March 2015 Newsletter - Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce
March 2015 Newsletter - Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce
A Monthly Publication of the Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce March 2015 NEW MEMBERS Southwest Fire Pros Cavelletto Law Offices In Shape Fitness K&C Bookkeeping Tax Services Don & Sweet Sues Orkin Pest Control RENEWING MEMBERS New Leaf Catering Palm Springs Kia KW Luxury Homes Crystal Chrysler Westkin Properties, LTD Cathedral City Floral Michaels Café Cello's Bistro Jerlyn Coin Laundry El Revolucionario Mexican Food Bangkok Noodles Elegant Nails Ernie's Barber Shop India Oven Salvation Army Show Girls Palm Springs Unified School District Mission Plaza LLC March 2015 Orion Awards Honors Cathedral City’s Brightest Stars The stars aligned for Cathedral City’s 2015 Orion Awards, held Friday, Feb. 27th at the Agua Caliente Casino Resort and Spa. Eight award categories, 80 nominees - - all nominated by the Chamber Membership, and two special presentations filled the air with excitement, anticipation and thunderous applause and cheers by the 200 guests a9ending the affair. The 2015 Orion Awards honorees are as follows: Volunteer of the Year: Sam Pace, Boys & Girls Club of Cathedral City Non-Profit of the Year (Sponsored by Pacific Premier Bank): Cathedral City High School Jr. Air Force ROTC Man of the Year (Sponsored by Burrtec Waste & Recycling Services): Ted Grofer, Cathedral City Auto Center Woman of the Year (Sponsored by the Jessup Family, Jessup Auto Plaza): Kathleen Jurasky, Palm Springs Cemetery District Restaurant of the Year (Sponsored by So. California Edison): Cello’s Pantry Business of the Year (Forest Lawn Cathedral City): Desert Lexus at the Cathedral City Auto Center Environmental Business of the Year: Burrtec Waste and Recycling Services Small Business Innovator (Sponsored by the Cathedral City Auto Center): Cello’s Pantry Two special recognition awards were presented at the top of the evening. The Chamber congratulated former Cathedral City Mayor Kathleen DeRosa for 22 years of public service; and, to the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians for its generous contribution of $250,000 to the Ramon Rd. Landscaping Project. The Tribe partnered with the City of Cathedral City on the Ramon Road Rehab Project in 2012-2013, a project 20 years in the making, revitalizing he business corridor. The Tribal Council contributed additional funding towards the drought tolerant landscaping, completing the project. The Chamber thanked the Tribal Council for its long partnership with the City and generosity in revitalizing the business district. | 760.328.1213 | Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce | 1 Covered California Enrollment Extended to April 30th Coachella Valley’s Path to Health announced the enrollment period for Covered California is extended to April 30th. Lead Coordinator Juan Antonio Fregoso for the Path to Health initiative, locally, states the effort will continue its outreach answering the community’s enrollment and participation questions. BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman Valerie Ward Burrtec Waste and Recycling Services Vice Chair Todd Hooks Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Secretary Phyllis Mongiello Goble Properties/Perez Road Partners Treasurer Kelli Cox Through the extension period, Path to Health is partnering with local independent brokers, to connect with small business owners and employees that currently do not have health benefits. Path to Health is working with small business owners in assisting employees sign up for Covered California at the work site. Path to Health is a community outreach extension of Desert Regional Medical Center and JFK Memorial Hospitals. For more information on Covered California, call Juan Fregoso at (951) 903-3421. Cathedral City Chamber Note: Your Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce assisted Path to Health’s community outreach efforts, providing access to local churches and places of worship to connect with the working community. Over 63 families have met with Path to Health addressing concerns and answering questions as a result of these presentations. Osborne Rincon DIRECTORS Bonnie Barkley Cello’s Bistro/Cello’s Pantry Lesa Bodnar Coachella Valley Economic Partnership Cary Boisvert Forest Lawn Cathedral City Anna-Marie Frost Time Warner Cable Kelly Halbeisen The Marketing Department Ted Hane UltraStar Mary Pickford Theatre Orie Mann Palm Springs Volvo-Subaru Terry Nelson Windemere Real Estate Stacey R. Wessman Pacific Premier Business Banking STAFF President & CEO Lynn Mallotto Administrative Asst. Paul Clowers 2 | Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce | 760.328.1213 | March 2015 March 2015 | 760.328.1213 | Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce | 3 4 | Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce | 760.328.1213 | March 2015 Port Slowdown Highlights Need for Passage of Trade Promotion Authority Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce Note: Your Chamber of Commerce provided letters to the offices of Sen. Diane Feinstein and Sen. Barbara Boxer, urging all negotiating parties to expeditiously find resolution on this matter. The impasse played a significant challenge nationally, but, also, locally. The Cathedral City Auto Center was impacted – recall parts and import vehicles sat off-shore for nearly three months. The recent port slowdown made headlines across the country and is estimated to have cost the national economy about $2 billion a day. And, no wonder. Recently The Associated Press pointed out, “West Coast seaports handle roughly one-quarter of U.S. international trade, an amount worth about $1 trillion annually.” Clearly, trade is an important engine for economic growth and jobs. With more than 30% of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) tied to international trade and investment and 95% of the world’s March 2015 population abroad, U.S. engagement in the international marketplace is more important to the nation’s economy than ever. That is why CalChamber members are eagerly awaiting passage of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) by the U.S. Congress and the President. Trade Promotion Authority (formerly called fast track trade negotiating authority) is the process by which Congress gives authority to the President and/or U.S. Trade Representative to enter into trade negotiations in order to lower U.S. export barriers. Traditionally, it follows the conclusion of negotiations for a trade agreement; enabling legislation is submitted to Congress for approval. Every President since Franklin Delano Roosevelt has been granted the authority to negotiate market-opening trade agreements in consultation with Congress. In 2002, the landmark Trade Act, H.R. 3009, was signed. This act helped put U.S. businesses, workers and con- sumers back in the game of international trade by granting the President TPA. The Act was extended for two years in August 2005, clearing the way for free trade negotiations to get underway with other countries. Trade Promotion Authority expired in June 2007 and now must be extended by Congress once again. Now is the time for Congress to extend TPA so that the President may negotiate new multilateral, sectoral and regional trade agreements, ensuring that the United States continues to gain access to world markets resulting in an improved economy bolstered by more jobs. Having Trade Promotion Authority will then allow the U.S. to finalize the TransPacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), which will be an agreement of 12 nations on the Pacific Ocean stretching from Japan to Chile, covering 40 percent of the world economy. The agreement would significantly improve U.S. See Port Slowdown Highlights on page 6 | 760.328.1213 | Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce | 5 Port Slowdown Highlights continued from Page 5 companies’ access to the Asia-Pacific region, which is projected to import nearly $10 trillion worth of goods in 2020. A study by the Peterson Institute for International Economics estimates the trade agreement could boost U.S. exports by $124 billion by 2025, gener- ating hundreds of thousands of American jobs. Further, TPA would encourage the continued negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). The United States – European Union is the largest regional trading and investment relationship in the world, with more than $1.5 trillion in goods, services, and income receipts flowing between the U.S. and the EU annually. The TTIP will eliminate tariffs, promote regulatory cooperation, and open up services, investment, and procurement. America’s standing as a world leader depends directly upon our competitive success in the global economy. For over the past half century, the United States has led the world in breaking down barriers to trade and in creating a fairer and freer international trading system based on market economics and the rule of law. Increased market access achieved through trade agreements has played a major role in our nation’s success in exporting. Staff Contact: Susanne Stirling A Personal Thank You from Kathleen Jurasky for the Woman of the Year Orion Award SP 6KRWJXQ6WDUW )RXU0 DQ6FUDP EOH 1RRQ5HJLVWUDWLRQ 3XWWLQJ&RQWHVW 'LQQHU,QFOXGHG 5DIIOH 3UL]HV '$7$6NLOOV86$RUJ '$7$6NLOOV86$#JP DLOFRP $ OOS U R F H H G VE H Q H ILW6N LOOV8 6$ # & & + 6 6 | Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce | 760.328.1213 | Thank you for always having my back @Jeffrey #Loving and Supportive Husband. Most of you know how I always joke about being the last one to ever let you down. Well, Friday night I felt amazingly uplifted! I’m