December - Lilydale Net


December - Lilydale Net
Volume 31, Issue 11
Inside this Issue:
Colouring Competition
Progress Association
Lilydale Playgroup
Neighbourhood Watch
Lilydale Fitness Group
Lilydale Senior Citizens
Lilydale Branch R&SLA
Lilydale Pony Club
Online Access Centre
Strawberry Farm
Lions Club News
TRA - Lilydale
Country Women’s Assc.
Lilydale Village Market
Health Solutions
Lilydale Bowls Club
Council Road Update
Lilydale School Snippets
A Reindeers Story
Lilydale Directory
What’s on this Month
Progressive Deadlines
Articles to Pharmacy or email:
January 21st
February 25th
March 25th
April 22nd
May 20th
June 24th
July 23rd
August 26th
September 24th
October 21st
November 25th
Lilydale Swimming Pool
The end of another year will soon be
upon us. I’m not sure exactly where the
past 12 months has gone, but gone it
certainly has.
The Lilydale District Swimming Pool
committee is working at preparing the
pool to be open on the weekend of the
4th of December. The committee is
made up of people from around the
district, who give their time as
volunteers, with an interest in running
and maintaining the pool, normally
meeting once a month.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank
all those who’ve supported the
Progressive this year. Thank you to all
our advertisers, without your financial
support the Progressive certainly
wouldn’t be here. Thank you also to all
of our local community groups your
articles have kept our readers informed
about all the wonderful things happening
in our district. Thank you to my 2
wonderful helpers, Carol Charlton and
Coralee Freeman, without you the
Progressive would be filled with typing
errors (my fingers have always lagged
just a bit behind the speed of my
thoughts whilst typing articles).
But most of all thank you to all our
readers, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading
our little newsletter as much as we’ve
enjoyed putting it together for you this
year. Here’s looking forward to a bright
and informative New Year. We’re
always looking for interesting bits and
pieces to put in the Progressive so if
you’d like to contribute an article for all
to read and enjoy, please get in touch
with me.
Here’s wishing you all a
Very Merry Christmas,
filled with family, friends
together, and a Safe &
Happy New Year. See
you all in 2011
“Love is what's in the room with
you at Christmas if you stop
opening presents and listen.”
PS: Don’t forget to enter the Lilydale Branch
Tasmanian Regional Arts Colouring
Competition. Thanks to Frea for allowing
her 1994 artwork to be reused this year, if
you coloured it in then, why not give it
another try this year!
Author unknown, attributed to a
7-year-old named Bobby
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010
The pool operates with a grant from
Launceston City Council and money
from the entry fee for the pool.
This year, as has been the case in
previous years, preparation for opening
starts 4 to 6 weeks prior to the opening
date with draining the water, cleaning
and repairing the pool, before refilling.
Treating the water and heating it has its
problems, particularly at this time of the
year, with unpredictable weather. Being
solar heated the committee have an eye
to the weather and are hoping for warm
sunny days to heat the water.
This year the committee is looking at
some minor improvements to the pool,
undertaking garden upgrades, painting
parts of the change facilities and minor
building repairs. In previous years
improvements have included shade
structures, as protection from the sun,
while out of the water. Heat retention
blankets to cover the water over night
to help keep it warm. Future planning
includes a repaint of the pool and
looking at ways to get consistency in the
water temperature and maintain 25/26
degrees C.
Opening hours are the same as in
previous years and we hope to see you
The opening hours will be:
School days 3pm to 6pm
School Holidays, weekends & public
holidays 2pm to 6pm.
Page 1
The Lollydale Shoppe
1974 Main Road Lilydale
℡ 6395 1156
Open 7 Days
Inside Yummies Take-away,
Café, Newsagency
• Locally owned & Operated
• Reasonable Rates
Call 0419 154 475
Time is running out fast! Christmas is galloping full
speed towards us. Between gifts, chocolates & sweet
boxes there is almost no room left in the Lollydale
The prettiest gift boxes are in from Canterbury Rose
& Alori – starting at just $13.95. In gift lines – hat
boxes, pillows, door stoppers & perfumed teddies just
to name a few of the lovely things that are in stock.
Lollydale also has cakes, puddings, jams, mustards &
chutneys – perhaps something special to have on the
Christmas table this year?
Make your Christmas and those you
love special this year by a visit to the
Lollydale Shoppe.
Lollydale is open the same hours as
Yummies - so you can call in on your
way home – Sun – Thurs until
7:00pm and 8:00pm Fri and Sat.
Chat to you soon, Norma, Gaelene and David
Gaye Simmons
Mob: 0438 561 542
Jan Jacobson
Mob: 0407 127 119
Warmth, caring & trust blended with experience
is what the team at Gaye’s funeral services
provide at a vulnerable time.
We come to you
ó Offering ó
Traditional or Unique Funerals, Burials or Cremations
Public or Private
Pre-Paid or Pre-Arranged
Bronze Plaques
All denominations - Any Area
Page 2
All of your excavation
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010
Please drop off you efforts (with your name and age on the back) before Saturday, December 11th in the box at
Bardenhagens’ Supermarket.
All entries will be displayed in the Lilydale Hall and may be viewed from 2 pm on Saturday December 11th before
the start of the Pantomime at 2.30pm. Winners will be announced by Santa
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010
Page 3
76 Brooks Rd, Lalla
Open 10am – 5pm Thursday to Monday
MON 9-5PM TUES 9-3.30PM WED 9-5PM
THUR- 12-7PM FRI 9-5PM
Please note: Lilydale Hair will be closed from
24th Dec to 3rd Jan 2011
Australian Government
Endorsed Antenna Installer
Leaning Church Vineyard is delighted to offer a
discounted mixed case of wine to ensure all your family
and friends have a bottle in their Christmas Stocking!
Cost: $290 (cellardoor price usually $322) + free
freight within Australia
P: (03) 6395-4447
76 Brooks Road, Lalla
Medical Herbalist
Massage Therapist
PH: 6395 6278
or 0409 196 395
Macbeth’s Medicinal Ointments and Creams
Quotes Available
Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces
0419 090 492
Medicinal Bath Packs
Australian Bush Flower Essences®
Libby Macbeth
Monday Night Yoga and Meditation
Is in retreat and will resume later in the year.
