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L I V E S M A R T E R W W W . C L I F T O N P O I N T E . C O M C A L L 2 1 6 -7 2 1 - 0 0 2 7 TO S C H E D U L E P R I VAT E TO U R A B O D E | M O D E R N L I F E ST Y L E D E V E LO P E R S >> WWW.WELCOMETOABODE/CLIFTONPOINTE only two remaining CLIFTON POINTE LUXURY ECOHOMES OF LAKEWOOD (LAKE ERIE 1/4 MI TO NORTH) SOLD CLIFTON POINTE SOLD COMMUNITY ECOGARDEN SOLD SOLD COMMUNITY PAVILLION ERI KE < < TO L A C E& 7 CLIFTON POINTE TO LIF LV NB D << SOLD WALKING PATHS + BIKE TRAILS N E S U BWAY > > T S LOA OS LOA N SOLD ER OA D SOLD >> SOLD SOLD DRIVEWAY SOLD SOLD 8 CLIFTON POINTE LUXURY ECOHOMES SOLD SOLD CL SOLD IF SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD TO N SOLD PO IN T E 2) R U N N IN G TR A IL S & BI KE PA TH O S T CLE *LOWER DOWN PAYMENTS ACCEPTABLE VEL AND LOAN AMOUNT$719,200 INTEREST RATE4% MORTGAGE LENGTH30YR MET RO PA PAYMENT w’principal$3,440 RK S REAL ESTATE TAXES$60 OWNER ASSOCIATION FEES$125 TOTAL MONTHLY $3,625* ROCKY RIVER L AK E E R I E A N D C L EVELAND YAC HT C LUB 1 /4 MI TO NORTH << TO CITY OF ROCKY RIVER | DETROIT ROAD BRIDGE | ROUTE 6 | >> S 20% DOWN PAYMENT*$179,800 SLOANE AVENUE A PRICE$899,000* << H PHASE 1: 2 REMAINING; 15 SOLD PHASE 2: SOLD OUT << TO CLEVELAND METROPARKS (P LUXURY ECOHOMES OF LAKEWOOD TO SLOANE SUBWAY >> E CLIFTON POINTE BLACKBIRD BAKERY TO CITY OF LAKEWOOD >> CLEVELA N D METR OPA R KS AB O D E M O D E R N LIFESTYLE D E VELO P ERS 2811v47v2_06.2013 Abode Modern Lifestyle Developers policy of continual attention to design and construction requires that all specifications, features, materials, pricing and dimensions are *subject to change without notice. ALL FIGURES ARE ESTIMATES AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Consult Andrew Brickman or Justin Campbell, Abode Modern Lifestyle Developers for latest pricing and availibility for Eleven River and Clifton Pointe. ARCHITECT: SCOTT DIMIT | DEVELOPER: ANDREW BRICKMAN | DESIGN + BRAND DEVELOPMENT, JUSTIN CAMPBELL | JUSTIN@WELCOMETOABODE.COM CONTACT: 216-870-4442 © brandtechnique 2013 “Abode is not following trends, it is setting them.” “Having just moved back from Charlotte, we wanted to live in Lakewood, but also wanted new construction and a home with a modern feel, something that’s seemingly unavailable in Cleveland and the surrounding communities. We stumbled upon Abode’s 27 Coltman townhomes in Little Italy, and since these townhomes were occupied and unavailable, we looked at photos and floor plans of Clifton Pointe. We immediately knew this was our future home. Clifton Pointe gives us modern, big city living, right here in Lakewood—a community we love and are excited to be a part of. It is possible to have your cake and eat it too." JOHN KAMINSKI—ARCHITECT It is always energizing for me to see speculative housing that challenges established conventions of residential design. Eleven River, does exactly that. The development embraces classic modernism, and in so doing creates the groundwork for a design sensibility that inventively enhances the act of living in one’s home. The interiors convey a spaciousness that seems even greater than the actual square footage, providing the combination of private shared living spaces one would expect in a much larger residence. All of this capitalizes on the stellar views of Rocky River and the adjoining park system, from within the residences as well as from the strategically placed exterior spaces. In addition the new development is mindful of ecological responsibility, including such eco-friendly measures as geothermal space conditioning. Abode is not following trends, it is setting