l - Dexter Township
l - Dexter Township
Redstone Architects, Inc. Public Safety Specialists Dexter Township, MI Response to Request for Proposal For: Design of a New Fire Substation December 4, 2013 l 2709 S. Telegraph Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302-1008 248.418.0990 voice 248.418.0999 fax © Redstone Architects, Inc. 2009-2013 ·:· Redstone Architects, Inc. Law Enforcement Justice Public Safety Municipal Corporate / Commercial Redstone Architects, Inc. 2709 S. Telegraph Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302-1008 December 3, 2013 Dexter Township Attn : Pat A. Kelly, Supervisor 6880 Dexter Pinckney Road Dexter, Ml 48130 RE: Design of a New Fire Substation Facility Dear Members of the Selection Committee: We are pleased to submit our qualifications for the programming and design of a new Fire Substation Facility for Dexter Township. We specialize in Public Safety Facilities, and will bring Dexter Township an extensive amount of public safety design experience to help achieve a successful outcome. I Our team includes Beckett & Raeder, civil engineering and landscape architecture firm with whom we have collaborated with for over 40 years, and has extensive experience in Washtenaw County. Desai/Nasr Consulting Engineers and Redstone Architects also have a 40+ year relationship. Sellinger Associates and Redstone have been working together for over 20 years. ETS Associates is a relatively new electrical engineering resource, and has been working with Redstone Architects for about three years. _I We look forward to being your architect and public safety consultant as your project moves forward , and hope to hear from you soon. ll~~~ Daniel Redstone , FAIA, NCARB President l I T 248.418.0990 F 248.41 8.0999 corpora te@reds tonearchi tee ts.com www. redstonearchitects.com DEXTER TOWNSHIP, Ml NEW FIRE SUBSTATION FACILITY Table of Contents A- TEAM OVERIIEW Redstone Architects, Public Safety Architects, Architect of Record Beckett & Raeder, Inc., Civil and Landscape Architects TEC, Consulting Engineers- Geotechnical Arbor Land Consultants- Professional Land Surveying Desai/Nasr Consulting Engineers, Structural Engineers Sellinger Associates, Mechanical Engineers ETS Associates, Electrical Engineers 8- Project Team- Personnel C- Understanding & Work Plan Schedule D- Relevant Public Safety Experience E- Letters of Reference Separate Envelope Proposed Fees, based on Work Plan Schedule of Hourly Rates 1 A. Firm Overview I Redstone Architects- Architect of Record I Sub-consultants: Beckett & Raeder, Inc. - Civil and Landscape Architects I I I Desai/Nasr Consulting Engineers- Structural Engineering Sellinger Associates, Mechanical Engineers ETS Associates, Electrical Engineering Southfield Fire Station No. 2, Southfield, Ml ·:· Redstone Architects, Inc. Firm Profile Redstone Architects, Inc. Public Safety- Law Enforcement -Justice 2709 S. Telegraph Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302-1008 Telephone: (248) 418-0990 Facsimile: (248) 418-0999 Email: dredstone@redstonearchitects.com Website: www. redstonearchitects.com D aniel A. Redstone, FAIA, NCARB, LEED AP President and CE O Overview We specialize in public safety, law enforcement, justice and municipal projects. We offer a full range of architectural and professional services, including master planning, programming and schematic design, space planning, contract documents, construction administration and project management. Our firm has become an expert in its field by developing a thorough understanding of the specialized, operational needs of our clients. We regularly attend national conferences focusing on our specialties. For over 75 years, we have developed state-ofthe-art so/utious for our c/ieJtts, aud have helped agencies maximize their facilities while staying within btu/get. From our inception, the finn has understood the importance of providing design solutions that embrace functionality and client needs, as well as pleasing and appropriates aesthetics. We provide strong design leadership and technical expertise in a world where change is occurring at breakneck speed. We emphasize the importance of satisfying all of our clients' needs, including security, functionality & workflow, quality, sustainability, aesthetics, and budget. The firm maintains open communications with our clients throughout our engagement, which helps to insure a successful Project. We listen to our clients and to their users. After all, our work becomes your buildings and facilities. l The firm was established in 193 7, and was incorporated in 1960. Daniel Redstone, FAlA, joined the firm in 1967, became President in 1987, and has been Chairman and Chief Executive Officer since 1996. In 2011, we established the Redstone Public Safety Consulting Group to offer nonarchitectural consulting services to Public Safety agencies needing advice on consolidation and sharing of services with other agencies. Police Department, Troy, MI Redstone Architects works directly with agencies and as a consultant to other architects throughout the United States. Acting as a consulting architect allows local firms to serve their clients by augmenting their knowledge with our specialized expertise. Firm Projile-2013 Firm Profile Select Market Expertise Redstone Architects provides specialized services to select markets, including: •!• •!• •!• •!• •!• LAW ENFORCEMENT JUSTICE PUBLIC SAFETY MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SAFETY CONSOLIDATION At Redstone Architects, we work with our clients throughout the progrmmning, schematic design, contract documents and administration to achieve success. We maintain a high level of expertise for new construction, renovation, adaptive re-use, historic rehabilitation and building additions. We understand the unique nature of our municipal clients' various needs. This enables us to provide our municipal clients with timely responses and solutions. Professional Services We offer a full range of services, including: PROGRAM MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC PLANNING NEEDS ASSESSMENT PROGRAMMING & SPACE PLANNING SITE PLANNING ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES PUBLIC SAFETY CONSOLIDA T/ON STUDIES •!• PROJECT COST EST/MA T/NG •!• DESIGN/BUILD PROJECT DELIVERY •!• OTHER CONSUL T/NG SERVICES •!• •!• •!• •!• •!• •!• •!• Our understanding of public safety related operational, procedural, and regulatory issues, combined with our specialized experience, creativity, imagination, and managerial skills, is your assurance that you may rely on Redstone Architects end Redstone Public Safety Consulting Group to make your Project a success. I I Professionals by Discipline l -- Police Departme11t, Wate1jord, Ml Redstone Architects maintains a professional staff of between four and 10 employees. Our firm is in full compliance with the architectural registration statutes of the State of Michigan. Daniel Redstone is also licensed in 12 other states. Current Staff Architects Designer/Drafters Administrative/Clerical Firm Profile-20 13 Staff LEED-AP 2 2 2 Firm Profile We are known nationally for our knowledge of law enforcement, public safety, and justice facilities. We strive to help keep clients, users, and "customers" safe by designing buildings that recognize the need for logical work flows and appropriate security separations. Justice 63'd 1-2 District Court Kent County, MI 23'd District Court-Design-Build Taylor, MI 62-B District Court Kentwood , MI 54-A District Court Study Lansing, MI 22"d District Court Inkster, MI 23rd District Court, Tay lor, MI Fire Opemtions Justice Center, Kennvood, MI The following is a partial listing of our firm's recent and current client-agencies: Law Enforcement l Public Headquarters/Fire Adm. Police Headquarters Police Department Justice Center Public Safety Building Police Department Firearms Training Center Police Needs Assessment Police Headquarters Police Addition " Shared" Local and State Police Police Department (D/B) PD Strategic Plan Police Department & City Hall Police Needs Assessment Police Department Public Safety Addition (D/B) State Police Troop No .5 Sheriffs Substation Ontario Police College Police Headquarters/Court Police Headquarters Public Safety Addition (D/B) Public Safety Substation Police Needs Analysis Police Department/Court Police Department Police Department/Court Public Safety Department Police Headquarters Study Police Space Needs Analysis 911 -Emergency Mgt Center Police Department Regional Law Enforcement Ctr. Troy, Ml Waterford, MI Village of Franklin, MI Kentwood, Ml Grosse Pointe Park, MI Saline, MI Novi, MI Clayton, MO West Bloomfield, MI West Bloomfield, MI Richmond, MI Milford, MI Grand Blanc Twp, MI Lowell , MI Utica, MI Chelsea, Ml Springfield, MI Bridgeville, DE Delta Twp, MI Aylmer, Ontario Meridian, MS Carbondale, IL Springfield, MI Bridgeport, WV Grosse Pointe, MI Bridgeton, MO Jacksonville, NC Lansing, Ml Detroit Metro Airport Oklahoma City, OK Milford, DE Harrison County, WV Inkster, MI Marshall , Ml Fire Station No. 2 Engine Company No. 5 Fire Headquarters (No. 3) Midtown (Central) Fire Station Central Fire Station Replacement Needs Assessment Design Consultant Needs Assessment Public Safety Addition (D/B) Public Safety Substation Fire Headquarters and Station Fire Department Substation Southfield, MI Detroit, MI Chesterfield Twp, MI Taylor, MI Monroe, MI Utica, MI Bergenfield, NJ Putnam Twp., MI Springfield, MI Bridgeport, WV Jacksonville, NC Plymouth, MI Station No. 3, ChesteJjield Township, MI Municipal Town HaiiN illage Square Dept. of Public Works Civic Center Master Plan Civic Center Master Plan City Hall Renovation/Add ' n Utility Department Study Northwest Activities Center Belle Isle Casino Renovation Pontiac Housing Commission City Hall & DPW 20-year Facilities Strategic Plan DPW Needs Assessment Firm Pmjile-2013 Macomb Twp, MI Waterford Twp, MI Waterford Twp ., MI Kentwood, Ml Saline, MI Bay City, MI Detroit, MI Detroit, MI Pontiac, MI Utica, MI Grand Blanc Twp, MI Kentwood, MI 3 B R CD Beckett&Raeder Services INFRASTRUCTURE Storm Water Management Water Distribution Systems Sanitary Sewer Systems Capacity Analysis Capital Improvement Program Wellhead Design and Protection Pavement Evaluation Streets and Roads Onsite Sewage Treatment Utility Marking Parking COMMUNITY PLANNING & ZONING Comprehensive Master Plans Brownfield Redevelopment Zoning Ordinance /Codes Specialized Zoning Ordinance Provisions Development Standards and Guidelines Site Plan Review Strategic Planning Expert Witness Zoning Testimony Community Development Greenway Planning New Urbanism TRANSPORTATION PLANNING Traffic Calming Walkability Studies Parking Distribution and Needs Analysis Access Management Roundabouts Non-Motorized Complete Streets l l 1 ANALYSIS & EVALUATION Site Analysis Feasibility Studies Site Selection Studies Buildout Analysis Market Analysis Demographics Natural Features Interpretive Studies PROJECT CONSTRUCTION Construction Administration Field Inspection Storm Water Operator Bridge Inspection Specification Writing Project Cost Estimating Construction Drawings DOWNTOWN & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brownfield Redevelopment Grant Writing Downtown Management Downtown Master Plans Special Finance Districts Adaptive Reuse Studies Retail Market Analysis Strategic PlanningNisioning Workshops Physical Design Plans Streetscape Design & Implementation Tax Increment Financing & Development Plans DDA Creation SITE DESIGN Planting Design Irrigation Design Grading Plans Utility Plans Pavement Design Lighting Design Site Design Guidelines Park Design URBAN DESIGN Corridor Design & Planning Streetscape Design Waterfront Design FACILITY DESIGN Marina Design Playground Design Athletic Facility Design K-12 Site Development Subdivision Design Campgrounds Parks Design Higher Education MASTER PLANNING Campus Planning Traditional Neighborhood & Small Town Design Community Master Planning Watershed Planning Recreation Master Planning Park Master Planning Rural Land Planning Services Land Use Planning B R CD Beckett&Raeder I 1 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Site Evaluation and Analysis Low Impact, Conservation Design Wetland Delineation Constructed Wetland Design and Installation Wetland Restoration Hydro Geological Site Investigations Brownfield Redevelopment Phase I and II Investigations Groundwater Monitoring and Data Analysis Storm Water Management Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Data Analysis Lake Monitoring and Modeling Watershed Management and Modeling Database Development and Application Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis and Design of Natural and Manmade Water Systems Expert Witness and Litigation Support Development of Environmental Education and Training Programs GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SERVICES Specialized Mapping Municipal Mapping Public Safety Analysis Housing Quality Assessments Infrastructure Inventories Training I I l SPECIAL SERVICES Sign and Banner Programs Signage /Wayfinding Systems Tree Inventory Horticultural Services B R (]) Beckett&Raeder Representative Facilities and Site Planning Experience