SUMMER 2013 - Rainbow Omega, Inc.


SUMMER 2013 - Rainbow Omega, Inc.
The Strickland/Stringfellow Intermediate Care Facility
P.O. Box 740
Eastaboga, AL 36260
Contact us at:
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you for
Winter 2011
From the Desk of Stentson Carpenter
Stentson Carpenter
Vance Moore, M.D.
Ron Hubbard
Mary Ann Crump
Michael Adams
Jack Clark
Remelle Orman Davis
Jeff Helms
Lavon Henley
Mona Jenkins, Ph.D.
Jane Mullally
Charles Strickland
Matt Vega, J.D.
Stentson Carpenter
Mike Carpenter
Director of Operations
Carol Paris
Sherry Butler
Medical Services Director
Gail Tillman
Vocational Program Director
Sara Smith
Residential Program Manager
Intermediate Care Facility Program Manager
Mission: To glorify God by ensuring that
adults with developmental disabilities have
a permanent and safe home where their
abilities and potentials are respected and
nurtured in a Christian environment.
Rainbow Omega welcomes Remelle Orman Davis to
the Board of Directors. Mrs. Davis is shown here with
Lt. Gov. Kay Ivey at Open House in May, 2012.
Dr. & Mrs. Bob Adams
Kathryn Goray
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Adams
Kathryn Goray
Jean Bain
Martha Bain Kimbrough
Ann Beasley
Ben & Betty Peete
Cory Benjamin
Ann Dillard
Luke, Meg & Ben Bernstein
Ed King
Shannon Blackwood
Jean Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bluemly
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kyzer, Jr
Adele Broughton
Mike & Sharon Wales, Alan Torrontor
Nan Broughton
Mike & Sharon Wales, Alan Torrontor
Tom & Elizabeth Broughton
Mike & Sharon Wales, Alan Torrontor
Virginia Broughton
Mike & Sharon Wales, Alan Torrontor
Faye Butler
Ann Dillard
Sherry Butler
Ann Dillard
Sherry Carpenter
Ann Dillard
Stentson & Dianne Carpenter
Ann Dillard
Fern Singer
Ken Catalano
Claiborne & Judith Seier
Laura Cofer
James Cofer
Crump “E” House
Mark & Mary Windholtz
Mary Ann Crump
Rod & Valera Johnson
Rex & Carolyn Markham
Lynda Philips
Roy & Shelba Whitley
Laura Cupp
George & Betty Currey
Remelle Davis
John & Sue Sehon
Phillip & Temple DeRoberts
Mary Cooper
Robin N. Edwards, Jr.
Inglenook Lunch Bunch
Dennis & Kellie Pappas
Lloyd & Jane Rotton
Jeri Trimble
Tabby Dillard
Ben Atkinson Motors, Inc.
Ann Dillard
Bruce Dolen, Phil & Pat Duke
Patricia Wallis
Mr. & Mrs. Marlin Dyess
Kathryn Goray
Eastern Meadows Church of Christ
Sam & Cindy Dendy
Mr. & Mrs. Walkter Forrister
Julie Altenbach
Joe French
Algonquins Study Club
Sam & Marianne Blackwell
Walt & Jean Phillips
George & Margaret Fritsma,
John Giddens
Teri Fritsma
Joseph & Betty Glenn
Jean Finney
Jerry & Mary Goode
Daniel & Anne Ridinger
Bingham, Amanda & Suzie Graves
Ed King
Brice & Lisa Graves
Ed King
Jenny Graves
Ed King
John & Kim Graves
Ed King
Gerald Grizzard
Mary Ann Crump
Jeff Harris
Paul & Rhonda Cannon
Rick Harris
Matthew Harris
Carolyn Martin
Christie Hatz
Ann Dillard
Jeff, Laurie & Annie Helms
Thomas & Laura Cauthen
Jamie Creamer
Debra Davis
Jeff & Laurie Helms
Brian & LeMitchell
Lynn Henley
Lavon & Virginia Henley
Van Henley
