Type to Learn, Jr. Teacher`s Guide
Type to Learn, Jr. Teacher`s Guide
® Teacher’s Guide Macintosh® / Windows® CD-ROM Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. 899940 Permissions All Sunburst Technology Corporation material is copyrighted. However, Sunburst Technology Corporation does give the purchaser the following permissions: • You have permission to reproduce any student worksheets in this guide for your classroom use. You should not, however, copy the whole guide. • If you purchased this program for one computer, you may use it on a single computer only. • If you wish to use this software on multiple computers, you must purchase the right to do so from Sunburst. Call and ask for lab pack/school licensing prices. • You have permission to use lab packs/school licenses within one site. You do not, however, have permission to divide the package and use the software in more than one site. For more information or a free software catalog, write, call, or email customer service at: Sunburst Technology 1550 Executive Drive Elgin, IL 60123 (888) 492-8817 / service@sunburst.com or visit our Web site: www.sunburst.com For technical support call or email: (800) 338-3457 / http://techsupport.sunburst.com/ Copyright © 2008 Sunburst Technology Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Sunbuddies is a trademark of Sunburst Technology Corporation. Type to Learn is a registered trademark of Sunburst Technology Corporation. Revised 3/08 Credits Project Manager Debra Weinberger Design Team Debra Weinberger, Dan Wetzel, Jennifer Simon Creative Design and Artistic Direction Dan Wetzel Art and Animation Dan Wetzel, Michael Muldoon, Loren Mack, Joe Summerhays Project Engineering Steven Grosmark, Elliot Kwestel, Jennifer Simon, Rick Sutton Original Music, Sound and Audio Production Frank Migliorelli, Bobby Sabella Sunburst Programming Tools Steven Grosmark, John Mullaney, Jennifer Simon, Nicole Diaz Resources and Installer Programming Michael Ayotte Quality Control softGear technology, Inc. Sunburst: Dominic Bertalan, Peter Koziol, Nick Roby, Peter Nebauer, Eric Mangusi Voice Characterizations Max - Chris Brown Tiny - John Murray Shelby - Monica Passin Cassie - Alicia Genetski Teacher’s Guide Creative Media Applications Teacher’s Guide Design Michelle Nahigian Desktop Publishing Michelle Nahigian, Keith Plechaty Editor Emilie Rappoport Special Thanks to... Ellen Baru, Cathedral School Karen Bryant, York Central School Carol Churgin, Salt Brook School Welcome to Type to Learn Jr ……………………………… 1 Network Installation Instructions ………………………… Macintosh Universal Binary/Intel …………………… System Requirements ……………………………… Network Installation ………………………………… Client Installation …………………………………… Macintosh PowerPC …………………………………… System Requirements ……………………………… Network Installation ………………………………… Client Installation …………………………………… Windows ………………………………………………… System Requirements ……………………………… Network Installation ………………………………… Client Installation …………………………………… Upgrading from Standalone to Network ……………… 2 2 2 2 5 8 8 8 11 13 13 13 16 19 Standalone Installation Instructions……………………… Windows® ………………………………………………… System Requirements ……………………………… Standalone Installation ……………………………… Macintosh® Universal Binary/Intel …………………… System Requirements ……………………………… Standalone Installation ……………………………… Macintosh® Power PC …………………………………… System Requirements ……………………………… Standalone Installation ……………………………… 22 22 22 22 26 26 26 28 29 29 About This Manual ………………………………………… 31 Using Type to Learn Jr. …………………………………… Getting Started ………………………………………… Getting Started - Network ……………………………… The Home Screen ………………………………………… The Learning Center …………………………………… The Activities ………………………………………… Cassie’s Empty Nest ………………………………… Hopkins’s Treasure Trove …………………………… Tiny’s Flying Feat …………………………………… Exiting Type to Learn Jr. ………………………………… Teacher Options ………………………………………… Student Lists ………………………………………… Class Lists - Network Version ……………………… Student Lists - Network Version …………………… Options ……………………………………………… 32 32 33 34 35 40 40 42 44 49 50 51 52 52 54 Progress Reports……………………………………… 57 Progress Reports - Network Version ……………… 58 Change Data File Path - Network Version Only … 58 Type to Learn Jr. in the Classroom …………………… 60 Classroom Management Tips ……………………… 60 Limited Computer Time………………………… 60 Computer in the Classroom …………………… 60 Large Class Size ………………………………… 60 Small Groups …………………………………… 60 Learning with Type to Learn Jr.……………………… 61 Before Playing …………………………………… 61 At the Computer ………………………………… 61 After Playing …………………………………… 61 Extension Activities …………………………………… Red Letter, Purple Letter …………………………… The Giant Keyboard ………………………………… The Home Row …………………………………… Right Left Banner …………………………………… Which Way Do I Go? ……………………………… Chair Toe Touches …………………………………… Four-Handed Typing ……………………………… Different Sorts …………………………………… Ideas from the Alphabet …………………………… Where’s the Pair? …………………………………… Keyboard Poetry …………………………………… Scrambled Sentences………………………………… Without Words …………………………………… The Art of the Sentence …………………………… No-Peek Typing …………………………………… 63 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 Blackline Masters Blackline Master 1: The Keyboard ………………… 93 Blackline Master 2: The Big key …………………… 95 Blackline Master 3: Alphabet Cards A to F ……… 97 Blackline Master 4: Alphabet Cards G to L ……… 99 Blackline Master 5: Alphabet Cards M to R ………101 Blackline Master 6: Alphabet Cards S to X ………103 Blackline Master 7: Alphabet Cards Y to Z ………105 Blackline Master 8: Rhyming Cards 1 ……………107 Blackline Master 9: Rhyming Cards 2 ……………109 Blackline Master 10: Rhyming Cards 3 …………… 111 Type to Learn® Jr. provides an engaging and informative introduction to computer keyboarding skills for young children. The program features a guided learning tutorial and exciting interactive games to motivate early learners. Type to Learn Jr. includes: • The Learning Center, a step-by-step guided introduction to the keyboard. • Three playful typing activities designed to provide a variety of challenges and rewards. • Game levels designed to enhance students’ progress and provide new and enjoyable challenges. • Strong support for the development of correct posture and hand placement on the keyboard. • Printable progress reports to assess children’s progress and share their achievement with parents. • Teacher options that allow for the customization of class lists and modification of activities to match individual needs. Welcome to Type to Learn Jr. The Learning Center and activities were developed with children’s small hands in mind. The activities build skills in an encouraging environment that helps to eliminate frustration. Children are not timed and do not receive strong negative feedback for typing incorrect letters. Instead, children are encouraged and rewarded along the way. In addition to the valuable program options, the extension activities in this manual will help teachers: • Prepare students to learn or review Type to Learn Jr. skills. • Connect skills learned in Type to Learn Jr. with other classroom activities. • Apply Type to Learn Jr. skills to other computer programs in their schools or classrooms. We would love to hear from you. Let us know how you and your students use Type to Learn Jr. in your classroom. Drop us a line at: Sunburst Technology 1550 Executive Drive Elgin, IL 60123 Visit us on the Web: http://www.sunburst.com Type to Learn Jr. 1 Type to Learn Jr. Network Mac Intel v1.3n CD Installation Tips You have just received two Type to Learn Jr. Network CDs. Please read carefully to determine which version you need to install. Then refer to the Network Installation Instructions in the Teacher’s Guide. Version 1.3n (Network Universal Binary) is a special version of Type to Learn Jr. Network designed to support the Mac Intel based computers. You only need to install this CD if you have Intel Macs that need to run Type to Learn Jr. Network. If you do not have Intel Macs there is no need for you to install this CD. Use v1.2n instead. This v1.3n CD should be installed onto your server. If you already have an earlier version of Type to Learn Jr. Network (v1.2n) installed on your server, the most important item to remember when running another server installation is to install it into a different location on your server than the earlier install. Installing Type to Learn Jr. v1.3n over an existing network install will result in the loss of current data and classes. Described below are just two examples of possible scenarios and installation recommendations: 1. If you are already running Type To Learn Jr. Network v1.2n on a network of computers and have added a few Intel Macs to your environment, we recommend the following: a. 2. Install Type to Learn Jr. CD v1.3n to a different location on your server than the current installation. Run the client installation from the new server install on your Intel Macs only. Then on each Intel Mac, enter Teacher’s Options and manually point your data file path to the “classes.tjr” folder in the old server location. This will allow your newer Intel Macs to access your original data. If you are running an environment with OS X 10.4.6+ and/or 10.5 Macs and have added many Intel Macs to your environment, we recommend the following: a. Install Type to Learn Jr. CD v1.3n to a different location on your server than the current installation. Make a copy of the shared “classes.tjr” folder from your old server location and place it inside the new Type to Learn Network folder in the new server location. Delete Type to Learn Jr. and all associated files off the client workstations. Run the new client installation to all workstations and choose the “classes.tjr” folder you have just copied to your new server location. TTL Jr. versions Mac Intel v1.3n v1.2n x OSX 10.5 OXS 10.4 OXS 10.3 OXS 10.2 OXS 9.2 Win Vista Win XP Win 2000 Win 98 x x x For help with installation or using your Type to Learn product, contact our free Technical Support staff at 800-338-3457, Monday-Friday, 7:00am-4:30pm CST. Or email us at: support@sunburst.com. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. 1a Type to Learn Jr. Type to Learn Jr. Standalone Mac Intel v1.3s CD Installation Tips You have just received two Type to Learn Jr. CDs. Please read carefully to determine which version you need to install. Then refer to the Standalone Installation Instructions in the Teacher’s Guide. Version 1.3s (Standalone Universal Binary) is a special version of Type to Learn Jr. designed to support the Mac Intel based computers. You only need to install this CD if you have Intel Macs that need to run Type to Learn Jr. If you do not have Intel Macs there is no need for you to install this CD. Use v1.1x instead. If you already have Type to Learn Jr. installed and running on your PowerPC Macs, there is no need to install this CD. This v1.3s CD should be installed onto every Intel Mac client machine within your purchased license. If you have purchased a single copy of Type to Learn Jr., then you may only install this CD onto one machine. If you have purchased a lab pack or a site license, then you may install it onto multiple machines, as allowed by your license agreement. The Universal Binary version of Type to Learn Jr. (version 1.3s) will install and run on Intel Macintosh computers, Macintosh PowerPCs running at least 10.4.6, as well as Windows machines: TTL Jr. versions Mac Intel v1.3s v1.1x x OSX 10.5 OXS 10.4 OXS 10.3 OXS 10.2 OXS 9.2 Win Vista Win XP Win 2000 Win 98 x x x For help with installation or using your Type to Learn product, contact our free Technical Support staff at 800-338-3457, Monday-Friday, 7:00am-4:30pm CST. Or email us at: support@sunburst.com. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Type to Learn Jr. 1b Network Installation Instructions Macintosh Universal Binary/Intel (use CD-ROM v1.3n) Version 1.3n will install and run on Intel Based Macintosh computers and Macintosh PowerPCs running OSX 10.4.6+ and 10.5. System Requirements To use Type to Learn Jr. Network, you will need a network of computers running: • Macintosh G3 PowerPC or Intel platform • Macintosh OSX 10.4.6 or higher, including 10.5 Leopard • 8MB of RAM or more (minimum) • 1024 x 768 screen resolution recommended, 800 x 600 minimum • Ethernet or faster network protocol Macintosh Intel Network Installation Installation Instructions to a Network File Server Note: if you are upgrading from the standalone version and would like to keep your data files, please see those upgrade instructions later in this document. 1. Before you install, quit any applications you may have open. If you have virus protection, turn it off before installing Type to Learn Jr. Network and turn it back on after the installation. 2. Insert the Type to Learn Jr. Network CD v1.3n into a workstation. 3. As a user with administrator permissions, connect to and mount the network file server volume where you plan to install Type to Learn Jr. • In the Finder, select ‘Connect to Server’ under the “Go” menu. Locate and log into the sharepoint that will act as the network storage for Type to Learn Jr. Network. Make sure the sharepoint is mounted on your desktop with read/write permissions. 2 Type to Learn Jr. 4. Double-click the CD icon that appears on the screen and then double click the Server Installer icon. Click Continue on the Introduction screen. 5. Click Select Folder to select the location where you would like to install Type to Learn Jr. Network. Type to Learn Jr. 3 6. Navigate to the network server volume that you mounted on your desktop and choose a location on that volume where the contents of the program are to be stored. A folder entitled “Type to Learn Jr. Network” will automatically be created in this location. Click Choose once you have selected the location, then click Continue. Note: Remember where you choose to install Type to Learn Jr.! 7. Click Install on the Installation Type screen. Note: There is only one type of server install; all required data and client installers will be placed on your server. 8. Once the installation is complete, click Quit and eject the CD. 4 Type to Learn Jr. 9. Make sure the required access privileges are set so that students and teachers have both read and write permissions to all files and folders in the Type to Learn Jr. Network folder on your network server. Macintosh Intel Client Installation (Must be done from each client computer) 1. As an administrator of a client workstation, mount the server volume and folder where Type to Learn Jr. Network was installed. • In the Finder, select ‘Connect to Server’ under the “Go” menu. Locate and log into the sharepoint where Type to Learn Jr. Network was installed. Make sure the sharepoint is mounted on your desktop with read/write permissions. 2. Locate and open the Type to Learn Jr. Network folder and double-click the Client Installer icon. Then click Continue on the Introduction screen. Type to Learn Jr. 5 3. Now choose the location on your client workstation where you want the client files to be installed. The default location is inside the Applications folder on your Hard Drive. Click Continue to choose the default location, or click Select Folder to choose a different location on the workstation. Find that location, double-click on it, and then click Continue. 4. Choose the type of installation you would like to perform. You can view your install options by clicking on the Easy Install drop down menu and selecting Easy or Full Install. After you have selected the installation type, click Install. 6 Type to Learn Jr. 5. The installer will ask you to select a folder into which the student data (classes.tjr folder) will be stored. The default location for the data folder is the same folder on the network from which you are running the client installation program. If you choose a location other than this default, be sure to set the read and write permissions to this folder (classes.tjr) for all student and teacher users. Note: The student data path can be changed at any time by using the Teacher Options within the program. 6. Click the Quit button once the installation is complete. 7. To start the program, open the Type to Learn Jr. folder on your hard drive (not the server) and double-click the program icon. Type to Learn Jr. 7 Macintosh PowerPC (use CD-ROM version 1.2n) Version 1.2n will install and run on Macintosh Power PCs running 9.2, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, and 10.5. This version is not compatible with Intel Based Macintosh computers. System Requirements To use Type to Learn Jr. Network you will need a network of computers running: • Macintosh System 9.2, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, or 10.5 • G3 PowerPC or higher, (not Intel Mac) • 8 MB of RAM or more (minimum) • 800 x 600 color monitor with thousands of colors (minimum) • Ethernet or faster Network protocol Macintosh PowerPC Network Installation Installation Instructions to a Network File Server 1. Before you install, quit any applications you may have open. If you have virus protection, turn it off before installing Type to Learn Jr. Network and turn it back on after the installation. 2. Insert the Type to Learn Jr. Network CD v1.2n into your CD-ROM drive. 3. Connect to and mount the network file server volume where you plan to install the program. • In the Finder, select ‘Connect to Server’ under the “Go” menu. Locate and log into the sharepoint that will act as the network storage for Type to Learn Jr. Network. Make sure the sharepoint is mounted on your desktop with read/write permissions. 8 Type to Learn Jr. 4. Double-click the CD icon that appears on the screen and then the Server Installer icon. Then click Continue on the Introduction screen. 5. Click on the Install Location drop down to select the location on your server where you would like to install Type to Learn Jr. Network. Type to Learn Jr. 9 6. Navigate to the network server volume that you mounted on your desktop and choose a location on that volume where the contents of the program are to be stored, then click Choose. 7. Click Install to install Type to Learn Jr. Network to your selected server location. A folder entitled “Type to Learn Jr. Network” will automatically be created in your server location. 8. Click Quit once the installation is complete and eject the CD-ROM. 9. Make sure the required access privileges are set so that students and teachers have read and write permissions to all files and folders in the Type to Learn Jr. Network folder on your network server. 10 Type to Learn Jr. Macintosh PowerPC Client Installation (Must be done from each client computer) 1. From a client workstation, mount the server volume and folder where Type to Learn Jr. Network was installed. • In the Finder, select ‘Connect to Server’ under the “Go” menu. Locate and log into the sharepoint where Type to Learn Jr. Network was installed. Make sure the sharepoint is mounted on your desktop with read/write permissions. 2. Locate the Type to Learn Jr. Network folder and doubleclick the Client Installer icon. Then click Continue. 