
News & Information about the Upper Sacramento, McCloud &
Lower Pit River Watersheds & the people who care for them
Vol. 18, No. 1, SPRING 2014
Railroad Safety still an issue; public forum planned
When it comes to the health of our Sacramento River, no
issue is closer to the hearts of River Exchange members
than railroad safety. The disastrous 1991 Cantara Spill
near Dunsmuir was one of the worst in the history of
American railroads and was the single most important
catalyst in the founding of our organization.
Now, with two derailments in the past year in the Sacramento Canyon and several recent catastrophic tanker car
fires in the U.S. and Canada, our attention has again
turned to this issue. That’s right, there were two derailments in the past year in the Sacramento Canyon, and at
least five since 2003. On June 13, 2013, seven empty
lumber cars went off the tracks onto dry land just 150
yards north of the Cantara Bridge. On January 27, 2014,
four boxcars de-railed under an Interstate 5 overpass
near Gibson. One landed in the Sacramento River. Fortunately it was not carrying toxic materials and there was
no discharge into the river.
The National Transportation Safety Board recently held
a two-day Forum entitled “Rail Safety: Transportation of
Crude Oil and Ethanol.” The proceedings are available
Clearly, despite many improvements, significant and
possibly increasing risk remains for the Sacramento River. I’ve contacted Union Pacific’s Public Affairs Office
regarding our concerns over this issue. I’ve also spoken
with the office of our Assemblyman, Brian Dahle, who
serves on the Assembly Committee on Utilities and
Commerce. We have invited representatives from Union Pacific and the California Legislature to attend a
Railroad Safety Public Forum, hosted by The River Exchange on June 23rd, to explore these issues.
Watch for more information via email and on our website:
Thank you for your continued support of these efforts!
Morning after Jan.
28, 2014 Gibson
(Photo by Phil
Phil Detrich, Board President/ Executive Director
Recent media articles have highlighted growing concerns
about the safety of tank cars. Nationally, railroad tank
cars carried 30 times more crude oil and other flammables in 2013 than in 2008. It is expected that this amount
will increase from 6 million barrels a year in 2013 to over
150 million barrels a year by 2016 (a typical rail tank car
holds about 700 barrels). Only about 1% of the tank cars
are owned by the railroads—most are owned by their
customers and leasing companies. The American Association of Railroads (AAR), which includes Union Pacific,
has actually been lobbying the U.S. Dept. of Transportation to require tougher standards for tank cars, including
retrofit of existing cars. The AAR has also announced an
initiative to increase safety of operations.
In January, we rolled out our newly re-vamped website, with help from the very capable
team at Pusher Inc., a Dunsmuir-based design company.
The web address is the same, but the content has been
brought to life with a new look and updated information
about who we are, what we do and how we serve the
Check out the new pages linked at the top of the homepage, including Projects, Programs, Watershed Issues,
News and Events.
Special thanks go to Wayne Eng, Lynda Hardy, and Willow and Juliane Tinsman, for their help in creating the
fine introductory video featured on the homepage.
Our Mission : Promoting Healthy Watersheds Through Community Involvement in Stewardship, Restoration & Education
Printed on recycled paper
on the Move…
To A New Location!
Independent Study:
Natural Resource
Mentorship Program
The River Exchange will soon move our office to the
historic Cornet building, which we will share with Fire
What. The building is located at 5727 Dunsmuir Avenue, in Dunsmuir.
Our Watershed and Natural Resource Mentorship
Program has successfully accommodated 4 students
since its inception in spring of 2013. We anticipate that
spaces will be available for 2 high school students for
the fall 2014 semester.
We are very excited about this opportunity to better
interact with the public. This move will place us in the
heart of Dunsmuir and across the street from Ted Fay
Fly Shop. The newly-renovated building will be frequented by active natural resource professionals, and
will greatly increase our visibility and the public’s ability
to access our office.
High school students are exposed to a range of natural resource based professions throughout the region,
including physical/ watershed science, wildlife and
fisheries management, native plants and invasive species management, forest and fire management, and
cultural resources management.
We plan to move in June, and officially open for business in the new
space on July 1st. Help from the
community in getting us moved
across town would be greatly appreciated. Help could include
volunteer help to move stuff,
donating spare empty boxes, or the use of a pick-up
Students are partnered with professionals from local
agencies, organizations or businesses in order to gain
first-hand knowledge of resource management and
the opportunities that our area holds for interested
young people.
If you know of a student who would like to participate
in the fall, contact our office.
