Frigider - Heinner
Frigider - Heinner
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Intretinere si curatare x ,QDLQWHGHLQWUHWLQHUHRSULWLDSDUDWXOVL VFRDWHWLVWHFKHUXOGLQSUL]DSULQFLSDOD x 1X FXUDWDWL DSDUDWXO FX RELHFWH GH PHWDO DVSLUDWRU FX DEXUL XOHLXUL HWHULFHVROYDQWLRUJDQLFLVDXFXUDWDWRUL DEUD]LYL x 1X IRORVLWL RELHFWH DVFXWLWH SHQWUX D LQGHSDUWDJKHDWDGHSHDSDUDW)RORVLWL R UDFOHWDGHSODVWLF Instalare Important! 3HQWUXFRQHFWDUHDODUHWHDXDHOHFWULFDXUPDULWL FXDWHQWLHLQVWUXFWLXQLOHGLQDFHVWPDQXDO x 'HVSDFKHWDWLDSDUDWXOVLYHULILFDWLGDFD DFHVWD SUH]LQWD DYDULL 1X FRQHFWDWL DSDUDWXO GDFD DFHVWD HVWH GHWHULRUDW 5DSRUWDWL LPHGLDW SRVLELOHOH DYDULL LQ ORFXO GH XQGH ODWL FXPSDUDW ,Q DFHVW FD]SDVWUDWLDPEDODMXO x (VWHLQGLFDWVDDVWHSWDWLFHOSXWLQSDWUX RUH LQDLQWH GH D FRQHFWD DSDUDWXO SHQWUX D SHUPLWH XOHLXOXL VD FXUJD LQDSRLLQFRPSUHVRU x x &LUFXODWLD DHUXOXL WUHEXLH VD VH SRDWH UHDOL]D LQ MXUXO DSDUDWXOXL OLSVD DFHVWHLD GXFDQG OD VXSUDLQFDO]LUH 3HQWUX D DYHD R YHQWLODWLH VXILFLHQWD XUPDWL LQVWUXFWLXQLOH UHOHYDQWH GHVSUH LQVWDODUH ,Q ORFXULOH XQGH HVWH SRVLELO VSDWHOH SURGXVXOXL QX DU WUHEXL VD ILH OLSLW GH SHUHWHSHQWUXDHYLWDDWLQJHUHDSDUWLORU FDOGH FRPSUHVRU FRQGHQVDWRU LQ YHGHUHDSUHYHQLULLULVFXOXLLQFHQGLXOXL XUPDWL LQVWUXFWLXQLOH UHOHYDQWH GHVSUH LQVWDODUH x $SDUDWXO QX WUHEXLH VD VH DIOH LQ DSURSULHUHDUDGLDWRDUHORUVDXDSOLWHORU GH JDWLW $VLJXUDWLYD FD VWHFKHUXO SULQFLSDOHVWHDFFHVLELOGXSDLQVWDODUHD DSDUDWXOXL Service x 2ULFHOXFUDUHHOHFWULFDQHFHVDUDSHQWUX UHSDUDUHD LQWUHWLQHUHD DSDUDWXOXL WUHEXLH HIHFWXDWD GH HOHFWULFLHQL FDOLILFDWLVDXSHUVRQDOFRPSHWHQW x 3URGXVXO WUHEXLH UHSDUDW GRDU GH FDWUH FHQWUXO GH VHUYLFH DXWRUL]DW VL WUHEXLH IRORVLWHGRDUSLHVHRULJLQDOH GDFDDSDUDWXODUHVLVWHPGHGH]JKHWDUHDXWRPDWD GDFDDSDUDWXODUHFRPSDUWLPHQWFRQJHODWRU Panou de control Pornirea si reglarea temperaturii x %XWRQXO GH VHOHFWDUH D WHPSHUDWXULL VH DIOD LQ SDUWHD GH VXV D FRPSDUWLPHQWXOXLUHIULJHUDWRU 6HWDUHD³´LQVHDPQD 2SULW 5RWLWL EXWRQXO LQ VHQVXO DFHORU GH FHDVRUQLF SHQWUXDSRUQLDSDUDWXO 6HWDUHD³1´LQVHDPQD PDL VFD]XWD VDX PDL ULGLFDWD LQYDUWLWLEXWRQXOFDWUHVHWDUHD FRUHVSXQ]DWRDUH Important! 7HPSHUDWXULOH DPELHQWDOH ULGLFDWH GH H[ LQ WLPSXO ]LOHORU FDOGXURDVH GHYDUDVLRVHWDUHUHFHSR]LWLDVDXSRW GHWHUPLQD FRPSUHVRUXO VD PHDUJD FRQWLQXX FKLDUQRQVWRS Motivul DWXQFL FDQG WHPSHUDWXUD DPELHQWDODHVWHULGLFDWDFRPSUHVRUXOWUHEXLH VD PHDUJD SHUPDQHQW SHQWUX D PHQWLQH WHPSHUDWXUDVFD]XWDLQDXQWUX &HDPDLLQDOWDWHPSHUDWXUDVHWDUHDFHDPDL FDOGD 6HWDUHD³7´(ultima) inseamna &HD PDL VFD]XWD WHPSHUDWXUD VHWDUHD FHD PDLUHFH ,Q PRG QRUPDO YD VIDWXLP VD VHOHFWDWL VHWDUHDVDXGDUGDFDGRULWLRWHPSHUDWXUD ZZZKHLQQHUUR Prima utilizare si instalare x ,QDLQWH GH D IRORVL DSDUDWXO SHQWUX SULPD GDWD VSDODWL LQWHULRUXO VL WRDWH DFFHVRULOH GLQ LQWHULRU FX DSD FDOGXWD VLQLVWHVDSXQFXS+QHXWUXSHQWUXD LQGHSDUWDPLURVXOVSHFLILFSURGXVHORU QRLDSRLXVFDWLOFRPSOHW Important! 1X IRORVLWL GHWHUJHQWL VDX SUDIXUL DEUD]LYH SHQWUX FD DFHVWHD YRU GHWHULRUDILQLVDMHOH DUWUHEXLVDH[LVWDVXILFLHQWVSDWLXOLEHULQ MXUXOIULJLGHUXOXL(VWHLQGLFDWVDH[LVWHR GLVWDQWDGHPPIDWDGHSHUHWHOHGLQ VSDWHOHIULJLGHUXOXLFHOSXWLQPPLQFHOH GRXDSDUWLDOHVDOHSHVWHPPLQDOWLPHGH ODSDUWHDVDVXSHULRDUDVLXQVSDWLXOLEHULQ IDWDFDUHVDSHUPLWDGHVFKLGHUHDXVLLOD &ODVDFOLPDW 7HPSHUDWXUDDPELHQWDOD 61 &OD& 1 &OD& 67 &OD& 7 &OD& Pozitionare instalare Avertizare! ,QDLQWHGHLQVWDODUHFLWLWL FX DWHQWLH LQVWUXFWLXQLOH GHVSUH VLJXUDQWD GXPQHDYRDVWUD VL RSHUDUHD FRUHFWD D DSDUDWXOXL x 3R]LWLRQDWL DSDUDWXO GHSDUWH GH VXUVHOH GH FDOGXUD SUHFXP VREH UDGLDWRDUH OXPLQD GLUHFWD D VRDUHOXL HWF x 3HUIRUPDQWD PD[LPD VL VLJXUDQWD VXQW JDUDQWDWH SULQ PHQWLQHUHD WHPSHUDWXULL GH LQWHULRU FRUHFWH SHQWUX FODVD GLQ FDUH IDFH SDUWH DSDUDWXO DVD FXP HVWH VSHFLILFDW LQ ILVDGHFDUDFWHULVWLFL x $FHVW DSDUDW IXQFWLRQHD]D ELQH LQ FODVHOH GH FOLPDW GH OD 1 OD 67 )ULJLGHUXO VDU SXWHD VD QX PDL IXQFWLRQH]H FRUHVSXQ]DWRU GDFD HVWH ODVDW R SHULRDGD PDL OXQJD OD R WHPSHUDWXUD VXE VDX SHVWH YDORULOH LQGLFDWH ,PSRUWDQW(VWHQHYRLHGHRYHQWLODWLHEXQD LQMXUXOIULJLGHUXOXLSHQWUXGLVLSDUHDXVRDUD DFDOGXULLHILFLHQWDULGLFDWDDFRQJHODULLVL FRQVXPXOPLFGHFXUHQW3HQWUXDFHVWVFRS ZZZKHLQQHUUR x $SDUDWHOHQXWUHEXLHVDILHH[SXVH SORLL7UHEXLHVDVHSHUPLWDVDFLUFXOH R FDQWLWDWHVXILFLHQWDGHDHULQ VHFWLXQHDLQIHULRDUDGLQVSDWHD DSDUDWXOXLGHRDUHFHIOX[XOPLFGH DHUSRDWHDIHFWDSHUIRUPDQWD Nivelare $FHVWDSDUDWDUWUHEXLVDILHSR]LWLRQDWSHR VXSUDIDWDGHDFHODVLQLYHOSHQWUXDHOLPLQD YLEUDWLLOH3HQWUXDQLYHODDSDUDWXODFHVWDDU WUHEXLVDVWHDYHUWLFDOVLDPDQGRXD GLVSR]LWLYHGHUHJODUHVDILHFRPSOHWLQ FRQWDFWFXSRGHDXD3XWHWLGHDVHPHQHDUHJOD QLYHOXOSULQGHVXUXEDUHDODQLYHOXOSRWULYLWD GLVSR]LWLYXOXLGHUHJODUHGLQIDWDFX GHJHWHOHVDXFXRFKHLHSRWULYLWD Conectare la reteaua electrica Atentionare!2ULFHOXFUDUHHOHFWULFD QHFHVDUDLQVWDODULLDFHVWXLDSDUDWWUHEXLH H[HFXWDWDGHFDWUHRSHUVRDQDFDOLILFDWDVDX FRPSHWHQWD Avertizare!