3. Click the Select Folder option in the Install Location dropdown to choose a location other than the default on your client workstation where you want the client files to be installed. The default location is in the root of your Hard Drive. Type to Learn Jr. 11 4. Choose the type of installation you would like to perform. You can view your install options by clicking on the Easy Install drop down menu and selecting Easy or Custom (choosing Custom will allow you to do a full installation of the program). 5. Click Install. 6. The installer will ask you to select a folder into which the student data (classes.tjr folder) will be stored. The default location for the data folder is the same folder on the network from which you are running the client installation program. If you choose a different location, you must set the read and write permissions to this folder for all student and teacher users. 12 Type to Learn Jr. 7. Click Choose. Note: The student data path can be changed at any time by using the Teacher Options within the program. 8. To start the program, open the Type to Learn Jr. folder on your hard drive (not the server) and double-click the program icon. Windows (use either CD-ROM version 1.2n or 1.3n) System Requirements To use Type to Learn Jr. Network, you will need a network of computers running: • • • • • Windows 98, 2000, XP, or Vista 80486 DX2 66Mhz processor or faster 8MB of RAM or more (minimum) 800 x 600 color monitor with 256 colors (minimum) Ethernet or faster network protocol Windows Network Installation Installation Instructions to a Network File Server 1. Before you install, quit any applications you may have open. If you have virus protection, turn it off before installing Type to Learn Jr. Network and turn it back on after the installation. 2. Insert the Type to Learn Jr. Network CD into your CDROM drive. 3. Open Network Neighborhood or My Network Places and select and map the network file server volume where you plan to install Type to Learn Jr. Network. To map a network volume, right-click the volume and choose Map Network Drive. Type to Learn Jr. 13 4. Click My Computer, then double-click the Type to Learn Jr. Network CD icon, and then double-click Setup.exe. 5. Leave the top option selected and click Next. 6. Click Next again. 7. Select the location where you would like to install Type to Learn Jr. Network. Click Browse and navigate to the network server volume that you have mapped. Then choose a location on that volume where you want the contents of the 14 Type to Learn Jr. program to be stored and click OK. Then click Next. A folder entitled TTL_JR will be created in this location. 8. Click Finish when installation is complete. 9. Make sure the required access privileges are set so that students and teachers have read, file scan, write, delete, create and modify rights to all files and folders in the TTL_JR folder. Note: If you are using a Novell Netware file server, it is necessary to flag all the files in the folder to which you have installed Type to Learn Jr. Network (and its sub-folder) as “shared.” If this is not done, no more than one user will be able to run the program concurrently. Additionally, the rights should be set for guest access. Since it is very often the intention of a network program to provide a location common to all users to store student data files, be sure to set up access to a common directory. Type to Learn Jr. 15 Windows Client Installation (Must be performed from each client computer) 1. From a client workstation, open Network Neighborhood or My Network Places and navigate to the volume where Type to Learn Jr. Network was installed. 2. Map the volume containing the TTL_JR folder. 3. Open the folder TTL_JR, and double-click setup.exe. 4. Click Next in the Welcome screen. 16 Type to Learn Jr. 5. The installer will ask you to select a location to store your Type to Learn Jr. data files (classes.tjr folder). The default location for the data folder is the same folder from which you are running the client installation program. You may use the Browse button to locate a different data files path. If you choose a different location, you must set the read, file scan, write, delete, create and modify rights to this folder for all student and teacher users. 6. Now choose the location on your client workstation where you want the client files to be placed. The default location is c:\Type To Learn Jr (where c: is your hard drive). It is recommended that you use the default location, or you can click Browse to choose a different location. Then click Next. Type to Learn Jr. 17 7. Choose the type of installation you would like to perform (Minimal, Standard, or Full). We recommend a Full installation for best performance. Then click Next. 8. Select a folder in which to place the program icon, or click Next to use the default location. The default is c:/Program Folders/Sunburst, where c is your Hard Drive. 9. Click Finish on the Setup Complete window. 10. To start the program click on: Start/Programs/Sunburst/Type to Learn Jr. Network. Alternatively, you can open the folder where you have installed Type to Learn Jr. Network and double-click the program icon. Note: The network drive that is hosting Type to Learn Jr. Network MUST be mapped to the same drive letter each time the program is launched or the program will not run correctly. 18 Type to Learn Jr. Special Note to Windows NT or Windows 2000 Users: When running this program’s client installer under Windows NT or Windows 2000, you must be logged in with administrator privileges. If you are not, you may be unable to complete the installation. In this case, you will see a message dialog that says, “Setup failed to launch installation engine. Class not registered.” Upgrading from Type to Learn Jr. Standalone to Network If you are upgrading from Type to Learn Jr. Standalone to the Network version, you may want to keep your student data. To do this: 1. Uninstall Type to Learn Jr. from a student computer. Note that the student data files are stored in the folder in which the standalone program resided. Therefore, you do NOT want to delete the “Classes.tjr” folder within this folder. If you delete this folder, you will lose all the student data on that computer. The Windows Uninstall program is safe to run, since it does NOT remove the student data files. Example: Win: Type to Learn Jr. is sitting in C:\TTL_Jr , and the data files are in C:\TTL_Jr\Classes.tjr. Mac: Type to Learn Jr. is sitting in Harddrive:Type to Learn Jr., and the data files are in Harddrive: Type to Learn Jr:Classes.tjr. To uninstall the standalone version, you want to throw away the contents of Harddrive:Type to Learn Jr. EXCEPT for the Classes.tjr folder. You also want to remove the Type to Learn Jr. Prefs file residing in Harddrive:System Folder:Preferences. Type to Learn Jr. 19 2. Install Type to Learn Jr. Network to a student computer and note the data files path that you selected. Example: The data files for the network version are stored at: Win: F:\TTLJRNET\Classes.tjr Mac: Network:Type to Learn Jr Network:Classes.tjr 3. Navigate to the folder containing the data files that you selected in the previous step. Inside that folder will be a folder called “Classes.tjr.” Open “Classes.tjr.” Example: Win: Navigate to F:\TTLJRNET\Classes.tjr using Explorer. Mac: Navigate to Network:Type to Learn Jr Network: Classes.tjr using the Finder. 4. Now go back to the computer’s hard drive and open the folder that the standalone version had resided in (where the old data files are located — mentioned in step 1). There will be a folder inside this called “Classes.tjr.” Inside “Classes.tjr” is a folder called “Default.” COPY the “Default” folder on the student’s hard drive into the network “Classes.tjr” folder from step 3. You want to copy the folder rather than move it. That way, if an error occurs, the data is not destroyed. Example: Win: Copy C:\TTL_Jr\Classes.tjr\Default to F:\TTLJRNET\Classes.tjr Mac: Copy Harddrive:Type to Learn Jr:Classes.tjr:Default to Network:Type to Learn Jr Network:Classes.tjr 20 Type to Learn Jr. 5. For every additional computer with student data that you would like to move to the network version, do steps 1 and 2. Then as in step 4, you want to open the “Classes.tjr” folder within the standalone version’s installation folder. Rename the “Default” folder on the student’s hard drive to any other name that is 8 characters or less. You will have a chance to give the classes longer names once you can access them from the teacher options in Type to Learn Jr. Then COPY the entire folder into the network “Classes.tjr” folder. Example: Win: Rename C:\TTL_Jr\Classes.tjr\Default to C:\TTL_Jr\Classes.tjr\Class1 Copy C:\TTL_Jr\Classes.tjr\Class1 to F:\TTLJRNET\Classes.tjr Mac: Rename Harddrive:Type to Learn Jr:Classes.tjr:Default to Harddrive:Type to Learn Jr:Classes.tjr:Class1 Copy Harddrive:Type to Learn Jr:Classes.tjr:Class1 to Network:Type to Learn Jr Network:Classes.tjr 6. After you have copied all the standalone student data into the network data folder, run Type to Learn Jr. Network from any computer. There should be one class for each set of student data files you moved. Note that you can have only 15 classes with 40 students in each. If there are more than 15 classes or 40 students they will NOT appear in the login screen. However, they will appear in teacher options. From the teacher options, you will want to move all the students into 15 or fewer classes and then delete the empty classes. To avoid future confusion, it is important that you have at most 15 classes with 40 students in each of them. You may also rename any classes or students at this time. Type to Learn Jr. 21 Standalone Installation Instructions Windows® (use either CD-ROM version 1.1x or 1.3s) System Requirements • • • • 80486 DX/2 66 processor or better Windows 98, 2000, XP, or Vista 8 MB minimum of available RAM 60 MB minimum of free hard drive space, depending on installation (see below) • Windows compatible Sound card • 4X CD-ROM drive or faster • 1024 x 768 screen resolution recommended, 800 x 600 supported Windows Standalone Installation 1. Before you install, quit any applications you may have open. If you have virus protection, turn it off before installing Type to Learn Jr. and turn it back on after the installation. 