09 KC AKC - Atlanta Koi Club
09 KC AKC - Atlanta Koi Club
1 Koi April 2012 Volume 24 Issue 1 Clay Melancon President Inside this issue: Club Reminders 2 Sponsor’s Page 3 News From Bill 4 Positions Available 5 Financial Statements 6 Membership 7 Koi Auction When: April 21, 2012 starting at 10am Where: Coastal Pond Supply 2110 Tucker Industrial Road Tucker, GA 30084 Seller Registration: March 7—April 15, 2012 Please visit the Atlanta Koi club website to view other details and to download rules and registration forms Atlanta Koi Chronicles is a monthly publication of the Atlanta Koi Club. Material is selected for its interest to Koi and Pond enthusiasts. AKC Koi Chronicles accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the contents. Reproduction is permitted provided that this newsletter and/or the original source are credited. Articles may be submitted to the editor. Atlanta Koi Club Officers 2012 2 President Clay Melancon pres@atlantakoiclub.org Vice President Carl Knill vp@atlantakoiclub.org Secretary JoANN Elmore scribe@atlantakoiclub.org Treasurer Gary Lee money@atlantakoiclub.org Property Manager Gary Elmore stuff@atlantakoiclub.org ——————————— Appointed officers Membership Peggy Fricke join@atlantakoiclub.org Koi Show Vicki Knill koishow@atlantakoiclub.org Koi Auction Steve Castel auction@atlantakoiclub.org P.R. Director pr@atlantakoiclub.org I hope those who received Kohaku koi from the club 2011 Koi Grow out last year are having great success with them. In September, you will be encouraged to bring them to the club’s koi show. The Kohaku will be included in the regular show to be judged in the Kohaku division but they will also compete in special grow out classes for added trophies. Mike Hammock will be returning to the May meeting in Marietta and he is bringing koi for the new 2012 Koi Grow out. Hammock Koi Farms are best known for their Shiro Utsuri koi and this is what he will be bringing. Mike will also bring various koi which will be available for direct sale. There will be a limited number of Shiro Utsuri requiring advance orders only. More details of the number, size and cost will be coming soon. Vicki Knill AKCA Director Gary Elmore rep@atlantakoiclub.org Pond Tour Susan Gonzales tour@atlantakoiclub.org Newsletter Editor We are very fortunate to have three certified KHA’s in our club. These folks are willing and able to help you with questions/problems with your fish or pond. Karla Justice report@atlantakoiclub.org Webmaster Michael Anderson wizard@atlantakoiclub.org Contact Joe Hatfield, Gary or JoAnn Elmore @ http://www.atlantakoiclub.org/KHA%20Information/kha_information.htm 3 4 SPRING HAS SPRUNG, THE GRASS IS RIZ, I WONDER WHERE THE BOIDIES IS. Random thoughts designed to keep me inside and out of the yellow rain. Yellow means lots and lots of organic material falling into your pond that will rot and become lots of algae food. If you have read the recent email about the problems with various water supplies, then you already know that you might not be able to successfully do major water changes - and reduce the level of organics. Algaecides such as Algaefix and Algaway are safe but only kill the algae. They do not remove any organics from the water. Potassium permanganate would oxidize much of the problem material and off gas it - but it is dangerous for most pond owners to use and can be very harmful to the fish if not done properly. Unless you have perfect water from your municipal supply, and use a working dechlorinating filter, (reminder -well water is bad for a major change since it has no oxygen,) and can do major water changes, then your best approach is probably a product like Ecological Lab's Microbelift PL. It is absolutely safe and reduces the organics thru the use of enzymes and good bacteria. It should be readily available at any of the local pond stores and I ask any that use it to - brace yourself - actually read the directions! pH (the level of acidity or alkalinity) and KH (the basic hardness - how much calcium carbonate is in the water) are very important to monitor in both your pond and the incoming water. STRIPS DO NOT WORK! THROW THEM OUT! One of the best test kits is the Mars Aquarium Phaarmaceuticals Pond Care line. Their pH kit is wonderful fill the tube with 5ml (to the marked line) and add 5 drops from the bottle, cover, mix, and look at it. The color is very easy to read - unlike some tests that are subtle. You need to know your water! IF your fish appear to be sick, or have parasites, and you need to treat... Unfortunately the Jungle Parasite Guard and Fungus Eliminator are gone. Very fortunately MinnFinn and MinnFinn Max are here. They are a simple one hour treatment that oxydizes anything teeny tiny into non-existence. That includes parasites, bacteria, fungus, etc., etc. It is very important that you know the