Board Packet - Providence Hall
Board Packet - Providence Hall
Providence*Hall*Board*of*Trustees*Minutes Tuesday,**March*8th,*2016 Public*Session*from*3:30pm Location:**Providence*Hall*High*School*Library**********Address:**4557W*Patriot*Ridge*Dr.,*Herriman,*UT**84096 In*compliance*with*the*Utah*State*Open*and*Public*Meetings*Act,*this*is*a*meeting*for*the*Board*of*Trustees*to* openly*take*action*and*conduct*deliberations*regarding*Providence*Hall*business.**As*a*courtesy,*please*step* outside*with*noisy*children*or*to*talk*amongst*yourselves*in*order*to*maintain*a*quite*atmosphere*for*the*meeting* and*the*recording.**The*Board*reserves*the*right*to*take*action*on*any*agenda*item.**The*board*also*reserves*the* right*to*go*into*closed*session*in*compliance*with*Utah*State*Law*54V4V204,*205,*&*206. Agenda*Item Call*to*Order/Roll*Call Consent*Agenda: •**Approval*of*minutes* Public*Comment*Period Presentor Board* President:* Sonya* Peterson Board*of* Trustees Public* Attendees:* Laura* Woodruff Materials/Notes Further* Action Called*to*session*at*3:35*pm.*Anne*Henrie,*Justin*Calapp,* Melanie*Kigndom,*Burgandi*Keddington,*Sonya*Peterson,* David*Vaas,*Krystal*James,*Sierra*Hansen,*James*Endrizzi. Feb*11th*BOT*min*have*been*approved*with*the*following* adjustments*that*Justin*brought*to*the*Boards*attention:*In* December*financials*the*board*requested*transactions* namely*Nicolas*&*Company*transaction*date*12V15V15,* Bruce*Watson*enterprises*transaction*date*12V8V15,* General*Ledger*entry*of*PVCards*transactions*for*month*of* December*2015*which*Beverly*provided*all*supporting* documents.*Checklist*for*onboarding*to*be*placed*in*pkt. Checklist* for* onboarding* to*be* provided* next*Board* Meeting. Laura*mentioned*her*son*fundraised*money*for*a*trip*to* disneyland,*he*moved*schools*and*she*was*wondering* about*the*money*he*raised*if*the*school*would*release*the* funds*to*them*for*his*drumming. Fundraising* policy*on* next*Board* Meeting.* April*7th. Charter*Changes Land*Trust Committees Sierra* Hansen Sierra*spoke*to*Kim*and*Kim*brought*up*a*good*point*that* programs*continually*change*as*curriculum*is*updated,*so* we*don't*want*to*keep*updating*it*all*the*time.*Max*said* there*is*value*in*not*having*to*go*back*to*the*state*and* amend*every*little*change*that*you*do*in*your*school* program.*Erica*mentioned*that*when*they*reached*out*to* Marilies*as*long*as*our*charter*was*still*within*the*Vision* and*Mission*of*our*charter*that*it*did*not*matter*about*the* specifics*of*the*program*like*adding*chinese*because*it*is*a* foreign*language.*Sonya*expressed*that*there*are*things*in* the*charter*that*need*updating.* Erica*to* send* electronic* copy*of* charter*to* Sierra. Brian*Fauver Sonya*entertained*a*motion*for*the*projected*use*of*Land* Trust*Money.*It*was*approved. Board*assignments*on*committees:*Curriculum*&*Pedagogy* Sterling* =*Sierra,*Marketing*=*Sonya,*Health,*Safety*&*Facilities*=* Scholar*will* Melanie,*Finance*(Grants*&*Sponsership)*=*Sierra*&*David,* be*reported* Leadership*&*purpose*=*Justin,*PHAST*=*Burgandi,*Extra* on*in* Curriculum*=*Melanie*&*Burgandi,*Benefits*&*Audit* School* Committee*=*James.*Nate*spoke*about*Sterling*Scholar*and* Updates*by* accreditation.*Sonya*expressed*that*Committees*born*in*a* Principals. board*meeting*by*the*board*that*committee*needs*to*be* treated*like*PHAST*,*Health*&*Safety,*Board*can*specify*who* makes*up*the*committee*but*does*not*need*to*be*on*it.* Max*suggested*it*is*a*great*idea*to*have*1*or*2*board* members*on*a*benefits*committee.*Benefits*Committee* was*created*with*James*as*Board*member*with*employees* &*charter*solutions*group,*Sonya*made*a*motion,*David*2nd* it*and*all*in*favor.*Audit*Committee*was*formed*with*David,* James*&*Ann*as*Board*members,*motion*made*by*Sonya* and*2nd*by*Burgandi*all*in*favor. Business*Management: January*Financials*/Budget* Revision *Beverly* Ledward Beverly*reported*on*January*Financials.*James*questioned*what*was* Stratus*Building*Solutions*under*Dispersment*summary,*Beverly* mentioned*it's*our*cleaning*company.*Justin*had*aquestion*on*pg*4*line* item*131*SPED,*wanting*to*now*if*we*received*more*money*than*was* anticipated,*Bev*said*it*was*SPED*extended*which*is*a*different* program*they*added*another*revenue*item*line*since*this*budget*for* intensive*services*got*more*than*originally*budgeted*for,*Justin*asked* about*Line*46*which*was*the*same*reason*as*SPED.*Sonya*asked*about* Liquor*money,*we*get*our*big*one*in*July.*Justin*asked*about*line*203* and*that*it*is*over*100%,*Bev*explained*that*it*was*textbooks*from* Elementary*that*they*are*trying*to*get*credit*for,*no*more*budget* there.*Fundraising*Policy*was*discussed*and*Board*members* deliberated*on*whether*or*not*to*go*against*fundraising*policy*which* reads,"*All*money*raised*through*fundraising*is*for*school*sponsored* activities*are*considered*public*funds,*this*includes*all*donations*to*the* school*regardless*of*whether*or*not*such*donations*are*part*of*any* fundraising,*activity*or*event.*Justin*pointed*out*that*according*to*our* fundraising*policy*money*raised*through*fundraising*is*public*funds* and*placed*in*a*general*category*of*revenue*009*and*to*extract*it*out* would*be*to*identify*that*person*individually*and*it*could*create*a* precident*or*problem*with*other*refunds*on*fundraising*activities.* Board*decided*present*fundraing*policy*at*next*BOT*meeting*and* decide*how*to*present*it*to*parents*to*understand*with*them*signing*it* to*prevent*this*from*happening*again.*Burgandi*made*a*motion*to* refund*$405*from*Public*Entity*PH*to*Public*Entity*Herriman*High*for* Brandon*Woodward:*in*favor*was*Ann*Henrie,*Sonya*Peterson,* Burgandi*Keddington,*Krystal*James*&*Sierra*Hansen.*Nai's*were*Justin* Calapp,*David*Vaas,*Melanie*Kingdom*&*James*Endrizzi.*Vote*passed*in* favor.*Motion*to*adjust*consolidated*budget*and*was*approved. Phast*Update: Burgandi* No*Questions*on*Submission. Keddington Junior*High*Update: Brian* Brian*touched*base*on*extension*to*JH,*looking*at*every* Update* Fauver/Erica* option.*Sahara's*potential*cost*would*be*to*extend*both* Board*on* Hancock Hall*ways*and*would*give*12*classrooms*@*a*cost*of*1.4*mil,* Enrollment. Next*step*to*fund*it*by*going*to*businesses.*Durantion*4V5* months*for*2017V2018.*Registration*V*Enrollment*V*265*=8th* grade,*260*=*7th*grade,*6th*=*275.* *High*School*Update: *Nate* Marshall/* Melissa* McPhail Elementary*Update: Jodi* Burgandi*asked*questions*about*Daddy*and*Daughter* Lusty/Kim* dance*and*to*communicate*that*out*to*parents.*New* Anderson curriculum*that*needs*to*purchase*.*Sierra*asked*Kim*for* Written*Curriculum.*Enrollment=down*4*students.*825 Operations*Update: Closed*Session:*end*at*5:58* pm •**Vote Nate*gave*an*update*on*concurrent*classes*offerings*for* Additional* next*year,*Parent*feedback*was*positive.Sonya*asked*if*this** Marketing* puts*us*outside*our*charter,*Nate*responded*with*he*does* for* not*think*so*as*we*are*still*a*IB*school.*Justin's*asked*how* concurrent* are*we*advertizing*this*to*our*community*that*does*not*go* classes*V* to*the*school,*Nate*mentioned*Direct*Mailers*and*possibly* Mike*V* other*resources*like*our*Website,*Enrollment=*550*does* Place*on* not*include*waitlist.*Nate*will*give*more*enrollment* website. numbers*once*they*have*numbers.IB*Accreditation*March* 20,*April*20th*&*21st*Board*needs*to*be*available Mike*Walters David*asked*a*question*on*the*SBV38*Bill*and*what*that* amount*was?*Lincoln*sent*it*out*about*$300/$400*per* student.*71*won*the*house. Board*of* Trustees Sonya*entertained*a*motion*to*close*open*session.*Anne* Henrie*2nd*and*all*in*Favor.