R. Sheetal Group Captain Commanding Officer Police Helicopter


R. Sheetal Group Captain Commanding Officer Police Helicopter
Objective 3: To Attend to all Requests for SAR Missions within
a reaction time of 15 minutes
I am honoured to present the Annual Policing
Plan of the Mauritius Police Helicopter
Squadron (PHS) for the year 2014. Since the
existence of the PHS, this is the first plan ever
published. Being the only Air Wing and a
specialized Branch, PHS has its own
objectives specific to its mandate coupled
with the Force priorities in providing the
Indian Air Force on
community an environment free of crime, Joined
06.12.1989 and deputed as
Officer PHS on
assisting citizens in distress and providing Commanding
15.01.2012. MSc in Defence
relief and succour during national calamities. Studies from the Defence
Services Staff College, India.
This plan contains objectives concerning the Held various staff/operational
as Flying
Search and Rescue domain including PBB appointments
Instructor at the Air Force
targets 2014 and how best PHS works jointly Pilot on Rotary Wing Aircraft,
with other units of the Force to ensure safety Directorate of Air Staff
and security of the community. Through its Requirements, served in UN
Mission as an attack helicopter
noble traditions, PHS will support the Police p i l o t a n d C o m m a n d e d
(Dhruv) display
in their role to maintain public order and helicopter
team “Sarang”. Awarded
Chief of Air
public safety. It will in so doing, contribute to Staff, Air OfficebyCommanding
Air Command, UN
the vision of the Force in affording protection Western
to law-abiding citizens, while waging a Commendation (Div Cmd,
MONUC, DRC) and Vayu Sena
relentless battle against crime. We will strive Medal.
our best to provide an efficient and effective
service to the community and uphold the vision: “With you,
making Mauritius safer”.
20th December 2013
Police Helicopter Squadron,
SSRI Airport, Plaisance.
R. Sheetal
Group Captain
Commanding Officer
Police Helicopter Squadron
PHS is located at SSR International Airport and shares the Aviation
Hangar with the Maritime Air Squadron. It operates two Chetaks, one
Alouette, one Fennec and one Dhruv helicopter. PHS has a strength of
101 officers comprising specialized personnel i.e. 11 Pilots, 1 Chief
Engineer, 62 Aviation fitters, 10 Life Savers, 6 Aircraft Refuellers/
driver, 3 administrative staff and 8 trainee technicians. It provides
approved services over mainland Mauritius and adjacent coastal areas
extending up to a distance of 90 nautical miles out at sea at present.
The Squadron has been actively involved in its allocated tasks in
favour of ADSU operations over the island including Rodrigues,
surveillance of our Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), Search and
Rescue missions including Casualty Evacuation onboard vessels
navigating in the Indian Ocean. The role of PHS as part of the Police, is
not solely limited to policing the Mauritian airspace, but also, is to
contribute towards achieving the Force priorities 2014 by providing
resources in support to Police Divisions and Branches as and when
required. We will also meet the targets set out in the ProgrammeBased Budget (PBB) for the year 2014. The directives for the
implementation of Force priorities and PBB targets are spelt out in the
Force Annual Policing Plan 2014 available at the Police Website:
Based on the Force priorities, PBB targets and the mission of the
PHS, we have come up with the following objectives for the year
Objective 1: To Conduct at least 75 hrs of Airborne
In agreement with the Helicopter Squadron policy, we have been
able to launch the helicopter for search/rescue (SAR) missions in
time. A total of nine successful SAR operations have been carried
out amounting to a total of 57 sorties with 73 hrs 20 minutes flying
time. The PHS technical team carried out 30 scheduled helicopter
servicing to keep the machines serviceable in achieving their
assigned tasks on land and at sea. Moreover, one helicopter,
“Chetak MPH03” was successfully overhauled at Hindustan
Aeronautics Limited (HAL), India between January and August
2013. In addition routine flying with ADSU and Coastal
reconnaissance amounted to 147 sorties with 252 hrs 50 minutes
flying time. We also conducted some 240 sorties in relation to
training and miscellaneous Police tasks amounting to 133 hrs 45
minutes of flying time.
For year 2013, we conducted 48 sorties for 92:10 hrs of airborne
surveillance. PHS will provide at least one surveillance mission per
week for our Exclusive Economic zone surveillance tasks to
observe any unusual activities over sea while undertaking other
missions in coastal area from Round/Flat islands. Additional
missions are also flown on request from National Coast Guard. For
the year 2014, the present quantum of flying hours devoted will be
maintained. If the situation warrants additional flying hours, PHS
will provide the required air support.
