pencinta alam - Malaysian Nature Society


pencinta alam - Malaysian Nature Society
International Science &
Nature Congress 2015
Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
As one of the special events celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the founding
of the Malaysian Nature Society, we are holding a symposium entitled
International Science & Nature Congress 2015 in conjunction with Forest
Research Institute Malaysia, Academy Science Malaysia and Malaysian
Scientists Association.
During this 3-day congress, MNS is organising its own breakout session
entitled ‘MNS Silver Jubilee symposium on Nature and Biodiversity (SNB) – 75
years of conservation success’. We hope that you will participate in this
prodigious event. Details of registration can be found at .
If you need any further details or help, please contact MNS Honorary
Secretary (
Looking forward to seeing you in September!
September 2015
(Festival of Wings 2015 under the MNS Wetlands Programme)
The Bird Conservation Council (BCC) and the MNS’s Conservation Division,
with the endorsement of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
wishes to invite interested birdwatchers (only for fully paid-up MNS
members) to attend a training workshop on coastal waterbirds, which is part
of the MNS program for capacity-building its members.
The objectives are:
High Security Area
Participants are reminded that the power plant is a high security and
restricted area. Special permits are required to enter the power plant.
Participants are required to fill up the security clearance form for the
Selangor State Security Department and the power station permission
to enter. Please return the forms as soon as possible to facilitate
security clearance.
Principal Trainers:
Khoo Swee Seng and Caroline Ho. (MNS Bird Group members)
• to promote interest of coastal waterbirds watching to the members;
1. How to distinguish water-bird (waders) from the other bird families;
• to increase the number of experienced coastal waterbirds watchers in
Malaysia for the annual Asian Waterbirds Census;
2. Identification of waders based on their plumage, bill, legs and tail,
feeding characteristics, etc.;
• to increase the number of experienced waterbirds trainers for other state
branches and local communities;
3. The significance of Peninsula and East Malaysia along the bird
migration route known as the East Asia Australasian Flyway (EAAF).
• to have more regular waterbirds monitoring at Kapar Power Station; and
• to be part of the regional networking with other waterbirds network.
Annual counts and regular monitoring of waterbirds are essential tools for
advocating the conservation of important coastal habitats. In addition, the
contribution of valuable data toward the EAAFP network and BirdLife
International projects for global coastal waterbirds conservation.
This training workshops will be conducted on from 16-17 October by expert
MNS members in coastal waterbirds. The training workshop will have a
theory session on Friday, followed by a practical session on Saturday
(depending on the tides).
Participants will have an exclusive session at the most important Flyway site
in the Kapar Power Station’s ash ponds.
4. The importance of conservation of coastal wetlands
Open to 40 fully paid up MNS members, with birdwatching experience
or have a KEEN INTEREST in birdwatching.
The training workshop has a nominal free of RM100 to cover the
workshop time, group insurance and expenses. Confirmed bookings
upon payment. Dormitories are provided at the Kuala Selangor Nature
Park (KSNP) from Thursday to Saturday. Transportation cost is on your
own and car- pooling is encouraged. More details will be included in
the registration pack which you will receive in advance.
Workshop dates and registration:
15*-17 October 2014 (Thursday* to Saturday).
* for those who wants to stay on Thursday.
CAT Walk Volunteer
Leader Training
MYCAT is now recruiting volunteers to lead Citizen Action for Tigers (CAT) Walks
to deter wildlife poaching and illegal activities in the Sungai Yu Tiger Corridor, the
last remaining East West forest linkage between Taman Negara and the Main
The workshop is also held in conjunction with the annual Festival of
Wings 2015 which is a celebration to welcome back the birds from the
Northern hemisphere.
If you care about what is happening to Wild Malaysia and are ADVENTUROUS,
our CAT Walk Volunteer Leader Training.
Please refer to and for
more information and registration form.