* was*going* to*send* new*hire* checklist. • • • • • • • • © • • • • • • © - 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 2,020 2,030 2,040 2,050 0.00% 200.00% 400.00% 1 Year Ago 67.50% Now 67.38% Now 2,031 1 Year Ago 71.98% Now 66.02% Other Services Supplies & Materials Expenses By Type As of FEBRUARY 29, 2016 Percentage of Expenditure Budget Used 2 Years Ago 228.94% Property Services 0.00% 100.00% 200.00% 300.00% Percentage of Expenditure Budget 80 2 Years Ago 1 Year Ago Now Property & Equipment Local Revenue State Revenue Federal Revenue Total Revenues Other Expenses 2 Years Ago 1 Year Ago Now 2 Years Ago 1 Year Ago 226 296 3893 4,077 38 58 19873 4,430 Now 395 4,214 123 4,732 Wages and Benefits Now 87 REVENUE PER STUDENT (By Funding Source) 2,000,000 4,000,000 -30 Days Days Cash on Hand 82 Wages and Benefits -60 Days 6,000,000 60 80 100 Days Cash on Hand (Show the days the school can continue operations based on average daily expenditures) AIM UP! for Charter School Success Accountability * Improvement * Monitoring * Understanding * Peace of Mind Professional Services Enrollment by Month -30 Days 2,040 Wages and Benefits -60 Days 2,039 Enrollment by Month Percentage of Revenues Budget Used 2 Years Ago 334.95% Percentage of Revenue Budget Monthly SCOREBOARD Annual Charter School Scoreboard Action Items 061 Title II Reimbursement 133 Kelly Services - substitute teachers 176 IB Exam mailing expense 060 Title I Reimbursement - PH Lunch Program The Lunch Program is one Fund, and for reporting purposes is included in the HIGH SCHOOL columns. - PHAST PHAST income and expenses are also all recorded under the High School. Feb-16 Jan-16 Dec-15 Nov-15 Oct-15 Sep-15 Aug-15 Jul-15 Jun-15 May-15 Apr-15 Mar-15 Feb-15 87 82 80 77 74 78 81 82 83 77 78 70 71 Cash on Hand - History DAYS Income Statement - 009 Drivers Education, Disneyland Music Tour, Scotland Choir Tour - 016 Building rental at the High School and Elementary - 017 Foreign Exchange student revenue - 047 Teacher Salary Supplement 052 IDEA Reimbursement 0 20 40 60 80 100 -3 0 1 0 24 50 31 45 -29 -23 -54 -77 -86 121 Short Trf out 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 2 1 9 Days Cash on Hand Feb-15 87 Apr-15 - Days Cash on Hand: Mar-15 Actual 122 125 126 125 149 175 256 270 196 177 146 98 64 2029 May-15 K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Jul-15 Notes Balance Sheet ES ES ES ES ES ES JH JH JH HS HS HS HS Total **as of 03/25/2016** FY17 Waitlist Capacity 125 276 125 342 125 380 125 389 125 428 125 374 225 130 225 3 225 2 200 0 200 1 175 1 150 0 2150 2326 Jun-15 Summary 66.67% of the fiscal year has expired. We received $155,284 in Federal reimbursements, which accounts for the increase in days cash on hand. The approved budget revision has been entered and is reflected in this report. Aug-15 Month Ending: 0 0 1849 1849 Oct-15 Max Meyer, Beverly Ledward Business Managers February 29, 2016 Waitlist Sep-15 Prepared by: Capacity 725 675 750 2150 Nov-15 Oct 1 Actual 502 731 826 2059 Trf in Jan-16 Enrollment HS JH ES Total Dec-15 Finance & Accounting Report Summary, Notes & Action Items 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Feb-16 PHAST&Committee&Meeting&Minutes& March&16,&2016& & Start&Time:&7:00&pm& End&Time:&8:30&pm& In#Attendance:## Jodi&Lusty,&Floresa&Thurston,&Burgandi&Keddington,&Triana&Ord,&Julee&Hamilton,&Holli&Waters,&and&Erica& Thurston&# & • • • • • • • • & Grandparents#Day& o Got&cookies÷d&and&sent&to&each&teacher’s&classroom.&& o Clarified&who&would&be&there&in&the&morning.&& o Got&ideas&for&possible&activities&and&alternatives&for&next&year.&& World#Heritage#Festival#–#April#15,#2016& o Flyer&needs&to&be&reTsent&out&via&principals.& o Need&to&get&language&teachers&on&board.& o Need&to&get&a&set&up&and&clean&up&committee&set&up&as&well.&& Teacher#Appreciation#Week#–#May#2D6,#2016& o Kim&had&a&lot&of&great&ideas.&She&will&be&in&touch.&& Spring#Carnival#& o Talked&to&Jodi&about&getting&a&preTpayment&page&on&the&website&set&up&for&the&wrist& bands.&& Future#PHAST#Members& o Those&that&wish&to&remain&on&PHAST&offered&up&their&names.&& o Talked&about&reaching&out&to&parents&to&offer&them&a&personal&invitation&to&join&PHAST.&& Volunteer#Hours#& o Talked&about&possible&ways&to&get&parents&to&volunteer&more.& o Incentives&for&parents&to&get&in&their&hours.& o We&need&to&have&posters,&flyers&and&social&media&involved&to&remind&parents&of&their& duty&to&the&kids&and&the&school.&& Future#Ideas#for#activities& o Jodi&mentioned&a&few&ideas&for&future&activities&at&the&Elementary&school&that&sounded& like&great&possibilities.&& Prom& o Does&the&high&school&have&everything&they&need?&& o What&can&PHAST&do&to&help?& o Talked&about&the&lack&of&refreshments,&photographer&and&other&amenities&for&the& students&that&occurred&last&year.&& PROVIDENCE HALL Charter School Agenda Item Cover Sheets Agenda Item: Junior High Update Purpose: X - Informational Perspective/Discussion Board action Recommendation Vote Submitted By: Brian Fauver & Erica Hancock Upcoming Activities - Soccer Season has started. Our First game was on April 4th and the regular season goes through May 4th. - Our Patriot Games have begun. We had our opening assembly April 6th. These schoolwide games go until the end of school. We began tracking attendance, grades, dress code, and overdue library books on April 4th and we award points weekly for grade level winners. - Week of April 11- SAGE testing begins - April 15- World Heritage Festival - April 22- Career Fair - May 13- Spring Carnival Anticipated Changes -We are almost done with hiring for next year. We are replacing 6 positions. We have extended offers for 5 of them and have signed 2 of the 5 already. Upcoming Reports -None Summary of Recent Events - Our Talent show was a huge success. We had dancing, singing, acting, comedy, guitar, and piano. We also had a large number of parents come out to support their kids. - Enrollment16-17 Goal for 6th grade: 270 Enrolled for 16-17: 185 Packets Out: 209 th 16-17 Goal for 7 grade: 270 Enrolled for 16-17: 246 Packets Out: 42 16-17 Goal for 8th grade: 265 Enrolled for 16-17: 256 Packets Out: 12 - We have been hosting new student open-houses every Thursday night. We have had approximately 20-30 families attend. They have been a huge success. Curriculum Update Continuum (PYP, MYP, DP): We are continuing to work on our Self Study for PYP and MYP. We feel like we are making some good progress on a lot of areas that IB will come and check on, and we have identified some areas that we need to continue to improve on. We are going to work on creating a parent survey that is very IB specific to send out to our parents to get their feedback on what our various stakeholders understand about IB. MYP: During our department meetings we have finished going through the document – Evaluating the MYP Unit Planner with each subject group. We are now working on individual questions or problems that each group has individually. Teachers have the deadline that they have to have a completed planner turned in by May 15. They also have to turn in an example of an assessment they have given to students so we can check the types of assessments are in accordance with IB philosophy. Whole School: We are working on some preliminary plans for next school year to make changes to our advisory classes and our MTSS goals. We are getting input from teachers on how to make this advisory time for effective for all our students, while continuing to provide interventions for those that are below grade level. Professional Development: Special Education and Intervention Advisories: Our current caseloads of students are: 6th grade: 40/257 for 16% 7th grade: 32/270 for 12% 8th grade: 22/198 for 11% for a total population of 13%. Events: 6th grade: N/A 7th grade: N/A 8th grade: N/A Providence*Hall*Charter*High*School*Update* April*Board*Meeting* Principal:*Nathan*Marshall* * Update*Activities:* April*6th*and*7th*State*UHSAA*Drama*Competition** April*6th*DP*Parent*Night* April*7th*Open*House** April*10C16th*STUCO*Elections* April*13th*NHS*Induction*Ceremony* April*20th*Global*Poets*Performance* April*21st*Open*House* April*22nd*Prom*Assembly* April*23rd*Prom* April*25th*SAGE*Testing*Language*Arts*Starts* May*2nd*DP*Testing*Begins* * Student'Performance:' We*received*our*ACT*scores*back*for*our*juniors.**We*had*5*students*score*in*the* 30’s*and*the*overall*average*score*was*a*21.**This*meets*our*overall*school*goal*for* ACT*which*was*to*meet*or*exceed*all*state*or*end*of*year*testing.