Saturday - Fraley Auction
Saturday - Fraley Auction
Fraley’s 8th Annual Lawn & Garden Event 1515 Kepner Hill Road, Muncy, PA Saturday, May 7, 2016 8:00 AM You can Sell & You can Buy ! ~~~~~~~ Everything for the Outdoors ! Taking Consignments of : Boats, Campers, Vehicles, Lawn Tractors & Mowers, Trailers, 4 Wheelers, RTV’s, Golf Carts, Tools EARLY BRIEF LISTING: J D X475 Lawn Tr actor , hydr o, w/54” deck, 736 hr s. cr uise contr ol, like new; J D X485 Lawn Tractor, hydro, w/54” deck, 1091 hrs., cruise control, like new; Cub Cadet Super LT1554 lawn tractor w/ 54” deck; JD 755D 4x4 compact tractor w/ JD 70A loader, 3 pth. pto; JD F620 Z Trak zero turn mower w/ bagger & 54” deck; JD F725 rider w/ mower & snow blower; Cushman Frontline mower w/ 72” front deck; Farmall A w/f/e tractor; Suzuki King Quad 700 ATV w/ snow plow; JD power angle snow plow; Big Tex 12’ & 10’ 35SA Trailers, brand new; 97 Worthington 4’6” x 8’ alum trailer w/ 16” removable sides; Bush-Hog 3 pth RDTH 72” finish mower; NH 930B 3 pth 72” finish mower; Roadmaster mountain bike, new; Mongoose & Murray bikes, like new; Kayaks; Toro push mower; other push mowers. Special Mention: (Miniature Horses) Beautiful 2 yr old buckskin/white socks filly; 4 yr old black stud; both born here. Furniture: Beautiful sassafr as log bedr oom suite w/bear scene bed & dr esser , etc. Beautiful 7 pc. log table set w/tur key scene on chairs; Beautiful sassafras stump 5 pc Pub set w/turkey scene on table; 5 pc table set w/quilt top markings; 5 pc. table set w/benches & chairs; Monster 5’ long fish; lots of hi back benches w/wildlife pictures; lots of rockers w/wildlife pictures; Double rockers; Swings; coffee & end tables; unusual stands; Planters; Welcome & other different signs; bird houses & cages; lots of garden art. 1000’s of flowers: hanging baskets & planter s, gar den plants, flower ing & fr uit tr ees, ever gr een tr ees & shr ubs, lots of pavers, retaining wall blocks; Concrete statues & many different animals. Many items not listed. Accepting items the week before May 7th
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