German-English - ADVANCED Online
German-English - ADVANCED Online
ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Allgemeines DEU Hallo DEU guten Morgen Allgemeines DEU guten Abend Allgemeines Allgemeines DEU DEU Allgemeines DEU Ich komme aus... DEU Entschuldigung Allgemeines Allgemeines auf Wiedersehen Ich heiße... danke Allgemeines Allgemeines DEU bitte DEU Allgemeines das ist... mein Mann The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Allgemeines ENG Good morning Allgemeines ENG ENG This is my husband ENG Allgemeines ENG my name is... ENG please Allgemeines Allgemeines good evening I’m from... Allgemeines ENG Hello Goodbye Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines ENG excuse me ENG Allgemeines thanks ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Allgemeines DEU meine Frau Allgemeines DEU DEU Ich bin krank. DEU Allgemeines DEU Ich habe Hunger. DEU Ich habe Durst. Allgemeines Allgemeines mein Sohn mein Baby Allgemeines DEU meine Kinder meine Tochter Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines DEU Ist das Essen Halal? DEU Allgemeines (mein Kind) hat Hunger The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Allgemeines ENG my children Allgemeines ENG ENG (My child) is hungry ENG Allgemeines ENG my baby ENG Is the food Halal? Allgemeines Allgemeines my daughter I’m hungry. Allgemeines ENG my wife my son Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines ENG I'm thirsty. ENG Allgemeines I’m ill / I’m sick ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Allgemeines DEU (mein Kind) ist krank Allgemeines DEU DEU Ich weiß nicht DEU Allgemeines DEU Ich spreche nicht so gut (Deutsch). DEU Ich brauche einen Arzt. Allgemeines Allgemeines Können Sie das für mich aufschreiben ? Ich verstehe das nicht. Allgemeines DEU Wo ist... Sprechen Sie...? Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines DEU Hilfe! / Bitte helfen Sie mir ! DEU Allgemeines Was ist passiert? The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Allgemeines ENG Where is..? Allgemeines ENG ENG What happened? ENG Allgemeines ENG I don’t understand ENG Help! / Help me please Allgemeines Allgemeines Do you speak... I don’t speak German/ English (very well) Allgemeines ENG My child is ill Can you write that down for me? Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines ENG I need a doctor ENG Allgemeines I don’t know ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Allgemeines DEU Ich habe Kopfschmerzen. Allgemeines DEU DEU Mir ist schlecht. DEU Allgemeines DEU Ich friere. / Mir ist kalt. DEU Ich wurde vergewaltigt. Allgemeines Allgemeines Wo ist die Toilette? / Wo ist das Badezimmer? Ich bin allergisch gegen... Allgemeines DEU Ich habe Bauchschmerzen. Ich fühle mich nicht gut. Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines DEU Mir ist schwindelig. DEU Allgemeines Ich freue mich / ich bin glücklich The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Allgemeines ENG I have a stomach ache. Allgemeines ENG ENG I’m happy. ENG Allgemeines ENG I am allergic to.... ENG I feel dizzy. Allgemeines Allgemeines I am not feeling well. I am cold/ freezing Allgemeines ENG I have a headache. Where is the toilet? / Where is the bathroom? Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines ENG I was raped. ENG Allgemeines I feel sick/ I don't feel well ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Allgemeines DEU Ich habe Angst Allgemeines DEU DEU Das ist meine Schwester. DEU Allgemeines DEU Wie heißen Sie? DEU Ich habe Durst. Allgemeines Allgemeines Haben Sie... Sprechen Sie Englisch? Allgemeines DEU Ich bin traurig. Ich mag dich. Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines DEU Das ist mein Bruder. DEU Allgemeines das Wasser The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Allgemeines ENG I’m sad. Allgemeines ENG ENG Water ENG Allgemeines ENG Do you speak English? ENG This is my brother Allgemeines Allgemeines I like you. What is your name? Allgemeines ENG I’m scared. Do you have... Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines ENG I’m thirsty ENG Allgemeines This is my sister ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Allgemeines DEU die Milch Allgemeines DEU DEU in einem Tag DEU Allgemeines DEU Das ist mein Vater / Papa DEU Das ist meine Mutter / Mutti / Mama Allgemeines Allgemeines Wo ist die U-Bahn? Ich habe kein Geld. Allgemeines DEU die Windel das Fahrrad Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines DEU keine Sorge DEU Allgemeines in einer Stunde The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Allgemeines ENG diaper / nappy Allgemeines ENG ENG In one hour ENG Allgemeines ENG I don’t have any money. ENG Don’t worry Allgemeines Allgemeines bicycle This is my father / dad Allgemeines ENG milk Where is the subway/underground? Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines ENG This is my mother / mum ENG Allgemeines In one day ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Allgemeines DEU sehr bald Allgemeines DEU DEU eine Stunde DEU Allgemeines DEU Wie lange müssen wir hier warten? DEU Ich komme bald zurück Allgemeines Allgemeines nächste Woche Sie müssen warten / Du musst warten Allgemeines DEU morgen übermorgen Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines DEU ein Tag DEU Allgemeines 1 eins, 2 zwei, 3 drei, 4 vier 5 fünf, 6 sechs, 7 sieben, 8 acht, 9 neun, 10 zehn The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Allgemeines ENG tomorrow Allgemeines ENG ENG One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten ENG Allgemeines ENG You have to wait ENG One day Allgemeines Allgemeines the day after tomorrow How long do we have to wait here? Allgemeines ENG very soon next week Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines ENG I will be back soon ENG Allgemeines One hour ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Allgemeines DEU das Kleid Allgemeines DEU DEU Wo kann ich duschen? DEU Allgemeines DEU die Unterwäsche DEU die Damenbinde Allgemeines Allgemeines das Hemd der Schleier Allgemeines DEU der Rock die Hose Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines DEU Ich brauche eine Dusche DEU Allgemeines Telefon The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Allgemeines ENG skirt Allgemeines ENG ENG Telephone / Phone ENG Allgemeines ENG headscarf / hijab ENG I need to take a shower Allgemeines Allgemeines pants (US)/trousers (UK) underwear Allgemeines ENG Dress Shirt Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines ENG sanitary pad / towel ENG Allgemeines Where can I take a shower? ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Allgemeines DEU Ich muss anrufen / Ich muss telefonieren Allgemeines DEU DEU Wie spät ist es? DEU Allgemeines DEU Ich muss schlafen / Wir müssen schlafen DEU Ich bin Vegetarier. Ich esse kein Fleisch und keinen Fisch. Allgemeines Allgemeines Wo kann ich beten? schlafen Allgemeines DEU beten das Brot Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines DEU Ich bin Veganer / Ich bin Veganerin DEU Allgemeines Ich bin schwanger The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Allgemeines ENG to pray Allgemeines ENG ENG I am pregnant ENG Allgemeines ENG to sleep ENG I am a vegan Allgemeines Allgemeines bread I (we) need to sleep Allgemeines ENG I need to make a phone call Where can I pray? Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines ENG I am a vegetarian. I don’t eat meat and fish. ENG Allgemeines What time is it? ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Allgemeines DEU Ich habe Fieber Allgemeines DEU DEU Mein Kind hat Husten. DEU Allgemeines DEU Ich habe Halsschmerzen. DEU der Husten Allgemeines Allgemeines die Kopfschmerzen die Halsschmerzen Allgemeines DEU fiebrig Ich habe Kopfschmerzen. Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines DEU Ich habe Husten. DEU Allgemeines die Erkältung The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Allgemeines ENG feverish Allgemeines ENG ENG cold ENG Allgemeines ENG sore throat ENG I have a cough. Allgemeines Allgemeines I have a headache I have a sore throat. Allgemeines ENG I have a fever / a temperature headache Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines ENG cough ENG Allgemeines My child has a sore throat/ cough ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Allgemeines DEU der Durchfall Allgemeines DEU Allgemeines DEU der Fußpilz DEU die Läuse / die Kopfläuse Allgemeines DEU die Verstopfung der Scheidenpilz Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines DEU Läuse (Körper) DEU Fieber Allgemeines DEU Wo kann ich ... kaufen? Allgemeines Wo kann ich ... finden? DEU Allgemeines Ich hätte gerne einen Termin. The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Allgemeines ENG constipation Allgemeines ENG ENG I would like an appointment. ENG Allgemeines ENG head lice ENG Where can I buy...? Allgemeines Allgemeines vaginal yeast infection (thrush) body lice Allgemeines ENG diarrhea athlete's foot Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines ENG fever ENG Allgemeines Where can I find...? ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Allgemeines DEU Wo ist das Zimmer Nummer ...? Allgemeines DEU Wo ist die Erstaufnahmestelle? DEU die Familie Allgemeines Allgemeines Allgemeines DEU Flöhe DEU Bruder Allgemeines DEU Schwester Lebensmittel DEU Lebensmittel Lebensmittel Rindfleisch Lebensmittel DEU Schweinefleisch DEU Lebensmittel Geflügel The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Allgemeines ENG Where is the registration centre? Allgemeines ENG ENG poultry ENG Allgemeines ENG Brother ENG pork Lebensmittel Allgemeines Family Sister Lebensmittel ENG Where is room number ...? Fleas Allgemeines Allgemeines Lebensmittel ENG Food ENG Lebensmittel beef ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Lebensmittel DEU Huhn Lebensmittel DEU Ich esse kein Schweinefleisch Lebensmittel DEU Eier Lebensmittel DEU Fisch Lebensmittel DEU Ich trinke keinen Alkohol Lebensmittel Lebensmittel DEU Bier DEU Wein Lebensmittel DEU Limonade Lebensmittel Gemüse DEU Lebensmittel Kartoffeln The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Lebensmittel ENG I do not eat pork Lebensmittel ENG ENG potatoes ENG Lebensmittel ENG I do not drink alcohol ENG lemonade Lebensmittel Lebensmittel eggs beer Lebensmittel ENG chicken fish Lebensmittel Lebensmittel Lebensmittel ENG wine ENG Lebensmittel vegetables ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Lebensmittel DEU Brot Lebensmittel DEU Milch Lebensmittel DEU Kaffee Lebensmittel DEU Tee Lebensmittel DEU Apfel Lebensmittel DEU Birne Lebensmittel DEU Kirsche Lebensmittel DEU Pflaume Lebensmittel Orange/Apfelsine DEU Lebensmittel Pampelmuse The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Lebensmittel ENG milk Lebensmittel ENG ENG grapefruit ENG Lebensmittel ENG apple ENG plum Lebensmittel Lebensmittel coffee pear Lebensmittel ENG bread tea Lebensmittel Lebensmittel Lebensmittel ENG cherry ENG Lebensmittel orange ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Lebensmittel DEU Pfirsich Lebensmittel DEU Aprikose Lebensmittel DEU Nektarine Lebensmittel Lebensmittel DEU Bohnen DEU Erbsen Lebensmittel DEU Karotten/Möhren Lebensmittel DEU Tomaten Lebensmittel Hülsenfrüchte Lebensmittel DEU Rübe DEU Lebensmittel Obst The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Lebensmittel ENG apricot Lebensmittel ENG ENG fruit ENG Lebensmittel ENG peas ENG turnip Lebensmittel Lebensmittel nectarine carrots Lebensmittel ENG peach Green beans/ Fava beans Lebensmittel Lebensmittel Lebensmittel ENG tomatoes ENG Lebensmittel legume ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Lebensmittel DEU Pilze DEU Backwaren Lebensmittel DEU Marmelade Lebensmittel Lebensmittel DEU Schokolade DEU Sirup Lebensmittel DEU Zucker Lebensmittel DEU Mehl Lebensmittel DEU Honig Lebensmittel Wasser Lebensmittel DEU Lebensmittel Käse The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Lebensmittel ENG bread, cakes and pastries Lebensmittel ENG ENG cheese ENG Lebensmittel ENG syrup ENG honey Lebensmittel Lebensmittel marmalade / jam sugar Lebensmittel ENG mushroom chocolate Lebensmittel Lebensmittel Lebensmittel ENG flour ENG Lebensmittel water ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Lebensmittel DEU Quark DEU Sahne Lebensmittel DEU Salz Lebensmittel DEU Kaugummi Lebensmittel DEU Pfeffer Lebensmittel DEU Pfeffer Lebensmittel DEU Paprikapulver Lebensmittel Nudeln Lebensmittel Lebensmittel DEU Reis DEU Lebensmittel Soße The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Lebensmittel ENG cream Lebensmittel ENG ENG sauce ENG Lebensmittel ENG pepper (herb) ENG rice Lebensmittel Lebensmittel salt pepper (spice) Lebensmittel ENG Quark / cottage cheese chewing gum Lebensmittel Lebensmittel Lebensmittel ENG paprika ENG Lebensmittel pasta ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Lebensmittel DEU Suppe DEU Butter Lebensmittel DEU Öl Lebensmittel DEU Eis Lebensmittel DEU Messer Lebensmittel DEU Gabel Lebensmittel DEU Löffel Lebensmittel DEU Teller Lebensmittel Glas Lebensmittel DEU Lebensmittel Tasse The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Lebensmittel ENG butter Lebensmittel ENG ENG cup ENG Lebensmittel ENG knife ENG plate Lebensmittel Lebensmittel oil fork