Beckett & Raeder, Inc. has provided site planning and engineering services for numerous large-scale facility projects. In aggregate, our experience includes various phases of professional services at several facilities ranging in scope from design and engineering for complete new multi-building facilities to specific site improvements at existing facilities. The phases of professional services offered by our expert staff of site planners and civil engineers include the following: Site Evaluation/Selection: BRI provides the services necessary to determine the most appropriate site for location of the facility. Specific services include Phase I Environmental Site Assessment; investigation of site physical characteristics such as size, configuration, soils, topography, natural features, etc.; and evaluation of community services and impacts such as land use patterns, site accessibility, and availability of public utility services. The full range of services may be applied to verify the suitability of a predetermined site or as a means of evaluating several potential sites. Facility Site Master Planning: BRI site planners provide the services necessary to develop master plans for complex facilities and the organization of their components including buildings, roads, parking areas, service drives, walks, outdoor use areas, recreation facilities, fencing, maintenance and service areas, etc. Project Site Planning: BRI provides a multi-disciplined approach to site planning and design for project implementation including layout and form of specific elements, grading and vertical controls, pavement configurations, site detailing, signage and graphics, landscaping, etc. Civil Engineering: BRI's staff of Professional Engineers provides expert services in the areas of site utilities services and distribution, soils evaluation, pavement design and the design of foundations and site structures. Facilities and Site Planning Examples Campus Planning and Site Development BRI has assisted several college and university clients with long-range facilities planning and campus site development. Our experience has ranged from preparing master plan documents to creating programs and designs for incremental development of campus-wide systems, such as walks, parking facilities, signage systems and landscaping. Our firm also has extensive experience in the complete development of sites for educational facilities, such as classroom buildings, libraries, laboratory buildings, housing, and service buildings for college and university clients. We typically maintain consulting relationships with these clients Primary and Secondary School Site Development: BRI has planned and developed sites for many school facilities in Michigan . Services have included site development, design, and construction of playground facilities and recreation/sports facilities, replacement of playground equipment, construction of parking areas, design of hard surfaced play areas, and improvement and evaluation of site drainage and sewer conditions. Public Buildings and Municipalities: BRI has provided site planning services for many public buildings, including city halls and municipal complexes, libraries, governmental offices, post offices, and public service facilities. l Our firm has completed many facilities for local, state, and federal governmental units. Services have included site selection studies, master planning of complexes and installations, and site engineering of specific facilities. } Health Care Facilities: BRI has carried out planning and site design services for several health care facilities campuses and individual buildings. We have also conducted special studies for health care clients. Corporate Centers: The firm has assisted several corporate clients with developing their headquarters sites. Our services have ranged from developing a total site landscape program to complete site engineering and landscaping for a 200-acre corporate campus. BRI also has extensive experience in all phases of site planning, including complete site engineering and landscape design, for manufacturing, processing, and research facilities. ORGANIZATION • • Desai Nasr Consulting Engineers, Inc. was established in 1980 and is a corporation registered in the State of Michigan, a certified Minority Business Enterprise and a Small Business Enterprise ADDRESS 6765 Daly Road West Bloomfield, Ml48322-4585 Tel: (248) 932-2010 Fax: (248) 932-3088 email: web: info@desainasrocom wwwodesainasr.com PERSONNEL 14 Structural Engineers, (10 Registered Professional Engineers) 4 AutoCAD & Revit Drafters 3 Administrative Staff PROFESSIONAL SERVICES • • • • • • • • • • I CONSULTING ENGINEERS Building Code Investigations Structural Analysis and Design (Contract Documents and Construction Administration) Special Structural Investigations Structural Vibration Analysis Equipment Foundations Finite Element analysis Shoring and Bracing Design Engineering Failure Investigations Value Engineering Structural !Fabrication and Erection Studies Forensic Forensic Engineering Building Foundations Expert Witness Testimony Equipment Foundations Due \.:4 1111 Diligence Studies Special Foundations H"eeli Rev1ew ,I U\11 ' )lj ll .I I I Shoring & Bracing e oratl n and Repa1rs 0 In 0 II PROJECT TYPES • • • • • • • tl 1 1 'J Heath Care and Research Facilities Educational Facilities Institutional Facilities Industrial Facilities Hotels &I Residences I I Cor ference Cl:ent~rs Museum anodiEx~~i~ ~pac1s Transpohaho'p FacliJtJes- Fin~ncoi~llnstltutio'ns f I r ~ I I I Sh ppmg Ce ters t Co\'flmunity and R~cref!!!Qrl Cent~rs 1 Rel,igious Facilitie$ Par ing ptruc1ture ' SMCial Structures I t' 't' I I Inves1ga1ons I 1 1 1 I I I Finite Element Vibration 3D · 1 1' L~ I I_ - I ~ Studies & Investigations ljr I I I Building Codes Fiabrication & Erection 1 Special Structural Expert 'f'Jitness Testimony 11Value Engineering I I 1 Alternate S stems CLIENTS l l ) REGISTRATIONS • • • • • • • • • • Architects Consulting Mechanical, Electrical and Civil Engineers Contractors-General and Specialty Construction Managers Developers Facilities Management Groups Design/Build Teams Insurance Companies USA: Worldwide: Building Information Modeling Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin Canada, Egypt, India, South Africa I Sellinger Associates, In c. Consulting Engineers Company Overview Sellinger Associates, Inc. is a Michigan based, Mechanical Engineering Consulting firm, established in 1996, by Michael 0. Sellinger, P.E. Prior to establishing Sellinger Associates, Mr. Sellinger worked as project manager and project engineer at various consulting firms in the Metro Detroit area. Sellinger Associates obtained certification as a member of the Michigan Minority Business Development Council in January of 1999, and is currently certified by the MMBDC. Our company strives to promote minority involvement in the Consulting Engineering profession. The staff at Sellinger Associates, Inc. is dedicated to providing our clients with the finest engineering services available. We offer superior design solutions that are sensitive to budget issues and building aesthetics. We are experienced in LEED, having designed numerous LEED certified projects, including the 151 Public Library and the 1st Bank in Michigan to receive Silver rating. Sellinger Associates is well versed in the commissioning process, having a certified "Commissioning Authority" on staff. We have commissioned both LEED and non-LEED projects. Sellinger Associates is also experienced in the new and expanding BIM (Building Information Modeling) arena, having recently designed a large project in REVIT. We strive to continually enhance our technical knowledge and capabilities in order to provide innovative, state of the art, cost effective designs. As a firm , we design to a budget, doing our own cost estimating, utilizing an excellent cost estimating data base. Sellinger Associates, Inc. has designed a number of award winning projects, including The Dime Building in Detroit, Ferndale Public Library, Rayconnect in Rochester Hills, the Barton Malow Headquarters in Southfield, Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church in Detroit, and the ACCO Headquarters in Warren. Sellinger Associates teams with select Electrical Engineers and Architectural firms to offer clients a seamless Engineering/Architectural team. 1 Licensed as a Professional Engineer to practice in the State of Michigan Professional Engineer License #6201 038783 I } 19821 Farmington Road Livonia, Michigan 48152 2481482-0045 Tel. 248/482-0052 Fax. ETS ENGINEERING FIRM PROFILE I I I I I I FIRM ETS ENGINEERING, INC. Electrical Engineering Consultants 418V2 S. Washington Blvd. Royal Oak, Ml 48067 248.744.0360 248.744.0367 (Fax) www.etsengineering .net PRINCIPALS R. Scott Leo, EE Douglas M. Sayles, PE Donald E. Worsley, PE ABOUT THE FIRM ETS Engineering, Inc. was founded in July of 2001 as an engineering consulting firm specializing in electrical engineering. Prior to the creation of ETS, the company existed as Electra-Tech Services, LLC which has been providing consulting services since 1996. Each of the principals has more than 25 years of experience in design and construction related engineering. The principals of ETS each bring to the table a unique set of experiences which, when combined, delivers a broad based knowledge of lighting, power, technology and LEED sustainable design. ETS Engineering Inc. provides engineering from schematic design through construction administration. The principals assign the work to an engineer who becomes responsible for the details of the project. Each project has a principal in charge in order to facilitate scheduling and budgeting. The same engineering team sees the project through from start to finish. Our client base consists of architects, owners, construction managers, contractor and other consultants. Licensure: Current State Registration includes the following: Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Virginia, Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, Minnesota l I STAFF 2 Licensed Professionals 2 Project Engineers 2 CAD Designers 1 Administrative Staff l ETS EnQineerinQ, Inc. ETS ENGINEERING FIRM PROFILE CAPABILITIES Power Design The design of an electrical distribution system is a major part of our projects. Our goal is to determine the proper systems that will fit the requirements for each particular building including utility create structure. This benefits the end user by having an energy efficient building that meets their needs. Our power engineering services include: Utility power coordination Clean power for technology including UPS, TVSS Stand-by emergency power systems 15KV primary power distribution Fault current calculations Power factor correction Alternative energy facilities Lighting Design As members of the illuminating Engineering, we keep up to date with the latest advances in the industry. Lighting is an important part of our design and with our unique designs we create warm and inviting interior atmosphere to support the architectural aesthetics of each project. Special lighting environments include: Educational Classroom Library and media centers High-end retail Sports lighting Specialty site lighting Lighting design sensitive to proper era for Restoration projects Office environments requiring RP-1 standards ASHRAE 90.1 Energy management for lighting Systems LEED Accreditation Our engineering staff is experienced in providing a LEED accredited innovated design to fit your needs. Our past experience includes documentation for LEED tax credits as well as the innovative design for lighting controls using daylight sensors, motion detectors and lighting control systems as well as energy saving light fixture specifications and design. ETS Engineering, Inc. L I: B. Project Team- Personnel r ' GROSS POINTE PARK PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING & SHARED ENTRY WITH CITY HALL Redstone Architects -Architect of Record ·:· Redstone Architects, Inc. Daniel A. Redstone, FAIA, NCARB, LEED AP Law Enforcement & Public Safety Specialist Redstone Architects, Inc. I Redstone Public Safety Consulting Group For the past 30 years Mr. Redstone has led the programming and design efforts for numerous law enforcement, justice and public safety agencies. As Principalin-Charge, Dan works directly with agencies and command staffs throughout the country. He has gained valuable insight on the spectrum and variety of police services offered nationally, as well as having worked with a variety of organizational structures . Mr. Redstone acts as a catalyst in defining project issues, which results in the development of quality space facility programs that incorporate the long-term needs of the client agency, and which form the basis for a successful outcome. Mr. Redstone is a regular participant at the IACP Annual Conference, as well as at the annual American Institute of Architects Committee on Justice Conference. Education University of Michigan-MBA University of Michigan-B. Arch Professional Registration Michigan plus 13 states NCARB Certificate Holder Professional Associations Ml Board of Professional Surveyors 2003-2011 