
Winter Wonderland
a quiet view of the Vermont landscape
December 2006
This issue features...
2006 Annual Committee Reports
A “Big Tex” Convention Overview
Does Your Investment in NARPM Pencil Out?
Greater Efficiency, Focus, and Profitability for Management Agreements
Convention Award Winners, Designees, Snapshots, and more!
December 2006 Residential Resource | 1
2 | December 2006 Residential Resource
In This Issue
December 2006
Monthly Columns
Feature Articles
President’s Message
From the Desk of the Executive Director
11 Strong Chapter Tip #18
Greater Efficiency, Focus, and Profitability for Management Agreements
Does Your Investment in NARPM Pencil Out?
25 You Make the Ethics Call
27 Maintenance 101
28 Welcome New Members
Rob Massey, Jr., CPM® explains how important it is to educate owners
about what services are and are not included.
Tony Drost, RMP® puts your NARPM membership in terms we can all understand—a spreadsheet outlining how it performs like a rental property.
12 President’s Tour
Check out how the scenic luncheon cruise went on Lake Champlain.
14 A “Big Tex” Convention Overview
“Fast” Eddie Davis, MPM® is here to give us the low-down on this year’s
spectacular autumn event.
30 Ambassador Program
17 Convention Award Winners
18 Convention Certification Awards
20 Convention Snapshots
22 2006 Annual Committee Reports
24 Property Managers Learn From Each Other at the Networking Lunch
Read the highlights of this year’s discussion questions and find out what a
few first-timers had to say about the convention.
Executive Director: Gail Phillips
184 Business Park Drive, Suite 200-P
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Editor: Betty Fletcher, MPM®
Tel: 800-782-3452 toll free
The Residential Resource is a publication designed and created for the members of the National Association of Residential Property Managers by Organization Management Group, Inc., 184 Business
Park Drive, Suite 200-P, Virginia Beach, VA 23462; 800-782-3452. Copyright © 2006. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is allowed only upon permission from the publisher. Opinions
of the authors are not necessarily those of NARPM. Any legal matters or advice mentioned herein should be discussed with an attorney, accountant, or other professional before use in a particular
state or situation. NARPM and its staff assume no responsibility for ads or statements in the publication. NARPM does not endorse any advertising in this publication. All readers are responsible for
their own investigation and use of any products advertised in the Residential Resource. NARPM members receive the Residential Resource as part of the annual dues; subscriptions are available for
$195. Items for publication cannot be returned. Articles can be submitted by sending a Word attachment to Address changes may be forwarded to NARPM Headquarters
at the address listed above. The publisher and editor reserve the right to edit or refuse all publications for content and selection.
December 2006 Residential Resource | 3
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4 | December 2006 Residential Resource
From the President
My year as NARPM’s president has passed so quickly that I have
hardly had time to catch my breath. However, it was a good
year, more meaningful than I could have imagined. Reflecting
upon the rich experiences it brought fills me with gratitude. I
am also enjoying the fulfillment that comes from working with
others to accomplish worthy goals.
It is impossible, in the space I have here, to list all the
highlights of this year and hard to choose a few from among
them. Yet, I can say, without hesitation, that the very best
times were meeting and getting to know you, the hundreds
and hundreds of kind and wonderful members who compose NARPM.
Wherever I traveled as president, you welcomed me. You picked me up at the airport, opened your
homes, prepared meals, shuttled me around town, and took me to and from meetings. You let me tour
your offices and get to know you. You, the volunteers, gave generously of yourselves.
Moreover, your enthusiasm for NARPM and your professionalism were apparent as you “Spread the
Knowledge” at every event—national, regional, and local. You openly shared forms, ideas, and concepts and willingly helped your colleagues, even those with whom you compete with for clients, find
ways to meet challenges.
When I chose “Spread the Knowledge” as my theme for the year, I wanted to direct NARPM’s focus toward improving publications, classes, courses, communicating, and networking. I am pleased to say, by
working together, we accomplished so much. The Residential Resource won The Communicator Award
of Distinction for Print Media, an international award to recognize excellence in the field of communications; the CSSsm designation is in place; the number of instructors for courses and classes was increased;
the distance learning program is moving forward; our national website is more efficient and easier to
use; NARPM-branded websites for use by local chapters are being developed; a chapter certification
compliance procedure to help struggling chapters is active; one-time $2,000 grants were awarded to
chapters for speakers and for marketing state and regional conferences; the ListServ for RMP®s and
MPM®s is active and growing; new records for membership were set; the annual convention, with
several international attendees, was among the best-attended ever; and, OMG, our excellent management company, is hard at work on our behalf, ready to take on the new year. It was truly an honor and
a pleasure working with everyone involved with NARPM’s success in 2006.
As we move into 2007, please join me in wishing all the best and giving hearty support to our new president, Sylvia Hill, MPM®. Having worked with her the past two years, I am confident Sylvia will do an
outstanding job. Her theme, “Focusing on Professionalism,” says it all. In addition to possessing many
skills and years of experience, Sylvia is a consummate professional.
This year of serving as NARPM’s president, while greatly fulfilling, also demanded tremendous time and
energy. Without help, it would not have been possible. Consequently, I am deeply grateful to all our
member-volunteers, especially our committee chairs and Board members, for their surpassing contributions; to my many mentors who “Spread the Knowledge” to me and for helping me grow; to my staff,
for giving me steady support; and, of course, to my husband and our sons, for their love and encouragement.
Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous holiday season
and a fulfilling new year,
Rose G. Thomas, MPM®
2006 NARPM President
Rose Thomas, MPM®
301-694-6900 x1001
Sylvia Hill, CPM® MPM®
Bylaws Chair
Strategic Plan Oversight Chair
408-997-7100 x104
Erika K. Green, MPM®
817-763-9696 x101
Betty Fletcher, MPM®
Editorial Chair
Finance Chair
501-907-7091 x101
Marc Banner, MPM®
Past President
Nominations Chair
Greg Fedro, MPM®
Certification Chair
Harold Kalles, MPM®
Website Chair
Mary M. Love, MPM®
Peter C. Meer, MPM®
Education Chair
Fred Thompson, RMP®
Susan Albern, MPM®
Membership Committee
Eddie Davis, MPM®
2006 Leadership Symposium Committee
Wendell Davis, MPM®
Convention Committee
Christopher Hermanski, MPM®
Long Range Committee
Mark Kreditor, MPM®
Professional Standards Committee
Kandy Meehan, RMP®
Affiliate Committee
Jim Reimer, MPM®
Legislative Committee
Robert Winger, MPM®
Marketing Committee
916-446-6663 x103
December 2006 Residential Resource | 5
We are wrapping up 2006 and what a fantastic job President Rose Thomas, MPM® did
to “Spread the Knowledge.”
Rose and I just returned from Florida where we shared NARPM knowledge with members in the Northeastern Florida and Orlando Chapters. It was a great experience for me
to meet members one-on-one and to talk about NARPM and where we are headed in
the future. NEFARPM hosted a nice affiliate trade show to thank their affiliate members
for the support they have given all year. They have offered to share information on how
to set up this event to any chapter who is interested, so touch base with their leadership.
Thanks to all of you who attended these meetings; it was kind of you to open your meeting up to us.
t he
Di r
2006 has been a year of many changes and we are looking forward to “Focusing on Professionalism” with next year’s president, Sylvia Hill, MPM®, in 2007.
In keeping with our new theme, this will include the kicking off of the online
designation courses and the long awaited CSSsm designation for Support Staff
members. Watch as new and exciting programs are unveiled. We will be
working closely with the Professional Development Committee in evaluating
the entire NARPM education program, so please e-mail me your feedback at
I want to thank the Board of Directors for keeping an open mind and accepting change.
