the 3-20-8 Penny Press
the 3-20-8 Penny Press
Penny Press Las Vegas, NV Volume 5 Number 26 MARCH 20, 2008 THE PENNY PRESS, MARCH 20, 2008 PAGE 2 Penny Press Logotype Pointedlymad licensed from: Rich Gast Credits: Publisher and Editor: Fred Weinberg Circulation: Charlotte Weinberg The Penny Press is published weekly by 5010 Productions, Inc. All Contents © Penny Press 2008 Contributing Editors: Floyd Brown Al Thomas Doug French Bill Here John Getter Pat Choate Joyce Meyer Wyatt Cox Letters to the Editor are encouraged. They should be sent to our offices at 5010 Spencer, Las Vegas 89119. They can also be emailed to: No unsigned or unverifiable letters will be printed. 702-740-5588 Fax: 702-920-8215 Penny Press LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 16 PAGES VOLUME 5 NUMBER 26 MARCH 20, 2008 It's Wright-Wing Racism By MICHAEL REAGAN Special To The Penny Press Most of the media and their fellow liberals were positively giddy over Barack Obama’s speech Tuesday, all but comparing it to the Sermon on the Mount. I won’t deny it was a masterful Commentary piece of oratory — the man can be spellbinding — but when you stop to consider what Sen. Obama was really doing up there on the podium, invoking the specter of slavery and Jim Crow and the era of “whites only,” it becomes clear that it was a con job designed to make the voters as giddy as he knew his worshippers in the submissive media would be. The speech was meant to be an explanation and expiation of his guilt for his years of remaining mute in the face of the outrageous antiAmericanism spewed by his pastor and bosom buddy, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Until Tuesday, Barack Obama (you can’t use his middle name, which has now become the “Hword,” allegedly a code word for anti-Muslim rhetoric) had steadfastly denied he ever heard his friend and pastor make his hateful remarks. In the speech, however, he just kind of mentioned that; well, yes; he guesses he was aware of the Reverend Wright’s offensive rhetoric after all. Mea Minima Culpa. He then launched into a defense of his friendship with the man he credited for bringing him to The Conservative Weekly Voice Of Las Vegas Inside: Don't Pee On My Leg, Barack Obama See Editorial Page 6 Christianity, and helping to form his social and political philosophy and set him on the path to a life of public service. Admirably, while denouncing Wright’s extremism, he refused to denounce the man himself. Nobody expected him to declare Wright anathema and cast him into the outer darkness where there is weeping and wailing and the gnashing of teeth — one simply doesn’t do to that sort of thing to a longtime friend, benefactor and mentor even if he has been shown to have slipped the rails time after time. What was not expected was Barack H. Obama’s use of a litany of America’s past racist offenses to justify not only Wright’s blatant hatred of white America but his suggestion that it was a sentiment shared by most African Americans. And that is simply not true. Penny Wisdom Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good. —Thomas Sowell Nor was it true, as Obama charged, that the Reagan coalition was created out of white resentment for affirmative action or forced busing. He charged that “anger over welfare and affirmative action helped forge the Reagan coalition. Politicians routinely exploited fears of crime… talk show hosts and conservative commentators built entire careers unmasking bogus claims of racism while dismissing legitimate discussions of racial injustice and inequality as mere political correctness or reverse racism.” Poppycock! These are not only outright falsehoods, but echoes of what Obama learned at the feet of Jeremiah Wright and now preaches as his own beliefs. He learned his lessons well. STEVEN MILLER FRED WEINBERG VICTOR KAMBER BILL HERE AL THOMAS WYATT COX JOYCE MEYER PET OF THE WEEK Continued on page4 PAGE 5 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 PAGE 10 PAGE 11 PAGE 12 PAGE 15 THE PENNY PRESS, MARCH 20, 2008 PAGE 4 Continued from page 3 Wright Wing Racism When he suggested that my father’s coalition was based on anger over affirmative action and welfare he was peddling a blatant falsehood as egregious in its falsity as Wright’s charge that whites created AIDS to wipe out the black population. Everything Obama said was directed at suggesting that while Rev. Wright should not have used such inflammatory language, he was somehow justified because of America’s white racism. Try as he might, Barack Obama cannot claim the innocence of a lamb in his long years of worshipful association with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. He was either fully aware of the seething racial hatred that motivated Wright, or something of a blithering idiot who can’t spot a racist hater when he spends years genuflecting at his feet. Barack Obama is not an idiot. He is a brilliant orator who exudes charm and arouses near-worship from his host of giddy, hypnotized supporters. He is also a committed socialist