CAT Walk volunteer leader criteria:
To facilitate catering of meals and accommodation, members who wish
to attend the workshops are requested fill up the registration form,
digitally sign and email back to Mr. Ng Wai Pak
Registration of participants for all workshops will be closed on the 2
October to facilitate security clearance from the State Security and the
Kapar Power Station.
I wish you an enjoyable and exciting weekend at the Kuala Selangor
Nature Park.
• Above 18 years of age
• Have experience leading group of people on a forest excursion (camping trips
• Reasonably fit with no major health issues or medical conditions
• Committed to complete the CAT Walk Volunteer Leader certification process
within a year (by September 2016), which involves participating in additional
trainings and in at least 4 CAT Walks for on-the-job training
The training is limited to 10 participants who will be selected based on their
suitability (assessed via a questionnaire). The trainers consist of MYCAT
Secretariat’s Office staff. The deadline for application is 11 Sept 2015 and
successful applicants will be notified by 16 Sept 2015.
Mark Ng
(Chairman MNS-BCC}
Date of training: 3-4 October 2015
Location: Kuala Lumpur (exact venue will be confirmed at a later date)
Participation fee: RM150/person (covers meals and training material)
If you are interested, fill up this questionnaire: by Friday,
11 September 2015.
Visit to find out more about the CAT programme.
For further enquiries, contact MYCAT at or 03-7880 3940
during office hours.
By Wong Ee Lynn
(Compiled from and Bumblebee Conservation Trust)
Bumblebees feed on the nectar and pollen made
inside flowers. Nectar is a sugary liquid that gives
bees energy. Pollen is full of protein which helps
the body of bumblebees to grow. It is wellknown that bumblebees are great pollinators,
and therefore have a key role in producing much
of the food that we eat. Bumblebees are
disappearing all around the world because there
are fewer flowering plants to provide nectar and
pollen for them. Also, pesticides and other
chemicals sprayed onto plants are killing
bumblebees in large numbers. If bumblebee and
other insect pollinator declines continue, people
would have to find new and artificial ways to
pollinate the crops that we grow. These artificial
ways may not always be as safe or efficient as
having bumblebees as natural pollinators. It could
also make fruits and vegetables a lot more
expensive for people.
Bumblebees also help pollinate many
wildflowers, allowing them to reproduce.
Without this pollination, many of these plants
would not produce seeds, resulting in declines in
wildflowers. As these plants are often the basis of
complex food chains, it is easy to imagine how
other wildlife such as other insects, birds and
mammals would all suffer if bees disappeared.
We can all help save bumblebees by growing
bee-friendly flowers in our gardens and not using
any pesticides, insecticides or herbicides in our
homes, gardens and schools. If you see a
bumblebee that has lost its way and is trapped
indoors, please switch off all the fans and any
other devices that may inadvertently kill
bumblebees and insects, and open the nearest
window or door to let the bumblebee escape.
You might have to gently catch the bumblebee
using a box, jar or glass and a piece of paper and
card, and then release the bumblebee outside.
Sometimes you might find a tired-looking bee in
your house or garden. It might be crawling or
struggling, and you might think that it is about to
die. However, a simple solution of sugar and
water may help revive exhausted bees. To create
this energy drink to revive tired bees, the Royal
Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) of the
UK suggests mixing two tablespoons of white,
granulated sugar with one tablespoon of water,
and placing the mix on a plate or spoon.
Do not add any more water, otherwise the
bee could drown. Place the bee on the plate
or spoon, where it will have a little drink,
hopefully this can help it gather the energy it
needs to fly back to its hive.
You can also add the same quantity of water
and sugar to a small container, such as an egg
cup, and leave it amongst a patch of flowers in
your garden or window box, so that bees
can have a drink on the go before
they get to the exhaustion stage.
Don’t be tempted to offer tired bees honey –
in most cases the honey isn’t suitable as a lot
of honey is imported and may not always be
right for native Malaysian bees. Some honey
may also have sugar and other additives
added into it. Only ever offer white granulated
sugar – never offer demerara, brown sugar or
any artificial or diet sweeteners.
