tbest gtfs integration
tbest gtfs integration
TBEST GTFS INTEGRATION June 2016 TBEST TEAM Public Sponsorship Research-based Methodologies Software Development, Implementation and Technical Support WHY TBEST? Operations Trapeze Others… Transit Planning Software Gap Short and mid-term TBEST Long Range FSUTMS STOPS Others… TBEST SCENARIO FRAMEWORK Ridership Estimation SocioEconomic Market Analysis COA Support Data Strategic Plan Analysis TBEST Scenarios Accessibility Analysis Automation Tools Land Use Market Analysis FTA Title VI Reporting 1 Users develop alternative 1. scenarios using Support Data and Automation Tools 2 Scenario alternatives are 2. input into core TBEST Analysis Engines TBEST 4.2 FRAMEWORK TOOLS Manage Scenarios Model Validation Tools Socio-Economic Data Management Transit Network Editor GTFS Import and Export Tool Performance Metric Query Tool Revised Model Calibration (HART) More Exposed Model Code (New) Parcel Land Use Data Editor (New) Access to Transit (New) Access via Transit (New) Automation Tools TBEST 4.4 FEATURES (SUMMER 2016) ArcGIS 10.4, Windows 10, SQL Server 2014 Route Realignment Tool Operations and Policy Settings Title VI Disparate Analysis Title VI Flex Route/Jurisdictional Analysis Fleet Estimates Layover/Dwell Time Expanded Cost Formula Many Improvements! TBEST GTFS UTILIZATION GTFS integration first developed in 2010 Streamlines TBEST network coding to be a fraction of manual coding time Opened the door to broad TBEST utilization beyond TDP applications The TBEST GTFS-derived network structure supports key editing, modeling, analysis functions: o Network path algorithm o Walk access assessment o Service-level definition Ridership Estimation SocioEconomic Market Analysis COA TBEST Editable Network Strategic Plan Analysis Accessibility Analysis Land Use Market Analysis FTA Title VI Reporting TBEST GTFS INTEROPERABILITY FEATURES 1 1. 2 2. Network Import Converts trip-based feed to a time-period based aggregation of trips and service levels Users select service periods and routes to import into TBEST Network Editing 3 3. Edit service levels, re-align routes, add new routes, add model specific variables (special generators, transfer stations, route type, mode) Network Export Creates a GTFS feed from the service levels in TBEST time periods Synthesizes arrival and departure times based on route pattern headway and service span per time period Requires no ArcGIS extensions or 3rd party tools GTFS OBSTACLES FOR TRANSIT MODELING GTFS feeds can be complicated: How to determine what is the “average network”? GTFS data files/fields are often optional TBEST allows users to visually QA/QC the imported routes/service levels GTFS feed structures can vary greatly between transit agencies TBEST GTFS import is not dependent on optional GTFS files/fields GTFS source data can be inaccurate TBEST allows the user to select which Service ID’s to build into the network TBEST accommodates most structures and exports GTFS to a standard format GTFS source data does not contain some important modeling attributes TBEST networks contain important model attributes (model validation, BRT scoring, route types/modes, stop special generators/amenities, transfer stations) TBEST GTFS NETWORK IMPORT WORKFLOW 1 1. Obtain the source GTFS from the agency or other source 2 2. Determine which GTFS Service ID’s will define the network o Which Service ID’s represent an “average” or “peak” network? May need to ask agency for clarification 3 3. Extend the GTFS for APC data import or network segmentation add stop_ridership.txt and/or timepoints.txt files (optional) 4 4. Filter the GTFS routes/service from the input Service ID’s 5 5. Select the GTFS routes and import into the target scenario TBEST GTFS IMPORT WORKFLOW – UPDATE MODES A 1. B 2. Base Network Creation o First time creating a network o Creates validation collections (route pattern groupings for observed ridership) Network Maintenance o Overwrite existing routes – syncs imported routes with TBEST validation collections o Insert