actual gallonage of your pond system before you use it. NOTE: It is very important that you know the actual gallonage of your pond system before you use it. Now go back and read that last line again. Then carefully read the very simple instructions and FOLLOW THEM! Fall leaves may be lovely on the maple tree with the setting sun behind them... but in the pond they harbor nasties and rot into more and more algae food. It is best to use a long handled net to remove as much of the stuff as possible. DO NOT drain your pond more than maybe 25 percent (1/4 of the way down) and then only if your incoming water is suitable - see the e-mailed article. DO NOT scrub your pond. Just remove the excess organic junk as best you can. If your net leaves (pun intended) too much fine debris, politely ask your female person for the gift of some old panty hose and slide a piece over your net to that it will catch the finer stuff. If you have an extra pump, you can put it in the pond and attach pantyhose to the discharge and use it to catch lots and lots of junk. And it looks hysterical.... And, do NOT overfeed your fish. And do NOT overfeed your pond. Many like the old rule of “feed them once a day only as much as they eat in 5 minutes” - do not leave uneaten food in the pond. And it is that time of year when you need to replace any UV lamps for the season. They are effective for about 9 months of actual use. So, if you replace them now, they should help keep your pond clear until next Saint Patty’s day comes along and your pond turns green again. Bill Dowden 5 Wanted: AKC Photographer This isn’t an official position as of yet, but the club needs someone who can photograph and/or video the club meetings and events. Being a professional shutter bug is not a prerequisite, just someone who has a knack for digital media. The job description is simple: attend meetings and events, take pictures, pick out the best ones and send them to the Editor and Webmaster. If you are interested in being the new AKC Photographer, please inform Clay Melancon, AKC President. Wanted: Information I’d like to put more Sponsor, Pond and Koi related articles in this newsletter, but I’m just the Editor. I need YOUR help. Please email me any written articles, pictures, or links to web sources that would be of benefit to the AKC and I will post them in this newsletter. Until we get a dedicated AKC Photographer, please help the newsletter by taking and sending me pictures of club meetings. reporter@AtlantaKoiClub.org 6 Financial Statements Year to Date March 31, 2012 Income Statement Revenues Koi Show Membership & Sponsorship Dues Income Miscellaneous Income Total Revenues $ 250 1,754 2 2,006 $ $ 80 537 480 789 1,886 $ 120 $ 19,534 Total Assets $ 19,534 Total Liabilities $ $ 0 0 $ 19,534 Expenses Newsletter Expenses Koi Auction Rent Expense Miscellaneous Total Expenses Net Income (Loss) Balance Sheet Assets (not including property in inventory) Cash in Bank Liabilities Net Worth Membership Peggy Fricke 7 NEW MEMBERS MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION ATLANTA KOI CLUB “Dedicated to Sharing the Joy of Keeping Koi” www.AtlantaKoiClub.org Date: ________________ Check No.: __________ Check Amount: ___________ Type of Membership: Household: $50 for 1 Yr. ________; $90 for 2 Yrs. ________ (Check One) Individual: $30 for 1 Yr. ________; $54 for 2 Yrs. ________ Sponsor: $150 for 1 Yr. ________ Other: KOI USA Magazine Subscription: $20 for 1 Yr. ______ *Name Badges: $5 each. ______ Names: _____________ ______________ & _____________ _____________ First Last First Last Address: __________________________________________________________ City: __________________ State: _____________________ Zip: ___________ Best Phone: ____________________ Best Email: ________________________ AKC is a volunteer organization. We need as much help and support as you can provide, no matter how insignificant. In which of the following areas can you help? Host Meeting ___, Pond Tour ___, Auction ___, Koi Show ___, Hold Office ___, Flower Show ___ To save money, we provide our newsletter in color via email several days earlier than mailed copies. Would you like to receive your newsletter via email? Yes or No. We try to publish a membership roster annually. It is given only to club members and AKCA, the Associated Koi Clubs of America. May we publish your address, phone number and email? Yes or No. Make checks payable to Atlanta Koi Club and submit with application to: Peggy Fricke 4876 Royal Drive Duluth GA 30096 * Please consider buying Name Badges. For only $5, you will get to know and be known by everyone and also receive a free raffle ticket every time you wear your badge to a Club Meeting. .
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09 KC AKC - Atlanta Koi Club
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