For all concept, designs,
drafting and organisational
duties in the Building Industry
Todd Wilkin
P.O. Box 96
Lilydale, 7268
Page 4
Phone: 6334 5800
Carpet Cleaning
Now available in the district
Competitive Rates
Modern machine
Skilled Operator
Please contact:
Caltex Lilydale
on 6395 1131
or leave message
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010
Lilydale District Progress Association
Meeting on the 2nd November 2010. (21 people
We had the luxury of a visit from the council's Harry
Galea who talked us through the reasons behind the
'pin down curb' soon to be installed at the village green.
He explained that as the road was sufficiently wide
enough to park a car and then have a wide vehicle pass
so people were in the habit of parking their cars there.
In spite of their being a yellow line. The purpose of the
curb is to make it obvious that parking in that area is
prohibited as it is a pedestrian crossing place. The
motion was passed following the discussion ‘to trial a
temporary pin down curb at the Village Green’. Mr
Galea has asked us to contact him if there are any
issues regarding the design during the trial period.
Following a motion to advertise for 'expressions of
interest to photograph a 'then and now' exhibition for
"Lilydale 1861 - 2011 Community" Then there was
some debate about the use of funds.
The LDPA is a long standing organisation and many of
the new members where interested to hear some of
the history around the accumulation of funds and their
intended purpose. (written records have either been
lost or destroyed one assumes)
A debate followed which noted that historically the
LDPA had a capital sum invested with interest to be
used for helping (without discrimination) anyone in the
district who is in need following a fire or flood event.
The secretary thanked the group for this clarification.
There was a motion formed on the night in anticipation
of Ben Lomond Water's Community Meeting to which
the LDPA was invited.
-‘BLW explore the full range of options for Lilydale
water which meet Australian Standards.’ Unfortunately
BLW was not taking motions the meeting was an
information night to tell the community what has
already been decided.
Finally the black board saga has been taken in hand
thanks to President Jeff Sims. You may have seen him
out there with a brush.
Next Meeting: 7.30 pm Tuesday 7th December at The
Old Court House.
Note: due to there being no Lilydale Progressive
newsletter in January Progress reports and notice of
meetings will be published in February's issue.
As usual any questions comments or approvals can be
forwarded to the Secretary LDPA John Gallagher 6395
1167. or by email.
Agenda Items for the December meeting.
Committee progress report on 'Lilydale 1861 - 2011
Village green and nature strips.
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010
The Lilydale and District Progress Association is
looking for photographers to take a series of
photographs matching old photographs of the district
to enable the development of a 'then and now'
photographic exhibition celebrating 150 years since
land was first selected in Lilydale. The exhibition will be
held in conjunction with the Queen Victoria Museum &
Art Gallery, in Lilydale, 22nd - 30th October 2011.
Expressions of interest to the Secretary, Lilydale
District Progress Association, P.O. Box 3, Lilydale,
7268. or email
The Progress Association also invites and welcomes
anyone with any old photographs, print material or film
of the Lilydale area who would like to share them to
come forward.
Lilydale Playgroup
November has been a busy month for Lilydale
Playgroup and we welcome several new families to the
group. Everyone has been getting outside and enjoying
the warmer weather. The past few weeks have seen
the sandpit full of enthusiastic diggers and trucks, and
many of us have been asked to sample some delicious
sand “cakes”! We have also seen some young artists at
work at the easel with outdoor painting , and children
and parents went home decorated with lovely pasta
jewellery following macaroni necklace-threading! Great
fun was had by all at Bronny’s farewell party and there
was some spectacular cake-decorating and cake-eating
by children and parents alike.
With Christmas almost upon us we have some
important dates to share:
Playgroup Christmas party - Wednesday 15th
December 10am – 12 noon
Please bring a small festive plate to share, and dress the
part!!! We will be decorating the Christmas tree with
craft work made on the day and during the weeks
leading up to the party. Please bring a wrapped present
with your child’s name on it, to go under the tree to be
given to your child on the day (up to $10 in value).
Following the Christmas party, play group will close for
the Christmas period and will recommence on
Wednesday 12th January 2011. We are planning a
Beach Party by the sandpit in January – so get those
deck chairs and towels ready – watch for further
details next month.
CAN YOU HELP?? Lilydale Playgroup is in need of a
portable CD player and any children’s music CDs you
are no longer using. The children love to sing along and
shake their maracas and tambourines, but we have no
Page 5
Pre Paid Mobile,
Home Phone
& Internet Cards,
Aurora Pay-as-you-go
is now available
FRIDAY 8.00 - 1.00
6326 3315
MOBILE NO: 0407 839 936
Fresh Beaconsfield Bread
Plus all the Specials and Top Produce
Ph: 6395 1422
10 Yard Tipper Hire
Local Gravel Suppliers for all your needs;
driveways, roading etc.
12 ton Excavator also available
for excavations
Phone Gene
0428 447 731
... with a proven track record
A dedicated consultant: down-to-earth with
extensive local knowledge. Trust an agent who
lives and works in your area to really know your
Debbie Sarich
0408 265 919
LJ Hooker Launceston
Page 6
183 Charles Street
C is looking for 5+ acres preferably with house
up to $400,000 - can you help?
Ph: 03 6334 9111
Fax: 03 6334 9199
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010
music to sing along to, and some of us need to be
reminded what the actual melodies and words are!! If
you are able to help us by donating any preloved CDs
or a player, they would be gratefully received.
Lilydale Playgroup meets on Wednesdays 10am -12
noon – all welcome – first visit free! ($3/wk per family,
including hot drinks and munchies).
information, contact
Anni 63954399 or Brooke
63951442 or just pop in!
Lilydale Neighbourhood Watch
14 people attended our November meeting including
our Guest Speaker Janine Rowe.
Janine Rowe gave a very informative talk on the “The
Happiness Kit” the book she has written. Janine was
also holding Happiness Classes during November at the
Court House.
Janine was featured in the Farm Watch Magazine which
is available free from newsagents, well worth a look.
You can get more information on what Janine is up to
on her website or email her
at or Janine Rowe
P.O. Box 324, Mowbray,Tasmania 7248.
Police Report:
Between the 17th and 18th of October 2010 unknown
offenders have attended the boom gate to the quarry
at South Retreat in a vehicle and have used a wheel
barrow, which they have brought with them, to carry
the stolen items back and forth. Offenders have
removed Diesel fuel from various heavy machines on
site, spilling large quantities in various areas.
Offenders have also removed 3 batteries from the
Due to the amount of property stolen, it appears the
offenders were at the site for a long period of time and
due to the isolation of the area the offenders have not
been detected.
