View the 2015 Annual Report


View the 2015 Annual Report
annual report 2015
©Daniel Craveiro
©Werner R. Slocum
©Stephen Collector
©Melissa Iverson
©Werner R. Slocum
©Benko Photographics
©Werner R. Slocum
©Daniel Craveiro
letter from the board president
dear friends,
The past year was yet another full and interesting time at Chautauqua!
Susan Connelly, our executive director for twelve years, left Colorado
Chautauqua Association (CCA) in November. Under her leadership, CCA
grew into an exceedingly healthy and stable nonprofit organization. Our staff
is talented and dedicated; our programming is strong and relevant; and our
buildings and grounds have never looked better. During Susan’s last year,
our lease with the City of Boulder was extended for twenty years and the
CCA board of directors completed a strategic plan to guide future program
direction and investments. Susan left a wonderful legacy.
In January, after a national search, Andrea McGimsey joined CCA as our new
executive director. Andrea was previously the executive director of Oatlands
Historic House & Gardens, a National Trust Historic Site in Virginia. As a
board, we are thrilled to have Andrea with us and believe that her myriad of
skills as well as her interest in climate change and sustainability will move
the organization in new and exciting directions.
Growing out of CCA’s strategic plan are two new initiatives I’d like to share.
It is our intention to be the most sustainable, energy efficient National
Historic Landmark in the country. In partnership with the City of Boulder
and the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance, consultants are currently studying
what projects and programs might be feasible in our unique situation. By fall
of 2016, we hope to have a road map to guide future investments in energy
savings and production.
On another front, CCA is committed to sharing the story of Chautauqua’s
past with our community and is in the process of developing an educational
field trip program for third graders. In spring 2016, 56 students from Flatirons
Elementary joined us for a pilot program and were invited to step back in
time to Chautauqua’s early years. We intend that by celebrating the history
and spirit of Chautauqua with a new, young generation, an enthusiastic
appreciation of historic preservation and the treasure that is our National
Historic Landmark will be nurtured.
The board of directors and I are very grateful for your support of our
wonderful organization.
Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra featuring Wynton Marsalis | July 8, 2015 | ©Jonathan B. Auerbach
m i s s i o n stat e m e n t
The mission of the Colorado Chautauqua
Association is to preserve, perpetuate and improve
the site and spirit of the historic Chautauqua
by enhancing its community and values through
cultural, educational, social and recreational
stat e m e n t o f va lu e s
The Chautauqua experience is based on lifelong
learning, love of nature, voluntary simplicity and
music, oration and the arts. Historic significance,
traditions, cultural relevance, respite and
enrichment are among the community benefits
provided by the Colorado Chautauqua.
Susan Osborne
President, Board of Directors
Colorado Chautauqua Association
Colorado Chautauqua Association
A n n u a l Re p o r t 2 0 1 5
letter from the executive director
dear friends,
p r e s e rvat i o n
s u sta i n a b i l i t y
As I begin my tenure as Executive
Director of this beautiful
National Historic Landmark, I am
honored to be entrusted with
the stewardship of Chautauqua’s
site and spirit, and to be part of
ensuring its sustainable future.
I am pleased to report that
Colorado Chautauqua Association
(CCA) had another memorable and productive year—
providing the community with many opportunities
for respite—“to escape, engage and elevate.” CCA
ended 2015 in strong financial position, completed
many capital projects and made great strides towards
future improvement projects that will benefit all guests.
Together with the City of Boulder and its staff, new ADA
accessible restrooms to serve the Auditorium—a long
desired amenity— were completed in July 2015.
I look forward to fulfilling the board’s new strategic plan,
specifically identifying ways to reduce the environmental
footprint of our operations and expand the telling of
Chautauqua’s rich history.
Chautauqua’s sustainable future could not be possible
without the generous support of our greater Chautauqua
community of members and donors, lodging and dining
guests, concert goers, frequent and infrequent visitors.
Thank YOU for enabling us to create memorable
experiences year after year.
I add my personal thanks to the CCA Board of Directors
for its dedication and support and to our tireless and
devoted staff who make it all happen every day of every
©Benko Photographics
We invite you to join us in celebrating our wonderful
community jewel and supporting its vibrant future.
Andrea McGimsey
Executive Director
Colorado Chautauqua Association
Colorado Chautauqua Association
A n n u a l Re p o r t 2 0 1 5
©Jonathan B. Auerbach
©Benko Photographics
p r e s e rvat i o n
s u sta i n a b i l i t y
p r e s e rvat i o n
s u sta i n a b i l i t y
Preservation and maintenance of Chautauqua’s 67 historic buildings and 26 acres of grounds for active
year-round use is a fundamental part of the Colorado Chautauqua Association’s (CCA) daily stewardship
activities. CCA invests approximately one million dollars annually in capital improvements and routine
maintenance within its leasehold portion of the Colorado Chautauqua National Historic Landmark.
Buildings & Grounds
In 2015, CCA completed the West Garden Walk Project,
reestablishing the historic connection between the
Chautauqua Green and CCA campus. The irrigation
systems in the Centennial Garden and landscaping
around the Auditorium were upgraded and the flagstone
terrace around the Dining Hall was repaired and
refurbished in April 2016.
For over a century, the Chautauqua Auditorium has
held a special place in the hearts of performers and
audiences. Each year, routine upkeep and scheduled
capital improvement projects ensure that the beloved
building remains in top condition and ready to welcome
all who visit.
Through collaboration with the City of Boulder, ADA
accessible restrooms to serve the Auditorium were
completed in July of 2015 and are now open seasonally
in conjunction with Auditorium events. The restroom
project, managed and funded by the City of Boulder,
features a six stall restroom with ADA accessible
accommodations for both men and women.
West Garden Walk
Chautauqua Auditorium, circa 1905
In spring of 2016, a flagstone terrace was installed on the
east side of the venue and drought resistant landscaping
continues to be developed. Inside the Auditorium, the
house lights were upgraded to energy efficient L.E.D.
lights and the lateral acoustic panels above the stage
were replaced and upgraded. The replacement and
upgrade of the overhead acoustic panels, the final phase
of the acoustic project, will occur in October 2016.
Colorado Chautauqua Association
A n n u a l Re p o r t 2 0 1 5
Oratory in the early years of Chautauqua Auditorium
p r e s e rvat i o n
s u sta i n a b i l i t y
Cottages & Lodges
Other major capital improvements for 2015 included the
complete rehabilitation of Cottage 13. Testing before and
after this work was done showed a 35 percent decrease
in air infiltration and building leakage. Domestic hot
water heaters were replaced with high efficiency
tankless water heaters in five cottages; new kitchens
were installed in all units in Columbine Lodge; the
entry stairs to Missions House Lodge were replaced and
other various upgrades to cottages, including tile floors,
interior and exterior painting, etc., were accomplished.
After almost a year of tremendous effort by a dedicated
team, the digitizing and reprinting of the third edition
of Mary Galey’s book “The Grand Assembly” was
completed in November 2015.
Many hours were spent retyping the original
mimeographed book into a digital file, proofreading and
fact checking, locating and scanning the original photos
and illustrations, and typesetting. With the digitizing
and printing of this third edition, “The Grand Assembly”
now has greater protection from the disintegrating
effects of time. Such protection is greatly deserved for
Galey’s passionate portrayal of the influential nationwide
Chautauqua movement and of Boulder’s Grand Assembly.
We are grateful for the time spent on this project by Lori
Hunter (project manager), CCA archivist Kate Gerard,
Shireen Miller, Kent Young,Wendy Hall at the Carnegie
Library, and the team at the University of Colorado
Library. Copies of “The Grand Assembly” are available for
sale through the gift shops in the Chautauqua Lodging
Office and the Chautauqua General Store.
Colorado Chautauqua Association
A n n u a l Re p o r t 2 0 1 5
The Chautauqua Pedestrian Club
©Stephen Collector
p r e s e rvat i o n
s u sta i n a b i l i t y
Environmental Sustainability
The Chautauqua values of lifelong learning, love of
nature and voluntary simplicity go hand-in-hand with
environmental sustainability.
In 2008, the Colorado Chautauqua Association committed
to making the Colorado Chautauqua the country’s
“greenest” National Historic Landmark. Since then, CCA
has made sweeping changes to the way it operates and
continues to explore strategies to conserve water and
energy, divert waste from landfills and utilize earth-friendly
products, while preserving the guest experience and the
Colorado Chautauqua’s historic character.
©Werner R. Slocum
©Jonathan B. Auerbach
Overnight guests may notice differences from the typical
vacation destination. For example, Chautauqua cottages
are equipped with composting and recycling containers,
water-saving shower heads, faucets and toilets, ecofriendly soaps and hair products and alternative cooling
systems. Bath towels and other linens are exchanged
upon request, rather than changed daily. The gift shops
found in the Lodging Office and the General Store offer
earth-friendly products featuring organically grown
fibers, non-toxic BPA-free materials and environmentally
sound production processes.
We continue to raise the bar on our efforts to seek out
the highest quality products that are all natural, non-toxic
and have minimal impact on the earth.
Healthier for guests, wildlife, plants and the planet, we
use organic materials like manure to nurture the grounds
and gardens within the historic district. In addition, all
our yard and tree trimmings are collected and converted
to mulch that is used in our gardens and flower beds.
Colorado Chautauqua Association has taken the pledge
to make the Colorado Chautauqua Bee Safe. We use only
non-neonicontinoid products and plant flowers, trees
and shrubs that provide the pollen and nectar that bees
and other pollinators need.
Colorado Chautauqua Association
A n n u a l Re p o r t 2 0 1 5
©Werner R. Slocum
©Stephen Collector
a c c o m p l i s h m e na tcsc o m p l i s h m e n t s
p r e s e rvat i o n
s u sta i n a b i l i t y
Environmental Sustainability (continued)
Water is precious in Boulder’s high-desert climate and
CCA is conscious of every drop used. In addition to
water saving fixtures in buildings, weather monitors have
been incorporated into irrigation systems throughout
the grounds. These monitors evaluate factors such as
temperature, relative humidity, wind and precipitation,
so water is used only as much, and as often, as
necessary. This practice has resulted in a reduction of
outdoor water use by as much as 40 percent annually
since initial implementation in 2010.
Energy conservation is one of CCA’s highest priorities. As
a general rule, whenever an appliance, furnace or water
heater needs to be replaced, the most energy-efficient
option that meets the need is selected. This includes ondemand water heaters as well as other Energy Star rated
products. Light bulbs with low-energy compact florescent
lights (CFL) have been systematically installed wherever
safe and effective and CCA is experimenting with high
efficiency LED lights in all its buildings.
