Drills to Perfection


Drills to Perfection
Practice drills for all strokes
Abi Liu
About me
Technique is the key to success
 Quality not Yardage
 Yardage is NOT the emphasis, QUALITY is!
 5,000 yards a day
 1,500-2,000 warm-up/warm-down
 6 workouts a week; IM based training.
 We teach before we coach
 No matter the age, it’s never too late to learn and
improve the technique.
 Clear communication with swimmers
 When you see something, say something!
Common problems in Freestyle
 Finding balance between the left & right side of the body
 Control of the long-axis rotation
 Breathing position/timing
 Head position
Freestyle: Common problems
 Finding balance between the left & right side
 We all have our preferred side
Freestyle: Common problems
 Control of the long-axis rotation
 Weak control of the core
Freestyle: Common problems
 Breathing position/timing
Freestyle: Common problems
 Head position
 Finding the best balance
Freestyle Summary
 Kick on the sides
 Pull with buoy between the ankles
 Single arm free with breathing on both sides
 Head up to head down
Backstroke: Common problems
 Uneven rotation---most of swimmers swim with the
left side lower than the right side. Why?
 The entry position/finishing position---over reach
causes the wide exit
 Timing---exit before pull
 Weak kick---weak core
 Hand strength
Partner backstroke drill
Partner backstroke drill
160 degrees drill
Sit up kick drill
Sit up kick underwater drill
Sit up scull drill
Backstroke Summary
 Over reaching---partner drill
 Timing---160 degrees
 Kicking---sit up kick
 Hand strength---sit up scull
Breastroke---Common problems
 Kicking direction---kick back, not out.
 Ankle flexibility
 Hand strength
 Timing/acceleration
 Body position while breathing
Eggbeater kick on the back drill
Eggbeater kick underwater drill
1-peace-okay drill
Timing - between the arms & legs
1-1 underwater drill
Breaststroke Summary
 Direction of the kick - eggbeater
 Timing between the limbs - 1-1
 Hand positioning - 1-peace-okay
 Disconnection - use of the tempo trainer
 How high should the body be?
 Where should the eyes be looking?
Butterfly - common problems
 Disconnection between the upper and lower body
 Weak core---weak kick
 Spinal flexibility
 Difficulty to exit
 Hand entry position/location
 Breathing
Butterfly - pressing drill
Butterfly - pressing drill
Butterfly - angle of attack drill
Butterfly - kicking drill
Butterfly - kicking drill
Butterfly - snorkel swim drill
Butterfly - snorkel swim drill
Butterfly - seal kick drill
Butterfly - seal kick drill
Butterfly – Exit of the arms
Many swimmers have the difficulties when making the
exit, the causes can be:
1. Delayed breathing
2. Breathing position
3. Recovery position
4. Weak 2nd kick
5. Hyper-extension of the arms
Butterfly Summary
 Differences on the upper and lower spine
 Bridging between the hips and feet – core strength
 Importance of the 2nd kick
 Use of snorkel and tempo trainer
Additional fun partner games
Kickboard battle
Sculling battle
Final notes
 Be creative
 There is no right or wrong, find the ones works for you
 Observe
 Especially at swim meets; watch the kids play
 99% of us are visual learners
 use videos
 Have fun!
Abi Liu