Annual Report


Annual Report
Mainstage • Village Originals • KIDSTAGE • Pied Piper
Annual Report
2014–2015 Mainstage s eason
he 2014-2015 Mainstage Season was
a highlight year for Village Theatre,
as the organization surpassed 19,000
Subscribers for the first time, ending
with 19,334 Season Ticket holders
between Issaquah and Everett.
season sponsors
In the Heights
SePTember 18 – NOvember 23, 2014
Music and Lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda
Book by Quiara Alegria Hudes
Conceived by Lin-Manuel Miranda
Director: Eric Ankrim
Choreographer: Daniel Cruz
Music Director: R.J. Tancioco
Disney’s and Cameron Mackintosh’s
Mary Poppins
Starring Show Sponsor
Media Sponsor
Starring Show Sponsors
NOvember 13, 2014 – FeBruary 8, 2015
A Musical based on the stories of P.L. Travers &
the Walt Disney Film
Directors: Steve Tomkins, Kathryn Van Meter
Choreographer: Kathryn Van Meter
Media Sponsors
Music Directors: Tim Symons, Bruce Monroe
ArounD The WorLD In 80 DAys
Starring Show Sponsor
JANuary 22 – MArcH 29, 2015
By Mark Brown from the novel by Jules Verne
Director: David Ira Goldstein
Media Sponsors
Original Score: Roberta Carlson
no WAy To TreAT A LADy
Starring Show Sponsors
MArcH 19 – MAy 24, 2015
By Douglas Cohen and William Goldman
Director: Steve Tomkins
Assistant Director/Choreographer:
Crystal Dawn Munkers
Music Director: R.J. Tancioco
Media Sponsor
Starring Show Sponsors
MAy 14 – AuguST 2, 2015
Book by Joe Masteroff • Based on the play by John Van Druten
and stories by Christopher Isherwood • Music by John Kander
and Lyrics by Fred Ebb • Broadway production directed by
Harold Prince • Produced for the Broadway stage by Harold Prince
Director: Brian Yorkey
Choreographer: Kathryn Van Meter
Music Director: Tim Symons
Photo credits: COVER: Mark Kitaoka; top to bottom: Mark Kitaoka, tracy martin, tracy martin, tracy martin, Mark Kitaoka.
Youth Education
Media Sponsor
The Season opened with an energized
production of In the Heights, the Tony
Award-winning hit by Lin-Manuel Miranda.
This exciting show featured electrifying
choreography by Daniel Cruz. One audience
member proclaimed, “Just when I thought
we saw the best show, this tops it out.”
The holiday season show exceeded all shows
that came before it, with Mary Poppins
taking the spot as Village Theatre’s most
successful production to date. The soaring
production featured 96 performances in
which Mary flew across the stage and over
the audience, Bert tap-danced upside down
on the proscenium, and magic reigned
supreme. Directors Steve Tomkins and
Kathryn Van Meter assembled a “practically
perfect” cast and the production team pulled
together what is considered to be the most
technically challenging show Village Theatre
has produced.
Next on stage was the play Around the
World in 80 Days, a madcap comedy that
had audiences roaring with laughter as six
actors played 39 different characters from
Jules Verne’s classic novel. As The Seattle
Times said “This theatrical magic is possible
not only because of the skill of the actors,
much of the credit goes to set designer
Carey Wong, costume designer Karen Ann
Ledger, and sound designer Brent Warwick.
Praise goes to the entire production crew for
technical wizardry and theater art.”
The year’s new musical, No Way To Treat
A Lady was a musical comedy with a
murderous twist and featured an allstar cast of Village Theatre favorites. proclaimed “The show
is a silly, raucous, dark, and twisted sure-fire
crowd pleaser and with my three letter rating
system I give the show a solid YAY followed
by an evil maniacal laugh. This may be no
way to treat a lady but it’s certainly the way
to treat an audience.”
Finally, the year ended with a sizzling
production of Cabaret directed by Issaquah
native and Tony Award and Pulitzer Prizewinner Brian Yorkey. The Huffington Post
called this show, “a vibrant, glitzy production
that entertains from opening curtain to final
ovation,” and audience members agreed,
raving that it was “the best show I’ve seen in
one of our local venues” and “a performance
worthy of Broadway in NYC.”
illage Theatre’s Youth Education and
Community Outreach programs served
over 55,000 young people, families, and
educators throughout the Puget Sound.
Available to all regardless of the ability to
pay, the programs provide healthy out-ofschool activities, stimulate learning through
the arts in schools, provide access to the arts
for underserved populations, develop young
artists, and promote skills for enriched and
successful lives.
Nearly 39,000 youth were impacted by Village
Theatre Youth Education Programs. Youth attended
shows with their families or schools, engaged in
in-school workshops or residencies, or were involved
in the after-school program, KIDSTAGE. 19% of
the 24,087 youth education students in KIDSTAGE
or school programs including Pied Piper, received
financial assistance, free programs or free tickets.
Issaquah KIDSTAGE SummerStock production of
Peter Pan. Photo by Jean Johnson.
Program Quality Initiative (YPQI). The YPQI is
both a professional development program and data
driven assessment tool that helps ensure youth
engagement and program quality. Two elementary
schools on the Eastside continued their partnership
with KIDSTAGE to bring theatre arts into every
classroom. These programs are in their fourth
year. Work began with the Everett School District
to provide field trips to the theatre as well as
workshops to all 6th grade ELL (English Language
Learners) students.
Community Outreach
Village Theatre Institute dance class in Issaquah.
Photo by Jean Johnson.
Youth Education
KIDSTAGE is a youth development program
that advances Skills for Theatre… Skills for Life
through after-school classes, camps, productions
and apprenticeships, and in-school workshops and
residencies. 3,090 students directly worked with
professional artists, designers, and arts educators
to build social and theatrical skills and explored all
facets of theatre and musical theatre.
Village Theatre’s KIDSTAGE program was
funded for a third year by the Raikes Foundation
to continue work with the nationwide Youth
Pied Piper is a theatre for young audiences
series and arts in education program that brings
“literature to life” in the classroom and on stage
for schools and the public.
l 19,670 students throughout East King, Snohomish,
and Island Counties joined their class or family
to attend a Pied Piper presentation in a theatre in
Bellevue, Issaquah or Everett.
l 4,350 students received free tickets or theatre
l Nearly 300 people attended a free Sensory Friendly
performance thanks to funding from The Mark and
Vickie Fund of the Nysether Family Foundation.
Free Performances for the Public
l Everett KIDSTAGE performed for 2,000 audience
members this summer in the Wetmore Theatre Plaza
with six free performances of Jungle Book KIDS
and selections from both summer shows, Legally
Blonde and How to Succeed in Business Without
Really Trying.
l Over 220 people attended one of two free
KIDSTAGE performances during the City of
Everett’s popular Wintertide event.
55,340 Total number of youth and adults19% of all youth served receive scholarships/free programs
impacted by the program
39% The percentage of students engaged directly with
teaching artists/directors receive free programs
38,579 Youth served overall
or scholarships
45 Average number of artist
10 Number of full-scale musicals produced
contact hours per student
with youth by KIDSTAGE
Village Originals
financial information
ver the past 36 years, Village Theatre
has worked on the development of
over 150 new musicals. Village Originals
is a nationally-recognized program and
represents one of the strongest commitments
to new musicals anywhere. This unique
program nurtures writers and composers
through the full developmental process,
from first table readings to full-scale
premiere productions. The polished new
works generated through Village Originals
are part of Village Theatre’s five show
Mainstage line-up, alongside the classics.
The Festival of New Musicals is held each summer
in August, drawing performers, directors,
writers, composers, and producers from all over
the country, even internationally. The Festival
utilizes both First Stage Theatre and the Francis
J. Gaudette Theatre in order to have five readings
of new musicals along with a more elaborate
developmental production. As a part of The 15th
Annual Festival of New Musicals, we presented
a developmental production of Great Wall, a
soulful new musical that takes a fresh and honest
look at the American Dream. An alumni of
uring the 2014-2015 Season, Village Theatre produced five
outstanding shows on its Mainstage season with a total 387
performances. The Mainstage saw attendance of 96,163 patrons
in Issaquah and 58,861 in Everett. Total number of subscribers
increased 4.7% over the prior year, bringing the total to 19,334.
Village Originals Festival of New Musicals, Great Wall.
Photo by Sam Freeman.
the Festival from 2012, Great Wall is about one
Asian-American and his dream to become a rock
star, against all odds. The production ran for
one week at First Stage Theatre in Issaquah and
then transferred to The Cope Gillette Theatre
in Everett, home to our KIDSTAGE and Village
Originals programs.
The 15th Annual Festival of New Musicals was
one of the most ethnically diverse Festivals and
included: Barcelona, Bridges, Cubamor, Death:
The Musical, and Marco Polo, along with a special
Northwest Songwriters Showcase which featured
Village Originals 2014 Festival of New Musicals reading
of A Proper Place. Photo by Sam Freeman.
songs from various new musicals composed in the
Pacific Northwest. Each of the readings resulted
in valuable feedback to the authors provided by
the audience both in a talk-back following the
show as well as surveys submitted after the show.
This feedback continues to illustrate the smart and
savvy qualities of the Village Originals audience,
a great contributor to the reputation of Village
Theatre on a national level. The 15th Annual
Festival of New Musicals continued the ongoing
trend of previous seasons with a 14 percent
increase in attendance.
Capital Campaign
Village Theatre named the Youth Education Center in Everett in honor
of supporters Saundra Cope and Walt Gillette. Photo by Sam Freeman.
Construction of the Craig & Joan Watjen Technical
Studios in Issaquah was completed in October of
2007. The Technical Studios have proven to be a
great addition to the operations of Village Theatre,
allowing the artistic and production departments
to be more efficient and grow the capabilities of
production, quality design, and construction.
PHASE II: First Stage Theatre
Village Theatre rebuilt First Stage Theatre, which
was originally constructed in 1913. Completed in
2009, the reconstruction maintained the historical
feel and façade, while incorporating state-ofthe-art production equipment and modern
patron amenities. Today, First Stage is home to
n 2005 Village Theatre developed a comprehensive $14 million capital campaign.
Under the title of Building for the Future, the campaign was originally chaired
by the late Craig Watjen and philanthropist Peter Horvitz. In honor of Craig,
Village Theatre developed a special campaign around his legacy that focused on the
completion of Phases I and II; the final $100,000 for these phases was completed
with a gift by Microsoft in the fall of 2014. The 2014-2015 Season focused on
efforts to complete funding of Phase III for the newly named Cope Gillette Theatre
(formerly Second Stage and Youth Education Center) in Everett. Due to these efforts
and the continued support of the Everett philanthropic community, $2,594,000 of
the $2,851,000 has been raised. Village Theatre launched the final, and public,
phase of the campaign in the Fall of 2015 to raise the remaining $257,000.
our KIDSTAGE and Village Originals programs.
The new theatre has doubled the classroom
space, incorporated a larger lobby, expanded
restrooms, and added dressing rooms. The stage
was expanded to incorporate wings for equipment,
crew, and storage. A new telescoping 193-seat
system was installed to provide for maximum
flexibility, allowing cabaret productions, reception
space, and special event occasions, as well as a
traditional theatre environment.
PHASE III: The Cope Gillette Theatre
(formerly Second Stage and the Youth Education
Center) Over the past year many naming gifts
have been inspired in part by the leadership gift
by Saundra Cope and Walt Gillette. The lobby is
to be named the Steve and Carol Klein Lobby; the
Orchestra Chamber will be named for the
Bill and Susie Rucker Family; the girls dressing
room will be named by Karen McMahan; Ed and
Betty Morrow have named the Pied Piper Office;
the KIDSTAGE Production Manager Office has
been named by Buz and Sandy de Cillia; the Prop
Loft has been named by Twyla and Tom Lucas;
and the Bud and Norma Haines family have
named the Sound Loft. We are additionally
thankful to the Nysether Family Foundation
for their support of $50,000.
The Board of Directors, along with Village Theatre
leadership and the Development Team, have set a
goal and started planning for a comprehensive $14
million endowment campaign for Village Theatre.
Total earned revenue from operations increased 8.9%, mainly due to our
highly successful production of Mary Poppins. Through the generous support
of patrons, foundations, corporate, and government partners, contributions
exceeded $2.3 million dollars, which represents a 10.4% increase from the
prior year. Operating expenses increased 9.3% from the prior year mainly due
to higher production and increased labor costs. Through the combined efforts
of a supportive community and a creative and dedicated Village Theatre team,
the organization ended the year with an operating surplus before depreciation
(a noncash expenditure) of $230,899. When combining operations and capital
campaign activity, the overall change in net assets was an increase of $53,841.
KIDSTAGE continued to grow and saw a 5% increase in revenue. Attendance
at the 10 KIDSTAGE productions throughout the year was over 15,000.
The Pied Piper program presented five shows to school groups and families
and saw overall attendance of 19,670. The Village Originals program, which
continues to attract local, as well as national, attention from writers and
directors across the country, produced another successful Festival of
New Musicals in the summer. It also produced another developmental
production of a new musical at First Stage Theatre and for the first time
presented a Village Originals production in Everett at the newly named
Cope Gillette Theatre.
Beginning in 2005, VillageTheatre launched a capital and endowment fund
campaign. The campaign proceeds were used to purchase land and build
the Craig & Joan Watjen Technical Studios—which house the scene, prop,
and paint shops—reconstruct First Stage Theatre, convert an Everett City
building into a theatre and education facility, provide financial stability by
establishing an endowment, retire the current mortgage, and cover the cost
of the campaign. The campaign goal as of August 31, 2015 was $13.8 million.
As of August 31, 2015 and 2014, $9,744,587 and $9,467,574 respectively, had
been pledged or given towards that goal. The Craig and Joan Watjen Technical
Studios were completed in 2007 and reconstruction of First Stage Theatre was
completed in March 2011. The Everett Youth Education Center (now called
The Cope Gillette Theatre) was completed in September 2011.
Contributions 20%
Mainstage 63%
Presenting Activity/Rentals <1%
Village Originals <1%
Pied Piper 2%
Presenting Activity/Rentals 1%
Cash & Cash Equivalents $ 2,372,222
Other Current Assets 1,396,249
Property & Equipment, net 10,535,788
Other Long Term Assets 542,445
TOTAL ASSETS $ 14,846,704
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses $ 372,300
Deferred Revenue 3,959,332
Mortgage and Loans Payable 2,166,801
Total Liabilities $ 6,498,433
Unrestricted $ 8,017,576
Temporarily Restricted 314,264
Permanently Restricted 16,431
Total Net Assets $ 8,348,271
For the Year Ended August 31, 2015 – All Funds
Ticket Sales $ 7,304,604
Tuition 820,914
Management Fees 287,534
Other Income 707,160
Total revenue from operations $ 9,120,212
Individuals $992,821
Corporate 346,736
Foundation 111,080
Government 212,125
In-kind 154,234
Special Events 504,005
Total revenue from support $ 2,321,001
Total revenue and support from operations $ 11,441,213
Production & Program $ 9,626,419
Administrative 844,271
Fundraising 739,624
Total unrestricted operating expenses
before depreciation
$ 11,210,314
Other Income 6%
Fundraising 6%
General & Administrative 8%
For the Year Ended August 31, 2015 – All Funds
Village Originals 3%
Pied Piper 3%
Mainstage 69%
Depreciation Expense 230,899
UNRESTRICTED OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net Proceeds from Capital Campaign Activities Change in Temporarily Restricted Funds $ (207,587)
$ 264,475
$50,000 and Above
Apex Foundation
Issaquah Arts Commission
Microsoft Corporation
Matching Gifts Program
Microsoft Corporation
$25,000 to $49,999
The Boeing Company
The Boeing Company Gift Matching Program
City of Issaquah
Lombardi’s Italian Restaurants
Pogacha of Issaquah
The Shubert Foundation
Snohomish County Hotel Motel Tax Fund
$10,000 to $24,999
Black Label IT
City of Everett Lodging &
Tax Fund
FINS Bistro
Rowley Properties
Sea-Lect Plactics Corporation
Spectrum Controls, Inc.
Thrivent Financial Foundation
Wells Fargo Private &
Commercial Bank
W. G. Clark Construction Co
$5,000 to $9,999
Anheuser-Busch Inc
John Brooks Williams & John
H. Bauer Endowment
for Theatre
D.A. Davidson & Co /
Jeff Decker CWS
Everett Bone & Joint (EBJ)
Everett Cultural Commission
Jeff & Liesl Wilke – The Wilke
Family Foundation
Klein Honda
The Mark & Vickie Fund of the
Nysether Family Foundation
McLeod Construction
Redmond’s Bar & Grill
SanMar & Lake
Washington Partners
Trattoria Amante
United Airlines
U.S. Bank Foundation
$2,500 to $4,999
Bellevue Arts Commission
Clark Nuber P.S.
Coastal Community Bank
Peter F. Donnelly Merit Fund
Greenfield Advisors
Kiwanis Club of Issaquah
The Seattle Foundation
Tulalip Tribes Charitable Fund
Umpqua Bank
Wells Fargo Foundation
$1,000 to $2,499
AT&T Foundation Matching
Gift Program
Humble Bee Books - Matt &
Sandy Bench
eQuality Images
Everett Tire & Automotive
The Ex Anima Fund
Graham & Peggy Crow Graham Crow Benefit
Lynch Resources
Resources Global
Professionals (RGP)
Samuel Freeman, Northwest
Photo Inc.
Temcov Foundation
Clint E. Thayer, Broker
John L. Scott R.E.
