Tayen Lane Catalog - 2014.2015 Retail


Tayen Lane Catalog - 2014.2015 Retail
TAYEN LANE - Catalog - 2014/15
Poems from Conflicted Hearts - Multiple Authors (poetry anthology)
Love poems and the anthologies that contain them are plentiful. But is it true of
their counterpart, poems that speak to loneliness, heartbreak, unrequited love and
the tragedy of abuse masquerading as love? A brief review of the literary genre
would say that there is no such balance. Anthologies of heartbreak, it appears, do
not exist in abundance.
Poems from Conflicted Hearts is an anthology of poems, about love’s heartache. The
poems comes from twelve poets, both established and aspiring. The criteria for
inclusion of their poems was that the poems must move us, they must touch heart
and soul, they must come to life visually, becoming a part of us through their
language, their rhythm, their pain.
HARDCOVER: $24.99 - Softcover: $14.99 - eBook: $4.99 — AVAILABLE NOW
Illusions, Dystopia and Monsters - Kermit E. Heartsong (non-fiction)
Illusions, Dystopia & Monsters: How the Truths Of Our Time May Be Stranger Than
Fiction is a unique, captivating and thoroughly disturbing book. The author, Kermit
Heartsong, explores the idea of reality as potentially more terrifying than any
dystopian film by a direct comparison with over 70 films. Heartsong's monsters are
here and now, but cleverly undercover. His monsters are present day power brokers
and high level government officials, with psychopathic or sociopathic tendencies,
who are systematically exacting death and destruction around the globe.
San Francisco native and author Kermit E. Heartsong has written three non-fiction
books--The United States of Mammon (2013), Illusions, Dystopia & Monsters (2013)
and the Fourth Horseman (2014). He is a member of Writers and Authors and the
Association of Writers. He is featured in author Carol Adrienne's The Story of Your
Hardcover: $24.99 - Softcover: $14.99 - eBook: $4.99 — AVAILABLE NOW
Poems and Affirmations by Ockemia - (poetry, spiritual)
Poems and Affirmations by Ockemia is a book about the journey to soul, the awareness
of life, family, love and God. Poet Ockemia Kates-Bean provides a bird’s-eye view of her
life, lessons learned, gifts and insights offered to her by a loving God, who is always
there for her. And if we can just be still for a moment and listen, we will discover, that
God is always there for us, as well.
Ockemia Kates-Bean is a native of Richmond, California, where she lives with her
husband, who was her childhood sweetheart, and her children. Ms. Kates-Bean, inspired
to write from an early age, gathered inspiration from a host of personal experiences,
which ranged from losing her mother, when she was very young to love, marriage,
motherhood and her relationship with an ever-present God. The catalyst that led Ms.
Kates-Bean to pursue poetry came from a first place win in her very first poetry contest
and from the encouragement of teachers, friends and family. Poems and Affirmations by
Ockemia is Ms. Kates-Bean’s debut book of poetry.
Hardcover: $24.99 - Softcover: $14.99 - eBook: $4.99 - AVAILABLE NOW
New for Q4 2014
Ukraine: ZBig’s Grand Chessboard - Natylie Baldwin & Kermit Heartsong
Zbigniew Brzezinski’s The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic
Imperatives has long been the operative canon for the State Department Hawks,
Neoconservatives and Russophobes. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the
implementation of Zbig’s Grand strategy has moved at a feverish pace, gobbling up
former Soviet satellites and then converting them into NATO forward bases. The
endgame for the West, via these moves, was to quash Russian and ostensibly
Chinese independence, economic viability and, thus, their ability to project power
in Eurasia.
Ukraine: ZBIG’s Grand Chessboard & How the West Was Checkmated speaks to the
historical and geostrategic moves by the West to control the Eurasian landmass: the
broken promises and treaties, the geostrategic missteps and, finally, how Grand
Chessboard fundamentalism actually catalyzed Russia’s re-emergence as a global
power, shifted geostrategic power eastward and, proverbially, snatched defeat from
the jaws of a U.S./NATO victory.
HARDCOVER: $24.99 - Softcover: $14.99 - eBook: $4.99 - PRE-ORDER AVAILABLE NOW
Extinction Dialogs - Carolyn Baker & Guy McPherson (non-fiction)
Extinction Dialogs is a candid conversation between Guy McPherson and Carolyn
Baker. The text addresses the scientific research regarding abrupt climate change as
well as how humans who grasp the likelihood of near-term human extinction can
prepare emotionally and spiritually for the demise of many species on Earth,
including ours. Synthesizing scientific and psycho-spiritual perspectives, McPherson
and Baker provide a manual for understanding our terminal status and therefore
allow this knowledge to shape every aspect of our relationships and behavior in
humanity's last hours.
