West, under Lewis's drug store, house 11 Wales Tremayne E., manager Rutland Marble Co.'s store, West Rutland Tuggey Noah, engineer, house West Rutland Tugge~ William, machinist for Sheldons & Slason Tulan Patrick, employed B.. M. Co., West Rutland . Tuliper Edward, engineer, house 10 East Tuomey Michael W ., laborer, house Allen near H.. R. cr.osswg Tuomey Patrick laborer house Allen above R. H. crossmg Tuttle Albe~·t H. (Herald & Globe Association), and post master, house 20 Washington . . Tuttle & Co., book~ellers, stationer~, boo~ and JOb pnnters, and. binders also stat10ners and officwl pnnters to the state of Vermo~t, 11 Centre. (See adv.) Tuttle Egbert C. (Tuttle & Co.), boards 34 Washington Tuttle Fred G., clerk, 'l'uttle & Co., boards 34 Washington Tuttle George A. (Tuttle & Co.), house 34 Was~in g ton Tuttle Harley C. (Tuttle & Co.), house 31 Washmgton Tuttle Henry D., carpenter, house West Rutland Tuttle H. E . & Co., country store, W. Rutland Tuttle J. S. (H. E. Tuttle & Co.), house W. Rutland Tuttle Jane B. l\lrs., head of Woodstock avenue Tuttle Mary Ann, widow, house 6 Elm Tuttle H. E. (H. E. 'l'uttle & Co.), West H.utland Tyler Shubal, machinist, house 5 Park avenue Tynan Patrick, brakeman, house rear of Round House Tynan Annie Mrs., house rear of Round House Tyrrell Abner T., machinist, house 11 Summer See page 8. Yon will find them at Fred. H. Clu et t's. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. 106 RUTLAND DI R E CTORY. RU'l'LAND DIR E G'l'ORY. Walsh Thomas, dealer in choice famil y g roceries and provisions opp . the depot, boards Marble Va lley Ho tel, W es t Rutland W ard Artemus, cooper at Sheldons & Sl aso n Ward Asahel W., foreman for Sheld oos & Slason \\' ard B ernard , employed I\ipley So ns, Center I\utland Ward Edwin J. , clerk, l\l orse Bros ., boards 9 Pine W ard Elton E., coo per at Shcld ous & Slason W ard H enry J. , chair make r , h ouse 9 Pin e W ard H ervey, laborer for Suth . Falls Marble Co. Ward Ja[\l eS . shoemaker , boards 8 Merchants' Row ·w ard J ames truckm an, house Hi ver above G range r W ard L eo na;·d, employed R. M. Co., W est Rut land W ard l\l ary Mrs., widow, h ouse W est Rutland ··ward Silas, sawyer for Sheldous & S laso n Ward S . G ., laborer for S uth . F alls l\Jarble Co. Ward William, sawyer for S u th . F alls lll arbl e Co. Wardwell Geo., employed Flints, J ohuson & Co. Wardwell & B e nner, prop. of the B os ton 99 cent store Mercha nts' row opp. th e depot. ( See adv. ) Wardwell G. J ., superintendent S team S tone Cutter Co., house 19 W ales Wardwell William S., carpenter , house 5 G rant avenue W are George, maso n, house i\l ain near tann ery Warn er Myron, carpenter S uth . F alls i\I arble Co. \V arn er Darwin S ., mecha nic, h ouse 1 Church Warn er Frank i\1 .. carp enter, house opp . 24 H owe W arr en A mos, clerk, housl3 Ce ntre Rutl und ·warren Geo . W ., justice of the peace, house 6 Court W arren John, house 5 'l'errill ·warren -Zenos C., salesman, boards 23 P erkins av enue ·washburn Julia , house south end of F orest Waters l\Iicbael, laborer, bouse H opkin s street W a te r~> P atrick, laborer, bouse 50 G reen Waters Patrick, quarry man for S heldons & Slaso n Watkin s A. S., mechani c, W est, below Colum bian M. Co. W atkins V. L ., uph olsterer , boa rds 111 W as hin gto n \V atso n Frank , ba!!gage mas ter, house 5 0 F orest W a tkins, F. W., clothin g, hats, caps , boots, shoes, gent's furnishitw goods , etc., 33 Mer chants r ow, boa rds 23 G rove Weathe~ly C. E., conductor . D. & II. Can al Co. , h. G rov e. \V cbster Lewi s H., tin smith, house Allen ncar R . R . crossLUg W ebster Benjamin , sawyer for Sheldons & Slaso n W ebster Edwin, cl erk at B erwi ck House Webster J ames G., printer H erald & Gl obe, boa rd s 21 Wales ?O It will pny yo u to exami ne the World Hcnown ed CHICKERING Pinno, yo u wnut t he best in stru ment manufactu red . Rutland Directory 1878-1879 CLUETT & SONS, TEMPLE OF MUSIC. 8 "" if png• s. 107 Weed Mary E . ;\Irs., house 77 Main Weeks J. M., magnet ic healer, house 11 Gibso n's avenue Weeks N. & Son, furnitur e, house furni shing goods, crockery , g lassware, paper hang in g, uph olsterin g, etc. , 10 Merchants' row 'vVeeks Newman ( N . 'W eeks & Son) , house 15 Cottage W eeks R obert N. (N . W eA ks & So n), house 15 Cottage \Velch J as., And . and J ohn B., employed H.. M. Co ., Wes t H.utland Welch J ohn, helper , house 56 F orest W e lch Michael, laborer , house A llen near R. R. , c r oss in ~ W elch Mich ael, laborer, h ouse 100 Gree n Welch Willard , clerk , salesman H . A . S & Co, boards 16 Was h. W elch William, laborer, swam p west of Scale Wo rk s W e lls Erastus Mrs., widow, house Cent re l{utland -w ells J ohn C., farm er , house Cen tre Rutl and W ell s .Joseph , laborer for Sut h. Falls Marble Co. W etmore Phil, employed R. iH. Co. , West B.ut laud Wheeler F. H., fin e 8 wiss and 'American watches , j ewelry and sil ve r ware , 25 i\l erchants' row, house 6 Prospect,. (See page 6.) Wheeler G. C.; teamster, H.. i\1. Co , Ce nter H.utl a nd Whiley E. C., proprietor , Bardw ell House, hai rdressin g and bathin g saloons, under B ardwell House Whitcomb Ch arles D ., tin smith , house 2 Chestnut ave nue Whitcomb Ephraim , tea"QJ st cr , E. D. K eyes & Co ., house G2 Forest Whitcomb Ervin '1'., carpente r , house 9 Church Whitcomb Lysa nd er L. , carp ente r , house 36 ~ ea d o w Whitcomb L edru, carp enter , boards 36 l\l ead ow Whitcomb V. i.W ., boo kkee per Tutt.le & Co. , house 23 E lm White A. & Co., dealers in groceri es . meats, fr esh a nd salt fish, oysters, clam s, lobsters aud all kinds of fruits and vegetables, in th eir seaso n, 33 Ce nter. (See adv .) White Alonzo , carp ente r , house 9 Church ·W hite C. C. Mrs , widow, house 9 Grove White D. M. & Co., lu mber , fl our and g rain dealers, 124: West. ( See adv .) White D . M. (D . M. Whi te & Co.), house 29 Washin gton White Elwin H., watc hes , j ewelry, rifl es, shot g uns, etc., Main street corn er Mar ble , boards ~J a rbl e Valley hotel, W. Rutland. ( See adv. next page) White F. C., superin ten dent B enning ton & B.ntland railway, offi ce in depot, boa rds B ardw ell House White Geo. F ._( Whit e & Haven) , h ouse 3 Summ er White & Haven, prop ri etors of I\ntbnd Monumental Works, 8 6 a nd 88 West. (See adv . page 3.) "WORLD'S BEST PIANOS" Can be procured on ly of F red. H . Cluett , 'rroy, N . Y. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. l 08 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. Whit e Ira P., carpenter, house 15 Church White James, sawyer for Suth. Falls Marble Co. White Sti llm an C., marble d'ealer, house 92 Main Whiting Abraham W., machini~t, house Moulthrop avenue Whitney Samuel P ., baggage master, house 1Q Grove Whitn ey lllary i\Jrs., house 5 Cottage, aged 82 years Whitmore Albert, carpenter, house 69 Grove Wilcox i\lorillo L., farmer, house Centre Rutland Wilcox Larkin H., teamster, house Centre Rutland Wild er Bradley A ., foreman printer, house 8 Summer W ilu cr R. K. i\1 rs., widow, house 80 Main Wilder Frank A ., baggage master, boards Bardwell House \Vilkins Leverett, house 2 Chestnut avenue Wilkins Wm., foreman, Suth. Falls Marble Co. Wilkin so n Don A., age nt, house 6 Cottage Wilkin so n John, laborer, house 21 Meadow Wilkin so n Oscar A. , artist, h ouse West Rutland Wilkin~on \Varren, car repairer, house 2 Park '\' illard James R., carpenter, house Centre Itutland Willett E. D ., hairdresser, at Bates House Williams A . 13., musicia·n, house 10 Chestnut avenue ELVVIN H. VVHITE, DEALER IN m Fine Gold and Silver, Stem and Key ~ RICH JEWELRY, CHAINS, SILVER GOODS, PLATED WARE, And a. Very Large Variety of 4,:m@~ G~A~S~ ~!I? ~~:m~~A~~iB~~ Particular Care Taken in Fitting . No Fancy NAMES or PRICES, but a GOOD ARTICLE at a Reasonable Price. MAIN, Cor. MARBLE ST., WEST RUTLAND, VT. · RIFLES, SHOT GUNS, REVOLVERS, CARTRIDGES, &o., ALSO, VIOLIN STRINGS, &c. PROVE IT. If In doubt and you desire the best, an examination of the Steinway and Chickenng Pianos will satisfy you ot their superiority .. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 FOR THE BEST PIANOS AND ORGANS. see pages. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. 109 Williams Alvin H., carpenter , house 68 West Williams Charles, laborer, house 4 Court sqmtre Q)t ct. ~illiams Chauncey K., editor, house 20. Cottage Jn t ~._ ~· Williams Edgar, laborer, house 88 l\Iain Williams H. A., teacher, boards Marble Valley hotel Williams John K. Rev., pastor Congregational church, W est B.utlaod · Williams J. G ., clerk, B. H. Burt, boards 7 Cottage Williams Othniel , carpenter, house 68 West Williams Sam uel P., h ouse 95 West Williams Wilmarth, teamster, h ouse 20 North Williamson W . H., employed Rutland Marble Co. , W. Rutland Willis Charles, farmer, house Woodstock ave nue Willis George, tax collector, h ouse 4 Maple \Vilson Albert, carpenter, house Woodstock avenue Wilson J ohn, brakeman, house 24 Forest Wilson Robert, mason,• house 8 Merchants' r ow Willson S. M ., clerk for Z. V . K. ·Willson , boards 41 Gr ove Willson Z. V. K., agent of D . & H . Canal Co., office in depot, h ouse 41 Grove Winchel Foster, employed Ripley Sons, Center Rutland Wing Charles K., clerk Mea d & Park er, h ouse W est B.utland Wing Daniel Mrs., widow, house W est Rutland Winn J. Morgan, chairmaker, house 12 P erkins ave nue Winship A ugusta Miss, boards 109 l\hin Winters John, employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin Winters Thomas. laborer, h ouse 97 Green Wise George , butcher, house rear of gas house Wolcot.t William, sup erinte.ndent Baxter's farm Wood Charles, farmer, house 2 Perkins avenue Wood Elbridge H., tin smith, house 4 Will ow Wood Ely H ., h ouse 18 Elm. Wood Martha J., landscape artist, house 28 Washin gton Woodbury J.P. Mrs. , h ouse 109 Main Woodfin John N. (Gilson , Clement & Woodfin) , h ouse 4 Pleasant Woodruff Chas. B. , clerk for Chas. 13. V ail Woods A. S., employed Gilson, Clement & Woodfin \Yoods N. A., pattern mak er, house 22 Franklin Woodhouse Charles, physician , house 31 Grove Woodhouse Geo rge , book k ee per, h ouse 8 Summer Woodruff B. F., book keeper Rutland ~iarble Co., W . Ru tland Woodruff Hannibal, farmer, house Main below R. R. crossin g Woodruff Henry C., clerk, E. D. K eyes & Co., room over store Woodward CurtisS ., machin ist, h ouse Moulthrop avenue Amer ican Nnme" hns been a household word for over half eeutttry, 53,000 of these matchless Piuuos hu vc been made & sold. CHI eKE RIN Ga"Agood ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. 110 ·· ---. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. Woodward Adrian T., carpenter, house 36 West dealer iu dry goods, clothing, hats, caps, boots, shoes, crockery, groceries, flour, etc ., etc., Clarendon avenue, West Rutland Wooley B. H., dealer in cigars, tobaccos, and smokers' articles in general 55 l\Ierchants' row, house i\lain cor. Strongs ave. Wooley Joseph, house 8 Park Wooster Deborah l\1. Mrs., widow, house 8 Church, aged 75 years Wooster Mary, Miss, boards 8 Church Wooster Orlando, storekeeper, C. V. R. R, house 8 Church Worcester Eunice W., widow, house 16 Cottage Worthen John, teamster, Ripley Sons, Centre Rutland Worthen Rodney, teamster, house 20 North Wyman Milton, conductor, house 20 West Woodward W. H., Business Directory of Rutland. Academies, Institutes, etc. Rutland Military Institute, Samuel H . Kelley, Principal, corner of Church and Williams. (See adv.) y Yanson Nicholas, employed R. IIi. Co., West Rutland Yeanson Peter and N. L., quarrymen Sheldons & Slason Yott Alexander, employed Ripley Sons, Centre Rutland Yott C. C., employed Ripley Sons, Centre Rutland Young, Alex, laborer for Snth. Falls l\larble Co. Young George W. ~ farmer, boards 125 l\Iain Young Marcelle, employed R. l\1. Co., \Vest Rutland Young William W., mason, house 125 ~lain Young Wm., laborer for Suth. Falls Marble Co. J. H. REMINGTON, A. l:TCTIO~EE::R:7 AND DEALER IN REAL ESTATE PATENT RIGHTS, A N D G E N E R A L T R A D I N G, 16 Grove St., G® lDl® RUTLAND, VT. Architects. Edgerton C. S., 70 West Randall J. J. R., office 7 Center Bakers and Confectioners. Verder H. J;. & Co., 46 Centre . (See adv.) Hoadley Leonard J., West Rutland. (See adv.) Blacksmiths and Horseshoers. Austin & McMahon, 67 West Gibson Joseph E., 81 West Gordon Moses, 17 Wales · Terrill Samuel, West corner Wales. Long C. L., 26 Wales Miner & Son, Terrill corner Main Meilleur J., Center Rutland Premo Levi, Wales corner Willow lFO B DEl S~ ~BIIBAL IISUBAB~B A~-ICY, FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. CAPITAL REPRESENTED, $100,000,000. The Best Home and Foreign Companies. 