All cottages are strategically air sealed and insulated to
reduce energy use and increase year-round comfort. A
number of strategies have been employed for summer
comfort in cottages and community buildings, including
solar reflective window screens, whole-house fans,
ceiling fans, and high-efficiency alternative cooling
systems like the Coolerado in the Academic Hall and
Community House. Significant energy efficiency upgrades
also have been made to the historic Dining Hall.
The Colorado Chautauqua is recognized as a national
leader in the application of energy efficiency and green
construction techniques in historic building renovation.
As part of its Learning Laboratory, CCA compiles case
studies and valuable data, and shares its learnings with
home owners, the historic preservation community and
the green building industry.
With a goal to reduce its waste stream to a mere trickle,
CCA makes every effort to reduce, reuse and recycle.
All yard and tree trimmings are collected and converted
to mulch to be used in our gardens and flower beds.
When renovating historic buildings, reclaimed building
materials are used to the extent possible, diverting 65
percent of construction waste from landfills through
recycling and re-use. Approximately 75 percent of
overnight guests participate in a voluntary compost
program and the Dining Hall operator converts much of
its food waste into feed for its farm animals.
CCA encourages all visitors to reduce their environmental
footprint and celebrates their efforts. In 2015, over 4,500
concert patrons chose to ride the free HOP 2 Chautauqua
to the Chautauqua and Colorado Music Festival.
Available on Auditorium concert nights, the free transit
service runs every 15-20 minutes from approximately
two hours prior to show time to 45 minutes after the
end of each show. HOP 2 Chautauqua is operated by
VIA Mobility Services and funded by GO Boulder/City
of Boulder, CCA and Colorado Music Festival. For more
information, visit
©Benko Photographics
Colorado Chautauqua Association
A n n u a l Re p o r t 2 0 1 5
©Werner R. Slocum
©Werner R. Slocum
c u lt u r e
Since July 4, 1898, people have traveled long
distances to have a chautauqua experience in
Boulder. Initially a tent city, seasonal cottages
and lodges were built and rebuilt at Chautauqua
over time.
From classical to popular music, silent films to
modern dance, authors to actors, and science to
theater, 2015 was packed with many memorable
Chautauqua experiences.
The result was a unique neighborhood that, for its first
century, was primarily for summer use only.
Today, 57 cottages and the Missions House and
Columbine Lodges are available for nightly rental
All of the cottages and lodges at Chautauqua have
been lovingly upgraded to be as energy efficient and
comfortable as possible. Five cottages are EPA Energy
Star-rated, indicating achievement of the highest
standards in energy efficiency.
Not only is staying in a cottage or lodge a fundamental
element of the Chautauqua experience, but lodging
revenue is the economic engine for CCA. The revenues
fund preservation and maintenance activities and
subsidize public programming.
Each year, Chautauqua hosts overnight guests from
around the globe, nationally, regionally, and often
locally to participate in the chautauqua experience.
Please join us!
©Colorado Music Festival
Auditorium programs
The 118th Summer Series delivered yet another season
of diverse and quality entertainment that the community
has come to expect such as: Boz Scaggs, Michael
McDonald, Ry Cooder, Ricky Skaggs, Robert Cray, Punch
Brothers, Emmylou Harris & Rodney Crowell. Spoken
word also filled the Auditorium as comedian Margaret
Cho kept audiences laughing.
Xavier Rudd & The United Nations | June 2, 2015 | ©Werner R. Slocum
©Stephen Collector
Silent films with live musical accompaniment celebrated
30 years on Chautauqua’s silver screen. Audiences were
awestruck and inspired by the incredible athleticism
displayed in film during the two day, sold out REEL
ROCK 10 film festival and also by the dancers from Cleo
Parker Robinson Dance Ensemble.
An integral part of Chautauqua’s summer programming
for more than three decades, the Colorado Music Festival
continued to provide six weeks of inspiring, worldclass classical music. 2015 patrons became acquainted
with new music director Jean-Marie Zeitouni’s and his
personal affinity for vocal music.
Outside the Auditorium, theater was abundant at
Chautauqua. Hikers hit the trails to enjoy Theatre
Hikes’ “Little Red and Her Feisty Friends” and learned
“Ten Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse” while
aficionados participated in staged play readings in the
Community House from Stories on Stage.
Colorado Chautauqua Association
A n n u a l Re p o r t 2 0 1 5
Keller Williams & The Keels | June 12, 2015 | © Daniel Craveiro
c u lt u r e
Community House programs
Year-round programming in the Chautauqua Community
House nourished patron’s hearts and minds through
music, theater, film, science and the power of the pen.
During the popular and sold out Space Series, audiences
were taken on a monthly voyage of discovery through
the solar system and outer limits of space and time.
Paying homage to the original Chautauqua Literary &
Scientific Circle, the monthly Author Series presented
thought provoking writers sharing their works of
fiction and nonfiction. Authors included Peter Heller
unveiling his newest work of science fiction; Thomas
Andrews revealing the effects of climate change in the
Rocky Mountains; Dan Simmons discussing his research
methods for his novels; Katie Singer laying bare the
electronic silent spring in our daily environment; and
Marc Bekoff rewilded our hearts.
During a special series in support of our veterans and
their families, authors Helen Thorpe, Angie Ricketts and
Megan Feldman explored the struggles of our troops
at home and abroad. Captain Luis Montalvan and his
service dog Tuesday also provided an up-close story to
children and adults about recovery and love.
Filmmakers, screenwriters and producers convened at
the Community House throughout the year to gather live
audience feedback during post-screening discussions
of their work. These documentaries journeyed to the
world’s highest peaks; wrestled with faith and fighting;
explored how cycling is helping Rwanda recover from
genocide; delved into the issues of civil discourse,
conservation and monkey wrenching, and shone a light
on how hip hop culture is defining music and culture.
Just as attending a concert in the Chautauqua Auditorium
is on the summer “must-do” list, Community House
concerts have become a favorite amongst fans looking
to experience music in an intimate atmosphere. 2015
musicians included The Haunted Windchimes, Mulligan
Brothers, Cahalen & Eli, Biff Gore and provided guests with
rhythms ranging from bluegrass and folk to soulful blues,
rock and holiday favorites.
The Social Network
With valued supporters around the globe, Chautauqua’s
social media community is rapidly growing. Sign up
for CCA’s weekly e-newsletter for all the latest lineups,
ticket and Chautauqua news and specials. Follow CCA
on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest for more
regular updates. These social media channels capture
the daily happenings at Chautauqua, news about special
events, as well as Chautauqua’s special “flavor.”
The Colorado Chautauqua Association is grateful for
the many wonderful collaborations with the following
partners to produce the diverse offering of 2015 events
and programming for the enjoyment by guests of all
ages: Colorado Music Festival, Nobody In Particular
Presents (NIPP), Three Leaf Concepts, University of
Colorado Boulder’s Laboratory of Atmospheric and
Space Physics (LASP), UCAR, Cleo Parker Robinson
Dance Ensemble, Theatre-Hikes Colorado, Stories on
Stage, REEL ROCK Film Tour, CU School of Education,
Sweetwave Audio, New Vista High School, Hank Troy,
Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra and VIA Mobility
Chautauqua Space Series
Visit to view upcoming events, buy
tickets, or to make lodging or dining reservations.
Community Support
In 2015, CCA provided support to community nonprofit,
educational and government organizations including:
ArtReach Community Tickets Program, Bicycle Colorado,
BMoCA, Boulder County CareConnect, Boulder JCC,
Boulder Shelter for the Homeless, Boulder Valley
School District, Butterfly Pavilion, Circle of Care- Elder
Enrichment Program, City of Boulder (multiple
departments), Colorado Preservation, Inc., Colorado
Repertory Singers, Colorado Women’s Chamber of
Commerce, Flatirons Elementary, Historic Boulder, Inc.,
Imagine Foundation, Impact On Education, Intercambio,
Mental Health Center of Denver, NCAR, Safehouse
Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence, Stories on Stage,
Stout Street Foundation, The Catamounts, The Studio
School, Women’s Health, WOW! Children’s Museum and
the YMCA.
Colorado Chautauqua Association
A n n u a l Re p o r t 2 0 1 5
Biff Gore | January 29, 2016 | ©Benko Photographics
board of directors
The CCA Board of Directors (BOD) is comprised of
15 members, each serving a three-year term with a
limit of two successive terms.
Two members of the BOD are appointed by the
Boulder City Council, one member is appointed
by the Chautauqua Cottagers Association, three
members are appointed by the BOD itself, and nine
members are elected by the CCA membership.
In August 2015, CCA said a fond farewell and
offered great thanks to Bob Yates and to term
limited board member Phil Shull, who served for six
years, most recently as CCA’s board president.