Lebensmittel ENG soup ice cream Lebensmittel Lebensmittel Lebensmittel ENG spoon ENG Lebensmittel glass (to drink from) ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Lebensmittel DEU Becher Kleidung DEU Kleidung Kleidung DEU (das) Hemd Kleidung (die) Hose (der) Schleier DEU Kleidung DEU (das) T-Shirt DEU (der) Pullover Kleidung (der) Rock DEU Kleidung DEU (die) Bluse DEU Kleidung Kleidung Kleidung (die) Jacke The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Kleidung ENG Clothing Kleidung ENG ENG jacket / coat ENG Kleidung ENG trousers / pants ENG T-shirt Kleidung Kleidung shirt skirt Kleidung ENG mug blouse Kleidung Lebensmittel Kleidung ENG veil / hijab ENG Kleidung jumper ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Kleidung DEU (die) Mütze Kleidung (der) Regenschirm (die) Handschuhe (die) Stiefel (Pl) Kleidung DEU Kleidung DEU (die) Socken DEU (die) Unterwäsche DEU (die) Schuhe (Pl) DEU Kleidung Kleidung (die) Decke DEU Kleidung DEU (der) Schal DEU Kleidung Kleidung Kleidung (der) BH The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Kleidung ENG scarf Kleidung ENG ENG bra ENG Kleidung ENG gloves ENG socks Kleidung Kleidung umbrella shoes Kleidung ENG hat blanket Kleidung Kleidung Kleidung ENG boots ENG Kleidung underwear ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Kleidung DEU (der) Gürtel Kleidung (die) Halskette (der) Armreif / (das) Armband Sonstiges Kleidung DEU Sonstiges DEU (das) Kissen DEU (die) Decke DEU (die) Uhr DEU Sonstiges Kleidung (die) Ohrringe DEU Sonstiges DEU (der) Ring DEU Kleidung Kleidung Sonstiges (der) Schlafsack The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Kleidung ENG ring Kleidung ENG ENG sleeping bag ENG Kleidung ENG bracelet ENG pillow Sonstiges Kleidung necklace watch Sonstiges ENG belt earrings Kleidung Kleidung Sonstiges ENG Misc ENG Sonstiges blanket ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Sonstiges DEU (das) Bettlaken Sonstiges (die) Elektrizität / (der) Strom (die) Zahnpasta (die) Lampe Sonstiges DEU Sonstiges DEU (das) Telefon DEU (der) Computer DEU (die) Schere DEU Sonstiges Sonstiges (die) Zahnbürste DEU Sonstiges DEU (die) Bettwäsche DEU Sonstiges Sonstiges Sonstiges (die) Internetverbindung The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Sonstiges ENG bed linen Sonstiges ENG ENG internet connection ENG Sonstiges ENG toothpaste ENG telephone Sonstiges Sonstiges electricity scissors Sonstiges ENG sheet toothbrush Sonstiges Sonstiges Sonstiges ENG lamp ENG Sonstiges computer ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Sonstiges DEU (der) Spiegel Sonstiges (das) Bett (der) Stuhl (das) Toilettenpapier Sonstiges DEU Sonstiges DEU (das) Taschentuch DEU (die) Toilette / (das) WC DEU (der) Tisch DEU Sonstiges Sonstiges (das) Zimmer DEU Sonstiges DEU (die) Batterie DEU Sonstiges Sonstiges Sonstiges (die) Badewanne The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Sonstiges ENG battery Sonstiges ENG ENG bathtub ENG Sonstiges ENG chair ENG tissues / handkerchiefs Sonstiges Sonstiges bed table Sonstiges ENG mirror room Sonstiges Sonstiges Sonstiges ENG toilet paper ENG Sonstiges toilet ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Sonstiges DEU (die) Heizung Sonstiges (die) Dusche (das) Regal (der) Kleiderschrank Sonstiges DEU Sonstiges DEU (der) Schubladenschrank DEU (die) Brille DEU (das) Handy DEU Sonstiges Sonstiges (der) Schrank DEU Sonstiges DEU (die) Klimaanlage DEU Sonstiges Sonstiges Sonstiges (der) Kunststoff The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Sonstiges ENG air conditioner Sonstiges ENG ENG plastic ENG Sonstiges ENG shelf ENG chest of drawers Sonstiges Sonstiges shower mobile phone Sonstiges ENG radiator cupboard Sonstiges Sonstiges Sonstiges ENG wardrobe ENG Sonstiges glasses / spectacles ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Sonstiges DEU (das) Shampoo Sonstiges (die) Gabel (der) Löffel (das) Trinkglas Sonstiges DEU Sonstiges DEU (die) Tasse DEU (die) Pfanne DEU (der) Teller DEU Sonstiges Sonstiges (das) Messer DEU Sonstiges DEU (die) Seife DEU Sonstiges Sonstiges Sonstiges (die) Schüssel The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Sonstiges ENG soap Sonstiges ENG ENG bowl ENG Sonstiges ENG spoon ENG cup Sonstiges Sonstiges fork plate Sonstiges ENG shampoo knife Sonstiges Sonstiges Sonstiges ENG glasses ENG Sonstiges pan ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Sonstiges