Volume 32, Number 2 Fall 2010 FLORIDA BRINGS HOME 25 NATIONAL AWARDS 100th Anniversary National Exchange Club 93rd Annual Convention Detroit, Michigan In This Issue President’s Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 District News . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4, 24-25 Club News . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-18, 20-21 People in the News . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Child Abuse Prevention . . . . . . . .22-23 Convention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 District Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 The Florida District won 25 individual, club, and district awards at the 92nd Annual National Exchange Club Convention July 22. Presidential Award Awarded by National President Claude Carmack for outstanding performance: Eric Menger Power Recruiter Award Paul McShane Bill MacArthur 10 Member Pin Doug Booth Larry Crismond Eric Menger Club Membership Achievement Award Club must have a net increase of five or more members and 85% member retention: Exchange Club of the Emerald Coast Fall 2010 Mark Dayton, Dianne Cohrs, Ken Haas, Kathy Mize, and Theresa Putnam accepted the Best Fundraiser Award from 2009-2010 National president Claude Carmack - Photo by Jim "Woody" Woods. National Outstanding Fundraising Award (Club of 50 or more members) Northeast Exchange Club of St. Petersburg Edit Award Best District Bulletin (District with 800+ members) The Florida Exchangite Jan J. Binney, editor Distinguished Club President Award Holly Mantle Treasure Coast Exchange Club Web Video Award Gator Exchange Club of Gainesville Richard Ashbrook, producer Big "E" Award Exchange Club of the Emerald Coast Exchange Club of the Treasure Coast Club Excellence Award Exchange Club of the Emerald Coast National Service Award Exchange Club of Crestview Exchange Club of Fellsmere Exchange Club of Indian River Northeast Exchange Club of St. Petersburg Exchange Club of Niceville Exchange Club of Pompano Beach Exchange Club of Sebastian Exchange Club of the Emerald Coast Exchange Club of the Treasure Coast Exchange Club of Vero Beach Gator Exchange Club of Gainesville St. Petersburg Exchange Club How to Apply: Florida Exchangite 1 PRESIDENT’S CORNER National President Claude Carmack presented a special Presidential Award to Eric Menger in honor of his outstanding performance as Florida District President. - Photo by Jim "Woody" Woods Fellow Exchangites: A long-time friend of the family passed away recently at the age of 85. It was a total shock to me and my loved ones because we had always just expected him to be there. He gave no indication that he was ill or had cancer or any other lifethreatening disease. We had talked only a few months ago. He was always a source of support and encouragement. He was a quiet, brilliant man. Then he was gone. His passing reminded me of the short time that we are here on Earth, and how we have so little time to live the life we want to live. In our daily life we seem to center on daily obligations: pay the bills, mop the floor, drive to work, drive back home, do the dishes, walk the dog. How often do we take a few minutes or even an hour to stop and think about where we are, what we are doing, and where we are all eventually headed? Living Life to the Fullest Many books have been written about living the life you have to the fullest. Some focus on amassing wealth, being financially successful, or climbing the corporate ladder. But others talk about a true successful life as one of serving others. After all, when it is your time to leave this life and move on, it won’t matter too much how much wealth or how many possessions you have. What will matter will be what you have done to help others and how you have lived your life. Path to Success I believe that serving others through Exchange is one path to success in life. For 100 years (since 1911), Exchange has been there as America’s Service Club. We are all a part of that. Just by doing your part and offering your best in every situation presented to you through Exchange, you begin to amass true wealth. Little by little, you make a difference. By helping those in need, especially those of our children who don’t have a voice or a strong parental role model, you give a gift greater than anything money can buy. Terri Mermis, Executive Director, shows her approval of the District’s $500 donation at the September 16 opening of the new Yellow Umbrella satellite office in Rockledge. Yes, losing a loved one or good friend always seems to make you think about your own mortality and what you are doing in your life to make a difference. In Exchange, we make a difference every day of our lives. In fact, we give the gift of our own life. Yours in Exchange, On September 10 Eric Menger installed Past President Beth Courtney and President Brandon McGuire of South Brevard Exchange Club as Division Director Diana Walker looks on. 2 Florida Exchangite Eric Menger President, Florida District Exchange Clubs Fall 2010 PRESIDENT’S CORNER Meeting of the Board of Directors The Florida District Exchange Clubs’ Board of Directors met Saturday, August 21, in Vero Beach. The Board heard a presentation by Janell Johnson about the National Foundation’s Investing In America’s Future campaign (see page 23). She called Exchange “America’s best-kept secret”. President Eric Menger presented presidential appreciation awards to Amy Mueller and John Mes- President Menger presented District Treasurer Amy Mueller with a special award for her financial skill and professional dedication managing the District’s finances as during the 2009-2010 fiscal year provided a Scholarship Trust report. The agenda included planning for 2010-2011, Division Directors’ reports, and membership growth and retention. The next Board meeting is November 20. District Goals 2010-2011 John Messal received a special award from President Eric Menger for his work above and beyond the call of duty as Division Six Director in providing leadership and goal-setting for the Gator Exchange Club of Gainesville from April through July 2010. sal. In their honor, a $50 contribution each will be awarded to the District’s Scholarship and Child Abuse Prevention Trust Funds from the District. Secretary Diana Walker reviewed Minutes and correspondence; Treasurer Amy Mueller discussed the District’s finances and presented the 20102011 budget that was approved. GROWTH • Seven club development activities (two new, two redevelopment, and three EXCEL) • 125 new members by June 30, 2011, and no more than 50 members lost (net 75 members) TRAINING • 50% of clubs represented at the 2011 Annual Conference in Deerfield Beach • District President and District President-Elect will attend all national conferences • 100% club presidents receive training from Division Directors by June 30, 2011 PROGRAMS OF SERVICE • 50% of clubs receive National Service Award (continued on page 25) President Menger presented National’s 2010 Edit Award for Best District Bulletin to Florida Exchangite’s editor, Jan Binney. Vice Presidents discussed the four Pillars of Exchange. Judy Landgrave presented options for this year’s Awards program, and Roy Thompson reported on Child Abuse Prevention. Bill Schilling will investigate ways to clubs can work with local American Red Cross chapters. Thompson also Fall 2010 Scott Walker, Ken Walker, Bill MacArthur, Ken Haas, Susan Schilling, Bill Schilling, Larry Crismond (back row); Nancy Gollnick, Dina Gebriele, John Messal, Kathy Mize, Eric Menger, Jan Binney (middle row); Diana Walker, Joe Binney and Copper, Judy Landgrave, Kelly Menger, and Amy Mueller (front row) at the Friday night social Florida Exchangite 3 DISTRICT NEWS Florida District Exchangites Attend 92nd Annual National Exchange Club Convention La Quinta, California * July 21-24, 2010 Mark Dayton, Ken Haas, Pat Shephard, Paul McShane, Kathy Mize, Kim Prado, 2010-2011 National Exchange Club President Margie Miller, Kim Keck, Jim Brown, Kay Brown, and Eric Menger It Wasn’t All Work... Kathy Mize and her father, Jim Brown Kim Prado NEC Officers Paul McShane and Claude Carmack Photo by Jim "Woody" Woods. Elizabeth McShane, Paul McShane, Carl Clayton, Kay Brown, Kathy Mize, Kim Keck, Kelly Menger, Eric Menger, Ken Haas, Mark Dayton, and Debbie Dayton; Dianne Cohrs, Jim Brown, and Theresa Putnam (seated) 4 Florida Exchangite Fall 2010 CLUB NEWS Division 9 Bill MacArthur, Division 9 Director Exchange Club of Manasota East Manatee River Business Exchange Club Sarasota Business Exchange Club Dinner Exchange Club of Manasota packs, which all together were valued at more than $7,000. More than 150 filled backpacks were donated to an elementary school in an underprivileged area of Bradenton to help K-2 students begin their school year on the right track. In a cooperative project, the four Exchange Clubs of Division 9 (Exchange Club of Manasota