We will be participating in leadership training for the new board and committee chairs
in the next few weeks and I look forward to the leadership these individuals will bring to
this great organization. 2007 will introduce exciting changes including a new committee
structure and the new Regional Vice President responsibilities.
As the year comes to a close, I wish each of you and your families a safe and happy
holiday season and look forward to seeing you in 2007 at the Leadership Symposium in
Chesapeake, Virginia.
Continue to “Spread the Knowledge” NARPM! It is contagious!
Gail S. Phillips, CAE
Executive Director
Vermont Countryside
June 2006
a covered bridge, rare in today’s scenery
This issue features...
Are YOU Ready for the Curve Balls?
Becoming a Guardian Ad Litum
Hot Check Defenses
Housing Laws Protecting Victims of Domestic Violence
Property Management Peak Performance
June 2006 Residential Resource | 1
6 | December 2006 Residential Resource
Greater Efficiency, Focus, and Profitability
for Management Agreements
by Rob Massey, Jr., CPM®
fter being involved in property
management for a number of
years, I began to recognize all of
the owner requests for services that were
not intended to be included in my management fee. Even though I was capable
of performing these tasks, they were really
not “part of the deal” for me to include
with the fees that I was charging. Let’s
face it—there is not a great deal of margin
built into normal management fees, so
having to throw in additional work helps
neither the bottom line nor is it the best
use of our time.
Extra work resulting from other agents
listing my clients’ rental properties for sale
was always a major nuisance. In such few
cases, I always resented being called upon
to do some of the “dirty” work. Unless
of course I am being compensated for the
sale, I now specifically exclude: a) notification of listing for sale to all residents, b)
supervision of redecorating and cleaning
in preparation for a sale and c) making
arrangements for entry or appointments of
prospective buyers with tenants for showings of properties.
Some of you may choose not to perform
any sale functions within your company.
I have heard it stated that this policy is
sometimes adopted to promote the referral of more management accounts from
sales agents. In order to overcome the
concern that I might later sell an agent’s
client’s property, I have always had the
understanding with cooperating sales
agents that we refer all clients back to
them when the time comes to sell. Some
request that reassurance in writing. Participating in sales has always been a great
method for supplementing my company’s
revenue. Most of my sales are closely tied
to my management business and are fairly
easy to handle especially sales to existing
Other tasks that I now exclude and spell
out in the management agreement are:
Modernization of property oversight
Refinancing-related needs
Fire or casualty loss restoration
Rehabilitation oversight
Appearances in court by agent or
employees (we hire an attorney to
appear on our owners’ behalf at our
owners’ expense)
Obtaining multiple bids for jobs
Obtaining income tax advice
Presenting petitions to planning or
zoning committees
Appealing tax assessments
Performing a competitive market
analysis for property value
Advising proposed new construction
Assisting sales agents or appraisers
Attending neighborhood or condominium association meetings
Supervision of redecorating and
cleaning in preparation for a sale or
other counseling
I specifically have left some of the exclusions very vague so as to cover most anything that is not part of normal property
management. The good news is, that
with these excluded from your management agreement, you can now charge an
additional fee per hour for these services
or at least receive credit for going “beyond the call of duty” when not charging.
I always quote my current rate for additional services per hour in the management agreement and I go on to state that
my hourly rate for additional services may
change without notice.
It is incumbent upon us to educate our
owners about what services are included
in our management fees and which ones
are not. The best time to broach this
subject is when we first meet with them
and explain our services. Secondly, and
most importantly, it needs to be clearly
spelled out in the management agreement. Following these simple steps will
save you time and earn you additional
well-deserved fees.
Rob Massey Jr., CPM, has served
as a local president for NARPM,
the Institute of Real Estate Management, and the Apartment Association in his hometown of Louisville,
KY. He has taught several property management classes and managed nearly
1,000 apartments and houses before scaling back his property management company
to pursue the national Internet listing service
he founded known as
December 2006 Residential Resource | 7
Does Your Investment
Pencil Out?
When I returned from the annual convention this year, a few
members of my local chapter asked me how I could afford to
attend. After all, there are registration costs, hotel expenses, airfare, and meals to pay for. My response was easy, “I can’t afford
not to go.” At work, I am constantly building spreadsheets for
my clients, showing them how their property is performing. So
I thought I would build a spreadsheet showing how my NARPM
membership is performing.
NARPM has done so much for me and my business that I would
need a book to list and describe it all. Throughout this article
you are going to see a major emphasis on increased revenue,
but believe me, this is a small part of what NARPM has done for
me. Every single aspect of my business has been influenced by
NARPM. I could not even begin quantifying the untold amount
of savings caused by streamlining, increased professionalism,
and improved service that NARPM has helped me deliver. So I
won’t. However, there are a few things that are easy to calculate
and demonstrate. In just these few examples, the numbers are
staggering. They show that NARPM is by far the best financial
investment I have ever made.
In the spreadsheet on the opposite page, I have listed the
expenses I have incurred from being a NARPM member. You
will notice that nearly every year, my expenses increase, and
that is simply because every year I have gotten more and more
involved. Why have I gotten more and more involved? Well
that is where the income column comes into play. As you can
see, every year I picked up a new idea for a
revenue source. The more I got
involved with NARPM, the
more revenue sources I
found and implemented.
The Internal Rate of
Return (IRR) is the
interest rate received
for an investment
consisting of expense (my NARPMrelated expenses)
and income (revenue sources introduced to me through
NARPM) that
occur at
IRR is
widely used
to decide which investments should and should
not be undertaken.
8 | December 2006 Residential Resource
Let’s correlate my NARPM IRR with the IRR of an investment
property. In our area, a good IRR for an investment property is
going to be 15% or above. What does that mean? That means
if you invested $50,000 into a property with an IRR of 15%, that
$50,000 over ten years will yield you about $230,000. Not too
bad, huh? Well based on my calculations, the IRR for my investment in NARPM is 1,643%. Absolutely incomprehensible isn’t
it? Why? Simply because the cost of membership and conference attendance is miniscule in comparison to the income it has
The Return On Investment (ROI) is a comparison of the money
earned or lost on an investment to the amount of money invested (NARPM-related expenses). Many companies use ROI when
deciding on buying capital equipment. If buying a new high
speed scanner costs $15,000, but saves you $700 per month,
the ROI is just under two years. That is not bad and I think I
would make the investment. In calculating my NARPM ROI, in
most cases, I broke even within one month. That means that all
of my NARPM expenses were paid back to me in less than one
month. I have made a great investment. Have you?
Now, what to do with the increase in revenue. In my case, I
have used my increased revenue to improve my business. I
purchased a new building to run our property management
business out of. I have hired additional staff to better serve
our owners and tenants, which has also allowed me more time
with my family. I have made capital investments, such as a high
speed scanner, that has made my life easier. Simply put, that
extra income has made my company a better company. We are
efficient, accurate, and most of all, we are staffed to respond to
tenant and owner needs immediately.
NARPM is much more than increased revenue, but I think it
is important for our members to see the true financial impact
of our involvement. I encourage everyone to build a similar
spreadsheet and measure the performance of your investment.
If your ROI is greater than one year, I would encourage you to
take the next step in your involvement with NARPM. Join the
board of your local chapter, join a national committee, work
towards a designation, or attend a conference. Try it, re-evaluate
your investment one year later, and let me know the results.
Tony A. Drost, RMP® is the founder and owner of
First Rate Property Management, Inc., located in
Boise, Idaho. Tony earned a BA degree in operations management, which he credits as giving him
the tools to be an effective manager. Although
licensing is not required in Idaho, Tony is a licensed
agent to provide additional support and service to his clients.
