smartcard project - Harlingen CISD / Harlingen Consolidated
smartcard project - Harlingen CISD / Harlingen Consolidated
HARLINGEN CONSOLIDATED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 407 N. 77 Sunshine Strip Harlingen, TX 78550 Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals Re-Bid Video Surveillance System Equipment for Seventeen (17) Elementary Campuses #VSSP0416 Due: April 12, 2016 @ 2:00PM Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION A. Invitation to Provide Competitive Sealed Proposal ................................................................. 3 B. Instructions to Proposer.......................................................................................................... 4 C. General Terms and Conditions ............................................................................................... 4 D. Acknowledgment of Receipt PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN UPON RECEIPT ............ 7 E. Ranking Criteria and Delegation of Authority to Ranking Committee (Required with Submittal) ..... 8 F. Non-Collusion Statement (Required with Submittal) ..................................................................... 11 G. Certificate of Residency (Required with Submittal) ....................................................................... 12 H. Criminal Background Check (Required with Submittal) ................................................................ 13 I. W-9 Form (Required with Submittal) ............................................................................................ 14 J. Certification Regarding Texas Family Code (Required with Submittal) ......................................... 18 K. Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (Required with Submittal) ......................................................... 19 L. Felony Conviction Notification, Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion Signature Page (Required with Submittal) .................................................................... 22 M. Proposal Base Bid and Signature Page (Required with Submittal) .............................................. 24 N. Firm Priced Single Item Pricing (Required with Submittal) ............................................................ 26 II. General Specifications AND Scope of Work A. General ............................................................................................................................... 27 B. Instruction to Vendors .......................................................................................................... 27 C. Evaluation Process .............................................................................................................. 27 D. Questions ............................................................................................................................. 27 E. Response Guidelines ........................................................................................................... 28 F. Technical Support ................................................................................................................ 28 G. References ........................................................................................................................... 28 H. Vendor Performance ............................................................................................................ 28 I. Insurance ............................................................................................................................. 28 J. Bonds ................................................................................................................................... 28 K. Workmans’ Compensation Insurance ................................................................................... 28 L. Prevailing Wages .................................................................................................................. 30 III. Project Specifications ....................................................................................................... 33 IV. Project Site Drawings and Bill of Materials ..................................................................... 52 2 Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 3 I. INTRODUCTION A. INVITATION TO PROVIDE COMPETITIVE SEALED PROPOSAL Pursuant to the requirements of Texas Government Code Chapter 2269, Subchapter D, the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District (hereafter HCISD) invites your Competitive Sealed Proposals for furnishing the merchandise, supplies, equipment, and labor set forth in this Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals (CSP). Bid Number: Bid Name: Opening Date: Due Time: Pre-Proposal/Conference Walk Through: VSSP0416 VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM FOR SEVENTEEN (17) ELEMENTARY CAMPUSES April 12, 2016 2:00 P.M. Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at 9:00 A.M. – Lee Means Elementary, 1201 E Loop 499, Harlingen TX. Remaining campuses will be visited thereafter in the following order. Continuing Wednesday, March 23 as required. 1. LEE MEANS ELEMENTARY 1201 E Loop 499 Harlingen TX 78550 9. JEFFERSON ELEMENTARY 601 South J Street Harlingen TX 78550 2. LONG ELEMENTARY 2601 N 7th Street Harlingen TX 78550 10. BOWIE ELEMENTARY 309 W Lincoln Street Harlingen TX 78550 3. DISHMAN ELEMENTARY 309 Madeley Combes TX 78535 11. SAM HOUSTON ELEMENTARY 301 E Taft Street Harlingen TX 78550 4. WILSON ELEMENTARY 16495 Primera Road Harlingen TX 78552 12. TREASURE HILLS ELEMENTARY 2525 Haine Drive Harlingen TX 78550 5. RODRIGUEZ ELEMENTARY 8402 W Wilson Road Harlingen TX 78552 13. BONHAM ELEMENTARY 2400 E Jefferson Street Harlingen TX 78550 6. STUART ELEMENTARY 6701 W Bus Hwy 83 Harlingen TX 78552 14. TRAVIS ELEMENTARY 600 E Polk Street Harlingen TX 78550 7. MILAM ELEMENTARY 1215 Rangerville Road Harlingen TX 78550 15. AUSTIN ELEMENTARY 700 E Austin Street Harlingen TX 78550 8. LAMAR ELEMENTARY 1100 South M Street Harlingen TX 78550 16. ZAVALA ELEMENTARY 1111 North B Street Harlingen TX 78550 17. CROCKETT ELEMENTARY 1406 E Jefferson Street Harlingen TX 78550 HCISD will only accept HARD COPY SEALED PROPOSAL packages; therefore faxes and/or e-mails will not be accepted under any circumstances. B. INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSER 1. Completed sealed Proposal documents must be received in the Purchasing Department of the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District-Purchasing Department, 407 N. 77 Sunshine Strip, Harlingen, Texas 78550 on or before 2:00 P.M. of the “OPENING DATE” at which time proposals will be accepted, opened and read aloud. LATE proposals will not be accepted and will be returned to the proposer unopened. PLEASE MARK FRONT SIDE OF SEALED ENVELOPE WITH PROPOSAL NUMBER AND OPENING DATE AND TIME AS INDICATED. 2. Proposals may be withdrawn at any time prior to the due date and time. Proposer guaranteeing authenticity must initial ANY AND ALL alterations made thereon on any submission documents. After the official due time, proposals may not be amended, altered, or withdrawn. The District reserves the right to request clarification(s) with any proposer. 3. The undersigned agrees, if their proposal is accepted, to furnish any and all items upon the terms and conditions contained in the specifications. If the proposer fails to fulfill any and all contractual obligations resulting from their proposal submittal, then the Uniform Commercial Code shall govern. Vendors are requested to hold proposal offers firm for period of forty-five (45) days from the due date for acceptance. Should vendors specify a different time period; consideration for overall acceptance will be evaluated based on any and all factors, to ensure the interest to HCISD, and fairness to all respondents. 4. Please note the attached terms, conditions, or specifications to this solicitation. All proposals must be submitted in the HCISD format provided, and in accordance with specifications and descriptions on the proposal sheets. This Request for Proposal Package is for a turnkey package which is to yield an installed and operational video surveillance system compliant with specifications further defined herein. An electronic version of this package is being provided at (.pdf format) for your convenience and may be used in preparation of your response. 5. By submitting a Proposal, each Proposer agrees to waive any claim it has or may have against HCISD, its trustees, agents and employees, and any reference sources, arising out of or in connection with the administration, evaluation, or recommendation of any Proposal; waiver of any requirements under the proposal documents; acceptance or rejection of any Proposal; and award of a contract. The District shall have no contractual obligation to any Proposer, nor will any Proposer have any property interest or other right in the Proposal or contract being proposed unless and until the contract is unconditionally executed and delivered by all parties, and all conditions to be fulfilled by the Proposer have been fulfilled by the Proposer. 6. THE PROPOSAL SIGNATURE PAGE (SECTION I) MUST BE SIGNED AND EXECUTED BY A PERSON DULY AUTHORIZED TO LEGALLY BIND SAID COMPANY TO ANY AND ALL SPECIFICATIONS EXPRESSED AND IMPLIED AND GOVERNED BY UCC CODE. FAILURE TO SIGN FORM WILL RESULT IN REJECTION OF PROPOSAL IN ITS ENTIRETY. C. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Submittal shall be inclusive of any and all delivery charges for products and services as may be required to complete 100% of the awarded contract. 2. Tele-faxed and/or e-mail proposals will NOT be accepted. Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 5 3. Samples may be requested for testing by HCISD for evaluation. Samples not deemed meeting criteria OR MEETING SPECIFIC INTENDED PURPOSE shall be considered nonconforming, and will be sufficient reason to reject or disqualify your proposal. Samples not submitted within the time frame established will automatically DISQUALIFY the proposal. 4. All prices/discounts must be guaranteed through the contract period, or fulfillment of resulting contract. Any and all discounts must be inclusive in proposal unit price. 5. Specifications, as written meet specific requirements for standardization or proven reliability of application. Submittals (offers) different from the original requirements must meet or exceed original proposal specifications to be considered as equivalent. It is a mandatory requirement of these specifications, in order to qualify alternate (equal) products to those specifically named; that, complete material/product specification-data sheets to be provided with the sealed proposal package as applicable. Failure to provide or denote this information will be sufficient grounds for disqualification. Should the proposer fail to denote the offer is for an alternate product: then, stated price will be accepted for the actual product specifically named. Resulting contracts/orders resulting from the award will be processed by a formal instrument (Purchase Order). Proposer must submit by separate attachment to their submittal any and all deviation to any product specified. 6. Within the specification a performance standard might be established by use of a proprietary (registered) trade name or by use of a manufacturer or brand name, the term “OR EQUAL,” if not inserted, SHALL BE IMPLIED. The specified article or material shall be understood as indicating the type, function, minimum standard of design, efficiency and quality desired, and shall not be construed as to exclude other manufactured products of comparable or superior quality, design, and efficiency. “OR EQUAL” INTERPRETATION CLAUSE: Any time a particular manufacturers’ name or brand is specified, it shall mean any product of equal or superior quality. Proposals shall be considered on all other brands submitted of equal or superior quality. On such proposal items the proposer shall indicate clearly the product name on which he is proposing, and shall supply sufficient data on brand or manufacturer specified. When more than one brand name of the “or equal” is available, do not propose more than two item choices. THE DISTRICT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO A FINAL DECISION OF ANY PRODUCT STATED TO BE OF EQUAL OR SUPERIOR QUALITY. 7. Product substitution of item(s) proposed and accepted will not be allowed. Under certain conditions, vendors may be allowed to ship items, which manufacturers have revised with New Year’s product numbers or models. Vendors will need written authorization from HCISD’S Purchasing Department before such model number substitutions can be made. At no time will the prices be allowed to escalate. 8. Patented or Copyright Protected Items: The fact that a particular item is covered by a patent or copyright does not automatically mean that the purchase falls under the provisions pertaining to exemptions from the competitive bidding requirements for items available from only one source. In fact, nearly all consumer goods are covered by patents. To be a bona fide exemption to the competitive bidding requirement, there must be no other like items available for purchase that would serve the same purpose or function, and only one price for the product because of exclusive distribution or marketing rights. In the event any article to be sold or delivered hereunder is covered by any patent, copyright, trademark, or application thereof, the seller shall indemnify and hold harmless the district from any and all loss, cost, expenses, and legal fees on account of manufacture, sale, or use of such articles in violation of infringement or the lack of rights under such patent, copyright, trademark, or application. Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 6 9. During the performance of this contract, the vendor agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, national origin, age, religion, gender, marital or veteran status, or disabled condition. Contractor shall comply with all sections as further defined in Texas Government Code Section 2269.054 15. All contracts and agreements between merchants and HCISD shall strictly adhere to the statutes as set forth in the Uniform Commercial Code, Texas Business and Commerce Code, Title 1. 