*** * Accreditation:' Accreditation*will*be*April*20th*and*21st.**We*have*parent,*student,*staff,*leadership* team,*and*board*committees*that*will*need*to*meet*with*the*accreditation*team.**We* have*finalized*and*submitted*our*reports*and*evidence*for*the*self*assessment*and* indicators.*** ' Mentoring'Committee:' This*month*we*are*focusing*on*differentiation*in*instruction*and*assessment* strategies*with*our*mentoring*committee.*** ' Teacher'Evaluations:' We*have*finished*up*our*2nd*round*of*teacher*evaluations.**We*will*do*one*more*by* the*end*of*the*year.**We*have*5*teachers*that*are*not*returning*next*year.*** ' Student'Achievement:' For*quarter*3,*we*had*around*7*percent*of*our*students*receive*one*or*more*failing* grades.**This*is*lower*than*the*previous*2*quarters.**The*area*where*we*have*the* lowest*grades*is*Math*1.**We*had*approximately*34%*of*our*student*body*get*a*3.5* or*higher*GPA*for*Q3.**We*had*roughly*14%*of*our*students*achieve*high*honor*roll* and*14%*receive*honor*roll.* * Students'with'Failing'Grades' Quarter'3' 7* 6* 5* 4* 3* 2* 1* 0* percent* 1*F* 2*F* >*2*F* ' ' ' High'Honor'Roll'Q3' 20* 15* 10* 5* 0* 9th* 10th** 11th** 12th* percent* ' ' Honor'Roll'Q3' 16* 14* Axis'Title' 12* 10* 8* 6* Perecent* 4* 2* 0* 9th* 10th* 11th* 12th* Axis'Title' ' ' Upcoming'Report'Due'Dates:' No*upcoming*reports* * Enrollment'Update:'' 200* 185* 170* 180* 160* 130* 140* 120* 90* 100* 80* 60* 40* 20* 0* 9th* 10th* 11th* 12th* * The*enrollment*currently*is*looking*like*it*will*be*between*575*and*610.**We* currently*have*around*30*students*who*still*need*to*turn*in*the*registration*packets* (which*would*bring*the*numbers*closer*to*600*if*all*are*turned*in).**9th*grade*could* be*closer*to*200*if*all*the*waitlist*families*accept*this*week.**We*have*about*20* families*who*are*still*deciding*whether*to*bring*their*student*and*are*on*the* accepted*list.*** ' ' General'Updates:' • MYP:'' o The*sophomores*are*working*on*the*“Taking*Action”*stage*of*their* MYP*Project.** o Our*annual*MYP*showcase*will*take*place*on*May*5th*from*6:30C7:30* in*the*gym.** o Teachers*are*continuing*to*work*on*their*course*scope*and*sequence,* unit*plans,*and*formative*and*summative*assessments.** * • DP:'' o The*24*applicants*for*the*2016C2018*DP*cohort** o External*Assessments*will*take*place*the*first*three*weeks*of*May.* * • Whole'School:'' o We*didn’t*have*enough*enrollment*for*Automotive,*so*we*will*offer*it* next*year.*' o Teachers*continue*to*focus*for*the*new*semester*will*be*developing* daily*learning*targets*with*command*terms*(transferable*skills)*and* daily*assessments.*Through*this*process*teachers*will*be*able*to*better* identify*the*needs*of*individual*students*and*adjust*lessons*where* needed.** * • PLCs:'' o As*previously*discussed*we*have*changed*the*weekly*focus*of*our* PLCs:** ! Week*1:*To*improve*unit*planners/lesson*plans*through* collaboration* ! Week*2:*To*improve*formative*and*summative*assessments* through*collaboration* ! Week*3:*To*improve*instruction*through*collaboration** ! Week*4:*to*reflect*on*the*progress*of*department*and*schoolC wide*goals.** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * • * Assessment'Data:'' o STAR*Data** 9th'Grade' Quarter1' Quarter'2' Quarter'3' 66%* 65%* 59%* 86%* 66%* 84%* 65%* 84%* 68%* 90%* 65%* 90%* 65%* 89%* 58%* 78%* 38%* 75%* 54%* 73%* 43%* 57%* 37%* 39%* Reading' 9th'Grade'Math' 10th'Grade' Reading' 10th'Grade'Math' 11th'Grade' Reading' th 11 'Grade'Math' 12th'Grade' Reading' th 12 'Grade'Math' * o PSAT*Data:*Score*between*320C1520* ' PHHS' State' National' 10th'Grade' 1041* 1105* 931* 11th'Grade' 963* 1123* 1008* '(22'Students' Tested)' (96'Students' Tested)' * * * * ' * * * * * * * * * CWe*had*three*students*score*in*the*99%* PROVIDENCE HALL Charter School Agenda Item Cover Sheets Agenda Item #: High School Alarm System _ Agenda Item: The High School board report line item 226 Equipment Tech Hardware/Software budget in the amount of $13488.84 needs to be amended and needs Board approval in Capitalized Expense for the acquisition of an Alarm system for the High School. Purpose: Informational □Perspective/Discussion x□ Board action Recommendation X Vote Submitted By: ________Admin______________________________________ Background: The High School requires a Alarm system to protect our assets. 5 5 Product!Quality Services!Provided Rating!Scale!=!1.5 5!=Far!Exceeds!Expectation 4!=!Meets!Expectation 3!=!Successfully!Meets!Expectation 2!=!Partially!Meets!Expectation 1!=!Fails!to!Meet!Expectation 18 5 System!School!Compatibale TOTAL 3 Protection!1 5 4 5 2 16 Security!101 12 3 2 2 5 Security!Electronics !!!!!!!!MATRIX!FOR!VENDOR!.!ALARM!SYSTEM Price 2015%2016'School'Year Bid$Breakdown$ $ $ 1st$Bid$–$Security$Electronics$=$$$4300$ 2nd$Bid$–$Security$101$&$Onguard$together$as$Security$101$does$ not$offer$Alarm$System$but$does$access$control$=$1st$Option$=$$$ 14203.41$/$2nd$Option$=$$14478.41$ 3rd$Bid$–$Protection$1$=$$13488.84.$ SECURITY ELECTRONICS 4985 Valois Circle Salt Lake City, Ut 801-580-0220 Since 1981 Date 04/21/15 Name Providence Hall High School City Patriot Way Herriman State Utah Zip 84065 Phone 801-432-7866 Address System Estimate Elk M1EZ8 Alarm System: 24 Zones (expandable) same system as elementary & Jr High without card access (1) M1EZ8 Controller (1) M1KP2 Keypad (1) M1XIN Zone Expander (19) Door Contacts (12) BV-500 Ceiling Motion Detectors (1) CX-702 Motion Detector for Gym (1) M1EZ8MS1 Serial Interface (1) Siren (1) Battery 3500' wire, plus all hardware, connectors, & etc. Monthly monitoring via land line: $25.00 Fully Installed Optional: Ethernet Interface at $225.00 Installed Total $4,300.00 Providence Hall High School Project Location Providence Hall High School 4795 W. Mt. Ogden Peak Drive Herriman, UT 84096 Providence Hall High Access/Alarm Addition Proposal No: 55474.0 March 23, 2016 Prepared For Nate Marshal Principal 986 West Atherton Dr Suite 140 Tayorsville, UT 84123 The data contained in all pages of this proposal has been submitted in confidence and contains trade secrets and/or privileged or confidential commercial or financial information. Such data shall be used or disclosed only for evaluation purposes, provided that if a contract is awarded to this proposer as a result of or in connection with the submission of this proposal, the Customer shall have the right to use or disclose the data herein to the extent provided in the contract. This restriction does not limit the customer's right to use or disclose data obtained without restriction from any source, including the proposer. Security 101 - Utah 986 West Atherton Dr Suite 140 Tayorsville, UT 84123 Phone: 866-747-9101 Fax: 801-606-7164 Website: March 23, 2016 Nate Marshal Providence Hall High School 4795 W. Mt. Ogden Peak Drive Herriman, UT 84096 Re: Access Control Proposal Dear Nate Marshal: Thank you for allowing Security 101 the opportunity to present this Proposal for your consideration. This Proposal is based on our discussions, meetings, site surveys, and bid documents created by your organization. Our company is uniquely qualified to provide the installation and service required for the above referenced security system. Security 101 has an established track record of installing and maintaining similar systems as well as meeting strict time schedules and budget requirements. Our engineering and project management staff have worked together with me to create this Proposal. This team will be prepared to deliver your installation in an organized and professional manner. Our installation crews and service technicians will be uniformed, trained, and in company stocked vehicles. In addition, upon completion of the installation, our service department staff will be ready to provide you with same day service utilizing our unique computerized dispatch system. Finally, although most of the work to be done will be executed by other team members, I will be committed to monitoring the process and making sure that your system meets or exceeds your expectations. Larry