Tony can be reached by phone at 208-794-6424 or by e-mail at
December 2006 Residential Resource | 9
$71,505 $111,739 $117,781 $123,710 $129,936 $136,473
$76,170 $116,172 $121,981 $128,080 $134,484 $141,208
Payback in Days
Assumptions: All income and expenses after 2006 were projected.
Return on Investment
Internal Rate of Return
Annual Expenses
National Dues
Local Chapter Dues
National Convention Registration
Leadership Symposium
RMP Application and Coursework
MPM Application and Coursework
Air Fare
Convention & Symposium Lodging
Meals and Entertainment
Annual Income
Move Out Inspections Fees
Vendor Discount Fees
Notice Deliver Fees
Mortgage Verification of Rent Fees
Account Set-up Fee
Home Ownership Program Enrollment Fee
Net Home Ownership Commissions
Net Quarterly Inspection Fees
(referred to from opposite page)
NARPM Investment Spreadsheet
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10 | December 2006 Residential Resource
Strong NARPM Chapter Tip #18
by Cindy Van Mater, MPM®
Don’t re-invent the wheel. Here are some really cool ideas used
by other chapters across the country. Make sure your chapter
is taking advantage of the wonderful resources available to help
provide top-notch education information and networking from
NARPM Headquarters, the Membership Committee, and any
member listed in the Membership Directory. Sharing is what
NARPM is really all about.
The chapters in Washington State have worked to obtain
Continuing Education credits for many of their regional
events, so just by attending NARPM events, members can
receive property management-related education that applies to their licensure. Call your state’s licensing board to
find out what it takes to get your courses approved for CE
The Maryland Suburban Chapter recently had Betty
Fletcher, MPM®’s “Cover Your Assets” course approved for CE credit. They hosted a 3-hour class
in the local Board of REALTORS® classroom
with a continental breakfast. There
was a good turnout of both NARPM
members and non-members.
The Southwest Idaho Chapter
incorporates at least one of the
codes of ethics of NARPM into each
meeting and achieves credit towards
the Chapter Excellence award.
These are great discussion items
that inspire members to share experiences and bond together. You
only need about 15 minutes.
The Atlanta Chapter has its own
real estate school in the eyes of the
state licensure board and they can
offer Continuing Education credit for
classes offered locally. NARPM is a national force. Use this precedence to promote
professionalism in your town.
The Dallas Chapter is offering certification classes to
members to assist them in achieving NARPM designations.
Encourage your members to promote themselves as the
“crème de la crème” by earning a designation. Contact the
Certification Committee Chair to get more information.
The Northern Colorado Chapter uses high quality newsletters and broadcast e-mails to market to prospects and
The Oahu Chapter leadership made calls to each member
to encourage membership renewal and participation. Ask
each member at your next meeting to take 15 minutes to
make three calls each month to invite existing and prospective members to participate. The Oahu Chapter is the
largest NARPM chapter, and all their leadership did was ask,
invite, and welcome.
The Central Arkansas Chapter has an outstanding affiliate
program that members strongly support and benefit from
using the expertise of these service providers. They have
leveraged their buying power with some of their affiliates
for the best prices imaginable for services. All they did was
come together and buy using their collective power.
The Orlando Chapter organizes and sponsors support activities for local non-profit organizations. It is true that you
have to give to receive. Risk the act of giving, you will truly
reap tenfold what you sow.
The Jacksonville Chapter and NEFARPM sponsored an
“Affiliate Appreciation Luncheon and Trade Show.” This
was a mini-convention-type trade show that allowed their
vendors and affiliates to display their services and make a
presentation to the attendees. There were prizes, awards,
and lots of fun. This is a great way to generate new affiliate
Check out the ListServe offered to NARPM CEOs where
members share ideas on all topics including meeting ideas.
This is a great opportunity to ask questions and get answers
on “what abouts” and “how tos” from other NARPM members across the country. If you have not joined in, you are
missing out on a great resource from some of the best minds
in the property management industry. Contact Headquarters for more information.
• Beverly Browning, MPM® from Nashville, TN outlines several ideas in “How to Grow Your Chapter
Together AND Send your Chapter President to
Convention for Free!”
1. Devise a plan where all referrals in your
chapter are credited to one person, perhaps
the Membership Committee Chair. When
a member refers a new member, list
that person on the application as the
2. When your chapter refers five new
members, this person will receive a
certificate for $195.00 from NARPM
Headquarters. They then donate the
certificates to the chapter.
3. Accumulate these certificates and use
them to send your chapter president (and
maybe your vice president too) to national
convention. That way, their registration fee will be
virtually free. If you get two certificates for a total of
$390, you will only have to pay about $5 since the
price for the early bird registration is usually $395.
Your chapter will grow and your president will get to go
to the convention.
The above information was gathered from many sources in this
phenomenal organization. We are not just a bunch of people
in the same field, we are colleagues. We are not just landlords,
we are professionals. We do not have to re-invent the wheel,
we just need to be bold enough to share, to ask, and to risk.
Together we can accomplish great things.
Cindy Van Mater, MPM® is president of Professional
Property Services, Ltd. and is the founding president
of the NARPM Maryland Suburban Chapter, serving
on its board for the past 11 years. She has served on
the Membership, Marketing, Nominating, and Convention Committees, and is currently on the Editorial Committee.
December 2006 Residential Resource | 11
Scenic Luncheon Cruise
rior to the opening of the convention, attendees were invited to join
President Rose Thomas, MPM® on a fun and relaxing cruise around
scenic Lake Champlain on Tuesday, September 26th. Attendees also
enjoyed a delicious lunch buffet.
At left: In the cool kid’s circle, Cary Efurd, RMP® goes a bit overboard.
NARPM Board of Directors and committee
chairs prepare to board the ship
A scenic view of Lake Champlain
Tour participants enjoying the day
Tour participants gather together
to snap their Kodak moment
View of the Vermont coastline
from the tour ship
Audrey Cooper, MPM®, Erika Green, MPM®,
President Rose Thomas, MPM®, Executive
Director Gail Phillips, CAE
12 | December 2006 Residential Resource
This year, NARPM members aboard the President’s Tour were invited
to share their most unusual or funniest experiences in the property
management business. Stories were shared during the “I Thought I
Had Heard It All” contest. Check out how the event went:
I Thought I Had
Heard It All!
The Winning Entry:
Many years ago, when only my wife and I ran the business, we received
an “after-hours emergency” call around 1:00 am. An upper level tenant
was complaining that the lower level tenant had turned their music up
very loud. They stated that they had been calling and knocking on the
lower tenant’s door, but nobody answered. They then informed me that
they had called the police, but the police could not get anyone to answer
So, after I made several attempts to contact them via phone, I grabbed
the keys and drove out to the property. From outside the front door, I
could hear the loud music. I opened the door and yelled, “Tony with
First Rate Property Management. Anyone home?” No one responded.
I walked towards the source of the music, found the volume knob and
turned the stereo noise down. After securing the property, I headed
Just as I was crawling back into bed, the upper level tenants called
again to say that the music had been turned up loudly again. I was very
angry by this point and tried calling the lower level tenants once more,
but there was still no answer. I got in my car and stormed back to the
property. Opening the door, I yelled again, “Tony with First Rate Property
Management. Anyone home?” No one responded. Just after I turned
down the volume on the stereo and walked away, I heard, “Hello,” come
from inside the unit. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned and saw a
big parrot. Looking around again, I confirmed
that no one was home and knew that this
bird was the volume-raising culprit. I returned to the stereo, pulled the plug, and
received no further complaints about the
loud music.