16. Merchandise received shall be newly manufactured merchandise. Refurbished or reconditioned merchandise will not be allowed. Merchandise discovered not in new condition will be returned freight collect at the vendors’ expense. If the problem is not corrected within ten (10) working days of notification the HCISD, will have the right to recourse and seek remedy. 17. Warranty: A minimum warranty period as further delineated in the specifications shall be provided on all materials and workmanship. In the event of failure, the vendor agrees to repair or replace such units at no cost to the district within ten (10) working days. 18. Fund out provision: Should, during the term of the resulting contract, funding allocations be cut or exhausted HCISD will be released from any future obligations to the said contract. 19. Respondents shall restrict all contact with the Owner and direct all questions regarding this solicitation, including questions regarding terms and conditions, to the District's Representatives identified in Section II.D by email. Do not contact members of the Board of Trustees or other employees of the School District, Contact with any of these prohibited individuals after issuance of this solicitation and before selection is made, may result in disqualification of your submittal. 21. The following documents are required to be completed and enclosed with you proposal, failure to include all documents may be grounds for disqualification. 22. During the performance of any contract, contractor’s employee and subcontractors shall acknowledge and comply with all Federal, State, Local Policy, and Directives of the HCISD. The work is to be performed on campus location where the use of any tobacco product is strictly prohibitive by law. Employee or employee of subcontract will be required to wear proper attire and shall be required to ware proper identification tags at all times. 23. Any and all employees will be required to provide a State or Federal issued picture identification, and as required comply with criminal background checks. 24. Any person participating in the Pre-Bid Walk-Through will be required to present a State or Federal issued picture identification. 25. Our Elementary Test Calendar is provided for your consideration in preparation of you proposal, Should changes to the calendar occur during the execution of resulting contract, compliance will be required. Click on link to view: HCISD 2015-2016 Testing Calendar. 26. Product information is available by denoted link, please click open link. Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 7 D. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM PROJECT FOR SEVENTEEN (17) ELEMENTARY CAMPUSES #VSSP0416 I have reviewed the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District Request for Proposal (CSP) and will respond to the CSP by April 12, 2016 2:00 PM. I will not be able to respond to the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District CSP by April 12, 2016 2:00 PM due to the reason(s) described below. Further information (described below) is required by HCISD in order to complete the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District CSP. Description of reason for declining to quote and/or description of information required to complete the CSP: Name: Title: Company Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Email address (REQUIRED): Phone: Fax: Please return (Acknowledgement only) as soon as possible via fax to receive addenda if applicable: Antonio Gracia, Jr., Director of Purchasing Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District Fax Number (956) 430-9796 Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 8 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED WITH SUBMITTAL E. RANKING CRITERIA & DELAGATION OF AUTHORITY TO RANKING COMMITTEE The Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District is soliciting Competitive Sealed Proposals as defined in Texas Local Government Code Chapter 2269 and all related Sections thereof. Proposals shall be received evaluated and ranked by the Ranking Committee in accordance with Board approved ranking criteria and associated weights. The Ranking Criteria is hereby furnished below. Proposers shall provide responses to all criterion as specifically requested. BOARD APPROVED DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY TO EVALUATION COMMITTEE, EVALUATION CRITERIA, AND RELATIVE WEIGHTS DELEGATION The Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District’s Board of Trustees has set forth as mandated by Government Code 2269.053 the Delegation of Authority to the following committee members to evaluate and finally rank Proposers for selection of a vendor. RANKING COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Chief Financial Officer Assistant Superintendent for District Operations Director of Purchasing Project Director Maintenance Director / Designee Further, as mandated by 2269.056, the Board has selected the construction method “Competitive Sealed Proposals” as the method for soliciting proposals and established the evaluation criteria and associated weights as follows: EVALUATION CRITERIA The evaluation criterion as outlined below has been approved by the HCISD’s Board of Trustees. The committee will evaluate and rank each Proposer based on the published criteria and relative weights. The Committee or representative thereof will then proceed to negotiate a contract with the highest-ranking Proposer. If negotiations are unsuccessful, the District will notify said Proposer that negotiations have been terminated and will proceed to negotiate with the next highest ranked Proposer. The district will continue this process until a contract has been reached or all Proposals have been rejected. The District reserves the right to exclude firms failing to achieve a minimum total score from any further consideration for negotiation. Upon negotiation of a successful contract the committee will present the contract to the Board, which will retain the right to award the committee’s recommendation or reject all bids in their entirety. CRITERIA/RELATIVE WEIGHTS The District retains the right to apply any or all selection criteria noted in Government Code 2269.055, including but not limited to, as provided by section 2269.055 (8), “any other relevant factor”. Proposers are to provide complete and specific information as requested to all items of the Ranking/Selection criteria. Non-responses to any item(s) will result in zero (0) points awarded. The relative weights (points) for each criterion are noted; award of points is dependent on the merits and completeness of information provided. Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 9 Ranking Criteria and Associated Weights Construction Experiences: Points Item 10 1. Please provide a list of projects your company has completed which are of similar size, type and complexity to this project. List in chronological sequence beginning with most recent. For those projects completed within the last 5 years and which meet the criteria, please provide the following information: Owner’s; Name, address, Contact name, telephone number, email address, year Project was completed (HCISD will reserve the right to call all owners listed to solicit references) Criteria #2 is reserved for the District to assess points based but not limited to: job performance, quality of work, meeting timelines, efforts towards overcoming delays, professionalism, project closeouts, bill payment history, change order pricing, job safety and any other relevant factor . A points range as shown below for each criterion is possible for those with past experience with HCISD, and 0 points for not having experience directly with HCISD. -5 +5 2. District’s assessment of past experience with contractor, contractors with no experience with the district receive zero points. 4 3. How long has your organization been in the construction business, under the same management? (Minimum 5 years of comparable construction experience required for max points) 2 4. Provide a narrative describing your company’s approach to employee safety. Include a copy of the published Company’s Safety policy. 2 5. Provide manufacture’s documentation attesting your firm is certified and authorized to provide product warranty and service. Provide copy of your State Licensure as required by Texas Occupations Code Section 1702.102. Reference(s) from Owners for Past Performances: Provide three (3) OWNER references (other than HCISD) from Projects listed on item 1 and completed within the last five years. Reference letters must address each specific item below and provide complete information as requested. Failure to address any items will result in zero points awarded for that item. The following points will be awarded based on the merits of the information provided. 3 1 1 3 2 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2 11. Overall quality of the work Performed and completed punch list items timely Provided completed warranty documents and performed warranty items timely Contractor’s history of completing on schedule Contractor’s cooperative attitude when working with the owner’s in resolving construction issues Would this contractor be your first choice on your future projects? Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 10 Key Personnel: Provide completed resume(s) of the key supervisory personnel to be assigned to this project. Resumes must include references with names and telephone numbers for District verification. Please note HCISD will reserve the right to call listed references. Key personnel should have demonstrated ample experience on projects of similar size and complexity. Points are to be assigned on the merits of the proposed personnel, no substitutions will be allowed if awarded contract 3 12. Project Manager Financial Strength: Please provide the following documents addressing each of the following; documents should be dated within the last 12 months or timeline as requested: 6 13. 4 14. Provide a financial statement to include Balance Sheet and Operating Statement dated Within the last 24 months-required. Please provide information from your Performance and Payment Bonding Company with regards to your bonding capacity. Price: 50 15. The lowest monetary offer to the base bid will receive the maximum 50 points. In case of ranking points tie the lowest monetary base bid submitted will be considered the highest ranking Proposer. Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 11 F. NON-COLLUSION STATEMENT The undersigned affirms that he/she is duly authorized to execute this contract, that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual has not prepared this proposal in collusion with any other Proposer, and that the contents of this proposal as to prices, terms or conditions of said proposal have not been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any other person engaged in this type of business, or to any individual affiliated with Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District prior to the official opening of this proposal. NOTIFICATION OF CRIMINAL HISTORY OF CONTRACTOR Texas Education Code Section 44.034 states: “A person or business entity that enters into a contract with a school district must give advance notice to the district if the person or an owner or operator of the business entity has been convicted of a felony. The notice must include a general description of the conduct resulting in the conviction of a felony.” I, the undersigned authorized agent for the company named below; certify that I have complied with the procedures outlined above. COMPANY ____________________________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE _________________________________________ AREA CODE/TELEPHONE________________________________________ AREA CODE/FAX________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS________________________________________________ ________________________________ SIGNATURE _____________________________ TITLE THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMITTAL OF PROPOSALS Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 12 G. CERTIFICATE OF RESIDENCY Texas Government Code Chapter 2252, Subchapter A. makes it necessary to determine the residency of bidders. In part, this law reads as follows: Section 2252.001 (3): "Non-resident Bidder" refers to a person who is not a resident of this state. (4): "Resident Bidder" refers to a person, whose principal place of business is in this state, including a Bidder or Contractor whose ultimate parent company majority owner has its principal place of business in this state. Section 2252.002: "A governmental entity may not award a governmental contract to a nonresident bidder unless the nonresident bidder underbids the lowest bid submitted by a responsible resident bidder by an amount that is not less than the amount by which a resident bidder would be required to underbid the nonresident bidder to obtain a comparable contract in the state in which the nonresidents principal place of business is located." I certify that _______________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Bidding Co Is, under Section 2252.001 (3) and (4), a Please check one: _______________Resident Bidder or _________________ Non-Resident Bidder My/our principal place of business under Section 2252.001 (3) and (4), is in the city of In __________________the state of_________________ (a) Does your "Resident State" require bidders whose principal place of business is in Texas to underbid bidders whose residence state is the same as yours by a prescribed amount or percentage to receive a comparable contract? Yes ______No (b) If yes, what is amount of the percentage? _____________ % __________________________________ Signature of Authorized Company Official _______________ Date ___________________________________ ___________________________ Printed Name of Official