Keele Operations Manager / Security Engineer Phone: 801-839-8113 General System Description Proposal 55474.0 Providence Hall High Access/Alarm Addition This Proposal is for the installation of 2 additional access control doors and a wireless panic alarm that will trigger a Lockdown. This includes all cable and door hardware that will be needed to complete this installation. It also includes some custom programming for the doors to be on multiple unlock schedules. Page 1 Scope of Work Proposal 55474.0 Providence Hall High Access/Alarm Addition Access Control Panel Locations Panel Location #1: 2nd Floor IT Closet Reader Board (1) 2-Reader Interface Module - (2 reader: mag or wiegand, 8 inputs, 6 relays) Type #1 Access Controlled Doors Access Controlled Door #1: Main Vestibule Stairwell Door Electric Lock 1 (2) 32 MAGNALOCK WITH DUAL VOLTAGE Door Contact (2) 3/4 Steel Door recessed contact Exit Device - PIR (1) REQUEST TO EXIT PIRS LIGHT GRY Lock Accessory (2) The CWB is a 1/ 2" [12.7mm] thick anodized aluminum concrete wood header bracket with three (3) individual designs for each of the Models M32, M62 or M82 Magnalocks. Installations that contain wood door type frames, steel frames and/ or steel concrete filled header frames may require this type of special spacer/ structural bracket. The purpose of the CWB concrete wood header bracket is to improve frame mounting strength, Magnalock/ Strike clearances, alignments and ease of the installation. The brackets are available for all standard mount M32, M62 and M82 Magnalocks models. Emergency (1) GREEN EXIT BUTTOM EMERG Override Other (1) Additional Part: MiniProx Proximity Reader (pre-configured) Charcoal Gray, 18 inches/45.7 cm pigtail, Standard beeper/LED functionality Access Controlled Door #2: West Hallway Exterior Electric Lock 1 (1) 9600 COMPLETE STRIKE, 630 FINISH Door Contact (2) 3/4 Steel Door recessed contact Exit Device - PIR (1) REQUEST TO EXIT PIRS LIGHT GRY Other (1) Additional Part: MiniProx Proximity Reader (pre-configured) Charcoal Gray, 18 inches/45.7 cm pigtail, Standard beeper/LED functionality Aux Monitor Points Aux Monitor Point #1: Main Office Lockdown (Wireless) Input Devices, Alarm, Motion: Other (1) Additional Part: The EE4216 receiver allows you to add a up to 16 high performance 868 MHz EchoStream wireless transmitter to any application. With diversity reception and advanced signal processing, Inovonics Wireless EchoStream technology is designed to minimize "nulls" or dead spots in transmission areas.The LCD allows the user to quickly view the current status all 16 transmitters to to view the history of events (up to 50 stored). With 9 flexible open collector outputs, the EE4216 receiver is a versatile way of adding high performance wireless to your next installation. Case tamper, jam detection, and internal antennæ results in secure wireless implementation. Other (4) Additional Part: BELTCLIP TRANS. DBL BUTTON Page 2 Equipment List Proposal 55474.0 Providence Hall High Access/Alarm Addition Qty 1 4 2 1 4 1 2 2 2 1 Description 2-Reader Interface Module - (2 reader: mag or wiegand, 8 inputs, 6 relays) 3/4 Steel Door recessed contact 32 MAGNALOCK WITH DUAL VOLTAGE 9600 COMPLETE STRIKE, 630 FINISH BELTCLIP TRANS. DBL BUTTON GREEN EXIT BUTTOM EMERG MiniProx Proximity Reader (pre-configured) Charcoal Gray, 18 inches/45.7 cm pigtail, Standard beeper/LED functionality REQUEST TO EXIT PIRS LIGHT GRY The CWB is a 1/ 2" [12.7mm] thick anodized aluminum concrete wood header bracket with three (3) individual designs for each of the Models M32, M62 or M82 Magnalocks. Installations that contain wood door type frames, steel frames and/ or steel concrete filled header frames may require this type of special spacer/ structural bracket. The purpose of the CWB concrete wood header bracket is to improve frame mounting strength, Magnalock/ Strike clearances, alignments and ease of the installation. The brackets are available for all standard mount M32, M62 and M82 Magnalocks models. The EE4216 receiver allows you to add a up to 16 high performance 868 MHz EchoStream wireless transmitter to any application. With diversity reception and advanced signal processing, Inovonics Wireless EchoStream technology is designed to minimize "nulls" or dead spots in transmission areas.The LCD allows the user to quickly view the current status all 16 transmitters to to view the history of events (up to 50 stored). With 9 flexible open collector outputs, the EE4216 receiver is a versatile way of adding high performance wireless to your next installation. Case tamper, jam detection, and internal antennæ results in secure wireless implementation. Page 3 Unit Price 532.00 7.97 245.80 307.99 81.19 89.14 147.00 72.79 34.99 293.99 Clarifications Proposal 55474.0 Providence Hall High Access/Alarm Addition This proposal does not include the Burglar Alarm. This will be another quote from OnGuard with their cost and the monthly cost of the monitoring. Page 4 Financial Summary Proposal 55474.0 Providence Hall High Access/Alarm Addition BILLING ADDRESS PROJECT LOCATION Providence Hall High School 4795 W. Mt. Ogden Peak Drive Herriman, UT 84096 Providence Hall High School 4795 W. Mt. Ogden Peak Drive Herriman, UT 84096 Grand Totals: Description Installation Labor Equipment Total Investment Net Price 3,875.90 4,094.51 7,970.41 Page 5 Terms and Conditions Proposal 55474.0 Providence Hall High Access/Alarm Addition Limited Warranty; Exclusions and Disclaimers 1. To the extent not otherwise warranted pursuant to an applicable manufacturer’s warranty, Security 101 warrants all Equipment and Period') from the date of substantial completion of the installation; provided, however, no warranty is made as to, and there is specifically excluded from the warranty, any and all expendable supplies, equipment and parts, or any portions of the Work which have been misused, abused, not used in the manner intended, neglected, or damaged by an act of God or altered, modified, or manipulated in any manner by Customer or a third party. Any defect in the installation during the Warranty Period will be repaired or replaced at the option of Security 101 Any shipping charges in connection with a repair or replacement shall be the responsibility of Customer. The repair or replacement shall constitute Customer's sole remedy against Security 101. 2. Security 101 MAKES NO OTHER OR FURTHER WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO INSTALLATION LABOR, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT OR ANY OTHER PORTION OF THE WORK OTHER THAN THE FOREGOING WARRANTY AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 3. IN NO EVENT SHALL Security 101 BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OR FOR LOST PROFITS, LOST SALES, INJURY TO PERSON OR PROPERTY OR ANY OTHER CAUSE AS A RESULT OF A DEFECT IN LABOR, EQUIPMENT OR OTHER SUPPLIES OR MATERIALS WITH RESPECT TO ANY ITEM FURNISHED UNDER THE AGREEMENT, MALFUNCTION OR NONFUNCTION OF ANY SYSTEM, WRONGFUL PERFORMANCE OF OR FAILURE TO PERFORM ANY ACTS INCLUDED IN THE WORK, TRANSPORTATION DELAYS OR BREACH OF WARRANTY. 4. Customer acknowledges that no warranty, representation, or statement by any representative of Security 101 not stated herein shall be binding. This writing, and the document or documents attached hereto or of which this writing is a part, if any, constitutes the final expression of the parties’ agreement and is a complete and exclusive statement of the terms of the Agreement. Limitation of Liability 5. The parties understand and agree that: (a) the Work is intended to constitute or be part of a security system designed to reduce risk of loss for the Customer; (b) Customer has selected, accepted and approved the Scope of Work after considering and balancing the 101 nor any person engaged by Security 101 to perform any portion of the Work shall be construed to be an insurer of the person or property of Customer, its employees, agents, contractors, assigns, customers, invitees or any other person at the location(s) where the work is performed (the “Location(s)”; (d) the Price and Payment Terms are based solely on the cost and value of Security 101 providing the Work and are unrelated to the value of property of Customer or others located at the Location(s); (e) the Price and Payment Terms do not contemplate any payment being made or consideration being given to Security 101 for any guarantee, 101 MAKES NO GUARANTEE OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND THAT THE WORK (INCLUDING ANY MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED AS PART OF THE WORK) WILL AVERT OR PREVENT OCCURRENCES OR CONSEQUENCES THEREFROM WHICH THE WORK IS DESIGNED TO DETECT OR AVERT. 6. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section or for whatever reason, Security 101 should be found liable for personal injury or property loss or damage caused by a failure to perform by Security 101 or the failure of any materials or equipment in any respect whatsoever or a court of proper jurisdiction determines the limitations on warranties are inapplicable, Customer agrees that the aggregate liability of Security 101 under or with respect to the Agreement, the Work to be performed under, and any warranty provided pursuant to, the Agreement, shall be limited to a sum equal to the lesser of (i) one-tenth (1/10) of the total Price to be paid provisions of this subsection shall apply if loss or damage, irrespective of cause or origin, results directly or indirectly to persons or property, from performance or nonperformance of the Work, from breach of warranty, or from negligence, active or otherwise of Security 101. Indemnification 7. When Customer ordinarily has the property of others in its custody, or the Work extends to the protection of the person or property of others, Customer shall indemnify, save, defend and hold harmless Security 101from and against all claims brought by parties other than the parties to the Agreement. This provision shall apply to all claims regardless of cause, including the performance or failure to perform by Security 101, and including without limitation, defects in products or system design, installation, repair service, monitoring, operation or non-operation of materials or equipment, whether based upon negligence, active or passive, express or implied contract or warranty, contribution or indemnification or strict or product liability; provided, however, Customer shall have no duty to indemnify in the case of gross negligence or willful misconduct by Security 101, its employees, agents or assigns. Customer agrees to indemnify Security 101 against, and to defend and hold Security 101 harmless from any action for subrogation which may be brought against Security 101 by any insurer or insurance company or its agents or assigns including the payment of all damages, expenses, costs and reasonable attorney's fees. Design Development, Programming, Drawings, Ownership, and Software License(s) 8. Design Development. Customer and Security 101 have together developed or will develop the design and specifications for the Work. When Customer has accepted or approved the design and specifications, the sole and final responsibility for the design and specifications shall be Customer's. Security 101 shall have no liability to Customer for any loss or damage claimed against or incurred by Customer or any employee, agent or licensee of Customer because of any defect or alleged defect in the design or specifications or the failure of the equipment or the Work to perform as desired or anticipated by Customer. 9. Programming. Security system programming is an essential element of the systems operation and performance. Customer acknowledges and agrees that security system programming is an ever-changing process, and in significant part subject to Customer’s day-to-day and other business operations and parameters and the changes or modifications to them. To the extent required by the design and specifications of the Work, Security 101 shall: (i) Load a configuration program that will allow Customer’s security system to perform basic access control operation, door timers, lock timers, and basic alarm functions; and Page 6 Terms and Conditions (cont) Proposal 55474.0 Providence Hall High Access/Alarm Addition (ii) Provide a total number of hours of personnel training regarding Customer’s security system as specified in the Agreement; if a number of hours is not specified, the total number of hours of training shall not exceed fifteen (15). Personnel training may include training of operators, administrators, or other personnel designated by Customer. Training subjects shall be dictated by Work specifications but may include password configuration, door identification, timers, alarms and reports. Additional training, programming or related consulting services provided by Security 101 at Customer’s request shall be provided at an above contract cost. 10. Drawings: functional operation of the system(s) being provided by the Work by furnishing riser diagram drawings. (ii) Security 101 may provide, at Customer’s request and at an above contract cost, detail drawings utilizing industry standard electronic floor plans. 11. Ownership. Prior to completion of the Work, any drawings, specifications and equipment lists developed in connection with the design for the Work shall remain the property of Security 101 whether the Work for which they were made is executed or not. Drawings, specifications and equipment lists shall be returned to Security 101 on demand at any time prior to substantial completion of the Work. Prior to substantial completion of the Work, any drawings, specifications and equipment lists: (a) shall be considered confidential information and trade secrets of Security 101 unless they constitute information which is exempted or excluded by law from confidential and trade secret status; (b) shall not be used by Customer on other projects or extensions of a project included within the Work, or to obtain other bids, except by agreement in writing and with appropriate compensation to Security 101 ; and (c) are not to be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written consent of Security 101. Upon substantial completion of the Work and final payment in full by Customer, ownership of drawings, specifications and equipment lists shall become Customer's. 12. Software License(s). Software required to operate systems are governed by the License Agreement provided by the system manufacturer(s). Access Control 13. All Door(s) and associated door hardware are not included, unless specifically identified in the scope of work and/or equipment list. 14. Coring of new or existing doors required for electrified locking hardware is not included, unless specifically identified in the scope of work. 15. Modification of any new or existing fire doors is not included. Additional charges may apply if SECURITY 101 is requested to perform such work. 16. Proper door alignment and mechanical operation is the responsibility of others. 17. Programming and configuration of your microprocessor and/or CPU is included, excluding loading the database. It shall be the responsibility of the Customer to load the data base which involves defining access levels, time zones, personnel data, programming maps, defining alarm messages and instructions, along with the input of any user defined data. Individual cardholder input and definition is also excluded. 