february 2016
february 2016
Please tell us if your address changes If not claimed, PLEASE RETURN to: PO Box 761, Lismore, NSW 2480 FEBRUARY 2016 NEWSLETTER OF SUMMERLAND SPORTS & CLASSIC CAR CLUB INC. MEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS of material for publication are encouraged and greatly appreciated. Preference will be given to original material. COPYRIGHT of all material herein remains with the creators /writers /photographers /artists /other contributors, as per Australian copyright law and the Berne Convention. If you plan to reproduce any content, please acknowledge Accelerations as the source. DISCLAIMER: Views and ideas expressed within Accelerations may exhibit some editorial independence, or may be those of contributors, and do not necessarily represent the official opinion of Summerland Sports & Classic Car Club. You are invited to join us: Summerland Sports & Classic Car Club invites members of the following clubs to attend any SSCCC events. Club registrars are requested to list our events in their clubs’ day book. If you are planning to attend, please advise our President so we expect you. This helps with catering and other arrangements. Clubs: Ballina District Vehicle Restorers Club; Coffs Sports Touring & Classic Car Club; Grafton Vintage Motor Vehicle Club; North Coast Street Machines; Northern Rivers Classic Car Club; Northern Rivers Vintage & Veteran Car Club; Gold Coast Antique Auto Club; Mt Warning Historic Auto Club ***** Follow us on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SummerlandCar?ref=stream ***** OFFICE BEARERS FOR 2015 CLUB YEAR PRESIDENT Bryan White VICE PRESIDENT Jim Hodgson SECRETARY Barry Granatelli TREASURER George Jensen REGISTRAR Jason Crimmins MAGAZINE EDITOR Fiona Gordon Assistant MAGAZINE EDITOR Sue De Paauw "Fernbrook" 931 Fernleigh Rd Brooklet 2479 17 Greenwood Drive Goonellabah 2480 29 Conte St Lismore 2480 20 Homesleigh Drive Goonellabah 2480 Lot 105 Jersey Drive North Casino 2470 26 Godfrey Place Alstonville 2477 1McInnes Lane Tuckurimba 2480 02 6687 2188 0418 654 400 02 6625 1453 0427 251 453 02 6621 7835 0414 817 223 02 6624 3001 0412 788 620 02 6662 2723 0423 042 271 02 6628 1519 0431 984 410 02 6683 2740 Editor's email - summerlandsportsclassiccarclub@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SummerlandCar Website: http://shannons.com.au/club/carclubs/summerland-sports-classic-car-club/ PUBLIC OFFICER Robert Lovell PUBLICITY OFFICER David Gordon EVENTS COMMITTEE Executive plus :Jeff Johnston Terry Goldman Rudy De Paauw 58 Beaumont Drive Lismore 2480 26 Godfrey Place Alstonville 2477 02 6621 9682 0427 257 190 02 6628 1519 0431 984 410 4 Windsor Court Goonellabah 2480 12 Kookaburra Terrace Goonellabah 2480 1McInnes Lane Tuckurimba 2480 02 6624 5962 0419 006 302 02 6624 7043 0429 380 381 02 6683 2740 GUIDELINES FOR CONCESSIONAL REGISTRATION (CLUB PLATES) Member must be financial. Vehicle has to be at least thirty years old. Vehicle must be inspected by the Club Registrar at least once each year (RMS pink slip is acceptable). Minimum insurance cover of Third Party Property Damage. Full Comprehensive is recommended, proof of cover must be provided to Registrar prior to initial registration or renewal. RMS has introduced a 2-year Trial program to test the viability of a new category of participation. The new program will permit the use of approved vehicles for personal purposes for 60 days in the year, in addition to attendances at authorised Club Outings. Owners will be required to maintain a Log Book showing the date, time and departure location for each day that the vehicle is used. (Failure to maintain an accurate and up-to-date daily record could mean severe consequences for the member and our club!) Eligibility of vehicle may be reconsidered if it does not attend three Club events per year. REGISTRAR—Jason Crimmins 0423 042 271 MONTHLY MEETING OF THE SUMMERLAND SPORTS AND CLASSIC CAR CLUB INC. Held at Lismore Workers Club 2nd