Newest Offspring Prince`s - National American Eskimo Dog


Newest Offspring Prince`s - National American Eskimo Dog
Sierra’s Prince of Thieves, AOMX, ROM
AWD’s Hello, Dolly!
3rd Quarter, 2008
P ri n c e ’ s
Newest Offspring
Hamilton American Eskimos
Doug Hamilton
Nordic Whispers American Eskimos
Diane Cowles
GRCH/AKC CH Debonair’s Some Kinda Wonderful
In This Issue
Reminders Letters from the Board Treasurer’s Report National Information Fingerlakes Show Must See
Fingerlakes Map
How To Enjoy A National Future National Dates Trophy List Success Story Ads AOM/AOMX Application
It’s a Dog’s Life 1
Important Dates.
Feb 29 - Memberships including Affiliated Clubs not
renewed on or before this date are no longer “in good
standing” per the NAEDA by-laws.
March 1 - Newsletter ads due to Publicity Director.
March 30 - Memberships including Affiliated Clubs not
renewed on or before this date are considered “lapsed
and terminated” per the NAEDA by-laws.
June 1 - Newsletter ads due to Publicity Director.
September 1 - Newsletter ads due to Publicity
December 1 - Newsletter ads due to Publicity Director
December 31 - All memberships expire as of midnight
this date.
The NEADA News is published quarterly: March, June, September, December
May 2-3, 2009 National American Eskimo Dog Association UKC Multi-Breed Show hosted by the National
American Eskimo Dog Association.
Advertising Rates:
Front Cover (color) ..................... $45.00
Back Cover (color) ...................... $45.00
Inside Front Page (color) ............ $45.00
Inside Back Page (color) ............ $45.00
Full page ad (B&W)..................... $15.00
Want to know more about the NAEDA?
Advertisement/Article Deadline:
March issue - March 1
June issue - June 1
September - September 1
December - December 1
Need to know show dates?
Who’s in the Top Ten for 2008?
Ad layouts can be submitted as jpg, tif, pdf, Word,
HTML, or InDesign documents. Photos should be submitted at 300 dpi. Layouts gladly designed for you, just
send photos and let me know what you want. THIS IS
Nathional American Eskimo Dog Association
Webmaster: Anna Baughn
Submit to:
Barbara Davidoff, Publicity Director
6107 139th Pl. SE
Bellevue, WA 98006
The Board of Directors consist of the officers of the
Association, the President (or his/her designee) of
each Member Association and Past Presidents of the
Association. The Past Presidents of the Association are
advisory directors only, with no rights to vote.
All mistakes and typos are the result of dog hair
covering the keyboard!
About Our Cover ......
NEADA Officers
GRCH/AKC CH Debonair’s Some Kinda Wonderful is
currently on the UKC Top Ten. He represents a great
part of Debonair American Eskimos. His paternal
grandfather was Natl. GRCH/AKC CH Sierra Chip
Off The Block (“Conan”) and his maternal grandfather
was GR CH/AKC CH Debonair’s Dancers Image
(“Rambo”). He is out of GRCH/AKC CH Debonair’s
Demolition Man (Optigen clear) and GRCH/AKC CH
Debonair’s First Generation (Optigen clear). We at
Debonair American Eskimos are very proud of him and
look forward to the future.
Ann Baughn
Rt. 3, Box 8520
Dillwyn, VA 23936
(434) 392-7415
Vice-President Debi Allen
3084 Stage Coach Road
Farmville, VA 23901
(434) 392-9886
Heidi Halverson
204 W 77th Street
Chanhassen, MN 55317
(952) 949-0197
As this is being prepared for publication, Hurricane Ike
is getting ready to strike the gulf coast and our members
are evacuating. From hurricanes to earthquakes, from
fires to floods, all parts of our country are vulnerable.
A pet disaster kit is vital to ensure a pet’s survival.
The ASPCA recommends that pet owners assemble a
kit containing the following items, which should be
stored inside a plastic Rubbermaid tub or other secure,
waterproof container:
Sally Bedow
1978 School Road
Port Lavaca, TX 77979
* Pet first-aid kit
* Seven days’ worth of food (replace with new food
every two months)
* A can opener
* Paper towels
* Waterless hand sanitizer
* Anti-bacterial soap
* Unscented baby wipes
* Disposable garbage bags for clean-up
* Pet feeding dishes
* Extra dog harness, long lead rope
* Extra dog leash
* A sturdy traveling crate, carrier or travel bag for
each pet
* Photocopies of the pet’s medical records
* A two-week supply of medication
* Bottled water (at least seven days’ worth of water
for each person and pet)
* Flashlight
* Two blankets per pet
* Recent photos of your pet
* Several pre-made “lost” posters for each pet (these
can be photocopied and distributed if necessary.)
