2015 Tournament Program
2015 Tournament Program
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NINJA TOURNAMENT HIGH SCHOOL SOCIAL "#$ ! Santa Clara Marriott, 9:00 - 11:30 pm Saturday, March 26th, 2016 9th - 12th Grade Players & Siblings Only !' % )(& $10 Pre Order, $15 at the Door - ID required at check-in In & out privileges permitted, social attendees are encouraged to remain in the event ballroom. Backpacks, Purses and Hats are not allowed. 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Basketball continues to be a great medium for bringing families and friends together throughout the year. See you at the 50th Annual South Bay F.O.R. Basketball Tournament. BEST WISHES TO THE SAN JOSE NINJAS FOR A SUCCESSFUL TOURNAMENT! From The Kazuo Masuda Memorial VFW Post 3670 And The VFW Youth Group of Orange County Upcoming VFW Invitational Basketball Tournament: October 15-16, 2016 www.vfwyouthgroup.org Tyler Onishi #24 It still hasn’t hit me that this chapter of my life is coming to end. These past 7 years as part of the Ninja organization have just flown by. To the Ninja organization: Thank you so much for letting me play my favorite sport. On top of that and more importantly, thank you for allowing me to make these bonds that I foresee will last forever. To the coaches: Coach Glen and Coach Chad, thank you for all of your help and guidance when we were younger. You guys are a big part of the player that I am today. And Coach Jess, thank you so much for everything that you have done for me over the years. You always truly cared for all of us both on and off the court. This is no more evident than you making the effort to send in videos for each one of us when you were bed ridden during our last Ninja Social this past year. You also showed this on the court by always being willing to argue with the refs in order to protect us, even if that meant you got T’d up. To my teammates: It’s been fun you guys. You are all some of my closest friends and I honestly look forward to the end of school ball season so that I can get back to Asian league with you guys. All of you have made significant impacts on my life. Connor and Victor: I enjoyed the time that you guys were on the team and it’s too bad that you guys didn’t stick around. Elijah and Justin: Even though that you haven’t been around too long, you two have just added to the team chemistry both on and off the court. Joel and Mitchell K: I am so glad that you guys made the switch to the Ninjas. It was always fun playing against you guys, but I think it’s even better playing with you on our side. Derek, John, Mitchell T, and Dev: We’ve had our ups and downs but you guys have always been by my side. Seeing how we’ve all changed and grown just amazes me. And lastly, Ryan: It’s crazy thinking that it’s been you and me for 7 years now going all the way back to being 5th graders on the 6th grade team. People always say that I am a team leader, but I think that what you do often goes greatly underappreciated and wanted to thank you for everything that you’ve done. To my family: Thank you for always coming out to see me play whether in the black and yellow of Ninjas or Del Mar. I always appreciated you guys coming out and supporting me. Mom and Dad: Thank you for the countless hours you guys have put into this journey. Whether it was driving me to practice and games, taking stats, or having the team over at our house, I know that you always put up with it because you saw how much I enjoyed playing basketball. You have always supported me throughout the years. I know I often tried to ignore you guys by putting on my headphones and trying to fall asleep when I had a bad game and you guys tried to lecture me about it. I am sorry for that, and now realize that you had good intentions as you were yelling at me. Last but not least, Kevin: You are the reason why I fell in love with basketball. I know you appreciated me always coming to your games and practices, but now that I think back on it, that is the reason why I started playing. Being around the game so much is why I play with the passion that I do, and that is all thanks to you. I know you haven’t been around as much as maybe you would like, but I more grateful than I often seem whenever you do make the effort to come to see my games. Dear Ninja Family, Thank you for the past 7 years. It’s been a fun ride. My team is a little weird. Not every team can say we’ve grown up together. Half of us went to Lotus Pre-School together and have been lifelong friends. We expanded our family and now have new lifelong friends. We’re lucky that we all get along great both on and off the court. Thank you for Coach Chad, Coach James and especially Coach Jessica. You all made me a better person. Coach Jessica - you made me more confident both off and on the court. After graduation I plan to get a Social Work degree and hope to also become certified as a firefighter. Eventually I’d like to become a Jodo Shinshu minister. Thank you again. Devon Koji Matsumoto #30 Ryan Miyatake #5 First, I would like to start off by thanking the Ninja Organization for giving me the opportunity to play a sport I love. Playing basketball for the Ninja Organization has been a special opportunity that has taught me many valuable lessons and has created many friendships that will last a lifetime. There are so many great memories I have made in the eight years of being a Ninja. From all the times we went out to eat after a game to winning championships. Coach Jessica, thank you for all your time and dedication you have put in to coach our team. Even though we may have been frustrating to coach at times, you stuck with us and believed in us every minute. You have taught me so much as a player and how to become a better leader. In all my years of playing basketball I never thought I would get scored on by a girl and much as you did to me in practice. My teammates, thank you guys for making my experience as a Ninja so much better. It has been a honor playing with you guys for so many years. It is great to think how some of us have even been playing since we were just learning how to dribble. I know we will all stay friends and keep in touch even when we are in college. Lastly, I would like to thank my family, thank you all for supporting me and going to every game you could go to. Even though I may not show it all the time, I appreciate all you guys do for me. Dad, thank you for always finding ways I can improve my game, even if it means yelling at me from the stands to shoot the ball. At the end of the day I know that you always wanted me to reach my full potential. Mom, thank you for waking up early in the morning on tournament days to make food for the concession stand and screaming for me every time I made a shot. Grandma, it means a lot to me how much you want to attend every single one of my I would like to start off with giving a big thanks to the Ninja Organization. This was a great experience that will be forever life changing. From the people I met, to the friendships I have made, it has been a great journey. I would like to also thank my family (Mom, Dad, and Marissa), grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins for being so supportive and coming to watch as