US Bancorp Foundation
Gift Matching
Warren-Hill Home Team/
Remax Integrity
Anonymous (2)
The Home Depot
Matching Gift Program
Lacy & Par Inc
Medical Imaging Northwest
Michelman Insurance
Group, Inc
Jill Murphy - Ameriprise
Outerwall Employee
Matching Gifts
Packaging Specialties
RealNetworks Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Symetra Matching
Funds Program
$500 to $999
Bank of America Matching
Gifts Program
The Force Realty
Give with Liberty
Employee Donations
Gregg & Shelly Percich PKJB Architectural Group
IBM Corporation
Matching Grants Program
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Matching Gift &
Volunteer Programs
Lamoureux Real Estate
Mitchell Artist Management
Newland Construction
The Seatons’ Carpentry
Shop LLC
True Martial Arts
William M. Zingarelli, PS,
Attorney at Law
Zeeks Pizza / Ben &
Jerry’s Issaquah
$250 to $499
Amazon Smile Foundation
AON Foundaton Employee
Gift Match
Coca Cola Refreshments
Matching Gifts
Craft Architects PLLC
Dwayne Lane’s Family of
Auto Centers
Larry & Beverly Alves /
Medtronic Foundation
Volunteer Grant Program
Morgan Stanley in
the Community
Small Dog Studios
Sound Spring Inc
$100 to $249
Alfy’s Corporate Office
The Cambia Employee
Giving Campaign
Cellar Restaurant at
the Medallion
Eli Lilly & Co Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Force Majeure
GE Foundaton Matching
Gifts Program
General Mills Foundation
Gift-Matching Program
Gilmore Real Estate
GLY Construction
H.D. Services Inc. LLC
Marguerite Casey Foundation
Matching Gift Program
Medallion Hotel & Suites
Puget Sound Energy
Foundation Gift Matching
Saltchuk Resources Inc
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Union Bank Gift Match
Up to $99
Aetna Foundation
Matching Grants
The Apex Foundation
Matching Gift Program
Jeff Church Designs
EXXON Cultural
Gift Matching
Front Street Market
$50,000 and above
Anonymous (1)
$25,000 to $49,999
Bob & Ann Christensen
Gary & Marilyn Kneepkens
Mary Pigott
Bruce & Peggy Wanta
$15,000 to $24,999
Steven J. Hazlerig
Joan & the late
Craig M. Watjen
Anonymous (1)
$10,000 to $14,999
Brett & Sue Bentsen
Dennis & Deborah Deyoung
Heather & Doug Goff
Twyla & Tom Lucas
John & Dorcy Seethoff
Chris & Kristina Shaffer
Jay & Suzy Wakefield
Anonymous (2)
$7,500 to $9,999
Dick & Bonnie Cavell
Michael & Jennifer Godsey
Diann & Gary Hitzel
Kathy & Bob Lovejoy
Valorie & Larry Osterman
Maggie & Clint Pehrson
Rodger & Margo Shute
$5,000 to $7,499
Dan & Portia Anderson
Rita M. Daubenspeck
Buz & Sandy de Cillia
Chico & Nellie Diaz
Pam Foster & Liz Austin Fund
Gerald & Joanne Herber
Kim & Stacy Johnson
Ellen McDermott &
Scott Charney
Lynn G. Meyer
Beth Moursund
James E. “Jim” & Patsy Nelson
Tim & Lisa Nunn
Edward & Bunny Renouard
Karl Ritzau & Taletta Wibmer
Phyllis Schaeffer
Richal & Karen Smith
Doug & Alison Suttles
Louise M. Tolle
Ernie & Sherran Whatley
Allen & Janice Wiesen
Anonymous (3)
$3,000 to $4,999
Rich Baker & Diane Jenkins
Fred & Lois Bereswill
John & Merrily Berg
Sandra B. Chivers
Lisa & Kevin Conner
Doris Gaudette
Robb & Kathy Hunt
Barbara & Jim Kenney
Bobbi Kotula
Jeff & Barbara McCashland
Robert & Claudia Nelson
Matt & Wendy Poischbeg
Tom & Cathy Saxton
Jim & Sue Selis
Ed Short
Ryan & Kristina Steffen
An Institute Student’s Proud
Papa & Parents
Dr. Michael & Peggy Swistak
Bradley & Rebecca Taylor
Allen Foundation for the Arts
Apex Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Boeing Company
Burlington Resources Foundation
City of Everett
Ann & Greg Thornton
Tim Timidaiski
Tom & Connie Walsh
$2,000 to $2,999
Loch Anderson &
Allyn Perkins
Adam & Maura Barr
Michael Bauer
Jeff & Inga Beehler
Chad Bentsen & Kristen
Shawn & Amanda Bice
Catherine K. Boshaw
Daniel Brager
Milton & Donna Bronsdon
Christopher &
Geraldine Carlson
Kerry W. Davis
David & Patricia Dierst
The Estate of Gustav F. Raaum
Ralph & Mary Etter
Joyce Farley
Stephen D. Forman &
Sarah L. Hayden
Chuck & Evie Foster
Jose Gaitan & Natalie Johnson
Steve Glover & Mike Carlson
Lissa & John Griffith
Myrna Hackney
Debra L. Henry
Tom & Carol Hogan
Bruce & Emily Howard
Susan & Gary Keister
Gwendolyn King
Eric & Nancy Kittleson
Leigh Kraft
Eric & Erin LaFrance
William H. Lycette, PhD
Beth & Kevin Meidinger
Kyle & Julie Miller
Amy & Carl Murray
Jim & Denise Ohlfs
Debbie & Pat Ostrander
Pam Oyanagi &
Dwayne Myers
Gregg & Shelley Percich
William Rall &
Brittany Behrens
Richard & Joyce Rosenkranz
John Sager
DeWayne & Judy Sennett
Dan Sweeney
George & Marie Taylor
Todd & Kathy Thull
Michelle Vest &
Richard Novotny
Anne & Derek Watanabe
Brian R. Yorkey
Judy Yu & Clay Hall
Anonymous (2)
$1,000 to $1,999
Donald & Phyllis Adams
Marleen & Kenny Alhadeff
Michael Amend & Jeff Ashley
Fran Anderson
Richard & Marianne Anderson
Thomas N. &
Christina E. Anderson
Bob & Clodagh Ash
Bob & Paula Barta
Alex & Heather Berry
Margie & Charlie Bicknell
Paul & Diane Birkeland
Karen & Ken Bishop
(Whidbey Island!)
Steve Bolliger &
Candace Smith
Martin & Brenda Boothroyd
Norm & Joyce Bottenberg
Marvin & Lisa Brashem
Doug & Debbie Brown
Danielle Burd
Duane & Anita Campbell
Dennis & Aline Caulley
Chee & Christine Chew
City of Issaquah
Steven J. Hazlerig
The Kresge Foundation
Microsoft Corporation
M J Murdock Charitable Trust
Washington State Building for the Arts
The Estate of Ruth Sutton Waters
Joan & the late Craig M. Watjen
Jeff & Kathi Coffler
Michael & Cynthia Coleman
John & Ann Collier
Ross & Laura Comer
Steve Connelly &
Pam Nordquist
Mark & Linda D’Amato
Bill & Patty DeGroodt
Carol & Laurent Delsuc
Chuck Dennis
Darrel & Nancy Dochow
Susann & Don Edmond
Gregory & Kersten Eggers
Keesha Ewers
Al & Diana Favre
James & Krista Ferguson
Bill & Katie Finley
Elsa & Joe Fleck
Brian & Windy Foster
Dan & Kim Foster
Robert Franklin
Wayne & Bev Freese
J.D. & Judy Gaffney
Ray & Niki Gagner
Marilla L. Gemmer
Amy Gibart
Martin Gibbins &
Paula Crockett
Bostopher Gill
Faye & Richard Gillett
Saundra Cope & Walt Gillette
Lindell Graham
Dick & Jan Gram
Rob Griebel
Dale & Sandra Griffith
Hagemann Family
Norma Haines
The Halgren Family
Bob Hallberg &
Diane Southworth
Paul & Margi Harvey
Joshua & Jennifer Heard
Janice Henning
Harold & Mary Frances Hill
Cynthia & Steve Holmberg
Gail & Godfrey Holmstrom
George & Carol Holser
Donovan Hunt
Robert & Diane Jandl
Jan-Olov & Hanna Johansson
Eric & Andrea Johnson
Michael & Priscilla Kaufmann
Pauline Kennard
John & Lynnda Kilpatrick
Duncan A. Kirk
Judy Klein
Steve & Carol Klein
Lisa A. Kroese &
Jeffrey S. Barnes
Jim & Sherry Ladd
Duane & Sharon Larson
Sue Long
Tim & Nicole Longpre
Lisa A. Lovell
Ken & Darlene Lowe
Terry Lundeen
Duncan & Elizabeth MacRae
Shawn Magraw
Patti Marsh &
the Late Jerry Marsh
Duane & Lois Matthews
David & Colleen Mayer
McCarthy Family
Jennifer McCoy & Jason King
Jon McKenzie
Dianne McMullin
Gavin McMurdo
Neal Meldrum &
Memory Myers
Irwin & Iryna Michelman
Ted & Maxine Misselwitz
Arnie & Katie Mondloch
& Family
Sterling Morris
Barbara Nilson
Mark & Vickie Nysether
Michael Ouhl
G. Ronald & Deborah Payne
Wendy A. Pegelow
Llew, Gail, & Anson Phillips
Shirley Phinney &
Debra Hagen
Mikel Poulsen
Kelly & Christi Price
Barbara & Edwin Quirie
Frank & Jeanne Rasmussen
John & Rosemary Riddington
Onti & Morris Rosen
Al Rousseau
Bill Rucker
Goddard Schools
Tom & Kim Sawers
In Memory of
Denise A. Schramke
Steven & Teresa Serex
Albert J. & Claudia Serpas
M. Darrel & Barbie Sharrard
Sue Short
Christine Shuken
Grant & Nancy Silvernale
Judith & Ben Simmons
Bob & Lynne Simpson
Tom & Marion Skalley
John & Laura Smiley
Peggy & Greg Smith
Nancy Somerville &
Robert Burton
David Spangler
Robert & Marilyn Springgay
Darlene Staats
James & Barbara Stapper
Mr. Peter B. Stewart
Kim L. Stocking
Barry & Amy Stoddard
Doug Taylor & Bob Ferguson
Jerry Taylor
Edward Thomas
Gifford Thomas
John & Lisa Thompson
Trudy Tobiason
Steve & Wendy Tomkins
Edith & David Tully
William & Marilyn Vaughn
Beverly Wagner
Wally & Donna Walsh
Keith Watts
Gary & Carolyn Weikel
Clay & Hap Wertheimer
Chuck & Rita White
Joanne White
D. R. Whitson
Ruth & Jeffrey Wigren
Jeremie M. Wilkins
Helen B. Wilson
Lynda & Steve Wimbush
Roger & Marlene Winter
Tony & Cathy Wise
John & Marta Wohlfarth
Joella Yoder
Nathan Young
Tobi & Christie Zielinski
Anonymous (4)
$500 to $999
Megan & Seth Adams
Patricia Adams
Judith L. Albrecht
Judith P. Allen
Marsha Allgire
Don & Becky Anderson
The Anderson Family
Charlie & Jane Anderson
Molly & Pete Anderson
Ernie & Pam Ankrim
Richard & Dianne Arensberg
Del & Linda Armstrong
Jeri & Dan Arndt
Fred Auch
Jim & Charmaine Baker
John D. Baker
Judy C. Baker
Frank & Billie Jo Barker
Susan Barrett & Rick Meeder
Dan & Judy Bartelheimer
The Bartletts - Mike & Janet
Dan & Michelle Bauer
Stephanie Bayne &
Thorsten Ganz
Ronald & Susan Bean
Bob Beckerman &
Kathleen Taylor
Tony Beeman
Sterling & Nadine Bentsen
Katherine Benusa &
Randy Bonsen
Jim & Lee Berry
Keri & Michael Binsacca
Sarah Bishop
Virginia Blaine
Sandra Blomquist
Lee L. Boeckstiegel
Mary Ellen Bolden
Angela Bolton
Evelyn Botesch
Jodi & Jay Bowlden
Terry & Mark Brashem
Mark & Heather Bratton
Heather & Tom Brookins
Melonie Brown
Barbara Moreland &
Tom Bruhns
Linda & Michael Burke
Nancy Burnett
Ralph L. Byron
Dallas & Susan Carleton
Kent & Sandra Carlson
Hugh & Ann Carr
Kacee Chandler
Petra & Duane Chase
Linda Cheung
Sharon Chiarella
Jim & Marti Civarra
David & Donna Clark
Aaron & Núria Coe
Gary & Consuelo Corbett
Bill & Carole Cote
Helen & Lauren Countryman
Karen & Don Crowe
Janet Cullor
Dwight & Karen Cummings
Amy Curran Mukhar
Scott & Katherine Currie
Chuck & Julia Cutting
Roger & Patricia Darling
Bob Davidson & Chris Hill
Charles W. & Teresa D. Davis
Ron DeChene &
Robert Hovden
Pasquale DeMaio
Sally & Glen Dillon
Bill & Bev Dobler
Grandma Patty
John & Sherry Douceur
Martha Douglas
Steven Dow
Sherrill Dryden &
Dennis Griffiths
Alan Dunkin
Greta Niehaus Dunn &
Steve Dunn
Dick & Shirley Earl
Marcie Easterlin
Dennis & Maria Egan
The Emans Family
Lisa Emerling & Patrick Arpin
Kristy Fassio
Michelle Feder &
Lewis Malakoff
Junko & Glen Ferguson
Alex & Joyce Ferkovich
Susanne Fields
Al & Lana Finegold
Gale & Dee Flake
Richard & Mary Ann Flanders
Paul Fortner Family
Penny Freedman
Carter & Marilyn French
Deborah Freng &
Joseph Decuir
Pete & Jim
Ethel C. Geniesse
Sue Gilberd
Paul & Elizabeth Gilbert
Boyd & Ann Givan
Joe & Heidi Gogal
David Ira Goldstein
Jim & Sue Goss
Randy & Denise Gritton
Jim & Patty Groves
Todd Gunderson &
Eileen de la Cruz
Dave & Mary Guyer
Doug & Carol Hadley
Dave & Cheryl Hadley
The Hancher Family
John & Beverly Hastig
Mike & Cindy Hastings
Liz & Don Healy
Allan O. & Ellen M. Hess
Dr. Wayne & Deborah Hill
Helga & Jerry Hilson
Margaret & Tom Hoban
Hodgins Family
Susan & David Hoffman
Paul & Vesta Hoglund
Linda J. Hollenbeak
Judy & Michael Holser
Gary & Patty Hope
Kristin & Michael Houle
Gwen & Randy Houser
Robert Howson
Neil Hoyt & Donald Jenny
Hart & Amy Hughes
Joel Ivey & Sheyrl Murdock
Roy & Geri Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. William Jones
Barbara A. Jordan
Barbara & Jim Joyce
John & Shelly Kacergis
Sunshine & Jerrod Kapus
Harry & Elizabeth Keast
Barbara & Jeffrey King
The Kinsey Girls
Dorothy Marie Kittleson
Cathy Krug & Erik Lundberg
Dan Lamanuzzi
Michael & Allison Larsen
Kathryn & Jordan Lerner
Jamie Lilly & Brian Kihneman
Eric & Melissa Lockard
Bill & Kelli Loughrin
Steve & Judith Love
Louis & Joegil Lundquist
Marcia Magoon
Tom & Joanne Manion
Kevin & Charlie McCandlish
Anne McGee
Jeannie & Art McKean
Will & Karen McMahan
Herbert & Nikki McMurtry
John & Linda McNamara
John & Ginny Meisenbach
Lynn & Diane Mendenhall
John & Garrett Menzik
Nancy & Brad Meyers
Tami & Joe Micheletti
Barbara Milewski
Sukey & Bob Miller
Don & Maxine Miller
Raymond Miller
John & Judy Mittenthal
Stan & Marlene Monusko
Elaine Morgan
Patricia E. Morris
Ed & Betty Morrow
Terri & Mark Morse
Rebecca Moscatel
The Mundy Family
Barbara Row Munson
Vocal Coach
Scott & Kippy Murphy
Gordon & Gwen Nanninga
Mary K. Nelson
Dorothy Nerison
Si & Lisa Newland
Kati Nickerson &
William Zingarelli
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Noble
William & Mary Ann Noland
Paul & Shirley Nyenhuis
Paul & Patricia Olafson
Stuart & Ilse Oles
Daryl & Sheri Orts
Margaret P. Osborne
Ron & Bev Ostrowski
John & Marisa Ozburn
David Page
Mark & Kim Parris
Michelle Patterson
Michele & Jerry Pearson
The Penn Family
Doug & Cheryl Peterson
Michael Phoenix &
Eva Carlstrom
Margie & Wayne Pietz
Tracy Poole
Al & Carol Prato
Maureen & Joseph Rammell
Dr. John E. Rasmussen
Terry & Janet Ray
Jim & Sandi Reed
Linda Reid
Shirley & Howard E. Richmond Jr.
Michael Riggins
Tom & Suzanne Rigos
Cynthia Roberts
Paul & Marianne Roberts
Floyd & Judy Rogers
Randy and Willa Rohwer
Christine Rose
Stephanie Ross
William D. Rucker
Richard & Joe Ann Rucker
The Sample Family
Kathryn Sand
Robert & Judy Sansing
Jim, Carmen, & Lizzy Scardelis
Kurt & Barbara Schauermann
John & Beth Schleck
Susan Schwasnick
John & Joan Scott
Bert & Ellyn Sewell
John & Barbara Dadd Shaffer
Riley & Donna Shirey
– Shirey Handyman
Edward Shulda
The Siegel Family
Todd & Heidi Sink
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Smith
Galen & Hollie Smith
Ann Spangler
Catherine Stahl
Chris & Joan Starling
Michael Stephens &
Nancy Johnson
Craig & Sheila Sternberg
Stephen St. George
Frank Stilwagner & Kurt Dery
Dean & Linda Strong
Marianne & Trevor Swangard
Dr. Carrie Sylvester
Andy & Linda Symons
Nancy Theune
Edward M. Thomas
Rev. Jim & Pamela Thuirer
Mike & Patti Timmons
Teresa Tomkins-Robinson
Ronald L. Torrence
P. Ray Townsend
Jerry & Faye Truskowski
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Valentine
Kathryn & Conrad Von Doran
Didrik & Mary Kay Voss
Shanna Marie Waite
Mr & Mrs Darryl Walker
Mark J. Walker
John Walmesley
The Estate of
Dr. Albert Watenpaugh
Jeffrey & Carol Waters
Jeff Wedgwood
Beverly A. Weiss
Mr. Don Weston
Ben & Barbara Whisler
Scott & Janet Wierenga
Roger Wierenga
Sue & Michael Wilenzick
Del & Kitty Wilhelm
Colleen Williams
Eric & Julie Wilson
Wendy & Aaron Winsor
Fred & Jean Wood
Lori & Ryan Wood
Chris & Katie Zang
Amy, Chap, Cal, & Elle Zenner
Katrina Zitnik
Bob & Sandy Zook
Anonymous (8)
$250 to $499
Gail & Ray Abplanalp
Ruth Adamski
Dave & Dora Alcorta
Nick & Jeanne Aldrich
Mr. Ralph Allen Jr
Don Anderson
Hugh & Wendy Anderson
Martha Anderson
Patricia Arndt
A. Joyce Arnold
Terry Asher-Simon
Helen Ausbourne
Hunter & Linda Bachand
Normajean Badger
Nancy Bailey
Mrs. Eva Bair
Leeann M. Balbirona
Kristin Ball
Merwyn & Brenda Banks
Susan Barton
Roger J. Bass &
Richard B. Nelson
Barbara Bauer
Delores Bauer
Jean Claude Beck
Charles & Frances Becker
Miriam Behler
Sara Behrman &
Francis X. Rosica
Bench Family
Wendy & John Bennett
Karen Bennett
David & Tresa Berg
Margaret Biggs
Thomas Bingaman
Nancy & Keith Birdwell
Peter Bishop
Cathy & Larry Blackett
Kathlyne A. Boeding
Richard R. Boswell
Sue & Don Bowman
Alan Brennick
Audrey Bridgham
Audrey Brown
Vincent & Carol Bryan
Geraldine Bryant
Susan Burker
Karen Burt
Richard & Lisa Buttenhoff
Claudina & Darin Campbell
Heather Campbell
Dan & Nancy Campi
Janice Carle
Marilyn E. Carlson
Joan A. Carro
Laurel & Aaron Castillo
Mark Cavelero
Charles & Jean Cerar
Eunice Chaffey
Nancy Charpentier &
Bonnie Rosalind
Nola Cheff
Patricia Chinn
Darrin & Lisa Clark
Shirley & Robert Clark
Dolores Cole
Karen & Brian Comstock
Lane & Renee Corry
The Cowan Family
Thomas & Rebecca Cox
Gene & Sandra Craig
Catherine Crandell
J. Richard & Marcia Crockett
Donald & Nancy Cumming
Suzanne Cummins
Tom & Carol Curtis
Pat Dana
Shana Daum
Susan Davidson
Jocee Davis
Margaret Dawson &
Stuart Corcoran
Marcia & Michael Delabarre
Rob Desmet
Bud & Virginia Dice
Greg & Cheryl Dietzel
Ed & Kris Dobbyn
Tom & Jenny Doggett
Terry & Judie Doiron
Michelle Downey-Magee &
Dail Magee Jr.
Mary Ducharme
Richard M. Dunbar
The Durand Family
David Durham
Dale Beech & Edith Duttlinger
Morgan & Max Gluchowski
Barry & Sally Eberhardt
David Edmonds
Mr. Ian Jeffrey Einman
Julie & Matt Eisenhauer
Mary-London L Eldred
Melissa G. Eliason
Anne Ellington
Brian & Anne Emanuels
Mark Engelberg
Carl & Janell Erickson
Patricia Erickson
Karen & Bill Erwin
Nancy & Robert Eschrich
Leslie & Roger Estep
Board of Trustees
(as of August 31, 2015)
Bruce Wanta
Heather Goff
Past President
Derek Watanabe
Vice President,
Board Development
Leigh Kraft
Beth Meidinger
Dan Anderson
Jeff Decker
Chuck Dennis
Susann Edmond
Brett Ferullo
Amy Gibart
Heather Goff
Lissa Griffith
D. Edward Jones
Lynnda Kilpatrick
Gary Kneepkens
Twyla Lucas
Bill McSherry
Amy Murray
Kevin Pazaski
Matt Poischbeg
John Seethoff
Christine Shuken
Ann Thornton
Judy Yu
To be a regionally recognized and
nationally influential center of
excellence in family theatre:
To promote a season of top
quality productions
To commission and produce new
musicals that achieve national exposure
To train young people in theatre skills for career opportunities and enriched lives
To develop a broad-based appreciation
for live theatre
Photos by Mark Kitaoka
Corporate, Foundation,
and Government Agencies
Village Theatre gratefully
acknowledges the generosity
of the following individuals,
corporations, foundations, and
government agencies for their
generous support of the Annual
Fund between September 1,
2014 and August 31, 2015.
These generous contributors
are an integral part of Village
Theatre’s success, sustaining
and enriching the Mainstage
productions, Village Originals,
and Youth Education programs.