Corresponding Secretary
Debbie Mitchell
11994 Pruett Road
Krum, TX 76249
(940) 482-3699
Bob Brekke
304 19th Avenue, S.W.
Byron, MN 55920
(507) 775-6339
Publicity Director
Barbara Davidoff
6107 139th Pl SE
Bellevue, WA 98006
(425) 643-9711
OCTOBER 18, 2008
American Eskimo Dog National Weekend
Host: Fingerlakes American Eskimo Dog Assoc.
Location: J.M. McDonald Sports Complex
4292 Fairgrounds Road
Cortland, NY
Judge: Se
For more informaion go to
I hope everyone is making their plans for their trip to
NY. The Fingerlakes club has been working hard to do
their part in making National weekend a huge success.
PLEASE don’t forget to order your T-shirts. Below is
the order form link.
We’ll see you there!!!
I would like to once again remind everyone who is a
Purina® Pro Club® member that our UKC National
Club still participating in the Purina Parent Club
Partnership Program.
Through the PPCP Program, Purina and the AKC
Canine Health Foundation work together to help parent
clubs address priority health concerns for their breeds
and areas not previously funded.
Here’s how the PPCP Program works: Pro Club members
redeem weight circles from bags of participating Purina
brand dog foods. Purina tracks these weight circle
submissions, and for every $100 of qualifying weight
circle points earned by Pro Club members, Purina
donates $10 to the participating national parent breed
It takes 6 weeks to process points, so make sure to get
them in before the end of the year.
Gene Reynolds
Letters from the .......
As always, and comments, suggestions, or concerns,
please do not hesitate to contact me. My door is always
a great weekend. See you all there. Don’t forget your
items for the auction!!
Debi Allen
My “addiction” to the NAEDA National show began
in Minnesota in 2002 when my home club (NLAEDA,
MN) was the host. I wasn’t overly involved in the club
before that, being a rookie in the world of dog shows. That was the weekend that changed my life. I thought
all this dog show stuff was fun and all, but was it really
what I was going to get into? When I saw all the quality
of dogs from all across the country coming together
showcasing their “stuff” I fell in love. My theory has always been that even if I don’t have
a dog that I want to bring to a National show it’s still
important to be there. I actually took my first dog to
compete for NGCH last year in Portland. Other years
I’ve just gone for the experience.
We make many decisions at the National meetings that
affect the future of our breed standard... I want to be a
part of that. We make many decisions at the National
meetings on how we are going to spend the money we
raise through our shows to support other non-profit
organizations that benefit the American Eskimo…I want
to be a part of that. I want my local club represented at
the National when issues are discussed that will effect
them. UKC gives us an update to anything new that
they have going on and gives us the opportunity to
ask any questions we have about the direction they are
going. I want to be a part of the future of the American
Eskimo and this is the place to do it.
For my breeding program I take the opportunity to travel
to other parts of the country to check out what else is
out there. So often we go to the “easy” stud that’s near
by but there could be a fantastic stud across the country
that would have complimented your program great but
you’d never know that if you didn’t go to that National
The 2008 National is rapidly approaching. Please set and meet that owner. It has amazed me to see the slight
aside the date and make your plans to attend. I am sure variations of what we tend to “like” in different areas
the Finger Lakes Club has been working very hard to of the country. I would have never known the different
make this National Weekend a memorable one. If you styles had I stayed in MN and not looked outside to see
have never attended a National before, now is the time! what else was out there. If this will not be your first, you know you are in for
I have made such good friends in this organization
Anna Baughn
because of the National weekends. The show is great
and fun but it’s really the people that make it happen. The auction is fantastic and I spend way too much
money on fabulous prizes… I do however draw the
line at $150 banana bread (Bob Brekke). I talk to
many NAEDA members almost daily on the phone but
only get to see them once a year. It’s a lot of work as a
board member but it’s all worth it when we can sit back
and share all the memories. white and in condition.