DEU (die) Untertasse Sonstiges (die) Teekanne (das) Fenster (die) Wand Sonstiges DEU Sonstiges DEU (der) Zaun DEU (das) Haus DEU (das) Tor DEU Sonstiges Sonstiges (die) Tür DEU Sonstiges DEU (der) Wasserkocher DEU Sonstiges Sonstiges Sonstiges (der) Garten The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Sonstiges ENG kettle Sonstiges ENG ENG garden ENG Sonstiges ENG window ENG fence Sonstiges Sonstiges teapot gate Sonstiges ENG saucer door Sonstiges Sonstiges Sonstiges ENG wall ENG Sonstiges house ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Sonstiges DEU (die) Wohnung Sonstiges (das) Buch (das) Radio Kinder DEU Sonstiges DEU (das) Fernsehen DEU (das) Regal Kinder Sonstiges (die) Zeitung DEU Sonstiges DEU (die) Nachbarschaft DEU Sonstiges Sonstiges Sonstiges DEU (der) Kuechenschrank DEU Kinder (der) Stift The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Sonstiges ENG neighbourhood Sonstiges ENG ENG pen / crayon ENG Sonstiges ENG radio ENG cupboard Kinder Sonstiges book television Sonstiges ENG apartment newspaper Sonstiges Sonstiges Sonstiges ENG shelf ENG Kinder Children ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Kinder DEU (der) Bleistift Kinder (die) Malfarben (Pl) (das) Spielzeug (das) Bilderbuch Kinder DEU Kinder DEU (die) Bauklötze, (Pl) DEU (das) Brettspiel DEU (das) Plüschtier DEU Kinder Kinder (das) Papier DEU Kinder DEU (das) Malbuch DEU Kinder Kinder Kinder (der) Spielplatz The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Kinder ENG coloring book Kinder ENG ENG playground ENG Kinder ENG toy ENG toy blocks Kinder Kinder paints / painting colors stuffed animal Kinder ENG pencil paper Kinder Kinder Kinder ENG storybook ENG Kinder board game ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Kinder DEU (das) Klassenzimmer Kinder (die) Schule (der) Ball (das) Dreirad Kinder DEU Kinder DEU (das) Fahrrad DEU (der) Kinderwagen DEU (der) Drachen DEU Kinder Kinder (das) Kinderbett DEU Kinder DEU (der) Kindergarten DEU Kinder Kinder Kinder (die) Puppe The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Kinder ENG kindergarten Kinder ENG ENG doll / puppet ENG Kinder ENG ball ENG bike / bicycle Kinder Kinder school kite Kinder ENG classroom crib / cot Kinder Kinder Kinder ENG tricycle ENG Kinder stroller / buggy / pushchair ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Kinder DEU (die) Süßigkeiten Beruf (der) Polizist (der) Zahnarzt (der) Sanitäter Beruf DEU Beruf DEU (der) Wachposten DEU (der) Diplomat DEU (die) Krankenschwester (f.) / (der) Krankenpfleger (m.) DEU Beruf Beruf (der) Arzt DEU Beruf DEU Beruf DEU Beruf Beruf Beruf (der) Soldat The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Beruf ENG Profession Beruf ENG ENG soldier ENG Beruf ENG dentist ENG guard Beruf Beruf Police Officer nurse Beruf ENG candy / sweets doctor Beruf Kinder Beruf ENG paramedic ENG Beruf diplomat ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Beruf DEU (der) Dolmetscher Beruf (der) Betreuer (der) Richter / (die) Richterin (die) Katze Tiere DEU Tiere DEU (der) Hund DEU (das) Tier DEU Tiere DEU Tiere Beruf (der) Lehrer DEU Tiere DEU (der) Rechtsanwalt DEU Beruf Beruf Tiere (die) Fliege The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Beruf ENG lawyer Beruf ENG ENG fly ENG Beruf ENG judge ENG dog Tiere Beruf caretaker / guardian Animals Tiere ENG interpreter teacher Tiere Beruf Tiere ENG cat ENG Tiere pet ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Tiere DEU (die) Stechmücke Tiere (das) Huhn (das) Schaf (der) Wal Tiere DEU Tiere DEU (der) Fisch (s.) / (die) Fische (pl.) DEU (der) Hai DEU (die) Ziege DEU Tiere Tiere (die) Kuh DEU Tiere DEU (das) Pferd DEU Tiere Tiere Tiere (der) Vogel The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Tiere ENG horse Tiere ENG ENG bird ENG Tiere ENG sheep ENG fish Tiere Tiere chicken goat Tiere ENG mosquito cow Tiere Tiere Tiere ENG whale ENG Tiere shark ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Tiere DEU (die) Schlange Tiere (das) Insekt (die) Maus (der) Regen DEU Natur und Wetter DEU Natur und Wetter DEU (die) Sonne Natur und Wetter Tiere (die) Ratte DEU Natur und Wetter DEU (die) Spinne DEU Tiere Tiere Natur und Wetter DEU (die) Wolke DEU Natur und Wetter (der) Nieselregen The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Tiere ENG spider Tiere ENG ENG drizzle ENG Tiere ENG mouse ENG cloud Natur und Wetter Tiere insect Nature and Weather