new routes – Adds the GTFS route to the TBEST network o Transfer TBEST Attributes Option – Route Type, Mode, Special Generators, Amenities, Transfer Stations are transferred from replaced routes to new route service TBEST GTFS NETWORK IMPORT TOOL UI 1. Select the source GTFS zip file and target TBEST Transit System and Scenarios 2. Show Service ID’s within the GTFS and select those that represent the average network 3. Filter the GTFS routes/service for the input Service ID’s and select the GTFS routes and import into the target scenario TBEST GTFS NETWORK IMPORT PROCESSING 1 2 3 Stage Source and Target Files Load GTFS text files into TBEST GTFS staging SQL Server database Copy target TBEST scenario for route loading Aggregate Service Maintains GTFS network structure with multiple route patterns per route direction Retains stop name/description, route names, pattern names Selected input GTFS Service ID’s are combined and aggregated at the route pattern level Aggregates GTFS scheduled service by time period (trips, IVTT, service span) Information on individual trips is eliminated during import Insert network and service attributes into TBEST scenario database (SQL Server) Build Network Features Segments route patterns if time points are defined in the GTFS Builds route-able relationship between stop locations, segments, route patterns Insert GTFS stop and route pattern geometry (ESRI personal geodatabase) TBEST – SCENARIO NETWORK TBEST NETWORK EDITING Base Network Creation 1. Create the Base Year Development scenario 2. Import base transit agency GTFS 3. Quality check GTFS import 4. Use TBEST Network Editor to define Route Types, Modes, Transfer Stations, Special Generators and Amenities 5. Run a referenced TBEST model 6. Validate TBEST Transit System using SE growth rates and observed ridership TBEST NETWORK EDITING Alternative Network 1. Create TBEST alternative scenario by copying base network scenario 2. Input new service 3. o New routes/patterns o New stops o Route extensions Modify existing service o Service Span o Headway o Realign routes o Remove routes, segments, stops TBEST NETWORK EXPORT TO GTFS Export modified TBEST network to GTFS TBEST synthesizes trips with arrival and departure times within each time period Creates a simplified GTFS with only one Service ID per Weekday, Saturday and Sunday Simplified GTFS export structure reduces complication in service parsing for external applications TBEST Night time period is a twelve hour span with service in the preAM and post-PM peak periods TBEST EXPORTED GTFS Standard GTFS tables – simplified structure (no calendar_dates.txt) Calendar.txt contains only three service ID’s TBEST EXTENDS THE GTFS EXPORT The TBEST GTFS export contains additional data which may add value to modeling applications Consistent with the FDOT D7 GIS Architecture Export data can be expanded support other applications (Special Generators, Peak and Off Peak Route Headway, etc.) 1 1. 2 2. Stops.txt o Location_type (transfer station) o Shelter o Bike_rack o Trash_can o Sign o Bench o Park-n-Ride Parking Spaces o Boardings (predicted TBEST weekday boardings) Routes.txt o Average Daily Ridership (predicted TBEST weekday boardings) o Route Type and Mode TBEST - GTFS EDITOR TRANSIT SYSTEM TBEST Transit System created for GTFS editing only Streamlines workflow to focus on network editing only: 1. Install TBEST 2. Load GTFSEditor.tds 3. Import GTFS into TBEST scenario 4. Prepare network edits in TBEST 5. Export scenario network to GTFS TBEST socio-economic data builds are not required and analysis functions will be inoperable GTFS export would not contain TBEST boardings estimates Will make GTFSEditor.tds file available in TBEST 4.4 TBEST - GTFS EDITOR TRANSIT SYSTEM QUESTIONS? Chris Wiglesworth, FDOT Project Manager Email: chris.wiglesworth@dot.state.fl.us Phone: (850) 414-4532 Rodney Bunner, Solutions Manager Email: rodbunner@myserviceedge.com Phone: (727) 455-4059 www.tbest.org www.myserviceedge.com
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