Untitled - Academic Program Pages at Evergreen
Untitled - Academic Program Pages at Evergreen
Evergreen Gaming Guild Room, Seminar 1\ E2105: V.rious games throughout the day including Convention Rules I. Children under the age of lJ must be supervised. at all limes. 2. Children under the age of 17 may nOl' view any of our 17+ or Rated 'R' showings without supervision by a parent or guardian. 3. Be courteoliS and respectful to the campus. our staff, and convention attendees. 4. Turn off any potentially disruptive communication devices before entering any of the lecture halls. Food You can get some chow at the Greenery'at 1l:30am-1 pm for $7.10 or 5-7pm for $8.30, plus tax. Or at thc Cafc on the first floor of SEM II B at 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. Or grab yourself some frcc popcorn in the Lecture Hall Rotunda. Histon' It's ChibiChibi Con. "What's ChibiChibi Con?" you m;y ask. Well it's Evergreen's annual Japanese animation. video game, board game, card game. role playing, and culture convenlion. This year will be our ninth. ChibiChibi Con (CCC) got its upbringing from the fall of Geocon in 2001. The once gaming and sci-fi convention changed. its name and focus to become the CCC we know today. The Evergreen Animc Club (EAC). formerly the Giant Robot Appreciation Society, puts this convclllion into action each ye.ar funded by the Evergreen State College Student Activities S & A ooard. Both the Student Video Gamers Alliance and the Evergreen Gaming Guild assist every year putting on the convention. Sponsors and Thank Yous Olympic Cards and Comics Danger Room Comics Harmony Vintage and Designer Clothing The Creation Station AU of Our Hard Working Volunteers Places to Get the Shows You've Seen Today ADV Films - h!.!P.:IL.. . ~,'ldvfilms.coml Bandai Entertainment - b.1u.»/www handai-ent.com Discotek Media - !:l!.mJ/dis.cotek.mcd~ FUNimation Entertainment - hItD·/lwww.funimaljoll_conli Gencon Entertainment ~ hltp:llwww.gt!:~Ql!anjmatioJ.!£2!!l The Right Stuf, Inc. - hH.R:/fwww.ri1tbJslUf.com Tokyopop - b.l~ww.[okyo'p_op.com/ ________________~----~--C ~lubConta~<t~~ ~ I~O-------------------Evergreen Gaming Guild Evergreen Animc Club Student Video Garners Alliance 360-876-6036 360-876-6036 360-876-6036 ~~.!J~.(!!.,'ii£Q!!! hltp:11acadclllic.evcrgrccn edulllr &,!!l}1jJ:!.W!i.l4..<itc..Y.,crgrecn.cdu oupslanimecluhl animeclub @ e"ie~ --Aft you a GrecnCr?~~;mpus on Wednesday nights ~~ Saturday aftcrnoons1 11len lhe Evergreen Anime Club has just the thing for you. ' Anirnc Showings are from 6-9pm on Wednesdays and 2-4pm on Saturdays in the Housing Community Centef. Sec our website for morc information. Dungeons and Dragons. Savage Worlds, Setders' of Catan, and more. Student Video Gamers Alliance Room, Seminar 1\ E3107: Misccllaneous video gaming all day. 10:OOam, Lecture Hall I: Opening Ceremonies 10:30 am, Lecture Hall I: Night on the Galactic Railroad - 1985, 108 minutes. Rated G Directed by Gisaburo Sugii, original story by Kenji Miyazawa (Porn Poko, Gauche the Cellist). Animation production by Group TAC. . Once upon a time, there wa.'. j a young boy named Giovanni, whose life was filled with hardship. He roiled late inro the night, caring for his ill mother, and he was scorned by the other children. But Guiwm"i'.'