$FHVWDSDUDWWUHEXLH LPSDPDQWDW3URGXFDWRUXOQXLVLDVXPDQLFLR UHVSRQVDELOLWDWHGDFDDFHDVWDPDVXUDGH VLJXUDQWDQXHVWHUHVSHFWDWD Utilizare zilnica Accesorii Rafturi/tavi mobile x ,Q DSDUDWXO GXPQHDYRDVWUD VXQW LQFOXVH PDL PXOWH UDIWXUL GH GHSR]LWDUH GLQ VWLFOD VDX SODVWLF VDX WDYLGLQVDUPD±GLIHULWHOHPRGHOHDX FRPELQDWLLGLIHULWHVLFDOLWDWHGLIHULWD x 3HUHWLLIULJLGHUXOXLVXQWHFKLSDWLFXR VHULH GH VLQH DVWIHO LQFDW UDIWXULOH VD ILHSR]LWLRQDWHDVDFXPVHGRUHVWH Pozitionarea rafturilor de la usa x 3HQWUX D SHUPLWH GHSR]LWDUHD SDFKHWHORU GH DOLPHQWH GH GLIHULWH PDULPL UDIWXULOH GH OD XVD SRW IL SR]LWLRQDWHODLQDOWLPLGLIHULWH x 3HQWUX D IDFH DMXVWDUL SURFHGDWL LQ IHOXO XUPDWRU WUDJHWL JUDGXDO GH UDIW LQ GLUHFWLD VDJHWLL SDQD LHVH DSRL UHSR]LWLRQDWLODVDFXPGRULWL Sertarul de legume x 6HUWDUXO HVWH SRWULYLW SHQWUX GHSR]LWDUHDIUXFWHORUVLDOHJXPHORU Producere cuburi de gheata x $FHVW DSDUDWHVWH HFKLSDWFXXQDVDX PDL PXOWH WDYL SHQWUX FXEXUL GH JKHDWD Congelarea mancarii proaspete x ZZZKHLQQHUUR &RPSDUWLPHQWXO GH FRQJHODUH HVWH SRWULYLW SHQWUX FRQJHODUHD DOLPHQWHORU SURDVSHWH VL VWRFDUHD DOLPHQWHORU FRQJHODWH SH R SHULRDGD OXQJD x &DQWLWDWHD PD[LPD GH DOLPHQWH FDUH SRDWHILFRQJHODWDLQLQWHUYDOGHGH RUH HVWH VSHFLILFDWD LQ ILVD GH FDUDFWHULVWLFL R ILVD FH VH JDVHVWH LQ LQWHULRUXODSDUDWXOXL x 3URFHVXOGHFRQJHODUHGXUHD]DGH RUH LQ WLPSXO DFHVWXL SURFHV QX PDL DGDXJDWLDOWHDOLPHQWHODFRQJHODUH Depozitarea alimentelor congelate /D SULPD XWLOL]DUH VDX GXSD R SHULRDGD GH QHIRORVLUH ,QDLQWH GH D SXQH SURGXVXO LQ FRPSDUWLPHQW ODVDWL IULJLGHUXO VD IXQFWLRQH]H FHO SXWLQ RUH OD VHWDUL PDL PDUL Decongelare x ,QDLQWH GH D IL IRORVLWH DOLPHQWHOH FRQJHODWH SRW IL GH]JKHWDWH LQ FRPSDUWLPHQWXO IULJLGHUXOXL VDX OD WHPSHUDWXUD FDPHUHL LQ IXQFWLH GH WLPSXO GLVSRQLELO SHQWUX DFHDVWD RSHUDWLXQH x %XFDWL PLFL SRW IL JDWLWH FKLDU VL LQJKHWDWH GLUHFW GLQ FRQJHODWRU ,Q DFHVWFD]JDWLWXOYDGXUDPDLPXOW Important! 3HQWUX D YDORULILFD OD PD[LPXP YROXPXO FRPSDUWLPHQWXOXL GH GHSR]LWDUH D PDQFDULL SURDVSHWHVLDFRPSDUWLPHQWXOXLGHVWRFDUHD PDQFDULL FRQJHODWH XWLOL]DWRUXO SRDWH LQGHSDUWDXQXOVDXPDLPXOWHUDIWXULVHUWDUH GLQDSDUDWLQIXQFWLHGHXWLOL]DUHD]LOQLFD 'DFDDSDUDWXOEHQHILFLD]DGHDVWIHOGHDFFHVRULLVL IXQFWLL 'DFD DSDUDWXO EHQHILFLD]D GH FRPSDUWLPHQW GH FRQJHODUH Sfaturi si sugestii folositoare Zgomote in timpul operarii 3HQWUXDREWLQHSHUIRUPDQWHOHFHOHPDLEXQH 8UPDWRDUHOH ]JRPRWH VXQW FDUDFWHULVWLFH DSDUDWHORUIULJRULILFH x 1X GHSR]LWDWL LQ IULJLGHU PDQFDUH FDOGDVDXOLFKLGHFHVHHYDSRUD Clicuri $WXQFL FDQG FRPSUHVRUXO SRUQHVWH VDXVHRSUHVWHVHSRDWHDX]LXQFOLF x $FRSHULWL VDX LQYHOLWL PDQFDUHD LQ VSHFLDO GDFD DFHDVWD DUH R DURPD SXWHUQLFD x 3R]LWLRQDWL PDQFDUHD DVWIHO LQFDW DHUXOVDSRDWDFLUFXODLPSUHMXU Zumzet ,PHGLDW GXSD FH FRPSUHVRUXO SRUQHVWHLOYHWLDX]LFXP]XP]DLH Bolborosire $WXQFL FDQG DJHQWXO IULJRULILF FXUJHSULQWXEXULOHVXEWLULSXWHWLDX]LVXQHWH GHEROERURVLUHVDXEDODFHDOD Sfaturi pentru racire x &DUQH WRDWH WLSXULOH LQYHOLWLR LQ SXQJL GLQ SROLHWLOHQD VL DVH]DWLR SH UDIWXO GH VWLFOD GHDVXSUD VHUWDUXOXL SHQWUX OHJXPH 3HQWUX VLJXUDQWD GHSR]LWDWLR LQ IHOXO DFHVWD GRDU SHQWUXXQDVDXFHOPXOWGRXD]LOH x 0DQFDUHD JDWLWD PDQFDUHD UHFH HWF DFHDVWD WUHEXLH DFRSHULWD VL SRDWHILDVH]DWDSHRULFDUHUDIW)UXFWH VL OHJXPH DFHVWHD WUHEXLH FXUDWDWH ELQHVLDVH]DWHLQVHUWDUXOHOHVSHFLDO GHVWLQDWHORU x 8QW VL EUDQ]D DFHVWHD WUHEXLH LQYHOLWH LQ IROLH GH DOXPLQLX VDX SXQJL GLQ SROLHWLOHQDSHQWUXDOH IHUL GHDHUSHFDWSRVLELO x 6WLFOH GH ODSWH DFHVWHD WUHEXLH VD DLED FDSDF VL WUHEXLH DVH]DWH LQ VHUWDUXOGHVWLQDWVWLFOHORUGLQXVD Balaceala &KLDU VL GXSD FH FRPSUHVRUXO D IRVW RSULW DFHVW VXQHW PDL SRDWH IL DX]LW XQ WLPSVFXUW Sfaturi pentru economisirea energiei x 1X LQVWDODWL DSDUDWXO LQ DSURSLHUHD DUDJD]XULORU UDGLDWRDUHORU VDX D DOWRU VXUVHGHFDOGXUD x 1X GHVFKLGHWL XVD SUHD GHV VL QX ODVDWL XVD GHVFKLVD PDL PXOW GHFDW HVWHQHFHVDU x 1X VHWDUL R WHPSHUDWXUD PDL VFD]XWD GHFDWHVWHQHFHVDU x $YHWLJULMDFDSDUWLOHODWHUDOHVLSDUWHD GLQVSDWHDOHDSDUDWXOXLVDVHDIOHODR DQXPLWD GLVWDQWD IDWD GH SHUHWH XUPDWL LQVWUXFWLXQLOH UHOHYDQWH GH LQVWDODUH x 'DFD VFKLWD YD DUDWD FRPELQDWLD SRWULYLWD SHQWUX VHUWDUH VL UDIWXUL QX DMXVWDWLFRPELQDWLDDUUH]XOWDLQWUXQ FRQVXPPDLPDUHGHHQHUJLH ZZZKHLQQHUUR Sfaturi pentru congelare 3HQWUXDYDDMXWDVDYDORULILFDWLODPD[LPXP SURFHVXO GH LQJKHWDUH YD RIHULP FDWHYD VIDWXULLPSRUWDQWH Sfaturi pentru racirea mancarii proaspete x &DQWLWDWHD PD[LPD GH DOLPHQWH FH SRDWHILLQJKHWDWDLQLQWHUYDOGHGH RUH HVWH WUHFXWD SH HWLFKHWD GH FDUDFWHULVWLFL x ,QJKHWDWD GDFD HVWH FRQVXPDWD LPHGLDW GLQ FRQJHODWRU SRDWH FDX]D SLHOLL³DUVXUL´GHFRQJHODUH x (VWHUHFRPDQGDWVDWUHFHWLSHILHFDUH SDFKHW GDWD GH FRQJHODUH SHQWUX D FXQRDVWHSHULRDGDFRQJHODULL x 3URFHVXOGHFRQJHODUHGXUHD]DGH RUH 1X DU WUHEXL DGDXJDWH DOWH DOLPHQWHSHSDUFXUVXODFHVWXLSURFHV x &RQJHODWL GRDU DOLPHQWH GH FDOLWDWH SURDVSHWHVLFXUDWDWHELQH x 3UHJDWLWL DOLPHQWHOH LQ SRUWLL PLFL SHQWUX FD DFHVWHD VD LQJKHWH PDL UHSHGHVLSHQWUXDSXWHDIDFHSRVLELOD GH]JKHWDUHDH[DFWDFDQWLWDWLLGRULWH x ,QYHOLWL DOLPHQWHOH LQ IROLL GH DOXPLQLX VDX GLQ SROLHWLOHQD VL DVLJXUDWLYD FD LQ SDFKHWH QX SDWUXQGHDHUXO x x 1X SHUPLWHWL PDQFDULL SURDVSHWH VDX QHFRQJHODWHVDVHDWLQJDGHPDQFDUHD FDUH HVWH GHMD FRQJHODWD SHQWUX D HYLWD FUHVWHUHD WHPSHUDWXULL PDQFDULL FRQJHODWH $OLPHQWHOH VODEH VH SDVWUHD]D PDL PXOW VL PDL ELQH GHFDW FHOH JUDVH VDUHD UHGXFH GXUDWD GH YLDWD D DOLPHQWHORU Sfaturi pentru depozitarea alimentelor congelate x $VLJXUDWLYD FD DOLPHQWHOH LQJKHWDWH FRPHUFLDO DX IRVW GHSR]LWDWH GH FDWUH UHWDLOHU x $VLJXUDWLYD FD DOLPHQWHOH FRQJHODWH VXQW WUDQVSRUWDWH GH OD PDJD]LQ OD IULJLGHULQFHOPDLVFXUWWLPSSRVLELO x 1X GHVFKLGHWL GHV XVD VL QX R ODVDWL GHVFKLVDPDLPXOWGHFDWHVWHQHFHVDU x 2GDWD GH]JKHWDWH DOLPHQWHOH VH GHWHULRUHD]D UDSLG VL QX SRW IL UHFRQJHODWH x 1X GHSDVLWL SHULRDGD GH GHSR]LWDUH LQGLFDWDGHSURGXFDWRUXODOLPHQWHORU Nota 'DFD DSDUDWXO FRQWLQH DFFHVRULLOH VL IXQFWLLOH UHVSHFWLYH Curatare si