2015–16 Officers
Susan Osborne
Shelly Benford
Tally Costa
Lisa Shoemaker
2015–16 Board Members
©Stephen Collector
Melissa Etheridge | August 5, 2015 | ©Werner R. Slocum
Nan Anderson
Bill Briggs
Michelle Estrella
Tom Galey
John Kenyon
Bob Morehouse
Bill Patterson
Cindy Schmidt
Dominick Sekich
Cathy Sparkman
Thomas Thorpe
Colorado Chautauqua Association
A n n u a l Re p o r t 2 0 1 5
©Werner R. Slocum
©Werner R. Slocum
Hospitality 56%
Public Events 23% ($1,210,973)
December 31, 2015 & 2014
for the year ended December 31, 2015
Public support
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents
SCFD 12% ($641,790)
Prepaid expenses
Total current assets
Property and Equipment, Net
Certificate of deposit
Accounts receivable
Contributions receivable
Rhiannon Giddens | August 13, 2015 | ©Werner R. Slocum
Subleases 5% ($279,901)
Contributions 2% ($121,861)
Memberships 1% ($62,955)
Grants >1% ($14,720)
Noncurrent Asset Investments
Total Revenue & Support
Program services
©Benko Photographics
Public Events 27%
Management & general
Loss on asset dispositions
before depreciation & loss on asset disposition
Total Expenses & Losses
TOTAL REVENUE: $5,237,338
Accounts payable
Accrued liabilities
Deferred revenue
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Current Liabilities
Hospitality 24% ($1,191,981)
Total current liabilities
Net Assets
Administration 11%
Total net assets
Marketing 6% ($302,278)
Facilities 30%
Development 2% ($113,250)
TOTAL EXPENSE: $5,035,298
($812,492 capital & $698,540 operating expense
before depreciation and loss on asset disposition)
Colorado Chautauqua Association
A n n u a l Re p o r t 2 0 1 5
“Bardelys the Magnificent” (1926)
a c c o md po lni o
s hr sm e n t s
$10,000 +
$500 - 999
Daily Camera
The Davidson
Family Foundation
Flatirons Bank
William L. Briggs
Carob Fund
Rikki Gilbert
Barbara Sublett-Guthery
John Kenyon &
Maud Huey Kenyon
Christine Kimura &
Phil Shull
Patty Limerick &
Houston Kempton
Heidi Lynch
Michael McCarthy
Bob Morehouse
Katharine Raybin
Jeremy &
Margaret Sanders
Cynthia Schmidt
Taylor Schollmaier
Dominick Sekich
Phillisa Shoemaker
Ms. H.A. Thompson
Deborah &
Chris van den Honert
$5,000 - 9,999
Alfalfa’s Market
Kathy & Jim Cargill
Holden Family Fund
Holland & Hart, LLC
Insight Designs
Shoemaker, Ghiselli
& Schwartz, LLC
$2,500 - 4,999
D & K Printing
Graph X Group
The Winslow Foundation
$1,000 - 2,499
Nan Anderson
Frank Guerra
John R. Woods
Susan M. Osborne
Rappleye & Associates PC
Josh & Ellen Taxman
Kristine Todd
William &
Monica Truettner
$250 - 499
Sandra Bierman
Gift from the Catlin’s
Shelly Catterson
Sharon Caulfield
Susan Connelly
Community First
Susan Dawson
A. Baker Duncan
Stephen Ekman
Kim Erickson &
Barb Vossler
Michelle Estrella
Carol Fier
Ann Garstang
Hazel’s Beverage World
Carol &
Herb Himmel Gibson
Kathleen Gonzales
Carol & Charles Johnson
Dottie & Ray Joyce
Designated Fund
Quentin Karlsrud
Janet Martin
Ralph Noistering
Stephanie Ossewaarde
Diane Yates &
Peter Pollock
K.A. Streicher
Tom & Kathleen Thorpe
Carl Tinstman
$75 - 249
Richard Ackerman
Peggy Archibald
Elizabeth Armstrong
James Baily
Sybil Barnes
Kathryn Barth
Maureen Beith
Shelly Benford
Kurt Bittner
Kevin Bleicher
Virginia Boucher
Mark Carson
Prudence Carter
Lawrence Cohn
Sally Coulehan
Susan DeBacker Barker
Dean DeBolt
Clara Deser
Scott A. Dimetrosky
Daniel Dugan
Lisa Egger
Boulder Mesa
Jim Estin
Catherine Long Gates
Robert Godwin
Judy Gould
Mark Graham
John Graham
Calvin & Laurie Hanson
Caroline Himes
Callie & Fritz Holleman
Tom & Caroline Hoyt
Paige Inman
Arnie Jacobson &
Victoria Johns
Jimmerson Family
Helayne Jones
Linda S. Jourgensen
Marcia Kahn
Arthur &
Mindy Kaufman
Paul & Clarissa King
Heather Kleinschmit
Kaley Klemp
John & Kathleen Krampf
Mary Ann Langer
Ray & Margot LaPanse
Loren & Conrad Lattes
Donald & Joann Leitch
David Levin
Kerry Lightenburger
James Long
Lale Lovell
Aaron Lucas
Linda Lunbeck
Greta Maloney &
Bob Palaich
Susan Marek
Mark Mathewson
John & Deidre McElveen
Rob & Kate Melich
Axson Morgan
Virginia Newton
Bill Patterson
Thomas &
Stephanie Pennell
Dee Perry
Virginia Perry
Richard Polk
Robert Presson
Margaret Price
Caroline Quine
Dave & Jan Robertson
Alan & Stephanie Rudy
Dean Rue
Rebecca Ruttenberg
Ella & David Schleicher
Jacqueline Shadron
Becky Shreck
Sarah Snyder
Zoe Stivers
Elm Sturkol
Lillian Sutcliffe
John Taylor
Stephen Tebo
Denise & Gary Terrazas
Anne Turner
Betty J. Wall
Richard Warner
Ruth Wright
Kelly & John Wyatt
Linda Zinn
$25 - 74
Christa Adams
Suzy Ageton
Victor Ahern
Jamey Anderson
Carol Lynne Andrews
George Antoine
Vicki Archer
Carol Arnold
Suzanne Awner
David Becher
Cheri Belz
Angela Bevacqua
Linda Boley
Cornelius Borman
Elliott Bouillion
Jim Bowers
Andrew Bradford
Charles Brase
Ann Brennan
Bobby Brown
Debbie Bruell
Marda Buchholz
Allison & Kurt Burghardt
Eleanor Chalmers
Joyce Chase
Kathy Christina
Louise Christopher
Steve Combs
Paula Connelly
Scott Craig
Christy Crosser
Cheryl Cruickshank
Shirley Dahl
Douglas & Rita Dart
David Donaldson
Liz Edgerton
Martha Evans
John & Mary Farrington,
In memory of
Barbara Fettig
Karen Fehringer
Richard Fraser
Peggy Fritschel
Tom Galey
Susannah Gardner
Mike Gehard
Lynn Gilbert
Leland Giovannelli
Eric Glustrom
Leslie Glustrom
Patricia Goward
Frank Grahek
Noel Hefty
Susan Henderson
Jeffrey Herm
Stephen Hoerler
Cathie Holm
Deb Howard
Michell Irving
Hampton Islan
Sharon Jenkins
Carol Krueger
Brian Larsen
Claudia Liedtke
Rhea Little
Margaret A. Lloyd
Jeanette Lostracco
Alida Lubeck
Dorothy Lurie
John &
Mary Ann Markovetz
Steve & Susan Maxwell
Lyra Mayfield &
Charlie Stein
Patricia McGivern
Kathy McGuire
Pat McNamara
Charles Meertens
Steve Melville
Sean Merrigan
Lynn Merrill
Bridget Monahan
James D. Murphy
Marc Musyl
Richard Neslund
John & Joyce Neville
Dwight Palmer
Sharon Park
Mary Jane Phelan
Anne Marie Polich
Tom Price
Kim Ralston
Jerrilyn Rooney
Nancy Schwiesow
Krista Scott
Marilyn Shaw
Marcella Shykula
Jay Silverthorn
David Skaggs
Aris & Suzanne Sophocles
Richard Spillmann
Laurel Stadjuhar
Stephen Stapp
James Stearns
Annette Stelmack
Linden Stuart
Charles Sweeney
Constance Szeflinski
Peter Szilagyi
Elizabeth Tilton
Leslie Tuverson Perkins
Don Van Winkle
Bill Wallace
Claire Walter
Dennis Wellman
Ronald West
Cynthia Whitham
Leslie & Thomas Wilke
David Will
Colorado Chautauqua Association
A n n u a l Re p o r t 2 0 1 5
< $25
Gail Abbott
Lisa Abelson
Michael Abrahams
Annie Abrahamson
Jill Abram
John Paul Abruscato
Marilyn Ackerman
Susan Adams
Drew Adian
Teresa Aguilar
Dorothy Aguilera Black Bear
Catherine Ainsworth
Robert Akusis
Faisal Albawardi
Lynne Albert
Andrew Albright
John Alcorn
Leigh Alexander
Scott Alexander
Dagmar Alford
Glen Alleman
Andrew Allen
Annie Allen
Bruce Allen
Sheryl Allen
Zack Allen
Steve Altermatt
Jeremy Althoff
Somer Aly
Keith Ambuhl
Caspar Ammann
Elizabeth Anders
Caitlin Anderson
Cynthia Anderson
Derek Anderson
Erin Anderson
Gail Anderson
Jana Anderson
Ken Anderson
Neal Anderson
Charles Andrew
Laurel Andrews
Christie Andrus
Terese Angcos
Laura Anglin
Maryte Anilionis
John Anthony
Donald Anton
Gwendolyn Appel
Todd Appel
Chandler Appleby
Joanna Arch
Arlene Armstrong
Betsy Armstrong
Shannon Armstrong
Haley Arndt
Elinor Asay
Susan Aubin
Leah Audin
Jack Austin
Steven Austin
Brenda Avery
Daniel Avery
Michael Avritt
Donna Baase
David Bachrach
Dan Badger
Tom Baer
Natalia Bagotskaya
Jana Bagwell
Andrea Bailey
Daniel Bailey
Danny Bailey
Kevin Bailey
Rebecca Bainbridge
Dean Baird
Carol Baldwin
Lydia Baldwin
Christopher Ball
George Ball
Jim Ball
Richard Ball
Courtney Ballagh