. i life is about to change. A.)' he gazes into the starry s).:y, a mysterious galactic train appears! Giovanni is about to embark on a magicallldventure through the Milky m..,y.' 12:45pm, u.'cture Hall 'I: Spring & Chaos - 1996,57 minutes. Rated PG Directed by Shoji Kawamori (Aquarion. Vision of Escaflowne, Macross Zero. The Daichis). Original story by Kenji Miyazawa (Night on the Galactic Railroad. Porn Poco, Gauche the Cellist). Animation produclion by Group TAC. The animated biography of Ken); Miyazawa. Japan j. most beloved modern poet. ~Vmner of both tM Japan Culture and Art FOlmdation Award and the 23 rd Cultural Broadcasting Foundation Award for "Best n' Entertainment Program." 2:00pm, Lecture Hall I: Lupin HI: The Fuma Conspiracy - 1987,73 minutes. Rated PG Directed by Masayuki Oozcki, original manga by Monkey Punch (Musashi, Cindarella Boy). Original concept by Maurice Leblanc. Animation production by Tokyo Movie Shinsha. Available from Discotek Media. 't( Goemon is, gelling married.' Well. was until his britit!, Murasaki, waj" kidnapped by an evil organization of ninja: Ihe Furna Clan. Their ransom is the Sh,4ujoh Vas~, the key to a legacy of untold wealth thaI has been hidden for hunt/reds of years. And where there's treasure, Ihere:\' ma.sur thief, Lupin the Third! When word of L"pin \. appearance reaches Inspector Zenigllfa. he com es out of retirement to pw him behind bar.~· om'e and for all.' Call Lupin, ligen. Goemon and Fujiko reRll(' Mllrasaki, uflt'(,rth the secrets ofthe treasure, and emde Old Man Zelligata as they try to fbilthefiendish plot ofthe Fuma Clan? 4:30-5:30pm - Cosplay Contcst 5:45pm, Lecturc Hall 1: Barefoot Gcn - 1983, Rated PG-13. 83 minutes. Directed by Mamoru ~hinzaki. Original story by Kciji Nakazawa. Animation production by Madhouse Studios. Hiroshima, August 1945. Gen is {j cheerful elementary .1('/1001 student living in Jap(ln during W,)rld War II. After years of living with d~lficult wartime rationing and impol'erished cOfl(liriol1S. Gen and his family have. managed 10 mainwin a relatively normal and happy life. Allrhat j,'I {lbOla to change ""hen (In momic bomb destroys their city in an instant. While GnT and his mother manage IV survive the attack. the rest (~rlhefmnily is I/ot so lucky_ In thefilce. of(ldva~i(.v. Gen manages to maintain hi.)' chenful spirit and nevl'r loses hope that things will gel bettt'r for him. andIor the ell tin! natiol/ of Japan. 7:30pm. Lecture Hall I: Akira - 1988, 124 minutes. Rated R. Original story and direction by K.lsuhiro Olomo (SleamOOy. SOS' Tokyo Mew Explorers. Oomu). Animalion produclion by Tokyo Movie Shinsha. Available from Geneon Enlenainm~nt . ChildhoodjrienlL{ T~lSuo and Kaneda 's mOlOrcyde gang t!ncounlers (J military 0l,eration 10 reln'eve un escaped e.xperim~ntal subject. The military captures Tell'lfo and conduL'u experiments on him that unleash his la/em ps)'(:hic: ability. but when these neK) powen rage (Jut ufcontrol, Tetsuo lashes au/ 01 the world that has oppressed him! Kt!n.l'hin, a deadly as.mu;n, poueHes a JOlli lU war-torn as ,lie baulejield.l' of Japa". With his bloody work slowly slripping aIVay his humanity, he still hopes for peace. Kl!nshin Jimb this hope personified in Tomoe. a beautiful yet mysreriOiIS womall who Jhows him a life be)'ond the sword. Sad(~\ she too is 10m byghmu from frer pUSI. Can Kenshin and Tomoe .l·al'e e.ach other ? End. 9:35pm Eods IO:3Opm IO:30am, Lecture HaU 2: Origin· Spirits of Ihe Pasl - 2006. 