intretinere Curatare si intretinere 'LQPRWLYHGHLJLHQDLQWHULRUXOIULJLGHUXOXL LQFOXVLYDFFHVRULLOHWUHEXLHFXUDWDWHSHULRGLF )ULJLGHUXO WUHEXLH FXUDWDW VL LQWUHWLQXW FHO SXWLQRGDWDODGRXDOXQL x $SDUDWXOQXWUHEXLHVDILHFRQHFWDWOD UHWHDXD HOHFWULFD LQ WLPSXO FXUDWDULL ,QDLQWHGH FXUDWDUHRSULWL DSDUDWXOVL VFRDWHWLO GLQ SUL]D VDX RSULWL LQWUHUXSDWRUXOVDXVLJXUDQWD Atentie!3HULFROGHHOHFWURFXWDUH ZZZKHLQQHUUR Important! ZZZKHLQQHUUR x 6FRDWHWL DOLPHQWHOH GLQ IULJLGHU LQDLQWHD FXUDWDULL $VH]DWLOH LQWUXQ ORFUDFRURVDFRSHULWHELQH x 1X FXUDWDWL QLFLRGDWD DSDUDWXO FX XQ FXUDWDWRU FX DEXUL 6H SRDWH DGXQD XPLGLWDWHLQFRPSRQHQWHOHHOHFWULFH x 9DSRULL FDO]L SRW GXFH OD DYDULHUHD SDUWLORUHOHFWULFH x 8OHLXULOHHWHULFHVL VROYDQWLL RUJDQLFL SRW DWDFD SDUWLOH GLQ SODVWLF GH H[ VXFXO GH ODPDLH VDX VXFXO GLQ FRDMD GH SRUWRFDOD DFLGXO EXWLULF VXEVWDQWHOH GH FXUDWDUH FDUH FRQWLQ DFLG DFHWLF 1X SHUPLWHWL XQRU DVWIHO GH VXEVWDQWH VD LQWUH LQ FRQWDFW FX FRPSRQHQWHOHDSDUDWXOXL x 1X IRORVLWL VXEVWDQWH GH FXUDWDW DEUD]LYH x &XUDWDWL DSDUDWXO VL LQWHULRUXO DFHVWXLD FX R FDUSD VL DSD FDOGXWD 3RWILIRORVLWLVLGHWHUJHQWLFRPHUFLDOL GHVSDODWYDVH x 'XSDFXUDWDUHVWHUJHWLOFXDSDFXUDWD VLRFDUSDFXUDWD x $FXPXODUHD SUDIXOXL LQ FRQGHQVDWRU FUHVWH FRQVXPXO GH FXUHQW FXUDWDWL FRQGHQVDWRUXO GLQ VSDWHOH DSDUDWXOXL R GDWDSHDQFXRSHULHPRDOHVDXFX XQDVSLUDWRU x 9HULILFDWLRULILFLXOGHVFXUJHUHDDSHL GH SH SHUHWHOH GLQ VSDWHOH FRPSDUWLPHQWXOXLUHIULJHUDWRU x 'DFDRULILFLXOHVWHEORFDWGHEORFDWLO FX DMXWRUXO D FHYD GH JHQXO XQXL EHWLJDV DYHWL JULMD VD QX DYDULDWL DSDUDWXOFXRELHFWHDVFXWLWH x 'XSD FH WRWXO HVWH XVFDW SXQHWL GLQ QRXLQIXQFWLXQHIULJLGHUXO Dezghetare 0RWLYXOGH]JKHWDULL x $SD FRQWLQXWD LQ DOLPHQWH VDX DHUXO FDUHLQWUDLQIULJLGHUSULQGHVFKLGHUHD XVLL SRW FUHD XQ VWUDW GH JKHDWD LQ LQWHULRU $FHVWD GDFD HVWH JURV YD VODEL UDFLUHD $WXQFL FDQG GHSDVHVWH PPDUWUHEXLVDOGH]JKHWDWL Dezghetarea in compartimentul depozitare alimente proaspete x de (VWHFRQWURODWDDXWRPDWSULQSRUQLUHD VDX RSULUHD UHJXODWRUXOXL GH WHPSHUDWXUD DVWIHO LQFDW QX HVWH QHFHVDUD RSHUDWLXQHD GH GH]JKHWDUH $SD IRUPDWD GLQ GH]JKHWDUH VH YD VFUXJH DXWRPDW SULQWUR SULQWUR WHDYD GH VFXUJHUH LQWUR WDYD GH VFXUJHUHLQVSDWHOHIULJLGHUXOXL Dezghetarea in compartimentul depozitare alimente congelate de x 'H]JKHWDUHD LQ FRPSRDUWLPHQWXO FRQJHODWRUVHIDFHPDQXDO,QDLQWHGH GH]JKHWDUHVFRDWHWLPDQFDUHDDIDUD x 6FRDWHWL WDYD GH JKHDWD VL VHUWDUHOH VDX DVH]DWLOH WHPSRUDU LQ FRPSDUWLPHQWXO SHQWUX IUXFWH SURDVSHWH x 6HWDWL EXWRQXO GH UHJODUH D WHPSHUDWXULLLQSR]LWLD³´SR]LWLHLQ FDUHFRPSUHVRUXOVHYDRSULVLODVDWL GHVFKLVD XVD FRQJHODWRUXOXL SDQD FH JKHDWD VH WRSHVWH FRPSOHW VL VH DFXPXOHD]D LQ SDUWHD GH MRV D FRQJHODWRUXOXL 6WHUJHWL DSD FX R FDUSDPRDOH x ,Q FD]XO LQ FDUH GRULWL VD JUDELWL SURFHVXOGHGH]JKHWDUHSXWHWLSXQHLQ FRPSDUWLPHQWXOFRQJHODWRUXQEROFX DSD FDOGD DSUR[LPDWLY & VL UD]XLWL JKHDWD FX R VSDWXOD GH GH]JKHWDUH 'XSD FH WHUPLQDWL RSHUDWLXQHD DYHWL JULMD VD VHWDWL EXWRQXO GH UHJODUH D WHPSHUDWXULL LQ SR]LWLDLQLWLDOD x x 1X HVWH UHFRPDQGDW VD LQFDO]LWL FRPSDUWLPHQWXO FRQJHODWRU GLUHFW FX DSD FDOGD VDX FX XVFDWRUXO GH SDU GHRDUHFH FDUFDVD LQWHULRDUD VH SRDWH GHIRUPD 'H DVHPHQHD QX HVWH UHFRPDQGDW VD UD]XLWL JKHDWD VDX VD VHSDUDWL DOLPHQWHOH GLQ FRQJHODWRU FH DX IRVW FRQJHODWH LPSUHXQD FX XQHOWH DVFXWLWH VDX EDUH GH OHPQ SHQWUX D QX GHWHULRUD FDUFDVD LQWHULRDUD VDX VXSUDIDWDYDSRUL]DWRUXOXL Scoaterea din folosinta pentru o perioada lunga x 6FRDWHWLWRDWHSDFKHWHOHGHODUHFH x 2SULWL DSDUDWXO VHWDQG EXWRQXO GH UHJODUHDWHPSHUDWXULLLQSR]LWLD³´ x 6FRDWHWLVWHFKHUXOSULQFLSDOVDXRSULWL VDX GHFRQHFWDWL DOLPHQWDUHD FX HQHUJLHHOHFWULFD x &XUDWDWLO ELQH YH]L VHFWLXQHD &XUDWDUHVL,QWUHWLQHUH x /DVDWL XVD GHVFKLVD SHQWUX D HYLWD IRUPDUHDPLURVXULORUQHSODFXWH Nota'DFDDSDUDWXODUHFRPSDUWLPHQWFRQJHODWRU Avertizare! 3HQWUX RSULUHD IULJLGHUXOXL LQDLQWH GH GH]JKHWDUH UHJXODWRUXO GH WHPSHUDWXUDYDILVHWDWODSR]LWLD³´ Important! )ULJLGHUXO WUHEXLH GH]JKHWDW FHO SXWLQRGDWDSHOXQD,QWLPSXOSURFHVXOXLGH XWLOL]DUH GDFD XVD D IRVW GHVFKLVD IUHFYHQW VDXGDFDDSDUDWXODIRVWIRORVLWLQFRQGLWLLGH XPLGLWDWH H[WUHPD VIDWXLP XWLOL]DWRULL VDO GH]JKHWHRGDWDODGRXDVDSWDPDQL Important! ([LVWD FDWHYD VXQHWH LQ WLPSXO XWLOL]DULL QRUPDOH FRPSUHVRU FLUFXODWLD DJHQWXOXLIULJRULILF Important! Cum procedez daca... 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Safety and warning information In the interest of your safety and to ensure correct usage, before installing and first using the appliance, read this user manual carefully, including its hints and warnings. To avoid unnecessary mistakes and accidents, it is important to ensure that all people using the appliance are thoroughly familiar with its operation and safety features. Save these instructions and make sure that they remain with the appliance if it is moved or sold, so that everyone using it throughout its life will be properly informed on its correct appliance usage and safety. For the safety of life and property, keep the precautions of these user's instructions as the manufacturer is not responsible for damages caused by omission. Safety for children and vulnerable people This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning the use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. Keep all packaging away from children as there is risk of suffocation. If you are discarding the