them. RONALD A. REED—PRINCIPAL, WESTLAKE REED LESKOSKY ARCHITECTS Abode’s Eleven River project is the most unique residential development in Rocky River and perhaps in the area. Where else can you own a five story townhome, your own boatslip and be adjacent to the Rocky River? The views from the various decks and rooftops are phenomenal. Some questioned the timing of such a risky development in today’s housing market, yet the project is a success and units are selling at an amazing pace. Kory Koran—Rocky River Economic DEVELOPMENT Director Having been a student of architecture at Yale and a resident of the trendiest neighborhoods in New York, I was wondering if I’d find anything as inspiring as what I’ve seen elsewhere. But after looking at several other projects around town, we both felt that the thoughtful architectural planning and exciting vision of the Abode team was an opportunity that we didn’t want to miss out on. Faith Chiang—Chief Experience Officer, Within 3 They’re creating a whole new atmosphere, a more European-style ‘walking community’ that blends perfectly with all of the new retail, wine bars and restaurants. Rocky River already had so much to offer, like its excellent schools, but now there is a great place in an upscale community, Eleven River, that is fun. Dave DeCapau—Rocky River City Councilman, Member of the Architectural Review Board Abode’s 27 Coltman marries the arts and culture of University Circle living with the old world charm of Little Italy on one street. The modern contemporary units of 27 Coltman adds one more block of vitality to this premier urban district. A block from the museums and galleries, a block from the city’s best restaurants, and a block from rapid transit, 27 Coltman represents the very best in new Cleveland living. Chris Ronayne—President, University Circle Inc. The special characteristics of the waterfront site with the dramatic slope down to the river’s edge and exceptional views of the Rocky River and Metroparks served as my inspiration, reminding me of the canyons in the Holywood Hills. Scott Dimit—PRINCIPAL, Dimit Architects ARCHITECTS: SCOTT + ANALIA DIMIT, DIMIT ARCHITECTS—CLIFTON POINTE LUXURY ECOHOMES + ELEVEN RIVER LUXURY TOWNHOMES WWW.DIMITARCHITECTS.COM ABODE MODERN LIFESTYLE DEVELOPERS - 27 Coltman Luxury Townhome pictured in background. L I V E S M A R T E W W W . C L I F T O N P O I N T E . C O M R CLIFTON POINTE ROOFTOP DECK VIEWS— SCENIC VIEWS NORTH OVER THE ROCKY RIVER LOOKING TOWARDS LAKE ERIE; (R) INTERIOR VIEWS, CHEFS KITCHEN AND DINING ROOM. ONLY TWO LUXURY ECOHOMES REMAIN > ECO-FRIENDLY CLEARSPAN CONSTRUCTION & DESIGN > ENERGY SAVING ABODE-CONTROL 4® SMARTHOME TECHNOLOGY > SUSTAINABLE LOW-MAINTENANCE “URBAN PRAIRIE” GARDENS > REUSE OF EXISTING TREES IN CONSTRUCTION > CLIFTON POINTE Community Car, BIKE & KAYAK SHARING > WALKING DISTANCE TO SHOPPING & AWARD-WINNING RESTAURANTS > EASY ACCESS TO CLEVELAND METROPARKS & WALKING TRAILS FEATURING A 10-YEAR 100% TAX ABATEMENT CLIFTON POINTE LUXURY TOWNHOMES OF LAKEWOOD | 216 721 0027 | WWW.CLIFTON POIN T E.COM 2811_10.2013 _SLSv48 ABODE LIFESTYLE TESTIMONIALS OCTOBER 2012 Keeping people in Cleveland is noT AN easy feat but Clifton Pointe has done that for us! BRAND DEVELOPEMENT | DESIGN: JUSTIN CAMPBELL | JUSTIN@WELCOMETOABODE.COM “I just watched a COMMERCIAL and it made me think about HOW ABODE IS building unique and exciting living communities IN the Cleveland Housing Market. Pete and I never thought we would be able to find the type of home you are building. It has definitely made us more content to keep Cleveland as our primary residence. Keeping people in the Cleveland area is not an easy feat