LIBERIA REGULATIONS Waivers / ECTN Pre-Shipment Inspection Prohibited / Restricted Imports LIBERIA >> Regulation Overview Waiver Control • A waiver is not necessary. BSC / CTN is not required. Pre-Shipment Inspection Liberia requires that Pre-Shipment Inspection [PSI] - Import Permit Declaration (IPD) - is carried out for all imports into the country. This exercise is undertaken in the port of load country for the purpose of Customs clearance of the goods. PSI is mandated by the Ministry of Finance as per Contract No. 001/2004 for the provision of PSI services dated 10/09/04. Addendum to contract No. 01/2004 dated 19/09/2007 & MCI/No.008/06/2013. PSI is managed by BIVAC International / Bureau Veritas Group. BIVAC Monrovia Liaison Office BIVAC International Liberia Broad Street - Monrovia Tel: +231 77 08 06 70 For Bivac’s datasheet on Liberia PSI please view the end of this document. Minimum Value for PSI US$3,500 FOB. All vehicles excluding duly authorized exempt vehicles are subject to PSI, regardless of their value. Type of Report Issued Clean Report of Findings [CRF] to clear goods. Non Negotiable Report of Findings [NNRF] in the event of unresolved quantity/quality discrepancies between the exporter and the Importer. Inspection Fees Are levied based on the declared FOB value in the seller’s pro forma invoice and paid directly by the importer to one of the nominated bank accounts. Nevertheless, BIVAC may invoice the Seller in the event of supplementary inspection visits (in vain or unsatisfactory results). The costs incurred by the Seller in presenting the goods for inspection, such as unpacking, handling, testing, sampling, repacking... are for the account of the Seller. Failing to comply with PSI, the importer will be charged Non Clean Report of Finding at the rate of 10% on FOB value. Goods Exempted from PSI • • • • • • Imports below the threshold value, with the exemption of motor vehicles (used and new), which are subject to pre-shipment inspection regardless of their value Reasonable amount of personal, household or removal articles as defined in regulation by the Minister of Finance Supplies for diplomatic missions, United Nations Organizations and NGO’s Gold, precious stones, objects of art Explosives and pyrotechnic products, arms, ammunition, weapons and implement of war imported by the Liberian Armed Forces and the Liberian Police service Live animals, trade samples, foodstuffs from West Africa region, fresh fish caught by local Liberian canoe. CMA CGM / DELMAS trained staff members are available to assist customers in all aspects of the documentary requirements of the trade to Angola. Please contact your local agency office for advice. The information given has been given in good faith and believed to be correct at the time of writing. Please verify these facts with other relevant sources before using this as the basis of any action taken as we regret we cannot accept liability for any consequences due to inaccuracies in this information. African Marketing I 29/04/14 I CMA-CGM / DELMAS Prohibited Imports • • • • • Right Hand Drive Vehicles under Administrative Regulation PG/NO.OO2/82997 effective 01/12/11 Shellfish (oysters and mussels) harvested in France Energy drinks under the name of Pussy Used motor vehicles more than 20 years old - with the exception of the following machinery/vehicles: o Earth moving equipment; o Heavy trucks used in forestry or for the transportation of heavy equipment; o Industrial vehicles and tankers. 3-wheeled motorcycles Restricted Imports • • Certain other goods are not allowed for importation into Liberia. Detail of these goods can be obtained from the Ministry of Commerce and/or MOF- list of prohibited imports and exports. Used motor vehicles >10 years old, whether intended for transport of passengers or goods, or for private or commercial use. The information given has been given in good faith and believed to be correct at the time of writing. Please verify these facts with other relevant sources before using this as the basis of any action taken as we regret we cannot accept liability for any consequences due to inaccuracies in this information. African Marketing I 29/04/14 I CMA-CGM / DELMAS Pre-Shipment of Imports into Liberia BIVAC – Bureau Veritas Group was appointed as the