2015 Spring Issue - Sunset Ridge Memorial Park
2015 Spring Issue - Sunset Ridge Memorial Park
2015 SPRING/SUMMER The Equinox 6211 38th Street • Kenosha, WI 53144-1733 • Phone: (262) 652-7488 • Fax: (262) 652-7057 Temporary office Tri City National Bank: – Lower Level 5901 Washington Road • www.oakstreetllc.com We’ve Moved! Phase One of our New Mausoleum is underway! Until construction is completed our office can be found in the Lower Level of Tri City National Bank east of Sunset Ridge. Two new Veterans Memorials will be dedicated this year! Keep in touch with our office for ceremony date to be announced soon. We are pleased to announce indoor crypt spaces will be available in Sunset Ridge Memorial Park. Our new Mausoleum will feature many different entombment options such as couch crypts, true companions and more in a climate controlled environment. A clean, dry alternative to in-ground burial options, contact a counselor at 262-652-7488 for details! Cremation Urns Urns are used as a permanent home for cremated remains. Urn designs are often selected for their ability to mirror notable traits of the loved one to be housed therein. Adornments such as military emblems, career affiliations, hobbies and even treasured moments such as a wedding date share the story of a life lived. They can be found in a variety of styles, sizes, and materials from the traditional look of marble or hardwoods to stylish creations of cloisonné’ and cast bronze. Personalization can add the final touch to satisfy every taste and create a one of a kind tribute to your loved one. Urns are made to accommodate either single or multiple individuals and feature designs to suit every budget. Closed front granite niches and glass front niches may offer some variety of size and shape choices so it is best to contact a cemetery representative before making your final selection. 3 YEAR / 4 SEASON PROGRAM (Photos are a representation, designs may vary) See our designs at: www.oakstreetllc.com/floral-tributes No need to worry about deadlines, plan ahead and save by locking in this year’s prices! These lovely arrangements include placement/removal and sales tax. IN-GROUND ARRANGEMENTS come in various styles. On the order form below please indicate the type and number required by letter-number for the 3 Year/4 Season Program. Wreath stands remain the property of the cemetery. G-1 Bouquet in Metal Vase, when memorial does not have a Bronze Vase w/Fresh 26 " Wreath G-2 Bouquet in Metal Vase, when memorial does not have a Bronze Vase w/Fresh 36" Wreath G-3 Bouquet in Metal Vase, when memorial does not have a Bronze Vase w/Artificial 24 " Wreath H-1 Bouquet in Styrofoam, when memorial has a Bronze Vase w/Fresh 26" Wreath H-2 Bouquet in Styrofoam when memorial has a Bronze Vase w/Fresh 36" Wreath H-3 Bouquet in Styrofoam when memorial has a Bronze Vase w/Artificial 24 " Wreath I Saddle Bouquet to sit on top of Monument CRYPT and LARGE NICHE CUP FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS J Bouquet in Styrofoam, for use in a Bronze Vase or Bronze Ring with Cup Assembly SMALL NICHE and BUD VASE FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS K Small Bouquet in Styrofoam, for use in a Bronze Vase L Petite Bud Arrangement for Bronze Bud Vases Metal Vase w/Bouquet & Fresh 26" Wreath ............$435 Metal Vase w/Bouquet & Fresh 36" Wreath.............$483 Metal Vases w/Bouquet & Artificial 24" Wreath .......$468 Bouquet in Styrofoam & Fresh 26" Wreath..............$384 Bouquet in Styrofoam & Fresh 36" Wreath..............$432 Bouquet in Styrofoam & Artificial 24 " Wreath .........$417 Saddle Bouquet.......................................................$520 Crypt/Large Niche Bouquet ....................................$328 Small Niche Bouquet...............................................$264 Bud Vase Arrangement ...........................................$188 SAVE WITH OUR 3 YEAR / 4 SEASON PROGRAM! Order and Placement Information Your spring floral arrangement will be placed on or before April 15th, changed to a summer bouquet June 21st, changed to your Fall selection August 16th and to your winter floral or wreath the week of Thanksgiving. All arrangements will be removed by March 15th each year. (Please PRINT) Name of Loved One(s): Location: Amount $ Type of arrangement: o G-1 o G-2 o G-3 o H-1 o H-2 o H-3 o I o J o K o L $ Type of arrangement: o G-1 o G-2 o G-3 o H-1 o H-2 o H-3 o I o J o K o L Payment Information PLEASE PRINT. Payment must accompany order. Sales Tax included in price. For Credit Card purchase, circle one: Name: Phone: Address: Expiration Date: 3 Digit # on back of Credit Card: Card #: Total Amount $ Signature: Paid with Check / Check # Make checks payable to Sunset Ridge SPRING - SUMMER - FALL & 3 SEASON PROGRAM We also offer Custom Designs and ship to other locations! Call 414.282.6600, Ext. 107 for pricing. See our designs at: www.oakstreetllc.com/floral-tributes IN-GROUND ARRANGEMENTS come in various styles. On the order form below, please indicate the type and number required by letter. for the SPRING - SUMMER - FALL and 3 Season Program A Bouquet in Metal Vase, when memorial does not have a Bronze Vase ..................................................................................