R8 Operation Manual
R8 Operation Manual
2 Please read through this manual carefully in order to understand the functions of the well so that you can use it happily for many years. After reading through this manual, please keep it along with the warranty in a safe place. Please note that some details might be changed without notice in order to improve the product. Introduction , which we will refer to as the in this Handles a variety of input sources including guitars, microphones and line-level equipment Multitrack recorder that can use up to 32 GB SDHC cards The has 2 input jacks that accept both XLR and standard phone connectors. Both can supply phantom power (24 or 48 V) and one can handle high-impedance input. In addition to highimpedance guitars and basses, the inputs can handle all types of sources, including dynamic and condenser microphones, synthesizers and other line level instruments. The built-in highperformance microphones are convenient for recording acoustic guitars and vocals. The can is an 8-track recorder that supports SDHC cards of up to 32 GB. After making linear PCM recordings (WAV format) at 16/24-bit and 44.1/48kHz sampling rate, you can transfer DAW software. Hi-Speed USB 2.0 audio interface You can use the and its various input and output jacks as a Hi-speed USB 2.0 audio interface that can handle 2 inputs and 2 outputs at up to 24-bit and 96 kHz. Its effects can even be used (at 44.1 kHz only) and it can also operate using USB bus power. Introduction Thank you very much for purchasing the ZOOM has the following features. manual. The (See “Connecting instruments” on P.21.) Sampler with 8 pads and 8 voices Use the sampler to assign sounds to each track (pad) and create loops. Play the pads in realtime, and combine loops to create performances for a complete song. By simply lining up drum loops from the included SD card, anyone can easily create professional-quality backing parts and basic tracks. The recorder and sampler work together seamlessly, so you can record audio on other tracks while listening to loop playback. (See the Audio Interface Manual on the included SD card for details.) DAW software control surface The can be connected to a computer by USB cable and used as a control surface for DAW software. You can operate transport functions, including play, record and stop keys and physically control onscreen faders. You can also assign various DAW functions to the F1–F5 function keys. (The assignable functions depend on the DAW software.) (See “Using the sampler to make songs” on P.60.) (See the Audio Interface Manual on the included SD card for details.) The package contains the following items. Please verify them. unit Cubase LE Download access code sheet SD card USB cable Operation manual (this document) AC adapter (ZOOM AD-17) Cubase LE Startup Guide オペレーションマニュアル ©株式会社ズーム 本マニュアルの一部または全部を無断で複製/転載することを禁じます。 