Lavon & Virginia Henley
The Hixson Family
Mickey & Sue Hixson
Dr. Julie Hixson-Wallace
Rodney Holland
Justin Holt
Mary Parsons
Juanita Schierle
Dr. & Mrs. William Hughes
Kathryn Goray
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Klein
Julie Altenbach
John Key
E.C. & Mattie Wilson
Kirk Klotz
Thomas Goodson
Mr. & Mrs. Alton Long
Susan Womack
Margaret Long
Benjamin Curtis
Mack & Bettie Lovering
Gary & Karen McMahan
Justice & Mrs. Hugh Maddox
Kathryn Goray
Rebecca Maddox
Pamela Voss
Pat Marchal
Ann Dillard
Konan, Kara, Lillie & Ian Marino
Ed King
Mr. & Mrs. Tom McGregor
Kathryn Goray
Jim McKnight
Ruth Papazian
Jude & Carolyn Mefford
Ann Dillard
Kathryn Meriwether
Kathryn Goray
Jane Sims
Geraldine Mitchell
Henry & Loydean Herren
Shelly Moody
Lee & Janice Cash
Carolyn Osborn
Bill & Ann Lambert
WMU Whitfield Memorial UMC
Vance & Laura Moore
Rodney & Linda Barker
Stentson & Dianne Carpenter
Brooks & Beth Clark
Mary Ann Crump
Fran Johnson
Rod & Valera Johnson
Sheri, Tain & Carlton Kell
Samuel & Mary Monk
Alex & Elaine Overstreet
Jim & Sandi Robinson
Mrs. A.L. Morrison
Kathryn Goray
Kel Mossburg
Mr. & Mrs. Armstead Hayes
Moulton Church of Christ
Sam & Cindy Dendy
Bette Musgrove
Julie Altenbach
Daniel & Kathrine Newsome
Dan & Vicki Newsome
Mickey Payer
Mr. &Mrs. Gene Paul King
Rainbow Omega, Inc.
Avant Group
Dr. & Mrs. Leon Renaud
Stephen & Elizabeth Pryor
Rainbow Omega Residents
Gordon & Anna Williamson
Rainbow Omega Voc. Dept.
Max & Margaret Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Reeves
Julie Altenbach
Jennifer Renaud
Morgan & Ruth James
Eugene and Ann Richmond
Jane Wilson
Julie Riser
Raymond & Doris Emmerson
Riser Family Cousins
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Russell
Julie Altenbach
Jimmy Shikle
W.H. and Betty Shikle
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Smith
Julie Altenbach
John Stewart
Gene Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Burke Sylvest
Kathryn Goray
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Thomas
Julie Altenbach
Alan Torrontor
David Anthony
Buddy & Janis Couch
Lindsay Vinsant
Summer Howell
Brittany Walsh
Carol Keever
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Wells
Kathryn Goray
Tony White
Ann Dillard
Darren Williams
Tommy & Sue Horton
Tommy & Carol Laney
Bobby & Reba Wood
Ed & Annette Prince
Paul, Sarah & Brice Vicaino
Ed King
Chester Young
Roberta Young
Rainbow Omega welcomes your inkind donations! We currently have
need of the these items:
 Towels
 wash cloths
 dish cloths
 dish towels
 vacuum cleaners
 mattress covers (twin,
twin X-Long, queen)
 flatware
Board of Directors
If you have questions about donating
items, please contact Dianne Carpenter at
256.831.0919 ext. 227.
We have a wish list
Items bought from
their website can be
sent directly to us!
You choose if you want your name on the
donation or make it anonymous. Click on
"Gift and Wish Lists" at the top of their home
page, on the right side of next page you will
see "Find Wish Lists and Registries"-type
in Rainbow Omega!
