Experimental Summary Selected Workshop Slides


Experimental Summary Selected Workshop Slides
Experimental Summary
Selected Workshop Slides
With editorial comments P. A. Souder Syracuse University Mark Pi- 8/4/16 1 Outline
•  PVES Goals and Challenges
•  Apparatus
–  Spectrometers/backgrounds
–  Detectors
–  Targets
•  Systematic errors
•  Hadronic physics
8/2/16 2 PVES Theory
For physics with Λ>>Q2, PVES can be described by the Lagrangian with independent parameters Ci: Or measure Λ for each combinaFon of the η’s. Compare to non-­‐PVES experiments 8/2/16 3 Which Ci is most important???
8/2/16 Measure as many C’s as you can as well as you can 4 Goals for Active Experiments
SebasFan Baunack Different experiments use different η’s 8/2/16 5 Excitement at the LHC: di-­‐photons Results presented without CERN seminar MW is hard to measure at the LHC: Ma-hias Scho- 8/4/16 6 BSM: Low Energy
Lepto-­‐phobic Z’ only at intermediate E Dark Z’ only seen at low E 8/2/16 7 Experimental Challenges
•  Measure small asymmetries APV
•  Small errors in the APV
•  Small errors in ΔAPV/APV
8/2/16 8 SebasFan Baunack 8/4/16 9 AT Results
Anselm Esser 8/4/16 10 Apparatus Requirements
Isolate desired reaction with high rate
Understand backgrounds.
Measure Q2
Measure Pe
Avoid helicity-correlated beam
•  Other systematics
8/2/16 11 First Generation Spectrometers
Open geometry
Fast counting
calorimeter for
background rejection
open geometry,
Electron Beam
Open geometry
Fast counting with magnetic
spectrometer + TOF for
background rejection
LH2 Target
Concrete shielding
8/2/16 Spectrometer magnets
12 Present Generation Spectrometers
SoLID Qweak MOLLER 8/2/16 P2 13 and…The EIC is coming!
Not a dedicated parity apparatus; sort of like the HRS spectrometers in Hall A 8/2/16 14 MIT engineering coil supports for
Spectrometers are very complex devices Julie-e Mammei August 5-­‐9, 2016 ECT*Trento 15 Backgrounds for Integrating
•  P2
•  Moller
•  Qweak
8/2/16 16 Background Woes
•  Dilute asymmetry—lose statistics
•  Add a large and unknown asymmetry
–  Al windows in Qweak, radiative inelastic
scattering in MOLLER
•  Complicated dead-time corrections
–  Hyperons in SoLID
•  Arise from helicity-correlated halo
–  Beam plug in Qweak
8/3/16 17 8/2/16 DusFn McNulF 18 Separation of Backgrounds
8/4/16 19 Solenoidal Focus: P2
SebasFan Baunack 8/2/16 20 Simulated Backgrounds for P2
8/2/16 21 Dominik Becker 8/4/16 22 Qweak Backgrounds
8/2/16 23 Integrating Detectors
σA =
Michael Gericke 8/4/16 24 Thin Quartz Detector
Beam test at Mainz: Relevant for Qweak, P2, MOLLER, PREx, CREx Kathrin Schier 8/4/16 25 Counting PVDIS: SoLID
8/2/16 Seamus Riodan 26 SoLID GEM Prototype
Nilanga Liyanage 8/5/16 27 SoLID PID
8/2/16 28 Qweak LH2 Target
David Armstrong 8/2/16 29 Prospects for MOLLER based
on Qweak Experience
Key to progress: CFD-­‐Driven Target Design 8/3/16 Silviu Covrig 30 Qweak SystemaFc Errors Lessons for future experiments Two Categories: 1.  IdenFfied in the proposal 2.  Discovered during the run -­‐  Final result will be staFsFcs-­‐limited 25× as much data as Run 0 result -­‐  One remaining systemaFc error to nail down: secondary sca-ering effect -­‐  Other leading systemaFcs (in order of decreasing size): •  Q2 calibraFon •  Target Window (Aluminum) asymmetry •  Beamline Background •  Target Window (diluFon) Dave Armstrong •  Polarimetry !!! AnFcipate unblinding the result in a few months. 8/2/16 31 Polarized Electron Source
SystemaFc errors start at the source Christoph Matejeck 8/3/16 32 Arne Freyberger JLab Accelerators:
Jlab and
Kurt Aulenbacher Many non-­‐PVES users SystemaFc errors may be amplified or suppressed by the accelerator 8/5/16 33 MESA Slow Reversal:
Wien Flip
Key to measuring small APV Cancel false asymmetries Show that false asymmetries are small JLab 8/4/16 34 Jürgen Diefenbach 8/4/16 High beam quality Quality beam monitors 35 Even be-er beam monitors needed for the future Avoids phase driq in cables 8/4/16 36 JLab Beam Monitors
Mark Pi- PosiFon OK Intensity: progress 8/4/16 37 Beam Jitter: Good or Bad?