Tony A. Drost, RMP® is the founder
and owner of First Rate Property
Management, Inc., located in Boise,
Idaho. He can be reached by phone
at 208-794-6424 or by e-mail at
December 2006 Residential Resource | 13
A “Big Tex” Convention Overview
by “Fast” Eddie Davis, MPM®
hat a conference it was! For
those of you who missed
it—too bad.
The attendees who went to this year’s
2006 NARPM Convention and Trade
Show, September 27-30 in Burlington,
Vermont started off on Tuesday with the
President’s Tour, a scenic luncheon cruise
down Lake Champlain. The sixty-degree
weather was a welcome change from the
Texas heat. During dessert, we revived
an old tradition with the “I Thought I Had
Heard It All” contest.
Although we missed the leaves changing
color by about a week, it did not stop several attendees from a scenic drive through
beautiful New England. Next, our paths
took us to Dakin Farms for a real sampling
of Vermont’s finest maple syrup, various
preserves, maple flavored meats, and
cheeses. We could “bearly” wait to get to
the next stop at the Vermont Teddy Bear
The last stop of the day was the world
famous Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Factory
in Waterbury, a short 40-minute ride
from Burlington. We even were able to
sample “Apple Pie,” one of their newest
flavors. Other people went to Shelburne
Farms and the Lake Champlain Chocolate
Wednesday evening the conference
opened with Steve Oniki, the “Happy
Jappy” who talked about how to improve
our people skills.
Thursday morning’s First-Timer Breakfast
was attended by over 100 “newbies.”
Property managers from all over, including
Bermuda and Australia, were in attendance.
Also on Thursday, Cam Marsten made
his second NARPM appearance. This
time he spoke about “Coaching the Four
Later that day, at the 50/50 raffle,
a record $1,170 was won by Fort Worth’s
Daryl “Easy Rider” Kazen, MPM®. The
rest of the money, for a two-day total
of $2,200, was donated to Habitat for
Friday brought the hilarity of hometown
hero, Mark “the Mouse” Kreditor, MPM®.
His topic was “Ethical Conflicts in the
Modern Age of Property Management.”
He picked on his friend “Fast” Eddie
Davis, MPM® and hailed him as the KFC
(King of Forever Empty Condos), as
well as talked about the SIC’s
(Sophisticated Investors
from California). Afterwards, he taught the session “The Do’s & Dont’s
of Negotiations” with his
brother-in-law from New
York, mediator and arbitrator Ira Lobel.
Friday evening’s Autumn Glory
Gala and Reception brought us
special guest, Ladonna Gatlin (sister
of the Gatlin Brothers: Rudy, Steve, and
Larry). Folks, this girl can sing! She
told stories and sang a duet (Everything
is Beautiful) with NARPM member Erika
Green, MPM®. After singing America the
Beautiful, Amazing Grace, and My
Country ‘Tis of Thee, there was
not a dry eye in the house.
Now don’t make the same
mistake twice! Come on out to
Scottsdale, Arizona next year.
See ya’ll there!
14 | December 2006 Residential Resource
“Fast” Eddie Davis, MPM®
has been a licensed Texas
REALTOR® since 1988 and
has served on the local Board
of REALTORS® Leasing & Property Management Committee since 1993.
Eddie serves on the NARPM Membership
Committee and was the 2006 Leadership
Symposium Chair.
i L
at the 2007 Leadership Symposium
February 8th & 9th, Holiday Inn, Chesapeake, VA
Come strengthen your leadership skills with specialized NARPM training focusing on creating and maintaining strong chapters. The schedule includes Board
and Committee meetings on the 8th and Leadership Training on the 9th.
Holiday Inn, 725 Woodlake Drive, Chesapeake, VA 23320
Front Desk: (757) 523-1500 | Fax: (757) 523-0638
Special NARPM room rate is only $89 per night. Don’t wait to make
your reservations, call the hotel or check it out online at http://www.
NARPM Leadership Training
with the Northwest Regional Conference
March 23rd, Doubletree Guest Suites
Doubletree Guest Suites Seattle Airport/Southcenter
16500 Southcenter Parkway, Seattle, WA 98188-3388
Front Desk: (206) 575-8220 | Fax: (206) 575-4743
Special NARPM room rate is only $109 per night. To make your
reservation call the hotel or log on to their website at http://www.
NARPM: 184 Business Park Drive, #200P, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 | P: 800-782-3452 | F: 866-466-2776 |
December 2006 Residential Resource | 15
Come Discover Arizona!
at the 19th Annual Convention and Trade Show
sin AL
September 26-29
Caleo Resort
Scottsdale, AZ
Next year NARPM is going to
sunny Arizona. Start looking
forward to and planning for an excellent lineup of speakers, education classes,
and workshops. There will also be something for every NARPM member to
enjoy with all of the great things to do while visiting, from playing a round of
golf at one of the many nearby courses to relaxing at the local spa. Log onto and to catch a glimpse of the
breathtaking 2007 Convention location.
Don’t forget to check for the latest updates!
16 | December 2006 Residential Resource
to our award winners
from the convention
Affiliate of the Year
Kandy Meehan, MPM® presents to
Dave Borden of RentClicks
Chapter of the Year: Santa Clara County
Back row, left to right: Robert Collins, Arath Vazquez, Gilbert Hill, Gary Walker,
Bob Lopes, Andrea Caldwell, MPM®.
Front row, left to right: Joi Walker, Sylvia Hill, MPM®, Cindy Adiutori, Kathryn
Pelling, MPM®, Arlene Lopes, RMP®.
Chapter Excellence Awards
Big Island
Central Arkansas
Colorado Springs
Fort Worth/Mid Cities
Greater Dallas
South Hampton Roads
King County
Maryland Suburban
Northern Colorado
Branding Competition Winner
Elise Otero, RMP®
President’s Award
President Rose Thomas, MPM®
presents to Wendell Davis, MPM®
Pierce County
Santa Clara County
Southwest Idaho
Spring Hill
Rocky Maxwell Memorial
New Member Achievement Award
presented to John Bikerton
by Dave Christensen, RMP®
Volunteer of the Year
President Rose Thomas, MPM®
Beverly Browning,
| 17
Chesley Karr, RMP®
Maria Trunkenbolz, RMP®
Wayne Guthals, RMP®
2006 Convention
Residential Management Professional (RMP®)
In order to qualify for this designation, a candidate must be licensed in those
states that require it a minimum of two years, have 100 unit years of management experience, actively manage 25 units, successfully complete 18 hours of
coursework, and earn 50 elective service points (including the 50 RMP® elective
service points). Letters of recommendation from clients and other RMP®s are
also required.
Dave Christensen, RMP®
Members recognized for this achievement on September 27, 2006 at this year’s annual
convention in Burlington, Vermont include:
Dave Christensen, RMP® - Circle C Properties, Plano, TX
Lynda Farren, RMP® - Mountain Managers & Associates, Hiawassee, GA
Wayne Guthals, RMP® - McGinnis Property Management, Colorado Springs, CO
Chesley Karr, RMP® - Bruni/Karr Rental & Management, Albuquerque, NM
Janet Panzer, RMP® - Real Management Company, San Francisco, CA
Mary Rinaldi, RMP® - The Realty Shoppe of Pasco, Inc., Port Richey, FL
Virginia Slattery, RMP® - Rogers, Rische, Doll, Inc., Oak Harbor, WA
Diane Tenison, RMP® - Pierce Property Management, Prescott, AZ
Maria Trunkenbolz, RMP® - M-T Management, Inc., Spokane, WA
Diane Tenison, RMP®
Right: Congratulations
also to our newest Certified Residential Management Company (CRMC®):
Hometown Property
Management, CRMC®
in Lacey, WA. Designation accepted by Andrew
Barkis, MPM®.