Police would like to remind members of the public to
report any suspicious behaviour to Bush Watch on
1800 333 000 or to Police on 131444. If the matter is
urgent, and requires immediate assistance, Triple 000
should be used.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Lilydale Neighbourhood
Watch will be held at the Fire Station on the 13th of
January 2011 commencing at 8pm. This will be the last
report for 2010 and everybody associated with the
Lilydale Neighbourhood Watch wish every one in
the community a very Merry Christmas and a
Prosperous New Year. Hope to see you in the New
Year. Remember everyone is welcome to attend.
Lilydale Fitness Group
We would like to thank all our Members for attending
the Fitness Group for the past year and wish everyone
a Very Merry and Happy Christmas.
We hope to see you all next year.
Our last day for this year is on the 14th of
December 2010.
Our starting date for the New Year will be
on the 1st of February 2011.
Merry Christmas from Jennifer, Irma and Nathan.
Lilydale Senior Citizens
Our final carnival was held on November 17th with 22
teams travelling from various parts of the north. We
finished up still in first division with our night pennants
& a few of our bowlers playing summer pennants.
Our year has been quiet rewarding with obtaining a
grant to help with a new roof on half of the building
plus guttering. Our next aim is to repair the rear fence.
A big thank you must go out to Doreen & Jeff for
organising the carnival food which is no easy task & to
Glenys for organising the Tamar Valley teams. We
travel between George Town Beaconsfield &
A big thank you to all our loyal helpers who have
helped each time a function is on.
Our next meeting will be on December 14th.
Hope everybody enjoys their Xmas break with family
& friends
See you all in 2011 - R East
Lilydale Branch R & SLA
Dear friends,
Just a few snippets from your local RSL. We
are a small sub branch mainly involved in the
commemoration of ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day,
Vietnam Veterans Day and other commemorations of
our soldiers, sailors, Air force, men and women who
have served and are serving our country.
We are fortunate in having an excellent welfare officer.
We, like all service organizations, are looking for
members there is no pressure or any difficult tasks
placed on any one, and we are involved in going on bus
trips and supporting our local school. We conduct our
meetings in a relaxed atmosphere.
So if you would like to attend one of our meetings to
see what we are about you are most welcome to visit.
Our next meeting will be on Thursday 16th December
Merry Christmas and a Great New Year.
All the best Gerry Coret President
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010
Page 7
Lilydale-Karoola Veterinary Service
a branch of Scottsdale Vet Service
Now located behind Yummies
Take Away
Main Rd, Lilydale
Ph: 6352 2996
Khyle and Colleen Stewart BVSc, and Sonika Mitchell
24 hour Veterinary Service Available in
conjunction with Scottsdale Veterinary Services
New Clinic Hours Tuesday and Thursday
afternoons 4-5 pm by appointment only.
Large animal calls booked in on these afternoons
will only incur mileage from Lilydale.
Digital antenna
Set ups for digital set top
Satellite dishes
New connections
Laszlo(Les) & Eva Borbas
Phone: 6395 2048
0419 927 292
In clinic consultations between 4 and 5pm.
Lilydale Antiques
Old Wares
Buying and selling fine antique furniture,
collectibles and memorabilia, paintings and prints,
jewellery and unusual old (and not so old) wares.
Come in, browse and reminisce - it’s
surprising what you might find - all welcome.
Open Friday to Monday - 10 am to 5 pm
1976 Main Rd, Lilydale - opp the PO
Contact Ian or Jillian on 6395 1007, or
Page 8
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010
Lilydale Pony Club Christmas Crafts and Activities:
Our spring jump club is in full
swing with many adult and junior
riders benefiting from these weekly
evening sessions. All sorts of
great ideas the kids can use to make Christmas special,
from stories to songs, ornaments to gifts there’s
something here for kids of all ages. Check out the easy
Christmas crafts page for some simple decorations
The 3 day summer camp will be
held in January from 23rd to 25th at the West Tamar
Pony Club grounds, for the junior riders.
Our Christmas get-together for adult and junior riders,
and all their families, will be at the Lilydale pool. The
date is probably Monday December 20th, with a BBQ
from 6 pm.
Lilydale Online Access Centre
It’s been an important year for the Centre, celebrating
our 10th Anniversary and enjoying our wonderful new
premises. We’ve done some MYOB training and
introduced Office 2007. Next year we’ll be able to
offer Windows 7 and Office 2010 training for those
who’d like it. We look forward to helping you with
your training and computer needs in 2011.
The Centre will be closing over the Christmas period
as in previous years. We will close at 6pm on Friday
24th December and will reopen at 2 pm on Tuesday
11th January 2011. We’d like to wish all our clients a
very Merry Christmas and a Safe & Happy New Year.
We still have 3 computers available for sale for anyone
who is interested, details are in the Classifieds section
on the back page. Any of these machines would be
perfect starter computers, and are installed with
Windows XP and a wide range of useful software.
Please contact the Centre for more information.
Christmas Websites - Fun for all the family celebrates the
holidays with dozens of activities for children and
families. A child-safe, award-winning holiday site, that
promotes a traditional look at Santa’s Secret Village at
the North Pole, but with high-tech, creative features to
keep children and adults entertained—all for free. is where your kids can track
Santa with the best tracking devices You will always
know where Santa is and where his next stop will be.
When night falls, light up the town with your mouse so
Santa can find his way…take a virtual sleigh ride,
explore the night sky, read stories, and play hand bells.
Christmas cooking at cipes/collections/groups/
christmas+recipes: will take you to a page of ideas for
everything Christmassy, from breakfasts to last minute
christmas+leftovers: there’s even a page full of ideas on
what to do with all those Christmas leftovers!
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010
Lilydale Online Access Centre Opening Times:
Tuesday: 2-6 pm
Wednesday: 9 am-1pm
Thursday: 2-5 pm
Friday: 2-6 pm
Ph/Fax: 6395 0155
To book your one hour session. -
Hillwood Strawberry Farm
Grab your hats and buckets because the strawberry
season is here and Hillwood Berry Farm is the place to
be when the first flush of berries arrives. Hillwood
Berry Farm is under new management and new owners
Stacy and Simon File are brimming with enthusiasm for
the upcoming season.
"We're so excited for the start of the picking season!