Leave the tired, thirsty bee to drink up and fly
back to its hive. If you keep nudging or
pushing the bee, you might stress the bee
further or end up getting stung. If your
exhausted bee fails to pull through, please
don't feel too sad or guilty. You tried your
best. Plus, the bee may already have been
injured or is beyond saving. The important
thing is that we all now know that there is a
little something we can do to help bee
populations and individual bees.
By Wong Ee Lynn
< />
Clever advertising makes us believe that commercial 'air fresheners' and
deodorisers can make a room smell fresh and clean, but there is nothing clean
about the butane, propane, dichlorobenzene, phthalates and other toxins
found in most store-bought air fresheners. These products do not actually
improve the quality of indoor air, but merely masks other unpleasant scents,
and can contribute to a host of ailments including breathing difficulties,
headaches and nausea.
Chemical-free alternatives are available in natural and organic food stores,
but are usually too expensive for the average homeowner. If you are going to
use air fresheners often, it is best to make your own air fresheners and
experiment with the recipes and ideas below until you find one or several that
suit your needs and purposes.
1. Use good quality, natural essential oils (such as tea tree, eucalyptus,
lavender and peppermint) in an aromatherapy diffuser to create an inviting
and calming indoor atmosphere. You don't even have to buy a diffuser. Boiling
some water in a saucepan and then adding a few drops of essential oils or
some lemon peel, mint leaves or lavender flowers to the boiling water after
you turn off the heat would serve your purpose just as well. Do not buy cheap
essential oils such as those found in RM5 stores, as they have usually been
adulterated with petrochemical products or alcohol
2. To eliminate bathroom smells, leave a little box of matches in your
bathroom cabinet. Strike a match after flushing. The smell of sulphur from the
burning matchstick (admittedly not perfect but still less harmful than hemical
strays and fragrance gels) will mask and eliminate other unpleasant smells.
3. A freshly-unwrapped bar of soap (choose natural and
phosphate-free soap whenever possible) will work wonders in
deodorising a room, closet, bathroom or car interior, so consider
doing this right before guests arrive. As a bonus, if you are using
lavender or citronella soap, it will also repel insects and roaches.
Once the soap has lost its initial fragrance, you can still use it in the
shower or at the washbasin.
4. Many houseplants, including spider plants (Chlorophytum
comosum) and aloe vera, have incredible air-purifying qualities, so
be sure to add living and not artificial plants to every window and
area that receives natural light. Read up on the plants in advance to
ensure that they do not pose any danger to pets and children. Plants
with a pleasant natural fragrance such as pandan, lemongrass, musk
lime, mosquito plant and potted herbs are also good additions to a
5. Make your own vinegar-based air freshener spray by mixing 1.5
cups of water, half a cup of white vinegar (natural, not artificial or
'cuka tiruan') and 12-15 drops of pure essential oils in a spray bottle.
Shake it up and use the solution to spray a room before guests
arrive, or to eliminate smells near pet litter trays, rubbish bins and in
6. Alternatively, make a baking soda-based air freshener spray by
pouring 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 5-6 drops of pure essential
oils into a spray bottle and topping it up with water. Shake it up and
spray it to freshen up a room, fabrics, shoes and car interiors.
There are many ideas online on how you can make your own
potpurri, orange and clove pomanders, beeswax candles, scented
cloth sachets and even scented gels. There are no limits to what the
human imagination can think up when we are determined to do the
right thing for Mother Earth and human (and animal) health.
Dear MNS members,
Greetings to all of you.
Chooi-Khim Phon
PhD candidate
University of Malaya
Female of the Rajah
Brooke’s Birdwing
I am a PhD student in University of Malaya and working in FRIM too.
Under my PhD study, there is a component to map the distribution of the
Rajah Brooke's Birdwing in Peninsular Malaysia.
For this component, I will need to compile reported sightings
from literature as well as sightings from anyone that have seen this
butterfly in the wild. I know MNS members always travel a lot to enjoy
nature and I think you might able to help me to complete this study. This
study will eventually help us to identify important areas to conserve this
butterfly. Sharing of your sightings is really much appreciated.