East, Manatee River Business Exchange Club, Dinner Exchange Club of Manasota, and Sarasota Business Exchange Club), worked together to purchase and fill the back- Representatives of all four clubs presented the backpacks to the G.D. Rogers Garden Elementary School at its open house on August 21. In addition to the Exchangites, the mascot of the Bradenton Marauders, a Pittsburgh Pirate farm club, was also there to assist in the fun. The event was featured in an article titled “Exchange Clubs Donate Backpacks to Students” in The Bradenton Times on September 6. Until recently the Division 9’s four Exchange Clubs worked together in support of the Family Partnership Center, but beginning with this school year, they will extend their support to schools of Manatee and Sarasota Counties. A very happy second grader shows off her backpack donated by Florida Division 9's four Exchange Clubs. Happy students with their new backpacks celebrated with the Bradenton Marauders mascot. Division 9's four Exchange Clubs donated more than 150 backpacks to K-2 students of the G.D. Rogers Garden Elementary School in Bradenton June Harasym, President of the Dinner Exchange Club, and Marshall Eckford, Board Director of the Manatee River Business Exchange Club, helping students select their backpacks. Manasota Dinner Exchange Club The Manasota Dinner Exchange Club meets monthly at a different restaurant each month. On Saturday, August 28, they dined at Ferraro’s Italian Grille in Parrish. More than thirty “clubbers” and their family members celebrated their thirdyear anniversary. They have received their club Fall 2010 banner and patches. The Manasota Dinner Exchangites recently welcomed a new member, Dave Bocchino of MetLife®. They rose to the challenge of helping Division 9’s clubs supply more than150 filled backpacks to K-2 students and have raised $66 for the Family Partnership Center. Florida Exchangite 5 CLUB NEWS Don Ciccone, performances by local talent, a chili eating contest, and the popular Little Miss Pepper and Mr. Pee Wee contests. Radio personality and Cook-Off emcee Hamp Elliot of Treasure and Space Coast Radio was surprised to read his own name as this year’s recipient of The Book of Golden Deeds Award. Hamp has served as the event’s MC more than 25 years. Larry Clancy, chair, Bob Davis, and Shirley Copenhauer, members of the Chili Cook-Off committee Fort Pierce Exchange Club The 28th Annual Fort Pierce Exchange Club’s Chili Cook-Off, held July 17, was a great success. The Cook-Off, with its “Famous Moments in History” theme, raised $26,000 for the Boys & Girls Club of St. Lucie County. Three thousand people attended the event at the Havert Fenn Center in Fort Pierce. Thirty-one teams competed for the Jim Lamb Memorial Award for the Best Chili and to be one of the Top Five Fundraising Teams. Participants received Awards for Best Showmanship, Media, Best Government Team, Best Performance, and Best Overall Performance in All Categories. Other honors presented included the Chili Pepper, Exective Director’s, Jalapeno, President’s, Proud to Be Your Bud, Chairman’s, Rookie Team, Hot and Spicy, and the Attaboy Awards. This year’s committee included Larry Clancy, chair, Shirley Copenhaver, and Bob Davis. Mike Dashoff, Shirley Copenhaver, Mel Liebman, Club President Johnathan Ferguson, Boys & Girls Club Executive Director Norm Penner, 2011 Chili Chairman Jim O’Connor, and Bill Foley; John Barbieri, Chuck Kitzmiller, Fred Espenshied, Wally Swords, and County Commissioner and club member Chris Cdzacovsky The 2010-2011 president of the Fort Pierce club is Johnathan Ferguson. Jim O’Connor is Vice President and 2011 Chili Chair, and Dan Kurek is the Treasurer/Secretary. Next year’s 29th Annual Cook-Off, to be held July 16, 2011, is already in the planning stages. Its theme is “Hollywood”. Contact the Cook-Off Hotline at 772-828-2234 or The Chili Chicks headlined the entertainment; their performance can be seen at Other entertainment included the award-winning Boys & Girls Club Ken Pruitt Unit Band, The Critters with Johnathan Ferguson and Larry Clancy take a break to take a look at the crowd at the Chili Cook-Off. National Exchange Convention Photos More than 3,000 people came to Fenn Center to enjoy the 28th Annual Chili Cook-Off. 6 Florida Exchangite Photos by Jim “Woody” Woods, shown on pages 1,2,and 4, were taken at the National Exchange Club Convention. These pictures, and many more, may be seen and purchased at or by following the link to Convention photos at convention/convention.htm. Fall 2010 CLUB NEWS Exchange Club of South Brevard South Brevard club members helped the Yellow Umbrella Child Abuse Prevention Center celebrate the grand opening of its second full service office located in Rockledge on September 16. The club is a long-time supporter of the agency. District President Eric Menger installed Brandon McGuire as the new president of the club; Division Director Diana Walker was a special guest at the installation held September 10. Past President Beth Courtney, Yellow Umbrella Executive Director Terri Mermis, and President Brandon McGuire at the grand opening of Yellow Umbrella’s new Rockledge facility Mike Natale, Rookie of the Year; Rick Giteles and Steve McElveen - BWO Kids’ Day; and Kathy Falzone, Youth Awards. Beth Courtney, Past President of the South Brevard club and the Yellow Umbrella Board of Directors at the opening Sebastian Exchange Club A great time was had by all who attended the Installation Dinner held on June 26 at The Yellow Dog Café. Beautiful weather for drinks on the deck and the full moon rising were added attractions. Dinner in The Library was delectable. Rene Charter members Henry Fischer, Jeff Slade, and Rene VanDeVoorde received special recognition. Membership Builders recognition was given to Rene VanDeVoorde, Donna Keys, Paul Reeves, and Jeff Slade for bringing in new members in the past year. Membership anniversaries were recognized: Kathy Gutierrez (25 years), Warren Dill and Skip Gray (20 years), Karen McElveen, Steve McElveen, and Kathy Falzone (5 years). Diana Walker, Division 7 Director, conducted the installation of new officers. The Sebastian Club donated $3,500 to Yellow Umbrella at its September 16 grand opening. It presented three Sebastian Exchange Scholarships and the Perez and Associates Scholarship to Sebastian River High School graduate. Exchangites from the Fellsmere Exchange Club and the Exchange Club of South Brevard joined Sebastian at a festive social, enjoying Bluegrass Night at Marsh Landing in Fellsmere September 30. Sebastian Exchangites Marilyn Waldis, Karen McElveen, and Tanya Webb presented a $3,500 check to Executive Director Terri Mermis (second from left) and Brenda Abbate (right) of Yellow Umbrella. VanDeVoorde served as Master of Ceremonies, and outgoing president Marilyn Waldis presented the Appreciation and Awards. Recipients were Karen McElveen, Most Valuable Player; Tony Donini, Unsung Hero; Tanya Webb, President’s Right Hand; Rick Giteles, President’s Left Hand; Fall 2010 New officers of Sebastian Exchange Club include Tony Donini, Karen McElveen, Warren Dill, Margie Duffell, Kathy Falzone, Rene VanDeVoorde, Tanya Webb, and Marilyn Waldis. Florida Exchangite 7 CLUB NEWS Seminole Business Masters Exchange Club Jacksonville President Dave Ledbetter congratulates club member Hal Lynch on his eightieth birthday. Exchange Club of Jacksonville Dave Ledbetter, President; Kim Klipsch, Vice President; Amanda Rolfe, Secretary; Mollie Rolfe, Treasurer; and Adam Rowe, Past President. Oneyear terms on the Board are held by Glenn Wright, Doyle Varnes, and Lisa DiSalle Sullivan; Larry Rolfe, Albert Marchant, and Doug Klippel will serve two-year terms. Rick Costner Steve D. Rawlins, Sr. The club welcomed three new members this summer: Rob Drum, Rick Costner, and Steve D. Rawlins, Sr. Members are busy planning their first Fish Fry that will be held October 23 at Grace Lutheran Church. They are collecting manufacturers’ coupons for Military Families; Mollie Rolfe chairs this project. The Exchange Club donated $3,575 to the Exchange Club Family Center from its Flag Project. In this venture, members raised money by placing American flags in homeowners’ yards. The Exchange Club donated $3,575 earned from its Flag Project to the Exchange Club Family Center. 