We've been getting so many phone calls each day with
local people and visitors wanting to come out to pick
their own berries. We're pleased to say that the
picking has started with the first of the juicy red
strawberries available and pick your own expected to
start this month! Other exciting developments include
the construction of the new Hillwood Berry Farm cafe,
specialising in gourmet coffees, fresh baked sweet and
savoury treats, sundaes, smoothies, light meals and all
your old favourites. "
The cafe which is expected to be completed by early
December will also cater for small events and host a
few mellow acoustic Sunday sessions.
“It’s a great day out for the whole family. Send the
kids out to pick a bucket full of plump, fresh berries,
while you relax and enjoy a sparkling strawberry or
apple honey wine in the sun amongst the roses."
Hillwood Berry Farm is open 9am-5pm everyday from
October to June and Wednesday through Sunday June
to September. Individual appointments and private
tours and bookings are always available. Entry is free
and activities are plenty!
Hillwood Berry Farm is located 20 minutes north of
Launceston, just off the East Tamar Highway. Contact
Stacy or Simon File at 03 6394 8180 or with any questions or
to sign up for our upcoming newsletters!
Come and visit us at Hillwood Berry Farm and
experience the sweeter side of farming.”
Page 9
North East Pest
Phone 6352 7329
Mobile: 0429 163 705
All work fully Guaranteed
24 The Glen Rd, Pipers River
Heat Pumps
Cool/Freezer Rooms
Milk Vats
Car & Machinery a/c
All refrigeration repairs
Domestic & Commercial
Servicing the Lilydale, Lebrina &
Pipers River areas
Locally Owned and operated
For your free quotes
Call Malcolm or
Sharon Bowden
Ph: 0427 267 327
Page 10
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010
Lions Senior Citizens Bus Trip
Lions Club News
As this edition goes to print, the Lions are hosting their
annual magical mystery tour of Northern Tasmania.
This year the Bus trip for our senior citizens has
ventured to the metropolis of Tomahawk. I could
prattle on about how well it went and how blessed we
were with the weather, but at the time of writing it
hasn’t happened yet. So below is a report for the day
that covers all eventualities. Please cross out the
entries that don’t apply and make up your own report.
Please be aware that the author has never been to
Tomahawk and so had to make up many of the “tourist
type facts”.
We’ve Got plenty of Moo POO
“The day started (well/badly/at sunrise), with all the
participants boarding the bus in (anticipation/
excitement/lederhosen). Dave Brown, our intrepid bus
driver, ensured everyone was (seated/comfortable/
intoxicated) and closed the (door/window/bar) before
heading off on our journey. The weather was (cool/
hot/dry/wet/all of the above) as we got underway. We
headed (north/south) and were soon enjoying the
(scenery/sleep/detour to get on the right road to
After an (hour/day/toilet stop at Lilydale Falls) the trip
proceeded fairly routinely with the only excitement
being felt when Bill Allen stopped (singing/talking
snoring). By the time we got to Scottsdale the Lions
had broken out the (lollies/Christmas Cake/gin) and
were feeling very (merry/merry/merry). A left turn
and we were off through the quaint village of Jetsonville
where both residents were on the side of the road to
wave their (tea towels/flowers/shotguns) at us.
Arriving at the Bridport turnoff we turned right,
despite Murray’s insistence that we should turn left and
go to his shack for a (cup of tea/game of celebrity
heads/working bee). Passed Barnbougle Golf course
we went with many of the excited sightseers spotting a
(golf ball/golf/club/foursome) in the dunes. We arrive in
Tomahawk and were greeted by the wondrous sight of
(Ringarooma Bay/Bass Strait/Steve Griffen in budgie
Well after that we just had to get off the bus for a
wonderful afternoon tea and the raffles. The first prize
of a (Lions Christmas Cake/return trip to Lilydale/
Ferrari) was won by (Alan Wilson/Alan Wilson/Alan
Wilson). With the afternoon drawing on we
reboarded the bus and headed back to Lilydale. The
Lions Club would like to thank all who came along for
making it such a (memorable/wonderful/eventful) day.
Spread the (word/enthusiasm/Vegemite) around the
community and maybe next year we can have a full
(bus/day/tank of fuel) to allow us to enjoy the day (even
more/again/ without having to push the bus back from
See you next year!
ED: Fantastic report obviously everyone had a great/
woeful/enjoyable time. ;-)
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010
We are back in the MOO POO business.
We have had a delivery and the members have been
busy bagging sealing to fulfill your orders. Please ring
Steve on 6395 1323 with your order and we will
deliver it to the local area. Only $5 a bag and once you
put it on your veggies you will have to stand back so
they don’t knock you over with their rapid growth.
Lions Christmas Raffle
The Lions Christmas Raffle is on again with a half a pig
as the first prize. There are also chocolate packs,
Leaning Church wine, power tools and many more
prizes. See your Lions members for tickets, and we
will be out and about selling on the weekends. $1 a
ticket or three for $2. Drawn on 19th Dec, so if you
don’t win you still have time to go out and buy (Mum/
Dad/Grandma) a present (by the Editor – please stop
doing that!). Sorry.
Lions Christmas Cakes
We have our supply of the ever popular Lions
Christmas Cakes. 50% fruit and 100% yummy, these
cakes remain good value with the prices unchanged
(despite the Global Financial Crisis. $10 for a 1 kg
cake and $13 for a 1.5kg cake is great value. We will
be conducting our regular cake drive on Friday 10 Dec
when we will hand deliver them to your door. The big
man in the red suit may also make an appearance in his
big red chariot.
The Lions at the Lilydale Markets
We will be at the markets selling all sorts of goodies.
Cheap books, plants (grown by our own Margaret
“Cundall doesn’t know what he’s talking about” Pryce),
Christmas cakes, and the best value, best tasting
sausage sizzle in town. We are there approximately
every 2nd market and all proceeds go towards the
club’s efforts to assist the less fortunate of our
Well I had better go as the Deadline is Friday 19th Nov
and its 11:30pm on that day. Jayne refuses to publish if
it arrives after midnight – thank goodness for email.
Hope it works!
Tasmanian Regional Arts – Lilydale
The Branch has been very busy lately.
The Lantern Walk was held in June to celebrate the
winter solstice and welcome the coming of longer days.
This year it was held at the Lilydale Falls, which was a
very successful venue. The Lions Club provided a sausage sizzle and Launceston City Council provided a
caravan for serving hot drinks. The walkway looked
really pretty with all the lanterns lit. Many thanks to
Page 11
Weedon Real Estate
66 George St, Launceston
Glenn Dancer
(03) 6331 3566
Computer Technician
Weedon Real Estate have been involved in selling
properties in the Lilydale District for around 25 years
and have always had agents living in the area during
that time ensuring first hand knowledge of what the
area has to offer.