Finally, the day comes and Dick and Eileen Kortemeier
and myself head off to Missouri in my van. The day of
the National dawns clear and bright. We are grooming
in a tent up on the hill, and the ring is at the bottom in
a big grassy area. During the taking of entries, Diana
Allen presents to the National a prize to be awarded to
the Best of Breed dog that day. It was an oil painting
of Natl. GR CH/AKC/SKC CH Sierra’s Blockbuster
This year will be the first NAEDA National (Fall OR painted by her brother, Thomas Bell. It was beautiful,
Spring) that I have missed since that cold October and since Conan was out of Blockbuster, it was very
weekend in MN 6 years ago. I’ve missed birthdays, special to me. I went around telling everyone that I
baptisms, Fathers Day, Easter, Mothers Day, and would buy it for $400 from whomever won it. Entries
probably a whole slew of other family holidays but this closed and the show began. There were so many nice
time I was bound. My silly cousin decided out of the dogs entered, I really did not think we had a chance.
52 weekends of the year he’d get married on National
weekend. They even tried to have the wedding showed They called the Grand Champions into the ring, 20+ of
on my local clubs weekend but I told them they only them, and Judge Cole went to work. She released part
get to bump me out of one show a year. I will miss you of the class and asked us to wait. She judged the first
all dearly and know you will have a wonderful time. half, then released them, and called in the second half. Someone better have me on speed dial when the next She judged our group, and then called back the numbers
NGCH is crowned. in her cut. We had made the cut! I was thrilled. From
then on, Judge Cole had a difficult task. She moved
Heidi Halverson
some of us more than once and re-examined some on
the table. I was concerned as Conan was not really an
“up” dog. However, that day, there were a number of
exhibitors’ children that found it great fun to squeal and
roll down the hill. When they would do that all the
Corresponding Secretary
Writing about my most memorable National will be an dogs in the grooming area would howl. This was in the
easy one. It was in 1996 in Grey Summit, Missouri at days when no bait was allowed. I have always said that
Purina Farms hosted by the Indiana American Eskimo if it hadn’t been for those kids and the dogs howling,
Dog Association and judged by Karla Cole. Of course, I Conan would not have looked as good as he did. He
had been planning to go to the National all year. I knew strutted around that ring with his ears and tail up like
which dog I intended to take. As everyone knows, the he had never shown before. When Judge Cole pointed
National is in October. So, I go out to start getting the at us for National Grand, I was stunned. (I was also
dog ready. Well, about 10 days before the show and hyperventilating.)
right before entries close, he blows his coat! Now, keep
in mind, I had been planning to take this dog all year. I Then they called us back for Best of Breed. I must say
felt Karla would like him. It was my beloved Rambo, the Best of Winners Dog as well as the Champion were
my first homebred Grand Champion. Needless to say, stout competition, and I feared we would lose the oil
painting of Blockbuster. Conan continued to show his
he was going to have to stay at home.
heart out and we won Best of Breed.
So, I go back out and start looking at all of my dogs. Conan had been in the kennel for 10 months and hadn’t That oil painting hangs on the wall in my living room
been shown in a year. But, I thought, he looks better and is my most prized possession. Conan lived to be 16
than anything else I have. I brushed him out and bathed ½ years of age. I lost him in March of 2007. He was
him. He did not blow his coat. Yea! I have something my heart dog, and I still miss him terribly. His National
to enter at the National. I send in his pre-entry and Grand and Best of Breed trophies are in the middle of
commence to bathing him every week to get his coat my mantle, where they will remain forever.
Of all the shows I have attended since, and of all
the winning I have done with Conan’s children and
grandchildren, I do not believe that a day will ever
equal that one.
nerves (flying with my dog), and I do NOT fit in those
teeny tiny plane seats but, I know it will be worth every
penny, all the time spent, and my attempts to squish my
tush into seats made for a runway model. I hope you
can come and be part of these special memories. Of
This is the reason we all come to the National, for that course, winning wouldn’t break my heart :-).
all evasive National Grand. I may never win another,
and if I don’t so be it. No one can ever take that fall day FYI - After several permutations of submission dates
in October away from me and Natl. GR CH/AKC CH for this newsletter, I have decided the best solutions is
Sierra Chip Off The Block (CONAN).
to have all due dates the first day of the issue month.
This is easy to remember and gives me enough time to
I sincerely hope my story will inspire more of you to put it all together and get it mailed to the members in a
come to New York in the Fall. It is truly worth it! timely manner. The next due date is December 1st for
the Winter issue. Thanks for surviving the changing
Debbie Mitchell
dates and confusion.
Happy Reading!
