the circle of giving - University of Windsor


the circle of giving - University of Windsor
University of Windsor Alumni Magazine
2013-14 Annual Giving Program
Fall 2014
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No purchase necessary. Contest open to Canadian residents who
are the age of majority in their province or territory of residence
as of the contest start date. Approximate value of each prize is
$1,000 Canadian. Chances of winning depend on the number of
valid entries received by the contest deadline. Contest closes
Thursday, November 27, 2014, at 11:59 p.m. ET. Only one entry
per person accepted. Skill testing question required.
Chris Hope: A Labour of Love
Mia Sisic: A Focus on War-Time Rape
Dr. Roman Maev: Painting a
High-Tech Picture
2013-14 Annual Giving Program
UWINDSOR AUTHORS Alistair MacLeod: 1936 - 2014
A Novelist In No Hurry
view . fall 2014
Jennifer Ammoscato
Paul Green
Patti Lauzon
Jennifer Ammoscato, Michael Bates,
Claudio D’Andrea, Stephen Fields,
Margalit Fox, Kevin Johnson,
Elisa Mitton, Alan Wildeman
Stephen Fields, Tory James, Kevin Johnson
VIEW is published two times per year
by Public Affairs and Communications,
University of Windsor.
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view . fall 2014
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dear viewer
This September, as the campus fills with first-time and returning students, our focus is—as
always—to make this year as valuable as possible for each and every one of them.
There are countless stories of student achievements over the decades and, with each new
year, we look forward to celebrating more. In this issue of VIEW, you will read some examples
of ways our students and graduates are making a difference in the world. Our alumni and
friends of the University of Windsor contribute to this in many ways. Success begins with
desire, talent and hard work, and is enabled by dedicated faculty and staff. But its fulfilment
often is realized only because of the support of others.
For that reason, we shine a light in this issue on the University of Windsor’s Annual Giving
Program (AGP). Through the participation of students who call donors during the AGP fall
phonathon, the contributions of on-campus donors, and the many donors, far and wide, who
believe in the University, success becomes a collective endeavor and a shared pride. To all of
you, we offer a sincere “thank you”.
The AGP provides funding for scholarships and bursaries, innovation in classrooms, and
discovery in laboratories. Across all of our faculties, you can find examples of how this
program makes a critical difference. Many of you reading this issue of VIEW have yourselves
been the beneficiary of its support, and may have a story to share of how it enabled you to
reach your own goals.
There is much happening across campus in support of student success. I encourage you to
stay connected with us, visit when you can, and share your thoughts. As we continue to shape
the university experience to be one that prepares students for a lifetime, you might be the
reason students are inspired to broaden their horizon.
Dr. Alan Wildeman
President and Vice-Chancellor
view . fall 2014
Chris Hope
Chris Hope stood in front of a group of
high school students in Osaka, Japan,
last February, and tried to impress upon
them a valuable life lesson: learn as much
as you can about your family history before it’s
too late.
The UWindsor MBA ’09 graduate spoke
from his own experience of connecting
with his family’s past and the resulting 2012
documentary, “Hatsumi: One Grandmother’s
Journey Through the Japanese Canadian
It’s a compelling and intensively personal
story about his grandmother Nancy Hatsumi
Okura’s memories of the internment of the
Japanese in Canada during World War II.
In the film, Hope travels with his
grandmother, who died in 2013, back to
Telegraph Cove, B.C., and the ‘Okura House,’
built by her husband, Ken, who was separated from Nancy when he
was sent to work in the road camps of Alberta at that time.
The two also made a sojourn to Japan to visit her brother,
Tadao Hashimoto. During the internment, he’d gone blind and been
“repatriated” to Japan by the Canadian government after the war after
cutting off his medical treatment.
The documentary brings such stories to life through the testimony
of his grandmother and other witnesses, photos, his grandparents’
diaries, and family home movies.
In addition to telling the story of his own family, the documentary
also includes archival footage that recounts how 23,000 B.C. residents
living along the coastline were given only hours’ notice to pack their
bags and be taken to a “resettlement centre”. Considered a threat
after the bombing of Pearl Harbour, their property was seized by the
government and then either sold or left to rot.
By the time the documentary was released to coincide with the
70th anniversary of the Japanese-Canadian internment, Hope had
invested 12 years and considerable finances into the project.
The film has garnered praise and the attention of Academy Awardnominated filmmakers Atom Egoyan and Deepa Mehta as well as Giller
Prize-winning author Vincent Lam.
Opposite: Alumnus Chris Hope with his grandmother Nancy Hatsumi Okura
It also caught the eye of the Japanese
high school teacher, who would later offer to
translate the film into his language and invite
Hope to talk to his students.
The students lit up when Hope spoke, he
says, and later confided to their teacher that
they had gone home afterward to ask their
families about their own experiences.
“The kids were absolutely shocked because
the grandparents had never really engaged
them before,” says Hope. “And, suddenly, the
grandparents had come back with pre-war
photos that [the kids] never knew existed
because the Japanese post-war history is really
marked by shi kata ga nai”.
That Japanese philosophy translates to
mean “it can’t be helped” and represents the
culture’s reserve in the face of adversity. This
also served as the documentary’s theme.
The talk at the high school was covered by Japan’s main news
service and seen by millions, says Hope, who was in the country on a
leadership program sponsored by the Japanese government. “I never in
a million years could have pictured myself in the early days here in Japan
and having my experience resonate with a bunch of high school students
from halfway around the world,” he says. “That was absolutely amazing.”
He was well into the process of gathering material and filming his
grandmother when he began his studies at the University of Windsor.
A business lawyer at Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP in Toronto, he had
previously worked as a producer at the CBC, Cookie Jar Entertainment
and Alliance Films Inc.
When he’s not busy working at Cassels Brock where he focuses on
entertainment, intellectual property and media law, Hope’s latest film
project is working as a producer on a documentary about a group of
widely heard but largely unknown studio musicians, The Wrecking Crew.
They recorded from the 1950s to the ’70s and had more number
one hits than any other group in history, playing the music on records
by artists like Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole and groups like the
Beach Boys, Simon and Garfunkel and The Monkees.
Meanwhile, there’s his day job. “My primary focus in life is to be the
best copyright and entertainment lawyer that I can be.” n
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Mia Sisic
Mia Sisic may have to journey to some very dark places in
“I went to a pre-screening of the film and met with some of the
the months ahead, but she can still see the light off in the
people who worked on it,” she said. “They think they can connect me
with women who were raped during the war.”
A graduate student in applied social psychology, Sisic’s PhD
Sisic expects the work to be busy and time-consuming, but she’s
research is focused on coping strategies used by women who have
clearly used to balancing a heavy load. Besides her own research,
been raped during times of war.
she’s a program facilitator for the sexual assault resistance education
“I focus on the things that people might not find too uplifting,
program, a series of workshops for women that teaches the best
but they still need to be addressed,” says Sisic, who earned both her
methods for defending themselves against sexual assault attempts
undergraduate and master’s degrees at UWindsor. “There hasn’t been
by men they know. She is also a research assistant on a project that
a lot of psychological research conducted on war rape. There’s been
is evaluating the Bystander Initiative, a unique program that teaches
a lot on peace-time rape. And, of the research that has been done on
participants how to effectively intervene and prevent sexual assaults
war-time rape, little of it focuses on women’s actual experiences.”
before they happen.
Sisic grew up in a small town in what was still Yugoslavia in the
In addition, Sisic co-ordinates the psychology department’s
early 1990s during a bitter war that would
research participant pool, a collection of about
eventually divide her home country along
1,500 undergrads in psychology and business
ethnic and religious lines. She’ll soon return to
who earn extra marks for participating in
Bosnia and Herzegovina to interview women
research projects.
who were raped during that war. While she
And, if all that’s not enough, she’s also
expects she’ll hear abhorrently sordid details,
president and a member of the negotiating
her work will centre on what helped those
team for CUPE 4580, the union that represents
NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES” graduate and teaching assistants. She’s
victims survive.
“I want to focus on women’s resilience
the departmental representative on the
rather than on the negative consequences,”
Graduate Student Society, and president of
she says, adding that her dissertation will also
the University of Windsor Community Action
incorporate some existing research literature on the psychology of
Group, which leads fundraising drives for community organizations
well-being. “I think it will be hard, but it will be more rewarding than if
like the Hiatus House women’s shelter, The Windsor Youth Centre and
I had just talked about the negative consequences.”
Pathway to Potential, an anti-poverty initiative.
There are no reliable statistics for war-time rape, but it’s estimated
One might naturally wonder how she manages to keep so many
that anywhere between 20,000 to 50,000 women were raped during
balls in the air at once, but Sisic says she’s made good progress with all
the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. With the help of a $2,500 grant
of her schoolwork.
from the Windsor chapter of the Canadian Federation of University
And if there’s one common denominator among all of her efforts,
Women, Sisic plans to make at least one trip to Sarajevo to interview
it’s her sense of social justice and a genuine desire to help as much as
15 Bosnian Serb, Bosnian Croat and Bosnian Muslim women.
she possibly can to make the world a better place.
She anticipates some of those participants will be women who
“I don’t want these problems to exist,” she says. “I want to see a
were the subject of “I Came to Testify”, a PBS documentary narrated
time in my life when we don’t need to do this kind of work anymore.
by Matt Damon that was one of a five-part series called “Women, War
I don’t know if it’s possible to make all of the changes I want, but
& Peace”. The film focuses on a group of 16 women imprisoned and
certainly we can get to a place where things are better for most people,
repeatedly raped by Serb-led forces in the Bosnian town of Foca.
rather than just a few.” n
Opposite: Mia Sisic has a strong sense of social justice.
view . fall 2014
Dr. Roman Maev
Walk into the Louvre, take a flash photo of the Mona Lisa
and, chances are, you’ll be promptly escorted out by some
rather unhappy security guards. Besides obvious copyright
and security concerns, museum curators take a dim view of light
from flashbulbs hitting the priceless art works for which they’re
So Roman Maev and Dmitry Gavrilov PhD ’14 weren’t surprised
when their suggestion to blast paintings with an intense pulse
of light as part of a method to determine their condition and
authenticity was met with some initial resistance.
“They thought we were crazy,” admits Dr. Maev, University
of Windsor physicist and director of the Institute for Diagnostic
Imaging Research.
Thermography, however, is gradually being embraced as a
method of both authenticating works of art and helping curators
better understand what’s required to preserve them. Maev and
Gavrilov are paving the way for its acceptance.
A method of non-destructive evaluation, thermography can be
used to analyze the properties, structure and condition of a painting
by studying its temperature dynamics. In various other forms, it’s
used for everything from medical diagnostic imaging to thermal
mapping for detecting heat loss in buildings.
For Maev and Gavrilov’s purposes, it involves sending a rapid
pulse of light with an optical flash that slightly raises the surface
temperature of their subject. A thermal camera takes a series of
snapshots, capturing the temperature at each interval. The pattern
of how the surface cools reveals what’s underneath.
The process can detect defects, various weave patterns in
canvas, and, in some cases, reveal alterations that may have been
made to a painting over time.
Besides better understanding levels of degradation, it may also
Opposite: Roman Maev and Dmitry Gavrilov pose with their thermographic
analysis equipment at the Institute for Diagnostic Imaging Research.
help experts to reveal forgeries, a $6-billion per year trade, according
to the FBI. In fact, it’s the third most lucrative crime in the world after
drug trafficking and the illegal weapons trade, says Maev.
Naturally, museum curators expressed apprehension when told
how the process works. But in fact, exposure may be hundreds of
times less than the regular light that a painting is exposed to during
the course of a day, according to an article they recently published
in the “Canadian Journal of Physics”.
“Touching the painting with your finger actually raises the
temperature of the painting more than this process does,” says
So far, the researchers have employed the process at the
Fitzwilliam Museum at the University of Cambridge and in Moscow
at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts.
In Cambridge, they analyzed a series of seven paintings
called Triumph of the Eucharist by P.P. Rubens. Their goal was to
determine whether the individual panels were painted on separate
wood plates or if they were painted on one large panel that was
cut into pieces after the fact. Their analysis revealed that three of
the panels had similar wood grain structure, while other panels had
entirely different wood grain.
The team journeyed to the National Gallery of London to work
on a collaborative international Rembrandt project this past summer.
Thermography, however, isn’t the only high-tech process used
by the team, which also includes Darryl Almond, a professor at the
University of Bath. Infrared imaging, spectroscopy, UV fluorescence
analysis and acoustic microscopy are among the other innovative
techniques used to conduct pre-restoration analysis of works of art.
“It’s breakthrough technology,” says Maev. “As physicists, this is
fascinating for us.” n
view . fall 2014
Near-record cold temperatures couldn’t stop the
University of Windsor from breaking ground on its
Welcome Centre, now under construction at the corner
of Wyandotte and Patricia streets.
The UWindsor Board of Governors approved a
$5-million project to close Sunset and Fanchette
streets at its meeting Tuesday, June 24.
The implementation of stage one of the Campus
Master Plan includes:
• Creation of a cul-de-sac on Sunset Avenue at the north
end of Chrysler Hall, accommodating areas for both
turnaround and drop-off;
• Closure of Fanchette Street to vehicular traffic west of
California Avenue;
• Removal of asphalt surfaces from parking lots K, W and
L and their replacement with clean gravel—landscaping
for these areas is envisioned in the next stage of work;
• Removing sidewalks along Sunset Avenue south of
Fanchette and replacing them with green space and
seating areas.
The University hopes to complete the project by the
end of 2014.
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Another UWindsor improvement is underway
Despite a dusting of snow, the Amico construction
crew traced the building’s distinctive serpentine outline on
the ground and dignitaries and guests gathered for a quick
ceremony to mark the occasion.
The 18,000-square-foot, $8.4-million building is slated
to open in summer 2015, and will house the offices of
Student Admissions and Recruitment, Alumni Affairs and
Donor Communications, the University Campaign, Public
Affairs and Communications, and Alumni and Donor
Staff representing each of these areas took up
locations inside the building’s footprint for a unique
overhead video shot by film professor Min Bae from an
aerial drone hovering above the site.
Find more information about the Welcome Centre,
including architectural renderings of the unique ribbonshaped, white glass, enclosure, on the project website:
The University of Windsor has purchased the
Tunnel Bar-B-Q (TBQ) site as an alternative location
for the arts programs originally planned for the Bus
Depot property.
The Tunnel Bar-B-Q site is located directly to the east
of the Armouries building, and both properties will become
the new home for the University’s School of Creative
Arts. The Bus Depot site will be a part of the University’s
downtown campus as originally planned, with the intent to
eventually repurpose the existing building for other support
Dr. Alan Wildeman, president and vice-chancellor, says,
“We are pleased to secure an ideal footprint in Windsor’s
downtown core with the purchase of the Tunnel Bar-B-Q
property. The new building on this site will house studio
space to complement the programming in the Armouries
to the west. We were unable to pursue new construction on
the Bus Depot site considering various unique construction
challenges caused by its location over the Detroit-Windsor
Tunnel. The TBQ property has enjoyed a very high profile
in the region as the home of the landmark restaurant at the
entry point to Canada from the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel.
We see great benefit of this location for the profile of the
University of Windsor and for the exciting work of our
creative artists.”
The generous dimensions of the TBQ site will
accommodate the two diverse needs of the program, which
can be categorized into clean and controlled space for the
Multi-Media and Film Production studios, versus rugged
and creative space for the Making Fabrication Labs for
metal work, printmaking and sculptural activities.
Craig Goodman, principal at CS&P Architects Inc., says
that the site will be developed as two distinct buildings,
each harbouring the vital architectural components and
acoustic treatments specific to the program, and stitched
together by a third element as a shared and transparently
inviting student lounge space visually connected to
Freedom Way.
The three building components will be arranged around
a working outdoor arts courtyard that will allow student
activities to flow seamlessly between the inside and outside.
“This is another exciting announcement by the
University of Windsor and again reinforces their
commitment to contribute to the vibrancy of downtown,”
said Mayor Eddie Francis LLB ’02. “I am pleased that the
University will still find a use for the former bus depot and
is adding yet another dynamic to this creative corridor.
We look forward to welcoming students and faculty to their
new home in the fall of 2016.”
The University purchased the TBQ property for
$4 million and the new building will cost an estimated
$8.5 million. Funding for this project will come from the
University’s existing bond proceeds and fundraising.
Construction of both the Armouries and the TBQ site
will begin this year and be built in tandem, with an opening
set for the fall of 2016.
In recognition of the finalization of the estate of
Murray O’Neil, the University of Windsor has announced
that its medical education building, home to the Windsor
Program of the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry,
will be named the Dr. Murray O’Neil Medical Education
In addition, the Dr. Murray O’Neil Scholarship will
be created to benefit students from the Windsor-Essex
community admitted to the Windsor Program.
“This is an exceptional gift to the University of
Windsor,” said president Alan Wildeman. “Dr. Murray
O’Neil was a highly respected physician known across
the community. He understood the importance of having
medical education in this part of the province, and it is
truly an honour to have his name become a part of the
future of the University and of medical education and care
in Windsor-Essex.”
view . fall 2014
UWindsor chancellor Ed Lumley
BComm ’61 was one of 86
appointments to the Order of
Canada announced in June by Gov.
Gen. David Johnston.
Lumley will be invested as a
member of the order—one of the
country’s highest civilian honours—at
a ceremony to be held later this year.
The honour recognizes outstanding
achievement, dedication to the
community and service to the nation,
in Lumley’s case, most notably his tenure as federal
industry minister.
Also named a member of the order
was former UWindsor faculty member
Ramona Lumpkin. Now president of
Mount Saint Vincent University,
Dr. Lumpkin served as UWindsor dean
of continuing education from 1992
to 1997.
John de Chastelain, a senior advisor
to the University’s Jerusalem Old
City Initiative and former chief of the
Canadian Defence Staff, was named a
companion of the order. Among other
honourees were film director David Cronenberg, astronaut
Chris Hadfield and satirist Rick Mercer.
Support for the Three Minute Thesis competition is a
small investment with a big payoff, say organizers.
A boost in base funding of $7,700 per year allowed
the University of Windsor to host the annual research
communication event, one of 13 projects to receive monies
this year from the Strategic Priority Fund (SPF).
The competition requires graduate students to describe
their research and its significance to a lay audience in three
minutes. The University of Windsor has participated for the
past two years—MHK candidate Yasina Somani qualified for
the 2014 national finals.
Alison Samson, director of graduate academic services,
says the program provides valuable experience for students:
“The format of the three-minute presentations helps the
contestants learn to communicate the importance of their
work and make it intelligible to the public.”
She says the new funding will cover costs like prize monies,
marketing expenses, a reception for participants, and the travel
costs of UWindsor champions to the provincial finals.
Other projects that received SPF funding in this round
• An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Effective
Technical Communications Skills
- Establishment of a
humanities-engineering interdisciplinary teaching cohort for
the first-year technical communications course;
• Certification Program in Pedagogy for Online Learning
- Design and development of a Certificate Program in the
pedagogy for online learning;
• Establishing the Infrastructure for Effective Online Student
Evaluation of Teaching - Establishment of online student
evaluations of teaching;
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• Graduate Student Conference Travel Support and
Professional Socialization
- Financial support for graduate
students seeking to participate in professional conferences
and exhibitions;
• Institutionalizing the Bystander Initiative to Mitigate Sexual
Assault on Campus
- A two-year Bystander Initiative
position to solidify and magnify the benefits of the
University’s existing sexual assault prevention education;
• Lancer Support and Mentoring Scheme
- Appointment of a
part-time Lancer Support Co-ordinator;
• Master of Engineering Technology - Development of
Canada’s first master’s program in engineering technology;
• Poverty and Social Policy Externship Pilot Program
- A
partnership between Windsor Law and Pathway to Potential,
a collaborative anti-poverty network;
• Ancillary Academic Staff Position – Forensic Sciences - A
limited-term appointment in Forensic Sciences;
• Supporting the Academic Writing Needs of Students This grant will support the continuation of student writing
support programs through the Academic Writing Desk;
• Tools for Experiential Learning in Physiology and
Neuroscience - Investment in equipment critical to
laboratory neuroscience courses; and
• UWindsor Science Academy
- Establishment of an
annual one-week, intensive science academic program for
secondary school students.
The Strategic Priority Fund, allocated by the Office of the
Provost, supports projects that enhance UWindsor operations
to meet its strategic objectives. Learn more on its website,
Funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada allows UWindsor
researchers to pursue their lines of inquiry, says the recipient
of a $210,000 Discovery Grant announced in June.
Aaron Fisk BSc ’91, MSc ’95, a professor in the Great Lakes
Institute for Environmental Research and Canada Research
Chair in Trophic Ecology, also received a further $110,000 for a
shallow draft boat to conduct work near to shore.
“This funding will allow my research team to study
the mechanisms and processes that shape the aquatic
ecosystems of the Great Lakes and Arctic,” he said.
“Ultimately this research will contribute to protecting
the valuable ecosystem services they provide, ensuring
Canadians continue to enjoy and benefit from our vast
aquatic resources.”
Dr. Fisk’s award was part of $3.5 million for UWindsor
researchers announced on campus by Ed Holder, Minister of
state for science and technology.
Those funds include Discovery Grants, Discovery
Accelerator Supplements, Alexander Graham Bell Canada
Graduate Scholarships, Postgraduate Scholarships and
Postdoctoral Fellowships.
“Our government is providing the right kind of help to
push the frontiers of knowledge in science and engineering
and ensure Canada’s leadership for years to come,” Holder
said. “In so doing, we are developing, attracting and
retaining the world’s most talented researchers who carry
out the scientific research that creates jobs and prosperity
and improves the quality of life of Canadians.”
UWindsor president Alan Wildeman extended
congratulations to all the University’s research grant
Professor Aaron Fisk and Ed Holder, Minister of state for science
and technology, look over work by student Alex Weidl in Dr. Fisk’s
research lab.Weidl is shown calibrating the mass spectrometer used
here to determine the nitrogen and carbon stable isotope ratios in
organic material (most commonly fish tissues).
“Research and the knowledge it inspires are vital to
understanding the world around us and to uncovering ideas
and innovations that address matters related to health, the
environment, sustainability and more. I thank NSERC for its
ongoing support.”
The University of Windsor hosted more than 450
delegates from across the country at the CanadaWide Science Fair that took place May 9-16, 2014 under a
national spotlight.
Top young scientists from across Canada lived on
campus during the week, and enjoyed the opportunity to
exhibit their projects.
The fair highlights included free public viewing of the
projects followed by opening ceremonies, all in the St.
Denis fieldhouse.
While on campus, delegates participated in UWindsorsponsored science activities on May 12 as part of Campus
Science Investigation Discovery Day. Participants chose
from topics ranging from cancer research, physics,
mathematics, chemistry, engineering, and water research
and had a hands-on opportunity to see the type of work
actually taking place in UWindsor labs.
The Canada-Wide Science Fair takes place every
May in a different Canadian city. Youth Science Canadaaffiliated regional science fairs apply to host the fair up to
four years in advance.
view . fall 2014
You needn’t look any further than Canada’s national
pastime to see how innovation can dramatically change a
game, according to Gary Goodyear.