In-Kind Donations received November 1, 2012 — April 30, 2013
American Cast Iron Pipe Company— five pieces of pipe
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints — bleach, toilet tissue, washing powders
Dave Bolt — moving sliders
Dan Brown — 100 pancake breakfast tickets
Jeannie Allen — puzzles, coloring books, pencils, pens
Amanda, Doug & Brooklyn Cannon — gift cards for R House to eat out
Horace & Barbara Carson, Tina Nichols, Bobby Miller Family — bed pans, disposable briefs, towelettes, cream
Denis & Virginia Catalano — spices and spice rack for E House
Remelle Davis — food items and paper products
Sharrell Dorsey — pancake dinner tickets
Partha & Mahua Ghosh — storage bags and bowls
Glencoe Church of Christ — dishes, hand soap (liquid & bar), briefs, socks , hand wipes, sanitizing wipes, tissues,
t-shirts, lotion, shampoo/conditioner, sewing machine cabinet
Golden Springs Baptist Church — storage containers, white wash cloths & towels, queen sheets
Jesse & Evelyn Hillyer — hydraulic salon chair
Phillip Marlar — Corelle dishes, twin sheet sets, quilted mattress pad
Vivian Holmes — new & used clothing
Grant & Marcia Nicolai — 37” HDTV for F house
Matthew Phillips — pillows, hand towels
James & Freida Pruitt — spice rack with spices, bath towels and washcloths.
Walter & Betty Reid — rubbing alcohol, bandages, lip balm, pain reliever, cleansing wipes, deodorant, hand sanitizer, bottled water, corn, rice, surgical dressing, first-aid tape, sponge dressing, flexible dressing, adhesive dressing, toothpaste
Theresa Russell — 55” Sony TV w/ replacement bulbs
Charlotte Shain — two rocking chairs
South Cobb Church of Christ — bath towels, hand towels, washcloths
Tucker Family/Horace Carson — two wheelchairs, walker and extra set of wheelchair tires
These donations in memory and honor of friends were received
November 1, 2012 — April 30, 2013
Bill Adair
Doyle & Mary Springer
Will Alexander
Randy & Lynda Hairston
Michael & Nina Payer
Dot Anderson
Sam & Margaret Eads
Loretta “Lou” Anderson
Larry & Mary Jo Hoffman
Phil Anderson
Phyllis Anderson
Lonniel Warren “L.W.” Bain
Martha Bain Kimbrough
Rubye Stripling Ball
Murle Jaynes
Neal Ballard
Max & Lauretta Payne
Eugenia Barker
Helen Reinhardt
Lora Bankston
Mary Bankston
James & Marion Bryant
Patricia Cagle
Billy Ray & Marilyn Clanton
Betty DeLee
Art & Dianne Goulas
Marsha Grant
David & Teresa Hare
Kay Kolb
Leopold & Emily Lee
Mack & Bettie Lovering
William & Beth Meadows
Elaine Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Pearson
Ralph & Mable Perry
Beau Barnett
Carrie Springer
Alice Lee Bass
Sam & Cindy Dendy
Nancy Newman Bennett
Max & Lolly Payne
Ressie Jo Bert
Ella Moore
Hollis Birdwell
Harvest Church of Christ
June Fortenberry & Family
Sherry Boatright
Dan & Nita Honea
Ralph & Betty Bolt
Robert & Alice Guyton
Ed Bondurant
Heritage Place Church of
Frank Bowers
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Cash
Eclectic Middle School
Theresa Jones
Carol & Mike Malandro
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Russell
Leon & LaRose Willis
Bertha Wood
Bob & Marcia Wood
Dempsey Boyd
Doyle & Mary Springer
Hazel Bragg
Ralph & Marie Chambers
Charles Brown
Ralph & Marie Chambers
Martha Brown
Richard Falls
Kali Burgess
Mr. & Mrs. Don Burgess
Jamey Brumley
Billy Roy & Deborah Box
Stacy Burrell
Carolyn Jenkins
Laura Busby
Bill & Nell Turner
John Hosea Butler
Bobby & Patsy Owens
Samuel M. Carr
Bobby & Patsy Owens
Warren Carr
Doyle & Mary Springer
Merle Chandler
Doyle & Mary Springer
R.G. Christmas
Bill & Roberta Majoney
Willie Belle Clegg
Max & Lauretta Payne
Jim Cleveland
Joyce Cleveland
Lottie Cohron
Sharon Wales
Mike Colburn
Paul & Susan Kelly
Martha Cooper
Nancy Cooper
Becky Fort
Homewood Church of
Christ Connect Group
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith
Sid Counselman
Michael & Nina Payer
Carney Crick
Carolyn Crick
Doris Crowley
Penny Barcroft
Birmingham Drafting, Inc.