It is with great appreciation that Village Theatre acknowledges the following
foundations, corporations, and individuals who have made contributions
totaling more than $500,000 in support of our Mission and Programs.
To promote positive values through art
John & Marian Evans
Allen Fancher
Jack & Jeanne Fankhauser
Mary Lou & Jim Finley
Kirsten & Paul Fischler
Kelley Fisher
Makoto & Charlene Fletcher
Lindsay & Nigel Fogelquist
Greg & Stacey Foos
Charles & Carolyn Forbes
Dean & Michel Frerker
Dot Fuller
Mrs. Susan Prudente Galbraith
Carla Gallagher
Joseph Weber
Robert Gardiner
Glenn Garrett
Mike & Thayer Garrett
Angela Genzale
Kristin & Mark Gibson
Ms. Sandra Gilroy
Lynn & Colleen Giroir
Susan Glicksberg
Alan Goree &
Roger Bischoff
Tom & Julie Graafstra
Judy A. Grandstrand
Evelyn M. Grant
Peder & Ann Graven
Mr. Robert Grimm
Tom & Cheryl Grinna
Micah Grotte
Marion & Bob Guyer
Paul & Betty Haack
Dr. Joel E. Haas
Karen J Haimes
The Hamilton Family
Sharon Harriss
J. David & Gloria
Meishelle Haverkamp
Melinda &
Richard Hearsey
Zach & Stephanie Hekker
Christine &
Rich Helmholz
Ila M. Hemm
Werner & Carol Henn
Lynn & Brant Henshaw
Karl & Sylvia Hermanson
Bob & Mary Hildie
Summer Hilliard
Howard & Tena Hilton
Alex & Lynn Hinrichs
David &
Karen Hollenback
Janice M. Holsbo
Bill & Merrily Hornell
Rachele Horner &
Chris Jacobson
Nancy Horrocks
Bill & Nan Hough
Barbara Howell
Susanna Hunter
William & Jean Hurt
Dan & Patricia Hutto
Karen & Jim Ilika
Ron & Gail Irving
Scott & Jocelyn Isaacs
Roy & Janet Isaksen
Arthur & Glenda Israel
Mark Jennings
Neal & Sue Jett Jensen
Kevin & Judy Jewell
James Johnson
JoAn & Charles Johnson
Mimi Johnson &
Brad Shoup
Richard & Bev Johnson
Zoe Johnson
Barbara G. Jones
JoAnne & Clayton Jones III
Chris & Cathy Jorg
Ron & Lori Kaufman
Mary Jane Keller
Kennedy Family
Ellen & Dwight Kester
Shelley Noble &
Robert E. Kilian
Louise Kincaid &
Arthur H. Mendel
Joan Muir King
David & Florence Kleine
Michaela Knollmann
Chris & Alice Kuntz
The Kusmik Family
Rhona Kwiram
Jenifer Lambert
Sandy L. Lambert
Bill & Judy Lambert
Monica Lane
Will & Helen Langer
Jeanne Large &
Fred Herzberg
Wendy L. Larson
Carol C. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Rod Leland
William & Gillian Lewis
David Linder &
Christina Esteban
Jamison Linton
John & Karen Loff
David S. Loomis
Nancy Lovell
Will & Robin Ludlam
John & Mary Jane Mack
The MacLean Family
Caroline Mann
Frank & Lynette Marcus
Aimee & Jay Markham
Robert Mason
Mary Mathers
Ms. Elizabeth Mathewson
Christine &
Stephen Matlock
Mr. Rico Matt
Karen Matthews
Sheila Mattick
Steve & Susan Matuschak
Doug & Kristi
Mike & Donna McCuen
Lynn McIntyre
Denise McLaren
Theodore &
Geraldine McLendon
Gavin & Anina McMurdo
Matt Medlin
Cristal & Kirk Meidinger
Ed & Jo Ann Mesa
Samantha Metcalf
The Chris Miller Family
Paul & Gail Miller
Stephen & Susan
Aaron Moller
Jeanne & Yousef
Anne & Tom Moore
Erma Jean Morgan
Jason & Erin Morin
Lori & Jack Morrison
Eric & Georgia Mosher
Janet Moursund
Mary Mueller
John & Kathleen Muir
Ralph Munson
Andrew & Leslie Muntz
Robin Murphy
Janice Myrick
Pam Nagel
David Nasby
Tom & Donna Needham
Brian & Taryn Neville
Jamie & Dreas Nielsen
Connie Niva &
Jud Marquardt
Craig & Deanna Norsen
Jean Nye
Alix & Michael O’Donnell
Dennis Olivarez &
Franki Shannon
Mary Anne Olmstead
Laurie & Gary Olsen
Eric & Elizabeth Orth
John & Jean Osborn
Myrna & Bob Overstreet
Kirby Nelson Orthodontics
John & Tanya Palmore
Lori Parish
Kevin & Kathy Pazaski
Jenn Penn
Linda Peterson
Clyde & Judy Pitcher
Cheryl Platz
Fred Poe
Nancy Preg
Wallace &
Marilyn Prestbo
Dan & Janet Price
John & Joyce Price
Judith E. Prince
Brian & Marilyn Pulk
Bobby J. Pyles
Kay Quillinan
Carol D. Radovich
Mr. Kenneth Ray
Rao & Satya
Remala Foundation
Carol & Ted Reule
Joel Rindal
Hank & Donna Robinett
The Robinsons
John & Shirley Rogers
Judi & Tom Rogers
Larry Rosen
Carolyn Hayek
Luanne Aronen Rosenfeld
Al & Maria Roth
Robin Rothe
Dick & Sheila Rucker
Marguerite Russell
Mary & Patrick Russell
Mike & Joanne Sato
Kaye Sauter
Cynthia Savage &
Vinnie Feraudo
Shaun & Jean Savory
Jim & Susie Sawyer
John Scannell &
Wendy Kelling
Kirk & Kerry Scarbrough
Shirley Schapler
Robin & Clare Scheffer
HD Luck Charitable Trust
Dr. Neil & Sari Schneider
Tim & Debbie Seeley
Joe & Donna Selby
Janet Shadle
Doug & Lisa Shaeffer
John & Adrienne Shaffer
Bonnie Sharp
Richard & Lesley Shay
Neal & Linda Shulman
Valerie M. Shultz
Mary & Ray Sievers
Chris & Shirley Sievers
Anne R. Simpson
Al Skinner
Paulette Cormier &
Michael Skinner
Ron & Carol Sodetani
John & Stephanie Soth
Margaret & Phil Stalcup
Ginna Steele
Rebecca Steidle
The Stoeck Family
Tom & Brenda Stonecipher
The Stribling Family
Harry Stuchell
Linda & Frank Stull
Carol J. &
George Sturtevant
Emmett & Laurie Sullivan
In the Heights, clockwise: Naomi Morgan (Vanessa), Iris Elton (Daniela), Jennifer Paz (Carla),
and Tanesha Ross (Nina Rosario). Photo by Mark Kitaoka.
Dorothy Summerill
Daniel Sweet
Dick & Joyce Swope
John & Bonnie Tabb
Norman &
Mary Ann Taylor
Robert & Wilma Taylor
Eric Teshima &
Frank Barrows
Jim & Karen Thompson
Stephen & Jackie
Verle R. Thompson
Phill & Amy Thorleifson
Richard & Mary Pat Thorpe
Patricia Tillman
Kaye Timm
Peggy Todd
Jack & Sallie Tuttle
Holly Ulfers
Liz & Loren
Patrick & Lisa
Manuel & Sally Vellon
Kathy & Steve Vincent
Kathie & Bob Ward
Robert & Lorraine Weber
Bob & Cathy Webster
Darryl Weide &
Karen Prince
Maureen Wells-Henderson
L. Wendy Wendland
Len & Ann Whalen
Denise & Bob Whitbeck
Richard & Janet Wilkie
Alan & Donna Willett
Kate Williams
Robert & Sandra
Timothy Williams
Bob & Pat Wilshusen
Sandra Wilson
Myles Winbigler
Susan Wolfe
Shirley Wright
Leila & Xander Yanni
Roy & Barbara Yates
Fred & Lucy Zapf
Rob & Amber Zielinski
Jim & Sally Zoll
Glenna Zuanich
Anonymous (24)
$100 to $249
Norm & Carol
Lawrence Adair
Patti Adamich
Mac & Ann Adams
Mrs. Susan A. Adams
Tom Adams
Carl & Shannon Agne
Janis Ahern
Mary Ahlberg &
Kevin Babcock
Aleia Aillot
Jack & Helen Akamine
Gerald & Rebecca Albers
Sandy Aldworth
Carolyn Allen
Mary Ann Allen
June & Cecil Allison
Stephanie Alphier
Dean & Gigi Altaras
Sandra & David Altaras
Dick & Marilee Amendola
Beth Ames
Margaret Ames
Danie & Kathrerine Ander
Dick & Janet Andersen
Carol & Mick Anderson
Chip Anderson
David & Kathleen
Elva M. Anderson
Ingrid Anderson-Boyle
Jeff Anderson
Kathleen D. Anderson
Keith & Charlyn Anderson
Dale & Kelly Anderson
Kirk & Monique Anderson
Norman &
Gladys Anderson
Paul & Judy Anderson
Sarabeth Anderson
Susan Andrejs
Mysti Andrews
Roxanna Angell
Mr. Eric M. Ankrim
Bob & Kim Anthony
Richard & Mary Arriola
Tom & Helen Askew
Harris & Mary Atkins
Mrs. Kathryn E. Aulwurm
Barrie & Margaret Austin
Cheryol Ayers
Karen J. Babbitt
William & Gwenn Baer
Patricia & Donald Baer
Ralph & Donna Baggerly
Kevin D. Bail
Cliff & Rosemary Bailey
Fred & Rose Marie Bailey
Patrick Bailey
Beth & Dick Baker
Bonnie M. Baker
J.J. Baker
Sydney & Janet Baker
Elizabeth Baldwin
Madeleine Ball
Linda Anne Ballard
Anthony & Emily Balogh
Michael R. Barclay
Sue Barnett
Mr. Morgan Barney
Bill & Jayne Barrere
The Barronian Family
Larry & Esther Barsher
Jona Bartell
Robert & Mary Ann Bartell
Pat Barthe
John & Peggy Baschen
Phil & Kathy Bates
Marilyn & Richard Batura
Elaine Bauer
The Baumann Family
Mary Ann Bayne
John & Janice Beam
Jacque Beamer
Ann & Cordy Beardsley
Betty Beaton
David & Barbara Beatty
Peter Beck
Matt Becker
Paul Beckman
Christopher Befumo
Dean & Carolyn Behse
Rosalyn Bellows
Laura Belvin
Ms. Kathleen Bemis
Aliaksandra Bennett
Janet Benson
Charlotte &
Donald Benusa
Jane Berard
Gudmund Berge
Dreana Berggren
Dr. Stanley S. Berman
Sharon Berry
Dave & Sheri Bettine
Lori Birrell
Suzie & Brad Bixler
Serena Blach &
Jeffrey Villnow
Inez N. Black
Charlene Blair
Vera Blake
John & Joan Blincoe
Julia Block
Elizabeth Blosten &
Thomas Linder
Karen Boctor
Greg & Mary Ann Boffey
Jim & Deborah Bofinger
Phil Bogardus
Dan & Maribeth Bolstad
Peg Bonaccio
Dale & Joani Boose
Ann & Raymond Borelli
DeLois I. Borg
Doug & Joanne Bornstine
Kay Borst
Margaret & Richard Bossi
Kai Bottomley
Mary Margaret &
Claude Bouchard
Randall S. Bourgeois
Ramona Bowman &
Norm Wills
Robin Bowser
Mark Boyd &
Nancy Lomneth
Tom & Donna Boyd
Colt & Maggie Braden
Paul & Coralee Brand
Mr. & Mrs. David Brasher
Roger & Jeanne Bray
Philip Brazil
Lynn Brechtel
Barbara Brewer
Dianne H. Broaddus
Ms. Lisa Brock
Karin P Brocksbank
Lloyd & Kathy Brodniak
Paul & Therese Brogan
Elmore G. Brolin
Allan & Gretchen Brookes
Browers Family
Carroll & Cherri Brown
Charlie & Pam Brown
Karen Brown
Margaret & Robert Brown
Dr. James &
Marti Browning
Robert & Sallee Bruce
Mary & Brad Brumfiel
Patricia A. Brust
Deborah Bryant
Wray & Dottie Buck
Marty Budzius
Pauline & Harry Buhler
Peter & Judith Bullard
Jon & Jane Bullen
John Bulman
Jerry & Margaret Bunce
Ruth & Alan Bunin
Gloria Burch
Jane G. Burgoyne
Steve & Stacy Burk
Bill & Sharon Burke
William Burke
Team Burleigh
Christina Burnett
Shirley Burris
Mike & Camille Burrows
Mr. William Burrows
Jeanne & Art Burt
Melinda Busch
Loretta, Bobbi’s Mom
Fred & Rosemarie Butler
Julie Byington
Mel & Ann Call
Deborah Callison
Deb Camp
Jean & Donald Camp
Joan Campbell &
Tim Williams
Sally Campbell &
Tom Perkins
Sierra Media
John & Susan Carl
Laura & Jess Carmichael
Ellen Carnwath
Ada Carpenter
Rosemary Carrel
Merrie S. Carson
Dorothy Carstens-Morris
Midge & Steve Carstensen
Bill & Linda Case
John & Barbara Cashen
Phyllis R. Cass
Cynthia & John Castle
Curt & Anne Caswell
Dr. Melanie Wynne
Jennifer R. Cearley &
Jeff Hughes
Karen Chadduck
Mr. & Mrs. John
Jim & Rose Chadwick
David Chalmers &
Jean Schuver
Eva & Cecil Chapman
Jacky-Vy Chau
Shirley & Clyde Cherberg
Wilton & Paula Chinn
Carol Choate &
Steve Powell
Mrs. Doris L. Christensen
Russell & Claudia J.
La Ruth Christiansen
Dale & Betty
Janet Chu
Elizabeth Churchill
John & Barbara
Peter W. Clarke
Richard & Joyce
David & Zenaida Clymer
Sharon Coleman
Denise & James Collene
Carol Colley
Maryanne Collins
Kelvie Comer
Maria Connelly
Jill Conner
Mary Cook
Tom & Sue Cooper
Karen Hart Cordell
Elizabeth &
Marc Cordova
Sara & Steve Corley
Susan Cornell
Valerie Costanzo
James C. Courtney
Carol S. Cox
Sandra Cozzetto
James & Anita Craft
Clyde Cramer
Robert & Gail Cranmer
Nathan Crawford
Pat & Kelly Crickmore
Canden Crie
Jean Crill
Roxanne & Bert Cronin
Jim & Cathy Croom
Mary Cross
Janice Crouch
Ernest & Patricia Crutcher
Jim Cumming
Kimberly Cummings
Patricia Cumming
Barb Cummins
James Cushman
Peter & Carol Dahl
Mary Dahlstrom
Phyllis & Richard Dale
Darcy Danielson
Carolee Danz
Forrester &
Patricia Darling
Allan Darr
Allan & Kathy Darr
Marion Darragh &
Ed Gallant
Alice Darrow &
Bob Corner
Barbara B. Daugherty
Nicholas Davenport
Jill Daverso
Phil & Elaine Davis
Ms. Jeanne Davis
Marilyn Davis
Michelle & Chris Davis
Sheri Davis
Steve & Susan Day
Philip & Lenore Defliese
Richard &
Donna Defrancesco
Adele Delisi
Brian DeLuca
Jodie Lynn &
Dennis DeMuth
Ronald & Barbara Dengel
Loren Denherder
Ron & Nanci Denney
Karen & David Dennis
Peggy Derick
Loren & Kathie Deshon
Rachel Devlin
David DeVore
Michael Dimeo
Carolyn E. Dion-Kuhn
Richard Divers
Erin Dolan
Michael & Beverly Doleac
Fred & Harriette Dorkin
Delbert & Sharon Doty
David &
Kimberly Doucett
Anne & Bob Douglas
Robert & Phyllis Duin
Gregory & Elaine Duncan
Nancy G. &
Gordon W. Duncan
Debra Tan &
Peter Duniho
Fran Dunkin
Linda Dunn & Ray Miller
Melanie Jane Dunn
Anne Dutra
Grace Easley
James & Lydia Easley
Mel & Veronica Eaton
Sam & Mary Jo Eck
Judith A Ecklund
Ginger Eddy
Bonnie Steussy &
David Edfeldt
Lee Ann Edwards
Malcolm &
Carolyn Edwards
Michael &
Christine Edwards
Robert & Dolores Eggers
Corinna Eivers
Elizabeth N. Eknes
Lucille D. Elbert
George & Marilyn Elliott
Dave & Sherry Ellis
Janet M. Elmore
Mona Elsing
Phillip M. Elvrum
Marilyn Elwing
Maureen Elwood
David K. Engeset
Richard &
Judith F. Englund
Kami Erickson
John Eriks
William Euster
Steve & Cheryl Evans
Reginald & Elizabeth Evans
Janet M. Ewing
Delmar & Sandy Fadden
David Fahimi
John & Kerry Fairchild
Mrs. Judy & Barry Fairfax
John D. Fan
Verne & Kathleen
Ed & Katie Farrey
Gary & Linda Feldman
Doug & Robin Ferguson
Susan & Dick Ferrarini
Thomas & Heidi Fine
Frances Nanette Finelli
Jerry Ann Finstad
Victoria & Gail Fischer
Elaine V. Fisher
Mitzi Flick
Erika Flin
Marilyn & Hal Fogelquist
F.J. Foley
Gail Forbes
Christopher Forrest
Margie Forrester
Sue Fosnes
Vafa Voss-Fouroohi
Nathan & Rebekah Fox
Donna J. Franklin
Ms. Elizabeth G Franklin
George & Joyce Frasier
Art & Sharon Freus
Paul & Edna Frease
Eileen Freed
Chuck & Timmie
Emily Freet
Curt & Arlene French
Patricia Freund
Jim & Anna Freyberg
Christa Friedrich
Erin J. Fry
Juanita Frye
Ms. Lisa Funk
Becky Furru
Rupa Gadre
Margaret &
David Gallimore
Susan Gardner
Charles & Pat Garrity
Vicki & Larry Geist
Amy Lynn Gelinas
Frank & Jan Ghosn
Steve & Hina Giese
Audrey & John Gilbert
Gordon Gilchrist
Duane & Pamela Gleave
Dee Glenn
Elaine & Scott Goddard
Kate Goedde
Jack Goldberg
Kristen Gonzales
I. Mervin &
Georgiana Gorasht
John & Joan Gorow
Richard Gourley
Michelle Grace
Thomas & Carol Graham
Laurie Gray
Marilyn Gray
David & Barbara Green
Bernard Green
Faye & Elmer Green
Diane E. Grier
Emily Grieser
Diane Grignon
Yvonne A. Grobe
Wiard & Jean Groeneveld
Patricia Groff
Ms. Anita Grumer
Scott Guettinger
Mickie Gundersen
Mark Gunning & Helen
Laura & Neil Gutenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
H Haase
Rosemary &
Thomas Hackett
Sandra R. Hagan
Leonard & Ellen Hagen
Cynthia Hahn
Fred & Suzanne Hahn
Mary & Don Hale
Richard M. Halffman
Richard Halffman
Clint Hall & Cheryl Gordon
Mike & Terri Hall
Lorinda Haman &
Raymond Harding
Pam Hamilton
Patricia B. Hamilton
Glen & Nancy Hammond
Ron & Barbara Hammond
Justin & Rebecca Haney
Nancy Hanford
Dick & Gail Hankinson
Catherine &
Joseph Hannan
Don Hansen
Lillian & Leonard Hansen
Arthur & Margaret Hansen
Jim & Pat Hanson
Martin Hanson
Raymond Hanson
Carol Hardan
Marcia Hardy
Rose & Rick Harig
Maureen Harlan
Lavonne &
Thomas Harrington
Barbara & Keith Harris
Jean Marie Harris
Joan Harris
Sharron &
David Hartman
Elizabeth Hartsfield
Robert &
Wendy Hatheway
Mike Hatmaker &
Ruby Okada
The Weigel Family
Catherine &
Todd Havener
Brett & Cindy Havens
Deanna Haverfield
Richard Haverty
Arnie Hawkins
Susan Hayes
Gladys Headley
Carla Heath
Judy & Jim Heber
Pat & Allyn Hebner
Marcia D. Heck
Severt & Cheryl Hegland
Sandy Heidergott
Corky & Kris Heimbigner
Bryan Heinrich
Chuck & Leslie Newquist
Jim & Valerie Hemmen
Steve & Pam Hemphill
The Hendry Family
Andrew &
Teri Henninger
Green / Henri Family
Carol & Don Henry
Helen & Steven Henry
Lloyd Herman
Janice Hertz &
Brian Trede
Mary & David Hervey
Dan & Julie Hess
Carol P. Hethcock
Dave & Carol Heywood
James & Susan Higgins
Shirley & Dean Hobson
W. Eugene &
Ruth S. Hockenbery
Dave & Susan Hoening
Steven & Carla Hoffman
William & Arlene Hoffman
Ron & Virginia
Don & Shirley Hofstrand
Larry & Myrtis Holdren
Kay Hollier
Nadine Holm
Ronald C. Honeyman
Patricia Hong
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn
Dale & Gail Hoover
Jim Horn
Paul & Janet Horton
Christine & Mark Hotton
Frances & Don Houck
The Jayne Family
Lyn L. Jeffress
John P. Jensen
Larry & Carol Jergens
Rose Marie &
Edward Jesse
Kelly R. Johns
Mary Susan Johns
Sharon & Warren Johns
Fred & Barbara Johnson
Roberta Williams-Johnson
Deborah Johnson
Erin Johnson
George & Dale Johnson
Gwyn Johnson
Jean Johnson
Joyce L. Johnson
Rod & Phyllis Johnson
Ron Johnson &
Doris Hatton
Wayne & Carol Johnson
F. David Jones
Gayle & Phillip Jones
James C. Jones
Edmund & Jan Jones
Robert & Diane Jones
Joyce Family
Dean & Jeanne Justice
Bill & Kathie Kreager
Janice Baker &
Edwin Baker
Constance Kristovich
Janice Kurth
Ted & Marge Kuykendall
Mr. Edward Adrian Laigo
Mrs. Lynnie Laks
Thomas &
Catherine Lambe
Lanore Lambert
Linda Lamont
Shelly & Rick Lamoreaux
Sheryl Landry
Suzanne Lane
Julie Langabeer
Loraine Lapworth
Darlene Larsen
Margaret Larsen
Maxine Larson
Reland Ann Lashbaugh
Agneta LaTurner
Jim & Sue Laurenti
Frank Lawler
Bruce & Neoma
Bruce Lawson
Lester Lay
Janet Lloyd
Martha Lloyd
Dick & Helen Lodmill
Larry & Anna Loftis
Roger L. Long
Larry Loranger
Kim Lorenz
Thomas & Laury Lorz
Kathryn Losleben
Kim & Debbie Losnegard
Janet Loudenback Newman &
John Newman
Kathleen & Geoff Lowney
Robert Luhrman
Craig Lundgren
Stephen & Ellen Lutz
Tracy Lynn
Kristina MacCully
Scott MacDonald
Judy MacDoran
Linda MacRae
David & Kathleen Madsen
Margaret Madsen
Mark & Nikki Mahan
Donald Mahlum
Mr. Dylan Malone
Emmett & Sandy Maloof
Mary Poppins, Cast of Mary Poppins. Photo by Mark Kitaoka.