appliance,pull the plug out of the socket,cut the connection cable (as close to the appliance as you can) and remove the door to prevent playing children from suffering an electric shock or from closing themselves inside it. If this appliance, featuring magnetic door seals is to replace an older appliance having a spring lock (latch) on the door or lid,be sure to make the spring lock unusable before you discard the old appliance. This will prevent it from becoming a death trap for a child. General safety Caution! Keep ventilation openings clear of obstructions. The appliance is intended for keeping food and/or beverages in a normal household as explained in this Instruction manual. Do not use a mechanical device or any artificial means to speed up the thawing process. Do not use other electrical appliances (such as ice cream makers) inside refrigerating appliances,unless they are approved for this purpose by the manufacturer . Do not damage the refrigerant circuit. The refrigerant isobutane (R600a) is contained within the refrigerant circuit of the appliance,a natural gas with a high level of environmental compatibility,which is nevertheless flammable. 2/13 Caution: Risk of fire! During transportation and installation of the appliance, be certain that none of the components of the refrigerant circuit become damaged. -avoid open flames and sources of ignition. -thoroughly ventilate the room in which the appliance is situated. It is dangerous to alter the specifications or modify this product in any way. Any damage to the cord may cause a shortcircuit, fire, and/or electric shock. Warning! Any electrical component (power cord, plug, compressor) must be replaced by certified service agent or qualified service personnel. 1. The power cord must not be lengthened. 2. Make sure that the power plug is not crushed or damaged. A crushed or damaged power plug may overheat and cause a fire. 3. Make sure that you can access the main plug of the appliance. 4. Do not pull the main cable. 5. If the power plug socket is loose,do not insert the power plug. There is a risk of electric shock or fire. 6. You must not operate the appliance without the interior lighting lamp cover. This appliance is heavy. Care should be taken when moving it. Do not remove nor touch items from the freezer compartment if your hands are damp/wet,as this could cause skin abrasions or frost/freezer burns. Avoid prolonged exposure of the appliance to direct sunlight. Daily use Do not store flammable gases or liquids in the appliance. There is a risk of an explosion. Do not operate any electrical appliances within the appliance (e.g. electric ice cream makers, mixers, etc.). When unplugging,always pull the plug from the main outlet. Do not pull on the cord. Do not place hot items near the plastic components of this appliance. Do not place food products directly against the air outlet on the rear wall. 1) Frozen food must not be refrozen once it has been thawed out. 2) Store pre-packaged frozen food in accordance with the frozen food manufacture's instructions. 2) The appliance's manufacturing storage recommendations should be strictly adhered to.Refer to the relevant instructions. Do not place carbonated or fizzy drinks in the freezer compartment as it creates pressure on the container, which may cause it to explode, resulting in damage to the appliance. 2) Ice lollies(popsicles) can cause frost burns if consumed straight from the appliance. 2) Do not store explosive substances such as aerosol cans with a flammable propellant in this appliance. This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as -staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments; -farm houses and by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments; -bed and breakfast type environments; -catering and similar non-retail applications Keep burning candles,lamps and other items with naked flames away from the appliance so that do not set the appliance on fire. Warning! Care and cleaning Before maintenance, switch off the appliance and disconnect the main plug from the main outlet. Do not clean the appliance with metal objects, steam cleaners, ethereal oils, organic solvents or abrasive cleansers. Do not use sharp objects to remove frost from the appliance. Important! Installation For electrical connection, carefully, follow the instructions given in this manual. Unpack the appliance and check if there is damages to it. Do not connect the appliance if it is damaged. Report possible damages immediately to the location where you purchased it. In this case, retain all packing materials. It is advisable to wait at least four hours before connecting the appliance to allow the refrigerant to flow back into the compressor. 