Downloads for Lecture 10
Downloads for Lecture 10
Optimization of Schedules of a Multitask Production Cell Karin Thörnblad September 2011 • Part of Volvo Group • Develops and produces aircraft and rocket engine components • About 3000 employees 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Parts processed in the Multi Task Cell ~ 8 compressor rear frames for different aero engines and gas turbines. About 30 different jobs are processed in the Multi Task Cell. 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 The Multitask Production Cell Central tool storage Multipurpose machines 3 Stocker crane 1 Setup stations 2 Manual deburring Deburring cell 4 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Input/Output conveyor Stocker crane Transports between storage and route operations 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 3 setup stations Mount/demount in and out of fixtures 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 5 multitask machines Drilling, milling and turning 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Automatic deburring cell Robot deburring 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 The routing of a part Every production order follows a routing in the planning system One job in the multitask cell ↔ 3-5 route operations Multitask job Job processed elsewhere 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 The queue of parts Planned order Processed elsewhere MT-cell vjq , planned lead time from completion of job j to arrival at MT-cell for job q 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 v0j, planned lead time from current position to arrival at MT-cell Stock checked-in Problem decomposition Time (h) Multitaskmachines Deburring and setup stations 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Notation Multipurpose machines 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Notation Multitask job Job to be processed elsewhere 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Notation Multitask job Job to be processed elsewhere 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Notation Multitask job Job to be processed elsewhere 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Notation Multitask job Job to be processed elsewhere 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Time-indexed formulation l, length of the discrete time interval time interval u starts at time ul hours 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Decision variables Binaries: Time variables 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Test case No 3 (20 jobs): 9300 Time–indexed formulation with nail variables 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 A planned lead time on the same part 0 Job j Job q 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 has to elapse between jobs T tid Time–indexed formulation with nail variables Objective: Minimize the weighted sum of completion times and tardiness. One job is scheduled only once Each job can only be assigned to an allowed resource k Only one job at a time can be processed on resource k Planned lead time between jobs on same part Definition of completion time Definition of tardiness Job j cannot start in resource k before the job’s release date or before k is available 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 The engineer’s model (with continuous time variables) Binaries: Time variables 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Test case No 3 (20 jobs): 2100 The engineer’s model weights (A=B=1) Big number 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 The engineer’s model Objective: Minimize the weighted sum of completion times and tardiness. weights (A=B=1) One job is scheduled only once Each job can only be assigned to an allowed resource k Only one job at a time can be processed on resource k Big number Job j cannot start in resource k before the job’s release date or before k is available Planned lead time between jobs on same part Definition of completion time Definition of tardiness 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Comparison between the precedence constraints for the set Constraints: Test case No 3: 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 372 4 Comparison between the constraints for only one job at a time Constraints: Test case No 3: 465 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 6000 Symmetric constraints versus ordering constraints (the engineer’s model) These two constraints regulates the ordering of the jobs in resource k The ordering constraints can be replaced by constraints symmetric to ”the big M-constraints”: • The symmetric constraints are common in text books since the ordering constraints are special for problems with multiple machines. • Computational tests indicate that the model with ordering constraints has shorter computation times than a model using the symmetric big Mconstraints. 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad 2010-07-14 Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 What is the size of a realistic scenario? Number of storage locations without fixture: Number of parts arriving during the coming shift: 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 45 jobs 30 15 Real production scenarios • 6 real scenarios – based on real production data extracted from the Volvo Aero ERP-system during the autumn of 2010 • The jobs were ordered according to increasing release dates • From each scenario test instances were created with 5,10,15,…, 70 of the first jobs in the sorted list of jobs (i.e. the queue of jobs) 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Realistic release dates The release date from the ERP system may be negative (i.e. in the past). Therefore a realistic estimate on the part arrival time at the multitask cell is calculated using the knowledge of the part’s actual position at time t0. The release date is then calculated by the formula Standard queue time rj = max {realistic estimate; ERP release date - 0.8υj} If order checked-in: rj = 0 rq = rj + rl = rj + 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 + pq Postprocessing with real ”undiscrete” data Real release date = 17.5 h Time-indexed model with l = 1 h: 18 h 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Mean differences between optimal objective values after postprocessing of data Mean diff in optimal value 0.20% Compared with the time-indexed model with l = 0.25 h l=2h 0.15% disc int=0.25h disc int=0.5h 0.10% disc int=1h disc int=2h 0.05% l 0.04% =1h l (l=≤0.5h 1 h) 0.00% 10 15 20 25 30 Compared with the engineer’s model # jobs 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 35 40 45 50 Mean computation times Test case No 3 (20 jobs): l = 0.5h >7200 s (mipgap 0.66%) l = 1h l = 2h l = 0.25h Realistic scenario: <1 min Test case No 3 (20 jobs): 0.3 s (same schedule found) 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Evolution of computation times Comparison between different models’ CPU times (seconds) ~3 months (s) 1000000 100000 ~8 hours Full engineer's model 10000 Divided engineer's model ~15 min 1000 < 2 min 100 Current time-indexed + engineer's feas model 10 Feasibility model: ~100 s 1 5 10 15 Number of jobs 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Old time-indexed + engineer's feas model 20 Current time-indexed model only < 0.5 s The feasibility model Fixed to solution from machining problem 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 different weights for different setup stations Current detail planning of the multitask cell Manual planning based on • • • • Earliest Due Date (EDD) priority list Other priorities based on the current logistical situation The FIFO priority rule (First In First Out) is used in other parts of the factory SPT (shortest processing time) is a priority rule known to produce good schedules Time (h) 00 10 10 MC1 MC1 Multitask machines 96 7 MC2 MC2 8 1010 11 9 1 16 1 13 MDM1 9 17 16 19 20 14 2 5 5 6 9 6 13 113 1 14 2 5 3 6 3 2 17 5 14 17 1310 13 16 1 67 10 8 11 9 12 101 11 1613 1 1514 3 15 8 5 7 1711 2 12 9 12 9 36 11 1613 1 12 2 7 5 4 15 4 15 5 17 61614 182 4 18 4 14 5 3 6 3 17 21918 19 2018 20 14 19 19 17 20 The deburring and set-up stations are scheduled by the use of the feasibility model. 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 60 60 20 19 17 3 148 1112 2 18 18 50 50 8 8 MDM2 10 9 7 MDM3 4 40 40 1010 DBR DBR Deburring and setup stations 7 3 MC4 MC4 ManGr ManGr 4 13 MC5 MC5 30 30 15 15 12 MC3 MC3 20 20 20 EDD, FIFO and SPT versus mathematical optimization 21 scenarios with real production data Collected during April – August 2010 Real scenarios April - August 2010 Time distribution for data collections 17 16 15 Time 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 1 Mo 2 Tu 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 3 We Weekday 4 Th 5 Fr Work load variation The variation in number of jobs checked-in indicate how the work load has varied during the period. # jobs checked-in 20 High work load J>10 15 10 Low work load J≤10 5 0 Scenarios 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Mean differences between completion times and tardiness results The schedules resulting from the use of the priority rules are compared to the optimal values found by the time-indexed model with l=1h in sequence with the feasibility model. 22% higher tardiness using FIFO 12% higher tardiness using EDD 6% higher completion times using SPT 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Shortsighted scheduling No knowledge about which jobs are on the way to the multitask cell (or further down in the priority list) t0 t1 t2 time Job 1 - MC1 & MC2 Job 2 - MC1 & MC 2 Job 3 - MC 2 t0 MC1 t1 time Job 1 - MC 1 & MC2 MC2 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 t2 Job 2 – MC1 & MC 2 Job 3 – MC 2 Looking into the future… The optimization model takes all jobs in the queue into account t0 t1 t2 time Job 1 - MC1 & MC2 Job 2 - MC1 & MC 2 Job 3 - MC 2 t0 t1 Job 1 - MC 1 & MC2 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 time Job 2 – MC 1 & MC 2 MC1 MC2 t2 Job 3 – MC 2 Looking into the future… t0 t1 t2 t3 time Job 1 - MC1 & MC2 Job 2 - MC1 & MC 2 Job 3 - MC 2 Job 4 - MC1 & MC2 t0 MC1 t1 t2 t3 Job 1 - MC 1 & MC2 Job 4 - MC1 & MC2 Job 2 – MC1 & MC 2 MC2 time Job 3 – MC 2 Lost capacity t0 t1 Job 1 - MC 1 & MC2 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 t3 time Job 2 – MC 1 & MC 2 MC1 MC2 t2 Job 3 – MC 2 Job 4 - MC1 & MC2 An optimal schedule versus a schedule created using the EDD rule Timeindexed model EDD Lost capacity? 9% higher tardiness using EDD and 25% higher completion times! 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Coping with reality As soon as the production schedule is optimized – something changes! Expected events • New parts in the queue • Variances in the planned lead time Unexpected events • • • • Machine breakdown Operator sick Part with non-conformance leaves queue etc. Optimized schedule Expected events Unexpected events Frequency: CPU time 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 Reschedule shiftnecessary when < 5 min Future research • Compare results to more sophisticated scheduling algorithms • Make a pilot test of using the schedules in the multitask cell • • • • • Constraint programming Lagrangian relaxation to get better lower bounds Column generation Find stronger formulations of the problem Robust optimization • More realistic model: fixtures, personnel etc. • Find better objective functions • Develop a time-indexed formulation for the feasibility problem • … 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10 More tests More theory Better model Questions and comments? Thank you Karin Thörnblad, industrial PhD student, Financial support from Volvo Aero, The Swedish Research Council, NFFP (Swedish National Aeronautics Research Programme) 9510KT, Karin Thörnblad Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information. This information is subject to restrictions on first page. 10110 Utg. 4 10110 Utg. 10
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9510KT, Karin Thörnblad
Volvo Aero Corporation Proprietary Information.
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