3 CENTRAL ST., BRANDON, VT. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 (See adv.) Boilermakers and Machinists. Holmes J. W. & J. H., West opposite Catholic cemetery. (See adv.) Bookbin(le1·s and Paper Dealers. Tuttle & Co ., 11 Centre. (See adv.) Globe Paper Co. , 69 Merchants' row (binders only) 269 RIVER STREET TROY ! N, y , Iswaretheroom. numhcr Freel. rr. Clu ett' s Piano Best goods at low est prices . of ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. 112 RUTLAND DlREO'l'ORY. RUTLAND DIRE01'0RY. Booksellers and Stationers. Chtuch, Store and House Woodwork. Tuttle & Co., 11 Centre. (See adv.) Sawyer Henry A. & Co., 63 .l\1 erchants' row opposite depot Spaulding & Co ., 1 l\l erchants' row. (See adv.) Harris Chas. P., & Co. , Furnace street . Civil Engineers. Boots and Shoes. Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods. Anderson & Moran, 29 Centre Cunningham A . 0 ., 5 Centre Gould & Pollard, 26 Merchants' row Jerkowski Marcus, 7 Center Mason Charles S., 43 :\Ierchants' row. (See adv.) Peck Elias, 2 Centre Rutland Clothing Co., 21 Merchants' row Watkins F . W., 33 Merchants' row Brass Founders. (See adv.) Brick Manufacturer. Mcintyre John, east of F. Chaffee. Coal Dealers. Bourne M. A., office in depot Davis & Curtis, 8, 10 and 12 Freight Kingsley L. G. (blacksmiths only), 18 Merch. row. (See adv.) Building Mover and Stone 1\'Iason. Gibson Isaac, 8 Pine. (See adv.) Irving's Patent Waterproof, Chas. P. Harris & Co., Furnace street. (See 2d colored leaf.) Carriage and Sleigh 1\iam .l facturers. ( See adv.) Cement Drain Tile. Ripley Sons, Centre Rutland . The b est pos•ible bargains in Piano a may be obtained of (See adv.) Country Stores. Building Papers. Terrill Samuel, West corner Wales. Gibson Joseph E., 81 West Long C. L ., 26 Wales Miner & Son, Terrill cor. Main Premo Levi, Wales corner Willow (Sec: 2d col'd leaf.) Randall J. J . R., office 7 Center Roys L. E., office in t.he depot Wooster Orlando, 8 Church Currier 0. W., 6 Merchants' row Morgan D. L ., 15 Centre Ross Warren E., 5 Merchants' row . (See adv.) Rutland Boot & Shoe Co., Mutual Exchan ge Block corner W est and Grove. (See adv.) Valiquette A., 35 Centre Valiquette Louis, 13 Merchants' row Watkins F. W., 33 Merchants' row Mansfield & Stimson, Union opp. car shop. Sec page 8. $250 BUYS A GOOD PIANO. (See adv. back cover) FRED o H• CLUETT the who is exclu sive agent for Chickering & Stein way. • Brown H. H. & Co., W est Rutland. (See adv.) Caden J. & •r., 4 Freight. (See adv.) Cheney G. H. & H. W . Old Union store, Main cor . Terrill Mead & Parker, Main st., West Rutland. (See adv .) Owen W. H. B., 73 Centre Tuttle H. E . & Co., i\l ain st., West Rutland Shedd F. W. & C. D., Centre B.utland . (See adv .) Walsh Thos. , opp. depot, West B.utland Woodward Wm. H., Clarendon avenue, W est Rutlaud Dentists. Harwood E. V. N., 1 Me rchants' row (seco nd floor ) Kilburn A., 6 Morse's block. (See adv.) Lawton Lewis 1'., 4 Merchants' row Mound Thos., office 2H Centre (up stairs) Don't be decelved. If you want the very best the STEIN WAY 15 Rutland Directory 1878-1879 Piano is now without a ri vul. Examine them. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. ll4 $100 BUYS A GOOD PIANO. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. Sec page 8. 115 RU'l'LAN.D DIRECTORY. Spaulding & Co., Merchants' row . (See adv .) Stevens H. D. .Mrs., 19 Merchants' row Die Sinker. Mathewson J . K, 293 Main street, Springfield, iUass. Flour, Feed and Grain Dealers. Dining Rooms. Fisher J . W., 8 Mer~1ants' row , Hickey F . 0., 53 l'derehants' row, upp . depot. (See adv.) Railway Restaurant, A . B.. Howard, prop'r, iu depot Davis & Curtis, 8, 10 and 12 Freight Keyes E. D. & Co., Evelyn opp. depot. (See adv .) Ripley Sons, Centre Rutland. (See adv . back cove r.) White D. M. & Co., 124 West. (See adv.) Druggists. Crooks Herbert D., "i Merchants' row Fenn Francis, 13 Centre. (See adv.) Graves George K, Union block, 95 :.Vlain Higgins Albert W., 41 Merchants' row. (See adv.) Lewis E. C., ~lerehants' row corner yv est Morse E. A., 45 Merchants' row, opp . depot ~1orse F . A., Maiu corner Marble, West ltutland. (See adv.) Mullin D. F. & Bro., Marble st., West Hutland . (See adv.) Furnitm·c Dealers. Gilson Thomas S., 21 Merchants' row . Kingsley Levi G., 18 Merchants' row. Stearns J . W., 9 Merchants' row Townsend Charles G., 28 Centre Weeks N. & Son, 10 Merchants' row Groceries aml Provisions. Dry and Fancy Goods. Burt B. H., 31 Merchants' row Gould J. Azro, 24 Merchants' row Hilliard George W., 37 .)lerchants' row Kilburn J. B., 17 Centre RoSB Charles E., 3 Merchants' row. (See adv.) Dye Works. Rutland Dye Works, Wm. Simpson, 5 Wales Parkhurst C. A., Mutual Exchange block Ridlon E. F., 43 Centre Vail Charles B., 9 Merchants' row • Express Office. National and U. S. and Canada, J. M. Otis a~t., (See adv. ) (Sec adv.) in depot Fancy Goods. Ashwun S. R., 9 Centre Fenn Francis (and toys), 13 Ce ntre. (See adv.) Mitchell John D., 29 Merchants' row • Billings B. & D. C., 67 Merchants' row. (See adv .) Caden J. & T ., 4 Freight. (See adv.) •. Cain Patrick, 24 Wales Cook John, 36 Centre Derven John, 99 Main Glynn ,Tames E ., 23 Merchants' row Grandey John S., 25 Forest Keyes E. D. & Co., Evelyn opposite depot. (See adv .) Marshall B. W., 1 Grove McManus Peter, 93 West Morse F . A., Main corner Marble, West Rutland. (See adv .) Mussey William B. & Son . 11 ~Terchants' row. (See adv.) Mullin D. F. & Bro., Marble street, West Rutland . (See adv .) Pierpont, E, 25 Center. (See adv.) Powers Charles J ., 37 Centre Rutland Cooperative Association, .J. A. Edson agt., Mutual Exchange block West st. Ryan W illiam, 1 Wales Stewart Robert, 14 Wales. (See adv. ) Vaughan Fayette, Main corner West White A . & Co., 33 Center. (Ree adv.) WithFred . H. Clucttorhisrepresentative yo u to procure oueof the best Pinnas or Organs . 0 ONSULT desire ir 0 HI 0 K E R I N G When merit and price are considered, la the be•t Piano now H I 0 K E R I N G obtainable.- Examine them. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. 