8 Florida Exchangite Carl Clayton is the new president of the Seminole Business Masters Exchange Club. Other officers installed include Bill Hamm, President-Elect; Rachel Jordan, Secretary and Past President; and Bob Ieva, Treasurer. Thom Barnhorn, Jerry Beitz, Pat Ramsburg, and Tori Stein will serve two-year terms, and Dean Gunter, Judy Miller, and Peggy Watrous will hold one-year terms as Directors. Two members attended the 11th Annual Cooking for Kids benefit in St. Petersburg on September 10. The club is planning a membership drive, tentatively scheduled for November 4. The Exchange Covenant of Service Accepting the divine privilege of single and collective responsibility as life’s noblest gift, I covenant with my fellow Exchangites: To consecrate my best energies to the uplifting of Social, Religious, Political, and Business ideals; To discharge the debt I owe to those of high and low estate who have served and sacrificed that the heritage of American citizenship might be mine; To honor and respect law, to serve my fellowmen, and to uphold the ideals And institutions of my Country; To implant the life-giving, society-building spirit of Service and Comradeship in my social and business relationships; To serve in Unity with those seeking better conditions, better understanding, and greater opportunities for all. Exchange Club of St. Petersburg Christopher Kard is the newest member of the Exchange Club of St. Petersburg. Club members are busy planning their National Day of Service in October and their Adoption Picnic to be held on November 6. Jim Buck, Program Chair, arranged weekly luncheons featuring local politicians, both Republican and Democrat, for the members of the club. The speakers have kept the Exchangites up-to-date with information about themselves as well as detailed explanations of the amendments that will be on the ballot in November. Fall 2010 CLUB NEWS Exchange Club of Indian River Exchange Club of Indian River presented the Proudly We Hail award to Greene River Packing Inc. of Vero Beach on June 16. The American flag that flies over their packing company on US 1 is visible from one mile away. Andrew Molloy chairs the committee. Exchangite of the Year Jenny Frederick and 2009-2010 President Ed Kay President Andrew Molloy congratulates Proudly We Hail winner Mike Mercatell, Greene River Packing operations manager R.J. and Valerie MacMillan opened their home to fellow Exchangites on June 30 to celebrate the Fifth Wednesday. Wednesday's are the usual luncheon meeting days for the club but whenever it falls on a 5th Wednesday, a night time event including spouses and guests is celebrated. Thanks to Jenny Frederick, there was enough for all to eat and drink. A few attempts at Karaoke, camaraderie among members,. and a great time was had on a beautiful summer night in Florida. Indian River at the club’s annual banquet June 11. Other officers include President-Elect R.J. MacMillan, Secretary Nancy Gollnick, and Treasurer Joan Barcus. New members of the board of directors are Melinda Branand and Michele Knight. Tia Beinhower, Aaron Bowles, Bill Depp, and Robert Poore will continue serving on the board with the immediate past president, Ed Kay. Jenny Frederick is the club’s 2010 Exchangite of the Year. She was honored for her ongoing accomplishments and excellent service as a board member and secretary, chair of social events and foundation grant committees, and active participation as a volunteer for activities and member of multiple club committees. Andrew Molloy has shared a scholarship presentation ceremony with fellow Exchangites the past few years that brings to the forefront what funds for child abuse prevention can achieve. The scholarships, presented on August 11 to six collegebound students from Youth Guidance, honor his late wife, Carol Molloy. Each spoke about how much Youth Guidance has meant. The Molloys’ daughter, Carey Molloy Hodge, and family members of the scholarship winners also took part in the presentation. Nancy Gollnick and Tia Beinhower show off their Karaoke talents. Exchange Club of Indian River Foundation supported the 33rd Annual Youth Guidance Tropical Night Luau on June 5 with a $2,000 sponsorship for summer camp scholarships. The Youth Guidance Mentoring & Activities Program of Indian River County is one of a dozen children’s charities the Exchange Club Foundation supports. Florida District President Eric Menger installed Andrew Molloy as president of Exchange Club of Fall 2010 Five of the six Molloy Scholarship winners and their moms Florida Exchangite 9 CLUB NEWS Club President Robert Paugh and District President Eric Menger with Holly Mantle, Florida’s only 2010 Distinguished Club President Robert Paugh presented the Freedom Shrine to Robin Polski, County Commissioner Bob Solari, and Mayor Kevin Sawnick. Treasure Coast Exchangites at the Installation Banquet on June 22 Chef Paugh (in apron) with Danielle Reuter of Healthy Start Coalition Marc Imbert-Brown of Wabasso School and Georgia Irish Exchange Club of the Treasure Coast The Treasure Coast club has a lot to celebrate. Holly Mantle was Florida’s only club president to win the Distinguished Club President award at the National Convention, and the club was one of only two in the District to earn the Big “E”. The club has been busy this summer with special events. On June 4 members traveled to Wabasso School to present a $500 check to the school’s Student Needs Fund that provides personal items for needy students. Georgia Irish presented Marc Imbert-Brown with Exchange Club’s Student of the Year Achievement Award. The Club’s Installation Banquet was held June 22. Mike Lue, Roger Walker, Justin Hotaling, and Robert Paugh have installed the club's newest Freedom Shrine in the downtown Vero Beach Post office; the Shrine was 10 Florida Exchangite dedicated on July 8. On September 18 members participated in the Second Annual Kids and Cars Safety Day at Dyer Chevrolet in Vero Beach. The club cosponsored the Day with the county’s Healthy State Coalition and Sheriff’s Department and provided refreshments. Certified safety inspectors checked child car seats, and sheriff's office staff offered a free fingerprint and identification service. August and September activities included collecting items for the Santa for Seniors project. Members will donate either twenty dollars or twenty pounds of food for the Harvest Food and Outreach Center in October. The club enjoyed a Family Day Picnic and Pool Party at the Sebastian River Landing Club on September 26. Fall 2010 CLUB NEWS Ribfest® 2010 Hardy W. Bryan The trash was being picked up, the stage was coming down, and the echoes of the booming music had subsided on the 16th of November 2009, the day after Ribfest® ended. Planning began for Ribfest 2010 the same day. Little did the Club know that at this year’s National Convention, the Northeast St. Pete Exchange Club would be honored with the award of the National Best Fundraiser. Why? After all, we had been in the Ribfest business for 21 years, and while we have expanded as we grew, Ribfest 2009 was not all that different than the others. Maybe it was recognized for this reason: In 2006, the net proceeds were about $260,000, the highest amount of charity money we ever raised. We thought it would be difficult to better the following years. And in 2007, as the economy started its nosedive, the profits dropped to about $240,000, still good but short of the record. The 2008 Ribfest dipped even lower to $220,000. Still, a tidy bit of change! This Year’s Ribfest to Be Even Better! Not daunted, the band coordinator, Co-Chair Tom Whiteman, continued booking bands. In the early years, bands tended to hold off committing until a month before the event, hoping for a better gig somewhere else. But as we were able to pay higher amounts to attract better-known bands, and as our reputation as a premiere event grew, booking, while still a challenge for Tom, was accomplished much earlier in the process. This allowed the advertising to kick off earlier too as we knew what bands were going to be performing. The band lineup for 2009 was the best ever. As Ribfest began, we had a rather dismal Friday crowd, causing some Club members to worry about what the rest of the weekend was going to produce. After all, the twenty or so charities sup(continued on next page) Fall 2010 Theresa Putnam, Mark Dayton, Kathy Mize, Ken Leynse, and Dianne Cohrs attended Cooking for Kids Northeast Exchange Club of St. Petersburg Northeast St. Pete held its 5th Annual Classic Rock ’n Roll Galactic Style “Strike Out Child Abuse” Bowl-A-Thon August 14. Twenty-five teams competed to benefit Suncoast Center and Help a Child of St. Petersburg. Thirty-two club members and guests attended Suncoast’s 11th Annual Cooking for Kids September 10. More than 250 guests enjoyed the New Orleans theme, Dixieland band, food by a dozen restaurants, and silent and live auctions. Camping with Cameron is October 9. Recent social events included Devil Rays games and annual Boating Day gala. 2010-2011 officers include Mark Dayton, President; Cameron Bernard, President-Elect; Dianne Cohrs, Vice President; Carol Everson, Secretary; John Ullrich, Treasurer; Dave Salverson, Club CFO, and Ken Haas, Past President. Directors Bill Dudley, Jr., Tellie Hall, Julie Langevin, and Jerry White will serve one-year and Chris Burke, Barbara Doyle, Amanda Gilroy, and Larry Sweeney two-year terms. On July 6 members voted to add four nonvoting officers