2. Place the CD in the CD-ROM drive and double-click the Type to Learn Jr. CD icon in My Computer. 3. Double-click Setup.exe. 4. Click Next in the Welcome screen. 22 Type to Learn Jr. 5. Select the location on your computer where you would like to install Type to Learn Jr. Click Browse to navigate to a new location or accept the default location which is the root of your hard drive. A folder entitled Type to Learn Jr. will be created in this location. Then click Next. Type to Learn Jr. 23 6. Choose the type of setup: Minimal, Standard, or Full. We recommend Full installation for greatest performance. Then click Next. • Choose Minimal if you have very limited hard drive space. With the Minimal installation, you must have the CD in the CD-ROM drive to use Type to Learn Jr., and program performance is slower; however, you will need only 1 MB of hard drive space. • Standard installation gives better performance, but you must still have the CD in the CD-ROM drive to use Type to Learn Jr. You will need 3 MB of hard drive space. • Choose Full to install the full program on your hard drive, for best performance. The Full installation requires 60 MB of hard drive space, and you will not need the CD in the CD-ROM drive to use the program. 24 Type to Learn Jr. 7. Select a folder in which to place the program icon, or click Next to use the default location. The default is c:/Program Folders/Sunburst, where c is your Hard Drive. 8. When setup is complete, click Finish. 9. Launch the program by going to Start / Programs / Sunburst / Type to Learn Jr. Alternatively, you can open the folder where you have installed Type to Learn Jr. and double-click the program icon. Type to Learn Jr. 25 Macintosh Universal Binary/Intel (use CD-ROM version 1.3s) The Universal Binary version of Type to Learn Jr. Standalone (version 1.3s) will install and run on Intel Based Macintosh computers as well as Macintosh PowerPCs running OSX 10.4.6+ and 10.5. System Requirements • • • • Macintosh G3 PowerPC or Intel platform Macintosh OSX 10.4.6 or higher, including 10.5 Leopard 8MB of RAM or more (minimum) 1024 x 768 screen resolution recommended, 800 x 600 supported Macintosh Intel Standalone Installation: 1. Before you install, quit any applications you have open. If you have virus protection, turn it off before installing Type to Learn Jr. and turn it back on after installation. 2. Insert the Type to Learn Jr. CD into your CD-ROM drive and double-click the program icon. 3. Double-click the Installer icon. 4. Installing this program on OS X requires an Admin user name and password. Enter yours and click OK to continue. 26 Type to Learn Jr. 5. Click Continue in the Introduction screen. 6. By default, Type to Learn Jr. will be installed into your Applications folder. If you wish, you may select a different location on your hard drive to install the files into, by clicking Select Folder. Once you have selected a folder, click Continue. Type to Learn Jr. 27 7. Click Install to perform a standard installation. This is the only type of installation available. 8. When you see the message that the software was successfully installed, click Quit to exit the installer. 9. To start the program, open the Type to Learn Jr. folder on your hard drive and double-click the program icon. Macintosh PowerPC (use CD-ROM version 1.1x) Type to Learn Jr. version 1.1x will install and run on Macintosh PowerPCs running 9.2, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, and 10.5. This version is not compatible with Intel Based Macintosh computers. 28 Type to Learn Jr. System Requirements: • • • • G3 PowerPC or higher (not Intel Mac) Macintosh System 9.2, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, and 10.5 8 MB of RAM or more (minimum) 1024 x 768 recommended screen resolution, 800 x 600 supported Macintosh PowerPC Standalone Installation: 1. Before you install, quit any applications you have open. If you have virus protection, turn it off before installing Type to Learn Jr. and turn it back on after installation. 2. Insert the Type to Learn Jr. CD into your CD-ROM drive and double-click the program icon. 3. Double-click the Type to Learn Jr. Installer icon. 4. If a password is requested, enter your username and password for your computer. The Type to Learn Jr. installer launches. Type to Learn Jr. 29 5. Click Continue. 6. Choose Easy Install or Custom Install from the drop-down menu at the top. • If you choose Custom Install, then select either Easy or Full Install. We recommend performing the Full Install. 7. Choose an install location from the drop-down menu at the bottom. Then click Install. 8. When the program is successfully installed you will see this message. Click Quit to exit the installer. 9. To start the program, open the Type to Learn Jr. folder on your hard drive and double-click the program icon. 30 Type to Learn Jr. This manual is designed to help you use Type to Learn Jr. with your class. It is divided into two sections. Using Type to Learn Jr. About This Manual How to use the Type to Learn Jr. program features. This section describes the buttons, options, and activities that are available in the program. Type to Learn Jr. in the Classroom How to integrate Type to Learn Jr. into you classroom routine. This section provides classroom management tips and a variety of activities and blackline masters designed to introduce and explore the concepts featured in the program. Type to Learn Jr. 31 Using Type to Learn Jr. TIP: Pressing the space bar will end the animation Getting Started The Sunbuddies™ guide children through the log-in process. Children double-click the Type to Learn Jr. icon to launch the program. The animated title screen appears followed by the Log-in screen. Children can press the spacebar at any time to interrupt the animation and go on. A child who has previously used the program can locate his or her name on the list, highlight it, and click DONE. Children can also double-click their names to begin. New users type their names and click DONE. TIP: Press Ctrl + T anywhere in the program to access teacher controls 32 Press Control+T to access Teacher Controls (see page 50 for more information). Type to Learn Jr. Getting Started - Network The very first time Type to Learn Jr. Network is run there will be no classes or students entered in the program. When the program gets to the Log-in screen it will look like the standalone version. If students add their names at this point they will be entered in a Default class. If you do not ever want to have more than one class, you may just want to continue to have them enter their names in the Default class. This way they do not have to ever select a class. However, if you want to have more than one class or you specifically want students to select a class, see the Adding Classes section of Teacher Options. Although students can add their own names at the Log-in screen, they cannot add new classes. If both the class list and the student list are showing at the Log-in screen, the child must first select his/her class from the class list on the left. A child who has previously used the program can locate his/her name in the student list once the class list has been selected. He/She can then highlight it and click Done. Children can also double-click their names to begin. New users type their names in the New Student box and click Done. Names entered this way will be available the next time the program is run. Note: Children must select a Class name before they can type in their new student name. Press Control-T to access Teacher Options. Type to Learn Jr. 33 The Home Screen The Home screen appears after a child logs in. The Home screen is the starting place for every Type to Learn Jr. exploration. Children click the screen to choose from these four options. Current User The Learning Center Tiny’s Flying Feat Hopkins’s Treasure Trove Cassie’s Empty Nest Quit Help Return to Log-in Screen • The Learning Center provides a guided tutorial about the entire keyboard. Children learn about key positions as well as correct posture and hand placement. • Cassie’s Empty Nest provides beginning practice with typing sets of letters and numbers with the right or left hand. • Hopkins’s Treasure Trove provides intermediate practice with typing both lowercase and uppercase letters. • Tiny’s Flying Feat provides advanced practice with recognizing and typing rhyming words. 