and a talented salesman for his brand of Marxist snake oil. Beware of camels bearing gifts, and politicians promising utopia. Mike Reagan, the elder son of the late President Ronald Reagan, is heard on more than 200 talk-radio stations nationally as part of the Radio America Network. Look for Mike’s newest book, “Twice Adopted.” E-mail comments to THE PENNY PRESS, MARCH 20, 2008 PAGE 5 Commentary: Steven Miller On The Road To Health-Care Hell Currently, Southern Nevada news is full of reports of assemblyline colonoscopies, hepatitis C infections, clinics ignoring the most basic safety protocols, criminal medical investigations and a collapse of public confidence. Welcome to the future of American health care. For the last two generations, the U.S. system of federally dominated, third-party “managed care” medicine has been on a direct trajectory toward this ignominious point. While an embarrassed Silver State now finds itself in the national spotlight, the main engines driv- ing degradation of health-care quality are actually national. Moreover, they have been in place, gathering increasing momentum, for a very long time. First, a rarely publicized truth: The hidden bone fields of American medicine are already remarkably large. Consider the year-2000 study, To Err Is Human, published by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Its authors reviewed U.S. hospital medical records and found that as many as 98,000 people die every year from medical errors. Even those numbers, however, may be a substantial under-estimate: the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says 2 million patients contract hospital-acquired infections each year, with 90,000 of them dying as a result. In addition, The Penny Press Tips Its Cap To: Governor Jim Gibbons for his willingness to kick Daniel McBride, Javaid Anwar and Sohail Anjum off the Board of Medical Examiners if they do not quit voluntarily. “The law permits the governor to remove those members for cause,” Gibbons said in a short news conference. “We will move to remove them. It is going to be soon. We are not going to let this drag on.” These guys have lots of ties to and friendships with the cretins who own the clinics which exposed over 40,000 innocent Las Vegans to Hepatitis C. Gov. Jim Gibbons (twice in one week) who signed the Nevada Open Government Initiative to set up a Web site at which citizens can review complete state financial records, with information about state contracts, grants and expenditures. The Penny Press Sends A Bronx Cheer And A Bouquet of Weeds To: The City of Las Vegas for even thinking about kicking handbillers off the corner outside the downtown marriage license office, a course that could take the city into unconstitutional waters. You'd think after going 0 for the century (and the last century) in court, the city would learn the First Amendment implications of trying to restrict free speech. there is the entire subject of medication errors. Last year the Institute of Medicine estimated, based on multiple studies, “that about one medication error occurs per patient per day in hospital care.” In that report, Preventing Medication Errors, the Institute of Medicine also returned to the subject of its earlier, groundbreaking work. “The key messages of To Err Is Human,” said the Institute, “were that there are serious problems with the quality of health care delivery; that these problems stem primarily from poor health care delivery systems, not incompetent individuals; and that solving these problems will require fundamental changes in the way care is delivered.” That American health care’s problems are systemic is an argument we often hear from advocates of socialized medicine. But the rarely admitted reality is that we already have socialized medicine. And it is that system that is increasingly devolving into — and subjecting us to — bureaucratically indifferent, incompetent and callous Sovietstyle medicine. Michael F. Cannon, director of health-policy studies at the Cato Institute, made this point emphatically last October: “We’ve already got socialized medicine. Government already pays for half of Americans’ medical care. Government controls production and consumption by determining the number of physicians; what services medical professionals can offer and under what terms; where they can practice; who can open a hospital or purchase a new MRI; who can market a drug or medical device; and what kind of health insurance consumers may purchase. Government even sets the prices for half of our health-care sector directly, and indirectly sets prices for the other half.” Yes, said Cannon, “[m]uch of the U.S. health-care sector is private. But private markets are not necessarily free markets. What matters is who controls how the resources are used. More often than not, that ‘who’ is government.” Consider, as an example, how federal rules operate to reduce the quality of care for certain patients. Because Medicare’s price-fixing system only pays predetermined fixed sums for treatment