exclusive Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) provider for Liberia, PSI is the physical verification and documentary checks of products at the time of export. BENEFITS OF PSI For the Private Sector: Provide a independent verification of products; Ensure conformity of goods with contractual specifications; Contribute to faster Customs Clearance; For the Public Sector: Collect the correct customs revenue; Implement trade facilitation schemes; Provide reliable statistical information on International Trade; Improve transparency. PROCEDURE Import registration in the import's country; Verification in the export’s country; Customs clearance in the import’s country. ELIGIBILITY The threshold: The threshold value of imported goods subject to PSI and DI for Ocean Freight is USD 3,500, for Airport Freight and Border Posts USD 1,500. All vehicles are subject to inspection regardless of price. Destination Inspection: All imports listed below shall be inspected upon arrival in Liberia (Destination Inspection): Less than Container Load (LCL) and open top containers. Containers of Personal Effects whatever their value; PSI or DI choice of Importer Goods imported by air which value is above USD 1,500 to USD 3500, PSI or DI choice of Importer Goods imported by road which value is above USD 1,500. All imports of a FOB above USD 3,500 for sea containers and above USD 1,500 for air and road freight that have not undergone PSI All containers that have undergone PSI but for which the seal affixed further to the inspection has been broken. The additional service will be charged to the importer separately. Exemptions: The products / shipments described below are exempted from inspection: Imports below the threshold value, with the exception of motor vehicles (used and new), which are subject to Pre-Shipment Inspection regardless of their value; Reasonable amount of personal, household or removal articles as defined in regulation by the Minister of Finance; Supplies for missions, United Nations Organizations and NGO’s; Gold, precious stones, objects of art; Explosives and pyrotechnic products, arms, ammunition, weapons and implement of war imported by the Liberian Armed Forces and the Liberian Police service; Live animals, trade samples, foodstuffs from West Africa region, fresh fish caught by local Liberian canoe. For further information, and last updates, please contact: --Monrovia Liaison Office - BIVAC International Liberia Broad Street – Monrovia - Tel: +231 (0)77 08 06 70 - LIST OF PROHIBITED GOODS • • Right Hand Drive Vehicles Shellfish (oysters and mussels) harvested in France LIST OF RESTRICTED IMPORTS OR SUBJECT TO PRIOR REGISTRATION Certain goods are not allowed for importation into Liberia. Detail of these goods can be obtained from the Ministry of Commerce and/or MOF- list of prohibited imports and exports. REGIONAL CENTRES (CENTRES OF RELATIONS WITH EXPORTERS) Paris Houston Shanghai Dubai When contacting a BIVAC/Bureau Veritas Office, please always mention your file reference number starting with 2, allocated by BIVAC Liberia on the IPD copy. Regional Centre Americas Houston (USA) Tel. (1) 281 986 13 00 Fax (1) 281 966 13 57 Regional Centre Europe Paris/Courbevoie (France) Tel. (33) (0)1 47 14 62 00 Fax (33) (0)1 47 14 62 01 Regional Centre Middle-East & Africa Dubai (UAE) Tel. (971) (4) 345 28 22 Fax (971) (4) 345 11 47 AFTER OPENING AN IPD, YOU CAN MONITOR BIVAC PROGRESS ONLINE ! You can check online, the status of your inspection or CRF issuance through our Bivac online website. Free registration on: In case of problems using Bivac online, contact our IT Administrator on +231 (0)77 08 06 70 Please request for Inspection (IPD) and (RFI) online Liberia - Flyer - Ed. 11-2013 Regional Centre Asia Shanghai (China) Tel. (86) (21) 2319 0452 Fax (86) (21) 5831 8396 ELIGIBILITY The threshold The threshold value of imported goods subject to PSI and DI for Ocean Freight is USD 3,500, for Airport Freight and Border Posts USD 1,500. All vehicles are subject to inspection regardless of price. Destination Inspection All imports listed below shall be inspected upon arrival in Liberia (Destination Inspection): Less than Container Load (LCL) and open top containers. Containers of Personal Effects whatever their value; PSI or DI choice of