•  Larger beam jitter means longer time to
identify systematic helicity correlations.
•  Beam jitter provides useful information on
systematic errors if it is larger than
instrumental noise.
•  Controversy: specify correlations in beam
•  Does reducing beam noise reduce beam
8/5/16 38 Emittance and Synchrotron
Radiation at JLab
8/4/16 Emi-ance growth due to synchrotron radiaFon forces good accelerator tune: 39 good for PVES Quality of Jlab 11 GeV Beam Era
How do you study beam quality in parasite mode? 8/2/16 Caryn Palatchi 40 Beam Polarimetry
Originally, was expected to be largest systematic uncertainty
Møller polarimeter
Compton polarimeter
–  Installed for Q-weak
–  Runs continuously at high
–  Statistical precision: 1% per hour
–  Electron Detector: Diamond
Precise, but invasive
Thin, polarized Fe target
Brute force polarization
Limited to low current
Detect both recoil electron and photon. 41 08/01/2016 Armstrong ECT* Qweak Beam Polarimetry Preliminary Run 2 PolarizaFon Compton (Edet) Møller Good agreement between Møller & Compton (electron detector)
Compton photon detector: issues with PbWO4 calorimeter
Compton (Edet) : ∆P/P = 0.42%
Combined Total:
∆P/P = 0.65%
∆P/P = 0.61% (systematics + statistics + scaling)
(see Bob Michaels’ talk) 8/2/16 Serious progress!! Compton: A. Narayan et al, Phys. Rev. X 6.011013 (2016) 42 Polarimetry progress in Jlab Hall A
MagneFzaFon of Fe target 8/4/16 Compton spectrometer works at high energy Robert Michaels 43 Kurt Aulenbacher Gold standard for beam polarimetry 8/5/16 44 8/3/16 45 Niklaus Berger 8/5/16 46 Annoying Qweak Systematic
•  Backgrounds from beam halo
–  Many possible parameters
–  Hard to make reliable corrections
–  What is the cause?
•  Transverse asymmetry in detectors
8/5/16 47 Mark Pi- 8/4/16 48 Secondary Sca-ering •  Spin precession of sca-ered electron in QTor magnet: some transverse polarizaFon PT •  PT analyzed by sca-ering in Pb pre-­‐radiators → transverse asymmetry in detectors: opposite sign in the two PMTs ( + &− ) in each detector Adiff = ​𝐴↓+ − ​𝐴↓− Parity Signal = ​𝐴↓+ + ​𝐴↓− /2 ∴ Effect cancels to first order •  Analyzing power in Pb: 1.  Beam-­‐normal single spin asymmetry (high energy): 2𝛾 exchange 2.  Mo- sca-ering (low energy in shower) Adiff is of same scale (hundreds of ppb) as APV 8/2/16 49 Qweak SystemaFc Errors Lessons for future experiments Two Categories: 1.  IdenFfied in the proposal 2.  Discovered during the run -­‐  Final result will be staFsFcs-­‐limited 25× as much data as Run 0 result -­‐  One remaining systemaFc error to nail down: secondary sca-ering effect -­‐  Other leading systemaFcs (in order of decreasing size): •  Q2 calibraFon •  Target Window (Aluminum) asymmetry •  Beamline Background •  Target Window (diluFon) Dave Armstrong •  Polarimetry !!! AnFcipate unblinding the result in a few months. 8/5/16 50 Hadronic Physics
Inelastic PVES
Induced CSV
Higher twist
Anapole moments
8/2/16 51 PVES π Production form A4
ApplicaFons 1.  ν sca-ering at DUNE 2.  RadiaFve correcFons 8/5/16 52 CSV and HT with SoLID
Ian Cloet 8/3/16 53 Additional CSV if N≠Z?
Seamus Riordan ApplicaFons 1. Explain νTEV expt. 2. Explain EMC effect 8/3/16 54 PVDIS by Flipping PT at the EIC
8/2/16 55 Sensitivity to Δs
Wally Melnichouk Yuxiang Zhao 8/2/16 56 Summary
•  Exciting new experiments launched.
•  Aiming towards unprecedented precision.
•  Fabulous new technologies applied.
8/5/16 57 Solid Targets
8/3/16 58 SoLID Tracking
8/2/16 59 8/2/16 60 Seamus Riordan 8/4/16 61