of numerous categories of illness, the actual cost to physicians and hospitals of delivering medical care can vary enormously, depending on the patient. The result is to effectively ration care for the poor, the old and the sick. Because the government, not the patient, controls the treatment price, the system offers big economic incentives for assembly-line medicine that ignores the actual individual needs of such patients. Precisely such a case was recently reported in Las Vegas — 78-yearold Duke Breuer, sent home from the Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada, an IV needle still sticking in his arm. The impact of the federal government’s bureaucratic one-size-fitsall system goes far beyond elderly Medicare patients. Because government-paid medicine so dominates U.S. health care, most large thirdparty payers have, for economic reasons, also adopted its approach. Nevada and many other states, for example, use the same system in their Medicaid programs for lowincome patients. Ditto for numerous private insurers’ programs. Another major way government is driving America down the road toward health-care Hell is by its repeated and politically motivated exemption of the health-care industry — medical professionals, insurers, pharmaceutical companies and hospitals — from the competitive and accountability-producing dynamics of free markets. Today, as special-interest rent seekers, leftwing ideologues and mentally challenged politicians agitate for a full-blown, coercive, police-state health-care socialism, it’s worthwhile to stop and reflect just a moment: If you like the growing problems America has now, you’ll love the mess we’ll have later. STEVEN MILLER Steven Miller is vice president for policy at the Nevada Policy Research Institute. OPINION THE PENNY PRESS, MARCH 20, 2008 PAGE 6 From The Publisher... Memo To Obama: Don't Pee On My Leg Regular readers of this space know full well that I am not a fan of Barack Obama’s. However, I had hoped to be able to write of his courage and character in the face of the now wide release of the relatively anti-American sermons of his 20-year pastor, Jeremiah Wright. Alas, last Friday evening, we discovered what we have really known all along. Barack Obama has the spine of a Jellyfish and his “politics of hope” is the same old politics of “I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinski” Now let me be clear. I don’t agree with almost anything Jeremiah Wright preaches with regard to the United States. But this is America and we have a Constitution and that Constitution specifies Wright’s right to make such statements. Barack Obama has been his parishioner for TWENTY YEARS! Wright married him in that church. His children were baptized in that church by Wright. Had he said to Fox News’ Major Garrett, “Pastor Wright has been my friend and advisor for 20 years and I love him. I don’t agree with him but I love him. His views are not my views but I have no intention of rolling him under the bus merely because I am running for President,” I would have a great amount of respect for him. I certainly have friends who cringe almost every week when this newspaper comes out and yet defend my right to my viewpoints and I have friends who fall into the category of Reverend Wright who I would never think of distancing myself from. Instead, this is what he said (transcript of Fox News live interview March 14, 2008): OBAMA: Well, Major, I’ve got to confess that, you know, as you know, I was voting in the Senate all day yesterday. So I wasn’t following this story as carefully as I could have been. And then I flew back to Chicago. When I saw these statements, many of which I had heard for the first time, then I thought it was important to make a very clear and unequivocal statement. None of these statements were ones that I had heard myself personally in the pews. One of them I had heard about after I had started running for president, and I put out a statement at that time condemning them. The other statements were ones that that I just heard about while we were—when they started being run on FOX and some of the other stations. And so they weren’t things that I was familiar with. Once I saw them, I had to be very clear about the fact that these are not statements that I’m comfortable with. I reject them completely. They are not ones that reflect my values or my ideals or Michelle’s. And that, had I heard them, had I been sitting in the church at the time that they were spoken, I would have been absolutely clear to Reverend Wright that I didn’t find those acceptable. Obviously. GARRETT: Sir, would you have—would you have quit the church had you heard them personally? OBAMA: You know, I guess – keep in mind that, just to provide more context, this is somebody who I had known for 20 years. Pastor Wright has been a pastor for 30 years. He’s an ex-Marine. He is somebody who is a biblical scholar, has spoken at theological seminaries all across the country, from the University of Chicago to Hampton. And so he is a well- regarded