Barbara Davidoff
Publicity Director
6107 139th Pl. SE
That’s dog FLIGHT not FIGHT! I have never flown Bellevue, WA 98006
with a dog and I am anxious about flying to this year’s
National. However, I’ve done my research, flown with
others who had dogs, and am prepared to commit
my baby to the bowels of that flying behemoth - Parliamentarian
ARGH! . Our Minnesota Northern Lights club has hosted two
nationals. Don’t hold me to the years, but I think it
My first National was four years ago in Seattle, put was 1995 and 2002. Our first show was planned for
on by our Washington club. Now THAT was quite an at least a full year in advance. The facility was easy
introduction to Nationals. I tried to be useful, even as we were able to use our regular show site; Twin
though I had no idea of what was going on. I met so Cities Obedience Testing Center in Minneapolis. It is a
many people, heard so many different tales, and saw so wonderful show site with plenty of room for grooming,
many wonderful dogs that my head was spinning.
but not enough electrical outlets (that’s normal, right)
and large and plentiful rings. Parking is OK too. We
Of course, I didn’t win a thing at my first National, but
had lots of dogs. My memory could be wrong but I
so many people came up to me and complimented me
think we had about forty class dogs, ten Champions, and
on my dog that I felt I had the next “World Famous
over twenty Grand Champions. The group I remember
Dog.” Obviously this didn’t happen (except in my
the most was the “Legends of the Ring”. I believe this
mind :-), but he has made me very happy with AKC and
was the very first time we had honored these wonderful
Canadian Championships as well as his UKC Grand
dogs. Most of them could still go out and kick some
Championship. I mention this only because I had such
butt too! This was the first time we had the privilege
a wonderful time at the 2005 National, that not winning
of seeing Diana Allen’s Sheena and Dick and Eileen
wasn’t even a part of the “fun” equation.
Kortemeier’s Vegas. Wow! What a treat. I think we
I couldn’t afford to fly across country the next year (more had seven legends. We also had a wonderful dinner
fool me) but last year’s National in Oregon, was equally banquet Minnesota style, spaghetti. I think everyone
enjoyable. Seeing old friends, meeting new dogs, and enjoyed it a lot. In the old days however we had some
being ostracized in the corner with my “in season” little pretty cantankerous General Membership meetings and
girl made for another set of great memories. I can that first national was no exception. I am not sure what
the issues were, but some people got pretty passionate.
hardly wait to see with the 2008 National will bring.
It’s expensive to fly across country, it will be hard on my
The next national we hosted kind of came up at the last
minute and was much more difficult, administratively.
We could not use TCOTC as it was already committed
for that weekend. We ended up getting another dog
training facility in Hugo, Minnesota about thirty miles
further away from the airport. It is always more difficult
to use a facility where you do not know the people
in charge, but it worked. We did not have as many
dogs for that show. But I do remember we had a very
successful auction. I think we doubled the amount that
had been raised previously. Additionally we had items
for an auction for our local club as well. The auctions
were successful but by time the auctions were finished
and it was time for the General Membership Meeting it
was very late. I think we ended up having the Board of
Directors meeting Sunday morning. We did not have a
banquet. People went out on their own to eat. didn’t go on the trip.
Three of us from the newly formed Northern Lights
club drove from MN to Memphis, arriving in the wee
hours of the morning and after becoming quite lost in
St. Louis. Mary (Wahl) Verness and Diane Racette were
my traveling companions. I believe Mary had Yeti or
Jep with her and Diane had Angel. I think they were
entered in Obedience only but I really cannot remember.
What I do remember is that the Obedience was held out
in the parking lot under a tent. Spike was in Novice
and he had a very attractive Golden Retriever next to
him who he just could not keep his eyes off of! During
the long sits Spike kept leaning as far over toward the
Golden as he could without breaking his sit and would
sniff longingly. The Golden totally ignored Spike. With about two seconds left in the long sit, Spike could
I really enjoy the Fall National Shows. It is wonderful take it no longer and got up to go “visit” the Golden.
opportunity to get together with eskie people from She never moved but of course he DQ’d. Bad Spike!
around the country. Like most eskie people we try and Spike’s other issue was the recall over the jump. He
put together that “perfect eskie” from various dogs and would come barreling toward the jump and at the last
boy do we have a lot of good puzzle pieces to work minute duck between the upright and the person on one
with. I also enjoy our business meetings and am really end or the other. I can still remember the judge laughing
pleased that the old cantankerous attitude of the past and commenting that white boys don’t jump apparently. has been replaced with positive meetings that deal with In conformation, Spike was Best Miniature Male Junior
issues and not personalities. As parliamentarian I really (I think) and got a beautiful trophy with an Eskie on top.