“Hockey sticks used to be made of wood,” noted the
Minister of State (Federal Economic Development Agency for
Southern Ontario), who was on campus to kick off the 47th
annual International Academy for Production Engineering
Conference on Manufacturing Systems at the Ed Lumley
Centre for Engineering Innovation.
Minister of State Gary Goodyear kicked off the 47th annual
International Academy for Production Engineering Conference on
Manufacturing Systems, held in late April on campus.
“They didn’t provide the flexibility that players demanded,”
Goodyear said of the old wooden sticks. “Now they use
composite sticks, which are much lighter, provide better
control, and the velocity of the puck is approaching levels that
are astonishing and downright frightful.”
He noted that the evolution of the stick is a good example
of how manufacturers are always looking for innovative ways
to improve their products. “Manufacturers have to evolve
and adapt in order to survive in a rapidly changing, global,
knowledge-based economy.”
Expanding the metaphor, Goodyear said that events like
the manufacturing systems conference brings together the
right players—academia, industry and government—to protect
Canada’s manufacturing sector.
“The University of Windsor is a perfect example of the
excellent institutions we have in Canada,” he said. “Working as
a team, we can all work together to translate knowledge into
products, and do it efficiently.”
More than 200 engineers and industry representatives
from 21 countries attended the conference. Immediately
following, the campus hosted the sixth annual conference
on Industrial Product-Service Systems, with more than 100
manufacturing researchers and industry leaders from Canada
and worldwide in attendance.
If there is one thing she hoped her students will take
away from the Let’s Talk Science Challenge, said Lakeview
Montessori School teacher Sarah Troup BSc ’04, BEd ”07, it was
that an open mind is essential to mastering any subject.
“We’re always trying to teach students that creativity goes
hand-in-hand with science,” she said May 2 at the conclusion
of UWindsor’s first hosting of the event. A team of her
students—one of 20 from six local elementary schools—won
a gold medal for combining knowledge of science with the
ability to apply that learning in a hands-on design challenge.
Organizer Michelle Bondy, co-ordinator of outreach
programs for the Faculty of Science, said the event was a huge
success. “The kids were very excited to be doing science all
day. Next year will be bigger and better.”
She said the event would not have been possible without
the work of volunteer UWindsor science students who ran
challenges, judged the results, and kept the day organized.
Matthew McGregor, a Grade 8 student at Kingsville’s
St. Jean de Brebeuf Catholic Elementary School, said the
activities were entertaining and educational. “I learned today
that soap is hydrophobic!” he said, sporting a lab coat labelled,
“Lil Einstein.”
view . fall 2014
Let’s Talk Science Challenge emphasizes fast thinking,
competition and teamwork, encouraging young competitors
to view science, technology, engineering and math as fun and
practical choices for their future studies.
Carter Mastronardi, Maddie Borland, Matthew McGregor
and Sami Lambier of Kingsville’s St. Jean de Brebeuf Catholic
Elementary School don their scientific garb. The team won an
award as most-spirited participants during the Let’s Talk Science
2013-14 Annual Giving Program
Participating in the University of
Windsor’s campaign phonathon
has given Malak Nigma a sense
of accomplishment.
A business student who will
graduate this fall, she had experience as a telemarketer before she
joined the Annual Giving Campaign team in her first year at the
“It was a little challenging at first,” says Nigma, pictured above.
“You have to build a connection in a very short time.”
However, she soon found she enjoyed the job. “It’s a huge reward
when someone donates. It makes you feel like you’re making a
A recipient of scholarships and bursaries herself, she has seen firsthand the benefits conferred by donors. “University is very costly, from
textbooks to tuition. When you are able to receive support to help with
these expenses, it is so important. Not having to stress about money
frees you to do better in your studies.”
For that reason, Nigma says that she was happy to join fellow
students in calling alumni and other supporters during the phonathon.
“It’s all about making someone feel valued. I always believed that
letting them know they are making a difference is a huge thing.”
She had many conversations with graduates from the Odette School
of Business. “They’re so excited to speak to current students. They like
to share where their education has taken them.”
It has given her a broad view of career paths open to her, as well
as insight into University operations. “The calling campaign has such
an impact on the campus experience. Seeing how
much people enjoy donating reminds you that it’s
a circle—you see people give back and you want
to do it once you’ve started your own career.”
The annual phonathon does more than
fuel giving, says Patti Lauzon, director of alumni and donor
communications. “Reaching out to our graduates is key to our success
as an institution on so many levels. The student callers have a chance
to learn about what our grads are up to, and the alumni always
appreciate an opportunity to speak with current students.”
Lauzon says that regular contact with graduates all over the world
is an important way to sustain a sense of community through the
entire alumni family. “The Lancer experience doesn’t end when you
graduate. We’re so proud of our alumni, most especially those who
stay connected to let us know about the impact they are making in
their professions and in their communities.
“And, of course, we appreciate those who support the school,
whether it’s by mentoring a student, turning out at an alumni reunion,
donating to a scholarship fund, or just displaying their pride in their
alma mater.”
Development officer Mona Dosen has set a goal of raising
$500,000 in this year’s phonathon, which will run from September
through November.
“Our team is looking forward to speaking with UWindsor graduates,
following on the heels of our 50th anniversary celebrations,” Dosen says.
“I hope that everyone lucky enough to get a call from our students
enjoys sharing some memories of their experience here on campus.”
view . fall 2014
The investment opportunities offered through the Annual Giving Program (AGP) are endless...
Scholarship support, strongly promoted by the AGP program,
helps to motivate, encourage and reward talented students.
AGP donations allow libraries to become centres for teaching, learning
and research contributing to the creation and transfer of knowledge.
view . fall 2014
AGP donations inspire professors and student researchers to develop a
revolutionary theory by providing funds for research equipment and lab
AGP contributions from UWindsor faculty and staff enrich the overall
student experience while rejuvenating campus green space through
donations of plants and trees to acknowledge their philanthropy.
2013-14 Annual Giving Program
AGP donations expanded the state-of-the-art, cutting-edge Clinical Learning
Centre, a place where Year One nursing students learn advanced skills
and engage in reality based scenarios using life-like mannequins and
standardized patients.
AGP donations support University Players through degree programs
that offer an intense curriculum incorporating acting, production
training and theoretical knowledge while nurturing the artist and
educator in each individual.
Through the use of market simulations and live data feeds the Odette
Financial Markets Lab, which receives AGP support, enables students to
bridge the gap between the theory taught in the classroom and the practices
of the real business world.
Annual Giving helps to preserve our Lancers’ proud history and current
achievements by maintaining and improving athletic facilities, adding new
equipment and offering Blue and Gold scholarships that enhance studentathlete development on the court/field and in the classroom.
view . fall 2014
The investment opportunities offered through the Annual Giving Program (AGP) are endless...
• Support scholarships and bursaries
nable students to present their research at national conferences
• Support student participation in competitions
• Enrich student development programs
und financial market labs and experiential learning opportunities
llow the Leddy Library to keep pace with the need for online digital
resources (digital journals and digital images of rare books and archival
elp equip and upgrade nursing, computer and science labs
• Bring prominent guest lecturers to campus
nhance resources and equipment needs for student-athletes
• Fund important alternative energy research
• And much more!
1. NEW! Interac on-line payments: You can now use your debit card
to make a donation when you use our on-line donation form.
2. Credit Card: VISA, MasterCard, American Express
3. Personal cheque made payable to the University of Windsor
4. Cash: Visit us on the third floor of Essex Hall, Room 336
5. Payroll deduction for UWindsor employees
6. Monthly pension deduction for UWindsor retirees
Estate of Eleanor Catherine
$100,000 - $499,999
Estate of Geraldine Fay
$50,000 - $99,999
Pamela A. Jones and Kory
The Estate of Louis Odette
Richard A. Peddie
$20,000 - $49,999
Bernarda C. Camello-Doctor
Nicholas Krayacich and
Jennifer Jones
James and Elisabeth Kanasy
Harold and Merle Nudelman
John W. Spellman
$10,000 - $24,999
Anne Forrest
Michael G. and Margaret
Ed and Pat Lumley
Linda L. Molnar
Ernest Paliy
Graham and Carol Reader
Estate of Ernest Waddell
Alan Wildeman and Debra
$5,000 - $9,999
Stephen and Vicki Adams
Gary and Sandra Beecroft
Louise A. Brown
Camille Cameron
David S. Cooke
Gordon W. and Mary Louise
E. Peter and Terry Farmer
Vincent E. and Trevor Georgie
George and Kimberly King
Helen E. Moore
Michael and Margaret
Patrick A. Palmer
Fred and Lisa Quenneville
John and Pam Rodzik
Harry and Sol Sigal
Gid and Liliana Sovran
Maryhelen M. M. Tso and
Tzy-Ping Lin
Bruce Tucker and Christina
Nancy E. Wright
Maria Zorzitto
$2,500 - $4,999
John Bitove
Benjamin Bordoff
John and Norma
Carole Curtis
Raffaele and Anne Marie
Cyril and Risa Drabinsky
Bruce and Nancy Elman
Dennis Fairall
Robert G. Gaspar
Leo Groarke
Mina Grossman Ianni
James G. Marsh
George and Brenda Marshall
Jorge D. and Joan HurstMarzetti
Gregory Monforton
Michael and Mitzi Pohanka
Harold Remark
Robert and Betty Sellars
Charlene Y. Senn
Ken G. Ternoey
Roger and Audrey Thibert
Gary M. Travis
Rosemary A. Venne
Sheila Wright
William and Jean Wright
Lucia Yiu
$1,000 - $2,499
Susan A. Adam-Metzler and
Kurt Adam
G. Brent Angell
Sandra and Tony Aversa
Vincent C. and Patricia H.
Michael C. Bates
view . fall 2014
William E. Baylis
Norbert Becker
Marion Bernath
Niharendu Biswas
Helena M. Borges
Jane Boyd
William J. Braithwaite
Paige Brodie
Brian E. Brown and Adele
Andrew and Elaine Buckstein
Darrell E. Burns
Angela G. Capannelli-Bates
and Mark Bates
Richard and Wendy Caron
Jan Ciborowski and Lynda
Anna Clark
David M. Cohn
Warren L. Creates
Joan T. Dalton
Thecla Damianakis
Justin W. de Vries
Paul V. DeMarco
Paul L. Diloreto
Mike Drouillard
Robert I. Duddy
Donna-Marie Eansor
Janice L. Elder
Helen Ellis-Govette and
Stephen J. Govette
Omar A. El-Zein
Anthony N. Ezeife
Patricia Fagan
Mary Margaret Fox
Leona Fracas
John B. Friedrichsen and
Tracy L. Cooper
James S. Gauthier
Sander Grieve
Michael J. Griffin
Drew S. Gunsolus
Robert O. Gutwein
Philip R. Haddad
Mary Jo Haddad
Brian and Wilma Hannon
John and Carol Harcarufka
David A. Harris and Maria
John Purcell and Kathy
Kai Hildebrandt and
Myron Hlynka
Margery J. Holman
Michael C. Houston
Gary G. Howell
Andrew James
Kevin Johnson and Martina
Edward King
Thomas and Jan Knowlton
Robert E. Krivoshein
Marvin H. Kurz
Erika Kustra
Lisa S. Labute
Rita and Claudo LaCivita
Diane Landry
William C. Lawrence
Jaimie M. Loaring and Hugh
J. MacIsaac
Alistair and Anita MacLeod
Rowland Collinge Marshall
Kevin E. McCullough
Michael J. McKeever
Marg McKillop
David A. and Vicki L. McLean
Martin Morf
Jerome Morse and Catherine
John R. Mountain
Mary Jo and Brian Nolan
Ross Paul and Jane E.
Joseph and Katherine
Steven and Shari Radovich
B. L. Rapley
Daniel I. Reisler
Christine A. Riley
Steven Rogin
Bobby H. Sachdeva
Nikolay B. Samartsev
Michael J. Scime
Michael J. Shalhoub
Maher Sid-Ahmed
Lois Smedick
Sherrianne Smith
Marty and Manuela Solcz
Daniel and Jacqueline
John Stout
David L. Strelchuk
Edwin K L Tam
Murray and Anna Temple
Cheryl D. Thomas
Chantal Vallee
Peter D. Vankessel
Roy Verstraete
Santokh Virdy
Ronald H. Wagenberg
Lionel R. Walsh
Gina Wassaerlein
J. Brooke and Steven White
Betty F. Wilkinson
Larry Wilson
Estate of Winnifred Jean
Anne and Clare
Alan Wright and MarieJeanne Monette
Martin Wunder
Chet Wydrzynski
$500 - $999
Brian and Penny Allen
Dana Allen
Peter J. Arpin
J. Alan Aucoin
Reem Bahdi
Vladimir and Audrey Bajic
Marianne E. Barrie
Tom Bass
Robert N. and Claudia
Shirley Beecroft
Yvonne A. Bennett
Dawn Benson
Kathryn Bernard
John and Eleanor Birch
Claire Blackwell
Dean Blain
Giuseppe and Teo Bonasso
Craig J. Bondy
Pierre J. Boulos
Randy Bowers
Julie Brandt
F. Wayne and Purita Bristow
Lisa M. Brush
Fiona M. Bryden
Denis Burns
Brian S. Buttrey
Mark and Vicki Chauvin
Wing-Keung Cheung
John and Nadine Condon
Allan Conway
David L. Corbett
Jamie and Tim Crawley
Noel N. Da Silva
Christine De Santis
Joseph and Kimberly
Veronica Didoszak
Ronald L. Droste and Marie
L. Durocher
Jeanette Ducharme
Richard A. Dumala
Vincent Duronio
Melissa A. East Aspila
Gwendolyn Ebbett
John F. and Mary A. Ellis
Mary E. Ewasyshyn
David Fisher
Ronald G. Fisher
Simone R. Fisher
William and Anna Fisher
Jack Freeman and Maxine
Quinlan Freeman
Laurie Freeman-Gibb
Scott D. Gibson
Anna M. Godo
Patrick and Arlene Goggins
Aubrey A. Goldstein
Daniel Green
Stanley Grossman
Beverley Hamilton
Dennis and Judy-Lynn
Mike Havey
Andrew J. Heal
George Helleis
Glenna Hemphill
Harry R. Hendry
Elizabeth Heneghan
Francine A. Herlehy
Sherrill L. Hext
Ava M. Hillier
Irene and George Hodgson
Lucas and Erin Hodgson
Joanne and Terry Hoelke
Maxine A. Holder-Franklin
Elizabeth Smythe Hoyle
2013-14 Annual Giving Program
Peter Hrastovec
John and Corneila Huschilt
Cindy M. Hutnik
Judy Inch
Linda and Max Ingram
Orville F. James
Nancy K. Jammu-Taylor
Kaye Johnson
Margaret and Ralph Johnson
Robert J. Kardas
Bala Kathiresan
Linda J. Kennedy
Mohammed Khalid
Fred P. Khoury
Andrew Kiss and Heather A.
Frederick W. and BeverlyMae Knight
Gary and Jane Komar
Marlys Koschinsky
Nestor and Catharine
Heather Krohn
Kathryn D. Lafreniere
Maurice G. LaMarre
Apollonia Lang Steele
Brian G. Laragh
Roger C. and Elia Lauzon
Douglas W. Lee
Josh and Kim Leeman
Victoria E. Lehman
Mel S. Leiderman
Charles W. Leonhardt
Gerald and Barbara Levine
Ruben and Cecile Lim
Jack Logan
George R. MacDonald
Colin S. and Cathryn E.
Franco and Jelena Magliaro
Donald G. Malcolm
Timothy Mann
Marg McCaffrey Piche
Moira McCarney
Gerry McPhail
Ronald Melvin
Linda Menard-Watt
Alan and Heather Metcalfe
John R. Meyer
Wendy L. Miller
Denis and Martha Moher
Jim and Dianne Moore
Mary and Richard Moriarty
Greg F. Mosey
Rita Mueller
Michael E. Murphy
Bulent Mutus
Ernest W. Ng
Elizabeth A. Oakley
Maurice O’Callaghan
Michael P. O’Dea
Sandro L. Orlando
Robert R. Orr
David and Alonna Palmer
Victoria Paraschak
Nancy L. Parker
Leslie A. Parking
Alan R. Parnell
Bill Pearson Jr.
Marie T. Perlstein-Rock
Kathy and Mark Pfaff
Lorna Pominville
John and Marga Pomponio
Curtis Pope
Heather Pratt
Thomas J. Puskas
Vivien Ray-Mailloux
John A. Renaud
Aiden and Marilyn Renouf
Stephen C. Roberts
Dexter Robinson
Jacqueline A. Robson
Nancy Ross
Katherine Roth and Maurice
Hendrika Ruger
Angela and Michael
Mehrdad Saif
Geri Salinitri
Kaila Seguin
Janice K. Selemba
Vince Siciliano
Judith Ohlmann
Jonathan Sinasac
Jan S. Sneep
Margaret Sneep
Martin and Karrie-Beth
Stan Soteros
Jerry Sovran
Mary Spencer
Andrea Steen
Voy T. and Boguslawa
Jim Stevens
Lorna (Lorie) Stolarchuk
John Sutcliffe
Keith and Barbara Taylor
Richard Taylor
Lynn Teahan
Nelly Tedesco
Helen and Donald Thomson
Nick Torchetti
Evelyn and Raymond
Brian and Cynthia Trudell
Caroline Ursulak and JonCarlos Tsilfidis
Ed Upenieks
Jennifer L. Valente
Gilles Vallee
Jack and Cathy Van Kessel
Terry Vida
Laura Voltic
Sid and Belle Walman
Holly and Robert Ward
Jim and Sherri Weese
Arthur and Madelyn
Robert Weir
David R. Wills
Winston Yee
John and Mary Yuan
Colleen Zubyck
$250 - $499
Joseph Abramson
Elizabeth C. Abson
Barry D. Adam
Dan and Monique Aitken
John and Maria Ansems
Donald E. Arpin
David A. Avard
Amy Bakos
Patricia Balkwill
Pearce Bannon
Betty Barrett
Diane L. Beattie
Daniella A. Beaulieu-Scarano
and Luciano Scarano
Paul E. Begin
Joseph and Anita Berecz
Eva Bernachi
Jeff Berryman
Joseph Berthiaume
Barbara Biggar and Richard
Mansell and Anita Blair
Sally Blyth
Paul Boin
John and Debbie Boots
John W. Bower
Bill Boyce
Deborah J. Brooks
Alexandra K. Brown
Terence P. Brown
David and Anna Maria
Don and Monika Bruner
John Burnes
Peter R. Burrell
Howard Burshtein
Christopher R. Busch and
Christopher Hickman
David and Wendy Bussey
David J. and Valerie Butcher
Mary Louise Byrne
John and Marilyn Callahan
Sheila Cameron
Anthony A. Campagna
John F. Cappucci
Jeramie C. Carbonaro
Lucile Caron
John and Ted Carron
Gregg T. Carter
Barbara J. Caruso
Joseph Casey
D. Rosemary Cassano
Danny A. and Rita Castellan
Jeff Chestnut
Leah Chestnut
Rodney W. Child
Timothy R. Child
Pamela J. Chittim
Marcela Ciampa
Joseph and Mary Ann Cimer
John T. Clark
Andrew Coates
William Arthur Collins
John R. Conway
James H. Cooke
Penny Craig
Mark Crestohl
Cathy A. Crowley
Patrick J. Curtis
Philip C. Daniel
James Dawson
Deborah Dayus
Alicia T. De Souza
Tyrone Deacon
Michael P. Deans Sr.
Gina Delicata
Jackie Denko
Arnold and Joyce Denton
Dan and Brenda Devin
Dino DiGiuseppe
Richard and Marilyn Dinham
Jess Dixon
Milan and Mona Dosen
Howard S. Douglas
Janice Drakich
Andrew J. Drouillard
Diane Dupuis
Edward J. Dydo
Kim and Ron Dymond
Jane E. Evenson
William E. Everitt
Christie Ezeife
Janice and Tony Facecchia
J. Fairley
Mark and Fedela Falkner
Jean Fancsy
George D. and Diane T.
Elizabeth S. Felet
Janet D. Finlay-Clark
Michael and Sarrah Fisher
Michelle Fitzgerald
Gerard D. Fitzhenry
Kevin Flood
Thomas E. Foster
David S. Foulds
Douglas and Randi Fox
Robert and Bonnie E. Fraser
Bruce J. Frazer
Gregory W. Frederick
David E. Fulcher
Michael Galego
Ron Gaudet
Gordon F. Gauthier
Amanda and Mitch Gellman
Michael Gibala
John and Joanne Gibbs
Larry A. Glassford
Jill Grant
John M. Gray
Kerry Gray and Family
Peter F. Guthrie
Yunis E. Haddad
Frederick F. Hafner
Alan Hall
Stacey Haliday
Jodi Hansen
M. Heather Hartley
Michael and Nancy
Thomas and Margaret Hayes
Craig E. Hebert
Ryan J. Henderson
Paul D. Herage
J. Michael Hickey
Ed Hiutin
Richard and Mona May
Susan Holbrook
John W. Huggins and Cynthia
Anne Hull
David Hull
Ian M. Hull
C. Idler
Rena Isenberg
Sushil and Christine Jain
Godfrey J. Janisse
Tina Jewer
Jennifer and George
Purna Kaloni
Betsy R. Kane
Maria and Mike Kelly
David and Anna-Maria Kirby
David M. Kiss
Lawrence J. Klein
Ken Kreiger
Jean H. Kroes
Jane Ku
Gerda Kugler and Ned Janjic
Andrew and Nancy Kuntz
Michael Lanoue
Frances Lasorda
Patricia Lauzon and Mark
Mark D. Leach
Larry and Helen LeDuc
Kimberly A. Leschyna
Susan C. Lester
Eva Lewis
Carol B. Libby
Jerry and Andrea Longmuir
Martin F. Lowman
Mary Kaye and Dale Lucier
Brett Lumley
Drew R. Macaulay
J. Farquhar MacDonald
Peter A. MacGregor
Craig D. MacKay
Linda A. Makuch
Susan Malcolm
Rachelle Marchand
Richard J. Marcotte
Lori Marzinotto-Spyropoulos
and Vassili Sypropoulos
Anthony and Kristina
Michael Mayer
Theresa Mayer
Brian M. Mazer and Candice
L. Schachter
Leo A. McArthur
Kathleen McCrone
Bruce R. and Mathilde
James McGinlay
Sandra McKay
Susan A. McKee
Virginia McRae
Paul and Mary Meanwell
Karl G. Melinz
Wilbur T. Miller
Win V. Miller
Kim L. Moore
John W. Morden
A. Sandy Morgan
Michael Mugan
Terry Mulligan
Beverly A. Mullins
Rita Mullins
Vincent and Connie Mullins
Melinda Munro
Brian R. Mutterback
Gino M. Naccarato
Marcy Namespetra
Masoud Negad and Jeannine
Bob Newman
Jim Nicell
Barbara Niewitecka
Clarence Nixon Jr.