Janet Panzer, RMP® and family
18 | December 2006 Residential Resource
Andrew Barkis, MPM®
Thomas Guyer, MPM®
Vickie Gaskill, MPM®
Fred Thompson, MPM®
Certification Awards
Master Property Manager (MPM®)
In order to qualify for this designation, a candidate must be a RMP®, licensed
in those states that require it a minimum of five years, have 500 unit years of
management experience, successfully complete 24 hours of coursework, and
earn 200 elective service points (including the 50 RMP® elective service points).
Letters of recommendation from clients and other MPM®s are also required.
Members recognized for this achievement on September 27, 2006 at this year’s annual
convention in Burlington, Vermont include:
Michael Nelson, MPM®
Michael Francis, MPM® - Rollingwood Management, Inc., Austin, TX
Vickie Gaskill, MPM® - Bell Anderson & Associates, Kent, WA
Brenda Gerdes, MPM® - Management Specialists, Inc., Port St. Lucie, FL
Thomas Guyer, MPM® - T.J. Guyer, Inc., Chahalis, WA
Ronald Hammond, MPM® - Hammond & Hammond, Inc., Chatsworth, CA
Cheryl Jaeger, MPM® - Windermere Property Management, Oak Harbor, WA
Michael Nelson, MPM® - Excalibur Group, LLC, Lawrenceville, GA
Lois Severson, MPM® - Classic Property Management, Inc., Gladstone, MO
Fred Thompson, MPM® - RE/MAX 200 Realty, Winter Park, FL
Lois Severson, MPM®
Ronald Hammond, MPM®
Brenda Gerdes, MPM®
MIchael Francis, MPM®
December 2006 Residential Resource | 19
President Rose Thomas, MPM®
and husband Ed Thomas
Speaker Steve Oniki
The Networking Lunch
President Rose Thomas, MPM® takes a
moment with the OMG staff
Past President Marc Banner, MPM®
and James Emory Tungsvik, MPM®
Peter Meer, MPM® and Past President
Melissa Prandi, MPM®
President Rose Thomas, MPM® and Past
President Marc Banner, MPM® with a few of
our Australian International members
Instructor Suzanne Cameron, MPM® teaching
one of the many designation classes
Welcome to all of the first-time attendees!
20 | December 2006 Residential Resource
Past President Mark Kreditor, MPM®
running the 50/50 Raffle
Speaker/Singer Ladonna Gatlin after
her phenomenal performance
Greg Eppler-Wood accepts the 50/50 Raffle
proceeds for Habitat for Humanity
Past President Andrea Caldwell, MPM®
The NARPM booth is proudly
displayed at the Trade Show
Silver Sponsor and Affiliate member
NARPM Partner and Affiliate member
NARPM’s new education and certification
trade show booth makes its debut
Bronze Sponsor and Affiliate member
Rent2Buy America
President Rose Thomas, MPM® and Dave
Borden of RentClicks cutting the ribbon for
the grand opening of the Trade Show
Affiliate member Property Boss Solutions
Past President Marc Banner, MPM® presents
“Mike the Microwave” replacement
to Audrey Cooper, MPM®
December 2006 Residential Resource | 21
National Association of Residential Property Managers
2006 Annual Committee Reports
We have grown our affiliate membership to just over 100 current members as of the writing of this report. The trade show
did not sell as many booths as we had hoped. Several of the
affiliates made the remark that “getting there” was too troublesome. We did significantly raise the price of the booths this
year but no one mentioned that as a reason for not attending. There were 12 booths sold in addition to the sponsorship
This year we sold all of the platinum, gold, and silver sponsorships, and two of the three bronze sponsorships for total
gross revenue from the sponsorships alone of almost $50,000.
Selling the partner sponsorship was not a problem. There are
several affiliates who would be interested in having the recognition of being the national partner sponsor if RentClicks does not
want to invest the money at any time. Of course, each year the
previous year’s partner gets first right of refusal for the following
All-in-all we are working toward a more symbiotic relationship
between the members and the affiliate members. Developing
that relationship is where everyone will benefit and the growth
and success of all will be exponential.
Kandy Meehan, RMP®
2006 Affiliate Committee Chair
The focus of this year was to work closely with NARPM Headquarters/OMG in the training of their staff in the administration
of the NARPM certification programs. We completed a full
review of certification forms, procedures, and policies as each
one was implemented so that OMG would have the current
versions for use. This training will be instrumental so that future
certification leaders can spend more time in promoting certification, working with the committee, and not have so much of
the burden of administering the program.
The Certification Board of Recognition has now been replaced
with a full-size, multi-panel, trade show booth that will promote
Certification/Education at state, regional, and national events.
There is also a project underway that will make the booth and
meeting materials available to chapters who wish to host a local
presentation to promote the benefits of a NARPM designation.
22 | December 2006 Residential Resource
We also added a new CRMC® lapel pin (similar to the RMP®
and MPM® pins) that will be given to past and future CRMC®
designees to wear and promote their achievement.
There were 13 new RMP® candidates, 5 new MPM® candidates, and 2 new CRMC® candidates this year and approximately 20 candidates were designated at the convention
ceremony in Vermont. As we continue marketing the programs
at the chapter level, we anticipate even greater numbers taking
advantage of the opportunity for designation in the coming
Greg A. Fedro, MPM®
2006 Certification Committee Chair
The Board has signed a contract with America’s Best Real Estate
Education, to provide distance learning for all of our designation courses. We had hoped to have this completed by the first
of the year. However, it is taking much longer than anticipated
to convert the classroom material to the computer teaching system. All nine designation classes are at some point of
development. The completion date for this project is not set at
this time.
The Certified Support Specialist (CSSsm) program, adopted by
the Board earlier this year, is well under way to completion.
There will be four courses available for this designation program. We hope to have all four of the courses available online
by January 1, 2007.
With the increasing demand for physical classes in many different parts of the country, the Board has approved a number
of new national instructors. This will help reduce the cost of
presenting the courses, as we will have more instructors through
out the country.
The committee continues to work on improving the Speakers
Bureau. This program allows local chapters to bring in nationally recognized NARPM members for non-designation classes
and seminars.
Peter Meer, MPM®
2006 Education Committee Chair
“We have received more tasks from the Board
of Directors and are excited about the future
of NARPM.”
The Editorial Committee is proud to recognize the following
accomplishments in 2006:
Published 11 issues of the Residential Resource with timely
and informative material ensuring it is truly a resource for
residential property managers.
Increased the number of articles written by NARPM members and affiliates.
Completed the planned evolution of the Resource to a full
color publication, as well as improving the size and format.
Gathered a copy of each Resource issue published, had
them bound for archive files, and scanned to PDF files
which have been uploaded to .
The Residential Resource won the 2006 Communicator
Award of Distinction for Print Media.
The Membership Committee is pleased to announce that as of
August 31, 2006, there were 519 new professional and support staff members who joined NARPM this year. We are also
pleased to report that 84% of members retained their membership in 2006. We are currently working with local volunteers to
establish two new chapters.
Significant accomplishments this year included:
Creating chapter web sites that will have creative and functional tools to help disseminate information to chapters,
market chapters, and provide easy to use, convenient tools
to make chapter administration easier.
Developing a chapter certification tool to ensure that
chapters meet consistent standards of operation and are
appropriately and legally organized.
Instituting chapter leadership training tools presented at
the Leadership Symposium in January.
Awarded 19 Chapter Excellence awards to outstanding
Disbursing $5,000 in grants to chapters (and there are still
funds available for chapters for the remainder of 2006) for
educational programs at the local level.