18. Access control cards are not included, unless specifically identified in the scope of work and/or equipment list. 19. Access control system computer UPS is not included unless specifically identified in the scope of work and/or equipment list. 20. FIRE ALARM RELEASE - It the responsibility of the customer and the fire alarm service provider for this site. Any permits required in accordance with the fire alarm system or release shall be obtained by the fire alarm service provider. Additional Terms and Conditions Installation 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. All required installation documents are included. Installation of all required equipment and materials with on-site supervision of project is included. Labor quoted assumes normal eight (8) hour working days, excluding weekends, holidays and overtime. Idle time incurred by Security 101 employees and their subcontractors due to escorts, clearances, inability to enter workspace, and other factors beyond our control, will be invoiced at our current labor rates. This proposal includes travel to and from the site to perform our stated scope of work. Additional or duplicate site visits required due to factors beyond our control, will be invoiced at our current labor rates. Client to coordinate with local Security 101 staff to provide safe and timely right-of-passage in the work area during cable run and system installation. Client to provide and coordinate 110 VAC electrical service where needed. All LAN/WAN connections, addressing and network functionality are the responsibility of the Client. Any telephone lines or LAN/WAN connections must be installed and operational prior to Security 101 commencing work. The local Security 101 representative will verify the availability and functionality of all connections prior to starting work. Changes in Scope of Work 30. prior to commencing work. Page 7 Terms and Conditions (cont) Proposal 55474.0 Providence Hall High Access/Alarm Addition Permits/Bonding/Sealed Engineered Drawings 31. Permits, bonds, and other requirements by any government agency are not included. Miscellaneous 32. The bold headings and numbered paragraphs are for convenience only, have no legal significance, and shall not be deemed to alter or effect any provision of this Agreement. 33. Neither party shall be liable in damages or have the right to terminate this Agreement for any delay or default in performing hereunder if such delay or default is caused by conditions beyond its control including, but not limited to Acts of God, Government restrictions reasonable control of the party whose performance is affected. 34. Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performance under this Agreement (other than for delay in the payment of money due and payable hereunder) to the extent said failures or delays are proximately caused by causes beyond that party's reasonable control and occurring without its fault or negligence, including, without limitation, failure of suppliers, subcontractors, and carriers, or party to substantially meet its performance obligations under this Agreement, provided that, as a condition to the claim of non-liability, the party experiencing the difficulty shall give the other prompt written notice, with full details following the occurrence of the cause relied upon. Dates by which performance obligations are scheduled to be met will be extended for a period of time equal to the time lost due to any delay so caused. 35. In the event that any one or more of the provisions contained herein shall, for any reason, be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions of this agreement, but this agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions had never been contained herein, unless the deletion of such provision or provisions would result in such a material change so as to cause completion of the transactions contemplated herein to be unreasonable. Page 8 Acceptance Proposal 55474.0 Providence Hall High Access/Alarm Addition For the amount of 7,970.41 (tax not included) This proposal dated March 23, 2016 is valid until May 23, 2016 The person or persons below represent that they are authorized to sign and execute this binding agreement. This acceptance indicates understanding of the complete proposal, including clarifications, design, programming, drawings, ownership and software licenses and the Warranty Service Plan, if included as a part of this proposal. This system proposal is intended to provide the customer partial protection of the designated premises. Its design should be understood to represent a compromise between the costs, understood scope of work and customer feedback. Accordingly, such a system may not provide ample protection from all possible threats, and Security 101 shall not be responsible in such an event. Payment Terms 50% upon Deposit 50% upon Job Complete Under no circumstances may the customer make payments directly to any subcontractor, material supplier, laborer or any other person performing work or furnishing material under the Agreement without the prior written consent of Security 101. Security 101 may assign this Agreement to any other person, firm or corporation without notice to or approval by the customer and may subcontract any activities which may be performed under this Agreement, either voluntarily or by operation of law, without the consent of the customer. Providence Hall High School Authorized Customer Signature Security 101 - Utah (date) Authorized Security 101 Signature Printed Name Printed Name Title Title (date) Purchase Order Number Page 9 Estimate 6375 S Highland Drive Suite 212 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 Phone # Date Estimate # 3/16/2016 989 (801) 930-0540 Project Address Name / Address Security 101 Larry Keele 17 East Vine Street Murray, Utah 84107 Providence Hall High School 4557 W. Mt. Ogden Peak Drive Herriman, UT 84096 Project Providence Hall High School Description Qty Alarm System Option 2 Alarm System Master Control Unit 1 Keypad(Main Entrance) 1 Transformer 1 Enclosure, Lock & Key 1 Back Up Battery 1 Siren Keypad (Back Entry) 8 Zone Expander Module 3GGSM Alarm Communicator ---Main Floor--Dual Tech 360 Motion(Main Entry,Main Office, Center Hall, East Entry NE, East Entry SE, South Entrance, Lunch Room, Kitchen, West Entrance) Dual Tech Wall Mount Motion(North Hall (2), South Hall (2), West Hall) 70' x 70' or 150' x 8' Motion Dual Lens (Gym(2)) ---Second Floor--Dual Tech 360 Motion(Center Hall, Library N, Library S) 22/4 STR Plenum 1000' White Installation Rate Total 1 6,508.00 6,508.00 1 2 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9 0.00 0.00 5 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 3 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16 0.00 0.00 Monthly Monitoring @ $34.95 per month with12 Month Agreement (Cellular) Upon acceptance of this estimate 50% down is required and 50% upon completion. This estimate is good for 30 days from receipt. OnGuard Alarm reserves the right to make substitutions of products and services of equal or greater value for the price given. Estimates are not final invoices and are subject to minor adjustments. Accepted By: Phone # (801) 930-0540 Accepted Date: Total $6,508.00 Estimate 6375 S Highland Drive Suite 212 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 Phone # Date Estimate # 3/16/2016 989 (801) 930-0540 Project Address Name / Address Security 101 Larry Keele 17 East Vine Street Murray, Utah 84107 Providence Hall High School 4557 W. Mt. Ogden Peak Drive Herriman, UT 84096 Project Providence Hall High School Description Qty Alarm System Option 2 Alarm System Master Control Unit 1 Keypad(Main Entrance) 1 Transformer 1 Enclosure, Lock & Key 1 Back Up Battery 1 Siren Keypad (Back Entry) 8 Zone Expander Module 3GGSM Alarm Communicator ---Main Floor--Dual Tech 360 Motion(Main Entry,Main Office, Center Hall, East Entry NE, East Entry SE, South Entrance, Lunch Room, Kitchen, West Entrance) Dual Tech Wall Mount Motion(North Hall (2), South Hall (2), West Hall) 70' x 70' or 150' x 8' Motion Dual Lens (Gym(2)) ---Second Floor--Dual Tech 360 Motion(Center Hall, Library N, Library S) 22/4 STR Plenum 1000' White Installation Rate Total 1 6,508.00 6,508.00 1 2 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9 0.00 0.00 5 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 3 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16 0.00 0.00 Monthly Monitoring @ $34.95 per month with12 Month Agreement (Cellular) Upon acceptance of this estimate 50% down is required and 50% upon completion. This estimate is good for 30 days from receipt. OnGuard Alarm reserves the right to make substitutions of products and services of equal or greater value for the price given. Estimates are not final invoices and are subject to minor adjustments. Accepted By: Phone # (801) 930-0540 Accepted Date: Total $6,508.00 ! ! ! A!Proposal!for! ! PROVIDENCE!HALL:! ! ! Presented!By:!Kevin!Shurtleff! 