Ray & Gail Brunner
Anna Chabert
Robert & Bobbie Crowley
Steve & Shirley Estill
Elizabeth Holland
Curtis & Linda Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Maddox
Thomas Maddox Family
Redus & Bobbie Morris
Henry & Connie Parker
Margaret S. Parrish
Billy & Bette Shikle
John & Mary Smith
Lucynda Smith
West B’ham Christian School
Robert Crump
Rex & Carolyn Markham
George Daniel
Doris Daniel
Mr. & Mrs. Roy C. Daniel
Helen Reinhardt
Leo Davis
Bobby & Janie Hardy
Charles & Lanai Harris
Leon & LaRose Willis
Willie Kate Dean
Sam & Cindy Dendy
Lavon & Virginia Henley
Ted Deavors
John & Mary Smith
Clifford DePriest
Doyle & Mary Springer
Matthew Derrick
Billy Ray & Marilyn Clanton
Benton & Vanessa Derrick
Kenneth & Martha Glenn
Katherine Jones
Paul Dolan
Phil & Pat Duke,
Bruce Dolan
Leo Dollahite
Mary Ann Crump
Rubye N. Duke
Family of C.W. Duke
Jimmy Dykes
Clifford Dykes
Michael & Heather Dykes
Doris Edwards
Robin N. Edwards, Jr.
Myrtice Eldridge
Doyle & Mary Springer
Joe Ellis
Mary Jean Philyaw
Alma Evans
Doyle & Mary Springer
Gary Falkner
Carter & Diane Gable
Robert “Bob” Finney
Frank & Julie Young
Ruth Emmons Flippo
Regency Church of Christ
Willie & Denver Freeman
Michael & Nina Payer
Snizzle Fritz
Sam & Cindy Dendy
Sarah Funderburk
Doyle & Mary Springer
Turner Gibson
Ralph & Marie Chambers
Pearl Glass
Helen Reinhardt
Bobby Golden
Tina Quarles
Nell Golden
Jon Golden
Marion Graham
Penny Barcroft
Bill Guthrie
Peggy Williams Roger
Dolly Hagler
Sam & Cindy Dendy
Annie Ruth May Hale
Bo Hale
Billy Ralph Hammock
Ann Dillard
Sidney Hancock
Waymon & Ann Wren
Ella Handley
Annabelle Chabert
Linda Harbour
Gerald & Betty Duke
Francis & Greanville
Nancy Schear
Paul Haynes
Mary Ann Crump
Philip E. Holladay
Eleanor Holladay
Wayne Hulgan
Blaine & Brenda Cornett
Bobbie Humphries
Fran Johnson
Vance & Laura Moore
Kenneth Jackson
Nelda Windham
Jocelyn James
Bobby & Janie Hardy
Jerry Jenkins
Teresa Bolin
Delmer Johnson
Ralph & Mable Perry
Mary Nell Johnson
Mary Ann Crump
Martha Ann Keeton
Dorothy Birdwell
Ozema Kelley
Nelda Windham
Kevin Kuykendall
Charles & Diane Patterson
Roberta Ledbetter
Robert & Vilas Woolfolk
Roy Lee Ledbetter
Martha Kimbrough
Inez Lerner
Robin N. Edwards, Jr.