Importer Goods imported by air which value is above USD 1,500 to USD 3500, PSI or DI choice of Importer Goods imported by road which value is above USD 1,500. All imports of a FOB above USD 3,500 for sea containers and above USD 1,500 for air and road freight that have not undergone PSI All containers that have undergone PSI but for which the seal affixed further to the inspection has been broken. The additional service will be charged to the importer separately. Exemptions The products / shipments described below are exempted from inspection: Imports below the threshold value, with the exception of motor vehicles (used and new), which are subject to Pre-Shipment Inspection regardless of their value; Reasonable amount of personal, household or removal articles as defined in regulation by the Minister of Finance; Supplies for missions, United Nations Organizations and NGO’s; Gold, precious stones, objects of art; Explosives and pyrotechnic products, arms, ammunition, weapons and implement of war imported by the Liberian Armed Forces and the Liberian Police service; Live animals, trade samples, foodstuffs from West Africa region, fresh fish caught by local Liberian canoe. Government Services & International Trade (GSIT) Pre-Shipment Inspection Services - LIBERIA Guide to Importers BIVAC - Bureau Veritas Group is the exclusive Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) provider for Liberia. The PreShipment Inspection Services are intended to facilitate international trade and contribute to the economic development of the country. Since its creation, BIVAC International has provided Pre-Shipment Inspection services to countries on every continent. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bureau Veritas, one of the world's leading independent control and inspection groups. Bureau Veritas is one of the most widely represented French companies in the world. This world-wide coverage is provided by more than 1,330 offices and laboratories located in 140 countries on every continent with a total workforce of more than 59,000. LIST OF PROHIBITED PRODUCTS 4 Global Regional Centers connected world-wide with over 300 inspection centers in every part of the world. See below the map for relevant Regional Centers according to exporters’ country. • Right Hand Drive Vehicles • Shellfish (oysters and mussels) harvested in France Regional Centre Europe Paris/Courbevoie (France) Tel. (33) (0)1 47 14 62 00 Fax (33) (0)1 47 14 62 01 Regional Centre Middle-East & Africa Dubai (UAE) Tel. (971) (4) 345 28 22 Fax (971) (4) 345 11 47 AFTER OPENING AN IPD, YOU CAN MONITOR BIVAC PROGRESS ONLINE ! You can check online, the status of your inspection or CRF issuance through our Bivac online website. Free registration on: Paris Houston Certain other goods are not allowed for importation into Liberia. Detail of these goods can be obtained from the Ministry of Commerce and/or MOF- list of prohibited imports and exports. Dubai Regional Centre Asia Shanghai (China) Tel. (86) (21) 2319 0452 Fax (86) (21) 5831 8396 In case of problems using Bivac online, contact our IT Administrator on +231 (0) 77 08 06 70 Please request for Inspection (IPD) or (RFI) on line also Regional Centre Americas Houston (USA) Tel. (1) 281 986 13 00 Fax (1) 281966 13 57 When contacting a BIVAC/Bureau Veritas Office, please always mention your file reference number starting with 2, allocated by BIVAC Liberia on the IPD copy. For further information and last updates, please contact Monrovia Liaison Office - BIVAC International Liberia Broad Street – Monrovia - Tel: +231 (0)77 08 06 70 - Ed . 11-2013 Services provided by BIVAC / GSIT Division of Bureau Veritas Group are designed to: Facilitate transparency in trading activities; Ensure that goods meet current regulations; Provide Authorities with effective means of overseeing and controlling foreign trade and protect revenues. LIST OF RESTRICTED IMPORTS OR SUBJECT TO PRIOR REGISTRATION Shanghai PROCEDURE LIBERIA 1. Inspection order For any import above the threshold value, an Import Permit Declaration Form (IPD) containing details of the intended import shall be lodged by the importer with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, according to the Administrative Notice MCI/No 008/06/2013 dated June 12,2013. For eligible