HOLY TRINITY CHURCH OF UTICA Holy Trinity Parish (est. 1896) St. Stanislaus, Bishop & Martyr Parish (est. 1911) April 3, 2011 Pastor: Rev. John E. (Bonczek) Mikalajunas Assisting Senior Priests: Rev. Joseph E. Moskal Rev. Msgr. Adolph A. Kantor Mass Schedule: Rozklad Mszy Saturday: 8:00 AM & 5:00 PM Vigil Sunday: 8:00, 10:00 & 11:30 AM (Polish) Daily Masses: Mon.-Fri. - 7:15 & 8:00 AM Daily Rosary following the 8:00 AM Mass Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Confessions - Spowiedz: Daily 7:30 AM; Monday, 6:00 PM & Saturday, 4:00 PM Rectory: 724-7238, Kathy Wyborski Convent: 733-5492, Sr. Julia Bargiel, DRE Organist: 736-6955, Stephen Zielinski Custodian: 732-8655, Donald Cieslak Cemetery & Mausoleum: 724-0616 WELCOME A warm welcome is extended to all who have come to Holy Trinity Church this weekend to join together in this community of worship and praise to Almighty God. We are grateful to our faithful parishioners who come here every weekend. Also, we welcome our neighbors and guests who visit us occasionally and want them to know they are always welcome.Stop to see Father at the rectory if you would like to join our parish. Novena - Mondays following 8:00AM Mass Marriages - Malzenstwa: See the Pastor six months prior to set a date Baptisms - Chrzty See the Pastor to schedule Parish Council: 768-8324, Stanley Ossowski Trustee: 797-3338, Edward Wondro Trustee: 732-0985, Thaddeus Rdzanek Page Two Holy Trinity Parish, Utica, New York Sunday, April 3, 2011 The Fourth Sunday of Lent Vigil Mass for SUNDAY/NIEDZIELA * April 2 5:00 pm + Constance Goodhines // Holy Trinity Rosary Society 5:00 pm + Sr. Hedwig Walania // Holy Trinity Legion of Mary TODAY * SUNDAY/NIEDZIELA * April 3 The Fourth Sunday of Lent 8:00 am + Frank A. & Genevieve N. Baran (Anniv.) // Sons Francis & Robert 10:00 am + James “Gus” Engler (30th day) // Daniel & Virginia Pieloch 10:00 am + Clarence “Bud” Gurley // Barbara Gurley Loso & Fam. 11:30am (P) + Tadeusz Jozwiak // Members of White Eagle Association MONDAY/PONIEDZIALEK* April 4 St. Isidore, bishop & doctor of the Church 7:15am + Mary Grzesiak // Family 8:00am + Sally Pasciak // Her Testament TUESDAY/WTOREK * April 5 St. Vincent Ferrer, priest 7:15am Birthday Blessings for Helen Trotta // Her Request 8:00am + Poor & Most Forgotten Souls in Purgatory // Harriet Cieloszczyk WEDNESDAY/SRODA * April 6 +Irene Poccia (23rd Anniv.) +Stanley Walkuski (25th Anniv.) 7:15am + Thomas Grzesiak // Family 8:00am Health of Anthony Tarnowski // Wife THURSDAY/CZWARTEK* April 7 St. John Baptist de la Salle, priest 7:15 am + Souls Remembered in 2010 All Soul’s Day Offerings 8:00 am + John, Stanley & Joseph Lasek (Anniv.) // Sisters FRIDAY/PIATEK* April 8 7:15 am + Gol & Wilkins Families // Edward J. Gol Estate 8:00 am + Greta Raser (Anniv.) // Chester Bednarczyk SATURDAY/SOBOTA * April 9 8:00 am + Zofia Zabinski (Anniv.) // Edward & Laura Zabinski 8:00 am + Robert & Johanna Sherman // Joseph & Maxine Szeliga Vigil Mass for Next SUNDAY/NIEDZIELA * April 9 5:00 pm + Mary Ucher (Anniv.) // Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hanus 5:00 pm + Eugene & Helena Browar // Daughters NEXT SUNDAY/NIEDZIELA * April 10 The Fifth Sunday of Lent 8:00 am + Msgr. Peter Gleba // Kopernik Memorial Association 10:00 am + Dennis J. Best (30th Anniv.) // Parents 10:00 am + Rev. Richard Kondziolka (26th Anniv.) // Sister Darline & Richard Wisniewski 11:30 am (P) + Fred Gorczynski // Krystyna & Joseph Janik April 3, 2011 The Sanctuary candle burns this week in Church for Joseph Zagraniczny (Anniv. 3/24) given by brother & sisters The Sanctuary candle burns this week in Church for Mary Zagraniczny (Anniv. 4/1) given by sisters-in-law 2011 Lenten Religious Schedule Sunday following 11:30am Mass - Gorzkie Zale and Divine Mercy Chaplet Monday - Novena prayers following 8:00am Mass Thursday - Adoration from 7:00pm in Church basement Chapel until Friday, 6:00pm Thursday - 6:00pm Lenten Lamentations Gorzkie Zale in English with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Friday - Stations of the Cross in Church after 8:00am Mass and 6:00pm with Benediction followed by soup supper and study on the life of Pope John Paul the 11nd. Bring a pot of meatless soup to share. Lenten 40 hours devotion NEXT WEEK here at Holy Trinity with three days of prayer