to the Board of Directors and elected Tom Whiteman, Gail Clark, Chris Burke, and David Hood to fill these positions. Dianne Cohrs and Theresa Putnam (back row); Debbie Dayton, Mark Dayton, Kathy Mize, and Ken Haas at the NEC Convention Florida Exchangite 11 CLUB NEWS Ribfest® 2010, continued ported by the Club depend on us for a major portion of their annual budgets. But Saturday and Sunday drew record crowds. Vendors sold out of ribs and searched the Tampa Bay area for more. Beer was sold at a rate of more than one cup per second! Soda sold out too. The Fire Department started talking about closing the gates for crowd control. Attendees danced to the band music, having a grand time. And when it ended, and the expenses deducted from the gross proceeds, there remained for our charities a whopping, $420,000! What a blessing for the groups we support! These charities receive funds from several sources, but some of those sources are not as able to contribute as before, due to the economy. We were in a position to cover some of the shortfall. These charities include All Children’s Hospital and our national project, the prevention of child abuse. After allocations are planned for these major charities, the Board reviews requests from others, supporting some and reluctantly, turning down some. The 2010 Ribfest will be held the weekend after Veterans Day, Friday, November 12, through Sunday, November 14. To learn names of bands and when they will perform, go to http://www. On the left side, click on “BandsShows,” then on “Transitions Optical Stage”. As always, we stand prepared to accommodate delegations from other Exchange Clubs at our event if they are exploring the possibility of conducting a similar event in their area. And, of course, we also welcome everyone to come and join us! Ribfest 2010 will be held at Vinoy Park, 701 Bayshore Drive NE, St. Petersburg; gates open each day at 11:00 am. Purchase tickets in advance for $10 each at Rally Food Stores, the official ticket outlet, or online for an additional $1.50 service charge each. Tickets cost $15 each at the gate on the day of the show with no returns, no refunds, no re-entry into the park. Ribfest® 2009 Scenes “Rockin’ Ribs Helping Kids” More than $3.2 million dollars raised for local charities! 12 John Messal enjoyed the ribs. So did Eric Menger! NE St. Pete Exchangites at the RibFest Fence Down party View of the crowd Florida Exchangite Fall 2010 CLUB NEWS Happy Birthday, Exchange Clubs! This year Exchange Clubs across the country are celebrating Exchange’s 100th anniversary with special incentives for membership growth. Clubs and members can participate in several ways: • Every new club built during the 2010-2011 year will be recognized as a Centennial Club. • Every club that sponsors a new club will be recognized as a Centennial Sponsor Club. • National President Margie Miller will present a special edition Lighthouse pin to any member who recruits three members during the year. • Any member who recruits ten members for the year will be recognized as a Centurion Member. Centennial Clubs will receive a special podium banner and all Centennial Clubs and individuals will receive special recognition at the 2011 National Convention. Help the Florida District continue its tradition of growth by taking part. Exchange Club of the Emerald Coast The club presented Ken Hair, Executive Director of Children In Crisis, Inc. in Fort Walton Beach, with a $1,000 check to purchase a television for its newly-opened Sue Sue’s Cottage July 1. CIC operates The Children’s Neighborhood, a residential facility of group foster homes that also provides emergency shelter to young children. Regional Vice President Paul McShane inducted Ken into membership on September 15. These busy Exchangites attended CIC’s Family Day picnic on August 11. Karen Helms, Letitia Ittig, Shannon Sapp, Ron (and Robin) Garriga, and Mary Poulsen handed out 350 American flags at the Freedom Rally August 21, despite the threat of rain; members again handed out flags on Patriot Day, September 10. The next day they participated in the CIC Workday in the morning and Exchange Family Day in the afternoon. Paul "Irish" McShane, Nicholas Barlotta, Ken Hair, and Karen Helms Club members celebrate the Fourth of July. Karen Helms installs Bill Moomaw, Janet Moomaw, Mike Jimmerson, Nicholas Barlotta, Letitia Ittig, and Ron Garriga. Emerald Coast Exchangites at the Children in Crisis Family Day picnic on August 11 Fall 2010 Florida Exchangite 13 CLUB NEWS Exchangites distributed American flags at home, at special events, and in far-off places this Fourth of July. Karen Helms celebrated the Fourth of July in Ketchikan, Alaska. Mary and Stan Polson gave out flags on a New York City boat tour. Paul McShane and friends in Niceville Michael L. Jimmerson on the beach near Crab Island 14 Florida Exchangite Fall 2010 CLUB NEWS Exchange Club of Crestview Sharlene Cox inducts Cheri Pittman September 9 as Carolyn Knudsen and Bob Printy look on. David Cadle, July’s new members Rae Schwartz and Linda Parker, Shirley Cadle, and Sharlene Cox New member Amirah Hall 2010 Proudly We Hail Award Rich Girardin Club Treasurer Rich Girardin is editor of Crestview’s new bulletin, The Hub City Courier. Volume 1, Issue 1, was published July 10. This club has lots of news plus four new members, Amirah Hall, Cheri Pittman, Rae Schwartz, and Linda Parker, since July 1. Officers from Emerald Coast, Niceville, and Crestview clubs met for club officer training at Paul and Elizabeth McShanes’ home July 17. The Crestview News recently published two articles with photos about the club by Publicity Chair Linda Parker. On August 12 the club presented its 2010 Proudly We Hail award to Wesleyan Child Care Center for their display of the American flag. In each of the past three years, the Wesleyan Center’s children have created a flag with the red stripes made out of their handprints as an art project to commemorate the Fourth of July. When an Eglin Air Force Fall 2010 Base colonel heard about the flag the first year, he asked if he could take it to Iraq. Coincidentally, it was displayed in the unit where one of the children’s fathers was deployed. The club also presented a $50 check to Foster Families of America at this meeting; they earned the money selling hot dogs at Family Fun Day in June. Carolyn Knudsen, her husband Jim, Cheri Pittman, and Rae Schwartz volunteered at the 3rd Annual Masonic District No Child Without Healthcare Fair July 31. Club president Sharlene Cox was an event organizer; Youth Committee chair, Mayor David Cadle, proclaimed the day “No Child Without Healthcare Fair Day”. Members sold water and soft drinks at the Music and Art extravaganza August 13 and handed out American flags August 21 at the Freedom Rally. They are making plans to participate in the Fall Festival. Florida Exchangite 15 CLUB NEWS Did You Know? Stuff You Can Get for Free Jack Brooks and Linda Culliton at the Fourth of July party Exchange Club of Niceville Niceville Exchangites celebrated the Fourth of July by distributing flags. then, they threw their annual Fourth of July party at Twin Cities Pavilion Retirement Homes. They met in Destin at McGuire’s Irish Pub for dinner, then saw Eat, Love, Pray August 28 for “Dinner and a Movie” night. Niceville, Crestview, and Emerald Coast, the Exchange Clubs of the Emerald Coast, will hold the 13th Annual Child Abuse Prevention Golf Tournament, on Friday, October 29, at Fort Walton Beach Golf Course. They are seeking golfers, auction giveaways, and sponsors. Team Sponsorships cost $300 each for a hole sponsorship with sign and a four-person team, and Club Sponsors will be hole sponsors with a sign for $100. Donations and gifts and larger sponsorships are welcome. Sponsors will be recognized at the Tournament and in newspaper advertising. All proceeds and 100% of all donations will support the Exchange Club children’s programs in Okaloosa and Walton Counties. The entry fee is $55 per player for the Florida 4Ball Scramble. Sign-in is at 11:00 am; the Shot Gun Start is at noon. Each team’s combined handicap must be at least 50. Individual entrants will be assigned to a team by handicap in A, B, C, and D player format. Contact Paul McShane at 850-6788680 or Jack Brooks at 850-897-2252 for details. Members are looking ahead to their Veterans Day One Nation Under God Prayer Breakfast, co-hosted with AmVets Post 78, Valparaiso. This year’s speaker is Ret. Col. Ed Hubbard; tickets are $3 each. Carol Mullins-Hernandez chairs this event. Members will give Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets to deserving families. 