Indien Newsletter March 2014
Indien Newsletter March 2014
CONSULATE GENERAL OF INDIA, FRANKFUR T INDIEN NEWSLETTER V O L U M E HIGHLIGHTS: -President Gauck on a state visit to India -The ‘Friends of India’ group launched -Consul General undertakes a successful visit to Saarland -India Day Seminar held during Ambiente 2014 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Headline News 1 Spotlight on India 2 India-Germany Business News 3 News Round-up 4 1 , I S S U E V I M A R C H 2 0 1 4 President Joachim Gauck visits India The President of the Federal Republic of Germany, H.E. Mr. Joachim Gauck paid a state visit to India from 4–9 February, 2014. The Federal President held talks with Indian President Pranab Mukherjee, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Vice President Hamid Ansari, Opposition leader Sushma Swaraj and others. Gauck reflected on close links shared by the two countries, as also the common potential for the future. On 7 February, the Federal President left for Bangalore where he attended a conference on vocational training which focused on issues of training skilled workers for India’s labour market. . In addition to metro cities, the Federal President also got a glimpse of rural India. The President was accompanied by a high-ranking 80-member delegation, including Gerd Müller, the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development , among others. He was also accompanied by a delegation from German SMEs and larger companies. Consulate launches ‘Friends of India’ 'Friends of India Group’, an initiative of the Consulate General of India Frankfurt, was launched on February 19, 2014 in Frankfurt. This effort, to bring various sociocultural organizations promoting Indian culture on a common platform, aims at synergizing activities of the different associations to create initiatives that have more impact and visibility. It was attended by about 40 representatives of over 17 socio-cultural organizations. During discussions that followed the launch, a strong need was felt to coordinate the activities of the various associations. It was also decided that there should be better communication channels among the associations and also between the Consulate and the associations. PAGE 2 Highlights of the Economic Report for January , 2014 -The overall growth of GDP at factor cost for 2013-14 is placed at 4.9 per cent as compared to 4.5 per cent for 2012-13 -Food grains (rice and wheat) stocks held by FCI and State agencies were 42.75 million tonnes -Eight core infrastructure industries registered a growth of 2.1 per cent in December 2013 as compared to 7.5 per cent in December 2012 -Broad money (M3) for 2013-14 increased by 10.9 per cent as compared to 10.2 per cent during the corresponding period of the last year -Exports increased by 3.8 per cent and Imports decreased by 18.1 per cent during January 2014 over January 2013 -Foreign Currency Assets stood at US$ 265.5 billion at end-January 2014 as compared to US$ 262.5 billion at end-January 2013 -The WPI inflation for all commodities for January 2014 has declined to 5.05 per cent from 6.16 per cent -Gross tax revenue for the financial year 2013-14 (April-December) was Rs. 743709 crore( $1.24 billion); recorded growth of 9.2 per cent over 2012-13 INDIEN CG visits Saarland Consul General Raveesh Kumar, accompanied by a delegation of the ‘India Business Forum’, visited Saarland on February 4-5, 2014. He met the Lord Mayor of Saarbruecken, Charlotte Britz and had an interactive session with Mr. Thomas Schuck, MD, gwSaar, Economic Promotion, Saarland. He also had meetings with the State Secretary of Saarland and representatives of the Saarland Chamber of Commerce. Besides, he also visited the University of Saarland, the Max Planck Institute of IT and the Villeroy and Boch AG, apart from interacting with Indian students pursuing various courses at the Saarland University. Consul General with Lord Mayor of Saarbruecken, Ms. Charlotte Britz Consul General with Indian students from the Saarland University SPOTLIGHT ON INDIA Chandi Prasad Bhatt Gets Gandhi Peace Prize for 2013 The Gandhi Peace Prize for the year 2013 has been awarded to eminent Gandhian and environmentalist, Shri Chandi Prasad Bhatt. The Jury for the Prize met under the Chairmanship of the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh on 18th February 2014 and decided upon his name. Shri Chandi Prasad Bhatt was one of the pioneers of the Chipko movement for which he was awarded the Ramon Magsaysay Award in 1982. One of India’s first modern environmentalists, today he is known for his work on subaltern social ecology. Classifying Odia as a classical language The Union Cabinet on 20.2.14 