appreciate that. I also enjoy the opportunity to see the We still display Spike National trophy with our others.
fall colors and smells in the various parts of the country That first trophy is very, very special to us.
including Canada. It is good to see and hear what is
going on with UKC as well from the representative This trip to Memphis was my first long road trip to dog
they send every year. Contrary to what it may seem, shows. I can remember us eating Graham Crackers with
sometimes UKC really cares about our association Pineapple Cheese Spread (a treat I enjoyed yet again
and our relationship with it. They do work with us on just this past weekend!). We had a wonderful trip and
important matters.
were excited to be at our first national as officers of
our newly formed club. All three of us are still NAEDA
I think I could sum up everything about the Fall National members and Mary and Diane are still with the Northern
in the following statement. I would really miss it if I Lights club.
did not get to go the Fall National. I enjoy it and I think
you would as well. I look forward to meeting you in If you’ve not been to a National show you really don’t
New York.
know what you’ve missed! Seeing people and dogs
from all parts of the country is just an awe inspiring
Bob Brekke
weekend. So join us this October 18th and 19th in
Cortland, NY for a great get together! See ya there!
Sally Bedow
1978 School Rd.
Port Lavaca, TX 77979
The first NAEDA National I attended was in Memphis,
TN. At the time our family owned only two AE’s our
first two: Spike and Ginger, both miniatures. Spike was
entered in Obedience and in Conformation. Ginger
NAEDA 2008 National Weekend Event
October 18, 2008
Host: Fingerlakes American Eskimo Dog Assoc.
Date: October 18, 2008
Location: 4292 Fairgrounds Road, Cortland, NY
Facility: J.M. McDonald Sports Complex
Judge: Gene Reynolds
Chairperson: Debi Allen
Event Secretary: Sally Bedow
1978 School Road
Port Lavaca, TX 77979
(361) 655-8042
Directions from I-81 heading south or north:
* get off at exit 12turn right onto US-11 / NY-41 / NY-90
* after approx. 1 mile, turn right onto Carroll Street, the Sports Complex
will be on your right.
Directions from NY-281 heading north:
* turn right onto Fisher Avenue (approx. 2.9 miles after NY-13 and NY281 split at the A&W)
* take first right onto Fairground Road, the Sports Complex will be on
your left.
Directions from NY-281 heading south:
* turn left onto Fisher Avenue (approx. 1.2 miles after intersection with
* take first right onto Fairground Drive, the Sports Complex will be on
your left.
Day-of-Show - $25.00
Pre-Entry - $20.00 - October 11, 2008 deadline
Non-Licensed Class $8.00
JS - $10.00 if entered in regular class
Non-Licensed Events:
Novice Puppy, Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Brace, Special Exhibition (Parade of
Title Holders
Conformation DOS Entry Times: 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Conformation Judging Begins: 10:00 AM
A block of rooms has been created at the Comfort Inn in Cortland, NY
(607) 753-7721. Mention the DOG SHOW when making reservations:
$75.16 per night (includes a free cont. breakfast), $10 non-refundable pet
fee for the weekend. This hotel is less than 5 minutes from the show site.
Directions: right off Rte 81 at exit 11. Hotel is attached to Denny’s Restuarant.
Other Motels:
Quality Inn (607) 756-5622
Budget Inn (607) 753-3388
Days Inn (607) 753-7594
Ithaca Regional in Ithaca and Hancock International in Syracuse - Airport
Shuttle: N/A
Paved parking for over 200 vehicles.
Web-site available at Food available at the show site. National meeting at the show site. Grooming will be
available outside under tents.
Support your National....
Join us in New York for a great time full of
beautiful dogs and good friends.
Hosting Club: Fingerlakes AEDA
Friday - 10/17/08 & Sunday 10/19/08
Entry Information:
Pre-Entries and Day of Show Entries.
