February 2013 - Marine Corps League | The Kentuckiana
February 2013 - Marine Corps League | The Kentuckiana
R E G R A H C D R A H THE THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETER OF MARINE CORPS LEAGUE DETACHMENT #729 OFFICERS Commandant (502) 543-1889 mclbcross33@gmail.com ROBERT CROSS Senior Vice Commandant C.J. WYCHULIS (502) 425-1368 cwychulis@aol.com (Devil dog Contact) The next General Membership meeting will be held on 18 February at the VFW Middletown. The meeting will start promptly at 1900 hours. Please plan to attend. Junior Vice Commandant RON SNYDER (502) 551-6342 dockerss@yahoo.com Judge Advocate HAROLD SNEED (502) 349-6764 Ravenrebel@rocketmail.com Auxiliary President NANCY WALLACE (502) 245-5615 Adjutant ALLEN BROUSSARD (502) 267-4776 twomarinefamily@gmail.com Chaplain BILL GIVIDEN (502) 448-6774 gividen88@hotmail.com Comptroller/Investment/ Audit Committee BOB ROSS Paymaster ROBERT CROSS (502) 543-1889 mclbcross33@gmail.com Sergeant-At-Arms DON SCHOFIELD (502) 742-0182 gunny69@insightbb.com Supply Officer DON OLIVER (502) 969-8205 Oliver1@insightbb.com VAVS Service Officer BOB LEBLOND (502) 239-9946 rleblond@aol.com VSO Officer & (Devil Dog Contact) DAVID HESSE (502) 817-0015 Ways & Means Committee Chairs JOHN HEFLEY (502)955-5620 hilndmastr@aol.com Boy Scout Committee DEWEY AMUNDSEN (502) 239-2683 Newsletter Editor ALISON G. PORTER (502) 931-7371 k l than a i c e p ys nd A ver llen a for A o t you llace y Wa support c n a N nt onsta arger, c r i e h t Ch Hard ion to the it distribut ut witho ublication if sp of thi rove to be d p would . ficult This month’s ROVING MESS will be at MULLIGAN’S (old Kaelin’s) Newburg Road at 1100 hours on 12 February 2013. BE THERE! FEBRUARY 2013 PLEASE HELP! 1/3 of our annual budget is dedicated to the mailing of the newsletter. Receiving the newsletter electronically helps us save. This Month’s Hard Charger Highlight. NEW MEMBERS KENTUCKIANA DETACHMENT 729’S ROVING MESS by A. Porter Looking for an opportunity to spend time with fellow detachment members in a more relaxed and social setting? If so, our detachment’s ROVING MESS is for you. Our VAVS/Roving Mess Officer, Bob Leblond actively seeks a place for lunch each month to seat anywhere from four to whatever number of members. Members stay as long as they wish, some stay 45 minutes or so to well over an hour. There is no lack of conversation and can range from very long and tall sea stories to topics of medication and scars. Needless to say the time is well spent and never dull. Depending on where lunch is being held, we have a showing from both Kentuckiana and Southern Indiana’s detachment. Our last Roving Mess (in January) was at Tumbleweed on the River and we had 14 members in attendance. Our next will be at Mulligan’s (who’s owner just happens to be a Marine) on Newburg Road on 12 February at 1100 hours. Please contact Bob Leblond each month to secure your seat. Guests are welcome. Come out this month and tell us your tall tale. Page 2 THE HARDCHARGER FROM THE DESK OF THE COMMANDANT Marines: We are off to a great start for this year. Our meeting on the 21st was very productive. COMMANDANT BOB CROSS As was announced, the dates have been selected for roadblocks this year. If you would put the following date on your calendars and keep them open. They are 20 April 2013, 27 July 2013 and 21 September 2013. These dates may or may not be used for our collection, as some may conflict with other events. As you know last year we made up nearly all of the shortfall in our budget in just one roadblock at the same time splitting some of the proceeds with 2 of the MCJRROTC programs. With a greater show of support from you we maybe able to add support to some of the League’s programs such as, the Marine Corps League Foundation, Marines Helping Marines, Wounded Warrior Regiment and many others. Also at the meeting the Nominating Committee was announced. I want to thank, John Froehlich (Chairman), Bud Hughes and Don Schofield for stepping up and accepting these positions. If any of you are wanting to get more involved with the workings of the Detachment or have a great candidate for the position of either Commandant, SR. Vice Commandant, JR. Vice Commandant or Judge Advocate, Please contact one of the members of the committee and make the nomination. Our Website is in the process of being brought back to life. www.kentuckianamarines.org is still a work in progress. We have the dates