Note: the Audio Interface Manual (PDF) is on the SD card. 3 Usage and safety precautions Introduction Contents Panel layout and functions Switch and key overview Display information Operation overview Connections SD card installation Powering the unit Turning the power on and off Setting the date and time Recording and playback 4 Mixing Mixing down Using the rhythm function Using the sampler Working with projects and audio files Using the USB connection Using the track sequencer Other functions Using effects Rhythm pattern list Effect types and parameters Effect patch list Error message list Troubleshooting Specifications Index 5 6 7 Switch and key overview PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT 8 9 10 11 12 13 Powering the unit 14 15 Track 1 WAV Audio track WAV Loop track Track mixer MASTER fader Rhythm pattern track Track 8 WAV Audio track WAV Loop track Rhythm pattern track 16 Track mixer 17 18 19 20 INPUT 1 INPUT 1, 2 INPUT 1, 2 21 22 23 24 Recorder Track Recorder Track Recorder Track Track Recorder Odd track Even track 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 #$ࡇ࠻⸳ቯㇱಽ ߊࠅߒౣ↢ 38 39 Input mixer Input mixer 40 MASTER fader Track 1 Track mixer Track 2 Track mixer Track 3 Track mixer Track 4 Track mixer Track 5 Track mixer Track 6 Track mixer Track 7 Track mixer Track 8 Track mixer MASTER fader Input mixer MASTER fader Track mixer 1 Input mixer MASTER fader Track mixer 1 41 42 43 44 45 Track 1–8 MASTER fader 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Track 1 Audio track Track 2 Audio track Track 3 Track 4 Track 5 Track 6 Track 7 Track 8 Time Repeat Loop interval Loop track Loop track Loop track Loop track Loop track Loop track Loop track Loop track Loop interval Loop track Loop track Loop track Loop track Repeat Track 1 Audio track Track 2 Audio track Time Track 3 Track 4 Track 5 Track 6 Track 7 Track 8 Loop track Loop track Loop track Loop track Loop track Controlled by the sequencer 61 Time Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4 Track 5 Track 6 Loop track Loop track Track 7 Loop track Loop track Track 8 Loop track Loop track Loop track Plays while being pressed (PAD set to Gate) Press track 5 pad to start loop playback of tracks 5/6 (loop tracks). Plays while being pressed (PAD set to Gate) Press track 7 pad to start loop playback of tracks 7/8 (loop tracks). 62 Loop track 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 Track 1 Time Rhythm pattern (verse A) Rhythm pattern (verse B) Track 2 Rhythm (Fill) Track 3 Rhythm pattern (Chorus) Track 4 Track 5 Track 6 Loop track Loop track Loop track Track 7 Track 8 Time Guitar Track 1 Track 2 Bass Track 3 Vocal Track 4 Track 5 Track 6 Track 7 Rhythm pattern Rhythm pattern Rhythm Rhythm pattern Track 8 (Verse A) & loop track (Verse B) & loop track (Fill) (Chorus) & loop track One stereo file 72 73 74 75 76 One beat inserted here 1 3 5 1 3 5 Note-on Loop or file length 4/4 1 2 3 4 Three beats inserted here 4/4 1 7/4 2 4/4 1 2 4/4 3 4 One beat deleted here 1 1 3 3 5 5 Note-on Loop or file length 3 4 Three beats deleted here 5/4 1 4/4 2 3 4 77 78 79 1. Input (enabled inputs) Insert Effect Recording data 2. Track (enabled tracks) Track 1 80 Insert Effect Track 2 Insert Effect Track 8 Insert Effect 3. Master (just before the MASTER fader) MASTER fader Insert Effect OUTPUT Bass Stereo 81 Track 