deeply touched, and honored. Thank you. Lynn Mallo9o, you are one of my few SHERO’s, you and your staff are doing an incredible job. The city of Cathedral City is fortunate to have you in its corner. Sue Townsley thanks for nominating me. You Rock! To my Board of Trustees, Staff and Friends, Thank You for your unwavering support. To my awesome family and dear friend, thank you for giving me the strength to do what I do, because without you there is . . . no me! Love you guys. Fondly, Kathleen March 2015 March 2015 | 760.328.1213 | Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce | 7 8 | Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce | 760.328.1213 | March 2015 Women Gaining Leadership In California Legislature Katie Orr In November state Senator Jean Fuller will become Senate Minority Leader. She’ll be the Senate’s first woman Republican leader. And she’ll be joining Democratic Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins and Assembly Minority Leader Kristin Olsen on the "big five," which also includes the governor and the Senate president pro tem. Fuller says she’s looking forward to her new role. "I just think it’s a very exciting time," she says. "I never dreamed it would work out this way. But it’ll be a lot of fun working with these ladies. I know them quite well." Democratic political consultant Robin Swanson says it’s exciting to see an increasing number of women in leadership roles. And she says they’re all skilled politicians. "The women who’ve risen to those positions have had to be really political savvy to do so," she says. "So, it’s not just I’ve done the most work, or I’ve been here the longest. It literally is figuring out who is on your side and who you March 2015 can get to do things." Swanson says having women in prominent legislative roles and running for national office could make 2016 a big year. "I think with the excitement of Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris and women see other women can do this, that hopefully that inspires other women to run for office," she says. Republicans are optimistic as well. Consultant Cassandra Pye says Fuller and Olsen will be assets to the party. "We are about to enter a presidential election year where we are likely to see a very strong women running on the ballot for president," she says. "And it certainly helps the Republican brand to have not just two women at the head of their respective caucuses, but very, very capable, very, very smart (women)." There will be a number of open legislative seats in 2016. It’s seen as a crucial year for people hoping to get more women elected to office. Women currently make up fewer than 30 percent of California state legislators. | 760.328.1213 | Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce | 9 10 | Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce | 760.328.1213 | March 2015 “Cathedral City LGBT Days” Celebrates Diversity on Easter Weekend Come celebrate diversity on Easter Weekend at the Cathedral City LGBT Days, April 3-5, 2015 in Downtown Cathedral City as well as at participating Cathedral City businesses. All non-ticketed events are free and open to the public. Festival activities include an opening night kickoff party at the new Festival Lawn, 68-600 East Palm Canyon Drive, in downtown on Friday, April 3rd from 6 pm – 8 pm with free performances by the Palm Springs Gay Men’s Chorus and Simeon Den’s Dance Troupe. The performances will take place in front of a seven-story Equality Hot Air Balloon. At 10pm, a9endees can dress in costume and enjoy a Rocky Horror Picture Show sing-a-long at the Desert Cinemas UltraMAX Theatre, and from 8 pm to 2 am, explore Cathedral City’s best drinking establishments with a Bunny Bar Hop from AJ’s on the Green, Bontá Restaurant & Bar, Studio One-11 Bar, to The Barracks Bar with free shu9le services courtesy of Fiat of Palm Springs. Raise money for your favorite charity on Saturday morning at 10 am during the Cathedral City LGBT Days’ Costume Charity Bed Race. Teams of five are encouraged to signup now, pick a costume theme, decorate a provided racing bed, step into some racing shoes, and raise money for a charity. Four individuals will push one person si9ing on the bed from the rainbow start line, past City Hall, and end at the finish line on Pickfair Street. Fans and spectators can line-up and cheer on their favorite teams as the whisk by and head to the finish line. Later on Saturday from 1 pm – 5 pm, festival a9endees may choose to view several iconic gay-themed movies and mingle during a mixer at the Mary Pickford Theatre OR splishsplash and soak up the sun at a pool party hosted at CCBC Resort Hotel. On Saturday from 8 pm to midnight, the night begins with a “Studio One-11 Downtown Disco” at City Hall, 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, where music, art and lights merge to create a memorable outdoor dance