Angella & Dan Hould
Dave & Donna Howard
Robert Howard &
Kirk Neil
Kurt & Judy Howeler
James & Annette Hoxsey
Katherine Huber
Cynthia Huffman
Joanne & Bud Hufnagel
Grace Hughes
Katherine Hughes
Sandra & Gerald Hughes
Mark Hulen & Kelley Hale
Victor & Jan Hulteen
Margee & Jim Hunt
Sheri Hunt
Desire Hunter
David & Sheila Huntman
Tami Hurwitz
Rita Husby
Delores & Walt Hyden
Phyllis Iacono
Leslie B. Iles
Bob & Gretchen Ilgenfritz
Michelle Ircink
Sue Ireland
Lori & Ted Irwin
Liz & Gary Isaacson
Kathleen Iverson
Ed & Betty Iwamoto
Janet & Larry Jackson
Norma Jackson
Patty & Bill Jaeckel
Gayle Lynn Jahncke
Suzanne M. James
Pat & Paul Kaald
Kim & Pamela Kaiser
Pankaj Kakkar
Mike & Peggy Kanaga
Dr. Samuel Kaplan &
Sybil Brown
Bob & Ellie Karrer
Sunny & Kirk Kaynor
Peter & Nancy Keim
Chrissi Keller
Janet Kellie
Jacqueline Kelly &
Fiachra O’Dea
Neil & M.A. Kendall
Susan Kendall
Kert Kertson &
Norma Lee Smith
Betse King
Clare & Ron King
Tina Kinnard
George & Linda Kirkish
Brittany & Sheldon Kitts
Jim & Sandy Klein
Dale & Richard
Shawn Kline
Elaine & Steve Knapp
Alvin Ko
Ken & Carol Kocher
Helen Koenig
Karen S. Kohler
John Kohlsaat
Gloria & Bill Koll
Koenders-Kools Family
Rosalie Kosher
Mr. & Mrs.
Claude E. Layman
Patricia Lazowski
Hertha & Bob Ledford
Elizabeth Lee
Deborah Lefler
Janice & Randy Leitzke
Denny & Kathy LeMaster
Kelmar &
Merlene LeMaster
The Lengyel Family
Edward & Ellen Lenhart
Jeff & Linda Lentgis
Yvonne Lervick
Mike & Deborah Leslie
Jean LeTellier
Oona Leung
Carol Levenson &
Ken Mahaffy
Dick & Carol Levinthal
Mr. Alan Levy
Russ P. Levy
Charles P &
Pauline LeWarne
Carla Lewis
Kirstie A. Lewis
Mary Lou Lewis
Jerry & Loretta Lilly
Nora Linderoth &
Stan Sastry
Phyllis Lindsey
Carl & Lisa Lindstrom
Carol & Ernst Linnemann
Marny Livingston &
Ron Large
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Marich
John & Gina Marrow
Deborah Marsh
Carolyn & Ken Martin
Edith A. Martin
Michele Martin
Mike & Michelle Martin
Joanne Martina
Caroline & Jeff Mason
Ms. Karen Mason
Kathy & Michael
Selina Maxfield
Dan & Kathy Maxwell
Donna & Robert Mayer
Scott Mayer
Kris & Shamus McBride
Patrick & Claudia McClain
William McCoubrey
Robert & Debbie McCoy
Mr. & Mrs. Billy McCrabb
Maridy McCuen
Jim McCulloch
Barbara &
Patrick McDermott
Cara McDermott &
Scott Gardner
Linda McDonald
Mark & Jane McDowell
Mary McGhee
Arthur McGrew
JoAnn McHolland
Robert McIntyre
Jennifer McKee-Johnson
& Chatt Johnson
Anna Marie McKnight
Gary & Ardie McLean
Bruce &
Kathleen McLeod
Mary Lou McMeins
David & Nancy McMonigle
Lanie McMullin
Rebecca McNamara
Tom & Jane McNassar
Debbie McPherson
Nancy & Neil McReynolds
Jean L. Medina
Pat & Jerry Medved
Eric L. Meltzer
Mark Mennella
Ruth & Jim Menzies
Rick Merrill
Leslie Ann Merta
Alden & Joann Metcalf
Cathy Mika
Cheryl Miller
Deirdre L. P. Miller
Kenneth & Sandra Miller
The Miller Family
Margie Miller
Marjorie Miller
Patti Miller
Stefan & Shirley Miller
Joanne Miller
Chuck & Sue Millonzi
Clyde & Margaret Miner
Sue Minich
Mike & Mary Minkiewitz
Wayne Misenar
Jacqueline Y. Mitchell
Kathleen Mitchell
David & Yola Modena
Sunita & Nahush Mokadam
Stephen &
Katherine Monohan
Dena Moore
Ed Moore
Eric Moore
Walter & Karen Moore
Kevin & Jill Morgan
Linda & Michael Morgan
Tracy Morgan
Kathie & Alan Moritis
Tim Morley
William & Linda Morrell
Greg & Brenda Morris
Charles Morse
David & Amy Morse
Theresa & Scott Mosier
Cate & Jack Mueller
Samantha Mueller
Paul Mueller & Laura
Moore Mueller
Sharon A. Muir
Dee Mulford
Linda Mullen
Marr & Nancy Mullen
Dean & Aljean Muncey
Ellen Murphy
Patti Murphy
Donna Murray
Colleen Musgrave
Carole Muth &
Robert Johnson
Mark & Maryann
Kathleen Nannery
John Nederlee
Ellie Neidhart
Cleo Nelsen
Barbara Nelson
Ka Nelson
Nancy A. Nelson
Roy Nelson
Eugene & Martha Nester
Paul & Charlene Neuss
Les & DeLaine Newton
Henry & Sandra Newton
Lynda & Jim Nicholson
Colleen Nickel - John L.
Scott Real Estates
Laurence & Mary Nielsen
Leslie Nielsen
Shirley A. Nielsen
Mrs. M. Gayle Niendorff
Ruben Nieto &
Barbara Olin
Lisa Noble
Jim & Shirleann Nold
David & Joy Nordlie
Trevor Nunn
Marie Nuss
Suzann Oakes-Anderson
& Douglas Anderson
Shelley M. O’Brien
Michael & Penny O’Byrne
Mary O’Connor
Heather Oesting &
Joseph Teltier
Harry & Renate Oestreich
Mary Okada
Cliff & Vivien Olofson
Wayne Olson
David & Valerie Orloff
Judi M. Osborne
Ed & Vivian
Vione V. Ost
Susan Osterman
Vicki Ostrom
Miles Otoupal
Stanley & Teresa Otsubo
Deneall Owens
Jeffrey & Lauren Packman
Carol Paige
Gail Painter
Teresa Palmer &
Derek Smith
Robert & Loyce Panos
Spero & Tina Papantos
Lena Park &
Robert Coggins
Mr. & Mrs. David G Parker
Helen W. Parsons
Janet Parsons
Robert & Marianne Parsons
Judy Pascale
Kat & Bob Patera
Penny Paterson
Ernie & Joyce Patricelli
Paul & Jane Patterson
Beverly Pausheck
Edythe Pavish
Wes & Alice Pearl
Curt & Shari Pederson
The Pedroza Family
Wallace & Bonnie Peltola
Gordon &
Lyanne Peltonen
Tom & Jackie Pendergrass
Gary Pernaa
Lillian Perry
Frank & Mary Peters
Darwin & Dialine
Celeste Peterson
Sanford & Linda Peterson
Don & Barbara Pethick
Rose & Anthony Petrarca
Craig & Elizabeth Petre
Virginia Phillips
Dr. Zaiga Phillips
Odrun & Winlock
Joan Pierce
Jack & Leilia Pierce
Marc & Patricia Pinotti
Jack & Barbara Plumb
Marc & Sue Policar
Kent & Sue Porter
Phillip & Lee Post
Claudia Postema
Steve Poteet
Jim & Susan Powell
Lois Powers
Mrs. Sarah Poyner Wallis
Herb & Eileen Pridmore
Zita & Guy Pryor
Barbara Purn
Kathi & John Quickstad
Bob & Nancy Quickstad
Lisa & Tim Quigg
Brian & Nancy Quint
John & Kay Raeder
Raffo Family
Marilyn & Jack Rafn
Thomas & Davis Rainville
Bill & Sally Raker
Owen Hazelton &
Diane Ramberg
Joshua Cruz Ramirez
Tina Ramos
Jean Raymond &
Frank Rousseau
David & Nancy Raymond
Dale & Joyce Razee
Amanda Rees
Courtney Reeves
Dick & Carroll Rehmke
Bob Reis
Sheila Remes
Robert & Lois Renner
Maxine Rhodes
G Richardson Cook
James K. Richards
Katherine Richards
Tude & Bruce Richter
Steven & Suzanne Riddle
Naomi Riesgaard
Ken & Krissy Riggs
Frank & Mary Ring
Ralph & Jackie Risdal
Alex & Jean Ritzen
Pearne Robbins
Raymond & Lisa Roberts
Dianne & Larry Robinson
James & Doris Roelker
Mary Rollins
Anna & Andrei
Dan Rosen
Glenn & Kay Ross
Ron & Margie Ross
The Rossignol Family
Iolanda Rossman
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Rosso
Frederic & Margaret Row
Jack & Yvonne Rowe
Edward & Marilana
Ty Rudolph
Anita Rugwell
Hazel & David Russell
Kenneth Ruud
Ron & Helen Ryan
Andrew P. Rybar
Margaret Sacha
Ben & Marianne Sakamoto
Mohammed Samji
Skip Sampelayo
Elmer & Donna Sams
Mary Ann Sande
Joan Sanders
Dr. Frank Sandin
Mary Lou Sargent
Judy Sarkisian
Patricia Sasson
The Statenberg Family
The Satterlee Family
Charlotte & Peter Saxby
Donna & Loren Saxby
Barry & Carolyn Scalise
Patricia & Walter
Joanne Scheele
Melody Scherting
John & Maryann Scherzo
Winn & Bob Schillberg
Katie & Matt Schiltz
Doug & Susan
Schlepp Family
Around the World in 80 Days, Jared Michael Brown (Phileas Fogg), Chris Ensweiler
(Passepartout), Jason Collins (Proctor), and Eric Polani Jensen (Detective Fix).
Photo by Tracy Martin.
William & Gailor Schmidt
Jennine & Michael Schober
Kohl Schoening
John & Arleen Schonians
Karin & Skip Schott
Judi Schrager
Virginia & Chris Schreiber
Nina M. Schuler
Kathryn & Nick Schultz
Peggy Sue Schultz
Susan & Steven Schwalb
Maria Schweizer
Connie & Peter Scontrino
Jerome Searing
Cindy & Thomas Seib
Rich & Andrea Semon
Greg Serum
Alvah & Peggy Setzer
Bill & Pat Shafer
Preeti Shah
Susan & Fred Shanafelt
Leonard & Patricia Shapiro
Janet & Harry Sharp
Connie Shattuck
Janet Shaw
Jason Shaw
Tom & Dorothy Sheehan
Steve & Lauren Sheehan
Bonnie Sheeran
Suzanne & Shelton
Frances Sherwood
Daniel Shih &
Ted MacGovern
Shawna Shilmover
Mr. & Mrs. Frances
Agnes Sholes
Shirley Shular
Kaarin Shumate
Stan Siegel
Blanche & Russ
Gene & Jane Silberberg
Aris & Sally Silzars
Donna & Bal Simon
Joseph L. Sing
Nanna & Tom Skalley
Al & Sarah Skinner
Mrs. Alison Small
Delores Smith
Desmond & Judy Smith
Duane & Patty Smith
Alden & Eunice Smith
Kim & Joel Smith
Ron & Joellyn Smith
Mike & Pam Smyth
Robert & Patricia Smyth
Charlene & Ed Snow
Betty Snyder
Benjamin Sokal
Dorothy Soland
Orley & Arlene Solomon
Craig & Vicki Sosey
Mark & Jennifer Spatz
Lloyd & Deanne Spencer
Scott & Shari Spung
Ruth Ann Stacy
Herbert &
JoAnn Stadmore
Tom Staggs
Jim & Patricia Stahlkopf
Rosemary Stallings
Mary Stanton
Donald & Jane Stark
Deirdre Staudt
Andy & Robin Stefan
Leona Stein
Arthur & Kay Stendal
Jane Stephenson
Scott & Ann Stephenson
Mary Steranka
Susan Sterling
Sonya & Byron Stevenson
Bill & Karen Stewart
Margaret D. Stewart
William &
Yvonne Stewart
Jerry & Ann Stockman
Mary Jo Stojak
Joan Stone
Sharon Stoppler
Stephen & Carolyn Stott
Carol L. Stults
Lois Sugars
Harold & Julia Sullivan
Paul & Betsy Sunich
Mary K. Sutter
Emma Swanson
Richard & Joan Swanson
Rodger & Nancy Swanson
Walt & Ruth Swanson
Sheila J. Swenson
Elizabeth & Paul Sytman
Lucy Sytman
Monique Szyszka-Ramos
Patrice Tabor &
Doug Howlett
Jennifer Tada
Charlene Tagas
Daniel & Janet Tangarone
Margaret Tangen
Dr. Robert E. Tank
George Tantzen
Sylvia Taylor
Lynne Rosenthal
Dave & Brenda Terrill
Donn Terry Family
Marilee Howsam Thacker
Judith Thiel
Dorothy Thomas
Margaret Thomas
Bob & Peggy Thompson
Faye Thompson
Karen Thompson
Sandra Thompson
Elizabeth Tickman
Paul Tidwell
Beverly Tindall
Karol & Carl Tipton
Sharon Tobin
Jenna Tollefson
Linda Relyea &
John Totosz
Jim & Lois Touhey
Kristin Towberman
Oren Townsend
Barb Traaen
Karen & Ron Trainer
Don & Julie Tranum
Mary Tremain
Dan & Jean Trent
Brian Trimble
Roberta & Frank Troske
Greg & Amy Tryon
Shig Tsutsumi
Ann Tuohy
David & Sharon Turner
Ms. Indu Tursa
Eugene H. Usui
Louise Uyeda
Norma J. Vandenberghe
Jonathan Vangstad
Mike & Karen Schoiack
Joanne & Raymond Vath
Elizabeth Vaughan
Marion J. Vedell
Sally Verrinder
Martha & Dan Vigil
Dr. Bart & Beverly Vincent
Gerald Vogel
Walter Von Moos
Marinus & Sandy Voskuilen
Gerald & Bonnie Voss
Richard & Merridee Vuori
Tim & Elaine Wahlquist
Les & Karen Wahlstrom
Beverly Walker
Edie & Tony Walker
Jeanette Walker &
Arthur Sherling
Tom & Nicola Walker
Mickey Walker
Colleen E. Wall
Janet Wall
Fred & Meri Wallace
Sharon Wallace
Lynn Waplington
Pattie Warr
Heather & Craig Warren
Greg & Diane Warrian
Wilbur & Stephany Watson
Bob & Marian Webb
Larry & Terry Webb
Terri J. Webb
Bryna Webber &
Dick Tompkins
Jack & Elaine Webber
Donna Weber
Pat Weberg
Josiah Smith Wedgwood
Dennis & Virginia
Ron & Mary Wehde
Larry & Paige Weir
Jerry & Anne Weltner
Nancy & Lauren Wendt
Arlette Wentz
Fred & Marie Werbel
Christa Werle
Aaron Werner
Bill & Bo Werner
Jessica & Matthew Wesley
Marlis West
Marlene Westberg
Susan Westcott
Dick & Deena Wetmore
Eldon & Carolyn Wexler
Robert Whalen
Betty White
Danny & Joanne White
Jonathan & Judy White
Dean & Lise White
Cindy & Brian Whiteside
June Hayden
Gail Widell
Fredrick & Louise Wike
Mike & Margaret Wilcox
Dr. & Mrs. Mel Wilenzick
Peter & Kathy Wilkie
Alexander Williamson
Gary & Chris Williams
Hill & Mary Louise
Western & Susan Williams
Kathleen Willis
Lawrence & Patricia Wilson
Nadja Wilson
Gary & Sandra Wilson
Fran Wimer
John & Terri Winn
John & Lynda Winsor
Donald & Bridget Winters
Timothy Witthauer
Michael & Marcia Wiviott
Andrew & Barbara Wold
Anne Wolf
Diane Woltz
Michael & Lucinda Wood
Ali & Rob Wood
Wendy Wood
Diana & John Woodbery
Deb Wright
Marcus & Kristen Wright
Allan & Merle Wyemura
Robert Bruce Yates
Marge & Bob Yeats
Brint & Phyllis Yorks
Julia Ann Young
Robert & Lili Young
Melody Young
Cynthia & J Michael
Susan & Joseph Zahniser
Amy Zebala
Rose & Brian Zeringer
Sharon Zerr-Peltner, Ph.D.