Natur und Wetter ENG snake rat Natur und Wetter Tiere Natur und Wetter ENG sun ENG Natur und Wetter rain ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Natur und Wetter DEU (der) Schnee Natur und Wetter DEU DEU (der) Fluss DEU Natur und Wetter DEU (das) Hochwasser DEU (das) Meer Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter (der) Berg (der) Hügel Natur und Wetter DEU (der) Schneeregen (der) Hagel Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter DEU (der) Teich DEU Natur und Wetter (der) See The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Natur und Wetter ENG sleet Natur und Wetter ENG ENG lake ENG Natur und Wetter ENG hill ENG pond Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter hail flood Natur und Wetter ENG snow mountain Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter ENG sea ENG Natur und Wetter river ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Natur und Wetter DEU (der) Baum Natur und Wetter DEU DEU (der) Mond DEU Natur und Wetter DEU (das) Holz DEU (der) Fels Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter (die) Blume (das) Metall Natur und Wetter DEU (die) Blätter (die) Pflanzen Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter DEU (der) Himmel DEU Natur und Wetter (das) Wetter / (das) Klima The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Natur und Wetter ENG leaves Natur und Wetter ENG ENG weather / climate ENG Natur und Wetter ENG metal ENG sky Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter plants wood Natur und Wetter ENG tree flower Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter ENG rock ENG Natur und Wetter moon ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Natur und Wetter DEU (der) Wirbelsturm / (der) Hurricane Natur und Wetter DEU DEU (der) Sommer DEU Natur und Wetter DEU (der) Nebel DEU (das) Unwetter Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter (die) Sterne (der) Sand Natur und Wetter DEU (der) Taifun (der) Wind Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter DEU (das) Gewitter DEU Natur und Wetter (der) Frühling The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Natur und Wetter ENG typhoon Natur und Wetter ENG ENG spring ENG Natur und Wetter ENG sand ENG thunderstorm Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter wind fog Natur und Wetter ENG hurricane star Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter ENG storm ENG Natur und Wetter summer ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Natur und Wetter DEU (der) Herbst Natur und Wetter DEU DEU (der) Blitz DEU Natur und Wetter DEU (der) Park DEU (der) Strand Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter (der) Wald (der) Nebel Natur und Wetter DEU (der) Winter (der) Himmel (rel.) Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter DEU der Donner DEU Natur und Wetter (der) Vulkan The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Natur und Wetter ENG winter Natur und Wetter ENG ENG volcano ENG Natur und Wetter ENG fog ENG thunder Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter sky / heaven park Natur und Wetter ENG autumn / fall forest / woods Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter Natur und Wetter ENG beach ENG Natur und Wetter lightning ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Natur und Wetter DEU (das) Erdbeben Natur und Wetter DEU DEU billig DEU Adjektive DEU klein DEU kurz Adjektive Adjektive Grundlegende Adjektive groß Adjektive DEU (das) Nachbeben (der) Tsunami Adjektive Natur und Wetter Adjektive DEU lang / groß DEU Adjektive teuer The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Natur und Wetter ENG aftershock Adjektive ENG ENG expensive ENG Adjektive ENG big ENG tall / long / big Adjektive Natur und Wetter tsunami small Adjektive ENG earthquake Basic Adjectives Adjektive Natur und Wetter Adjektive ENG short ENG Adjektive cheap ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Adjektive DEU nah Adjektive DEU DEU salzig DEU Adjektive DEU alt DEU jung Adjektive Adjektive schwer alt Adjektive DEU fern / weit leicht Adjektive Adjektive Adjektive DEU neu DEU Adjektive süß The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Adjektive ENG far Adjektive ENG ENG sweet ENG Adjektive ENG old (person) ENG new Adjektive Adjektive light old (object) Adjektive ENG near heavy Adjektive Adjektive Adjektive ENG young ENG Adjektive salty / savoury ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Adjektive