Information that is needed is as below:
Male of the Rajah
Brooke’s Birdwing
Locality: as specific as possible, if you have coordinates even
better (e.g. Perak, Gopeng, Ulu Geroh Village, at riverbank; Selangor,
Sungai Sendat Recreational Forest, near riverbank)
Date and time: it will be good if you can provide exact date and time
of sightings. If not possible, a rough idea of which month and year also
How many male or female seen: the illustration of gender is per the
pictures on this page
What are they doing: e.g. flying around; taking nectar from flowers;
drinking water at riverbank etc
Your full name:
Female of the
Rajah Brooke’s
subspecies trogon
(usually occurs in
southeast Johor,
east of Pahang and
If you have seen this butterfly in the wild, please email me at Thank you for helping in this research!
Calendar of Activities
All events times and venues are correct at time of printing. For latest updates, contact the Special Interest Group or check the MNS
website regularly. Booking priority will be given to the organizing branch‘s members unless stated otherwise
Ask the Botanist a Cool Question!
Gotong Royong @ MNS HQ
Date: Saturday 5 September 2015
Time: 8.30am
Come help clean up our MNS HQ compound and the
abandoned cabin. We want to make the cabin our
station or base to conduct meetings and activities for
the various special interest groups. Although quite
old, the cabin is certified safe by Shan our Director,
for our use. Perhaps some repairs have to be put in
later. Electricity can be connected from the main
building when everything is ready.
The path down the Heritage Trail in the backyard is
again overgrown with weeds and clearing needs to
be done. This will allow students and groups to have
trekking activities to enjoy the wonders of the trail.
The Dewan Bandaraya (DBKL) will be around to help
remove the rubbish and also assist in the pruning of
Refreshments and lunch will be provided.
Date: Saturday 5 September 2015
Time: 10:30am (approx. 1 ½ hours)
Venue: MNS Auditorium, Jalan Kelantan
Come and join a series of talks organized by the Nature Guides SIG
and “ask the botanist a cool question!”
If you think you can Google an answer to every burning question
under the sky —think again: a well-fabricated hoax can sound more
realistic than a a mind-boggling fact!
Join a 1 ½ hour talk where pre-selected questions will be answered
and elaborated through an audio-visual presentation.
The theme for this 1st talk is: Malaysian Forest
The botanist is NOT a walking encyclopedia, but he / she is trained in
obtaining scientifically validated answers to most essential questions
pertaining to plants in Malaysia. Research is the key, and time is the
currency. (Question submission closed). Priority will be given to
questions e-mailed by MNS members.
Impromptu questions on the floor are not encouraged (unless related
to the original question) due to time constraint and research work
needed. Selected questions are:
So please come with your work clothes. Gloves will
be provided. If you have saws, parangs or secateurs,
please bring them along to do the pruning.
1. Do plants breathe like animals?
All special interest groups please come and help.
For more information : email
2. What types of plants attract dragonflies to your garden?
MNS Selangor Branch Photo Group Indoor Talk (3 sessions)
Date: Wednesday 9 September 2015
Time: 8pm
Venue: MNS Head Quarter’s Auditorium
Session 1. Photo Sharing : Lotus @ Paya Indah Wetland
Participants to the recently concluded photography trip is
encouraged to submit their photographs for review with the
objective to improve their skills. Email at least 5 photos to or bring your thumb drive on
event date.
The picture below was taken on the streets of Malacca during our MNS
National AGM -Sept. 2014. Photos by George Ng
Session 3.
Share and learn together while reminiscing the past activities
done together. What a great platform to learn and network!
Session 2.
Speed and Aperture by George Ng
With the latest technology, taking a digital picture is idiot
prove nowadays. Hand-phone cameras, has given the PnS
(Point and Shoot a.k.a Compact Cameras) a run for their
money, producing quite impressive pictures.