94 nunulos. Raled PG Direcled by Keiichi Sugiyama. concepl by Umanosuke lid. (Mobile Suit Gundam : The 081h MS Team U.C.0079+a. Tide-Line Blue). Animalion produclion by Gonzo. Available from FUNimat.ion Entenainmcnl. IO:30am, Ledure HaU 3: Place Promised in Our Early Days - 2004.91 minules. Raled PG Original story and direclion by Makolo Shinkai (Scm pcr Second. Voices of a Distant Slar). Animation production by CoMix Wave & asread. Available from ADV Films. AgeJ past, the Forest was awakened and the Moon unleashed (l ravenous Beasl upon Ihe Earth. Man cowered in fear.. Tlrree hundred years since lind Ihe landscape of the world !ras been dra slically rewrillen. The remnants of human;,)' ar~ divided as llel't.~r before. Ilalfseek u tenuolfS cue.tiste"ce with the Forest, hulf suk 10 dominate and ,mbdue Ilia/ which (hey cannol ulldenwnd. Ag;to, tire son ofan aged hero. inadvertently sets in mution 'he des/rue/ion of all tltat ;.slef, when h~ revives lite yuung Toola from her limelns slumber. Unable (0 reconcile life a.5 she once knew it from the .....orld as;1 is now, Toola callJ forth ande", teclrnology to reshape (he future from the ashes ofthe pa.rt. Wilh Iht! blessing of the FOrtsl. Al~jlo musl first SUl'e the girl from herself in order 10 rrsc"e them all ... I 2:25pm. Lec lure Hall 2: Serial Experiments Lain - 1998.320 minules. Raled R. Direcled by Ryularo Nakamura (Kino's Journey. Ghost Hound. REC). original SIOry by Yoshiloshi Abe (Habane Renmci. NicA_7. Texhnolyze). Animation production by Triange Scaff. Available from Gencon Entertainment. Thae is tile world around us, a world ofpeople, tactile Jensation. mrd clfllUre. There is the wired wurltl. in.ride 'he compUler. of images. personalilies, ~'irtuul t!xperiences. alld (J cu/lure all of ils mn., Tire day aJier a dussmale commiu suicide, Laill. u thirteen year- old girl, discovers how dosel,)' the two worlds are linked when she recd\'es an e·mail from (he, dead girl: "/ just alNrndoned my body. / :Hill live here. ' .., Has 'he line between Ihuelll worM (lnd the I\'irrd K'orld be,~ull to blur? 6:30pm. Leclure Hall 2: Spriggan - 1998.90 minutes. Rated R. Direcled by Hirolsugu Kawasaki (Narulo Ihe Movie: Legend of Ihe Slone of Gdel). Original story by Hiroshi Takashige (U ntil Dealh Do Us Part). Animati on produclion by Sludio 4°C. Available from ADV Films. NOAH '5 ARK has been u"cu~'~rrd. Bllried and fm~c:ollell since before 'he birth of histoT)', it hold,li (he pOletllial ({J elel'ate its hulder to 'he status of a go(1 or to wipe mankindfrom the. face of Ihe Earth in 1I Yl!cond.' A, the top ofthe worlt/, an allclent artifact known Nflw iI (l~' de!J{Jf!rafC Ixmle (' rupts llCroSX 'he planet (U IWO secrel or~~{miWlions rac~ 10 recuver 'he losl orti/tln: u" e .H:eh 10 de.'IIro), it. tile other to enslat'e Ihe hwnwl race.' Monstmru half-human ('yb,,'8s fm'l!! (~ff"ga;IIJI Ear/h \' ultimate d(jelUlers. 'he !iecret orgmriwlion kiln",,, as ARCAM and their elite agent.... 'he Spr(l(.'