DEU bitter Adjektive DEU DEU schnell DEU Adjektive DEU heiß DEU warm Adjektive Adjektive trocken nass Adjektive DEU würzig / scharf (hot) sauer Adjektive Adjektive Adjektive DEU kalt DEU Adjektive langsam The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Adjektive ENG spicy / hot Adjektive ENG ENG slow ENG Adjektive ENG wet ENG cold Adjektive Adjektive sour hot Adjektive ENG bitter dry Adjektive Adjektive Adjektive ENG warm ENG Adjektive fast ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Adjektive DEU gewöhnlich / üblich Adjektive einfach / leicht DEU DEU Adjektive DEU hart Adjektive DEU notwendig lang Adjektive schwierig weich Adjektive DEU rar / ungewöhnlich DEU Adjektive Adjektive Adjektive DEU oft DEU Adjektive kurz The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Adjektive ENG rare Adjektive ENG ENG short ENG Adjektive ENG soft ENG often Adjektive Adjektive easy hard Adjektive ENG common/ normal difficult Adjektive Adjektive Adjektive ENG necessary ENG Adjektive long ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Adjektive DEU breit DEU flach DEU gefährlich DEU Adjektive DEU hoch DEU niedrig schön Adjektive sicher Adjektive Adjektive DEU tief Adjektive Adjektive Adjektive Adjektive DEU nett DEU Adjektive hübsch / gutaussehend / attraktiv The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Adjektive ENG deep Adjektive ENG ENG handsome/beautiful / goodlooking / attractive ENG Adjektive ENG dangerous ENG nice Adjektive Adjektive shallow high Adjektive ENG wide safe Adjektive Adjektive Adjektive ENG low ENG Adjektive beautiful ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Adjektive DEU freundlich Adjektive DEU Adjektive DEU unabhängig Adjektive DEU streng Adjektive DEU großzügig Adjektive DEU eigennützig / egoistisch Farben DEU unfreundlich gemein Farben Adjektive Adjektive DEU müde DEU Farben Rot The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Adjektive ENG unfriendly Adjektive ENG ENG red ENG Adjektive ENG strict ENG tired Farben Adjektive common generous Adjektive ENG friendly independent Adjektive Adjektive Adjektive ENG selfish ENG Farben Colours ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Farben DEU Blau DEU Gelb Farben DEU Pink Farben DEU Lila Farben DEU Grau Farben DEU Schwarz Braun DEU Grün Farben Farben Farben Farben DEU Weiß DEU Farben Orange The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Farben ENG green Farben ENG ENG orange ENG Farben ENG purple ENG white Farben Farben yellow grey Farben ENG blue pink Farben Farben Farben ENG black ENG Farben brown ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Farben DEU Silber DEU Gold Orientierung & Orte DEU Orientierung, Orte und Transport Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte DEU Norden DEU Süden Orientierung & Orte DEU Osten Orientierung & Orte DEU Westen Orientierung & Orte DEU hoch Orientierung & Orte runter Farben DEU Orientierung & Orte links The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Farben ENG gold Orientierung & Orte ENG ENG left ENG Orientierung & Orte ENG south ENG up Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte Direction, places and transport east Orientierung & Orte ENG silver north Orientierung & Orte Farben Orientierung & Orte ENG west ENG Orientierung & Orte down ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Orientierung & Orte DEU rechts Orientierung & Orte DEU (das) Krankenhaus Orientierung & Orte DEU (die) Klinik Orientierung & Orte DEU (der) Hauptbahnhof Orientierung & Orte DEU (die) Polizeiwache DEU (die) Feuerwehrwache Orientierung & Orte DEU (die) Bushaltestelle (der) Bahnhof Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte DEU (der) U-Bahnhof DEU Orientierung & Orte (die) Feuerwehrwache The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Orientierung & Orte ENG hospital Orientierung & Orte ENG ENG fire station ENG Orientierung & Orte ENG train station ENG metro station/subway station Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte clinic police station Orientierung & Orte ENG right bus stop Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte ENG fire station ENG Orientierung & Orte Main railway station ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Orientierung & Orte DEU (die) Stadthalle Orientierung & Orte DEU DEU (die) Buchhandlung DEU Orientierung & Orte DEU (die) Stadtmitte/(das) Zentrum DEU (der) Supermarkt Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte (der) Flughafen (der) Hafen Orientierung & Orte DEU (die) Schule (die) Universität Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte DEU (die) Bücherei DEU Orientierung & Orte (die) Vorstadt The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Orientierung & Orte ENG school Orientierung & Orte ENG ENG suburbs ENG Orientierung & Orte ENG harbor/harbour ENG library Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte university city center/city centre Orientierung & Orte ENG city hall airport Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte ENG supermarket ENG Orientierung & Orte bookstore/bookshop ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Orientierung & Orte DEU (die) Landschaft Orientierung & Orte DEU DEU (der) Zug DEU Orientierung & Orte DEU öffentlicher Nahverkehr (ÖPNV) DEU (das) Auto Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte (die) Moschee (das) Restaurant Orientierung & Orte DEU (die) Kirche (das) Museum Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte DEU (der) Bus DEU Orientierung & Orte (die) Straßenbahn The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Orientierung & Orte ENG church Orientierung & Orte ENG ENG tram ENG Orientierung & Orte ENG restaurant ENG bus Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte museum public transport Orientierung & Orte ENG countryside mosque Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte ENG car ENG Orientierung & Orte train ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Orientierung & Orte DEU (das) Boot Orientierung & Orte DEU DEU (das) Fahrrad DEU Orientierung & Orte DEU (der) Kleinbus DEU (das) Rettungsboot Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte (der) Krankenwagen (der) Lastwagen Orientierung & Orte DEU (der) Helikopter (das) Flugzeug Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte DEU (das) Floß DEU Orientierung & Orte (das) Motorrad The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Orientierung & Orte ENG helicopter Orientierung & Orte ENG ENG motorcycle ENG Orientierung & Orte ENG truck/lorry ENG raft Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte aeroplane van Orientierung & Orte ENG boat ambulance Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte Orientierung & Orte ENG lifeboat ENG Orientierung & Orte bicycle ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Orientierung & Orte DEU (das) Taxi Sexuelle Identität DEU DEU Ich brauche Spritzen / Gel / Tabletten. DEU Sexuelle Identität DEU Ich bin in meiner Unterkunft nicht sicher. DEU Ich mache eine Geschlechtsangleichung. Sexuelle Identität Sexuelle Identität Ich werde wegen Homosexualität verfolgt. Ich werde wegen Transgeschlechtlichkeit verfolgt. Sexuelle Identität DEU (das) Schiff Sexuelle und geschlechtliche Identität Sexuelle Identität Orientierung & Orte Sexuelle Identität DEU Ich nehme / brauche Hormone / Testosteron / Östrogene. DEU Sexuelle Identität Wo gibt es Beratung zu Homosexualität / Transgeschlechtlichkeit? The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( DEU Orientierung & Orte ENG ship Sexuelle Identität ENG ENG Is there a counselor who specializes in homosexuality / transgender? ENG Sexuelle Identität ENG I'm being persecuted for being transgender ENG I take / I need hormones / testosterone / estrogen Sexuelle Identität Sexuelle Identität Sexual and gender identity I'm not safe where I'm staying. Sexuelle Identität ENG taxi I'm being persecuted for my sexuality Sexuelle Identität Orientierung & Orte Sexuelle Identität ENG I am transitioning genders ENG Sexuelle Identität I need (hormone) shots / gel / pills ENG ADVANCED Online – REFUGEES WELCOME! You can practice the vocabulary of the „Refugee Phrasebook” on the internet with the vocabulary trainer ADVANCED Online. All refugees and helpers get free licences for the full version of ADVANCED Online at . ADVANCED Online can also be used on smartphones and tablets. Sexuelle Identität DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU Bitte sprechen Sie mich als Mann / als Frau an. The contents of the Refugee Phrasebook are licenced under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY and were created in 2015 by various anonymous authors ( ENG Sexuelle Identität ENG Please address me as a man/woman ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG
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