many games as they could. Especially the ones out of town like Reno and LA. Their love and support has kept me strong throughout the whole Ninja experience. And lastly I would like to thank my teammates. On and off the court, I love to be around these guys. Through the many championships and many friendship games, we still managed to have a good time together. We have made so many memories together while at tournaments, fundraisers, and hangouts. I will never forget all of the great times I have had with these great people. The team wouldn’t be where it stands today if it weren’t for Coach Jessica. She’s great at helping us keep our heads out of our butts, while at the same time showing us how real basketball is played. From all the fun practices to intense tournaments, I’ll miss having her as my coach. Overall, being a Ninja has been a great experience with lots of great memories. Mitchell Kitazumi #11 Derek Shiu #33 Wow. . . this is my last year of playing basketball with my Ninja teammates. I remember when I joined the team back in 2009. Stephen Curry was only a rookie, Barack Obama had become our new president, and everyone still listened to The Black Eyed Peas. Man, those were the days. Anyways, I was beyond nervous when my parents drove me to meet the Ninja team for the first time. I played for Tri-City, and I was very aware that everyone on the team played for CYS. I prepared myself for some awkward interactions, but it turned out that everyone was extremely welcoming to me. I learned everyone's names and we had the opportunity to scrimmage for awhile. I had a great first impression of the team and the organization, but what ultimately convinced me to join the Ninjas was our trip to the VFW Tournament in Orange County. Little did I know that this would be the start of an unforgettable seven year journey. In my first tournament with the Ninjas, we went to Disneyland and played basketball. I had made a whole new group of friends in only a weekend, and that's when I knew I wanted to be a Ninja. I'm blessed to have played basketball with such an amazing team. But more than that, I'm thankful that I was able to meet a group of lifelong friends and families. I guess you could say ball really is life because at the end of the day, I won't remember our games or the wins and losses we accumulated. I will remember the memories we built over these past seven years: the team dinners, traveling to LA or Reno, Obon Festivals, and more. I owe it all to my family for allowing me to have this experience. From the long drives to tournaments to the unwavering support at my games, I'm grateful you sacrificed your time in order for me to just have fun. If I listed everything you did, I'd write a whole book, so I simply want to say thank you for the selflessness you expressed over all these years to let me be a Ninja. This applies to all the other families as well. All of the parents worked hard together to do all of the behind-the-scenes work. Your work doesn't go unnoticed and I'd like to thank you for all of the early mornings, late nights, and long days of commitment. I also want to thank Coach Chad and Coach Jessica for developing me into the player I wanted to be. You were instrumental in my improvement in middle school, and you prepared me for the high school level. I absorbed all the advice and critiques you've given me, and I'm thankful that you spent your time to develop me. I don't know where I'd be without your coaching and mentorship. As my final year of Ninja basketball continues, I'm glad I can look back at the past years and see that so many people have supported me. It's been an amazing seven year ride, and I'll be holding back as many tears as I can when we play our final game in spring. I would like to start off with giving a big thanks to the Ninja Organization. This was a great experience that will be forever life changing. From the people I met, to the friendships I have made, it has been a great journey. I would like to also thank my family (Mom, Dad, and Marissa), grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins for being so supportive and coming to watch as many games as they could. Especially the ones out of town like Reno and LA. Their love and support has kept me strong throughout the whole Ninja experience. And lastly I would like to thank my teammates. On and off the court, I love to be around these guys. Through the many championships and many friendship games, we still managed to have a good time together. We have made so many memories together while at tournaments, fundraisers, and hangouts. I will never forget all of the great times I have had with these great people. The team wouldn’t be where it stands today if it weren’t for Coach Jessica. She’s great at helping us keep our heads out of our butts, while at the same time showing us how real basketball is played. From all the fun practices to intense tournaments, I’ll miss having her as my coach. Overall, being a Ninja has been a great experience with lots of great memories. Elijah De Guzman #3 Mitchell Tsudama #8 It’s hard to wrap my brain around the fact that my ninja career is nearing its end. It felt like yesterday when I joined the team in the sixth grade and I was a short scrawny Asian kid that was just okay at basketball but now I’m still a short scrawny kid that's a little better at basketball because of this great organization. First and foremost I would like to thank my parents for showing me the game of basketball, taking me to practices, and tournaments. Also thank you dad for always shooting with me in the driveway and making me a better basketball player but most importantly a better person. I would also like to thank my brother and sister for coming to my games and supporting me even if you didn’t want to. The one person that has changed my game the most, is coach Jess. Coach Jess has changed my game from someone who didn’t really do to much, to a good defender and someone who isn’t afraid to attack the basket. Coach Jess isn’t only a coach to me, she's also a great person and someone who cares about all of us. Our relationship is more than a “coach to player” basis but more of a friend to friend basis. To the guys that mean the most to me, don’t perceive this as a goodbye but more of a til next time because I know there is no way you can keep a group of guys as close as we are away from each other for too long. Each and every one of these guys aren’t just teammates, they are brothers. We have all grown up together regardless if we were together for five years or two. We all have a special bond that carries far beyond the court. So to my boys, this isn’t goodbye... it’s until next time my friends…. It’s sad to believe that I will never be able to play organized basketball again after this year. For most of my life, I had always been occupied with some sort of basketball league to play, whether it was NJB, school teams, or for the Ninjas. Essentially my life has revolved around basketball for years either sacrificing family time, or waking up early in the morning for tournaments on weekends; I have always been happily active around the sport. This sport has helped me stay occupied with my time and is the only reason I am somewhat fit and has