December 2015 Meeting Opened: 7.30pm. Chair: Bryan White. Present: George & Marj. Jensen, Barry Granatelli, Ellis Vaughan, Brian & Heather Sidney, Lex Cole, Ron Nowlan, Rudy & Sue de Paauw, Ken Bryce, Denise Fenwick, David & Fiona Gordon, Bob Sweeney, Peter Mc Gowan, Terry Bush, Jim & Barb Hodgson, Terry Goldman, Bryan White, Jason & Sandra Crimmins, Trevor Ball. Jeff Johnston, Apologies: Helen White, Grant Moehead, Shirley Bryce, Jeff Pettitt, Julie Nowlan, Joy Ball Minutes of the Previous Meeting: That Minutes circulated to Members in ‘Accelerations’ be accepted as true and correct. B.Granatelli / E.Vaughan.. Treasurers Report: As at 30/11/15, as read and be accepted as true and correct. G.Jensen / J.Johnston.. Correspondence In: As separate listing. Correspondence Out: As separate listing. Motion: That correspondence tabled and action taken by the Secretary by ratified - B.Granatelli / D.Gordon General Business: Report on November Events Jacaranda Weekend 7th/8th November – Ray Lovett and Ron Nowlan attended Coffee Run 11th November – to ‘Torakina Café’, Brunswick Heads – 14 Members attended – Great Run – Excellent Restaurant - thanks to Jeff Johnston. Autorama 14th/15th November – Five couples attended - Travelled Friday - Great Accommodation at Tugun – Saturday registration at Mudgeeraba – Rally to Tumbulgum for lunch – Saturday Night ‘Lets Have a Ball’ Tugun Bowls Club. Sunday – Cars judged – Rally, returning to Tugun Bowls Club for lunch. Jeff & Sue Johnston won a trophy for their Porsche. Club Run 22nd November – ‘Mystery Run’ – Great country roads – Wonderful hospitality from Rudi & Sue who provided morning tea at their home. Lunch at Westower Tavern – Ballina – a brilliant run.- 24 Members attended. Future Events Standard of Excellence / Christmas Party – 6th December – at the “Summerland House Farm” – Hot and Cold Buffet $40 per person.- 9.00 for 9.30am start – Lunch 12.00 for 12.30pm Club provide two free drinks per Member.- Room hire considered a ‘donation to “Summerland House Farm”. Coffee Run – 9th December. Details in December ‘Accelerations’ East Coast Fly-In 10th January – meet on Evans Head Rd at Woodburn at 8.00am to travel in convoy to Evans Head Aerodrome. North Coast Street Machines Display Day Sunday 10th January—Members interested in attending to meet by Missingham Bridge. Coffee Run 13th January – To ‘The Spotted Pig’ Alphadale – Refer ‘Accelerations’ – Jeff Johnston organising. Eat the Street – Lismore 12th March – response and request for information sent to ‘Lismore – Come to the Heart’ Jason Mumford. – no reply. Bowdens Visit – Terry Goldman advised – “No response to our emails”- possible to visit with Cofffs Ex-Services Club. Terry to follow up. Historic Vehicle Log Book Trial – Our Club is now listed – details on RMS web site. Possible update of Club rules necessary. - Club events are in addition to 60 days private use. Life Membership – Lack of interest – No “Suggestion for Committee Consideration” forms received. Bryan White to review members eligible. Sympathy Card sent to Gayl Mc Kay following the recent death of her mother. Get Well Card sent to Norma Goldman following her recent operation. Rudi de Paauw has a ‘tacho’ he is wanting to give away – if interested, contact Rudi. on 6683 2740. Meeting Closed: 8.08 pm. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE SUMMERLAND SPORTS & CLASSIC CAR CLUB INC. held at the Lismore Workers Club February 4th 2015. Meeting Opened 8.50 pm Chair: David Gordon Present: George & Marj.Jensen, David & Fiona Gordon, Lex Cole, Terry Goldman, Brian & Heather Sidney, Barry Granatelli, Jeff Johnston, Rudy & Sue de Paauw, Trevor & Joy Ball, Robert Lovell, Bryan White, Ken Bryce, David Besson, Gayl McKay, Denise Fenwick , Jason & Sandra Crimmins, Ellis Vaughan, Ron Nowlan, Terry Bush, Doug Galpen, Apologies : Jeff Pettitt, Helen White, Jim & Barb Hodgson, Alan & Lucky Howard, Meryl Lovell, Shirley Bryce, Grant & Anne Moehead. Minutes of Previous Meeting: That Minutes circulated to Members in ‘Accelerations’ be accepted as true and correct. B. Granatelli / H. Sidney. Public Officer Robert Lovell presented Financial Statement for the year ended 31st December 2014. Robert commended Treasurer George Jensen on his record keeping. Motion: that the Financial Report, as presented be adopted. R.Lovell / L. Cole Motion: that Robert Lovell be authorised to sign the ‘Form 12’on behalf of the Club and the form be submitted with the appropriate lodgement fee. R.Lovell / B.White. Thanks: Treasurer George Jensen thanked Robert and Meryl Lovell for effort in the preparation and presentation of the Financial Report. President David Gordon thanked Robert & Meryl Lovell for their effort in preparing the Financial Statement and Secretary Barry Granatelli, Treasurer George Jensen, Magazine Editor Fiona Gordon, Registrar Jason Crimmins, the Events Committee – Jeff. Johnston, Terry Goldman, Rudy de Paauw and all Members for their assistance and support during the last year. President David declared all positions vacant and requested Robert Lovell as Public Officer act as Returning Officer for the election of Office Bearers for 2015. The persons elected for the Executive and Committees are:President: Bryan White B. Granatelli / G.Jensen Vice President: Jim Hodgson G.Jensen / B. White Secretary: Barry. Granatelli M.Jensen / D. Gordon Treasurer: George Jensen B. White / J. Crimmins Registrar: Jason Crimmins D. Gordon / d. Besson Magazine Editor: Fiona Gordon Assistant Sue de Paauw H. Sidney / J. Johnston G.Jensen / L. Cole Public Officer: Robert Lovell Publicity Officer: David Gordon G.Jensen / J. Johnston Committee: Executive and Jeff. Johnston D. Gordon / B. White Terry Goldman J. Johnston / F. Gordon Rudy de Paauw H. Sidney / J. Johnston President Bryan White thanked Club Members for his election, for their past efforts and for accepting positions for the coming year. President Bryan presented the “Pepper Grinder” to Robert Lovell as a “thank you” and as an acknowledgement of Robert’s support of the Club. Meeting Closed: 9.35 pm. Summerland Sports and Classic Car Club President’s Report, January 2016 It’s too late to wish you a “Happy New Year” but here’s to a Great 2016! We have already started, with the incredible Great Eastern Fly-in at Evans Head and an enjoyable run for morning tea, at Alphadale. It was surprising to see the huge number of cars at the Fly-in, especially when Ballina had scheduled their annual display for the same Sunday. There were entrants and clubs there from as far afield as Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Grafton. Many of the cars we had not seen before. And, even though the morning tea run was just down the Highway from where we started, we enjoyed a super, varied, 30-minute tour around (in circles sometimes!) the local district. Our events committee has done a great job throughout the last year. Thank you to all of those who have been involved! I’m sure that it has set the pattern for even more great outings for this coming Club year. Helen and I are certainly looking forward to more great times, in the company of our fellow members. The next important step is our Annual General Meeting, on Wednesday 3 rd February. If you do want to get more involved in the running of our Club, then here is an opportunity to put your hand up and offer your assistance in one of the executive or committee positions. It can be very satisfying. And that is why on many occasions, the existing crew will volunteer to continue on (?) It will be interesting to see how the RMS (Service NSW) progresses the refinement of the Club Plate scheme this year. What will be the requirements for participation in a “modified” vehicle? When the two-year test period is over for the 60-day log-book option, will they be looking at increasing the costs of the provisional registration and third party insurance? Will the option still be available for participation on the basis of club outings