110 RU'l'LAND JJJREC1'0RY. Hairdressers. l<'armer J. W., 53 1\lcrchants' row Mellow Frank l\1 ., 21 Center. (See adv.) On cy David jr. (also baths), Berwick House Walker J . F ., 13 ;\ierchants' row \Vhiley E. C. ( also baths), under Bardwell House · Hair Work. Ballance J. B. Mrs., 62 West. Loo p G . •r., 15z Center (See ad v.) Hardware and Cutlery. Bates A. () . &' 8on, i'l5 Merchants' row. (See adv.) Kingsley Levi G. , 18 Merchants' row. (See adv.) Landon W . r.., Freight corner Evelyn '· Hats, Caps and Furs. Cunningham A . 0 ., 5 Centre Gould & Pollard, :26 :\lcrchants' row Hilliard George W. (furs only), 37 nierchants' row .Mason Charles 8., 43 Merchants' row. ( See adv.) Wa~kins F . W ., 33 Merchants' row Horse Rakes, Mowing Machines, Hay Tedders,etc. Chatterton J. H., 32 Washington. (See adv.) Hotels. Bardwell House, J . W. Cramton, opposite depot. (See adv .) Bates House, A . C. Bates & Son, opp. depot. (See adv.) Berwick House, C. F. Richardson, Centre cor. Wales. (See adv .) Farmers' Hotel, J. E. Johnso n, Freight near depot Marble Valley H otel, C. H. Campbell, West Rutland . House Furnishing Goods. Dunn & Cramton. 12 and 14 ~Ierchants' row. (See adv.) Gilson Thomas s.' , 21 Merchants' row . (See adv.) Ryan John Q. , opp . Berwick House Weeks N . & Son, 10 Merchants' row STEINWAY "KING OF PIANOS" Sold Exclusive!.\' by Fred . Fl. Cluett . Rutland Directory 1878-1879 WEBER PIANOS Clu ett and Sos~·e~~~~~~~.for Vermont. R U'l'LAND DIIIECTOR Y . 117 Ice Dealers. Dunklee B. F ., 5 Main. (Sec adv.) ltowell C. A., Post Office box 59 Insurance Agents. Babcock C. L., office Berwick House Burnham & T emp le, office Ripley Marb le block , 20 l\lerchants' row Cain John, office Town Hall block Cunningham Orlando Rev., office 19 Cottage Forbes C. H. , office at Bates House. (See adv .) Francisco's General Agency, Union block Fra ncisco A . D. ( Farm insurance) , office 1 L Church Granger C. H . (Mutual Life. N. Y.), ~ Morse's block l\Iason E. G., office Putnam & Sawyer's block Parmenter C., 241 Merchants' row Porter H . W., office 7 Centre Iron, Steel, Pipe and Fittings. Mansfield ·& Stimson , Union opp. car shop . (See adv.) Ross Thos ., H2, 94 and 96 West. (.See adv.) Japanese Paper Carpeting. Japanese P tLper Carpeting Co. (See 2d . col'd leaf. ) Laundry. Rutland Custom Laundry, W m. Hoffnagle, 57 West Lawyers. Baker & Butler , office Mutual Exchange block Barrett James C .. office No. 1 over Nat. Bk. of Rutland Dunton W. C., judge of supreme court, W ashin gto n cor. Nickwackett Everts M. G ., 8 Morse's block Joyce & Lawrence, office 27 Merchants' row Kendall P . R edfield, office 21 Merchants' row )I an ley J. E ., office Main st. , West Rutland Nicholson David E., office 4 Morse's block Prout & Walker, over National B ank of Rutla nd RED. H. TRQY N y ! FCLUETT, 1 1, Is selling th e World's Beat Pianos and Organa nt prices that defy competition. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. 118 PIA~OS FROM $50 UP. R UTLAN]) ])!RECTORY. Redington Lyman W., office Putnam & Sawyer's block Smith Warren H ., .\lorse's block Thrall Renbeu R., office Morse's block Veazey W. G., office 9 :\Ierchants' row Livery Stables. Bardwell House Stables, opp. the depot Marble Valley Hotel Stables, West Rutland Quinn M., 22 Centre Richardson C. F . & Geo ., 24 Centre Smith & Smith, Marble street, West Rutland Loan Office. Dorr S. M. & Co., office Putnam & Sawyer's block l\1. & H . 0., 49 West Charles P. & Co ., Furnace street. (Sec adv. 2J col' d leaf.) Nathan & Co., 59 Centre D. M. & Co., 124 West. (See adv.) Machinists and Founders. Mansfield & Stimson, Union st. opp. R. R. car ~hop. (See adv.) Ross Thomas, 92, 94 and 96 West. (See adv.) Rutland Foundry and .\lachine Shop Co., Furnace stree t . (See · adv.) Shortsleeve David, Furnace street. (See adv.) Marble Producers and Dealers. Columbian Marble Co., 120 West. (See adv .) Flints, Johnson & Co., Centre Rutland. (See adv.) Gilson, Clement & Woodfin, West Rutland Hollister, Tyrel & Co., East Dorset. (See adv.) Kearsarge Marble Co., West Rutland Ripley Sons, on C. V. R. K and R. & S. R. R., Centre Rutland. (See adv. on back cover) Rutland Marble Co ., Center ~nd 'vV est R.uthtnd . •T. N . Baxter, sup't (See adv. on inside front cover.) Sheldons & Slason, W est Rutland. (See adv. on back cover). It wlll pay you to examine the World Renowned CHICKERING strumeut Piano, ir yon want th e beet inmanufactured. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 & Sons, Temple of l\Iusic. See pageS. 119 llU1'LAN]) ])JRECTORY. Sutherland Falls Marble Co., R. Proctor, treasurer. • inside front cover.) Sherman, Williams & Co., West Rutland (See adv. opp . Marble Dealers. Ross 'rhos., 92, 94 and 96 West. (See adv.) Cassidy P. W., Main street West Rutland Seger Alonzo, Main street West Rutland • Marble Workers. Bowman & Leach, 5 and 7 Grove. (~ee adv.) Norton Hubert, 1 Franklin Oliver Granite Works, 77 W e9t Pritchard, McNeil~ Lane (mantels), West Rutland Monumental Works. Lumber Dealers. Edson Harris Pierce White Cluett White & Haven, 86 and 88 West. Bowman & Leach, 5 and 7 Grove. (See adv.) (See adv.) Meat Market. Brown Nelson, 62 West Chaffee Geo. T., 47 Market, 47 Merchants' row Clifford P., 8 Merchants' row Dunton & Hayward (Fulton Market), 31 Merchants' row Hayward Myron D., 24 Merchants' row Johnson J. E., 6 Freight. (See adv.) Merchant Tailors. Burns Peter, P. 0. Building, West Rutland Ellis A. D., 31 Centre. (See adv.) Flynn B. J., Quinn's block opposite depot. (See adv.) Fagan Peter, 25t Merchants' row. (see adv.) Kingsley H . W ., l3t Merchants row. (See ad.v.) Millinery and Fancy Goods. Ashmun's Temple of Fashion, 9 Centre Kelley W. C., 1 .\ierchants' row Mitchell John D., 29 Merchants' row Th ornton M. K ., 13 Washin gton. (Sec adv.) 269 RIVER STREE rr TROY ' N, y • I s the uurnbcr or Fred. ll. ClucLt'• Piano w,uc room . D et; L good ~ nt J owc~ t prices. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. 120 1/U'l'LAND DIRECTORY. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. Music and 1\:Iusical Instrlllllents. McClure & Hall, 25 Merchants' row Merriam E. N., 19 Merchants' row. (See adv.) Paper and Wooden Ware Dealer. Mietzke George A., 28 Grove Chatterton S. Howard Mrs., 32 Washington Edgerton Miss, 20 West Hall H. A., l l Summer Hathaway John B., 127 Main Sawyer Henry A. & Co., 63 l\1erchants' row opposite depot Photographers. Nail Works. Harris Chas. P. & Co ., Furnace stree.t. (See ad~ . 