State-wide Assistance for all
your computer hardware needs,
on-site or off.
Our current local agent has had 22 years of experience
in Real Estate and has sold over 100 properties in and
around Lilydale since commencing in the area in the
early 2000’s, which allows for an extensive
understanding of the local market.
If you are interested in selling or would just like a free,
no obligation market appraisal please contact our local
agent Tom Dancer on 0419 369 162
We also offer selling on a low key basis and have been
successful in selling a number of Quiet listings.
Weedon Real Estate can offer low costs and free
advertising so please consider our agency if you are
considering selling.
We continually have enquiries for vacant acreages in
the district, so if you have some land you are
considering selling please contact our local agent to
discuss its market value.
I can help you with:
Upgrading your old system
Maintaining a new system
Networking support
Network installations for home or office
General computer support & troubleshooting
Website maintenance
Reasonable rates
Phone now for an
obligation free quote
0400 845 723
Lilydale Post Office & Gift Shop
1975 Main Road, Lilydale, Tasmania 7268
Props. Tom & Chris Dancer Phone/Fax—(03) 6395 1177
With Christmas just around the corner there are hundreds of new gift lines at the Lilydale
Post Office. With Christmas cards and wrap for only $1.00, why not purchase your gift,
wrap it at the post office and mail it while you are there to avoid the last minute rush. You
can even shop on the three Saturdays in December leading up to Christmas Day from
9.30am-12.30pm. We will be open these additional hours for your convenience. There
will be no inward or outward mail on these Saturdays, however, all other services are
available including banking, bill paying, purchasing stamps, packaging, gifts etc..
Crystals with or without lights are now available. Crystals are as low as $3.95 boxed.
Also blown glass with mirrors are also $3.95 and boxed. Both items available until sold
out. Australia Post book packs are selling fast for all ages. Great
Australian Stories – Outback Towns and Pubs for adults and
Sudoko and Search a Word puzzle books are all in stock now.
Mem Fox and Pamela Allen book packs are always favourites for
the kiddies.
From all our staff at the Lilydale Post Office, we wish you a
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
Page 12
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010
Jillian Weston and Ian Williams for providing the car
parking area.
In August and September Bernadine Alting ran a two
day raku pottery workshop, with the help of Rynne
Tanton,. This was very popular and everyone who
attended enjoyed it enormously. There was a short
exhibition of the pieces made at the end of the second
day, and all participants took home memorable pieces.
In October Jenny Scott ran her tile workshop again.
This was so popular last year that she agreed to run
another one, and it was fully subscribed very quickly.
We hope she will agree to do it again next year as
there are still people eager to do the workshop. Come
to the next exhibition and see what can be done.
The Christmas Pantomime will be held on 11th
December in the Lilydale Memorial Hall. (See the ad in
this month’s Progressive.) The story this year is Jack
and the Beanstalk. The Valley Voices will be providing
support, and the entries in the colouring competition
will be on display. The winner of the competition will
be announced after the pantomime. (The colouring
competition is in this month’s Progressive.) Come
along and support your Regional Arts group and have a
fun afternoon. The Hall will open at 2 pm to view the
drawings, and the pantomime will start at 2;30pm.
We have been fundraising hard to raise money to
provide the Lilydale district with interesting and fun
arts events. We had a sausage sizzle at Gunns in June,
and will have had one at Bunnings on November 20th
when this is printed. Next year we hope to bring you
some fascinating exhibitions and some more great
workshops. Please watch the Progressive and local
businesses for details.
The Annual General Meeting will be held early next
year. Please consider joining the group and helping to
provide the Lilydale region with great arts experiences.
We are planning to repaint the power poles in the near
future, and to take part in the 150th birthday
celebrations for Lilydale in October 2011, so it should
be a really good year. Ring the secretary on 63951290
if you are interested in coming along. It’s a very
friendly group and we have fun social events too.
Lilydale Village Market
Who are the typical local market goers? Maybe the
ones who look for a bargain… but mostly they are the
ones who are looking for fresh, local organic produce.
The most sought after stall is a vegetable stall! People
are eager for old varieties of vegies and for real free
range eggs. People increasingly understand the need for
a sustainable life style, a sustainable eating habit; local
and organic. Everyone can contribute to a sustainable
living through your local village market.
If you grow your own vegies call Holly. All you need to
do is bring your surplus produce down to the Village
market every second Sunday, grab a wood fired Italian
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010
pizza and enjoy the atmosphere of local musicians and
talk to locals; the Lilydale Village Market wants to be a
point of contact for all the local community.
Then you can hunt for a bargain from the Lions Club,
buy your Christmas presents, order a frame from
George, get felt from Jan, try Jillies Jellies, visit the
Market Gallery with local artists exhibitions, pre-loved
fashion, original jewellery and more…
In December the market will introduce a “Night
Market” on Dec 11 from 6-10 pm. Food Stalls are very
welcome… contact us to share your ideas…
everybody welcome. Cakes soups, hot and cold
meals… cheese tasting… we wait for your
contribution… simply come and enjoy the
Market dates for December:
Sunday 5th 10am-2pm; Saturday 11th 6-10pm; Sunday
19th 10am -2pm
Holly 63954320
Lilydale Country Women’s
Association News
As we move even faster towards the Christmas Season
and are involved in our many preparations and end of
year functions it seems amazing that dates for functions
in 2011 must be finalized now.
The 75th Anniversary of the Tasmanian Women’s
Association will be celebrated in Hobart on 15th Feb,
2011 with a birthday luncheon at Bellerive and a Vice
Regal Reception at Government House at 6pm. Some
of our members are hoping to be present at these
The CWA Summer Camp will be held at Camp
Clayton (9th-11th Feb) and will entice some of our
members to learn new skills and enjoy the friendship of
others from around the sate.
Congratulations to Dorothy for gaining 1st prize for
mixed pickles, and 1st & 2nd prizes for her coat
hangers at the last Handcraft and Home Industries
competition, well done!
A local lady has supplied our branch with 31 pairs of
bootees, 10 baby beanies and 25 baby singlets for us to
give away were needed - thank you, for your generous
and continued support to our branch.