Paul D. Ocheje
Edward R. Orsini
Kathryn Page
Cheryl and Carmen Paglione
Michael Palanacki
Julie M. Pallot
Siyaram Pandey
Stephanie A. Parent
Lawrence T. Patrick
Linda and Larry Patrick
Pavlovic Family
Vlad and Noelle Pavlovic
Arla Peters
Lilianna Z. and David W.
Michelle C. Pilutti
Trevor Pittman
Lucian Pop
Barbara A. Priest
Gary Provenzano
Janet C. Prudham
Tina Pugliese
Camille L. Quenneville
Janis E. Radford
Leela C. Ramaswamy
Diane Rawlings
Arlene Reaume
John A. Regier
Lucas Reindler
Mary-Ann and Tom Rennie
David Riddick
John Riddle
Frank Ries
Anthony Rizzetto
Mary E. Robb
Michael T. Robert
Sadiki J. Robertson
Karen Roland
Max B. Rubin
David J. Ruch
Peter A. Rudakas
Ron Runstedler
Timothy Samson
John H. Sarnovsky
Zora Savic
Kevin M. Scott
Terry Sefton
Rajesh Seth
Raymond L. Shaw
Patricia and Daniel Shepley
George and Margaret Short
Nancy M. Siew
Katherine and Adam Simon
Dave Smith
Kevin and Marilyn Smith
Trevor K. Smith
Eugene E. Somerville
Margaret Soteros
Denise L. Spadotto
Clifford W. Spencer
Joe and Nancy Stasko
John M. Susko
Cheryl Taggart
David Tanovich
Brian Taylor
Tham T M Jackie
Carolyn Thorne
Steve Thorne
Michael and Susan Tilka
Anastasia Timakis
George Tinnes
Robin Toffolo and Michael
Marium C. Tolson-Murtty
Carla Tonucci
C. Tortorice
Remi Tosti and Kelly Remi
Rhys Wyn Trenhaile
Mark A. Trudell
Sandy Tyndale
Harold P. Unroth
Christopher O. Uwagboe
Kimberly D. Van Allen
George and Lucy Vasic
Helen Vasilic
Mary Verbeek
Drew Verdam
Donna and John Virban
Chau L. Voo
Candice A. Wakulich
Marie M. Walker
Lynne Watts
Gary F. Wegener
Gary J. Weir
Gary Westfall
Juanita WestmorelandTraore
Teresa B. Whiteside
David S. Whitfield
Joanne Wills
Jan E. Wojcik
Gerri L. Wong
Gregory A. Wood
Lloyd and Debra Wright
Adam A. Wydrzynski
Charlene M. and Shawn E.
Lauren Yee and Jerry Tan
Mr. Martha B. Young
Danilo and Margaret Zannier
Bernice Zub
Thomas G. Zuber
$100 - $249
Emily Abbott
John A. Abbott
Ioana Aboumitri
Mark and Kelly-Lynn
Patricia Adams
Valerie Adamson
Raymond Adkin
Richard A. Adler
Edward Agnew
Jeffrey Aguiar
Majid Ahmadi
Charles G. and Pat Ainslie
Robert Aitkens
Robert C. Ajersch
Kenneth Alexander
Philip H. Alexander
Constantine Alexiou
Jerry Alexis
Heather B. Allan
Katherine and Craig Allan
Paul Allen
Pat A. and Antonia Allevato
Rich Allin
Bill and Sylvia M. Allison
D. Miller Alloway Jr.
Christina Allsop
Mohammed Amin
Bernard P. Amlin
Leslie A. Amlin
Hugh Anderson
Bill Anderson
John L. Anderson
David Andrews
Dawn P. Andrews
Mary-Ann-Kate Andrews
Peter and Shirley Antaya
Shawn R. Archer
Vera I. Arkell
Louise Armstrong
Muhammad Arshad
Jonathon M. Artale
Wesley G. Arthur
Juhachi Asai
Ian A. Aseltine
Brent and Kelly Ashby
Geoffrey W. Astles
Natalie Atkin
Michael J. Atkins
Dennis B. Atkinson
Joanne Atkinson
Paul M. Atras
William M. P. Attridge
Siu-Hung A. and Anita Au
Kenneth C. Bahen
Heather Bailey
Raymond O. Bailey
Shelley L. Balanko
Linda L. Balazs
Michael D. Balo
Avik U. Banerjee
Keith and Karen Bannon
Maria D. Bannon Turvey
Paula C. Barata
Pamela J. Barnett
view . fall 2014
2013-14 Annual Giving Program
C. Fred Barth
Tanya Basok
Claude L. Bastien
Maunzer Batal
Carmela and Doriano Battisti
Susan Baxter
Jonathon Bayley
William T. Bealor
Duane and Marcia Bear
Robert W. Beattie
Barb Beaulieu
Robert Becigneul
Wendy Bedard
Barbara L. Bedford
Randy and Katherine
Mark R. Belanger
Robert G. Belanger
John R. Belleghem
Larry F. Bellis
Diletta Bello and Jeff Casey
Sandra M. Belvedere
Mrs. Louis Bendo
Winfred G. Benedict
Theresa M. Beneteau
Ivan and Susan Benko
Ruth M. Bentley
Steven and Allison Berecz
George Bernik
Mary L. Berry
Silvano and Mary Bertoni
Mohan Bethur
Lewis Bevan
Patricia A. Bezaire
Sanjive K. Bhatia
Noel Bhumgara
Sally Bick
Fred Birnbaum
Michael E. Biro
Frank J. Bisson
John V. Blonde
Alan and Margo Blostein
Cole A. Bloxam
Mary J. Bodfish
Donald L. Bojin
Stephen C. Bolton
Tamsin Bolton
Peter and Marj Bond
Salvadore and Yvonne Bondi
Denis Bondy
Jane and Bill Bondy
Douglas and Marjorie Bondy
Paulette M. Bondy
Rosaire Bondy
Paul G. Bone
Bruce Pickering and Diana
Dean Boose
Matthew W. Borowiec
Susan Bortolin
Elizabeth J. Bower
Helen W. Bowie
Beverley J. Boyes
Donna J. Boyle
Beverley A. and George
Douglas and Jean Branch
James D. Bricker.
Robert and Margaret Britton
John Brkljacic
Jennifer and Mark
Anne-Marie and Kearns M.
Ann and Andy Broderick
James J. Broderick
Thomas E. Broderick
Marten H. Brodsky
David S. Brombal
Doug N. Brombal
Robert J. Brooks
Barbara E. Brown
Dianne R. Brown
Iris E. Brown
Jalynn R. Brown
John and Helen Brown
M. Douglas Brown
Patricia A. Brunelle
Susanne and Dwayne Brunet
Tim and Ann Marie Brunet
Joel G. Brush
Howard F. Buchan
Roy and Joyce Bull
Christopher S. Bumbacco
Gerald W. Bunce
Bob Burge
Charles and Jean Burge
Peter L. Burgher
Ralph Burke
Carly and Mathew Burkhart
John Burkhart
Carol and Terri Burney
Brian Burnie
Michael D. Burt
Dennis Buset
John and Leslie Busser
Jordan L. Butcher
Donald B. Butler
Murray Butler
Julia and John Byrne
Joseph M. Calabrese
Cathy Callaghan
John F. Callaghan
Danila Calsavara
Nancy J. Camack
Susan M. Campeau
Jacqueline T. Campigotto
Lorraine Cantin
Ronald F. and Madelaine
Gioia and Leonardo Caro
Bob Carr
Cristovao Carreira
Hugh J. Carroll
Diana and James Carter
Patricia Carter (Hunt)
Joseph W. Carty
Laurie Carty
Chris P. Cashin
Peter and Maeve Catomeris
Kelley Cavanagh
Robert and Denise Cecile
Samuel and Karen Ceman
Nino Cervini
K. Tyler Chadwick
Judy M. Chaif Simko
Frank and Katherine Chan
Mary Lou Chapman
Theresa Charbonneau
Robert Charney
Prad M. and Gale M.
Ernest J. Chauvin
Thomas J. Cheslea
Robert and Marian Chesnik
Kin Ping Vincent Cheung
Bruce H. Chick
Mary T. Chick
Khalil E. Chidiac
Patrick D. Childerhose
Yoon and Jennifer Chin
Spyros Chionos
Eddi Chittaro
See-Tho William Chng
Dennis Choptiany
Alan K. Chun
Greg Chung-Yan
Brian Churchmack
Irene Chyz
Jayne Cichon
Hardy and Linda Cigler
Larry and Kathy Citrullo
Brian Ciuciura
Christopher J. Clark
Heather J. Clark
Joseph E. Clark
John E. Clifford
Lora Colautti
Wilfred J. Collacott
Mary Collinson
Sharon L. Colman
Timothy Connor
E. Anne Conway
Evan A. Cooke
Edwin A. Cope
John Cormack
Joan and Robert Cornwall
Trudy Cornwell
Steve A. Coroza
John and Sylvia Costella
view . fall 2014
William J. Cotnam
David Cotter
Timothy and Marie Coughlin
C. Bruce Cowen
Raymond A. Cox
Brenda L. Coxon
James Coyle
Ethel Crew
Ken P. Crich
Anne S. Cropley
William L Crosby
George and Donna Crowell
Barry M. Cullen
Dubravko Culumovic
Lisa Cunningham
Raymond J. Curran
James D. Currie
Darryl and Yvonne Currie
Anthony E. Cusinato
Sharon and Joseph Czikk
Denis DaDalt
JoAn Dale
Patricia M. Dale
Robert A. Dalley
Susan J. Dalton
Eleni Damianiakis
Paul V. and Rita D’Amico
Vera A. Danculovic
Diane F. Daniels
Chris D’Annunzio
Hilda F. Davenport
William R. Davie
Adam Davies
Milton A. Davis
Shavonne N. Davis
Margaret A. Davison
Jo-Ann M. Dawe
Anne Dawson
Elizabeth Dawson
Julie G. Dawson
Joseph R. De Angelis
David A. C. De Piero
Peter S. Desimio
Kim T. Deane
Remo Del Col
Lynn D. DeLaBarre
Michael M. DelGobbo
D. Jeffrey and Anne Dello
F. LeRoy Delmore
Thomas DeMarco
Annette L. Demers
Bradley D. Deneau
Paul T. Dertinger
Martin W. Desjardine
Doris Desmarais
John Noel Desmarais
Reta Holmes-Desmarais
Luigi A. and Elena DiFazio
Mario C. and Mary Di Salle
Anne Di Tomasso
Joseph Dibatista
Ronald A. DiMenna
Aldo Dinardo
Santino DiPasquale
Edward A. Dixon
Mildred Dmowski
Sharron L. Docherty
Michael Doi
Marian Doll
Anne K. Donald
Joseph M. Donohue
Gerald and Rosemary Doran
James M. Douglas
Richard J. Douglass-Chin
Kenneth Francis Downes
Timothy E. Doyle
Ed Drouillard
John R. Dryden
Mary A. Dryden
Anne Dube
Paul J. Dubois
Catherine Duboisson
Dale F. Dudley
Elizabeth C. Dufour
Michael J. Dufresne
Barbara Dugal
Sherry Dugal-Nevin
Doreen Dulmage
Ronald and M. Anne
Gary S. Dunlop
Robert and Shirley Dunlop
Brian R. and Denise Dunn
Connie and T. D. Duong
Leon and Rhonda Dupuis
Dwayne E. Durocher
Joseph L. Durocher
Dennis C. and Susan H. Dutry
Philip Dutton and Lisa
Joyce H. Eaton
Dan Edelstein
Terry Edgar
Darl L. Edwards
Sarah E. Edwards
Mary R. Eidukas
Jacqueline Eisenberg
David and Lisa Ekblad
Fred Eldridge
David and Barbara Ellis
Robert and Elizabeth Ellis
Lawrence L. Emmert
Francis R. Engli
Susan and Abe Epp
Antonietta R. Esposito
G. Scott Essery
Mervin C. and Marilyn Essery
Brian D. Etherington
Brian Evans
Joe Evans
Mavin and Tina Ewing
Rose A. Faddoul
Christopher M. Fader
Gerald Fairlie
Mark and Kelly Fathers
Dorothy M. Faulkner
Natasha Feghali
Cathy and Craig Ferry
John Finnigan
Shannon E. Fisher
Evelyn L. Fitzgerald
Paul F. Fixter
Dianna G. Flannery
Karen A. Fleming
R.W. Flewelling
Nancy J. Flickinger
Alan C. and Frances Flint
John and Nancy Foglia
John J. Fontaine
Scott Forbes
Michael A. Forcier
Flavio and Assunta Forest
Janice E. Forsyth
David J. Fortin
Elizabeth Fowler
Susan Fox
Theresa E Francis
Lisa M. Fransen
Gerald and Bettie Fraser
Julian Fraser
Michelle and Stephen
Patrick S. Freeman
Kathryn M. Frerichs
Paul A. Friedl
Daniel and Nancy Friesen
Maureen and John Friest
Michael C. Frost
S.C. Fung
Judy E. Funkenhauser
John and Marie Guthrie
Felice Gabriele
Ronald P. Gagel
Pierre and Janis Gagne
Rodney A. Gagnon
Margaret A. Garabon
James Gaskin
Amanda E. Gaw
Dennis T. Gazarek
George Gekas
Tina Gelinas
Philip Gennis
Paul and Suzanne George
Philip and Wendy M. Gerhart
Maria Giampuzzi
Keith O. Gibbons
Frank Giblin
John Giffen
Dennis G. Gignac
Gerald A. Gignac
John and Mary Gilbride
Peter G. Gillen
D. Blaise Gillis
Jared and Laura Ginter
Joseph C. Giorgi
Gerry Girard
Kerri and Franco Girimonte
Danielle Giroux
Wallace Givens
Patricia S. Gladwish
Deborah Glatter
Jeremie R. Gobbo
Kyle W. Goettl
Esther Goldstein
Lorretta (Lorrie) Goos
Marie Gorman
Krystyna G. Gorzelska
Elizabeth Gowanlock
Izzy Grafstein
Gerald R. Graham
Phil Graniero
Linda L. Grant
Leon A. Gray
Leroy L. Gray
Thomas J. Grayson
Jason and Renee Grech
Janet Green
Brook Greenberg
David A. Greig
James L. Gretes
John R. Greven
Brigid and George Grode
Antonietta A. Guidolin
Nadia A. Hachem
Dawn and Chris Hadre
Andrew M. Hahn
Michael Hajdinjak
Rebecca L. Halko
Craig R. Hall
Mildred B. Hall
Bill Hallett
George C. Hammerschmidt
Gregory W. Hanaka
Laura and David Handsor
Forrest C. Bud Hansen
Jens Hanson
Michael Harber
Madeleine Harden
Jaynelle Harding
Andrew and Joyce Harkness
Frances J. and Ralph Harper
Robert W. Harrison
Drew Harvie
Mehedi Hasan
William J. Hassett
Cliffie R. Hasson
Elizabeth B. Haugh
Wilhelm (Bill) Haust
Jeanne D. Hays
Daniel J. Hebert
Denise M. Hebert
Paul D. Hebert
Victor J. Hebert
Doris B. Hellenbart
Donna I. Henderson
Harry E. and Kathleen
Terry Henry
Nick Herberholz
Alan E. Herron
Douglas R. Hertz
John and Linda Higgins
James Higginson
Donna J. Hiller
William and Denise Hines
David Hitchcock
David and Lynn Hoath
Brian Hodgson
Sharon Hoffman
Jim and Karey Hogan
Michael F. Hogan
Richard and Kelly Hogan
Simon Hoggett
Kenneth P. Holk
Don P. Hollerhead
Gary Hong
Sophia Honickman
Kenneth Hood
Ralph and Elizabeth Horne
Sean Horton
Murray B. Howard
Leslie Howsam and Neil
Anna Marie Hranka
Sandy Hsieh
Joan E. Hubbard
Peter P. Hudec
Shane W. Hudson and MaryAnn Candussi
Tawny Huff
Joseph E. Huggins
Heather Hunt
Wendy C. Hunter
June C. Hurley
Thomas and Peggy Hurst
Mary Jane Hutchinson
Dorothy A. Huynh
Jerry and Cathy Hyatt
Iole M. Iadipaolo
Sandra S. Iagallo
Donald J. and Lucy E. Intihar
Carol and Stephen Jackson
John and Anne Jackson
Laverne Jacobs
Tony Jacobs
Karen E. Jacques
Amanda James
Lena Janosik
Henry D. Janzen
Sheldon Jarcaig
Jane E. Jennings
Draga and Wendy Jichici
Howard P. Jobin
Johnna A. Johansen
Allan M. Johnson
Susan Kacaba
Raed Kadri
Jasminka Kalajdzic
Sandeep M. Kamat
Shui Chuen Kan
Mark Kaplan
Larry Kelly
Kathleen M. Kelm
Marion K. Kelterborn
Elizabeth J. Kendall
Daniel E. Kennedy
Deborah F. Kennedy
Francis W. Kennette
Ryan Kenney
Kenji and Claire Kenno
Nick and Marilyn Keren
Claude R. Kerr
Cheryl and Ed Ketterer
Judy L. Keys
Michael Khan
Boen T. Khouw
Alice K. Kielly
Mercedes A. Kieswetter
Suzette R. Killen
Barbara E. Kingdon
Fred Kingston
Jason Kinnear
Peter G. Kirby
Chris Knack
Matthew Gervais and Blaire
Ray A. Knight
Kevin J. Kobus
Ann Z. Korenic
Herbert and Clara Kornelsen
Stanley and Colette Korosec
Peter J. Koshulap
John Kosnik
Thomas A. Kosnik
Frank Kovacic
Paul Kozak
Suzanne Kozar
Kenneth J. Krapf
Lucjan Krause
Nicholas Krayacich
Christine S. and Donald E.
Diane M. Kruger
Geri Kubicki
Victor J. Kubicki
Michael and Heather Kuhn
Peter and Barb Kuker
William and Kim Kulchycki
Lynne J. Kuntz
2013-14 Annual Giving Program
Tom and Judy Kurtz
Thomas Kuttner
Steve Kuziw
Timothy Kwan
Aaron Kwinter
Michael D. Kyryliuk
John P. Labute
Mark S. Lacasse
Robert W. Lacey
Lisa M. Lafond
Eileen Laing
Armand and Diane Laliberte
Mitch Lalonde
Chak-Kwong Lam
George P. Lan
Richard M. and Lenore K.
Michelle A. Laniel
Carol and Roger Lanoue
Eric A. Lansdell
Richard Lanspeary
John A. LaPorta
Bernadette M. Lapos
Frederick K. Larkin
Nancy Lauzon
Michael J. Lavelle
Chantel M. Lawton
Joan E. Leach
Catherine G. Leatherdale
Thomas G. LeClair
Brent Lee and Beverley
Eugene and Valerie Lefebvre
Paul J. Legris
Frank Lemire
Peter W.R. Lemon
James Lenson
Susan G. Leonard
Gerald and Suzanne Lesa
Roberta Lesansky
Susan I. Leslie
Philip W. Lesperance
Charlene E. M. Lester
Jerry and Lynda Lev
Gerald J. and Barbara Levine
Ian Levstein
John F. Lewis
Jiaolong Li
Qiuping Q. Li
Yiteng Liang
Angela Liburdi
Richard G. Limoges
Aaron J. Linton
Charlotte Loaring
Phyllis Lockrey
P. Loebach
Jennifer R. Logan-Klassen
Robert P. Lombardo
Richard Loreto
Elio Lori
Armand J. and Cathy Losier
Robert W. Love
Sheri Lowrie
Arie Lubienietzky
Jane and George Lung
Felix C. Luppke
Mary Luvisotto
John L. Lynch
Clara Lyons
Sidney W. MacCallum
C.L.B. MacDonald
Cheryl A. Macdonald
John and Dihah MacDonald
Mary E. MacDonald
Megan Macdonald
Philip A. Macdonald
Roger H. MacGregor
Maureen MacKay
Peter J. and Adele
William R. MacKenzie
Steven G. MacKinnon
Sandra J. MacLean
Borden D. MacMillan
Loris Macor
Bruce MacPhee
Donald C. MacTavish
Joan Magee
John A. Mahood
Ljubo D. Majhanovich
Nenad Majumder
Constance Y F Mak
Innes Malcolm
Ruth F. Malenda
Brenda J. Mallat
Mark P. Mamer
Ronald M. Manchen
Anna Mancini
Cathy M. Manias-Fiddler
Karin P. Manley
George S. Mann
James Manser
Ilija Maodus
Robert H. Marchand
Pierre and Ellen Marchildon
Brian A. Marcotte
Leo B. Marentette
Davy Mariani
Luciana B. and Daniel J.
George Marino and Nancy
Cynthia C. Marshall
Donald G. Marshall
Catherine A. and Harvey
Sheelagh Martin
Allison and Wayne Martins
Jody Maskery
Marilyn A. Mason
Daniel M. Masterson
Miracolo Mastronardi
Ann G. Matassa
George Mather
B.J. Matheson-Bodnar
Olga Matlock
Karen M. Matsui
Ian Matthews
Ruth and Richard Matthews
Cristiano Mauricio
Robert and Margaret
Patrick and Joanne McCarthy
J. William McConkey
Susan C. McCracken
Heather M. McCurdy
Elizabeth McDermott
John E. McDonald
Scott A. McDowall
Roderick McDowell
Thomas S. McFarlane
Denise M. McGuire
Terrance E. McHugh
Kris McInnis
Mary (Brush) McKeen
John McKeown
George and Dorothy J.
Nancy McMahon
S. McMahon
Stephanie McMahon
Christine McNeil
Wmoloki S. McPherson
William M. McRae
David C. McWha
Velma Meconi
Joyce A. Melbourne
Jason J. Melo
Imogen E. Meloche
Kathy J. Meloche
Jose L. Menendez
Jane and Antonio Meriano
Richard Merlo
Mary-Beth and Nicholas
Cathy Milec
Philip and Beverley Miles
Linda T. Miller
Margaret Miller
Mark Mills
K. Milne
Vaughan Minor
Kawsar Mirdha
Anne M. Miskovsky
Anne Misner
Mary Mitchell
Michael Mitrevski
Robert C. Mizzi
Joseph P. Mokanski
Deborah A. Monk
Ronald S. Montelpare
Lance J. Montigny
Christopher Moon
Kenneth I. Moon
Richard J. Moon
Michael G. Moosberger
Pasquale Morabito
Antonio M. Morga
Daniel M. Moriarty
Kathleen A. Moriarty
Richard and Mary Moriarty
Sean and Jacqueline
Neil D. Morrison
Gene Moscicki
Megan Mossip
Alen Mujacic
Angus M. Mumby
Bernard and Michelle
S. Munro
Frank and Kelly Murgic
Kevin D. Murphy
Jeff R. Murray
Blair V. Mutch
Ronald H. Mutton
Eugene J. P. Nadeau
Abby Nakhaie
Gediminas A. Namikas
Barclay C. Nap
Alessandro V. and Joyce L.
