2nd March 2016 - York Public School


2nd March 2016 - York Public School
York Public School
Evan Street, South Penrith
Phone: 4731 6577
Fax: 4721 7522
Email: york-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Website: www.york-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Find us on Facebook – York Public School
From the Principal
2nd March, 2016
We are well and truly into a busy 2016 at York Public School. We’ve had Meet the Teacher night,
started PSSA, inducted our Prefects and Captains and held a very successful Swimming Carnival.
Our second P&C meeting for the year was last night. I always look forward to these meetings as our
parents are a wonderful group to work with and help us with the directions our school is taking.
Mr Sinfield has taken some Long Service Leave and Mrs Barglik is relieving for him as our Deputy
Principal for the next three weeks. If you would like to talk to the Deputy about any issues, please ask
for Mrs Barglik. Mr Lehuray will be on 5/6B for this time.
Information later in the Yabber includes instructions for our parent teacher interviews. Please make
sure you have these dates in your diary.
All of our information is updated regularly on Facebook. You do not need to have a log in to view any
information that is placed there, so non Facebookers can also access the information at any time.
Please see page 2 for online booking details.
Kelly Paton
School Hours
8.55am – 3.00pm
Office Hours
8.30am – 3.00pm
Receipting - Daily
8.30am – 2.30pm
This year we are having parent teacher interviews at
the end of first term instead of the end of second
term. By having the interviews at this time it enables
both teachers and parents to have conversations and
raise any concerns early in the year rather than wait
until the end of second term. The dates and times
** Online payments can be made via our website.
More information is available at the end of this
newsletter **
CODE: hjj5p
8:15am – 8:45 am on Monday 4 April
Playground supervision commences at 8.30am.
No child should be in the playground before this
3:15pm – 3:55pm oon Monday 4 April
3:20pm – 7:00pm on Tuesday 5 April
8:15am – 8:45am on Wednesday 6 April
3:15pm – 3:55pm on Wednesday 6 April
3:20pm – 7:30 pm on Tuesday 31st March
Our new days / times for school assemblies are:
K – 2 Friday 9.00am – 10.00am
3 – 6 Friday 2.00pm – 3.00pm
Monday whole school assemblies will only be EVERY
2 WEEK now. The next date for Term 1 is the 8
Bookings can be made at School Interviews Online
(see flyer towards the end of this newsletter).
Bookings are open from the 14 March and will
remain open until Friday 1 April at 2:00pm.
Parents will still receive a written report at the end of
second term.
MARCH …. Further
information will be sent home next week.
Thanks to many of our families who have donated
school uniforms that their children no longer need.
Our NEW clothing pool hours are Friday 9:00am–
10:00pm at the hall, comemcing Friday 11 March
Our newsletter is only available via email or our
website. If you would like to be added to our
distribution list please contact the school or please
email york-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au . A link to our
newsletter on the website will be placed on Facebook
for each addition of the Yabber.
The 2016 York Public School Swimming Carnival was
held Thursday 18th February and it was simply a
fantastic day. From our novelty events, to our races
the students were kept busy.
Twenty-seven of our students made it from York to
compete at the District Carnival held last Monday at
Penrith Pools. From these 27 students 12 have
progressed to the next stage which is representing
Sydney West. These students will now compete at
Homebush on 24th March. We wish them the best of
Well done to both Sydney Robins and Joshua Ongley
who both broke school records for Freestyle and
Joshua broke his 2nd record in Butterfly. Sydney also
went on to break records at the District Carnival along
with the Senior Girls relay team.
A big thank you to our many Parent Helpers, our
superb team of staff and community for making this
event great.
The school Cross Country carnival will be held on
Wednesday 10
First race will be
Kindergarten commencing at 9:20am followed by
Year 1 and Year 2 – they will have a FUN RUN.
York Public School has a Facebook page – York
Public School
Then the older age groups will run. The age groups
are 8 yrs, 9 yrs, 10 yrs, 11 yrs, and finally 12 to 13
years combined, children will be organised by age
and gender – they will run in the age group that they
will be turning in 2016. The distance run is 2km for
8/9 and 10 yrs and 3km for 11 and 12/13 yrs.
Mrs Linford- Carnivals Organiser
Books are ready to be handed out to students. Could
you please pay the $20 required to the front office or
alternately you can pay online via our website
As shown above it is advisable to ‘like’ our page and
when on a computer (not mobile device) click on the
pull down arrow next to ‘liked’ and click on ‘get
notifications’. You will then be prompted of posts on
our page and be kept up-to-date with activities and
news at York Public School.