?illI, in an epil' Jllel with Ihe fil,ure ofour spedc.l liS the prize.' 7:45pm. L~clure flail 2: Samurai X: Trust and' Betrayal - 1999. Ral.d R. 118 minules. Direcled by Kazuhiro Furuhashi (Gclbackers. You're Under Arres t. Rurouni Kcnshin) . Animation produclion by Sludio DE E N. In school. they were best fri e.nd.f, And Ihey shared 'WD pass;oll.1i: the plane they bl~il( togtlher. chriSlt'ned Bela Cielo, and a girl. Say"r;. Oblivious to 'he tense international environment, 'he three fonn an indelible bond and it .l'eems nothing can fl'er come between them a~d their dream, The boys believe tlrat someday 'hey will reach (he distant tower - and touch Sa);"ri's heu" - however Jar away it may ~, 8uI lime passe.l·, 'War escalmes. Alliances ure changed. Friends become enemies, And Sayuri falls ;1110 u cream/ike stale IhOl seems illexplit:ably linked to the mysterivus tower ojtlreir youlh . AI 'he brink ofa World War. Sa)'ur; scem.l' to be. the key 10 a nt'w ""orld life as we know it. 12: ISpm. Lecture Hall 3: Boogiepop Phantom - 2000. 325 minutes. Din.'Clcd by Takashi Watanabe (Slayers. Casshan. New Fist of Ihe North Slar. Shakugan no Shan.). original story by Kouhei Kadono. Animation produclion by Madhouse Studios. An unearthly light pierces Ihe sky and IIIC w~rld tears forward. Wilhill Ihe ci'y Death is stulking once again. When Motosfriend Saotome mysteriou.dy disappears, the whispers of Boogie{JlJP begin 10 circulate. Mow duesn 'I really give the Boogiepop rumors much thought. until one niglrt when she Calches a glimpse of SOOlomes ghosl. \Vilh her heart full ofcvnJlicl, MolO is determined to find him once again and confess her feelings for him, But is;1 really him? Did Boogiepop really kill him? 6:45pm. Lecture Hall 3: Gunbuslcr - 1988. 190 nUnules. Rated PG-IJ. Dirocled by Hideaki Anno (Ncon Genesis Evangelion, His & Her Circumstances. Nadia - SC{:ret of Blue Water). Animation production by GAINAX. Available from Bandai Entertainment. 2015: Earth s Jim !a.,rer-rhan-lighr .Irip. rh~ Luxion. ij /osr, arrack,d by unid,nrified spaa mQn,5ters in the Perseus Am" Six. years later, Noriko Takaya. daughler ofthe Luxion's commander. enters the Okinawa Girls' SPlice Pilot Jligh SC'hool, vowing 10 be a pilut andfollow herfailiers trai/IO the stars. But ;s she preparell f or 'he intense training to become a member ofthe elite Top Squadron? Norikos fight has just begun - and thefate vfall humanity depend.'i on her meeting the challrnge.' I0:00pm. Lecture Hall 3: Voices of a Distant Star - 2002. 25 minutes . R.ted /'G- I 3. Original story and direclion by Makoto Shinkai (Scm per Second. Place PronUsed in Our Early Days) Animalion production by CoMix Wave. Inc. Available from ADV Films. It is 2046 when a m)'llerious alien force beg;ns their unnihilation of the human race. Leaving behind the one person she love.r. Mikako juins Ihe inle rstellar batlle as a pilot. As Milwlw JUes furlher ;nlo spocr, her only cOllnifli01I wilh Nobo ru are te.tI meJ,mges sent from her mobile phone, And .1'0 - while MikaJw risks her life to save mankind - Noboru wuits, AI firsl days. then months. tlum years for each new meuage that will leI him know whether MikaJr.o ;s still alive. And. while categories for both fic and ar, and a chance to win