Leisha C. Nazarewich
Eric W. Neill
Cary Sze-Cheuk Ng
Oliver K. T. Ng
Irene L. and Albert Nizzero
Earl Noble
Michael B. Nolan
Erwin W. Novac and E. Adele
Maureen C. Nye
Milan Mitch Obradovic
Donald V. O’Connell
Bernard and Joyce O’Gorman
Marcel M. O’Gorman
Timothy and Norma O’Hagan
Greg Olczak
Gordon T. Orr
Lisa Osak
Tamara Ostojic
Janet and Ken Ouellette
T M. Ouellette
Barbara W. Owen
David M. Owen
David S. Owen
Jerry Owen
Gerri and Vincenzo Pacecca
Sandra M. Pagliaroli
Scott D. Paisley
Elaine A. Panikkar
Gabriel Pannunzio
Michel R. Pardal
Leonard E. Parent
Gino P. Parisotto
Claude L. Parker
Helene P. Parks
John V. Parr
Barbara M. Parrott
Edward W. Paschin
Walter J. Pastorius
Raj Patil
H. Richard and Anna M.
Joseph M. Pavelich
Margaret A. Payne
Stephen C. Payne
Hugh Pearson
Robert C. Pearson
John Peloso
Patricia A. Peloso
Gilbert Percy
Jasnica Peretin
Carol Perkes
Adrian J. Peters
Susanne Peters
Mary and J. Charles Peterson
Jason and Heidi Petro
Edward E. Petryshyn
Joanne and Craig Pettipiece
Richard C. Pettit
Silvio Pettovel
Rachaelle Pfaff
Ronald G. Pfaff
Jill and Ronald Pfaff
James R. Pfafflin
R. Daniel Philips
Ian G. Phillips
Allan J. Phomin
John M. Picone
Pillon Family
Bill Pinnell
Thomas Pister
Bernard E. Plant
Lisa A. Plante
Frederick and Anne Plexman
Stewart and Sandra Plotnick
Donna R. Pollock
Donald G. Poole
Brenda Porter
Thomas R. Porter
Judith M. and Ronald Potter
Michael K. Potter
John Powell
Rosalyn M. Power
Lily Anne Powis
Andrew L. Precop
Christian Prekratic
Leonard J. Price
Elizabeth A. Prince
Dave Prpich
Kenneth and Kathleen Pryke
Marcin Pulcer
Jenn Pullen
Marian and Gerard
Stuart M. Quick
Derek M. Quigley
Bernard V. Quinlan
Catherine Quinn-Boroski
Roderick J. and Brigitte
Archie Rabinowitz
Kenneth Rachner
Victor Radovich
Charles M. Ramin
Glenn P. and Lisa Ramsumair
Ron Randall
Gary and Janice Rankin
Donald J. Raper
Mary Anne E. Raymond
Shavaun Reaney
Ray R. Refcio
Laurie and James Regan
Henry E. Regts
Wayne and Kathryn Reid
Edwin D. Reimer
Debbie A. Remekie-Maxey
Jeannine M. Renaud
Sarah and Brett Renaud
Adriana J. and George
Gregory and Barbara
Gregory and Barbara
Debbie and Rick Rickeard
Mary Ricketts
Robert and Marlene Rideout
Don Ridpath and Capo
Dane N. Rife
Robin Rilett
Mrs. Victor P. Rivest
Sandra J. Rizzetto
James D. Robertson
Keith and Margaret
William and Olivia Robertson
Chris and Donna Robillard
Barbara G. Robinson
Kyle R. Robinson
Robert M. Robinson
Timothy C. Rocheleau
and Marjorie J. HartRocheleau
William J. Roddy
Eleanor J. Roe
Richard H. Rohmer
Walter and Yvonna Romanow
Peter Root and Nancy
Laura M. Rosebrugh
William G. Ross
Mario Rosset
Peter and Ann Roth
Michael and Mary Rovers
Catherine Rowley
Lloyd Rubinoff
Linda Ruccolo
Deborah and Christopher
Vince J. Ruggirello
Robert Russell
Vincenzo Russo
Elliot Rutherford
Lisa Ruttle-Maavara
Patrick Ryall
Garnet E. Ryan
Kevin B. Ryan
Elizabeth A. Sabara
Robert and Susanne Sabolick
Francine B. Saby
Sandra G. Sallach
Alison Samson
Iain Samson
Todd Sands
Paul and Sandy Sasso
Nick Sauro
Kevin Savard
Rakesh and Chantal Sawhney
Jeffrey L. Schaafsma
Ritch Schaafsma
Linda Scheer
Kathy Schepanowski
Reuben L. Schnayer
Chris Schnurr
Jay T. Schooley
Calvin K. Schram
Jennifer L. Schutz
Jonathan A. Schwartzman
Alan Scoboria and Myrna
Randy Scotland
Murray A. Scott
Cordell S. Seaby
Beverly and Robert Searcy
Carl Smith and Ann SeelySmith
Linda A. Seewald
Suzanne Selby
Mary Senese
Fred F. Shady
Grace Shafran
Leo Raymond Shapiro
Kunjar Sharma
Connie J. Shaw
Stuart and Sandra Shaw
Lillian Shery
Mark and Pamela Shuren
Kathleen and David
Gurkiran S. Sidhu
John Simes
William J. Simmonds
Lyla Simon
Carmen and Deborah
Jennifer Simpson-Rooke
Alan Sims
Neil Sims
David S. Sinasac
Matthew C. Sinclair
Anthony Sirizzotti
Kevin J. Sisk
Joel W. Skinner
Aounad and Frances A.
Carl G. Smith and Ann N.
Clayton Smith
David Mackie Smith
Robin Smith
Timothy and Elaine Smith
Gemma E. Smyth
Eleanor Snelgrove
Glennice Snyder
Wendy H. Sokoloff
Aline Soules
Gino Sovran
Dino Spagnuolo
Krista Spagnuolo
Mario M. Spagnuolo
James Sparrow
John M. Speirs
John R. Sproat
Denise M. St. Louis
W. Earl Stadder
Janee J. Stallard-Cogliati
Alex Stanat
Ellen Starkiss
Ihor and Anne Stebelsky
Marilyn Stecher
Walter and Milda Stechyshyn
Millie Steer
Maurizio Stellato
Gloria M. Stephenson
Douglas and Kathleen Stocco
David M. Stone
Raymond G. Stone
David S. Stoute
Joan Stoute
Melissa D. Strange
Ruth Strausz
Beth Stroud MacIntosh
Sam Stupavsky
Martina M. Stvan
Wenkun Su
Miro F. Suga
Balwinder W. Sundhu
David Susko
Chad A. Sutherland
Stuart J. Sutton
Mark Swain
Maryellen Symons
Jeannette Syroid
Alex Szalkai
Magdalena Szecsei
Darlene J. Szecsei-Albano
and Giuseppe Albano
Michelle L. Szuki
Matt G. Tales
Daniel Tang
R. Mark Tarbush
Donna-Marie Taylor
Greg and Janis Taylor
Blanche Teahen
James and Sandra Tellier
Rita Marion Thachuk
Suzanne F. Thibeault
Donald R. Thibert
Barbara and Donovan
Stephen Thomas
Keith E. Thompson
Trevor Thompson
Robert and Ellen Thornton
Cynthia A. Thrasher
Richard C. Thrasher
Jacob and Bernadette Thun
Mark D. Tims
Joan E. Tinkess
Lynn Tisdale
John K. Tolmie
Nicholas Toltl
Fulton Tom
Peter E. Tomes
Andrew D. Toms
Elizabeth A. Tornabene
Taras Toroshenko
Raymond J. Tracey
William and Karen Traynor
Rich Tremain
Alan and Susan Trenhaile
Lisa M. Tripp
David Tronchin
Wendy E. Truant
Mark R. and Bonnie L.
Hing H. A. Tsang
Oliga Tserakhava
Keith A. Tucker
N. Turdaliev
George S. Turton
Debbie L. and James Tyler
Leigh H. Tynan
Christopher S. Urban
Marilyn Ursulak
Genevieve Ustrzycki
Paul Valentine
view . fall 2014
2013-14 Annual Giving Program
Joanne L. Van de WieleKimura
Vincent L. Van Hooydonk
Maria Van Kessel
Sandy Van Zetten
Adam N. A. Vasey
Marilyn L. Vasey
Michael and Arlene Veitch
Dorothy J. Vermeulen
Carey R. Vigneux
David and Kathryn Virgin
Daniela Vukobratic
Bethanie L. Wachna
Trudie Wall
Karen and Edward Walsh
Douglas and Karen Walton
John R. Warbick
Rafid M. Warsalee
Daniel D. Wascher
Katherine Z. Waterston
F. Stuart Watson
James J. and Constance
R. Michael Watt
Raymond Watt
William and Jeanette
James M. Wear
David B. Weaver
Janet Wegner
Jerome M. Weingarden
P.L. Weir
Marc Weisz
William and Christine
Frank and Sharon Wende
Linda O. Wenner
James C. Wesenberg
David West
Peter Westfall
Doug Wheelock
Theresa Whelan
Duncan S. White
Gloria M. White
Jane White
Elaine and Larry Whitmore
Lee N. Whitwell
Sandra Wieland
E. Irene Wigle
David Wilcox
Mark J. Wilk
Jason D. Williams
John W. and Loes Williams
Mita Williams
Sue M. Williams
Karen M. Williamson
Raymond F. Willick
Michael and Wilma Willson
Don and Cathy Wilson
Kenneth R. Wilson
Roy Wise
James Wittebols
David W. Wolanski
Gunther Wolf
Althea M. Wong
Tony Wong
Roland F. Wood
Jason and Melissa Woodrow
Shi Jing Xu
Diana Yanik
Shawn E. Yates
William K. Yee
Powfoo Yong
David L. Yott
Catherine Young
Barbara A. Zakoor
Carl and Victoria Zalev
Edward J. Zanetti
Catherine A. Zanin
Susan M. Zanin
Earle F. Zeigler
Thomas Znotins
Kerri Zold
Sonja A. Zold
Arnold H. Zweig
$1 - $99
P. Carlo and Nancy Abati
Donna Abraham
Camilla Ackroyd
Anthony and Mary Aczel
George D. Adamidis
Joanne Adamo
Michael D. Adams
Anjolaoluwa T. Adegbite
Jamie N. Adjetey-Nelson
Katherine L. Adkin
Brian K. Adsett
Sinan Agah
Tracy A. Airhart
Mahek B. Ajmera
Laith A. Al Ansari
Dewan Mohiuddin Al Azad
Rosa F. Alam
Riccardo Albano
Daniela A. Alberelli
Sari Anne H. Albert
Christina Alcena
Giorgio G. Aldighieri
Ann W. Alexander
David W. Alexander
Jacob C. Alexander
George B. and Dorothy Allan
Larry W. Allen
Rodney Allen
Melissa A. Alli (Lemos)
Ethel I. Allison
Marjorie J. Allison
Mirella Allison
Brianne M. Allsop
Mohammed A. Almanasser
Adam R. Almeida
Jennifer A. Almeida
Robert Aloisio
Jessie J. Alonsozana
Elis Altaweel
Margaret Alton
Mazhar Alvi
Donald G. Ames
Nana Y. S. Amoah
Jo-Anne Amyotte
Susan M. Anderson
Monica L. Andreatta
Catherine V. Andrew
Laura Andrews
Harry M. Annan Jr.
Nana Anoh
Elizabeth E. Antaya
Shirley A. Antaya
Maria Antinucci
Paul and Jolanta Antonel
Paul Apostolon
Bryn V. Appleton
Karla I. Arauz
Judith A. Archer
Nadia M. Ardizzi-Tarsitano
Shirley I. Armour
Andrew Armstrong
John Ascott
Marlet A. Ashley
Jamie L. Ashton
Serena Askar
Akan Askim
Paula and Vince Asschert
Kevin and Melinda Astridge
Erika G. Auer
P. Dawn Augustine
Angela S. Au-Yeung
Glynnice V. Avery-Cappellani
Diane Awram
Comfort Ayesu-Attah
Robert H. Aylesworth
Ayobami A. Ayodeji
Nadia Azar
Joe and Judith Aziz
Iva and Vukasin Babic
Dorothy A. Baby
Robert and Monica Bacic
Larry Badder
Denise Badley
Eugene and Sandra Baggio
Mandy and Paul Bailey
Thomas D. Bain
Ivana Baldelli
Franca R. Baldo
Lorna P. Baltrusiunas
Phil Baluyot
Mirjana Banicevic
Anne Louise Bannon
view . fall 2014
Cecilia M. Bannon
Rawl L. Banton
Gail M. Baran
Paul E. and Alison Barbisan
Charles W. Barclay
Michael J. Barichello
James and Ruth Barlow
Kevin R. and Marian E.
Gerald Barnes
Chad G. Barrette
Alice S. Barron and Richard
G. Knechtel
Matthew Barry
Paul Bassett
Giovanna Basso
Alphonse J. and Diane L.
Bonita Bastien
Diane L. Bastien
Paul and Monica Joanne
Charlotte Bautista
Cheryl-Ann Baxter
Gillian Baxter
Wayne Baxter
Maryellen Bayer
Catherine J. Beattie-Chittle
Richard and Sue Beauchamp
Donald Beaudoin and Ann
John C. Beaudoin
Alexandria R. Beaulieu
M. Clare Bechtold
Lawrence A. Beck
Roger F. C. Beckley
Bryan and Joanne Bedard
Donna C. Bedard
Stephanie A. Bedard
Natalie Beer
Philip C. Beers
Wayne R. Beger
Carol A. Begg
Edward A. Beharry
Manfred and Carole Behrens
James W. Belcher
Sally Bell
Shannon Bell
Brian H. Bellaire
Victor R. Bellaire
Brittany L. Bellefleur
Oluwatosin O. Bello
George Benak
Marcella (Karaczyn)
Doris Bennett
B. Lynn Benoit
Patricia A. Benson
Lesley Bentein
Karen Benzinger
Peter Bering
Dianne M. Berkeley-Frenette
Fay C. Berlie
Margaret T. Bernard
Malcolm Bernstein
Mary Alice Beyer Gammon
and Richard Gammon
Laura and David Bezaire
Marlene Bezaire
Maureen L. Bezaire
Suzanne Bezaire
Louie F. Biagi
Carolyn A. Bilbie
Mary Bird
Renzo G. Bisetto
Melissa C. Bishop
Paul and Karen Bisson
Chris Bitove
Jane L. Blackshaw
Fred Blain
Daniel and Ana Blata
Dennis J. Blonde
Carolyn E. Bloxham
William P. Blum Jr
Barry R. Boehme
George R. Boghean
M. Theresa Boland
Josephine Bolger
Jack A. Bolzan
Angela R. Bonadonna
James R. and Jane Bond
Angela P. Bondy
Jessica A. Bondy
John H. Bondy
Joseph R. Bondy
Martha M. Bondy
Megan Bonneau
Arthur T. Bonsignore
Tammy L. Bontorin
Cynthia L. Boogaart
Henry L. Boon
Paul Boots
Cathy Borland
Judith A. Borman
Jermaine and Kimberly
Judy and David Bornais
Pauline M. Bornais
Belinda Clara Borrelli
Janet B. Borrowman
Antonio Bortolin
G. Bortolin
Gregory Bortolin
Louis J. Bortolin
Amanda Borysowytsch and
Paul LaRocque
Adam G. Bosnyak
Elise J. Bosson
Robert D. Bouchard
Todd Bouman
Donna M. Bourdeau
Theodore R. Bourgard
Donald G. and Rita I. Boutette
Jordana M. Boutette
Loretta Bowman
Ken and Mary Ann Bowser
Donald and Lindsay Boyd
Elizabeth M. Boyd
Ivana Bozinovic
Pearl A. Bradd
David B. Bravo
Gary A. Bray
Barbara A. Brazier
J. Elaine. Breault
Gregory Brechin
Jo-Anne Brecka
Ryan A. Brelich
Joan Brescia
Judy M. Breshamer
Anna Maria and Frank Brieda
Carol J. Briglio
David and Frances
Patrick and Maureen Brode
Michael and Kathy Brodeur
Mary R. Bromley
George M. Brooke
Angela Brooks
Maria Broser
Judy A. and John Brown
Kimberly E. Brown
M. Catherine Brown
Scot A. Brown
Timothy P. Brown
Donna M. Brownell
Kirk A. Brownell
Paul A. Brownlie
Kevin A. Bruce
Roger C. Bruggeman
Maria P. Brunello
John D. Bruner
Joyce L. Bruner
James J. Brunet
Mel R. Brunet
Frank and Margaret Brunetti
Carmen Brunone
Tom and Brenda Brunt
Phil and Sharon Bryan
Lucy Buccella
Khoa Bui
Dorothy Bulat
George J. Bullied
Lisa M. Bullock
Yvette M. Bulmer
Premila Bumma
John C. Burford
Pamela A. Burford
Paul and Suzanne Burener
Lisa and Michael Burke
Patricia J. Burke
Cheryl M. Burnett
Christina A. Burr
Wanda D. Burse
Jen Burton Liang
Brian Burtt
Heather A. Busby Biltcliffe
Domenico Froio and
Giovanna Buscemi-Froio
Donnalee M. Butcher
Jane S. Buttery
Glenn and Natalie Byczynski
Louis L. Byer
Reni A. Caccamo
Fran Cadotte
Marilyn Cadotte
Robert R. Caille
Bernard J. Callaghan
Ralph Callen
Christina M. Campagna
John Campagna
Daniela Campanaro
Teresa Campanaro
Judith A. Campbell
Kenneth and Tammy
Michelle A. Canella
Man M. Cao
Geni C. Cappussi
Gerry and Valeri Cappussi
Jennifer L. Cardella
John and Maria Cardillo
Kristine and Stephen Carey
John Carlan
Joseph J. Carlesimo
Peter Carlesimo
Louis B. Carli
Alex S. Caron
James F. Caron
J. Patrick Caron
Giulia Carpino
Robert J. Carricato
Jacques Carrier
Barbara and David Carter
Donnavan G. Carter
Robert W. Carter
Maureen A. Cartier
Joe Caruso
Rose and Rob Caruso
Elyse Carvalho
Michael S. Casasola
Ozelle Case
Elizabeth and Evan
Lori Catenacci
Tony and Angela Cavallo
Laura and Onofrio Cea
Stephen Cecile
James A. Ceman
Peter J. Cerra
Enrique Chacon
Randy A. Chaimbrone
David R. Chalcraft Jr.
Adrienne M. F. Challacombe
Christopher J. Chamandy
Gary and Mary Champ
Patrick Chan
Margaret Fellows Chan
Ivor A. Chandler Sr.
Maryanna P. L. Chang
Laurie M. Chappell
Lori A. Charron
Beth Chase
Kamran Chaudhry
Jennifer A. Chausse
Thomas E. Check
Khaled Chekiri
Meng Chen
Qi Ping Chen
Nancy and John Cherry
Tracy A. Cherry
Richard H. Cheung
Janine T. Chevalier
Henry Chia
Patrick J. Chiarelli
Enrica and Pat Chieffalo
David J. Chiesa
Fredrick F. C. Chiu
Joan Chivot
Karen P. Chomniak
David W. Chorney and Laura
Sharon Chouinard
Jacqueline Christie
Amy L. Churchman
Nestor Chyz
Delia E. Cicconi
Lily Ciganovic
Rosa V. and Sam J.
Bianca L. Civiero
Michael A. Clark
Gayle S. Clarke
Greg Clarke
Lorna M. Clarke
Dorothy M. and Gerald
Michelle L. Clement
Theresa A. Clermont
Kathleen M. Clodd
James D. Coates
Colleen Cochrane
Joan C. Cochrane
David P. Cogliati
Miriam Cohen
Nancy Colantonio
Connie Colautti
Cheryl A. Colborne
Marcia E. Colborne
David R. and Sharon Cole
Brian and Pauline Colldock
Sandie A. Collins
Lucille R. and Learie
Onorio Colucci
Catherine A. Comiskey
Marilyn J. Conforzi
James A. Conlon
John F. Conlon
Paul W. Conway
Constance L. Cook
Gerry Cooper
John D. Cooper
Cristina Formicuccia
Melora-Lynne Correa
Joel A. Cort
Verna Cotey
Penelope C. Coughlin
Bob Coulson
Sherrilyn L. Coulter
Connie D. Courtney
Ryan A. Cousineau
Shauna Cousineau
Pat Cousins
June Couvillion
Angie E. Ireland
Jennifer L. Cowan
Donna G. Cowie
Nancy J. Crackel
Joe V. Craddock
Dale and Janet Craig
Mary Craig
Rochelle C. Craig
Jacqueline Crandall
Jo-Ann B. Crane-Rodrigues
Brenda Crawford
Vicki Crawford
Christine A. Crouch
Pamela K. and Michael
Lynne S. and John Crozier
P. Grant Crozier
Judy Cruickshank
J. Allan Cruickshanks
Vera S. Cruise
Melanie M. Culina
Walter J. Culina
Joanne Marie Culley
Mary Cummings
Barb and Stan Cunningham
Robert H. Cunningham
James Curry
Nancy A. Curtis
Dino Cusinato
Elsa A. Cusinato
Carol A. Cyphery
Kazimierz A. Czubernat
Laura Da Fre
Andre Dafesh
Frank D’Agnillo
Patricia D. D’Agostino
2013-14 Annual Giving Program
Salvatore Dagostino
Denis Daigle
Stephen L. Daigle and
Suzanne C. Konyha
Cassy Daigneau
Michael D’Aloisio
Karen and Dave Dalpe
Tony and Angela D’Amore
Edward L. D’andrea
John L. Danesi
Wafa J. Danner
Khai Dao
Gerald W. Darcie
Sherry L. DaSilva
Dorothy M. and Ken Davis
Elizabeth and Derek Davis
Maureen F. Davis
Carol M. Davison
David E. Dawson
Janice L. Dawson
Maggie Dawson
Peter P. De Angelis
Douglas J. De Gelder
Bradley J. De Maeyer
Larry P. De Santi
Andromeda S. Dean
Brendan J. Deane
Donald G. Deathe
Thomas and Melissa Debevc
Anna Maria Decia-Gualtieri
Bridget DeCorte
Colleen Decou-Jones and
Joe Jones
Arlene and Gord Deeming
James A. Defoe
Bette A. Degoey
Mary DeGoey
A. Peter DeKoning
Olga and Glen W. J.