but ABODE has done that for us!” Toni DonOghue Executive Recruiter, ASLON CLIFTON POINTE LUXURY ECOHOME RESIDENT CLIFTON POINTE LUXURY ECOHOMES OF LAKEWOOD WELCOMETOABODE.COM OR 216.721.0027 ABODE MODERN LIFESTYLE DEVELOPERS Combining creativity, innovation and artistry to create projects that are both enduring and enhance the human experience. modern contemporary living communities located throughout northeastern ohio ELEVEN RIVER LUXURY TOWNHOMES | www.11river.com | INFO@11river.COM CLIFTON POINTE LUXURY ECOHOMES | WWW.CLIFTONPOINTE.COM | INFO@CLIFTONPOINTE.COM LIVE SMARTER W W W . C L I F T O N P O I N T E . C O M THE ABODE DESIGNBOARD™ 2009 WASN’T A BAD YEAR AT ALL FOR CBC MAGAZINE’S FIRST-EVER TOP 10 ENTREPRENEURIAL SUCCESS STORIES To help insure the high concept design and quality of Clifton Pointe, Abode will provide at their cost design consultation with any one of our top designers. These designers represent a broad spectrum of styles and expertise and are an important part of the Abode experience, and another aspect of Abode’s commitment to overall excellence. Our signature interior designers are Scott and Analia Dimit, Dimit Architects; Joe Hanna, JRH Architecture; Barrie Spang, Lee Meier Interiors; Travis Abbott, Travis Abbott Interiors; Pamela McCormick, Favé Interiors and Linda Wietzke, Linda Wietzke Interior Design. Perspectus Architecture The Fairmount Group THE HEART OF LITTLE ITALY Polaris Career Center PlayhouseSquare Avtron 216 721 0027 ABODE AWARDS 10 Findley Davies Top companies (At left) As they head into the New Year, female business entrepreneurs Carole Richards of North Coast Education Services (left), Deby Cowdin of From the Blue Bag (center), and Anne Goodman of the Cleveland Foodbank celebrate a bountiful 2009. Little Italy Preservation Partners PRODUCT DESIGN OF THE YEAR—HBA (Home Builders of America), Cleveland: 2012 GREENHOME COMMUNITY OF THE YEAR—HBA (Home Builders of America), Cleveland: 2012 MOST DISTINGUISHED 2012 SMARTHOME—HBA (Home Builders of America), Cleveland: 2012 NEO SUCCESS AWARD, “MOST SUCCESSFUL COMPANY IN NORTHEAST OHIO”—Inside Business: 2012 BEST CONSTRUCTED FOUNDATION AWARD—CBA of America, Clifton Pointe Luxury Ecohomes: 2012 BEST CONSTRUCTED FOUNDATION AWARD—CBA of America, Eleven River Luxury Townhomes: 2011 CLEVELAND TOP 10 COMPANY award—CBC, Cleveland Business Connects: 2009, 2010 BEST CITY LIVING AWARD—Scene Magazine, 27 Coltman Luxury Townhomes: 2011 Product Design of the Year award—HBA (Home Builders of America), Cleveland: 2010 CLEVELAND HEIGHTS LANDMARK COMMISSION AWARD—Cleveland Landmarks Commission: 2008 RESIDENTIAL PROJECT OF THE YEAR award—Cleveland Restoration Society: 2006 ABODE charitable partners PROGRAM “Charite bien ordonne commence pay soy mem” C harit y well directed should be g in at home — Monsieur Adrian de Montluc So said the late, obscure 17th century, French author. Like Monsieur Montluc, the members of Abode believe that, “Charity well directed should begin at home.” This means being a good neighbor. And in this respect, the $20 million dollar investment Abode is making in both Eleven River and Clifton Pointe will bring new families to the neighborhood who in turn will support local merchants, restaurateurs, gallery owners, and the cultural institutions that make the Rocky River basin such a desirable region. In addition, recognizing the financial challenges faced by many of the area’s nonprofit institutions, Abode’s Charitable Partners Program encourages local philanthropy—any charitable contribution made by a purchaser of an Abode Modern Lifestyle Townhome to a nonprofit entity will be proudly matched by Abode.