prizes! she barely grows older ill Ihe limeleHneSJ of space, Noboru ages. The two lo\'ers, worlds aport, deJPcrately str;~'e 10 remain connected ll.'i the gap between them willens Q/ a frightening pace. As a OOnu,l", She and Her Car. Malwto Shinkai~' Grand Pri.t awart/·winlling 5·",;nul(' cal reminiscing on ilS relationship with its owner. ~'hon lIbOUI a Ends IO:25pm 10:3Oam, Ledure HaU4 (Panel Room): Open discussion - What does Fandom mean to you? An oppommif)' 10 meet the Creation S,or;on sraff. 9:00pm, Lecture Hall 4 (Panel Room): Fanl;c Bedtime Stories. Grab a blanket and a box ofpoc~)' and setlle in wilh usfor Ihe end ofthe cvnvention and listen to wonderful fanfiction and original worlcs being read by the "authors (or ,fOme one else if you prefer.) Sign up sheet will be available. Onl! fi(: per pen'on preferrl!d. IO:3Oam, Leclure HaU5: A Trcc of Palm. - 2001, 136 minutes. Rated PG-13. Original story and direction by Takashi Nakamura (Catnapped!, Fantastic Children). Animation produclion by Palm Studio. Available from ADV Films. 11 :30am_ Lecture Hall 4 (Panel Room) : Writing mini - Plot coherency. Stuck on how ro keep that rolling plot going and have it make sense? He~:r afew lips and tricks to keeping plot coherency,' When a my.sterious woman gilles Po/me (an apalhflic robOl mack from Ihe sacred kuroop tree) rhe Egg of Touto and charges him with a crusadl! whit.:h 110,)' pUllhe fat, ofthl! 'World into his hands. a jounrey ofrebinh and discovery utlfolds. 12:ooam, Lecturl! Hall 4 (Panel Room): Wriling mini· Character consistency, Characters can be harello kl!ep constant ancl Irue. so here a chance 10 learn from (' fe..... otht?r writers lrow 'hey do il. Chased by a mysterious group o/mercenaril!s. Palme leams up wilh a blind ofmi,ffils only 10 dis,:over (hI! complexilY oftlrl' human condition and w/rat it truly mean... "Iv be alive." 12:30am, Lectur< Hall 4 (Panel Room): Writing Mini - OCs vs Mary Sues: Writing good Fanl;ction and RP OCs. What makes (' charaeleran original and what makes them a dreaded "Mary Sue"? Find nul in Ihis panel! I :OOpm, Lecture Hall 5: Paranoia Agent - 2004, 320 minutes. Original story and direction by Satoshi Kon (Millenium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers. Perfect Dlue, Paprika). Animation production by Madhouse Studios. Available from Geneon Entenainmcm. I :OOpm, Lecture Hall 4 (Panel Room): Pairing Dynamics. All you n..d to know to make your characler roman('e sizvl!.' After Ihe firsl "iclims ,uvr)" Ihe police fell the o"erly stn~.'i5ed woman wa,f having a breakdown and lied 10 COlJl!r'll{J for somf crime. However. after the third al/d fourth altadu upon unrelared victims led 10 Ihe same l/cJcription ofa young allacker with a golden baseball bal ami in·/ine sk.afC,l'. the pvli<.'e had to M'onder." s I :30pm, Lecture Hall 4 (Panel Room): Secondary Characters Discussion. TaWng abouttho>< minor hllie I:haracters we all low so mudr. 2:00pm. Lecture Hall 4 (Panel Room): Fanficlion Q n A. A chan('e to ask whalever ""e didn " gel thl! chunn' to COVtr. 