and inspirational guest homilists. Sunday, April 10, 4:00pm - Homilist: Rev. Krzysztof Boretto (Chaplin Lourdes Hospital in Binghamton) Monday, April 11, 7:00pm: Rev. Lucian Urbaniak (Pastor Transfiguration Church in Rome) Tuesday, April 12, 7:00pm: Rev. Msgr. Ronald Bill (former Director of Catholic Charities and currently at Immaculate Conception Church in Fayetteville) Confessions following Monday & Tuesday 40 hour services. The Church will be open for Adoration afternoons all three days. A great opportunity to spend quality time with Jesus. Invite your friends at other parishes to join us for these special Lenten events. Second collection this weekend for CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVIECES. Please be generous in this very worthy collection, especially important during these times of humanitarian disasters and suffering around the world. Help our brothers and sisters enduring hardships due to earthquakes and war. Sunday, April 10th following the 11:30am Mass, there will be a short meeting in the Church social rooms. Purpose: to establish for children who would like to participate in a Saturday or Sunday morning Polish school. Interested parents are requested to attend. Copies of last week’s Catholic Sun available in Church. There is a beautiful article on Msgr. Peter Gleba in that issue. Tickets for beatification buffet brunch, Sunday, May 1, honoring Pope John Paul II available after each Mass this weekend. Adults - $10., children - $5., children 5 & under free. POLONAISE SENIORS MEET EACH WEDNESDAY ... throughout the year here at Holy Trinity after 12:30 noon. They invite parishioners to join them. Praying for the Sick Going into the hospital? Do you know of a sick family member in the hospital in need of prayers? Please let us know so we can include the name(s) at weekend Mass. Call the rectory during normal business hours at 724-7238. Due to privacy regulations, we can only mention names provided to us by individuals or family with prior permission. Page Three April 3, 2011 CHURCH OFFERINGS March 27, 2011 Adults March 27, 2011 Loose ------------------------------------------5:00 87 $1057.00 $138.25 8:00 76 869.00 59.00 10:00 92 1010.00 113.00 11:30 56 498.00 70.00 Mail 29 423.00 ---------------------------------------------Totals 340 $3857.00 $380.25 OTHER CHURCH GIFTS School Support 12 CCD 1 Fuel 3 Pew Rent 19 Cath. Literature 1 40 Hrs. 18 Black & Indian Miss. 2 Hope Appeal 2010 2 Easter 6 OTHER CHURCH GIFTS Improvement 30 Youth Enve. 29 Ash Wed. 4 Votives & Candles Catholic Relief 4 Mother’s Day 3 Easter Flowers 9 $279.00 33.00 32.00 75.00 26.00 20.00 116.00 $50.00 5.00 46.00 58.00 4.00 128.00 10.00 20.00 32.00 Parish Bequests As you think about sharing the fruits of your labor & your love with future generations, we would ask that you prayerfully consider Holy Trinity Church in your will. It will help keep our parish strong for years to come. NEXT PIEROGI MAKING & SALE … on Tuesday & Thursday, April 12 and 14, 2011 with sale on Thursday, April 14th from 10:00 am until "sold out". Plan to come to HELP. We encourage all parishioners to please sign the PETITION in support of establishing a Charter School in the Utica area. PETITIONS are located in the vestibule. The “Mohawk Valley Charter School for Excellence” will implement an academically rigorous curriculum within a positive and supportive environment to enable a diverse group of students to attain high standards of academic excellence. All students will be adept in social leadership, critical thinking and physical health that will enhance their capacity to eagerly engage and succeed in higher education and future careers. A Charter School can be a wonderful opportunity to build fine citizens for our local community, and Holy Trinity is uniquely positioned to assist in this effort. Please sign the petition after Mass this weekend or next. Altar Server Assignments Lector Assignments Friday, April 8 (Stations of the Cross) 6:00 pm DeStefano Fam. Saturday, April 9 Saturday, April 9 8:00 am: D. Forte 5:00 pm: Rabbia Fam. 5:00 pm: J. Hauck Sunday, April 10 Sunday, April 10 8:00 am: A., D. & C. Zemanek 8:00 am: E. Starczewski 10:00 am: DeStefano Fam. 10:00 am: L. Dziekowicz A. Zagorski 11:30 am: Olejarnik Fam. & 11:30 am: E. Pfister A. Piasecki 4:00 pm All Altar Servers (40 