Pre-Entry deadline date October 4, 2008
Pre-Entry fee: $18
Day of Show fee: $25
Jr. show fee: $5
Novice puppy fee: $5
October 17, 2008 (Friday)
entries: 3PM-4:30PM
show time: 5PM
Judge: David Kittredge
Saturday - National Show
October 19, 2008 (Sunday show #1)
entries: 8AM - 8:30AM
show time: 9AM
Judge: Tina Camp
October 19, 2008 (Sunday show #2)
entries:8AM - 8:30AM
show time: 1/2 after completion of show #1
Judge: Joe Camp
Event Chairperson:
Carol Innerst
Event Secretary:
Renee O’Donnell
2497 Rockefeller Rd
Moravia, NY 13118
(315) 497-1682
Paved parking for over 200 vehicles.
Web-site available at
Food available at the show site.
National meeting at the show site.
Grooming will be available outside under tents.
Finger Lakes American Eskimo Dog Association
is hosting 3 shows in conjunction with the National.
Dates: October 17 & 19, 2008
Pre-Entry fee: $18
Pre-Entry deadline date October 4, 2008
Day of Show fee: $25, Jr. show fee: $5, Novice puppy fee: $5
October 17,2008 (Friday show)
entries: 3PM – 4:30PM
show time: 5PM
Judge: David Kittredge
JM McDonald Sports Complex
4292 Fairgrounds Road
Cortland, NY 13045 Event Secretary: Renee O’Donnell
2497 Rockefeller Rd
Moravia, NY 13118
(315) 497-1682
Event Chairperson: Carol Innerst
October 19, 2008 (Sunday show #1)
entries: 8AM - 8:30AM
show time: 9AM
Judge: Tina Camp
October 19, 2008 (Sunday show #2)
entries: 8AM - 8:30AM
show time: 1/2 after completion of show #1
Judge: Joe Camp
National weekend t-shirt order form
Sizes available S, M, L, XL, 2XL, & 3XL
Shirts are pre-order only & will be available for pick up at the National.
If you would like yours mailed to you, please add $5.00 for S&H.
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________
State: _________________________________
Zip: _______________________________
Phone #: _________________________________________________________________________
E-mail address: ____________________________________________________________________
Cost per shirt
Shipping cost is $5.00 for the first shirt and $1.00 for each additional shirt.
Sub-Total $
Shipping $
Please send check or money order and make payable to: Carol Innerst
2190 Dryden Road
Freeville, NY 13068 Please Email me to let me know how many you are ordering so we can get a preliminary count. 22
Total cost per size
How do you match perfection?
8. Schuyler County-Watkins Glen State Park is the most famous park in the region, with a reputation for leaving visitors spellbound.
Within two miles, the glen’s stream descends 400’ past 200’ cliffs, generating 19 waterfalls along its course. In 2005, the park was
named one of Reserve America’s top outdoor locations and one of the top 100 campgrounds nationwide.
9. Seneca County-Located in the heart of the region, nestled between Seneca and Cayuga
Lakes, Seneca County offers visitors over 27 wineries, with the western side of the Cayuga Wine Trail and part of the eastern side of the Seneca Wine Trail in its midst. Highlights include Knapp Winery & Restaurant and Wagner Vineyards, Microbrewery and the
Ginny Lee Restaurant.
AKC CH/UKC CH “PR” Besota Snow Falling
On Fuji
Owner: Heidi Halverson
Breeder: Sally Bedow
BISS Am/Can CH/UKC GR CH “PR” KortMar’s Sparkling Diamond
Owner: Sandy Ray
Breeder: Richard Kortemier & Rachelle Kortemier
10. Steuben County-The world renowned
Corning Museum of Glassoffers a unique
opportunity to explore glass from all angles
through hot glassmaking demonstrations,
make your own glass experiences, handson glass technology exhibits, and the
world’s largest collection of contemporary
and historical glass. The Museum is open
daily 9AM –
5PM, closed major holidays, and youth 17
and under free.
11. Tioga County-Tioga Downs Harness
Racetrack & Video Lottery Gaming is a
new state-of-the-art facility that brings a unique brand of fun and excitement to the
region’s southern tier. With fast paced harness racing, the thrills of video gaming, simulcast
racing, a sports bar, lounge and a great buffet restaurant; this destination is rivaled
by none in the area. Open daily 10AM - 2AM.
12. Tompkins County-Robert H. Treman State Park is an area of wild beauty, with
the rugged gorge called Enfield Glen as its scenic highlight. Winding trails follow the
gorge past 12 waterfalls, including the 115-foot Lucifer Falls, to where visitors can
see a mile-and-a-half down the wooded gorge as it winds its way to the lower park.
Campers can choose from tent or RV sites or cabins. Enjoy nine miles of hiking
trails, or swim in a stream-fed pool where you can sit beneath a waterfall. Come dive
right in!