helped me create an environment of good influence around me. Basketball has really shaped the person I am today by helping me build confidence and comfort on and off the court. It does also lead me to become a very competitive person which pushed me to always put in effort into whatever I do. Aside from helping me to become who I am, it has also helped me gain a lot of friends. Playing since when I was still in elementary school, it has helped me build friendships that have lasted what seems like forever. This sense of organized team sport has created memories with new friends and even more with my best friends. I am extremely thankful and appreciative that I have had the opportunity to play with so many great friends and met so many great people. Win or lose, I have always had fun while playing because I always knew that it was just a game and that I shouldn’t dwell on one game. I think the most important lesson of all is that, even if you lose, you should always focus on how to improve instead of staying caught up in the past. Justin Wong #21 John Yang #23 Seven seasons ago, I wasn’t too sure about Ninja basketball, and Ninja basketball wasn’t too sure about me. Stepping on the court in a tendollar reversible jersey during my first game, I couldn’t help but feel apprehensive as to how long I would last with the team. But seven years later, I can confidently say that the San Jose Ninjas have become a second home for me, a family that thrives together both on and off the court, and thanks to my parents, teammates, and coaches, I’m thankful for the opportunity to explore the world of basketball and build lasting relationships through such a wonderful organization. Despite the world that has changed around me, my teammates have been like an anchor to me throughout middle school and high school. While transitioning from a thirteen-student size class at Challenger to a campus of sixteen hundred students at Bellarmine was indubitably tough, knowing that there would always be nine brothers I could depend on staying the same was extremely comforting. From basketball to school to the latest NBA trade rumors, being able to grab lunch between games during a weekend tournament became a joy and privilege that I will miss dearly. Coach Jessica, even to this day, you’re the only woman outside of my mother who can beat me up. From the very first practice, it wasn’t just dazzling footwork or one of the cleanest shots I’ve ever seen. It was also your ability to adjust, to triumph through thick and thin, and to bring us together as a family that has touched my heart and inspired me to see from a perspective greater than my own. I’ll always remember you not just as “Coach”, but also a mentor in box out techniques and in life. Thanks so much to all the parents who, after an infinite number of concession stands, scorekeeping duties, and eight o’clock mornings on tournament day, incessantly carry the same familiar enthusiasm and support no matter the wins and losses. And last but definitely not least, I love you mom and dad. I’ll forever cherish not just the peaks and highs, but moreover, the struggle and lows that I had the blessing to share with you. As I head off into the next chapter of life, I’m confident that while our team might see each other less, I’ll continue to carry the spirit of brotherhood, respect, and audacity that the Ninjas have imbued in me. First off, I would like to thank the Ninjas organization for allowing me to do what I love most in life, play basketball. These past four years have really been some of the best times of my life and the ninjas have always been right there to share them with me. Whether it is hanging out at the hotels, winning a tournament, or just having lunch and dinner together, those are memories I will cherish for the rest of my life. I'd also like to thank the Ninjas for providing me with a group of individuals I can consider my family, my brothers. Also, I'd like to thank Coach Jessica, my teammates, and the parents of this team for inviting a kid from San Francisco to come play with you guys and feel so welcomed. I really have had the most fun playing basketball on this team and I will truly miss this team after this season. 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Coach: Glenn Fujii Sac Warlords No. 4 9 12 13 14 21 23 24 25 35 Player Scott Sekikawa Calvin Lau Christian (CJ) Miller Jerod Yee Scott Kumamoto Adam Wong Brenton Loui Nick Siu Matt Shimizu Trenton Lee Coach: Selina Lu and Aaron Lee FOR Lightning No. 3 12 15 21 24 32 33 35 Coach: Brad Au Asst. Coach: Kevin Kuwae So Cal Islanders No. 4 5 7 8 10 21 22 24 25 32 34 Player Todd Takeuchi Darren Jeong Tyler Quan James Kuhlmann Brandon Chan Kyle Takeuchi Blake Yokoyama Ryan Pitpit Jayson Yamasaki Brett Takeuchi Akinty Carter Player Jake Hirayama Russell Sakurai Jared Kuwae Nelson Muronaka Christian Au Kyle Nakahira Matthew Nobuhara Noah House South Bay Pacers No. 2 4 5 10 19 20 23 25 Coach: Randy Kiehm Asst. Coach: Harvey Kitani Tiger Wizards No. 3 12 13 17 21 23 24 32 Player Kenneth Zhang Brandon Hamaguchi Ethan Lam Matthew Tan Kyle Dong Todd Kitagawa Bryant Chow Nathann Hong Coach: Wendell Pitpit Coach: Rich Kitagawa Asst. Coach: Craig Takeuchi Asst. Coach: Steven Dong Rosters for informational purposes only. Official rosters managed at the scorers table. Player Justin Hino Cory Igasaki Dylan Mibu Trent Kitani Jonathan Davis Ford Carlson Evan Mejia Micah Kaneshiro SJ Zebras No. 1 2 7 10 11 13 20 22 23 33 Player Alphonse Manalo Jason Minagawa Jaylen Matsuura Joseph Mosqueda Will Duncan Ethan Hu Aaron Morris Adrian Sarmiento Alex Tsukahara Spencer Singh Coach: Louie Mosqueda Asst. Coach: Joe Chang 12th Grade Girls Back Row: Asst. Coach Jonah Alves, Cynthia Ton, Caity Tanaka, Jenny Van Dyne, Olivia Worthington, Erikka Linn, Kacey Matsushima, Asst.Coach Orville Bagood Front Row: Deserae Velasco, Tiffani Lowe, Ally Hikido, Ashley MacDonald, Lindsey Nishimoto Camera Shy: Coach Alfredo Alves 12th Grade Girls Division Saratoga High School 20300 Herriman Avenue Saratoga, CA 95070 FOR Crunch Time Game 1 Sat 9:00am SJ Zebraettes Game 5 Sat 2:15pm Game 6 Sat 3:30pm FOR Blazers Game 2 Sat 10:15am Consolation Friendship Third Place Championship Game 11 Sun 11:40am Game 12 Sun 1:00pm Ninja Game 10 Sun 10:20am Game 9 Sun 9:00am San Fernando Angels Game 3 Sat 11:30am Foster City Flyers Game 7 Sat 4:45pm Game 8 Sat 6:00pm FOR Kukui Nuts Game 4 Sat 12:45pm Sac. Lady Barons Bottom of bracket is home team and wears white Ninjas are always home and wear black Ninja No. 3 5 7 10 11 12 20 21 23 24 30 Player Tiffani Lowe Deserae Velasco Caitlin Tanaka Jenny Van Dyne Cynthia Ton Olivia Worthington Erikka Linn Ally Hikido Lindsey Nishimoto Ashley MacDonald Kacey Matsushima Coach: Alfredo Alves FOR Crunch Time No. 4 9 11 12 15 24 32 33 44 Coach: Jeff Kawana Asst. Coach: Kats Chinen FOR Kukui Nuts No. 2 3 4 9 10 20 21 22 31 Player Annie Hirata Kylie Nakada Kathryn Takahashi Dawn Donald Jessica Uchi Katherine Fukuda Krysten Tachiyama Hunter Noa Caitlin Chang Coach: Gregg Okada Asst. Coach: Lisa Hirata Player Katie Morimoto Lindsay Masukawa Camryn Morimoto Lili Hamada Taylor Tomita Alyssa Ishigo Jessica Nakahira Megan Takata Kayla Kotake Foster City Flyers No. 3 5 10 14 