Title/Position of Company Official THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMITTAL OF PROPOSALS Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 13 H. CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK Contractor must comply with Texas Education Code 22.0834, Criminal History Record information Review of Certain Contract Employees. Before work on this contract begins, Contractor shall obtain criminal history record information through the criminal history clearinghouse as provided by Section 411.0845, Government Code relating to an employee or applicant who has or will have continuing duties related to the contracted services and the employee or applicant has or will have direct contact with students. The Contractor must obtain criminal history record information before or immediately after employing or securing the services of the employee or applicant that has or will have continuing duties related to the contracted services if the employee or applicant has or will have direct contact with students. The Contractor further agrees that he shall assume all expenses associated with the criminal background check and shall immediately remove any employee or agent who was convicted of a felony, or misdemeanor as defined by Texas law, from District property or the location where students are present. I, the undersigned authorized agent for the company named below; certify that I have complied with the procedures outlined above. COMPANY ____________________________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE _________________________________________ AREA CODE/TELEPHONE________________________________________ AREA CODE/FAX________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS________________________________________________ ________________________________ SIGNATURE _____________________________ TITLE THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMITTAL OF PROPOSALS Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 I. W-9 FORM 14 Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 15 Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 16 Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 17 Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 J. 18 CERTIFICATION REGARDING TEXAS FAMILY CODE As per Section 14.52 of the Texas Family Code, added by S.B. 84, Acts, 73rd Legislature, R.S. (1993), all bidders must complete and submit with the bid the following affidavit: MISCELLANEOUS ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS SECTION 2.01. Subchapter B, Chapter 14, Family Code, is amended by adding Section 14.52 to read as follows: Sec. 14.52. INELIGIBILITY TO RECEIVE STATE GRANTS OR LOANS OR BID ON STATE CONTRACTS. (a) A child support obligor who is 30 or more days delinquent in paying child support is not eligible to: (1) submit a bid or enter into a contract to provide property, materials, or services under a contract with the state; or (2) receive a state-funded grant or loan. (b) A sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or other entity in which a sole proprietor, partner, majority shareholder, or substantial owner is a delinquent obligor who is ineligible to bid on a state contract under Subsection (a)(1) of this section may not bid on a state contract as provided by this section. I, the undersigned vendor, do hereby acknowledge that NO sole proprietor, partner, majority shareholder of a corporation, or an owner of 10% or more of another business entity is 30 days or more delinquent in paying child support under a court order or a written repayment agreement. I understand that under this doe, a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation or other entity in which a sole proprietor, partner, majority shareholder or a corporation, or an owner of 10% or more of another entity is 30 days or more delinquent in paying child support under a court order or a written repayment agreement is NOT eligible to bid or receive a state contract. COMPANY ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE _________________________________________________ (AREA CODE) TELEPHONE ( SIGNATURE ) ________________________________________ TITLE DATE _____________________________________________________________________________ PRINTED NAME OF ABOVE _____________________________________________________________________________ Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 19 K. CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE HARLINGEN CONSOLIDATED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT – PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Notice to Vendors: Conflict of Interest Questionnaire Required by Chapter 176 of the Texas Local Government Code Effective January 1, 2006, any person or entity who contracts or seeks to contract with HCISD for the sale or purchase of property, goods, or services (as well as agents of such persons) (hereafter referred to as Vendors) are required to file a Conflict of Interest Questionnaire with the District. Each covered person or entity who seeks to or who contracts with HCISD is responsible for complying with any applicable disclosure requirements. HCISD will post the completed questionnaires on its website. The Conflict of Interest Questionnaire must be filed: · No later than the seventh business day after the date that the Vendor begins contract discussions or negotiations with the government entity, or submits to the entity an application, response to a request for proposal or bid, correspondence, or other writing related to a potential agreement with the entity. · The Vendor also shall file an updated questionnaire not later than September 1 of each year in which a covered transaction is pending, and the seventh business day after the date of an event that would make a statement in the questionnaire incomplete or inaccurate. Note: A Vendor is not required to file an updated questionnaire if the person had filed an updated statement on or after June 1, but before September 1 of the year. Completed forms should be sent to: Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District Att’n: Purchasing Department 407 N. 77 Sunshine Strip Harlingen, Texas 78550 The Local Government Officers of the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District are: Board of Trustees: Dr. Nolan Perez – President Vacant - Vice President Gerry Fleuriet – Secretary Dr. Bobby Muniz- Member George McShan - Member Javier De Leon - Member Greg Powers - Member Superintendent: Dr. Art Cavazos Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 20 Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 21 Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 L. 22 FELONY CONVICTION NOTIFICATION, DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, INELIGIBILITY AND VOLUNTARY EXCLUSION SIGNATURE PAGE (THIS NOTICE IS NOT REQUIRED OF A HELD CORPORATION) I. FELONY CONVICTION NOTIFICATION State of Texas Legislative Senate Bill No. 1, Section 44.034, Notification of Criminal History, subsection (a), states “a person or business entity that enters into a contract with a school district must give advance notice to the district if the person or an owner or operator of the business entity has been convicted of a felony. The notice must include a general description of the conduct resulting in the conviction or a felony”. Subsection (b) states “a school district may terminate a contract with a person or business entity if the district determines that the person or business entity failed to give notice as required by Subsection (a) or misrepresented the conduct resulting in the conviction. The district must compensate the person or business for services performed before the termination of the contract. This section does not apply to a publicly held corporation. Signature below acknowledges compliance with Section I. FELONY CONVICTION NOTIFICATION. COMPANY ____________________________________________________ By: ADDRESS _____________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE _________________________________________ AREA CODE/TELEPHONE________________________________________ AREA CODE/FAX________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS________________________________________________ ________________________________ SIGNATURE _____________________________ TITLE THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMITTAL OF PROPOSALS – UNLESS FIRM IS A PUBLICLY HELD CORPORATION Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 23 II. DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, INELIGIBILITY AND VOLUNTARY EXCLUSION (a) In accordance with the provisions of Appendix A to 49 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations), Part 29, the Proposer certifies to the best of the Proposer’s knowledge and belief, that it and its principals: (1) are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal, State or Local Government department or agency; (2) have not within a three (3) year period preceding this offer been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for the commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes, or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; (3) are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State, or local with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in (a)(2) above; and (4) have not within a three (3) year period preceding this offer had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, or local) terminated for cause or default. (b) Where the Proposer is unable to certify to any of the statements above, the Proposer shall attach a full explanation to this offer. (c) For any subcontract at any tier expected to equal or exceed $25,000. (5) In accordance with the provisions of Appendix B to 49 CFR, Part 29, the prospective lower tier subcontractor certifies, by submission of this offer, that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. (6) Where the prospective lower tier participant is unable to certify to the statement, above, an explanation shall be attached to the offer. (7) This certification (specified in paragraphs (c) (1) and (c) (2), above), shall be included in all applicable subcontracts and a copy kept on file by the prime contractor. The prime contractor shall be required to furnish copies of the certifications to the Authority upon request. Signature below acknowledges compliance with Section II. DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, INELIGIBILITY AND VOLUNTARY EXCLUSION. COMPANY ____________________________________________________ By: ADDRESS _____________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE _________________________________________ AREA CODE/TELEPHONE________________________________________ AREA CODE/FAX________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS________________________________________________ ________________________________ _____________________________ SIGNATURE TITLE THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMITTAL OF PROPOSALS Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 24 M. PROPOSAL BASE BID AND SIGNATURE PAGE Base Bid, Single-Prime (All Trades) Contract: The undersigned Bidder, having carefully examined the Specifications and Contracting Requirements, Conditions of the Contract, Drawings, Specifications, and all subsequent Addenda, as prepared by Owner, having visited the site, and being familiar with all conditions and requirements of the WORK, hereby agrees to furnish all material, labor, equipment and services, including but not limited to any permit and or licenses necessary to complete and install and operational video surveillance system of the above named project, according to the requirements the stipulated sum of: For each respective Campus provide a lump Sum turnkey price, and provide respective Payment and Performance Bond Cost. Additional: for each campus by separate attachment provide a complete Bill of Materials itemizing all equipment and labor which equated to bid pricing as bid below. 1. Austin Elementary Payment and Performance Bond Cost 2. Bonham Elementary Payment and Performance Bond Cost 3. Bowie Elementary Payment and Performance Bond Cost 4. Crockett Elementary ____________________________Dollars(__________________) ____________________________Dollars(__________________) ____________________________Dollars(__________________) ____________________________Dollars(__________________) ____________________________Dollars(__________________) ____________________________Dollars(__________________) ____________________________Dollars(__________________) Payment and Performance Bond Cost ____________________________Dollars(__________________) 5. Dishman Elementary ____________________________Dollars(__________________) Payment and Performance Bond Cost ____________________________Dollars(__________________) 6. Houston Elementary ____________________________Dollars(__________________) Payment and Performance Bond Cost ____________________________Dollars(__________________) 7. Jefferson Elementary ____________________________Dollars(__________________) Payment and Performance Bond Cost ____________________________Dollars(__________________) 8. Lamar Elementary ____________________________Dollars(__________________) Payment and Performance Bond Cost ____________________________Dollars(__________________) 9. Long Elementary ____________________________Dollars(__________________) Payment and Performance Bond Cost ____________________________Dollars(__________________) 10. Means Elementary Payment and Performance Bond Cost 11. Milam Elementary ____________________________Dollars(__________________) ____________________________Dollars(__________________) ____________________________Dollars(__________________) Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 25 Payment and Performance Bond Cost ____________________________Dollars(__________________) 12. Rodriguez Elementary Payment and Performance Bond Cost 13. Stuart Elementary ____________________________Dollars(__________________) ____________________________Dollars(__________________) ____________________________Dollars(__________________) Payment and