Hours Devotion) Monday, April 11 7:00 pm All Altar Servers (40 Hours Devotion) Tuesday, April 12 7:00 pm All Altar Servers (40 Hours Devotion) SATURDAY NITE BINGO WORKERS Team for April 9 Genevieve Banas Patricia Thomas Henry Jaworski Clara Biedrzycki Ronald Malachowski Pauline Fairbrother Edmund Urbanik Benny Zebrowski Holy Trinity cafeteria is open Saturday evenings for bingo and also for walk-ins for pierogi and golabki dinners. Come after 5PM Mass. Cafeteria open until 8PM! 20 Week Club First drawing for the new 20 week club will be next weekend, Saturday, April 9. Tickets now on sale; everyone is a winner. Enjoy a delicious catered dinner and big drawings in August as well as weekly drawings all included in the $20. ticket price. $2,000 in total prizes. Tickets can be purchased from any 20 week club ticket seller or purchase at Holy Trinity bingo. Get tickets this week in the vestibule. Place payment and ticket stubs in an envelope and drop in collection basket or bring to rectory. Sell tickets to your friends. A great gift idea. Proceeds benefit Holy Trinity/St. Stan’s parish. Lent is a time of 1.) prayer, 2.) fasting and 3.) almsgiving. To complete the third part of the Lenten observance, RICE BOWLS have been placed at the back of church and in the vestibule. Included with the Rice Bowl is a special Lenten calendar. Please take a Rice Bowl home for the remainder of the Lenten season. Bring it back during Holy Week or at Easter. Proceeds will benefit the poor in our own diocese and throughout the developing world. FAMILY ROSARY RADIO invites you to a special fund-raiser “Spring Elegance”, a semi-formal dinner-dance April 29th at Harts Hill Inn, Whitesboro. Keep the Rosary alive on local radio through your support. For tickets, call 735-8375. Listen to the program Sunday mornings from 8-10AM on WUTQ AM 1550 or FM 95.5. Meet Me At The Well . . . Live, Laugh & Love. Women’s Retreat April 15-April 16. $75. includes lodging, 3 meals & program. Gathering at 5:30pm Friday, April 15 concludes 4:00pm Saturday, April 16, located at The Good News Center, 10475 Cosby Manor Rd., Utica. The pressures of life can squeeze us until we have nothing left to give. Based upon the story of the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well, we will gain a better understanding of what it means to truly live and discover the value in ourselves. For reservations call 735-6210 or on-line at www.thegoodnewscenter.org. HOLY TRINITY YOUTH NIGHT ... ON FRIDAY, APRIL 15TH, 6:00 until 8:00 pm. All parish young people plan to come & share in games, prayer, treats, crafts and FUN! Choir rehearsal will be Wednesday evening 6:00PM - April 6 and April 13. Please plan to attend. Booklets published by the CATHOLIC TRUTH SOCIETY on a variety of Catholic topics are available at the main entrance of Church $4. each; Catholic Lighthouse CD’s also available at $3. each. KOWALCZYK FUNERAL HOME 1156 Lincoln Avenue - Utica • 732-8320 284 Main St. - New York Mills • 736-3788 JOSEPH M. KOWALCZYK • MARK C. KOWALCZYK • STEPHEN W. JAWORSKI www.kowalczykfuneralhomes.com PULASKI Meat Market Fresh Cut Meats & Homemade Sausage 1201 Lenox Ave. Homemade Kielbasa & Sausages Finest Fresh Meats & Chicken Clinton & New Hartford Streets New York Mills - 736-8288 Website: www.hapskielbasa.com 1117 York Street www.chestersflowers.com 797-2360 Nunn & McGrath Funeral Directors Myslinski Funeral Home 470 French Road • Utica, New York 13502 797-1900 • 732-7317 Directors: Christopher McGrath Thomas Myslinski ~ Richard Kozlowski 11319 732-8007 HAPANOWICZ BROS. MEATS CHESTER’S Flower Shop Parkway Drugs Free Winter Storage Berger’s Dry Cleaning & Tailoring FREE DELIVERY TO YOUR DOOR “Try Us, You’ll Like Us” 802 Oswego St., Utica, NY 13502 (315) 733-8531 485 French Road 1256 Albany St. 792-4669 735-3525 350 Leland Avenue - (Big Lots Plaza) Owners: Roman Adamczyk Elizabeth Adamczyk 624-9988 Superior Car Wash Route 49 Marcy 13077 (Across from Riverside Materials) Can be used on any of our wash packages! $1.00 OFF Barneys Service BG’s Auto Sales Barney M. Gadziala Owner & Operator 126 Oriskany Blvd, Yorkville, NY 13495 + 736-7985 + LW2011 For Ad Info. Call 1-800-888-4574 © Liturgical Publications Inc February 18, 2011 12:43 PM Holy Trinity, Utica, NY TtN 06-0180 I
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