Please contact us if you are interested in helping REX
make this important and exciting move!
River Mural Planned In Dunsmuir
Coming soon: Dunsmuir’s 4th annual Mural Project—a celebration of Dunsmuir's blossoming dogwoods and Sacramento River, created by well respected mosaic artist Monica Zinda. Made of sparkling glass, tile and stone,
and located on the north side of the City Hall building, the 40 foot long mosaic mural will feature a shimmering
river running through blossoming dogwood branches.
The Dunsmuir Beautification Committee's mission is to beautify Dunsmuir and make it an inspiring and special
place to live and visit. This is a volunteer effort, funded by contributions from the community. The cost of the mural is $4,000, and the Dunsmuir Beautification Committee and fiscal sponsor Siskiyou Arts Museum need to raise
$1,500 to start the work.
If you are able to help, please send your tax deductible contribution to: Dogwood Mural Project, c/o Siskiyou Arts Museum, 5824 Dunsmuir Avenue, Dunsmuir, CA 96025.
SAM is located in downtown Dunsmuir between the Pizza
Factory and Dunsmuir Hardware, and is open Thurs. - Sat.,
10-5 p.m. Visit SAM at, where
you can sign up for their newsletter, or call them at (530) 235
Artist’s rendering of the mural
at Dunsmuir City Hall
Would you like to receive
event reminders and
updates? Contact our office
to join our email list,
or, follow us on Facebook!
Raft & Restore the Klamath River
May 17, 2014
Tree Of Heaven Campground
Join us for our 6th annual invasive plant removal rafting
trip on the Klamath River. Help rid the banks of Marlahan
mustard & puncture vine, with help from the U.S. Forest
Service, who will help dispose of the plants & will provide
Call River Dancers at (530) 926-3517 for more information
or to register.
Beginning & Intermediate Fly Fishing Clinic
Date: To Be Determined
Dunsmuir City Park
River Celebration
May 31st, 6:00—10:00 p.m.
Mt. Shasta City Park; Upper Lodge
This year’s Celebration marks our
18th year providing watershed
stewardship & educational programs. Join friends & community members for great food,
music, delicious desserts & amazing auction items.
Tickets are $35 apiece, or $65 for 2. Purchase tickets at
Village Books in Mt. Shasta or by calling our office.
Local fly fishing guides Wayne Eng &
Fred Gordon team up again this year
to provide beginning & intermediate
skills to the community! Date will be
announced via email when confirmed.
Registration & a $35 fee are required; contact our office for
more information or to register.
Sustainable Watershed Series:
Railroad Safety Public Meeting
June 23, 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Cornet Classroom: 5727 Dunsmuir Ave.
Dunsmuir, CA
22nd Annual Great River Clean-up
September 20, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Dunsmuir City Park
A public meeting will be held with Union Pacific staff to
inform the public about safety improvements and potential
risks to the river. Further details will be announced as
plans are finalized.
A $5 donation is suggested.
REX Board of Directors
Fred Gordon, Director Emeritus
Phil Detrich, President
Chris Stromsness, Vice President
Gene O’Rourke, Treasurer
Cathy Tait, Secretary
Mary Ellen “Mellen” Colberg
Gather your friends & join us for the
Great River Clean-Up. We’ll meet at the Dunsmuir City
Park at 9:00 a.m., then head out to the banks of the Upper Sac & its tributaries to pick up trash.
Free lunch will be provided to volunteers after the cleanup at the Dunsmuir City Park.
Contact Information
Mail: P.O. Box 784, Dunsmuir, CA 96025
Office: 5937 Dunsmuir Avenue, Dunsmuir
Phone: (530) 235-2012
(530) 235-2439
REX Staff
Phil Detrich, Executive Director
Robin Singler, Administrative
Phyllis Skalko, Finance Director
Integrated Regional Water Management Planning:
Completed & Closed!
After 4 years of planning and building partnerships, the Upper Sacramento, McCloud River, and Lower Pit River
region (known as the USR region), led by the River Exchange, has completed and adopted an Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) plan! Copies of the plan are available electronically on the USR’s website, at CD copies can be requested by contacting our office, and hardcopies also reside at
the Mt. Shasta, Dunsmuir and McCloud public libraries, as well at the College of the Siskiyous library in Weed,
CA. We are very proud of this accomplishment, and you should be too! We could not complete this long and complicated process without the moral support of our partners and the public at large, and the continual financial support of our members. Thank You!