2:30pm, Lecture Hall 4 (Panel Room): Story. Story. Die! Join us/or this amusing round rob;" Olier e.tlrw.'aganza! You never knvw wlro going /() shah' lip ne.tl.l s crOll 3:30pm, Lecture Hall 4 (Panel Room): Scenes from a Ha1. Srenes are ""ril/en anunymOlu/), and dlOsen OUi ofa hat. Ihen written in 10 blurbs, fidets and drabbles 10 be read out loud. 4:30pm, Lecture Hall 4 (Panel Room): Pimp Your Community - five minule blocks pcr person explaining what the community is, what it does, how it can be joined and where! Have a commllnity. fan Silt'/lisling, or online RP a/your own crealion thaI you'd like 10 recruil fvr? Five minutes "lid you'~'e gvt Ihe chan('e! (Plcm.e sign up wi,h ,Ire CS slaffbefore hand.) 5:30pm, Lecture llall4 (Panel Room): Art Mini - Face (eyes, hair). TiP,.. tricks and examples of how to draw anime faces. 6:00pm, Lecture Hall 4 (Panel Room): Art Mini - Figure (boys, girls). A q"ickie anatomy Usson. 6:30pm, Lecture Hall 4 (Panel Room): Art Mini - CoslUming (fabric, folds. casual vs. formal). How 10 make )'our ('hara.clers look fabulou .'!.' Or nol.' 6:45pm, Lecture Hall 5; The Wings of Honneamise - 1987. 125 minutes. Rated PG-13. Directed by Hiroyuki Yamaga (Magical Shopping Arcade Abcnohashi, Mahoromalic . Automatic Maiden, Daicon films). Animation production by GAINAX. Available from Bandai Entenainm~nt. An epic tale ofa ciliilizalion j. first falfering JlfpS into ."po(·e, Jel ;n an alien world ,hal is strangely familiar lU (Jflr own. When codel Shiro Uwdalt sign.)' up with the Royal Spact! Force. he encvunters ridicule and Clptlthy from manipulative leallers and a f)'nica/ publi(', A ('halJn~ em'ounter with a dCVOf41 young woman .~pur~ Shiro (m lowlIrds his deSIin)' - Iv be.come the jirJt man in space. While mililary leaden ('on'spire 10 lise the ~pace progrmn 10 spark. af! aU·oul war. Shiro lind a leam vf lIghtg ~cienti.us mce ag(lin,\~llime {(J complete the flrsllwuu:h . 9:00pm, Lecture HallS: Gunsmith Cats - 1995.85 minutes. Ratc-d PG-I3. Directed hy Takoshi Mori (Vandrcad, Stratus 4. Otaku no Video). Original story by Kcnichi Sonoda (Riding Bean. Cannon God Exaxxion), Animation production hy Oricnral Light and Magic Join the pistol·packing Rally Vr,,<.'ent (Inti her partller. grencule ·lwppy Minnie May Hopkin ,,. as ,Iu'y infiltrate a gUll r"nning vperutio" lit Ihe "suggeslion" ofthe..AfF 81U'n up "le I,;gh"'uy in R(llIy~' Sht'lby GT-500 a:i she ('hoses a psychopathic Russian (ls!wJsin who~' kidJlapped Mmnie, And lilen watch the bullets fly ;1111 (Iuei tv Ihe death wilh a cache vfillegal wecJpoIIs 0 .\ the prh .e, Ends W:35pm 7:00pm, Lecture llall4 (Panel Room): Art Mini - Weaponsffools. All the equipme"t your sword widding. aos.1i bow carrying, dagger throwing vampire hunter could ever need.' 8:00pm, S~minar ll8uilding. EII07 - Freest)'le Dance and Closing Ceremunies 7:30pm, Lecture Hall 4 (Panel Room): Art Mini - Photoshop (lineart, layers, coloring). A quick and dirty lesson on using layer masks in PholOshop for a de_o ner finished product. Come and dance to o/Jr selectiml (~f } ·pop (lml otha mll,fic. Come it, ('o.Uumt' or ~dl({l(Ver lind dance the nigh! away, Well. mosl ofil lilly way. And then JlIy gOnt/ bye to this year's con (Illite Closing cerl.!monie,l' at !0:30pm. 8:00pm. Lecture HaU 4 (Panel Room): Fan ArtlFan Fic Judging. Please tUI7I in all elltries to tile CS SIlIff. Shon slOries no Ivnger than three 10 fjl'e pages, and no unfinished on work please, Sel't~ral 1 I