1 MASTER fader Track 2 OUTPUT Track 8 REV SEND CHO SEND CHORUS/DELAY REVERB 82 83 ,KP[PUNWH[JOLZ @V\JHUJOHUNLLMMLJ[[`WLZHUKHKQ\Z[LMMLJ[WHYHTL[LYZ[VJYLH[L`V\YV^UWH[JOLZ ,KP[PUNLMMLJ[TVK\SLZ 7YLZZ (JJLZZPUN[OLLMMLJ[ZL[[PUNZ 7YLZZ ILULH[O ZLSLJ[HUPUZLY[LMMLJ[ [V 7YLZZ ILULH[O [V ZLSLJ[HYL]LYIZLUKYL[\YULMMLJ[ ,MMLJ[TVK\SL;@7,VU 7YLZZ ILULH[O [V ZLSLJ[HJOVY\ZKLSH`ZLUKYL[\YULMMLJ[ :LSLJ[HWHYHTL[LYHUKZL[P[ 7YLZZ,5;,9VY[OL 101((ZVM[RL`[V [\YU[OLTVK\SLVUVY VMM :LSLJ[WHYHTL[LY *OHUNL]HS\L ,MMLJ[[`WL ,!,KP[THYRZOV^U^OLU HWH[JOOHZILLULKP[LK VYJOHUNLK :LSLJ[101((HUKZL[P[[V1P *OHUNLTLU\ (KQ\Z[PUNLMMLJ[WHYHTL[LYZ ;\YU[OLLMMLJ[[`WL1P[VLKP[P[ ,MMLJ[TVK\SL;@7,6MM <ZPUNLMMLJ[Z <ZPUNLMMLJ[Z :LSLJ[PUNLMMLJ[TVK\SLZ :LSLJ[[OLLMMLJ[TVK\SL *OHUNLTVK\SL *OHUNLZL[[PUN :LSLJ[HUHSNVYP[OTHUKWH[JO *OHUNLTLU\ (KQ\Z[[OLWH[JOSL]LS MPUHSWH[JO]VS\TL *OHUNLZL[[PUN :LSLJ['&+6 *OHUNLTLU\ :LSLJ[[OL616#.LMMLJ[ TVK\SL :LSLJ[2#6%*.8.HUKZL[[OL]HS\L *OHUNLTVK\SL /05;: *OHUNLTLU\ 7YLZZ 9L[\YU[V[OLTHPULMMLJ[ ZJYLLU 7YLZZ 84 *OHUNL]HS\L O 0U¸,TW[`¹WH[JOLZUVULVM[OLTVK\SLZ OH]LILLUZL[`L[ O (KQ\Z[[OLA59TVK\SLSL]LSVU[OL;6;(3 TVK\SLZJYLLU O >P[O[OL+<(340*(3.690;/4`V\ JHULKP[[OLTVK\SLZPU[OLSLM[HUKYPNO[ JOHUULSZZLWHYH[LS`;OLSLM[JOHUULSPZ ZLSLJ[LK^OLU¸3¹HWWLHYZPU[OLLMMLJ[ TVK\SLUHTLHUK[OLYPNO[JOHUULSPZ ZLSLJ[LK^OLU¸9¹HWWLHYZ 56;, O @V\JHUUV[LKP[HSNVYP[OTZ[OLTZLS]LZ PUJS\KPUN[OLPYJVTIPUH[PVUZHUK HYYHUNLTLU[ZVMLMMLJ[TVK\SLZ O >OLU`V\[\YUHULMMLJ[TVK\SL6--HSSP[Z ZL[[PUNZPUJS\KPUN[OL[`WLHUKWHYHTL[LYZ HYLKPZHISLK O 0M`V\Z^P[JO[VHUV[OLYWH[JO^P[OV\[ ZH]PUNHWH[JO[OH[OHZILLULKP[LK ZOV^PUN[OLº,»THYRJOHUNLZ^PSSILSVZ[ -VYPUMVYTH[PVUHIV\[OV^[VZH]LWH[JOLZ ZLL¸:H]PUNWH[JOLZ¹VU7 85 0TWVY[PUNWH[JOLZMYVTV[OLYWYVQLJ[Z @V\ JHU ZH]L H WH[JO H[ HU` WH[JO U\TILY ^P[OPU [OL ZHTL HSNVYP[OT @V\ JHU HSZV JVW` HU L_PZ[PUNWH[JO[VHKPMMLYLU[SVJH[PVU @V\JHUPTWVY[VULVYHSSWH[JOLZ[OH[OH]LILLUJYLH[LKPUHUV[OLYWYVQLJ[MVY\ZLPU[OL J\YYLU[WYVQLJ[ :LLUL_[WHNL[VPTWVY[HWH[JO 7YLZZ :LSLJ[+/2146 0TWVY[VULWH[JO +/2146%'CEJ *OHUNLTLU\ (JJLZZPUN[OLLMMLJ[ZL[[PUNZ 7YLZZ ILULH[O ZLSLJ[HUPUZLY[LMMLJ[ :LSLJ[':'%76' *OHUNLTLU\ 7YLZZ ILULH[O [V ZLSLJ[HYL]LYIZLUKYL[\YULMMLJ[ *OHUNLTLU\ 7YLZZ [V 7YLZZ :LSLJ[241,'%6 <ZPUNLMMLJ[Z <ZPUNLMMLJ[Z :H]PUNWH[JOLZ :LSLJ[/1&'HUKZL[P[[V#NNVY 'CEJ *OHUNLTLU\ 7YLZZ :LSLJ[[OLWYVQLJ[[VPTWVY[MYVT 7YLZZ ILULH[O [V ZLSLJ[HJOVY\ZKLSH`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`V\Z^P[JO[VHUV[OLYWH[JO^P[OV\[ ZH]PUNHWH[JO[OH[OHZILLULKP[LK ZOV^PUN[OLº,»THYRJOHUNLZ^PSSILSVZ[ (S^H`ZZH]LWH[JOLZ O ;OLPTWVY[ZV\YJLHUK[OLPTWVY[ KLZ[PUH[PVUHYLKPMMLYLU[WYVQLJ[Z^OLU \ZPUN7(;*/04769; 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This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: ● Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. ● Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. ● Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that the receiver is connected to. ● Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. For EU Countries Declaration of Conformity 4-4-3 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0062 Japan Web site: http://www.zoom.co.jp R8-5000-3
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