Jeff & Kathy Ziegler
Karen Zimmer
Maurianna & Joseph
Al & Linda Zold
Zook Family
Janet Zuanich
Eileen Zube
Anonymous (74)
Up to $99
Dorothy Abbott
Kari Abramson
Carolyn Adams
Robert & Beverly Adams
Don & Sonna Alexander
Kathryn Alexandra
Merri & Sam Alexander
Silvia Alfaro
Beth Alhadeff
Helen Allan
Linda Allasia
Greg Allen
Thomas & Marlene Allen
Mary L. Allen
Michael & Susan Allen
Donald Allgeier
Alexa Allman
Julie & Jerry Allyne
Ronald & Antonia Allyne
Marilyn Altschul
Mr. John Noel Aman
Mercy Ammerlaan
Mitchell Amon
The Andersons
*We sincerely apologize for any names that we may have misspelled or inadvertently omitted from our donor list. For corrections, please contact our Development Assistant at (425) 392-1942 x120 or
Carol A. Anderson
Christine & Kyle Anderson
Elaine L. Anderson
Elaine Anderson
Gerald H. &
Deanna Anderson
James & Elsie Anderson
Janice Anderson
Don & Janna Anderson
Bob & Kathy Anderson
Linnea J. Anderson
Ms. Lynn Anderson
Melissa A. Anderson
Nancy Page Anderson
Zumrut Anderson
William &
Kathleen Anderson
Ms. Marcianne R. Andrews
Marlene & Abe Angell
Arvin G. & Lois Apol
Maureen &
Steven Arnold
Debora Arreola
JoAnne Asato
Robin Asprea
Jay Athalye
Elaine & John Atherly
Kathy Atwood
Linda Auchterlonie
Moon & Anne Auh
Edward Authier
Kathleen Aye
Bill & Linda Baber
Sandra Back
Carol & Bruce Backer
Ted Backmann
Linda Bagley
Jeannie Bailey
Jeannine Bailey
Maxine Bailey
Michael Bailey
Suzane E. Bailey
Bernard & Rita Bailie
Sandra & Dave Baily
Kathy Bainbridge
Peter & Lynn Baird
Ron & Joanne Baker
Rene Baker
Sherrill Baker &
Arlene Carr
Erika & Jeremy Barbera
Carol Barden
Judithann Barnes
Sandra A. Barnes
Barbara Barokas
Suzanne & Loren Barsness
Herb & Diana Barstad
Carol Bartley
Ken Bartol & P. Todd
Anne Baseler
Bill & Dee Ann Bates
Ardyth Bathhurst &
Mary Schoenfeldt
Mrs. Mary Batterson
David Baxter
Gene & Sally Beall
Betty L. Beaton
Heather L. Beatty
Brian Bebee
Samuel & Rosie Bechara
Beverly & Art Becher
Frederick & Diane Beck
Jean Becker
Isolde Beebe
Carol Beeks &
Ronald Janiszewski
Norma Beerweiler
Cathy & Ralph Bell
Clyde & Joyce Bell
Bruce & Jane Bench
Steven & Kristin Bendt
Lowry & Dorothy Bennett
Jack & Connie Bennett
Janice Bennett
Kris Bennett
Marilyn Bennett
Scott & Debra Bennion
Gene & Jeannie Benson
Family of Mercedes Benson
Mrs. Vicki Berg
Kristina Berger
Larry & Karen Bergeron
Renee & Mark Bergeson
Marjorie Bergstedt
John & Joan Bernard
Sheila Bernier
Bill & Elisabeth Best
Judy & David Beste
Ron & Angela Bettencourt
Catherine & Ralph Beuter
Elaine Bilbao
Rebecca Billings
Ms. Deanne Bilsborough
Lisa Bingaman
Barbara Birman
Andrew Bishop
Marjorie Bissell
J. Dennis &
Barbara Bjornson
Christine & Stephen Black
Judith Blake
Yvette Blauvelt
Bob & Bobbi Bleeck
Sherry Bleiweiss
Alice Blohm
Tom & Marilyn H. Blue
Mr. Carl Blumer
Carol Bobrek
Daisy Mae Boding
Pearl Boersema
Kirk & Sue Boettcher
Judith Bogataj
Dana Bogel
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W Bohlke
Sean Bonazzola
George & Carol Bondor
and Jerry & Linda Rantz
DW & Mildred Bone
Jack & Frankie Bookey
Suzanne Boone
Sarah Bordenet
Lythia J. Borges
Mr. Mark Bornstein
Tami Borowick
Dorothy & Jon Bosland
Daten & Leonora Bourn
Earline Bowen
Patty Bowen
John & Carol Bowker
Shelley Boy
Sandra Boyd
Tonia & Megan Boyle
Bob & Stefani Bozorth
Donald & Sherill Brace
Mrs. Christine A. Brackett
Ruth & Kenneth Bramall
Mary Kay Branch
Karen Brandon &
Chuck Wright
Anne Braunger
Sherrie Breda
Debbie Bredin
Jennifer Breed
Jack Brenchley
Ethel Brende
Lisa & John Brennan
Robert Brezing
Dennis Breznikar
Amanda Bricknell
Elaine Brighton
Janet Britt
Martha Brock
Tiffany & Jude Broderson
Laura & David Brokaw
Sharry & Harold Broman
Denise Broncheau
Kenneth & Sheila Brooks
Norman Brooks
Cindy Brown
David & Leanne Brown
Jack & Wanda Brown
Joan Brown
Scott & Michelle Brown
Susan Brown
Lenora Bruce
Mark & Thea Bruce
Melanie Bruch
Catherine A. Bruckner
Herbert & Bonnie
Mike & Leslie Brust
Franja Bryant
Ms. Julie Bublitz
Carl Buchholz &
Mary Pachek
John & Marilyn
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Burch
Carol & Peter Burger
Kristina Burgess
Melanie & Robert Burgess
Mary C. Burns
Burrows Family
Dotti Burton
Wanda Busby
Nancy S. Bushore
Paul & Judy Butrim
Monica & Bert Byerly
Kevin & Jaye Bywater
Coya L. Cady
Kathleen Cady
Beverly Cafourek
William & Beryl Cahoon
Aneta Cain
Kathryn Calder
Caldero Family
Mr. & Mrs Sam Calles
Pam Calley
Lynne Cameron
Roxanne & Rocky Camp
Kristine Marie Campbell
Tessa Campbell
Carol S. Canfield
Mario Cantone
Linda Caputo
Janice Cardwell
Robyn Carey
Anita Carlson
Merydee & John Carlson
Pat Carlson
Brian & Ann Carlton
Patricia Carmichael
E. Anne Carr
Karen Carr
John & Katie Carroz
Donna Carsen
Betty Carter
Gretta Cary
Sandra Casperson
Jim Cavelero
Jim & Susan Cavelero
Merlin & Dianne Cavender
Carol Chandler
Patricia Chatterton
Darryl Cherdron
Geraldine Cherry
Lucille Chester
Anne Chin
Dennis Chriest
Glen Christensen
Helen Christen
Brent Christian
Marilyn Christianson
Elaine Christman
Bertha & Boyd
Greta Christofferson
Janice & Ken
Marcie Ciez
Ms. Jaymie Cizek
Alethea Clark
James Clark
Jeff & Carolyn Clark
Joyce & Tom Clark
Jeannine Clarke
Sabrina Clasen
Ms. Ruth Diane
Danita Cochrane &
Sheryl Basinger
Kassie Cochrane
Jennifer Cockrill
Donald Cohan
Leslie Cohn
Madeline Cokeley
Pat Cokewell
Janet Cole-Hamilton
Bernice L. Coleman
Marie Coleman
Roger & Gitte Coleman
Janet Sue Collins
Deanna & Jeff Colon
Christa Colouzis
Eileen Conces
The Condit Family
Ms. Karen Cone
Jon Conley
Maureen & Larry Cooke
Harry Cooker &
Eriann Pearson
Donald Coon
Charles &
Dorothy R. Cooper
The Coopers
John E. Cooper
Molly Cooper
Lynda Corcorran
Ms. Charlotte Cordner
Shileah Corey
Po & Pat Cornay
Connie Corrick &
Hugh Hastings
Jane Costello
John & Priscilla Cotton
Jane Cottrell
Craig Cottrill
Christena Coutsoubos &
Sean Bowles
Fred & Carolyn Cowan
Kenneth Cowsert
Scoop & Kathy Cox
Lynda & Bill Craft
Charles Crain
Mr. Robert Cramer
Renee Crampton
Muriel Crawford
Jim Creevey
Bryna Betsy Crohn
Sharon L. Crook
Claudia Ellison
Sarah S. Cue
William &
Elizabeth Culbert
Steve & Kathy Cummins
Marlene Curley
Dick & Pat Curnutt
Rebecca R. Curry
Robin & Bert F. Curtis Jr.
Mrs. Nancy Cushing
Sharon Cutshall
Bill Dady
Karen & Jason Dahners
Alice & Chuck Daiger
John & Janet Daly
Jerry & Mary Anne
Gwendolyn Danforth
Cathy A. Daniels
Sue Danitschek
Hans & Martha Dankers
Karen & Homer Davenport
Barbara & Alan Davidoff
Lynn & Ross Davidson
Carol L. Davis
James & Barbara Davis
James E. Davis
Jody Davis
Nancy & Mark Davis
Richard H. & Ellen Davis
Shirley Davis
Ms. Wendy Davis
Bart & Marcia Dawson
Rachel Day
Tom Deacon
Jeffery Decker
Eric Deily
Carol Deitz
Anna De Jong
Robert & Sally Delcour
Ronald & Jan Delismon
John De Michele &
Dianne Nagasaka
Bill & Jeni Dennis
Samuel Desantiago
Georgene &
Robert Dewald
Pete Dewitt
Jan Dexter
Ed & Arlene Diamond
Diane M. Dick
Roberta Dickman
Barbara Dierst
The Dietrich/Leban family
John Dinneen
Marlyce & Bob Dixon
Liz & Bob Dobler
Edna Donaldson
Sandi & George Dong
April Doolittle
Patricia & Robert Dootson
Lisa & Mark Dowdle
Nicole R. Dozois
Linda Drake
Kevin Drazic
Carol Drew
Evelyn & John Drexel
William Droppelman
Sara Drury
Carol & Greg Druse
Nicolette Ducommun
Renee Duff
Mary Jo Dugaw &
David E. Ketter
Karen Dunbar
Angelica Duncan
Cheryl Duncan
Betty Dunn
Carole Ann Dunnigan
Deborah Dunsire
Darlene Dupar
David & Leanne Durham
Marilyn Dusche
Carol Dyer
Charles &
Phylliss Eberhardy
Claire Eberle
Walter & Shirley Eck
Cheryl Edelman
Connie & Ron Edlin
Noma & Craig Edwards
Jonathan Edwards
Kaye & Steven Edwards
Bill & Marge Edwards
Claire & Hilkka Egtvedt
Judy Eib
Keith & Virginia Eilers
Jonathan Eisler &
Jessica Ferrangi
Rosanne Elich
Cathy Elkington
Elizabeth Elliott
Karen Elliott
John & Judith Maas
Bob & Maggie Elsaesser
Tony & Marie Emerson
The Emerson Family
Patricia Emsley
Lisa Endresen
Roger & Gloria Engberg
Rebecca Engvall
Louis Enkema
James & Joan Enslin
Alicia Erickson
Annette Erickson
Carol Erickson
Cecelia Erickson
Helen L. Erickson
Ken Erickson
Krista Erickson
Karen & Steve Ernst
Christine Ervine
Angela Estigoy
Jean Evans
Neil R. Evans
Peter & Martha Evans
Julie Evan Smith
William &
Ruthann Ewing
Connie & Darrell Face
Carol Falor
Judith E Farrar
Debbie & Robert Fattore
Kathryn Faulkner
Mike & Maggie Faulkner
John Fawcett
Federman Family
Sherry Feely
Alan Feigenbaum
Cristina Fenesan
Mary Fenton
James & Annette Ferguson
Laverne Ferguson
Mary Ferrari
Connie L. Fessler
Joy & Walter Feurer
Patti S. Fickel
Dorothy Finley
Virginia Finlon
Barbara Fischer
Patricia C Fisk
Linda Fitzgerald
K. Fitzpatrick
Mr. Robert Fleagle
Katherine K. Fleming
Ryan Fletcher
Michael Flood Mountain Sound
Susan Flores
Holly Fluharty
Carol Foltz
The Fontenelle Family
Guy Forbes
Jim & Noreen Forck
Mary Fordham
Sue & Jeff Forister
Kari Lynn Foss
Gail Foster
Tom Foster
Don P. Fowler
Kay Frankenstein
Ken & Ellen Frazier
Barbara & Roger Friedl
Charlene Friedman
Ruth E. Friedman
Sandy Friedman
Bonnie Fritz
Mary Frohs
Helen M. Fry
Edwin Fujinaga
Dee & Dick Fulcher
Rebecca & Russ Furgason
Liz Gadwa
Beverly J. Gagnier
Gretchen Galer
Thornhill Family
Joan Gangl
Ms. Cinda Garbell
Nicole Garcia
Carol Garzina
Ms. Nancy F. Gastony
Jan Gavin
Ms. Jo-Ann L. Gazdik
Marky & Harold Gehring
Erin Gehrke
Barbara George
Joan George
Susan Gerard
Mary Ann Germann
Beth Gest
Getzinger Family
Marcia Geving
Janet Gibb
Catherine Gibbins &
Malcolm Harnois
Dr. Dolores Jean Gibbons
Pamela Gibson
JoAnn M. Gillespie
Mike Gilluly
Agnieszka &
Robert Girling
Lynn Giroir
Marrilee Glancy
Lee & Sachiko Glass
Marlene & Terry Glover
Jeanne Goetz
Mary Golden
Helaine Goldstein
Charlotte Gollnick
Denise Gomes
James Gomez
Cheri Gonzales
Phil & Kelly Goodhue
Sally Goodson
Penny Gowen
Robert & Evelyn Graef
Debora Graham
Jan Grant
Pearl Grantham
Polly Greaves
Nicole & Albert Green
Ron Green
Ronald Green
Vitula Green
Greenhalgh Family
Carey Greer
Imelda Gregov
Melinda Grout
Christine Grovdahl
Helen Grumbach
Del A. Guess
Mrs. Susan Gurevich
Laura Haddad
Barbara Hadley
Don & Catherine Haff
Maxine & Jack Halabe
Clark & Esther Hall
Joanne Hall
Phyllis Hall
Suzanne Hall
Paul & Rebecca Halvorsen
The Hamamoto’s
Mary B. Hamann
Jerry & Jeanne Hambly
Carrie & Daniel Hamm
Sharon Hammond
Marjorie Hampton
Chuck & Brenda Handley
Ann & John Hankerson
Judy Hannah
Village Theatre gratefully acknowledges the following donors who
have remembered friends, families, and loved ones with generous
donations in their honor or memory. The donations were received
between September 1, 2014 and August 31, 2015.
In Memory of Gayla Beach
Melonie Brown
In Memory of Arlene
(Jake) Brown
Kathy & Dan Sanford
In Memory of
Maureen Buckingham
Medical Imaging
In Loving Memory of
Bruce & Nan Campbell
Ann Spangler
In Memory of My Husband
Al Christensen
Doris Christensen
In Honor of Board Member
Susann Edmond
Christena Coutsoubos
& Sean Bowles
In Loving Memory of
Ruth & Gene Freedman
Penny Freedman
In Memory of Pat Friend
Lonnie Kunkel
In Honor of Pat Lanning
Linda M. Robinson
In Memory of
Karen Marie Lawson
Bruce Lawson
In Memory of Al Lovejoy
“Love You, Bob & Kathy”
Kathy & Bob Lovejoy
In Memory of Our Mom
Betty Ann (Nana) Lovell
Lisa A. Lovell
In Memory of
Betty Ann Lovell
Glenn Thompson
In Memory of Mac Lovell
Nancy Lovell
In Memory of Lynn McKenzie
Jon McKenzie
In Memory of Elizabeth
Ann Michelman
Michelman Insurance
Group, Inc
In memory of our daughter
Elizabeth Ann Michelman
Irwin & Iryna Michelman
In Memory of Ron Morgan
Elaine Morgan
In Memory of Elsie Moriarty
Amy & Carl Murray
In Memory of
Robert Ormsby, MD
Carol Ormsby
In Honor of
Sarah Perry & Bill Ramos
Donald Allgeier
In Memory of
Gustav F. Raaum
The Estate of
Gustav F. Raaum
In Memory of E Helen Rindal
Joel Rindal
In Memory of
Denise A. Schramke
Robert Schramke
In Memory of
Richard Schwasnick
Susan Schwasnick
In Memory of Sarah Skinner
Al Skinner
In Memory of
Anna-Karin Svensson
Jan-Olov & Hanna
In Memory of Peggy Walker
Mickey Walker
In Memory of Craig Watjen
Microsoft Corporation
In Memory of Bev Yorkey
Michelle Downey-Magee
& Dail Magee Jr.