Ml Board of Architects 1992-2002, 2003-2011 lnt'l. Assoc. of Chiefs of Police lnt'l Assoc. of Fire Chiefs Ml Assoc. of Chiefs of Police Ml Assoc. of Fire Chiefs SE Michigan Assoc. of Chiefs of Police SE Michigan Assoc. of Fire Chiefs American Arbitration Association, Panel Member Nat'l Architectural Accrediting Board Accreditation Team Member(?) Team Chair: 2010-2013 Conferences AlA Academy of Architecture for Justice,2006-201 0 Law Enforcement Track Leader 2006 IACP Annual Conf. and Exposition 1993-2013; Exhibitor 2002-2013 Recent & Current Public Safety Projects (*Current Project: 2013) *Public Safety Building, Monroe, Ml Court and Police Studies , Ferndale, Ml *Marshall Regional Law Enforcement Center, Marshall, Ml Police Headquarters, Meridian, MS Police Headquarters Study, Carbondale, IL Public Safety Study, City of Grosse Pointe, Ml *Center for Public Safety, Jacksonville, NC Tri-City Post, Michigan State Police, City, Ml Police and Court Study, Lansing Ml Public Safety Facility, Bridgeport, WV *Police Department Headquarters, Town of Mt. Pleasant, SC Sheriff's Substation, Delta Township, Ml Security Assessment, OPP Police College, Ontario City Hall & Police Headquarters, City of Utica, Ml Police Department and City Hall, Saline, Ml Police/Fire Administration Building , Troy, Ml Police Headquarters, Milford, Ml (Design-Build) 63rd District Court, Kent County, Ml Municipal Complex (23rd District Court & Fire Dept. Headquarters), Taylor, Ml (Design-Build) Police Headquarters: Waterford Township, Ml Police Administration Building, Crestwood MO Justice Facility (Police and 62-B District Court), Kentwood, Ml Grosse Pointe Park Public Safety Building, Grosse Pointe Park, Ml Police Headquarters & Subsequent Addition , West Bloomfield , Ml *Police Headquarters, Milford, DE Public Safety Building , Springfield , Ml (Design-Build) Police Department Consultant, Mason , Ml Firearms Training Center, City of Novi, Ml *Police Headquarters, Oklahoma City, OK * 911-EOMC , Harrison County, WV *Police and Court Building, Inkster, Ml Honors 2007 2002 1995 1992 AlA Detroit, Gold Medal Fellow (FAIA), American Institute of Architects AlA Michigan, Robert Hastings Award AlA Board Member of the Year Matthew Berge, AlA l Project Architect Redstone Architects, Inc. Matt is instrumental in identifying potential zoning and building code issues and providing solutions to these problems early in the process. Matt also brings strong 3D modeling and rendering abilities to the process, allowing clients to better visualize their project. Education Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies University of Illinois, 2003 Master of Architecture University of Illinois, 2005 Prior to JOimng Redstone Architects Matt's previous project experience included the adaptive reuse of a printing warehouse into a detainee processing facility for the United States Department of Homeland Security as well as a combination City Hall/Police Station for the city of Geneseo, Illinois. Matt has also worked on numerous other types of projects including: commercial/office buildings, financial institutions, assisted living facilities, restaurants, retail spaces, and houses of worship. Matt currently volunteers as an Auxiliary Police Officer for the Royal Oak, Ml Police Department and was a former employee of the University of Illinois Police Department where he served as student patrol officer. Matt has worked along-side law enforcement personnel assisting with tasks including: responding to noise complaints , patrolling in an "observe and report" capacity, screening/ wanding/pat-downs, and traffic control for large events. Matt was awarded a commendation for his service to the University of Illinois Police Department in 2005. Project Experience Highlights Licenses State of Michigan State of Illinois State of Iowa Professional Affiliations International Code Conference (ICC) l American Institute of Architects (AlA) l LEED Accredited Professional, Building Design & Construction (LEED AP BD&C) Pontiac Ml Housing Commission, various Projects 43rd District Court Study, Ferndale, Ml Marshall Regional Law Enforcement Center, Marshall, Ml Public Safety Building , Monroe, Ml Police Department Study, Town of Mt. Pleasant, SC *City Hall/Police Station, Geneseo, IL *U.S . Department of Homeland Security, Cedar Rapids, lA *Blackhawk Bank, Milan, IL *Blackhawk Bank, Silvis, IL *Hills Bank & Trust, Cedar Rapids , lA *Courtyard Estates of Walcott, Walcott, lA *RF Micro Devices Office/Research Lab, Hiawatha , lA *New Taco Bell Restaurant, Mason City, lA *New Taco Bell Restaurant, Dubuque, lA *Taco Bell Reimaging , Cedar Rapids, lA *Latter-Day Saints Church New Building, Cedar Rapids, lA *Latter-Day Saints Church Remodel, East Moline, IL *Latter-Day Saints Church Remodel, Cedar Falls, lA *Dancer's Edge Dance Studio, Hiawatha, lA *Belle Plaine Area Museum , Belle Plaine, lA *Denotes experience while with another firm . B R CD Beckett&Raeder Deborah J. Cooper, LLA POSITION IN THE FIRM Principal ROLE IN THE PROJECT Landscape Architect Deborah has over thirty-seven years of experience in the landscape architecture field, thirty-one of those years with Beckett & Raeder, Inc. She is an award-winning landscape architect with a broad range of experience in site design, master planning and urban design . Deborah has designed and managed countless projects with universities, municipalities, and parks commissions. She is the Principal-in-Charge of Landscape Architecture at Beckett & Raeder. Deborah leads a team of multi-disciplinary professionals towards the successful completion of clients' project requirements from design concept to implementation. EDUCATION Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Beckett & Raeder, Inc. 1986 to present Assistant Director Division of Campus Park and Planning Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan Landscape Architect Lacoss and Associates Eugene, Oregon Landscape Architect Beckett Raeder Rankin Inc. Ann Arbor, Michigan 1 Landscape Architect Smith Hinchman and Grylls Detroit, Michigan l PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Licensed Landscape Architect, State of Michigan and Ohio Qualified for CLARB National Certification PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATION Society of University Professionals MSU Alumni Advisory Board Michigan Chapter, American Society of Landscape Architects Past Vice-President of Communications, Michigan Chapter of ASLA Michigan Parks and Recreation Association. mllg JAYANT P. DESAI, PE, SE, SECB, CBIE CONSULTING ENGINEERS President 1 I I Jay Desai founded Desai/Nasr Consulting Engineers in 1980 and has been instrumental in the company's evolution to one of the largest and most well respected structural consulting firms in Michigan. Jay's experience includes structural analysis and design of major and award winning structures including educational facilities, recreational facilities, office buildings, parking structures, retail centers, convention centers, healthcare and research facilities, airports, religious facilities, housing complexes as well as major renovation projects. As Structural Principal in Charge of the project, Jay will coordinate the team and review the structural design. He will provide leadership and coordinate the structural engineering effort to ensure the quality of design is in line with the project goals. With over 30 years of managing multiple large projects and as President of Desai/Nasr, Jay will use his vast experience to insure that quality structural design is implemented and the project goals are achieved. Representative Projects Northville Municipal Complex- Northville, Michigan Northville City Center Upgrade -Northville, Michigan Farmington Hills Community Library· Farmington Hills, Michigan Grosse Pointe Fire Station, Police Station, Courts & Municipal Offices- Grosse Pointe, Michigan City of Richmond Municipal Offices- Richmond, Michigan Southgate Community Center- Southgate, Michigan Saline City Hall & Police Station- Saline, Michigan Michigan State Police Forensics Lab - Lansing, Ml Structural Assessment & Floor Load Analysis • Detroit Police Headquarters • Detroit, Michigan Structural Assessment, Floor Load Analysis & Restoration- Detroit Fire Dept. Headquarters • Detroit, Michigan Structural Analysis- Existing City Hall· West Bloomfield Township, Michigan Birmingham Police Firing Range- Birmingham, Michigan Novi Police Indoor Gun Range- Novi, Michigan Waterford Township Police Station- Waterford, Michigan Farmington Hills Police Station with Lower Level Gun Range- Farmington Hills, Michigan Milford Police Station Renovation - Milford, Michigan Royal Oak Police Station Firing Range- Royal Oak, Michigan West Bloomfield Police Station with Lower Level Gun Range- West Bloomfield, Michigan Keego Harbor New Fire Police Station - Keego Harbor, Michigan Troy Police and Fire Station Headquarters- Troy, Michigan Wyandotte Police/Court Building- Wyandotte, Michigan Education Bachelor of Civil Engineering, M.S. University of Baroda, India Master of Science in Civil Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois Major- Structural Engineering Minor- Soil Mechanics and Foundations Protective Construction and Investigative Engineering Licenses and Registrations Registered Professional Engineer- Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin Registered Structural Engineer- Illinois, Arizona Professional Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers National Society of Professional Engineers American Concrete Institute American Welding Society . Precast I Prestressed Institute International Concrete Repair Institute American Association of Steel Construction Structural Engineering Association of Michigan and Illinois JAMES MORAVEK, PE Senior Structural Engineer •• CONS LTiroJGENGIIIEERS Jim is Senior Structural Engineer and project manager with Desai/Nasr Consulting Engineers. He has been with the firm since May 2005. Prior to this he was Structural Department Manager for the Healthcare and Institutional Division of SSOE, Inc., Troy, Michigan from 1997-2005; Structural Group Leader and Project Manager at Doshi and Associates, Inc. from 1994-1997; Structural Engineer for Smith Hinchman & Grylls from 1990-1994; Structural Engineer for Giffels from 1984-1990; Structural Engineer for McClurg & Associates from 1979-1984; and he worked for Bechtel Power Division- Ann Arbor, Ml from 1978-1979 and Bechtel Power Division -San Francisco, CA from 1974-1979. Jim collaborates with architectural firms and design build teams on projects of varying sizes, materials and complexity. His work experience involves structural engineering for a variety of different project types. Project types include hospitals and healthcare facilities, schools, educational buildings for colleges and universities office buildings, research facilities, industrial facilities , and building renovations. His responsibilities extend from schematic design phase of the project through construction administration, in the office and in the field . Representative Projects East Pointe Fire Station Addition- East Pointe, Michigan City of Southfield- Salt Storage Building- Through Construction Documents- Southfield, Ml Detroit Public Schools - Mumford High School- New Construction- Detroit, Michigan Fraser High School Addition - Gymnasium and Commons Area- Fraser, Michigan Chippewa Valley Schools • Dakota High School- Additions & Renovations- Macomb, Michigan L'Anse Creuse Public Schools- L'Anse Creuse High School-Additions & Modifications- Utica, Michigan Royal Oak Schools- Oakland Elementary- New Mechanicals- Royal Oak, Michigan Royal Oak Schools - Oak Ridge Elementary - New Mechanicals - Royal Oak, Michigan USACE - Detroit Arsenal Admin Building- Warren, Michigan Veterans Administration Medical Center- Energy Center- Saginaw, Michigan Education Master of Science in Structural Engineering, April1974- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Bachelor of Civil Engineering , June 1972- Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan Licenses and Registrations Registered Professional Engineer- Michigan(# 6201030780) Professional Affiliations Board of Directors- Structural Engineers Association of Michigan (SEAM I) l I Sellinger Associates, Inc. MICHAEL 0. SELLINGER, P.E. President Education Lawrence Institute of Technology, Southfield, Michigan; Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering , 1987 Licensure Professional Engineer- States of Michigan, Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, North Carolina , Nevada, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Washington D.C . and Wisconsin Professional Memberships American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Background Over twenty years experience in mechanical building engineering . Prior to establishing Sellinger Associates , Mr. Sellinger was employed as a Mechanical Engineer/Project Manager at various AlE firms in the Metro Detroit area . Mr. Sellinger oversees all project engineering, management, client relations and administration at Sellinger Associates . Project Experience Barton Malow Headquarters Building- Southfield, Ml New state of the art 110,000 s.f. 4-story office building , including exposed mechanical systems . The Atrium was equipped with an innovative smoke control system design. Wayne County Community College- Taylor, Ml Mechanical systems design for new 50,000 s.f. Multi-Purpose Education Facility, including a 500-seat performance arts auditorium , classrooms, student dining and administrative areas. DIME Building - Detroit, Ml Renovation of all mechanical systems for 23-story landmark building in downtown Detroit. New self-contained air handling units were designed for each floor with separate units for the lobby and mezzanine areas. New cooling towers with water side economizers and VFD's were provided. DDC controls were provided as well as fan powered boxes . Plumbing systems were totally replaced. The existing steam and condensate system was re-used in lower floors . 