Performance Bond Cost ____________________________Dollars(__________________) 14. Travis Elementary Payment and Performance Bond Cost 15. Treasure Hills Elementary Payment and Performance Bond Cost 16. Wilson Elementary ____________________________Dollars(__________________) ____________________________Dollars(__________________) ____________________________Dollars(__________________) ____________________________Dollars(__________________) ____________________________Dollars(__________________) Payment and Performance Bond Cost ____________________________Dollars(__________________) 17. Zavala Elementary ____________________________Dollars(__________________) Payment and Performance Bond Cost ____________________________Dollars(__________________) Total Lump Sum ____________________________Dollars(__________________) TIME OF COMPLETION A. The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees hereby to commence the Work of the Contract Documents on a date specified in written Notice to proceed to be issued by HCISD, and shall fully complete the Work within _____________ calendar days I, , have read all of the specifications and general bid requirements and do (Print/Type Name of Company Officer) hereby certify that all items submitted meet all specifications, conditions, and instructions of said bid. The signature below confirms that our company will enter into a binding contract with Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District for item(s) awarded to our company having read the standard terms and conditions. COMPANY ____________________________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE _________________________________________ AREA CODE/TELEPHONE________________________________________ AREA CODE/FAX________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS________________________________________________ DUNN & BRADSREET #___________________________________________ DUNN & BRADSREET RATING_____________________________________ _______________________________________ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE _____________________________ TITLE THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMITTAL OF PROPOSALS. Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 26 Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District 407 N. 77 Sunshine Strip Harlingen, TX 78550 N. FIRM PRICED SINGLE ITEM PRICING HCISD is specifically requesting the following prices on a per unit bases as stated thereon for additional work not contained or addressed in original specifications or scope of work. A per original specification in document quote a cost for complete install of: Network Ethernet run Point to Point: to include cable, end connection/determination as required. Price 100ft. run $ Price 200ft. run $ Price 300ft. run $ Vendor shall offer the following Manufacture’s product list of items catalog as part of this bid response. Camera PoE IP - Arecont Vision AV3225PMIR $ Camera, Megapixels – Arecont Vision MegaDome 2 #AV3256PM $ Camera, Megapixels, Dome - Arecont Vision AV12585PM $ Camera, Surround Video – Arecont Vision # AV12176DN-08 $ Illuminator – Iluminar #IR148-PoE $ Server, Exacq IP08-36T-R4Z $ Switch, Cysco 2960S-24PD-L $ Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 27 II. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND INTENT A. General It is the intent of this Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals (CSP) to acquire proposals from highly qualified and experienced companies to furnish and install a complete and operational Video Surveillance System at each of our seventeen (17) Elementary Campuses. This will be an addition to an existing District Wide Video Surveillance system. The surveillance package will include any and all materials, equipment, labor, and software as further detailed herein. Presently, the District has installed an IP video surveillance system as defined in these specifications at other locations specifically: Memorial Middle School, Harlingen High School, Harlingen High School South, Dr. Cano Freshman Academy, Harlingen School of Health Professions, Ag Farm, and other support facilities. The Systems requested here, will augment this District Wide Video Surveillance system which will provide for a central monitoring center. The District has established a priority list of campus which will be preferably completed and will be detailed at the walkthrough. Campus Principals are agreeable to allowing work during school time hours; and, HCISD will arrange for contractor to work during late afternoon and late night through 11:00pm. Weekend work may also be allowed should contractor request. ABSOLUTELY NO WORK WILL BE ALLOWED ON CAMPUS DURING STANDARDIZED TESTING. A calendar has been included herein for your consideration. B. Instructions to Vendors 1. In order to ensure compliance with monetary constraints proposals shall present a scenario for single item pricing as further noted at Section N, which will allow HCISD to add or deduct cameras from those noted at each respective site. The unit pricing requested in the Catalogue line item portion of the bid will be used to Add or Delete cost to any site as necessary. 2. HCISD terms and conditions are stipulated in these specifications. Proposal should detail all requirements pertinent to their submittal, identify unacceptable or differentiating terms/conditions, and shall include all pertinent cost data. 3. FOCUS ON THE FOLLOWING CAMPUSES IN THIS ORDER: Bonham, Dishman, Rodriguez, Stuart Place, Treasure Hills, and Wilson. Zavala-1st Priority, Ben Milam, C. Evaluation Process HCISD shall require contractors to provide responses to this CSP that will meet or exceed HCISD’s requirements as described in specifications named herein. Contractor’s proposals shall be evaluated for completeness with all required documents requested to be included with their submittals. HCISD reserves the right to reject any or all proposals to better meet the needs of the District. D. Questions Any questions concerning information contained herein or additionally required shall be addressed in writing to Antonio Gracia, Purchasing Director- 407 N. 77 Sunshine Strip, Harlingen, Texas 78550. All questions shall be addressed in written format and shall be e-mailed to the address provided herein ( After all questions have been completed, a composite list of questions and answers will be sent to all proposers via Addendum. Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 28 E. Response Guidelines Respondents are encouraged to focus on the specifics of the solution offered. Vendors may include additional literature outlining features or benefits of their offering. Any documentation forwarded to HCISD as a result of this CSP will be held incorporated into the contract if awarded. Vendor will supply documentation required in subsequent sections as an attachment to responses. F. Technical Support Vendor must be able to provide ongoing technical support. Provide HCISD with Technical Support Agreement and associated costs. Provide options for a backup system in case of failure. Provide a narrative describing how contractor will support both in-warranty and out-of-warranty issues. Include a narrative of how warrantied items will be replaced. G. References In compliance with the ranking criteria, List three (3) customer references as requested therein. H. Vendor Performance HCISD and Contractor shall agree to a specific construction schedule after award of contract. Contractor shall be expected to achieve 100% on-time delivery of products/services as anticipated in resulting schedule and number of days originally in proposals documents. I. Insurance Vendor shall procure and maintain during the term of the Agreement and any extensions or renewals thereof, general liability, property damage/bodily injury insurance naming Customer as an additional insured in a minimum amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence. Additionally, vendor will furnish certificate of coverage for Workers Compensation Insurance, and maintain said coverage for the duration of the contract. This insurance shall be acquired from a reputable and financially responsible insurance company. Vendor shall furnish to Customers certificates specifying the names of insurers, policy numbers, and expiration dates establishing that such insurance has been procured and is being maintained. .1 Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability (including Premises Operations; Independent Contractors' Protective; Products and Completed Operations; Broad Form Coverage): (a) Bodily Injury and Property Damage Combined: $500,000 Each Occurrence $500,000 Aggregate (b) Products and Completed Operations shall be maintained for at least five years after Substantial Completion and certificates shall be filed annually with the Owner during this period of time: $500,000 Aggregate (c) Property Damage Liability Insurance shall provide X, C, and U coverage. (d) Broad Form Property Damage Coverage shall include Completed Operations. .2 Contractual Liability: (a) Bodily Injury and Property Damage Combined: $500,000 Each Occurrence $500,000 Aggregate .3 Personal Injury, with Employment Exclusion deleted: $500,000 Aggregate .4 Business Auto Liability (including owned, non-owned and hired vehicles): Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 (a) (b) (c) .5 29 Bodily Injury: $250,000 Each Person $500,000 Each Occurrence Property Damage: $100,000 Each Occurrence or a Combined Single Limit (CSL) of at least $800,000. Umbrella Liability Insurance: (a) Limits: $1,000,000 such limit shall extend, without limitation, to care, custody, and control of real estate and personal property. (b) The Owner, the Engineer, and all Consultants listed on the Title Page of the Project Manual shall be an additional insured on the Contractor's policy as to the subject job. (c) This policy shall provide coverage over the Employer's Liability, comprehensive general liability, and comprehensive automobile liability. J. Bonds Successful contractor will be required to provide a Payment and Performance Bond for 100% of the awarded contract amount. K. Workers’ Compensation Insurance Pursuant to Texas Labor Code Chapters 401, and 406 and 28 Texas Administrative Code Section 110.110, all employees of contractors or subcontractors must be covered by workers’ compensation insurance. In this section, the Proposer who is awarded a contract is referred to as the “Contractor”. A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of authority to self-insure issued by the Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission, or a coverage agreement (DWC-81, DWC-82, DWC-83, or DWC-84), showing statutory Workers’ Compensation insurance coverage for the person’s or entity’s employees providing services on a Project is required for the duration of the Project. Duration of the Project includes the time from the beginning of the Work on the Project until the Contractor’s/person’s Work on the Project has been completed and accepted by the governmental entity. Persons providing services on the Project ("Subcontractor" in Texas Labor Code 406.096) include all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the Contractor has undertaken to perform on the Project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the Contractor and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes, without limitation, independent contractors, contractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, owner-operators, employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity that furnishes persons to provide services on the Project. Services include, without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or other service related to a Project. Services do not include activities unrelated to the Project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply deliveries, and delivery of portable toilets. The Contractor shall provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code Section 401.011(44) for all employees of the Contractor providing services on the Project for the duration of the Project. The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 30 If the coverage period shown on the Contractor’s current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the Project, the Contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental entity showing that coverage has been extended. The Contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on a Project, and provide to the governmental entity: a. A certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning Work on the Project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the Project; and b. No later than seven (7) days after receipt by the Contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the Project. The Contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the Project and for one (1) year thereafter. The Contractor shall notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) days after the Contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the Project. The Contractor shall post on each Project site a notice, in the text, form, and manner prescribed by the Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission, informing all persons providing services on the Project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage. The Contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a Project, to: a. Provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code 401.011(44) for all of its employees providing services on the Project for the duration of the Project; b. Provide to the Contractor, prior to that person beginning Work on the Project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the Project for the duration of the Project; c. Provide the Contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the Project; d. Obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the Contractor: (1) A certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning Work on the Project; and (2) A new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the Project; e. Retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the Project and for one (1) year thereafter; f. Notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) days after the person knew, or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the Project; and g. Contractually require each person with whom it contracts to perform as required by items a-f, with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. By signing a contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the Contractor is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the Contractor who will provide services on Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 31 the Project will be covered by Workers’ Compensation coverage for the duration of the Project, that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self-insured, with the Commission’s Division of Self-Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the Contractor to administrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil penalties, or other civil actions. The Contractor’s failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the Contractor that entitles the governmental entity to declare the contract void if the Contractor does not remedy the breach within ten (10) days after receipt of notice of breach from the governmental entity. The coverage requirement recited above does not apply to sole proprietors, partners, and corporate officers who are excluded from coverage in an insurance policy or certificate of authority to self-insure that is delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed on or after January 1, 1996. 