13.Wayne County-Situated on a bluff overlooking the majestic waters of Lake Ontario is
the Sodus Bay Lighthouse Museum and gift shop. Interesting displays sweep you to a
different era where coal and lumber were king, and commercial fishing and shipbuilding
were a way of life. Climb the spiral staircase that leads to the Lens Room at the top of
the lighthouse tower. From this vantage point 70’ above the lake, the view is spectacular!
14.Yates County-The Windmill Farm & Craft Market has been a huge draw for over 20
years with over 200 vendors and craftsmen housed in multiple buildings, a street of
shops, and an open-air market surrounded by flower gardens and picnic areas. In addition
to fresh produce, shoppers will find crafts, antiques, collectibles, leather goods,
quilts, clothing, shoes, jewelry, furniture, Amish and Mennonite goods, international cuisine,
wine and even chiropractic care!
Ask’s Bnsai by Fugi
Major pointed
Owner: Sherry Ask
Breeder: Heidi Halverson
Optigen Clear
Early winter breeding.
Fuji American Eskimos
Heidi Halverson
Chanhassan, Minnesota
BIMBS Ch/Gr Ch Fuji’s Crown of RaHeru
Owner: Jerry & Marianne Schmidt/ Heidi
Breeder: Heidi Halverson
Optigen Clear
Repeat It!
Ch/Gr Ch Fuji’s After Burner CGC RN
Owner: Randy & Ruth Johnson
Breeder: Heidi Halverson
Optigen Clear
OFA Excellent
Ch/Gr Ch Captivating Cora by Fuji
Owner: Bob & Karen Brekke
Breeder: Heidi Halverson
Optigen Clear
Magnificent Mona!
BIMBS AKC Ch./UKC Gr. CH. Cir-B Miracles Nutn Dirty Goin On
Optigen A
Photo by Sandra Wingert
Photo by Sandra Wingert
This little girl has
made my dreams
come true!
Thank you Jacquie
Brothers and Jane
Woods for trusting
me with this
wonderful young
Miracle Eskimos
Carol & Amanda Innerst
Freeville, NY 13068
-Rescued Eskie Adopted-
he former “Q-Tip”, a mini eskie male found
wandering Phoenix streets after a violent rainstorm in May, has found a home with an adoptive family in Sedona, Arizona.
- How To Enjoy A National Do You NEED A Dog?
Q-tip was formally surrendered to AAEA representatives Terry and Nancy Glenn on Friday evening,
August 22, the same day that a vet visit pronounced
him to be healthy and heartworm free. AAEA club
members Vada Binick, Laura Krause, and Lisa Shelton had found three prospective adoptive families
for Q-tip. The first of these, Sedona residents Don
and Karen Denison, visited the Glenns on Saturday,
loved Q-tip, and took him home with them. Karen
Denison wrote AAEA members on Sunday to say
that Q-tip had been renamed “Cricket” and that he
was “heaven sent…he is safe and secure with us.”
Thanks to all the people who helped Cricket’s (Qtip’s) story have a happy ending! Trophies - Of course you have to win to get one, but
that makes them all the more desired. For this one - you
need a dog!
Phoenix resident Traci Kodet, mom of four small
children, had spied the forlorn little Eskie, coat
matted, wandering her neighborhood looking for
shelter from the rain. She took him into her home,
then to a groomer, who shaved Q-tip (hence the
name) because he was so matted there was no
other humane choice. Q-tip was wearing a leather collar without tags, and the groomer could not
find a microchip. Over the next few months, Traci
searched on the internet, advertised in local newspapers, and plastered posters around the neighborhood where Q-tip was found. All to no avail. However, Traci’s internet searches had turned up
a contact with the Arizona American Eskimo Association. Traci emailed the club secretary, who
canvassed club members to see who could do a
home visit to evaluate the dog. Terry and Nancy
Glenn stepped forward. The couple visited Q-tip,
and pronounced him to be mellow and loving, a
miniature, compatible with children, dogs, and
humans. Terry and Nancy offered to foster the
dog until a home could be found.
Q-tip was the Arizona club’s first formal foray into eskie rescue and no one was quite sure how to proceed. Club members agreed that a vet visit was the appropriate next step, and voted to use club funds to pay initial
vet expenses. The AAEA secretary then contacted
Kim Galloway, NAEDA rescue, who offered guidance. Kim, in turn, contacted NAEDA Treasurer
Sally Bedow, who said NAEDA rescue funds could
be tapped if necessary for treatment of any health
Of course, any dog show is much more fun if you have
a dog entered in the competion, but if your perfect dog
isn’t ready or isn’t even born yet, you can still enjoy a
National Dog Show.