products and commodities which are not mentioned in the Administrative Notice, a Request for Inspection (RFI) shall be lodged directly with the BIVAC Liaison Office in Monrovia. The importer pays the MCI/BIVAC calculated fees to one of the designated Bank ( i.e. Global Bank or International Bank) (1.2 % of FOB value with minimum fees USD 190), and (for bulk shipment, Fuel USD 2 per M/T, Rice USD 1 per M/T with minimum fees USD190) FLOW CHART The full duly authorised IPD/RFI with 3 copies of the pro forma invoice and the bank’s receipt slip are submitted to BIVAC Liaison Office in Monrovia, for each import subject to the programme. A Pre-Shipment Inspection Order (PIO) is then issued by the BIVAC Liaison Office. Fees, in respect of PSI, DI and at the request of the Government shall be received from Exporters or Importers, at the time of registering a shipment (opening of an IPD or RFI). Payment shall be due and effected whether or not the goods subject to inspection have been shipped. It is very important that the exporter contact details are filled correctly on the IPD/RFI as the Regional Centre overseas will need to contact the exporter for inspection. The IPD/RFI (Pre-Shipment Inspection Order - PIO) data is transmitted electronically to the appropriate Bureau Veritas Regional Centre overseas. COUNTRY OF SUPPLY 2. Contact with the Exporter The Regional Centre is the Bureau Veritas Group Office overseas. It sends an email or fax correspondence to the seller asking for technical details of the goods, a copy of the pro forma invoice, the location and the date when the goods will be available for inspection. To ensure a timely inspection, it is important that the exporter replies quickly to the Regional Centre. If exporters do not receive a correspondence from the Regional Centre within three (3) working days after having submitting their IPD/RFI to BIVAC Liaison Office in Liberia, they need to contact the relevant Regional Centre as per the map on the cover page of this brochure. EXPORTING COUNTRY 3. Physical Verification A Physical Centre inspector physically checks the goods to ensure that the description corresponds to the details on the IPD/RFI and the pro forma invoice. The inspectors are specialists who make their checks in the presence of the seller. 4. Documentary Check • Regional Centre experts use inspectors' reports to determine the correct Customs classification code for goods which have been physically inspected. • Regional Centre experts perform a final price analysis on the basis of the final commercial invoice presented by the seller. • Regional Centre experts calculate the value for duty purposes in accordance with the Customs regulations of Liberia. 5. Compliance Certification If the quantity, quality, specification and price are found to conform, or have been corrected in the case of discrepancy, the Regional Centre will issue a Clean Report of Findings (CRF). LIBERIA 6. Certificate Delivery The Clean Report of Findings (CRF) is electronically transmitted to the BIVAC Liaison Office in Monrovia, which delivers the printed documents to the importer. The importer submits this CRF to the Customs for clearance. - DATA SHEET – Government Services & International Trade (GSIT) PRE-SHIPMENT INSPECTION OF IMPORTS FOR LIBERIA 1. Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) mandate IS THE COUNTRY A MEMBER OF THE WTO?: Yes No MANDATE AUTHORISED BY: Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Commerce and Industry APPLICABLE REGULATION(S): # Agreement signed in July 2012. # Administrative Notice MCI/No.008/06/2013 listing the 17 categories of products and HS codes requiring IPDs # Administrative Regulation No.3.14263-1/MOF/R/BCE/14 October 2013 concerning importation of used motor vehicles # Memorandum dd. 19/03/2014 from Ministry of Finance APPOINTED PSI COMPANY (IES): BUREAU VERITAS BIVAC BV SELECTION OF PSI COMPANIES: Not applicable SCOPE OF DUTIES: MINIMUM VALUE SUBJECT TO PSI: Quality, Quantity Export market price (for foreign n exchange purposes) Export market price (for Government information purposes) Customs classification, in accordance with HS Customs Classification adjusted for ECOWAS member states Value for Customs purposes (according to the Brussels Definition of Value) Assessment of Customs