listed for the next 6 meetings and are posting the Roving Mess dates and locations as soon as Bob LeBlond gets them. With in the next couple of months we are hoping to have the By-Laws and Uniform regulations posted for easy reference. For those of you who do not have access to the internet, a mere phone call to any of the officers will get you any information you may need. At our next meeting we will be voting for our Detachment’s nominee to for the Central Division and Department Marine of the Year. At the last meeting the nominations for Central Division were Allen Broussard, Cletis Evans, and Bill Gividen. For the Department were Bill Gividen, John Froehlich, Tom Varley, and Ron Snyder. We will have a Bio on each of the nominees at the next meeting for you to review. My congratulations to all the nominees. Please remember that we are still in need of someone to fill the Paymaster position. Anyone interested please contact me and we will get you involved. I want to thank Hank LaDouceur for his donation of the 50/50 prize, back to the detachment. I look forwarded to seeing everyone at the February meeting. FROM THE AUXILIARY PRESIDENT We are into February already, not much going on right now. We received our Thank You notes from all our Christmas donations. We work all year to earn this money, the 500.00 given to us by the Marine Corps League for counting money from their roadblock went a long way toward our donations. We sure would enjoy some new faces and new ideas at our meetings. Think about it! This only involves 1 hour a month at our meeting taking care of business, then socializing with some new people. Think about joining the Marine Corps Ladies Auxiliary. President Nancy Wallace Happy Birthday Joe Ann Amundsen February 2 Page 3 THOUGHT’S FROM THE CHAPLAIN – by Chaplain Bill Gividen In traveling life’s pathway, we each have important roles to play. Some are conductors and some soloists, but the rest are heroes in the supporting cast and necessary to complete the assorted tasks in life. The “stars” would be greatly diminished without the individual heroes supporting their performances. The magical accents of the percussion section might sound random and out of place, unless you could also hear the music they accompany. Even one member of an orchestra doing less than their best could hamper the harmony of the musical piece. So, even though you may not receive the attention of the other performers, your contribution is invaluable and an integral part of the success of the whole in the life you lead. CHAPLAIN When you do your job well, you inject your own unique energy into the task. Each of us BILL GIVIDEN has a different personality and a different talent, just suited for the different roles we support. We can look around us at any moment and identify with the nurturing people we work with. Doing your job well displays your humility and gratitude, while learning the lessons that move us towards our goals. When you are fully present in the job you do, you bring the fullness of your mind, body, and spirit to the moment. Your contribution is enhanced by the infusion of your talents and abilities, and when you give them willingly, they attract the right people and circumstances to your experience. That’s playing your role to your very best. You are giving your best to the world and making it a better place for all of us to live in. Remember, God expects the best from each of us. IN MEMORIAM Let us also remember those of our Brothers and Sisters who have passed away this Fiscal Year (July 2011—June 2012). They are sorely missed and we shall remember them in our hearts. Rest in peace Marines, there is a place for you in heaven for you have well served your time on earth! Albert L. Bennett ,15 June 2012 Jerry L. Henson, 9 Aug. 2012 Frank B. Hower Jr. 18 Sept. 2012 Larry R. Denison, 14 Nov. 2012 John E. Ralson, Sr. 2 Dec 2012 Cal Lowry, 6 Dec. 2012 Frank B. Hower Jr. 18 Sept. 2012 PRAYER NEEDS/REQUESTS Please keep these League members and / or spouses and their families in your prayers. Gordon Eisert Amy Crump is recovering from pacemaker procedure The Riddles Daughter of Don Chasteen is battling cancer. Marty Hanse continues to improve in hospital, limited visitation must wear smock and cap. Wife of Fred Dyne, Libby continues to battle Alzheimer’s. Jimmy and Mildred Trusty Al Baron recovering from broken neck. Would appreciate cards, calls and/or visits. Is at home. Page 4 THE HARDCHARGER