Joe and Nancy DeMarco
Tammy Demers
Deborah L. Demers-Hewitt
Shawn A. Den Hartogh
Edward Denduk
Joanne and Dan Deneau
Joseph Deneau
Cody H. Dennis
Patrick M. Dennis
Douglas and Sandra
Susan Dennison
John P. Denniston
Mark and Mary-Teresa
Martin P. Denonville
Linda and Gary Denys
Mary L. Derbecker
Margo A. Des RosiersShanklin
Karishma Desai
Brianne DeSanti
Ciro DeSantis
Kathryn A. Deshaies
Art Desjarlais
J. Lloyd and Bernice Deslippe
Claire M. DesRosiers
Carl and Mary Jane Dettinger
Margaret C. Deutsch
Achla Dewan
Rita Di Ponio
Chrisovalantis Diakantoniou
John D. Diamond
Ali Dianat
Laura E. Dicarlo
David G. Dick
Shawn C. Diewold
Diana DiGirolamo
Carla DiMaio
Michael J. DiMenna
David G. Dimitrie
Trevor and Shannon Dinham
Sheila Dinnendahl
Donald V. Diubaldo
Judith A. Doher
Lauri-Ann E. Doig
Robert S. Doiron
Ana Dolic
Dino Dominato
Candy Donaldson
Susan Donatelli
Patricia A. Donison
Michelle J. Dore
Josh Dorion
John N. Dorner
Cathy and Dragan Dosen
Meghan E. Doster
Mary Jo A. Dowie
Kim Downhaniuk
Christopher A. Dowson
Chad and Kristina Doyle
Anne-Marie Drapeau
Dennis M. Drew
Bernadette R. Drogosz
Barbara Drouillard
David V. Drouillard
Moe Drouillard
Nelson F. Drouillard
Sarah L. Drouillard
Terry R. Drouillard
Sheila M. Drummond and
Donald P. Flaming
Kelly D’Souza
Krista A. Duboy
Gregory J. Ducharme
Annette Dufresne
Ivanna R. Dugal
Greg P. Duguay
Jeff Duguay
Liliana M. Dumouchelle
James I. Dunn
Joe Dunning
Richard J. Du Perron
Kathi Dupuis
Sarah J. Dupuis
Gino D. Duri
Clelia Duronio
Debashis Dutta
Sheila Duval
Rita Dwornik
Mike D. Dwyer
Karl and Dolores Dycha
Della A. Dyck
Elizabeth D. Dykeman
Ronald A. Dywelska
Brydon C. S. Eady
Angela M. and Kevin Eansor
Alan W. Easton
S.J. Eberlie
Jean D. Echlin
Gail A. Edgeworth
Joyce D. Edmonds
Sharon C. Edwards
Sherry D. Eenink
Laurie Eisenberg
Dustin T. Eldridge
Kelly Element
Sonia Eliya
Bonita and Robert Elliott
Diane Elliott
Ryan W. Elliott
Karen L. Ellis-Scharfenberg
Kevin R. Ellwood
John F. Emery
Susan M. Enns
Colleen and John Enright
Susan L. Enright
Robert and Elizabeth Enzlin
David A. Epp
Christy Eppert
Rebecca Ernst
William A. Esser
Catherine Evanyk
Vanna Evola
Shannon L. Ewing
Katie Facecchia
Xiang Fan
Margaret L. Fanella
Patricia Fantin
Lydia J. Farina
Avril A. Farlam
Jarret W. Farquhar
Michael F. Farquhar
Carol and Victor R. Fathers
Mary Ann L. Fathers
Paul G. Faucher
John and Margaret Faust
Joseph Fecik
Karin K. Fedak
Jacob Fehr
Lynn J. Fehr
Maria Fehr
Reinhart M. Feimer
Neville Feltham
Adelaine H. Fenech
Joel D. Ferasol
Mitchell A. Fergenbaum
Fran Ferguson
Chanika A. Fernando
Nayana Fernando
James M. Ferrar
Alice and Ruben Ferrone
John F. and Carolyn Fetter
Paul Finlayson and Danielle
Mary Jane Finn
Marie L. Fiorilli
Ralph M. Fish
Larry Fitzhenry
Henry D. Flaming
Jeanette G. Fleischer
Emily Flett
John N. Foglia
Joseph and Kristen Foglia
J. Luc M. Forand
Ian D. Forbes
James and Sallie Ford
Sandra Ford
Wendy L. Foresto
Stephanie A. Forget
Nancy A. Fornasiero
Donald B. Forsey
Jaimie Fox
John Frabotta
Jermal Francis
Robin Francis
Edith F. Frankum
Donna M. Fraser
Cynthia L. Freeman
Douglas D. Freeman
Kathy M. and Frank Freeman
Ivano and Suzanne
Jennifer Friedl
Justin R. Friedl
Jacqueline L. Friest
Andrea M. Frossard
Maria L. Gabriele
Samantha A. Gaffan
Gary and Heidi Gagnier
Carol L. Gagnon
Jane E. Gagnon
Michael E. Galasso
Jane and Donald Gall
Loretta O. Gallo
Peter Gallo
Bill Ganderup
Patricia A. Gangnon
Tian Gao
Gregory D. Garant
John F. Garbutt
Linda Garbutt
Kevin Gardiner
David M. Gardner
Andrew Garlatti
Joan M. and John Garside
Marina Gasic
David A. Gatt
Debbie Gauthier (nee
John R. Gauthier
Corey A. Gauvin
Babatunde O. Gbadamosi
Patricia Gehl
Bruce and Michelle Gemus
David A. Genik
Glenn H. and Angela Genik
Iva Gentcheva
Tracy Geobey
Frances A. Georgeff
Theresa Georges
Phyllis and Walter Gerard
Anthony M. Germana
Patricia Gertsakis
Kathleen M. Gerus
A. Giampuzzi
Edwin G. Gibb
Sarah and Christopher J.
Adrianne C. Gibbons
Patricia M. Giesler
Christine Gignac
Paul J. and Jocelyn C.Gignac
Keith D. Gilbert
Jeff Gilchrist
Ronald Gilchrist
Rosemary Giles
Olga P. Gill
John K. Gilliam
Peter O. Gilmore
Sonia Giovanatto
Dawn Girad
Mark and Mary Ann Girard
Mina Y. Girges
Sara B. Girgis
Ron Giroux
Alisa Giroux-Souilliere
James G. Glasier
Ian C. Glassford
Karen M. Glover
Priya Gnanasabapathy
Luigina Gobbo
Brandon M. Goddard
Fred M. Goddard
Debbie Godfrey
Margaret A. Gold
Pamela J. Gold
R. E. Goldstein
Jim Gomes
Colin W. Goodall
Robert W. Goodearle
Teri and Jeffrey Gorick
Betsey G. Gorniak
Deb Goulding
Stephanie Gower
Jonathan D. Gowing
Rosa Graceffa
Melanie Grant
Bob Gratton
Ann and Wilfred Gravel
Barbara Gray
Herbert Gray
Penelope J. Gray
Karyn L. Grealis
Mary E. Green
Wallace and Marie Green
Douglas G. Greenfield
Catherine M. Grgicak
John G. Gribbon
Evangeline Grigorakis
Helen Grigorakis
Steve Grigorakis
Alan and Maureen Grimwood
Patricia L. Grom
Claire M. Grondin
Florence M. Grondin
Lorraine Grondin
Judy Grossutti
Jianfei Guan
Christine A. Gudas-Murphy
Carmen A. Guenzel
Urmi Guhathakurta
Lino Guidolin
Wilbert Gunsch
Anna Gupta
Laura M. Gusba
Edward and Jean Gut
Maxine E. Guyitt
Daniel E. Gyetvai
Edward P. and Angeline
Sylvia A. Haak
Wilda M. and George
Marilyn L. and Omer L.
Susan J. Hagerman
Noor Hajani
Karen Hall
Elizabeth A. and Robert
Linda P. Hallinan
William P. Hamel
Michelle D. Hamelin
Sandra and Kevin Hamilton
Thomas M. Hamilton
Nancy Hancrar
Danielle M. L. Handsor
Shafqat Hanif
Glenn D. Hanselman
Indra Hardeen
Mary L. Hargreaves
Nancy L. Harkiolakis
June E. Harris
Gisele C. Harrison
K. David Harrison
Ian and Janet Hart
Leonard W. Hart
Robert and Cathy Harwood
Ida Hary
Nancy E. Hastings-Trew
Marissa Hatt
Gordon W. L. Hau
Brad Haughey
Allison D. Hawkins
Tadesse Hayegot
James J. Hayward
Randy J. Head
B. Gail Heald-Taylor
Janice L. Hearn
Mary R. Heath
Kristen L. Heaton
Linda and Mark Heavens
Ronald G. Hebert
Camilla J. Heckadon
Jo Ann C. Heil
Ruth A. Henault
M. Lynne Hendershot
Alana L. Henderson
Christine B. Henderson
Ronald D. Henderson
Thomas A. Henderson
Mary Catherine Hendrican
Brian T. Henry
Judy Lynn Henry
Steven Herbster
Donna L. Hered
Glenn Herrell
Jennifer K. Hickey
Frank and Gloria Hidi
Jessica Higgins
Ryan W. Higgison
William J. Hill
Constance C. Hillgartner
Jeffrey and Lynne Hillman
Meghan E. Hines
Timothy Hines
Brenda L. Hobson
Jennifer and Brendan
Keven and Laurie Hockley
Syed A. Hoda
Orval W. Hodgkin
Jean Hodolich
Kathy T. Hoenselaar
Cameron M. Hoepp
Kathleen Hofmans
Mary Kay K. Hogan
Joy A. and Bill Hogarth
Elizabeth F. Holden
Erin Holland
George R. Holovaci Jr.
Mark D. Hopkinson
Bill Horne
Stephanie L. Hosowich
Allan J. Hotchkiss
Mike Houlahan
Rosemarie I. Howie
K. Shelley Hoye
Gang Hu
Hong N. Hua
Bunny Hubbard
Joseph F. Hueglin
Patricia J. Huether
Paul T. Hughes
Theresa A. Hughes
Kristina Huneault
Thomas S. Hunt
Mark S. Hunter
Paul G. Hunter
Christina J. HurlockChorostecki
Laurie A. Hurst
Benjamin S. Hussey
Keith Hutcheson
Janice L. Hutchison-Ryan
Ellen A. Hyland
Scott M. Hyland
Maria D. Iacobelli
Peter Iacovone
Nick Ianiero
Aamir M. Ibrahim
Sheema Inayatulla
Carl Ingebertson
Arlene Irwin
Guido Iseppi
Monirul Islam
Vaunell T. Itaas
Gianna Ius
Nikola D. Ivcec
Lauren K. Ives
Vira Jabbour
Yara Jabbour
Kalid Jaboo
David T. Jack
Debbie Jacques
Mary F. Jaffray
Christopher J. Jaglowitz
Jo-Ann F. Jamail
Diane and Mark James
M. June James
R. Craig and Frances James
Roy G. James
Tory L. James
Albert and Stephanie Janisse
Kyle M. Janisse
Mark and Karen Janisse
Paul and Belinda Jankulovski
Mateusz J. Janowski
Mary M. Janzen
Pinkas Jarcaig
Marie A. Jarecki
Lily Jasinskas
Dan Jaworski
Jehan Jazrawi
Gina M. Jefferson and David
L. LaBute
Bridget M. Jeffray
Paul R. Jemison
Margaret I. Jennings
Ella Jentzel
Wendy Jewell
Nancy E. Johns
Alan Johnson
Allan Johnson
Deana Johnson
Jenna Johnson
Stella O. Johnson
Glenn Johnston
J. Robert Johnston
Mary Anne C. Johnston
Matthew T. Johnston
Richard G. Johnston
John F. Jolie
Jim and Tina Joncas
Brian Jones
Frances P. Jones
Lela A. Joscelyn
Leanie Joya
Agnes and Matt Juba
Gloria M. Jung
William and Maria Kacso
Filomena and Frederick
Dzana Kalajdzic
Lalit Kalra
Cassian Kan
Anna M. Kancko
Michael and Mineko A. Kane
Kulwant S. Kang
Jeeny Kanwar
Md. Saifuddin Kaowcer
Francis P. Kapasi
Morton Kaplan
Maxim Kaploun
Mohammad Karimi-Esfahani
Katherine Karoulis-Newman
Mohammed A. Kashem
Donald L. Kasta
John P. Keating
Wanda Keeling-Walter
Patricia A. Keenan
Judith M. Keightley
Linda Keirl
Natalie Keirl
Ashley M. Kellam
Gregory T. Keller
Norbert and Anna Marie
view . fall 2014
2013-14 Annual Giving Program
Carol M. and Kenneth Kelly
Michael J. Kelly
Lilli E. Kenna
R. Lloyd Kennedy
Sandra Kennelly
Ellen Kenney
Michael G. Kenney
John D. Kent
Lawrence P. Keogh
Pamela Keppie
Don Kerr
Josette M. Kett
Clare E. Kettlewell
Christine Khayat
Muharem Kianieff
Jason Kiernan
Diane E. Kierstead
David T. Killen
Terrence Killen
Steve Kim
Donna C. Kimball
Darlene H. Kindiak
Ilias Kiritsis
Lisa Kiritsis
David J. Kitka
Diane L. Kitowski
Tom and Sophia Klaras
Jennifer R. Klassen
Eugene and Josephine
Donna J. Knight
Christopher G. Knowles
Terrence J. Knuckle
Jennifer M. and Jeff
Ziad and Rowine Kobti
Izabella Kojic-Sabo
Adrian Kokthi
R. John Kominar
Elizabeth R. Kominek
Fred Konyen
David F. Koop
Mary Clare Koopman
Myron Korpan
Randal E. Kott
Karin and William Kouvelas
Elyse Kovacs
Karen Kovacs
John and Heather Kozolanka
Celeste G. Krause
Ann V. Kristo
Justin D. Kritikos
Steve Krivac
Daniela Krsterski
Mary Krutsch
Susan Krutsch
Kenneth J. Kupisz
Ruth O. Kuras
Anthony J. Kurecka
Rebecca A. Kurz
Francy Kussner
Shirley and Arthur Kussner
Ken Kwiatkowski
Cathy La Tona
Anas Labak
David L. LaBute and Gina M.
Gerard J. Labute
Guy Lachance
Paul L. Ladouceur
Jakub Ladysz
Debra L. Laforet
Michael and Ann Lafreniere
D.J. Lafreniere
Carol Lai
Sridatt Lakhan
Mary Jane Lally
Annette C. Lalonde
Patricia A. Lalonde
Tammy L. LaLonde
Man-ho D. Lam
Joseph A. and Donelda
Stephen E. Lamarche
Tracey J. Lambert
Angela Y. Lambing
Ghislain L. Lamothe
Gary L. and Antoinette
Murray Landerkin
Robert F. Landgraff
Karen Langill
Christine A. Langlois
Joseph G. Langlois
Barbara Langpeter
Erica A. Langpeter Moir
Lenore K. and Richard M.
Alexander Lanoszka
Chris and Enza Lanoue
Allan L. Laporte
Cathy Laporte
Wendy L. A. Laramie
Ingrid T. Larking
Kristen E. Larocque
Heidi J. Lasi
Kim Lassaline
Nathan M. Laurie
Michael V. Laurin
Claire Lauzon
Keith Lauzon
Carl Laverriere
Leda Law
Carole Lawn
Terri M. Lawrence-Tayler
Shaun Le Conte
Shirley and Vincent Leach
John J. Leal
Elaine M. LeBlanc
Jacqueline J. Lee
Marilyn L. Lee
Roy R. Lee
Laurie A. Leeming
Jerome P. and Judy Lafaive
Angelise N. Leferman
John R. Lennox
Bruce A. and Gayle Lepine
Sara M. Lescombe
Wayne A. Lesko
Joy Lesperance
Vicki Leung
Batya Levy
Sheila A. Lewandowski
Harvey M. Lewin
Laura Lewis
Lisa M. Lewis
Michael W. Lewis
Jamie Lewis
Yongle Li
Minling Liang
Xinqing Liao
Lynda A. Lieberman
Sin-onn Liew
Nick M. Ligori
Feng S. Lin
Peter J. Lind
Sylvia M. Lindquist
Alan F. Lindsay
Lois A. Lindsay
Albert W. Linnell
Linda Linnell
Aislinn A. Liolli
Chunsheng Liu
David T. Y. Liu
Jing Liu
Wei Liu
Yijun Liu
Jewell D. Lofsky
Amber Long
Donna Long
Andrea Longmuir
Paul M. Longmuir
Gary K. and Marilynne
Gina Lori Riley
Lisa Lortie
Jonathon Lot
Martha Lot
Marie C. Lott
Denny B. Loucao
Wayne Louie
Martha J. Lovsin
Ann Loyst
Anna M. Lucier
Bonnie J. Lucier
Carole A. Lucier
Heather Lucier
Marko Lulic
Richard M. Lumley
Robert O. Lumley
view . fall 2014
Meighan E. Lung
Adam Lunn
Yonghui A. Luo
Dianne L. Lussier
Michael J. Lutsch
Timothy and Marjorie Lutzac
Diane Luu
Hai T. Ly
Jane K. Lyons
Joan H. Lyons
Kathy G. Lyons
Charles J. Lypps
Dayna L. Maaten
Peter J. and Bev MacAulay
Ann H. MacDonald
Dalton MacDonald
Elizabeth M. MacDonald
Hugh K. MacDonald
Natalie C. MacDonald
Ray F. MacDonell
Gordon A. MacGibbon
Mairi E. MacGregor
Ken Machina
Lisa and John MacIntyre
Jessie E. MacIsaac
Lee F. MacIsaac
Alison MacKenzie
Patti MacKenzie
Christine Kapasi-Mackie
Drew and Stephanie MacKlin
Lorraine MacLachlan
Beverley A. MacLean-Lindsay
Jillian E. MacLellan
Kelly and Shane MacLeod
Lianne S. MacMillan
William A. MacMillan
Brij Madaan
Ritu Madaan
Margaret E. Madore
Geralyn A. Mady
Lynn E. Magda
Mary F. Mahovilich
Francois Mailloux
Jeanine L. Mailloux
Jeffery Mailloux
Sharron E. Mailloux
Kim M. Maisonneuve
George B. Makepeace
Suzanne M. Malette
Susan M. Malloch
Sandra and Michael Malowitz
Lisa M. Mancini-Polidori
Verne A. Mandolesi
Grace M. Manias
Tamara and Dave Manicom
Sarah Mantysaari
Donald and Gianna
John and Sandra Manzig
Pat Maola
Chris Marajas
Mary A. Marchand
John R. Marchenkowsky and
Lisa J. Sutton
Severina Marcocchio
Toni Marcon-Stewart
Karen L. Marcotte
Larry Marcotte
Frederick Marentette
Jean-Paul W. Marentette
Monique J. Marentette
Paul S. Marentette
Stan J. Markiewicz
Anna L. Marro
Ronald C. Martin
Angelo Martini
Francesca S. Martino
Christopher P. Mascaro and
Darlene Diane CossariniMascaro
Edmondo Masciarelli
Robert J. Masino
Rosemary A. Massara
Chester B. Masse
Eric Masse
Kevin A. Masse
Denise M. Masse-Tetreault
Paul T. Massie
Gino Mastronardi
Penny Mastronardi
Philip A. and Diane Mathia
Tony M. Mathia
Michael J. Matteis
Denise L. Matzold
Steve Maxim
John R. Mayhue
Kevin A. Maynard
Brian and Joyce Mayo
Ian P. Mayo
Amir Mazinani
Chris J. Mazur
Carolynn L. and O. M.
Guglielno Mazzoni
William and Sandra McAdam
Terry M. McAlinden
Christine D. McAllister
Jeffrey and Theresa
Emily M. McBride
Sheila A. McCabe
David A. and Linda McCallum
Janet and Edward McCarron
Molly A. McCarthy
Kathleen A. McCloskey
Tabatha B. McCloskey
Timothy R. McCloskey
Kevin and Leanne E.
Janet M. McConnell
Ken McCorkle
Linda R. McCormick
Gregg McCready
Dana J. McCullough
Paige M. McDowell
J. Marian McEwan
Linda J. McFadden
Meagan A. McFarlane
Colin S. McFarquhar
Barbara A. McGregor
Iris McGuire
Marie T. McGuire
Elizabeth A. McHugh
Kevin C. McHugh
Allan J. McKenzie
Janet A. McKenzie
Jean E. McLaughlin
Shealyn McLaughlin
Charles W. McLean
Robert I. and M. Joyce
Mary-Anne McLellan
Donald W. McLeod
Lynn and George McLeod
Charlene McMahon
Dawn L. McMahon
Marie McMahon
Rita C. McMahon
Kathy McMillan
Lily R. and Ken McMorine
Ian F. McMullan
Jennifer McMullen
Edward A. McNabb
Terry W. McNally
Thomas H. McNaughton
Elaine T. McNeil
Brian G. McNichol
Cindy McPhedran
Kim and Marla A. McPhee
Malcolm D. McTaggart
Jackie McVittie
Chris Meharnd
Mahesh M. Mehta
John Meinhardt
Wendy Mellanby
Robert J. Mellon
Tracy M. Menard
L. Meneguzzi
Theodore Mercado
Jennifer Mercanti
Susan Meretsky
Kalju Merimets
Melissa C. Merlo
Philip and Betty Mersch
Alexander J. Meyer
Jeffery E. Meyer
Giovanni Miceli
Michelle Miglietta
David M. Milani
Daria Milenkovic
Cynthia L. Miles
Ursula I. Miletic
Carolyn Millar
A. Therese Miller
Carlin and Scott Miller
Connie Miller and Joseph
Marilyn and Gary Miller
Sapphire M. Miller
Sherry A. Miller
Sheryl A. and James Miller
Craig C. Milliken
Sandra Minato
John Minos
Henry Minton
Margaret A. Mio
Maria A. Miranda
Arthur B. Miskew
Frederick W. Mitchell
Vivian L. Mitchell
W. Robert and Goldie
Monique Mock
Barbara D. Modesto
Rosemarie Moher
Daniel S. Mohr
Barbara L. Moir
Bruce Moir
Lillian G. Mokievski-Zubok
Serge and Sandra Mokri
Noelle Mollard
Steve Mollard
Erika K. Molnar-Rioux
Clifton and Diane Molyneaux
Karen A. Momotiuk
Gerald G. Monforton
Paul L. Monforton
Maureen A. Monk
Nicholas M. Montagano
Kenneth C. Moon
Sandra G. Moore
Blake H. and Deborah A.
Maria I. G. Morgado
Lynda and Jim Morgan
Mary-Lynn Morgan
John F. and Denise Morneau
Mike Moroun
Kristen and Jason Morris
David and Marla Morrison
Jeffrey R. Morrison
Karen (Glenn) Morrison
Patricia-Lynne Moscatello
Irene H. Moskal-Moumeni
and Abrahim Moumeni
Lawrence M. Moskovic
Louise E. Mouradian
Roger A. Mousseau
Bryan and Marianne Mulhern
Bernadette M. Mullen
Connie and Vincent Mullins
Kimberly J. Munro
Robert A. Munro Sr.
Tara L. Munro
Myles H. Murdock
Gloria and Ian Murphy
Ivana S. Murphy
Paul and Lorraine Murphy
Rosa M. Murphy
Violet Murphy
Barbara Murray
Daniel J. and Jacqueline M.