Cynthia Ballinghoff
Linda Bandt-Law
Mary Ellen Banfield
John Barbe
Magda Barcelo
Molly Barden
Nathan Barefield
Heidi Barlow
Dennis Barnacle
Michael Barney
Nancy Baros
John Barrett
Penelope Bartell
Bradley Bartels
Tanya Bartholomew
Marda Barthuli
Debra Baskett
Bruce Bassoff
Margaret Basten
Jonathan Bastow
Sonya Bastow
Sherry Bauer
Carol Baum
Emily Baumbach
John Baur
Carolyn Beagle
Paula Beall
Barb Becker
Benjamin Beckhan
Cynthia Beeler
Norbert Beerlage
Robert Beggs
Danielle Behrens
Andrea Bell
Denise Bell
JoAnne Bell
Karen Bell
Kare Ben
Holly Bender
Tom Bender
Dana Benner
Samantha Bennett
Debra Bennett-Woods
Kris Bennish
Ruth Benton
Jill Berg
Marianne Bergen
Kelly Berger
Tammy Bergeson
Scott Bergman
Maria Berkenkotter
Frank Berliner
Gil Berman
Nancy Berman
Frank Bernardi
Neil Bernstein
Sylvia Bernstein
Mark Bershenyi
Bret Bertholf
Penny Bertrand
Laurie Best
Cinnamon Bidwell
Andrew Bigford
Patricia Billig
Liesel Bimmerle
Ken Birgen
Kenn Bisio
Kristin Bjornsen
Deborah Black
James Black
Virginia H. Black
Jean Blackmer
Leslie Blank
Anita Blaschak
Sally Blaser
Dell Bleekman
Ellis Blevins
Howard & Tracey Blitz
Norman Blome
Maria Bloomfield
Thomas Blumenthal
Madeline Boatwright
Kristyn Bockman
Mary Bode
Amy Boele
Timothy Boers
Ramona Boersma
Timothy Bogart
Janis Bohan
Will Bohner
Lawrie Bolger
Ron Bollers
Jim Bolsinger
MP Bonchonsky
Remi Bonnart
Deb Bonner
Patti Bonnet
Tricia Boomhower
Catherine Boone
Suzanne Booth
Elisabeth Borden
Connie Bostad
Karel Boswell
Scarlet Bowen
David Bower
Peter Bowers
Angela Bowman
Elyse Bowman
Gary Bowman
Kimberly Boyd
Paul Brabenec
Ellen Bracchi
Lara Bracciante
Cristin Bracken
Annice Bradford
Alice Bradie
Suze Bragg
Maggie Brahm
Jennifer Braman
Diane Bramble
Marilyn Brand
Margot Brandenburg
Cynthia Brandstetter
Deanne Brandstetter
Annie Brandt
Adam Bratter
Jennifer Braun
Emily Bray
Jennifer Bray
Elaine Brenner
Joan Brett
Rachel Bridge
Scott Bright
William Brinker
Ed Briscoe
Kenneth Brockmann
Rene Brodeur
Marty Brodsky
Brittany Brome
F. Bronzan
Phillip Brooks
Tyler Broom
Max Brosnahan
Bill Brotherton
Kristin Brousseau
Barbara Brown
Brooks Brown
Carol Brown
Deborah Brown
Elliot Brown
Jarrett Brown
Laura (Jade) Brown
Mark Brown
Michael Brown
Sheri Brown
Victoria Brown
Michael Browning
Caroline Bruce
Jonathan Bruneau
Steven Bruny
David Bryan
Lori Bryant
Jamie Buck
MaryKay Buckner
Eric Budd
Bruce Budy
Amber Buikema
Willa Bulkley
Jim Bumanglag
John Bunting
Kim Burch
Mitchell Burkett
Janet Burns
Sean Burns
Sheila Burns
Teri Burton
Andrew Burwick
Marian Bussey
Anne Butterfield
Helen Butterfield
Andrea Buxbaum
Carol Byerly
Conor Byrnes
Ellen Cadette
Karen Cadora
Lancene Cadora
Joanna Calhoun
Gary Callahan
Sydney Camboni
Roger Cambor
Gina Cameron
john Campagnola
Heather Campbell
Karen Campbell
Natalie Canfield
Laura-Lea Cannon
John Canova
Ryan Canterbury
Jay Capaul
Dominie Cappadonna
Sandi Cardillo
Emily Cardin
Janelle Carlisle
William Carlisle
Carol Carlson
Jeffrey Carlson
Kimberly Carmitchel
Bryan Carney
Dean Carpenter
Kristen Carpenter
Shauna Carpenter
David Carr
Frank Carrannante
Lynn Carranza
Connie Carroll-Hopkins
Philip Carson
Tenney Carter
Robert Casanova
Sage Case
Bernice Casey
Patricia Casey
LuEllen Casler
Elisabeth Caspari
David Cass
Alex Cassidy
Christopher Cassle
Joni Castorino
McLain Causey
Megan Cavanagh
Tom Cecil
Catherine Cerretani
Zack Cerza
Jodi Chambers
Steve Champion
Violeta Chapin
Frances Chapman
Ronda Charbonneau
Ronald Cheek
Edie Cheng
Heidi Chesley
Allison Chilcott
Gordon Christopher
Susan Ciciotte
Joseph Cirelli
Andy Clark
Caitlin Clark
Michael Clark
Sylvia Clark
William Clark
Greg Clarke
Paul Clemens
Mari Clements
Christopher Clemetson
Jamie Clinton
Carroll Cloman
David Closser
Jenny Cloudman
Al & Theresa Clough
Jeff Cloutier
Melissa Clymer
Lisa Coash
Carolie J. Coates
David Cobb
Heather Coble
Laura Coblentz
Alan Cogen
Jil Cohen
Nikki Cohen
Paul Cohen
Sara Cohen
Matt Cohn
Susan Coit
Elizabeth Coker
Cecelia Coleman
Renata Colitti O’Day
Jean Collin
Diane Collinet
Bob Collins
Forrest Collins
Julia Collins
Jennifer Colman
Thomas Concialdi
Natalie Condon
Jacob Conklin
Alexander Conley
Kathy Connoilly
Diane Connolly
James Cooke
Nancy Cooper
Jennifer Cope
Delynn Copley
Anke Corbin
Christopher Corey
Guy Cornelius
Andrew Cornell
Sharon Corriveau
Carol Corsell
Susan Corser Jensen
Carrie Cortiglio
Shannon Costello
Marcia Cotlar
Dane Courville
Blake Couture
John Covell
Sheri Covey
Sarah Cowell
Nancy Cowger
Thomas Cowing
Brian Cox
Deborah Crabbe
Marius Craciunoiu
Robert Craig
Kae Creech
Virginia Crisp
Gregg Crockett
Cynthia Crompton
Louise Crosby
Scott Crossen
Elizabeth Crowe
Rebecca Cueto
Noel Culberson
Patrick Cullis
Thomas Curren
Suzanne Currie
Chet Curry
Marie Elaine Curry
Zach Curtis
Mark Curtiss
Matthew D’Alonzo
DeNae D’Auria
Kate D’Italia
Donna Dacosta
Roberta Dages
Will Dailey
Darrell Daley
Bridget Dalton
Kristen Daly
Todd Dance
Alicia Dandeneau
Michael Daniel
Donna Daniell
Trenna Daniells
Marc Daniels
Dan Dannhauser
Darryl Dargitz
John Daschbach
Emily Daub
Julie Daves
Christina Davies
Kendi Davies
Darian Davis
Howard Davis
Matthew Davis
Nancy Davis
Robert Davis
Nelly Dawallu
Peter Dawson
Larry Day
Patricia DeAngelis Ratner
Susan Deans
Gregg DeBoever
Brian DeCamp
Allison DeJohn
William Delamere
Gus Delaporte
Zachery Delashmit
Ron Delka
Chris Delmedico
Laura DeLuca
Alan Delwiche
Nick Demarest
Christopher DeMeo
Jessica Dempsey
Kevin Dennis
Zayd Denno
Susan Depue
Georgiana Desaire
Shauntea DeTroye
Devin Detwiler
Michael Devine
Nancy Devine
Nancy DeVore
Nicholas Dewey
Catherine DeWitt
Elizabeth Diamond
Kevin Diaz
Terri Diaz
James DiCintio
Rebecca Dickman
Sandra Dietrich
Katie Dietzen
Kelly Dietzen
Richard Diilio
Randy Dins
Michael DiPiero
Amy Divine
Sonya Doctorian
Erin Doherty-Ratay
Dawid Domagalski
Robert Donald
Barbara Donaldson
Sarah Donaldson
Jenefer Donovan
Michael Donovan
James Doody
Debra Dooley
Robert Dooley
Carolyn Dooling
Beth Doolittle
Jim Dorvee
Laurel Dotter
Helen Douglass
Cristin Dowd
Greta Downs
Kevin Downs
John Dowse
Pat & Bruce Doyle
Ann Dozoretz
Britt Drake
Erin Drasler
Melanie Drew
Robert Drew
Lawson Drinkard
Thomas Driscoll
Jill Drury
Brian du Fresne
Jean Dubofsky
Nancy Duffy
Bradford Duft
Debbie Duggan
Nina Dulacki
Jennifer Duncan
Julie Dunn
Aaron Dunnington
Jessica Duran
David Durden
Susanne Durkin-Schindler
Erik Dutilly
Wendy Dutton
Hana Duwaik
Ben Dybas
Mike Dye
Bo Earle
Elisha Early
Casey Earp
Gregory Eastvedt
Jan Eaton
Dennis Ebbets
Colorado Chautauqua Association
A n n u a l Re p o r t 2 0 1 5
Richard Eberhardt
Rick Eckl
Shawn Eckley
Rob Edward
Chaucey Edwards
Christine Edwards
David Edwards
Greg Edwards
Joan Edwards
Mary Edwards
Maryann Edwards
Pamela Edwards
Mark Egan
Patricia Eggleston
Sarah Eisman
Houston Elam
Barbara Elbot
Theresa Ellbogen
Shelly Ellerby
Kate Elliott
David Ellis
Elizabeth Ellis
Harold Ellis
Kevin Ellis
Susan Ellis
Donna Ellman
Josh Elmore
Robin Elowe
Rob Else
John Elstrott
Brandie Emerick
Nancy Endly
Andrew Engelmann
R Adam Engle
Heather Enos
Glen Erickson
Twig Ertl
Catherine Ertz
Manny Escalante
Connie Esch
Chris Esser
Timothy Estep
Adam Evans
Greg Evans
Stuart Evans
Gail Evertz
Dianne H. Ewing
Eric Faller
Amy Fallon-Reid
Kirsten Farabi
Beth Faragher
Andrea Farinacci
Lee Farmer
Eddie Farrell
John Farrell
Paula Farrell
Raymond Farris
Eric Farthing
Theresa Fedak
Karen Feld
Jacqueline Feldman
Stephen Felker
Catherine Felknor
Cheryl Fellows
Mary Feng
Jeffrey Fenko
Stephen Fernandes
Janice Ferrante
Brady Ferron
Mike Fettig
Sarah Fey
Anita Filip
Mary Filla
Patrick Finney
Elizabeth FInseth