The accomplishments of this committee provide benefit to the
membership with professional, timely, and industry-specific expertise to support and strengthen their careers; convey information and benefits to the members; allow members to “Spread
the Knowledge” and their learning experiences; and enhances
NARPM’s image to its members, prospective members, peer
organizations, and the public.
Betty Fletcher, MPM®
2006 Editorial Committee Chair
The Membership Committee would welcome any volunteer
assistance. We have many tasks that require a small commitment or a larger role in the leadership of our fine organization.
Contact Susan Albern ( to be a part of the
The Long Range Committee has been utilized by the Board of
Directors as a source of ideas for molding the future of NARPM.
Some of the topics discussed for 2006 included:
Revamping of districts
Board of Directors structure
Officers of NARPM
Chapter structure
Dues for the future
State and regional chapters
Leadership meeting structure
The Committee plans to meet again in 2006 to further think
through these and other current issues as we head to 2007 and
2008. We have received more tasks from the Board of Directors
and are excited about the future of NARPM.
Chris Hermanski, MPM®
2006 Long Range Planning Committee Chair
Susan Albern, MPM®
2006 Membership Committee Chair
The Professional Standards Committee is a standing committee within NARPM activated on a case-by-case basis. This past
year our committee reviewed and updated specific policies and
procedures with which to handle complaints. We also updated
the jurisdiction NARPM has when a member is found to be in
violation of our code of ethics and professional standards. Complaints that were called into Headquarters were referred to the
committee chair and no action has been taken so far this year.
Mark Kreditor, MPM®
2006 Professional Standards Committee Chair
December 2006 Residential Resource | 23
Property Managers
Learn From Each Other
at the Convention
Networking Lunch
by Susan Albern, MPM® & Melissa Prandi, MPM®
ARPM’s mission is to support the professional and ethical
practices of rental home management through networking,
education, and certification.
The networking lunch at the 18th Annual Convention and Trade
Show in Burlington, VT, led by Susan Albern, MPM® and Melissa
Prandi, MPM®, certainly followed our mission statement closely.
Close to 100 first-time attendees participated in this session filled
with great ideas and experienced the “NARPM way of sharing.”
Over 300 NARPM professional property managers and national affiliates gathered together over lunch to exchange some of their best
ideas and new profit centers for their business.
There was a question for each table. Members at each table discussed the question and then a first-time attendee shared the notes
with everyone in the room so that all could learn from each other.
Here is a sampling of the ideas shared:
Do not let the bookkeeper reconcile the books if you want to
avoid embezzlement.
Control growth based on current manpower. Decide how
large you really want to be and adjust your portfolio accordingly.
Have a policy and procedures manual in place to enhance
training of new employees.
Cell phones that connect to e-mail make business more efficient.
Online rent payments save time and collection effort.
Implement an administrative fee to tenants or a move-out fee
for inspections.
Charge owners for advertising and for the time it takes to
survey their properties.
If you have a question, call one of your NARPM colleagues.
Put owner statements online with passwords rather than mail.
Never stop laughing at what we experience every day.
Install an alarm in your office to prevent identity theft.
Shred documents and provide video surveillance.
Password protect your software and lock your filing cabinets.
Spend time determining your priorities to create a balance in
your life.
Fine tune your company and have employees you can count
Put a map in every property file so you and/or your staff do
not get lost.
You know you are successful when clients smile, you have a
profitable business, and there is still time for life.
24 | December 2006 Residential Resource
Success is being able to go to the annual
convention without feeling guilty about leaving your business.
A full text of the ideas shared at the networking lunch is available on the NARPM website at
If you missed the convention, we are sorry that you were unable to
attend. It was a spectacular event and a phenomenal energy force
that should not have been missed! When we talked to some of
our first-time attendees, they all agreed that it was worth the time
and expense and that they came away with valuable information
and tips to make their business better. Do not miss out next year!
Make the 2007 Annual Convention in Scottsdale, Arizona YOUR
first NARPM convention. You will not be disappointed.
”The conference exceeded every expectation we had and we felt
each class and workshop was powerful. Wow, are we glad we
went!” – Trudy and Mick Hoff, Florida
“We have arrived back home excited and ready to hit the ground
running with our new property management venture! We spoke to
so many people who gave us wonderful advice and offered to help
in any way they could. Our biggest problem now is processing all
this new information and getting our systems in place.”
– Karen Bellavance, Rhode Island
“I did have a great time and I feel that this is one of the best organizations that I have ever joined in my 20 years of real estate.”
– Alicia Brim, Tennessee
“I really enjoyed the experience and the only regret that I have is
that it was my first one and that I have missed previous ones.“
– Dave Hendershot, Tennessee
“I cannot express in words how great it felt for a new member and
first-time attendee to be embraced like I was on the very first night
of the convention. I feel truly blessed to be a part of this outstanding organization and in four days I honestly believe I have made
several friends for life. NARPM is so much more than just a business
organization.” – P.J. Chapman, Idaho
NARPM is an opportunity. Make the most of your membership by
participating in the annual convention and in your local chapter
where we all work to “Spread the Knowledge!”
Get the Jump on 2007!
You Make the Ethics Call
by Rick Ebert, MPM®
Case Seven
Property Manager A manages a country home
that is vacant and available for rent. Prospect B
responded to Property Manager A’s newspaper ad
that read in part, “...charming, well-kept modern
home, about 20 miles from city.”
Prospect B files an ethics complaint stating the ad was very misleading, as the home is over 35 miles from the city, is 40 years old,
has broken windows, and needs repairs.
See and be seen in one of NARPM’s
many publications, including the Residential
Resource and the 2007 Annual Membership
Contact Headquarters today at 800-7823452 or by e-mail
Property Manager A responds that the price was set right for the
condition of the home and that he was only looking out for the
owner’s best interests by using some creative writing to bring
interest to the property. Property Manager A went on to state that,
with just a little effort, the home could be brought up to acceptable standards and the condition was comparable to other vacant
country properties in the area.
Ask Yourself
How do these kinds of comments and actions reflect
upon our industry? What would you do differently, if
anything? Would the property manager’s actions and
comments be an ethics violation?
You Made the Call
Such advertising is misleading and would be a violation of Article I,
Duty to Protect the Public. As set forth in the Standards of Professionalism, “The Property Manager shall endeavor to eliminate...
any practices which could...bring discredit to the profession.”
Misleading advertising is also addressed in the Standards of
Professionalism, under Duty to Tenants, where it states that “The
Property Manager shall avoid exaggeration, misrepresentation,
misinformation...relating to the advertising...of a property.”
Rick Ebert, MPM® is owner-manager of Austin Landmark Property Services, Inc. CRMC® in Austin, Texas.
Rick is a founding member of NARPM.
December 2006 Residential Resource | 25
Attention NARPM Affiliates!
As 2006 comes to a close, it can only mean
one thing. All advertising contracts for the
Residential Resource expire with this issue!
It is time to reserve your spots for 2007 now!
Sponsorship 07
r Wondonterllands
t view of the Verm
a quie
December 2006
Did You Know?
The Residential Resource is now distributed to over
2,000 property managers and real estate professionals
across the United States and other countries around the
world. This means your advertised message is targeted
to one of the highest concentrations of property management professionals.
This issue featurrtses...
ittee Repo
2006 Annual Comm
n Overview
A “Big Tex” Conventio NARPM Pencil Out?
t in
for Management Agree
Does Your Investmen
, and Profitability
shots, and more!
Greater Efficiency,
ers, Designees, Snap
Convention Award
National Ass
ociation of
l Property Ma
e | TION
And, in 2006, the Residential Resource won The Communicator Award of Distinction for Print Media, an
international award competition recognizing excellence
in the communications field.
Sign Up Now!
Contact Headquarters at 800-782-3452 or by e-mail at and reserve your spaces now.