Heather Murray
Megan A. Muscat
John Muscl
Neil G. Musson
Krithika Muthuurumaran
Chaitanya Myneni
John P. Mysak
Robert Nairn
Vera Najdovska
Timothy A. Namespetra
Cindy Nantais
Kassandra Narain
Kevin P. Nardini
Mena R. Nargi
Adrzej and Helena Necio
Mulugeta A. Negussie
Jonathan J. Nehmetallah
David M. Nemerofsky
Beth Nesbitt
Natalie Albani
Howard S. Neubauer
Jim T. Neubauer
Susan R. Neufeld-Dick
Jessica Newman
George T. Ng
Hung-Chee Ng
Son T. Nguyen
Susan L. Nicholas
Tony and Jill Nicholls
Donald H. Nicholson
Virginia Nicol
Domenic N. Nicoletta
Karen L. Nicoletti
Wioletta Niemasik
Marko Nikolic
Diane L. Nixon
Gary L. Nixon
Steven B. Nixon
Lisa M. Noble
Deborah A. NobleLeontowicz
Patricia A. Noonan
Andrew J. Norris
Joan Norton
Ositadinma Nriagu
Morteza Nurcheshmeh
Virginia Marie Obierski
Gerald Obierski
Andrew T. S. O’Brien
Grace O’Brien
Paula J. O’Brien
Sylvia O’Brien
Diane L. O’Dell
Gerald and Maureen Oglan
Kathleen A. Oglan
Victoria A. Oglan
Margaret A. and Neil
Robert Ogryzek Sr.
Amy J. Ohler
Sally S. Olczak
Emily J. Oldenburg
Rosemarie H. Olivero
Carol A. O’Mara
Sandra Ondracka
Kathryn A. O’Neail Davis and
Edward Davies
Mary A. O’Neail
Barbara M. O’Neil
Celeste L. O’Neil
Cornelia S. O’Neil
Brian J. O’Neill
James V. O’Neill
Patricia M. O’Neill
Nzenalu O. Onuoha
Thomas W. Orchard
Michael R. Orenstein
Bruno A. Orlando
Jackie O’Rourke
Louise V. Orr
Jill Orton
Robert W. and Debbie
Tracy J. O’Shaughnessy
Debbre and Peter Oster
Fiona E. Oswald
Jane and John Oulton
Christina J. Ourchane
Shona E. Outridge
Pamela U. Ovadje
Marion Overholt
Kristyn Owers
Louis L. Ozbolt
Nikola Palameta
Bruno and Susan Pallotto
Mitch Palmer
Mical Palumbo
Flora C. Pannunzio
Lisa A. Paolatto
Angela M. Papas
Enzo A. Pappini
Donna L. Paquette
Janice G. Paquette
Jonathon L. Paquin
Angela M. Paradis
Stephanie A. Paraschak
Steven R. Pardy
2013-14 Annual Giving Program
Linda Parent
Marcel Parent
Joseph and Cynthia M.
Jenny A. Paris
David D. Paron
Laurel C. Parson
Neelam B. Parsons
Thomas B. Parsons
Ken Passa
Dushyant P. Patel
Chelsea A. Paterson
Marie Paterson
Nicole S. Paterson
Linda G. Patrick
Lora F. Pattemore
Daniel J. Patterson
J. Kathryn Patterson
Rick K. Patterson
Clifton and Margarita
Christine M. Patton
Amanda Paulin
Mary E. Pavlinak
Hilary G. Payne
Gregory N. Paziuk
Maureen A. Peacock
Antun M. Peakovic
Lisa Pealey
William and Mary Pearce
John C. Pearson
Maria Pellarin
Stephen E. Pellarin
Catherine Pelletier
Peter H. Pelletier
Linda D. Peltier
Aidong Peng
Gary J. Penner
Joan K. Pepper
Conrad A. Perl
Mario Perri
Stephanie Perry
Valeria Perry
Dan Perz and Gwen Jeun
Josef Perz
Katherine and James
Johnny Peto
Michelle (Mazak) Petrosenko
Walter R. Petryshyn
Gerald M. Pfalzer
Z. Phaneuf
Sandra S. Phelps
Eva E. and Rudolph Philipp
Timothy S. Phipps
Barbara Piccinin
Lora A. Piccinin
Ornella Piccolo
Lavern R. Pich
Marg Piche
Stephen Piche
Michael A. Pierce
John Neposlan and Colleen
L. Pierce-Neposlan
Beth Piet
Martha Pieterson-Bondy
Janice L. Pillon
David and Lisa Pinciuc
Joanne M. Pinkalla
Lynda Pinnington
Lisa M. Pinsonneault
Joseph Pintur
Gail A. Pirie
Marilena Pizzo
Helene Plante
Raymond M. Plante
Steve D. Platz
Marilyn Plotzke
Geniene Plummer
Donald L. Pohlman
Kim L. Poisson
Michelle R. Poisson
Mary Jo Policella
Joel W. Pollen
Linda A. and Michael
Alicia M. Pomeroy
Edward J. Ponikvar
Angela F. Poole
Gary J. Poole
Mary T. Poole
Michael C. Poole
Adrienne E. Popa
Christopher Porter
Vera Potocek
Kelly L. Potter
Monique J. Pouget
Baden M. Powell
Deborah and Peter Powell
William P. Power
Norma J. Powers
Marilyn E. Powley
Nicolina A. and Santino Pozzi
Michael S. and Susan E.
Eliana Prantera
Adriano Pranzitelli
Deborah M. Pravlochak
Marjorie G. Preston
Sheila Pretty
Paul Pribojan
Leanna M. Prior
Catharine A. Proctor
Roman Prokupek
Mark R. Provost
James L. Pryce
Yishu Pu
Preston G. Punga
Murray and Gwen Purdy
Hengyu Qin
Anthony and Angela Quaglia
Luc M. Quenneville
Therese A. Quenneville
Janet L. Quinlan
Jeffrey R. Quinlan
Michael C. Quinn
Rita Quinn
Connie Quinn-Vaillant
Ida Raco
John B. Radford
Navneetkumar R. Rafaliya
Lisa F. Raffoul
Joseph Raheb and Angela
Hoy Raheb
Lesley D. Rahm
Jerry F. Rakus
Susan F. and Evan Ralyea
Kendra Ramsay
Carol A. and David A.
Chitra Rangan
Lorie L. Ranieri
David V. Raniga
Surath Rao
Idalia H. Rappe
Karen Rapson
Teresa Rauti
Patricia C. Ravanello
Edward M. Raymond
Anthony P. Rea
Garry F. Reaume
Erika Rebello
Carol Reddam
Jennifer L. Reed
David and Elizabeth Reeves
Phyllis Reeves
J. Regnier
Robert E. Reid
Irvine G. Reilly
Laurent H. Reininger
Richard and Marie Renaud
Mary Jane Renaud
Matthew J. Renaud
Roland Renaud
Susan M. Reynell
Shelley N. Reynolds
Christie L. Riberdy
Christine M. Riberdy
Michele and Randy Rice
Fred and Christine Richard
Constance L. Richards
Kahaliah M. Richards
Pauline and James
Michelle L. Richling
Glenn W. Rideout
Terry and Vicki Ridsdale
Vern Riediger
James R. Rigamonti
Anthony I. Rimac
Kerri Ringrose
George and Althea Risden
Francis X. Rivest
Jean Roath
George and Marjorie Robarts
Maxine and Edward Robbins
Darlene D. Robert
David A. Roberts
Jack W. Robertson
Roger R. Robineau
Susan Robinet
Brian P. Robinson
Douglas and Victoria
Gord Robinson
Rachel M. Robinson
Rosemary A. Robinson
Fred Robson
Gary P. and Emily Rocheleau
Mark A. Rocheleau
Zeljko Rod
Charlene Roe
Marlene and David Roelens
Jenny Roffel and Family
Bruce E. Rogers
Alessia Roma
Lori Romero
Thomas A. Root
Franklin B. Rosar
Janet Rosenbaum
Wanda Rosicki
Nelide Rosset
Susan Roth
David R. Rothwell
Sandra Rotondi
Charles K. Rowland
Kathleen M. Roy
Lucille A. Roy
Jason D. Ruch
William and Nancy Ruch
Kaziu F. Rudzinski
A. June Rummerfield
James B. Rundle
Joseph and Paulette Rupert
Rade Rupovac
Lynda M. Rush
Nevi M. Rusich
Susan I. Rusk
Gerald and Beverley
Kimberly L. Ruston
Victor Ruszczak
Sarah L. Rutkowski
Will and Katherine Ruttinger
Lora L. Ruttle-Moser
Elizabeth Ryzer
Linda Sabatini
Joanne Sabourin
Frank J. Saccucci
Timothy and Kimberley Sadai
Chetan J. Sainath
Carmela D. Salice
Alan Walter Salmoni
Darrell and Jayne Sampson
Jennie L. Sanders
Geraldine C. Sandre
Robert Sandre
Robert and Patricia Sanford
Mary L. Santavy
John P. Sarlo
Nicole D. Sassine
Lisa Sasson
Barry C. Saunders
Lorri and Mark Sauve
Vicki Sauve
Marina Savie
Joseph Savoni
Rosa Savoni
Peter C. and Hilde Swatzky
Alan E. Sawtell
Ashley Sawyer
Tanya A. Sawyers
Norman Saxon
Nicole Sbrocca
Sabatino S. Sbrocca
C.L. Schachter
Melissa M. Schafer
Gisela Schartner
Sydney Schatzker
Jerry and Irene Schen
Timothy and Joan Scherer
Paul Schincariol
Sergio Schincariol
Matthew Schmidt
Christine Schneider
Lisa Schneider
Catherine E. and Charles
Doris A. Schroeder
Adelheid Schumacher
Theresa M. Schuurman
Mike Scobie
Margaret Scott
J. Karen Scott
Jeffrey J. Scott
Ross and Charlene Scott
Merry Ellen V. Scully Mosna
Elizabeth M. Seabrook
Mary-Alice Searles
Margaret R. Seech
Jeffrey J. Segeren
Michael L. Seicean
Jeffrey F. Seiler
Stuart and Suzanne Selby
Bryan Sellan
James B. Sellan
Diyan N. Selvadurai
Mark Sennett
Nick Serio
Russell D. Seton
Mark A. Seupersaud
Babak Shahabi
Patricia Shank
Pardeep Sharma
Heather I. Sharp
Katherine H. and Robert
B. Shaw
Glorianna C. Shearme
Richard Shelson
Robin and Carol Shepherd
Brian J. Sherman
Christopher G. Sherrer
Vanessa M. Shields
Richard E. Shiner
Victoria Shkreli
Celina (Seto) Shoji
Shirley and Christopher
Mary A. Showell
Glyn and Tracie Buck
David M. Shulman
Yat Yee R. Shum
Walt Sigmund
Cheryl Silverstein
Brian Simard
Matthew Simic
Tijana Simonovska
Brian C. Simpson
Glen R. Simpson
John Sinasac
Lisa A. Sinasac
Maninder Singh
John A. Singleton
Daniel R. Sionov
Hoda Skaff
Jeanette A. A. Skinner
Nelka Sklarova
Karen and Michael Sklash
Toby C. Sklash
Josephine Skuza
G. Slavik
Patricia M. and Lyle Sloan
Michael Sloboda
Jeff Slota
Linda L. Small
Michael Smiles
Amanda A. Smith
Arlene and Donald Smith
Arnold H. Smith
Colleen and Gerald Smith
Constance L. Smith
Dale A. Smith
Gloria J. Smith
Jessica M. Smith
Linda M. Sneddon
Gordon Snell
Dalton and Margaret Snelling
Rick Snider
Robert and Josie F. Sobocan
Richard Solcz
Christopher J. Solet
Kenneth S. Solway
Peter J. Soteros
Dorothy Souchak
Gina Soulliere
Cecil C. Southward
Antonietta Spada
Mario and Gloria Spada
Mirella Spadotto
Sandra Spagnoli-Iseppi
Antonio Spagnuolo
Jane Specht
Robert S. Spender
Rita Sperduti
Brian A. Spooner
Ann M. Sprague
Gloria A. Sprague
Judy Spurgeon
Debbie Squillaro
Lynn M. Srokosz
Larry J. St. Antoine
Muriel St. Louis
M. Hazel St. Pierre
Jasmine I. St. Pierre
Irene R. S. Stacey
Ana-Maria Staffen
Mary Katherine Stainton
Yuriy Stamov
Sarah Stannard
Kenneth R. Stanton
Kristi M. Stearns
Elaine Steel
John W. Steel
Michael B. Steer
Etna Stefani
David K. Steffen
Sandra Stein
Joseph M. Steiner
Louise M. Steinman
Roula Stergianis
Brian Sterling
Fely Sternbauer
Colleen G. Stevens
James Stevenson
Linda L. Stevenson
Mike Stevenson
Gordon D. Stewart
Raymond Stewart
Ruth Stewart
Robert and Kay Stezycki
Monique C. Stinac
William D. Stockwell
Kathy Storey
Paul J. Stothers
Dana and Dan Straus
Cathy A. Strong
Ross E. Struthers
Wilhelmine Strybosch
Peter K. Sturgeon
Sarah S. Subhan
Sheila M. Sullivan
Shagufta K. Sultan
Shannon L. Sunega
Leslie P. Sussman
Brian Suta
Susan R. Sutherland
Craig E. Sutton
Chris and Sharon Swart
Gregory and Anne Switzer
Angele A. Sylvester
Nancy J. Synnott
Eva C. Szabo
Henry Szaran
Glendene A. Szymanski
Adam and Mary Taborek
Marijke Taks
Kathy Y. Tang
Robert V. Tartaglia
Sydney Taylor
Teresa M. Taylor
Jennifer D. Tebbens
Paul F. Tesar
Dan F. Tesolin
Sandra M. Tessier
Alan M. Thibert
Darlene Thibert
Sherry Thibert
Nirumalan Thillaiampalam
Deborah I. Thomas
Mark L. Thomas
Tracey L. Thomas
Zelda B. Thomas
Gordon H. Thompson
Howard B. Thompson
Marion R. Thompson
Scott Thorpe
Dawn M. Tiessen
Elizabeth A. and Joseph
Joyce B. Timpson
Chris and Denise Tingen
William Tkach
Matthew and Carole Tobin
Settimo and Deborah Tocco
Lou D. Todon
Annemarie Toldo
Luigi G. Tomaselli
Mark C. Tomek
Murray A. Topliffe
Enzo V. and Gayle Torcoletti
Tibor Toronyi
Ostap Toroshenko
Sam F. Tortola
Miroslav J. Tot
Alex Toth
Donald Towsley
Bob Tran
Helen M. Tran
Candace and James
Michael J. Tremblay
Sue M. Tremblay
Jean P. Trepanier
Marianne S. and Scott
Mary Tricsli
Herschal H. Trivedi
Lisa Trombley
Stacey Trombley
Paul J. Trudell
Teresa Trytek
John Tsakonas
Mary P. Tuck
K Tulloch
Shari M. Turcotte
Christine and Jeff Turner
Jeffrie A. Turner
William J. Turner
Althea R. and Daniel D.
Anthony Tymstra
Md Jashim Uddin
Gary J. and Chris Ulicny
Leanne (Nadjiwon) Urso
Dallas E. Urwin
Richard J. Valenciuk
Louis P. and Betty Ann
Dean M. R. Valentino
Larry Vallieres
Mark Van Bekkum
Annette C. van Blommestein
Dawna M. Van Boxmeer
Sarah L. Van Der Paelt
Ronald and Mary Van
Michael S. van Pinxteren
Neil T. Van Velzen
Eric S. Vandenbroucke
Edna Vander Muren
Mary Ann Vangel
Pamela M. Bennett
Tracie A. Vanvrouwerff
Bianca Vasapolli
Nick Vecchio
Abinaya Veerappan Gandhi
Mireille M. Vegso
Valerie Veinotte
Michelle Veneman
Tadiboyina Venkateswarlu
Dina E. Venturini
Cindy L. Vergara
Christopher S. Vertz
Nicole T. Vignone
Luis F. Villalpando Rosas
Kristin A. Villemaire
Nicolino and Paula Vincelli
Maria Vitale
Domenic C. Vitella and
Sandra J. Chapman
view . fall 2014
2013-14 Annual Giving Program
Deborah Vlodarchyk
Michael Vogel
Denise M. Vriesacker
Goran Vucajnk
Jeff Vukasovic
Donald R. Wadsworth
Vicky A. Walker
Lucien J. Wallaert
Ruth Waltman
John Ward
Kristen D. Ward
Angela and Timothy Warnock
Mark J. Warriner
Ruth A. Wass
Margaret R. Wassell
Christopher Waters and
Anneke Smit
Beverly A. Watson
Diane L. Watson
Elizabeth K. Watson
Michelle L. Watters
Valerie Watts
John Webber
Pamela J. Weber
Catherine A. Websdale
Deborah C. Weeks
Christian and Sara Weinberg
Lisa S. Wells
Jin Wen
Kimberly A. Wenner
Barbara E. Westelaken
David and Norma Wheatley
Kevin White
Linda A. White
Roger and Heather White
Shango Whited
J. Robin Whitelaw
Wayne and Shirley Whitfield
Judith M. Whiting
Gregory W. Whittal
Dean Whittier
Ronald W. Wieleba
Peter J. Wigle
Catherine M. Wilbur
Letitia Wilcox
Julie M. Wilkin
William. and F. Wilkinson
Art Williams
Donna and Arthur Williams
Patricia Williams
Victoria R. Wills
Carolyn P. Wilson
Dana D. M. Wilson
Janice E. Wilson
Mary C. and Thomas Wilson
Melinda M. Wilson
Shirley Wilson
Suzanne M. Wilson
Wayne F. Wilson
Janet and Michael Wilton
Erin A. Wiltshire
Kenneth R. Winch
John A. Winchester
Diane L. Winsborough
Janet E. Winter
Don Winterton
Marisa Wismer
Eva Wolf
Mark M. Wolfe
Martha K. Wolfe
David P. Wood
Kevin B. Wood
S. Woodruff Atkinson
Heather L. and William J.
Andrew E. Wright
Denise A. Wright
James R. Wright and
Jennifer J. Rentz-Wright
Joseph J. Wright
Kelly Wright and Matthew
Paul L. Wright
Jocelyn Wu
Katherine Wyonch
Chunyi Xia
Hong Xu
Hongzhe Xu
Claire Yancy
William Zaidao Yang
Kari L. Yeboah
Yanhua Yin
Glen Ymana
Gloria Ymana
Valeriana Ymana
Harry Yuen and Patricia Chan
Dennis J. Yurke
Carolyn M. Zahorak
Ronald V. Zaldin
Renata Zanella
Rick and Josie Zannese
Christopher B. Zappio
Tracey Zavitz
Ed Zemla
Chi Zhang
Shuzhen Zhao
Ning Zhou
Chao Zhu
Lawrence P. and Eldred Zilli
Laura M. Zimmer
J. Terence Zinger
David Ziriada
Amin Karim Zodeh
Joanne Zold
Legacy gifts, usually made through wills and insurance plans, are directed by the donor following much care and consideration and often reflect a life
of dedication to the University of Windsor. Thanks to all members of the Legacy Circle who have honoured this institution and its students with a
planned gift.
Aniela (Nellie) Anderson*
Mary Ayris
Caroline Margaret Bradley*
Guy Ballard*
May Doreen Beatty*
Sandra Bell
William Bond*
Edith Margaret Bowlby*
Lola E. Buckley*
Bernard Leo Buhlman
Kenneth Calmenson
Henry John Carmichael*
William John Leonard
Liisa Maria Chappus*
J. Robert Charette*
Prabodh Kumar Chatterjee*
Manley Chew*
Willis Lumgair Clark*
Anne Cristescu*
Eleanor J. Cruickshank*
Nellie Anne Dagger*
Olga Delvecchio
Pamela Dickie
Bernarda C. Camello-Doctor
Robert and Bonnie Drago
Mary Louise Drake
Rachel Leary Drummond*
A. William Eansor*
Mary Catherine Evans*
E. Peter and Terry Farmer
Harold Peter Fast*
Paul Russell Frasca*
Gerald and Miriam Freed
Abram David Froese*
Mary Margaret Fuller*
Pasquale J. and Janet E.
Gordon Giddings
Elizabeth Gillespie*
Janice O. Goldman
Marie Gott*
Estate of Geraldine Fay
Austin J. Gravelle
Dorothy Gray*
Bill Hallett
Amanda I. Hanson*
Howard J. Haskings
Richard and Donna Hassard
Robert and Margaret Evelyn
Paul Huschilt
Graeme Hutchinson
Leo Anthony Innocente
Agnes Ireland*
Sushil and Christine Jain
Nadia Jarkowiec*
Lucie Erika Joseph*
Mervin M. Katzman*
William Kurry*
Camillo LaCavita
Helen Norma Laframboise*
Amrit Lall*
Susan C. Lester
Elena Loaring*
Paul J. Liut
George F. Macdonald*
Norma Rose Macdonald*
John Arthur Marsh*
Marilyn Mason
Kathleen McCrone
Walter McGregor
Pauline McKinnon*
Ian and Sandra McLeod
George A. McMahon
Stewart Moore*
Austin Mousseau
Louis Odette*
Alan and Diana Orman
Joseph Ozad*
Ernest Paliy
Michael L. Petras*
Florence Pennington*
Lily Pillon*
Joseph Fabian Pollard*
Francis Postill*
Norman Ramm*
Robert Spencer Rayson*
Joe and Erika Rebello
Gertrude Alice Rock*
Seymour Schott*
Anne Sclater
Douglas Schwegel
Gail Sheard*
Thomas Shoyama*
Harry, Izzy* and Sol Sigal
Mark and Mary Ann Simpson
Jean Sonnenfeld
John Stoiko
Bernice Stone*
Pat Sturn*
Clarice Fayil Tapson*
Lynn Teahan
Each year, programs across campus receive gifts that are greatly
appreciated, yet whose value is difficult to quantify.
Gifts in-kind are items such as those the School of Dramatic Art may
receive that bring real authenticity to a University Players production.
These are the specialized electronics equipment or software that enables
a project in a technical program to go forward. Other gifts may fulfill
needs for a varsity team, the Odette School of Business, the Paul Martin
Law Library or even a group of graduate students whose project takes
them into a remote corner of our planet.
view . fall 2014
$2,500 - $4,999
Jeanne Godfrey
$500 - $999
Lisa Steele
$250 - $499
Kevin Currie
$100 - $249
Sharon Gu
Helen Margaret Tebbs*
William Tovinsky*
Robert J. Tschanz
Lady Deborah William
Kenneth J. Van Meer
Helen Isabel Vuckovich*
Ernest William James
Carol Ann Walcott
Eleanor Wallace*
Yolanda Walthier*
Marie Mireille Lydia
Robert Noel Whitehurst*
Jerry Clayton Williams*
Elizabeth Jane Williamson*
Winnifred Jean Wilson*
Anne M. Winterbottom
A. Maud Woodall*
Hilda Woodall*
Sheila Wright
William McKay Wright*
Michael Zin*
Phyllis Zin
2013-14 Annual Giving Program
$500,000 - $999,999
P & L Odette Charitable
The E. & G. Odette Charitable
$100,000 - $499,999
BMO Bank of Montreal
$50,000 - $99,999
Alumni Association
The John and Judy Bragg
Family Foundation
Valiant Corporation
Windsor Family Credit Union
Windsor Mold Group
Windsor Regional Hospital
$20,000 - $49,999
The Morris & Beverly Baker
Caesars Windsor
Graduate Student Society
Windsor Family Credit Union
The Woodbridge Corporation
$10,000 - $19,999
Blake Cassels & Graydon
C.U.P.E. Local 1393
Canterbury College
The Chandisherry Foundation
Competitive Foods Canada
Friends U. of Windsor
Invitational BasketBall
Istituto Italiano Di Cultura
Shoppers Drug Mart
TD Insurance Meloche
Tourism Windsor Essex
Pelee Island
Vancouver Foundation
Windsor University Faculty
$5,000 - $9,999
ADR Chambers
Bell Canada
CS&P Architects
Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc.