Ruth Hansing
Carolyn M. Hansen
Corinne Hanson
Eunice Hanson
Harry & June Hanson
Jill Hanson
Larry Hanson
Lyle & Marie Hanson
Edris E. Harbeston
Andrea Hardesty
Bonnie & Keith Harding
Deborah Hargette
Jo Ann F. Harlan
Mr. Michael R. Harrington
Mrs. Audrey Harris
Ward & Sue Harris
Harry Family
Ms. Joan Harryman
Ms. Nancy Harsh
Nancy Harsin
Kim Hart
Hartung-Larabee Family
Marge & Alan Harvey
Bob & Kathy Haskey
Jim & Alice Haskin
Anne & Vern Hasz
Marissa Hatch
Sue & Loyd Hatfield
Kathrine Hauser
Lisa Hawes
Irene Haynie
Frances M. Heaverlo
Bill & Marilyn Hecht
Cal Heck
David Hedrick
Muriel Heeckt
Miss Patricia K. Hein
Dorothy & Ken Heiret
Wayne & Shirley
Joan Heiting
Janice Heller
Ward & Liz Helms
Jerry Henderson
Paul & Katie Henderson
Ruth Henderson
Vicki Hendrix
Arneta & Harrison
Ann Hensey
Kenneth & Sharon Henzler
Tina-Joy Herrick
Edith Hershey
Christine Hervieu
Robert Heuer
Richard L Heusser
June Hewitt
James & Phyllis Hewson
Barbara & Richard Hicklin
Gene & Marilyn Hickok
George & Harleen Hieber
Linda D. Higgins
Lois Higgins
Jana High
Steve Hilby
Jennifer Hileman-Keep
Julianna Hill
Robin Hillier
John & Janet Hillman
Mary Himple
Stephen & Amy Himple
Cecil & Alexandra Hinchen
Dean & Jayne Hinchy
Melanie Hingston
Ruth M. Hirsch
Charles & Maureen Hitz
Sandra Hixenbaugh
Melanie Hodapp
Dave & Susan Hoening
Iris Hoffner
Marcia & Bill Hogan
Mr. David Hollinger
Judy Holmes
Ron & Joyce Honeyman
Susan Kaylee Hook
Susan & R. D. Hopkins
Harold Hopper
Julie Horan
Bill & Chris Horner
Charles & Cynthia Horton
Paul & Mary Hosoda
Mark & Sue Houglum
Barton House
Howie & Libby Houserman
Margo & Michael Howard
Cynthia R. Howe
Jennifer Howell &
Rick VanNess
Lisa Hoyden-Burns
Brian Hsu
Carl Hu
Jan Hubert
Monica Hubert
Barbara Hudak
Timothy Huff
Mary Ann Hult
Doris Hummel
John & E B Humphrey
Margaret Hunt
Merrillann &
Dave Hutchinson
Dave & Florence Ibea
Joe & Miyoko Ike
Cayman Ilika Jacobs
Pierrette Ing
Cathy Ingram
Ms. Barbara Ingrum
Frances Israel
Sari Israel &
Dathan Barsher
Bill Jack
M. Elizabeth Jackson
Brian Jacobs
Julie & Jeff Jacobson
Phil & Effie Jacobson
Vicky Jacoby
William W. Jaeckel
Rose James
J. J. & Melissa Jankauskas
Cindy & Robert Jenkins
Ms. Susan Anne Jenkins
Patricia Jennings
Maria Jense
Carol Jensen & Ron Young
Susan Jensen
Donna Jerns
Jan & Janine Johansen
Carmen E. Johansson
Amy L Johnson
Bonnie Johnson
David & Inge Johnson
Don & Irene Johnson
Eleanor Johnson
Heidi Johnson
Jayme Johnson
Jean Johnson
Katherine Johnson
Leonard & Susan Johnson
Lois Johnson
Mrs. Susan Marie Johnson
Valerie F. Johnson
Jennifer Johnston
Ruth Johnston &
David Wright
Ann Jones
Cindy L. Jones
Connie Jones
D. Edward & Louise Jones
Lauralyn Ann Jones
Nancy Jones
Pam Jones
Shirley Jones
Susan & James Jones
Luther & Dee Jonson
John Jordan
Jim J. Jovanovich
Mark & Marie Joy
Pam Jue
Anita R. Jump
Suzy Juzeler
Jennifer & Scott
Charles & Carrie Kahle
Don & Ruthie Kallander
Grace Kane
Sally Kaneko
Lauren Kastanas
Frank & Nancy Kato
Mr. Theodore Katsanis
Steve & Cheryl Kauffman
James & Marilyn
Mary & Dirk Kayser
The Keating Family
Sandy & Ted Keaton
Colin & Linda Keeney
Linda & Gary Keizur
Pam Kelly
Pamela M. Kelly
Tim Kelly
Clare & Ed Kelm
James & Kathleen
Ardelle Kern
Steve & Kathryn Kern
Robert & Gailee Kerns
Lee Kessler
Mrs. Lina Khotemlyansky
Judith & Larry Kiel
John & Nancy Kimberly
Claudette & Kirk King
Grace F. King
Karen & Paul King
Nancy A. King
Merrilee Kipfer
Madeline F. Kirchner
Laurene Kitchen
Rebecca Kitz
Cindy Klettke
Mary Lou &
Wayne Klopfenstein
Marilyn Knight
William Knight &
Dorothy Graham
Mary Knudsen
Ruth Koenig
Peter & Janice Kolloen
Koontz Family
Joanne Kophs
Vita Korte
Beverly Koski
Marlene Kotkins
Kathy Kraemer
Jane & Robert Krajczynski
Corrie Krap
Lorena Kreizenbeck
Will & Vanda Kressner
Lt. Col. Efrem R Krisher
Stephanie Kristen
Mr. John Charles Krona
Valerie Krueger
Mark Kuiper &
Kristin Austin
Lonnie Kunkel
Michael & Teresa Kuntz
Donna Kuper
Miss Kimberly Kurtz
Jennifer Kusakabe
Mort & Loretta Kuznetz
Leigh & Nancy Lacey
Steven Lacy
Belinda Lafferty
Gayle La Fond
Jeanne & Jim Lagerquist
Wesley Lai
Healy Landis
Lois Lane & Michael Lane
Mrs. Alice Ann Lang
Ms. Lisa Lange
Jill Langle
Nancy E. Lansberry
Patricia Lantzy
Donna & John Largis
Hals N. Larsen
Jamie Larsen
Yolanda Larsen
Carol Larson
Marlane Larson
Phyllis Larson
Laura Laudolff
Claudia B. Lauinger
Bill & Kerri Lauman
Nadine Lawlor
Mr & Mrs Fred Laws
Steven & Nancy Lay
Bob & Kathleen G. Leach
Barbara Russ Le Blanc
Tawnya Lehtinen
Margaret Leiberton &
R. Venkatesan
Anh Leith
Suzanne Lescantz
Gregory & Pam Lesnar
Ms. Wanda F. Levien
Rick Levin
William & Nancy Levings
Jane Levite
Kirsten Lewandowski
Jeff & Tristine Lewis
Mr. Ron & Connie Lewis
Mary Lezon
Tristan Liabraaten
Garold & Henriette Liffick
Diane & Mason Lilly
Barbara L. Lince
Patricia Linde
Angela Linder
Sharon J. Linder
Jack & Joan Lindhorst
Ruby Linear
Fred & Shirley Liska
Laura Little
Ron & Marlene Livingston
George F. Lockeman
Jim Lockman
Doris A Lofton
Liza & Grant Lohse
Laverne I. Loihl
Gilbert Long
Sally Long
Melvin & Barbara Loomis
Miss Jody Loranger
Douglas & Judy Loudon
Kim Love
Ellen McLain Lowrie
Elta Loy
Teresa Luce
Paula & Ernest Luders
Ann Ludwig
Bryce Luke
Scott Lum
Jason Lund
Carol Lundberg
Mrs. Denise R. Lundberg
Mary Ann Lusby
Brent & Joan Lutz
Judy Lyle
Pat & Jeana Mabin
Anthony &
Jennifer Macchiarella
Alex & Sherry MacDonald
Jan MacIntyre
Carrie Mackay
Monica Mackin
Rod & Jenn MacLean
Donna Madden
Neil & Shari Maddy
Joann Madgett
Ardella Madsen
Jennifer Mager
Linda & Deroy Mahagan
Pat & Betty Maher
Donna M Malaga
Robert & Natalie Malin
Richard Malloy
Chuck Malmsten
Michael & Pamela Maloney
Robert Marimon
Helen K. Mark
Charles & Adel Markham
Doris Markham
Barbara Marsh
Claudia Marshall
Margaret M. Marshall
Nancy K. Marshall
Denise V Martel
Nona & Dieter Martin
Rosemary Martin
Fran Martinez
Nora Martinez
Lyn Mason
Kent Matheson &
Mary Jane
James & Kay Maynard
Karin & R. Bruce McAuley
Barbara McCabe
Diane McCalmon
Doris M. McChesney
Meg & Harold McClure
Annie McCracken
Buck & Barb McCrone
Happy Donor
Patrick & Sharon McDaniel
Jim & Terri McDermott
Dee McDonald
Virginia McDonald
Sally McDowell
Audree McEachern
Brandy McFall
Lynne McFarlane
The McFarland Family
Tim & Jeannie McGinnis
Caroline McGinty
Jenie McGrew
Glenda McIlroy
Ray & Eleanor McIntosh
Ada McKee
Stan & Candace McKenzie
Patricia McKiernan
G Ellen McKinnon
Tim McKnight
Marjorie McLaren
Mimi McLaughlin
Nayna L. McLennan
Jill McLeod
Belva McMillen
Mary M. McMullin
Joseph & Lolita McNabb
Ken & Sophie McNair
Karen McNerney
Vivian McNulty
Stephen & Kathy McPhail
George &
Martha McPherson
Peter McRae
Larry & Cynthia
Donald Meehan
Karen Meeks
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Mehl
Gary & Marcia Meisner
Nancy S. Mellman
Paula & Louis Mendoza
Amy & Jose Meneses
Kathleen Mentor
Linda Meredith
Janice Merlino
Bryant & Hilda Merrick
Patricia Merrill
Mr. Tom Lee Merryman
Christy M. Messmer
Elysha Mettlin
Patricia Metz
Kimberly & Sheila Metzger
Nancy J. Meyer
Rick & Carol Meyer
Antoinette & Vyto Mickus
Bonita & Anthony Migliore
Molly Mikulich
Jim & Ann Miles
Karen L. Miles
Ruby Miles
Bobbye Miller
Lynne Miller
Ruth Miller
Virginia Miller
Mrs. Anne M Mitchell
Irene M. & Jack Mitchell
Jodi & Hillman Mitchell
Margery & Joseph Mitchell
David & Yola
Suzy Moery
Delmar & Jane
Sarah Molitch
James T. Monahan, MD
Dennis & Bonnie
John & Nancy Montgomery
Ms. Susan Montgomery
Verona Montgomery
Janet Moon
Carolyn M. Moore
Cathy Moore
Kathie J. Moore
Ralph & Ann Carol Moore
Michelle Morano
Mr. Michael C. Morgan
Timothy & Candee Morgan
Jo Morken
Blanche Morris
Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Morrison
Nola Morrison
Josh & Katie Mortenson
Trina Moseley
Herbert & Irene Moss
Rebecca Mudgett
Jim Mueller &
Lori Leff Mueller
Roberta Mueller
Karen Muir
Neal & Diane Mullen
Randy M. Multack
Geraldine L. Munger
David Munoz
Kevin Murch
Bill & Delberta Murray
Maurine Murray
Garrett Mydland
Hal L. Myers
Rita Myers
Lynn & Arnie Myhra
Philip & Sherri Nadeau
Irene Naegele
Donna Naekel
Mariyln Nalbach
Lee Naon
Thomas W. Napier
Keith Neal
Rosemary Neff
Carmen Nefzger
Jill Nellis
Donna & Merl Nellist
Beth Nelson
Karen Nelson
Lori Nelson
Margaret Marie Nelson
Margie Nelson
Sandy Nelson
William & Janet Nelson
Kim Ness
Tom Newhof
Ann Newland
Virgie M. Newlin
Beatrice Newlun
Sonny Newman
Sandra & Richard Newton
Ellie Nicholls
Laurie Nichols
Kay Nickel
James & Kay Niemi
Diana Lynn Nishimoto
Mike Nistal
Theresa Nix
Dr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Nolan
Dawn Noland
Sharon Norambuena
Mr. & Mrs. Vicki Nordquist
Donna Norelius
Mrs. Anne Noris
K. A. & Janice Norman
Scott Norton
James Norvid
Carolee & Robert Nunn
Mark & Ellie Nyman
Sean O’Bannon
The Ochs Family
Joyce O’Donnell
Dan & Sharron O’Donnell
Nancy Ogden
Katelyn Christine O’Higgins
Heather Ohm
Mr. Michael O’Keefe
Mario Oliver
Clayton & Joann Olsen
Don & Nancy Olsen
Chuck & Judy Olson
Marcy Olson
Trudy & Dwight Olson
Jacquelyn Olund
Peggy O’Neall &
David Markwald
Cheryl Lynn Oneill
Cindy Oneill
Olga & Jacob Orievsky
Carol Ormsby
Garnet Ormsby
Ms. Jeanette Yvonne Orr
Mary Osborne
Sherry Osmonovich
Christine Osness
Beth & Kevin Ostic
Beverly Otis
Harriet Ott
Ida Ott
The Ott Family
Jane Owen
Melody Oxley
Ken Pacquer &
Jennie Traeger
Louis & Kristi Pagano
Art & Darlene Palmer
Art Palmer
Marilee Palmer
Patrick Pancoast
Marian Pappas
Walt & Margaret Parietti
Beverly &
E. William Parker
Don & Linda Parks
Evva Parks
Nancy K. Parks
Nick & Genie Parrott
Katie Parsons
Stephanie Parsons
Patricia Partington
Quickbuy Patron
Bob & Shirley Patterson
Gilbert & Patricia Pauley
Ms. Jeanetta Lynn Payne
Kimberly Payne
Jerold & Shirley Peace
Beryl R. Pearson
Tiffanie Pearson
Susan Peck
Linda Pederson
Joe & Elizabeth Pendleton
Ken Perezi
Dottie Perkins
John & Marka Perkins
Jill Perovich
Taylor R. Pesce
Wallace & Betty Pesznecker
Jane Peters
Arlys Petersen
The Peterson Family
Darren & Cindi Peterson
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Ellen Peterson
Paul & Janice Peterson
Sheila Peterson
Janis & Wes Peterson
Charles & Ellen Phillips
Eugene & Diane Phillips
Donald Picacti
Bill & Sherry Picatti
Melissa Picken
Sue Pickrell
Karen Pillar
Melissa Piper
Martin Platzner
Paul & Veoma Pool
Elizabeth Post
Frank & Janet Postlewaite
Rudy Potenzone
David & Elie Potter
Paulette Potter
Jacqueline Powell
Lois & Richard Prang
Shirlee Pressman
Miss Lisa Primacio
Erlene Pruden
Susannah Pryal
Judy & Tom Pullen
John & Lena Putnam
John & Marge Qualls
Janet & Richard Quandt
Mr. Robert Querry
Kelly S. Quicho
Thomas & Jane Quigley
Karen Quinn-Shea
Esther G. Quint
Donna Radtke
William Rahr
Paul Rapino & Tracey
Wagner Rapino
Albert H. Ratcliffe
Darlene S. Ray
Lila Rayl
Marion Read
Julie Reagan
Keli B. Reagan
Jack & Janet Real
Peggy Reddy
Dorothy Reeck
Barbara Reedy
Mary Lou & Graham Reedy
Jessica Reese
Monica Reinoso
Karen Relkoff
Jack Reposa
Arlyn Requa
Scott J. Reusser
Kathleen Rex
Beverley Reyhons
Gary Rhodes
David Rice
Lauren Rice
W. Michael Richardson
Karen Richart
Deanna Richert
Jeanan & John Richter
Jeanan Richter
Joan & Dick Richter
Robin Riddell
Ms. Jill Ridgeway
Keith & Karen Riedel
Janice Rietdorf
Brant & Randi Rigby
June Rimmer
Jeff & Teresa Rindal
Winnifred M. Ringhoffer
Theodore & Kris Ripley
Vera Risdon
Delene & Joe Ritchie
Jennifer & Daniel Ritchie
John & Jan Rittenhouse
Pat Ritts
John & Michele Robbins
Joe & Billie Roberson
Jackie Roberts
Rollie & Susan C. Roberts
Barbara M. Robinson
Cyndi & Uri Robinson
Elizabeth Robinson
Jody Robinson-Dyer &
William Dyer
Linda M. Robinson
Charles & Genice Robison
Toni Rocco
Sally Rochelle
Richard &
Annette Rockwell
Robert Roetcisoender
Martin & Genevieve Rollins
Barbara & Everett Rom
Ms. Wendy Romanchuk
Vera Rome
Melissa Anne Root
Arlene Rose
Tara Rose-Large
Christina H. Roseman
Sara & Henry Rosen
Janet & Harold Ross
Linda & Steve Rostad
Karen Rotko-Wynn &
Bruce Wynn
Ms. Margaret J. Rounds
Brenda Rountree
Susan Rovito
Emo Rowe
Bobbie Royalty
Helene Rubens
Wilma Rucker
Gary & Liz Rudolph
Darrell Ruef
Allan & Barbara Rumpf
Milton John Ruppeck
John Rush
Chuck Rushmer
Judy Russak
Betsy & Dick Russell
Ms. Gail A. Ryan
Cathy & Phil Saffel
Ms. Patricia Safrin
Shannon M. Sakshaug
The Salcedo Family
A Anne Sanders
Kathy & Dan Sanford
Lyndsey San Sebastian
Sue Sather
Greg & Kathleen Saul
Sally Sawtell
Sheila Saxon
Ms. Becky &
Samuel Sayers
Les & Suzanne Saylor
Robert &
Carolyn Scheldrup
Midori & Kevin Scherrer
Schiebel Family
Ms. Debra Schilling
Hedy Schlaht
Rudy & Judy Schleusner
Elizabeth Schmidt
Carl & Linda Schmidt
Donald Schneider
Mr. George Schnibbe
Kathleen Schoenbaum
Diane Schott
Gregory &
Stephanie Schuler
William P. Schultz
Ernest & Gayle Schutz
Barry & Judy Schwarz
Damian Schwiethale
Helen Scrupps
Cathy Seay
Sedgwick Family
Richard, Marvelyn &
Melena Seek
Ralph & Diana Seely
Bernhard Seidel
Kathleen Sekreta
Sue Seno
Afshin Sepehri
Tom Sessions
Larry & Faye Sessoms
Lynn Setterberg
Lynn E. Shannon
Bill & Valerie Sharp
Betty Shatzka
Ms. Elizabeth J. Shawver
Diane Shea
Dr. Michael Shea &
Susan Shea
John & Linda Sheaffer
Allison & Gary Shearer
Ms. Alice Shechter
Kathy & David Smith
Sandra Sherman
Shiozaki Family
Gabriel Shiu
Florence & Neal Shively
Penny Short
Tim Short & Katie Oviatt
Dale Shoup
Ms. Pat Sibley
Siebert Family
Doug & Julie Siefkes
Claudia Sigmund
Alexander Simmons
Ardeth Simmons
Mary M. Simon
Mary Lou Simpson
Jerry & Lynne Singer
Jacquelyn & Arnold Skolnik
Dick Skoog
Keith & Karren Skore
Marty & Barbara Slack
Darcy & Kevin Slater
James & Bridget Sloane
Karen Marie Smart
Norman & Alycia Smith
Charlotte H. Smith
Kip Smith & Monica
David Smith
Debra Smith
Diana J. Smith
Heather Smith
Janeen Smith
Jennifer Smith
Chuck & Joan Smith
Joellen & Gregory Smith
Joni M. & Smith
Ken D. Smith
Mr. Kenneth O. Smith
Pauline & Steve Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Preston Smith
Ruby Smith
Tim Smith
Diane Snyder
Richard & Penny
Ilene Solemsaas
Charles & Lois Soncrant
Patty Songstad
Marian Sonju
Mrs. Katherine Sorensen
Martye Spady
Laurel Spaeth
Aaron & Jaimee Spangler
Roy Sparks
Elizabeth Spelger
Larry & Anne Spencer
Joan Spencer
Lloyd & Deanne Spencer
Michael Spencer
Weldon &
Mary Gail Sperry
Corinne Spicer
Carol Spires
Janice & Gary Spoon
Susan R. Spurgeon
Mary Stainer
F. Grant & Betty Staples
Stavig Family
Timothy & Esther Steege
Sheryl A. Stefanson
Dorothy Steinbreg
Patricia & David Stensel
Allen Stephens
Kathy & Jay Sternoff
Barbara Stevens
Catherine Stevenson
Pat & Paul Stevens
Nancy Stewart
Lindsey Stibbard
Janet Stimson
Jim Stockton
Jan Stoeckle
Nancy Stokes
Kelly Stolle
Vern & Alice Stoops
Howard & Anne Stott
Byron & Jessimai Strange
Jeanne Strickland
Eloise J. Strieck
Shirley Strong
Nora Strothman
JL Stuard
Betty & Erich Studer
Jack & Mary Stumph
Nancy & Bill Suchy
Clarence & Lorraine Suder
Susan & Alex Sumeri
Ken & Sarah Sundin
Bill Sutter
Patti Sutter
George & Ruby Suzuki
Wayne H. Swan
Carol Swanson
Marie Swartwood
Margaret Swegle
Thomas & Carol Swim
Ms. Jaqueline Tacher
Rie Takagi
Lynn Tapp
John & Gail Tastula
Barbara Tate
Bill & Karen Taylor
Trevor & Denise Taylor
Heather M. Taylor
Leigh Taylor
Linda Taylor
Tom & Elizabeth Taylor
Linda Teague
Alice Terrel
Pamela Terrott
Leanna Thomajan-Ons
Cheron Thomas
I.M. Thomas
Lawrence Thomas
Ms. Annette Thompson
Deena Maye Thompson
Glenn Thompson
Mrs. Billie R. Thornley
Betty Jo Thorsen
Kathy Tietje
Carol Timian
Mary & Oluf Timmol
Diane & Leonard Timmons
Darla Tiner
Edward N. Tinoco
Matthew Titelbaum
Carole & Phillip Tjelle
Ms. Jean Tobin
Patricia & Larry Tobin
Jim & Mary Todd
Karen Todd
Bevan Toneri
Kerry Topaz
Gary & Dorinda Topp
Jennie B. Toro
The Toupin Family
Ann Townsend
Joy & Lloyd Townsend
Russell & Georgina
Joan & Charles Trask
Elaine Treadwell
Jacqueline Treber
Joyce & Gordon Trepus
Greg & Patricia Trett
Christine A.
Trecy J. Trimble
Larry & Teresa Trivett
Fran & Chuck Trosvig
Jean True
No Way To Treat A Lady, Bobbi Kotula (Carmella) and Nick DeSantis (Christopher “Kit” Gill).
Photo by Tracy Martin.
Ashley Trueman
Olimpia Trusty
Daniel & Donna Tscherne
Scott K. Tsumura
Pearl Tucker
Sue E. Tucker
Irene Turner
Natalie Turner
Dean & Ros Davison
Mary Tusil
Mike & Carole Tye
Tony & Andrea Umayam
Laurie Ummel
Barbara Unger
Louise & Daisuke Uriu
Marilyn van Brero
Lorraine van Brocklin
John & Betty Vandenberg
Ms. Vivian Van Den Biesen
Frances Vanderbeck
Linda Van Derlinden
Dr. Richard L.