MINUTES / OFFICER REPORTS Meeting was called to order at 1904 by Commandant Bob Cross. New membership applications were submitted by Albert Johnson and Bruce LaFan. New members were accepted by unanimous vote, with Cletis Evans making motion and Bruce Kaphammer seconding. -Guests at the detachment meeting were Chuck Miller from the Southern Indiana detachment and Wayne ? A prospective member. The minutes of November's meeting were accepted by motion of John Froehlich and second by Bill Gividen. The errors were announced and noted. Judge Advocate- Judge Advocate (Harold Sneed) was not present due to health reasons. Paymaster- Report was given, with offer to members to check itemized details. Report was accepted by unanimous vote with motion made by Jerry McCandless and seconded by Woody Marshall. Distressed Members- Daughter of Don Chasteen is battling cancer. Marty Hanse continues to improve in hospital, limited visitation must wear smock and cap. Wife of Fred Dyne, Libby continues to battle Alzheimer’s. Jimmy and Mildred Trusty Correspondence- Thank you from Fred Moore (Flags for Vets) for 300.00 donation. Thank you from Weir Family for Visitation Service. New Committees Nominating Committee– Members are now John Froehlich (committee chair), Bud Hughes, Don Schofield and Alison Porter. New Comptroller is Bob Ross. -Senior Vice- Senior Vice Commandant Wychulis made announcement that if there is a commitment made to attend paid socials, it must be kept otherwise fee will still be expected (except in emergency situation). Mr. Wychulis also stated that this was a point that was voted upon and passed previously. -Junior Vice Commandant- Mr. Snyder's report was in regards to membership retention. He reminds members that National has not yet caught up with sending member renewals. He asks members if they are aware of their renewal date to proactively pay their membership fee to Detachment Adjutant Allen Broussard. Mr. Synder also asks that all advertising ideas be brought to him. Chaplain- 18 Down Marines. 5 Funeral Home Visitations. 8 Cards/Colors delivered or sent to NOK. 18 Detachment member participation. 119 hours for visitation at funeral home. 75 Additional hours by Chaplain Department serving members and reports. Comptroller- no report at this time due to Mr. Ross being new to position. Toys for Tots- Mr. Evans thanked volunteer members for a successful campaign. Campaign concluded on 15 January. Campaign provided 62,424 toys for 17,888 children through 16 different charitable organizations. Detachment 729 had 45 members and 3 Auxiliary members to volunteer, participating in 41 collection events, 21 media events and 14 promotional events. The campaign received $46,142.71 in donations. Service Officer- No Report VAVS/Roving Mess- January Roving Mess held at Tumbleweed on the River. There were 14 members in attendance. Next Roving Mess will be held at Mulligan's located at 1801 Newberg Road (formerly Kaelin's). Date is 12 February at 1100 hours. New hospital designs start in 2013 with estimated completion in 2018. Location is Watterson Expressway at Brownsboro Road. Hospital to include 108 bed space, 6 towers and a 3000 space parking garage with connecting pedway. 10-16 February is National Salute to Veterans. Hospital is in need of volunteers to pass out cards to veterans. Hospital also in need of funds for emergency items and emergency gift cards. Ship's Store- No Report MINUTES / REPORTS CONTINUED Page 5 Boy Scouts- No Report but watch for possible upcoming changes. Ways and Means- Keep in mind; roadblocks in April, May and September (dates to be announced), Abby Road and Gun shoots. Unfinished Business- Bylaw change in December's newsletter noted changes in election nominations and voting dates. New Business- Request for ad in Central Division Conference (April) Book. Due date for request is 14 March. -Nominations for Central Division Marine of the Year; Allen Broussard (Adjutant), Cletis Evans (TFT Coordinator), Bill Gividen (Chaplain) -Nominations for Department Marine of the Year; John Froehlich (Nominating Committee Chair), Bill Gividen (Chaplain), Tom Varley (former Paymaster), Ron Synder (Junior Vice Commandant) -Need arm back for American Flag (Allen Wallace). -Message from Sonny Bivin regarding thanks for cards, calls and prayers while he was recovering from open heart surgery given by Alison Porter. (Mr. Bivin not in attendance) -Grunt Bucks- Jerry McCandless forwarded a letter from Korean War Veterans Assn. -Christmas Social was a success with 88 members and guests present, made excess of 20.00. -Commandant Bob Cross is working diligently on detachment website and plans on additions to site. Announcements Sousley Memorial Ceremonies, Flemingsburg Kentucky, 24 February 2013. Department Meeting, Bowling Green Kentucky, 23 March 2013. 