Your competitors won’t wait and neither should you!
26 | December 2006 Residential Resource
National Association of Residential Property Managers
184 Business Park Drive, Suite 200-P • Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Phone: 800-782-3452 • Fax: 866-466-2776
2006 NARPM Membership Directory | 1
Other advertising opportunities
are available, including the 2007
Annual Membership Directory!
Maintenance 101
by Sally Goss, RMP®
Many of our tenants will have Christmas
trees up for the holiday season without
realizing all of the Christmas tree-related
hazards, such as fires caused by faulty
Christmas lights or an overload of power
There are a number of precautions landlords can take to prevent accidents this
Christmas. Advise your tenants to check
their Christmas lights for any damage to the
plug or wires, and tell them to discard them
if they are old and frayed.
The location of the tree also needs consideration as it should not block exit paths or
If lights are being used to decorate a real
tree, keep the wires well away from the water the tree may be sitting in. Use Christ-
mas lights and other electrical equipment
only inside, unless specifically marked for
outdoor use. Above all, do not let young
children use Christmas lights or other electrical equipment.
Bulbs should be tightened in the sockets
and broken or burned out bulbs replaced
with new ones of the same wattage before
the lights are turned on. It is also important
not to overload electrical circuits with too
many plugs as this poses a serious fire risk.
To avoid fire hazards never use candles or
open flame decorations on trees.
One of the most critical things we can tell
tenants (and remember ourselves) is to
never leave Christmas lights on when no
one is home or when everyone has gone
to bed. I can remember being awakened
at 2 a.m. on a Christmas morning several
years back because of a fire in a rental unit.
The tenants had left town to visit family
and forgot to unplug the tree. The unit was
totally gutted and I spent several hours on
Christmas Day dealing with the aftermath.
Christmas brings not only joy and happiness, but also a number of dangers. Keeping a close eye on our rental properties will
ensure a peaceful and happy holiday.
Sally Goss, RMP® is the owner and
principle broker of Goss Management
and Realty in Little Rock, Arkansas.
She is a member of the National Association of Women Business Owners
(NAWBO), an active member and past president of
the Central Arkansas Chapter of NARPM, and currently serves on the national Editorial Committee.
December 2006 Residential Resource | 27
Welcome New NARPM Members!
Members that joined NARPM from October 1 to October 31, 2006
Elise Adelman
Homevest Realty
1300 E Michigan Street
Orlando, FL 32806
Jason Bell
Bell Estates, LLC
1725 W Central Road
Emmett, ID 83617
Ryan Bozeman
Homevest Realty
1300 E Michigan
Orlando, FL 32806
Olga Caalim
All/Pros Realty, Inc.
1709 Ruby Circle
Virginia Beach, VA 23456-1326
Felorina Carolino
All/Pros Realty
3608 Shipley Court
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Sterling Clouse
Brewer-Caldwell Property Mgmt.
3303 E Baseline Road
Phoenix, AZ 85234
Christine Francis
Ashford Management Services
1819 E Morten Ave., #280
Phoenix, AZ 85020
G.F. Kempsell
Real Estate Advantage, LLC
PO Box 7431
Westminister, CO 80021
Greg Roberts
Asset Management & Investments
901 W Belmont Street
Boise, ID 83706
Jorge Gonzalez
RE/MAX Allegiance
505 S Independence Blvd., #111
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Angel Lopez
RE/MAX Realty Resources
890 S Sun Drive
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Pat Robineau
Pat Robineau & Associates, RE
900 E Florence Boulevard, #8
Casa Grande, AZ 85222
Chris Goodman
Brewer-Caldwell Property Mgmt.
3303 E Baseline Road
Phoenix, AZ 85234
Adam Mack
Brewer-Caldwell Property Mgmt.
3303 E Baseline Road
Phoenix, AZ 85234
Goldie Shahan
Walter Williams
6983 103rd Street, #6
Jacksonville, FL 32210
John Hambrick
Home Joy, Inc.
2500 Curry Ford Road, #3
Orlando, FL 32806
Shellie Marshall
Nancy Chandler Associates
4202 Colonial Ave.
Norfolk, VA 23508
Michelle Valentine
Genesis Property Management
PO Box 5639
Washington, DC 20016
Cheryl Hollins
Ken Crest Services
502 W Germantown Park, #600
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
Sharon Moore
Monterey Bay Property Mgmt.
816 Wave Street
Monterey, CA 93940
Logan Walker
Logan Walker Team, LLC
5401 N Central Expressway, #225
Dallas, TX 75206
Windy Johnson
Peak Property Management
1226 Stonebridge Drive, Suite B
Bozeman, MT 59718
David Mysak
Patriot Properties, Inc.
PO Box 2112
Leesburg, VA 20177
Keith Weaver
Wolf & Kline Property Management
110 S 7th Street
Akron, PA 17501
Monica O’Brien
Peak Property Management
1226 Stonebridge Drive, Suite B
Bozeman, MT 59718
Kay West
Coldwell Banker Residential
3325 66th Street N
St Petersburg, FL 33710
Brenda Obra
Equity One
2106 Union Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94123
Beatrice Williams
Swami International
PO Box 1874
Hawthorne, CA 90250
Steve Queener
2309 Jacksboro Pike, #1
La Follette, TN 37766
Eleanor Zupp
Century 21 Advantage
6021 Midnight Pass Road
Sarasota, FL 34242
Betty Rhea
Realty by Rhea, Inc.
PO Box 172677
Arlington, TX 76003-2677
28 | December 2006 Residential Resource
Affiliate Members
Curt Comba
Paul Davis Restoration
625 E 70th Ave., #1W
Thornton, CO 80229
Ram Katalan
Northstar Moving Corporation
9120 Moson Ave.
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Matt Teichmann
My New Place
425 Bush St., #200
San Francisco, CA 94108
Narissa Adharsingh
Classic 1 Realty
4515 Curry Ford Road
Orlando, FL 32812
Elizabeth Bigham
Bigham & Associates
12019 Trotwood Drive
Austin, TX 78753
Sarah Joki
Chapman Properties
4619 W Emerald, #101
Boise, ID 83706
Listed by Service
ACH Direct, Inc.
Alliance Property Services
American Blinds & Draperies
Appliance Warehouse of America
Austin Landmark Properties
Black Ink Insurance Services, Inc.
Careerlook, Inc.
Centex House Leveling
Coastal Residential Corp.
Company Gear
DIY Real Estate Solutions
Eli Research
First Horizon Home Loans
Florida Spirit Real Estate Services
HRA Solutions
Ian H. Graham Insurance
Kiley J. Brenneman Agency
Paychex, Inc.
Paylease, Inc.
Peachtree Business Products
Professional Office Services of ID Locksmith Services
RE Manuals/Landlord Source
Residency Guide
Roper Lock Box, LLC
Runzheimer International, Ltd.
Southwest Recovery Services
Starker Services, Inc.
Sylvan Electronics, Inc.
The Real Estate Board
Two Men and a Truck
2006 Designation
Michael Anderson
Susan Bielser
Tammy Billington
Patrick Chapman
Barney Christiansen
Pamela Crosslin
Michael Ebert
Pamela Foster
Ruby Gonzalez
Christine Goodin
Jayci Grana
Jay Hartley
Michael Hoff
Trudy Hoff
Marti Hutchison
Elizabeth Loop
Barbara Mayo
All Property Management
Info on the Web
Innercircuit, Inc.