Judy Vandling
Darla Van Duren
A P Van Meter
Lloyd & Myra VanVactor
Marilyn van Wieringen
Steve Varon
Emily Vason
Coralie Vennetti
Louise Vesey
Luis Rafael Vidal
Al & Karen Vigano
Trini & Rebecca Vigil
Robert & Maureen Vincent
Dick & Irene Vitulli
Jason Viveiros
Robert Vivian &
Nanci Peterson-Vivian
Dr. Susan Vlasuk
Helene Voier
Susan Vollmer
Carol Volpe
Susan Voorhees
John Vynne
Sandra Wade
Katherine Wagner
Michael & Mechele Wagner
Ted & Vicki Wahl
Kathleen L. Wahlquist
Jane T. Wakasa
Larry Waldron
Brook Walker
Lynn & Nancy Walker
Susan Walker
Zan & Kathleen Walker
Julie Waller
Elizabeth Walsh
George Wandel
Patti Ward
Linda Ware
Lynda S. Warfield
Margie A. Warner
Dan & Robyn Warren
Lowell & Patricia Warren
Charles & Darlene Wascher
Jeffrey L. & Carol Waters
Dick Watson
Jeanne Weaver
James Webb
David & Harriet Weber
Michelle Weber
Mr. Gerald W. Webster
Jacq D. Weddle
Charmaine Weinberg
Lee & Stuart Weinstein
Erica Weir
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Weiser
Carol J. Wellman
Josef Wernli
Elizabeth Wery
Dan & Lynn Wesley
Sally Wesley
Pat West
Sandee Westberg
Michael & Jean Westfahl
Doris Westling
The Whelan Family
Corinne M. White
Patrick & Colleen White
Sheryl Edwards White
Yvette White
Lori Whitley
Randy & Debbie Whitman
Jennifer Wiechert
Susi & Bill Wiegant
Suzanne Wiggins-Ackerson
& Gerald Ackerson
Janet Wilde
Deb Wilkowski
Dan & Arlene Willcocks
Ann G. Willette
Ada Williams
Darlene Williams
Don & Kathleen Williams
Jerald & Judy Williams
Dr. Jill Williams
Linda Williams
James &
Mary Jean Williams
Patricia Williams
Brad Wilson
James Wilson
Kay Wilson
Lynn Wilson
Lynne Wilson
Richard Wilson &
Lloyd Herman
Richard Wilson
Mary Wining
Richard Winnick
Cam Winter
Sharon Winter
Ellen Winters
Cris Wisner
Dan & Judy Witmer
Mrs. Lisa Wivag
Joyce Wold Magelssen
John Wolf
Brian & Robin Wood
Sue Wood
Robert Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wright
Willard E. Wright
Virginia A. Wyatt
Kerry & Rick Wyman
Lori Wypych
Kay Yanick
Sharon Yenter
Katherine Yocom
Robert & Judy Yoseph
Connie & Curt Young
Judy Young
Virginia Young
Richard Ytreeide
Harriet Yurchak
Carl & Mary Zaremba
Dr. Ralph &
Helen E. Zech
Nancy & Stan Zeitz
Linda Zender
Don & Alice Zillen
JoAnne &
Guenter Zimmer
Judith Zisholtz
Douglas & Jean Zook
Anonymous (151)
capital campaign
Village Theatre gratefully
acknowledges the generosity
of the donors who have
shown support through
August 31, 2015 with their
leadership and philanthropy,
which have spearheaded
the Capital Campaign to
build the new Craig and
Joan Watjen Technical
Studios, reconstruct the 1913
historic First Stage Theatre,
renovate Everett’s former
bank building into the Cope
Gillette Theatre, and create a
lasting endowment to ensure
artistic excellence, youth
education, development
of new musicals, and fiscal
$1,000,000 & Above
Washington State
for the Arts
$500,000 to $999,999
Bill & Melinda Gates
The Kresge Foundation
M J Murdock
Charitable Trust
Joan & the Late
Craig M. Watjen
$250,000 to $499,999
Saundra Cope &
Walt Gillette
Steven J. Hazlerig
The Paul G. Allen
Family Foundation
Bruce & Peggy Wanta
$100,000 to $249,999
The Boeing Company
The Bruce and Jolene
McCaw Family
City of Issaquah
Doris Gaudette
Kristen Jarvis
Steve & Carol Klein
Microsoft Corporation
The Norcliffe Foundation
Peter & Peggy Horvitz
Mary Pigott &
Roger Giesecke
Skip & Debra Rowley
John F. & Julia P. Shaw
$50,000 to $99,999
Charles Simonyi Fund for
Arts & Sciences
Christopher R. Larson
The Mark & Vickie Fund
of the Nysether
Family Foundation
The Seattle Foundation
Clay & Hap Wertheimer
$25,000 to $49,999
Bob & Clodagh Ash
Benaroya Foundation
Alex & Heather Berry
Bob & Ann Christensen
Howarth Trust Fund
Joshua Green Foundation
Gary & Marilyn
Twyla & Tom Lucas
Microsoft Corporation
Matching Gift Program
David M. Moore & Family
The Bill & Susie
Rucker Family
John & Dorcy Seethoff
Maryanne Tagney-Jones
& David Jones
Anne & Derek Watanabe
Brian R. Yorkey
$10,000 to $24,999
Dan & Portia Anderson
The Boeing Company
Gift Matching Program
Duane & Anita Campbell
Ida Cole
Seattle Mariners
Barb & Randy Coplen
Virginia Spiegel Criste
Jeff Decker
Nancy & Del Dolliver
Everett Cultural
James & Krista Ferguson
Betty & Kemper Freeman
David & Amy Fulton
Heather & Doug Goff
The Bud & Norma
Haines Family
Lori & Andy Hill
Robb Hunt
JGL Acoustics Inc
Ren & Deanna Jurgensen
Jeff & Barbara McCashland
Brian McEachron
Will & Karen McMahan
Beth Moursund
Sally & Bill Neukom
Tim & Lisa Nunn
Maggie & Clint Pehrson
Matt & Wendy Poischbeg
Pritzker Pucker
Family Foundation
Raikes Foundation
Tom & Cathy Saxton
Ed Short
Mark & Christine Shuken
Jane Hague &
Ed Springman
Dr. Michael & Peggy Swistak
Joyce & Gary Tomlinson
US Bancorp Foundation
Gift Matching
U.S. Bank
Tom & Connie Walsh
Robert &
Christine Weisel
Ernie & Sherran Whatley
Dick & Lin Wurdack
$5,000 to $9,999
Virginia Allison
Ben F. & Nurhan Barcus
Fred & Lois Bereswill
R. Mark & Louisa Davis
Buz & Sandy de Cillia
Debra Tan &
Peter Duniho
Anna Faris
Chuck & Evie Foster
The Glaser Foundation
Scott & Kerrie Gordon
& Family
Dave & Mary Guyer
Rose & Rick Harig
Dan M. Hennessee
Paul & Mary Hosoda
John & Lynnda Kilpatrick
Louise Kincaid &
Arthur H. Mendel
Lombardi’s Italian
Judith L. Albrecht
Stephanie Alphier
Richard & Marilee
The Amgen Foundation
Matching Gift
Adrienne Anderson
Thomas N. &
Christina E. Anderson
Ernie & Pam Ankrim
AON Foundation
Employee Gift Match
Betty Arendall
The Arthur J. Gallagher
Foundation Gift
Matching Program
Awards of Praise Gift
Amy Backlund
Julie Bailey
Katherina Bakker
Susan Bardsley
The Barr Family
Jane W. Barry
Stephanie Bayne &
Thorsten Ganz
Mimi Bean
Ronald & Susan Bean
Terra Behan-Kotzian &
Brian Kotzian
Chad Bentsen &
Kristen Allen-Bentsen
Jim & Lee Berry
Margie & Charlie Bicknell
Emily Blackburn
William R. Blackburn
Alex Chun
Jeff Church Designs
Richard W. Clark
Laurie Clothier
Douglas J. Cohen
Rachel & Michael Collier
Comcast Arena at Everett
Suzy & Grad Conn
Jill Conner
Noah Cornman
Gail M. Costello
John & Sue Cox
A. J. & Sue Culver
Bob & Sally Curnutt
Dick Currie
Mark & Becky Curtis
Mark & Linda D’Amato
Kimberly & Adam Dare
Lori & Ronald Davis
Mary Ann Dawson
Joseph Delafield &
Nim Tottenham
Chuck Dennis
Chuck, Karen &
Sarah Dennis
Joel Derfner
Loren & Kathie DeShon
John & Celeste Deveney
Directv Gift
Matching Program
Dorcas Dobie &
Jerry Radich
George Dougherty
Sherrill Dryden &
Dennis Griffiths
Hailee Duan &
Paul Anderson
Stephen & Sarah Forman
Bud Franks
Wayne & Bev Freese
Rebecca Frevert &
Des Skubi
Patricia Friend
Michelle Fuqua
Eric Garcetti
Amy Gibart
Goldman, Sachs & Co
Joy Gorman &
Nick Wettels
Tom & Cynthia Gotuzzo
Stephanie & Van Griffin
Lissa & John Griffith
Lyn & Jerry Grinstein
Liz Hale
Elling & Barbara Halvorson
Ingrid Hansen
Kate Harper &
Joe Papineau
Pat & Allyn Hebner
Joanne & Gerald Herber
The Herbold Foundation
Colleen Heuiser
Brian Higham &
Katherine Klekas
Harold & Mary
Frances Hill
Alex & Lynn Hinrichs
Tom & Carol Hogan
Andrea & Edward Hogle
Paul & Vesta Hoglund
Judy & Michael Holser
Dick & Linda Hooper
Alison Hubbard
Mr. David Hunt
Cabaret, Cast of Cabaret, Photo by Mark Kitaoka.
Kathy & Bob Lovejoy
The Marsh Family
Ed & Betty Morrow
Fran & George Moynihan
James & Sherry Raisbeck
Gerhard & Tulin Renz
Ed & Marjorie Ringness
SHURCO Management Inc
Richal & Karen Smith
Diane Symms
Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans Foundation
Edith & David Tully
Sita & Vijay Vashee
Joella Yoder - In Memory
of Her Wonderful
Husband Bill Yoder
Up to $4,999
Eleanor Abadia
Luci Abbrederis &
John Makarchuk
Karen Abel
Donald & Phyllis Adams
Norm & Joyce Bottenberg
Kevin & Lisa Brager
The Bridger Family
Nathan Ahn &
Kris Broenneke
Lawrence Brooks
Julie Brown
Lawrence Brown
The Writing Team of
Daniel S. Acquisto &
Sammy Buck
Team Burleigh
Deborah Burnstein
Betty & John Callahan
Susan & Steve Canaga
James & Laura Capestany
Christopher &
Geraldine Carlson
Paul Martin Casella
Dennis & Aline Caulley
Dick & Bonnie Cavell
Charles & Jean Cerar
Jean & Scott Chamberlin
Martin Charnin &
Shelly Burch Charnin
Fred Dugan
Alan Dunkin
Guy & Fran Dunkin
Libby Dunkin
Marcie Easterlin
Matt Eddy
Susann & Don Edmond
Carmen Elenes
Audrey Ellingsen
Janet B. Elliott
Dave & Sherry Ellis
Lisa Emerling &
Patrick Arpin
Michelle & Allen Enebo
Gary & Catherine Eng
C. S. Evans
Sandra Evans
Expedia Matching
Gift Program
Joyce Farley
Janet Farness
Hal & Carolynn Ferris
Brett Ferullo
Mary Lou & Jim Finley
Bobbie Foger
Jean Hunt
Kathy Hunt
Margaret Hunt
Richard Hunt
Sue H. Hunt
Karen & Jim Ilika
Jack Jarvis
David Lynn Jeffery
Maria Jense & Chris Cline
Renee Johnson
Richard & Bev Johnson
D. Edward & Louise Jones
F. David Jones
Barbara & Jim Joyce
Lynn Juniel & Jason Weil
Michael &
Priscilla Kaufmann
Keith Watts
Nancy & Peter Kellogg
Emily & Marty
Barbara & Jim Kenney
Newton Kight
Tom Kitt & Rita
Bobbi Kotula
Leigh Kraft
Dara Lynn Kubovy-Weiss
Jim & Sherry Ladd
Dan Lamanuzzi
Sharon Langdon
Michelle LaPlante
Melinda &
Timothy Larson
Carol C. Lee
Patricia & Frank Leo
Mary Lou Lewis
Jeanne Marie Liggio
Wilfrid & Patricia Loeken
Anne Loustau
John Lowrie &
Ellen McLain
Elta Loy
Marlene & Arnie Lund
Mimi MacLeod
Shawn Magraw
Jeff Capeloto &
Maureen Malley
The Malone Family
Maxine Marriott-Green
& Family
Franca M. Martin
Del & Sandy Masson
Duane & Lois Matthews
Dr. Scott & Kathleen
Elizabeth McGuire
Jason R. McQuiddy
Jean E. McTavish
Zul & Jenny Megji
Joanne M. Mehus
Beth & Kevin Meidinger
Deborah S. Mendenhall
Kathy Mentor
Lynn G. Meyer
Anastasia Miles
Beryl & Abe Miller
Kyle & Julie Miller
David & Penny Miller
Dave & Denise Minkiewitz
Michael & Mary
Arnie & Katie Mondloch
& Family
Judith A. Morel
Erma Jean Morgan
Nadine Chase Morgan &
David A. Morgan
Sterling Morris
Barbara Morrison
Morton Clarke Fu &
Keith Moulton &
Margie Mayhall
Jayne Muirhead
In Memory of
Elsie Moriarty
Carole Muth &
Robert Johnson
Lisa Nathans
James E. “Jim” &
Patsy Nelson
Mary K. Nelson
George & Maribeth
William Zingarelli &
Kati Nickerson
Tammy Nourigat
Laurie O’Donnell
Dan & Sharron O’Donnell
Karen Omahen
Daryl & Sheri Orts
Vivian & Ed
Rebecca & Dale Oster
Debbie & Pat Ostrander
Barry & Linda Owen
Nick Parker-Jervis
Kevin & Kathy Pazaski
Linda & William Pearce
Jill C. Petersen
Julia Petrakis
Llew, Gail, & Anson Phillips
Michelle Piccolo-Hill
Kevin & Darlene Pickard
Laura Pietropinto
Clyde & Judy Pitcher
David & Elie Potter
Jim & Susan Powell
John & Marge Qualls
Kyle & Julie Quinn
Lisa & Jay Radmer
Kari Ragan Hoffmann
Karl Ritzau &
Taletta Wibmer
Mary Robbins
Paul & Marianne Roberts
Randy Rogel
Judi Rogers
Karen Rotko-Wynn &
Bruce Wynn
Richard & Joe Ann Rucker
John & Val Rusch
Robert & Shannon Russell
Michelle Sanders
Kim Sawers
Sharon Scheider
Sharon V. Scherer
John & Maryann Scherzo
Judi Schrager
The Schutzler Family
Gail Scott
Sea-Lect Plastics
Dana Shaw
David B. Shaw
Richard & Lesley Shay
Karene Shields
Rodger & Margo Shute
Ms. Pat Sibley
Grant & Nancy Silvernale
Peter Sipos
Karen Skrinde
Pete Sluszka
Mr. David Spangler
Stam/Kinnunen Family
Ann & Robert Stephens The Stephens
Charitable Fund
Drew Stevens
Mrs. Susan Stewart
Frank Stilwagner &
Kurt Dery
Kim L. Stocking
Jim & Ann Suttle
Renee Switzer
Symetra Matching
Funds Program
Andy & Linda Symons
Jen Taylor
Jerry Taylor
Edward Thomas
Gifford Thomas
Erling & Leslie
Ann & Greg Thornton
Todd & Kathy Thull
Margaret & James Tierney
Tom Tierney
Margaret Tilden
Tim Timidaiski
Wendell &
Ruthann Tobiason
Louise M. Tolle
Steve & Wendy Tomkins
Elizabeth Trachy
Brisa Trinchero
Jerry & Faye Truskowski
Linda & Rodney Underhill
Liz & Loren Vandenberghe
The Nurses of Overlake
Hospital Medical Center’s
Critical Care Unit
Vino Bella
Voelker Family
Robert von Tobel &
Connie Brennand
Kathryn & Hugh Wagner
Kirby Ward
Beverley Watt
Keith & Kate Watts
John L. Webb
Robert & Lorraine Weber
Mrs. Basil Wehrman
Karen Weidenbener
Stephen Weiner
G. Greeley Wells
Wells Fargo Foundation
Robert & Linda Welsh
Marcia E. West
Jeff & Chelle Williams
Bruce & Sandy Wolf
Mr. Welly Yang
Margaret J. Yekel
Judy Yu & Clay Hall
Audrey Zackowitz
Nancy & Stan Zeitz
Douglas & Jean Zook
Anonymous (17)
Village Originals
Village Theatre would like
to recognize our Village
Originals Members for the
generosity and leadership
to ensure the repertoire’s
continued growth and
Producers Circle
Beth Moursund
Mikel Poulsen
William Rall &
Brittany Behrens
Cathy & Tom Saxton
Directors Circle
Marleen & Kenny Alhadeff
Gary & Catherine Eng
Mike & Jennifer Godsey
Bruce & Emily Howard
Stephen & Amy Strader
Steve & Wendy Tomkins
Bruce & Peggy Wanta
Joella Yoder
Anonymous (1)
Contributors Circle
Megan & Seth Adams
Margaret &
Charles Bicknell
Steve Bolliger &
Candace Smith
Dennis & Aline Caulley
Linda Cheung
Chico & Nellie Diaz
Alan Dunkin
Janelle & Peter Durham
Al & Lana Finegold
Samuel Freeman
Faye & Richard Gillett
Lissa & John Griffith
Steven J. Hazlerig
Neil Hoyt & Donald Jenny
Robb & Kathy Hunt
Gary & Marilyn Kneepkens
Daniel Lamanuzzi
Twyla & Tom Lucas
Will & Robin Ludlam
Shawn Magraw
Lynn G. Meyer
Mitchell Artist Management
Lisa & Tim Nunn
Anne Frances Owen
Maggie & Clint Pehrson
Michael Phoenix &
Eva Carlstrom
John & Dorcy Seethoff
Sue Short
Nancy Somerville &
Robert Burton
Shanna Marie Waite
Scott Warrender &
John Bianchi
Derek & Anne Watanabe
Ernest & Sherran Whatley
Sandy & Bruce Wolf
Anonymous (2)
Starring Member
Judith L. Albrecht
Dan & Portia Anderson
Rich Baker & Diane Jenkins
Miriam Behler
Chad Bentsen & Kristen
Alex & Heather Berry
Kaelee Bolme
Vincent & Carol Bryan
Lisa & Kevin Conner
Ed & Carolyn Crouch
Shana Daum
Ms. Roberta De Regt
Sherrill Dryden
Marcie Easterlin
Lisa Emerling &
Patrick Arpin
Mark Engelberg
Nancy & Robert Eschrich
Janet Farness
Stephen D. Forman &
Sarah Hayden
Thayer & Mike Garrett
Lynn & Alex Hinrichs
Jean Johnson
Zoe Johnson
Ellen & Dwight Kester
Louise Kincaid &
Arthur H. Mendel
Roger Klorese &
David Haney
Lisa A. Kroese &
Jeffrey S. Barnes
Kathy & Bob Lovejoy
Wendy MacDonald
Christine &
Stephen Matlock
Frank Meyer
Janet Moursund
Casey Muratori
G. Ronald &
Deborah Payne
Kevin & Kathy Pazaski
Carroll & Richard Rehmke
Judi & Tom Rogers
Larry Rosen
Luanne Rosenfeld
Bill Rucker
Kim Saunders
Doug & Alison Suttles
Andrew & Linda Symons
John & Bonnie Tabb
Carol & Jeffrey Waters
Diane & Rick Wright
Anonymous (2)
Supporting Member
Stephanie Alphier
Linda Ballew
Stan Case
Sean Cocchia
Chuck Dennis
Pamela C. Dorn
Nedra Gaskill
Ms. Amy Gibart
Nanette Gingery &
Ed Lannkas
David Ira Goldstein
Carole J. Johnston
Jill & Charlie Klinge
Suzanne Lane
Carol C. Lee
G Richardson Cook
Milton John Ruppeck
Judi Schrager
Dan B. Sweeney
Beverly Tindall
Kristin Towberman
L Williamson
Anonymous (1)
Individual Member
Janet Stimson
Leslie Wisdom
Diane Woltz
Village Guardians
The Village Guardians
are those who remember
Village Theatre in their
long-range financial and
estate plans, ensuring
the artistic, creative,
educational, and financial
strength of Village Theatre
for future generations.