club experience. Special entertainment will be announced soon. From 10 pm to 2 am, a9endees can jump on the Palm Springs Fiat shu9le and Bunny Bar Hop at local night clubs. And, if 2 am is still too early to call it a night, CCBC Resort Hotel will host an after-hours party until dawn. The fun continues on Easter Sunday with a 10 am Easter Bonnet Stroll & Contest at the Festival Lawn in downtown in front of Bontá Restaurant & Bar. Prizes will be given out according to various festive bonnet categories. At noon, bring the kids for an Easter Egg Hunt at Town Square where colorful eggs will be hidden filled with candy and goodies from local businesses. After enjoying Easter Brunch at AJ’s on the Green, Bontá Restaurant & Bar, or Sunshine Café - Cathedral City LGBT Days wraps up with an official closing party at The Barracks Bar beginning at 1:30 pm with a free BBQ and a list of drink specials. For all festival information, go to or Cathedral Center Hosts Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser April 25 Spaghe9i anyone? The Cathedral Center is hosting a Spaghe9i Dinner and Chance Auction on April 25th and asking the community’s participation in making the event a success. The cost is $10 per person, includes spaghe9i plate with salad, bread and dessert. The fundraiser includes a Chance Auction, Live Auction and a Fund-a-Need effort. . Organizers are asking the assistance of business owners, residents and community leaders, for donations of gift cards, gift baskets, movie tickets, or items that can be paired to make the event a success. Private Dinners for large parties, exclusive Chef's table seating at your restaurant, trips, hotel and destination packages are desired for the Live Auction. The Cathedral Center’s mission is to improve the quality of life for seniors. Our purpose is to assist all seniors, from the active to the homebound, by providing services that channel energy, relieve suffering and protect their health, happiness and well-being. The Cathedral Center is open seven days a week with activities, classes, and special March 2015 events and serves Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, and the entire Coachella Valley. In addition, The Cathedral Center operates a Mobile Food Pantry Program to meet the food needs of the seniors we serve. Overall it's a great place for socialization and for some the only interaction they may have all week. As a 501 (c) (3) Non-profit Senior Center is dependent on grants, fundraising and donations to provide its services to the Senior community. . For information about this event and other programs offered by the Cathedral Center, contact Christina Ladd at or call (760) 3211548 | 760.328.1213 | Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce | 11 PRESORTED STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PALM DESERT, CA PERMIT NO. 069 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, St. A Cathedral City, CA 92234 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Scan to quickly access our website, register for events, read our newsletter and more! • 760.328.1213 • 2015 CATHEDRAL CITY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Mar 2 Mar 4 Mar 4 Mar 5 Mar 8 Mar 11 Mar 11 Mar 11 Mar 11 Mar 12 MARCH 2015 Ribbon Cu9ing at In-Shape Fitness Center, Mission Plaza, 3:30pm. Mar 19 Chamber Power Lunch, Cello’s Bistro, 11:45 am Check-in; 12 noon lunch. Guest speaker is Ellen Goodman, The Foundation-Palm Springs Unified School District. Members $25; Guests $30. Mar 21 Ribbon Cu9ing at R & C Bookkeeping and Tax Service, 11am. Throwback Thursdays with Jersey Shore, 6-9pm, Daylight Savings Begins CVEP Fireside Chat: Empowering Employees, 7:30am, UCR Palm Desert Campus Joint Mixer – Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage & Thousand Palms, 7:30am-9:30am, Cello’s Pantry in Rancho Mirage. Mixer – Thousand Palms Chamber, 5-7:30pm at Goody’s City Council, Cathedral City Civic Center, 4:30pm Study Session; 6:30pm Council Meeting Throwback Thursdays with Jersey Shore, 6-9pm, Mar 19 Mar 24 Mar 25 Mar 31 MARCH 2015 CVEP Renewable Energy Roundtable, 7:30am, UCR Palm Desert Campus Lanzatech: Fracaso Y Exito En Facebook, 6pm, UCR Palm Desert Campus Pet Health and Safety Fair, 9am-12pm, Joint Valley-wide Chamber Mixer at Desert Regional Medical Center, 5-7:30pm City Council, Cathedral City Civic Center, 4:30pm Study Session; 6:30pm Council Meeting Business Start Basics, CVEP/Rabobank Regional Business Center, Palm Springs APRIL 2015 Apr 1 Apr 3-5 Apr 8 Apr 9 Chamber Power Lunch, Cello’s Bistro, 11:45am Check-in; 12 noon lunch. Members $25; Guests $30. Cathedral City LGBT Days, City Council, Cathedral City Civic Center, 4:30pm Study Session; 6:30pm Council Meeting Red & Gold Apple Awards – Honoring Excellence in Education, 6pm, Pickford Theatre. 12 | Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce | 760.328.1213 | March 2015