801;891;4939! ! Presented!On!March!16,!2016! ! !Protection!One!Proposal:!PROVIDENCE!HALL! !Presented!by:!Kevin!Shurtleff!801;891;4939! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ !Equipment!and!Investment!Summary! ! Site!Information! Billing!Information! !Customer:! !Address:! !City,!State!Zip:! !Bus.!Phone:! ! PROVIDENCE!HALL! ! 4557!W!PATRIOT!RIDGE!DR! ! HERRIMAN,!UT!84096! ! 8017278260! PROVIDENCE!HALL! 4557!W!PATRIOT!RIDGE!DR! HERRIMAN,!UT!84096! 8017278260! _______________________________________________________________________________________________ !Equipment!List!For:! ! Burglar!Alarm!System! ! ! Quantity! Description! ! 1! 320!P1!CONTROL!PANEL! ! 1! Pro1!Large!FixSEng!Keypad!(Hardwire)! ! 1! AlarmNet!GSM!Digital!Cell!Communicator!S!Knockout!Mount! ! 1! Keypad!Xceiver,Pro1!Large!Fix! ! 3! PIR!50'!3060!degree!low/PROF! ! 4! TWOSBUTTON!PERSONAL!PANIC! ! 6! PIR!Motion!Detector,!35!ft!fan!pattern! ! 1900! 22/4!STR!CM/CL2!5C!SB!WHT! ! _________________________________________________! Sub!Total!Installation!Cost:! ! $4,600.87! ! ! Estimated!Install!Taxes! ! $0.00! ! Recurring!Services:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Monitoring! Extended!Service!Plan! Signaling! Inspections! Video! Reporting! Secure!Access! ! $21.95! $0.00! $15.00! $0.00! $0.00! $0.00! $0.00! Page!2!of!4! ! !Protection!One!Proposal:!PROVIDENCE!HALL! !Presented!by:!Kevin!Shurtleff!801;891;4939! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ! ! ! Identity!Protection! Lease!Fee! $0.00! $0.00! _________________________________________________! Sub!Total!Monthly!Charge:! ! $36.95! ! ! Scope!of!Work! INSTALL NEW HONEYWELL BURGLAR ALARWM SYSTEM INSTALL ONE NEW CELLULAR COMMUNICATOR FOR BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM (NO ANALOG PHONE LINE REQUIRED) INSTALL TWO BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM KEY PADS (SEE MAP FOR LOCATIONS) ONE AT MAIN ENTRANCE ONE AT WEST ENTRANCE INSTALL THREE 360 DEGREE MOTION DETECTORS ONE IN THE LIBRARY ONE IN THE LUNCH ROOM ONE IN THE EAST COMMON AREA INSTALL SIX 90 DEGREE MOTION DETECTORS (SEE MAP FOR LOCATIONS) RUN ALL REQUIRED 22/4 CABLE SEND ALL REQUIRED TEST SIGNALS TO PROTECTION 1 MONITORING CENTER USING CELLULAR COMMUNICATOR TEST AND VERIFY BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM OPERATION WITH CUSTOMER TRAIN CUSTOMER (ADD / DELETE USER CODES, ARM AND DISARM SYSTEM, USE APP FOR SMART DEVICE) ****BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM HAS REMOTE ACCESS WITH APP FOR SMART DEVICE***** ****BURGLAR ALARM PRICING IS PENDING INSTALLATION SUPERVISOR INSPECTION AND WALK THROUGH**** !Equipment!List!For:! ! Upgrade!Existing!Avigilon!Door!Access!System! ! ! Quantity! Description! ! 1! SMP5PM/CABNT/CMLOCK/XFMR!110V! ! 3! 2SReader!Interface!Module!S!(2!reader:!mag!or!wiegand,!8!inputs,!6!relays)!(Mercury!MR52)! ! 5! Electric!Strike!9400S12/24DS630! ! 5! HID!ProxPoint!Plus!Reader! ! 20! CONDUIT!EMT!3/4!inch!per!ft.! ! 1200! 24/4PR!CAT5E!CM!1M!BX!BLU! ! 1200! 22/4!STR!OAS!5C!BX!GRY! ! _________________________________________________! Sub!Total!Installation!Cost:! ! $8,887.97! ! ! Estimated!Install!Taxes! ! ! $0.00! Page!3!of!4! ! !Protection!One!Proposal:!PROVIDENCE!HALL! !Presented!by:!Kevin!Shurtleff!801;891;4939! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ! Recurring!Services:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Monitoring! Extended!Service!Plan! Signaling! Inspections! Video! Reporting! Secure!Access! Identity!Protection! Lease!Fee! ! $0.00! $0.00! $0.00! $0.00! $0.00! $0.00! $0.00! $0.00! $0.00! _________________________________________________! Sub!Total!Monthly!Charge:! ! $0.00! ! Scope!of!Work! UPGRADE EXISTING AVIGILON DOOR ACCESS SYSTEM ADD FIVE DOORS THREE NEW TWO DOOR CONTROLLERS TO SUPPORT FIRE ADDIDTIONAL DOORS INSTALL FIVE NEW ELECTRONIC DOOR STRIKES (SEE MAP FOR LOCATIONS) INSTALL FIVE NEW CARD/BADGE READERS (SEE MAP FOR LOCATIONS) RUN ALL REQUIRED CAT 5 AND 18/4 CABLE RUN ALL REQUIRED CONDUIT TEST AND VERIFY AVIGILON DOOR ACCESS SYSTEM UPGRADE VERIFY SYSTEM OPERATION WITH CUSTOMER ****BURGLAR ALARM PRICING IS PENDING INSTALLATION SUPERVISOR INSPECTION AND WALK THROUGH**** _______________________________________________________________________________________________ !Total!Estimated!Install!Taxes:! !Total!Installation!Cost:! !Total!Monthly!Recurring!Services!Charges:! ! ! $0.00! ! $13,488.84! ! $36.95*! *!Plus!applicable!Tax! ! Page!4!of!4! ! ProvidenceHallElementaryUpdate Principal:JodiLusty CurriculumDirector:KimAndersen MTSS/AssessmentCoordinator:MandyCrane April7,2016 UpcomingActivities: • April7,2016-Exhibitionfrom5:30-7:00 • April 5th - 1st Grade Bowling • April 6th - Faculty Meeting • April 6th - IB Luncheon • April 7th - Bot meeting • April 7th - Exhibition (5:30-7) • April 12th - Boys Maturation • April 13th - Girls Maturation • April 14th - 4th grade Water Cycle Presentation • April 25th - Sage Testing Window Opens • April 29th - Teacher Lunch ReportDueDates: • Noneatthistimeforthestate. TeacherEvaluations: KimandIarejustareintheprocessofour3rdobservationroundswithourteachers. Wearealsotryingsomethingabitdifferentforournewestteachersinthebuildingfor our4thobservation:newteacherswillvideothemselvesandthenwewillmeetwith themtoevaluatetogethertheirobservation.Thiswillcountastheirlastobservation andwillbereviewedwithKimandmyself.Wehavenoticedhowthishaschanged severalofournewteachersteachingpracticesbecausetheyareabletoreflectandsee whatweobservewhenweareintheroom.Thisisagreatteachingpracticeandwewill beusingitforourprovisionalteacherportfoliointhefuture. RetentionRates(asofApril1st): • 94%retentionrateforstudentsatourschool • 7out109employees=5%or95%retentionrate • 2outof48certifiedteachers=4%or96%retentionrateofteachers. • Asofthe2015-2016schoolyearwehave2teachersleave.Reasons:one duetoconflictinworkingwiththeschool,otherforpersonalreasons. Teacher(GradelevelteachersandSpecialists)IntenttoReturn: • • • Wecurrentlyhavereceived45responsesofthe45teachersandspecialists currentlyatourschool. 5teacherswillnotbereturning: o EmilyGibbons-Husbandpromotionmoving o KortneyWadsworth-MovingtoOregon o KamaMaendl-willbethenewSPEDdirectoratanewcharterschoolin UtahCounty, o ChelseaHagman-notreturningtobeastayathomemom o SteveGregerson-willbereturningtotheschooldistrict. 2teachersarecurrentlyunsureofwhattheyareplanningonfornextyearbut theyareareawaretheyneedtorespondtomebyMay1st. NewHires: • Newpart-timeSPEDteacher-LauraJensen • NewSPEDteacher-HillaryJohnson • Potentialcandidates:3potentialcandidateshavebeenextendedoffersandwe shouldhearresponsesthisweek. • WehopetohaveourhiringcompletedbytheendofApril. CACTUSUpdate: AllelementaryteachersarecurrentlyupdatedandinCactusoronlettersof authorization.AllofourARLsarecurrentlyonthecorrectpathstoensureprogress towardstheireducationalgoals. SchoolStaffandEventUpdates: Faculty: • KortneyWadsworthisreturningonMondayofnextweekandLauraDuttonwill returntoherpart-timepostasasupporttotheteachercoaches. • ShelbyRoseiscurrentlyonmaternityleaveandbabyQuinnwasabletogohome thislastweek.Weareallhopingforhersakethatshewillbeabletomake progress.AsforAliPeterson,hermaternitysub,shehasbeenamazing!Mrs. Rose’sclasshashadoneofthesmoothesttransitionswehaveeverhad.Wedid trytohireher,butherheartwantedtoworkwithmoreethnicallydiverse children. • ChelseaHagmanisback!WearesogladthatChelseahasreturnedtoher classroom.ShewillfinishoutAprilandMaywithusthisyear. Enrollment2015-2016: Westillmaintainenrollmentat825studentsK-5.Thelotteryhasbeencompletedand wehavealmostfilledallofkindergarten.Wearewaitingon6applicationscurrently. Wehaveheldonafewapplicationsbecausesomestudentshavenotacceptedatthe HS/JHasofyet.Wewanttoensurethattheyregistertheirstudentstherefirstbefore