Registration - Once you get there you can look forward to a few free-bee’s. NAEDA give-aways are always lots of fun. All about the dog!
Dog Shows - Not only the National, but three other
From Last Year’s Winner......
chances to show off your dog to a panel of expert judgThe National is a melting pot of people, dogs, and
es. No dog? Your chance to sit back and make your
ideas. I would always tell anyone that has the opporown selection.
tunity to attend a National show that it is an experience
you won’t soon forget! I have a special memory from
Meeting People - Your chance to put names to faces
every National I have attended.
and faces to names - also you can decide you are aging
much better than your competitors :-) No dog? No I always find the trips exciting. I get to see dogs ‘in
potty walks!
person’ that are ‘legends’, or, I get to see the up-andcoming new stars of the breed that I have only heard
Meeting Dogs - Looking for that perfect mate (for your about. Periodically we also get to see the dogs that
dog)? At the National you will see dogs from all over. have made an incredible impact on the breed through
This is your chance to see what is going on in other their offspring.
parts of the country. No dog? No poop to scoop!
Nationals are also the place to meet people. Old friends
from all over North America come together for a once a
Dinner & Auction - Now THIS is fun! Not only do
year visit. For me I think the people are as important as
you get to enjoy a delicious meal but you get to spend
the dogs! I get to catch-up on who is doing what, and
your well earned money on absolutely fantastic goodsometimes it redirects me in ways I hadn’t thought of
ies. The auction is a major fundraiser for the NAEDA
and well worth attending. Lots of laughs and lots of
FUN. No dog? By this time you will wish you had National shows also give me the opportunity to combrought you dog, because you miss him/her - but you pare what I am doing with what others are doing. Most
are having a wonderful time and will have lots of tails of us see only a handful of dogs, or possibly only our
to tell him/her! (yes, pun intended)
own dogs, in any given year. Getting a broader view of
the breed can certainly keep us from becoming ‘kennel
Come Join Us!
REMINDER: if you have a something you can contribute to the auction, save room in your baggage and
see if you can bring the ONE that brings in the most
money! (from banana bread to oil paintings)
The only guaranteed way not to do well at a National
is don’t go and don’t enter your dog. Every now and
then you might even get the surprise of a lifetime. Ask
me about the 2007 National!
~Doug Hamilton and Ness
National American Eskimo Dog Association
Trophy Sponsorship List
2008 National Show
Best Of Breed – Hamilton American Eskimos
Grand Champion – Hamilton American Eskimos
Champions – Nancy & Ernest Basham
Best of Winners – Karen Scholz
Best Male – Barbara Davidoff
Best Female – Barbara Davidoff
Best Miniature Male - $20.00
Best Standard Male - $20.00
Best Miniature Female - $20.00
Best Standard Female - $20.00
Best Miniature Male Puppy – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Best Miniature Male Junior – $15.00
Best Miniature Male Senior – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Best Miniature Male Adult – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Best Miniature Male Breeder Handler – $15.00
Best Standard Male Puppy – Diane Cowles
Best Standard Male Junior – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Best Standard Male Senior – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Best Standard Male Adult – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Best Standard Male Breeder Handler - $15.00
Best Miniature Female Puppy – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Best Miniature Female Junior – $15.00
Best Miniature Female Senior – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Best Miniature Female Adult – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Best Miniature Female Breeder Handler – $15.00
Best Standard Female Puppy – Diane Cowles
Best Standard Female Junior – $15.00
Best Standard Female Senior – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Best Standard Female Adult – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Best Standard Female Breeder Handler – Eleanor Main
Best Junior Showmanship - $25.00
Best Junior Showmanship Pee Wee – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Best Junior Showmanship Sub-Novice – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Best Junior Showmanship Junior Novice – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Best Junior Showmanship Junior Open - $15.00
Best Junior Showmanship Senior Novice – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Best Junior Showmanship Senior Open – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Best Stud Dog – $20.00
Best Brood Bitch – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Best Brace - $20.00
Best Novice Puppy – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Best Female Novice Puppy – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Best Male Novice Puppy – Remaining trophy, no sponsorship required
Legends of The Ring Medallions - $ 5.00 each
Trophies must be paid for at the time of sponsorship.