During the final weeks of November some of our
members will have attended “Craft in Action” in
Bridport and the CWA Northern Forum in
Launceston. Our Lilydale branch Christmas breakup
will be enjoyed at the scenic Launceston Gorge.
We wish everyone a safe, peaceful and happy
Christmas and New Year.
Page 13
Lilydale Pharmacy
Your family pharmacy since 1981
Have a Merry Christmas and a safe New Year
Blood Glucose Monitors
Accucheck Performa machines are only $69,
with a free first aid kit and a $40 refund
voucher from the manufacturer.
Blood Pressure Monitors
Only $89.95 Use with power cord or batteries
Helen and Colin Denney
Open Mon—Fri 9am—5pm
Phone: 63951336
from one pet to large mobs
Comb & Cutter sharpening
service also available
Ph 6395 4335
Accredited Livestock Carrier
Supply & Deliver
Road base Material
Tip Truck Hire &
General Cartage
Phone 6395 4278 or
Mobile 0408 133 748
Tas Aust
Tractor Imports
Machinery Hire and Tractor Sales
3t & 1.6t Bobcat
Rotary Hoes
Farm Tractors
Ph: 6395 1131
for information
Page 14
Yondover Farm House
Cheese Tasting Rooms
Open from the
29th November 2010
Sit back and enjoy the views, try
our goat cheeses, purchase
cheese platters, light
refreshments and great coffee. You can also buy
cheese to take home. Enjoy the simple pleasure of
locally produced food and great service!
Open 7 days a week 10 – 4 pm.
We are at 93 Yondover Road Tunnel, 5mins drive
out of Lilydale on the Golconda road, just follow
the signs. Call us on 0408 956 668 if you would
like to know more.
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010
Health Solutions
from the Lilydale Pharmacy
Sunspots and skin cancer
Solar keratosis (or sunspots) is discovered in up to 50%
of people over the age of 40. These scaly patches
generally occur on sun-exposed skin of the face, back
of the hands, forearms, neck and the scalp of balding
men. These scaly, sandpaper-like patches vary in colour
from skin colour, to red-brown or yellow-black. They
are painless and sometimes tender. Sunspots are not
harmful, but sometimes they change into squamous cell
cancers, which can be fatal if not treated in time.
Because it is not possible to tell which sunspot will turn
into a squamous cell cancer, it is best to treat all
sunspots. The presence of sunspots indicates a much
higher risk of skin cancers.
One of the easiest things to do for sunspots is to apply
a 30+ sunscreen every day. Not only does this prevent
more sunspots from appearing, but also it actually
causes most sunspots to eventually heal themselves.
Doctors use liquid nitrogen as a simple and effective
method of freezing and removing the sunspots;
however they sometimes need re-treating. Freezing
sometimes damages the pigment cells and white spots
result on the skin.
For large areas of sunspots, there are some effective
creams. These creams have to be used regularly for
specified periods of time to be effective at removing
the solar keratosis. They cost about $50 or more.
What about Vitamin B3?
There have been media claims about Vitamin B3
(nicotinamide, niacin and niacinamide) providing
protection against sunburn.
Nicotinamide is used in our cells to generate energy to
fight the damage caused by the sun’s UV rays. When
UV rays hit our skin cells, they cause ‘free radicals’ to
attack and damage the cell. The nicotinamide can repair
the damage caused by the ‘free radicals’. However,
continued attack by UV rays will eventually overwhelm
the repair mechanism of our cells.
Research studies have shown that just 7 days of taking
a B group supplement doubled the ability of skin cells
to fight UV radiation in a laboratory setting. So, while
extra Vitamin B3 may sound like a great idea - it may
be helpful - but it is not a substitute for sunscreens,
hats or shade.
The best dietary sources of vitamin B3 are found in
beets, brewer's yeast, beef liver, beef kidney, fish,
salmon, swordfish, tuna, sunflower seeds, and peanuts.
Bread and cereals are usually fortified with niacin. In
addition, foods that contain tryptophan, an amino acid
the body coverts into niacin, include poultry, red meat,
eggs, and dairy products.
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010
Lilydale Bowls Club News
By the time you read this our new clubhouse will be
officially open!
It has been a massive undertaking and the tireless work
of a few, with assistance from many, must be
acknowledged. (They know who they are.)
All who have seen the facility to date have been most
impressed and have offered support and assistance in
many ways. This a great example of what can be
achieved when a small community gets together.
We do remind people that it is a private club, but social
membership is open to all for the small fee of $30.00
per year. For this you will be able to enjoy the facilities,
reasonable bar prices, and events such as barefoot
bowls, twilight bowls, and Friday members’ jackpot
draw. Please note, you do not have to be a member to
visit, you are most welcome!
On the Pennant front all teams have had mixed success
to date. Men’s Div 2 Red has had wins on some rinks
against some stiff opposition, Div 4 Red, with a number
of novice players, has been very successful.
Congratulations guys! The Women’s Div 3 has finally
posted a comprehensive win against Deloraine, (well
done girls!) after a slow start. We still need more ladies
available for Thursday pennant so please consider this
great sport.
A recent highlight was a visit to the club by BARRIE
LESTER, Community Bowls Coordinator for Bowls
Australia, a recent Commonwealth Games Medal
winner, Australia’s Representative in the World’s
richest, ($150,000), Bowls Tournament in London in
January. You will have seen him often on TV.
Brodie Brown was the lucky junior to have a 1 on 1
coaching session with Barrie.
The green is rolling really well, so thanks to all the
greenkeepers, and the new shade shelters are much
Keep up the good work, and thanks to all the
Council Road Update
An update on Council's works along Golconda Road disruption and delays from next week until Christmas
From the Lilydale Township to just before Lilydale Falls
Road the Launceston City Council is upgrading the
road. Next week, from Monday 29 November 2010
the road will be graded and gravelled causing disruption
and delays to all vehicles travelling in
and out of the northern end of
Lilydale. The work will continue until
crews break for the Christmas holiday
period, Friday 24 December 2010,
returning during the second week of
January 2011.
Page 15
Page 16
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010
Phone: 6395 0100
Fax: 6395 1492
Lilydale District School is a Registered Training
Organisation (RTO) accredited to deliver Certificate 1
and 2 in Agriculture, Horticulture, Conservation and
Land Management and Food Processing (Wine).
Additionally, when a need is identified to deliver a
Training Package outside our scope, we form a
partnership with another RTO. Many of the courses are
self-paced and some may be accessed on-line.