only? We can only wait and see. I, for one, have been standing back to see what happens. But, like others, with Superannuation funds being de-valued by questionable fiscal policies and ridiculous reactions to overseas markets, we may well be forced into serious consideration of handing in life-long held personal plates and surrendering to the new schemes. A lot depends on how they may change the costs, when the trial is completed. Whatever the future brings, we look forward to sharing it with you all. Meanwhile, Happy Motoring! Bryan White NOTICES/COMING EVENTS WEDNESDAY 10th FEBRUARY 2016—COFFEE RUN TO NEWRYBAR Meet opposite 2LM at Goonellabah by 8.45am for 9.00am departure We will drive to Newrybar via Tintenbar and Hinterland Drive to Newrybar , meeting at Harvest to catch up and enjoy refreshments. Meet us at Goonellabah or at Harvest from around 9.45am. IMPORTANT REMINDER—MEMBERSHIP FEES Club Membership fees were due in December, and all Members must be financial if they wish to vote or be eligible to become an Office Bearer/ Committee Member at the AGM to be held on 3rd February 2016. Individual member: $30 Family membership: $40 Plus joining Fee of $10 for new members, to cover costs. Please either pay the Treasurer, George Jensen, or send to PO Box 761, Lismore, NSW 2480. Thank you RECENT EVENT MIDWEEK COFFEE RUN DECEMBER 9TH 2015 A good rollup of cars went on the end of year December coffee run. There was a great variety of cars and a nice sunny day for a club outing to the beach. We left Goonellabah and travelled down to Ballina via the Bruxner Highway in convoy. We met up with some other club members at the Ballina Lighthouse Beach Café for morning tea. Some 17 members attended and all enjoyed the views and outing. Jeff Johnston JANUARY Barbara Hodgson Sue Johnston Lucky Howard Joy Ball Shirley Bryce Margaret & Doug Gallpen David & Fiona Gordon Barry & Kath Granatelli FEBRUARY Marg & George Jensen Ray & Lynda Lovett RECENT EVENTS STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE AND CHRISTMAS PARTY - SUNDAY 6th DECEMBER 2015 Another enjoyable and social day—sunshine, a good turn out of beautiful vehicles and the pleasant surroundings at Summerland House With No Steps ensured a successful day. The buffet style lunch was excellent and plentiful. Thank you to Barb Hodgson and Marj Jensen for all of your hard work organising the day. “Most Desirable” vehicle was awarded to Ron Nowlans beautiful Mini. Club Member of the Year was Barry Granatelli, who works tirelessly for the Club. Awards were also presented to long-standing Members including Denise Fenwick, Marj & George Jensen, Heather & Brian Sydney, Helen & Bryan White and Barb & Jim Hodgson. CONGRATULATIONS and Thank You to these long standing Members: Heather & Brian Sidney, Barb & Jim Hodgson, Helen & Bryan White, Denise Fenwick, Marj & George Jensen RECENT EVENTS GREAT EASTERN FLY- IN AT EVANS HEAD—SUNDAY 10th January 2016 A lovely sunny day with some welcome cloud cover and a cooling breeze, a great turn out of beautiful vehicles plus aeroplanes and other aerial machines, and an excellent display of model aircraft and boats. We were entertained by some brilliant displays of flying and were grateful for the large areas of undercover seating provided at this well organised event. MIDWEEK COFFEE RUN 13/1/2016 It was a beautiful sunny day for a midweek club coffee run on Wednesday, 13th January 2016. A good rollup of club members in their cars started the run at Goonellabah and took a leisurely trip along quiet country roads, through the rolling hills of Tregeagle and Rous to Alstonville and returned via Lindendale to our coffee rendezvous at Alphadale. There was a good variety of cars on the outing. A total of 17 members and guests arrived at the “Spotted Pig” at Alphadale for a lovely morning tea. Jeff Johnston BARLOWS OF BALLINA Thank you to our magazine sponsor for ongoing support. Please support Barlows whenever you can . This is their 3rd year as our major club magazine sponsor. Geoff Jacobs and the boys can be found at 2/19 De-Havilland Crescent, Ballina NSW 2478 or telephone them on (02) 6686 2044. Barlows can supply expert advice plus a multitude of workshop requirements, including bolts, v-belts, pulleys, paint, Valvoline oils, work boots and shirts, abrasives, cut-off wheels, pumps, BOC industrial gas, and so much more. EVENTS CALENDAR 2015 3rd February 2016 Social/dinner from 6.00pm at Bistro, at Lismore Workers Club, Keen St, Lismore, followed by Meeting and AGM at 7.30pm and coffee/drinks afterwards. 