duties and taxes Sealing FCL’s and identifying inspected loose cargo with appropriate stickers and tape Post clearance reconciliation of import declarations and revenue collection with CRFs Import eligibility USD 3,500 FOB for PSI. All vehicles excluding duly authorised exempt vehicles are subject to PSI, regardless of their value. Either to PSI or Destination inspection without penalty: # Goods imported by road which FOB value is above USD 1,500 # Goods imported by Air which FOB value is above USD 1,500 to USD 3,500 at importer’s request # Goods shipped by container for personal effects, whatever the value, at importer’s request PART SHIPMENTS: Authorised EXEMPTIONS FROM PSI: See Section 7. LIBERIA – 04/2014 - Rev. 20 BIVAC/MCC - 1/4 - DATA SHEET Government Services & International Trade (GSIT) 2. Pre-Shipment Inspection Order (PIO) - The instruction for BIVAC to inspect P.I.O. NAME: PIO (Pre-shipment Inspection Order). ISSUED BY: For any import above the threshold value, an Import Permit Declaration Form (IPD) containing details of the intended import shall be lodged by the importer with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, according to the Administrative Notice MCI / No. 008/06/2013. For eligible products and commodities which are not mentioned in the above Administrative Notice, a Request for Inspection (RFI) shall be lodged directly with the BIVAC Liaison Office in Monrovia who will issue a Pre-Shipment Inspection Order (PIO). VALIDITY: IPD is valid 6 months AMOUNT BY WHICH PIO VALUE MAY BE EXCEEDED: All variations in the scope of supply outside normal trade tolerances require the IPD to be officially amended by the issuing Authority. CHANGES FROM SEA TO AIR: Applicable after amendment by the Issuing Authority DESTINATION INSPECTION: All imports that have not undergone PSI - except where the shipment is exempted. In such a case, the importer will have to pay a penalty. All containers that have undergone PSI, but for which the seal affixed further to the inspection has been broken. This additional service will be charged to the importer separately. All containers shipped as Partial Container Loads or Free Cargo. Approval by the Ministry of Finance and the Bureau of customs and Excise is required. A request for inspection should be filled in at BIVAC office in Monrovia in order to schedule the destination inspection. All imports listed below shall be inspected upon arrival in Liberia (Destination Inspection without penalty): • Less than Container Load (LCL) and open top containers. • Containers of Personal Effects whatever their value where no PreShipment Inspection was conducted (choice of the importer) • Goods imported by air which value is above USD 1,500 to USD 3,500 where no Pre-Shipment Inspection was conducted • Goods imported by road which value is above UDS 1,500 where no Pre-Shipment Inspection was conducted 3. Inspection requirements/restrictions SEALING OF FCL CONTAINERS: Obligatory. SECOND-HAND GOODS: Used motor vehicles: see sections 8 and 9 PROHIBITED IMPORTS: See Section 8. RESTRICTED IMPORTS: See Section 9 LABELLING REQUIREMENTS: In English for all commodities LIBERIA – 04/2014 - Rev. 20 BIVAC/MCC - 2/4 - DATA SHEET Government Services & International Trade (GSIT) 3. Inspection requirements/restrictions (cont.) OTHER SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Inspection compulsory in the country of supply save LCLs to be inspected at destination. Goods that are shipped as free cargo must be clearly labelled with stickers and tape. 4. Price verification/Seller's invoice requirements BUYING/CONFIRMING COMMISSIONS: No specific requirement. INSURANCE: No specific requirement. FINANCIAL INTEREST: No specific requirement. OTHER SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: Detection of under-invoicing, over invoicing and fraud FINAL INVOICE TO SHOW: FOB + insurance + freight 5. Reporting requirements FINAL DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BY BIVAC TO ISSUE REPORT: Final invoice + Packing list + Bill of Lading. For fresh dairy products (milk and cheese), eggs and fresh meat and fish, a health certificate is required. For pharmaceuticals, a certificate of analysis is required. TYPE OF REPORT ISSUED: Clean Report of Findings / Non Negotiable Report of Findings REPORT