POMONA Named otter the ancient goddess ot truit. Pomona is an outstanding pattern. The romantic shape was inspired by the generous. rounded tarms ot seed pods and gourds and was designed by Susan Williams EIIis in 1982. Each cup and plate comes patterned with one ot six luscious truits taken trom hand-coloured books ot the 1830's. Römerstf. 218 53\17 Bonn tableware plote (R) - 1O'/25cm d. plote (R) . 8" /2Ocm d. plote (R) . 6"/15cm d. A. B. C. D. E, F A. B. C. D, E. F PL05075 A, B, C. D. E, F PL05095 PL05055 soup (R) - 8°/20cm d. A. B, C, D, E, F PL05255 ootmeol (R) - 6'11 Sem d. A. B. C. D, E, F PL05205 ",. mocho cup & soucer (R) - 3.5oz/0.1 OL A, B, C. D. E, F PL04035 teo cup & soucer (R) - 70z/0.20L A, B, C, D. E. F PL04105 breoktost cup & soucer (R) - 90z/0.26L colfee cup & sou cer (T) - 40z/0.11 L A, B. C, D. E. F PL04155 A. B. C. D. E, F PL04067 espresso cup & soucer (SO) - 3.5oz/0.1 OL A, B. C. D, E, F PL67085 teo cup/soucer (T) - 70z/0.20L breoktost cup/soucer (l) - lOoz/0.28L jumbo cup & soucer - 200z/0.50L collee mug 100z/O,28L bell beoker 100z/0.28L A. B. C. D. E, F PL04107 A, B. C, D, E. F A. B, C, D, E. F A. B. C, D. E. F PL04157 PL42000 PL48600 A. B, C. D. E, F PL48650 breoklost mug - 90z/0.26L mondarin mug - lOoz/0.28L A, B, C, D. E. F PL48700 A, B, C. D, E. F PL48811 truit solod - 5.5'1l4cm d. A, B. C. D. E, F fruit solod - 5'Il3cm d. A, B. C. D. E, F PL05550 PL05500 l .. t : . . : : •: ~ A, B. C, D. E, F PL45300 PL45740 JalA,.-/lAIl .. Il,. .. tA' .... ,. .... : mini bowl- 5'/13cm d. posto bowl - 8°/20cm d. A, B. C, D, E, F t r t ..t :t ~ .,~ sq. hondled dessert dlsh . 12,5 x 11'/32 x 28cm F PL78044-X cookware ,ound plolter - 13"/33em C PLHC82400-X ovol boklng dish -14.S"/3S.Sem E+ A PLXR23200-X eake/pizza plale - 12"/30em F PMHF21S00-X oval servlng dish - IS'/38em oval pi alter - 13"/33em C o PLHC06S30-X PLH M06S60-X oval gratin dish - 11"/29cm oval divided dish - 11"/28em F PLHF23320-X oval gralin dlsh - 9" /23em 8 PLHB071SS-X C PLHC07160-X ----- ,ound pie dish - 9"/23em lasagne dlsh - IS x 11'/38 x 28em lasagne dlsh -12.S x 10"/32 x 2Sem deep square dlsh - 10"I2Sem B PLHB08100-X A PLHA22000-X 8 PLHB22100-X E PLHJ07170-X ... . .... ~ -..--..-- ..--..--~..--..-- "" ... ... .................................. covered casserole - 6pt/3.6l eovered veg/easserole - 3ptll.7OL eook & serve handled Iray - IS'/38em sandwich tray - 12 x S"/30 x 13em A+C+D PLXQ0773S-X Ä+8+C+O+E+F A PLXP08032-X PLHA66S00-X 8+K PMXOS28S0-X cookware with glass lids sloeking ramekln (6) - Saz/0.1SL G PMHG49030-X large tound cosserole with gloss lid ·6pt/3.4l B PLHB78129-X large oval easserole wllh glass Ud - 4.4pt/2.SL C PLHC78130-X serving pieces pasta bowl- lO"/2Sem d. low bowl- 13"/33em d. eovered sugar (R) - 90z/0.26L eovered sugar (T) - 8.80z/0.2SL A, B, C, D, E, F I D B C PL4S730 PL4S7DO PL02315 PL02307 PM01S7S ereom (R) - 12oz/0.3SL ereom (T) - 8.8az/O.25L teopot (R) - 2ptlllOL teopot (T) - 2ptll.l OL eotfee pot (R) - 2.75ptll.50L F B D K G PM01S77 PLOO60S PLOO617 PMD080S PMS02S0 / solt & pepper (R) - 