50/50 (70.00) won by Mr. Hank LaDouceur. Mr. LaDouceur donated winnings to detachment. With no further business meeting was adjourned by Commandant at 2000 hours. Minutes Submitted By Alison G. Porter ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Nominating Committee is now accepting nominations for the following offices; Judge Advocate-Whose responsibilities include; Shall interpret the Detachment, Department, National Bylaws (the later two in the event there are no Detachment Bylaws; shall advise, construe, counsel and render opinions on questions of law and procedure to the Detachment Commandant during meetings. Make decisions on the local level in disputes or if unable to do so, refer the problem to the next higher echelon of the League, i.e. Department or National. NOTE: There is no investigation or punitive authority at the Detachment Level. Junior Vice Commandant- Whose responsibilities include; shall create and promulgate such membership incentives and programs as will engender enthusiastic response that will result in continuous membership growth. In the absence or illness of the Detachment Commandant and Senior Vice Commandant, shall perform the duties of the Detachment. Senior Vice Commandant– Whose responsibilities include; Shall give every assistance to the Detachment Commandant, and during the absence or illness of the Commandant, perform the duties of that office; shall assist all committees and with their assistance, initiate and implement such dynamic programs as will increase the effectiveness of the League and their Detachment. Commandant– Whose responsibilities include; Directs MCL activities within the community, presides at all Detachment meetings, serves as advisor to all committees of the Detachment and is in direct charge of all functions of the Detachment. After being sworn into office by the Department Commandant, (or any authorized officer) may administer the OATH of MEMBERSHIP to new members. Page 6 THE HARDCHARGER Renewals Previous Month (Jan 2013) Current Month (Feb 2013) Next Month (Mar 2013) Alvey, Joe Evans, Cletis Schendau, Martin Albright, Eugene Renfro, Tonnie Hall, Eugene Koenig, Richard Shulman, Clifford Bailey, Joe Riddle, Warren Jones, Zach Metzger, Robert Smith Sr., Don Dorsett, Stephen Schweitzer, William Quinlan, Scott Miller, Jason Taylor, Robert G. Gatz, Robert L. Sechrist, Rick Grzeskowiah, Bill Shaughnessey, John Snyder, Ron O’Leary, Patrick Hankins, Stephen L. Smith, Doug Hesse, David Wright, Gregory Lapp, John Wyatt, Roy Retention: Marines, the number one issue for this Detachment is that of Retention of members. If there is an area in our Detachment that could use a good dose of improvement, this is it! As of this month we have 25 members that are in arrears with respect to timely payment of dues. This is an area in which we can do better. I ask that each member help in this area by paying and forwarding dues in a timely manner. I generally will send out a 1st notice of reminder the month after the dues are expected. I normally follow up with a 2nd notice one month thereafter. Each time this occurs, we incur additional postage expense (not to mention the inordinate amount of time to type the letter, address the envelope and return addressed envelope, include the activity record and post the letter). While this seems petty, it is extremely time consuming on my part. I would encourage those that are financially able to consider Life Membership. This is a great way to never have to pay dues again! Together we can do better this year! To give you some perspective (Since the beginning of the 2013 Fiscal Year – 1 July 2012): Dropped for Inactivity: 17 members due to 1 year of inactivity. (we retain members for one year after their dues expire!) Lost to Transfer: 3 Members plus 1 pending. 