As you would be aware it is very important for the
school to have the correct contact details for families.
This includes mobile numbers, address details and
emergency contacts.
Remember this page is to keep everyone updated
on what is happening and is a reference that can
be referred to anywhere. Please respect this
page – no negativity is greatly appreciated or
posts will be deleted.
It is now time for us to request the payment of the
voluntary contribution by parents and carers for 2016.
The voluntary contribution remains unchanged from
2012, 2013, 2014 & 2016 and is set at $20.00 per
student or $40.00 for a family of two children or
Our latest book club brochures have been distributed
to all students. Payments for this are due back to
school by Friday 11th March. Please include correct
money with order or consider paying by LOOP –
more information towards the end of this newsletter
What is the Voluntary Contribution about?
It is a small amount that we ask parents to
generously provide that permits the school to provide
important and additional resources to enhance
student learning. The voluntary contribution form was
on the back of our family details note handed out to
students in Week 2.
If you have any queries regarding Book Club, please
see Mrs Binns in the library.
Our banking day for 2016 will be on a Wednesday.
Children will give their banks books to their teacher
first thing in the morning and these will then be
forwarded our banking volunteers in a class bag.
If your child has ASTHMA the school requires an
ASHTMA PLAN signed by your doctor. It would be
greatly appreciated if the ASTHMA PLANS could be
forwarded to the school at your earliest convenience.
We ask that all families please ensure that all clothes,
especially jackets and hats (which are removed
during the day) are clearly labelled with your child’s
name. Also please regularly check that the clothing
you have does belong to your child, very often they
get mixed up. Please return items promptly to
school, either to the child or to the ‘lost property box’
If your son/daughter requires medication whilst at
school a medication form needs to be filled in.
Medication cannot be given without this form.
These forms are available at the office.
The 2015 Yorkuleles had their final performance at
the Blue Mountains Ukulele Festival on Saturday 13th
February 2016. It was great to welcome back some of
our previous members who have moved on to high
school. They were the opening act on the main stage
for the festival’s biggest day. The group performed
beautifully and managed to play a half-hour set
without repeating any songs. They even managed to
pull off some songs without even having a chance to
practise them before the festival! This is testament to
the hard work and skill of these committed musicians.
A big thank you to the students and parents for giving
up time on their weekend to attend this performance.
Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction to a
range of substances and foods that may cause
serious illness or death.
If your child requires antibiotics 3 times a day, please
consider administering it at home before school, after
school and after dinner.
As medications are
accidently left at school. ** We can no longer apply
any forms of creams to scratches and bites we
apologise for any inconvenience**.
Foods that may cause an anaphylactic reaction can
include fish, shellfish, milk, wheat-based products or
eggs. However, the most prevalent and potentially
most serious cause of a reaction is peanuts, tree
nuts, products containing nuts and shellfish products.
A significant number of students at York Public
School have been diagnosed with anaphylaxis.
It is because of this reason that parents and carers
are strongly requested to refrain from sending foods
to school with their child that contain nuts or nutbased products.
Students with anaphylaxis can have a severe
reaction by merely touching the hands or the desktop of a child who has touched and eaten a nut-based
product. Peanut butter, packets of fruit and nuts,
Nutella and many lollies, snack bars and sweets will
contain traces of nuts.
Help us to protect ALL of the children by complying
with this request. If you have any further queries
about this matter, please contact the school on
4731 6577.
The 2016 Yorkuleles will be starting up within the
next week. Students from years 4-6 who are
interested in joining should have attended a meeting
with Mr Hill and Mr Bhandarkar to get an information
note. If any students missed this meeting, they can
still get a note from Mr Hill or Mr Bhandarkar to join
the group.
Auditions for the York Drummers will be coming up
soon. Students in years 5-6 who are interested in
trying out should listen for announcements about
when to come to the hall.
The PULSE Choir have formed and are already well
under way practising their new repertoire, ready for
their big performance at the Sydney Opera House in
June. The Choir for the Penrith Valley Performing
Arts Festival will be starting very soon. Listen out for
announcements from Mrs Smith.
Preparations are well under way for Dance Group to
start their year with a kick-pull-change and a bend
and snap. Interested students should already have
met with Mrs Saoushkin and Mrs Fenech. If any
students missed this meeting, they should talk to
either of these teachers.
Students interested in joining the Drama Group
should listen out for info from Mr Eggins and Mrs
Ritchie. This group will be starting later in the year.