preacher. And somebody who is known for talking about the social gospel. But most of the time, when I’m in church, he’s talking about Jesus, God, faith, values, caring for the poor, those – family, those were the messages that I was hearing. And so you know, I think that the statements that have been strung together are compiled out of hundred of sermons that he delivered over the course of his lifetime. But, obviously, they are ones that are, from my perspective, completely unacceptable and inexcusable. And if I had thought that that was the tenor or tone on an ongoing basis of his sermons, then, yes, I don’t think that it would have been reflective of my values or my faith experience. GARRETT: So, quick yes or no. If had you heard them in person you would have quit? OBAMA: If I had heard them repeated, I would have quit. I mean, obviously, understand that – understand that, you know, this is somebody who is like an uncle. If you have – to me. He’s somebody who helped me find Christ. And somebody who always talked to me in very powerful ways about relationship to God and our obligations to the poor. If somebody makes a mistake, then obviously, you recognize – I make mistakes. We all make mistakes. If I thought that that was the repeated tenor of the church, then I wouldn’t feel comfortable there. But, frankly, that has not been my experience at Trinity United Church of Christ. His distancing was mealy-mouthed, and just like a kid saying “I’m sorry” to his parents so he will be allowed to go out and play instead of sent to his room. In the immortal words of Judge Judy, “Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining outside.” I—and I believe most Americans—have a hell of a lot more respect for loyalty (and a loyal disagreement) than a politician who will tell you what he thinks you want to hear because he’s running for President and is keeping his eye on the prize. Tuesday, Obama made a speech in Philadelphia which can best be described as a “you-a-culpa”. He admitted, without coming out and saying, that he had not exactly told the truth on Friday. That he, in fact, had been in the pews for some of the best of Wright’s sermons. And then, he tried to make Wright’s rhetoric seem to be our fault. In short, Obama wants to be black enough for his black friends and white enough for everyone else. But he doesn't want race to be an issue. Barack Obama ought to be ashamed of himself. In the real world, you dance with what brung you and Obama wants to dance with whoever will bring him in the future. Just like the politicians he says he’s not like. FRED WEINBERG THE PENNY PRESS, MARCH 20, 2008 PAGE 7 Commentary: Victor Kamber What To Do? Enjoy! As the train wreck known as the Democratic Presidential primaries rattles into Pennsylvania, practically the entire party establishment is looking at Chairman Howard Dean and muttering as Oliver Hardy would to Stan Laurel, “this is a fine mess you’ve got us into…” Fine mess indeed. This could be such a triumph that I have to think Howard planned it this way. Instead of the unforgettable shriek he let loose after the Iowa primary results were in, I expect he is rubbing his hands and chuckling the way leaders do when a great plan comes together. Everyone knows this is an election where the only way Republicans can win is for Democrats to find a way to lose. The independent vote that GOP nominee John McCain once attracted is bitterly opposed to a disastrous war that he would pursue for another hundred years. If that weren’t enough, there’s the declining dollar and 4-buck a gallon gas. And it is a given that no incumbent party ever won an election when the economy went into recession on their watch. So how can Democrats possibly lose? Well, there are problem areas, such as the nasty name-calling that has another two months to run, what to do about Michigan and Florida, and those up-for-grabs super-delegates. Some Democrats worry that week after week of bitter primaries just might hurt their chances. Real Democrats know this back-and-forth bloodletting generates continuing interest among voters and media while conditioning the eventual winner to withstand whatever muck the GOP swiftboaters throw in the fall. While it is true that voters like both Obama and Clinton, it is also true that the candidates themselves and their top staff people detest each other (anyone ever involved in a political campaign knows this is true). So forget the “dream ticket” scenario—the eventual nominee is more likely to select Eliot Spitzer as a running mate. Lots of nasty things have been said about each candidate, mostly by surrogates, but nothing Democrats haven’t heard before. Because of race and gender, epithets are riskier than usual, allowing pundits to find affronts that often don’t exist. There are Nervous Nellies like Democratic strategist Matt Bennett who is concerned that these attacks “could make our nominee the New York Mets of politics—winning in the spring only to lose in the fall.” Others fear that with Democrats fighting on