3 to Indiana 1394; 1 to Las Vegas 733 Deaths: 4 Members (Henson, Hower, Dennison, and Lowry) Joins: 10 Members of which 3 are reinstatements. Delinquents by month: Feb 2012 – 1 March 2012 – 4 May 2012 – 1 Jul 2012 – 1 Sept 2012 – 5 Oct 2012 Nov 2012 --6 Dec 2012 -1 -- 1 Jan 2013 -- 5 That reflects a Net Loss of 14 members! This is the second year that our losses exceed our gains in membership. We need your help to keep us growing. Recruit and Retain! Let’s pull together the remainder of this FY. Al Broussard Adjutant Page 7 FEBRUARY 2013 SUNSun MON TUES WED THURS FRI 1 Carroll, George..Kirby, William..Smither III, John 3 Bemiss, 4 Northcutt, Thomas W 10 11 Smith, Clarence..Conn, Harold Pelkey, Bruce 5 Detrick Jr., 6 Albright, Scott..Farmer, Charles..Willis, David Eugene..Diffey, Warren..Miller, David 12 13 ROVING MESS Myers, Rex 19 18 24 Hartlage, 25 Robert Cato, 9 neth 14 Bradbury, 20 21Adams, Bruce..Landis, Arnold 26 Reiter, Ken- Ames, 15 16 22 23 Happy Valentine’s Day! GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Ken.. Preston, Norman 8 2 John..Hanline, Ralph Donald.. Winebrener, Ted MULLIGAN’S ON NEWBURG . 17 7 SAT 27 Froehlich Likens, Michael 28 III, Paul..Trusty, Jimmie CS Canisters and Gas Chambers I’m sure everyone remembers the Gas Chamber and other times that CS canisters were used. We all have our own memories whether comical, horrifying or serious. In my case, I had one serious and a couple comical. We would like to hear your stories. Page 8 HARD CHARGER HIGHLIGHTS THE HARDCHARGER FEBRUARY’S RED AND GOLD SPOTLIGHT IS ON NEW MEMBERS AL JOHNSON & BRUCE LaFAN by Alison Porter I always tell prospective members that in order to join our Detachment, their name has to be either Bill, Bob or Al. This of course is in jest. NOTE: To all prospective members, YOU DO NOT NEED TO CHANGE YOUR NAME TO BILL, BOB, OR AL. However, no need for name change for one of our newest members Al Johnson. Mr. Al Johnson was born on 1 December 1963 in good ole’ Louisville Kentucky (which of course means he is a Parris Island Alumni). He enlisted by way of the Delayed Entry Program 8 December 1980 and entered Marine Corps on 1 February 1981. He recalls being sworn in by Mr. Allen Broussard (Kentuckiana Detachment #729’s Adjutant). Mr. Johnson’s MOS while serving with the 4th Marine Air Wing was (6093) Aircraft Structure Mechanic (EA-6B). After four years of faithful service in the United States Marine Corps he returned home to Kentucky in February of 1985. Al was married to Beryl in 1986 as is looking toward their 27th anniversary. They have one daughter now 21 years old. Mr. Johnson is now occupied as a Aircraft Mechanic at UPS. He became interested in the Marine Corps League by way of The 2012 Toys for Tots Campaign. He received a membership application while dropping off a toy and went from their. Al admits that his greatest influence on joining the detachment was from a conversation with Alison Porter and Mary Broussard at South Park Country Club (I thought the guy looked familiar). Al is looking forward to participating within the detachment and seems to be most interested in the Toys for Tots Campaign. He is also an avid motorcycle rider and hopes that the detachment will form a Riding Club. Mr. Johnson is also a member of the Patriot Guard Riders. Aside from being employed at UPS Al and wife Beryl are also ordained to perform weddings and states that they perform military weddings free of charge. See advertisement in next HardCharger issue in classifieds. ************************************************************************************************ The Kentuckiana Detachment has another addition to boast of, that new addition would be Mr. Bruce LaFan. Mr. LaFan was born 27 May of 1965 and is a native of LaGrange Ky. His decision to join the Marine Corps included a trek through OCS by way of the PLC program. Bruce graduated from the University of Louisville before his induction in May of 1989. The MOS option that Mr. LaFan chose or that possibly chose him was that of CH-53 pilot. Having this particular MOS gives him something in common with at least a couple of our other members. Leaving Active Duty (at the rank of Major) in May of 1999, he chose to stay apart of the friendly skies as he now pilots aircraft for UPS. This is an occupation he has in common with our other newest member Al Johnson, Bruce pilots the aircraft and Al repairs them. Mr. LaFan is married to wife Deanna and has 3 children, daughters ages 28 and 15 and son 20. Bruce was referred to the Marine Corps League by friends and decided to come to a meeting to check us out. He doesn’t have just one area of interest but looks forward to exploring all areas within the scope of our detachment. Please join the HardCharger