Newsletter - skilaufers
Newsletter - skilaufers
Newsletter Membership Meeting Tuesday, May 10 7 p.m. East Side Club 3735 Monona Dr. Madison, WI. May 2016 — The President’s Message Karen Barootian and Nancy Vidlak were re-elected to the Skilaufers Board at the April meeting. I appreciate your trust in me in being re-elected Club President. I also appreciate the nice turnout we had for the meeting which gave us the quorum we needed to conduct the officers’ election. Those who missed the dance missed a wonderful time. Nine Thirty Standard played for us for the first time and I would vote to have them back again. May will be our last indoor meeting until September. Rick & Rise’ will perform. In June, July and August we will meet at the East Side Club’s Tiki Bar on the lakeshore. - Enjoy, Curt Page 2 SKILAUFERS NEWS Activities Calendar May 2016 May 3 Sheepshead - page 4 May 6 TGIF Craftsman Table & Tap 5 p.m. May 8 Mother’s Day May 10 Board/General Meeting Dance – Rick & Rise’ May 13 TGIF Wisconsin Brewing Co. 5 p.m. May 20 TGIF Free House Pub Middleton 5 p.m. May 21 Sheepshead see page 4 May 27 TGIF Middleton Sports Bowl 5 p.m. May 30 Memorial Day Picnic Lake Farm Park see page 3 June 2016 June 3 June 7 June 10 June 14 June 17 June 18 June 24 TGIF Christy’s Landing 5 p.m. Sheepshead 6 pm TGIF Babe’s 5 p.m. General Meeting East Side club TIKI bar TGIF Jordan’s Big 10 5 p.m. Sheepshead TGIF Brickhouse BBQ 5 p.m. MAY 2016 Page 3 SKILAUFERS NEWS MAY 2016 Skilaufers Memorial Day Picnic Monday, May 30 Lake Farm County Park 2 p.m to 6 p.m. Enjoy a day among friends and stay off crowded highways on a busy travel weekend by joining us at Lake Farm Park. We’ll supply the charcoal and eating utensils, you bring something to grill , a dish to pass, plus whatever outdoor games you enjoy. There will be a volleyball court and a pier. We’ll be at Shelter #2 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. located at 3113 Libby Rd. which is accessible from S. Towne Dr., south to Lake Farm Rd. then east to the end of Libby Rd. Changes Wanted: A new organizer to run next year’s winter ski trip. We need someone to step up and make the arrangements that will enable us to continue to offer an annual ski outing. You will get all the help you will need from former organizers Mary Tremain and John Claussen. Contact them or Curt Armstrong to volunteer. A big thanks goes to Daniel Eggerding for taking over Keen Cuisine from David Carpenter. Dan has just joined the club but was ready to begin contributing his time to this monthly dinner out among Skilaufers. A big thanks also to David for the many years he has lead Keen Cuisine. Adopt-a-Mile clean up set for Saturday, April 30 Bring your gloves and sturdy shoes as we resume cleaning up our stretch of US 18/151 at 9 a.m. Saturday, April 30. We will meet at the Home Depot parking lot, 4550 Verona Rd. High-visibility vests and trash bags will be supplied. We’ll go for coffee afterward. Rain date is May 14. Page 4 SKILAUFERS NEWS MAY 2016 APRIL MEETING’S PRIZE WINNERS $10 PDQ gift card won by George Jacobs $10 ‘YOU GOTTA’ BE THERE’ prize not won by Robert Straud May’s ‘YOU GOTTA BE THERE’ prize increases to $20 Which band should play for our 50th anniversary? Sheepshead Tuesday, May 3 at 6:30 pm 50th The Board has decided to celebrate the club’s anniversary at the October meeting. Of all the great bands that have played for us over the years, which band would you like to hear at the 50th anniversary? Rick & Rise’, Kristi B, Back 40, Da’ Crooners, Marcy & The Highlights or, Nine Thirty Standard. Let me or one of the board members know. -Curt Village Lanes 208 Owen Rd. Monona Host: Norma Weiler Drinks, food will be ordered from the menu RSVP by noon, May 2 to Norma Weiler 222-8078 or, Saturday, May 21 Host TBD, bring a snack to share and your own drinks. Information: Norma Weiler 222-8078 Tuesday, June 7 at 6:30 pm Club Tavern 1915 Branch St. Middleton RSVP: Norma Weiler 222-8078 or Start your summer off right Summer’s almost here, time to enjoy the great outdoors. Team up with your Skilaufers friends and hit the links, pedal around the town, take in a ball game and organize it all through the