2d colored leaf. ) The Daily and Weekly Herald and Globe A. H. Tuttle manager, S. B. Pettengill editor, office 13 Centre. (See adv.) News Depot. (See adv.) Novelties. Union Novelty Co., 24z Merchants' row. (See adv) Oyster Saloon. Cushman C. F., 5z Centre Painters. Dunlap J. H. T., 26 Wales Kingsley Moses, 15 Grove La Clair Edgar, 86 West street Orcutt A. A. (carriage), 4 Wales Paper Fashions and Designs. ST£INWAY Rutland Directory 1878-1879 Allen Charles L ., office over E . D . K eyes & Co.'s store Cochrane T . H., office West Rutland Cook Ore!, office 96 Main Fox George H., office 2 Cottage Goldsmith M., office 13 Washington Griswold S. H ., office 35 West Hanrahan J ohn D ., office 12 Prospect Haynes B. H., office 34 West and 3 Grove Keenan John C., office 19 River Mead John A., office 22 Washington Pond E. A., office 7 Center Porter Cyrus, office 6 West Porter James B ., Porter avenue rear 81 Main Putnam J. H., office 15 Washington Ross James, office 107 Main Sheldon Lorenzo, office West Rutland Woodhouse Charles, office 31 Grove Pianos an4 Organs. "Domestic," E. N. Merriam, 19 Merchants row. (See adv .) "Bntterick" Patterns C. F. Ross, 3 Merchants ' row. (See adv.) "Demorest" C. A. Parkhurst & Co., Grove corner West "Frank Leslies" J. I!. Kilburn, 17 Center Don'tbedeceived.ltyou waut the very beat the Baker G. M., H Center Merrill J. 0., 1 Merchants' row corn er Weat Nichols Carlos W., 2 1 ~ Center. (See adv .) Physicians and Surgeons. NewspaJ>er. Spaulding & Co., 1 Merchants' row. Paper Hangings. Tuttle & Co., 11 Centre. (See adv .) Weeks N. & Son, 10 Merchants' row Music Teachers . • 121 P iano is now without a rival. Examine them. Cluett Fred H ., Edwin Tracy agent, Bates House. ( See adv.) Cluett & Sons, Geo. Tobey agent, bds. Bardwell H ouse. (Sec adv.) Day George Q., 19 Merchants' row (See adv.) McClure & Hall, 25 Merchants' row. "WORLD'S BEST PI.~NOS" 16 Can be procu red only of F red . H. Cluett, 'l.'roy, N.Y. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. 'Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. 122 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. Pictures and Picture Frames. Dunlap.]. H . T., 26 Wales Merriam E. N ., 19 l\lerchants' row. Spaulding & Co ., 1 Merchants' row. Slate Manufacturer. Fairhaven Marble and Marbleized S late Co. (See adv.) (See adv.) (Sec adv .) Stamps of any description. Mathewson J. E., 293 Main street, Springfield, Mas ~. Planing and Wood Turning·. Harris Chas. P. & Co ., Furnace street. (See adv., ::ld col'd leaf.) Steel Stamps, Letters and Figures. Matheweon J. E., 293 Main street, Springfield, Mass. Plumbing and Gas Fitting. Dunn & Cramton, 12 and 14 Merchants' row. R.yan .John Q., opp. Berwi?k House (See adv.) (See adv.) Sash, Doors and Blinds. Bdson M. & H. 0., 49 West Harris Charles P. & Co ., Furnace street. (See adv. 2d colored leaf) Steam Stonecutter Co., 90 West Stoves and Tinware. Dunn & Cramton, 12 and 14 Merchants' row. Newton M., Main street, West Rutland Ryan John Q., opposite Berwick House Scale Manufacturers. f~owe Scale Co., located at junction of Rutland and Harlem Extension B.. H.. Railroad. (See adv. on outside front cover.) Sealing Wax. l\lichael A. M., 413 Broadway, Albany. (See adv. ) Stonecutting Machinery. Rubber Stamps. Michael A. i\1., 413 Broadway, Albany. Stencil Cutter and Die Sinker. ~1ichael A. M., 413 Broadway, Albany. (See adv.) Telegraph Office. Western Union Telegraph Co., Leon G. Bagley, manage r , office south end Union depot on Merchants' row Tin and Coppersmith. Slattery John, 37 Centre. Sewing Machines. The Grover & Baker & Domestic, E. N. l\lerriam, agent, 19 Merchants' row. (See adv.) l:)inger Manufacturing Co., C. A. Parkhurst & Co., Mutual Exchange block, West corner Grove. 'l'he Howe Machine Co. H. L: Gleason, Cent-er corner Wales. (See adv.) (See adv. ) (See adv. page 12.) Tobacconists. Abraham Bros., 3 Centre Amory T. T. & Co., Bardwell House block Appel Morris, 3 Union Wooley B. H., 55 Merchants' row U ndertalrers. Shirt Manufacturer. Merriam E. N. , 19 Merchants' row . ll iu oearch of the very best now produ ced oR Campbell Chas. H., West Rutland Gilson 'l'homas S., 21 Merchants' row. (Sec adv. ) Kingsley L. G., 18 Merchants' row. (See adv.) (See adv .) G A N Rutland Directory 1878-1879 s You will find them at Fred. H . Cluett's. The best pos•ible bargai ns In Pianos may be obtained or FRED H, CLUETT who Is exclusive agent for . _ _, . _ _ the Chickeri ng & Steim•ay. 1 '\ - ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Eearl St., Albany, N.Y. 124 \ ,.... DO YOU WANT A PIANO CHEAP. RUTLAND JJIRE01'0RY. Sec pag e S. RU1'LANJJ DIRE07'0RY. Upholsterers. 125 F1:re Wa1·dcns. Wa1'£l1, S. Terrill. Ward 4, S . H. Kelley. "5, C. F . Richardson. " 2, M. Costello. h 3, l\1. B. Haney. " 6, J. C. Dunn . Ward 7. Carbory Carroll. Uilson Thomas S., 2 1 Merchants' row. (See adv.) Metzger Williaw, Evelyu street. (See adv.) ·Stearns J. W., 9 Merchants' row Townsend Charles G., 28 Ge nter W ceks N. & So n, 10 Merchants' row NIOKW ACKETT ENGINE CO. NO. 1. Watches and Jewelry. · Wm. B . 'l'hrall, F01·eman. A. Austin, l st Assistant. H. H. Hilton, Glm·lr.. B. J. Flynn, 2d " E. S. So11thwick, Trea.sw·e1·. Bailey H. M ., t7 1\lerchauts' row }Jurshall AlbertS., 1 Merchants' row . (See adv.) Wh eeler F. H., 25 }lerchants' row. (See adv.) White Elwin H., West Rutland. (See adv.) WASHINGTON ENGINE CO. NO. 2. Wood Dealer. Geo. W. Kenney, F01·eman . K. K. Hannum, 1st Assistant. G. P. Russell, Gle1·lc. C. D. Whitcomb, 2d " L. L. Whitcomb, Treasw·e1·. Elbworth J. D., office and residence 2 Grove KILLINGTON STEAMER CO. NO . 3. TOWN OFFICERS OF U.UTLAND. Levi G. Kingsley, Foreman. H. M. Bates, lst Assistant Foreman. Louis Valliquette jr. , Clerk. J . H. Mcintyre, 2d " " A. S. Marshall, Treasu1·er. Selectmen. Samuel Boardman. H . H. Dyer. Sam!. Hayward . UNION HOOK ANJ) LADDER CO. NO. 1. TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF RUTLAND. Incorporated as a village Nov. 15th, 1847. Warcll, Geo. H. Cheney. Ward 4, N. F. Page. 2, John B. Page. " 5, H. L. Verder. " " 6, A. C. Bates. " 3, J . D. Hanrahan. Ward 7, J as. Levins. P1·esident, John B. Page, Glerle, H. L. Verder. FIRE DEPARTl\:IENT OF RUTLAND. RIVER STREET TRQY 1 N y o J. W. CRAMTON HOSE CO. NO.4. Samuel M. vVillson, Fo1·eman . F. C. Robbins, Cleric. F. A. Beebe, 2d " '' Fred. Smith, T1·easu1·er. J. C. Pease, 1st Assistant Foreman. H. H. BAXTER HOSE CO. NO. 5. Walter C. Landon, Chief Engineer. Joseph M. Davis, 1st. Assistant Engineer. James Levins, 2d. '• " 269 John P. Crowley, Foreman. P. Lynch, 1st Assistant Foreman. W. H. Hubbard, Cleric. P. J. Cawley, 2d " " Dominick Corcoran, T1·easw·er. George W. Dunton, Foreman. . W. H. Monty, lst Assistant Foreman. Jake E. Staley, Cleric. - "·G. W. Staley, 2d " '' C. H. Green, Tnasurer. Is the number of Fred. H. Cluett's Piano, good• at lowest pricee • o ware room. • , Rutland Directory 1878-1879 I I I It willpay you to examinu the World Renowned CHICKERING atrument Piano, If you want the best inmanufactured. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. 126 MASONIC. OTTER UREEK ENCAMPMENT, NO. 7, I. 0. 0. F. H. P.- C. Parmenter. U. P.- T. D. Manly. Scribe,_:_ J. A. Parker. T1·eas.- Chas. Woodhouse. S. W.- Mr. Needham. Meet every 2d and 4th Thursday, Odd Fellows Hall. RUTLAND LODGE No. 79, F. & A. M. W. N.- A. S. Marshall . Sec.- A. H. Cobb. S. W.- Sam. Terrill. Treas.- D . .l\1. White. J. W.- S. E. Burnham. Regular communication first Wednesday of every mouth . in MorEe's block . 127 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. RUTLAND DiRECTORY. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. :'lfeets CENTRE LODGE No. 34 F. & A. M. W. .M.-T. C. Robbins. Sec. - James H. Dyer. Treas. - B. W. Marshall . S . W.- E . M. Edgerton. J W.- Geo. P. Ruseell. Meets in Morse's block first Thursday of every month . VERMONT LODGE, NO. 1, K. OF P. P . G.- S. E. Burnham . P.- G. J . Wardwell. G. C.-C. W. Safford. K. of R. & S.- Chas. Clark. V. C'.- G. D. Millington. Meet every Wednesday at Odd Fellows Hall. DAVENPORT CHAPTER No. 17. H. P.-J. H. Mcintyre. Sec.- F. C. Robbins. K.-G. J. Wardwell. , Treas.-L. G. Kin gsley. S.- A. B. Williams. Regular convocation second Monday of every month. INC'ORPORATED COMPANIES OF RUTLAND. PEOPLE'S GAS LIGHT CO. KILLINGTON COMMANDERY KNIGHTS TEMPLA.R, No. 6. Em. Commande1·- Sir L. L. Pearsons. Generalissimo- Sir L. G. Kingsley. Capt. General-Sir J. J\1. Otis. Prelate- SirS. Terrill. Sen. Warden-Sir Geo. J. Wardwell. Jun. Warden- Sir J. M. Otis. Treasurer .- Sir L. G. Kingsley. R ecorder - Sir C. Clark. Meets third Tuesday of every month . INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. KILLINGTON LODGE, NO. 29 I: 0. 0. F . N. G.- E. Plaisted. V. G.- E. R. Farrar. SP.c.-J. A. Parker. Treas.- D. S. \Varner. Meet e\·cry i\londay, Odd Fellows Hall. Globe block. "WORLD'S BEST PIANOS'' Can be procured on ly or Fred. H. · Clu ett, Troy, N.Y. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 Incorporated March 28, 1867; Capital $60,000; Office and Works No.2 Union Street. President.- Z. V. K. Willson . Cleric and Treas.- Geo. R. Bottum Supt.-N.C. Dye. Di1·ectois.-Z . V. K. Willson, John W . Cramtou, John N. Baxter, John A. Sheldon, Daniel Verder , W. B. Mussey . 'rHE HOWE SCALg CO.- Pres·ident, Geo. A. Merrill; 1'reasu1·e1·, John B. Page ; Sec1·etary, Wm. H. Bryant; Supe1·intendent, Wm. W. Reynolds. RUTLAND MARBLg CO.- Sup't, J. N. Baxter; N. P. Simons. COLUMBIAN MARBLE CO.- PROVE IT 'l 'r c a .~w·er, A~s't Sup't, Rockwood Barrett. If iu doubt nud you dcstrc th e best, nn cxnmiuuliou of the Stei n• wuy aud Cb ick ertu g Piano::i will ~at.isfy you of their ijtlpcriority. FOR THE BEST PIANOS AND ORGANS. sccpag.s. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, ~4 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. 128 RUTLAN]) DIRECTORY. RUTLAND lJlRECTORY. 1z9 Pr es1:d~nt- W. Y. W. Ripley. Cashier- Henry F . Field. Teller- Wm. Chas Brown. BoolclrePper-Henry M. Bailey. Direct01·s- Wm. Y. W. Ripley, James Henton, John Prout, John ""B. Page, John Miller, Edward H. Ripley, Henry ·F . Field. SUTHERLAND FALLS ,YIARBLE CO.- ?resident, J. J . ~1yer; Treasurer, R. Proctor. VERMONT BIBLE SOCIETY.- Depository in E. N. Merriam's Music store, 19 Merchant's row. BANKS. CHURCHES. BAXTER NATIONAL BANK, Capital, $300,000. Incorporated 1870. President- H. Henry Baxter. Vice -President- Jno. N. Baxter. Cashier- Geo. R. Bottum. Directors_..:.. B. Henry Baxter, N. T . Sprague, Jr., John N. Baxter, Walter C. Dunton, Harvey Kingsley, John W. Cramton, Trenor W. Park, George E. Royce, George R. Bottum , Henry F. Lothrop, Walter C. Landon. BAPTIST. Centre near Court House .. Services at 10.45A. M., and 7 P.M. Sabbath shoo! at 12 M. Pastor- Rev. Justin K. Richardson. Deacons-John Murray, Luther Angier, Eri W. Horner, ,Jason Hazelton. P1·udential Committee- Henry 0. Edson, B. W. }larshall , L. L. Pearson. Cleric of Society- E. C. Tuttle. Treasurer of Society- E . W. Horner . Auditor- H . C. Tuttle. Collector- E. S. Southwick. S. S. Supt.- Samuel H. Kelley. Ass·1:st. S. S. ,Supt.- B. W. Marshall. THE NATIONAL BANK OF RUTLAND. Capital $500,000. Chartered 1824. Reorganized 1866 . President- John B. Page. Cashier - Sidney W. Rowell. Directm·s- John B. Page, Francis Slawson, Edward Martindale, Jacob Edgerton, Fred. Chaffee, Henry C. Gleason, Sidn ey W. Rowell. CONGREGATIONAL. RUTLAND SAVINGS BANK. Incorporated in November, .1850. • Amount of deposits $650,000. H·esident- Luther Daniels . Vice-President- William Gilmore. Treasurer- Luther Daniels. Assist. Treas.- N. Kellogg. Trustees- Luther Daniels, William Gilmore, John Prout, Warren Daniels, Wm. M. Field, Newton Kellogg, W. B. l\Iussey. RUTLAND NATIONAL BANK. Capital $200,000. Organized as a State Bank, 1862; as a l'lational Bank, 1865. " Agood American Name" bas been a household word for ovorbalf a century, 53,()()() or these matchless Pianos have been made & sold . CHI CKERI NG Rutland Directory 1878-1879 \.( Court street. Services at 10.45 A. M., and 7 P. M. Prayer meetings Thursday and Saturday evenings at 7.30. Pastor- Rev . ,J. Gibson Johnson. Deacons - Dr. E. V. N. Harwood, John B. P~,~ge, Henry F . Field, J. M. Haven Pntdential Gornmitt~:e- Thos. Ross, H . F. Field . John A. Sheldon, J. H. Goulding, Rockwood Barrett, L. K RoyH, W. Y. W. Ripley. S. S. Supt.- John B. Page. Assist. Supt.- Henry F. Field. Librarian- Fred. A. Field . Organist- George A. i\1 ietzke. Don'tbedecelved. lfyou w&nt tbe very beat tbo ----------------------Is now without a STEIN WAY Plano rival. Examine them . • 17 ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N. Y. 130 CLU'ETT & SONS, TEMPLE OF MUSIC. seepages. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. 131 RUTLAND DIRECTORY. EPISCOPAL. West street. Services at 10.45 A. M. Sunday School immediately after morning service. Evening service at 7.30 in winter and 5.30 in summer. Rector- Rev. Walter Mitchell. Vestr.vmen -Chas. Clement, Z. V. K . Wilson, Harvey Kingsley, Geo. R. Botturn, Chas. E. Ross, ·E. P. Gilson, Col. W. G. Veazey. Wardens- ChaR. Clement, Z . V. K. Wilson. Treasurer- Harvey Kingsley. Secretary- E. P. Gilson. Organist- L. A. Morse. CONGREGATIONAL. West Rutland. Services 10.45 A. M ., and 7 P. M . Prayer meeting Thureday evening at 7.30. Pastor-.J . K. Williams. Deacons-L. Sheldon, R. C. 'rhrall, H . A Smith. Prudential Committee - H. H. Brown, Chas. Ia. Sheldon, C. Blanchard. S. S. Supt.- H . A. Smith. Ass't Li~rarian- Lorenzo Conway. ST. BRIDGET'S CATHOLIC CHURCH. ST. PETER'S CATHOLIC CHURCH. Mass and vespers at the usual hours. Paswr-Rev . Charles O'Reilly. Meadow street. Mass at 8 and 10 A . .M. : vespers 7 Pastor-Rev. Charles Boylan. A. M. :r:s~~o a-:r::sso~., Building Mover, Stone Mason, FRENCH CATHOLIC. · Services at 11 A . M., and 3 P . l\1. Pastor-Rev. Jerome Gelot. METHODIST. West street. Services at 10.'15 A . M., and H P . M. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7.30 in the chapel. Pastor-Rev. M. Edgerton . Board of Officers- G. C. Thrall, L . F. Southard, C. W. Nichols, . Joel C. Barker,· Horace Bateman, Thos. Kershaw, Chas. I-I. Kinsman, D. H . Morgan, W . B. Olosson Calvin Brewer Jr. F. W. Shedd. ' ' ' Organist-Miss M. J. Brown . 0 K E R I N G 0 HI HI 0 KERIN G When merit nnd price nre considered, Is the best Piano now obtal.nnble.-Examine them. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 AND PRACTICAL HIGHWAY BUILDER. I make a specialty of Moving all kiuds of Buildings. Stone work of all kinds, done at. short notice on reasonable terms. No. 8 PINE STREET, RUTLAND, VERMONT. L. J_ ::H:OADLEY, Manufacturer of all ltlnds of CRACKERS, BREAD & CAKES, Wedding Cake Made to Order with Neatness and Dispatch. Church Street, WEST RUTLAND, VT. With Fred . H. Cluett orhlsrepres.entat!ve,_ If you . desire to procure one of the best P1anos or urgana. C 0 N SULT SAVE EVERY CENT YOU CAN. RUTLAND DIRECTORY. See page 8. 133 and ninety-eight feet; thence westerly, in a li~e parallel with the centre line of Washinaton street, to the centre hoe of Wales street; thence southerly, on the centre line of Wa-les street to the cen.tre · line of Washington street; thence westerly, on the centre hoe of Washington street, and in the same course contmued to the we 8 t line of the Rutland Railroad land; thence southerly, on the west line of said railroad land, to the south line of said village ; thence easterly, on the south line of said village, to the south west corner of said second ward, as abpve defined; thence northerly, on the west line of said second ward, to the place of beginning. BOUNDARIES OF THE SEVERAL WARDS ·OF THE VILLAGE OF RUTL~ND. WARD IV . Beainning at the intersection of the centre line of West street with the west line of said first ward, as above defined; thence westerly on the centre line of West street, to a point as far west ns the south end of the cast line of Cottage street; thence northerly, to and alOD"" the east line of Cottage street, and in the same course COD· tinued ~ the north line of said village; thence easterly, on the north line of said village, to the nortli-west corner of said first ward, as above defined thence southerly, on the west line gf said first ward, to the place of beginning. In pur~uance of the second section of the Act of the Legislature of th .s t-itate, incorporating the Village of Rutland, approved November 9. 1·"n5. the undersigned, trustees of said Village of Rutland, hereby define and establish the lines and boundaries of the several wards of said village, as follows : Beginning at the intersection of the centre line of Main street with the north line of said village; thence running westerly on the north line of said village, two hundred and forty-six feet; thence southerly, in a line parallel with the centre line of Main street 1 to the centre line of Centre street; thence easterly, on the centre l ine of Centre street, and in the same courae continued to the east line of said village; thence northerly, on the east line of said village, to the northeast corner thereof; thence westerly, on the north line of said village, to the place of beginning. · WARD II. Beginning in the centre line of Centre street, at the southwest corner of the first ward, as above defined; thence running southerly, in a line parallel with the centre line of Main street to the south line of said village; thence easterly, on the south line' of said villag.e, to the. so~theast corner thereof; thence northerly, on the east hne of sa1d vlilage, to the southeast corner of said first ward, as above defined; thence westerly, on the south line of said first. ward, to the place of beginning. WARD III. ~eginn!ng in the ce~tre line of Washington street, at its intersectiOn w1th t.he west hoe of said I!CCond ward, as above defined ; thence northerly, o~ said west line Cllf said s.eQOud wud,, one hundred. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 I-, WARD V. Beginning in tho centre line of West street, at the south east corner of said fourth ward, as above defined; thence westerly, on the centre line of West street, to the west lin e of said railroad land ; thence easterly and southerly, on the westerly line of said milroad land to the north west corner of said third ward, as above defined ; then~e easterly, on the north line of said third ward, to the centre line of Wales street at its intersection with the centre line of Washington street; 'thence northerly, on the centre line of Wales · street one hundred and ninety-eight feet, to the corner of said third 'ward ; thence eaflterly, on the north line of said third ward, to the north east corner thereof, in the west line of said second ward · thence northerly, on the west line of said second ward, and the w~st line of said first ward, to the place of beginning. WARD VI. Beginning in ·the centre line of West street, at the south-west corner of said fourth ward, as . above defined; thence westerly, on the centre line of West street, to the