23 25 30 31 32 Coach: Catrina Gotuaco Asst. Coach: Nicole Hui Rachel Kawawaki Sac Lady Barons No. 1 3 4 5 10 11 14 15 23 45 Player Jaelee Anices Kelsey Wong Natalie Capangpangan Katelyn Bates Niki Fujimoto Lauren Rabena Marissa Yamauchi Jackie Ocampo Courtney Virgil Kristi Wong Player Jackie Kajisa Rachel Lau Ryzza Sabado Brianna Chan Ashly Giron Jasmine Dong Ashley Ramirez Lexi Giron Sarah Chow FOR Blazers No. 00 1 3 4 5 10 11 44 Coach: Russ Hirai Asst. Coach: Mike Enomoto San Fernando Angels No. 00 3 5 21 25 31 32 43 Player Alliosn Yamada Dayna Tanaka Lindsey Tse Ivy Nguyen Deanne Aiau Genessa Bedoya Kate Tokuhara Sydne Kaku Coach: Joel Kunisaki Coach: Choi Tse Asst. Coach: Rene Lee Asst. Coach: Dave Yamada Janie Hironaka Rosters for informational purposes only. Official rosters managed at the scorers table. Player Kayla Chung Emma Tsuneishi Paige Hirai Maile Yanguas Kristy Takahashi Makenna Enomoto Caitlyn Nojiri Kelli Watanabe SJ Zebraettes No. 1 4 5 6 13 21 23 30 33 Player Erika Yasuda Kendall You Mak Kendall Sui Kiana Tom Jenesis Merriman Kelly Nishimura Kasey Liang Kristen Nagamatsu Dani Adams Coach: Bob Hayamizu Asst. Coach: JeffHayamizu RyanHayamizu, KeilaMah 11th Grade Boys Back Row: Asst. Coach Brad Sasaki, Bradley Yasuhara, Adrian Jung, Jordan Minamide, Coach Justin Fujihara Front Row: Jadrien (JJ) Ishimaru, Koshi Huynh, Kyle Ikeda, Jordan Ishimaru Camera Shy: Jordan Gorospe 11th Grade Boys Division Adrian Wilcox High School (Main Gym) 3250 Monroe Street Santa Clara, CA 95051 East Bay Rising Suns Game 1 Sat 9:00am Sac. Rebels Game 5 Sat 2:15pm Game 6 Sat 3:30pm Sac. Warlords Game 2 Sat 10:15am Consolation Friendship Third Place Championship Game 11 Sun 11:40pm Game 12 Sun 1:00pm Ninja Game 10 Sun 10:20am Game 9 Sun 9:00am SJ Zebras Game 3 Sat 11:30am Sac. Barons Game 7 Sat 4:45pm Game 8 Sat 6:00pm Jet Shooters Game 4 Sat 12:45pm BAAS Dragons-Red Bottom of bracket is home team and wears white Ninjas are always home and wear black Ninja No. 1 2 3 12 21 23 30 Player Kyle Ikeda Jordan Ishimaru Jordan Gorospe Jadrien (JJ) Ishimaru Koshi Huynh Bradley Yasuhara Adrian Jung Sac. Barons No. 2 5 6 8 10 21 24 33 35 Coach: Justin Fujihara Asst. Coach: Brad Sasaki Player Isaac Ross Ethan Torneros Toshi Steimetz Spencer Tamichi Quinn Villanueva Ryan Tamura Bradley Kitaoka Adam Joo Stone Smartt Coach: Lane Uda Asst. Coach: Jim Yokota East Bay Rising Suns No. 0 2 11 15 20 23 25 30 Player Ryan Ikami Cody Kurahara Nik Nishikawa Niko Levitt Dillon Tahara Jaquari Smith Brayden Yokota Cameron Dorais BAAS Dragons - Red No. 0 1 3 5 11 17 20 21 22 Bryan Zin 24 Alan Ouitayakul 32 MaKoi Gacula 35 Ian Ostrea Coach: Ed Hum Asst. Coach: Ed Wong Johnny Pelesauma Sac. Rebels No. 0 1 2 3 4 10 11 17 23 33 Player Kalani Kanae Gurv Dhuncy Ethan Broms Jared Mah Daniel Okino Matt Pangan Kenji Fong Brendyn Ikeda Ryan Chan Vincent Young Player Arin Lopez Jeremiah Hutchinson Tim Kwong Daniel Chew Max Hum Calvin Wong Zachary Hong Elijah Jones-Haley Jet Shooters No. 0 1 3 4 5 11 23 33 Coach: Lyle Takeshita Asst. Coach: Ken Kikkawa Sac. Warlords No. 1 3 4 5 10 12 15 35 Player Anthony Lopez Phillip Dunbar Luis DeLa Cruz Johnny Nolan Jaylen Bunch Kyle Yuke Justin Villafor Garrison Fong Coach: Satoshi Steimetz Coach: Mitch Beutler/Mike Tipon Coach: Stephen Bunch Asst. Coach: Curtis Uemura Asst. Coach: Jeremy Yee Rosters for informational purposes only. Official rosters managed at the scorers table. Player Jordan Lee Jason Takeshita Lienard Hwang Kendall Kikkawa Derek Kurashima Justin Taylor Julian Lopez Jeffrey Tsai SJ Zebra No. 1 3 4 6 7 11 15 24 55 Player Mitchell Maruyama Tyler Kawata Dylan Sui Christian Simeon Derek Hane Brendan Lopez Matt Sakamoto Tyler Hom Daniel Ydens Coach: Darren Fujikawa 11th Grade Girls Back Row: Coach Kevin White, Raichel Tjan, Kayla Schermeister, Jessica Kay, Alexis Flores, Jenny Qian Front Row: Gabbi Tsukamoto, Jezarae Tillmon, Corina Kuang, Sun Bang, Rilizza Isla 11th Grade Girls Division Gunderson High School 622 Gaundabert Lane San Jose, CA 95136 FOR Shooting Starz Game 1 Sat 9:00am East Bay Rising Suns Game 5 Sat 2:15pm BAAS Dragons- Black Game 6 Sat 3:30pm Game 2 Sat 10:15am Consolation Friendship Third Place Championship Game 11 Sun 11:40am Game 12 Sun 1:00pm Ninja Game 10 Sun 10:20am Game 9 Sun 9:00am Sac. Lady Barons Game 3 Sat 11:30am Foster City Flyers Game 7 Sat 4:45pm Game 8 Sat 6:00pm Flying Tigers Game 4 Sat 12:45pm SJ Zebraettes Bottom of bracket is home team and wears white Ninjas are always home and wear black Ninja No. 4 12 14 20 21 23 24 25 33 42 Player Sun Bang Rilizza Isla Gabbi Tsukamoto Corina Kuang Jenny Qian Raichel Tjan Jessica Kay Alexis Flores Jezarae Tillmon Kayla Schermeister Coach: Kevin White BAAS Dragons- Black No. 1 4 2 7 8 10 11 17 21 Coach: Stan Butac Asst. Coach: Louis Lui Greg Friedrich Flying Tigers No. 3 7 10 12 14 21 23 31 Player Alyssa Lee Kendall Chan Makenna Peneueta Alyssa Ono Jenna Pitpit Amanda Nishimura Juliana Tom Amanda Lee Player Lydia Tang Janice Wong Brianna Liang Jacqueline Lee Jenna Lee Samantha Lui Rufina Lui Audrey Ng Larissa Wu East Bay Rising Suns No. 10 11 13 15 22 23 30 33 50 51 Coach: Bruce Shimada Asst. Coach: Tamiko Escalante LA Shooting Starz No. 3 11 15 19 23 24 32 44 Player Alexandra Miya Kylie Okamoto Kasey Noguchi Kirra Hernando Jordan Sakasegawa Kelly Chow Hallie Kaichi Kacie Yonemoto Player Brittaney Lewis Taylor Okazaki Katrina Flores Francheska Calagui Shannon Toy Alyssa Pluth Alyssa Wong Hayley Fujii Marissa Otonari Jessica Nakano Foster City Flyers No. 5 7 10 11 13 15 16 24 43 Coach: David Bravo Asst. Coach: Tony Shen Sac Lady Barons No. 1 3 4 5 10 11 12 14 21 33 Player Sara Shimizu Allie Umemoto Jessica Sasaki Jessica Cooper Haley Cogburn Emily Hosoume Kalani Mark Cori Kumamoto Tymiko Okino-Patterson Kelli Yamada Richelle Turney Coach: Eric Drear Coach: Patrick Sakasegawa Coach: Rich Hironaka Asst. Coach: Ryann Drear Asst. Coach: William Chow Asst. Coach: Tori Hironaka Rosters for informational purposes only. Official rosters managed at the scorers table. Player Sala Langi Vicky Huang Mimi Shen Alyssa Cho Caroline Mounga Mikayla Fong Alexa Bayangos Ciara Del Rosario Ofa Sili SJ Zebraettes No. 3 4 11 20 21 23 24 30 Player Caelynn Hwang Misa Fujii Caitlynn Low Cher Nishimoto Brianna Sasao Emi Kong Kayla Kaneshiro Jordan Thompson Coach: Dave Ichiki Asst. Coach: John Low 10th Grade Boys Back Row: Kyle Nishimoto (Coach), Charles Meng, Sean Romankewicz, Justin Yi, Ryan Kim, Charlie Eggleton, Kymberly Ikeda (Asst. Coach) Front Row: Colin Dagdagan, Matthew Dempelein, Eric Sonobe, Jordan Lym, Mattie Kao 10th Grade Boys Division Abraham Lincoln High School 555 Dana Avenue San Jose, CA 95126 SF Associates Game 1 Sat 9:00am Foster City Flyers Game 5 Sat 2:15pm Game 6 Sat 3:30pm Saber Slayers Game 2 Sat 10:15am Consolation Friendship Third Place Championship Game 11 Sun 11:40pm Game 12 Sun 1:00pm SJ Zebras Game 10 Sun 10:20am Game 9 Sun 9:00am South Bay Triple Threat Game 3 Sat 11:30am Ninja Game 7 Sat 4:45pm Game 8 Sat 6:00pm Pasadena Bruins Rock Game 4 Sat 12:45pm Sac. Barons Bottom of bracket is home team and wears white Ninjas are always home and wear black Ninja No. 3 5 10 11 13 15 21 24 30 35 Player Eric Sonobe Charles Meng Matthew Kao Justin Yi Colin Dagdagan Charlie