However, having a little control over the camera will make a
regular picture stand out. As most "System Cameras" allow
the user to make adjustments. It will enable the user to
create how they want the outcome to be.
I will share with you how "Shutter Speed" and "Aperture" can
make THAT difference.
The Himalayas: People, Faith & Nature
We will be having another exciting indoor sharing 9 Sept,
Wednesday nite! Kelvin Chan will be sharing with us
colourful photos he captured whilst at the Himalayan
region covering its people, their faith and its environment.
Kelvin currently works in one of Kuala Lumpur’s largest
international advertising agency as its Studio/Production
Director. He is well versed with Print Production,
Photography and Colour Management.
He has worked with many professional studios producing
award winning works in his advertising career spanning
over 30 years with a diverse portfolio of clients including
DiGi, Tourism Malaysia, Perodua, BMW, Astro, Panasonic,
Nippon Paint, Pepsico and Nikon.
Continued next page
MNS Selangor Branch Photo Group
Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival
Date: 9 to 11 Oct 2015
Venue: MidValley Exhibition Center
Calling for VOLUNTEERS!
Apart from producing images for his clients, he also travels extensively
locally and overseas to capture images. He conducts photography talks
and workshops for Nikon Malaysia. A Nikon Professional Services (NPS)
member he shoot and produces advertisements for Nikon Malaysia. He
has also shot and produced photobooks featuring photos shot with Nikon
cameras. He is a contributing writer and photographer for PCP
Publication’s Travelution and Advance Images magazines.
MNS Selangor Branch Photo Group has been
given a booth at the exhibition hall during KLPF.
We need volunteers to assist us during the expo
in terms of MNS membership drive and
welcome visitors to our booth, etc.
We have 2 shifts for each day from 10 am to
4pm and 4pm to 10pm. Or, kindly let us know
your available time to enable us to schedule
you. Please email Alex Foong at
Come and contribute to our cause and network
with your fellow Nature members!
His images of Malaysia’s landmarks, cultures and local events have been
featured frequently to promote Tourism Malaysia both locally and abroad.
His pictures are available through US based commercial stock images
agency, Corbis. His pictures and blog can be viewed at
Come and be transported to the magical land of the Himalayans thru
Kelvin’s lens and be mesmerized by the beauty of its people, beliefs and
its awesome natural beauty.
Photos by Kelvin Chan
# 2014 KLPF Volunteers, photo by Janice Lim
Green Living SIG's Visit-and-Volunteer
Session at the TTDI Edible Project Garden
Date: Saturday, 26th September 2015
Time: 10 a.m. until 12 noon
Venue: The garden space next to the TTDI
Community Centre tennis courts, Jalan
Athinahapan, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, 60000
Kuala Lumpur.
Need ideas for your own balcony or kitchen
garden? Keen to find out more about
composting, mulching, vertical gardening
and natural pest control? Come join us in a
hands-on session at the TTDI Edible Project
Itinerary: Guided tour of the garden and
Q&A session followed by a hands-on
gardening session.
No fee charged and no registration
necessary. Open to the public. Just show up
in comfortable outdoor clothes. Bring any
gardening tools you may have, drinking
water, sunblock and insect repellent.
Refreshments will be provided. For more
information, please email Ee Lynn at
Regular Trees and Shrubs and their Stranger Names
Date: Saturday 17 October, 2015
Time: 9.30am sharp (1.5 – 2 hours)
Venue: Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam (TBNSA)
You've probably seen them when you walked in logged-over forests, but not
know of their names. Their names sounded peculiar, it's almost hard to
believe they can be known that way. Want to know them? Come and join
the Flora Group in their walkabout at the Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam
(TBNSA) to learn 10 of them.
Starting point: Back exit of the 4-Season House (Rumah 4 Iklim)
Wear long sleeves and trousers. A cap may be good too. Put on insect
repellent. Bring along sufficient drinking water.