in bidding these new members “Welcome Aboard!” (New members [Al Johnson and Bruce LaFan] being sworn in at January’s General Membership meeting) Page 9 READY OR NOT… by Alison G. Porter Unless posing as a gentleman to do her part for service to her country, at the time women began to join any branch of military service, it was primarily to relieve her male counterpart in offices, industry and the medical field so he could be free to join his brethren in the throws of combat. Though there have been women in combat that have put themselves in harms way and have lost limb and life in service of their country from the beginning of time; aboard ship, in fox holes and within the confines of fighter jet cockpits their roles have been that of defense support and not classified as actual combat positions. That particular distinguishment and duty of service has been reserved for male counterparts. Since 1994 there has been an official standing ban on women serving in combat roles, which has kept them out of ground combat units. As of Thursday 24 January 2013 with the official release this is subject to change. With Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta announcing the ban lift on female military personnel serving in official combat positions, over 200,000 combat occupations will be open to the women of our Armed Services (mostly within Army and Marine Corps). With the ban lift in effect female military personnel will be required to meet the same physical requirements as male counterparts. The ban lift has been approved by both Secretary of Defense Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey and has full support of the White House. Panetta says that women have become an “integral part” of the military and have already demonstrated their willingness to fight during wars of the last decade. Though some elite special forces may take longer to be a part of, some combat positions could open as early as this year. The decision behind the ban lift is due to, in part, lawsuits filed on the behalf of female military personnel, concerned that the ban was holding them back from key military positions and advancements. One such lawsuit was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union in November of 2012. One of the plaintiffs of this case a Major Mary Jennings Hegar, Air National Guard helicopter pilot was shot down returning fire in Afghanistan, however could not be awarded a combat leadership position due to her experience not being officially classified as combat. United States Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Amos agrees that female Marines have and continue to serve alongside male Marines in combat situations in Afghanistan and Iraq. He passes along to his Generals (per letter) that he is in support of this change, however, he seems concerned on the thought from infantry units on how female Marines will perform in their new positions and if they will pass the demanding physical requirements (comments made at Press Conference concerning combat ban lift) he says that his predecessor will have final decision to file for exception in 2016. Gen Amos does ask for support during this process. Armed Services have until May of this year to devise a plan for opening all units to women and plan must be implemented by 2015. If any military combat unit still continues to exclude females, that unit will have to justify their exception to the Secretary of Defense by January 2016. In retrospect, I believe we can all agree that females can and do their part in combat situations, however women in combat has always been somewhat of a controversial subject. Please share your thoughts with HardCharger readers. Page 10 THE HARDCHARGER PROTECTING YOURSELF ON THE INTERNET By Alison G. Porter Protecting ourselves on the internet and within our personal e-mail accounts is proving to be more and more difficult. I am noticing where more of our detachment members are being “hacked” through the innocent actions they perform while sending and receiving e-mail messages or browsing the web. I myself seem to be a favorite among Hackers, as I have been hacked twice. Though there is no sure fire way to completely protect yourself on the internet there are means to cut your risk of being hacked considerably. Please keep these measures in mind whether surfing, sending and receiving. Sending/Receiving E-mails • Always use BCC (Blind Copy) when sending messages to more than one person. • Be