28 TAC 110.110(i). L. Prevailing Wages Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 2258, it shall be mandatory upon the Contractor and upon any Subcontractor under him to pay not less than the prevailing rates of per diem wages in the locality at the time of construction to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics employed by them in the execution of the contract. In accordance therewith, the Owner has established a scale of prevailing wages which is incorporated in the Project specifications, and not less than this established scale must be paid on the Project. Any workers not included in the schedule shall be properly classified and paid not less than the rate of wages prevailing in the locality of the Work at the time of construction. A Contractor or Subcontractor who violates the provisions of Sections or shall pay to Owner the sum of Sixty Dollars and No/100 ($60.00) for each worker employed for each calendar day or part of the day that the worker is paid less than the wage rate stipulated in the scale of prevailing wages applicable to this Project, as required by Texas Government Code Section 2258.023(b). Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 PREVAILING WAGE SCHEDULE 32 Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 33 III. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Labor, materials, tools, transportation services, supervision, coordination, etc., necessary to complete the installation of the Video Surveillance System, as described in these specifications and illustrated on the associated drawings 1.2 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Special Conditions, apply to this Section. B. Coordination, provision, installation, inspection, testing, instruction and warranties of a Video Surveillance System, materials, equipment, transport and labor necessary to accomplish this and have a complete and operational system. These specifications are intended to provide the system installer with the information necessary to identify major products to be provided and installed within the facility. 1. Ancillary devices such as add-on modules, software programming, hardware, cabling or infrastructure will be required for a complete and operational system. 1.3 REFERENCES A. Published specification standards, tests or recommended methods of trade, industry or governmental organizations apply to Work in this section where cited below: 1. National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA). 2. National Electrical Code (NEC). 3. American National Safety Institute (ANSI). 4. Underwriters Laboratories (UL). 5. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM). 6. Building Industry Consulting Service International (BICSI). 7. BICSI’s Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual (TDMM). 1.4 COLOR COORDINATION: A. The camera housing, mounts, camera body, trim rings, junction boxes viewable by the public, and any other associated devices must be color coordinated with the district on a location by location basis. It is highly probable that there will be several colors involved based on the location. B. Color samples must be provided to the district for selection by device and location. The contractor will be responsible for providing these services in this specification section. All painting of cameras, housings, mounts etc. must be performed with the approval of or by the product manufacturer, and delivered complete to the site. Onsite brush or spray painting of camera housings or mounts is not acceptable except for blemish touch-up. Products custom painted by third party or the factory must maintain the same warranty provisions as that of standard product colors. C. Any exposed junction boxes and conduit infrastructure associated with the mounting of cameras must also be color matched and meet with the approval of the district. Spray painting of these boxes will be required. Brush painting is not acceptable unless approved by the district. Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 34 1.5 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Overview: A. Work to include installation of an IP based video surveillance system within the facility. Connection to the local area data network system is required. Coverage is to be in designated areas indicated on the plans with final verification and aiming of cameras coordinated with building operations and HCISD staff. B. The Video Surveillance System will include Software Programming and Graphical User Interface customization. a. The approved products specified herein are listed for quality and performance HCISD standards. C. Coordination is required with the existing Exacq/Arecont video surveillance system, electrical, telecommunications, SMATV distribution systems, access control, fire alarm, energy management, electrical conduit and distribution of cabling as well as any other system requiring wall and rack space within the equipment closets, as applicable. Review the plans and provide the required power distribution and space required for the installation of the equipment and cabling. D. The “Contractor” is to coordinate with the technology and security managers. The “Contractor” will be required to provide all cabling, hardware and miscellaneous equipment required to install, connect, adjust, and commission the system. It is the intent of the specifications for the "Contractor” to provide a complete and operable system. b. The IP network cabling is specified under the “Camera Cabling” section of the project specifications. All cables required to connect to these systems and make the system complete and operational will be the responsibility of the Contractor. Contractor will be fully certified in order to provide a fully warrantied cabling system upon completion. E. Contractor is to provide all software, licenses, installation, and programming of all software as part of these specifications. 1.6 VIDEO SURVEILLANCE A. The system is used to visibly monitor locations as indicated on the drawings by means of TCP/IP Ethernet cameras. Provide a System with the following minimum functional capacity and features: 1. Control of cameras will be on an assigned priority basis. 2. Access to the camera control functions as well as viewing will be set with an administrative access code. This will allow only authorized individuals to access the system. a. Dedicated computers within the building and remotely will be able to monitor all cameras assigned to the system 3. Priority overrides are required and must be established during GUI programming sections. 4. Switch and control of any camera in the system to a designated monitor window or multi-window view. 5. Programmable motion detection is required and must be available on all cameras. Motion detection shall be adjustable and customizable by location for size of the zone and the level of sensitivity. a. Video motion detection must be able to i. Exclude zones. ii. Activate recording. iii. Activate frame rate speed up. iv. Email, SMS message as well as initiate an audio alarm. 6. Multi-screen and multiple images monitoring via local monitor or network connection. 7. All outdoor cameras must be supported by an external IR illuminator for the cameras field of view as specified in section “Cameras and Associated Devices” 8. In specific locations as indicated on the drawings, indoor cameras will need to be supported by integral IR illuminators for night time viewing and external IR illuminators as indicated on drawings. 9. Each camera must be able to be addressed via software from the operator terminal and make camera adjustments to images, and controls without having to have special software or having to go to a separate or specific terminal in order to make camera adjustments. This feature must also be password protected and accessible via administrative assignment. 10. System must be able to be programmed via time schedules. 11. Provide power supplies with appropriately sized cables for the distance and voltage required by the device with a minimum of 25% spare capacity. Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 35 a. 12. 13. 2.01 Provide required patch cables for interconnecting to servers, patch bays, monitors, keyboards, switches and all associated devices for the video surveillance system. Provide lightning protection on camera and illuminator drops located at free standing external locations. POE cameras will be powered via POE enabled network switches. a. HCISD will be providing POE switches for use in the project. It will be the responsibility of the vendor to coordinate all vlan’s, sub-nets, IP and Mac addresses, video QOS, and switch port configurations with the HCISD staff. VIDEO MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A) The Video Management System (VMS) software shall be used to view live and recorded video from capture cards and IP devices connected to local and wide area networks. The VMS software shall have a client/server-based architecture that can be configured as a standalone VMS system with the client software running on the server hardware and/or the client running on any network-connected TCP/IP workstation. Multiple client workstations shall be capable of simultaneously viewing live and/or recorded video from one or more servers. Multiple servers shall also be able to simultaneously provide live and/or recorded video to one or more workstations. The VMS server software shall also have the ability to be installed on an IP edge device—such as an IP camera or encoder that allows for 3rd party applications— allowing the device to serve as both a server and IP video recording device. B) The VMS shall not charge for the number of concurrent clients. C) The VMS system shall utilize manufacturer built servers, commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) computer workstations, servers, IP edge devices that allow for third-party application installation, networking devices and storage equipment. D) Recording of all video transmitted to the VMS shall be continuous, uninterrupted and unattended. E) The VMS system shall offer the capability of video motion detection recording, such that video is recorded when the NVRMS detects motion within a region of interest of the camera’s view. Video prior to the detection of the motion shall also be stored with recording using the pre-recorded feature. F) The VMS system shall manage the video it has been configured to monitor. Loss of video signal shall be configured to annunciate on VMS client by an on-screen visual indication alerting operators of video loss. G) The VMS software shall have an open architecture supporting IP cameras and encoders from multiple manufacturers providing best-of-breed solutions ranging from low-cost, entry-level features to highresolution, megapixel features. H) The VMS client software shall be able to view live video and audio, recorded video and audio and be able to configure the complete system all from a single application. I) The VMS shall continue to record video and audio at all times during the administration and configuration of any feature. J) The VMS client software shall have the same functionality when connected remotely as it does when it is run locally on the same computer as the server software. K) The VMS client software shall add and remove features based on the permissions of the user and the licensed functionality. L) The VMS client software shall operate on all of the following operating systems: 1) 2) 3) 4) Microsoft Windows Server 2003/2008 Microsoft Windows XP (all versions) Microsoft Windows Vista (all versions) Microsoft Windows 7 (all versions) Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 5) 6) 36 Linux Ubuntu 8.04/10.04 Debian Package Mac OSX (operating on Intel CPU) M) The VMS software shall allow the user to have any combination of VMS client applications running on any of the supported operating systems and be able to connect to any of the VMS servers running on any of the supported operating systems. For example, a VMS client running on Microsoft Windows 7 shall be able to simultaneously connect to four (4) different VMS servers all running on different operating systems, such as Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Vista and Linux. N) The VMS software shall have the capability to run multiple client applications simultaneously on one workstation with multiple monitors. Up to 12 monitors shall be configured on a single workstation with one (1) client application running on each monitor. Because decompressing video is CPU-intensive, the PC workstation shall have