300,000 s.f .. University of Detroit- Detroit. Ml Comprehensive Energy Audit for the existing central Power House Including recommendations for upgrades to 20,000 lbs/hr water tube boilers, chiller optimization , cooling tower optimization, variable speed pumps . First National Bank Building- Detroit. Ml Designed 5 floors of interior space in existing high-rise while occupants remained in building. Project was phased to allow occupants to relocate during construction . Renovation included 25 self-contained air handling units, VAV boxes and controls. 300,000 s.f. J 19821 Farmington Road Livonia, Michigan 48152 248/482-0045 Tel. 248/482-0052 Fax. ETS ENGINEERING FIRM PROFILE KEY PERSONEL FOR PROJECT R. Scott Leo President Education Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Lawrence Technological University Professional Background Scott has been working in the electrical industry since 1977. He began his involvement in the electrical field at a young age as an electrician, obtaining an Electrical Journeyman License in 1982. He went on to study electrical engineering at Lawrence Technological University where he obtained a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in 1987. His background in the trade provides him with a unique perspective that goes beyond just engineering design to an intimate knowledge of actual application. Scott started Electra-Tech Services, LLC, an engineering/consulting business, in 1996 where he built up a strong client base and solid reputation within the industry. Looking to expand the business, Scott initiated a relationship that soon became a partnership with Doug Sayles and Don Worsley and, in 2001, ETS Engineering, Inc. was born. Over the course of his career, he has been directly involved with specialty lighting design and engineering for commercial, industrial and residential jobs across multiple industries. His portfolio of work spans a broad range of jobs including: automotive dealerships, churches, restaurants, nursing homes, commercial buildings, medical offices and heavy industrial projects. As President of ETS Engineering, Inc., his responsibilities include client relations, project management and educating the firm with updated code compliance issues and utility requirements. l Brian C. Wilt Project Electrical Engineer Education Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Lawrence Technological University. Professional Background Brian has been with ETS Engineering since its inception. Brian received his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Lawrence Technological University in 1999 and has worked in the AlE construction industry since 1996, including 3 years experience working for a mechanical engineering firm prior to joining ETS. AS a result, in addition to a strong electrical engineering background, Brian has been exposed to a wide variety of work experiences that include Thermal Sciences, Plumbing, HVAC, and Environmental Engineering. In addition to Brian's current position as Project Electrical Engineer, his other duties include: lighting photometric calculations, arc-flash calculations, specification and code compliance review. Brian has held the position as lead project engineer on nursing home facilities and has become well versed in the specialized needs and Michigan code requirements for senior living facilities. ETS EnQineerinQ, Inc. C. Scope of Services 1. Statement ofUnderstanding 2. Detailed Work Plan 3. Proposed Schedule Chesterfield Township, Ml Fire Station Redstone Architects - Architect of Record l ·:· Redstone Architects, Inc. DEXTER TOWNSHIP - FIRE SUBSTATION FACILITY PROJECT APPROACH & WORK PLAN Dexter Township is on the road to building a new fire substation, replacing the current substation located at the MLWSA location on North Territorial Road. The Redstone team has been assembled based upon our successful work together and qualifications to provide professional architectural and engineering services necessary to effectively assess space needs and develop a design which meets the needs of Dexter Township. , I I We understand that reaching a successful outcome requires a thorough collaboration of the knowledge and experience of all team members, from township and fire department staff, to designer and engineers. Our approach is designed to maximize collaboration through meetings, discussions, and open communications which will help assure the development of a functional, cost effective and an aesthetically pleasing design solution meeting the desires of the Township. We have briefly reviewed the 2012 Public Safety Advisory Committee study and appreciate all of the time and effort that has already taken place in developing the project. We intend to do all we can to take advantage of those efforts and recommendations. One of the future needs was for police use for a report writing room and for interviews for either the MSP or the Sheriff. Redstone Architects recently completed a Public Safety Substation in Bridgeport, WV which included, in addition to a full service fire station, a police substation programmed to accomplish similar functions to those anticipated in this station. We would be happy to discuss some of the security issues that may occur when police operations are included. PART 1- PROJECT INITIATION & PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT Step 1a- Kick-off Meeting with Dexter Township. l The Redstone Team will meet with Members of the Fire Department and Township Any representatives to review the process and identify expected outcomes. information and prior studies performed for the township shall be provided to the Redstone team, including the existing, overall boundary surveys of the site, located at the Multi-Lake Water & Sewer Authority property at 12088 North Territorial Road, Dexter, MI. Prior to the meeting, the Redstone Team shall tour the existing township fire department substation facility, and the other facility identified by the RFP. We will jointly develop a tentative schedule for subsequent meetings and activities, using input of the participants. Additional information needed by the Redstone Team shall be identified . Step 1b - Programming meetings with Dexter Township Fire Department. Redstone will interview members of the township fire department to gain a full understanding of current and anticipated future operations. Step 2 - Compile a listing of required spaces and functions with spaces. Based on our interviews with key township fire department staff, we will develop a compilation of required spaces and functions, which will be used during subsequent discussions to solidify everyone's understanding of the space needs of the department. We will list by space or activity all of the areas needed to accommodate projected operational needs. Individual space square footages will be summarized. Square footages are multiplied by an internal "grossing factor" to account for internal circulation in the functional areas of the facility. The net departmental requirements are then totaled, and a second grossing factor is applied to account for building structure, external and internal walls, circulation spaces between departments and agencies, as well as necessary mechanical and electrical spaces. The total of this process provides the Projected Gross Square Footage for the identified Needs. Vehicular and other special needs are also identified, in order to size special parking and operational needs not located within the proposed facility (e.g ., Haz-Mat Truck), or on the site. Step 3- Develop Preliminary Project Cost Estimate based on Initial Space Needs Assessment Using the projected gross square footage developed in Step 2, and our initial observations regarding the site, the team will put together an initial projection of the project's cost. This projection, along with the Space Needs Assessment, will be data the township can use to help confirm that the project is within its budget criterion. Step 4- Space Needs Analysis- Review Meeting with Fire Department We then review the space needs document with the fire department and township administration to confirm that all known needs have been identified, understood, and covered . Step 5- l I Final Review and Acceptance by Township We then ask for a final review in order to finalize the analysis. Once accepted, the Space Needs Analysis and accompanying projected cost become the basis for determining the adequacy and development of the new substation, and for our team to proceed with the conceptual design of the new facility Step 6- Field Measure MLWSA Administration Building Develop a background drawing for future use during the Schematic Design Phase. PART 2 - TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY Prepare a new topographic survey of the property being considered. propose doing this after one of the three options has been chosen. We PART 3- SCHEMATIC DESIGN As required in the RFP, all three options must include preliminary engineering on storm water management measures, as well as architectural elevations of each option. It has been our experience that one site and building option will rise to the top after developing conceptual site and block diagrams (example attached), and that developing elevations and engineering calculations for all three options is not necessary. Step 1 - Develop Conceptual Floor & Site Plans Our design team will develop up to three, conceptual floor and site plans reflecting the requirements of the Space Needs Analysis. The conceptual plans will be developed to create an efficient work flow and provide a good working environment for the department. Per the RFP, the three options are: 1. Stand Alone Building 2. Incorporate existing MLWSA Administration Building, with renovations/additions as required 3. Stand Alone building on the Existing MLWSA s building (footprint) site. Existing building to be demolished. It is our opinion that option 1 and 3 will likely have the same or similar footprint, and that the real comparison is building new versus renovation. Step 2 - Concept Design Progress Meeting with Fire Department We will meet with the department to review the layouts and obta in feedback. A successful design requires that the department become a real part of the design process, and our process helps ensure this objective. During this meeting we will lead users through a number of operational work flow scenarios from the perspective of users, public visitors, staff ingress and egress, apparatus ingress and egress, etc. We expect that representatives of department will discuss the initial plans with other staff, and we will receive comments after the meeting's conclusion. l Step 3 - Concept Design Evaluation and Selection Based on our experience, we believe that from the discussions arising out of this meeting, it will be likely that Dexter Township will be able to develop a preliminary preference for one of the two concepts, based on site layouts, work flow, security, and public/staff separations. We anticipate that one of the two concepts will be chosen to continue into Schematic Design. Step 4- Develop Schematic Plans and initial massing studies. Using the approved concept, the design team will develop schematic design plans, incorporating the comments from the users and township. We will begin a "massing" study, which will lead to the development of schematic elevations. During this time we will also have internal design meeting to coordinate systems' concepts . Step 5- Design Progress Meeting with Fire Department and Township A progress meeting is held to obtain comments from the Fire Department and Township. Step 6- Complete Schematic Design Plans and Elevations Based on the comments received at the progress meeting , the Redstone Team will complete the conceptual plans and elevations for the new substation. Step 7- Develop initial Construction and Project Cost Projections Applying both unit square footage costs to the conceptual building and site design, and detailed costs for specific building and site elements, we will develop an initial construction and project cost estimate for the new Central Fire Station, including allowances for related project costs. These costs will include soft costs such as Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment (FF&E), agency costs, professional fees, security equipment, IT