TBNSA (formerly Taman Pertanian Malaysia or Taman Pertanian Bukit
Cahaya Seri Alam) opens daily (except Mondays) at 8.30am. To get there,
visit their webpage Parking fee is RM3 per
vehicle. Entrance fee is RM3 (adult) RM1 (seniors/child).
Upon entering, take the complimentary bus
ride to the 4-Season House.
The starting point is a short walk
from the bus stand you will alight.
Enquire more and register by 10 October
by notifying Mr. Kevin Choong at
MNS Herp Group Outing: Herping in Bukit Larut
Date: Sat & Sun 26 -27th September 2015
Venue: Bukit Larut
Meeting Point: MNS HQ
Meeting Time: 9am, 26th September 2015.
Fee: RM100
Bukit Larut, formerly known as Maxwell Hill is a
relatively untouched hill station approximately
10km from Taiping. At 1250 m above sea level, it
is the wettest place in Malaysia receiving more
than 4,000 mm of rain yearly.This makes Bukit
Larut the perfect habitat of many amphibians and
a few montane specialists. Join us as we observe
the herpetofaunal diversity of Bukit Larut at
This overnight trip will be exclusive to members
of MNS. There will be a charge of RM100 which
includes accommodations at The Nest, meals
(lunch, dinner and breakfast) and jeeps that will
transfer us to the top. There is a limited space of
20 persons on this trip so register quick! We will
be checking in at The Nest at 2pm on the 26th
and checking out at 12pm on the 27th of
September. Participants are expected to carpool
in 5 vehicles. We will meet in MNS HQ at 9am,
26th September.
Please register by sending the following details to
NRIC/Passport Number:
Handphone Number:
Name of Next of Kin (NOK):
Relationship with NOK:
NOK Handphone Number:
Membership Number:
Expiry Date:
Age Group: Adult (Above 18), Youth (Above 12), Children (Under 12)
Please bring: Ponchos, as we are very likely to be rained on; Extra
snacks or food, as there are no restaurants or mamak stalls on Bukit
Larut; Sensible footwear, shoes or boots, your preference; A camera to
capture your finds and memories and flashlights or headlamps, as we
will be walking in the dark looking at animals.
Birding in Hokkaido
Date: 30 September 2015
Time: 8pm
Venue: MNS auditorium in KL.
Come and listen to David and Nina’s experiences of sightseeing and
birding in sub-zero conditions and lodging at bird guides’ homestays. All are welcome (including non-members) and admission is
free (no prior registration required). For queries, contact Lim Wai
Kong (012-3935189,
MNS Selangor Branch Photo Group
Show Off Your Photography Skills
@ Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival
Submission Deadline: 15 Sept 2015
Calling all MNS photography enthusiasts!
This is your chance to display your
photography talent and creativity by
having your work showcased during
KLPF which will be held at Mid Valley
Exhibition Hall from 9th to 11th Oct
Photos relating to WILDLIFE and
NATURE in 15mp to 20mp or
5000 X 4000 mb, jpeg or RAW file
are to be submitted to
before 15 Sept 2015 for our
In your email, indicate "KLPF Photo"
as its reference with the following
details :
Full Name :
K/P No :
Membership No:
Expiry Date :
Contact No:
Photo Caption:
There is no limit to the number of photos you can submit but make sure they are your work as
we and the organiser are not responsible should any legal suit arise due to the originality of
the submission. Open to MNS members only.
Love the outdoors?
Enjoy peace of mind…
for you and your family by writing your Will today!
Do you know that all our Assets including banks' accounts
will be frozen upon Death? With OR Without a WILL!!
How do you ‘unlock’ them?
A Grant of Probate or Letter of Administration from the High
Court. This process applies to Muslims and non-Muslims.
If you pass on without having a VALID WILL this is what happens:
1. Your Family
o Your spouse and children will face cash flow problem because all your bank
accounts including joint accounts maybe frozen.
o Your children's welfare may not be taken care of by the people of your choice
2. The Legal Process
Mount Siguniang Shah (Four Maiden's Mountain)
15/10/2015 to 25/10/2015
• The (Four Maiden's Mountain Scenic Area is an unspoiled wilderness park
located in western Sichuan Province, 220 kilometers from Chengdu.