multiple core processors with a recommendation of one core for each VMS client application. O) The VMS shall also allow an authorized user to view video through a web client interface. The web client interface shall allow authorized users to view live video, view recorded video, control pan-tilt zoom (PTZ) cameras and activate triggers. The web client interface shall allow connections to multiple VMS servers simultaneously. P) The web client interface shall operate without requiring installation of any software. Q) When using the web client interface, the VMS server shall transcode the video into a JPEG file of the size as the browser screen before sending it to the browser. R) The web client interface shall support the following browsers: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Internet Explorer 6 and later Firefox 2 and later Opera 9 and later Safari and later Chrome The web client interface shall also connect with non-JavaScript browsers and shall be compliant with HTML 4.0 ( S) The VMS server software shall record and retrieve video, audio and alarm data and provide it to the VMS clients upon request. T) The VMS software shall provide at no additional charge a purpose built mobile application capable of viewing multiple simultaneous live video streams and playing a recorded video stream. Application shall be provided for both iOS and Android operating systems (including Kindle Fire). U) The VMS server software shall operate on any of the following operating systems: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Microsoft Windows Server 2003/2008 Microsoft Windows XP (all versions) Microsoft Windows Vista (all versions) Microsoft Windows 7 (all versions) Linux Ubuntu 8.04/10.04 Debian Package V) The VMS server shall not decode video for the purpose of motion detection. W) The VMS server shall not decode video for the purpose of repacking it for transmission to clients. X) The VMS server software shall record video based on metadata generated by an edge network device. The edge network devices shall generate the metadata and transmit it with the video stream to the VMS server software. Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 37 Y) The VMS shall license the total number of cameras on the system. This license shall be based on the MAC address of a single network card that is present on the system. The VMS shall only require that this network card be enabled and does not require that data is actually sent through it. Z) The VMS shall not require the manufacturer to be contacted when a camera fails. AA) The VMS server software shall run as a service. The VMS shall not require any application to be running in order to operate. BB) The VMS shall be able to use the Active Directory or LDAP features of a network to authenticate users and determine which permissions they will have on each server. CC) The VMS shall allow for a user’s permissions to be configured across multiple servers from a single screen. DD) The VMS shall allow the use of maps. The maps will be accessible to users with the appropriate permission levels and display video sources and their status. EE) The VMS shall allow maps to be embedded inside of maps (i.e. hierarchical or nested maps). When an event happens on a map that is embedded inside of a map, it shall transmit the alert to all parent maps and change the color of the icon on the parent map and all subsequent parent maps. FF) The VMS allows soft triggers to be placed, viewed and triggered from a map. GG) The VMS shall have a single page that displays the status of all servers and cameras currently connected. This page shall display any alarms, events, MAC addresses, camera configuration, format and frame rate from each individual camera. HH) The VMS shall support the use of a panoramic lens on an analog or IP camera. The VMS client shall dewarp the image on both live and recorded video. II) 2.02 The VMS software shall have three methods of allowing third-party integration: command line, API and web SDK. The command line shall allow for the most basic of interfaces, calling up the appropriate video when requested using command line functionality. The API shall allow for a deeper interface, allowing video to be transmitted from the VMS software into the party software interface. The web SDK shall use the web server to transcode the video and send it to the third-party software interface. The web SDK method shall use standard HTML, XML, CGI and JavaScript commands. VIDEO MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE FEATURES A) B) When in live display mode, the user shall be able to view live video, live audio, point of sale (POS) data and alarm information. The VMS shall be able to organize the camera video view panel in the following patterns: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 1-camera (full-screen) layout 4-camera (2x2) layout 8-camera (3 large views and 4 small views) layout 10-camera (2 large views and 8 small views) layout 13-camera (1 large view and 12 small views) layout 16-camera (4x4) layout 8-camera (1 very large view and 7 small views) layout 9-camera (3x3) layout 6-camera (2x3) widescreen layout 12-camera (4x3) widescreen layout 20-camera (5x4) widescreen layout 30-camera (6x5) widescreen layout Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 38 13) 48-camera (8x6) widescreen layout C) The VMS shall provide an option to view 16:9 wide video display panels. D) The VMS shall allow the customization of the user interface to allow software triggers to be shown. This shall allow them to activate events through the push of a button, which could trigger recording, PTZ presets, output triggers or email. E) The VMS shall allow the user to pick their own icon and select the software triggers to display in the client. The VMS shall also display the status of any soft triggers on connected VMS servers. F) The VMS software shall allow control of PTZ cameras to authorized users and be used to maneuver a PTZ camera. When used on a non-PTZ camera, it shall allow you to digitally pan, tilt and zoom on any video whether in live or recorded mode. G) The VMS shall allow following methods of controlling a PTZ camera to be available: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) PTZ graphics control windows Live graphic overlay PTZ control icons Keyboard control (up, down, left, right arrows; page up, page down for zoom) PTZ presets Digital PTZ USB joystick to control PTZ cameras Proportional PTZ control by clicking the mouse in the center and moving it H) The VMS software shall allow virtual matrix functionality by designating a cell to do so. This video cell shall automatically show video as it is triggered. I) The VMS software shall have a feature for viewing logical groups of cameras. This shall allow efficient viewing of cameras in a logical order. J) The VMS software shall have a feature to organize your cameras into preset views. Views are preconfigured arrangements of the video panels so that they may be easily recalled later. A view can save the location of the video streams, audio streams, POS data, maps and event views. These views shall be accessible in both live and recorded video modes. K) The VMS software shall have the capability to automatically cycle through two or more saved views to create a video tour. The VMS shall allow the configuration of the dwell time and the different views it shall use. L) The VMS client software shall be used to search for and play back recorded video, audio and events from VMS servers. M) The VMS software shall have the capability to search for and play back video from multiple cameras simultaneously. All recorded video shall be played back and displayed in a synchronized multi-camera layout. N) The VMS software shall support searching through recorded video based on time, date, video source and image region and have the results displayed as both a clickable timeline and a series of thumbnail images. O) The VMS software shall allow search and play back of audio in synchronization with video. P) The VMS software shall allow you to search on a specific area of recorded video and only display the frames where motion happened in that area. Q) The VMS software shall have the capability to export video, maps, POS data and audio files. Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 R) 39 The VMS software shall provide the option of exporting the file in the following formats: 1) 2) 3) 4) Standalone Exe (*.exe) – includes an executable player with the video and audio data AVI File (*.avi) – a multimedia container format PS File (*.ps) – a format for multiplexing video and audio QuickTime File (*.mov) – native for Macintosh computers S) The VMS standalone player shall package all of the exported video into a single executable. The VMS standalone player shall be able to authenticate that the video has not been tampered with using a keyed Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC). T) The VMS client software shall be able to connect to multiple systems simultaneously. Each of the systems could have individual permissions, thereby limiting the client’s configuration or viewing abilities for that system, but not affecting the abilities on the other systems. U) The VMS system shall be able to display system information about users that are currently logged into the system, plug-in file version information number and status, and a system log that contains a detailed history of the processes that occur on the system. V) The VMS system shall have the ability to record an audit trail of when users log in that shows what changes they have made, what video they have viewed and what they have exported. W) The VMS system shall allow the configuration of the video devices to be performed in the client and pushed out to the devices. The configuration itself is stored both on the camera and on the VMS. X) The VMS shall allow monitoring of the inputs on both network devices and on manufacturer provided hardware. The VMS shall also allow triggering of outputs on the network devices and manufacturer provided hardware. Y) The VMS shall allow for the configuration of what drives to use for recording video. Those drives may be local drives, direct attached storage drives or iSCSI drives. Z) The VMS shall allow for the configuration of rules of how to record the video. These rules shall allow you to set a maximum number of days or minimum number of days on a per video stream basis. AA) The VMS shall not require a database when recording video. BB) The VMS shall use the operating systems native file system for recording the video. For example, if there was video that was recording on March 1, 2012 from 10:00 AM to 10:35 AM. Files for that day would be in the data drive, in the path 2012 for year, subfolder 03 for the month, with a sub folder 1st for the day, and then the 10 sub-folder for the hour. So when the client sends a request to search for video, the VMS shall look in the D:\2012\03\01\10 directory. Each video stream shall be kept in 5-minute increments in a paired video and index file. The video file shall contain the data of the video, audio, and include meta data. The index file shall contain the index of the metadata from the network device. So when the VMS searches for the video, it shall gather up the information in the index files and display those results. When the client then requests to display the video, the VMS will then transmit the video file data from the server to the client. CC) The VMS shall have the ability to receive ASCII data through the COM port on the server or over the network. DD) The VMS shall have the ability to look for keywords in the ASCII data and use these to execute various events such as PTZ presets, recording video, recording audio and sending email notifications. EE) The VMS software shall be able to send a predefined email based on an event trigger. The VMS software shall also support SSL and TLS connections for transmissions of the mail. Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 40 FF) The VMS software shall have a feature to export a video segment from specific cameras or audio inputs to a CD or DVD upon an input trigger or other event being activated. GG) The VMS software shall be used to connect different types of events, such as input triggers, to a desired action such as recording video or triggering an alarm. The VMS software shall recognize the following event types: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Video Motion Video Loss Input Trigger POS Port POS Profile Health IP Camera Connection Software Trigger Analytics HH)The VMS software shall be able to execute the following action types: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Record Video Output Trigger Output Video Send an email Burn a CD/DVD Call a PTZ Preset II) The VMS software shall have the ability to configure each video input’s recording time on an hourly basis. This shall allow the user to schedule when to record on motion, when to record on event and when to not record. JJ) The VMS shall use a combination of a user name and a password to authenticate the user’s permission level. KK) The VMS shall allow granularity of permissions by creating custom user groups. The members of these custom user groups shall all have the same permissions. LL) The VMS client s hall be able to use OpenGL and Direct 3D to decompress and render video. MM) The VMS shall allow the user to perform a visual thumbnail search. The user can select one camera to see one image per set time period. The user shall be able to play video from that image or zoom in to a time range. NN)The VMS client can be configured to automatically switch views on any trigger within the event monitoring function. OO) The VMS software shall allow the user to input time-based triggers through event monitoring, including the time of day and day of week. 2.03 IP SERVER NETWORK VIDEO RECORDER HARDWARE FEATURES A. The server hardware shall run on the Windows 7 Pro or Server 2008 operating system. Windows shall boot and run on a 40 GB solid-state drive (SSD) to ensure high performance and reliability. The server may also run on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 Kernel 3.0 on a 4 GB flash drive. B. The server shall be capable of simultaneously recording, displaying and playing back digitized video from IP cameras. IP camera licenses shall be added and expandable from 1 to 128 licenses. Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 2.04 41 C. The server shall have recording resolutions from CIF to 20 megapixel, which shall be user-selectable for each individual IP camera connected to the server. H.264, MJPEG or MPEG-4 video compression format shall be user-selectable on any camera. IP camera video recording shall be available at up to 30 images per second per input channel depending on the IP camera types selected. G. Each server shall have RS-232 serial port capabilities to communicate with serial devices such as POS terminals and automated teller machines (ATM). When the serial device is connected to the serial port with a cable, the serial port shall be configurable. Transaction data shall be received from each serial device into a text database and associated with recorded video. The user shall be able to search transaction data to locate the associated video. H. Each server shall have a RS-232 serial port capable of communicating with pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras. I. Each server shall have 2 gigabit 1000Base-T RJ-45 Ethernet connections for networking to remote PC clients. Multiple servers shall be accessible by multiple clients located anywhere on the network. Each server shall record video, audio and text while displaying live video or playback video. If a client is not actively connected to the server, the server shall continue to record video and audio, monitor events and perform all other server functions. J. Recorded video shall be triggered by built-in motion detection or an external input device, or the server shall run in continuous record mode. A scheduler shall allow individual cameras to be configured in one-hour increments to determine which trigger mechanism will be utilized. The scheduler shall be configurable on an hourly, daily, and weekly basis. Video shall be recorded to an internal hard drive. K. Each server shall have the capability of automatically exporting a predetermined time range of video to the internal server DVD/CD device when an external trigger input connected to the server is activated or when the user presses a dedicated switch on the server. Such input shall export to the DVD/CD device a user-defined amount of video from a user-defined video camera source. The video shall include pre- and post-event video as configured up to the maximum capacity of the DVD/CD media selected. L. Each server shall have the ability to link specific events, including video motion, video loss, input trigger, POS port, POS profile, button input and temperature. Sources of these events shall be any camera connected to the specific server. Action from these events shall include recording video, recording audio, enabling output trigger, outputting video, notification (send email), and outputting video to DVD. M. Server hardware shall have an internal DVD/CD device that allows the server to export video clips to the device in Standalone EXE (*exe), AVI (*.avi), QuickTime (*mov), and PS (*ps) formats. SPECIFICATIONS AND MODEL NUMBERS A. 4U RACKMOUNTABLE IP Server All 4U Rackmountable Servers shall have the following specifications: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Dimensions (L x W x H): Weight: Input Voltage: Power Consumption: Recording Resolution: Alarm Inputs: Alarm Outputs: Serial Connections: NIC: USB 2.0 Ports: Audio Inputs: (27x 16.875 x 7.00”) (68.6 x 42.9 x 17.8 cm) 49 – 90 lbs. (22.3 – 40.9 kg) 120/240 VAC auto-sensing <250 watts (150 watts typical) CIF to 20 megapixel 8 1 RS-232 port 2 Gigabit 1000Base-T RJ-45(standard), 4 (optional) 8 (8xUSB 2.0) 4 Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Hard Drive Storage: VGA Output: Keyboard & Mouse: Watchdog Timer: DVD/CD RW: Operating System: 18. Operating Temperature: 19. Relative Humidity: B. Storage Size 24 TB, 20 TB Available 28 TB, 24 TB Available 32 TB, 28 TB Available 36 TB, 32 TB Available 40 TB, 36 TB Available 48 TB, 40 TB Available 56 TB, 48 TB Available 64 TB, 56 TB Available 72 TB, 64 TB Available 80 TB, 72 TB Available 3U Rackmountable IP Server All 3U Rackmountable Servers shall have the following specifications: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 12. 13. 14. Dimensions (L x W x H): Weight: Input Voltage: Power Consumption: Recording Resolution: Alarm Inputs: Alarm Outputs: Serial Connections: NIC: USB 2.0 Ports: Audio Inputs: Hard Drive Storage: VGA Output: 15. 16. 17. 18. Keyboard & Mouse: Watchdog Timer: DVD/CD RW: Operating System: 19. Operating Temperature: 20. Relative Humidity: D. Enterprise Class (see models below) 1 DVI-A, 1 DVI-D, 1 Display Port, 2 maximum simultaneous monitors Included Included, Software based Included, Front panel access Windows 7 Professional or Server 2008 (optional) installed on 40 GB SSD/Linux Ubuntu 10.04 (kernel 3.0) installed on 4 GB flash drive 40° – 95°F (4.5° – 35°C) 5 – 95% RH (non-condensing) In addition to the specifications listed above, each 4U Server shall have unique features defined by the hard disk storage capacity described below: Part Number 1. IPZ08-24TB-R4-RAID 2. IPZ08-28TB-R4-RAID 3. IPZ08-32TB-R4-RAID 4. IPZ08-36TB-R4-RAID 5. IPZ08-40TB-R4-RAID 6. IPZ08-48TB-R4-RAID 7. IPZ08-56TB-R4-RAID 8. IPZ08-64TB-R4-RAID 9. IPZ08-72TB-R4-RAID 10. IPZ08-80TB-R4-RAID C. 42 (26.5 x 16.875 x 5.5”) (67.4 x 42.9 x 14 cm) 44 – 72 lbs. (20 – 32.7 kg) 120/240 VAC auto-sensing <250 watts (150 watts typical) CIF to 20 megapixel 8 1 RS-232 PTZ port 2 Gigabit 1000Base-T RJ-45 (standard) 8 (8 x USB 2.0) 4 Enterprise Class (see models below) 1 DVI-A, 1 DVI-D, 1 Display Port, maximum 2 simultaneous monitors Included Included, Software based Included, Front panel access Windows 7 Professional or Server 2008 (optional) installed on 40 GB SSD/Linux Ubuntu 10.04 (kernel 3.0) installed on 4 GB flash drive 40° – 95°F (4.5° – 35°C) 5 – 95% RH (non-condensing) In addition to the specifications listed above, each 3U Server shall have unique features defined by the hard disk storage capacity described below: Part Number Storage Size 1. IPZ08-16TB-R3-RAID 16 TB, 12 TB Available 2. IPZ08-20TB-R3-RAID 20 TB, 16 TB Available 3. IPZ08-24TB-R3-RAID 24 TB, 20 TB Available 4. IPZ08-28TB-R3-RAID 28 TB, 24 TB Available Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 5. IPZ08-32TB-R3-RAID 6. IPZ08-36TB-R3-RAID 7. IPZ08-40TB-R3-RAID 8. IPZ08-48TB-R3-RAID 9. IPZ08-56TB-R3-RAID 10. IPZ08-64TB-R3-RAID E. 32 TB, 28 TB Available 36 TB, 32 TB Available 40 TB, 36 TB Available 48 TB, 40 TB Available 56 TB, 48 TB Available 64 TB, 56 TB Available 2U Rackmountable IP Server All 2U Rackmountable Servers shall have the following specifications: 1. Dimensions (L x W x H): 2. Weight: 3. Input Voltage: 4. Power Consumption: 5. Recording Resolution: 6. Alarm Inputs: 7. Alarm Outputs: 8. Serial Connections: 9. NIC: 10. USB 2.0 Ports: 11. Audio Inputs: 12. Hard Drive Storage: 13. VGA Output: 14. Keyboard & Mouse: 15. Watchdog Timer: 16. DVD/CD RW: 17. Operating System: 18. Operating Temperature: 19. Relative Humidity: F. 2.05 43 (27x 16.875 x 3.5”) (68.6 x 42.9 x 8.9 cm) 39 – 53lbs. (17.7 – 24.1 kg) 120/240 VAC auto-sensing <250 watts (150 watts typical) CIF to 20 megapixel 0 0 RS-232 PTZ port 2 Gigabit 1000Base-T RJ-45 (standard) 8 (8 x USB 2.0) 0 Enterprise Class (see models below) 1 DVI-A, 1 DVI-D, 1 Display Port, maximum 2 simultaneous monitors Included Included, Software based Included, Front panel access Windows 7 Professional or Server 2008 (optional) installed on 40 GB SSD/Linux Ubuntu 10.04 (kernel 3.0) installed on a 4 GB flash drive 40° – 95°F (4.5° – 35°C) 5 – 95% RH (non-condensing) In addition to the specifications listed above, each 2U Server shall have unique features defined by the hard disk storage capacity described below: Part Number Storage Size 1. IPZ08-8TB-R2-RAID 8 TB, 6 TB Available 2. IPZ08-12TB-R2-RAID 12 TB, 10 TB Available 3. IPZ08-16TB-R2-RAID 16 TB, 14 TB Available 4. IPZ08-20TB-R2-RAID 20 TB, 16 TB Available 5. IPZ08-24TB-R2-RAID 24 TB, 20 TB Available 6. IPZ08-28TB-R2-RAID 28 TB, 24 TB Available 7. IPZ08-32TB-R2-RAID 32 TB, 28 TB Available CERTIFICATIONS A. CE and FCC, Class A (all models) 2.06 WARRANTY A. 3-year warranty on parts and labor and a 3-year Software Subscription Agreement (SSA) 2.07 VIDEO MANAGEMENT SYSTEM HARDWARE A) Minimum Server Requirements The VMS server software shall operate on the following minimum requirements: 1) Processor: Intel® Atom Processor D525, 1.8 GHz or greater Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) B) Minimum Client Requirements 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) C) 6) Intel® Core i7-2600 Processor, 3.4 GHz or Xeon E3-1220 1280x1024 4 GB 2x1Gbps (minimum), 4x 1 Gbps (preferred) RAID-5 (minimum), RAID-6 (preferred), minimum sustained nonSequential write capacity 70 MBps Operating Systems: a) Microsoft® Windows XP (all versions) b) Microsoft® Windows Vista (all versions) c) Microsoft® Windows 2008 Server (all versions) d) Microsoft® Windows 7 Pro (all versions) e) Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Processor: Graphics: RAM: NIC: Disk Drive: Recommended Client Requirements (Single Monitor) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) E) Intel® Atom D525 1.8 GHz or greater 1280x1024x32 bits 1 GB 10/100/1000 baseT Ethernet Western Digital Enterprise Class drive (RE4 or better), or Seagate Barracuda ES.2 Drives or better Operating Systems: a) Microsoft® Windows XP (all versions) or higher b) Linux Ubuntu 8.04 or higher c) Mac OSX 10.4 or higher Processor: Graphics: RAM: NIC: Disk Drive: Recommended Server Requirements 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) D) Graphics: 1280x1024x32 bits RAM: 1 GB NIC: 1x100 Mbps (minimum), 1 Gbps (preferred) Disk Drive: a) JBOD, Minimum sustained non-sequential write capacity 15 Mpbs, b) Digital Enterprise Class drive (RE4 or better), or c) Seagate Barracuda ES.2 drives or better Operating Systems: a) Microsoft® Windows 2003 Server (all versions) b) Microsoft® Windows 7 (all versions) c) Linux Ubuntu 8.04 or higher Intel® Core i3 2100 Processor, 3.1 GHz or greater 1280x1024 2 GB 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet Western Digital Enterprise Class drive (RE4 or better), or Seagate Barracuda ES.2 Drives or better Video: 64 MB video card (Direct3D / OpenGL compatible) Operating Systems: a) Microsoft® Windows 7 (all versions) or higher b) Linux Ubuntu 8.04LTS or higher c) Mac OSX 10.4 or higher Processor: Graphics: RAM: NIC: Disk Drive: Recommended Client Requirements (Multi-Monitor) 1) 2) Processor: Graphics: Intel® Core i7 or greater Multi-output display adapter 44 Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 45 RAM: NIC: Disk Drive: 4 GB 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet Western Digital Enterprise Class drive (RE4 or better), or Seagate Barracuda ES.2 Drives or better. Video Card: 512 MB video card (Direct3D / OpenGL compatible) Operating Systems: a) Microsoft® Windows XP (all versions) b) Microsoft® Windows Vista (all versions) c) Microsoft® Windows 2003 Server (all versions) d) Microsoft® Windows 7 (all versions) or higher e) Linux Ubuntu 10.04 f) Mac OSX 10.6 B. Recording: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a. b. c. 6. 7. 8. 9. Provide video servers, switches, hard drives, and control computers with capacity to support digital recording and storage as indicated in section “Cameras and Associated Devices”. A centralized recording location will be provided as indicated on the plans at each site. Provide for instant search of recordings based on date/time and activity /alarm (Video Motion Detection). Provide “Smart Search” for specified image zones and objects. Evidence must be able to be: Printed with time/date stamp as a JPEG image or as an AVI film. Exported information must contain a native database export and configured Recordings Viewer for instant and easy viewing by authorities. Audit logs of exported evidence by user & file Provide support for MJPEG, MPEG4 and H.264 cameras & video encoders. Provide simultaneous digital recording, viewing and playback. Provide capacity of recording & viewing speeds of 30 frames per second per camera. Final frame rates will depend on discussions with HCISD storage and archival programming. Provide recording technology for high-speed database holding JPEG images, MPEG4 and H.264 compression streams. 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Contractor’s qualifications: Firm experienced in the provision of systems similar in complexity to those required for this project; and meet the following: No less than five years’ experience with equipment and systems of the specified types. Experience with at least three comparable scale projects within the last two years. Be a franchised dealer and service facility for the manufacturer’s products furnished. a. Written proof from the manufacturer is required. Maintain a fully staffed and equipped service facility with factory trained and certified service technicians. At the request of the District, demonstrate that: a. Adequate plant and equipment is available to complete the work. b. Adequate staff with commensurate technical experience is available. c. Factory certifications are available on technicians performing the installation and service. Installing contractor must be licensed by the State of Texas as a security services contractor as required by the Texas Board of Private Investigations and Private Security Agencies. Please B. Manufacturer's qualifications: No less than 4 years continuous experience in the production of specified types of product. Production per applicable NEMA and IP standards C. Work: Perform Work in compliance with the applicable standards listed herein and governing codes and regulations of the authorities having jurisdiction and the contract documents. 1. Drawings and specification requirements govern where they exceed code and regulation Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 46 requirements. 