The River Exchange began participating in the IRWM program in 2009, with our partners at the Mt. Shasta California Trout office, to start public outreach and gain approval of our planning region from the California Department of
Water Resources (DWR). The planning effort is important to our area because DWR requires a completed IRWM
plan in order for entities within a region to qualify for state Proposition 84 funds for water-related projects. The cities of Dunsmuir and Mt. Shasta, as well as the McCloud Community Services District, hope to use the IRWM plan
to become eligible for funds for badly-needed water management improvements. The Regional Water Management Group (RWMG), formed as part of the IRWM planning process, continues to meet regularly to prepare for
the next round of DWR funding.
We thank all the stakeholders, staff and consultants, for their sustained efforts in this important undertaking. Call
our office if you have questions about the IRWM program or REX’s efforts regarding DWR’s IRWM program.
National Forest Foundation
Grant: Building Capacity for
Regional Coordination
As noted above, the IRWM planning process has come to a
successful conclusion. But, there is much more work to be
done in order to help our region secure funding for critical
water-related projects. On behalf of the Regional Water Management Group (RWMG), formed as part of the IRWM planning process, REX recently won a $23,810 grant from the
National Forest Foundation (NFF) to fund continued administrative support to the RWMG for one year.
This grant allows REX to provide overall coordination support
to continue regular meetings to plan for up-coming project
funding opportunities for projects that were included in the
completed IRWM plan. REX is also providing website support and representation at regional conferences and meetings. NFF awarded this grant as part of their 2014 Community Capacity and Land Stewardship Program.
The National Forest Foundation, founded by Congress in
1991, works to conserve, restore and enhance America’s
193-million-acre National Forest System. Through community-based strategies and public-private partnerships, the NFF
helps enhance wildlife habitat, revitalizes wildfire-damaged
landscapes, restores watersheds, and improves recreational
resources for the benefit of all Americans. For more information, visit NFF at
Thank You Volunteers!
Each year, we receive valuable volunteer assistance from many members of the public who believe in watershed health and education. Whether it is helping in the office, or providing support
to an event or educational program, all of our
volunteers make it possible for us to reach more
people, and stretch every dollar you give as far
as possible.
Thank you to our 2013 volunteers: Merle Anderson, Caitlin Bean, Peter Belich, Doug Blackwell,
Jeanette Bouchard, Lynda Hardy, Helen Cartwright, Myrna Dupzyk, Wayne Eng, Brooke
Mejica (Eustis), Jim Flett, Scott Gatewood, Fred
Gordon, Nathan Johnston, Linda O’Rourke, Ally
Sherlock, Nora Silber, and Willow and Juliane
AND...thank you to the mystery decorators, who
bless our copper fish with fresh flowers each
Thank you to our Current Individual Members
Current Individual members are those who have given since January 1, 2013
$1000 + Level
Bruce & Janet Allen
Peggy Berry
Kathy Imwalle
Frank & Nancie Pipgras
Cathy Tait
$500+ Level
Tom & Janet Moran
Gene & Linda O'Rourke
Ann Powers
Chris & Sharon Stromsness
$250+ Level
Mark & Debby Derby
Phil Detrich
Paul Engstrom
Robert & Olivia Hall
Mike Hupp & Linda Roddy
Mike & Miyoung Kleine
Roger Kosel
Dan Olstein & Megan Wargo
Rich & Carol Ponzio
Peter Washington
$125+ Level
Carl & Harriet Alto
Merle & Elizabeth Anderson
Leslie Andrews M.D.