• Main attraction of this scenic spot is unspoiled natural beauty.
• Sometimes known as the 'Alps of the Orient'. You may, in fact, think you are in
southern Europe.
• Two free Training trips
• Further info:
Mt Rinjani (3726M)
27/11/15 to 01/12/15 (5D4N)
o Delay in distribution due to the legal administrative process (2–6 years)
o 2 guarantors / sureties required (amount equal or more than deceased's estate)
o Much more costly resulting in financial burdens to your family
3. Your Asset Distribution (as per Distribution Act 1958 amended in 1997 or
distribution under Faraid)
o The law will decide on the distribution of your estate such as
house(s), businesses, bank accounts, shares, etc.
PEACE OF MIND wherever you may be.
Why leave to chance? For more information, please call..
Making Your Wishes Come True
Rockwills Estate Planner (Rockwills Corporation Sdn. Bhd.)
Islamic Estate Planner (as-Salihin Trustee Sdn. Bhd.)
H/P: 012-337 9906 or email:
(Servicing area: Klang Valley only)
• 2nd highest volcanic peak in Indonesia, part of celebrated “Ring of Fire”.
• Forested slopes rising directly from the sea act as water-collectors for
the whole of Lombok.
• Model for ecotourism in Indonesia
• One free Training trip will provided for the Mount Rinjani trip
• Further info please sign in:
Contact : Thong at
H/P : 016-6375622 Off : 03-40248896
Website: E-mail:
JKR 641, Jalan Kelantan,
Bukit Persekutuan, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
(just before the Seri Perdana turn off to
Jalan Mahameru)
Open: Monday –Friday ; 9:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
T: 03-22879422 F: 03-22878773
Membership: Leong Wee Chin
Johor Branch
c/o Vincent Chow
32, Jln Molek 3/11, Tmn Molek, 81100 JB, Johor
Chairman: Vincent Chow,
Vice-Chair: Wee Soon Chit,
Secretary: Belinda Wong Mei Lang, belinda@
Kuching Branch (Sarawak)
Chairman: Vincent Wong,
Vice-Chair: Rose Au Nyat Jun,
Secretary: Mairead Boland,
Miri Branch (Sarawak)
Chairman: Musa Musbah,
Vice-Chair: Mohamd Jefri Mudin,
Secretary: Mairead Boland,
Selangor Branch
c/o MNS HQ address
Chairman: Henry Goh,
Vice-Chair: Pasupathy Jayaraj,
Secretary: Wong Pui May,
Kedah Branch
Address: 3 Jalan Timur 1, Kawasan Perusahaan
Mergong Barrage, 05150 Alor Setar, Kedah
Chairman: Left Kol Husamuddin bin Yaacob,
Vice-Chair: Wan Muhaimin B Wan Jamil,
Secretary: Phang Fatt Khow,
Pahang Branch
No. 30 1st Floor Jalan Gambut, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang;
Chairman: Zela Azni Binti Nahizan,
Vice-Chair: Nurul Azne Ibrahim
Secretary: Noor Hassikin Binti Hamsah,
Kelantan Branch
204, Jln Sultan Yahya Petra, 15150 Kota Bharu,
Kelantan. Email:
Chairman: Saiful Marsidi B Sidek,
Vice-Chair: Amir Hamzah bin Abdul Shukor,
Secretary: Nazahatul Anis Amaludin,
Perak Branch
70 Jln Chan Chee Keong, Ipoh Garden South,31400 Ipoh
Chairman: Ooi Beng Yean,
Vice-Chair: Leow Kon Fah,
Secretary: Georgia Tham Yim Fong,
Langkawi Branch
Chairman: Eric R. Sinnaya,
Vice-Chair: Kamal Ibrahim,
Secretary: Daisy Jeyarani Samuel,
Negeri Sembilan/Melaka Branch
Chairman: Dr Zorina Khalid,
Vice-Chair: Peter Loke,
Secretary: June Teng,
Penang Branch
Nature Information Centre (NIC),
673-B Jln Kebun Bunga,10350 Penang. Tel: 04-2273673
Open Mon-Sat, 7.30am – 11.30am
(Please phone before visiting)
Blog:; email:
Chairman: Tan Choo Eng,
Vice-Chair: James Ooi Teik Kok,
Secretary: Tan Pek Tao, Peggy,
Sabah Branch
No. 5, Taman Bukit Saujana, Lorong Saujana 2, Jalan Fung
Yie Teng, 88460 Kolombong, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Chairman: Anna Wong,
Vice-Chair: Jimmy Omar,
Secretary: Nur Syamimi Makbul,
Sabah (Sandakan) Branch
Lot 322, Lorong Pertama 17, Taman Pertama, 90000
Sandakan, Sabah
Chairman: Chong Ket Vui Dusun,
Vice-Chair: Gengadharan G Pillai,
Secretary: Quah Joo Lee,
Terengganu Branch
1926, Bkt Kubang Jambu, 20050 Kuala Terengganu.