34 Type to Learn Jr. The Learning Center The Learning Center presents a guided introduction to the keyboard. In addition to learning key locations, the Sunbuddies provide important hints and guidelines for correct posture and hand positions. When children arrive at The Learning Center screen, Tiny gives a posture hint. Press the space bar to interrupt the message and continue. When children return to The Learning Center, they begin where they left off in their previous sessions. Letter Banner Left-Hand Keys Right-Hand Keys Help Print Progress Certificate The Learning Center introduces keys and topics in this order: • lowercase letters (in alphabetical order) • numbers (for 0-9) • shift key to type uppercase • punctuation marks (period, exclamation point, and question mark) • space bar and Enter/Return to type sentences The Learning Center displays a color-coded keyboard that helps children remember proper hand placement. Prompts remind them to use their left hands to press any red key and their right hands to press any purple key. Type to Learn Jr. 35 Sunbuddies introduce letters one at a time. To teach a letter, a Sunbuddy names the letter and highlights it on the (on-screen) keyboard. As children type the letter, it appears on the screen viewer. When children fill each letter position, a picture appears showing an object that begins with the letter. The Letter Banner at the top of the screen shows letters already learned by the child. Children can click any highlighted letter in the Letter Banner to review a previously learned letter. These alphabet pictures appear in The Learning Center viewer: ant fish kitten pear unicorn zap butterfly grapes lollipop queen volcano cake hippo moon robot whale dog inchworm nuts snail x-ray eggs juice octopus telephone yak (A full set of pictorial alphabet cards appears on Blackline Masters 3-7 on page s 97-105 of this guide.) As additional practice, between some lessons, children will type words using the letters they have learned. After children learn the 26 lowercase letters, they practice numbers. The Sunbuddies introduce a number and children type it to make the numeral in the viewer. Return to Alphabet Number Banner 36 Type to Learn Jr. Children can use the Number Banner to see the numbers already learned. Click any highlighted number to review a previously learned number. Click the Arrow at the top left of the screen to return to studying the alphabet. Children can then click any letter in the Letter Banner to review that letter. After children learn the 10 numbers, they learn how to create uppercase letters using the shift key. Children practice typing combinations of upper- and lowercase letters, such as: PPPPpppp or NNnnNNnn. Next, children learn punctuation marks: period, exclamation point, and question mark. They type combinations of marks (such as !!??!!??) and simple words (such as Cool! or Who?) The last lessons in The Learning Center introduce the space bar and Enter/Return keys. Children practice typing simple sentences, such as This is great! or The lamp is on. When children complete all of the lessons, they can print a certificate. Click Yes to print the certificate now. Click No to return to the Home screen without printing the certificate. Progress Certificates Children click Print on The Learning Center screen to print a certificate that shows completed lessons. Children can return to The Learning Center at any time to print their certificates. Teachers can also review and print children’s progress certificates from Teacher Options. See page 50 for more information. Note: For the capital letters, punctuation and sentences, the certificate will reflect whether or not a student has completed the entire section. Type to Learn Jr. 37 The Learning Center Words and Sentences Students type words after sets of lessons in The Learning Center. after A through E ace bad bead bed bee cab dab dad deed after F through J face fad fade feed fig had hid hide jig after K through O bone kid lick lid man mine moon nice nod after P through T desk flip nest past rat sad star stem trip Students type words and sentences during these lessons in The Learning Center. during Punctuation lessons Come! Cool! Good! Great! Hello! Hurry! Nice! Oops! Wow! 38 Zap! How? Now? Really? What? When? Where? Who? Why? Type to Learn Jr. during Sentence lessons The camp is full. The dog is sad. The jet is far. The lamp is on. The mop is wet. The pet is fat. The sink is pink. The sock is red. The star is far. The sun is hot. The wig is big. Be careful! Hello there! Hold on! I am ready! Look over there! Nice work! Type to Learn Jr. This is fun! This is great! Watch out! Watch your step! You can do it! You win! Are we there? Are you hungry? Are you there? Can you play? How are you? Is it easy? Is it hard? What is it? What time is it? When is it? Where is it? Who is it? 39 The Activities Cassie’s Empty Nest A strong breeze blows Cassie’s colorful items out of her nest. Children type target letters and numbers to help Cassie fill her nest again. Cassie’s game offers basic challenges for beginning keyboarders, emphasizing right-hand and left-hand placement. The typing targets are letter combinations, not words. These targets allow children to focus on letter placement without concentrating on word and reading skills. Level Home Start Help Click Level to change the game level. Click Start to begin play. Click Home to return to the Home screen. Click Help to get help. When children click Start, a brief animation shows Cassie’s items blowing out of her nest. Then her game screen appears. Children type the target cluster. Each time they complete another three-letter or number group, Cassie brings one of her items back to her nest. 40 Type to Learn Jr. Click Level to change the game level. Each game level presents a unique typing focus: • Level 1: Target clusters are the same (e.g., mmm, eee or 555). • Level 2: Target clusters are typed with one hand on one row (e.g., left hand: asd or 344; right hand: jkl or ppo). • Level 3: Target clusters are typed with one hand on more than one row (e.g. , left hand: edc or d36; right hand: mko or hy8). Level Target Cluster Help Home Throughout the game, Cassie provides hints to help children who have difficulty finding and typing the correct letters and numbers. Type to Learn Jr. 41 Hopkins’s Treasure Trove Children type letters to help Hopkins dig tunnels and recover his lost treasures. Hopkins’s game offers intermediate challenges for beginning keyboarders that emphasize the position of letters in the upper, middle, and lower keyboard rows. Hopkins digs up or down when children type a key on the top or bottom letter row on the keyboard, reinforcing key position memory. Level one reinforces proper hand positioning by using only letters located on the “home row,” the letters in the middle row on which fingers should rest. Level Home Start Help Click Level to change the game level. Click Start to begin play. Click Home to return to the Home screen. Click Help to get help. When children click Start, Hopkins leaps into his hole in the ground. Then his game screen appears. 42 Type to Learn Jr. Children type the target letters to help Hopkins dig the tunnel. When the tunnel crosses a treasure, it appears in the Treasure Collection at the top of the screen. The game ends when children collect all of the treasures and reach the end of the path. Treasure Collected Level Target Letters Help Home Click Level to change the game level. Each game level presents a unique typing focus: • Level 1: Target letters are on the home row (e.g., a, s, d, f, j, k, l). Hopkins digs forward as children type letters on the home row. • Level 2: Target letters are on more than one keyboard row (e.g., right hand: l, p, p, k, m, k). Hopkins digs up when children type a letter from the top keyboard row. He digs down when children type a letter from the bottom row. He digs forward as children type letters on the home row. • Level 3: Target letters use all keyboard rows as well as capital letters. (e.g., G, t, T, J, K, j). The Sunbuddies provide hints throughout the game to help children who have difficulty finding and typing the correct letters. Type to Learn Jr. 43 Tiny’s Flying Feat Children type rhyming words to help Tiny find his way through the clouds. Tiny’s game offers advanced challenges for beginning keyboarders. Children practice reading and recognizing rhymes in addition to typing simple words. Level Home Start Help Click Level to change the game level. Click Start to begin play. Click Home to return to the Home screen. Click Help to get help. When children click Start, Tiny launches into the air with his jetpack. Then his game screen appears. Children read each word pair to find one that rhymes. When children type a pair of rhyming words, Tiny reads the pair aloud and flies further into the clouds. Tiny reaches his goal after children type six (Levels 1 and 2) or nine (Level 3) rhyming pairs. Note: Children can click on the word pairs to hear them spoken. 