2. Where requirements between governing codes and regulations vary, the more restrictive provision applies. 3. Nothing in the contract documents grants authority or permission to disregard or violate any legal requirements. 4. Coordinate exact location and installation of equipment, power, grounding, and raceway requirements with the District. 1.8 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Ship product in its original container, to prevent damaging or entrance of foreign matter. B. Handling and shipping in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation. C. Provide protective covering during construction, to prevent damaging or entrance of foreign matter. D. Replace at no expense to Owner, product damaged during storage, handling or the course of construction. 1.9 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Verify conditions on the job site applicable to this work. Notify District in writing of discrepancies, conflicts, or omissions promptly upon discovery. B. The Drawings diagrammatically show cabling and arrangements of equipment fitting the space available without interference. If conditions exist which make it impossible to install work as shown, recommend solutions and/or submit drawings to the District for approval, showing how the work may be installed. 1.10 WARRANTY A. Contractor shall warrant equipment to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for one year following the date of the first official public use, trouble free operation, or substantial completion, whichever is later. B. System to be free of defects and deficiencies, and to conform to the drawings and specifications as to kind, quality, function, and characteristics; repair or replace defects occurring in labor or materials within the Warranty period without charge. C. This warranty shall not void specific warranties issued by manufacturers for greater periods of time nor shall it void any rights guaranteed to the Owner by law. D. Contractor to provide Owner with the name and telephone number of the person to call for service. This information to be part of Project Record Drawings. 1.11 INSTRUCTION OF OWNER PERSONNEL A. After final completion, provide eight hours of instruction to Owner designated personnel on the operation and maintenance of the System. If any component is not operational at the time of testing or training, the vendor shall return to complete the testing or training on the component. Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 47 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Model numbers and manufacturers included in this specification are listed to establish a standard of product quality and to meet exiting HCISD standards. It is the responsibility of the installation contractor to coordinate with the telecommunications cabling and network providers for the correct cabling and hardware requirements of the equipment being provided. B. Other qualified manufacturers will be considered subject to a complete evaluation of technical data, samples (if required), and, if available or requested, results of independent testing laboratory tests of proposed alternate equipment. This required documents shall be included with Proposal Submittal on or before bid date as established in division 1 General Conditions of the project specifications. Substitutions provided without complete evaluation documents will not be reviewed or accepted. 1. If proposed System includes equipment other than specified model numbers, submit a complete list of major items and their quantities, with a one-line schematic diagram for review. 2. Include a list of previously installed projects using proposed equipment that are similar in nature to specified System. C. Any ancillary device required for the installation will be the responsibility of the systems integrator to insure a complete and functional system per the manufacturers’ recommendations. 2.2 GENERAL A. Product: New, free from defects and listed by UL when an applicable UL Standard exists. Provide product of a given type from one manufacturer. B. Regardless of the length or completeness of the descriptive paragraph herein, provide product complying with published manufacturer's specifications. C. Equipment supply voltage: 120 VAC, 60 Hz. D. Equipment temperature limits: -30 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. E. Product not specifically specified to be commensurate with the quality and standards established by the specified product. 2.3 CAMERAS & ASSOCIATED DEVICES A. All cameras must be in weatherized housing when exposed to the elements. B. Refer to “Color Coordination” section of these specifications for color coordination on all cameras associated equipment and infrastructure. C. Cameras: 1. Provide a network PoE (Power over Ethernet) 100 Base TX network camera. 2. The camera shall incorporate minimum resolution requirements as listed in the “acceptable product” section. 3. Provide mounting hardware as required by location. All attachment and mounting screws and bolts, not part of the camera mechanism must be stainless steel. Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 48 4. Provide environmental housing recommended by the manufacturer when mounted in exposed locations or any areas where moisture, dirt or elements may be a problem. 5. Unit to be vandal resistant and rated IP66. 6. Provide with integral IR illuminator if indicated on design plan. 7. Provide with H.264 compression. 8. Provide with clear lens cover. 9. Acceptable products – see scaled drawings and cut sheets in bid package for specific information per camera model and quantity or superseded model numbers Camera PoE IP - Arecont Vision AV3225PMIR Camera, Megapixels – Arecont Vision MegaDome 2 #AV3256PM Camera, Megapixels, Dome - Arecont Vision AV12585PM Camera, Surround Video – Arecont Vision # AV12176DN-08 Arecont- Miscellaneous Product Accessories E. Video Storage and server: (VS) 1. Provide video digital storage with varying frame rates per camera. 2. Server storage as specified per site. 3. Provide hardware/software and connect to campus LAN 4. Coordinate with control software manufacturer for requirements. 5. Provide rack mounted units. 6. Acceptable product: 7. Video server a. ExacqVision F. Camera Network Switches (POE) 1. HCISD to provide POE switches to interconnect cameras and video storage servers with the building networks at the schools. However, the Contractor must provide POE switches. 2. Acceptable product: a. Cisco G. Infrared Illuminators 1. Contractor to provide 850nm IR illuminators as specified per site 2. Acceptable product: a. Iluminar Infra-Red and White Light PoE Products A&E Specification The illuminator must be a solid state LED device utilizing SMT (Surface Mount Technology) providing at least 10 years illumination life. The LED illuminator must be available in several illumination angles including 10, 30, 60, 100x50 and 120 Degrees. Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 49 The LED illuminator shall be PoE powered and be IEEE802af or IEEE802at compliant. The illuminator housing should be made of high quality anodized aluminum. The illuminators front lens cover should be constructed from high transmittance polycarbonate. The housing should include a pressure equalization vent, to prevent thermal expansion and pressure cycling. The LED illumination system must carry a 5 year warranty. The IR LED illuminators should be available in different wavelengths including 850nm and 940nm. The illuminator must include internal power and control circuitry. Including a power adjust facility, an integrated photocell for automatic day/night switching, photocell following contact and a volt free telemetry input. Connection for the photocell following contact and telemetry input should be via a high quality IP67 (minimum) rated connector. The illuminator should be IP67 as a minimum. The illuminator should have an operating temperature range of -58ºF to 140ºF The illuminator should meet the following standards: Safety EN60598:2004 Electrical Safety EN60825-1 Laser Eye Safety IP: IP67 in accordance with EN60529:1992 EMC: EN61000, FCC part 15.107, 15.108 Class B WEEE :Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment European directive 202/96/EC RoHS: Restriction of Hazardous Substances European directive 202/95/E Illuminator – Iluminar #IR148-PoE Dual Mounting Bracket – Iluminar IL-DMB Pole Mount Bracket – Iluminar #IL-PMB Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 50 2.4 CAMERA Cabling: A. Standard Camera Connection & Patch Cables. 1. Provide and install Cat6 cabling for cameras and POE IR Illuminators as specified on drawings. 2. Provide and install modular patch panels in network closets for head end termination for drops 3. Terminate each drop on both sides with RJ-45 keystones 4. Provide and install a one port surface mount box for floor side drop connectivity 5. Provide patch cords as required per location for cameras. 6. Acceptable product: a. Cable - Panduit CAT6 (orange) b. Patch panel - Panduit CPPA24FMWBLY c. Keystones – Panduit CJK5E88TGOR d. Patch Cables – Panduit UTPCH7ORY e. Surface Mount Box – Panduit CBX1EI-A f. Fiber -OSP 6 strand 50 micron OM3 - Corning 006TU4-T4180D20 (outside plant cable) g. Copper - Cat6 OSP General 7136100 (for outside plant cable) h. Exterior cable runs are required to be placed in conduit. B. Equipment Mounting Hardware: 1. Provide stainless steel for all mounting hardware inside or outside the building. The following are guidelines. 2. Provide stainless steel Phillips Head screws sized as required with Black nylon shoulder washers with all rack mounted equipment. 3. Provide stainless steel bolts, washers and nuts and lock washers sized as required for camera equipment, housings and mounts. 4. Provide stainless steel Phillips head machine screws sized as required for all junction box, motion detectors, and gate switches etc. Provide nuts and washers and or lock washers as required for locations. 5. Provide stainless steel Phillips head tapping screws & washers sized as required when mounting to wood or metal surfaces based on site conditions. 6. Zink or black iron screws are not acceptable. 7. Acceptable product a. Phillips Stainless Steel 18-8. b. Hex Heavy Head Stainless Steel per ATSM A193-B8M Class 1 PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. The installation recommendations contained within ASDI and TDMM are mandatory minimum standards and requirements. B. Coordinate hardware with telecom racks when mounting in equipment racks C. Provide shelves and mounting hardware as required for mounting equipment in provided rack rails. D. Mount equipment and enclosures plumb and level. E. Permanently installed equipment to be firmly and safely held in place. Design equipment supports to support loads imposed with a safety factor of at least five. 3.2 SYSTEM CABLING AND WIRING A. General: 1. Make joints and connections with resin-core solder or with mechanical connectors approved by the District; where spade lugs are used, crimp properly with ratchet type tool. Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 51 2. Cover edges of cable and wire pass-through holes in chassis, housings, boxes, etc., with rubber grommets or Brady GRNY nylon edge grommets. 3. Install cable so that a radius bend of no less than ten times the cables OD is maintained. 4. Provide splice free wiring and cabling from origination to destination. B. Housing: 1. Cabling and wiring entering equipment housings should connect via connector termination or approved method to keep network rating integrity. 2. Provide cabling to equipment and organize to avoid damage when removing racks for service. C. AC Power and Grounding: 1. Where applicable provide the following: 2. Hardwire power wiring directly to internal AC receptacles to ensure uninterrupted operation. 3.3 CONTRACTOR COMMISSIONING A. Perform the following head end tests and adjustments. Correct any technical deficiencies until the preferred performance objectives are accomplished. 1. Adjust the gain of each active device to provide optimum signal to noise ratio per the manufacturer’s instruction. 2. Perform a subjective evaluation of each cameras picture quality with a standard monitor connected to video switcher. Provide a System with no visible components of cross modulation, ghosting, or beat interference. 3. Verify that all viewing angles have been set and are unobstructed. 4. Verify that all environmental housings have been connected and are functioning as recommended by the manufacturer. 5. Verify that all software has been debugged and screens (GUI) are installed as approved and agreed, and that all functions are operational. 6. Verify that all power supplies are connected and power loss detection is operational. 7. Verify that all device and cable resistance readings have been taken and documented and meet manufacturer’s specifications. 8. Verify that all CPU’s and servers are reporting as required. 9. Verify that all as-built documentation is updated and available. Deliverables: Cabling test results and wiring as-built Video server configuration (usernames, passwords, IP address, camera and storage settings, etc) Customized instruction sheet for common video tasks such as retrieving stored video, access live camera window, check on disk usage, etc. Network configuration (vlan, default gateway, QoS, DHCP) Camera placement diagram in Visio and .pdf format Camera inventory spreadsheet (MAC/serial number, location) SITE SPECIFIC BILL OF MATERIALS, SCOPE OF WORK, AND LAYOUTS FOCUS ON THE FOLLOWING CAMPUSES IN THIS ORDER: Zavala-1st Priority, Ben Milam, Bonham, Dishman, Rodriguez, Stuart Place, Treasure Hills, and Wilson. Video Surveillance Systems CSP #VSSP0416 IV. PROJECT SITE DRAWINGS AND BILL OF MATERIALS Austin Elementary Bonham Elementary Bowie Elementary Crockett Elementary Dishman Elementary Houston Elementary Jefferson Elementary Lamar Elementary Long Elementary Means Elementary Milam Elementary Rodriguez Elementary Stuart Elementary Travis Elementary Treasure Hills Elementary Wilson Elementary Zavala Elementary 52