For 2011 we anticipate being able to offer Business
Admin, Teacher's Aide, Hospitality, Tourism, Retail,
Children's Services, Aged Care, Disability Care,
Information Technology and Vet Nursing. As well, we
are hopeful that we will be able to add Automotive
Studies and Construction to our selections.
All students also undertake some TCE subjects,
including Maths, English and Work Readiness.
The above Training Packages are all recognised
Australia-wide and can be a pathway into studying a
chosen topic at a higher level. A work placement is
established to allow students to apply what they have
learnt in class. When this system works at its best,
students prove their worth to an employer and a job
can ensue.
If you are interested in any of these courses or would
like to discuss other options, please contact the school
office to arrange an appointment. We look forward to
hearing from you.
The Fair Committee would like to thank the
entire school community for the wonderful
success of the School Fair!
Without the support of the teachers, the admin
staff, the school attendants, the students and
families, the day would not have been as
Also a special mention of thanks to the Grade 10
students who organised the centre stage area.
Total amount of profit made was….$13,175.79!
Readers’ Cup Secondary Finals
On Wednesday November 17, five valiant 7/8
students participated in the Secondary Readers’
Cup Challenge at Scotch Oakburn Senior School.
Congratulations to Sammie Glover, Shay Hannah,
Shelby Lennox, Alicia Linnane and Grace
Subritzky for their hard work in preparing for this
event. Competing against four other high schools,
Lilydale’s team were a credit to the school. Quiz
questions on seven books were challenging;
however, their performance threaded together
several of the books and was noted for its
originality. Our team also demonstrated their
learning as they considerately critiqued the other
performances. A pizza lunch was enjoyed by all.
This year the Readers’ Cup went to the Prospect
High School team.
Northern High Schools Sports Association
Athletics Carnival Report 2010
On Thursday the 11th of November a team of 40 students
travelled from Lilydale to represent our school at the annual
NHSSA Athletics Carnival. The carnival was held at the St
Leonards Athletics Centre. This year, our school competed
so successfully in the Division 3 Carnival that we have been
promoted to Division 2 for 2011.
Along with the fantastic team results we also had some
outstanding individual results:
Joby Reynolds: 1st 100m, 1st 200m, 1st Long jump. He broke
the 200m record with a time of 22.38seconds.
James Storay: 1st 100m, 2nd 1500m
Jade De Weys: 2nd 100m, 2nd Long Jump
Jaiden Andrius: 1st 100m, 1st 200m, 2nd High Jump
Jay Lockhart: 1st 100m, 1st 400m
Elsie Cornish: 2nd 100m, 2nd 200m, 3rd 400m, 2nd Javelin
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010
Page 17
For Sale
Lilydale Pool Lifeguard
Position No: POS1048
The Lilydale District Swimming Pool Committee is
looking for a Life Guard for the 2010 / 2011Summer
The Lilydale District Swimming Pool is scheduled to
open on the 4 December 2010 and operate until the 31
March 2011. The Lilydale District Pool Committee is
looking for a person from within the Lilydale area to be
the primary Lifeguard responsible for the day to day
operation of the pool, working up to 5 days a week.
The pool is open to the public 7 days a week and
operates between 3.00pm to 6.00pm school days and
2.00pm to 6.00pm weekends, public and school
If you enjoy working with people and being in the
outdoors this could be the summer job for you. You will
work within a team in a roster, which may include some
after-hours private group bookings.
Desirable qualifications
Bronze Medallion
Pool Lifeguard
First Aid
Qualifications are not mandatory to apply for this
position, however training and certification must be
obtained prior to commencement of the season on the
4 December 2010.
To be successful, you will be required to satisfy a
police conviction check and a pre-employment health
assessment, including a drug screening. If you are
interested, please download a copy of the application
form and position description from:
For further information about the position, please
contact Peter Goss on 03 6323 3052, 0418 137 250 or
To apply, please send your application clearly stating
the position number, to Human Resources,
Launceston City Council, PO Box 396,
Launceston 7250 or email:
Applications close on Thursday 11 November 2010.
Council is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Contact Lilydale Online Access Centre
for more information - Ph 6395 0155
2 x Acer Computers: Celeron 2.80Ghz, 512 Mb
Ram, onboard graphics, 80GB HD,
Win XP SP3, 17” flat screen monitor, keyboard,
mouse. Great starter computer - $300
1 x Acer Computer: Celeron 2.80Ghz, 512 Mb
Ram, onboard graphics, 40 Gb HD, Win XP SP3,
17” flat screen monitor, keyboard, mouse. Great
starter computer - $250
1 x External DVD Burner $50
Household Goods - Ph 6395 1493
Baltic Pine Kitchen Dresser - old $350
Kitchen Cupboard 4 doors, 7 drawers - old
Meat safe - large
Butchers Chopping Block
Position Vacant
Cafe /Wait staff wanted!
Are you committed to great customer service? Living
in Lilydale area and interested in part time or casual
work? Mike and Gina are looking for local staff to
work in our newly built cheese tasting rooms at
Tunnel. Call Gina on 0408956668 to apply.
For Hire with Operator
No Job
Too Big
or Too Small
20 tonne Excavator with
mud bucket, log grab,
digging bucket & stick rake
3.5 tonne Excavator with buckets
100 HP Case Tractor &
Front End Loader with forks,
bucket & bail clamps
Available for land clearing,
slashing, discing etc
Competitive Rates
Please call Scott for a FREE quote on
0427 609 888
Page 18
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010
Care Africa
Uniting Church Services
Wendy Dalton – Volunteer Aid Worker, will be giving
a presentation at the Senior Citizens clubrooms on
Friday, 3rd December commencing at 1.30 pm
highlighting her recent trip to Tarime to deliver
donated goods to a local orphanage/school. Wendy will
show film and slides to accompany her presentation.
Sun 5 December 11.15am Mr Owen Dobson
Sun 19 December 11.15am Mr Ian Farquhar
Christmas Day Service at Newnham at 9.15am
Rev Allan Thompson
We urge community members to take advantage of this
opportunity to really appreciate how aid benefits those
who are less fortunate.
Come along, enjoy the presentation and have a cuppa
Tai Chi Exercise Classes
Come and experience the ancient exercise of
Tai Chi in the Uniting Church Hall (behind
All Welcome - 9.30 Wed morning
Social Afternoons
The Lilydale Players
Members Tasmania Regional Arts
Jack and the Beanstalk
Saturday Dec: 11th at 2pm
Lilydale Memorial Hall
Winners of colouring
Competition will be
Gold Coin Donation
Our final get together in November has us determined
to finish our very long term ‘puzzle’ which has defeated
us with its tricky dark foliage pieces - how can a few
centimetres of jigsaw cause so much stress?