16 Florida Exchangite Publications: You can receive e-newsletters and serial publications from National Exchange Club in your emailbox. To subscribe, go to http://www., select “Sign up for free e-newsletters” from the left menu, and enter your email address. With just the click of a mouse, you’re subscribed! According to Exchange Today editor, Peverly Hormann, current publications include Exchange Today and Currents. E-newsletters include FYI, President’s Minutes, e-xchange, and Foundation Focus. News: Follow the news of all Exchange Clubs across the country by creating a Google Alert. Sign up at to get the latest news. Choose how many alerts you want and how frequently you want to receive them. The choices are up to 20 or up to 50 results as-it-happens, once a day, or once a week. Art: Downloadable Exchange Club art is available at Be sure to read the policy statement on the use of Exchange name and logo and “The Proper Way to Use Your National Exchange Club Logo” before downloading and using Exchange's logo! Logo: What is the difference between the logo and the emblem? According to the NEC Style Guide, the Exchange logo is composed of the emblem, the large word “Exchange”, smaller upper case “The National Exchange Club” to the right of the emblem, and a registration mark. This logo should not be altered or used in any way except as prescribed in the Style Guide. “The National Exchange Club” can be personalized for your Exchange club or its foundation. All you need to do is send a request to the Communications Department at The complete Style Guide can be found at http:// Website News: National’s website is being revamped. Watch for changes the next few months! Fall 2010 CLUB NEWS The Exchange Club of Jacksonville Beaches Nine members cooked 1,000+ hot dogs for more than 1,200 children and parents who came to a local church for back packs, school supplies, school physical and eye exams, clothing, haircuts, and Club member Lyle Reimann (center) with Carol and Bill Womble and their $1,000+ surfboard Gerald Dowless, Joe Abrass, contractor John Pierson, Tim Jenkins donations food. Beaches Emergency Assistance Ministry (BEAM), Jacksonville Beaches Exchangites, and many other local clubs and donors sponsored the August 14 Back to School event. Chefs Bob Hicks, Tom Boyd, Ken Frick, and Bill Enright John Pierson and Joe Abrass and Freedom Shrine The Club installed a Freedom Shrine on August 24 at the Pablo Creek Regional Branch of Jacksonville Public Library. The installation is suspended Club in Atlantic Beach. The live and silent auctions featured more than 100 items, including an autographed Jimmy Buffet surfboard, a kayak, bicycles, a VIP train trip for two to New York City, a flat screen TV, and an island cruise. The ticket price of $100 for two included Roulette, Blackjack, a chance to win $1,000, and good food and drink. Robbie Rose was master of ceremonies of this successful fundraiser that raised more than $27,500 for the Exchange Club’s Children’'s Foundation. District President Eric and Kelly Menger were special guests. During the Bash, President Jack Morison presented The Book of Golden Deeds award to former member Bob Tipton. He was honored for his longtime volunteer work and contributions to the community. Jack also presented club member Retired Admiral Tim Jenkins with Jacksonville Beaches’ Proudly We Hail award for patriotism. Bob Hicks, Joe Abrass, Tom Chao grilling at BEAM event from the ceiling. Members helped Jacksonville Beach Elementary School PTA spread mulch on their playground and grounds September 25. The Club held its Annual Beachcombers Bash starring Caribbean Chillers, a Jimmy Buffet tribute band, September 17 at Selva Marina Country Fall 2010 2010 Proudly We Hail winner and Freedom Shrine veteran Tim Jenkins with four-time Exchangite of the Year and 2010 Book of Golden Deeds winner Bob Tipton Florida Exchangite 17 CLUB NEWS list of ideas is recorded, each event is discussed, then accepted or rejected. Those events selected will have a chair and perhaps a co-chair assigned on a volunteer basis. Usually, the program is scheduled in a particular month, but it is up to the chairs to establish the exact date. Hardy Bryan and his wife Donna Bryan Fun, Fun, Fun ’Til Her Daddy Takes the T-Bird Away by Hardy W. Bryan NORTHEAST ST. PETE’S SOCIAL PROGRAM This popular Beach Boy’s song could be the theme for Northeast St. Petersburg Exchange Club, except that there is no T-Bird. But, as you will see, we do have a bus party that loads more fun than a T-Bird. The primary reason for this and all parties on our social calendar is “Fun, Fun!” A club’s social activities are too often addressed by the incoming leadership at the bottom of the list of duties that need to be accomplished. As a result of this low priority, the better leaders have already been tasked and a member may be pressured to be listed as chair of the social committee. This usually leads to a weak effort and a failed social program. Not so with the Northeast Exchange Club of St. Petersburg. Social planning ranks near the top of the agenda. 2009-2010 Club President Kenneth Haas, 2010-2011 President Mark Dayton, and all past club presidents clearly established the importance of social activities based on two philosophies, “We work hard, and we play hard” and “Fun! Fun! Fun!” Planning: Top leadership talent takes charge of the social committee with the direction and goal that there will be at least one social event per month. Co-Chairs Diane Cohrs and Ken Moody call a meeting of the Social Planning Committee in May. Who serves on the committee? Every member of the club is invited, and the meeting is held at a local sports bar and restaurant. The meeting becomes a social event in itself as thirty to forty members attend. A flip chart is set up, and suggestions for events are listed. Once the long 18 Florida Exchangite Some activities are so popular they are planned every year. Some tie into our major fundraiser, the Ribfest. Some evolved from fundraisers themselves, and some are tried and not scheduled again. Each year, several new socials are tried. Events: Events connected to the Ribfest include the “Fence Up” dinner, held the evening before Ribfest, when club members set up the park and erect the fencing. After the job is completed, the members sit down to a complete meal; they also meet the national president, who usually attends Ribfest. A social Happy Hour is also held after some of the Ribfest planning meetings. The club also holds a variety of social events not connected to the Ribfest. One, a golf tournament, started out as a fundraiser. Because it competed with other similar events in the community, it morphed into a social event. Now a golf weekend (or one-day event), it is held at the golf course home of a member, complete with a BBQ dinner. Another is the annual Bowling Tournament held in August. The purpose of the event is to raise funds for the Prevention of Child Abuse, but it is conducted with a “Fun! Fun!” party atmosphere. One of the most popular events is Mystery Night, which is secretly planned by a committee of three or four members. Those who sign up to attend board a bus (not exactly a T-Bird!) and head to places unknown. Beverages, snacks, and games help while away the bus ride as attendees make a game out of guessing where they are headed. The bus usually makes three or four stops along he way for a tour of attractions, a cocktail party, a special meal, and entertainment of some nature. Other socials include a weekly bowling league and its Bowl-A-Thon fundraiser, a picnic dinner held before a night parade (and GiveAKidAFlagToWave), and the Kentucky Derby Party. The Derby Party is held at a member’s house; where (continued on page 21) Fall 2010 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Jim Brown Jim Brown was selected for a two-year term to represent past national presidents on the National Exchange Club Foundation’s Board of Trustees at its July 24 meeting at the NEC Convention. Jim has been a member of the St. Petersburg Exchange Club since 1964, serving as its president in 1985. Bill and Dina “exchanging” vows A Happy “Exchange” of Vows Kay and Jim Brown He was president of the Florida District in 1981, of National Exchange Club in 1989-1990, and of the National CAP Foundation in 1992-1993. He and his wife Kay helped start the Exchange Center of the Suncoast in 1983, and he served as its Charter President. At 10:00 am on Wednesday, September 1, a bright and sunny day in Ellenton, Florida, Col. Bill MacArthur and Dina Gabriele of Arkhangelsk, Russia, boarded a boat on the Manatee River and exchanged vows. This was a true “Exchange” wedding ceremony as all five people involved are Dina and Bill MacArthur celebrating Jon Rose, Bob Schlitt, Ed Kay, and Jeff Smith Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® Bob Schlitt, past president of Exchange Club of Indian River, is leading a team of five Exchangites in the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® walk on October 23. Other club members participating in custom-made red pumps with 4" stiletto heels are Ed Kay, Jon Rose, Jeff Smith, and Bill Depp. Other members