Eggleton Jordan Lym Matt Dempelein Sean Romankewicz Ryan Kim Coach: Kyle Nishimoto SF Associates No. 0 2 3 5 12 21 22 32 33 Player Niko Yamamoto Kole Hamane Jonathan Au Ryan Ishii Colin Au Anthony Vuong Tyler Yang Elvin Ng Jerry Tang Kyle Yuen Anthony Mark Max Rodriguez Randall Wong Aaron Gee Justin Aranda Skyler Chan Coach: Matt Szeto Asst. Coach: Kyle Chan Pasadena Bruins Rock No. 4 12 15 20 33 35 55 Player Saber Slayers No. 3 5 9 20 24 34 35 Player Joshua Ma Aaron Kim Nicholas Jung Evan Watase Edmund Garcia Kieren Nomura Troy Hazama Sac Barons No. 1 5 7 9 10 11 23 25 35 50 Player Justin Nguyen Keilen Fong Brandon Nguyen Drew Ikemoto Jalen Viray Alvin Tong Darek Choi Darin Similai Kai Fox Keoni Ene Coach: Robert Fong Asst. Coach: Mike Viray Foster City Flyers No. 1 3 7 10 15 22 23 35 Coach: Matt Mederios South Bay Triple Threat No. 3 11 12 15 21 24 32 Player Jordan Fajardo Tyler Morimoto Bryan Ishigo Jason Sakurai Derek Hino Kota Irie Dylan Nobuhara Player Owen Cha Jordan Chan Christian Camus Brandon McDonald Zach Espiritu Lucas Lee Nico Abad Cyre Jorin To SJ Zebras No. 3 8 9 12 21 26 30 40 Player Charlie Dinger Paul Jackson Zachary Whong Jacob Cayabyab Alex Chu Bryant Jefferson Ben Fujii Ryan Lee Coach: Bently Au Coach: Doug Tokeshi Coach: Glenn Morimoto Coach: Keenan Iwamura Asst. Coach: Russel Ishii Asst. Coach: David Jung Asst. Coach: RickSakurai/Andy Irie Asst. Coach: Janice Chen Rosters for informational purposes only. Official rosters managed at the scorers table. 10th Grade Girls Back Row: Coach Chris Joo, Rainna Sena-Kagawa, Alyssa Topete, Felicity Usac, Selena Wang, Sharon Roldan Front Row: Katrina King, Lauryn Shek, Brianna Claros, Akemi Namba Camera Shy: Alyssa Downs, Kayla Tahaafe 10th Grade Girls Division Yerba Buena High School 1855 Lucretia Ave. San Jose, CA 95122 Sac. Lady Barons Game 1 Sat 9:00am SF Enchantees Game 5 Sat 2:15pm BAAS Dragons- Red Game 6 Sat 3:30pm Game 2 Sat 10:15am Consolation Friendship Third Place Championship Game 11 Sun 11:40am Game 12 Sun 1:00pm Ninja Game 10 Sun 10:20am Game 9 Sun 9:00am LA Hype Game 3 Sat 11:30am Foster City Flyers Game 7 Sat 4:45pm Game 8 Sat 6:00pm LA Stingrays Game 4 Sat 12:45pm SJ Zebraettes Bottom of bracket is home team and wears white Ninjas are always home and wear black Ninja No. 1 5 10 11 12 13 15 21 22 23 30 Player Katrina King Kayla Tahaafe Felicity Usac Akemi Namba Selena Wang Brianna Claros Rainna Sena-Kagawa Alyssa Topete Lauryn Shek Sharon Roldan Alyssa Downs Coach: Chris Joo BAAS Dragons- Red No. 1 2 5 10 14 15 20 22 23 32 Coach: Mike Travis Marissa Evans-Ling Asst. Coach: Perker Meeks LA Hype No. 1 2 3 9 10 15 21 25 44 Player Izabella Om Ally Yamada Mackenzy Iwahashi Jamie Kwong Brittaney Chan Kelly Hussey Janelle Doi Chyanne Pagkalinawan Casey Kuramoto Player Gabby Lau Larissa Braganza Kayla Jew Fiona Tam Elise Ng Katelyn Kung Litia Lele’a Annie Wu Daphney Fulgencio Nomin Rinchin SF Enchantées No. 2 4 11 22 23 32 53 Player Jenna Yamada Kelli Toyooka Bailey Murakawa Wong Paige Tokuhara Kristin Wong Clarissa Kiyomura Justyne Nakano Meagan Pham Foster City Flyers Coach: Eric Love Player Mia Woo Aliyah Arcillas Kinako Miyake Sachi Chanteloup Chloe Funabiki-Gong Mari Wayne Olga Faasolo Halamako Pita Carly Leong Katie Osaki Melinda Quan Victoria Mataele Katelyn Wong Coach: Dan Mori Asst. Coach: Calvin Chan Asst. Coach: Herb Gong LA Stingrays No. 6 21 25 44 22 Player Lauren Pugeda Hope Lang Kiana Sujishi SydneyJane Shia Debbie Ly Brittney Nguyen Joanne Thai No. 0 3 4 5 13 15 30 32 42 44 Sac Lady Barons No. 1 3 10 11 18 20 24 28 32 35 Player Taylor Low Maggie Ito Gabby Griffe Jamie Floyd Kailyn Wallace Lindsey Maseba Lilyanne Nieto Alice Wong Mika Sakata Kymaya Wallace Coach: Henry Pagkalinawan Coach: Keith Tokuhara Coach: AJ Fajardo Asst. Coach: Donn Yamada Asst. Coach: Mark Toyooka Rosters for informational purposes only. Official rosters managed at the scorers table. SJ Zebraettes No. 2 5 7 10 21 22 23 25 30 Player Sydney Santo Krissy Miyahara Kylie Chan Tori Mok Nicole Blakes Calista Burnama Lauren Izumi Kylie Fiaui Lindsey Takahashi Coach: Ron Izumi 9th Grade Boys Back Row: Coach Ehson Mortezale, Reuel Yang, Tatsumi Eng, Coach Kenji Mitchell, Nate Johnson, Ian Byun, Coach Ryan Matsuoka Front Row: Skyler Santos, Dylan Johnston, RJ Scillingo, Trevor Baba 9th Grade Boys Division Cupertino High School 10100 Finch Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 FYBC Tigers Game 1 Sat 9:00am SJ Zebras Game 5 Sat 2:15pm Game 6 Sat 3:30pm FOR Rebels Game 2 Sat 10:15am Consolation Friendship Third Place Championship Game 11 Sun 11:40pm Game 12 Sun 1:00pm Ninja Game 10 Sun 10:20am Game 9 Sun 9:00am FOR Jaguars Game 3 Sat 11:30am Sac. Barons Game 7 Sat 4:45pm Game 8 Sat 6:00pm SF Associates Game 4 Sat 12:45pm SVBC Phoenix Bottom of bracket is home team and wears white Ninjas are always home and wear black Ninja No. 0 1 11 21 23 31 35 44 Player Trevor Baba Tatsumi Eng Dylan Johnston Reuel Yang Ian Byun Skyler Santos RJ Scilingo Nate Johnson Coach: Ryan Matsuoka SF Associates No. 1 5 10 11 20 23 25 42 44 Player Kevin Uyesugi Brandon Farnsworth Mitchell Mashiko Jason Okamoto Sean Sasaki Christian Delacruz Joey Kula Garrett Kasai Sac Barons No. 1 3 6 7 10 14 16 23 30 35 Player Thai Saechao Brian Nguyen Kendal Bartlett Brandon Hwa Connor Dorais Reece Pascua Nicholas Hvidsten Joshua Jayme Scott Yasuda Austin Sakata Coach: Shingo Tanaka Coach: David Kunisaki Asst. Coach:Duane Bell/Gordon Mak FOR Rebels No. 1 5 10 15 24 33 35 44 Player Jordan Martin Peyton Monaco Zachary Ryutaro Polianos Darren Mondares Tyson Kim Murphy Christopher Ho Rocky Marania Jovanni Matthew Image Ryuma Yamaguchi FYBC Tigers No. 1 2 5 10 21 30 31 32 42 45 Player William Chin Wesley Hiroto Gerone Rojas Brian Teng Andrew Chen Jimmy Wang Oliver To Andrew Tee Braxton Carlson Kevin Yip FOR Jaguars No. 00 3 9 11 12 23 24 55 Coach: David Gammell SVBC Phoenix No. 0 8 20 21 23 24 30 35 Player Gene Wang Roy Yuen Joseph Chen Ryan Tagawa Ian Tai Kevin Le Mason Lau Kyle Yu Coach: Chad Maekawa Coach: Russ Hiroto Coach: Eddie Attaway Asst. Coach: Justin Kimura Rosters for informational purposes only. Official rosters managed at the scorers table. Player Brett Kigawa Alex Marsden Bryce Lee-Garcia Devon Nakamura Jake Amano Vincent Valparaiso Joshua Louie Trent Hamamoto SJ Zebras No. 3 6 11 12 20 21 23 44 Player Tyler Ueyda Tyler Yang Bailey Wong Ethan Woo Kevin Mayeda Grant Acker Zachary Wong Kyle Bergstedt Coach: Matt Ho Asst. Coach: Mike 9th Grade Girls Back Row: Maxine Tuazon, Mia Smith, Sydney Suzuki Front Row: Kelli Tsukamoto, Jasmine Masuda, Paige Uyehara, Kammi Tsukamoto Camera Shy: Katie Yamashita, Emilia Dougherty 9th Grade Girls Division The King's Academy High School 562 N. Britton Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 FOR Hoku Game 1 Sat 9:00am SJ Zebraettes Game 5 Sat 2:15pm Game 6 Sat 3:30pm BAAS Dragons- Black Game 2 Sat 10:15am Consolation Friendship Third Place Championship Game 11 Sun 11:40am Game 12 Sun 1:00pm Ninja Game 10 Sun 10:20am Game 9 Sun 9:00am VFW Daredevils Game 3 Sat 11:30am Sac. Lady Barons Game 7 Sat 4:45pm Game 8 Sat 6:00pm Tigers BobbyStrong Game 4 Sat 12:45pm Sac. Lady Rebels Bottom of bracket is home team and wears white Ninjas are always home and wear black Ninja No. 2 3 10 13 21 22 23 24 32 Player Sydney Suzuki Mia Smith Kelli Tsukamoto Maxine Tuazon Katie Yamashita Kammi Tsukamoto Jasmine Masuda Paige Uyehara Amelia Dougherty Coach: Stevie Hom BAAS Dragon- Black No. 1 2 3 5 7 8 11 21 23 35 48 Coach: Daniel Quach Ed Hum Sac Lady Rebels No. 0 1 3 7 8 9 10 13 15 Player Mia Otani Lauren Fong Madison Sasaki Amanda Fong Isabella Asuncion Lindsay Okashima Lindsey Yep Morgan Oto Chelsea Shirley Coach: Ryan Takeoka Player Alyson Lee Katelyn Lee Maatii Mobley Naomi Kyi Samantha Hum Coral Yu Samantha Quach Catherine Kung Lauren Sera Crystal Luu Christina Wong FOR Hoku No. 1 5 8 9 21 23 24 Coach: Ryan Hamada Asst. Coach: Courtney Taira Tigers BobbyStrong No. 