44 Type to Learn Jr. Word pairs Level Home Help Click Level to change the game level. Each game level presents a unique typing focus. • Level 1: Rhyming pairs are three-letter words typed with one hand. (e.g., far and car or hip and lip). • Level 2: Rhyming pairs include three- and four-letter words typed with both hands. (e.g., try and dry or nest and rest). • Level 3: Rhyming pairs include three- and four-letter words that have different spellings. (e.g., low and toe or blue and chew). Children sometimes choose from among three pairs of words instead of two pairs. They also type complete sentences to continue after each set of three correctly typed pairs. Throughout the game, the Sunbuddies provide hints to help children who have difficulty finding and typing the correct letters. Type to Learn Jr. 45 Tiny’s Rhyming Words Level 1 Left hand three-letter words bad sad bag rag tag wag bar car far tar bat cat fat rat sat vat raw saw wax tax sea tea bed fed red wed see bet get set vet wet bee fee Right hand three-letter words hip lip nip hop mop pop hum mum yum Level 2 Three- and four-letter rhymes with same end spelling patterns (using both hands) Level 1 Words (above) plus: dad had mad pad nag ham jam can fan man pan ran tan van 46 cap lap map nap rap tap zap hat mat pat bay day hay lay may pay ray say way led den hen men pen ten let net pet yet bid did hid kid lid rid lie pie big dig jig pig wig dip rip sip tip zip fix mix six hoe toe dog fog hog log Type to Learn Jr. moo zoo cot dot hot lot not pot rot tot cow how now wow box fox bug dug rug hug jug bun fun nun run sun cup pup but cut hut nut dry try maid paid nail sail tail fair hair pair bake cake fake lake make rake take wake fall hall tall wall camp lamp ramp Type to Learn Jr. band hand land sand mark park cart dart part tart date fate late mate rate daze faze maze bead read beam seam team fear hear near year wear tear beat feat seat free tree feed seed weed bell fell sell tell well yell best nest rest test vest zest link mink pink sink wink lice nice rice high sigh bill hill will pill fire hire tire wire dish fish wish rock sock boil foil soil moon soon jump pump 47 Level 3 Three- and four-letter rhymes with different end spelling patterns (using both hands) add pad sad air fair hair pear rare tear wear ear fear hear peer year bead feed need read seed weed bed head red said shed bee free pea see she ski tea 48 tree deer near year blow hoe low show snow toe buy bye dry high fly pie shy sigh try blue chew flu glue shoe stew too two view who you zoo Sentences Ask for a task. Bake a cake. Did the deer hear? I ate a date. I see you ski. Sand is on land. See the moon soon. The cow can plow. The deer is near. The fly will try. The nest is best. The pump can jump. The star is far. The toe is in snow. The tree is free. The wall will fall. View the stew. We ate late. Wish for a fish. She is a bee. made paid Type to Learn Jr. Exiting Type To Learn, Jr. Children can always leave Type to Learn Jr. by going to the Home screen and clicking the Quit button. A confirmation window appears. Click Yes to exit the program. Click No to continue playing. Type to Learn Jr. 49 Teacher Options Press Control-T anywhere in the program to access the Teacher Options menu. • Student Lists allows you to add, edit, or delete student names on the list. You may want to add all of your students’ names to a class list before they use Type to Learn Jr. • Options allows you to change program settings for any or all students. • Progress Reports allows you to monitor children’s progress in The Learning Center. You can assess progress and print Progress Certificates for any or all students. 50 Type to Learn Jr. Student Lists Student List screen allows you to set up or edit your student list. This screen appears when you click Student Lists. Click Add to add a child’s name to the class list. In the window that follows, enter a student’s name and click Add. Enter as many names as desired, clicking Add to include each name on the class list. Click Done to return to the Student List screen. Names are automatically alphabetized by first letter. To change a name on the list, highlight the name and click Edit. After editing the name, click OK. To remove a name from the list, highlight the name and click Delete. • Click Back to return to the Teacher Options main menu. • Click Back to Program to return to where you were in the Type to Learn Jr. program. Type to Learn Jr. 51 Class Lists – Network Version Only The Class List screen allows you to set up or edit your class list. This screen appears when you click Class Lists. You may have only 15 classes. Click Add to add a class to the list of classes. In the window that follows, enter a class name and click Add. Enter as many names as desired, clicking Add to include each name on the list of classes. Click Done to return to the Class List screen. Names are automatically alphabetized by first letter. To change a name on the list, highlight the name and click Edit. After editing the name, click OK. To remove a name from the list, highlight the name and click Delete. You may highlight multiple names to delete. To modify the students for a particular class, select that class name and then click Students. Click Back to return to the Teacher Options main menu. Click Back to Program to return to where you were in the Type to Learn Jr. program. Student Lists – Network Version The Student List screen allows you to set up or edit your student list for a particular class. This screen appears when you click on the Students button on the Class List screen. You may have only 40 students per class. Click Add to add a student to the class. In the window that follows, enter a student’s name and click Add. Enter as many names as desired, clicking Add to include each name on the list of students. Click Done to return to the Student List screen. Names are automatically alphabetized by first letter. To change a name on the list, highlight the name and click Edit. After editing the name, click OK. 52 Type to Learn Jr. To remove a name or names from the list, highlight all the names you want to remove and click Delete. To move a student or students to a different class, highlight all the names you want to move, and click Move. In the window that follows, select which class you would like to move your student(s) into and then click Move. To add a list of students from a text file to the class, click Import. In the next window you will want to select the text file which contains the list of students and click Open. You can export a list of students from one computer and import the list to another (if they are not connected by a network and you want to use the same list). Or, you can type a list of students into a text file and then import that list. Each student name will go on a separate line in the text file (type Return or Enter between names). To Export a list of students from a class to a text file, click Export. In the next window you will want to select the text file to which the student list will be exported and click Save. It will export the students that are selected. If no student is selected, the entire list will be exported. This export file can later be imported to another class or another instance of the program. Click Back to return to the Teacher Options Class List. Click Back to Program to return to where you were in the Type to Learn Jr. program. Type to Learn Jr. 53 Options Options allows you to adjust program settings for any or all students on your student list. Click Options to see a student list. Click the student or students for whom you want to adjust settings. A check-mark appears next to each selected student name. Click Continue to adjust settings for the check-marked students. • Click Back to return to the Teacher Options main menu. • Click Back to Program to return to where you were in the Type to Learn Jr. program. After you select students, the Making Changes screen appears. 54 Type to Learn Jr. General Options • Click Play Background Music to turn this option on or off. A check appears when background music is turned on. • Click Students Can Print Certificates to allow students to print their own certificates. A check appears when students are permitted to print. Click again to prevent students from printing certificates. • Click Lowercase Letters to Uppercase Letters to change the keyboard display. Use uppercase letters selection if you want the on–screen keyboard to match the students actual keyboard. Note: Once clicked, Options will turn blue to indicate that you have made a change. Activities Students Can Play Click an activity to select it. A check-mark appears next to each activity a student is allowed to play. Click again to de-select an activity. • • • • Click Save to save your changes. Click Reset to return to the default settings. Click Back to return to the Teacher Options main menu. Click Back to Program to return to where you were in the Type to Learn Jr. program. Options – Network Version Options allow you to adjust program settings for any or all students on your student list. Once you click on the Options button at the Teacher Options main menu, you will see the Options screen to the right. You can make changes for an entire class or you can make changes for individual students. Whichever changes you last made will be the ones that are used. Therefore, if you make a change to class1 and then to student1, it will use the option that was saved for student1. However, if you make a change to class1 and then student1 and then class1, it will use the last change that was saved for class1. Click on the Choose Classes button: Type to Learn Jr. 55 Click the class or classes for whom you want to adjust settings. A check-mark appears next to each selected class name. Click Continue to adjust settings for the check-marked classes. Click on the Choose Students button: First you need to select a class from the list on the left. Once you click on a class, the students in that class will appear in the list on the right. Click the student or students for whom you want to adjust settings. A check-mark appears next to each selected student name. Click Continue to adjust settings for the check-marked students. Click Back to return to the Options screen in Teacher Options. Click Back to Program to return to where you were in the Type to Learn Jr. program. 