Tirzah Firestone
Alexandra Fischer
Kathleen Fischer
Sandra Fish
Caroline Fisher
Larry Fisher
Cynthia Fitzgerald
Sandra Fitzgerald
Joseph Fitzgibbons
Mary Anne Fleet
Lynn Fleming
Linda Flinkman
David Fogle
Cynthia Foley
James Foley
Bradley Folkers
Mark Folsom
Benjamin Forbes
Graeme Forbes
Michelle Foreman
Mattias Fornander
Michele Forster
Nora Forte
Karla Fosbinder
Kevin Fosse
Heleen Foster
Jeffrey Foster
Carly Fox
Elizabeth Fox
James & Ann Fox
Tim Francis
Scott Franey
Joe Frank
Leora Frankel
Joseph Fraser
Ben Frederick
Katie Frederickson
Matthew Fredrickson
Brian Free
Fredric Freeman
Sigrid Freese
Jennelle Freeston
Angie Frenzen
Andrea Friedlander
Jonathan Friedman
Philip Friedman
Sandra Friedman
Geoff Friefeld
Jerry Frohlich
Sandi Frye
Daniel Fuentes
Sarah Fuentes
David Fulker
Maria Fullenkamp
Caroline Fuller
Dennis Fuller
Thomas Funk
Kevin Gallaway
Peter Gallerani
Kenneth Gamauf
Wael Garas
Douglas Gardner
Rebecca Garfield
Edward Garland
Glen Garland
Megan Garn
Sandra Garner
Rachel Gart
Luis Garza
Christopher Gastelle
Robert Gebhardt
Virginia Gebhart
Mike Gefell
Elizabeth Gelderloos
Karen George
Nancy George
Dave Georgis
Shannon Germain
Bernice German
Kristine Gerron
Andrea Gerstle
Katie Gesten
David Getsie
Diana Gibson
Jennifer Gibson
Ken Gibson
Nancy Giehl
Aimee Giese
Sonja Gifford
Jim Gilbert
Kim Gilbert
Rosalynn Gill
Abby Gilligan
Norm Gilsdorf
Ann Girard
Julianna Giudici
Elizabeth Glass
James Glover
Susan Glow
Merrill Glustrom
Lynn Godman
Stephen Goettsche
Pamela Goff
Ann Goldfarb
Charles Goldman
Richard Goldman
Leonard Goldstein
Pavel Goldstein
Eric Goltz
Vidan Gonthier
Molly Goodenough
Cheryl Goodnow
Cindy Gordon
Janine Gordon
Jerry Gordon
Maura Gordon
Kristy Gotham
Courtney Gough
Joan & Allan Graham
Gary Grange
Carolyn Grant
Jonathan Grant
Randi Grassgreen
Ralph Grasso
Alice Gray
Gail Gray
Jessica Gray
Tiana Gray
William Gray
Julie Grayson
Beatrice Grebence
Friday Green
Kristin Green
Kenneth Greenbaum
Brianna Greene
Kimberly Greene
Roger Greene
Lauren Greenfield
Logan Greening
George Greenwood
Briana Greer
Cathy Greer
Mac & Ellen Greer
Kem Gregory
Skip Grieser
Lisa Griffin
Bob Griffith
William Grindle
Hugh Grinolds
Stephen Gross
Vanda Grubisic
Daniel Grunwald
Karl Grunwald
Dana Guadagnoli
Susan Guegan
Timothy Guenthner
Robert Guerrero
Leslie Gura
Sara Guren
Anne Guthrie
Daniel Gutierrez
Alison Gwinn
Adam Haas
Robb Haas
Pierre Habel
Tom Hacker
Hafez Hafezzadeh
Yolanda Hagar
Frank Hage
Anja Hagen
Don Haiman
Mark Halberg
Lisa Hale
Charles Hall
Hillary Hall
John Hall
Karen Hall
Katherine Hall
Shannon Hall
Susan Hall
Andrew Halperin
Stephanie Hamill
Randy Hamilton
Scott Hamilton
Suzanne Hammer
Lorrie Hammons
Kimberly Hanna
Wyndham Hannaway
Zachary Hanners
James Hannigan
Dirk Hansen
Janna Hansen
Karen Hansen
Molly Hardman
Robin Hardman
Gary Hardy
Susan Hardy
Vicky Hardy
A Harford
Anthony Harness
Erin Harrell
Cody Harrington
Timothy Harrington
Janelle Harris
Seth Harris
Nancy Harrison
Therese Harroun
Ann Harsh
Kimberlee Harshman
Donald Hartman
Elizabeth Hartman
Justin Hartman
Keith Hartnett
Kay Hartrick
Jean Hauser
Karl Hausmann
Kathy Haven
Christopher Hayes
Christopher Hayes
Kevin Hayes
Lindsay Hayes
Patrick Hayes
SarahDawn Haynes
Alison Hazel
Paul Headden
Garvin Heath
Martin Heck
Sue Heilbronner
Phil Heinschel
Gabriel Helgerson
Susan Hellie
Robert Helmuth
Colleen Henahan
Diane Henderson
Barbara Hendrick
Audrey Hendricks
Cary Hendricks
Stephen Hendricks
Caroline Hendrickson
Rebecca Hengemuhle
Sean Hennessy
Rebecca Hennesy
Pat Henricksen
Benjamin Herbert
Laurel Herndon
Michelle Herrera-Welch
John Hess
Russell Hess
Jonathan Hesson
Gary Heu
Mary Hey
Rex Hickman
Brian Hicks
Douglas Hiebert
Sara Higgins
Amy Hill
James Hill
Kerry Hill
Myra Hill
Sheila Hill
Stuart Hill
Daniel Hilton
Taryn Hinken
Adrian Hise
Kathryn Hitchcock
Max Hittesdorf
Mary Lynne Hixson
Richard Hoag
John Hoeffler
Devon Hof
Jeff Hoffman
Keith Hoffman
Dara Hoffman-Fox
Jessica Hogan
Pamela Hoge
James Hohenstein
Constance Holden
Jared Holder
Danny Holladay
Judy Hollander
Cortney Holles
Harold Hollingsworth
Ed Hollister
JoAnn Holloway
Shannon Holmes
Jennifer Holschuh
Nancy Holtgraves
Keith Holub
Jenny Honeycutt
Megan Hooper
Chris Hopkins
Martha Hopper
Mark Horak
Christine Horn
Andrew Horning
Matanya Horowitz
Geina Horton
Valerie Hotz Callis
Judith Houlding
Mark Howd
Cheryl Howley
Tracy Hoy
James Hranko
James Hrusovsky
Lauri Hughes
Terry Hughes
Frederick Hull
Angie Hulsebus
Amy Humphreys
Kimberly Humphreys
Laura Hunsinger
Rebecca Huth
Nanct Hylbert
Kristin Hyser
Spike Ilacqua
Eve Ilsen
Kristin Imo
Dana Inerfeld
Todd Ipsen
Kathleen Irvine
John Irving
Erica Irwin
Katy Jacaruso
Judith Jackson
Kerry Jacobs
Elizabeth Jacques
Joan Jacus
Barbara Jakopin
Michael Jamison
Bruce Janda
Jeffrey Janosko
Adam Jeffers
Carol Jeffers
Jana Jeffers
Matthew Jenks
James Jennings
Frank Jensen
Paul Jensen
Raymond Jensen
Paul Jerde
Patricia Jeske
Margaret Jessel
David Joeris
Andrew Johanos
Daniel Johnson
Eliza Johnson
Gina Johnson
Heidi Johnson
Janice Johnson
Jay Johnson
Mary J. Johnson
Michael Johnson
Sheryl Johnson
James Johnston
Ronna Johnston
Joy Jolin
John Jonaitis
Debra Jones
Gabrielle jones
Jeffry Jones
John Jones
Kirk Jones
Lee Jones
Lisa Jones
Michelle Jones
Ron Jones
Joann C Joselyn
Ira Joseph
Paulette Joswick
A Judson
Marianne Jurkens
Kaja Kaastrup
Cherryl Kachenmeister
Arlee Kachensky
William Kaercher
Colman Kahn
Anne Kahr
Mary Kaiser
Debby Kaller
Leonard Kalm
Jon & Kim Kanas
Millicent Kang
Eitan Kantor
Kristin Karakehian
Candice Kasai
Elizabeth Kasell
Charlene Kass
Richard Katz
Sharon Kaufman-Osborn
Jerome Keane
Jerry Keane
Ted Keane
JoAnn Kearney
Kevin Kearney
Jaye Keen
Kathy Keener
Rick & Cindy Keim
Dennis Kelleher
Dean Keller
John Keller
Margaret Keller
Dona Kelley
Jane Kellogg
Jennifer Kellogg
Cindi Kelly
Joanne Kelly
Deb Kelner
Fred Kelsey
John Keltner
Allen Kemp
Vasiya Kemp
Allen Kennedy
Shannon Kennedy
Benjamin Kent
Allison Kent-Smith
Siri Khalsa
Mehry Khosravi
Douglas Kidd
Gary Kieft
Eileen Kiernan-Johnson
Robert Kilcullen
Tommy Kilgore
Allison Kimball
David Kimball
Julie Kimball
Deborah King
Lucy King
Phillip King
Peter King-Smith
Kristin Kinney
Laurence Kinney
John Kirby
Richard Kirwin
Benjamin Klay
Ann Klein
Chris Klemick
Catherine Kling
Cornelis Klomp
Marily Kloninger
Sharon Klotz
Mitzi Klukvin
Katherine Klutznick
Jennifer Knerr
Ginger Knowlton
John Knox
Robyn Knox
Ronny Knut
Kari Knutson
Kyle Knutson
Nancy Knutson
John Kociolek
Barrett Koczkur
Julie Koehler
Gary Koenig
Susan Koerner
Mary Kolbeck
Susan Kolinski
Katherine Koliopoulos
Anne Konegni
Ben k\Konkol
Helena Kottke
Mark Kougl
Nicole Koury
Juli Kovats
Colorado Chautauqua Association
A n n u a l Re p o r t 2 0 1 5
David Kovsky
David Kozma
Rebecca Kraft
Eric Kramer
William Kramer
Jessica Krank
June Krantz
David Krawitz
Allen Kreiser
Frank & Marion Kreith
Lisa Kriederman
Roy Krughoff
Robert Krumwiede
Kathryn Krupowicz
Tina Kruse
Jana Krutsinger
Richard Kuchenrither
Stefanie Kunka
Gale Kunkel
Amanda Kurjak
Heather Kurland
Lily Kurylko
Selma Kuurstra
Tim Kuzniar
Neil Labadie
Judy LaBuda
Heather Lacey
Lois LaCroix
Gedeon LaFarge
Lois LaFond
Rita Laitres
Sylvie Lam
Kirsten Lamphere
Christopher Landa
Virginia Landes
Laurie Lang
Joshua Langer
Shawna Lanham
Lynn Lannin
Pamela Lansden
Kathleen Lantz
Warren Lantz
Terre Lantzy
Anna Lappe
Ana Lara Graham
Deborah Larrabee
Dane Larsen
Jon Larsen
Carla Larson
Jane Larson
Robert Lasala
Lane Lasater
Jorge Latre
Joseph Lattone
Paula Laubhan
Kenneth Laughery
Janet Laughon
Elizabeth Lavelle
Ellen Laverdure
MaryEllen Lavin
Courtney Law