skeptical of FREE OFFERS, remember the school of thought “If it sounds to good to be true…”. • Be careful of electronic buttons that read “UNSUBSCRIBE HERE”. This could be linked to malware/spyware. • No matter how seemingly innocent, and no matter who the sender is (known or not), do not respond to or fwd (forward) chain e-mails. Example: Pass this message along to 10 people and you will be blessed above measure. This could send your entire contact list straight to a hackers pc. They will also tug at your heartstrings by telling you it is a prayer chain. Try to respond to only direct messages. • Even if from someone you know, do not open e-mails with blank subject line. • If the body of a message only contains a url (website), do not click on it. While some will only be advertisements, some could be connected to system viruses. WHILE SURFING THE WEB • It is never good to share passwords to enter programs or websites. • Make a practice of closing programs and sites when finished. • If leaving pc for a short time, lock your screen if password enabled. • Be sure that your anti-virus is up to date. While these are not complete hacker-proof and virus suggestions, if you follow them, you will be well on your way to internet protection. More safety advise for internet/Facebook and twitter can be found at www.cnet.com NOTE: If you are expecting messages from a particular person and you haven't received their correspondence check your spam or bulk mailbox. When someone sends you a message that has been sent to more than one person and the sender is not on your contact list, your e-mail account could think that it is an advertisement. Add those you correspond with to your contact list. Page 11 CLASSIFIEDS To post an ad, something that you are selling or if in the market for something email me at alusmc@ymail.com ARE FINDING IT DIFFICULT TO GET AROUND AND DO THE THINGS YOU USED TO BE ABLE TO DO? DO YOU NEED A LITTLE EXTRA ASSISTANCE? THESE LADIES CAN HELP. Find him on the web at www.sempertoons.com. Also contact him at 703-432-8914 for you military comic needs. TINA MORGAN 502-472-7416 OR DELANA HOOPER 502-821-2586 THESE LADIES ARE PROFESSIONAL CAREGIVERS. KENTUCKIANA DETACHMENT MEMBER OTIS FOX CAN BE CONTACTED FOR REFERENCES AT 502-682-6143. YOUR ADVERTISEMENT HERE Alison Porter also needs your older Marine Corps pictures (possibly Boot Camp pictures) for up coming articles and special projects. TO & FROM THE HARD CHARGER EDITOR Comments to and from the HardCharger Editor will appear here. This will also be the place to find comments concerning articles publisher in the HardCharger. Marine Corps League Kentuckiana Detachment #729 POSTAGE P.O. Box 35068 Louisville, KY 40232 Phone: 502-931-7371 E-Mail: alusmc@ymail.com THIS IS YOUR FEBRUARY ISSUE OF THE HARDCHARGER NEWSLETTER Name ________________________________________ Service or SSN# ________-________-_________ Street _________________________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________ State_______ Zip_______________ + 4 ___________________ Date of Birth _________________ Date of Enlistment/Commissioning ______________________________ Date of Discharge / Separation / Retirement ___________________________________________________ Rank at time of Discharge _________________________________________________________________ Home Phone __________________________ Other ____________________________________________ E-mail _________________________________________________________________________________ Type of Application - ( ) New Member $30 - ( ) Renewal $30 - ( ) Associate $30 Life Membership (Must have current year dues paid to apply for life) Age: 61 = $150, 51 ~ 60 = $300, 36 ~ 50 = $400, < 35 = $500 I hereby apply for membership in the Kentuckiana Detachment #729 and have enclosed $30 for one year's membership, which includes a monthly newsletter and the quarterly Marine Corps League Magazine. I hereby certify that I have served as a U.S. Marine (or FMF Corpsman) for more than 90 days (exception for Associate Member); that the character of my service has been honorable and if discharged, I am in receipt of an honorable discharge/service verifiable upon request. (Ver.08) _______________________________ ___________________________________ (Sponsor - where applicable) (Applicant's Signature) CORE VALUES: Honor, Courage and Commitment. Once a Marine, Always a Marine! Mail to: Marine Corps League, P. O. Box 35068,Louisville, KY 40232