and on with no end in sight, while the GOP contest is over, gives McCain a tactical advantage. He has time to relax and shore up his vulnerabilities. Not to worry. His first act was to traipse over to the White House, where he received a toxic embrace from President Bush, providing Democrats with a photo-op that will be featured on millions of “McSame” campaign posters in the fall. Democrats should be proud of their much-ridiculed party rules. When Howard Dean invalidated nearly two million Democratic votes in Michigan and Florida, he was playing by the rules. Even after all the primaries and caucuses, neither of their extraordinary candidates is likely to have enough pledged delegates to claim the nomination. What saves the day are party rules, enlisting the aid of super-delegates who have been waiting since the1982 DNC convention for the opportunity to exercise their judgment and “do the right thing.” (Those who worry about a “backroom elite” ignoring the wishes of the majority need to understand that super-delegates are savvy, lifelong Democrats who didn’t get where they are by disappointing people.) Play by the rules. The American Dream is built on the notion that if you play by the rules you’ll get ahead. That hasn’t been true for several years, but that’s why “change” is the dominant theme of this election season. Only the fighting Democrats are on the media radar these days. The anointed but unloved Republican nominee simply grows older. By November voters may see his name on the ballot and ask: “Who knew?” Nice going Howard. This time when the results are in, a simple yell of victory will suffice. VICTOR KAMBER For more than a quarter of a century, Victor Kamber has made headlines as a political consultant while writing several books and providing sound bites that resonate for network and cable talk shows. His blog can be read at You Can Get Billhere's Calendar and Newsletter FREE by email! The FREE, e-mailed, Newsletter and complete index of Las Vegas coupons for shows, buffets and attractions is available on the internet THE PENNY PRESS, MARCH 20, 2008 PAGE 8 The Best Vegas Calendar BAR NONE! By Billhere The FREE, e-mailed, Newsletter and complete index of Las Vegas coupons for shows, buffets and attractions is available on the internet at: OPENINGS & CLOSINGS COMING UP IN THE FUTURE: ======================================= Sometime in mid-March, MAINLAND RESTAURANT (FrenchVietnamese) will open in the PALAZZO Sometime in mid-March, DAL TORO RISTORANTE (Italian) will open in the PALAZZO. Mar.23= Easter Sunday. Mar.31= Opening of the condominium part of the $365 million, TRUMP INTERNATIONAL HOTEL & TOWER LAS VEGAS. It is a 64story hotel/condominium project located west of Las Vegas Blvd on Fashion Show Dr., behind the New Frontier. The project is modeled after the successful New York venture at One Central Park West, Condominium units are in the price range from $700,000 to $7 million and feature 1,282 condominium hotel units ranging from studios to multiple room suites. This will be the tallest residential tower in Las Vegas. the 645-foot tower will open with a spa, a signature restaurant called “DJT,” a heated outdoor pool and 2,400 square feet of meeting space. Sometime in March, 2008, The Korea Town Plaza at Spring Mountain and Rainbow will be opening. The indoor Plaza, will include retail stores and restaurants. Now we will have both a Chinatown and a Koreatown. Sometime in March, 2008, Phase 1 of the reassembly of the La Concha motel lobby next to the Riviera will open as a historical site. Sometime in the third week of March, the RIO Village Seafood Buffet reopens after an extensive facelift, but is keeping its seafood theme. Mar.??= Opening of TRUMP INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. Located west of Las Vegas Blvd on Fashion Show Dr., behind the New Frontier. Sometime in March, 2008, the Variety Theater inside the Miracle Mile Shops in Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino, will open another performing theater with a 300-seat capacity. It will be located on top of the Cheeseburger In Paradise Restaurant next to the existing Variety Theater. Sometime in March, 2008, Tommy Bahama’s Emporium & Restaurant will open in the Town Square Shopping Mall. Sometime in late March, 2008, 1. The Grape Restaurant (Wine Bar with a full restaurant), 2. Blue Martini Restaurant and 3. Kabuki Japanese Restaurant. will open in the Town Square Shopping Mall. Apr. 4= “JERSEY BOYS” opening in the new PALAZZO TOWER. JERSEY BOYS is the winner of four 2006 Tony Awards including Best Musical. The original Broadway cast recording on Rhino Records won the Grammy Award for Best Show Recording. JERSEY BOYS is the story of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons: Frankie Valli, Bob Gaudio, Tommy DeVito and Nick Massi. This is the story of how a group of blue-collar boys from the wrong side of the tracks became one of the biggest American pop music sensations of all time. They wrote their own songs, invented their own sounds and