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 55 Player Madison Yamada Brooke Inouye Kailea Lee Ha-Jung Kim Jennifer Uchi Madison Tamashiro Traci Kozawa Romi Takara Nicole Matsumoto Player Christine Wan Jessica Murobayashi Kimi Nagasaki Holly Hamada Fiona McCabe Kaylee Lo Kristin Hanaoka Sac Lady Barons No. 0 3 5 9 10 11 20 21 23 Coach: Marvin Nakamoto Asst. Coach: Kirsten Shimizu VFW Daredevils No. 1 2 4 6 12 24 32 33 Player Chloe Park Aubrey Brown Taryn Uyematsu Stephanie Lee Nicole Khanthaphixay Catherine Dea Rilee Price Cassandra Shimada Coach: Jenna Nakasu Coach: Michael C. Price Asst. Coach: Stan Matsumoto Rosters for informational purposes only. Official rosters managed at the scorers table. Player Jamie Sunada Nikki Kobayashi Kayla Fong Lauren Bumatay Hayley Hom Megan Poon Jenna Waki Lindsey Miyao Cassidy Byrne SJ Zebraette No. 3 4 7 10 11 12 22 28 31 Player Charlize Andaya Allyson Hom Lauren Antonio Sara Fujii Aiyanna Flores Jaelenn Bumagat Gabrial Ruiz Alexa Othon Jennifer Hayashi Tia Nishime Coach: Brent Duren 8th Grade Boys Back Row: Coach Xavier Cook, Anthony Yu, Zach Ng-Posey, Kalvin Lee, Caleb Chiang, Byron Hansen, Assistant Coach Eric Fujii Front Row: Rylan Suyeishi, Cale Matsumoto, Alex Pietrow, Brendon Yi 8th Grade Boys Division Piedmont Hills High School 1377 Piedmont Road San Jose, CA 95132 Foster City Flyers Game 1 Sat 9:00am Ninja Game 5 Sat 2:15pm Game 6 Sat 3:30pm Jets Shogun Game 2 Sat 10:15am Consolation Friendship Third Place Championship Game 11 Sun 11:40pm Game 12 Sun 1:00pm Sac. Barons Game 10 Sun 10:20am Game 9 Sun 9:00am SVBC Shockers Game 3 Sat 11:30am Hollywood Dodgers Elite Game 7 Sat 4:45pm Game 8 Sat 6:00pm SF Associates Game 4 Sat 12:45pm SJ Zebras Bottom of bracket is home team and wears white Ninjas are always home and wear black Ninja No. 0 3 10 15 22 24 33 35 42 Player Caleb Chiang Cale Matsumoto Rylan Suyeishi Anthony Yu Kalvin Lee Brendan Yi Byron Hansen Alex Pietrow Zaccheus Ng-Posey Coach: Xavier Cook Asst. Coach: Eric Fuji SF Associates No. 2 3 10 11 13 21 30 31 32 33 Coach: Geary Horikiri Foster City Flyers No. Player 0 Daniel Kim 2 Will Tong 12 Glen Ocampo 20 Ethan Fadrilan 23 Nicholas Knobel 25 Brandon Gee 30 Bryant Lee 32 Matthew Chan 35 Andrew Shen 44 Nathan Rutter 45 Jordan Salgado 50 Zac Mallet 54 Nusi Malani Coach: Jorge Chevez Player Griffon Shen Toyoshige Kano Ethan Chai Joshua Nghiem Ian Antuk Connor Wong Kenzo Fukuda Trent Yeh Mark Shibata Jacob Lee Jets Shogun No. 3 10 12 13 16 22 23 24 34 Player Laird Anderson Jr Jared Shintani Nathan Sun Garret Matsukiyo Justin Ibrahim Aaron Castillo Cash Cobarrubias Willie Rosales Evan Furukawa Sac Barons No. 1 2 3 5 6 10 11 12 21 26 Player Alex Lee Kainoah Hernandez Aaron Murata Hunter Leong Tyler Takaha Lucas Matsuura Kainoa Fidel Robert Lee Noah Wagner Peter Gwananji Coach: Jeff Ota Asst. Coach: Jessica Kunisaki Hollywood Dodgers Elite No. 2 7 8 9 10 12 21 22 23 35 Coach: Calvin Mizobe Asst. Coach: John Koyama SVBC Shockers No. Player 0 Michale Lau 1 Timothy Chang 2 Kevin Chen 3 Ethan Lin 7 Jonanthan Chen 8 Justin Lam 9 Jeremiah Mao 15 Jeffrey Liu 21 Stephen Zhone 24 Wesley Sun 30 Austin Wang 33 Matthew Mills 35 Peter Fan Coach: Tommy Biondic Coach: Scott Furukawa Asst. Coach: Arvin Castillo Rosters for informational purposes only. Official rosters managed at the scorers table. Player Jameson Wang Nathan Li Jake Koyama Ricky Miura Gavin Nozaki Anton Shiozaki Brandon Mizobe Justin Sawai Jordan Koga John Thomas Tan SJ Zebras No. 00 1 4 9 11 12 24 32 Player Jake Nishimura Brenton Nagamatsu Jaden Dangtran Kyle Tsujimoto Nolan Nepomuceno Jadon Clay Jack Townsend Jared Tan Coach: Ryan Matsuura Asst. Coach: Bryce Itatani 8th Grade Girls Back Row: Julianne Ho, Cynthia Diaz, Stephanie Evanson, Lauren Beers, Kaysie Watanabe First Row: Kylie Chang, Ashley Hiraki, Elise Corwin, Karli Mukai Camera Shy: Coach: Tariq Abdul-Wahad 8th Grade Girls Division Santa Clara High School 3000 Benton Street Santa Clara, CA 95051 Tigers Dream Game 2 Sat 9:00am SJ Zebraettes Game 5 Sat 2:15pm Sac. Lady Warlords Game 6 Sat 3:30pm Game 1 Sat 10:15am Consolation Friendship Third Place Championship Game 11 Sun 11:40am Game 12 Sun 1:00pm Ninja Game 10 Sun 10:20am Game 9 Sun 9:00am VFW Pressure Game 3 Sat 11:30am Sac. Lady Barons Game 7 Sat 4:45pm Game 8 Sat 6:00pm FOR Challengers Game 4 Sat 12:45pm Bay Area Elite Bottom of bracket is home team and wears white Ninjas are always home and wear black Ninja No. 1 5 10 11 22 24 25 35 Player Julianne Ho Karli Mukai Ashley Hiraki Lauren Beers Cynthia Diaz Elise Corwin Kylie Chang Stephanie Evanson Coach: Tariq Abdul-Wahad Bay Area Elite No. Player 1 Lauryn Hwang 2 Rachael Jian 3 Jordyn Kanaya 7 Ashley Ng 8 Chloe Tam 9 Clarissa Li 11 Karen Zhu 21 Nicole Pon 22 Ella Jang 23 Kimberly Yu 25 Kaik Chan 32 Maddie Louie 33 Nesi Hafoka Coach: Stan Butac Tigers Dream No. 4 5 8 13 14 15 25 32 Player Siera Misumi Megan Ngo Devyn Kamiya Katie Tashima Molly Yamamoto Nicole Sakasegawa Alyssa Maxey Kelli Takahashi Coach: Kyle Kamiya Asst. Coach: David Misumi FOR Challengers No. 1 2 3 5 6 13 15 31 Coach: Allen Morimoto Asst. Coach: Grant Tomita VFW Pressure No. 1 3 5 10 11 14 15 23 24 Player Haley Vela Jenna Hazama Minh-thy Vo Madison Gekko Sarah Yee Nicole Pena Emma Chang Kylie Kishi Sydney Jang Player Kristin Akioka Jordyn Morimoto Kacie Takata Kelsey Tochihara Melanie Oda Kaela Celaya Jamie Tomita Taylor O'Brien Sac Lady Barons No. 3 5 7 9 10 14 15 25 30 55 Coach: Brandon Yung Sac Lady Warlords No. 0 2 3 6 8 15 20 26 28 52 Player Nicole Trach Carina Powner Abygail Bauzon Mierra Haroldson Jolie Yee Jade Kuang Emily Maseba Ruisha Yang Jessica Tai Lauren Shintaku Coach: Rachel Cain Coach: Paul Powner Asst. Coach: Jesse Chang Asst. Coach: Gus Maseba Frank Pena Rosters for informational purposes only. Official rosters managed at the scorers table. Player Nicole Fong Jaidyn Wallace Jennifer Wong Jackie Nguyen Nikki Tanaka Reba Sy Paige Onodera Rena Sy Natalie Omega Kayla Revelo SJ Zebraettes No. 1 2 3 5 11 20 21 23 Player Kayla Kawata Madison Serrano Sydney Fujimoto Ericka Sangco-Lidgey Alyssa Hamamoto Julia Lin Sulia'anapesi Reed Hailey Uyeda Coach: Keith Wong Asst. Coach: Denise Hayamizu 7th Grade Boys Back Row: Coach Jeff Muralt, Brody Connors, Aaron Ragen, Ryan Oh Front Row: Bryan Maruyama, Cris Idemoto, Zak Usac, Brandon Hom Camera Shy: Coach Ryan Ng, Zachary Hirotsuka 7th Grade Boys Division Emil Buchser Middle School (Aux. Gym) 1111 Bellomy Street, Santa Clara 95050 BCSFYAO Taisho Game 1 Sat 9:00am Ninja Game 5 Sat 2:15pm San Fernando Sharks