requirements, and other specialized items that may be identified during this process. Appropriate allowances for design and construction contingencies will be included. Step 8- Assemble Executive Summary We will prepare an Executive Summary, which provides a broad view of the study, the schematic design, cost projections and conclusions. The final draft will be discussed with the Township Supervisor prior to its issuance. After comments from the Township Supervisor are received and incorporated, the Final Study, including schematic building plans and elevations, a site plan, a Project Budget projection, will be presented to the Township. Step 9- l I Presentation to the Township Board We will present our findings and schematic design concepts for the Fire Department to the Township. Our presentation will be a document that has been developed as a Team, reflects a unified consensus, and meets the requirements of the community. Our recommendations, based on thorough discussion, interaction, and agreement of representatives of the agencies, will become the foundation for a successful Project. PART 4 - GEOTECHNICAL We will procure soil borings for the design of the footings and for storm water management measures, and follow the recommendations of the consultant. PART 5- DESIGN DEVELOPMENT (TO A 50% COMPLETION OF DOCUMENTS) We will continue our development of materials and systems for the building, and further develop the building plans and elevations. Progress meetings with the Township will be held at appropriate times during this phase. Step 1 - Design Development Meetings Key representatives of our architectural and engineering team will meet with township and fire department representatives to discuss approaches to building components, including structural, mechanicai/HVAC and electrical systems. Appropriate approaches will be discussed and evaluated to determine the most appropriate solutions which meet the needs of the township program and budget. Step 2- Design Development Drawings and Outline Specifications Prepare drawings and outline specifications to define and illustrate the spaces, appearance and form of the building. Drawings will include site and floor plans, exterior and key interior elevations, building sections, and .critical construction details in order that a detailed construction estimate can be performed. Step 3- Storm Water Management Drawings and Calculations Prepare updated calculations, drawings and descriptions defining the storm water management measures to be implemented for the Project. One meeting with an appropriate agency will be included. Step 4- Site Plan Approval Package Prepare drawings as needed to obtain site plan approval from the Planning Commission. We have included one meeting each for Township staff review, attendance at a Planning Commission meeting and Zoning Board of Appeals meeting. One revision to our submittal is also included. Please note that a preliminary Site Plan Approval needs to be obtained before proceeding into the CD phase. l Step 5- Cost Estimate and Schedule Prepare a Project Cost estimate and schedule based upon Design Development documents. Step 6- Design Development Presentation and Finalization Prepare and present finalized Design Development drawings and outline specifications to township and fire department. Review and incorporate final comments and recommendations as appropriate. PART 6A- CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Construction documents are completed during this phase. Progress meetings with the township and fire department will be held at appropriate times. Step 1- Prepare Construction Documents Prepare final construction documents to include all drawings and specifications necessary to completely define and illustrate the requirements for the construction of the project. Step 2- Site Approvals from Governing Authorities. Obtain approval from the governing municipal authorities listed, including: • WCRC for Curb Cut • WCWRC for Storm Sewer Management System (WCWRC SESC Permit) • MLSWA sewer connection approval • Washtenaw County well approval • Final Site Plan Approval from the Dexter Township Planning Commission One meeting with each appropriate agency will be included. Step 3- Conduct Review Meetings Coordinate review of construction documents with township and fire department at 50% and 90% completion points. Review and incorporate comments as appropriate. Step 4- Cost Estimate Prepare final estimate of construction and project costs based upon 90% construction documents. Step 5- l l Building Department Submittal Submit for necessary building department approvals. Submit required documents for review by appropriate governmental authorities. Incorporate all required modifications and assist in securing approvals. PART 6B- BIDDING & AWARD Step 1 Prepare Advertisement for Bids Step 2- Bidding Assistance Assist in the competitive bidding process by performing the following functions: A. B. C. D. Distribute contract documents to qualified bidders. Answer questions raised by the bidders Collect and tabulate bids Evaluate bids and make recommendations for contract award. Included in this step is attendance at the bid opening and attending one Township meeting to confirm recommendation of award. PART 7- CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION SERVICES NOT REQUESTED BUT RECOMMENDED In the traditional design- bid- build process, architects normally provide administration of the Construction Contract. Administration normally includes issuing responses to questions raised by the Contractor, periodically visiting the site to observe the status of construction, review and approve Applications for Payment, prepare a completion list, and issue a Certificate of Substantial Completion. Owners have frequently run into trouble by not engaging the design professional who designed the facility to administer Construction Phase services for the Project. Services during construction normally include: A. Construction Administration I Office Pre-construction Meetings Shop Drawings and Equipment Approvals Review and approve shop drawings, samples, and other submissions of materials, finishes, products, or equipment for conformance with the construction documents. Color and Materials Schedule Prepare and submit schedule of color for appropriate building materials and finishes for approval. Payment Applications After review and approval, or modification, of a proper application as submitted by the work contractor, issue the appropriate Certificate for Payment. I .I Site Visit Reports Prepare and submit site visit reports for each visitation. Review and monitor contractor's progress and work schedules, compliance with construction documents, and evaluate all test reports as required. Project Close-Out Prepare, distribute and update punch list for construction contact as required. As-Built Drawings Modify construction drawings to illustrate as-built conditions based upon marked-up documents provided by the general contractor. Provide reproducible and electronic copies to township. B. Construction Observation I Field Progress Meetings Attend periodic and/or regular monthly progress meetings with work contractors convened for the purpose of assisting in and resolving general or other conditions that affect any delivery, the work progress, or payment approval. Site Visits Visit the construction site at intervals appropriate to the state of construction in order to monitor the progress and quality of the work and its compliance with the construction documents. Operation Manuals and Guarantees Obtain and submit to the Owner three copies of operation and maintenance manuals equipment. Meet at the job site to assist in instructing building personnel in proper use and operation of building systems. l 1 PROPOSED SCHEDULE Since 2010 the Dexter Township Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) has been working to build a new Substation to serve its citizens " .. .for the next 50 years." In late 2010, the existing, temporary substation opened at the MLSWA facility on North Territorial Road. In addition to fire operations, it is the Township's goal to use the "new" station as a polling station, and possibly even a substation for the Sheriff and MSP. The RFP is hoping that the new facility may be in operation in the fall of 2014. The estimated cost, according to the RFP, is between $1,200,000 and $1,600,000. From the Study, the 2012 OHM estimate appears to have been in the neighborhood of $1,900,000. "OHM is studying needs and the site, & has provided an initial estimate of the work, including professional services, site work, utility work, & construction + contingency. Their estimate of $1. 9M is very conservative and could shrink as the definition proceeds." We believe it would be prudent to spend sufficient time programming, planning and estimating the Project early on so that the Township's objectives of an efficient. wellplanned facility that is built within its budget can be reached. Once we are selected and working with the Township, we will be able to identify meeting availability, submission dates and deadlines of commissions and agencies, or other items impacting a team schedule. For now, we have provided a range of time for each major step in the design process. Part 1- PROGRAMMING (Project Initiation and Program Development). ONE MONTH. We feel that this phase, which involves discussions with members of the Fire Department and Dexter Township officials, will take about one month. This is in part because it would be foolish to move forward with the conceptual design of a facility if the "ball-park" costs of the programmed spaces and site requirements were in excess of the available funding. We anticipate at least two meetings to reach a consensus on the Program. Part 3- SCHEMATIC DESIGN. FOUR TO SIX WEEKS. Part 5- DESIGN DEVELOPMENT. TWO TO THREE MONTHS. l I 1 Part 6A- CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. TWO TO THREE MONTHS. Part 68- BIDDING AND AWARD. FOUR TO SIX WEEKS. If the Project were to start at the beginning of 2014, we believe the Project could be designed and bid so that it can be awarded between July 41h and Labor Day, 2014. Allowing 9 to 12 months for construction would suggest an opening of a "new" substation in the summer of 2015. D. Relevant Experience SALINE CITY HALL & POLICE HEADQUARTERS REDSTONE ARCHITECTS- Architect of Record ·:· Redstone Architects, Inc. REDSTONE ARCHITECTS LAW ENFORCEMENT, PUBLIC SAFETY, JUSTICE and MUNICIPAL EXPERIENCE 2013 'i' ~-:. ~ E E ·;c '0 ~ ~ c. 8: ·- .. <t (I)C~ PROJECT NAME e ~ c FIRE DEPARTMENTS Waterford Township Ml Headquarters Raisin Township Public Safety Department Grand Blanc Township Ml Romulus Ml Chesterfield Township Station 3 (HQ) Chesterfield Township Station 1 Chesterfield Township Station 4 Taylor Central Fire Station Ml Monroe Central Station Ml Utica Ml Putnam Township Ml New Baltimore, Ml Bergenfield, New Jersey Springfield, Ml (Public Safety) Bridgeport, West Virginia Public Safety Substation Holly, Ml Fire Authority Ludington, Ml Jacksonville, NC Fire Headquarters and Station Plymouth, Ml Reactivation of Station Monroe Ml Public Safety Department Troy, Ml Station 5 Replacement Study 1999-2003 2003 2004 2003-2004 2004-2006 2004 2005 2004-2005 2005 2005-2006 2006 2006 2007 2006-2007 ell 1: a:"' u . ·;;, ~ Ui •• • 2007-2009 2009 2006-2007 2009-2014 2011 2013-2015 2013+ • LAW ENFORCEMENT l West Bloomfield Township, MI-Addition Spring Lake/Ferrysburg, Ml Police Dept. Waterford Township, Ml Police Dept. Franklin, Ml Police Department Milford, Ml Police Department Saline, Ml Police and City Hall Building Kentwood Justice Center (PO & Court) Crestwood, Missouri,Police Department Lowell, Ml City Hall & Police Clawson, Ml Dispatch Troy, Ml Police Department and Fire Adm. Grand Blanc Township Ml South Lyon, Ml Police Department Chelsea, Ml Police & City Hall Study_ Plymouth, Ml (City Hall & Police) State of Delaware State Police_(Post 5) Huron Township, Ml Police Department Utica, Ml City Hall & Police Keego Harbor, Ml City Hall & Police Springfield, Ml Public Safety Department New Baltimore Ml Clayton Missouri Police Dept & Mun. Court Delta Township Ml Delta Patrol (Sheriff's Department Substation) Holly Ml Police Department Renovation 2003-2005 1999-2004 1999-2003 1997-2002 1999-2004 1998-2003 2001-2003 2003-2004 2002-2003 2004 2001-2004 2003-2004 2004 2003-2004 2004 2004 2005 2005-2006 2005-2006 2006-2008 2006 2007-2009 70 9 105 9 28 35 70 51 10 12 185 45 20 40 15 2007-2009 35 2007-2008 12 Meridian, MS Police Dept. & Municipal Court Bridgeport West Virginia Public Safety Novi Michigan Firearms Training Center Carbondale Illinois Police Department City of Concord NH Police Department Study City of Grosse Pointe Ml Public Safety & Court Bridgeton, Missouri Police Dept. & CH/Court Jacksonville , NC Public Safety Department Detroit Metro Airport Police Department Lansing, Ml Police Department & Court 2008-2009 2007-2009 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009 2008-2009 2009-2013 2009-2011 2009-2012 105 30 65 90 25 35 9 20 18 31 Michigan State Police, Bay City Post 2010-2012 50 2010-2015 1100 2010-2014 2010-2014 50 72 Regional Law Enforcement Center, Marshall, Ml 2011-2015 110 Town of Mt. Pleasant, NC Police Department 2013-2017 149 2013 41 Monroe M I Public Safety Department • • • 22 55 100 130 260 Oklahoma City OK Police Headquarters Building Milford, DE Police Department Inkster, Ml Police Department •• • • • ·eE"' c.E 1: 1: 1: ~~ " .. E . "O'C E U<t • •• ••• • • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • ••• • • •• •• •• • 'iii 1/1 u " 1: li.Z<t c •• •• • •• •• •• • • • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • • •• •• • •• •• ••• •• ••• 1/1 ~ uc .. 