Ed Lewis
Roebuck Parkway
Church of Christ
Irene Lindsey
Bruce & Sue Stroud
Larry Livingston
Chris & Donna Hyche
Ed & Jane Spivey
Jack Long
Nell Bozeman
Herman Lowery
Eulene Lowery
Eulene Maddox
Vance & Laura Moore
J.W. Maness
Ralph & Mable Perry
Rex Markham
Mary Ann Crump
Merve Finch
Justin & Arielle Hughes
Vance & Laura Moore
Bernice McAlpine
Brad Hendrix
Sandy D. McGill
Lavon & Virginia Henley
Cindy Meeker
Roger & Mandy Myers
Margy Miller
Dwight & Edith Hood
Earnest Mitchell
Henry & Loydean Herren
James Mitchell
Larry & Mary Jo Huffman
Anna Mizzell
James & Sandi Robinson
Dean Moberly
Doyle & Mary Springer
Leila Moore
Paul & Paula Moore
Jeffrey Morton
Jimmy & Sandra Morton
Mary Myers
Mitch & Martha Grubb
Mr. & Mrs. F.C. Newsome
Daniel Newsome
James Edward “Eddie”
Elise Nichols
Tom & Margaret Ogle
Becky Fort
Gaylord Orman & Joni
Thomas & Faye Black
Janice Maddox Ordway
Thomas Maddox Family
Donnette Owens
Doris Daniel
Marky Goetz Pace
Roger & Mandy Myers
Ben Paul Parker
Michael & Nina Payer
Frankie Patton
Lee & Lindsay Ascherman
Lynn Bledsoe
Sid & Melissa Burgess
Zuomin Chen
Timothy Ferrell
Patricia Fitzsimmons
Eric Hanover
Christine Hoffmann
Frank & Jane Patton
Susan Rathmell
Jeanette Reid
William Ryan
Ray & Norma Thweatt
Tom, Jenny, Samantha,
& David Watt
Linda Walden
Mike & Marie Payer
Michael & Nina Payer
Myra Penderson
Bill & Jean Weaver
Joe & Jean Phagan
Buster Walker
Bobby Phifer
Ray & Gail Brunner
Charles & Evelyn Cotwell
Judge & Mrs. Foy Guin, Jr.
Margaret S. Parrish
Elsie Phifer
Joe & Ruby Pruett
John & Sue Sehon
Don & Sue Smith
Lucynda Smith
Don & Dot Willoughby
Thomas & Charlotte Wilson
Kathryn Wingard
Pam Phillips
Kenneth & Rhonda Mason
Janet Leigh Plummer
Howard & Ruth Blazer
Ben Proctor
David Proctor
J. Woodrow & Sue Porter
Jeff & Necia Porter
Erlene Powell
Dean Fuqua
Kenny Qualls
Norman & Velda Pizitz
Geneva Risko
Perry & Judy Baker
Charlotte Justice
Melba Robbins Raines
Dorothy Reagh
Judy Renaham
Ralph & Marie Chambers
Steve Robertson
Shirley Looser
Karen and Stacy Robinson
Dalen Livingston
Ricky Robinson
Ralph & Mable Perry
Patsy Russell
Roger & Mandy Myers
Helen Marie Sargent
Carl & Joyce Cheatham
Julie Scrushy
Sam & Cindy Dendy
Sybil Sehon
Judge & Mrs. J. Foy Guin, Jr.