of the club will serve as cheerleaders. Bob is secretary of the SafeSpace Board of Directors and its Resource Development committee chair. The event, held in honor of October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, will benefit SafeSpace shelters on the Treasure Coast. See for details. Fall 2010 members of Exchange. Bill is a member of the Sarasota Business Exchange Club; Dina is a member of the Dinner Exchange Club of Manasota. Joanne Hibbs, the Justice of the Peace, and Lois Domanico, the Manatee River Boat Tours owner, are members of the Manatee River Exchange Club, and the professional photographer, Susan Francy, is a member of the Exchange Club of Manasota East. Bill was Florida District President 1988-89, and Joanne was the Family Partnership Board President for the past five years. Lois Domanico, Dina, Bill, and Joanne Hibbs Florida Exchangite 19 CLUB NEWS Andrew Molloy, Cheryl Conley, and R.J. MacMillan Meet Cheryl Conley 2011 Florida Department of Education/ Macy’s Teacher of the Year Speech Given to Exchange Club of Indian River September 8, 2010 Hello. My name is Cheryl Conley, and in July I was named the 2011 Florida Department of Education/Macy’s Teacher of the Year. Thank you for having me here today. This year is going to be full of new adventures, and my perspective on this year comes from my daughter, Brooke. Brooke is in the first grade, and when I won Teacher of the Year, Brooke could tell that something was bothering me. “What’s wrong?” she asked. “Nothing,” I said. But she knew better. “Really, Mom, what’s wrong?” she asked once more. “Well,” I began, “I’m just hoping I’ll do a good job, and I’m going to miss my 22 students.” “That’s ok, Mom,” my dear child stated. “You might not have 22 students anymore, but now you have a whole state FULL of students.” Right then, something clicked. She was right. Then, she continued, “Mom, you know, you shouldn’t be worried about how you will do this year. The person you should really worry about is me.” “What are you talking about, Brooke?” I asked, suddenly quite confused. “Well, I’m not sure that I’m ready for the first grade,” she worried. “Oh, Brooke…you will do great in first grade. First grade is all about making new friends, reading new books, and coloring new pictures,” I said, trying my best to comfort her. “That is EXACTLY what I’m talking about…coloring! In kindergarten, no one cared if I colored outside of the lines,” she said emphatically. Boom! 20 Florida Exchangite It felt like a ton of bricks had hit me. An ah-ha moment to the tenth degree. Right then, Brooke and I made an agreement that we would both make this year about making new friends, reading new books, and coloring new pictures… and we promised each other that every now and then we would color outside the lines. You know, Brooke is not unique in that aspect. All first graders have a unique perspective on life. If you ever get a chance, spend some time with a few of them. The reason I am here today is to say thank you. On behalf of all of the wonderful teachers and students who call the great state of Florida home, I would like to say “Thank you to you… the Exchange Club of Indian River County.” Your service programs make a difference in the lives of our community’s children. You provide fun for our community, a reason to go fishing with our families, honors to outstanding hardworking students, and accolades for law enforcement officers, firefighters, and paramedics. Thank you for promoting Americanism, community service, youth activities, and most importantly, for working tirelessly for prevention of child abuse. Your club makes our community a better place to live for me, for my children, and for my students. My life story is not that different than the children your club is helping. I grew up in an unhappy home. My parents worked hard, and we barely got by. No one on either side of my family had gone to college. There were issues with alcohol and with anger. But I was helped by a special teacher. Mrs. Dana Morrow saw potential in me. She helped me hold my head high when, at times, my world felt like it was crashing in all around me. She helped me get my life into perspective and dream of college and of a future away from that small Texas town. I was saved by a mentor… a teacher. Now, I am a teacher. But, you are also a teacher. Not all teachers have taken an education course or written a lesson plan. A teacher can be a parent instilling virtues in their children. They can be a big brother or a big sister encouraging their siblings to seize an opportunity or to try something new. A teacher can be a neighbor, a co-worker, or a friend. A (continued on page 21) Fall 2010 CLUB NEWS Meet Cheryl Conley (continued from page 20) teacher can be a mentor, encouraging young children who are struggling with their present conditions to dream, to believe, and to achieve. As parents, mentors, and teachers, we must believe in children. We must believe in their ingenuity. We must believe in their imaginations and believe in their curiosity. We must believe that each of them has the limitless power to become whatever they wish to become. We must see ourselves in them... and we must see the future in them. Together, we possess the power to influence our nation, and we carry the responsibility to nurture and guide our country’s most valuable resource our children. Together we can help children find their passions and hidden talents. We can guide them to reach their full potential. I would like to encourage each of you to aim to make a difference in the life of every child you encounter, every chance you get, every day. Volunteer at a school or maybe mentor a child in need. Each child has value. They deserve to have an authentic connection with the adults in their lives, and they deserve the opportunities to make their dreams come true. Fun, Fun, Fun (continued from page 20) members tune into the race on a big-screen TV and enjoy a fancy hat contest, mint juleps, food, cigars, and port wine. One year, when the club donated money to build a playground and revamp a city park, now known as Exchange Club of Northeast St. Petersburg Park, members served up hamburgers and hot dogs and watched a family-oriented movie on a large screen television. A new event has been held a couple of times at Ken Moody’s waterfront home. Held in April, a local outdoors sports equipment store that specializes in hunting, fishing, camping, and snow skiing (believe it or not!) and has a swimming pool for scuba lessons provides one- and two-person kayaks and lessons. Some members paddle to a nearby nature park while other prepare a BBQ meal. In addition to these events, the following are already scheduled for this club year: Devil Rays baseball games, a Halloween Party, and a ChristFall 2010 Cheryl Conley, 2011 Florida Teacher of the Year mas party and a Christmas luncheon complete with gifts, both featuring Santa Claus. Other events include the annual installation banquet, a pool party, three more Happy Hours, the social planning meeting for the next year, and others we have done in the past, such as a Buccaneer tailgate party, circus, progressive dinner, smokers, beach party, boat party, summer picnic, and any other idea that sounds like Fun! Fun! The cost of these events is covered from two sources: Part of the dues set aside for social events, and by charging attendees. When fees are necessary, the cost is announced before the sign-up, and then added to the member’s next club bill. Members sign up either by signing a list passed around at the weekly meetings or online. Spouses, significant others, and dates are always welcome. This energetic program is viewed as vital to the health of the club as it provides a wide variety of activities, lets members get to know each other better, and serves as a recruitment and retention tool. All work and no play make for a dull club. It can’t be dull when you are having Fun! Fun! About the Author Hardy W. Bryan is a member of the Northeast Exchange Club of St. Petersburg. He is a regular contributor to Exchange Today magazine. It is his hope that other clubs can benefit from the sharing of his club’s activities. Photography 101 Everybody loves pictures! Three simple tips to ensure better photos and get them published: • Avoid posing your subjects in front of a window. • Get up close to your subject and focus. • Turn off your camera’s date stamp! For more tips: See “Photographic Excellence 101” at Florida Exchangite 21 CAP TRUST Child Abuse Prevention by Roy Thompson, Vice President, Child Abuse Prevention and Trustee, Prevention of Child Abuse Trust Florida District Exchange Clubs Prevention of Child Abuse Trust: Q & A’s The Florida District Exchange Clubs’ Prevention of Child Abuse Trust is one of two 501(c)3 trusts (the other is the District Scholarship Trust) set up to operate under the direction of the District Board of Directors. The