The Daysman JOB 9:28 - 35 28 t I am afraid of all my sorrows, I know
The Daysman JOB 9:28 - 35 28 t I am afraid of all my sorrows, I know
l l Pa ge The D a y s ma n The Daysman JOB9:28- 35 28 t I am afraidof all my sorrows,I knowthat thou wilt not holdme innocent. 29 t lf I be wicked,whythen labourI in vain? 30 t lf I washmyselfwith snowwater;andmakemy handsneversoclean; 31 t Yetshaltthouplungeme in the ditch,andmineownclothesshallabhorme. that I shouldanswerhim,andwe shouldcometogetherin judgment. * 32 t Forhe!: nS!g mgl, asI A-Uq, Neitheris thereany DAYSMANbetwixt us,that might lay hishand upon us both. 33 t 34 t Lethimtakehisrod awayfrornme,andlet not hisfearterrifyme: 35 f ThenwouldI speak,andnot fearhim;but it is not sowith me. RestoreTheJoyof ThySalvation PSALM5L..L2,L3 me with thy free spirit. tz f Restoreunto m6 IUE tgy gf lEy SSLVATI9|I;and UPHQTD thy ways;andsinnersshallbe converteduntothee. 13 f Thenwill I teachtransgressors HighPriest HEBREWS 4:12- tG sword,pierqineeven t Forthe wordof Godis quick,andpowgrful,a,ndshalperthananv-twoedg-ed t2 and r sa intentsof the.hgart opened 13 t Neitheris-thefeanvcreaturethat is ngt manifestin hissisht:but allthinssarenaked.?nd untothe evesof him with whonlwe haveto do. Jesusthe Sonof that is passedintothe heavens, L4 t Seeing thenthat we havea greatHIGHPRIEST. OURPROFESSION. God,IEI USHOLDFAST L5 t Forwe hau_e not an HIGHIRIESTwhichcannotbq louchedwith the feelingof our infirmities; but was in alf pointstempted likeas we glglBl wi$ptttgllr.tF O{OhACe,that we mayobtainmerry, and find 16 t Letus thgfetorecomebotdlyunto the THRONE graceto helpin time of need. Advocate f J O H N2 : L , 2 ' 1 t 1l My littlechildren,thesethingswriteI untoyou,that ye sinnot.Andif anymansin,we havean with the Father,JesusChristthe righteous: 4IDVACATE 2 t Andhe isthe propltiationfor our sins:andnotforoursonly,butalsoforthesinsof thewholeworld' (1}[5] - comforter{4) ADVOCATE NUMBER 3875Dparakletos LEXTCON GREEK - STRONG'S {par-ak'-lay-tos} legalassistant; an advocate a pleader,counselfor defense, 1) onewho pleadsanother'scausebeforea Judge, righthand, God's at exaltation in his Christ soof 2) onewho pleadsanother'scausewith one,an intercessor; pleadingwith Godthe Fatherfor the pardonof our sins of irit rer. al 3 l i n th e with the the F the divinekinedom HighPriest- SuccourThemThat Are Tempted A t thof fonouqrorsthroughhim that lovedus. we arSfmolp things Nay, in all these ROMANS 8:37 2 l Pa ge The S a y s rn a n CHAMPIONNOUN: one that is acknowledgedto be better than all others. VERB:to protect, or fight for; tO UPHOLD r o r untq lby wofd. that I may live: and let me not be ashamed PSALM119:116 1l Uf;HPLDme pccQ,rdins of my hope. ISAIAH41:10 1l Fearthou nou for I am with thee: be not dismayed;for I am thy God: I will strengthenthee; yea, I will help thee; yea,lwill UPHOLDthee with the right hand of my righteousness. whom I UPHOID;lYlfNEELEq.r,in whom gpyqoul delishteth; ISAIAH42:1 1l Behold MY SERVANT. I have put Mf IPrRfIupon him: he shallbringforth judgmentto the Gentiles. Amen; o REVELATTON 1:18 | am he that liveth,andwasdead;and,behold,I am alivefor evermore, andhavethe keysof hellandof death. of flqshandblgggfhe also r HEBREWS thenasthe childrenarepartakers 2:14- 18 fl Forasmuch himsqlflikewisetook part of lhe sagg; that throqshdeathhe miehtdestroYhim that hadthe power of Ceqlh,that is,the devih t And Celiverthem who throughfear of deathwere all their lifetime but he took on him subjectto bondage. t Forverilyheto-oknot on him the lllAIUfrEAF ANGEIS; the seedof Abraham. t Whereforein allthingsit behovedhimto be madelikeunto hisbrethren, in thingspertainingto God,to make that he mightbe a mercifulandfaithfulH\GHPRIEST t people. For in that he himselfhath$ffefed beingtempted, RECON$LTATION for the sinsof the he is ableto succourthemthat aretempted. - r ggxggfiffiRoNc's NUMBER -- makereconciliation z4ggr>hilaskomai{hil-as'-kom-ahee} ^ GRErrc to become self; to one's (L) appease, conciliate 1) to renderone'sself,to AV -- be merciful be merciful propitious, to be propitious, be gracious, or appeased; be placated 2)to expiate,makepropitiationfor Propitiation 3:23-25 ROMANS f Forall havesinned,and comeshortof the gloryof God; 23 that is in ChristJesus: 24 t Beingjustifiedfreelyby hisgracethroughthe redemption in hisblood,to declarehis faith through 25 t WhomGodhathsetforthto be a PROPITIATION of God; of sinsthat arepast,throughthe forbearance for the remission righteousness NUMBER 2435 LEXICON GREEK -- STRONG;S AV -- propitiation(1} 2435 >, hilasterion {hil-as-tay'-ree-on (L)[2] -- mercyseat a meansof appeasing force,expiatory; or expiating havingplacating or expiating, 1) relatingto an appeasing or expiating, a propitiation with the bloodof La)usedof the coverof the arkof the covenantin the Holyof Holies,whichwassprinkled that the lifeof the people,the lossof the expiatoryvictimon the annualdayof atonement(thisrite signifying whichtheyhadmeritedby theirsins,wasofferedto Godin the bloodasthe lifeof the victim,andthat Godby the propitiatory hencethe lid of expiation, andtheirsinsexpiated); thisceremonywasappeased a peculiarvictim 1b)an expiatorysacrifice,