PURPOSE: A label secured by a hologram is stuck on the exporter’s final invoice for payment purposes (L/C) or for his own use upon request. In case of L/C, final documents must include a copy of the original Bill of Lading. • A Clean Report of Findings is one of the mandatory documents needed by the importer to clear his goods from customs. It is issued after inspection is completed and all required/necessary documentation is received. • A NNRF is issued after ten days from inspection date if final documents not received, in the event of unsolved quantity/quality discrepancies between the exporter, the importer or where goods present risk to health or safety. 6. Inspection fees Fees, in respect of PSI, DI and at the request of the Government, shall be received from Exporters or Importers, at the time of registering a shipment (Opening of an IPD or RFI). Payment shall be due and effected whether or not the goods subject to inspection have been shipped. Nevertheless, BIVAC may invoice the Seller in the event of supplementary inspection visits (in vain or unsatisfactory results). The costs incurred by the Seller in presenting the goods for inspection, such as unpacking, handling, testing, sampling, repacking... are for the account of the Seller. 7. List of goods exempted from PSI The following goods shall be exempted from Pre-Shipment Inspection, but not be exempt from any electronic xray activity or inspection by Customs upon arrival: 1. Imports below the threshold value, with the exemption of motor vehicles (used and new), which are subject to pre-shipment inspection regardless of their value; LIBERIA – 04/2014 - Rev. 20 BIVAC/MCC - 3/4 - DATA SHEET Government Services & International Trade (GSIT) 7. List of goods exempted from PSI (Cont’ed) 2. Reasonable amount of personal, household or removal articles as defined in regulation by the Minister of Finance; 3. Supplies for diplomatic missions, United Nations Organizations and NGO’s; 4. Gold, precious stones, objects of art; 5. Explosives and pyrotechnic products, arms, ammunition, weapons and implement of war imported by the Liberian Armed Forces and the Liberian Police service; 6. Live animals, trade samples, foodstuffs from West Africa region, fresh fish caught by local Liberian canoe. 8. List of prohibited goods As may be advised from time to time and those under United Nations embargo. • Right Hand Drive vehicles (Letter MF/2-3.JFK-DMR/vod/07-1739/2012 dd. 24/07/2012) • Shellfish (oysters and mussels) harvested in France (Letter MCI/ABC/DMCI/51/RL”12 dd. 27/07/2012) • Energy drinks under the name of Pussy • Used motor vehicles more than 20 years old - with the exception of the following machinery/vehicles: i) Earth moving equipment; ii) Heavy trucks used in forestry or for the transportation of heavy equipment; iii) industrial vehicles and tankers. • 3-wheeled motorcycles 9. List of restricted goods • Used motor vehicles more than 10 years old, whether intended for transport of passengers or goods, or for private or commercial use. A punitive tax on the importation of prohibited vehicles will be levied on any noncompliant vehicles with age requirements - with the exception of the following machinery/vehicles: i) Earth moving equipment; ii) Heavy trucks used in forestry or for the transportation of heavy equipment; iii) industrial vehicles and tankers. 10. Geographical inspection zones There are no geographical limits to the contract with the Ministry of Finance and Commerce. The information contained herein is for the purpose of facilitating Pre-Shipment Inspection and does not relieve Exporters or Importers from their obligations in respect of compliance with the import regulations of the country of importation. Although every effort has been made to ensure the correctness of the information, as at the date of issuance of this data sheet, BIVAC International does not accept any responsibility for errors or omissions and, furthermore, the information may subsequently be subject to change as may be announced by the Authorities in the country of importation. Consequently, Exporters are advised to check with BIVAC International, prior to shipment of the goods, if there is any doubt concerning the issuance of a Clean Report of Findings. LIBERIA – 04/2014 - Rev. 20 BIVAC/MCC - 4/4