56 Type to Learn Jr. Progress Reports Progress Reports allows you to monitor each student’s progress in The Learning Center. You can review progress and/or print Progress Certificates. This screen appears when you click Progress Reports on the Teacher Options Menu. Click All Students to view Progress Reports for all students. Click Choose Students to view Progress Reports for some students. On the Student List screen, highlight the desired student names and click Continue. The next Progress Reports screen summarizes student progress in The Learning Center. Type to Learn Jr. 57 The summary screen displays each student’s stage and progress level. • Click Print Summary Report to print the summary report shown on the screen. • Click Print Student Certificates to print Progress Certificates for each student shown in the Summary Report. • Click Back to return to the Teacher Options main menu. • Click Back to Program to return to where you were in the Type to Learn Jr. program. Progress Reports – Network Version Progress Reports allow you to monitor each student’s progress in The Learning Center. You can review progress and/or print Progress Certificates. This screen appears when you click Progress Reports on the Teacher Options Menu. Click All Classes to view Progress Reports for all the students in all the classes. Click Choose Classes to view Progress Reports for all the students in the chosen classes. Click Choose Students to view Progress Reports for some students. Click Back to return to the Teacher Options main menu. Click Back to Program to return to where you were in the Type to Learn Jr. program. Change Data Files Path – Network Version Only The Change Data Files Path screen allows you to change the location of the student data for the computer you are on. For every computer that you want to change the data files path, you will have to go to that computer, run Type to Learn Jr., go to Teacher Options, and change the data files path. This screen appears when you click Change Data Files Path on the main menu of Teacher Options. You may use the Browse button to locate a new path for the student data. Click Save to save your new student data location. 58 Type to Learn Jr. If you choose a location that does not exist, the program will ask you if it should create it. If it cannot create it, it will not let you select the location. Students will need to have read, file scan, write, create, delete, and modify rights to the data files directory. You need to choose a location that either has these rights or will be given to them before the students run the program. Click Back to return to the Teacher Options main menu. Click Back to Program to return to where you were in the Type to Learn Jr. program. Type to Learn Jr. 59 Type to Learn Jr. in the Classroom Classroom Management Tips Limited Computer Time When computer time is limited, encourage students to study three or four letters in The Learning Center during each computer session. Each time students return to The Learning Center for another round, they can begin where they left off at their last session. Students can keep track of their work by printing the Progress certificate in The Learning Center or by coloring the keys they have studied on The Keyboard blackline master (p. 63). After studying new letters, allow students to choose and play at least one game. Computer in the Classroom If students are using a computer in your classroom, you may wish to have them use headphones to help them ignore outside distractions and avoid distracting others. You can focus student interest on typing and Type to Learn Jr. by decorating the computer station with printed Progress certificates and colored keyboards (Blackline Master 1, p. 63) or keys (Blackline Master 2, p. 65). Large Class Size You may wish to introduce Type to Learn Jr. to a large group of students at one time. Have students gather around the keyboard and monitor. Describe the parts of the keyboard and demonstrate logging-in and selecting an activity. You may wish to give each student a copy of Blackline Master 1 (The Keyboard) before you begin your demonstration. Have volunteers take turns entering keys on the computer keyboard. Other students can follow along by locating and “pressing” keys on their paper keyboards. Small Groups Small groups or partners can work together at one computer by taking turns selecting activities and using the keyboard. Encourage students to talk about the activities as they work together. Viewers can help keyboarders by checking their posture and hand positions. 60 Type to Learn Jr. Learning With Type to Learn, Jr. Before Playing Introduce the parts of a computer before students begin playing Type to Learn Jr. Students should be familiar with terms including computer, monitor, keyboard, and CD-ROM. Talk about why it is important to learn about the keyboard. Explain that many different kinds of programs require you to enter letters and numbers using the keyboard. Discuss several writing situations, such as: • writing a story using a word processor • sending an email note to a friend • adding a title to a computer picture Review rhyming before students play Tiny’s Flying Feat. Remind students that rhyming words end with the same sounds. Have students suggest word pairs that rhyme and write them on the chalkboard. First discuss rhyming words that end with the same spelling patterns (such as cat and bat). Then discuss pairs that end with different spelling patterns (such as do and blue). You may wish to review the rhyming pairs used in the game. The complete list is found on page 46. At the Computer Watch students as they use the program. Remind them to follow these posture and hand position tips: • • • • Sit up straight. Use both hands. Keep your left hand on the left side of the keyboard. Keep your right hand on the right side of the keyboard. After Playing After all students have had an opportunity to explore Type to Learn Jr., hold a class discussion about the program. Discuss students’ favorite activities as well as their hints and strategies for finding and typing the correct keys. After playing Type to Learn Jr., open a children’s word processing program and show students how they can use their new keyboarding skills to enter words and sentences. Use one of the Extension Activities on pages 63-91 to support and extend concepts developed by Type to Learn Jr. Type to Learn Jr. 61 62 Type to Learn Jr. Red Letter, Purple Letter Materials: Skills: The Keyboard (p. 93), red and purple crayons or markers recognizing key positions, identifying right and left ★ Give each child a copy of the keyboard. Discuss the arrangement of letters. You may wish to explain that the letters are organized to make it easier for people to type quickly. ★ Have children color the “left-hand keys” red and the “right-hand keys” purple like the on-screen Type to Learn Jr. keyboard. ★ After coloring the keyboards, have children practice several patterns that emphasize the left/right split, such as the following: all left hand: a a s s d d f f all right hand: h h j j k k l l alternating hands: d j d j d j d j alternating by twos: s s k k s s k k alternating by threes: a a a l l l a a a l l l ★ Allow children to invent and share their own typing patterns. Type to Learn Jr. 63 64 Type to Learn Jr. The Giant Keyboard Materials: Skills: The Big Key (p. 95), cardboard or butcher paper, chalk recognizing key positions, spelling simple words, identifying right and left ★ Use Blackline Master 2 to create a giant hop-on keyboard in the classroom or on the playground. Follow one of these suggestions to create your keyboard: ★ Make 26 copies of The Big Key. (Make 36 to include numbers as well as letters.) Write one letter or number on each key. Then have children help arrange the letters in the correct keyboard pattern. Children can find the pattern on an actual keyboard or use Blackline Master 1. ★ Cut out The Big Key and trace it on butcher paper to create the giant keyboard. Have children help you label each key. ★ Create the keyboard on a playground by cutting out The Big Key and tracing it with chalk. ★ Have children hop on one foot to spell out words or their names on the keyboard. Children can hop on their left foot to step on left-hand keys and their right foot to spell-out right hand keys. ★ Groups of three or more children can stand on keys to spell a word. You can suggest words to spell or allow children to suggest their own words. Have other children look at the keys and try to guess the words. Type to Learn Jr. 65 66 Type to Learn Jr. The Home Row Materials: Skills: The Big Key (p.65), red and purple crayons or markers recognizing key positions ★ Have nine children model the key positions of the home row. ★ Make nine copies of The Big Key. ★ Help students write one letter on each key. Color the a, s, d, f, and g keys “red.” Color h, j, k, and l keys “purple.” ★ Ask the children to stand in front of the class in any order, holding their key letter in front of them. ★ Have volunteers in the class give directions to help the children arrange themselves in keyboard order. ★ After the row is ordered correctly (a, s, d, f, g, h, j, k, l) discuss why some of the letters are red and some are purple (you type the red letters with your left hand and the purple letters with your right hand.) ★ Challenge students to think of words that can be typed using only these letters. As suggestions are offered, have the children model typing the letters by bending their knees and calling out their letters. ★ Some words that can be typed using only the home row are: sad, dad, fad, had, lad, has, ask, ash. Type to Learn Jr. 67 68 Type to Learn Jr. Right Left Banner Materials: Skills: red and purple fingerpaint, butcher paper or cardboard identifying right and left, estimating and counting ★ Have children create a handprint banner using their right and left hands. ★ First have children use purple paint and their right hands to add handprints to the right side of the banner. Then have children wash their hands and use red paint and their left hands to add handprints to the left side of the banner. ★ After the banner is finished, turn it upside down and have children decide which way is up. Help children use clues like the