Chairman: Wong Chee Ho,
Vice-Chair: Lim Yee Ming,
Secretary: Dr Chong Ju Lian,
PENCINTA ALAM is a monthly newsletter made possible by dedicated volunteers
and contributors from the Malaysian Nature Society. Accuracy and copyrights
(infringement or ownership) are the contributor’s responsibility. The newsletter
editor may edit for length and content.
Submissions: Articles including the author and photographers’ names (max. 500
words), advertisements, digital images (100 dpi & no larger than 640 x 480 pixels
& separately from the article), etc. must reach the Editor by the 13th of each
month (unless noted otherwise) via the following e-mail address:
Advertising rates:
Classifieds: RM5 per column inch
Quarter page ad: RM30 Half page ad: RM60.
All payments must be made to ‘Malaysian Nature Society Selangor Branch’.
Please bank in cash or cheque to Maybank MBB account no 014150307352.
After banking in, please scan the slip and e-mail together with the advertisement
to Bernadette Chin at: and
Discount rate for ads paid in advance:
3 adverts paid in advance – 5% off published rate;
6 adverts paid in advance – 10% off published rate;
9 adverts paid in advance –15% off published rate;
12 adverts paid in advance – 20% off published rate.
Your Membership
via Online Credit Card Payment
KPA programme
aims to encourage
your MNS membership
fee is
now made
easier with
credit card payment via the MNS website. To renew, pleaseefforts
visit :
amongst the school-going generation. Among some of the special
programmes held for KPA are camps, workshops and environmental
For inquiries,
the KPAWee
at at
for more information.
Don’t Leave Home Without It
All members are required to show their
membership cards to participate in any of the
Branch‘s activities. New members who haven't
received their cards will be required to show their
membership payment receipts. Lost your card?
Contact Wee Chin at HQ.
* * *
24 Hour Wildlife Crime Hotline
019-356 4194
This hotline is a channel to report offences involving all
endangered wildlife Malaysia, for example:
• the discovery of snares, traps and cages set in the forest to catch
• a captured tiger in the forest,
• a bear caged in a village,
• an endangered species of bird or reptile being sold illegally in a pet
• the sale of illegal products such as tiger parts sold in “traditional”
• wildlife parts - skins, claws, and elephant tusks sold as collectables
• pets or wildlife advertised or served in a restaurant, or sold for the
cooking pot
The Wildlife Crime Hotline is managed by MYCAT, which stands for Malaysian
Conservation Alliance for Tigers. MYCAT comprises the Malaysian Nature
Society (MNS), TRAFFIC Southeast Asia, Wildlife Conservation Society-Malaysia
Programme and WWF-Malaysia.
Renew Your Membership via Online Credit
Card Payment
Settling your MNS membership fee is now made easier with
on-line credit card payment via the MNS website. To renew,
please visit :
For inquiries, contact Wee Chin at

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