sold 175 million records worldwide - all before they were thirty. The show features such hits as “Sherry,” “Big Girls Don’t Cry,” “Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You,” “Oh, What a Night,” and many more. Sometime in the first week of April, opening of the new “BRAND” steakhouse where Blackstones was located - MONTE CARLO. Apr.7= Southern Skyways will add service between Dallas/Fort Worth Love Airport and Las Vegas. Apr.13= Society of Seven show closes - Flamingo. Apr.13= Nathan Burton’s Comedy Magic show closes - in the Variety Theater inside the Miracle Mile Shops in Planet Hollywood. Apr.20= Nathan Burton’s Comedy Magic show opens - Flamingo. Sometime in April or May, 2008, A.J.’s Steakhouse closes - Hard Rock. May 8= The 2008 World Series of Poker. The 39th annual gathering of the world’s best poker players will be held at the Rio, May 30 through July 17, and be sponsored by Milwaukee’s Best Light beer. Apr.??= Miracle Mile Shops in PLANET HOLLYWOOD RESORT & CASINO Opens RG512 store (chic and trendy attire). Apr.??= WYNN LAS VEGAS will re-launch the LA REVE show after extensive changes in its creative content, better lighting focuses, many technical improvements. ALSO, La Reve Theater’s 2087 seats have been reduced to 1606, with no seat more than twelve rows from the stage. The theater itself has been repainted in warmer tones and given new, roomier seats and more plush surroundings. On top of all this they have created what they call a “Champagne Circle” ($66 extra), where 100 guests sit in custom chairs sipping Perrier Jouet and eating chocolate-covered strawberries May 6= Cher starts her shows at Caesars Palace. Sometime in the spring of 2008, Widening should begin on Interstate 15 in southern Nevada -- under an accelerated program allowing it to be designed as it’s being built. The $242 million project is dubbed the North Corridor project. It’ll improve about four miles of the freeway north of the Spaghetti Bowl interchange near downtown Las Vegas. Plans call for widening I-15 from six lanes to 10 up to Lake Mead Boulevard, reconfiguring the Lake Mead Boulevard interchange, and widening the freeway to eight lanes from Lake Mead Boulevard to Craig Road. Electronic message Please e-mail errors, omissions and additions to: THE PENNY PRESS, MARCH 20, 2008 PAGE 9 THE PENNY PRESS, MARCH 20, 2008 PAGE 10 Commentary: Albert Thomas Cash Is A Position Have you been to any of those Money Shows? They have them all over the country. Orlando, Las Vegas, New York. Just about every type of investment vehicle you can think of is offered to the hapless investor. By the time he leaves he is more confused than before he attended. Would you care to invest in domestic or international? Stocks, bonds or mutual funds? How about those chancy limited partnerships? Need a money manager for your portfolio? Maybe you are smart enough to buy one of those sophisticated software programs that will find winning (?) trades every time. Options are always an option. And many more. The wily mavens give free seminars to mesmerize the little guy with big Wall Street jargon. As a professional trader they are too complicated for me. Questions are usually allowed, but not once did I hear the one that separates the winners from the losers: “How did your model portfolio perform from 2000 to 2003?” Almost without exception the best any domestic or international fund would answer: “We outperformed the S&P500”. They fail to add the S&P lost 40%. And 80% of all mutual funds do NOT outperform the S&P500 index in any year. Mutual fund managers are not able to protect customers money. The charter of most funds requires they must be 90% invested at all times. When everything is going down the fund manager must continue to buy and is not allowed to sell, BUT YOU CAN. During any 10-year period history records at least one or two bear markets of 20% to 40% or more. During those times brokers do not counsel their clients to sell and hold cash in a money market. Think back to 2000. If you had sold 10% or 15% off the top how much more cash you would have had when the market turned up in 2003. The market is screaming it is in that same 2000 mode and headed much lower. Will any investor want to take that ride again? There is once secret to the market Wall Street does not want you to know. It is not how to buy right. It is how to SELL. Any investor without an exit strategy will never make money in the stock market. Do you or your broker or your financial planner have an exit strategy? Check with them immediately before your portfolio disappears. Have it put in writing now. This is your only protection. It is the intelligent investor who understands it is better to be in a money market paying 1% than in an equity position that is steadily losing 1, 2 or 3% every month. Do not wait until losses pile up. CASH IS A POSITION. AL THOMAS Al Thomas’ book, “If It Doesn’t Go Up, Don’t Buy It!” has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at and discover why he’s the man that Wall Street does