The Jackman Foundation
John Ferguson Golf
Association Bingo
Muriel Kassimatis -Strategic
Charitable Giving
Katelyn Bedard Bone Marrow
Law Foundation of Ontario
MBNA Canada
Miller Thomson LLP
Norton Rose Fulbright
OPUS (Organization of PartTime Students)
Toronto Chapter U of Windsor
Victorian Order of Nurses
Windsor Essex Community
Windsor Essex County
Association of Realtors
$2,500 - $4,999
Affleck Greene McMurtry
Canadian Club Brand Center
Cisco Systems Canada Co.
DeGraw Automotive Group
Enwin Utilities Limited
FCCP Ontario Education
Gowlings LLP
Holiday Inn
Manulife Financial
McCarthy Tetrault LLP
Mercer (Canada) Limited
Mousseau DeLuca
McPherson Prince LLP
Norton Rose Fulbright
Ontario Professional
Engineers Foundation for
Phillips Hager & North
Investment Management
Polonia Centre
St. Anne’s French Immersion
Catholic School
Telus Business Solutions
Tepperman’s Furniture
$1,000 - $2,499
11 AM Coffee Club
A Breast or Knot
Bank of Montreal - BMO
Financial Group
Bartlet & Richardes LLP
The Bellringer Family
BMO Nesbit Burns
Marilyn & Joseph Bolton
Charitable Fund
Canadian Hospitality
Group Ltd - Holiday Inn
Cassels Brock & Blackwell
Criminal Lawyers’
Deloitte Management
Services LP
Drudi, Alexiou Kuchar LLP
DUCA Financial Services
Credit Union Ltd.
Dundee Securities Ltd.
Engineering Week
Enwin Utilities Commission
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin
The Ford Motor Company
G. Caboto Club
The Guarantee Company of
North America
Gethsemane Lutheran
Human Kinetics Canada
Hutchinson Charitable FundStrategic Charitable Giving
The Insolvency Institute of
Jewish Community
Endowment Fund of
Walter Kindiak Fund Strategic Charitable Giving
KPMG Management Services
Lawrence, Lawrence,
Stevenson LLP
The Learning Continuum
Matachewan Consolidated
Maxims Limited Partnership
McChip Resources Inc
McTague Law Firm LLP
The Northern Trust
Company, Canada
Omega Tool Corp.
Ontario Power Generation
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt
Pallett Valo LLP
Pape Salter Teillet
Radovich Chiropractic
The Rotary Club of Chatham
Service Fund
Rotary Club of Windsor Roseland
Rotary Club of Windsor
(1918) Ontario Canada
Schukra of North America
Sherry’s Bracelets
Sigma Chi Canadian
Solutions In Health Inc.
St. Joseph Catholic
Elementary School
Stantec Consulting
Stevensons LLP
Tim Horton (Petawawa)
Torkin Manes LLP
Torys LLP
Waterloo Region Law
Windsor Factory Supply
$500 - $999
Harry Abbott-Strategic
Charitable Giving
Bereskin & Parr LLP
CCH Canadian Limited
Davis Webb LLP
Dayus Register & Grille
De Francesca Law Office
Professional Corporation
German-Canadian Business
& Professional Association
Halford Foundation -
Strategic Charitable Giving
Hull & Hull LLP
Jans Management
Koolini Italian Eatery
KPMG Foundation
Machine Doctors Inc
Dr. Marshall Dentistry
Professional Corporation
McMillan LLP
Miller Canfield Paddock &
Stone, LLP
National Class Action
Services (Canada) Inc.
Ontario Nurses Association
Local 008
Ontario Registered Music
Teachers Association
P. X. Smith Medicine
Professional Corp
Prestressed Systems
Pricewaterhouse Coopers
Reybroek Barristers
Professional Corporation
Ridgewood Capital Asset
Security Recovery Group Inc
Sports Club 444 Inc
Stikeman Elliott LLP
Stout Dispute Resolution Inc.
Unifor Local 444
Workers Health & Safety
$250 - $499
Accucaps Industries Limited
Aleo Associates Inc.
Beta Sigma Phi Windsor City
Bravo Cement Contracting
Canadian Online Giving
Culmone Law Firm
Empire Communications
Hengl, Scott Financial
Partners Inc
Hercon Sheet Metal Inc
Jain Family Foundation Strategic Charitable Giving
Kautex Textron
Koskie Minsky LLP
The Law Society Foundation
Liqui-Force Services
Lyndon Security Services Inc.
Mancini Battisti Savoni
Provost LLP
Susan Waymouth
Rehabilitation Consulting
Sutts, Strosberg LLP
Parkwood Gospel Temple
South Windsor Youth Soccer
SSS Gracanica Choir
Symatron Corporation
United Way Centraide Ottawa
$1 - $99
ABC Computers
Bell Canada
Corp. of the County of Essex
Executive Business Services
Industrial Alliance
Lambton County Law
Lone Fone Restaurant &
Rafi Systems, Inc.
Town of Lakeshore
Walkerville Yoga Loft
$100 - $249
1413441 Ontario Limited
Canadian Union of Public
Employees Local 3740
Essex Metals
Faculty of Nursing
Family Service WindsorEssex County
Flett Beccario
Grayson Technical Services
I.A.T.S.E. Local 828
ITW Canada
Kestenberg Siegal Lipkus
Lifestyle Chiropractic
Nantais Sport Shop (1990)
Near North Realty Ltd
view . fall 2014
The University of Windsor has recast its strategic research priorities into four
Grand Challenges: Healthy Great Lakes; Viable, Healthy and Safe Communities;
Sustainable Industry; and Understanding Borders. These Grand Challenges are
based on our geographical location and our historic research strengths.
They collectively define us and tell the external world our aspirations and goals.
No other Canadian university can tackle these challenges simultaneously today.
From the Grand Challenges, we aspire
to be leaders in the following areas…
Healthy Great Lakes
•Advance and communicate fundamental knowledge of Great Lakes science;
•Develop technologies that improve water quality and biota health;
•Contribute to a culture that values and prioritizes activities that enhance the health of the
Great Lakes;
•Understand and help develop the policies and regulations to safeguard the Great Lakes;
•Mitigate and adapt to the effects of natural and societal impact to the Great Lakes and lead
remediation efforts in the Great Lakes region and beyond; and
• Train highly qualified personnel who will become next-generation scholars and leaders.
Viable, Healthy and Safe Communities
• Explore and understand the social, economic and health conditions that will lead to viable,
healthy and safe communities;
• Advance knowledge about the lives of designated groups and diverse people, including First
Nations, women, ethnic and sexual minorities, the disabled, recent immigrants and others,
not only of problems, but also of strengths and resiliencies to maximize the health of people
and the vibrancy of communities;
• Advance the humanities, arts, social and natural sciences, technologies and engineering that
will enhance the viability, health, livability and safety of communities;
• Build synergy from various stakeholders and sectors that will enhance the above goals; and
• Train highly qualified personnel who will become next-generation social and technological
entrepreneurs, scholars and leaders.
Sustainable Industry
• Collaborate with multi-sector industrial stakeholders to help build sustainable industries;
• Mobilize knowledge and technologies to collaborating industry partners;
• Accommodate and facilitate the collaboration with participating industrial partners who
prefer locating their innovation units at the University to develop next-generation ideas and
• Provide business, legal and technical advice to industries on a collaborative basis; and
• Train highly qualified personnel who will become next-generation industrial entrepreneurs,
leaders, scientists and engineers.
Understanding Borders
• Understand all issues, including logistical, economical, societal, human, cultural, political,
legal and trade, associated with borders and border crossing;
• Understand and support the development of policies, regulations and best practices that will
facilitate border crossing;
• Develop the science, technology and engineering that will facilitate safe and secure border
crossings, including that of knowledge, goods, certifications, regulations and people;
• Train highly qualified personnel who will become next-generation scholars and leaders; and
• Understand and support bi-national co-ordination of environmental and emergency
management in border regions.
Contact Us
Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation
University of Windsor
401 Sunset Avenue
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
N9B 3P4
Alistair MacLeod LLD ’00
Alistair MacLeod, a Canadian writer whose only
novel — composed over 13 years and extracted from
him only after a campaign by his publisher involving
surveillance, subterfuge and outright bribery — brought him
literary fame, a lucrative prize and a bottle of Scotch, died
on April 20, 2014 in Windsor, Ontario. He was 77.
The cause was complications of a stroke he’d suffered in
The appearance of MacLeod’s novel, “No Great Mischief,”
published in 1999 to rapturous reviews, augmented the quiet,
impeccably burnished reputation he had long had among
other writers.
In 2002, The Herald of Glasgow described him as “one of
the greatest living writers in English”; his work has now been
translated into many foreign languages.
The sweep of MacLeod’s reputation today is all the more
noteworthy when considered alongside his slender output,
which at his death stands at the one novel and fewer than twodozen short stories.
If, as he liked to say, he seemed constitutionally equipped to
turn out a novel once every 60 years or so, he had his reasons.
To begin with, he had a day job: At his death, he was an
emeritus professor of English at the University of Windsor,
where he had taught for more than three decades, leaving only
summers for fiction.
“I don’t mind,” MacLeod said in a 2004 interview. “For a
long time, I was described as one of North America’s most
promising writers. Pretty soon, I was going to be one of North
America’s most promising geriatric writers. Promise has to be
fulfilled sometime.”
What was more, he shunned computers, setting his work
down in longhand with a watchmaker’s deliberation, polishing
each sentence to its final form before proceeding to the next.
“When I type on the computer and I see it on the screen,
I think that fairies or leprechauns wrote it,” he told The Santa
Fe New Mexican in 2004. “When I put my stubby ballpoint
pen on the paper, I take a lot of time thinking about what I’m
writing. And so I say to myself, ‘Well, now this has to happen,’
and I make little notes to myself, like ‘Don’t forget to make the
parents older than the children.’ ”
view . fall 2014
Like nearly all MacLeod’s fiction, “No Great Mischief” is
set on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia, where he spent his
boyhood and maintained a home to the end of his life.
A multigenerational story that intertwines the fates of
the island’s fishermen and miners with those of their Scottish
forebears, the novel explores what for its author was an abiding
concern: the tensions that pervade a community caught
between the pull of tradition and the pressure of assimilation.
Narrated by Alexander MacDonald, who has forsaken his
island roots for a life of bourgeois discontent as an orthodontist,
the novel is set against a background of Gaelic speech, old
Scottish songs and the ever-present swing of the sea.
But as MacLeod’s spare, elegiac prose makes plain, life
on Cape Breton is no pastoral idyll. His narrative is suffused
with loss, notably that of Alexander’s parents, who, traversing
the frozen waters on foot in wintertime, slip through the ice to
their deaths.
“The tide was going out when they vanished, leaving
nothing but a lantern — perhaps tossed on to the ice by a
sinking hand and miraculously landing upright and continuing
to glow, or perhaps, set down after its arc, wildly but carefully
by a hand which sought to reach another,” the author wrote.
“My parents were not found that day, or the next, or in the days
or months that followed.”
In 2001, “No Great Mischief” won the International Impac
Dublin Literary Award. The prize, more than $100,000, is widely
described as the world’s largest for a single work of fiction.
A coal miner’s son, John Alexander Joseph MacLeod was
born in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, on July 20, 1936, a
descendant of ancestors who came to Cape Breton from the
Hebrides in the late 18th century. (Alistair, the name fixed on
him in childhood, is Alexander’s Gaelic counterpart.)
His parents, Gaelic-speaking Cape Breton natives, had
moved to Saskatchewan to seek work during the Depression,
but when the boy was 10, pining for home, they returned with
him to the island.
Working his way through college as a logger, miner and
fisherman, MacLeod earned a teaching certificate from
Nova Scotia Teachers College, followed by bachelor of arts
and bachelor of education degrees from St. Francis Xavier
University in Antigonish, Nova
Scotia; a master’s in English
from the University of New
Brunswick; and a PhD in the
field from the University of
Notre Dame, where he wrote
his dissertation on Thomas
He began writing short
fiction in the 1960s, and with
complete fealty to his internal
chronometer completed no
more than one story a year. His
first, “The Boat,” about a death
at sea, was collected in the 1969 edition of “The Best American Short
Stories,” alongside work by Bernard Malamud, Joyce Carol Oates and
Isaac Bashevis Singer.
MacLeod’s debut short-story collection, “The Lost Salt Gift
of Blood,” appeared in 1976 to glowing notices, as did his second
collection, “As Birds Bring Forth the Sun,” in 1986. Then a watchingand-waiting game began.
His Canadian publisher, McClelland & Stewart, had gotten wind of
the fact that he was starting a novel. That, as the company’s publisher
emeritus, Douglas Gibson, recounted in an interview after the author’s
passing, was cause for great excitement — and great apprehension.
“At first my role was just to be an encouraging friend,” said Gibson,
who known MacLeod for years. “But then, in 1988, I became the
publisher of McClelland & Stewart, and at that point my benevolent
interest turned into greedy self-interest. And my hitherto irregular phone
calls turned into a routine of calls every six months or so to say, ‘How’s
it coming?’ And he would be charmingly vague.”
The publisher shadowed his quarry. A relative of MacLeod’s
who worked in McClelland & Stewart’s warehouse was charged with
apprising him of novelistic developments. A network of moles across
Canada, attending readings of the work in progress, phoned Gibson to
report on new passages he had read.
Years went by. The publisher’s semiannual calls became quarterly
calls — then monthly, then daily. MacLeod “likened them to being in a
car with a small child who’s constantly asking: ‘Are we there yet? Are we
there yet?’ ” Gibson said.
One day, acting on a tip
from the author’s wife, he
tracked him to the Toronto
railway station. On the platform,
Gibson, wearing a raincoat,
slipped unobtrusively into the
empty seat beside him. “Isn’t
this amazing!” he remarked with
studied surprise. “Here I am
patrolling Union Station looking
for best-seller authors and I find
MacLeod laughed but
would not relinquish his
briefcase when his seatmate offered to carry it. It contained the only
copy of the manuscript in existence.
Gibson gained possession of the manuscript only in 1999, after
he flew to Windsor to perform an extraction, armed with a bottle of
Talisker, “single-malt whisky from the appropriate part of Scotland.”
In hardcover, “No Great Mischief” spent a year and a half on
Canadian best-seller lists. MacLeod, who had homes in Windsor and
in Dunvegan, on Cape Breton, was named an Officer of the Order of
Canada in 2008.
Besides his son Alexander, his survivors include his wife, the former
Anita MacLellan; four other sons, Lewis, Kenneth, Daniel and Andrew; a
daughter, Marion MacLeod; and nine grandchildren.
An omnibus volume, “Island: The Complete Stories,” comprising the
two earlier collections along with two new stories, appeared in 2001.
If the author had had his way, Gibson might not have been able to
publish “No Great Mischief” as soon as he did. What MacLeod handed
him that day in 1999 was a dense thicket of pages, typed, in a welter of
different fonts, by a series of well-meaning friends.
“I was going to type it up in beautiful form for him, you know,”
MacLeod said in a 2001 interview in The Canberra Times of Australia.
“In another two years.” n
A version of this article appeared in print on April 25, 2014, on page A23 of the
New York edition with the headline: Alistair MacLeod, a Novelist in No Hurry,
Dies at 77.
view . fall 2014
Un i v e r si t y
of W i n d s or
Photo Book
The University of Windsor is proud to announce the launch of its first-ever photo book.
This hardbound volume features 120 pages of beautiful images that capture the heart and soul of the
University of Windsor campus. It also features essays on the University’s history, profiles of trailblazers,
and a foreword by professor emeritus and world-renowned author, Dr. Alistair MacLeod.
Available at the University of Windsor Bookstore or order
online at – $50 plus tax
All proceeds benefit University of Windsor student scholarships.
Limited quantities available.
Mackenzie Falk
Year 3 MSW/JD student
Some schools care
about Social Justice.
We live it.
Visit for more information.
view . fall 2014
Michael Bates BHK ’95, MBA ’04
Sue Williams BHK ’85, MHK ’88
John Renaud BComm ’01
Don Bruner BComm ’70
Chris Busch MSc ’03, MBA ’07
Anna Godo BASc ’86, MASc ’90
Clara Howitt BA ’90, MEd ’98, PhD ’09
Raed Kadri BASc ’09
Tamara Lopez BA ’04
Beth Oakley BA ’90, BEd ’98, MEd ’05
Gordon Orr BA ’89
Beth Ann Prince BA ’91
Sarah Renaud BA ’03, BSW ’04
Jennifer S. Rooke BA ’02, LLB ’05
Elaine Whitmore BScN ’88
Jean Wright BA ’71, BEd ’72
Dr. Alan Wildeman
President, University of Windsor
President, Faculty Association
This past June, we proudly welcomed 3,400 new members to
the University of Windsor Alumni Association family.
As each of the new graduates crossed the stage at spring
convocation, the pride they had in obtaining their UWindsor
degree was palpable. The smiles they donned as they walked by
President Alan Wildeman and were welcomed by Chancellor Ed
Lumley were contagious.
If you are a new graduate, welcome to the Alumni
Association. You will find that we have a variety of things
to offer to you including exciting social events, networking opportunities, discounts
through our affinity partners, communication tools to ensure you stay engaged with your
university and a variety of opportunities for you to display your Lancer pride as you begin
this new phase of your life.
If you are a more seasoned grad, I thank you for your continued support of the
University and look forward to seeing you at one of our many upcoming alumni events.
We have events planned for this fall in Ottawa and Toronto. We will also hold an “alumni
weekend” in Windsor that will run from October 3 to 5. Check out our web page for more
details on all of our events:
I am proud to have served as the president of the Alumni Association and I am
pleased with the events, projects and scholarships we have supported during my tenure
on the board. This November marks the end of my term and I want to thank all of our
past and current board members, University staff and – most of all – our alumni for their
commitment to UWindsor.
It is my pleasure to welcome John Renaud BComm ’01 as the incoming president and
I look forward to the exciting things to come from the Alumni Association. It is fulfilling to
be a part of such an extraordinary group.
Iftekhar Ibne Basith MASc ’11
President, GSS
Dr. Ed King MA ’61, BEd ’76, MA ’91, MA ’01
President, OPUS
Vince Bassman BComm ’70
William Wright BA ’70, LLB ’73
President, Alumni Association
Raed Kadri BASc ’09
Patti Lauzon BA ’07
view . fall 2014
The Alumni Association has been busy these past few months hosting events in Toronto, Calgary, Essex County, Stratford
and Windsor. Here are some snapshots of the networking and social events attended by over 500 UWindsor alumni.
Guest speaker Dr. Scot McFadden at an alumni and friends event held at the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto. Dr. McFadden shared his experience
as a sports psychologist for NHL teams along with the overall theme of “bringing your best” to what you do professionally and personally.
TORONTO – MAY 15, 2014
Rick Kriza, John Renaud, Alumni Association vice-president and
Sue Williams, Alumni Association past president at the Alumni
Networking Event in Windsor held at the Walkerville Brewery.
Two UWindsor alumni wait for the first pitch to be thrown at the
Blue Jays game on May 15. The Alumni Association held a special
UWindsor night in a suite at the Rogers Centre in downtown Toronto.
Alumni Association volunteer Mark Lefebvre (left) and University
president Dr. Alan Wildeman discuss the new campus master plan
at the Walkerville Brewery event.
UWindsor alumnus and Toronto Blue Jays radio announcer Joe
Siddall paid a visit to the University alumni fans before the Blue
Jays game on May 15. Siddall and a Toronto alumna with Alumni
Association board member Bill Wright.
view . fall 2014
Laura Lucier and Bill Orawski speak with University Major Gifts
Officer Susan Maxwell at the Alumni Networking Event held at
Oxley Estate Winery.
Carolyn Beacroft, BA 63 from London was the lucky winner of the
50th anniversary book.
Alumni Officer, Special Events Katherine Simon, John Renaud
and Director of Alumni Affairs and Donor Communications, Patti
Lauzon at the Oxley Winery event.
Organizers Ryan Henderson, BA, 2004 (far right) and Cam Burmaster,
BComm 2003, MBA 2004 (middle) joined by guest Dan Humphries.
set yourself apart
Professional Learning for Educators
Additional Qualification Courses
Fall Semester:
Registration Opens: June 1, 2014
Registration Closes: September 21, 2014
Classes Start: September 22, 2014
Classes End: December 13, 2014
Winter Semester:
Registration Opens: October 1, 2014
Registration Closes: January 18, 2015
Classes Start: January 19, 2015
Classes End: April 11, 2015
view . fall 2014
AQ-Alumni-Ad.indd 1
2014-08-01 9:01 AM
Notice is hereby given that the University of Windsor Alumni Association will be hosting its Annual General
Meeting and Awards Presentations on Thursday, November 20, 2014 at Ambassador Auditorium, CAW Student
Centre, at 5 p.m.
All alumni and friends are invited to attend. Please RSVP to guarantee your seat at or call the
Alumni Affairs and Donor Communications office at 519.971.3618.
Teaching requires a stance combining the grounding
of a sumo wrestler and the grace of a ballet dancer,
says education professor Finney Cherian. He joined history
professor Robert Nelson as recipients of the Alumni Award
for Distinguished Contributions to University Teaching
during celebrations of the University’s 101st Convocation
held June 11 to 13.
“I want my students to be passionate seekers of
knowledge rather than content proprietors of it,” Dr.
Cherian says. “I want them to have more questions in hand
than answers.”
In conferring the award at spring convocation, Alumni
Association president Mike Bates said Cherian is known for
his dedication to his students and his discipline.
“He is known to provide an environment for learning
that is student-centred, with a teaching style that is
dynamic and insightful,” Bates said.
Dr. Nelson won praise from his nominators for his
excellent relationship with students.
“His welcoming and enthusiastic demeanour sets him
apart from his colleagues,” wrote one nominator. “If to be
truly an extraordinary teacher you must have something
special, something personal, something a wee bit extra,
then Dr. Nelson eminently qualifies.”