gave its approval for classifying Odia as a classical language. The following benefits are available for languages which are declared as classical languages: -i) Two major annual international awards for scholars of eminence in the concerned language ii) A `Centre of Excellence for Studies in Classical Languages` can be set up iii) The University Grants Commission can be requested to create a certain number of professional chairs for classical languages, for scholars of eminence in the concerned language. So far Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam have been declared as classical languages. NEWSLETTER India building US$ 52M GIS-based public safety response system Under steps to improve public emergency response in India, the central government is setting up an integrated location-based emergency response system for the communities. The system looks to effectively and efficiently responding to emergency calls by the public, and integrating with other emergency services such as medical, fire and disaster management. This project taps into the ‘Nirbhaya Fund’ which was set up in 2013 to support initiatives towards ensuring the safety of women. WW-I centenary: MEA’s project to highlight India’s role The New Delhi-based United Services Institute, in collaboration with the Ministry of External Affairs, has undertaken a project to highlight the oftforgotten role of India in World War-I as part of the global commemorations being organized to mark the centenary of the war. Then under the Crown, the British Indian Army had contributed a number of divisions and independent brigades to the European, Mediterranean and the Middle-East theatres during the war. Of the 1.4 million Indian soldiers who had served overseas, 75,000 lost their lives during the War. VOLUME 1, ISSUE VI PAGE 3 India-Germany Business News Bosch to make fresh investment of $200 million Bosch plans to invest $200 million in India this year towards building new facilities, augmenting capacity at its Adugodi unit in Bangalore and in R&D. India will become the fifth largest car manufacturer in the world by 2020, and by 2060, it will be responsible for some 50% of global GDP together with China. In 2012-13, the Bosch Group invested over $366 million in the country. Bosch, a leading supplier of technology and services in automotive and industrial technology, has the largest development centre in India outside Germany. The Bosch Group operates in the country through six companies and employs over 26,000 people. Tech Mahindra signs agreement to acquire BASF Business Services Consult Tech Mahindra GmbH, Düsseldorf, a wholly-owned German subsidiary of Tech Mahindra Limited, India, a specialist provider of IT solutions and services announced that it has signed an agreement with BASF Business Services Holding GmbH to acquire its business with third party customers. This includes the 100%-owned subsidiary BASF Business Services Consult GmbH, based in Hamburg. Legal closing of the transaction is expected to happen in the first quarter of FY 2015. All 60 employees of BASF Business Services Consult GmbH will be transitioned to Tech Mahindra as part of this transaction. Volkswagen to set up $250 million plant in India To boost sales in India, German auto maker Volkswagen is planning to expand production capacity and introduce a slew of new models. A total of $250 million is to be invested over the next five-six years. The resources would partially be utilized to set up a diesel engine manufacturing unit. The engine plant in India will help the carmaker reduce costs and expand sales volumes by competing more aggressively with established players such as Maruti Suzuki and Hyundai. Consortium led by German SOLEA AG signs 5 MW solar PPA with BESCOM A consortium comprising SOLEA AG (Plattling, Germany) and PINPOINT VENTURES HOLDING (Heidelberg, Germany) signed a Power Purchase Agree- ment (PPA) for a 5 Megawatt solar photovoltaic (PV) project with Bangalore Electricity Supply Company (BESCOM). The Consortium represented by PINPOINT’s Indian subsidiary Heidelberg Solar Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore had won the 5 MW PV project in the 130 MW Tender issued by Karnataka Renewable Energy Department Limited (KREDL) during August 2013. BESCOM is responsible for providing electricity to more than 20 million people in Bangalore and neighbouring districts. Frankfurt School ties up with Avanse to offer student loans Germany-based Frankfurt School of Finance and Management has joined hands with education finance company Avanse Education Loans. This association will help Indian students to pursue education in the Frankfurt School by getting financial access to their choice