Carolyn Baker, Ph.D. is a former psychotherapist and professor of psychology and
history. She is the author of Collapsing Consciously: Transformative Truths For
Turbulent Times. Guy McPherson is Professor Emeritus at the University of Arizona.
He taught and conducted research for 20 award-winning years before leaving the
university for ethical reasons in 2009.
HARDCOVER: $24.99 - Softcover: $14.99 - eBook: $4.99 — PRE-ORDER AVAILABLE NOW
The Last Exotic Petting Zoo Jessica Tyner’s
The Last Exotic Petting Zoo is Jessica Tyner’s debut poetry anthology comprised of
twelve years of writing. The reader is led down a spectrum of fragments in time
saturated with loss, love and hope. Spanning several countries and facets of
relationships, Jessica delves into the underbelly of familial strife and awakenings from a
childhood with bi-racial parents to the loss of her father. Featuring glimpses into the
reality of the relationship with the self, from infatuation to despite, key pieces dig in
deep to the most incestuous relationship everyone has.
Jessica Tyner, born and raised in Oregon is a member of the Cherokee Nation, a
Pushcart Prize nominee and a graduate of the Ooligan Press program. Ms. Tyner
received her master’s degree in Writing from Portland State University, having
completed the second year of the program, as an intern with the Fulbright Commission
in London, England.
HARDCOVER: $24.99 - Softcover: $14.99 - eBook: $4.99 — PRE-ORDER AVAILABLE NOW
Procyon Short Story Anthology - Multiple Authors - (fiction)
A short story in many ways is like a brief affair. Its very first words can intrigue with the
potential to race both heart and imagination. It engages one quickly and then proceeds
to ravish, terrify, stun, beguile or disabuse, as it reaches climax and as its denouement
unfolds. One is left to ponder the glory, the irony, the horror or the mystery, which only
time and reflection will make known. How was it for you?
This collection features the works of thirty-three writers, from across the world, whose
short stories span multiple genres, that range from drama to science fiction to fantasy to
horror to romance. The anthology thus represents a veritable "box of chocolates," as the
reader will never quite know what they’ll get, until they’ve figuratively taken a bite.
Whether one reads sequentially or randomly, a story per night, the 'chocolate' one picks,
we believe, will intrigue, transport and in many cases amaze the senses.
HARDCOVER: $24.99 - Softcover: $14.99 - eBook: $4.99 — PRE-ORDER AVAILABLE NOW
Flying with Broken Feathers - Naomi J. Johnson - (poetry)
FLYING WITH BROKEN FEATHERS is an anthology of original poems, which forms a
narrative of domestic violence, escape, healing and recovery. Weaving through this
narrative are themes around nature and spirituality. Flying With Broken Feathers is
reflective of the author’s journey through captivity and abuse, through despair and
post-traumatic stress; that space before the reality of resurrection sets in, in which
grief and anger are paramount. The reader is drawn through this darkness to the
point of healing and rebirth.
Naomi’s earliest memories are of books and words and of playing at writing even
before she knew how. Naomi is a survivor of domestic violence, and her creativity
and love of music, as well as her strong spirituality, have helped her through the
experience of escape and healing. Naomi sings in the choir of Christ Church
Cathedral, and spends as much time as possible with books and her choir friends.
HARDCOVER: $24.99 - Softcover: $14.99 - eBook: $4.99 — PRE-ORDER AVAILABLE NOW
Observant Observing’s - Marie Hanna Curran - (poetry)
Observant Observing’s is Marie Hanna Curran’s first poetry collection. It’s a book of
noticing, observing behavior, questioning routine and redefining the banal. Each poem
encourages the reader to pause, listen, inspect. Traits so often overlooked in life.
Observant Observing’s is comprised of five sections, which speak to aspects of nature,
everyday objects, the four seasons, time past and present and people in social
Marie Hanna Curran holds a degree in Equine Science from the University of Limerick,
Ireland and lives in rural Galway with her husband and many wild birds. Due to illness
she is currently housebound, however, ME/CFS doesn’t stop her writing. She believes
writing is soul food and such food must be shared. Two of her poems appeared in The
Galway Review and seven pieces of work weaved their way between the pages of the
published anthology: Poems from Conflicted Hearts (Tayen Lane Publishing 2014).