3/13 Adequate air circulation should be around the appliance, as a lack of this leads to overheating. To achieve sufficient ventilation, follow the instructions relevant to the installation. Wherever possible, the back of the product should be against a wall to avoid touching or catching warm parts (compressor, condenser), and to prevent the risk of fire, follow the instructions relevant to installation. The appliance must not be located close to radiators or cooking appliances. Make sure that the main plug is accessible after installation of the appliance. Service Any electrical work required to do the servicing of the appliance should be carried out by qualified electrician or authorized person. This product must be serviced by an authorized Service Center, and only genuine spare parts must be used. 1) If the appliance is Frost Free. 2) If the appliance contains a freezer compartment. Control panel Starting up and temperature regulation The temperature selector knob is located on the top of the refrigerator compartment. Setting “0” means Off. Rotate the knob clockwise to turn on the appliance. Setting “1” means Highest temperature, warmest setting. Setting “7” (end-stop) means Lowest temperature, coldest setting. Important! Normally, we advise you select a setting of 2, or 3 or 4, if you want the temperature higher or lower, please turn the knob to a warmer or colder setting accordingly. When you turn the knob to a lower setting, this can lead to more energy efficiency. Otherwise, a higher setting will lead in more energy consumption. Important! High ambient temperatures (e.g. on hot summer days) and a cold setting (position 6 to 7) may cause the compressor to run continuously or even nonstop! Reason: when the ambient temperature is high, the compressor must run continuously to maintain a low temperature in the appliance. First use and installation Cleaning before use Before using the appliance for the first time, wash the interior and all internal accessories with lukewarm water and some neutral soap so as to remove the typical smell of a brand-new product, then dry thoroughly. Important! Do not use detergents or abrasive powders, as these will damage the finish. Installation Positioning Warning! Before installing, read the instructions carefully for your safety and the correct operation of the appliance. Position the appliance away from sources of heat such as stoves, radiators, direct sunlight, etc. Maximum performance and safety are guaranteed by maintaining the correct indoor temperature for the class of unit concerned, as specified on the rating plate. 4/13 This appliance performs well from N to ST. The appliance may not work properly if it is left for a longer period at a temperature above or below the indicated range. Important! It is necessary to have good ventilation around the refrigerator to allow for the dissipation of heat, high efficiency, and low power consumption. For this reason, sufficiently cleared space should be available around the refrigerator. It is advisable for there to be 75mm separating the back of the appliance to the wall, at least 100mm of space on its two sides, a height of over 100mm from its top and a clear space in front to allow the doors to open 160°. Ambient temperature Climate class SN +10°C to +32°C N +16°C to +32°C ST +16°C to +38°C T +16°C to +43°C Appliances must not be exposed to rain. Sufficient air must be allowed to circulate in the lower rear section of the appliance, as poor air circulation can affect performance. Built-in appliances should be positioned away from heat sources such as heaters and direct sunlight. Leveling The appliance should be level in order to eliminate vibration. To make the appliance level, it should be upright and both adjusters should be in stable contact with the floor. You can also adjust the level by unscrewing the appropriate level adjustment in the front (use your fingers or a suitable spanner). Electrical connection Caution! Any electrical work required to install this appliance should be carried out by a qualified or authorized person. Warning! This appliance must be grounded. The manufacturer declines any liability should these safety measures not be observed. Daily use Accessories 1) Movable shelves/trays Various glass,plastic storage shelves or wire trays are included with your appliance – different models have different combinations and different models have different features. The walls of the refrigerator are equipped with a series of runners so that the shelves can be positioned as desired. Positioning the door shelves To permit storage of food packages of various sizes, the door shelves can be placed at different heights. To adjust, gradually pull the shelf in the direction of the arrows until it comes free, then reposition as required. Vegetable Drawer Ice-cube production This appliance is equipped with one or more trays for the production of ice cubes. Freezing fresh food 2) The freezer compartment is suitable for freezing fresh food and storing frozen and deep-frozen food for a long time. The maximum amount of food that can be frozen in 24 hours is specified on the rating plate, a label located on the inside of the appliance. The freezing process lasts 24 hours: during this period do not add any other foods to be frozen. Storing frozen food 2) During first usage or after a period of no use: Before putting the product in the compartment, let the appliance run at least 2 hours on the colder settings. The drawer is suitable for storing fruit and vegetables. 