John & Mary Smith
Lucynda Smith
Palisades Church of Christ
Bernice Sellers
Sam & Cindy Dendy
Howard Sevann
Ralph & Marie Chambers
Thelma Shake
Mary Ann Crump
Velma Shake
Billy & Peggy King
Ruth Shatfield
Doyle & Mary Springer
Melba Simons
Ralph & Marie Chambers
Dan Smith
John Meadows
Ernest & Marjorie Sumner
Eleanor Smith
Regency Church of Christ
Flo Smith
Bill & Nell Turner
Harold “Huck” Smith
Nelda Windham
Jeanett Smith
Helen Reinhardt
Lecil Smith
Eastern Meadows Church of Christ
R.C. Snider
Pam McKenzie
Louise South
A.J. & Margaret Gray
Bill Springer
Edgar and Myrtle Norman
Doyle & Mary Springer
John Mark Stallings
Teresa Bolin
Doris Stanford
Becky Crump
Jerry Stephens
Ralph & Marie Chambers
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sterry
Daniel Newsome
Jean Stisher
Michael & Nina Payer
Alan Strickland
Mildred Newman
Jimmy Stuckey
Jonathan Martin
Howard Swann
Ralph & Marie Chambers
Geraldine Taylor
Scenic Hills Church of Christ
Bob Travis
Dan & Glenda Kirby
Rob Travis
Archie and Geneele Crenshaw
Jean Finney
Dan & Glenda Kirby
David & Nancy Langhans
Porter & Virginia McKay
E.B. & Joyce Tomblin
Richard Torrontor
Ronna & Bruce Kois
Alan Torrontor
Mike & Sharon Wales
Bobby Tucker
Doris Tucker
B.S. “Pee Wee” Turner
“Life Class” of Parker
Memorial Baptist Church
Judy Patterson
Max & Lauretta Payne
Presephone Garden Club
Billy Vaughn
Michael & Nina Payer
Ettore Vendemmia
Craig & Cinda Hansen
Victims of Abortion
Jean Bain
Joyce Vinsant
Susan Freeman
Nita Virgin
Becky Jones
Charlotte Ward
Evelyn Daniel
Pie Weatherway
Sam & Cindy Dendy
Kathy Webster
John L. Walton, III
Regina Webster
Alice Smith
Linda Weeks
Bertha Bell
Harry & Mary Slaughter
Tava Welch
Nelda Windham
Lowell White
Max & Lauretta Payne
Russell Yarborough, Sr.
Geraldine Mitchell
Frank Young
Chester Young
Roberta Young
Philip Young
Ben Atkinson Motors, Inc.
Chester Young
Robert Young
Roberta Young
Community Foundation Presents Check
Rainbow Omega received a grant for $250,000 from the George & Louise
Ritch Designated Endowment Fund with the Community Foundation of
Northeast Alabama. This grant provided funding to help renovate the existing Strickland/Stringfellow home to a medical facility.
Built in 1999, the home was named the Strickland/Stringfellow home having received a $100,000 construction grant from the Susie Parker Stringfellow Health Fund of the Community Foundation. Now named Strickland/
Stringfellow Medical Facility, the home went from eight residents to ten
and a full time nursing staff to provide 24-hour care.
As a community foundation, the Community Foundation of Northeast Alabama uses donor gifts to grow funds that benefit the community forever. A
few years ago, George and Louise Ritch, well known pharmacy owners in
the Mountain Brook area of Birmingham, worked with the foundation to
establish an endowment fund that would support the work of Rainbow
Jennifer Maddox, President and CEO of The Community Omega and Ritch House, the home for their granddaughter, Alison. Today,
Foundation of Northeast Alabama, presents a check to their legacy is carried out. Alison is pictured on the back row, third from the
Stentson Carpenter. They are surrounded by residents of S/S
House and other members of the foundation.
The Community Foundation of Northeast Alabama is located at 1130 Quintard Avenue, Suite 100 in Anniston, Alabama. For more
information on establishing an endowment fund, contact them at PO Box 1816, Anniston, AL 36202 or call their office (256)2315160. Learn more at their website:
Re-purposing at Rainbow Omega
The recent conversion of Strickland/Stringfellow House to the Strickland/Stringfellow Intermediate Care Facility has been long awaited.
With many residents needing full time medical care, the house went
through a renovation. Two resident rooms were added and a nursing
station. The S/S ICF has an around the clock nursing staff. This project
was possible because of grants and private donations. Rainbow Omega
appreciates everyone who contributed.
The Hendrickson Vocation Center is now the Hendrickson Activity Center. This is an areas
were residents can be brought in to engage in developmental activities and receive physical
therapy. It can also be used for group meetings and recreation. In the photo to the left,
Matthew enjoys some “mat time.” Below the multi-function area is set up for a meeting space
and on another day, ICF residents are participating in activities.