$44 B Bouquet in Styrofoam, when memorial has a Bronze Vase ...................................................................................................$37 C Saddle Bouquet to sit on top of Monument. Metal Vase (A) may also be used in front of Monument...................................$50 CRYPT and LARGE NICHE CUP FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS D Bouquet in Styrofoam, for use in a Bronze Vase or Bronze Ring with Cup Assembly............................................................$37 SMALL NICHE and BUD VASE FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS E Small Bouquet in Styrofoam, for use in a Bronze Vase..........................................................................................................$36 F Petite Bud Arrangement for Bronze Bud Vase .......................................................................................................................$17 SAVE WITH OUR 3 SEASON PROGRAM! Your spring floral arrangement will be placed on or before April 15th, changed to a summer arrangment June 21st and changed to your Fall arrangement by August 16th. A3 Metal Vase w/ Bouquet.........$117 B3 Bouquet in Styrofoam ............$99 C3 Saddle Bouquet.........................$133 D3 Crypt//Large Niche Bouquet .......$85 E3 Small Niche Bouquet .....................$66 F3 Bud Vase........................................$47 Order and Placement Information (Please PRINT) Full name including middle initial and location, if known. If a floral arrangement is for a family/couple please list them on the same line. If you have any questions please call, we will gladly assist you in placing your order. Name of Loved One(s): Location: Amount $ Type of Arrangement: o A o B o C Style/Season (not applicable in 3 Season Program) o D o E o F o A3 o B3 o SPRING o SUMMER o FALL o C3 o D3 o E3 o NON-SEASONAL o F3 Type of Arrangement: o A o B o C Style/Season (not applicable in 3 Season Program) o D o E o F o A3 o B3 o SPRING o SUMMER o FALL o C3 o D3 o E3 o NON-SEASONAL o F3 Type of Arrangement: o A o D o E o F o A3 o B3 o SPRING o SUMMER o FALL o C3 o D3 o E3 o NON-SEASONAL o F3 $ $ o B o C Style/Season (not applicable in 3 Season Program) Payment Information PLEASE PRINT. Payment must accompany order. Sales Tax included in price. For Credit Card purchase, circle one: Name: Phone: Address: Expiration Date: 3 Digit # on back of Credit Card: Card #: Total Amount $ Signature: Paid with Check / Check # Make checks payable to Sunset Ridge PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID MILWAUKEE, WI PERMIT NO 4613 6211 38th Street Kenosha, WI 53144-1733 Seasonal Floral Order Form Enclosed 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS www.oakstreetllc.com May 10th May 25th July 4th MOTHER’S DAY WEEKEND Staff will be onsite to assist visitors at Sunset Ridge Memorial Park. MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVANCE Program will begin at 11 AM. Flags of Remembrance (weather permitting). INDEPENDENCE DAY OBSERVED Flags of Remembrance flown in Sunset Ridge (weather permitting). A beautiful addition coming to our mausoleum ~ a glass front niche room! Flat and curved glass niches of various sizes offer opportunities to personalize a tribute space for you and your loved ones. See a counselor for ideas and options! Notice: To all owners of property in SUNSET RIDGE MEMORIAL PARK We are in the process of verifying and updating our records. Since many of our families have moved or changed phone numbers over the years, we have been unable to reach everyone. If you are a property owner with us and have not been contacted in the last two years, please complete and mail the information below at your earliest convenience. It is important that you notify us if: 1. You or your family are deed holders. 2. You are an heir of a deed holder. 3. You are unsure if you are a deed holder or heir of a deed holder. Sunset Ridge Memorial Park Temporary offices below Tri City National Bank n 5901 Washington Road/Lower Level n (262) 652-7488 Contact us at: www.oakstreetllc.com Upon receipt of this information we will contact you to review your file and ensure that all of your arrangement preferences are known and complete. If they are not, a representative will assist you in completing them. Also, we are pleased to announce the addition of some new features and interment options coming to our cemetery. We look forward to providing a park tour and reviewing these changes with those who are interested. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and for helping us serve you better. Name: Address: City: State: Phone: Zip: Deedholder: Would you like to receive your copy of the Equinox electronically? Send your email address to info@oakstllc.com and we will add you to our distribution list. (Oak Street Properties does not share it’s database with any outside sources.)
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