mission of this Trust is to provide resources and support to the six Exchange Centers for the Prevention of Child Abuse in Florida. This article highlights background information, answers questions concerning the Trust, and reaffirms the District’s commitment to the National Project, the elimination of child abuse, and to the strengthening of families. Why Did the District Establish This Trust? The Trust was originally established to provide emergency grants and loans to the six Centers. Although Exchange Clubs throughout Florida raise funds and volunteer support for the invaluable array of community services Centers provide, occasions occur when National and local funding do not provide a sufficient safety net for financial emergencies. Therefore, the District Trust was set up to step in financially when needed. Two examples in recent years were a grant to a Center whose building was destroyed by hurricanes in 2004 so it could rebuild and continue operations and a 2008 grant and bridge loan to another Center that lost a major government grant. This funding allowed this Center to meet its payroll until it could recover its financial footing. Where Are Florida’s Exchange CAP Centers Located? Florida’s six Centers have headquarters in Bradenton, Fort Pierce, Jacksonville, Lantana, Palm Bay, and St. Petersburg. Some have satellite locations supporting neighboring counties. The Centers are part of a network of more than 100 Exchange Centers throughout the country. What Else Does the Trust Do? All Trust dollars are for the direct support of Florida Centers. The following are a few examples of other ways the Trust provides support: program allows the Trust to sponsor or co-sponsor an event or program for each Center every year. This well-received program fosters greater interaction between Centers and local Exchange Clubs. Recognition of Center Employees and Volunteers. When polled about how the Trust could better support the Centers, the Center Directors were unanimous in emphasizing the need for stronger recognition of outstanding Center employees and volunteers. This resulted in the creation of the William A. Wodtke, Jr. Award that is presented to an outstanding employee or volunteer from each Center at the annual District Convention in May. This recognition award recognizes the many unsung heroes from the Centers. Publicity and Communication. The Trust promotes public awareness and support of Florida Exchange Center functions and programs. In addition, the Trust strives to strengthen involvement and communication between Florida Exchange Clubs and Centers. How Does the Trust Raise Money? Principal sources of funding are contributions from corporations, Florida Exchange Clubs, individuals, and fundraisers held at the annual District Convention. The Trust is careful not to compete with any Exchange Club fundraisers that directly support Exchange Centers in areas where those Clubs are located. The Trust fundraising supplements funds available to support both Florida Centers and the National Project of the Prevention of Child Abuse. How Can I Receive More Information? Visit the Florida District website ( to view “Imagine a World Free from Child Abuse.” Locations and contact information for Florida Exchange CAP Centers can be found at “Exchange Centers for the Prevention of Child Abuse.” For questions about the Trust’s mission, contact Roy Thompson, District Vice President for Prevention of Child Abuse, at jeanroy2 at or 772-453-331. If you know of or suspect child abuse, call 1-800-96-ABUSE Help Save A Child Today! Program Sponsorship. Its grant application 22 Florida Exchangite Fall 2010 CAP CENTERS Exchange Club Yellow Umbrella Terri Mermis, Executive Director Exchange Club Yellow Umbrella has provided services to the families of Brevard County for the past 22 years. The CAP Center celebrated a duel chamber ribbon cutting attended by nearly 200 people on September 16 for the opening of their second office. Eric Menger, Florida District Exchange Clubs President, presented a check from for $500, and Tonya Webb, President, presented a $3,500 check from Exchange Club of Sebastian. Space Coast Entrepreneurs donated $300. Community Educators Bank announced their sponsorship of “Make a Change with Exchange Change Cup” project, and SeaCoast Bank will hold an Apple Pie Bake-Off. The new location has opened at a time to provide much-needed support to the 21,000 people who will be out of work in the area with the closing of Kennedy Space Center. Exchange Club Family Center Prudence C. Williams, Program Director The Exchange Club Family Center, founded by the Exchange Clubs of Jacksonville and Jacksonville Beaches, offers the In-Home Parenting program to residents of Duval County. Prudence C. Williams, LCSW is the Program Director of the Parent Aide Program that also employs three contracted professionals. More than fifteen families successfully completed this voluntary program of intensive, long-term home visitation in the past six months. The Center’s mission is to help parents learn to provide safe, healthy, and nurturing home environments in which their children may thrive, focusing efforts on prevention and treatment. TO DONATE Family Center 904 306-9318 Yellow Umbrella 321-723-2927 South Brevard’s Beth Courtney and Brandon McGuire at opening Yellow Umbrella’s full-service offices with dedicated staff and training centers include Palm Bay’s Woodlake Office Park location in South Brevard, the original location that opened in 2004 and, more than an hour away, the new Rockledge office in North Brevard’s Victorian Village. Both offices support a staff of Parent Aides, Parenting Educators, and Anger Management Educators for Youth and Adult needs and provide referral services through a partnership with 211. In addition to educational services provided in homes and in group settings, Yellow Umbrella stabilizes families with food, clothing, and household goods and educates families about Shaken Baby Syndrome, Car Seat Safety, and Safe Sleeping. It also provides training for social workers and guidance counselors and internship opportunities for university students in the area. For further information, visit the Center’s website, Fall 2010 According to Prudence, “The center is supported by the Beaches and Downtown Exchange Clubs in more ways than one; [they] have been a vital force in ensuring the Center provides quality services.” One Club sponsors an Annual Christmas Wish List that provided needed and requested items last year for approximately forty children. The Center is planning a celebration with families and looking at opportunities to grow the program. Its website is Yellow Umbrella Board President and South Brevard Exchange Secretary Frank Fortino and Executive Director Terri Mermis Florida Exchangite 23 DISTRICT NEWS Community Service by Bill Schilling, Vice President, Community Service Janell Johnson Investing in America’s Future by Janell J. Johnson, MPA, Vice President, Hartsook Companies Campaign Update Investing In America’s Future is committed to supporting Child Abuse Prevention, the national project of National Exchange Club (NEC). The first phase of the campaign has four goals: • Sustain Child Abuse Prevention Efforts through Perpetual Endowment • Establish Proactive Leadership Role in Contributing to the Prevention Field • Evaluate and Research Programs and Impact • Restore and Expand Network Resources Where We’ve Been: In the fall of 2008 assessment showed we could raise $5.5 million in the next three to five years for the prevention of child abuse. The campaign was launched with four individuals posing a $1 million challenge: An additional $2 million must be raised by spring of 2011. Where We Are: In the last 19 months, we’ve raised just over $2.8 5million in cash, pledges, and estate gifts from 42 individuals. Currently we have $1,015,000 in outstanding solicitations from ten individuals and two foundations. Where We Are Going: Our goal is to surpass the goal of raising $3 million by 10% by March 2011. This campaign will put Exchange on the map as the premier service club and leader in this effort to prevent child abuse. NEC is the only service organization in the country and world that has this type of hands-on project, and this campaign will reinforce this position for years to come. How You Can Help: If you have interest in learning more about the campaign, or if you know someone who might, and want to get involved, please contact Janell Johnson at 910-386-9513 or 24 Florida Exchangite Now that Fall is here, you are probably thinking it is the season of college and pro football. That is true, but more importantly, it is the season of Exchange’s National Day of Service, this year on Saturday, October 23. In each club president’s packet of materials from National is a Community Service Projects booklet. (Club presidents who have not received their packets should