2.7S"l7em ) V oll & vlnegar (R) - 8"/20em h. C,F solt & pepper mills - 7.S"1l9.3em h. C, F PM50S70 PL77284-X solod bowl- 11"/28em d. solad bowl - lO"/2Sem d C PM4S0DO F sOlod bowl - 9"/23em d A, B, C D, E, F PM4S0S0 PM45100 ----- . r solod bowl - 8" /20em d. solod bowl- 7"1l8em d. eoke stand - 9.S"/24.Sem A, B, C, D, E, F A, B, C, D, E, F B covered butter dlsh - 7 x 5"/18 x 13cm B PL451S0 PL4S2DO PL7SS29-X PLS27DO tlsanlere - 14oz/0,4L D PLHM78128-X storage & giftware storage jar - 6'/1 Sem h. alrtlght jar· B'/2Ocm h. airtlght jar . 7'/1 Bem h. A, B, C, D, E, F A, B, C, D, E, F A, B, C, D, E, F PM44900 PM4BD30 PM4BOBO alrtight lar - S.S'/14em h. A, B, C, D, E, F PM4Bl30 - alrtight lar - 4'/1Ocm h. spiee lar· 2'/S.75cm h. A, B, C, 0, E, F A, B, C, 0, E, F PM4Bl50 PM4B300 '------ " tea tor one set . 120z/0.3Sl bella lug· 3ptll. 7l sweet dlsh - 4'/1 Oem d. A, B, C, D, E, F D A, 8, C, D, E, F Pl76019·X Pl72500 PM4B940 woll eloek - lO'/2Sem d. woll eloek -lO'/2Sem d. B PlHB61000 mini square dlshes (3) ·4'/10em F Pl6JOOO A, 8, 0, Pl7BOn-X cutlery bread knlte - 13.3'/34em C PM7BOS6·X meat lork· 9'/23em F PM7BOSS·X eake slice - IO'/2Sem 8 PMll04 pastry lork (6) . 6'/1 Sem teaspoon (6) . 6'/1 Sem A, 8, C, D, E, F A, 8, C, 0, E, F PM1102 PMl101 pastry lork & teaspoon set of 12 - 6'/1 Sem serving spoon - 10"125cm salad servers - lO'/2Sem chaese knlfe & 6 spreaders A, B, C, D, E, F F A+D PMl103 PM1106 PMl107 (knlfe - 7.7S'{l9.5cm· E) (spreaders - 4.7S'{l2em- A, 8, C, D, E, F) PMllOB-X plocemots & coosters .. .,.. 0( '9 0( . . ...,...., .....,... '" ..'" .,. .. .. 1(.,. ....-....-..... .. '" . '" .. . .. . .."'-.......4· ..-....,.........,."'. '" ..''"" '" rectangulor placemat (6) 12x9"/30.5x23cm A, B,C, 0, E, F 8022 056 '9 '" '9 0( .. placemat (4) 15.7x 11.7"/40.1 x 29.8cm B, C, F, H 8022 square caaster (6) 4.12"/1 O.5cm A, B, C, 0, E, F 8022 064 026 melomine troys ~ . - ~ •• •• :•• :•• •• •• \"'-....__.;;.;;;,_---..1 sc alter tray· 8.3 x 5.5" /21 x 14cm sandwich tray· 14.5 x 6 25" /37 x 16cm A PMSR001 PMHKSROO3 J lap tray· 15 x 9.5" /39.3 x 24.3cm medium handled tray . 17.7 x 12.8"/44.9 x 32.5cm K PMAHSROO2 PMHMSROO5 ° pomona motif information A. B. C. D. E. (lote duke cherry) (hoary morning apple) (roman apricot) (wild blackberry) (feinten squash pear) F. G. H. (grlmwoods royal george peach) (frull garland) (white sweetwoter grape) I. (apple Irophv) J. (elsanta strawberry) K. (Iane's prlnce albert apple) 99PLSPRING13 Pomona Spring 13 POS PORTMEIRION GROUP UK lIMITED. London Road. Stoke-on-Trent. ST4 7QQ England, Tel: +44 (0)1782 744721. Fax +44 (0)1782 744061 PORTMEIRION GROUP USA, INC. 105 Progress Lane. Waterbury. CT 06705-3830 USA, Tel +1 (203) 729-8255. Fax: +1 (203) 573-9561 PORTMEIRION CANADA INC, 20 Voyager Court South. Toronto. Ontano. Canada. M9W 5M7, Tel: +1 (416) 675 3755. Fax: +I (416) 675 5610 Portmeirian is a registered trade mark at Partmeirian Graup www.portmeirion.co.uk (E, & 0, E, Jan 2013) 111111111111111111111111111111 7 49151 55400 9
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