Atlanta Dinner
Huntsville Dinner
Davidson Center for Space Exploration
Thursday, October 3
The 12th Annual Atlanta Fundraising Dinner was Thursday, April
11 at the Hilton Atlanta Northwest. The stormy weather put a
damper on the attendance but it was still a good event raising over
Dewey Bozella, 2011 recipient of the Arthur Ash Courage Award,
shared the story of his 26 year incarceration for a crime he did not
commit. He was exonerated, released and now shares his story of
courage and forgiveness.
Mr. Bozella (center) is show in the picture on the left with Rainbow
Omega Residents, Chase Whitley and Gene Patrick.
Birmingham Dinner
Dr. Ben Carson
Renowned Pediatric Neurosurgeon, inspiring storyteller
and New York Times Best Selling author, Dr. Benjamin
Carson now serves as Professor Emeritus of Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University. In addition to his TV
media appearances, Carson writes a weekly opinion
column for The Washington Times.
The 21st Annual Birmingham Dinner rose to the occasion as a “Celebration of Hope.” This
year, instead of a keynote speaker, we had a program bringing the past and present together
with a glimpse at the future of Rainbow Omega. Dr. Vance Moore, Vice-President of the ROI
Board, shared exciting news about the conversion of the Strickland/Stringfellow house into a
second intermediate care facility.
Chris Kyker with Dianne & Stentson
He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian
award in the United States, by President George W. Bush in 2008.
For sponsorship and ticket information:
Rainbow Omega Facebook page
or call 256 831-0919
An excited John Southerland, ROI Resident, spoke from his
heart of how from the first day he arrived, he has felt a
sense of family, he has made so many friends and
loves being here. His comments touched everyone
and they responded with a standing ovation.
“At Rainbow
Mike Oatridge, Vice-President of Honda Manu- Omega—we
are family”
facturing of Alabama, who had recently toured Rainbow Omega, complemented the
vocational program on the outstanding job they do packaging the owner’s manual kits
for every car that comes off the line in Lincoln. He commented that Rainbow Omega’s work can
be found in Honda vehicles all over the world.
ROI Resident, Jared King captured the crowd’s attention by preforming “A Dream Is A Wish
Your Heart Makes” on the piano. Jared began music therapy by taking piano
lessons about ten years ago. Videos of Jared can be seen on YouTube by typing in his name followed by the words “autistic piano.”
Jared King,
The closing speaker for the evening was Chris Kyker, Rainbow Omega Consultant, who gave a history of the beginning stages of Rainbow Omega. When
Wish Your
searching for information on how to start, Stentson Carpenter flew out to AbiHeart Makes”
lene, TX to consult with Mrs. Kyker. She gave him three things to do and
thought she wouldn’t hear back from him, but six weeks later, he called and
said he had done the three things, now what! That began a relationship and
put mortar to the dream that is now Rainbow Omega! At 88 years young, Kyker is an advocate for senior adults and the developmentally disabled.
“A Dream Is A
Over $65,000 was raised at the dinner. Thank you to everyone who attended and gave.
In Memory...
Monday, May 6, 2013 at Stringfellow
Hospital in Anniston. He was born
September 15, 1956 in Jackson, Mississippi, and was a longtime resident
of Auburn and more recently the
Rainbow Omega Intermediate Care
Facility. He is survived by his mother,
Roberta Young of Auburn; brother,
Frank Chester Young of Denver, Colorado; two nieces, Heather Young of
Brooklyn, NY, and Helen (Ricado) 9/15/1956—5/6/2013
Carmona of Emeryville, California.
Philip is remembered as a jokester. Anyone he could play a
joke on he would and laugh to no end. He was a die hard
Auburn fan and an avid wrestling fan. For as long as his mind
allowed him, he was a dear and true friend to many, especially John Stewart.
Bill Jones, our oldest resident, turned 88 years young on February 25. “Uncle
Bill” has been at Rainbow Omega since 2002.