Game 6 Sat 3:30pm Game 2 Sat 10:15am Consolation Friendship Third Place Championship Game 11 Sun 11:40pm Game 12 Sun 1:00pm SJ Zebras Game 10 Sun 10:20am Game 9 Sun 9:00am Foster City Flyers Game 3 Sat 11:30am SF Associates Game 7 Sat 4:45pm Game 8 Sat 6:00pm FOR Wolfpack Game 4 Sat 12:45pm SVBC Thunder Bottom of bracket is home team and wears white Ninjas are always home and wear black Ninja No. 1 3 11 13 15 30 33 35 Player Bryan Maruyama Zak Usac Ryan Oh Aaron Ragen Brandon Hom Cris Idemoto Zachary Hirotsuka Brody Connors Coach: Jeff Muralt Asst. Coach: Ryan Ng SF Associates No. 0 1 10 11 22 23 24 25 30 35 Coach: Conant Chi Asst. Coach: Rick Guerrero San Fernando Sharks No. 3 5 10 21 23 24 30 32 34 35 Player Austin Lee Brandon Szeto Allen Lew Nic Nguyen Ian Koguchi Akira Ishii Evan Motoyasu Tyler Minami Jaren Tanaka Ethan Mo Player Kyle Simmons Jake Tang Bryce Smith Josh Chi Zachary Rodriguez Makana Leavitt Ricki Daijo Raki Cabrera-Scarlata Justin Wong Tyler Ng SVBC Thunder No. 0 3 8 11 13 17 21 22 23 30 32 33 Player Michael Hu Jonathan Ko James Zhang Chris Suon Ramsey Van Der Meer Spencer Lin Jonathan Chao Tyler Chu Jason Yang Eric Zhu Ray Wang Timothy Hung FOR Wolfpack No. 00 2 5 8 12 13 15 23 45 Player Jorel Cara Oscar Dela Cruz Alex Koki Shane Oda Josh Yamane Devin Higashigawa Dylan Vida Kekoa Carroll Evan Endo Coach: Nate Higashigawa Asst. Coach: Wes Oda Foster City Flyers No. 1 6 8 11 24 32 35 40 46 54 Coach: Cary Yamauchi Asst. Coach: Lauren Yamauchi BCSFYAO Taisho No. Player 1 Gavin Ogawa 2 Joshua Masuda 6 Julian Chop 11 Riku Choy 12 Takuto Tanimoto 15 Nicholas Kwock 20 Evan Mok 22 Toby Wong 24 Ethan Suh 30 Ethan Jew 33 Matthew Seiki 35 Ryan Chin 44 Shea Galicer 51 Kaelen Russell 52 Preston Lou Coach: Jason Tanaka Coach: Kevin Lang Coach: Jeff Masuda Asst. Coach: Kris Minami Asst. Coach: Chris Jew Rosters for informational purposes only. Official rosters managed at the scorers table. Player Zach Dunn Josh Tanaka Kevin Andrews Brett Loy Jaden Tung Peli Netane Gabe Santos Alex Lang Marcelo Fung Luke Jun SJ Zebras No. 3 4 10 12 13 15 17 35 Player Matthew Whong Michael Young Jason Tsukimura Andrew Lau Erik Chu Tobey Flores Ethan Lin Spencer So Coach: Kala Wong Asst. Coach: Justin Nakamura 7th Grade Girls Back Row: Coach Wade Nakamura, Erin Tan, Kristyn Barton, Olivia Williams, Briana Meng Front Row: Kelli Kosakura, Kaelie Nakamura, Alex Salise, Krystal Lan Camera Shy: Annika Decker 7th Grade Girls Division Peter Burnett Middle School 850 North 2nd Street San Jose, CA 95112 FOR Swish Game 1 Sat 9:00am Sac. Lady Knights Game 5 Sat 2:15pm Game 6 Sat 3:30pm SF Enchantees Game 2 Sat 10:15am Consolation Friendship Third Place Championship Game 11 Sun 11:40am Game 12 Sun 1:00pm Ninja Game 10 Sun 10:20am Game 9 Sun 9:00am LA Hoops Game 3 Sat 11:30am SJ Zebraettes Game 7 Sat 4:45pm Game 8 Sat 6:00pm Sac. Lady Warlords Game 4 Sat 12:45pm SB Lightning Bottom of bracket is home team and wears white Ninjas are always home and wear black Ninja No. 0 1 3 10 11 21 22 32 33 Player Kelli Kosakura Annika Decker Alessandra Salise Erin Tan Kaelie Nakamura Briana Meng Krystal Lan Olivia Williams Kristyn Barton Coach: Wade Nakamura FOR Swish No. 1 7 23 24 32 45 54 Coach: Russell Hirano Asst. Coach: Greg Kaku Sac Lady Warlords No. 00 4 9 10 12 19 23 25 30 31 Player Milan Tuttle Janelle Chin MacKenzie Le CeCe Garcia-Ali Kyra Magsayo Maria Gotico Amaya McLeod Lu Cabuena Alina Daffon Christina Menil Coach: Que Ngo Asst. Coach: Bryan Harada Player Kira Shibuya Jillian Yamada Rylie Akahiji Ally Hirano Lauren Nobuhara Erin Kaku Alyssa Kaku LA Hoops No. 3 8 9 11 12 21 28 31 Coach: Ryan Hamada Asst. Coach: Kevin Takamiya SF Enchantees No. 1 3 5 10 12 13 21 23 24 Player April Tuason Kaitlin Yuen Abigail Lew Kaitlynne Lew Katherine Fu Nianna Sarmiento Courtney Yee Loraine Trinidad Noelle Toy Dlyan Benitez Coach: Newton Yuen Asst. Coach: Benson Toy Player Kkenna Takamiya Kate Hamada Courney Lo Tatum Tamashiro Storey Noble Katie Watanabe Shayna Yokoi Erika Munekata Sac Lady Knights No. Coach: Mirann Tsumura Asst. Coach: Dean Waki South Bay Lightning No. 00 1 2 6 7 11 21 23 32 33 35 Player Kaitlyn Virola Allyson Suzuki Allison Matsubayashi Sophia Olender Allison Leung Logan Jew Riley Nomura Zoe Hackel Natalie Getz Aliya Icasiano Olivia Corwin Coach: Darren Nomura Asst. Coach: Kurt Hackel Chelsea Unemori Rosters for informational purposes only. Official rosters managed at the scorers table. Player Alyssa Archuleta Lauren Archuleata Cara Ishisaka Kaley Poon Lindsay Shintaku Mia Waki Lily Yamashiro Kaylin Isbell Melanie Mar SJ Zebraettes No. 1 2 5 6 8 12 23 32 35 Player Katie Yasuda Kaitlyn Antonio Jenny Mizota Avery Lee Sara Ho Maison Yee Courtni Thompson Halia Yee Jane Loo Coach: Trisha Yamaichi Yody Chi Mark Akizuki 6th Grade Boys Back row: Coach Will Roan, Michael Wu, Will Hook, Cade Jordan, Tetsuo Eng Front row: Max Zhang, Aidan Beaver, Owen Kato, Jace Chang Camera shy: Jack Hakeman, Zaccai Ng-Posey 6th Grade Boys Division Adrian Wilcox High School (Auxiliary Gym) 3250 Monroe Street Santa Clara, CA 95051 BCSFYAO Taisho Game 1 Sat 9:00am Ninja Game 5 Sat 2:15pm Game 6 Sat 3:30pm So. Cal Shinobis Game 2 Sat 10:15am Consolation Friendship Third Place Championship Game 11 Sun 11:40pm Game 12 Sun 1:00pm SF Hoopsters Game 10 Sun 10:20am Game 9 Sun 9:00am VFW Riptide Game 3 Sat 11:30am SJ Zebras Game 7 Sat 4:45pm Game 8 Sat 6:00pm Hollywood Dodgers Thunder Game 4 Sat 12:45pm SF Associates Bottom of bracket is home team and wears white Ninjas are always home and wear black Ninja No. 5 11 12 14 20 30 34 35 Player Jace Chang Max Zhang Owen Kato Aidan Beaver Tetsuo Eng Michael Wu William Hook Cade Jordan Jack Hakeman Zaccai Ng-Posey Coach: Will Roan SF Associates No. 2 3 11 12 13 21 22 35 Coach: Mike Sakurai Asst. Coach: Ashley Sakurai Rafael Salmeron So Cal Shinobis No. 0 5 7 9 12 23 34 45 Player Ryan Wong Jake Woo Collin Matsukiyo Trevor Shin JJ Kim Mason Lo Derek Montelongo Kyle Yu Coach: David Shin Player Joshua Chew Kenzo Yee Keisei Saito Aidan Amores Colin Muramoto Jordan Tokushige Kristopher Kawaguchi Nathan Chong Hollywood Dodgers Thunder No. 2 4 5 8 20 21 23 32 34 43 Coach: Tim Takeshita Asst. Coach: Brandon Jackson BCSFYAO Taisho No. 3 4 5 11 20 21 25 30 31 43 45 Player Avery Lee Isaac Li Jonathan Takeda Kai Hinoki Nathan Mak Aidan Mishima Giovanni Maddalozzo Kenshin Nakamura Noah Hunt Brendan Huey Buster Quan Player Troy Takahashi Mathew Lee David Maemoto Mathew Farnsworth Brenan Muramoto Jason Lee Bryant Yanase Ryan Hino Trent Tachiyama Noah Lee SF Hoopsters No. 1 2 5 9 10 11 15 20 23 Coach: Stephen Chan VFW Riptide No. 2 8 11 15 17 23 30 32 Player Reid Wada Lucas Gray Ryan Shimoda Max Nguyen Nathan Baik Sean Kato Koston Maloyo Christian Bermudez Coach: Kaz Takeda Coach: Bryan Gray Asst. Coach: Ken Hinoki Asst. Coach: Duane Nguyen Rosters for informational purposes only. Official rosters managed at the scorers table. Player Zachary Chan Ethan Matsuda Jacob Yamagishi Max Yuen Jackson Bernardo Tiger Yu Javier Amaral Nicholas Moriwaki Alex Bone SJ Zebras No. 00 1 2 3 5 10 11 23 35 Player Logan Kurotori Sean Sakae Reid Ikeda TJ Kusunoki Jacob Tang Jeffrey Oka Ryan Ho Jayden Lau Marcus Ikeda Coach: Rick Santo 6th Grade Girls Back Row: Coach Jeffrey Young, Amaya