5/13 Thawing 2) Deep-frozen or frozen food, prior to be used, can be thawed in the freezer compartment or at room temperature, depending on the time available for this operation. Important! In order to make the most of the volume of the fresh food storage compartment and frozen-food storage compartment, the user can remove one or more shelves or drawer out of the appliance, according to your daily use. Small pieces may even be cooked still frozen, directly from the freezer. In this case, cooking will take longer. 1) If the appliance contains related accessories and functions. 2) If the appliance contains a freezer compartment. Helpful hints and tips Noises during operation The following noises are characteristic of the refrigeraty appliances: Clicks- Whenever the compressor switches on or off, a click can be heard. Humming- As soon as the compressor is in operation, you can hear it humming. Bubbling- When refrigerant flows into thin tubes, you can hear bubbling or splashing noises. Splashing- Even after the compressor has been switched off, this noise can be heard for a short time. Energy saving tips Do not install the appliance near cookers, radiators or other sources of warmth. Do not open the door too often or leave the door open any longer than necessary. Do not set the temperature colder than necessary. Make sure the side plates and back plate of the appliance are at some distance from the wall and follow the instructions relevant to installation. If the diagram shows the correct combination for the drawers, crisper and shelves, do not adjust the combination as it would result in more energy consumption. Hints for fresh food refrigeration To obtain the best performance: Do not store warm foods or evaporating liquids in the appliance. Do cover or wrap the food, particularly if it has a strong flavor. Position food so that air can circulate freely around it. Hints for refrigeration Meat (all types): wrap in polyethylene (plastic) bags and place on the glass shelf above the vegetable drawer. For safety, store in this way only one or two days at the most. Cooked foods, cold dishes, etc…: these should be covered and may be placed on any shelf. Add bullet and move to the next line down. Fruit and vegetables: these should be thoroughly cleaned and placed in the special drawer(s) provided. Butter and cheese: these should be placed in aluminum foil or polyethylene (plastic) bags removing air as much as possible. Milk bottles: these should have a cap and should be stored in the bottle rack on the door. Hints for freezing To help you make the most of the freezing process there are some important hints: The maximum quantity of food which can be frozen in 24 hours is shown on the rating plate. The freezing process takes 24 further food to be frozen should be added during the period. Only freeze top quality, fresh and thoroughly cleaned foodstuffs. Prepare food in small portions to enable it to be rapidly and completely frozen and to make it possible subsequently to thaw only the quantity required 6/13 Wrap up the food in aluminum foil or polyethylene (plastic) and make sure that packages are airtight; Do not allow fresh, unfrozen food to touch food that is already frozen, thus avoiding a rise in temperature of the latter. Lean foods store better and longer than fatty ones; salt reduces the storage life of food. Iced products if consumed immediately after removal from the freezer compartment, can possibly cause skin to be freezer burnt. It is recommended to label and date each frozen package in order to keep track of the storage time. Hints for the storage of frozen food To obtain the best performance from this appliance, you should: Make sure that the commercially frozen was stored by the retailer Be sure that frozen food is transferred from the grocery store to the freezer in the shortest possible time. Do not open the door frequently or leave it open longer than absolutely necessary. Once defrosted, foods deteriorate rapidly and can not be re-frozen. Do not exceed the storage period indicated by the food manufacturer. Note: If the appliance contains related accessories and functions. Cleaning and care Cleaning and care For hygienic reasons, the appliance interior, including interior accessories, should be cleaned regularly. The refrigerator should be cleaned and maintained at least every two months. Warning! Danger of electrical shock! The appliance should not be connected to the main power supply during cleaning. Before cleaning, switch the appliance off and remove the plug from the main power supply, switch off, or shut off the circuit breaker or fuse. Important! Remove the food from the appliance before cleaning. Store them in a cool place and keep well covered. Never clean the appliance with a steam cleaner. Moisture could accumulate in electrical components. Hot vapor can lead to the damage of plastic parts. Ethereal oils and organic solvents can attack plastic parts, e.g. lemon juice or the juice from an orange peel, butyric acid,or cleansers that contain acetic acid. Do not allow such substances to come into contact with appliance parts. Do not use any abrasive cleansers. Clean the appliance and the interior accessories with a cloth and lukewarm water. Commercially available dish washing detergents may also be used. After cleaning, wipe with fresh water and a clean dish cloth. Accumulation of dust at the condenser increases energy consumption; clean