Objective 2: To Conduct Simulation Exercise jointly with NCG,
SMF and Visiting Aircraft and Ships
24 Simulation exercises amounting to 20:45 hrs have been carried
out jointly with NCG and GIPM and visiting Aircraft and Ships in
2013. With a view to fight piracy in the Indian Ocean, flying time
for joint simulation exercises will be maintained or increased if the
prevailing conditions demand.
For year 2013, an amount of 73 hours and 20 minutes of flying time
has been carried out within the minimum reaction time. PHS
maintains a minimum reaction time not exceeding 15 minutes from
08.30 hrs to dusk and 01:30 hrs at other times, taking into
consideration that the Fennec helicopter is capable of operating at
distances of 50 to 60 nautical miles into the sea and the Dhruv at 90
nautical miles into the sea from the coast of Mauritius. For 2014 we
will maintain the same reaction time.
Objective 4: To Increase the Flying Time by 3% to combat
Gandia Cultivation
PHS provides dedicated support to Anti Drug and Smuggling Unit
personnel to combat Gandia cultivation in Mauritius and Rodrigues
upon their request. For year 2013, the PHS has carried out
165:50 mins flying hours jointly with ADSU. We intend to increase
the flying hours by 3% as per ADSU requirements.
Objective 5: To Maintain at least 60% serviceability of PHS
fleet of Helicopters
Maintenance is a very important part of any aviation activity. The
most essential aspect of maintenance is the ability of the
technicians to maintain the aircraft serviceable to the required
aviation standard. In 2013 a total of 30 servicing, namely, 21, 5 and
4, on Chetaks, Fennec and Dhruv respectively were carried out by
PHS personnel ranging from 25 hrs, 50 hrs, 100 hrs, 200 hrs,
400 hrs and 800 hrs servicing as well as calendar servicing. In 2014
additionally MPH 07 Dhruv helicopter will undergo for the first time
an overhaul of its major dynamic components and all servicing will
be carried out by PHS technicians. We plan to maintain at least
60% serviceability of Helicopters throughout the year.
‘Our Promise to the Public’
 Make our Neighbourhood more secure
 Fairness Always
 24/7 Service
 In Response to your Request, we aim to:
 Answer your call on 999 within 15 seconds;
 Attend to public emergencies within 15 minutes;
 Attend to non-urgent incidents within 45 minutes;
 Acknowledge receipt of your letters of complaints
48 hours; and,
 Ensure a reply to your correspondence within 15 days.
 Informing and Directing
 Working Together
 Victim Support and Care
NB: In case we fail to meet our Pledge on any particular
occasion, we will always explain why it has not been
possible to deliver the set standards to which we are
committed and which you certainly deserve.
“We make the difference”
“To maintain our identity as an important entity of the Mauritius
Police Force in enhancing the existing Force capabilities and to
expand the ambit of our operations to ensure that the island is free
from piracy and other illegal activities.”
The Police Helicopter Squadron operates under the command of
the Commissioner of Police who exercises control through the
Commanding Officer PHS, mandated to provide the following
Search and Rescue, and Casualty Evacuation.
Maritime Surveillance and Reconnaissance Missions.
Operations to combat Gandia Cultivation.
Traffic Patrol and Security Escort of Convoys.
Conveyance of VVIP/VIPs and Officials of Ministries/other
agencies as approved by the Prime Minister’s Office.
Training for pilots and technical personnel and
Other tasks assigned by the Commissioner or his
designated representatives.
The Squadron has been actively involved in its allocated tasks in
favour of ADSU operations over the island including Rodrigues,
surveillance of our Exclusive Economic Zone, Search and Rescue
missions including casualty evacuation on board vessels
navigating in the Indian Ocean.
Police Helicopter Squadron
Policing Plan
PHS will undertake missions in support of Mauritius Police Force to
ensure efficient Search and Rescue/Casualty Evacuation cover for
citizens, tourists and maritime traffic within the region, provision of
quality support to other Police Divisions/Branches/Units in
combating crime and drug menace. The PHS will support and
assist the National Coast Guard in executing its task of the
Exclusive Economic Zone surveillance. We will also provide
support to Ministries/Department and para-statal organizations, to
assist in tasks of national importance and development and
carrying out duties in the national interest as authorized by Police
If you have any comment about this plan or any query, please write to:
The Commanding Officer Police Helicopter Squadron at SSRI Airport,
Plaine Magnien, Plaisance or on Phone No 637 3874 or email us at
Alternatively, you may contact officers of PHS through OPS Room on
Phone No: 637 3889 or 637 3894 for rescue missions/emergency or Fax
No. 637 5020 or email at ccsqd.mpf@mail.gov.mu.
This plan is also available at Police website:
MS ISO 9001:2008
RF No 126
Accreditation number MSYS 015
This plan was formulated and published by the Police Planning & Reform Unit, Office of the
Commissioner of Police in collaboration with the Police Helicopter Squadron.
“With you, making Mauritius safer”