newsletter. Send the type of activity, preferred locations, and any specifics you think would interest others by 15th of the month to: Your request will appear in the next issue. Page 5 SKILAUFERS NEWS MAY 2016 2014-2015 Board of Directors President Curtis Armstrong (608) 514-5767 Vice President Nancy Vidlak (608) 698-5172 Secretary Nancy Vidlak (608) 698-5172 Treasurer Karen Barootian (608) 245-9689 Meetings Curtis Armstrong (608) 514-5767 Membership Pam Julian (608) 225-3044 Skiing Mary Tremain, Jack Claussen Newsletter Editor Kevin Murphy (608) 833-3803 Webmaster Jane Aldrich (608) 819-4746 Activities Advertise in the Skilaufers newsletter Want to reach 140-plus subscribers and other visitors to the club’s website? Advertise with us. Our membership is based in and around Madison, Wis. We’re interested in travel, leisure activities and services that adults ages 50 and above regularly purchase. Contact Karen Barootian 608-245-9689 or for rates and other details. Page 6 SKILAUFERS NEWS MAY 2016 Skilaufers Annual Renewal & New Membership Form Name ________________________________________________(Print name as you want it to appear in Directory) Address _______________________________________________________________Unit/Apt__________ City, State, Zip __________________________________________________________ Home phone: ____________________ Work phone: __________________ Cell phone: _____________ Email address: __________________________________________________________________________________ Birthday (month and day only): __________________ (so we can help you celebrate at Happy Birthday TGIF!) Check if OK to include in the Member Directory: ___ Address___ Phone #s ___ Email address Membership Options: Your non-refundable membership expires one year after your form is received. ___$15 to view the newsletter at the website or via email. Includes free admission to General Meetings. ___$20 to receive the newsletter by mail. Includes free admission to General Meetings. Amount enclosed (payable to Skilaufers, Inc): $ __________ (cash ) or check # ______________ All Skilaufers activities, unless specified, are designed and planned for participants 21 years of age or older. Interest and Volunteer Signup I would like to participate in, help with or lead the following committees. Please call me! ___ ___ Biking Book club ___ ___ Dancing Dining Out ___ ___ Newsletter Parties/picnics ___ ___ Social Events Tennis ___ Camping ___ Downhill Skiing ___ Planning meetings ___ TGIF greeter ___ Canoe/kayaking ___ Games ___ Publicity ___ Travel ___ Cards ___ Golf ___ Rafting/boating ___ Volleyball ___ Community service X-country Skiing ___ Monthly meeting greeter Movies ___ Skilaufers Board ___ Walking/Hiking ___ Snowshoeing ___ Website ___ ___ YOUR MEMBERSHIP CANNOT BE PROCESSED UNTIL YOU HAVE READ AND SIGNED THE FOLLOWING: In case of emergency, notify: _________________________Cell phone: __________________ Home phone: ______________ The undersigned must be at least 21 years of age. The undersigned does hereby accept and voluntarily assume all risks of personal injury, death, and loss or damage to property which might be incurred by me during my participation in any Skilaufers-sponsored activity or in connection therewith. I assume all liability for injury to or damage incurred by others as a result of my conduct while at such activity. I understand that a certain level of mobility and ability may be necessary for participation in some activities, and I will make independent arrangements for any assistance I need. The undersigned, on his or her own behalf and behalf of all heirs, administrators, successors and assigns, does hereby release Skilaufers, Inc. and officers, directors, employees, agents, insurers and customers of and from all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, debts and liabilities, whether known or unknown, in law or in equity, arising from participation of the undersigned in Skilaufers organized events. Signature: __________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Return signed, completed form and check payable to Skilaufers, Inc to: Skilaufers Membership, PO Box 8511 Madison WI 53708-8511