We will meet again on 24th Feb, 2011 from 1.30pm
and welcome you to drop in for a chat, bring your latest craft or knitting, have a cuppa and go when you
Christmas and new Year Blessing to all.
Lions Club of Lilydale
Needs You
We need members, Any age over 18 Male or Female
A fun way to meet and help the community
Phone: Bill—6395 1013 (AH)
Combined Carols
Lilydale Playgroup
The Combined Church Carols will be held at St Anne’s
Catholic Church, Lilydale at:
Friendly relaxed atmosphere
7pm on Sunday12th of December
The Valley Voices will be our guests and all attendees
will be invited to join in general carol
singing. Families are most welcome.
Supper to follow, a plate to share
would be appreciated.
Lilydale- Karoola
Catholic Church
Christmas Celebrations
Friday 24th of December
Mass at Sacred Heart church, Karoola at 7pm,
carols will be sung from 6.30pm.
Sunday 26th December 9am
Mass at Lilydale as usual.
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010
First session free!
$3 / week per family, includes
hot drinks and munchies
toys and books
messy play, painting, craft,
sand pit, slide, fort, swings,
waterplay, bubbles, music
and lots of fun!!!
Wednesdays 10 am - 12 noon
Where? Behind the Anglican Church, Station Road,
For more information phone:
Brooke 6395 1442 or
Anni 6395 4399
Or just pop in!
Page 19
Reindeer's Story at Christmas
According to the Alaska Department of Fish
and Game, while both male and female
reindeer grow antlers in the summer each
year, male reindeer usually drop their antlers
late November to mid-December, whilst female reindeer
retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring.
Therefore, according to EVERY historical rendition depicting
Santa's reindeer, EVERY single one of them, from Rudolph to
Blitzen, had to be a girl.
We should have known... ONLY women would be able to
drag a fat man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one
night and not get lost! ☺
W 1
Karoola Play - KH, 10am L’dale Play - AC, 10 am
Tai Chi - UC Hall, 9.30am CWA Lions - 7.30 pm
Senior Citizens - SC, 1.30pm
Active Fitness Group - LG, 7pm
Badminton - LH, 7.30pm
Care Africa Presentation - SC, 1.30pm
Lilydale Pool Opens
Pony Club - KO
Lilydale Village Market
Uniting Church Service - UC, 11.15 am
Valley Voices - UC, 7.30 pm
Senior Citizens - SC, 1.30pm
Active Fitness Group - LG, 7pm
Progress Association - MH, 7.30pm
Fire - Police - Ambulance
Launceston General Hospital:
Poison Information Service:
Lilydale Medical Clinic:
Lilydale Pharmacy:
6348 7111
13 11 26
6395 1455
6395 1258 AH
6395 1336
Native Animal Rescue:
David – Birds Fish etc 6395 1345 or 6395 1579 AH
Lorraine – Native animals: 6326 3502 or 0417 108 596
Patsy – Native animals: 6395 6248
Bi - Weekly Calendar Events
Every 2nd Mon: Fire Brigade Training; 7-9 pm 6395 1260
W 8
Karoola Play - KH, 10am L’dale Play - AC, 10 am
Tai Chi - UC Hall, 9.30am
Senior Citizens Bowls - SC, 1.30pm
Lions Club Xmas Cake drive
Pantomime - Jack & The Beanstalk - MH, 2pm
Lilydale Village Market - 6-10pm
Combined Christmas Carols - SA, 7pm
Valley Voices - UC, 7.30 pm
Senior Citizens - SC, 1.30pm
Active Fitness Group - LG, 7pm
W 15
Karoola Play - KH, 10am
L’dale Play Xmas Party- AC, 10 am
Tai Chi - UC Hall, 9.30am Lions - 7.30 pm
AC = Anglican Church, Station Rd, Lilydale
FC = Footy Clubrooms, Doaks Rd, Lilydale
FS = Fire Station, Doaks Rd, Lilydale
KH = Karoola Hall, Karoola
KO = Karoola Oval, Karoola
LG = Lilydale High School Gym, Main Rd, Lilydale
LDS = Lilydale District School
LH = Lebrina Hall, Golconda Rd, Lebrina
MH = Memorial Hall, Main Rd, Lilydale
SC = Senior Citizens Clubrooms, Main Rd, Lilydale
SA = Saint Anne’s Church, Lalla Rd, Lilydale
OCH = The Old Courthouse, Main Rd, Lilydale
UC = Uniting Church, Main Rd, Lilydale
VG = Village Green
School Term 3 ends
RSL Meeting - SC
Senior Citizens Bowls - SC, 1.30pm
Badminton - 7.30pm LH
Lilydale Village Market
Uniting Church Service - UC, 11.15 am
Valley Voices - UC, 7.30 pm
Pony Club breakup? - Swimming Pool
Senior Citizens - SC, 1.30pm
Progressive Contact Details
Lilydale District Progress Association Inc
Catholic Mass - Sacred Heart, Karoola 6.30pm
Christmas Day
Uniting Church Service - Newnham, 9.15am
Boxing Day
Catholic Mass - SA, 9am
Christmas Day Holiday
Boxing Day Holiday
Calendar Event Venues
PO Box 3,
Lilydale, TAS 7268
Editing & Layout:
E d i t o r : J a y ne S a d di n g t o n
P h o n e / F a x : (03 ) 6 395 0 1 5 5
E - m a i l : l i l y . p r o g re s s i v e @ g m a i l . c o m
T h e L i l y d a l e P r o gr e s s i v e i s p u b l i s h e d m o n t h l y f ro m
Fe b rua ry t o D e c e m b e r b y t h e Li l y dal e D i s t ri c t
P r o gr e s s A s s o c i a t i o n I n c . L e t t e r s t o t h e E d i t o r ( u p t o
2 0 0 w o r d s ) a nd o t h e r c o p y m a y b e l e f t a t t h e L i l y d a l e
Ph a r m a c y , o r e -m a i l e d t o :
l i l y. p ro g re s s i ve @ g m a i l . c o m
Page 20
W 22
W 29
New Years Eve
The Lilydale Progressive - December 2010

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