acceptingthemattheschool.KathyhasnowbeguntofillstudentsinK-4th.Weare holdingonour5thgradenumbersbecausewearestillhopefulfor150studentsinstead ofthe175,butrealizethisprobablywon’tbethecase.Wewillopenourenrollment thereinMayafterweseethenumbersfromtheJH/HS. LeadershipTeamandCommitteeUpdates: WEarecurrentlylookingatchangestoourcommitteesforthenextschoolyear.Our Teamleadshavebeenabitoverwhelmedbythedualresponsibilities.Fornextyearwe areplanningtohaveourteamleadsbeapartofcommitteesandreporttothe leadershipteamonthosecommittees,buttheywillnotbethechairofthose committees.Wewillgiveotherleaderstheopportunitytoparticipateascommittee chairs.Wealsowanttocreatecommitteesthatarerelevantanduseful.Soduringour leadershipretreatwewillreflectandrefocusourcommitteesfornextschoolyear. • LiteracyCommittee(KamiMecham&EricaDowns):Workingwithourstudents ontheRoadToSuccessProgram. • Mathcommittee(SaraKidd&JalynnWeber):Encouragingmathfluencyand rewardswithstudentsthroughouttheschool. • AssessmentCommittee(MandyCrane):Weareintheprocessofgearingupfor theSAGE.Wehaveacommitteeworkingwiththeschooltohelporganizeand getstudentsreadyfortheSAGE.ThisisourSageStudentSuccessCommittee ledbyMelanieClark.SagewillbegintheweekofApril25th.Thewriting assessmentwillbefirst. • SocialCommittee(BrandiCooley&KellyMattingly):Theseladiesarestill buildingeventsandactivitieswithinthebuilding.Wewillhavemoreonthe socialcommitteeinMay. CurriculumUpdate: Continuum(PYP,MYP,DP): ● KimisworkingwiththeotherAcademicDirectors/IBCoordinatorstoincrease overallstudent,staff,andcommunityunderstandingoftheIBProgramswithin ourK-12schoolbuildings.Theyarecurrentlyworkingonaligningprogramand curriculumexpectationsacrossthethreecampusesandbeginningtheprocess forthePYP/MYPSelf-StudyandEvaluationvisitforthe2016-17schoolyear. PrimaryYearsProgramme: ● Incollaborationmeetings,teachersarelearningskillstomoreeffectivelyreflect ontheplannersinapurposefulwaythroughtheirdata,assessment,anecdotal notes,andobservationsofstudentsthroughoutthelearningprocess. ● KimisalsocurrentlyworkingwithPYPCoordinatorsfrombothChanningHalland HawthorntocreateaclosernetworkforPYPteachersandstudents,hopingto openupsomeexcitingopportunitiestocommunicatebetweenschoolsina varietyofnewways(fieldtrips,videoconferencing,penpalwriting,etc.).Each gradelevel/departmenthascollaboratedoncethisyearandhascomeupwith somegreatgoalstoworktowardintheSY16-17. ○ Kindergarten:Question/AnswerBoardandTeacherStrategysharing sessions ○ Grade1:Classwidepenpalsforsharedwritingandsharedreading ○ Grade2:Virtualpenpals(writingemails,letters,videos,etc.) ○ Grade3:Sharinginventionsanddiscoveries(oneofthePYPunit assessments) ○ Grade4:Bookclubs/literacycirclesacrossschools ○ Grade5:Exhibitionsharing ○ Specialists:Classroommanagementstrategies,subjectcollaborationfor projectideas ● 5thGradeExhibitionisAPRIL7(Duringtheschooldayand5:30-7:00p.m.)!The studentshaveworkedsohardtocreateinformative,exciting,andpurposeful projects!Thisprocesshasbeenincredibletoseeandthestudentshavelearned somuch!WearehappytohavesomeoftheJHandHSstudents,aswellas familiesandcommunitymembers,alsoattendthepresentationstoseewhatour 5thgradestudentshaveaccomplishedinthePYP. CurriculumProgramming: ● AllteachersarecontinuingtobuildtheirunderstandingofDaily5andDaily3for LanguageArtsandMath,respectively,andarecontinuingtoworkwithinour MathExpressions,WordsTheirWay,andCoreReadyprograms.Weare beginningtolookatprogrammingneedsfornextyearincludingthepreparations forpurchasingcurriculummaterialsandevaluatingeffectivenessoftheavailable materials. ● Weareinprocessofdoinganinventoryofcurriculumneedsandwillbe purchasingmaterialswithinourexistingprogramstoreplenishmaterialsfor teachingandlearning(workbooks,manipulatives,teacherresourcebooks,etc.) Coaching: ● Ourgradelevelteachingcoaches(KortneyWadsworthK-2&KamiMecham3-5) areworkingwithallteachersinthebuildingtoworkonreachingtheirpersonal growthgoals.Bothcoachesarenowinprocessoffollowingupwithteachers whohadreferralsforsupportfromfall/winterevaluationsfromKimandJodi’s observations.Manycommontopicsforcoachingandprofessionaldevelopment needscontinuetobecenteredaroundbetterunderstandingGuidedReading, Dibels,Daily5/Daily3,student-centeredinquirymethods,andbehavior management. ProfessionalDevelopment: • WearebeginningtothinkaboutwhatPDopportunitieswewillbeproviding thissummerandSY2016-17. SpecialEducation: • Oursevereprogramteacher,EmilyGibbons,isalsointheprocessoflearning theDynamicLearningMaps(DLM)assessmentsystemforourstudentswho willbetakingthealternateformofstateassessmentslatethisSpring. GradeLevelEventsofNoteforMarch/April: • Kindergarten:April28-FieldTripHogleZoo(curriculumconnectedto animals) • FirstGrade:April5-FieldTripBowlingAlley(curriculumconnectedtoforces andmotion) • SecondGrade:N/A • ThirdGrade:N/A • FourthGrade:April14-Watercyclepresentation • FifthGrade:ExhibitionPresentation-April7,5:30-7:00p.m. !& ! ! ! New!Team!Member!Checklist! Employee!Information! Name:&&&&&& & Start&date:&&& Position:& & Circle:&&&&&Full&Time&&&&&Part&Time&&&&&&&&&&&Exempt&&&&&&Non9Exempt&& ! Supervisor:& & Split&between:&&SpEd&%______&&Title&%______&&Regular&Ed&%______& Documentation!and!To!Do’s& &Employee&Information&Form& &CACTUS&Verified&and&Teaching&Certificate&Received&& &IRS&Form&W94&& &IRS&Form&I99&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&CACTUS&ID/Expires:&_____________________& &E9Verify&completed& &401(k)&packet&(1,000+,&eligible&only)&&&&&&&&& &Direct&Deposit&Form& &Health&Plan&forms&provided&(eligible&only)& &Employment&Application&and&Resume& &Sent&to&Broker& &401(k)&Summary&Plan&Description&provided&to&eligible&EE& &Computer&Use&Policy&and&Agreement& &Employee&Benefit&Plan&Disclosures&(ALL)& &Agreements&&&Acknowledgements& &Entered&into&payroll&and&time&clock&systems&&EE#:&&__________& &Building&Access&Form&(if&applicable)& &Compensation&Agreement&signed&(Teachers&&&Admin&only)& &Background&Check&Authorization&Form&(non&CACTUS)& &&&&&&&&&&&& &Sent&to&Advisor& &Entered&into&DWS&website&(as&a&New&Hire)& &Bus&Driver&Certifications&and&MVR&(if&applicable)& &Food&Handler’s&Permit&(if&applicable)& &&Passed&Background&Check& Review!Key!Policies!and!Provide!Key!Documents! Acknowledge&Receipt&of:&& &Legal&Liability&Protection&and& Professional&&&Ethical&Conduct& pamphlets& &Job&Description&(Director/Principal)& &Employee&Handbook&and/or&Policy& Manual&(Director/Principal)& &Medicare&Part&D&Notice&and&the&ACA& Healthcare&Exchange&Notice.&&& &Review:&& • Work&schedule&and&overtime& policies&& • Payroll&policies,&pay&dates&and&time& cards& • PTO&and&Sick&Leave&(if&applicable)& • Holidays&and&school&breaks& • FMLA&and&leave&of&absence& • Review&training&plan& (Director/Principal)& • Performance&expectations,&reviews&and& employee&discipline&& • Personal&conduct&in&schools&& • Dress&code&(modesty&guide&in&schools)& • Confidentiality&(SpEd&and&student&data)& • Harassment& • Security&and&building&access&(hours)& • Emergency&procedures&and&School&Safety& • E9mail,&social&network&and&Internet&use& Introductions,!Administrative!and!Tour! &Introductions&to&key&admin&staff& &Introductions&to&instructional&staff& &Review&administrative&procedures& &School&Tour& & • • • • • • Keys&&&Access&Control&(key,&card&access&or&FOB)& Photo&ID&badges&(if&applicable)& Purchase&Request&and&Reimbursement&Form& Classroom&supplies& Copy,&fax&and&mail¢er& Printing& • • • • • Telephone/voicemail& Emergency&exits&and&supplies& Staff&restrooms& Break&rooms& Parking& Computer! &Hardware&and&software&instructions:&& • E9mail& • Intranet/Internet& • Data&back9up& • Data&on&shared&drives& • All&Data&is&“Public”&Data& • Instructional&equipment& Employee!Acknowledgement! I&acknowledge&that&I&have&received&the&documents&and&information&listed&above.&&I&understand&that&I&can&speak&with&school&& administrators®arding&employment&issues&now&or&in&the&future.&&& & & & & Signature&of&Employee& & & & & Date& & Copyright © 2015 Charter Solutions 03/2015 ! ! ! New!Team!Member!Checklist! Comp:&________________________________________&&& & & & & Copyright © 2015 Charter Solutions 03/2015