1/1 .. ~ ~ ll.:JO ll.C'O <{(I)U. 0 ~ ~ ')( 1: .. 0 E ·2 f en ~ "''C c .5! ::::u ."' •• •• ••• •• • ••• ••• •• • •• •• ••• •• ••• •• Prepared by Daniel Redstone 12/3/2013 .1:: E 0 0 •• 1/1 ·- • OJ "' NOTES & COMMENTS e~~ 26,000 25,810 22,000 34,000 16,000 11,000 Planned for 2008; on hold 30,000 Design Build with WALBRIDGE 22,500 Pending Bond Issue; on hold Teamed with Hubbell Roth & Clark 17,000 Teamed with PMC 17,253 Teamed with PMC 8,000 Teamed with Ronnette Riley Architect 10,000 Design-Build by Redstone includes police sub-station; teamed with 14,500 WYK Architects ARRA Grant Application Assistance Professional-courtesy Consul/a/ion Teamed with Gantt Huberman Architects 1,600 Reactivation of Main Station 40,000 City is Consolidating Police and Fire 10,500 6,500 3,000 57,612 4,650 14,200 36,000 60,415 31 ,500 27,000 1,000 74,000 48,000 15,000 15,000 28,000 7,000 8,000 19,000 10,300 10,000 14,500 53,000 Phase It-Teamed with FTCH Design-Build by Redstone Police and City Hall Police & 62-B District Court Teamed with Horner & Shirfin Teamed with FTCH Teamed with Hubbell Roth & Clark Teamed with FTCH Provided three alternative designs Consultant to French+ Ryan Consultant to Huron Township Teamed with Hubbell Roth & Clark Design-Build by Redstone Teamed with PMC Teamed with ARCTURIS 18,000 7,500 Design-Build by Redstone • • 45,000 14,500 6,000 32,000 N/A 16,000 20,000 95,000 45,000 60,000 Teamed with Luke Peterson & Kaye Teamed with WYK Architects Indoor Gun Range Teamed with ARCTURIS Teamed with C. Williams Architects Teamed with French Teamed with Chiodini Architects Teamed with Gantt Huberman Architects Consultant to BEI/HED Joint Venture Teamed with C2AE 12,000 Teamed with Wigen Ticknell Meyer 140,000 Teamed with ADG 37,500 Teamed with French+ Ryan 25,000 Design Consultant to Boji Development 40,000 New Multi-Agency Building 30,000 Teamed with SMHa , Inc 40,000 City is Consolidating Police and Fire Page 1 REDSTONE ARCHITECTS LAW ENFORCEMENT, PUBLIC SAFETY, JUSTICE and MUNICIPAL EXPERIENCE 2013 1: ~ ~~ PROJECT NAME 1: Cl . . E .:::" E 'iii C/) u " 1: c uc 0 ·~ ~ ~ NOTES & COMMENTS "'- ~ c. " 0 c.r::ro 0 <((l)lL 911 - PSAP - Dispatch Centers Number of Dispatcher Positions West Bloomfield Township Police Department Waterford Township, Ml Police Dept. Milford, Ml Police Department Saline, Ml Police and City Hall Building Lowell, Ml City Hall & Police Clawson, Ml Dispatch Troy, Ml Police Department and Fire Adm. Utica, Ml City Hall & Police 1990-2004 1999-2003 1999-2004 1998-2003 2002-2003 2004 2001-2004 2005-2006 70 105 28 35 10 12 185 35 Meridian, MS Police Dept. & Municipal Court Cij)l or Grosse Pointe Ml Public Safety & Court Jacksonville, NC Public Safety Department Detroit Metro Airport Police Department Harrison County WV 911-EOMC (w/ WYK) 2008-2009 2009;2012 2009-2013 2009-2011 2010-2014 105 COURT/JUSTICE Bridgeton, Missouri Police Dept. & CH/Court Lansing, Ml Police Department & Court Taylor, Ml 23rd District Court Kent County, Ml 63 1 & 2 District Court Meridian, MS Police Dept. & Municipal Court Clay1on Missouri Police Dept & Mun. Court Kentwood Justice Center(PD & Court) City of Grosse Pointe Ml Public Safety & Court Inkster, Ml 22nd District Court •• •• ••• •• •• • •• •• •• •• •• 2008-2009 2010-2012 2003-2005 2006-2009 2008-2009 2007-2009 2001-2003 2009 2010-2014 • ••• •• • ••• • • •• • • • 2000 2002 2004 2002 2009 •• •• •• • • • 22 100 130 20 • • •• • •• •• • • • • • • 2 57,612 14,200 36,000 27,000 1,000 74,000 19,000 4+EOC 2 2 2 8+ EOC 2 4+ EOC 45,000 16,000 95,000 45,000 22,500 12 + EOC 8 plus EOC 14 + EOC 20,000 N/A 30,000 40,000 45,000 53,000 60,415 16,000 15,000 Teamed wijh Chiodini Architects Teamed with C2AE Design-Build wijh WALBRIDGE Design Architect to Post Associates Teamed with Luke Peterson & Kaye Teamed with ARCTURIS Teamed with Post Associates Teamed with French Associates Design Consultant to Boji Development 2 PUBLIC WORKS Bay City Ml Power & Technology Waterford Township DPW Grand Blanc Township (Strategic Plan) City of Kentwood DPW City or Grosse Pointe Ml 97,000 57,000 40,000 10,000 15,000 l Prepared by Daniel Redstone 12/3/2013 Page 2 Firm Portfolio of Public Safety, Law Enforcement and Fire Projects Marshall, Michigan Regional Law Enforcement Center Study & Business Plan (Current) ~ I I I i i i 08 ' . Size: Scope: Project Budget Cost: Location: Est. Completion Date: Final Completion Date: Client Contact: ··~"-. =::!: -- -· 39,500 sf plus Outbuilding Programming & Business Plan $11,000,000 Marshall, Ml August 2015 N/A Tom Tarkiewicz, City Manager (269) 781-5183 Redstone Architects (and Redstone Public Safety Consulting Group) was selected to develop a design and a Business Plan for a Regional Law Enforcement Center that would house three agencies- the City of Marshall Police Department, a Michigan State Police Post, and offices and operations of the Calhoun County Sheriff. The Business Plan includes sharing of staff agreed to among the agencies, as well as initial and annual cost-sharing allocations . The building was designed to insure maximum collaboration among the agencies. The City of Marshall applied for and received a State of Michigan Economic Vitality Incentive Program ("EVIP") grant to help fund a portion of its share. Calhoun County also applied for an EVIP grant, but did not receive one. The EVIP program was established to encourage governmental agencies to share or consolidate services. As a result, the City of Marshall and the Michigan State Police will be proceeding with a shared facility for the two agencies. Redstone Architects is the Architect of Record . Jacksonville, NC Public Safety Building (Current) Size: Scope: Construction Budget: Current Construction Cost: Location: Est. Completion Date: Final Completion Date: Time Adherence: Owner Contact Information: 99,000 sf Programming & Design Services $24,000,000 22,500,000 Jacksonville, NC 2014 2014 On Schedule Mike Yaniero, Chief of Police (91 0) 938-6403 Redstone Architects, law enforcement consultant, and Gantt Huberman Architects of Charlotte, NC, were selected to design the city's new Public Safety Building . The facility will house the Police Department, Fire Department Headquarters, and the main fire station. Michigan State Police Tri-City Post #31, Bay City, Ml Size: Scope: Construction Budget: Final Construction Cost: Location: Estimated Completion Date: Final Completion Date: User Contact Information: 12,000 sf approx. Programming & Schematic Design $2,600,000 N/A Williams Township, Ml Fall 2012 November, 2012 Dawn Davis, MSP Facilities Specialist (517) 336-6228 The State of Michigan selected WTM & Associates and Redstone Architects in early 2010 to design a new post to replace a 1938 facility. The design is intended to be a prototype for future posts. 2013 Bridgeport, WV Public Safety Substation (2009) Size: Scope: Final Construction Cost: Location: Est. Completion Date: Final Completion Date: Client Contact: 16,500 sf Programming and Schematic Design $3,200,000 Bridgeport, WV Fall, 2009 September 2009 Bill Yoke, AlA, WYK Architects (304) 624-6326 Chuck Feathers, Fire Chief (304) 842-8254 Redstone Architects, public safety consultant, and WYK Architects of Clarksburg , WV, were engaged to program and design a new Public Safety Substation to serve the growing, northern area of the city. The facility contains a three-bay apparatus wing , sleeping areas for the suppression staff, and a sally port and report writing area for the police department. Chesterfield Township, Ml Fire Department Headquarters & Central Fire Station Size: Scope: Construction Budget: Final Construction Cost: Location: Est. Completion Date: Final Completion Date: Time Adherence: Owner Contact Information: Principal in Charge: Project Designer: l 16,000 square feet Programming & Design $2,600,000 $2,671,000 Chesterfield Twp, Ml 2005 August, 2005 N/A Doug Charbonneau, Fire Chief (586) 725-2233 dcharbonneau@chesterfieldfire.org Daniel Redstone, FAIA Bassam Yaldo, Assoc. AlA The Township of Chesterfield initially engaged Redstone Architects Inc. to develop a Needs Assessment Program for a new Fire Department Headquarters Station. Included in the assignment was the development of a preliminary budget for the project. The Schematic Design was developed using a revised program of 15,990 sq. ft. The floor plan is divided into two areas, the Fire Department Administrative Offices, composed of the Training Room and the Fire Department Offices , and the Fire Station, composed of the Living Quarters and the Apparatus Bay. A mezzanine was added off the apparatus bay to house fitness equipment. The design fell within the square footage goals of the Township while meeting the needs of the Chesterfield Fire Department for the next 20 years. The Building was put into service in August 2005 20 13 Taylor Ml Midtown Station No. 1 (Design-Build) 28,000 square fee Design Build $5,000,000 Taylor, Ml Fall, 2005 October 2005 Walbridge/Wade Trim JV. Vincent Fedel, Retired Fire Chief (734) 934-2193 Daniel Redstone, FAIA Size: Scope: Final Project Cost: Location: Est. Completion Date: Final Completion Date: Contractor: Client Contact: Principal in Charge: In 2003, Redstone Architects was hired to lead the Design-Build Team for the Taylor Municipal Complex Improvements. The work consisted of four projects to be designed and built fast-track. It included a new two-story Courthouse Building with three courtrooms and a new five-bay Fire Station with training facilities, complete living quarters, arson investigation and administrative offices. The remodeling included the existing Courthouse and Fire Station Buildings, to be readapted for a new function. The building was put into operation in October 2005. Oklahoma City, OK Police Headquarters (Current) Size: Scope: Construction Budget: Final Construction Cost: Location: Estimated Completion Date: Final Completion Date: User Contact Information: 87,800 sf Programming & Schematic Design $27,500,000 N/A Oklahoma City, OK 2015 N/A Tom Jester, Deputy Ch. (405) 316-4576 In 2007 the City, sold $35,000,000 in bonds to build a new Justice Center, to include the Police Headquarters and Municipal Courts. In 2010, ADG and Redstone Architects were selected to update the prior needs assessment and present new options. In 2012 our team began the design phase for this project. The Project is intended to be bid in the Fall, 2013. Harrison County, WV Emergency Management Center (Current) l Size: Scope: Project Budget Cost: Location: Estimated Completion Date: Final Completion Date: Client Contact: 23,000 sf plus Outbuilding Programming & Design Services $6,500,000 Clarksburg, WV 2013-2014 N/A Paul Bump, Emergency Mgt. Dir. (304) 623-6559 Redstone Architects and WYK Architects were selected to program and design an emergency Management Center for Harrison County, West Virginia . In 2012, the same team was selected to provide design services to implement the recommendations of the original study. 2013 Milford, Delaware Police Department (Current) Size: Scope: Project Budget Cost: Location: Est. Completion Date: Final Completion Date: Client Contact: 37,000 SF Programming & Concept Design $6,500,000 Milford, DE 2012 N/A Keith Hudson, Chief of Pol ice (304) 422-8081 Redstone Architects , Public Safety Consultant, and French + Ryan Architects teamed to program and develop the Schematic Design of a new Police Headquarters for the City of Milford Delaware. Programming and Conceptual Design have been completed, and the Project is waiting for funding. West Bloomfield, Ml Police Headquarters (1990) I Addition (2005) Size: Scope: Construction Budget: Final Construction Cost: Location: Final Completion Date: Time Adherence: Owner Contact Information: 27,500 sf (New) /6,500 sf {addition) Full NE Services & Programming N/A $1 ,227,312 (addition) $3,025,947 $1,069,954 {addition) West Bloomfield , Ml 02/1990 10/2004 (addition) On Schedule Michael Patton, Chief of Police (248) 975-9200 Redstone Architects, Inc. combined aesthetics with efficiency when designing this awardwinning police facility in West Bloomfield's civic center. The two-level , 27,500 square foot complex is friendly and open, featuring large skylights over the front and rear lobbies. The main level includes administration, investigations, communications, record-day room , computer room, prisoner holding cells with connecting sally port, interrogation rooms, witness interview rooms , maintenance garage, training rooms and cafeteria. Troy, Ml Police Headquarters (2001-2004) l Size: Scope: Construction Budget: Final Construction Cost: Location: Est. Completion Date: Final Completion Date: Time Adherence: Owner Contact Information: 74,000 sf (49,750 New +24,250 Renovation) Full NE Services; Programming $10,710,500 $10,500,000 Troy, Ml August2004 April2004 On Schedule Gary Mayer, Chief of Police (248) 524-3454 Redstone Architects participated in the 1999-2000 Needs Assessment for the City of Troy. Redstone was then hired for the design services for a 49,500 square foot addition combined with a 24,000 square foot renovation , which houses the Troy Police Department and Administrative Offices for the Fire Department. 