† 2811_01.2013 _SLSv44 C L I F TO N P O I N T E L U X U RY E C O H O M E S | 2 1 6 7 2 1 0 0 2 7 | W W W.C L I F TO N P O I N T E .CO M LU X U RY E C O H O M E S O F L A K E WO O D RESIDENCE 7 & 8 2811_09.2012 _SLSv41 C L I F TO N P O I N T E L U X U RY E C O H O M E S | 2 1 6 7 2 1 0 0 2 7 | W W W.C L I F TO N P O I N T E .C O M RESIDENCE 8 REAR DECK10'-0" X 16'-8" WATER AND GAS GRILL MASTER DECK16'-0" X 4'-0" BEDROOM # 2 LIVING ROOM MASTER CLOSET 2 24'-0" X 20'-0" 7'-0" X 10'-9" GAS VENTLESS FIREPLACE 15'-6" X 10'-0" FAMILY ROOM CLOSET MASTER BEDROOM GAS VENTLESS FIREPLACE 12'-9" X 24'-0" 16'-0" X 16'-0" 2'-0" X 8'-0" UP 16 R. DN 10 R. DN 16 R. LANDING CLOSET ROOF DECK STAIR 3'-0" X 3'-8" 23'-0" X 31'-6" UP 5 R. H.W. BATH ROOM # 2 5'-10" X 8'-6" MECH. ROOM STAIR 5'-6" X 8'-10" ELEVATOR HVAC UP 10 R. STAIRS OPTIONAL BATH ROOM 6'-3" X 9'-0" ELEVATOR ELEVATOR STAIR ELEVATOR ELEVATOR DN 7 R. UP 16 R. UP 17 R. DN 17 R. 7'-0" X 11'-3" OPTIONAL WET BAR DINING ROOM MASTER CLOSET 1 DN 16 R. HALL 10'-0" X 17'-10" FULL HEIGHT STORAGE 5 FIXED SHELVES WALK-IN PANTRY OPTIONAL POWDER ROOM LAUNDRY 4'-9"X 6'-8" 5'-0" x 7'-4" 5'-9" X 6'-0" D TOILET ROOM W 3'-6" X 5'-5" CLOATS 2'-0" X 5'-0" D.W. 2-CAR GARAGE 20'-0" X 21'-0" GALLEY KITCHEN POWDER ROOM 15'-6" X 17'-10" 5'-6"X 5'-9" COOKTOP STEAM SHOWER WORKOUT ROOM MASTER BATHROOM 4'-0" X 5'-6" SINK 10'-10" X 16'-0" 12'-9" X 10'-3" DOUBLE SINKS OPTIONAL GREEN ROOF AREA (green matting and plantings) 24-0" X 12'-4" TUB ENTRY HALL 5'-4" X 5'-10" OPEN TO ENTRY BELOW Residence Eight - Level 0 Bonus Room- Gross Surface Area Yields Residence Type 'B'Level 0- Bonus: Level 1- Entry: Level 2- Living: Level 3- Bedrooms: Level 4- Roof Access: Total Surface Area: Roof Deck: Front Deck: Garage: Surface Areas: 514 s.f. 675 s.f. 1,225 s.f. 1,111 s.f. 44 s.f. 3,569 s.f. 595 s.f. 155 s.f. 420 s.f. Residence Eight - Level 1 Residence Eight - Level 2 Residence Eight - Level 3 Residence Eight - Level 4 Entry Level/ 2-Car Garage- Living / Dining Areas- Bedroom Areas- Roof Deck Areas- RESIDENCE 7 REAR DECK 12'-5" X 16'-2" MASTER DECK 4'-0" X 12'-9" MASTER BATHROOM ROOF DECK 32'-7" X 18'-3" 7'-2" X 8'-10" 20'-0" FAMILY ROOM LOWER LEVEL 18'-3" x 11'-5" 15'-4" 15'-4" 14'-11" x 18'-3" MASTER BEDROOM LIVING ROOM 12'-0" X 14'-0" 15'-4" 25'-10" X 19'-6" LANDING DN UP OPTIONAL BATH ROOM DN DN DN 5'-5" X 5'-6" UP UP MASTER CLOSET H.W. ELEVATOR HVAC 5'-714" STAIR 5'-714" ELEVATOR 5'-714" 5'-714" 5'-7" X 4'-7" ELEVATOR STAIR STAIR COATS ELEVATOR STAIR 6'-4" x 7'-0" 5'-714" MECH. ROOM ELEVATOR HALL 3'-4" X 4'-7" UP 4'-113 4" 4'-614" 7'-7" 4'-6" 4'-614" 7'-7" 4'-113 4" BATHROOM # 2 ENTRY HALL 5'-0" X 16'-7" 4'-614" 7'-7" 5'-514" 7'-7" 4'-614" 9'-6" x 5'-4" UP UP 4'-614" 7'-7" 4'-113 4" LAUNDRY 3'-4" x 3'-6" DINING ROOM CLOSET 10'-0" X 22'-10" WET BAR 7'-3" x 6'-2" 2-CAR GARAGE 25'-43 4" 25'-43 4" 25'-43 4" CLOSET 2'-4" x 7'-0" DOUBLE OVEN BEDROOM # 2 POWDER ROOM 19'-5" X 22'-9" 12'-9" X 11'-2" BEDROOM # 3 12'-9" X 11'-2" 5'-0" X 5'-9" OPTIONAL GREEN ROOF AREA COOKTOP (green matting and plantings) 22'-9" X 12'-11" CHEF'S KITCHEN 11'-10" X 17'-5" REFRIGERATOR D.W. SINK PANTRY 2'-0" X 5'-0" Residence Type 'F'- Level 0 Gross Surface Area Yields Residence Level 0- Bonus: Level 1- Entry: Level 2- Living: Level 3- Bedrooms: Level 4- Roof Access: Total Surface Area: Roof Deck: Front Deck: Garage: Surface Areas: 438 s.f. 525 s.f. 1097 s.f. 1029 s.f. 276 s.f. 3,365 s.f. 376 s.f. 169 s.f. 483 s.f. Residence Type 'F'- Level 1 Residence Type 'F'- Level 2 Residence Type 'F'- Level 3 Residence Type 'F'- Level 4 Entry Level/ 2-Car Garage- Living / Dining Areas- Bedroom Areas- Roof Deck Areas
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