The Estate of Robert W. &
Lois H. Catterall
Alex & Heather Berry
Jim & Lee Berry
Mrs. T.A. Gildersleve
Paul & Margie Harvey
The Estate of
Stanley T. Harvey
Steven J. Hazlerig
Joanne & Gerald Herber
In Memory of
Julie Ann Hovind
Robb & Kathy Hunt
Karen & Jim Ilika
D. Edward & Louise Jones
Betty S. Kramer
Lynn G. Meyer
Gustav Raaum
The Estate of
Eugene H. Radach
John Sager
John F. & Julia P. Shaw
Ed Short
Christine Shuken
Tom & Connie Walsh
Herbert H. Warrick
Family Trust
Dr. Albert Watenpaugh
The Estate of
Ruth Sutton Waters
Mildred Windmiller
Diane Woltz
Joella Yoder
Anonymous (1)
in kind
Village Theatre would
like to thank our In-Kind
Donors who generously
contributed valuable goods
and services.
$25,000 and Up
Lombardi’s Italian
Pogacha of Issaquah
$15,000 to $24,999
Black Label IT
$10,000 to $14,999
FINS Bistro
W.G.Clark Construction Co
$7,500 to $9,999
Redmond’s Bar & Grill
Sea-Lect Plactics
Trattoria Amante
$5,000 to $7,499
United Airlines
$3,000 to $4,999
$1,000 to $2,999
eQuality Images
Bobbi Kotula
Samuel Freeman,
Northwest Photo Inc.
$250 to $999
Microsoft Corporation
$100 to $249
Alfy’s Corporate Office
Mr. Eric M. Ankrim
Jean Johnson
Up to $99
Donald & Phyllis Adams
Amante Pizza & Pasta
Alex & Heather Berry
Buck’s American Cafe
Mario Cantone
Pat Cokewell
Karen Hart Cordell
Craving Cajun Grill
Patricia & Robert Dootson
Darlene Dupar
Ruth E. Friedman
El Paraiso Mexican Grill
Susan & R. D. Hopkins
Charles & Carrie Kahle
Major League Pizza
Sonny Newman
Packaging Specialties
Keli B. Reagan
John & Michele Robbins
Romio’s Pizza & Pasta
Sol Food Bar & Grill
Carol Swanson
Jeffrey L. & Carol Waters
Don & Alice Zillen
Gala Donors
Village Theatre would
like to thank the following
donors for the generosity
and support of our special
12th Ave Cafe
ACME Bowling, Billiards
& Events
Acorn Ventures
ACT Theatre
Adams Bench Winery
Agave Cocina & Tequilas
Alaska Airlines
Alex and Ani
Alex Ho Studio
Alexandria Nicole Cellars
Gregory Allen
Alpine Acupuncture
Alpine Specialty Cleaning
American Dance Institute
Ancestry Cellars
Dan and Portia Anderson
Angel of the Winds Casino
Chuck and Rita White
Anthony’s Restaurants
Antica Terra
Arena Stage
Argosy Cruises
Arizona Theatre
Arnies Restaurant
in Mukilteo
Art by Fire
ART Restaurant
Arterberry Maresh
Arthur Murray School
for Dance - Bellevue
Artists Repertory Theatre
ArtsWest Playhouse
and Gallery
Aubrey’s Clock Gallery
Auclair Winery
Ginny Redpath
Aveda Bellevue Square
Azamara Club Cruises
Azul Restaurant
& Lounge
William Bailey
Bake’s Place
Banya 5: The Urban
Spa Experience
Baratza LLC
Barrage Cellars
Battle Creek Golf Course
Be in a Tree
Handmade Cheese
Belfry Theatre
Bellevue Arts Museum
Bellevue Chamber
Betz Family Winery
Bis on Main
Blue Dog Bakery
Boehm’s Candies
Boeing Gift
Matching Program
Steve Bolliger and
Candace Smith
Booker Vineyard
Book-It Repertory
Bottle & Bull
Frank and Holly Brod
Marti Browning and
Jim Browning
Buca di Beppo
Bucky, Inc.
Burkett’s Savvy Clothing
for Women
Butchart Gardens
Caffe Appassionato
Coffee Co
Caffe Ladro
Camano Island Coffee
Cappy’s Boxing Gym
Capri Cellars
Caruh Salon & Spa
Cascade Cliffs Vineyard
& Winery
Dennis and Aline Caulley
Cedarbrook Lodge
Central Bark
Century Ballroom
Chateau Ste Michelle
Wine Estates
Chicago Shakespeare
Chinoise Sushi Bar &
Asian Grill
Cinemark Lincoln Square
Civilized Nature Holistic
Pet Supplies
Chuck Dennis
Clipper Vacations
Coal Creek
Family YMCA
Doug Cohen
Coho Cafe Issaquah
Color Me Mine
Zone Cellars
Cordon Selections
Cornish College
of the Arts
Cougar Mountain
Zoological Park
Countryside Floral
and Garden
Covenant Art Glass
Cuillin Hills
Gene Cyrus
Da Capo Photography
Nilda Damacena
DeLille Cellars
Derma Solution by Gosia
Nick DeSantis and
Art Anderson
Diamond Knot
Craft Brewing
Chico and Nellie Diaz
Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley
Domaine Drouhin
Doubletake Vintage
& Consignment
Downtown Issaquah
Dr. Chistian P. Manley
Dr. John Stieber
Dunham Cellars
Edmonds Center
for the Arts
Susann and Don Edmond
Eight Bells Winery
El 42 Cantina
Elk Cove Vineyards
Elysian Brewing
Emerald City
Trapeze Arts
EMP Museum
Epulo Bistro
Eterna Studios
Douglas Evenson
Everett Aqua Sox
Everett Golf &
Country Club
Evergreen Lanes &
Experience Tea Studio
Jan Fagan, CHt
Fairmont Banff Springs
Fairmont Scottsdale Princess
Sandra Farmer
Brett and Kjerstin Ferullo
FINS Bistro
Flat Iron Grill
Flying Goat Studio
Force Majeure
Fox Hollow Family Farm
Frame Central
Fremont Brewing Company
Future of Flight
Aviation Center
Garden Treasures
Gemini Fish Market
General Brushless Car Wash
Georgetown Brewing Co.
GLY Construction
Heather and Doug Goff
Neal Golden-Lekwa
Gold’s Gym
David Ira Goldstein
Google Matching
Gift Program
Grange Supply
Great Clips
Great Harvest Bread Co
Lissa and John Griffith
Guardian Cellars
Gymboree Play &
Music of Ballard
H&L Sports
Brian Hargrove
Harrison Hot Springs
Resort and Spa
Steve Hazlerig and
Dawn Mello
Heavy Restaurant Group
Henry Art Gallery
Hilton Garden Inn
Hoity Toity
Holiday Inn Express Hotel
& Suites - Pullman
Hoodsport Winery
Hop Jack’s
Hot Yoga Experience
Hotel deLuxe
Hotel Grand Pacific
Hourglass Wine Co.
Humble Bee Books
Matthew Gabriel
and Sandy Bench
Robb and Kathy Hunt
HYATT House Redmond
Hyatt Regency Indian
Wells Resort & Spa
Hydroplane and
Raceboat Museum
Il Bistro
Cayman Ilika
Imagine Children’s
Impressions Photography
Inn at Port Gardner
Issaquah Brewhouse
Ivar’s and Kidd
Valley Restaurants
J. Bookwalter Winery
J. Matheson Gifts Kitchen
& Gourmet
Alex Jaeger
Jak’s Grill
Jazz at Lincoln Center
Jet City Improv
Jim Courrier DDS
JM Cellars
Joan Watjen
John Howie Restaurants
John’s Grill - Old Town
Ted and Cheri Jones
Kafe Neo
Kaleidoscope School
of Music
Kalles Levine Casting
Guest Ranch
Kerloo Cellars
Kerr Corporation
Kid’s Discovery Museum
Kiehl’s since 1851
KIrkland Arts Center
Kirkland Performance
Kistler Vineyard
Kitchen Cupboard
David and Florence Kleine
Gary and Marilyn
Kosta Browne Winery
Kristin Ford Jewelry
With Meaning
L.L. Beach
Las Margaritas Family
Mexican Restaurants
Laurel Ink
Kit Singh and
Riinu Rammal
Carol Lee
Leonard’s Landing Lodge
Leonetti Cellar
Richard and Nora Lewis
Ian Lindsay
Lombardi’s Italian
Love Bamboo
Tom and Twyla Lucas
Lucky Strike
Lullaby Winery
Lynnwood Ice Center
Mac & Jack’s Brewery
Madison Park Group
James Madison
Maritime Pacific
Brewing Company
Marks Japanese
European Auto
Massage Envy Issaquah
Matthew’s Winery
Neil and Nancy
Megan Adams Dance L.L.C.
Michelle Moore
John and Dorcy Seethoff
Microsoft Gift Matching
Matt Cannon
Montalcino Ristorante
Richard and Sheridan Botts
Meany Lodge
Mudhouse Pottery Painting
Amy and Carl Murray
Museum of Flight
Music Theatre International
Naked City Brewery
& Taphouse
John Schmidt
Paul Nelson and
Lori Hayes
Nintendo of America Inc
Northwest Film Forum
Northwest Outdoor Center
Northwest Sinfonietta
Vickie Nysether
Jim and Denise Ohlfs
Oil & Vinegar, The
Culinary Gift Shop
Oil Can Henry’s
Oki Golf & The Golf Club
at Newcastle
Olympic Ballet Theatre
Olympus Spa
One Reel
Oregon Shakespeare
Daryl and Sheri Orts
O-S Winery
Pacific Blues Cafe
Pacific Coast
Feather Company
Pacific Northwest Ballet
Pacific Opera Victoria
Palouse Winery
Park Place Ltd
Parlor Live
Comedy Club
Piatti Ristorante & Bar
Pignataro Volkswagon
Platypus Tours, Ltd.
Pleasant Hill Cellars
Bridges, 2015 Festival of New Musicals, Cast of Bridges. Photo by sam freeman.
(Gala Donors continued)
Pogacha of Issaquah
Portland Center Stage
Powers Winery
Ramseyer Vineyards
Rasa Vineyards
Ray’s Boathouse, Café
& Catering
Geoff and Ursula Walker
Redmond’s Bar & Grill
Relevant Theatricals
Revolutionary Gallery
Revolve Consignment
Rick Steves’ Europe
Through the Back
Door Inc.
River Valley Cheese
Canine Coaching
Rick Rizzs
Paul and
Marianne Roberts
Rotary Club of
Roy Gabay Productions
Salish Lodge & Spa
Salon Jade
Salty’s Waterfront
Seafood Grills
Sammamish Symphony
Samuel Ahn, OD
SANCA School of Flight
Sandhi Wines
Saxum Vineyards
Schack Art Center
Jake Schultz
Schwartz Brothers
Seattle Aquarium
Seattle Architecture
Seattle Art Museum
Seattle Bellevue
Downtown Courtyard
Seattle Caviar
Seattle Children’s Museum
Seattle Children’s Theatre
Seattle Fire Department
Seattle Gilbert &
Sullivan Society
Seattle International
Film Festival
Seattle Mariners
Seattle Marriott
Seattle Men’s Chorus
Seattle Musical Theatre
Carl Murray
Seattle Repertory Theatre
Seattle Seahawks
Seattle Shakespeare
Seattle Storm
Seattle Symphony
Seattle Theatre Group
Steven and Teresa Serex
SEVEN the salon
Shaggy Sweet Duo
Andrew Shepherd
Ed Short
village theatre stafF as of August 31, 2015
Mark and Christine Shuken
Cindy Retter-Hastings
and Mike Hastings
Silver Cloud Inns &
Sip at the Wine Bar
and Restaurant
Mark Sizemore
Cooking School
SkinSpirit Skincare Clinic
& Spa
Jim and Krista Ferguson
Snow Sports Northwest
Sojourn Cellars
Soter Vineyards
Sound Spirits Distillery
Southwest Airlines
SOVREN Guild, Seattle
Children’s Hospital
Bruce and Peggy Wanta
Spectrum Dance Theater
Stadium Flowers
Stella Artois & Anheuser Busch Companies, Inc.
Ann Stephens
Stina’s Cellars
Stone House
Storybook Mountain
Stottle Winery
Studio Donna Salon & Spa
Sun Liquor
Suquamish Clearwater
Casino Resort
Bill Suttmeier
Tablas Wood Stone
Tacoma Art Museum
Tango Restaurant
Tantalus Restaurant
Taproot Theatre Company
Teatro ZinZanni
Ten Mercer
Terracotta Red
The 5th Avenue Theatre
The Chamber Music
Society of Lincoln Center
The Cheesecake Factory
The Chihuly Studio
The Comedy
Heidi Heimark
The Drake Hotel
The Fairmont empress
The Fairmont
Olympic Hotel
The Fairmont Sonoma
Mission Inn & Spa
The Fairmont
Washington, D.C.
The Majestic Cafe
The Pink Door
The Red Balloon Company
The Resort at Port Ludlow
The Ruins
The Studios
The Summit at Snoqualmie
The Villa Group
The W Hotel Seattle
The Westin Bellevue
Ann and Greg Thornton
Thrivent Financial
for Lutherans
Trudy Tobiason
Tom Bihn, Inc.
Total Wine & More
TPC Scottsdale
Traxx Indoor Raceway
Trellis Restaurant
Tulio Restaurant
Tumble Creek Club
Turley Wine Cellars
Tutta Bella Neapolitan
Uber Entertainment
Umpqua Bank
Unexpected Productions
University of Washington
School of Drama
University of
US Bank Gift Match
Scott VanGerpen
Vertical World-Everett
Village Green Yoga
Village Theatre
Bobbi Kotula
Sue Short
Village Theatre Board
of Directors
Village Theatre
Laurel Blaine
Vine Connections
Vortex Cellars
Wagner Jewelers
Walla Walla Vintners
Walrus & the Carpenter
Derek and Anne
Robert Weiner
Leigh Kraft and Matt Flor
Western Washington
University Athletics
Ernie and
Sherran Whatley
White Horse Toys
White River
Wicked Cellars
Wild Waves
William Grassie
Wine Estates
Williams Selyem
Willows Lodge
Marlene and
Roger Winter
Dan Winters
Diane Woltz
Woodhouse Wine Estates
Ted Jones
Woodland Park Zoo
Woodmark Hotel
WSU Cougar Marketing
& Promotions
XXX Rootbeer Drive In
YMCA of Snohomish
Judy Yu and Clay Hall
Yum-e Yogurt
Zeeks Pizza / Ben &
Jerry’s Issaquah
Diane Wright, Director of Finance
Talie Johnson-Marghani,
Payroll and Accounting Specialist
Kelly Haskins, Accounting Associate
Angela Newton, Senior Accounting Associate
Sheila Guy-Snowden, Human Resources Generalist
Patrick Ostrander, Administrative Assistant, Issaquah
Frank Stilwagner, Director of Development
Jeannine Clarke, Development Manager
Steve Tomkins and Robb Hunt
Photo by Mark Kitaoka.
Steve Tomkins, Artistic Director
Artistic Staff
Tim Symons, Resident Music Director
Jay Markham, Production Manager
Ciera Iveson, Associate Production Manager
Mary Rucker Guyer,
Community Relations Manager, Everett
Marion Skalley
Community Relations Coordinator, Everett
Sara Behrman, Grant Writing Services
Jamie Lilly, Director of Marketing
Cathan Bordyn, Marketing Manager
Kelsi Lindus, Communications Manager
Bradley C. Bixler, Technical Director, Issaquah
Jana Rekosh, Advertising & Design Associate
Andre Burman, Assistant Technical Director
Box Office
Adam Michard, Assistant Technical Director
Stacey Garrett, Stage Operations Supervisor
Brent Warwick, Resident Sound Designer/
Master Sound Engineer
Haley Parcher, Master Sound Engineer, Everett
Taylor H. Whitmire
Master Electricians, Issaquah
Paul Sharp, Master Electrician, Everett
Dominic Iacono, Josie Hankins, Lead Electrician
Steven Coney, Sam Izenman, Electricians
Jim Mathias, Master Carpenter
Jason Tribby, Patrick Sherman,
Mark Zetterberg, Lead Carpenters
Monique Walker, Properties Master
Laurel Blaine, Properties Carpenter/Welder
Justine Halsey-Martin, Props Artisan
Julia B. Franz, Master Scenic Artist
Steve LaRose, Lead Scenic Artist
Rachele Wirrick, Jennifer Blazek,
Key Scenic Artists
Cynthia Savage
Costume Shop Manager
Jennee Leavitt
Costume Shop Assistant
Esther Garcia, Head Cutter/Draper
Beth Gilroy, Cutter/Draper
Elizabeth Dean, Crafts
Heather Andress
Wardrobe Master, Issaquah
Sherrill Dryden, General Manager,
Everett Performing Arts Center
Robert Russell,
House/Facilities Manager, Issaquah
Debbie Hinton, Marilyn Israel, Shannon Russell,
Meghan Smith, Ray Lapine, Susan Hansen,
Assistant House Managers, Issaquah
Chris Miles, House/Rental Coordinator, Everett
Kathleen Podoll, Nora Linderoth, Jeffrey Aney
House Managers, Everett
Patrick Kenekeo, Emma Russell,
Sam Hansen, Joshua Yi
Lobby Attendants, Issaquah
Photo by Sam Freeman.
Bobbi Kotula, Individual Giving Manager
Jessica Spencer,
Casting and Company Manager
Sue Short, Development Assistant
Megan Adams, Individual Giving Manager
Robb Hunt, Executive Producer
Douglas Decker, Wig Master
Seussical Jr, Karsten Mohn (Cat in the Hat) and Brandon Oke (Jojo).
Merrill Matheson, Development Associate
Andee Hansen, Jeffrey Aney, Sarah Nightingale,
Lobby Attendants, Everett
Mike Tran, Finance & Development Assistant
Lyndsey San Sebastian, Online/Graphics Associate
Jennifer Mello, Box Office Manager, Issaquah
Lauren Urban, Box Office Asst. Manager, Issaquah
Jennifer Nightingale Myers
Box Office Manager, Everett
Jeremy Dunn, Box Office Asst. Manager, Everett
Victoria Quayle
Lead Audience Services Representative, Issaquah
Bea Fox, Jeannie Lundquist,
Griffin Freese, Tracie Wokosiewicz
Audience Services Representatives, Issaquah
Ethan Ditto, Ashley Pempeit,
Elizabeth Barrett, Nathan Smith
Box Office Associates, Everett
Youth Education
Kati Nickerson, Director of Youth
Education & Community Outreach
Suzie C. Bixler
KIDSTAGE Programs Manager, Issaquah
Janet Cole Hamilton
Education Programs Manager, Everett
Erica Weir, Pied Piper Manager
Heather Dacany
KIDSTAGE Class & Outreach Manager, Issaquah
Kayla Walker, Institute Manager, Issaquah
Aaron Alonso, KIDSTAGE Production Manager, Everett
Joel Arpin, KIDSTAGE Production Coordinator, Issaquah
Angela Linder, Youth Ed Coordinator, Everett
Ruthann Tacher
KIDSTAGE Registrar and Coordinator, Issaquah
Megan Adams, Emily Bailey, Benjamin Bentler, Lindsay
Kujawa-Barr, Sarah Bordenet, Cathan Bordyn, Kasha
Browning, Lisa Buettner, Kimberly Campi, Ryan Childers,
Casey Craig, Tony Curry, Heather Dacanay, Taryn Darr,
Kevin Douglass, Ann Evans, Lisa Finkral, Nancy Fisher,
Melissa Fleming, Kristin Holland-Bohr, Kate Jaeger, Andy
Jensen, Eric P. Jensen, Danny Kam, Joanne Klein, Bobbi
Kotula, Sean Lally, Matthew Lawerence, Chelsea LeValley,
Silas Lindenstein, Jessica Low, Jon Lutyens, Lindsay Lucas,
Sheady Manning, Michael Matlock, Michael McClain, Ellen
McLain, Alana Morrison, Lisa Nathans, Taylor Niemeyer,
Michael Nutting, Brandon Peck, Laurel Petti, Timothy
McCuen Piggee, Adam Quillian, Tanesha Ross, Faith
Russell, Sarah Seder, Hannah Schuerman, Jessica Spencer,
Emily Stephenson, Melanie Studley, Katy Tabb, R.J.
Tancioco, Carol Thompson, Julia Thornton, Amy Trgovac,
Pamela Turpen, Kathryn Van Meter, Kayla Walker,
Eia Waltzer, Joell Weil, Amberlee Williams, Matt Wolfe,
Nathan Young, Maurianna Zingarelli