The awards recognize excellence in all areas of
teaching, including classroom presentation, curriculum
development, versatility, teaching methods, and student
Establishing a Scholarship
At the University of Windsor
George Pantelimon BASc ’13, M.A.Sc Candidate,
Electrical and Computer Engineering, was the recipient
of the Bristow Family Scholarship established by Wayne
and Purita Bristow in 2007. George’s research involves
designing technology that will place wind sensors on flying
drones, sending live information to wind farms to optimize
the efficiency of their turbines, by changing the direction
and angle they face.
Scholarship support at all levels provides essential aid
to our students. A gift of any size can make a significant
impact on a student’s education.
Wayne Bristow, George Pantelimon, Purita Bristow
view . fall 2014
For more information on establishing or contributing
to a scholarship, contact Fedela Falkner at or 519-253-3000 Ext. 4141
A long-time supporter of the University of Windsor,
Windsor Family Credit Union (WFCU) is proud to bring our
complete line of Financial, Investment, Insurance and Trust
products and services to the UWindsor campus.
Offering the best and broadest range of services, accessible
at your convenience, WFCU’s professional and dedicated
staff are looking forward to establishing new relationships
with you.
This new location features a friendly greeter, café lounge
area, no teller lines, an ATM and private offices for all
financial assistance.
To learn more about WFCU’s new UWindsor location, call
519-974-3100, visit or stop by 2455 Wyandotte
Street West.
FEBRUARY 6, 2015
The 2015 Georgie – Odette Leadership Symposium will bring aspiring young leaders from
across Canada and the United States together for a spirited discussion and debate on
what it will take to lead in an increasingly complex and uncertain business environment.
For information, please visit
Visit for event details. Contact,
519-971-3618 or use the online update form at
Join us for a President’s BBQ
on Saturday, October 4 right
before the Lancers take on the
Guelph Gryphons on Alumni
Field! Sunday, October 5
celebrate amazing UWindsor
athletes at the Alumni
Association Sports Hall of
Fame induction ceremony. For
tickets and more information,
for all of the details.
Sponsored by MBNA
Fairmont Chateau Laurier
Ottawa, Ont.
for details and to RSVP
Alumni Association Board of
5 p.m., Ambassador Auditorium,
CAW Student Centre
Sponsored by MBNA
for details and to RSVP
Engineering Class of 61
The Glenerin Inn
1695 The Collegeway
Mississauga, ON
For more information contact:
Lou Lanza by email:
For more information contact:
Karen Chomniak by email: or
Debbie Fenn-Harris by email:
Windsor, ON
For more information contact:
Dick Laurie by email:
or Mike Polychuk by email:
LinkedIn is the online meeting place for professionals
to connect and interact with their colleagues and peers,
as well as alumni and friends from their alma mater.
Join the University of Windsor Alumni LinkedIn group at
view . fall 2014
Charles Schiano BA ‘56, inductee,
Rochester Soccer Hall of Fame,
Rochester Rhinos, Rochester, N.Y.
Peter Hrastovec BA ‘79, LLB ‘82,
partner, Shibley Righton LLP,
Professional of the Year, 24th
Annual Business Excellence
Awards, Windsor-Essex Regional
Chamber of Commerce, April ‘14,
Windsor, Ont.
Mary-Ann Keefner BA ‘76,
associate, Shibley Righton LLP,
Windsor, Ont.
Philip Alexander BASc ‘63, MASc
‘64, Windsor-Essex Engineer of the
Year, Professional Engineers
Ontario, March 21, ‘14, Windsor,
Peter Noonan BA ‘76, LLB ‘79,
retired, Department of Justice,
Ottawa, Dec. ‘11, board member,
Ontario Energy Board, Toronto, Ont.
Robert Baksi BComm ‘69, LLB ‘73,
associate, Shibley Righton LLP,
Windsor, Ont.
Andreas Zybell BComm ‘77,
attorney, Law Office of Andreas
Zybell, Homosassa, Fla.
Jerry Goldberg BA ‘69, partner,
Shibley Righton LLP, Windsor, Ont.
Mary McClavey BA ‘69, librarian,
Peterborough Victoria
Northumberland & Clarington
Catholic District School, Lindsay,
Claude Parker MA ‘69, recertified,
American Board of Psychiatry and
Neurology, psychiatrist, Veterans
Affairs Hospital, Waco, Texas.
Brian Churchmack BA ‘79, Sr.
manager of information technology
operations, Vistaprint, Windsor, Ont.
Reinhart Feimer BComm ‘79,
account manager, Royal Bank of
Canada, Leamington, Ont.
Pasquale Fiorino BA ‘74, LLB ‘76,
member, Immigration and Refugee
Board, Toronto, Ont.
Lori Atkinson BA ‘88, head,
Canadian Operations, Sutherland
Global Services, Windsor, Ont.
Laura Bachynski BA ‘82, CD
released, “Hope”, Edmonton, Alta.
Donna Marie Eansor LLB ‘80,
recipient, 3M National Teaching
Fellowship, Feb. ‘14, Kingston Ont.
Mary Elliott BA ‘80, ESL/linc
co-ordinator, Hamilton-Wentworth
District School Board, Hamilton,
Kelly Lynne Hargraves BA ‘85,
marketing and media relations
manager, Calarts Downtown Center
for Contemporary Arts, Los
Angeles, Calif.
John Jedlinski BComm ‘84, LLB
‘90, associate, Shibley Righton LLP,
Windsor, Ont.
Ohjoon Kwon MASc ‘81, chair,
POSCO, Gyeongsang Province,
South Korea.
To update your info, visit:
Email: Fax: 519-973-7063
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Sukanya Pillay BA ‘87, LLB ‘90,
executive director, general counsel,
Canadian Civil Liberties Association
& Education Trust, Toronto, Ont.
Mary Siurek MBA ‘89, president,
Inland Bank, Oak Brook, Ill.
Jeffrey Spiegelman LLB ‘88,
partner, Macdonald Sager Manis
LLP, Toronto, Ont.
Jeffery Aitken BA ‘95, head of
school, St. John’s-Kilmarnock
School, Breslau, Ont.
Kelly Burke BComm ‘99, Sr.
credit specialist, RBC Wealth
Management, Toronto, Ont.
Chiu Cheng BCS ‘97, system
manager, Hong Kong Customs and
Excise Department, Office of
Information Technology, North
Point, Hong Kong.
Ghada El-Mahdy MASc ‘92, PhD ‘97,
research professor, Housing and
Building National Research Center
(HBRC), Giza, Egypt.
Qin Geng MASc ‘96, global
connected consumer, General
Motors, Detroit, Mich.
James Henry BA ‘95, BComm ‘97,
VP, lodging, Blue Mountain Resorts
Ltd., Blue Mountain, Ont.
Paul Hunter BA ‘93, off-line editor,
3D animated film, “The Nut Job”,
Toronto, Ont.
Richard Jones BComm ‘91,
vice-chair, Efficiency NB, St. John,
Todd Leach BA ‘99, delegated
underwriting authority auditor, QBE
Management Services (UK) Ltd.,
London, UK.
Vincent Lui BA ‘90, assistant VP,
Wing Lung Bank Ltd., Guangdong,
Louis Marion BA ‘92, owner,
manager, paralegal, Marion
Paralegal, Windsor, Ont.
Jeanne Miller BA ‘97, clinical
psychologist, Alexandria, Va.
Steven Nixon BHK ‘96, BEd ‘97,
teacher, Thames Valley District
School Board, London, Ont.
John Ottogalli BA ‘95, BEd ‘12,
sports literacy teacher, Father
Mercredit High School, Fort
McMurray, Alta.
Karen Scaman BA ‘96, school
support counsellor, Thames Valley
District School Board, London, Ont.
Abu Arif BA ‘07, MA ‘09, recipient,
North Star Award, Emerging Leader
in International Education,
Canadian Bureau for International
Education, Nov. ‘13, Vancouver, B.C.
Rhodora Badian BComm ‘09,
advisor, special assignments and
project manager, workplace health
and safety human resources,
Alberta Health Services, Edmonton,
Bambi Blondin BA ‘07, manager,
Responsible Gambling Council,
Windsor, Ont.
Heather Campbell BA ‘00, assistant
executive director, Nunavut
Teachers’ Association, Iqaluit,
Sukhdeep Chohan BEd ‘01, Prime
Minister’s Award for Teaching
Excellence, Dec. ‘13, Brampton,
Gary Long MA ‘97, CAO/clerk,
Township of North Huron,
Wingham, Ont.
view . fall 2014
Andrew Coates BA ‘08, MA ‘10,
strategic initiatives advisor, Office of
the Premier of Nova Scotia, Halifax,
Angela D’Alessandro BA ‘00, LLB
‘03, associate, Shibley Righton LLP,
Windsor, Ont.
Bryan Delorenzi CPA ‘05, BA ‘05,
owner/paralegal, CDT Legal
Services, Windsor, Ont.
Nicholas Dibdin BSc ‘09, Sr. project
manager, National Public Cord
Blood Bank, Canadian Blood
Services, Ottawa, Ont.
Omid Haeri-Ardakani PhD ‘12,
postdoctoral fellow, Geological
Survey of Canada, Calgary, Alta.
Paulo Silva LLB ‘01, Iler & Silva Law
Offices, Burlington, Ont.
Jennifer Hare BA ‘12, CAM ‘12,
technical director/production
manager, Trinity Western
University, Langley, B.C.
Richard Singh BASc ‘09, project
engineer, Murphy Oil Corporation,
U.S. Onshore (Eagle Ford Project),
Houston, Texas.
Amanda Spencer BA ‘07, liquor
licensing officer, Alcohol & Gaming
Commission of Ontario, Toronto,
Nelly Fargeon BA ‘08, Grade 2
FRIMM teacher, Abbotsford School
Board, Abbotsford, B.C.
Justin Teeuwen BSc ‘07, MSc ‘10,
BEd ‘12, owner, TIME Consulting
Inc., and author, “It’s About TIME!”,
Windsor, Ont.
Jason Johnson BComm ‘04, Sr.
security consultant, Hewlett
Packard, Sarnia, Ont.
Ruth Jill Urbanic MASc ‘03, PhD
‘07, Wighton Fellowship, Sandford
Fleming Foundation, July ‘13.
Wanda Juricic BASc ‘01,
Professional Engineers Ontario
(PEO) Order of Honour, April 25, ‘14.
Sheila Wisdom BA ‘01, LLD ‘04,
executive director, Windsor
Symphony Orchestra, Windsor, Ont.
Wei Jiea Leong BA ‘12, assistant
director, religious affairs division,
Department of National Unity and
Integration, Putrajaya, Malaysia.
Paolo Piunno BASc ’10, MASc ’13,
director, Business Development,
Daedas, Windsor, Ont.
Elizabeth May BA ‘10, MBA ‘12,
president, CFO, Houselamp
Productions Inc., Toronto, Ont.
Kamrul Nirzhor BA ‘13, customer
service officer, Scotiabank, Calgary,
Sujay Lahiri BASc ‘08, reliability
specialist, Suncor Energy, Sarnia,
Mahek Ajmera BSc‘13, sales
manager, The Source (Bell)
Electronics Inc., Mississauga, Ont.
Aditya Shah MEN ‘13, business
analyst, Canadian Imperial Bank of
Commerce, Toronto, Ont.
Yanlong Li BCS ‘02, head of
department, School of International
Education, Beijing International
Studies University, Beijing, China.
Danish Arif BASc ‘13, electrical &
instrumentation engineer, Suncor
Energy, Fort McMurray, Alta.
Sheri Watts BA ‘12, BEd ‘12, FSL
teacher, Greater Essex County
District School Board, Windsor, Ont.
Bradley Colthurst BCS ’14, director,
Technology & Design, Daedas,
Windsor, Ont.
Carly Moysiuk BSc ‘05, PhD ‘11,
postdoctoral fellow, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Ont.
Sarah Davidson BA ‘11, Rising
Leader of the Year, 24th Annual
Business Excellence Awards,
Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of
Commerce, April ‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Sina Naebkhil BA ‘09, events
co-ordinator/senior’s transportation
co-ordinator, Jewish Family
Services, Ottawa, Ont.
Oluwabukola Salami BScN ‘04,
assistant professor, Nursing,
University of Alberta, Edmonton,
view . fall 2014
Sheri Ford BHK ‘13, kinesiologist,
Talbot Trail Physiotherapy, St.
Thomas, Ont.
Mina Girges BComm ‘13, project
manager, Workforce Windsor
Essex, Windsor, Ont.
Philip Zoldak MASc ‘05, and
Sokrorth Pheap, a daughter, Nila
Zoldak, Feb. 16, ‘13. Philip is a
senior combustion specialist,
Advanced Green Innovations,
Chandler, Ariz.
In Memoriam
Alexander Airey BA ‘74, Jan. 2, ‘14,
Sarnia, Ont.
Richard Aldi MASc ‘77, March 5,
‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Mario Bernardi DMus ‘78, June 2,
‘13, Toronto, Ont.
Brittany Moran BHK ‘09,
chiropractor, Burlington Sports and
Spine Clinic, Burlington, Ont.
Trevor Dinham BHK ‘06, and
Shannon Dinham, a daughter,
Miranda Grace, Dec. 30, ‘13,
Windsor, Ont.
James Baker BA ‘73, BEd ‘73, April
6, ‘14, London, Ont.
Chitradeep Sen MASc ‘10,
manager, Tata Motors Ltd.,
Jamshedpur, India.
Thaddeus Bolton MBA ‘11, sales
account manager, Cisco Systems,
Toronto, Ont.
Windsor Regional Hospital, and
Sabrina is a JK teacher, Académie
Ste. Cécile International School,
Windsor, Ont.
Naiel Samaan BASc ’12, director,
R&D, Daedas, Windsor, Ont.
Leah Konwinski MHK ‘08, corporate
ergonomist, Spectrum Health,
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Matthew Links MSc ‘07, Governor
General’s Gold Medal, University of
Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask.
Matthew Sears BComm ‘04, Sr.
financial advisor, Edward Jones,
Windsor, Ont.
Gregory Garant BA ‘06, and Kailey
(Cecile) BA ‘06, BEd ‘07, July 24,
‘10, Amherstburg, Ont. They had a
son, Mason, May 28, ‘12, Guelph,
Ont. Gregory is president, Xurbo
Consulting Group, Guelph, Ont.
Anna Hayes BA ‘10, and Curtis
Bechard, Feb. 8, ‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Michael Broderick BA ‘08, and
Sabrina (Ferrara) BA ‘06, BEd ‘08, a
son, Leland Michael, May 8, ‘14,
Windsor Ont. Michael is security
manager, Fire, Safety & Security,
Roderick Brown BA ‘71, LLB ‘74,
Nov. 21, ‘13, Surrey, B.C.
Charlene Campbell DPN ‘69, BA
‘75, Feb. 10, ‘14, Richmond Hill, Ont.
Mary Celestino BFA ‘72, Jan. 26,
‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Elizabeth Christie BA ‘67, May 20,
‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Stanley Clark BA ‘57, April 20, ‘13,
Welland, Ont.
Anne Clendinning MA ‘94, June 1,
‘14, North Bay, Ont.
David Colville LLD ‘73, July 16, ‘13,
Wolfville, N.S.
Hugh Coyle BA ‘56, Nov. 23, ‘13,
Parma, Ohio.
Michael Coyne BComm ‘74, March
21, ‘14, Waterloo, Ont.
Pamela Crowley BA ‘74, BEd ‘81,
June 9, ‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Claire Dehetre BA ‘99, BA ‘00, Feb.
23, ‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Daisy Dell BA ‘74, March 11, ‘14,
Windsor, Ont.
Patricia Mailloux BA ‘79, April 1,
‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Robert Peters BA ‘70, BEd ‘72, Jan.
10, ‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Abby Sutherland BScN ‘11, Dec. 30,
‘13, Sarnia, Ont.
Virgil Duff BA ‘69, MA ‘70, Dec. 9,
‘13, Burlington, Ont.
Helen Malley BSc ‘77, March 18,
‘14, London, Ont.
Pascal Pignal BA ‘58, March 21, ‘14,
Kingston, Ont.
Brian Tovell BSc ‘76, May 11, ‘14,
Windsor, Ont.
James Elliot BA ‘54, Feb. 18, ‘14,
Windsor, Ont.
Heather Matheson-Leyland BA ‘71,
April 6, ‘14, Vancouver, B.C.
Wieslaw Pitulko MEd ‘88, April 4,
‘13, Windsor, Ont.
Maura Vaseleniuck CBA ‘74, BA ‘79,
June 14, ‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Doris Golab BA ‘77, June 5, ‘14,
Windsor, Ont.
Justin McCarthy BA ‘59, May 11,
‘14, Richmond Hill, Ont.
Beverly Ann Richardson BA ‘78,
Feb. 27, ‘14, Tilbury, Ont.
William Viveash BA ‘44, March 5,
‘14, Saanichton, B.C.
Kevin Graham BA ‘93, Jan. 24, ‘14,
Windsor, Ont.
Larry McEachran BA ‘72, March 1,
‘14, Windsor, Ont.
William Waldron MA ‘65, Feb. 14,
‘14, Essex, Ont.
The Right Honourable Herbert
Gray LLD ‘83, April 21, ‘14, Ottawa,
John McGivney LLD ‘85, May 8, ‘14,
St. Clair Beach, Ont.
John Schroeder BA ‘65, BPE ‘68,
MEd ‘91, April 16, ‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Jack was a recipient of the Sport
Achievement Award, Alumni Sports
Hall of Fame, ‘13.
Gary Hamara MA ‘71, Jan. 23, ‘13,
Toronto, Ont.
Allyn Hebert-Lam BSc ‘72, BEd ‘74,
BSc ‘80, Dec. 2, ‘13, Windsor, Ont.
Bryon Henry BSc ‘70, BComm ‘72,
Nov. 22, ‘13, Mississauga, Ont.
William Houghton BComm ‘56, Oct.
31, ‘13, Thornhill, Ont.
Thomas Hurley BComm ‘64, May 9,
‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Andrew Jackson BA ‘94, Dec. 16,
‘13, Windsor, Ont.
Brandon Jamieson BA ‘05, BEd ‘06,
April 3, ‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Marilyn Kavanaugh BA ‘71, April 8,
‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Roselyn Kelly BA ‘75, Dec. 16, ‘13,
Toronto, Ont.
Andrew Kizik BA ‘61, MA ‘62, Nov.
11, ‘13, Thornhill, Ont.
Norman Lavoie BA ‘65, BPE ‘66,
Feb. 23, ‘14, Thunder Bay, Ont.
Wayne Lesko MA ‘75, PhD ‘78, Feb.
3, ‘14, Falls Church, Va.
Barbara Liddy BHK ‘81, BEd ‘82,
Jan. 5, ‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Thomas Lightbody CBA ‘66, BA ‘69,
May 1, ‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Alistair MacLeod LLD ‘00, April 20,
‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Reginald McMullin BA ‘84, April 10,
‘14, Barrie, Ont.
John McRobb BSc ‘70, Feb. 3, ‘14,
Windsor, Ont.
Donald McTaggart BSc ‘57, April 18,
‘14, Burlington, Ont.
Paul Meagher MEd ‘77, April 24,
‘14, Windsor, Ont.
James Scratch BEd ‘94, Nov. 5, ‘13,
Benghazi, Libya.
Alan Watson, May 11, ’14, retired
professor, Electrical & Computer
Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering, University of Windsor,
Oshawa, Ont.
Ronald St. Louis BA ‘85, MEd ‘02,
Dec. 29, ‘13, Windsor, Ont.
Arthur Weisenbacher BSc ‘91, April
24, ‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Don Stewart, July 28, ‘13, retired
professor, Sociology, Faculty of
Arts, Humanities and Social
Sciences, University of Windsor,
Windsor, Ont.
Derek White MA ‘73, June 5, ‘14,
Windsor, Ont.
Winnifred Wilson BA ‘77, BMA ‘80,
CRS ‘84, Dec. 8, ‘13, Windsor, Ont.
Richard Middleton BEd ‘77, BA ‘77,
April 15, ‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Lea Mogg BA ‘61, Jan. 25, ‘14,
Toronto, Ont.
MSW for Working Professionals
Roger Monforton BA ‘46, Feb. 27,
‘14, Northville, Mich.
Louis Morand Assoc. Alumnus,
Dec. 26, ’13, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Elizabeth Morton BSW ‘72, Feb. 21,
‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Kenneth Owen BSW ‘83, MSW ‘87,
May 29, ‘14, Windsor, Ont.
Keith Paisley BA ‘72, Dec. 28, ‘13,
Windsor, Ont.
Ulysse (Bud) Paré, March 25, ‘14,
Fr. Pare was a former president,
Assumption University, University of
Windsor, Windsor, Ont.
Thomas Parr BA ‘71, June 4, ‘14,
Kingsville, Ont.
Lionel Peltier BA ‘64, Jan. 28, ‘14,
Windsor, Ont.
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Ruthanne Penrose BA ‘08, Jan. 26,
‘14, Windsor, Ont.
view . fall 2014
Get the latest on the Lancers by visiting
By Elisa Mitton BComm ’05
Lancer hockey standouts Jenny MacKnight and Parker Van Buskirk scored
the Banner and Olympic Shields, respectively, as the University of Windsor
Athletes of the Year for 2013-14. The awards were announced at the annual Evening
of Excellence in April, which highlights Lancer accomplishments.
MacKnight was named the OUA women’s hockey player of the year after
capturing the OUA scoring title with 40 points in 24 games. Her 15 goals and 25
assists were also second best in all of the CIS and resulted in her becoming the first
ever Lancer women’s hockey player to be named a CIS All-Canadian.
A stellar player who also came up big in the important games, MacKnight also
finished fourth in Canada in game-winning goals. She ranked in the CIS top ten in
almost every major scoring statistical category, a testament to her incredible season.
Van Buskirk, a Windsor native, backstopped the Lancers to both the OUA West
championship and the Queen’s Cup OUA provincial title. An OUA All-Star in the
regular season, Parker led the CIS in total saves and finished eighth in Canada in
save percentage with a .920 mark.
In the playoffs, Van Buskirk was nothing short of incredible. He allowed just
12 goals in seven games to lead the Lancers to only their second Queen’s Cup in
school history. His sparkling 1.72 goals-against average and .970 save percentage
led all conference net-minders by a wide margin. He was named the Queen’s Cup
championship MVP.
Mike Havey is the new director of Athletics & Recreational Services.
Havey, who joined the University 23 years ago, said, “To have been selected to
lead our team of athletes, coaches and staff in the coming years is a truly exciting
“There are both challenging and exciting times ahead for Athletics &
Recreational Services. To be the unit leader as we attempt to action a major
capital building project is an exciting and challenging prospect and represents the
realization of a long-held dream.”
During the 2013-14 season, Havey stewarded the department as its acting
director. During his tenure, the Lancers captured four championship titles and
in March 2013 hosted the successful 2014 ArcelorMittal Dofasco CIS Women’s
Basketball Championships.
In 2013, Havey received the University of Windsor’s Leadership Award and
represented Canada at the 2013 Summer Universiade in Kazan, Russia, as part of
Team Canada’s administration.
view . fall 2014
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