Move, the new RENTNET
PointWide Solutions
Property Bridge, LLC
Red Door Christian Investments
Rent Marketer
Rent One Online
Rent2Buy America, LLC
Socrates Media, LLC
Law Offices of Davis, Rothwell,
Mullin, Earle & Xóchihua, PC
Law Offices of Heist, Weisse &
All Animal and Bat Control
American Mold Institute
Blusky Restoration Contractors
Christian Nissen Landscaping
Citrusolution Carpet Cleaning
Clements & Clements Services
Crime Clean of Texas, Inc.
Gutter Love It!
Handyman Matters
J-Phase Electric, LLC
KMH Technologies, Inc.
Mr. Electric of Tarrant and Park
Pacific Pest Management, Inc.
Power Lift Foundation Repair
Servpro of Gilbert
Sherwin Williams Company
Water Damage Solutions
Americas Best Real Estate Education
Auto Pilot Complete
Dick Jonilonis & Associates
Escapia, Inc.
Logicbuilt, Inc.
PROMAS Landlord Software
Property Automation Software
Property Boss Solutions, LLC
Softalot, LLC
Tracker Systems, Inc.
Winning Edge Software, Inc.
Clear Screening
Contemporary Information Corp.
Hunter Warfield
Interstate Information Services
National Tenant Info. Services
National Tenant Network
Real Screening
Reliable Background Screening
RentGrow, Inc.
Tenant Plus Corp.
TVS Tenant Verification Service
United Screening Services Corp.
VeriQuest Screening Solutions
Brenda Needham
Worth Ross
Matt Scheel
Thais Soler
Bart Sturzl
Chris Warren
James Bigham, RMP®
Patricia Callahan, RMP®
Tony Drost, RMP®
Chesley Karr, RMP®
Lambert Munz, RMP®
Mary Rinaldi, RMP®
MacPherson’s Property Mgmt.
Tamara Welliver, MPM®
December 2006 Residential Resource | 29
NARPM Ambassador Program
The Ambassador Program was first designed in 2000 to reward our current members for referring new members to our organization. Who
better to spread the word of the benefits of NARPM than its members? To achieve Ambassador status, you must refer five new members in
one year. Afterwards, you will receive an award certificate and a $195 NARPM credit that can be used toward your annual dues, upcoming
events, education classes, and more! You will also be listed in a special section here, in the Residential Resource, after achieving Ambassador
status. You can earn multiple award certificates in a 12-month period, so be sure you continue referring new members even after you have
achieved Ambassador status.
How Do You Start Referring?
October 2006 List
• Call NARPM Headquarters at 800-782-3452 to request member
application forms. Headquarters, upon request, will mail the
application directly to the prospective member but will not fill in
the “referred by” line.
New Member
• The 12-month period to obtain the five new members starts
the day the first new membership application is processed by
• When Headquarters receives the fifth new membership
application, an award certificate will be issued and dated.
• A recognition certificate will also be issued, and you, the
“Ambassador,” will be recognized in the Residential Resource.
Monica O’Brien
Taylor Simonton
Debra Sullivan
G.F. “Geff” Kempsell III
Sarah Joki
Elizabeth Bigham
Jason Bell
Shellie Marshall
Ryan Bozeman
Elise Adelman
Adam Mack
Sterling Clouse
Jorge Gonzalez, Jr.
Goldie J. Shahan
Narissa Adharsingh
Gaby Wolff
Angel Lopez
Olga Caalim
Felorina Carolino
Thomas Sedlack
Referring Member
Windy Johnson
Mark Kreditor, MPM®
Bruce Vogt
Ron Herdt
Patrick Chapman
James Bigham, RMP®
Tony Drost, RMP®
Renee Quinn
Ryan Bozeman
Ryan Bozeman
Aaron Dutcher
Aaron Dutcher
Lee Halyard
Wanda Franklin, RMP®
Diana Blake
Mark Busher
Tina Lopez
Ralph Stevenson
Ralph Stevenson
Lynn Sedlack
2006 Ambassadors
Susan Albern, MPM®
Carrie Appling-Lake
Beverly Browning, MPM®
Wanda Franklin, RMP®
Geri Stephens, RMP®
What Would YOU Do...
with $195?
education classes
annual dues
NARPM store
30 | December 2006 Residential Resource
RMP®/MPM® Certification Classes
Mar. 21, 2007
Seattle, WA
RMP® Applying Technology
Ray Scarabosio, MPM®
Mar. 21, 2007
Seattle, WA
MPM® Operating a
Maintenance Company
Sylvia Hill, MPM®
Mar. 22, 2007
Seattle, WA
Suzanne Cameron, MPM®
Apr. 17, 2007
Lakewood, CO
RMP® Habitability Standards
Darryl Kazen, MPM®
Apr. 17, 2007
Lakewood, CO
MPM® Personnel Procedures
Peter Meer, MPM®
Apr. 18, 2007
Lakewood, CO
RMP® Applying Technology
Betty Fletcher, MPM®
Apr. 23, 2007
Monterey, CA
MPM® Owner/Client Relations
Sylvia Hill, MPM®
Apr. 24, 2007
Monterey, CA
RMP® Marketing
Suzanne Cameron, MPM®
Apr. 25, 2007
Monterey, CA
Suzanne Cameron, MPM®
Apr. 27, 2007
Monterey, CA
RMP® Tenancy
Ray Scarabosio, MPM®
Interested in Sponsoring
Certification Classes?
Opportunities are available
to chapters that would like to
further member education,
promote certification, and
increase their chapter funds by
sponsoring a certification class.
However, it takes time to plan a
class so give your chapter five to
six month’s lead-time if you wish
to sponsor one of these events.
Find out more by calling
Headquarters, at 800/782-3452
or e-mailing
We can provide you with the
details you need to make your
certification class a successful
To register for classes, complete the registration form below and mail or fax with payment to NARPM
Headquarters. For additional information, contact Headquarters at 800/782-3452 or
(Please print or type)
Class Registration Form
Name ___________________________________________________________________________________
Company ________________________________________________________________________________
RMP® Classes
Early Registration* Registration*
MPM® Classes
Ethics Class
*to receive the early registration price, payment must be postmarked,
faxed, or e-mailed 30 days prior to the class.
• On-site registration begins at 8 am. Class hours are 8:30 am-4 pm.
• RMP® classes qualify for 6 hours of NARPM certification.
• MPM® classes qualify for 12 hours of NARPM certification.
• All materials will be given to students on the day of the class.
• All attendees are required to make their individual hotel reservations.
Cancellations must be received in writing. If cancellation notice is
received at least 30 days prior to the class, a full refund will be issued less
a $25 processing fee. If cancellation notice is received less than 30 days
before the class, a 50% refund will be issued. No refunds will be made
on the day of the class; however, the registration fee can be applied to a
later class with a $25 transfer fee.
If NARPM cancels the course because minimum registrations have
not been met or for any other reason, then tuition paid will be fully
refundable. All courses are subject to cancellation by NARPM.
Address __________________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________________________________
Telephone ______________________________________ Fax _____________________________________
E-mail ___________________________________________________________________________________
List Classes
Name of Class
Class Date
___________________________________________________________________________ $ ___________
___________________________________________________________________________ $ ___________
___________________________________________________________________________ $ ___________
Total $ ___________
Method of Payment
I have enclosed a check for $ ___________ Ck/M.O. # ___________ Date ___________
Please charge my credit card in the amount of $ ___________ as follows:
American Express
Card Number _____________________________________________________ Exp. Date ______________
Name of Cardholder _______________________________________________________________________
Billing Address ____________________________________________________________________________
Signature ________________________________________________________________________________
I authorize NARPM to charge my credit card.
Two Easy Ways to Register
1. MAIL your form with payment to NARPM,
184 Business Park Drive, Suite 200-P
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
2. FAX your form with credit card payment to
866-466-2776. Please do not mail the original.
December 2006 Residential Resource | 31
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