Brenda & Tom Bains
Sam & Kris Baxter
Jerry & Rosemarie Bell
Brad & Beth Best
Brian & Nicole Boer
Steve & Hope Bowles
John & Susan Brennan
Helen Cartwright
Jamie Clark
Richard Conway
Alan Driscoll & Thais Armenta
Lauren Eastman
Cindy & Len Foreman
Clark & Dana Harrison
Alan & Judith Harvey
Kathleen Hitt
Richard & Karen Holmes
Robert Kaster
Curtis Knight
Connie Marmet
Sam McCullagh & Cindy Testa
Patrick Murray
Don Mutch
Bob & Kathleen Polkinghorn
Parker & Phyllis Pollock
Alex & Judith Saldamando
Al & Dorothea Schoenstein
Lynn & Karen Teuscher
Ed & Barbara Valenzuela
Coy & Marijo Welborn
Bill & Paula Young
Elizabeth & Pedro
Robert & Hazel Billings
John Branch
Walter Carrier
Krista Cartwright
Carla & David Chandler
Dave Chandler
Tom & Jan Clifton
Jack & Mary Cook
Christy Corzine &
Nick Dennis
Gary & Janet Crittenden
Barbara Cross
Hon. Wilson Curle
Bob Damschroeder &
Melanie Findling
Pauline Doolittle
Jim Echnoz
Gerry Ellinger
Carol Evans
Bob & Terri Evel&
Deborah Fitzpatrick
Jim Flett
John & Mary Fowler
Dale Stanley & Rebeca
Beth & Dennis Freeman
Robert & Ladona Frost
Stephen Funk
Lila Gardner
Don Gautreaux
Paulette Gooch
Fred Gordon
April Gray & Dana Smitt
Rita Green
Adamine Harms
John & Marguerite Harrell
Andrew & Katie Harris
Andrea Herr & David Clarno
Arleen Hess
Dave Hobbs
Nina Holzer
Cathy & Bob Hutchins
Richard Jenne
Duane & Kay Johnson
Bruce & Ramona Johnston
Sally Jordan
Terry Joyce
John & Christine Kelly
Isobel Cade Krell
Buck & Suzanna Lang
Matthew & Solveig Larson
Matt Lutes & Ally Sherlock
Steve Maiolini
Francis Mangels
$75+ Level
Tom Ames
W.Scott Berry & Coleen
Carla Bisagno
Donna & R&y Boyd
Susie Boyd
Louise Bradford
Judith Austin & Peter Brown
Frank & Helen Cardoza
Kevin & Juliette Charter
Mary & Samuel Chicos
Benita & Neal Clark
Bim Coyle
Jerald & Donna Fikes
Seth & Allison Fitzsimmons
Charles French
Dr. Jack Haling
Lori & John Harch
Deadra Knox
Bob & Diane Madgic
Carol & Victor Medrano
Nancy & Red Modeen
Emily Moller
Mary Patton
Neil & Stephanie Posson
Dave & Christine Reardon
Jack & Linda Runnels
Allison Scull
Bruce Shoemaker
Eschelle Stapp
Tom & Sara Stibi
Rune Stromsness
John Summers
Michael & Lynn Thamer
Mike Wright
John Yen
$74 & Under
Chet Adamick
Cheryl Adan
Spencer Adkisson
Flo Anderson
Roberta Anderson
Anna Andree
George Arabian
Carol & Warren Avery
Steve & Kate Bachmann
Kendra Bainbridge
Janice Ball
Catherine Barash & Bruce
Penny Barnum
Robin Benatti
Charles & Betty Berg
Alan & Ellen Berkowitz
John Berry
Ralph Mannina
Justin Mapula
Bruce Marinese
Norma Marsh
Albert Massucco
William & Sally McClain
Roslyn McCoy
Galen McCray
Charles McDonald
Dennis & Sally McFall
Floyd & Jan Mellon
Steven & Dorie Mellon
William Miesse
Candace Miller
Richard & Rebecca Moore
Noa Morales
Patti Moss
Lance Nishimura
Gilbert Ornelas
Laurie Ottens
Jack & Susan Palmer
Julius & Dianna Pereira
Douglass Peterson
Gary Phillips
Mike Plummer
Beth Rainsford
Jacquie Hagerty & Tom Ravizza
Bill & Beverly Rose
Dennis Sbarbard
Jan Schrag
Chuck Schultz & Gay Leonardi
Pam & Dave Scott
Barbara & Tom Semple
Cindy & Mitch Silva
Robin Singler
Catherine & Danny Smith
Mollie & Matt Smith
Sid & June Smith
Eric Steele
Tom Stokely
Robin Striebel
Carol & David Stringer
Brian Theriot
George & Bonnie Thomas
Dan & Sandra Torquemada
Bill & Barbara Trenam
Peter & Nancy Van Susteren
Michelle Ward
Stuart Ward
James & Bette Waterstreet
Thamar Wherrit
Diane Whitehouse
Flora Wintering
Frank Wong
Vicki Wrobel
A special thanks to those who made an end-of-the-year contribution. Our 2013
Holiday Appeal raised $2,545, which helps support our education programs.
Gifts can be mailed to The River Exchange, P.O. Box 784, Dunsmuir, CA 96025
_____ Other
_____ $250
Thank You!
_____ $125
_____ $75
_____ $35
Supporter Name: ___________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________ The River Exchange is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is taxCity, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________________
deductible as allowed by law.
Email: _________________________________________________________________________
Fed. I.D. #91-1818846
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED
The River Exchange
P.O. Box 784
Dunsmuir, CA 96025