not want you to know. THE PENNY PRESS, MARCH 20, 2008 PAGE 11 Commentary: Wyatt Cox Wrestling Still More Ethical Than Politics A good friend that I never met died over the weekend. “Playboy” Gary Hart, the arch nemesis of the much beloved Von Erich family, passed away over the weekend at the age of 68. In spite of the on screen feuds between Hart and the Von Erichs, the real life Gary Williams and the Adkisson family worked toward a common purpose: the success of Dallas-based World Class Championship Wrestling. WCCW was the last of local “territorial” wrestling. Long before Vincent Kennedy McMahon came along and built the big national brand of the World Wrestling Federation (not to be confused with the cuddly little pandas of the World Wildlife Federation) there existed a loosely organized group of regional promoters that worked local territories and gave wrestlers a place to ply their craft. Gust Karras and later Bob Geigel ran Kansas and Missouri, Bill Watts ran Oklahoma and Arkansas, the Adkissons ran Texas, the Crocketts ran the Carolinas, and the father of McMahon ran the Washington/Baltimore/New York corridor under the Capital Sports banner. As my friend April Hunter, a valet/manager and former pro wrestler until a number of injuries took her out of the sport said, top wrestlers in the day could make a thousand a week in a territory, work for 4 to 6 months, then line up their next area and take a month off to rest and heal between stints. Even the local boys could work 3-4 nights a week for a $50 payoff nightly...good money in the 70’s and 80’s, especially if they had a full time job! McMahon’s systematic dismantling of the territory system meant that a lot of hard working wrestlers were out of a job. Nationalization of wrestling meant less work, and more importantly, there was no longer a training ground for the talent that McMahon needs to survive. Plus, rather than relying on people involved in the sport to deal with creative, McMahon went to professional scriptwriters --people who had no understanding of wrestling’s appeal -- to develop storylines for his company. Writing for WWE Smackdown or Raw is a whole lot different than writing for Everyone Hates Chris or the Gilmore Girls. A lack of understanding of the audience, a failure to develop talent, and a willingness to turn a blind eye to the physical, mental, and moral wellbeing of your talent. Hmmmm... Sounds an awful lot like the Republicans and Democrats, no? Perhaps some of you might take offense, but there are an awful lot of comparisons to be made between pro wrestling and politics. The WWE chairman, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, is an egocentric maniac who books himself as the center of attention instead of the talent that fans usually pay to see. He consistently puts his own ego ahead of his company and crows about ratings successes, despite the fact that the total viewing audience for wrestling is less than 10% of what it was 20 years ago. The Democrats have....Howard Dean. The WWE has Mark Callus, who for years has had a huge run on top as the character The Undertaker. Though he is not the athlete he used to be, people still show up to see him simply for his entrance. While the skillset is low and the movement is slow, people want to believe in the charisma that has been The Undertaker. The Democrats have...Hillary Clinton. The WWE has John Cena, a reasonably talented athlete who has tempered his act down and held down with stupid catchphrases and a “hip hop” attitude that consistently gets him booed by most fans except younger kids and teenage girls. Most true wrestling fans boo him based on his choosing not to perform, despite his ability to perform. The Republicans have ... John McCain. The WWE has Ken Kennedy, a promising individual who has the ability to cut a reasonable promo and talk a good game, but is still really learning how to tell a story in the ring. His recent gaffes about not using steroids while turning up on the Signature Pharmacy list of steroid purchasers amounts to talking out of school while trying to toe the party line. The Republicans have ... Mike Huckabee. The WWE has Edge, someone who knows how to elicit a crowd reaction, can carry a match with the worst wrestler in the organization, and can make people tune in week after week. But the WWE has shown no faith in him and has regularly taken him out of the spotlight to put other, lesser talented wrestlers in the feature spots. He has been the future for a very long time, if only the WWE would give him the chance. The Republicans have ... Mitt Romney. The WWE has Montel Vontavious Porter, or MVP. Given a push way before he was ready, this young man can talk, but can’t wrestle for crap. Despite the fact that he’s the WWE US Champion, he is far too inexperienced to be on the big stage and needs a lot of seasoning before he’s ready to headline. The Democrats have ... Barack Obama. The WWE has Ric Flair. Active since the 70’s and arguably the best interview and promo artist in the WWE today, he