David Lawrance
Debra Lawsing
Leslie Lea
Sonia Leach
Douglas Leary
Benita Lee
Sarah Lee
Margaret Leech
Dawn Legler
Jessica Lehner
Kenneth Leiden
Ron LeMaster
Cindy Lempke
Joel Lenorovitz
Thomas Lepak
Holly LeRoux
John LeRoux
Shannon Leslie
Jamison Lester
G Scott Lett
Cathy Letts
Lyndsay Lev
Roberta Levin
Richard Levison
Cynthia Levy
Chris Lewis
David Lewis
John Lewis
Julie Lewis
Rick Lewis
Sherry Lewis
Mark Licata
Angie Ligon
Kathy Lindeberg
Kristin Lindquist
Robin List
Norman Littlejohn
Whitney Littleton
Kimberly Livingston
Mark Loch
Nancy Locklin
Linda Loewenstein
Kyle Lohoefener
Sandra Lombardi
Delores Long
Warren Long
Maigan Lopez
Michelle Lopez
Cristi Lott
Courtney Love
Steve Love
Courtney Loveman
Daniel Lowary
Kathryn Lowenstein
Kathleen Lower
Robert Lowry
Julia Lucente
Anne Lucke
Alex Luhr
Angie Lull
Cyndi Bush Luna
Stephen Lundeen
Winslow Lundy
Jeff Lutkus
Kevin Lyons
Thomas Lyoob
Kim Lytle
Marjorie Maagoe
Tracey MacDermott
Andrew Macdonald
Analisa Macias
Adam Mack
Sandra Macleod
Katherine Maguid
Brian Maguire
Sean Maher
Daus Mahnke
Diane Main
Matthew Maitland
Sharon Majetich
Mary Malina
Jomana Malone
Kenneth Malone
Patrick Malone
Kathryn Mangin
Douglas Manley
Bill Manning
Rhonda Mansell
Jason Marble
Adam Marchbanks
Tammi Marcoullier
William Marcum
Michael Marcus
Cynthia Marcy
Dick Marin
Alysia Marino
Terri Marion
Cheryl Marita
Jesse Markt
Ethan Marlatt
Mark Marquez
Elizabeth Marr
Carol Marron
George Marshall
James Marshall
Robert Martinengo
Gaila Martinson
Philippe Mason
Rosanna Mason
Susan Massa
Kellie Masterson
Craig Masur
Dana Mathes
James Mathis
Tatiana Maxwell
Deborah May
Susan Mayhew
Tracy Mayo
Andrew Mazal
Alexander Mazin
Nathan McBride
Joan McBurney
Paul McCarthy
Mike McClaskey
Sharon McClew
Jesse McClimon
Michael McClure
Elizabeth McCollum
Jane McConnell
Michael Mccord
Amy McCormick
Walter McCoy
James McCreedy
Matt McCrystal
Margie McCulloch
Sue McCullough
Daniel McCutcheon
Niall McCutcheon
Chad McDaniel
Robert McDaniel
Jeannette McDougall
Catie McDowell
Martin McElwain
John McGonigle
Terri McGowan
Lisa McGuire
Cassandra McIntosh
Ryan &
Katherine McIntyre
Susan McIntyre
Amy McKay
Joan McKibben
Michael McLane
Neil McLane
Leslie McLaughlin
Harriett McMillan
Morgan McMillan
Leon McMullan
Michael McNair
Jeanette McNeill
Marcie McNeill
Lauren McNitt
Mike McQueeney
Kahla McRoberts
Susan Mead
Benjamin Mealey
Jessica Medberry
Javier Medina Rosado
Becky Medved
Katie Medved
Christoph Meier
Hillery Meier
Scott Meile
Emily Melby
Albert Melcher
Megan Melton
Bill Melvin
Marilee Menard
Flory Mendicino
Lise Menn
John Merkel
Ken Merrill
Sandra Mesinger
Ron Metsala
Ben Meyer
Mark Meyer
Julie Meyers
Kate Meyers
Viola Michaelis
David Midtbo
Ivan Mikhailau
Jeff Miles
Dan Miller
David Miller
Don Miller
Erin Miller
Laurel Miller
Michael Miller
Randy Miller
Steven Miller
Victoria Miller
Brian Mingus
Makia Minich
Missy Minor
Patrick Misischia
Laurie Miskimins
Connie Mitchell
Kimberly Mitchell
Paula Mitchell
Marlene Miyamoto
Annette Mize
Ken Mohnkern
Rosa Moncayo
Mark Monroe
John Moore
Joseph Moore
Kennita Moore
Mark Moore
Patricia Moore
Steven Moore
Anthony Moores
Sydney Morauer
Ellen Morgan
Robert Morgan
Steve Morgan
Amanda Morris
George Morris
Hannah Morris
Michaels Morrows
Brian Moses
Keith Mountain
Cindy Mrkvicka
Daniel Muehl
Brian Mumaw
Linda Mundekis
Frederick Munro
Kim Munson
Amy Murin
Paul Murin
Bryce Murphy
Elizabeth Murphy
Carol Myers
Gayle Myers-Harbison
Radean Mynatt
Stuart Naegele
Lisa Nafziger
Michele Nahas
Daniel Nally
George Narcavage
Jeremy Nash
Richard Nash
Deb Nastaj
Joshua Nations
Susan Nedell
Kirstin Nelson
Matt Nelson
Rich Nelson
Tom Nelson
Marc Nemer
Michael Nepveux
Christine Neske
Tracey Neubrand
Paula Newman
Dinah Newton
Lisa Nibarger
Peter Nielsen
Andrew Niemeyer
Olli Nikander
Mark Nikkel
John Niles
Joshua Nims
Katherine Ninedorf
Gayle Niss
Allison Nitsch
George Nixon
John Noble
Jacqueline Noel
Jim Nolan
Katharine Noll
Virginia Norquest
Linda Northcutt
Mark Notcutt
Stephen Nowell
Patsy Nowland
Richard Nuzzi
Cynthia Nye
Bradford Nyquist
Stephen O’Bryan
Ellen O’Connell
Timothy O’Connor
Sean O’Dea
Judy O’Hearn
Geoffrey O’Keeffe
Maureen O’Shea Stone
Toluwanimi Obiwole
Janice OBrien
Devin Odell
Herman Oehl Jr
Harold Ofstie
Cathryn Olchowy
Shelley Olds
Woodrow Oleson-King
Carol Oliveira
Kelly Oliver
David Olsky
Jane Olson
Mary Olson
Nanci Olson
Kristi Ormsbee
Melinda ORourke
David Ostdiek
Anita Oswald
Diana Oswald
Noel Otterness
Stephanie Outcalt
Melissa Oviatt
Paul Owen
Bobbie Owens
Linda Oxenberg
Mark Packer
Kay Paine
Cindy Palasik
Ann Palius
Jim & Sue Palmer
Linda Palmer
John Panasewicz
Robert Pane
Peter Pappas
Ann Parker
Elizabeth Parker
Jackie Parker
Daniel Parks
Robert Parson
Harry Pascarella
Amelia Passer
June Patterson
Karen Patterson
Michael Patterson
Jean Patton
Amanda Paulson
Candace Payne
Elwin Peacock
Juli Pearce
Dave Pearcy
Jerry Pearson
Louise Pearson
Marc Pechaitis
John Pedersen
Daniel Peel
Mitchell Pendergrass
Julie Penner
Philip Pepalis
Alexis Perella
Matt Perkins
Emmett Perl
Marcus Perman
Barton Perry
Melinda Perry
Susan Perry
Ann Peterson
Andrew Petrie
Irina Petropavlovskikh
Amy Pfefferle
Bruce Philipoom
Mallory Phillips
Laurie Picus
Eric Pierce
Robert Pierce
Jennie Pike
Jennifer Pillari
Sarah Pincus
Gerald &
Marilyn Pinsker
Gregory Pinson
Charles Piper
William Pizzi
Sally Plain
Suzanne Plante
Allison Platt
Heather Plattenberger
Elizabeth Plumb
Scott Plummer
Ellie & Harry Poehlmann
Lorenzo Polvani
Catherine Poor
Thomas Porte
Charles Porter
Kathleen Porter
Michelle Porter
Stephanie Porter
Nicholas Potopchuk
Lori Potter
Danica Powell
Judith Powers
Susan Powers
Laurence &
Deborah Preble
Janet Presley
Andrea Presse
Jamie Preuss-Morrison
Mary Price
Deena Pries
Lisa Prosch
Richard Pruitt
Jay Pusey
Robert Putka
Debbie Quakenbush
Daniel Quiat
Neely Quinn
Mariah Quish
Matt Rabon
Joellen Raderstorf
David Raduziner
Patricia Rafter
Kristy Rainwater
Oliver Ramirez
Kristine Ramp
Douglas Rankin
Doug Rao
Rochelle Raper
Richard Rapier
Catherine Ratliff
Robert Ratliff
Michael Rauch
Matt Raugewitz
Catherine Ray
Emily Rayes
Kathleen Readio
Edith Reckase
Andrew Reed
David Reed
Pete Reed
Thomas Reed
Ronda Reedy
Sharon Reese
Carolyn Regan
Mark Rehnborg
Susan Reich
Janet Reichart
B. Reicher
Patricia Reichert
Rachelle Reichley
Cameron Reid
Marion Reid
Michael Reid
Michael Reifeis
Kimberly Reimer
Randolph Reims
Rich Rein
Linda Reinisch
Kari Reiquam
Kristin Reisinger
Kurt Reisser
Steve Remmert
William Repphun
Emma Reuss
Susan Rhodes
Laura Ricci
David Rice
Jan Rice
Lora Rice-Archuleta
Kristin Richards
Roddy Richards
Loran Richardson
Robin Richardson
Susan Richstone
Charlotte Ricker
Rosanna Ridings
Anne Rieh Reeman
Natasha Rigg
Rita Riis
Michael Riley
Stephanie Ring
Paul Rinne
Anthony Riske
Andrew Riskus
Giselle Rivera
Alicia Robb
Michelle Robbins
Kirk Roberts
Dennis Robinson
Julia &
Derrick Robinson
Frank Robison
Colorado Chautauqua Association
A n n u a l Re p o r t 2 0 1 5
Ryan Robison
Robert Rocco
Danielle Rocks
Matt Rockwell
Greg Rodd
Parker Roe
David Roecker
David Roederer
Charlotte Roehm
Aaron Rogers
Margaret Rogers
Trish Rogers
Margaret Rohan
Joyce Rohr
Victor Rojas
Art & Robyn Rolander
Kim Roller
Joe Romano
R Romig
Allan Rood
Julia Rood-Brage
Tsunemi Rooney
Ariel Ropek
George Rosborough
Andrea Rose
Greg Rose
Jeremy Rosenthal
Bradley Rosenzweig
Rene Roskam
Dawn Ross
William Ross
Mitchel Rossman
Bernard Roth
Jesse Rounds
Tom Rowland
Kristen Royer
Luana Rubin
Michelle Rudolph
Jayne Ruiz
Jon Runberg
Denise Rusboldt
Jon Rush
Jacqueline Russell
Kristen Russell