2013 Waterford Township, Ml Police Headquarters (1999-2003) Size: Scope: Construction Budget: Final Construction Cost: Location: Final Completion Date: Time Adherence: Owner Contact Information: 57,612 sf Full AlE Services & Programming $8,267,000 $8,387,000 Charter Township of Waterford, Ml 11/2001 On Schedule Dan McCaw, Chief of Police (248) 674-0351 As part of a master plan to redevelop its Civic Center, Waterford Township engaged Redstone Architects, Inc. to perform a Needs Assessment Study for a new police headquarters. Redstone determined the department's needs and designed a new facility. The 56,000 square foot building includes a large multipurpose training room ; a dispatch room with direct monitoring of the cell area through one-way glass and closed circuit television ; an exercise room ; and a forensic garage. Plymouth, Ml City Hall and Police Department Renovation Study (2004) Reactivation of Fire Department Apparatus Bays (2011) Scope: Construction Budget: Location: Owner Contact Information: Needs Assessment $3,700,000 to $4,500,000 Plymouth, Ml Paul Sincock, City Manager (734) 453-1234 In 2004, the City of Plymouth, Ml commissioned Wade-Trim and Redstone Architects, Inc. to prepare a master plan of their City Hall and Police Department facility. A needs analysis proved that the existing building was no longer suitable for the technological needs and flexibility of space required now and in the future . Redstone Architects , Inc. and Wade-Trim renovated the existing facility and relocated the City Hall and Police Department providing a more efficient and effective use of space. In 2011 , the City contracted with the City of Northville to provide fire services, necessitating the reactivation of the existing Apparatus Bay and minor renovations to provide for fire support services. The Station opened on January 1, 2012. 1 2013 Grosse Pointe Park, Ml Public Safety Building (1993); Consolidation Study, 2011 Size: Scope: Construction Budget: Final Construction Cost: Location: Est. Completion Date: Final Completion Date: Time Adherence: Owner Contact Information: 21,510sf Full NE Services & Programming $2,346,334 $2,233,338 City of Grosse Pointe Park, Ml Fall1993 August1993 On Schedule Dale M. Krajniak, City Manager (313) 822-6200 The renovation and reorganization of the Grosse Pointe Park Municipal Complex solved several key operational problems facing the city. The Public Safety building, originally a fire hall built in 1928, was renovated to accommodate all fire and police functions. The building has a modern dispatch center, detective bureau, prisoner cells, locker rooms and offices. Its 6,200 square foot addition houses four parking bays for city fire trucks and emergency apparatus, evidence storage, sally port and firing range. Springfield, Ml Public Safety Addition- Design-Build (2007-2008) Size: Scope: Final Project Cost: Location: Est. Completion Date: Final Completion Date: Client Contact: 6,500 sf (renovated portion and addition) Design Build $800,000 Springfield , Ml Spring, 2008 Spring, 2008 Rob Coles, Director of Public Safety (269) 965-7795 Redstone Architects, Inc. just completed and addition and renovation for the City of Springfield's Public Safety Department. The Needs Assessment resulted in a recommendation of a 2,700 square foot addition to the existing facility. The addition provided for the upgrading of administrative offices, and locker rooms, as well as the addition of a briefing area , evidence and property rooms. The project was a design build effort, with O'Brien Construction Company. Inkster, Michigan Justice Center (Current) Size: Scope: Project Budget Cost: Location: Est. Completion Date: Final Completion Date: Client Contact: 45,000 sf Programming & Schematics $8,500,000 Inkster, Ml 2014 N/A Beth Boji, Boji Development (313) 310-5330 Redstone Architects, Public Safety and Justice Consultant, was engaged by Boji Development Co to work with its architect, GAV Architects , to program and develop the Schematic Design of a new Justice Center for the City of Inkster, MI. The facility will house the Inkster Police Department and the 22nd District Court. A portion of the new facility will be a renovation of a former YWCA building. 2013 Lansing, Michigan Police Consolidation Study (Current- on hold) Size: Scope: Construction Budget: Final Construction Cost: Location: Est. Completion Date: Final Completion Date: Time Adherence: Owner Contact Information: 75,000 sf Programming & Design $10,000,000 to $15,000,000 N/A Lansing, Ml 2014 N/A On schedule Lt. James Kraus, (517) 483-6802 Redstone Architects , law enforcement consultant, and C2AE of Lansing, Ml are programming the consolidation of the Lansing Police Department Headquarters and its two precincts into a single facility on the former Michigan National Guard Facility ("MNGF") site on South Washington Street. The LansinQ Police Department currently has approximately 225 sworn officers. Novi, Ml Firearms Training Center (2007-2008) Size: Scope: Final Construction Cost: Location: Est. Completion Date: Final Completion Date: Client Contact: 6,500 sf Architectural Design $1 ,200 ,000 Novi, Ml Spring, 2008 Spring , 2008 Deputy Ch ief Victor Lauria, Novi (248) 347-0542 The City of Novi, Michigan retained Redstone Architects to program and design a new gun range for the city's Police Department. The total project cost of $1 ,700,000 was funded through drug forfeiture funds . Bridgeton, MO City Hall and Police Department (2009-201 0) l Size: Scope: Construction Budget: Final Construction Cost: Location: Est. Completion Date: Final Completion Date: Time Adherence: Owner Contact Information: 42,000 sf Programming & Design Services $10,000,000 N/A Bridgeton , MO 2011 January, 2011 On Schedule Tom Haun, City Administrator (314) 739-7500 Redstone Architects , law enforcement consultant to Chiodini Associates of St. Louis, MO, programmed and provided design services for the police portion of the city's new Governmental Complex. The police department occupies approximately 25,000 sf of the facility. The sloping site provided challenges and opportunities for the team to create an exciting and efficient solution . The Council Chamber also serves as a Municipal Court. 20 13 Fire Station No. 2, Southfield, Michigan Size: 10,875 sq. ft. Principal in Charge: Daniel Redstone, FAIA Cost: $1,387,285 Redstone Architects incorporated citizen concerns into the design process that led to this progressive, state-ofthe-art fire station nested into a wooded site. City officials enthusiastically accepted the station's unique as well as functional design . This facility houses living quarters and an apparatus area totaling 10,875 square feet. The apparatus area serves two companies and features locker and storage areas, hose maintenance space, janitor closet and other auxiliary spaces. The living quarters house office/dispatch , sleeping quarters for six, laundry room, lavatories and shower facilities, kitchen, lounge, exercise room and storage. Winner of several design awards , this 1995 project has been recognized for its efficient and functional design as well as its unique exterior architecture . Fire Department Headquarters, Charter Township of Waterford, Michigan Size: 26,000 sq . ft. l Cost: $4,000,000 Principal in Charge: Daniel Redstone, FAIA Redstone Architects initially conducted a Needs Assessment, which identified the necessary requirements , and subsequently received approval to develop the design , construction documents and specifications for the new facility. The new central fire headquarters includes fire administration , training, a four-bay apparatus garage, and living quarters for 12 firefighters per shift. The completed design successfully provided accommodations for the capacity needed for the Township's operations . The facility became operational in 2001. Monroe Michigan Public Safety Building Study (2013) Redstone Architects is in the process of developing a Needs Assessment and Site Selection for a new Public Safety Building . In 2010, the City of Monroe made the decision to merge its Police and Fire Departments into a fully cross-trained Public Safety Department. The existing Central Fire Station, built in the 1960's has been scheduled for replacement for almost 10 years, and the decision to implement a Public Safety Department presented the opportunity for a building to house all public safety functions . (Image is from 2005 Fire Station Study by Redstone Architects) 20 13 B R (]) Beckett&Raeder .I Representative Facilities and Site Planning Experience Beckett & Raeder, Inc. has provided site planning and engineering services for numerous large-scale facility projects. In aggregate, our experience includes various phases of professional services at several facilities ranging in scope from design and engineering for complete new multi-building facilities to specific site improvements at existing facilities. The phases of professional services offered by our expert staff of site planners and civil engineers include the following: Site Evaluation/Selection: BRI provides the services necessary to determine the most appropriate site for location of the facility. Specific services include Phase I Environmental Site Assessment; investigation of site physical characteristics such as size, configuration, soils, topography, natural features, etc.; and evaluation of community services and impacts such as land use patterns, site accessibility, and availability of public utility services. The full range of services may be applied to verify the suitability of a predetermined site or as a means of evaluating several potential sites. Facility Site Master Planning: BRI site planners provide the services necessary to develop master plans for complex facilities and the organization of their components including buildings, roads, parking areas, service drives, walks, outdoor use areas, recreation facilities, fencing, maintenance and service areas, etc. Project Site Planning: BRI provides a multi-disciplined approach to site planning and design for project implementation including layout and form of specific elements, grading and vertical controls, pavement configurations, site detailing, signage and graphics, landscaping, etc Civil Engineering: BRI's staff of Professional Engineers provides expert services in the areas of site utilities services and distribution, soils evaluation, pavement design and the design of foundations and site structures. Facilities and Site Planning Examples Campus Planning and Site Development BRI has assisted several college and university clients with long-range facilities planning and campus site development Our experience has ranged from preparing master plan documents to creating programs and designs for incremental development of campus-wide systems, such as walks, parking facilities, signage systems and landscaping. Our firm also has extensive experience in the complete development of sites for educational facilities, such as classroom buildings, libraries, laboratory buildings, housing, and service buildings for college and university clients. We typically maintain consulting relationships with these clients Primary and Secondary School Site Development: BRI has planned and developed sites for many school facilities in Michigan . Services have included site development, design, and construction of playground facilities and recreation/sports facilities, replacement of playground equipment, construction of parking areas, design of hard surfaced play areas, and improvement and evaluation of site drainage and sewer conditions. l Public Buildings and Municipalities: BRI has provided site planning services for many public buildings, including city halls and municipal complexes, libraries, governmental offices, post offices, and public service facilities. Our firm has completed many facilities for local, state, and federal governmental units. Services have included site selection studies, master planning of complexes and installations, and site engineering of specific facilities. Health Care Facilities: BRI has carried out planning and site design services for several health care facilities campuses and individual buildings. We have also conducted special studies for health care clients. Corporate Centers: The firm has assisted several corporate clients with developing their headquarters sites. Our services have ranged from developing a total site landscape program to complete site engineering and landscaping for a 200-acre corporate campus. BRI also has extensive experience in all phases of site planning, including complete site engineering and landscape design, for manufacturing, processing, and research facilities. Sellinger Associates, Inc. Project Experience Municipal Project Experience I l I 0 Client: Project Name: Project Description: Project Size: Cost: Completed: Contact: o Client: Project Name: Project Description: Project Size Cost: Completed: Contact: o Client: Project Name: Project Description: Project Size Cost: Completed: Contact: 1 I o Client: Project Name: Project Description: Project Size: Cost: Completed: Contact: 19821 Farmington Road Livonia, Michigan 48152 City of Northville, Michigan Northville City Hall- HVAC Upgrades Major HVAC upgrades include replacing a 50-ton air cooled condensing unit & evaporator coil; replacement of a 600 mbh boiler with a high efficiency condensing-type boiler; replacing existing pneumatic controls with new DDC controls; conversion of existing constant volume AHU to a variable speed system; addition of VAV boxes; rebalancing all air & water systems. 