consistently gets no respect from McMahon and the WWE hierarchy. Flair should be a manager for the top talent in WWE today. Instead, at 53, he’s in the ring regularly and preparing for life after wrestling. But while he’s still hands down better than over half the active roster in the ring, and better than 99% of the talent on the mike, he gets zero respect from management. The Republicans have ... Ron Paul. WYATT COX If Wyatt hits Megabucks, he’ll book at least one show with his favorite talent, and maybe even an Obama/Clinton jello wrestling match. Pass along your fantasy matchups at Want A Penny Press In The Mail? $75 per year First Class Mail Name__________________ Address________________ City_____State___ZIP_____ Penny Press 5010 Spencer Las Vegas, NV 89119 THE PENNY PRESS, MARCH 20, 2008 PAGE 12 Commentary: Joyce Meyer The Spirit Is The Key! I love the book of Proverbs! This is a wonderful book of wise sayings written by King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived. One of the verses that’s helped me the most in my walk with the Lord is Proverbs 18:14. It says, The strong spirit of a man sustains him in bodily pain or trouble, but a weak and broken spirit who can raise up or bear? (The Amplified Bible). Do you realize what King Solomon is saying in this verse? He is saying that regardless of what comes into a person’s life, he can bear up under it if he has a strong spirit within him to sustain him when times of trouble come. But if his spirit is weak or wounded, he is going to have a hard time with anything in life. Do you know what is wrong with many Christians today and why they can’t seem to handle their problems? It’s not because their problems are any worse than those of anybody else; it’s because they are weak. I don’t mean to say that they are physically weak. I’m saying that they are weak in their spirit. The Bible tells us to bear with the failings and the frailties of the weak (see Romans 15:1). We are to lift them up and support them (see 1 Thessalonians 5:14). In Romans 12, we see that one of the gifts that God has given to some people is the gift of exhortation and encouragement. Such people are usually easy to recognize because every time we get around them, they make us feel better by the things they say and do. Do you know anyone like that? Do you know someone who just naturally encourages and strengthens others by their very presence and personality? Now you and I may not be a naturally gifted exhorter, but we can all encourage. We can all build up, lift up and speak life to those around us. We can refuse to be slanderers—we can refuse to do the work of the devil and tear others down with the words that come out of our mouths. You may be thinking, “Well, Joyce, that’s easy for you to say. But the truth is, I don’t feel like encouraging anyone. I need someone to exhort and encourage me!” I understand how you feel because I have been there—many times. In my ministry I used to get so discouraged and down in the dumps that I just wanted to give up and quit. The intense preparation and heavy travel involved with ministry, as well as the demands of motherhood, would make me so weary at times. I would get physically, mentally and emotionally worn out. I needed encouragement but there wasn’t always someone there to give it to me. In fact, I used to get angry because there was no one there to build me up. I would concentrate on all that I was doing for others and how little others were doing for me. This was a destructive way to think! It’s certainly not the way the Lord wants us to think. He wants us to come to Him and find our strength and encouragement in Him. I finally learned that if, instead of getting angry, bitter, and resentful, I will go to God in earnest, humble prayer, things will go much better for me. There have been times when I’ve prayed, “Lord, I need to be encouraged,” and the next thing I knew, I was receiving cards, gifts and flowers. I learned that every time I allow myself to be resentful and start complaining, things only grow worse. As long as I keep my eyes on the Lord and trust Him to bring me the encouragement I need, I am strong enough to endure whatever comes my way. My spirit is the key! JOYCE MEYER For more on this topic, you may order Joyce’s four-CD series Me and My Big Mouth! by calling 1800-727-9673 or visiting THE PENNY PRESS, MARCH 20, 2008 PAGE 13 THE PENNY PRESS, MARCH 20, 2008 PAGE 14 THE PENNY PRESS, MARCH 20, 2008 PAGE 15 Pet Of The Week Adopt This Pet ! CHANEL Call 702-361-2484 Chanel is a 2yr old female buff/ white Cocker Spnaiel. She has those sad Cocker eyes that just pull at the heart strings. She is spayed, up to date with all vaccines, and is micro chipped. She is housebroken, will use a dog door, and she is crate trained to sleep in at night. She does well with other dogs. We prefer to place her in a family with children over 10 due to her calm personality. If you are willing to offer this sweet girl a happy home call us. Adoption fee is 200.00 . THE PENNY PRESS, MARCH 20, 2008 PAGE 16