the condenser at the back of the appliance once a year with a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner. Check the water drain hole on the rear wall of the refrigerator compartment. Clear a blocked drain hole with the aid of something like soft green peg,and be careful not to create any damage to the cabinet by sharp objects. After everything is dry, the appliance can be put back into service. Defrosting Why Change to "defrost your refrigerator?" Water contained in food or air becoming trapped inside the due to opening doors may form a frost layer inside. This will weaken refrigeration when the frost is thick. Once it becomes more than 10mm thick, you should defrost the appliance. Defrosting in the fresh food storage compartment This is automatically controlled by switching the temperature regulator On or Off so that there is no need to use the defrosting option. Water from defrosting will automatically be drained into a drip tray through a drain pipe at the back of the 7/13 appliance. Defrosting in frozen food storage compartment Defrosting in the freezer chamber is operated manually. Before defrosting, take the food out. Take the ice tray and drawers out or put them into the fresh food compartment temporarily. Set the knob of the temperature regulator to the “0”( where the compressor will stop working) and leave the door of the refrigerator open until ice and frost dissolve thoroughly and accumulate at the bottom of the freezer chamber. Wipe out the water with a soft cloth. In order to speed up the process of defrosting, you may put a bowl of warm water (about 50°C) into the freezer chamber, and scrape away the ice and frost with a defrosting spatula. After doing so, be sure to set the knob of the temperature regulator to the original position. It is not advisable to heat the freezer chamber directly with hot water or a hair dryer while defrosting in order to avoid deformation of the inner case. It is also not advisable to scrape off ice and frost or separate foods from the containers which have been congealed.Together with the food with sharp tools or wooden bars, so as not to damage the inner casing or the surface of the evaporator. Warning! To switch off the appliance before defrosting, turn the temperature regulator to the “0”position. Important! The refrigerator should be defrosted at least once a month. During its usage, if the door has been opened frequently or the appliance has been used in extreme humidity, we advise the user to defrost every two weeks. No usage for extended periods of time Remove all refrigerated packages. Switch off the appliance by turning the temperature regulator to the “0” position. Remove the main plug,switch off, or disconnect the electrical supply. Clean thoroughly (see section: Cleaning and Care) Leave the door open to avoid the build up of odors. Note:Only if the appliance contains a freezer compartment. What to do if… Warning! Before trouble shooting, disconnect the power supply. Only a qualified electrician or other authorized person must carry out the trouble shooting that is not in the manual. Important! There are some sounds during n o r m a l u s e ( c o m p r e s s o r, r e f r i g e r a n t circulation) Problem Appliance does not work. Important! Repairs to refrigerators/freezers may only be performed by competent service engineers. Improper repairs can give rise to significant hazards for the user. If your appliance needs repairing, please contact your specialist dealer or your local Customer Service Center. Possible cause Appliance is not switched on. Switch on the appliance. Main plug is not plugged in or is loose. Plug the appliance into the electrical socket. Fuse has blown or is defective. Check fuse, replace if necessary. Defective parts need to be repaired by an electrician. Turn the temperature regulator to a warmer setting temporarily. Outlet is defective. Appliance cools too much. Temperature is set too cold. Solution 8/13 Temperature is not properly adjusted. Please refer to the “Initial Start Up” section. Door was open for an extended period. Open the door only as long as necessary. A large quantity of warm food was placed in the appliance within the last 24 hours. Turn the temperature regulation to a colder setting temporarily. The appliance is near a heat source. Please refer to the “Installation location” section. Interior lighting does not work. Light bulb is defective. Please look in the “changing the Light Bulb “section. Heavy build-up of frost, possibly also on the door seal. Door seal is not air-tight (possibly after reversing the door). Carefully warm the leaking sections of the door seal with a hair dryer (on a cool setting). At the same time, shape the warmed door seal by hand so that it sits correctly. Appliance is not level. Readjust the feet. The appliance is touching the wall or other objects. Move the appliance slightly. A component, e.g. a pipe, on the rear of the appliance is touching another part of the appliance or the wall. If necessary, carefully bend the component out of the way. This is normal, no error has occurred. The compressor starts after a period of time. Water drain hole is blocked. refer to the “Cleaning and care” section. The food is too warm. Unusual