of courses. The company will provide 100 per cent funding for students. Avanse will provide loans for various courses at the Frankfurt School. TUV-Rhineland signs business transfer agreement with Kochi-based NIFE German-based TUV Rheinland, a worldwide leader in testing, training, inspection, consulting and certification, announced the expansion of its 'Training and Consulting' division in India. It has signed a business transfer agreement with Kochi-based NIFE, a premier vocational training institute. The new company, named TUV Rheinland NIFE Academy Pvt Ltd, will provide industry-leading vocational training courses that are highly valued across industries. Wipro unit to make top-end German brand chairs in India Bangalore-based Wipro's Lighting and Furniture Business announced that it has inked a licensing agreement with Interstuhl to manufacture the German firm's popular 'Goal' range of chairs for the Indian market. Interstuhl is one of the top chair manufacturers of Europe. The company plans to make these chairs at its Chennai facility, which has a capacity of 1,25,000 units per annum. Indian participation at Trade Fairs held in February 2014 Spoga Horse (Spring) 2014 ; International Trade Fair for Equestrian Sports, 2 – 4 February 2014, Cologne 35 Indian Exhibitors participated in the Spoga Horse (Spring) 2014 Fair. With this number, India ranked second among all the exhibitors participating in the fair. Officials of the Consulate interacted with some of the Indian exhibitors. Ambiente 2014, Inter-national Trade Fair for Consumer Goods, 07 – 11 February 2014, Frankfurt Ambiente is the world's biggest consumer-goods fair. It brings together three leading international trade fairs – Dining, Giving and Living – at the same time and place. 430 Indian Exhibitors participated in the Ambiente 2014 fair. Smt. Zohra Chatterji, Secretary Textiles, Ministry of Textiles, visited Frankfurt in connection with the trade fair Ambiente and was accompanied by Shri. S.S. Gupta, Development Commissioner (Handicrafts), Ministry of Textiles. On February 7, An India Day Seminar was organized by CGI Frankfurt in association with the Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH) & Messe Frankfurt under the title “Handicrafts market worldwide – India as a sourcing destination”. Know India Programme The 28th & 29th Know India Programmes (KIPs) are proposed to be organised by the MOIA in the months of June and August-September 2014 respectively, for 40 participants to be selected from counties across the world. Know India Programme (KIP) of the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA) is a three-week orientaCONSULATE GENERAL OF INDIA FRIEDRICH-EBERT-ANLAGE 26, 60325, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, tion programme for Diaspora youth conducted with a GERMANY view to promote awareness about different facets of life Telephone :+49 69 153 00 50 in India and the progress made by the country in variWebsite : ous fields . Further information can be accessed from the following For suggestions and feedback, please send your elink: mails to News Round-up AYUSH delegation visits German Ayurvedic Academy A delegation led by Shri Nilanjan Sanyal, Secretary, Department of AYUSH paid a visit to the European Academy for Ayurveda in Birstein (Hesse). The Academy, founded in 1993 by Mark and Kerstin Rosenberg offers several courses in Ayurveda. Number of Indian visitors to Germany up Higher education, business and leisure top the reasons for Indians visiting Germany. “There was a five per cent increase in the number of visitors to Germany in 2013. Between January and November 2013, India sent 0.6 million visitors,” said Romit Theophilus, director, German National Tourist Office, India. Marathi film Killa wins Crystal Bear at Berlinale Marathi-language film Killa directed by Avinash Arun won the Crystal Bear for the Best Film awarded by the Children’s Jury in Generation Kplus section at the 64th Berlin International Film Festival, which was held from February 6 to 16, 2014 . The section caters to children and young audiences at the festival. The Jury said in its citation, “This film convinced us in all respects: with his good camera work and the great actors, but also because of its incredibly beautiful nature images which blend perfectly with the music. This film made us all want to discover India.” Photo-documentation of the Consul General’s visit to Saarland With IBF Members at gwSaar CG with Luitwin Gisbert von Boch-Galhau at Villeroy and Boch CG being introduced to V&B products by Mr. Michel von Boch CG with State Secretary Juergen Lennartz at the Staatskanzlei Saarland IHK President Mr. Thomas Hempel addressing the delegation