Bonner, Reiko Scilingo, Keila Barton Front Row: Kiyomi Petersen, Haylie Wakayama, Reina Shimomura, Sydney Shimabukuro 6th Grade Girls Division Herbert Hoover Middle School 1635 Park Ave San Jose, CA 95126 VFW Angry Birds Game 1 Sat 9:00am Foster City Flyers Game 5 Sat 2:15pm SoCal Fusion Game 6 Sat 3:30pm Game 2 Sat 10:15am Consolation Friendship Third Place Championship Game 11 Sun 11:40am Game 12 Sun 1:00pm Ninja Game 10 Sun 10:20am Game 9 Sun 9:00am Tigers Roar Game 3 Sat 11:30am SF Enchantees Game 7 Sat 4:45pm Game 8 Sat 6:00pm Sacramento Royals Game 4 Sat 12:45pm SJ Zebraettes Bottom of bracket is home team and wears white Ninjas are always home and wear black Ninja No. 3 4 11 12 14 23 25 33 Player Sydney Shimabukuro Amaya Bonner Kiyomi Petersen Haylie Wakayama Reina Shimomura Ellen Cheng Reiko Scilingo Keila Barton Coach: Jeffrey Young Foster City Flyers No. 1 2 3 5 7 11 14 33 Coach: Ofa Taimini SoCal Fusion No. 1 2 3 4 10 11 31 32 44 Player Sarah Sato Keri Takeda Kendall Oda Mia Shiozaki Brooke Shibata Caia Sasada Carene Kaya KayleeAnn Henriques Jadyn Lee Player Olivia Pon Bailey Fong IIana Nguyen Kiana George Chloe Morimoto Gabby Ravelo Hope Loy Brianna Filoteo Janice Yung Tigers Roar! No. 2 3 4 5 8 22 23 32 Player Jami Galdones Brittany Ishida Jessica Yamashiro Ella Estabrook Kacey Omura Kanani Kasuyama Wenli Nakata Kellie Au Sacramento Royals No. Player Makena Archuleta Samantha Bringas Karli Cooper Baylee Fong Miya Ikemoto Sophia Ito Kaitlyn Juarros Lauren Kimura Molly Maseba Lauryn Okamoto Coach: TBD Player Camden Joko Madison Suekawa Lauren Smith Megan Maki Tristyn Yuki Maile Oshita Lauren Mirhan Allison Mirhan Player Paris Hing Mariel Cawthon Audrey Louie Emma Aoki MacKenzie Leung Michelle Woo Skye Lee Katie Lee Charlize Gong Sarah Choi Sabrina Ma Coach: Calvin Leung Asst. Coach: Tod Hing VFW Pretty Angry Birds No. 00 8 11 14 21 24 42 43 Coach: Nicole Joko Coach: Brian Ishida Asst. Coach: Connie Nakata Asst. Coach: Ann Maki Jesse Galdones Rosters for informational purposes only. Official rosters managed at the scorers table. Coach: Jimmy Lee Asst. Coach: Wes Oda SF Enchantees No. 1 11 15 23 24 25 31 32 35 41 45 SJ Zebraettes No. 00 2 10 20 21 23 24 Player Milla Berenger Naomi Chow Lauryn Chinn Jamie Fong Ashley Hashiguchi Jewel Merriman Hailey Hashiguchi Sharon Nejad Coach: Becky Chang Asst. Coach: Kevin Miguel G o o d L u c k a n d Pla y H ard Your 2019 Ninja Girls Team #BFLA Good luck Sydney and the 2019 Ninjas! 2015 Ninja T o urn a m e nt R e s ults 6 th G ra d e G irls C h a m pio n s hip S J Z e bra ette s nd 2 Place Ninja rd 3 Place FOR Swish Consolation Norwalk Sapphires 6 th G ra d e B o ys C h a m pio n s hip F O R W olfp a c k nd 2 Place San Fernando Sharks rd 3 Place BCSFYAO Taisho Consolation SF Associates 7 th G ra d e G irls C h a m pio n s hip S a c W arriors nd 2 Place Ninja rd 3 Place Tigers SWG Consolation Tigers Dream 7 th G ra d e B o ys C h a m pio n s hip S J Z e bra s nd 2 Place Ninja rd 3 Place Hollywood Dodgers Consolation Sac Rebels 8 th G ra d e G irls C h a m pio n s hip Ninja nd 2 Place Tigers Magic rd 3 Place LA Hoku Consolation FC Flyers 8 th G ra d e B o ys C h a m pio n s hip S a c R e bels nd 2 Place Ninja rd 3 Place SVBC Phoenix Consolation FOR Jaguars 9 th G ra d e G irls C h a m pio n s hip N orw alk H ots h ots nd 2 Place Ninja rd 3 Place SF Enchantees Consolation LA Hype 9 th G ra d e B o ys C h a m pio n s hip S J Z e bra s 2nd Place Sac Barons 3rd Place SF Hoopsters Consolation Ninja 10 th G ra d e G irls C h a m pio n s hip F lyin g Tig ers nd 2 Place FOR Mystics Elite rd 3 Place Sac Lady Barons Consolation East Bay Rising Suns 10 th G ra d e B o ys C h a m pio n s hip Ninja 2nd Place SF Associates 3rd Place Sac Barons Consolation SVBC 11 th G ra d e G irls C h a m pio n s hip S a n F ern a n d o A n g els 2nd Place FOR Crunch Time rd 3 Place SJ Zebraettes Consolation FOR Blazers 11 th G ra d e C h a m pio n s hip 2nd Place 3rd Place Consolation 12 th G ra d e G irls C h a m pio n s hip F O R D olp hin s II 2nd Place Ninja rd 3 Place FYBE Jaguars Consolation BAAS Dragons Red 12 th G ra d e B o ys C h a m pio n s hip P a s a d e n a B ruin s 2nd Place Ninja rd 3 Place Sac Rebels Consolation Jets Rebels B o ys S a c B aro n s SJ Zebras Ninja NYS Rockets San Jose Ninja Boosters The San Jose Ninja Youth Foundation would like to thank the following friends, families, individuals, and business for their generous support Altaflex Ashby, Marilyn, Lacey and Blake Armistead Dee and Alan Baba Barton Family Maribelle Bautista Beers Family Cindy and Tim Byun George & Jenn Chang & Family Short Circuit Inc. Mar and Mindy Claros Robert, Mindy, Brody & Jack Connors Jalimex Foods Corp. The Corwin Family Sonny and ChaCha Dagdagan De Guzman Family Dan and Sheri Dempelein The ShigemasaDiaz Family Jeff and Raquel Downs Keith and Erin Eggleton Reeka Ninomiya and Kevin Eng Enterprise Car Rental The Evanson Family Ric and Danielle Gorospe Hansen Family Booster Mr. Booster His Self Clayton and Doris Higa Jits and Jean Higa Garret, Yumi, Caitlyn, Vanessa and Jillian Higa Norm, Ann, Kylie and Sammi Higa Hikido Family Tracy Hirai Dr. Fred Hirai, DDS The Hiraki Family Mark, Rosario, Zachary, Lucas Hirotsuka Fred and Grace Ho & Family Kuang & Ho Family Ryan & Julie Hom The Idemoto Family Ed, Suga, Kyle, Reid & Marcus Ikeda Sus & Sadako Ikeda Charboneau Insurance Alaina and Marshall Johnson Denise Johnston Dave and Elisa Jordan Alan Jung Kenny and Sonny Kagawa John T. Kao, MD & Family Steve and Jenny Kim Eric and Gemma King Kitasoe Family Brad, Leslie, Marissa & Mitchell Kitazumi Mike & Shirley Kodani The Kosakura Family Harry & Marie Kotsubo Jim & Judy Kotsubo Nami Kumagai The Linn Family Kevin and Maxine Lym Clark & Eileen Maruyama Masuda Family Matsumoto Family Boosters John & Edith Matsumoto Curt, Annette Marisa, Kacey & Jordyn Matsushima Nancy Jing and Michael Meng Jeffrey and Sheri Minamide Mr. & Mrs. Mitsunaga Robert & Laura Mukai Andy and Lea Namba Ng Family Booster Ninja 11G Bill, Joan Dan and Rich Nishimoto Dave, Margie, Kyle, Maimie and Lindsey Nishimoto David & Jenny Oh Steve, Linda & Kevin Onishi Chris & Cyndi Petersen Pietro Family Boosters Kent & Naoko Ragen Aurea Porciuncula & Marc Romankewicz Tae Sano Andrea and Keith Morikawa, & John Santos Gold Plating Services Michelle Scilingo Reiko Scilingo and Family Jerry and Jean Shih Michael & Nancy Shiu Skye Cosmetic Dental Center Smith Family Smith Family Boosters Taira Consulting Group Soetano Family Boosters Julianna Michael and Kara Sonobe Amaya Bonner & Spencer Family Suyeishi Family Boosters Jame/Fumi Suyeishi Family Boosters Jeanne Suyeishi Family Boosters Walter/Dolly Eric, Geneil and Hannah Suzuki Nick and Saane Tahaafe Todd & Estelle Tanaka PAC Tech USA Tilmon Family Ton Family Robert and Dahlia Topeti Tsukamoto Family Craig and Linda Tsukamoto and Family Noel and Maria Tuazon Lance, Tracey and Blake Uyehara Ron & Ruby Usac Bob, Susan Kimmy & Jenny Van Dyne VMWare Foundation Wakayama Family Selena Wang Stan and Kris Watanabe YenPin Wen Wong Family Worthington Family Steve and Carol Yamashita Vian and Ian Yang Russell and June Yasuhara Justin Yi Soetano Family Boosters Julianna Zheng Zhang 12G Families Smith Family Boosters Taira Consulting Group