location of thumbprints to decide which way to hang the poster so that the right hands are on the right side. ★ Help children practice estimating and counting by asking them to guess how many right handprints are on the poster. Then have a volunteer count the hands. Repeat for left hands. To help children improve their estimation skills, ask focusing questions: Do you think there are more red hands or purple hands? How many purple handprints did we count? How many red handprints do you think there are? Type to Learn Jr. 69 70 Type to Learn Jr. Which Way Do I Go? Materials: Skills: chairs, bandannas or blindfolds (optional) identifying right and left, giving directions ★ Have partners work together to walk through a chair obstacle course. Players set up one to three chairs in an open area. One partner shuts his or her eyes. The other gives simple walking directions, such as “Take one step to your right.” or “Take three steps to your left.” or “Take two steps forward.” ★ Allow children to exchange roles. ★ Children can also practice giving left/right directions to help one another solve mazes or locate cities on a map. Type to Learn Jr. 71 72 Type to Learn Jr. Chair Toe Touches Materials: Skills: chairs recognizing posture and balance ★ Have children sit in their chairs and practice this exercise to find correct posture. ★ Children begin by bending over and touching their toes. Then they sit up very slowly. Tell them to imagine they are unrolling like a towel or a blanket. ★ As they sit up, encourage children to press their backs lightly against their chair backs. Help each child find the correct upright sitting position. Children should be sitting upright, but not stiff. They should also avoid over-extending or exaggerating the upright position. Repeating the toe touches and slow sit up can help children relax and find their natural upright posture. ★ Emphasize that this exercise should be done slowly and with natural breathing. Type to Learn Jr. 73 74 Type to Learn Jr. Four-Handed Typing Materials: Skills: word processor or typewriter identifying keyboard position, writing words ★ Have partners work together with a word processor or typewriter. ★ One partner types an uppercase letter. The other partner thinks of a word that begins with the letter and types other letters to complete the word. ★ Players take turns beginning words. Remind children to add one space between words so that they do not run together. ★ Older children can extend the activity by beginning with a word instead of a letter. The other partner then completes a sentence beginning with the word. Remind children to use appropriate end punctuation (period, exclamation point, or question mark). Type to Learn Jr. 75 76 Type to Learn Jr. Different Sorts Materials: Skills: Alphabet Cards (pp. 67-75) optional: cardboard, glue, The Keyboard (p. 63) classifying, identifying letters, identifying alphabetical order, recognizing patterns ★ Glue blackline master reproductions to cardboard to create sturdier cards. Cut out and fold Alphabet Cards. ★ Shuffle the cards and have partners work together to place the cards in alphabetical order. ★ Then have children organize the cards into two sets: letters typed by the right hand and letters typed by the left hand. Children may wish to use copies of The Keyboard (p. 63) to help them classify the letters. ★ Have children sort the alphabet cards into other categories: • first half of the alphabet and second half of the alphabet • vowels and consonants • letters with curves and letters without curves • letters with holes (a, b, d, e, o, p, q) and letters with out holes Type to Learn Jr. 77 78 Type to Learn Jr. Ideas from the Alphabet Materials: Skills: Alphabet Cards (pp. 67-75), a word processor optional: cardboard, glue, typing words ★ Cut out and fold Alphabet Cards. Glue blackline masters to cardboard before cutting to create sturdier cards. ★ Have children practice typing with a word processor by selecting Alphabet Cards and typing the words with a word processor. ★ Partners can work together. One partner selects a card and reads it aloud. The other partner types the word. The first partner can provide a letter–by–letter spelling. ★ Challenge students to write a sentence using the word shown on a card. Children can write their sentences with a pencil or type them with a word processor. Type to Learn Jr. 79 80 Type to Learn Jr. Where’s the Pair? Materials: Skills: Rhyming Cards 1, 2, and 3 (pp. 107-111) optional: cardboard, glue identifying rhyming pairs ★ Cut out Rhyming Cards 1, 2, and 3. Glue blackline masters to cardboard before cutting to create sturdier cards. ★ Give one card to each child. Have students try to find a classmate who has a word card that rhymes with his or her word card. After children find their matches, have them stand in a circle and read the rhyming pairs aloud. Ask older students to use each word in a sentence. ★ Shuffle the cards and repeat. To begin at an easy level, use only the words on Rhyming Cards 1 (three-letter rhymes with matching end-spelling patterns). Increase difficulty by adding Rhyming Cards 2 (four-letter rhymes with matching end-spelling patterns) and Rhyming Cards 3 (rhymes with different end-spelling patterns). Type to Learn Jr. 81 82 Type to Learn Jr. Keyboard Poetry Materials: Skills: Rhyming Cards 1, 2, and 3 (pp. 77-81) identifying rhymes, typing words, writing ★ Cut out and shuffle the rhyming cards. Have children select one card and think of a word that rhymes with it. Children can look through the cards to find a rhyme if they cannot think of one. ★ Have children invent poems or rhyming sentences using their rhyming words. ★ Allow students to use a word processor or typewriter to write their poems. ★ Encourage students to read their poetry aloud. ★ Create a Poet’s Corner and post children’s poems. Type to Learn Jr. 83 84 Type to Learn Jr. Scrambled Sentences Materials: Skills: sentence strips, envelopes reading words and sentences ★ Write several sentences from The Learning Center or Tiny’s Flying Feat on sentence strips. (See pages 38 and 46 for a complete list of sentences used in The Learning Center and Tiny’s Flying Feat.) ★ Give each child a sentence and an envelope. Have them cut the sentences into separate words and place the words in the envelope. ★ Have students exchange envelopes and try to rearrange the words in their envelopes to form a sentence. ★ Ask volunteers to read their sentences aloud. Type to Learn Jr. 85 86 Type to Learn Jr. Without Words Materials: Skills: paper or sentence strips, pencils reading words and sentences, watching and listening ★ Have students play charades using the sentences used in Type to Learn Jr. (See pages 38 and 46 for a complete list of sentences used in The Learning Center and Tiny’s Flying Feat.) ★ Write the sentences on paper or sentence strips. Have students take turns selecting a piece of paper, reading the sentence silently, and then acting it out for the class. You may wish to review signals for showing how many words are in a sentence. ★ Discuss the differences between typing words and sentences. Emphasize that typists need to enter a space by pressing the space bar between words. Type to Learn Jr. 87 88 Type to Learn Jr. The Art of the Sentence Materials: Skills: poster board, markers, crayons reading sentences ★ Have children create illustrations to accompany sentences used in Type to Learn Jr. (See pages 38 and 46 for a complete list of sentences used in The Learning Center and Tiny’s Flying Feat.) ★ Have each student select a sentence, or assign sentences randomly. ★ Help students write the sentence at the top or bottom of their poster board. ★ Then have students create illustrations to accompany the sentence. Children can display their artwork. Cover the sentences and have viewers try to guess what sentence each artwork illustrates. Type to Learn Jr. 89 90 Type to Learn Jr. No-Peek Typing Materials: Skills: SpeedSkin™ Remembering key positions ★ Provide an extra challenge for advanced students using the SpeedSkin keyboard cover, available from Sunburst. The SpeedSkin is a one-piece opaque keyboard overlay that rests easily on all keyboards and prevents children from seeing the letter labels. Home row indicators give a tactile starting place. ★ Place the SpeedSkin over the keyboard. Have students begin by revisiting The Learning Center. ★ Students can also try playing any of the three Type to Learn Jr. activities with the SpeedSkin in place. Type to Learn Jr. 91 92 Type to Learn Jr. The Keyboard Copyright © 2008 Sunburst Technology Corporation 93 The Big Key Copyright © 2008 Sunburst Technology Corporation 95 Alphab et Cards a through f a ant b butterfly c cake d dog e eggs f fish Copyright © 2008 Sunburst Technology Corporation 97 Alphab et Cards g through l g grapes h hippo i inchworm j juice k kitten l lollipop Copyright © 2008 Sunburst Technology Corporation 99 Alphab et Cards m through r m moon n nuts o octopus p pear q queen r robot Copyright © 2008 Sunburst Technology Corporation 101 Alphab et Cards s through x s snail t telephone u unicorn v volcano w whale x x-ray Copyright © 2008 Sunburst Technology Corporation 103 Alphab et Cards y through z y yak z zap Copyright © 2008 Sunburst Technology Corporation 105 Rhyming Cards 1 bat red hop cat bed mop bag bee hip wag see lip Copyright © 2008 Sunburst Technology Corporation 107 Rhyming Cards 2 bake bell wish cake sell fish hand nest rock sand test sock Copyright © 2008 Sunburst Technology Corporation 109 Rhyming Cards 3 read deer high need year fly bed snow blue head toe shoe Copyright © 2008 Sunburst Technology Corporation 111