HARDCOVER: $24.99 - Softcover: $14.99 - eBook: $4.99 - PRE-ORDER AVAILABLE NOW
New for 2015
The Wonder Plant Cannabis - Paul Aubuchon - (non-fiction)
For over five thousand years the Cannabis plant has existed beside numerous
civilizations. In that time it has been utilized as food, medicine, entheogen and
ultimately as a recreational drug. Chinese Emperors, Western Royalty, President, Prime
Ministers, Religious Sects to the “hoi polloi,” have engaged with Cannabis, as the curative and healing powers contained within this incredible plant, have long been
Author Paul Aubuchon takes the reader on a five thousand year journey with Cannabis,
the story behind its prohibition and how today Cannabis truly frightens the most
powerful industries in the world. Paul also believes that given the abject insanity of the
cultural paradigm that we call “Modern Civilization,” it’s no wonder that its recreational
use grows daily. Or as Krishnamurti said, “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted
to a profoundly sick society.”
HARDCOVER: $24.99 - Softcover: $14.99 - eBook: $4.99 — PRE-ORDER JAN. 1st, 2015
Procyon Short Story Anthology - Multiple Authors - (fiction)
Evolutionary Erotica as described by Andrea, "is an art form that titillates the perciever
by stimulating a new "Evolutionary" sense organ. My intention is to turn one on to
empathy, compassion-within, right-action, and a desire for union-of the whole. I think
that the next step in our evolution requires us to manifest a new sense organ--an organ
that senses our "Oneness." This is what Evolutionary Erotica attempts to arouse within its
readers. Evolutionary Erotica has very little to do with sex, and everything to do with
Love and Oneness."
Andrea Alberto Rivas lives in Puerto Vallarta (Mexico). Words and writing have always
been her passion, escape and obsession. Andrea developed her style of writing, when
she was 17 and penned a poem that marked the beginning of what she terms
“rEvolutionary Erotica.”
HARDCOVER: $24.99 - Softcover: $14.99 - eBook: $4.99 — PRE-ORDER JAN. 1st, 2015
The Fourth Horseman - Kermit Heartsong - (non-fiction)
The fourth and last horseman now strides forward into the world. The signs left in his
wake are all about-- Fukushima, global warming and impending thermo-nuclear war, yet
the population sleepwalks, drifting from screen to hypnotizing screen, like zombies.
Whether one regards the bible as the literal word of God, a metaphor which continues to
this day to parallel human societal interactions, or a fairytale written by troubled men, the
type you’d find carrying a sandwich board and screaming damnations at passerby, this
much is true, apocalyptic times are at hand.
San Francisco native and author Kermit E. Heartsong has written three books--The United
States of Mammon (2013), Illusions, Dystopia & Monsters (2013) and the Coming of
Napoleon Jones (2015). He is a member of Writers and Authors and the Association of
Writers. He is featured in author Carol Adrienne's book The Story of Your Life.
HARDCOVER: $24.99 - Softcover: $14.99 - eBook: $4.99 — PRE-ORDER JAN. 1st, 2015
The Coming of Napoleon Jones - Kermit Heartsong - (fiction)
Five year old Napoleon Jones is quite different from other children. It’s not solely
because he’ll shortly attend one of the country’s top universities. It’s not simply because
Napoleon sees the world's devastating problems and its solutions with such astounding
clarity. And it’s really not just the seven plus languages that he speaks so fluently. It is,
however, because of something far beyond appearances and abilities. The coming of
Napoleon Jones is a novel about a five year old with the clarity, commonsense and
integrity, that the world so desperately needs. But is the world ready to embrace
Napoleon and all that he has to offer?
San Francisco native and author Kermit E. Heartsong has written three non-fiction
books--The United States of Mammon (2013), Illusions, Dystopia & Monsters (2013) and
The Fourth Horseman (2014). He is a member of Writers and Authors and the
Association of Writers. He is featured in author Carol Adrienne's The Story of Your Life.
HARDCOVER: $24.99 - Softcover: $14.99 - eBook: $4.99 — PRE-ORDER JAN. 1st, 2015
Coming Soon
Super J
And Friends
Heart ’s
T hree Bulls
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S u i t e
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Oakland, CA 94612
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