west line of said railroad land ; thence westerly, on the southerly line of said railroad la_nd, to t~e west line of said village; thence northerly, on the west hne of sa1d villa()'e to the north west corner thereof; thence easterly, on the north line of said village, to the north west corner of said fourth RUTLAND DIRECTORY. DELAWARE &HUD~~N ~ANAL t~MPANY. ward; thence southerly, on the west line of said fourth ward. to the place of beginnin g. NORTHERN R. R. DEPARTMENT. ALEX. SELKIRK, Solicitor of Patents, 44 N. Pearl St., Albany, N.Y. 134 WARD VII. Beginning at the south-west corner of said sixth ward, being tho intersection of the south line of said railroad land with the west line of !laid village; thence easterly and southerly, on the southerly and southwesterly line of said sixth ward, and on the westerly lin es of said fifth and third wards (being the southerly and westerly line of said railroad land) to the south line of said village; thence westerly, to the south west corner of said village; thence northerly, on th e we!lt line of said village, to the place of beginning. · JOHN G. H. J .D. N. F. H. L. VERDER, A. c. BATES, B. PAGE, CHENEY, HANRAHAN, PAGE. JAS. LEVINS, TWO EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY, via Whitehall for PORT HENRY, PLATTSBURGH, ROUSE'S POINT, MOOERS JUNCTION, ST. JOHNS and MONTREAL. C. J. GILMORE, Dealer in STATl~NE~Y, NEWSPAPEM, PE~IODICALS, &c. POST OFFICE BUILDING, WEST RUTLAND, VT. RUTLAND AND WASHINGTON BRANCH. A. :M. :lY.l:ICHAEL, ~aite)p • ·Die SalnbeP)jl Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in BUEEEB ST.A.J:v:I:J?S~ Seal Presses, Bank Stamps, Wax Seals, Stamp Ribbons, Burning Brands, Brass Checks, Stencil Plates, Stencil Paint, Brushes, &c• • TRAVELING STENCIL CUTTERS SUPPLillD WITH STOCK. 41.3 ERO.A.D'W" .A. Y, .A.LE.A.NY, N. y_ Also, AGENT FOB DENNISON'S CHEAPEST AND BEST SEALING WAX. SEND FOl! Pl!ICE LIST· STEINWAY "KING OF PB.NOS" So ld Exclusively by Fred. ll. Cluett. Rutland Directory 1878-1879 Direct connections made at ROUSE'S POIN'l' with 0. & L. C. R. R. for CHAMPLAIN, CHATEAUGAY, MALONE and OGDENSBURGH. AGENT FOR ALBANY NEWS CO. Steocill TWO EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY, via Whitehall, leave RUTLAND, making close connections at TROY, ALBANY and SCHENECTADY, with the N. Y. Central and Hudson River R. R. for the SOUTH and WEST; at TROY and ALBANY with Through train for .the EAST, and at ALBANY with trains on SUSQUEHANNA DIV. for BINGHAMTON, CARBONDALE and SCRANTON. NORTH. T1·ust~es. PLAIN AND FANCY SOUTH AND WEST. Connections made at EAGLE BRIDGE with Trains on TROY & BOSTON R. R. for AljBANY & TROY. Fare as low as via any other Route. ~UIGK TIME AND RELIABLE CONNECTIONS. For rates of Fare, Tickets, or Information apply to Ticket Agents, or to the undersigned. JOSEPH ANGELL, Gen'l Passengm· Agent, ALBANY, N.Y. -, f I l Marble &Harbliei~~~ Sli~te C~~v FAIRHAVEN, VT. Manufacturers of every variety aud finish SLATE AND MARBLE MANTELS, ~A~~~ A~~ ~~cAR~ ~~~~~ Highly ornamented FLO "WElt BOXES for Windows; SLATE SLABS lu all their various forms, Including Grave Covers, Tomb and Greenhouse Shelves, Etc. S late an<l l\Iarble furni shed and fitted comI>lete for Tombs, from Architect's Draft. Slate Steps and ItlsorR nicely finished and fitted for lnsi<le Stairs. Varie[ated Green, Pnrule and Red Slate and Marble Tile, VARIEGATED PURPLE AND RED ROOFING SLATE. SL..ATE EUJ:LDJ:NG STONE Finished to dimensions, such as WA!Ell !Aitl1 DOOR A~ll) W~ll!lOW SEttS~ t~N'!EJLS, PLAIN, MOULDED OR ORNAMEN.TED. Ashler in any desired thickness ; all of which is nicely finished, for use from architects' plan, and delivered where wanted. This stone is a light, beautiful, unfading color, unsurpassed by any in Smoothness of Finish, Strength and durability, and as it is FINISHED BY MACHINERY, is afforded very cheap. See Building on Centennial Ground of this Material. C2W"' See Brown's Block, Seven Dwellings on South side, and R. C. Pruyn, R. S. Olem, and C. Bowditch, on East side Washington Park, Albany, N. Y. Also, Large Brick Block, Mr. Cochrane's Bauk, Washington, D. C.; also, Dwelling George W. Williams, Charleston, S. C.; all of which, with many others, are trimmed and ornamented with our Stone. SEND FOR CIRCULARS_ Rutland Directory 1878-1879 ·-·----r----•-..---- - -·· ;.....- - !1 ; - • r.;; C.-' Q<J ( ~----._~----~~ CASTlETOt· ITATE C.OU..~ VERMONT STATE COLLEGES f 1111111 1111 111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 II 0 0003 0367234 9 r Tll\l~IRARY l\IANSFIELD & !\oltlUHf;tcturcrs of lU achin MAR~1~ &~LAT~ Ml1L~ &~UARRJ~~. ALL KI NDS OF ><TONE WORKING MACHi NERY FOR Dressing, Rubbing, Turning, Polishiug and 1\'Ioulding·, and the b est im]>rove d Gangs for Sawing 1\Im·blc, etc. STONE AND SLATE PLANERS, AND SLATE SAW MACHINES, Derricks, Heisting Machinery, and Overhead Travelling Cranes. The Tran smi ssion of Power to lon g distances, specially attended to; Wheels a nd Wire Rope furnished for the same. ENGINES, BOILERS, PUMPS, PIPES and TANKS, HYDRAULIC PRESSES, TRIP HAMMERS, AGRICULTURAL FORK MACHINERY. AUTOMA'fiC WOOD TURNING LA.THES AND CUTTERS, CIR9ULAR SAW MILLS, WATER 'J:'h.e o f sa.=.e ... Vt. 974. 37 R936R WHEELS, Specl.a.~ ty. ·Corn Crackers, Gas Retorts, Cupalo Furnaces, Globe Stoves for healing Mills, etc. 39768 S'1iA\'1itQNJA\RiY LIGHT ~RO· Nl ~OR~ES~ AND H : .EAVY FORGINGS, VASES, FENCES, CRESTINGS, HITCHING POSTS and LAMP POSTS, CAR WHEELS, RAIL ROAD CASTINCS, GEARING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, BOXES AND SHAFTING. ~ Plan s, specifi cations and estimates furni tih ed on app lication. MILLWRIGHT WORK. D e al e r~ Rutland Directorv " in Iron, Steel, PJ})e a.ncl }I'Jttings, VulveK, SteJun Gua.ges, lli'<&.SK Casti ngs, Composition and Babbitt 1\letals, St e um l'11 c kin gs, Cotton 'Vaste , Deltlugs , HoAe, Boller Ant.I-Incrn•tntlonl'owtlerH, F ire Urick. Age uts for t h e 'Vetmo1·e Turbiue Water 'Vhoe l ami S ullivan 1\Iuchine Co. 's Dinmond Drill Machin ~" for Chann e ling and GaU<ling, Judson's Gove rnors, K eyston e Port.n.blt! }"orge, Ulak e's, KnowleR' nnd 'Vrlght's Pmnt'"• SwamHcot.t Engines and lloller•. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, BU·TLAJNIJ>;;1 Y~(li Rutland Directory 1878-1879 trf
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