Scott Ryplewski
Michelle Sadeghy
Becca Safran
Sheldon Sager
Helen Saia
Michael Salazar
Paul Salazar
Stewart Saliman
Earl Sampson
Rick Samuelson
Hans Sandberg
Stephanie Sanders
Lori Sandler
Carol Sandoval
Patrick Sandoval
Rich Sandoval
R. J. Sands
Todd Sandstedt
Sean Sanford
Daisy Saragoussi
Grey Satterfield
Timothy Satterfield
Carol Saunders
Laura Savalli
Jerry Savory
Jeanette Savoy
Derek Sawyer
Jim Sawyer
William Scales
Neil Scanlan
Andrew Scantland
Ann Scarboro
Robert Schader
Mark Schaefer
David Schafer
Eric Schaffner
Frank Schaller
Sheryl Schaller
Katarina Schare
Kevin Schatzle
Caroline Scheevel
Amy Scheffler
Paul Scheffler
Mark Scheuermann
Rochelle Schieck
Raliegh Schilling
Kaelyn Schival
Adam Schlegel
Shelley Schlender
Barbara Schmaltz
Douglas Schmidt
Richard Schmierer
Elaine Schnabel
Candace Schnautz
Inna Schneiden
Katherine Schneider
KC Schneider
Keith Schnell
David Schodt
Suzanne Schoettger
Erin Schol
Gale Schrag
Gregory Schultz
Joshua Schultz
Maxwell Schultz
Ted Schultz
Sherri Schultz Whitley
Jeanne Schulze
Jeanne Schutz
Jan Schwartz
Vincent Sciandra
Brad Scott
Evan Scott
Marianne Scott
Mary Scott
Su-Esta Scott
Tom Scott
Penny Scott-Oliver
Brad Seago
Allen Seagraves
Melinda Seaman
Cameron Seamans
Thomas Sebok
Jennifer Sebring
Amy Seeger
Timothy Segraves
Robin Seidner
Sally Seiffer
Denton Seilhan
Neal & Barbara Seitz
Jim Seljos
Frank Selto
Alexey Semjonovs
Carol Semple
Sean Serrell
Michael Seusy
Leonna Severson
Hilary Sgalitzer
Scott Shackleford
Kimberly Shafer
Sheryl Shafer
Antoinette Shaller
Gary Shapiro
Farida Sharan
Patty Sharp
Phyllis Sharp
Jamie Shaw
Matthew Shaw
Diana Shenkin
Deb Shier
Marie Shiesley
Laura Shively
Eric Sholl
Michael Short
Robert Short
Kathy Shrum
Carolyn Shulman
Randall Siebert
Steven Siegel
Steven Signer
Maureen Sikora
John Silva
Hannah Silver
JoAnn Silverstein
James Simmons
Erica Simon
Daryl Simpson
Isla Simpson
Jennifer Simpson
Sandra Simpson
Shannon Simpson
Stephanie Singer
Susan Singh
Timothy Singleton
Mark Sirangelo
James Skeffington
Alice Skold
Ryan Slabaugh
Hawten Slaton
Amelia Slaughter
Amy Smart
Pavel Smelianski
Caitlin Smith
Candee Smith
Christopher Smith
Daryl Smith
Edward Smith
Jonathan Smith
Joseph Smith
Judy Smith
Kimberly Smith
Marcie Smith
Pam Smith
Sarah Smith
Theresa Smith
TJ Smith
Vann Smith
Deborahann SmithCleveland
Mindy Smolowitz
Jason Snavely
Elizabeth Snowden
Catherine Sobczak
Michelle Sobel
Lynn Solis
Michael Solomon
Mina Soltz
Matthew Sommers
Bruce Sooter
Joan Soper
Arnold Sparnins
Michael Spatz
Susan Spaulding
John & Patty Spears
Christy Speirn-Smith
Robert Spencer
William Spencer
Kevin Spiller
Stephen Spinosa
David Spiro
John Spottswood-Sims
Steve Stachowiak
Anne Staines
Scott Stanko
Susan Stanton
Sue Stapleton
Linda Stark
Michael Staszak
Mia Stefania
Menno Stein
Mattias Steiner
Lisa Stennes
David Stephenson
Barbara Sterling
Sharon Stern
John Stevens
Tracy Stevens
Dona Stever
Haley Stewart
Kathleen Stewart
Sasha Stiles
Bart Stinchcomb
Linda Stinson
Dianne Stober
Cristina Stoica
Jason Stokar
Deanna Stolberg
Bridgit Stone
Julie Stone
Jill Story
Sabrina Stouffer
Glen Strand
Kathy Strandberg
Lucia Strouse
Russell Stuber
Phronsie Stute Godwin
Jennifer Sullivan
Jim Sullivan
John Sullivan
Sydney Sullivan
Toni Sullivan
Anne Suman
Steven Surwillo
Susan Suskiewich
John Sutton
Heimir Sverrisson
Ralph Swansen
Tom Swanwick
Wendy Swart
Lynn Swearingen
Becky Sweat
Heather Swenson
Graham Swett
Julie Swick
David Swoboda
Vivian Sylvest
Kirsten Szustak
Allen Taggart
Susan Takemoto
Mark Tappen
laura tarket
Allen Tawa
Deborah Taylor
Evelyn Taylor
John Taylor
Kim Taylor
Stephanie Taylor
David Tazik
Davol Tedder
Barbara Tedstrom
Valerie Tekavec
Susana Tempel
Cyndy Teschner
Karen Thibodeau
Paul Thibodeaux
Cassandra Thill
Denise Thomas
Donna Thomas
James Thomas
Katherine Thomas
Lisa Thomas
Bruce Thompson
Erika Thompson
James Thompson
Rebekah Thompson
Wendy Thompson
Michelle Thomson
Lindy Thornbloom
Ron Thorne
Helen Thorpe
Jeff Thramann
Lloyd & Barbara Timblin
Richard Tisinai
Heidi Todd
Pauleah Tomlinson
Ashley Toole
Helen Toper
Robert Topping
Stephen Topping
Richard Torkelson
Rebecca Tornes
Marie Tosh
Anne Touryan
Alvaro Tovar
William Townsend
Karen Tracy
Stephen Trainor
Regner Trampedach
Suzanne Trask
Brian Tremblay
Amy Tremper
Eddie Trick
Mike Trisler
Brian Trivett
Pierre Trolin
Ryan Trombley
Claire Trotter
Frances Trujillo
Joyce Trujillo
Mark Trumbull
Ashley Trupp
Adam Tschida
Jonathan Tschiggfrie
Linda Tuenge
Jonathan Turkle
Jim Turley
Mary Turner
Trudy Turvey
James Tuthill
Elizabeth Twomey
Karen Tyler
Dana Udall
Richard Uhlir
Catherine Underhill
Brad Upton
Jon Upton
Emily Utz
Srinath Vadlamani
Linda Vahrenkamp
Willem van Holten
Laurie Van Rooy
Suzanne Van Scotter
Derek van Westrum
Casey Vandenoever
Gretchen Vanderwerf
Myron Varner
John Varsos
Sharon Vary
Shaun Vause
Ben Veilleux
Eve Verderber
David Vergoz
Jon Vermouth
Dorothy Vernon
Holly Vesco
Elysia Viets
Peter Vigil
Ed Villano
Roberta Vischi
Karen Vizyak
Michael Vladeck
Caren Voeller
Brad Volin
Philip Volk
Leslie Vornholt
Terry Vratny
Daniel Vujnovich
Steven Wadzinski
Mary Wafle
Larry Wagg
David Wagman
Ellen Wagner
Deanna Waldron
Jean Waligoske
Gary Walker
Marcia Walker
Patrick Walker
Jacob Wallace
Jeff Wallace
Bridget Walsh
Richard Walsh
Terry Walsh
Bob Ward
Joni Ward
Marlene Ward
Trisha Ward
Carol Warden
Robert Warden
John Ware
Russell Waring
Sally Warrick
Emily Wasserman
Paul Watford
Norman Watson
Timothy Watson
Marcia Weaks
Francine Weaver
Marc Weaver
Steve Weaver
John Webb
Kristin Weber
Tracy Weber
Kendrick Webster
Rachel Webster
Christine Wecker
Alice Weed-Ziegler
Susan Weems
Kristin Wegner
Larry Wegrzyn
Cynthia Wehmer
Klaus Weickmann
Frank Weil
Walter Weinberg
Max Weiner
Neil Weiner
Sarah Weisman
Debra Weiss
Matthew Welch
Richard Welch
Warren Weller
Peter Welles
Steve Wells
Julia Wentworth
Jennifer Werner
Diana Wess
Johnny West
Patrick Westfall
Julie Whalen
Whitney Wheeless
Janice Whitacre
Anthony White
Claire White
Jennifer White
K Allison White Yoes
John Whiteside
Vickie Whitmore
Lina Whitsitt
Kathy Whitson
Peggy Whitt
Tom Wick
Justine Wickhem
Hollace Widdowfield
Chris Widlar
Leah Widmer
Eric Wiener
John Wiener
Rhonda Wildman
Rachel Wilkie
Gillian Wilkin
William Wilkin
Brad WIlkinson
Corrie Williams
Elizabeth Williams
Erin Williams
Faith Williams
James Williams
Sandy Williams
Stephanie Willner
Jonas Wills
Marie Willson
Bob Wilson
Bud Wilson
Christopher Wilson
Jill Wilson
Kenneth Wilson
Melinda WIlson
Eileen Winans
Theresa Winter
Tina Winzent
Patrick Wirth
Linda Wittekind
Merry Witty
Quinn Wojcik
Michelle Wolf
Terese Wolf
Briant Wolfe
Louis Wolfe
Peter Wolsko
Tim Wolters
Linda Wood
Mary Kathryn Wood
William Wood
Christine Woods
Sheilenna Woods
Marilyn Woods-Brown
Sandra Woodward
Joann Wooley
Gayle Wright
Les Wu
Bruce Wurster
Janet Wyatt
James Wyssmann
Karl Yambert
Shigemichi Yazawa
Jennifer Yeats
Thomas Yock
Jason Yoho
Carolyn Young
Gwen Young
John Young
Katherine Young
Kent Young
Melanie Young
Annie Youngberg
Jennifer Yuen
Alan Zacharias
Ann Stewart Zachwieja
Kathryn Zalzal
Stephen Zanowick
Audrey Zarr
Devin Zatorski
Jeffrey Zax
Desiree Zeches
Craig Zeller
Catherine Zimmerman
E Zimmerman
Jacqueline Zipser
Alenka Znidarsic
Jeff Zona
Omar Zubaedi
Henry Zurbrugg
Susie Zurbrugg
James Zweighaft
Colorado Chautauqua Association
A n n u a l Re p o r t 2 0 1 5
Join or Donate online at
Now more than ever, the Chautauqua values of
voluntary simplicity, lifelong learning, love of nature
and music, oration and the arts are relevant and
needed in the hectic pace of today’s digital age.