10th February 2016 Wednesday coffee run to Newrybar - Details page 8 21st February 2016 Club Run to Knockrow & Ocean Shores —Details Page 6 2nd March 2016 Social/dinner from 6.00pm at Bistro, at Lismore Workers Club, Keen St, Lismore, followed by Meeting at 7.30pm and coffee/drinks afterwards 9th March 2016 Wednesday coffee run—Details TBA 12th March 2016 Club Event—Display Day in Lismore—Details Page 7 6th April 2016 Social/dinner from 6.00pm at Bistro, at Lismore Workers Club, Keen St, Lismore, followed by Meeting at 7.30pm and coffee/drinks afterwards 13th April 2016 Wednesday coffee run Details TBA ?10th April 2016 Ballina District Vehicle Restorers Annual Display (date to be confirmed) 17th April 2016 Club run—details TBA 4th May 2016 Social/dinner from 6.00pm at Bistro, at Lismore Workers Club, Keen St, Lismore, followed by Meeting at 7.30pm and coffee/drinks afterwards 11th May 2016 Midweek Coffee Run-Details TBA ?14th May 2016 Display at Alstonville Antique Fair (date to be confirmed) ?15th May 2016 Bangalow Billy Cart Derby (date to be confirmed) 15th May 2016 Club run—details TBA ?Sat. 28th May 2016 Casino Beef Week SHOW & SHINE— (date & details to be confirmed) 1st June 2016 Social/dinner from 6.00pm at Bistro, at Lismore Workers Club, Keen St, Lismore, followed by Meeting at 7.30pm and coffee/drinks afterwards 8th June 2016 Wednesday coffee run. Details TBA 19th June 2016 Club run—details TBA 6th July 2016 Social/dinner from 6.00pm at Bistro, at Lismore Workers Club, Keen St, Lismore, followed by Meeting at 7.30pm and coffee/drinks afterwards 13th July 2016 Wednesday coffee run . Details TBA 17th July 2016 Club Run- Christmas in July outing details TBA 3rd August 2016 Social/dinner from 6.00pm at Bistro, at Lismore Workers Club, Keen St, Lismore, followed by Meeting at 7.30pm and coffee/drinks afterwards 10th August 2016 Midweek Coffee Run- Details TBA 21st August 2016 Club Run-details TBA EVENTS CALENDAR 2015 (cont) 7th September 2016 Social/dinner from 6.00pm at Bistro, at Lismore Workers Club, Keen St, Lismore, followed by Meeting at 7.30pm and coffee/drinks afterwards 14th September 2016 Midweek Coffee Run- Details TBA 18th September 2016 Club Run-details TBA 5th October 2016 Social/dinner from 6.00pm at Bistro, at Lismore Workers Club, Keen St, Lismore, followed by Meeting at 7.30pm and coffee/drinks afterwards 12th October 2016 Midweek Coffee Run- Details TBA 16th October 2016 Club Run-Presidents Run- Details TBA 2nd November 2016 Social/dinner from 6.00pm at Bistro, at Lismore Workers Club, Keen St, Lismore, followed by Meeting at 7.30pm and coffee/drinks afterwards 9th November 2016 Midweek Coffee Run- Details TBA ?? November 2016 Jacaranda Weekend-Grafton Vintage Motor Vehicle Club-Details TBA ?? November 2016 Autorama Weekend-Gold Coast Antique Auto Club-Details TBA 20th November 2016 Club Run- Details TBA 4th December 2016 Standard of Excellence & Christmas Party-Details TBA 7th December 2016 Social/dinner from 6.00pm at Bistro, at Lismore Workers Club, Keen St, Lismore, followed by Meeting at 7.30pm and coffee/drinks afterwards 14th December 2016 Midweek Coffee Run- Details TBA RIP George Bowles Long-time Rover club member George Bowles passed away on the 30th December. George was the club Treasurer for 30 years or more and was also a life member. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife Merle and family at this sad time.