noises. The compressor does not start immediately after changing the temperature setting. Water on the floor or storage shelves. Changing the light bulb Warning! If the light bulb is damaged, THE USER MUST NOT CHANGE IT! Changing the light bulb by inexperienced persons may cause injury or a serious malfunction. It must be replaced by a qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard. Contact your local Service Force Center for help. Before changing the light bulb, switch off the appliance and unplug it, or pull the fuse or disconnect the circuit breaker. Light bulb data: 220-240 V,max.15W. To switch off the appliance, set the temperature regulator to position “0”. Unplug the mains plug To change the light bulb, undo the screw. Press the light bulb cover and slide it backwards. Change the defective light bulb. Refit the light bulb cover and the screw. Put the refrigerator back into operation. Bulb Bulb cover Screw Control Box 9/13 Description of the appliance View of the appliance 1. Ice tray 1 2. Shelf in freezer. 3. Temperature regulator 4. Storage shelves 5. Crisper cover 2 3 6. Crisper 7. Door shelf 4 7 8. Adjustable feet 5 6 8 Note: Due to unceasing modification of our products your refrigerator may be slightly different from this Instruction Manual, but its functions and using methods remain the same. Reversing the door The side in which the door opens can be changed from the right side (as supplied) to the left side, if the installation site allows for it. 1. Stand the refrigerator, use a flat bladed screw driver to remove the 4 screw covers at the rear of the refrigerator lid. Tools you will need: 1. 8mm socket driver 2. Cross-shaped screwdriver 3. Putty knife or thin-blade screwdriver 2. Unscrew and lift the lid from the rear and remove it, then lift the upper door and place it on a padded surface to prevent it scratched. Before you begin, place the refrigerator on it’s back in order to gain access to the base, you should rest it on soft foam packaging or similar material to avoid damaging the cooling pipes at the rear of the refrigerator. 10/13 3. Remove the upper hinge core, transfer it to left side and tighten securely, then put it in a safe place. 7. Unscrew and remove the bottom hinge pin, turn the bracket over and replace it. Refit the bracket fitting the bottom hinge pin. Replace both adjustable feet. Transfer the lower door to the property position. Secure the door's level, make the bottom hinge pin into the lower hole of the door, then tight the bolts. 4. Remove the two flange screw, then remove the middle hinge that hold the lower door in place. Lift the lower door and place it on a padded surface to prevent scratching it. 5. Remove the hinge hole cover from the right holes as illustrated and transfer them to the uncover hole at the left side. 6. Remove both adjustable feet and remove the bottom hinge bracket by unscrewing the bolts. 8. Make the middle hinge reverse the direction 180 degree, then transfer it to the left property position. Make the middle hinge pin in the upper hole of the lower door, then tight the bolts. Transfer the upper door to the property position. Secure the door's level; make the middle hinge pin into the lower hole of the upper door. 9.Replace the lid by fitting the upper hinge core into the upper door’s hole, securing it with the 4 screws.Replace the screw covers. 11/13 When you reverse the door, Please do this first: 1. Move the accessory 1 from the upper cover of upper door ,tnen transfer the accessory 1 to the other side of the upper cover. 2. Unscrew and remove both the screw 3 and the stopper 2 4 from the upper door and lower door ,then insert the screw and the stopper to the other side hole of the door,then tighten the screw. 1 2 3 3 4 12/13 Disposal of the appliance It is prohibited to dispose of this appliance in domestic household waste. Packaging materials Packaging materials with the recycle symbol are recyclable. Dispose of the packaging in a suitable waste collection container to recycle it. Before disposal of appliance. 1. Disconnect the main plug from the main socket. 2. Cut off the main cable and discard it. Correct disposal of this product This symbol on the product, or in its packaging, indicates that this product may not be treated as household waste. Instead it should be taken to the appropriate waste collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by the inappropriate waste handling of this product. For more detailed information about the recycling of this product, please contact your local council, your household waste disposal service, or the shop where you purchased the product. HEINNER is a registered trademark of Network One Distribution SRL. Other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. No part of the specifications may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative such as translation, transformation, or adaptation without permission from NETWORK ONE DISTRIBUTION. Copyright © 2013 Network One Distibution. All rights reserved.,, This product is in conformity with norms and standards of European Community Importer: Network One Distribution Europolis Logistic Park, Italia Street, 1-7, Chaijna, Ilfov, Romania Tel: +40 21 211 18 56, , 13/13