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Colorado
Chautauqua Association relies on the generosity of the
community to help preserve the site and spirit of the
historic Chautauqua and enrich the lives of all who visit.
Individual or Business Contributions
Gifts of any size make a difference. Donor generosity
allows CCA to constantly improve the visitor experience
of the Colorado Chautauqua’s historic accommodations
and event venues, the natural beauty of the 20+ acres of
grounds, and the quality and quantity of educational and
entertainment programming.
Planned Giving
Planned giving provides ways to support the Colorado
Chautauqua without affecting a donor’s current lifestyle
or family’s security. Through planned giving, gifts can
be made that cost nothing during the donor’s lifetime
and leave cash flow and current financial planning
unchanged. Planned giving gifts could include gifts from
wills or trusts, retirement plan designations, appreciated
securities, life insurance and many more.
Matching Gifts
Many corporations offer matching gift programs whereby
the company agrees to match any gift donated by an
employee or retiree. A Matching Gift Program is an ideal
way for a company to demonstrate the importance of
supporting the community. Corporate matching can
double and often triple the overall contribution that
Colorado Chautauqua Association receives on behalf of
an individual.
Michael McDonald | August 14, 2015 | ©Werner R. Slocum
©Barbara Colombo
Corporate Sponsorship
Commemorative Bricks
Colorado Chautauqua Association’s corporate partnership
program is a unique and cost effective answer to specific
corporate marketing objectives. It also helps businesses
demonstrate their commitment to education, the arts,
environmental sustainability and historic preservation
and connection to one of the Colorado Front Range’s
most extraordinary cultural and historical institutions.
Become a part of Colorado Chautauqua’s history by
purchasing a commemorative brick, engraved with
a personal message and installed along a path in the
beautiful Centennial Garden. This is a perfect way to
commemorate a birthday or milestone or to honor a
special friend or family member.
The Colorado Chautauqua has always represented the
best of what Boulder has to offer, thanks in part to our
members. Membership helps to preserve the historic
grounds of the chautauqua and build community
through unique cultural, educational, social and
recreational experiences. And, with year-round programs
and member benefits, there has never been a better time
to join the Colorado Chautauqua Association.
To learn more about these opportunities and
how you can support the Colorado Chautauqua
Association please contact:
Tree Stewards
The historic Chautauqua grounds are covered with
almost 500 trees of every variety. Today, 30 percent of
that tree canopy is threatened by the Emerald Ash Borer.
Help preserve and sustain the natural beauty of
Chautauqua for generations to come by supporting the
Tree Steward Program
Ann Obenchain
Marketing and Development Director
Colorado Chautauqua Association
A n n u a l Re p o r t 2 0 1 5
p r e s e rvat i o n
2015 sponsors
s u sta i n a b i l i t y
Since 1989, the Scientific and Cultural Facilities
District (SCFD) has distributed funds from a 1/10
of 1 percent sales and use tax to cultural facilities
throughout the seven-county Denver metropolitan
area. The funds support cultural facilities whose
primary purpose is to enlighten and entertain
the public through the production, presentation,
exhibition, advancement and preservation of art,
music, theatre, dance, zoology, botany, natural history and cultural history.
The SCFD is a unique collaboration between rural, suburban and urban
counties. The distribution budget for scientific and cultural organizations
in the seven-county area currently exceeds $50 million annually. The
Colorado Chautauqua Association is proud and grateful to be an SCFD Tier
II organization. Thank you, citizens of the Scientific and Cultural Facilities
District! For more information, please visit
Title Sponsor
©Stephen Collector
Flatirons Bank is a community bank that believes in community and walks
the talk by being Boulder’s only locally owned, locally managed bank.
Flatirons Bank’s involvement in the community goes beyond banking with
time and commitment to community giving and community engagement.
Relationships are important to Flatirons Bank and they strive to provide their
clients with the highest level of professional service at each interaction.
Visit Flatirons Bank’s energy efficient, LEED-CI award-winning bank at 1095
Canyon Blvd in Boulder, and its branch at 4th and Main in Longmont.
special thanks
Colorado Chautauqua Association
A n n u a l Re p o r t 2 0 1 5
©Werner R. Slocum
©Werner R. Slocum
the col ora d o c ha u t a u q u a a s s oc iati o n tea m
Executive Director
Andrea McGimsey
Public Events
2015 Seasonal Staff
2015 Volunteers
Director of Finance & Administration
Sue Perkins
Production Manager
Chris Petillo
Director of Marketing &
Ann Obenchain
Assistant Production Manager
Hannah Rennicke
Satir DeMarco|Roger Haak
Annie Sirotniak|Davida Terrell
Each year, volunteers are an essential part of Chautauqua. In 2015,
105 volunteers contributed over 2,200 hours assisting customers at
public events. CCA is grateful for their support.
Facilities & Preservation
Facilities & Preservation Manager
Jeff Medanich
Lead Facilities & Preservation
Dennis Lynton
©Werner R. Slocum
Facilities & Preservation Specialists
Brian Hawkins|Dave Majorwicz
Tony Polselli
Staff Horticulturist
Jeffrey Rump
Technical Manager
Buddy Baker
Technical Staff
Joseph Brindley
Cameron MacAlpine
John Templeton
Volunteer Coordinator
Jeane Noe Woods
Box Office Manager
Anthoney Sandoval
Assistant Box Office Manager
Nathaniel Rothenberg
Program Development Coordinator
Tom Hart
Marketing & Development
Hospitality Manager
Wanona Tara
Hospitality Coordinator
Jessica Mowrer
Group Sales & Leasing Coordinator
Kathleen Clendenen
Hospitality Assistants
Chris Connally|Skye Hughes
Andrew Smith
Marketing Coordinator
Shannon Bock
Membership & Development
Nathaniel Rothenberg
HR Coordinator
Trish Gray
Resident Manager
Scot Reitman
Accounting Coordinator
Heidi O’Hagan
Housekeeping Manager
Ali McDuffee
Administrative Assistant
Jennifer Dong
Housekeeping Staff
Maribel Gonzalez
Veronica Hernandez|Kory Paz
Project Specialist
Chris Poissant
Records Manager
Kate Gerard
Event Staff
Carl Appen|Jeremy Bookman
Whitney Conley|Dan D’Angelo
Alex Drost|Sarah Elsea|Kelly Gratz
Michelle Hamernik|Natalie Jones
Chelsea Mohr
Technical Staff
Noah Fulton Beale|Bryce Biefel
Angie Dickensen|Dakota Diemand
Greg Geikas |Sergio Laureno
Box Office Staff
Colin Barry|Jack Berk
Bonder|Conor Byrnes|Aviv El-Baz
Seth Klusmire|Corrina Miller
Jacqueline Reed
Zach Meyers|Alec Pronk
Richard Sanchez
Kathleen Adair
Sharon Alexander
Todd Alexander
Jean Allhoff
Jodi Ansell
George Antoine
Cheryl Appell
Lisa Bailey
Roxanne Bailin
Linda Banks
Theodora Barychewsky
Nancy Ruttenberg
Catherine Bender
Paul Berteau
Tim Bickmore
Nancy Billings-Colton
Julie Birschbach
Andrea Blanchard
Regina Bock
Luanne Bond
Judy Brantz
Anne Brooks
Sunny Brown
Ramya Bruskin
Bill Byrnes
Robert Carr
Julianne Cassady
Debra Catlow
Renata Colitti O’Day
Krista Copeland
Randy Copeland
Robyn Copeland
Valerie Crecco
Christine Damiano
Sandy Dietrich
Helen Dohrman
Dalia Dorta
Emma Dunn
Sue Easterlin
Stacey Elder
Debra Enevoldsen
Jim England
Jacqueline Feldman
Michael Feldman
Janet Gates
Dennis Glowniak
Joseph Golden
Deanne Grover
Sigridur Gudmudsdottir
Mark Hafen
Ann Harris
Julie Higgins
Leslie Hjeldness
Caroline Hogue
Betty Huff
Bev Johnson
Anne Kelly
Jerry Kopack
Elaine LaRose
Karen Levi
Mona Lilien
Mary Lindberg
Marcy Lockhart
Teresa Marshall
Lynne McDougal
Rebecca Metcalfe
Margaret Miller
Judi Morosohk
Sandy Morris
Amy Mundinger
Julie Naster
Margi Ness
Diane Patterson
Carolyn Paul
Tammy Pelnik
Walt Petersen
Barbara Phillipson
Carol Raehn
Bill Randel
Greg Randel
Sharon Randel
Donna Rhodes
Sylvia Rognstad
Pete Scheffler
Jil Schwanke
Donna Seaman
Stacey Secatch
Allison Sedey
Nancy Shaw
Jamie Sherer
Jill Slater
Greg Slopey
Mark Smither
Michelle Smither
Susan Stalfort
Ingrid Swords
Alicia Thompson
Ann Thomaier
Kevin Townsend
Sue Townsend
Monica Tremblay
James Whitney
David Williams
Phyllis Wright
Debra Yeager
Fred Zapp
Colorado Chautauqua Association
A n n u a l Re p o r t 2 0 1 5
©Jonathan B. Auerbach
Photos © Colorado Chautauqua Association
except where noted.
Published June 2016