We are fast approaching Easter, which means it is
once again time for our Easter Raffle. This annual
event raises much needed funds for our Creative and
Performing Arts programs. Notes and raffle tickets
came home today. Students are required to bring in
an item to make up their classes Easter hamper.
Items could include chocolate eggs, bunnies or other
Easter related goodies.
If you as a parent or grandparent would like to
volunteer at York Public School, a Volunteer
Working with Children is required to be done.
This check is done online, once completed
please bring it in to the office staff or email it to:
What Do I Need To Do?
Please return raffle tickets and money to the front
office by Wednesday 23 March. Hampers will be
raffled off on Thursday 24 March) at our special
Easter Celebrating day. Extra raffle tickets are
available from the front office. Thank you for your
support of the Easter Raffle and CAPA at York.
To coincide with Clean Up Australia Day, we are
holding our own ‘clean up’ within the school grounds
on Friday 4th March 2016. Stages will be working
together to pick up paper/plastic rubbish from
designated areas within the school grounds. We will
be having discussions with students about safety
issues and the procedures regarding not picking up
dangerous items seen on the playground.
At various times throughout the day teachers will take
students out providing full supervision during this
activity and we ask that your child bring a plastic bag
and a pair of gloves on the day.
Mrs Ashley Ritter
Clean Up Schools Coordinator
HOLIDAYS – If you are planning on taking your child
out of the school on vacation for more than 5 days an
‘Exemption from Attendance’ form is required to be
filled in and returned to school prior to your trip. You
will be required to take this away with you.
SICK – If your child is away from school because of
illness, it is a requirement that an absence note be
written and given to their teacher upon their return.
Alternatively, you can telephone the school informing
us of their absence and the teacher will be notified.
It’s easy!
This year York Public School will celebrate its
40th year with an Anniversary Fete on Saturday
22nd October 2016. Please save this date in
your diaries.
The next P&C meeting will be held on Tuesday
5th April at 7.00pm.
Did you know it is now possible for parents to
make online payments to the school for amounts
owing for students, via a secure payment page
hosted by Westpac. Payments can be made
using either a Visa or MasterCard credit or debit
card. The payment page is accessed from the
front page of the schools website by selecting $
Make a payment
Items that can be paid include voluntary school
contributions, subject contributions, excursions,
sales to students and creative and practical arts
activities (these include band, drama and
dance). There is also a category called Other
this to cover items not covered in the previous
headings, Other can be used to make a
complete payment of a school invoice.
When you access the $ Make a payment you
must enter:
the students name, and
class and reference number OR
the students name, and
date of birth.
These details are entered each time you make a
payment as student information is not held within
the payment system. There is also the option to
enter the Student Registration Number and
Invoice number if you are aware of them, these
are optional fields OR if you don’t know them,
please leave it blank.
This is a secure payment system hosted by
Westpac to ensure that your credit/debit card
details are captured in a secure manner, these
details are not passed back to the school.
You have the ability to check and change any
details of the payment before the payment is
processed. Receipts can be emailed and/or
Details of the payments are passed daily to the
school where they will be receipted against your
child’s account. As a receipt has been issued
from the payment page a further receipt will not
be issued by the school.
Please ensure that your signed permission
note is returned back to school with the
online receipt number.
For any enquiries regarding the Online Payment
Administration Office.
Building healthy habits
Children are learning habits that will often last
them a lifetime. Consider the following:
 Breakfast is important. Children who eat
breakfast have better concentration. Eating
breakfast can reduce snacking on highenergy foods in the afternoon in both adults
and children.
 Be realistic about the size of the serve you
offer children. Forcing children to finish what
is on their plate when they are not hungry
may lead to overeating and/or strong food
 Avoid giving children processed snack foods
high in sugar. Encourage brushing teeth in
the morning and before bed to develop good
dental habits.
Quick and easy breakfast ideas:
Make sure your child starts every school day
with a nutritious breakfast that includes foods
from at least two of the five food groups. For
wholegrain cereal with reduced-fat milk
fruit smoothie
boiled eggs and toast
slices of fruit with yoghurt
raisin toast with sliced banana
muesli, chopped fruit and yoghurt
wholemeal crumpets with sliced banana
grilled cheese and tomato on toast
tinned baked beans and toast
porridge, sultanas with reduced-fat milk
tinned fruit and yoghurt
rice or noodles with lean meat or
No time for breakfast?
Try some of these quick breakfasts children can
enjoy “on the go”.
 reduced-fat yoghurt, or a yoghurt drink.
 reduced-fat milkshake
 healthy cereal in small plastic bag (a
small carton of milk can add a calcium
 slice of banana loaf or other low fat fruit