20,000 s.f. $300,000 2011 Jim Gallogly 24844-9930 City of Novi, Michigan Novi Indoor Gun Range Mechanical systems design of new indoor gun range, including ammunition storage, toilet rooms, control room, mechanical room, armorer's room, and a 25 yard long, eight-lane gun range. Design of re-circulation system includes specification of systems to keep lead and other contaminants out of the breathing zone, provisions for laminar flow around the shooter, and compliance with all NIOSH, OSHA and EPA Codes and Standards. 6,750 sq. ft. $2,000,000 2007 Dale Studnika 586/795-2620 DAS Architects Almont Township Fire Hall Mechanical systems design of 5-Bay Fire station with administration areas, kitchen, locker rooms, fitness area, living area, training room & second floor storage space. 15,000 sq. ft. $2,000,000 2006 Dale Studnika 586/795-2620 Chesterfield Township, Michigan Chesterfield Township Fire Station HVAC, Plumbing and Fire Protection design for new, single-story Fire Station, including a 3-bay drive through apparatus area, decontamination tank, and living and administration areas. 16,000 sq. ft. $2,600,000 2005 Chief Scott Messer 586/949-1706 248/482-0045 Tel. 2481482-0052 Fax. Sellinger Associates, Inc. Project Experience 0 Client: Project Name : Project Description : Project Size: Cost: Completed : Contact: 0 Client: Project Name: Project Description : Project Size: Cost: Completed: Contact: 0 Client: Project Name: Project Description : Project Size Cost: Completed: Contact: l l 0 Client: Project Name: Project Description: Project Size: Cost: Completed: 19821 Farmington Road Livonia, Michigan 48152 City of Taylor, Michigan Taylor Courthouse and Fire Station HVAC, Plumbing and Fire Protection design for: • 33,500 s.f. Courthouse. Th is is a two-level building including three courtrooms, interview rooms , male and female holding areas, jury assembly room, office space . • 28,200 s.f. Fire Station, including a five-bay apparatus area, dispatch , men's and women's lockers , sleeping area , education room and office space. 61 ,700 sq . ft. $20 ,000,000 2005 City of Taylor 734/374-1355 Plymouth Township, Michigan Township Hall, Police Facility & Fire Station Mechanical systems design for two-story Township Hall, including public and administrative areas, computer room, lunch room and toilet rooms . Design of systems in Police and Fire Station include public and administrative areas, communication and holding areas, detention cells , shower rooms, evidence storage and a 3-bay drive-thru apparatus area. 52,000 sq. ft. $10,500,000 2005 Richard Reaume 734/354-3200 City of Flint, Michigan Downtown Flint Transit Authority HVAC and plumbing design for major renovation of existing transportation facility. 17,200 sq . ft . $2,000,000 2005 Doug Atkinson 313/964-0270 Harper Woods Library, Harper Woods, Ml Harper Woods Public Library Renovations and additions to existing one-story library with basement. This building is now LEED certified . The HVAC system does not contain CFC's or HFC's and the furnaces are high efficiency type. C02 monitoring is employed and the water closets are dual-flush type. 11 ,500 sq. ft. $2,500,000 2005 248/482-0045 Tel. 248/482-0052 Fax. Sellinger Associates, Inc. Project Experience 0 Client: Project Name: Project Description : Project Size: Cost: Completed : Contact: 0 Client: Project Name: Project Description : Project Size: Cost: Completed : Contact: 0 Client: Project Name: Project Description : Project Size: Cost: Completed : Contact: 0 Client: Project Name: Project Description : Project Size: Cost: Completed: Contact: 0 Client: Project Name: Project Description: l I Project Size: Cost: Completed : Contact: 19821 Farmington Road Livonia, Michigan 48152 City of Waterford, Michigan Waterford Department of Public Works Mechanical systems design for new Department of Public Works building . 56,000 sq. ft. $8,000,000 2002 Terry Biederman 248/674-2278 City of Waterford, Michigan Waterford Police Department HVAC, Plumbing and Fire Protection design for new Police Headquarters. 55,000 sq . ft . $9,000,000 2002 John Dean, Chief of Police 248/618-7534 City of Troy, Michigan Troy Fire and Police Stations Mechanical systems design for new addition and renovation of existing bu ildings. 63,900 sq. ft. $8,000,000 2003 Gary Shribka 248/680-7229 Hartland Township, Michigan Hartland Township Fire Department HVAC, Plumbing and Fire Protection design for renovation of an expanded one-story, 3-bay fire station. 10,500 sq . ft. $1 ,600,000 2002 Gregg Schkade, Fire Chief 810/632-7676 West Bloomfield Township, Michigan Police Building Addition and Renovation West Bloomfield Police HVAC, Plumbing and Fire Protection design for new addition and renovations to existing two-story Police Building. 8,000 sq. ft. $1 ,500,000 2003 Lt. John Himmelspach 248/433-7755 248/482-0045 Tel. 248/482-0052 Fax. ETS ENGINEERING FIRM PROFILE SIMILAR PROJECT EXPERIENCE Last Five Years MunicipalPrivateSchools - 20% 40% 30% Police/Fire Stations Chelsea Police Station Evaluation Report- Chelsea, Ml Plymouth Fire Station HVAC replacement- Plymouth, Ml Shelby Twp. Fire Station- Shelby Twp., Ml Orion Fire Station- Orion Twp., Ml City of Tecumseh Police Station - Tecumseh, Ml Other Municipal/Governmental Buildings I 1 I l Defiance Public Library - Defiance, OH Rutherford Pool Replacement - Taylor, Ml Catalpa Oaks Concessions Building- Southfield, Ml TARDEC- Bldg 200C VEA/Software- Warren, Ml TACOM- Bldg 200C Hit Avoidance Area Reno- Warren, Ml People Mover renovation Millender Center- Detroit, Ml Ft. Pickett Regional Training Institute - Blackstone, VA Detroit Port Authority tenant fit out- Detroit, Ml TACOM- Bldg 200C Survivability Area Reno -Warren, Ml TACOM-Bidg. 229 151 Floor renovation- Warren, Ml US Capital Building HVAC renovations- Washington DC Martindale Beach House - Kensington Metro Park Detroit Public Library Main Branch- Teen Room McConnell Air Force Base Flight Simulator- VA Harper Woods Public Library- Harper Woods , Ml Mt. Clemens Public Library- Mt. Clemens, Ml White Lake Police Station -White Lake, Ml Grosse Pointe Farms City Hall- Grosse Pointe Farms, Ml State of Michigan General Office Building- Flint, Ml State of Michigan Detroit Plaza Building - Detroit, Ml Newberry Prison- Newberry, Ml Farmington Public Safety Building- Farmington, Ml Sanilac Court House- Sanilac County, Ml Independence Twp. City Hall- Independence Twp., Ml Independence Twp. Fire Station- Independence Twp., Ml Camp Brighton Correctional Facility- Pinckney, Ml Petersburg City Hall - Petersburg, Ml Harper Woods Library- Harper Woods, Ml ETS Engineering, Inc. E. Letters of Reference Bridgeport, WV Public Safety Substation WYK Architects -Architect of Record Redstone Architects- Design Architect ·:· Redstone Architects, Inc. Cit.l~ of BridgeP,Qtl~ JaRJDGEPORT CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 131 WEST MAIN ST PO ROX 131 RRIDGEPORT \VEST VIRGINIA 26330 1December 6, 2011 Daniel Redstone~ FAL'\, NCARB Redstone Architects, Inc. 2709 S. Telegraph Road Bloomfield Hills, IVU 48.302-1008 Mr. Redstone: It has now been shortly over m·o years since we occupied our ne\v Public Safety· lluildiing in Bridgeport; \VV. [want to take a moment Co thank yo for all you and \VYK Associates, Inc. did to insure the proper planning and layout of tllis facility. It turned out f() be better than we. had dreamed fi·om. the time we first started considering this project. You took om \Vords tlu·ough an elaborate interview process <md turned them into a program and pl.an \Vhich led to a state-of-the art facility; which is very aesthetically pleasing as well ao:; extremely functional. Thank you again for all the. wol'k you didl in collaboration with \VYK Associates, Inc. in planning !this first class structure. The en1d result stands as ilribute to your expertise in planning these types of facilities. You and your firm along \•vith \VYK did a commendable job from the early planning stages through the end of construction. If I may be of assistance to y(IU in the fuh1re, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, l elf~ Cha.rl~s A. Feathers~ Chief City of Bridgeport Fire Department Cc: WYK Associates PO BOX 131 0, 131 WEST .MAIN ST. BRIDGEPORT 'W EST VIRGINIA 26330-63 10 P!to n~: (304) 842-8251 Fax: (304} 842-8254 www.bridg~porhYv.co m Cizygl' Tr ~ Fire Department 500 West Big Beaver Road Troy, Michigan 48084 Phone: 248-524-34 19 Fax: 248-689-7520 .J unc I, 2004 l'vlr. Daniel Redstone Redstone and Associates 29201 Telegraph Road Suite 400 Southfiel d. MI 48034 Dear Mr. Redstone, I wou ld like to tt~ ke this opportun ity to thank you and you starr f'or all of your efforts in the design and construction of our Public Safe ty Administrat ion project. You and your staff handled the entire project in a most professional manner \Vith great attention to detail \Vhile working \vith in our budget. The communication between the architectural design team, construction team, and our project team was excellent, and contri buted to the project staying on schedule. tl:ttt~niJht r._ William S. Nelson I I I Fire Chief July 11, 2009 To Whom It May Concern : I have had the privilege and honor of knowing Mr. Dan Redstone for more than five years and can easily say he is one of the most competent and professional individuals I have conducted business with. In early 2007, my organization was fortunate enough to secure Dan's expertise and the services of his team at Redstone Architect's to perform the Architectural Design and Engineering Services for a new Firearms Training Center. In the fall of that year construction began and in January 2008 a new, state-of-the-art Firearms Training Center was opened and dedicated. Throughout the entire bid , award, and construction process, Dan and his team of professionals provided competent, honest and open counsel to our Project Manager to make this initiative a success. In fact, the entire $1 .75 million dollar project was only $700 over budget and that was due to additional add-on items and change orders requested by MY organization. In my capacity as Chief Executive, I have the opportunity to work with hundreds of vendors and service oriented businesses. The professional services of Dan Redstone and his team are the finest you will find and are truly second to none! I will continue to recommend Dan and his firm to potential clients and can objectively provide offer him the highest of praises for his efforts. If you have any questions in this regard please don't hesitate to contact me. l I Very truly yours, Novl Pollee Department 451 25 W. Ten Mile Road Novi, Michigan 48375 248 .348 .71 DO 248.347.0590 fax cilyofnovi.org David E. Molloy Chief of Police The CITY of S I E POLICE DEPARTMENT J l 100 North Harris Street • Saline, Ml 48176-1642 Phone 734.429 .7911 • Fax 734.429.8307 www.cityofsaline.org Paul L. Bunten Chief of Police l Ll December 13, 2011 To Whom It May Concern; I am writing this letter in behalf of Daniel Redstone who was the architect that designed and managed the construction our City of Saline Municipal and Police Building. I found that working with Dan and his staff during the two year project was a very rewarding experience for me personally. They took the time to help me understand the process, listened to me and my staff with our ideas and managed to convert those Ideas Into reality through their creative approach to design. I mentioned creative in their approach. By this I mean that if we wanted a space for a certain purpose like an armory for our weapons and ammunition, he and his staff would have dialog with us and design the space according to our specific needs. This occurred with our lock up facility, armory and our training room. Instead of just space, it was specifically designed for our projected use. As a result, after being in the building for almost 10 years, there Is nothing that I would change from the original design. That is what Dan Redstone and his staff are all about. Custom designs with the client in mind at all times. Dan was always available to us during the entire project and continues to be a good friend today, some 10 years later. I can and have recommended Dan Redstone to many jurisdictions in the past ten years and feel confident that all who utilize his services will be as pleased with the results as I am. I l I Paul L. Bunten Chief of Police