contact their Division Directors.) Many ideas in this booklet can be used for the National Day of Service or as a community service project during the year. Some projects done by clubs in this District during last year’s Day of Service were a Kids’ Fishing Tournament, Annual Foster Family Picnics, and painting, repairing fences, and fixing doors for a community organization. Hopefully, all clubs in the Florida District will decide to participate in Exchange’s National Day of Service. If you need any assistance, please contact your Division Director. I will be working with the Division Directors. Youth by Sue Jones, Vice President, Youth Just think. There are three high school seniors somewhere in the state who are excelling scholastically... they’re making time for some amazing extracurricular and volunteer work... maybe they’re succeeding beyond what most people thought they ever could. They deserve the recognition of Exchange through the Youth of the Year and ACE Award Programs. How great would it be for your Exchange Club to recognize those deserving young people? For them, it would be a chance of a lifetime. For you and your fellow Exchangites, it’s the chance to celebrate and nurture some very deserving high school seniors. It starts by contacting and working with your area high schools to promote the Youth of the Year and ACE Award Programs. All the information and program rules can be easily accessed through the Florida District or National Exchange Club websites. If you have questions or need some advice, you may also contact your Division Director. Fall 2010 DISTRICT NEWS Obituaries Jeffrey Furst Jeffrey Furst, 68, former member of Fort Pierce Exchange Club, died July 5. According to Raymond Isenburg, “the passing of Jeff is a significant loss to his wonderful family and the entire community. I have lost another loyal and true friend. ...Jeff had a profound impact on the establishment and chartering of our club. The Fort Pierce Exchange Club was originally sponsored by the Exchange Club of Vero Beach. We struggled for several months during the latter part of 1971 and early 1972. One Thursday, Jeff Furst was introduced to the club by Maurice Snyder. From that point on, the club really developed. Jeff recruited several members, and we were able to secure our charter. Without the impetus that Jeff provided, I doubt the Fort Pierce Exchange Club would exist today. When our club committed to supporting the prevention of child abuse, Jeff stepped up again. In partnership with former Exchange member Ed Ellsworth, the duo secured a $50,000 start-up grant to open the Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse. ...It is important to recognize those individuals who have truly made a difference. My memories of Jeff will always be positive.” With heavy hearts, St. Petersburg Exchange Club announced the death of one of its finest members on September 5. Her name was Odette Patterson, and she was 95 years old. Upon the death of her husband in 1989, Odette established the Charles A. and Odette W. Patterson Charitable Trust to provide scholarships to St. Petersburg police officers and firefighters and give assistance to victims of crimes. It has provided more than $400,000 in scholarships. Born in France to an American WWI veteran father and French mother, she came to St. Petersburg in 1941. She retired from banking in 1969, began her real estate career two years later, and retired in 1988. She faithfully attended weekly Exchange luncheon meetings and did volunteer work at the St. Petersburg Police Department. District Goals 2010-2011 Walk for PKD (continued from page 3) • 100% of clubs participate in at least one Child Abuse Prevention project ADMINISTRATION • 75% or greater participation at all Board Meetings • 90% or greater participation at all Executive Committee meetings • 100% reports to National • Finance Committee audit the books of the previous fiscal year • Full Board approves the 2010-2011 Budget by August 2010 • Follow District By-Laws; update District Policies as needed • Revise/Update Awards Manual as needed • Review and update Annual Goals by February/ March Board Meeting Kelly Menger invites Florida Exchangites to participate in the Palm Beach Walk for PKD in Jupiter on Saturday, October 16, that benefits the PKD Foundation. She is walking with her sister who has polycystic kidney disease (PKD), a life-threatening genetic disease affecting about 600,000 people in the United States. Their team is called Nickles Pickles. To donate, visit their team page at Fall 2010 Odette Patterson Odette Patterson American Red Cross The National Exchange Club and American Red Cross signed a two-party Partnership Agreement July 24 to provide a broad framework for cooperation and engagement in mutually beneficial services and efforts, including disaster education and relief. Details are available at http://www. Florida Exchangite 25 CONVENTION FYI: Federal and State Taxes All nonprofit entities, whether or not they are considered 'charitable', must file an annual information return by November 15 with the Internal Revenue Service to maintain their federal tax exemption. Clubs are at risk of losing their tax-exempt status if they have not filed a Form 990-N (or other required form) in the last three years. On July 26 the IRS extended the filing deadline for one time only to October 15, 2010, for organizations eligible to file Forms 990-N or 990-EZ. Details are available at or at the NEC website, memberarea/clubtools/irs-tax-info.htm. In Florida, if a nonprofit entity solicits the public for donations, they MUST register with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. According to, “Charitable organizations or sponsors intending to solicit contributions from the public in Florida must annually register with the Division of Consumer Services. To request the required applications, call 800-435-7352.” Registering a Nonprofit in Florida: Registration Application (Ch. 496, 5J-7.004): Solicitation of Contributions: The Florida Exchangite Florida Exchangite is an online publication. Four issues are published each year – Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. Club presidents receive each issue to distribute to all club members by either email or as printed copies. It is also posted at the District website, Deadline for Winter Issue December 10, 2010 Please send submissions to Jan J. Binney, editor, at xx 26 Florida Exchangite Fall 2010 FLORIDA DISTRICT Roster of Clubs & Dates Chartered Division One Boca Raton 1963 Lake Worth 1949 Pompano Beach 1958 Division Two Vero Beach 1951 Indian River 1973 Treasure Coast 1989 Division Three NE St. Petersburg 1970 St. Petersburg 1934 Tampa 1923 Seminole 2005 Division Four Emerald Coast 2003 Niceville 1986 Tallahassee 1923 Crestview 2008 Division Five Jacksonville 1923 Jacksonville Beaches 1980 Division Six Belleview 1998 Gator 1968 Ocala 1946 Suncoast 1999 Division Seven Sebastian 1982 South Brevard 1986 Fellsmere 2007 Division Eight Fort Pierce 1972 Division Nine Manasota Dinner 1999 Manasota East 2006 Manatee River 2009 Sarasota Business 2010 Child Abuse Prevention Centers CASTLE Children’s Healing Institute Help A Child, Inc. Family Center Manatee Family Partnership Yellow Umbrella Florida District Officers President District Treasurer District Secretary Past President VP, CAP VP, Youth VP, Americanism VP, Comm. Svc. Eric Menger Amy Mueller Diana L. Walker John Messal Roy Thompson Sue Jones Judy Landgrave Bill Schilling 772-532-6132 727-459-6726 772-473-3723 352-359-0389 772-453-3331 352-538-2996 772-696-5347 904-613-3844 Directors Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Division 4 Larry Crismond Nancy Gollnick Ken Haas Karen Helms Gold Coast N. Treasure Coast N. Sun Coast Emerald Coast Division 5 Division 6 Division 7 Division 8 Division 9 Amanda Rolfe John Messal Diana Walker Bill Foley Bill MacArthur First Coast Central Florida Space Coast S. Treasure Coast S. Sun Coast KarenH@beachcommunity macarthurwilliam797 Members Scholarship Foundation CAP Foundation Newsletter Webmaster Awards Amy Mueller, Trustee Roy Thompson, Trustee Jan J. Binney, Editor Richard Ashbrook Judy Landgrave, Chair Committees New Club Bldg & Membership Public Relations Conference Finance Awards Nominations John Messal, Chair Jan J. Binney, Chair Kathy Mize, Chair Amy Mueller, Chair Judy Landgrave, Chair Jim Brown, Chair Exchange ~ America’s Best Kept Secret Fall 2010 Florida Exchangite 27 EXCHANGITE The 2010-2011 Exchange Year October - November Homecoming 2010 ~ Come Home to Exchange January 1 - March 31 Invite Others to Exchange October 23 National Day of Service April 16 Believe in the Blue Day December - January The Gift of Membership April 1 - June 15 10 for 10 Your dream is not big enough if it doesn’t scare you! Florida District Exchange Clubs 4145 Chablis Street SW Vero Beach, Florida 32968 28 Florida Exchangite Fall 2010